VOL. XXIX. VOGELEY BANCROFT having succeeded the old firm of Grieb & Yogeley, are now about to give the Public a chance to buy "BOOTS AND SHOES! # I and get Quality, Style and Variety at %J 7 4 •/ prices which will astonish our Competitors. We intend, through courteous treatment, prompt attention and small profits, to make this the leading Boot and Shoe House in Butler County. No. 347 South Main Street, OPPOSITE WILLARD HOUSE, BUTLER, PA. WHEN YOU BUY" A PAIR. OF SHOES- you make, oa a email scale, what ia jost a« much o< an investment tm though vou booirht a hundred shares of railroad stock From this investment vou look for a return If the shoes have not heen rnirfrepregented voti'll it; if thev bare been yoa won't. What we claim for our Shoes ia that you rui no ri*k when jon invest in them—that it will pay you to buy them. VVe cunnot apeak too highly of oar MEN'S FINE CALF SHOES in both, Congress and Lace at $2, or of our Ladies' Fine D<>nirola Ki ,( Button Shoes, Flexible Soles, nr>equal<-*'> lo children which haye gained for p* such enviable rvpu'nr.i m tbrougbou' tbf country. After your children bave.ouc- word th'-m you will hav« no olh^^r^ AL RUFF, 114 S. Main Street. Better Late Than Never. ONLY A FEW DAYS MORE AND Biokel's Great Odd and End Sale Will Close. The Attention of Shrewd Cash Buyers is Called to this ad. The Following Goods Must Be Sold At Once. 180 pairs Ladieb' Fiue Dougoh. Button Shoe* SI.OO. 260 " " " Grain? " *" 90 ct-uts 280 " " " Uaiters - - 50 " 210 " " " Foxed (iiitern - 60 " 240 " " '* Grain Slippers - - oO '• 190 " " Oil (jrain Shoes - 75 " 120 " Old Ladies' Fine Shoes - - SI.OO. 410 " Lad iea' Brussell Slippers - - 25 cents. 20 Oases of Ladles' Fine Kid Walking Shoes T pped 75 cet ts The above mentioned Goods are at Half Prices. Read on, Dear Readers, Read on. 320 pairs Men's Fine Buff Conureft* Smn-s at sl.lO. 290 " " " A Call Lace Shoes Tipped 90 380 '* •' Working Shoes (former price 1.25) 85 310 " " French Call and Kinga" >!> Sbo»-8 $2.00. 290 " Boys' hue Lue Sh >es 3to 5 - $1 00. 600 *• - Workiuif " _ 85. 240 " Youths' Fine Button hhoes high cut 75 Men's and Ladies' Cloth Slippers at Your own Price. 410 phira Children's Spring h*el t-h'te* at 40. 390 " v fancy tip Btioes at 35. 520 " " plain rtboes - 25. 120 " Mttaes' fine Graiu Button Shoes 85. These Goods are All Warranted to be perfect in every respect aud they ore only sold at prices named oi them to make room for new goods. If you want to get some footwear obeap, take in this Sale. New Sprind Goods Arriving almoat evety day, and too much cannot be said ia praise of them; ask to see our line of Walkiug Shoes and Slipper*, aud ulho our iiuu of children's fancy Walking Shoes in Red and Black. A beautiful line of Ladies' White Kni Slippers very cheap, don't buy any Shoes until you have looked over my •tock and learned prices. Shoes were never cheaper than they are now. Misses' Rubbers Free of Charge for 10 daya I will give a piir of Missm' Itubrjen aay Size from 11 to 2 frte of charge with every purchase of $1.25; and with every pair of Ladies' Shoea from $2.50 up,., 1 will give a pair of JBBI ~ fife* Ladles' Rubbers Frea of Charge. ffil 'M RemeniKr - tEi3Ti3erTr>idTgoo DCK \S THIS C'IMY. Every bin / tha'. i* c«*w ir: S'.=P Hats. Otii $1 ft!) >n ! £2.()0 He wonders for the money. !3 / . * it v i'i S p(t Hnif, rttiK>'JU •" pric- fr m 25 ci - to All tiie hi w lil—k- ta St k Huh. Greatest line ot Furoiebi:ig (Jvooh we ever bad Au inspection -.vill b<*flti advantag. to any one. Colbert & Dale, Hatters and Furnishers, 212 S. Main Mtr^et. Butler. I'i Qeot leixi e i\ TO ATTIRE YOURSELVES IN \ E AT AM) FI T TING A l>- PAR A L , L i : A V 1-1 YOUR MKASUK. I! AT Aland's. LARGE STOCK. BEST FACILITIES. Grand Pianos for Sale. * ow !« \"«ur : t«> «*l»?irt a Pl.v o; do not want to tou> but «»n- Piano in your Ur» tln«e. So while select ing one it 1* th»* be.^ T an • hea|*»st to buy a iiOc*! »me. PROF. MA I ERB, of Boston h»s opened a Piano nd Org.