We Have Just Opened .A ne / Boctsnd Shoe Store on S. E. Corner of Diamond, where we will t BDd ; everything in the w»y of fine toot wear OUB STOCK is full sod complete and eooaials of HeodJ Tamed, floodtear Well. .Dd machine Sewed. Men an ILa lies fine sboes a specialty. Our prices ar. right, and our shoes conn from the best factories in the I niltd States. Everything|ia our store is nsw and of the latest styles We ask a share of your patronage, and will give you the best goods at Bock Bottom Pricja. ROBINS BROS., S. E, Corne- cf Diamocd. Near Opera House WHEN YOU BUY A PAIR OF SHOES yon make, on a hmall scale, what is just as much of an investment as though you bought a hundred shares c.f railroad stock. From this investment you look for a return. If the *hoes have not been misrepresented you'll get it; if they bave been you won't. Wb»fc we clam for our Shoes is that you run no when you invest in them—-that it will pay you to buy tbem. We cannot speak too highly of oar MEN'S FINE CALF SHOES in both Congress and Lace at $2, or of our Lsdies' Fine Dongola Kid Button Shoes, Flexible Soles, unequakd for wear and unexcelled for style at the low price of $2 per pair. We are still handling those same nhoes for children which have gained for us such enviable reputation throughout the country. After your children have once worn them yon will bave no other?. AL RUFF, 114 S. Main Street. -Paris Robes Belford Cord- | New Spring Dress Goods l , J § FOR EARLY BUYERS: > P-I o We received this week our first shipment of New c: 0 Spring Dress Goods and through this advertisement we extend a] zh cordial invitation to you to come r £3 and Jook through our stock s I whether you wish to purchase or Q not B 1 - TROUTMAN'S- 5 fc • o ' 1 Leading Dry Goods and Carpet r House. -Henrietta-—Serge o Planing Mill —AND- Lumber Yard J. U IfU KVIB. L. O. PDKVIh. S.G.Purvis&Co. lIANUFAtTT'P.BRS AND DEALERS IN Bough and Planed Lumber >r KV«KY UK>»«;BIPTI<IN SHINGLES, LATH & SEWER PIPE. Butler, Pa Christmas Gifts F or Everybody. Beautiful PrH«t«nts that nil aod satisfy nil wauta in great variety to suit all tas.es now 00 exhibition at Redick's Drug Store Fancy (roods and Novelties, Toilet Articles aod Notions. While we can Dot describe or enumerate onr great variety, we are very glad to show them to all visitors. We claim for our stock excellence inqnality, va riety in, design and reasonable prices. Whatever your wants may be,we can meet them with beautiful nnd apro priate selections. We solicit a com parison ot our goods and prices. Knowing you will find our Holiday goods the beet and cheapest. Respectfully, J. C. RE DICK! CRAWFORD & KENNEDY. The well-known liveryman, Wm. Kennedy, has bought an interest in the above bara and will be pleased to have bis friends call at bis new place of basiness. Tbe Best Horses, Buggies and Car riages in Batler at tbe moat reasonable rates. The place ie easily remember ed. Tbe. first stable west of the Lowrr House SJUDIOIOi:* ANO persist^- Advertising bus uiwuya provet •uocoM 1 ul. IKforo placing unj Newspaper Advertising coos-'X LCntD & THOMAS, A'tVIVTt!) S3 iCT'.TS, i|«tWVMdliV'-(.CkUeAOn READ AND REMEMBER For strictly pure and reliable STliAKillT LIQUORS, call on I. IV. FIXtfCH, li SHITHFISLP HT.. PITTKItt lICH, I'A |(<>pp. Mononjfahela House.) Matchless for Family use and Medicinal |.ur poses are FINCH'S (JOLDEN W>'*IDING, AII<I OL't'K KNIIEI MKR S V»iIISKA', .P'rql. , OVEKHOLT'H WHISKY. ? « ills. DILLIXtiKK'S WHISKY. J for tr,. Ooods neatly packed and promptly shipped FKKK OK EXPENSE on receipt of cash or post office order. tie-Nothing expressed C. O. D. Send for Price List. FRANK KEMPER, DEALER IN BLANKETS, ROBES, HARNESS, A_nd everything in horse arid buggy fur nishing goods—H ar - ness, Collars, Whips. Dusters, Saddles, etc. Also trunks and va lises. Repairing done on short notice. The largest assort ment of 5-A. Horse blankets in town will be found at Kemcer's. A. E. GABLE, V eterinary Surgeon. Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Toronto, Canada. Dr, Gable treats all diseases of tbe domesticated animals, and m?kes ridplinfr, castration and horse den tistry a specialty. Castration per formed wi'hont clams, and all other surtricnl operations performed in the most scientific manner. Calls to any part of tbe country promptly responded to. Office and Infirmary in Crawford's Liverv, 132 We6t Jefferson Street, Butler Pe. Mifflin Straet Livery. BIEHL & HEI'LKK Prop'rs. One square west of Main St., on Mifflin St. All good, safe Lorses; new buprgies and carriages. Landaus for weddings and funerals. Open day and uight. Telephone No. 24, JOHNSON'S LINIMENT IKE-.-O r „ \) v Tr WTBUAI, tzi estesual A» -GENERATION AFTuR -ENERATION^. Ort HAVE USED AST) BUSSED IT. - ° r HlH cm£^ J)ro;>j)rt7 on Suaar, Children l.orr It. Every Traveler uliould have a bottle of it in hi* satcheL Every Sufferer alien, XeoraUria, N»r rous Headache. Diphtheria,Ooaffh*.« atarrh. Bronchtti*. Asthma,ChoU rn Mortrn# IharTbrna, I/um ner«. in Uodr or Mmbs, Stiff Joints or Strain*, will find in thid old Anodyne relief and sp**Miy cunv rnmphWrt free. Sold everywhere. Prlr* SB ctn.. l»v mail. 6 btmm, paid. L S.COIISSOS <£ CO., BOSTON. Ma.m HUMPHREYS' Dr. Ilunipiire»-' Spe. tttea are scientifically and careful! ureriaro.l I:—nedics. used for years In Driva'c pri-iici- and lor t.ver thirty years by the monle wliU '■ 'Uir.' suvcesa. Every single Specific a special cur< 1..r tUe til-ta-e u-med. They cure without linijsiuK. I utviuk or reducing the evteni ami are in fact and deed the Motcrrlun Remedies of Hie World. list en rn:M:rc cckk«. r: >t 1 -Fcverst Ci ug'ttiwiis. .ti.3 •2-U orui>, V.'orm l ever. Worm Colic. •&£» 3— Tecthingi Colic, Crying. ■J—Dinrrbea, of children or Adults ... .40 7 -Cough®. Coid-s Bronchitis -i3 g-Nrurn lain, Toothacte, Faceache .'J ' 9 -Headache*, tick Headache. Vertigo.. .liC j(l — j>s Biii'WiffS.Constlpatfon. 11 -Suppressed or Pninfol Period. .23 12-WKti r. iuo Profuse Period® - .23 13- troop, l^arynreiiii". I.'oansene -■ '■£■> j J—Sa!* ;:;a n», : rvsipelas. Eruption*.. .'i"i 13—khouauiiMK. K. . uawtksPains M 16—Miliaria. Chill*. Fi v. r -adAru. .'-J 17—PHes, Blind orEl! i i'rlnp I#—Cuturrb. Infiuerra, Cold in the Head .-23 20-\Vb<>oP»>>K Cough •'•J® •27— Kidney Oiseofis 38-Xervous Debility l-OO 30_|'ricnry WcokneM. WctilnK Bed .'25 Sold t T t>rnect*t«, or «nt jxi.t!>ald on rwetfi of price. Pa llcarMueTn' Uavval 144 par*#, * act. iirarnirt t** hvd. ro.. 111 ani wiiiism *>.. *»•» Turk. SPEC I~FT C~S ■ ClvIE BLACKING is cheaper A at 20 cents a bottle than any other Dressing at 5 cents. A LITTLE GOES A LONG WAYS because shoes once blackened with it can bo kciit clean by washing them with water. Peopfe ia moderate circumstances find it T ible to bur it at 20c. a bottle, because : t' .cy si end for Blacking they save in '. -'k.-.lV.cr. iv t3 the cheapest blacking considering i - <ju:;li'y, rr.d yet wc want to sell it . : .p:r •t it can be done. Wc will pay ;' j,SBO Reward . >■ will enable U3 to make . A< Llackixo ntsuch a price : : ' iler c;"i profitably soil it at 10c. r. . 'i Lis oficris ( pen until Jan. Ist, ISU3. : .- I £ 3 ANTJOIiFH, Philadelphia. j painted with L^K-RON ' i ii '!'cr ; acf the paintt, looks like . ! ; d varnished new furniture. One ! do it. A child can apply it. You n?o n pine to a walnut, or a chern • ; tbcre is ro limit to your "i iottiilcrssell it. nil re itching piles rILtOSWAYNE'S ointment HTUrrOMH-MoUtum In tease lUhlmm u4 •tisflnc; mMt stnlgbt; worse ky Mrskklsg. If allowed te continue tumors form and prstnilc, klcsdlsa absorbs the tumor*. Sol Ibj draiuptu or fey «sll for«TcU Pr«-p3r«.dh»Ds.SwAT>K* «<-* PhlTs4'lpblA CURED i f UNC-^T I |Cvm* A t>A | ' FOR MEN ONLY! Wlpfil-jwy o * orPAn.ruO MANHOOD l'i lyKifYrjaeneral and KERVOUB DEBILITY', Ff I 'l3 JH! S. Weakness of Body and Mi nd, Efffetl Mlitnil'llllnf Krrortor Excesses in Old or Young. ttobact, Krdorrd. How to nltrre «n<! 9<r*:.rth«>T.UlUK, INMCVKLOTEB OK<a*SA PARTS OF B6DT. cnfil .&T iIOAE HiKiTICHT-RfotlU In • day. Bin Iroro CO ami Fowlffl Ccaatrlea. ITrlt» then rMftrt'Sil»u And prucfa tualled (staled; fx iCil.-r.* ERJt-. iflf OiOAL CO., BUFFALO. N. V. f \ DOCTORS LAKE i <7% JJA I'IUV \TK DISPEN*ABY. ••»" Jv COR. PT .N A VS. *• -> FOUHTH BT.. PITTAUURIGH, PA. i All formsof Delicate and Corn T »■* i pirated Diseases rcin'.iiiii/t'us gjT HI.».STIAI. and SCIENTIFIC Aid ii'alion aro treated at this I' - i v. tli n -nccess rarely attained. Dv. S. . ikol-.uneinlierotthe Itoyal College of I'liy ii and SurKtoiis, nnd is tnc (.'dust and most : mured SPECIALIST in tliecity Spei ial at oil ;;ivcn to Nervous Debility from c-ce«sivc • . al exertion. Indiscretion of youth, etc.,caus ' tiv-iical and menial decay,lack or energy, • orid.-ncy, etc.; alaoCancer*, Old Sores Fits, i lii'iiinatlßm, nnd all diseases of the Skin. '. ! ti-il'rinarv"rfrnns,et '. Con«ilt»t on id s:.-ictly coiiftrten'inL Office hours, I) to '!to a 31.; Sundays 2t04 v. St. only, t «/»Vo or act. I res* 11R I, AKTC, ( oft. V\ 1.. A>. D4iUsX. m'TSIH KGII.I'A. UIiaTIIQCI Well'** nix! ■ tsl*m>d were *1! I Uit I ~„.,re!y c.H- Io! r:i,,Mlre by Dr .1. Mayer. K'.l \r< : « I'lnl i !-lpli a . ■*. .1 nea I'hdtlp.s, Ive.iU M | i I'a. ; T. A Kit '/. sia'lntr'in. I'n ; K M. Snail. Mount Mlo I'a.; Si'-V. ». ii.shermer Siinhur.v, PH.: D. •i. Dellett. :u H. Tiv nil: sr., Kendtm: Pa.: Wm. I tlx. IH-ii M. lit r.' . I'hll.id-lpM •; II 1.. Kom'i*. "' i :■ !ni Si . lie n Inc. I'a. ; iJrorife and I'll Burl: irt, «.Kt Lo wt S» , K \idiiu; I'.i. And lor circular WOOD'S FIIOSPHODINE Tim fir.it Fnijlli.lt I.t-int'ily. s r" rmalorr|iea Beforu uud After. ' s the only Reliable and Honest,- Medlnln<" known. ,\sk druirnist ,for vv'mD'n l'Hiii>ruoiiiNK; It he oltera some worth less medicine In pi > f of this leave his dishon est *t. >re In lose price In letter and we will Bend by return mall. Price, one pack i«e, J.; six. $.). <>ie will pie Lsf. six will cure, i'.iuiph let In plain aealed envelope. 2 stamps. Address TIIK irilllll (iIFHICAI. CO . 181 Woodward avenue, Detroit Mich. jar-Sold 111 Butler liy C N. Boyd .1 F Balpb, ■I. V. Redlck. and duffflsts every where. DOCTOR J. B HOBENSACKS MEDICAL OI'KICES. atw North HKLttMt ST , PIIILIDKLPIIU. I'A. Are the oldest In America for the treatment of SPECIAL IMHKAHES and VOCTIIFt l, hltltOKS Blood Poison. Nervous Debility. Ulcers, Run iiinn-i. DMuifH, Htrietures. ltl.vlder. Kid ney. aud Skin Diseases. Varicocele, Hy drocele, Klipturc. Permanently cured by Improved methods without detention from business. The Doctor's success is due to his llie-lonK experience mid study, 1.1 the pure veifeMhlo remedies used and to tnc thorough examination and watchful ai tention itlvtui patients dtiriui; treatraelit. A forty Jear.s establishment, is our (UltaM of stl 'cess onice Initirs. A. M. to 2 I*. M.oto !l r. >l. All day Saturday ttunUays, lot) 12 *. m. send stamp ror book. A. J. FRANK k CO. UKAI.BKK.IW Dituas, MEDICINES, AND ( HEM 104LB FANCY A tin TOILET ARTICEB, I'ONOKS, UKUBUES. PEUFUMERY. 4u tr * i .'n d i n' carefully co .. uuded 5S Street, Butler, Pa THE CITIZTCNT MIBCBLI ANEOI S FAG ENDS OF THOUGHT. Ir a mole were to bar* frost-bitten ears it would be a great sufferer.