-! Parlor at No. L'lx, H-ast North St., »liere he li. oo exibltton A new invoice ot 'janoH from flu verj best of makers ot Boston. tln-v have a full rich and mWlow tune the action I, iltrbt quid and powerful; they will stay In tune long, i iban any other I'iano on a''-count ot a new ■levlco of uinln,' plni. tur I will befglat to show and explain, lims call unit examine he fore buying elsewhere. Yon C.I [1 save mone\ tiy purchasing a Piano of me. and net ail instrument ibat you c'n reN upon, und oni that 1 will warrant or Karutilee 'o give entlri satisfaction. 1 have m.tuc and tuned Pianos and Organs o oroverny.u - . therefor know liow to selec crfeet Piano. PIANOS AND ORGANS TU^EO. 218 E. !N~orth St.. BUTLER, lr»^. © haa removed his immense htor-k of Wall Paper, Window Shades, Fiue Picture-" atid Frames to that large commodious room in the Aldinger buil'Jing, 311 S Main street. The increased huh of my new room has allowed a large increase in stock. W. A. OS BORNE* ART DEALER, - liUTLER, PA INGENIOUS MR. JONES. Xow Joces writ a story of a blamed superior kind— In fact, a stronger story would be pretty hard to find; Ho read it to his friends, which the same it jreatly moved; In private Jones hio3clf admitted It couldn't be improved. But with the periodicals his story seemed to fail. Kach time ft came a-riding hack on the next re turning mail; And the . ditor of "The Monthly Snore" turned up liis nose in scorn. An.; s -,:t .1 note advising Jones to stick to hoe- Ins corn. Then Jones, he cursed these worthy tnea in a v. ay that was a sight. He freely charged they'd not tbe brains to last them over night; And of ' The Snore's" conductor he took occa sion to assert That the critter didn't know enough to ache when he was hurt. Yet still the story wouldn't nell, though offered far and wide. But Jones was not the fellow long to stand upon his pride; ••She's perfect, but I'll alter "er," tho rlsu-g author said: For a literary man. Jones has a decidedly leng head. So Jor~s tossed aside his coat and tousled up his hair, Pull, d o7 his cuffs and got his pen and dropped Into his iljair. Yanked down his perfect story from Its place upon the shelf And r- -.-rote it in a dialect he couldn't read him self. Then to the brilliant "Monthly Snore'' he sent the same as new; Within two hours these glorious words were spread in Jones's view: "Dear Mr. Jones, we greatly like "Or Rob's'n's Jlmp'l'eck.' And beg that you herewith will Cud inclosed our cashier's check." Yes. Joaes he writ a story:—and he kept on writing more Till he's got the Job of editing the able "Monthly Snore:" But he keeps 'em all in dialect that never can be read; For a literary man Jones has a decidedly long head. —N. Y. Tribune. AN ILL WIND,- And the Fortune It Blew to For rest Marsh. Dcnhard's Roman Circus, Greelf llip podrome and Oriental Caravan started out very much handicapped in tbe spring. There was a legacy of debt hanging over it from the previous dis astrous season, and it had been prophe sied that it would never move from its winter quarters; but it did, contrary to general prediction. Denhard was a manager of rare abil ity, but circumstances had conspired to make his past season a losing one. Tbe incoming of the gigantic railroad shows had eaten up the territory aud drawn the patronage of the crossroads by their system of excursions to the centers. He had hesitated to take to the rail himself when he was able to do so, and had listened to the advice of his prin cipal adviser, an agent of advanced years, who had spent a lifetime in the routing of wagon shows. The veteran of the road could not cave to the newer method of transportation, and had a hearty contempt for all shows moved by rail. So it was that Denhard adhered to old methods until he had reduced his bank account to an alarming condition, and was barely able to pay off his company and agents and winter his show. The manager was now brought to a position where he must leave the turnpike and travel by train. The sale of his surplus stock of horses and extra wagons helped him out, and a printer, whom be had patronized for many years, gave him a limited margin of credit. The reader is here put in possession of all the facts of the un favorable circumstances under which Denhard's tout show started out in the spring of is~t». Fori est Marsh, the press agent, was one of the advance men who remained in Denhard's-employ, not so much from choice as from necessity. No offers for his services had reached him from other managers, and, being broke, and, more than that, in debt, he made tbe best of things as they were, and remained under the old banner. Tho writer of puffs and hurler of ad jectives had had experience enough to feel shaky about the future of the show, still he did not worry mncli about his foreseen impending fate; he was too much of a ltohcmian for that. If lie had a place to sleep and a full stomach he allowed the morrow to take care of itself, and gave no heed to the future. From the start things did not go well with Denhard. The people of the town felt little interest in the show from the fact of its wintering there, and the less because they knew to the smallest boy iu town that the manager was in finan cial straits. The fipring was a late one, and the snow clung to the ground with 110 warming sun to melt it. and when the thaw did come the breakup of win ter was brought on by long and heavy rains. The receipts at the opening were next to nothing, and Denhard looked glum. It would be tedious to detail the move ments of the show for the first month, but it moved, but salaries and remit tances to the printer were omitted. The manager did manage to keep his advance corps moving and hold his com pany together. When the weather improved other causes served to interfere with prosper ity. The people had seen the great big shows and no longer cared to patronize the more modest outfit; then the route agent had oversized the caliber of his show and placed it in several of the larger western cities which should have been avoided. Denhard saw these errors of judg ment when the bills came in and the local expenses wiped out the receipts. If a show has anything unusual happen to it in the way of misfortune it is a show in distress. The mishaps were so numerous that it was a frequent remark that there must be a Jonah in the organization, but who the ill-starred individual was was never satisfactorily arrived at In justice to the advance of the show it must be said that they worked as bard as men ever worked to create suc cess. At times they grew faint-heartet! and seemed to realize that the show wai doomed, but professional pride would come to the rescue and the elder of tht agents would recall seasons of the paj* in which they had under like circuit stances pulled through and won the banner of victory in the very teeth oi defeat. Bad news travels fast, and even as then", n were billing towns they heard that th" sUuvv uas not doing well, and it m■ 1 us though it must suffer col lapse. ;.t i i cer the stern old fellow unbent as Lena and the young man sang to the latter's accom paniment, and when the little festivi ties came to an end, the ruler of the es tablishment broke out: "Mister Marsh—" lie had never addressed the young man so formally before, and Forrest pricked up his ears to listen to what fol lowed. "When you vas fl"st come here and no pay your hotel bill, I vas purrty mad of you: put ven I got me over dot mad I say myself to myself dot vas not your fault but dot fault of dot circus vot got bust up." "Oh, that's all right," returned Marsh, deprecatingly. "Nein, nem," protested the old man, "It vos all wrong, put I makes dot right mit you; to-morrow we have some talk. (Jood night." With that the old man tramped off to bed, leaving the young folks to chat until the mother's call of "Lena" warned them