— Boston JournaL WHEN you need a friend don't pick out the man whose dog never wants to follow him. —Rain's Horn. PERVERSE WOMAN.— The girl who wouldn't rnarry the best on earth gen erally marries one of the worst. — Brooklyn B?gle. Pun.osoraT is a gTeat help to a man In time of trouble, but it is an asset that his creditors don't value, no matter how much they need some of it.—Somerville Journal. ONE thing is to BE said in the loafer's favor Time does not run away from him as it does from the busy man. Days do not flip out from under his finger faster than he can count them. —Brad- ford Era. A WOMAN has patented a collar but ton. If it is one that strikes an alarm when it is lost, aud keeps on ringing till it is found, it will make her fortune and Improve the morals of the country. —Philadelphia Ledger. EXPOSITION NOTES. MICHIGAN will expend $12,000 to $15,- COO on its forestry exhibit, and 54.000 to $5,000 on its display of fruits. Till, board of trade of Columbia, S. C,, has undertaken to see that an ex hibit worthy of that state is made at the exposition THE prvf».ir;;tion of thu educational exhibits from South Dakota aud New Mexico has l>een intrusted to the wom en members of tho respective state boards. THE Manufacturers' club, of Phila delphia. desires to erect a building in the exposition grounds, constructed en tirely of material made by members of the club, with intent that it be head quarters for manufacturers, uot only of Philadelphia but of the entire country. IN the Electricity building there will be 40.1KK) panes of glass or more than in any other exposition structure. This building will lie especially conspicuous at night as. owing to its extensive glass surface, the brilliancy of its electrical exhibit will be strikingly visible from the outside. WOMEN AND THEIR WORK. MKS. MART BROWN RUSSELL DAY has just been chosen state librarian of Ken tucky by the legislature of that state. Ber principal opponent was also a woman. MRS. CAROLYN P. CHASE was lately elected a member of the school board of Cambridge, Mass., having received two hundred more votes than the most pop ular alderman in the ward. THF. Ladies' Health Protective asso ciation of New York is working vigor ously in the three lines which it has laid out for its tirst efforts, that is: The abolition of tenement house fac tories, the cremation of the unknown dead and the destruction of garbage by fire MRS. FRANCES WOOD has been study ing bome figures, with the result of finding that nine-tenths of the children of college-bred women survive infancy —a record never l>efore equaled in any age, class or country Mrs. Wood is herself a Vassar girl and a trustee of Barnard, and the wi';- of a well-known Dhvßioian. Foll iwln* A Iviee. "You oti/ht to take a foot bath if you want to get rid of that cold." "Oh. no. Mv physician told me par ticularly tn nv«-M wet feet."—Brooklyn Life. Rlieainatism in a diiieaae of the blood and is cur.-.! by Ifood'n Sarsaparilla. -1 he maii* are jfettinft gttoj. Go thou anil do likewise. —Xever skip the ad vertiaementßin read ing a new.-paper. They alwaya contain *>metbiug that pertains to your interest. —The uncker —the great American, open mouthed, osteologieal docker—is bit ting with avi.lity on theae beautiful April morningH. —For a number of years I have been subject to violent aitacks of inflamatory rheumatism which generally lasted about two months. On the tirst of this month I was attacked in the knee and suffered severely for two days, wiiou I procured a bottle of cbamberlaiu'a Pain Balm and it relieved me almost instantly. I therefore most cheerfully recommend it to those who are similary afflicted everywhere.— R. D. Wbitley, Martindale, N. C., Feb. 1888. Mr. Whitley is a prumoneut uian in ibis place and his disease was very widely known HS ho suffered such severe pain. W. M. liou.