that the time was getting into the small hours. On the morrow a very satisfactory arrangement was made with Forrest Marsh and he was at once placed in tho position of a paid employe, and it was but a short time before the young man was "next to the throne" and tho moving and active spirit about the double establishment. The old man as time passed lived more at his ease and gave less personal attention to his business, and at the end of a year all callers on business were referred to "Mister Marsh," with the added remark: "He's ter poss." The hotel prospered and the product of the brewery sold to the limit of its capacity. Forrest Marsh hustled aud the old man smoked his pipe and quaffed his beer with his cronies. How were Lena and Forrest getting along? Why, Lena was teaching For rest German; and what a willing pupil he was. And what young man would not have wrestled with a foreign tongue to have had such a teacher? But the task was not such uo easy one, and when he failed to catch the pronuncia tion of a jaw breaker the pretty teacher scolded and stamped her littio foot in well pretended auger. Tbe pupil persisted and aired his new acuumnlialimvnt In the hrewWy until by practice he could, to the delight of his employer, converse readily in the language of the fatherland. Lena was a great match, but none of the beaux or the swells of the little city by the river gained favor in her eyes, which were all for Forrest Marsh. Lena's parents had not been blind to the growing affection of the young folks, neither did they object to it; they just remained passive and let events take their natural course, and events went tending rapidly toward matri mony. So it was no surprise when the young man asked for the hand of Lena. The answer almost caused the lover to faint. "How could my torter marry a fellow vot has got nodding?" The next moment the old man broke forth in a roar of laughter at Marsh's glum visage, and then he said, reassur ingly: "My tear poy, I fix dot. 1 vos too old and too lazy to run ter pizness. You vos ter poss. I can't get along uiitout you any longer. I trust .you mit my pizness and my money. You vos a nice fellow. You vos smart. You vos hon est. Vot -more vould I want? Put :ny Lena must never marry a pcor man. I fix dot. I give you Lena—all of Lena, and half the brewery, and half the hotel, and the biggest vedding vot was ever of 1 this town since it vos porn." And the wedding was an event and will ever be remembered in thai 10.-.al : ity and vicinity. Forrest Marsh by bis affability had made himself exceedingly I popular, and everybody declared he was ' a "lucky fellow," but tbe girls, in their ; view of the alliance, said "lucky Lena " Iu after years, in his happiness and prosperity, Forrest Marsh looked back upon the circumstances which brought him to the spot. An event which im poverished Denhard and blasted his life had enriched him and crowned him with happiness, and at such times as he mused he was wont to repeat to himself the familiar adage: "It is an ill wind which brings no one good." —Charles H. Day, in N. Y. Journalist. A Rare Pain tine- In his diary under date of October 8, 1789, Gen. George Washington made this entry: "Sat for Ramage near two hours to-day, who was drawing 1 a min iature picture of me for Mrs. Washing ton." What is believed to be this iden tical portrait of Washington, painted on ivory, is now in the possession of Ilarry S. Stabler, of Lynchburg, Va. It was painted by Ramage, an Irish min iatnre painter, of New York at that time, for Mrs. Washington, from whom Betty Washington, afterward Mrs. Betty Lewis, had it She in turn left it to her granddaughter, Otwayana Carter, who married Dr. W. O. Owen, of Lynchburg. He left this portrait, together with other relics of Washington, similarly inherited, to Jenny Woodville Latham, of Lynchburg, who married Thomas S. Stabler, the father of Harry S. Stabler, the present owner of the relics. This miniature is in a time-worn case oval in form. In the back of it is a lock of Washington's hair. The portrait has never been exhibited outside of Lynch burg. It is a beautiful piece of work and even under a magnifying glass bears the closest inspection. The locket holding the miniature and the lock of hair is something more than two inches In length.—Collector. Sensibly Settled. "What was that trouble down street last night?"' "A row." "What about?" "There was a singing quartette down there and they couldn't agree what to sing." "Yes." "One wanted 'Comrades,' another insisted on 'Little Annie Rooney,' the third wanted 'McGinty,' and the fourth would be satisfied with nothing but 'ln the Gloaming.'" "So they got into a fight?" "Yes." "Which won?" "Neither. The people around were afraid that the trouble would be patched up and one of the songs be sung, so they turned in and slugged the entire 'quar tette.' " —Philad*lphia Press. An Opening at I.ast. Employer—Mr. Tops, I have long ob served, with approval, your assiduity and devotion to business, and I am now about to test your abilities iu a new ca pacity, in which, I feel sure, you will acquit yourself with credit to the house, and—er— Mr. Tops (highly delighted)—l—l—l shall do my best, sir! Employer—As I was about to say, Mr. Tops, the porter is sick this morn ing', and 1 shall have to ask you to sweep out the office. —Puck. A Great Record. "Mr. Grip," said the head of the firm, "we have been looking up your record for the past year, and we tind that you have scarcely paid expenses. This will never do." "You seem to forget, sir," said the other, as he drew himself up to his full height, "that during the past year I have had more orders cancelled than any other traveling man you have."— Cloak Review. The Mother's Fault. Small Boy (complainingly) Why isn't thiu* any griddle-cakes this morn ing? Mother (reprovingly)— Because you neglected to go to the store yesterday and get me some eggs, as I told you. Small Boy (with an injured air) —You didn't tell me they was for griddle cakes. —Good News. A Freak. Circus Agent—Are there any freaks of nature iu this vicinity that you know of? Native Wal, there's a chap that started a third newspaper in Excusclcss City, a town of eight hundred inhabit ants, and— Agent—Huh! We don't want any liv ing skeletons. —Jury. A Felicitous Piece of •• Business." Playwright—From the nature of my play you see it ought to close with some line or significant act from the hero in perfect accord with the feelings of an audience. Critic—Why not let him heave a sigh of relief, then?— Judge. Curiosity (i ratified. "Have you got any stale bread?" asked Johnny Fizzletop. sticking his head into a baker's shop. "Yes. I have five of six loaves." "Serves you right. Why didn't you sell them while they were fresh?"— Te xas Siftings. An Important Whistle. Mother (severely) —Why didn't you come when I called you? Small Boy—Why, just as you was calling me Tommy Traddles, down street, whistled for me. I couldn't go to both, could I? Good News. Warned ! Cliolly (to his aunt from the country) —lf you will, aunt, I will take you to Wall street to-day Aunt Way back—Yes; but take that thar red necktie off en yoa or you'll havo all them thar bulls after you I've read about.—Judge. Don't Ask Impossibilities. Fussy—Sir, the howling of your dog annoys me dreadfully McGuff—lt do. do it? Maybe yez want me to get a trained baste thot can play on th' flute!— Truth. Not That Kind of a Tree. You say that I'm your sheltering o»U TUut will not yield whea tempest* craaS Bui 1 am so cousumed by love. I fjujuitt In truth ws called »n ash —ruck- GOl\<; Tl> EX THE MCA. g .jf /' '^^;l f /mW ■ / y Aff "A little too larjje. I think. Let iu« try a si/.w smaller." :S}s7 • t • m - i\ r : W x /' ! "This suitn me pretty well; but haven't you something a little larger?"