-ton & Co, Merchants, ilar tindule, N. C. 50 ceut bottles for sale by I>. 11. Wuller, butler; A. Bowers, Pro spect; Hreaden <fc Allison. W. Sunbury. —The imly way to win tin argument with a w 'in, Hl is to walk off when you have stat ed your side of it. —Try I)r. Grunt's Grandmother Medicine, no cure, no pay. Three months treatment SI.OO, for all blood, liver, kidney and stomach diseases, at J. C. Redick's. —"Tell the boys that cigarettes killed me and let them tuke a warning by me," was the dying words of a Camden, X J .young man who died recently, a victim of the cigarette. How to get T.iin. The only safe and reliable treicunnt for obesity, or (superfluous fat) i< r.h« "Lever ette" Obesity Pills, which itr.t inally re duce th« weight and uieas'ir.iio-'it, Nn injury «>r inconvenience— liMVcsn-i wrink le*—ants by absorption, This cure is founded upon th.* sci en 11 lie principles, nod has been used by one of the most eminent Physicians in Eu rope in his private practice "for tiro years" with tbe most gratifying results. Air. Lleniy Perkins, 21) Union 1' rk, Bos ton. write*: From the use of the "Lever ette" Obesity Pill* my weight has been re duced ten pounds in three weeks and iny general health is very much improved. Tbe principles of your treatmeut are fully indorsed by my family physicians In proof of inj gratitude I herewith give you permission to use my name if von desire to do so." Price s•_' 00 per package, or throe pack ages for $5.00. By registered mail. All ordre* supplied direct from our office The LEVKKKTTK SI'BCIFIC C 0.,339 Wash ington St., Boston, Mass. —The nose is used for sneezing by day and snoring by night. Some lazy people talk through it also. —Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mystic cure" for rheumatism and nenralgia, radic ally cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once tbe canse and the dis ease immediately disappears. Tbe firsi dose greatly benefits. 75 cts. by J. C. Kedick, druggist, Butler. —One good thing may be said of the blizzard: it is always fresh Chamberlain's Eye n-nri RlHn Ointment. A certain core for Chronic Sore Eye?, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Old Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema, Itch; Prairie Scratches, Sore Nipples and Piles. It is cooling and uoothlng. Hundreds of cases have been cured by it after all other treatment had failed it is put up in 25 and 60 cent boxea. —Whoso placeth his advertising on handbills is not "in it" to the extent of the tnun who advertisoth. —Korepangh'* great circus is to visit Bntler this summer. —Sawdust buildings are auoonuced, THE FLOWERY KINGDOM. OPIUM smoking is prohibited in Japan. JATAN's population of 41,000,000 souls lives on 18,000,000 acres. DR. BEDLOE says seventy per cent, of the commerce of Japan comes to the United States. A JAPANESE gentleman named Gotn peil has patented a little instrument which enables the possessor to send "a cloud of blinding dust" into the eye of ft foe at a distance of twelve feet. !t is •aid that the poor "foe" is thereby ab solutely deprived of sight. and is. there fore, of course, at the mercy of his as sailant. Tire Japanese cite '.'<*>9 color varieties Of the chrysanthemum, of which C* are yellow, 87 white. ■>, purple. 