— Chic *- po Mail. Ulrtfuluiu, "llr'er Johnsing, does you be'ebe In miracles?" "Does I b'lieve in miracles? Suttenly I does. Didn't I jest have one of 'em down at my house?"' "You? A miracle down at your house?" "Yes. sah; dat's what I saiiL Dey was jest fouh chickens in my coop when I went to bed last night, an' when I woked up ilis m'irnin'—" "Dey was eight?" "Eight? No. yo' fool man' Dey wasn't none. Done stole." "Humph! Wha's de miracle?" "De coop was lef." Arkansaw Thomas Cat. Modern Cannibalism. Mrs. Beacon Hill—l am sorry, dear Mrs. Wagstaff. that 1 shall never see your L'nele Roseoe again. He is a great loss. Mrs. Wag-staff (in evident surprise)— Why, what do you mean? L'nele was here yesterday. Mrs. Beacon Hill (sighing)— Yes, yes; that is what I refer to. Caroline said that you had your L'nele Roseoe for din ner yesterday.—Harper's Dazar Tlifatrlrnl Not*. Mr. Bryant Park —How do you like our friend Smith's new comedy? Mr. City Hall—l uon't like it; but he has improved very much. There is no doubt of that. "Do you think so?" "1 am sure of it. I used to go to sleep in the first aet of his other comedy, but I didn't doze off until the second act ot this last oue."—Texas Sifting*. Floule'a l'»urr. Flossie's grandfather has of late been gTowing stout, and at the same time his hair has been growing thinner. The other day the youngster was run ning her hands over his face and head and the changes startled her. "My, oh!" she exclaimed, "the cracks is all goin' out of grandpa's face and his hair's wearin' out on top."—Detroit Free Press. Not a Bad Flan. "My dear old friend, how were you able to acqnire such an immense for tune?'' "By a very simple method." "What is that?" "When I was poor I made out I was rich, and when I was rich I m.-»de out that I was poor."—Texas Siftings. Tea for Children* Aanty (to little visitor) Do yon drink tea, pet? Wee Niece—No'm. Mamma won't let me. Aunty—What do you drink? Wee Niece —Oh! mamma mixes me up a mess that looks like tea. —Good New*. >ow and Then. Tramp (reading from a scrap of news paper around his lunch) —This paper here, pardner, says the time's comin' when men won't be obliged to work. Pardner—Comin', is it? What's the matter with us right now? —Detroit Frw Press. Poetry and Frome. Practical Father—So you want to mar ry my daughter, eh? Poetical Lover—Yes, sir. I would lie down and die for her! Practical Father—ll'm! Would you geU up and work for her? —Harper's Bazar. A MISFIT APPLICANT. Applicant—l see you want a man to run the elevator. Owner of Building—Yes; but I want I one who won't occupy all the room : himself. —Truth. Uut lie Wat Not a Thief. Jeeson—Did you ever see a man rob ■ himself? Gasou—No. Did you? Jeeson—\es. I just saw a butcher ; Bteel bis knife before cutting a steak. And Jeeson smiled wickedly as be | vanished round the corner.—Comic. Discretion. Caraway—Sad, isn't it, tocontemplate | tbe number of great men the grip has carried off? Hooks—You're right. Next winter 1 j shall go away, I think, to some warm ! and sunny clime. —Jury. still Voting. Teacher —I am surprised that you are I not further advanced. You are ex- J tremely backward for your age. Little Girl—Yes'm. Mamma wants to inarry again.—Good News. Disorderly Cltlren*. Traveler —Why are those people being seut to Siberia? Russian Official —They refusivit* to do their starvingivitz in quietivit7,. —N. Y. Weekly. Not the Coffee. Customer —This coffee tastes like an old tobaaco pipe. Waiter—l'll bring you a bu&in of wa ter so you can wash y'r mustache. —Good News. After the Wedding. "Well, I hope they'll go forever side by side." "No, they uou't. It'll be tandem and ■he'll lead."—Judge. " FARMER'S WORKSHOP. A ri»(» far Errryiklat aad Kvvrylhlas ta tta PlM*. There arc many farmer* who, if they •tore learned the advantages to lie de rived from a shop in which there ia a place for everything aud everything in it* place. x. just becauae there was no other place for them Th* bother and lo«.s of tim«* were (Treat, a* I hail to Y a"i !j iU ■ TUE VAJUEry CASK. open sometimes nearly a do«eu boxes to fln-1 the thing I wanted. Thna necevsi ty Itecame the mother of invention, and the result waa a "case" in which them ii» a place for everything, as shown in the cut. The drawers are made of smaU. iijjht boxes < which can be liad at the grocery atorvs i sawed to the right sUe, and then nailing a side, bottom or end to them, as required. The lower ones are shal low, for nails, etc., two or three inches deep; those intended tor more bulky i"fjf fJjEIO I =r r *l w;MU[yil**jj^S l .aalT j L ' MF 4i 1 BKXCU FOR rAJUf WoHtiaor articles, as bolts, etc., deeper. For knobs, take common towing thrcid tpools and saw them in two. The half of one spool, with a wood screw thr- the hole of it and into the drawer, makes the kaob. For convenience drawer* for screws, rivota, small nails, tacks, etc., are partitioned into two, three or four partv and can also be taken cu? ■ nil carried to where wanted. A sam ple of the article or articles (stae and kind) In each drawer is fastened on the outside of it by a doubted-pointed car pet tack, and when anything is want I. from a qnarter-inch tack to a half-ineh bolt. It is a pleasure and aatLsfactina to t>c able to put yonr hand on it in a moment.—K. J. Arnold, in Ohio F »rmer. ALL ABOUT SHEEP. Ilow to Have Ihe Heautt/al and ibe t «•- fill On Together. He low- will be fonnd the sub*.tanee of a paper written by t'asains M Clay, of Kentucky, for the meeting of the \mi r ican Southdown association, lately held in Chicago. They require high, well-drained »i«1» and always green f<»»l In odd weather, when snow and stor . prevad, one-half pint of corn a day »* prop>-r. Froien vegetation ia very unwholes*.ire to sheep. Cattle and sheep do best together. The cattle preceding the sheep bit* the grass short enough for the sheep, which cat none bnt flne suectilent Rras*. Prime, first-rate sheep cannot b* made without Variety of herl»». The sninll and numerous -reeds left by cat tle are eagerly sought for bv sheep A two or three-year old ram Is the best, and no ewe shotild b»- bred tin' i'-r yearlings past. Wool growing on valuable land is a pr business. After increasing my wixil from two and a half to si* ami a half pounds. I found that as a factor of price it waa a mistake to regard weight of fleece in selecting mv rams. W hat we want on Southdowns is mutton. Whut wc want is short, tine, clpae wool to protect the sheep against rains and cold—nothing more. The liner t!>« wool the tlner the mutton When not interrupted by flies, sheep feed in lines like an army ready for action. The leaders move off. and the rcmaiuder fall into line right and left. When the leader changes front or c'.i rtction the w ings follow up over eaten surfaces or hasten to form the new line —losing grass and time. So the smaller the flock the better are the sheep for these reasons. In very large flocks the extremes of the wings are in evitably mean sheep. This is too plain for argument. I raise these flne sheep only for breeders; and getters of mut ton sheep by crossing on scrubs or mon grels are left to men of less experience or taste for the beautiful. But here the beautiful and the useful march to gether. A MAS can raise horse flesh at great er protit than beef, pound for pound. It costs more on the average, hut Irriug-. much more. This applies to jrood horses. The more poor horses a man raises the worse off he will become. Poor, scrub cattle deplete the breeders' pnr.se, but horses of the same quality will do so still more rapidly. V»tur« au the other. Miss Muliceat—Yt-», mamma—a:.a tfen-1 wvuM (pf tgi tlwf NT0.24 ENmCHIHeTHE FARM. k W-A1 • lipwl— <> Vttk Ift «« ft flrna lum tn n 1 » iv/ht ib v pmnthni of t-. .. .• . r n the fall of the year. I ' 1 '» »'» * ">rdly run-dowa condition. Not «mi i.« rv of —i ii ill m *ti oa tha place. an>l the 'cnsnt deelarrd that It . » t'-o pr to raise clover I cam m —• * thr - itthig in the Wat portion of th • fa- nt > fail wheat, and Ik* poor er part* t ■ fail rye. !>arta( tit* winter lent e i ,::m aauled it dawn to Um city a««l v. u i I eunld not gvt a load of m ir.tir.- u to me. I could laaii i bay a t«v >--..>r-e '..atl for twenty-#* l * rent*. This I n* -.i »« a topdmnar on tk* %H ero;«*. »m thsnle. of ahfw. In spring I vywv.l clover ami timothy se*d m the wheat i3>. -» muck rye aa I had top. drrwvi TV - I followed with a lortf fiv<- tor thft' teel harrow, which —I leU tii - tlmhie purpn** at eowrttf 11m » I'd and tlui-ig the .nanore. The M ance of the rye I left to grow aa heat it a»i*ht tili a!*>ut th* !«t of J ana. Then I prr«-ee«l-d t > pt < it dowa with a wwihook. r»; i•• i to the furrow hop*. w ! tr» e uri ixsck to the plow I : . rot; .oth>n tha rye. aadafte. pr.> n !>. ir.-riata«r ami •»~*in roiiinji. I :•••• . •» partly «» po tat.H-s and com . t*alaare to flat Turnips la ■ t t h -re wan a good srrowth of Ht; •». I jmIM Ihe iarijvr jne« tohr l tV - • a of the year I!* are wf fennir from dry, h««i wmMr Then I plowed tlown tin* ort*» »f reyeution and r>>ile.t «. :r r *.-« i till time to f.av» to whea*. t »-ti year there was no trouble « -a. > ;he line .>f grr-n aaoniirin ; A« *»m i' iiat- to *t «p coiti vitiasf th • i- >rn . -• • > I . > v-*d ere in tha corn, enltirai, t- Mwen the row* with a ihallo-s i *>l fhia faw pastor as» f a- all kin Is .r«d the srroaad do . 3 leer! ami *wwe«i to ryw to plmr ilown for corn or naiitet R»r Ib4> d«*r. taking »if ta time U• prvparc far wheat to be t!'n» (Wnohtt *pr t » rtnt»». -> I p tat p-ita- .»:> e . cry third fkrx v « plowing tlown toe *ye. and 11 he a Jr aeaadM the potato traf wtU prow richt aa the rye wiinwtara» t tin thf - i -. ttire. I have had potatnaa tha* piant' d t -tat were greea aa>l Soar iohimr week* after all ovdlMary trn tier wntitti waa Hiactreaed hy tha : roat. I•> dieting p'Hatoea ao planted it k bett-r t«» plow theflt oat It (• en«>n--h t-> make a man entfcaaiaecie t» are the t-'ean -rop of tahara lyta* tea rich bed of Wompoeed *ejefr>oa. TUia p' -.n of -aHchlag th* term say be carried into the rarden patch. t»to inj d only b* a faw day* be hied th#» earlier sowi crop.—Joaejb Kmith. in American \ .Tw-nltariat. ABOUT TIN RAMCTS. r »■ tad Vary FhM. In manit>nlatiaf frimaa it to qaite aa to hare them >wat oaaa maall a Krirface a* pomthk. They often ba c ip<- prop.4ized aad Much faat to tha rabbet on which they raat This la e*pe -tally the ' a«e la enol weather, aad Wmeninf? th>-n» }ara tha f«aaM>* aad greatly dStnrba the b**a To *e*r c mc thi* trouble I bare aaad far m*~ era! year* a tin rshhvt. aa ahuwa la tha cut. s»nd find it qnite aa adeaatage. t'ijr I represeata frame aad hie* A ia the top-bar of frame; B to th* atd* mt hire in«l F in th* tia rabbet. Fig: t repri rata more clearly th* tia rshhet. f h the part the frame* reat oa. aad ( ami D are the part* to he attat hml to the hler C ohnald he ahaat thre^ B fL, I .. . ; wkrhtM »f in >Kk high <■> aa Mt to pin. n 4K» «f the been wtoa Dm Nm i- hunt- on tSe '»hbrt CmH D ess to , mi uml« tiT.-ntj-flre mile* per day o# eixlit hnun. An arerafe draft boraa will .lra« t.«M pounil* twwty tbrw mile-. p-*r ilar on a Iml road, wtofbt of a wsi'jtm iiK'iaded Tto ereraao weijfb? of a bor»e ia I.OW potsda, hia str»-n_ru. i» < «v valeat to that of tteo men. In a bortc mill aofia( at three fe<-t per nceornU track twenty-#** feet .1: nil f.T. he exerta with tto aaachiaa tin- power of fur ami a half tow* The trreateat iiiMMl a bona «aa pail in a horizontal tine to MO powada. bat he ran only d.> this momentarily, la i-ontitincil i icrtioii probably half of tfcto to the limit Ur attaiaa kwfrowth in fire jojr\ will 1m twenty-flee, aiera.'i' sixteen yean. A botrae will lire tivro v-Str 'lays on water without ao'iil fo.nl, bnt onlj #»e day* <» focd «ithout ilrmkintf —Unioaac Wortt la Srkul Teacher— What ta qutcha—T Sehoiar Qii. iDcaa to whaa a pmaa dr : .»••• Judjre. .« I*«t rp M. Mother—