30 red, 81 pale pink, 12 russet and 14 of mixed eolors. A fancy prevails in the country that In this flower the same tint is never exactly reproduced, and that in this it resembles the endless variety of the human countenance. MUSIC AND MUSICIANS. MASCABXI'S "L'Amico FriU" has failed to please either atTurin or Buda- Pesth. MASSENET has jrreat confidence in his aew opera, "WertLer," composed in 1886. He is writing another opera in five acts, called "Thois." PADKKEWSKI eats hut little besides eggs, and his favorite beverages are tea and lemonade One might judge from his wonderful blonde hair that his chief article of diet was peroxHe of hydrogen. THK Seidl society of Brooklyn was founded three years ago by a few wom en having the desire for line orchestral music, and its tirst concert was given at Brighton Beach under the leadership af Anton Scidl. Since then it has given a number of concerts, and to-day the society has the fine ambition to raise the standard of musical culture in their city of eight hundred thousand people. PERSONAL CHIT-CHAT. THE late Emperor Dom Pedro was much interested in gardening and kin dred pursuits. THE empress of Austria's name when traveling is that of Elizabeth Nichol son- She oi.'e had a favorite lady's maid of that name. Miss FIXJREXCE NIGHTINGALE, from ber sofa in a quiet house in Mayfair, London, still directs the chief training school for nurses. THE sultan of Morocco, having been thrown by a white mule, has ordered the back of the contumacious beast to be bastinadoed. THE staff of nurses at the Sarah Acland home, Oxford, have presented to Mrs. Liddell, the wife of the retiring canon, a silver card case in memory of her long connection with the home. No Restriction There. Bagley 1 never restrict my wife. She does exactly as she pleases. Bailey—And you? Bagley—l do exactly as she pleases too. —Judp-e. Very Keprehcoilble. Glim—American snowstorms have a monarchical tendency sometimes. Gimp—When? Glim—When they turn to reign.— Truth. —The promptness aud certainty of it's cure* have made Chamberlain's Cough Remedy famous. It is intended especi ally for cociehs.colds. croup snd whooping cough, and is the most effectual remedy kuowu for these disea*e». 50 cent bottles for sale by D. 11. Wuller, Hutler; A. Bowers, Pro spect; Breaden <fc Allison, W. Sunbury. "Gentle youth when you would wed, Come and ask me for my band; I am waiting with a word That will bring the golden band. Don't be bashful or I swear I will ask you to be mine; For I know you are an oak, And I am a clinging vine. Can't you see that you're the one, Of tbem all I like the best. What a bashful boy you are, Not to put me to the test." —ln proportion to its .size England has eight times as many miles of railway as the United States. —For years the editor of the Burlington Junction. (Mo.) Pout, has been subject to cramps, oolic or indigestion, which prostrated him for several hours and un fitted him for business for two or three days. For the past year he has been using Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrba-a Remedy whenever occasion requited, aud it has invariably given him prompt re lief. 25 and 50 cent bottes for sale by D. H Wuller, Butler; A. Bowers, Pros pect; Breadeu & Allison. W. Sunbury. —These warm days aad soaking ruins are humping vegatation up al a lively gnit. —Strong City, Kan., has one lawyer. —England has 20,000 w<i,n.iu farm ers. Warsaw has woman car conductors. —We beat England in boot and shoe manufacturing. —Lancaster County, Pa , is our great est tobacco county. To Consumptives. The undersigned having been restored 'o health by simple means, utter Kufl'ering for «everal years with a aevere lung affection, aud that dread disease Consumption, is innou. to mafce known to his fellow suffer er* the mean* of cure. I'o those who desire it, he will cheerfully send (tree of ehargr) a copy of the prescription used, which they will find a sure cure tor Consumption, Asth ua. Catarrh, Bronchitis and all throat mid lunK Maladies. He hopes all sufferers will try bis Itemedy, as it is invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, which »n cost them no thine. H " ( ' M »V prove a bles.- ing. will please address UKV. KDWARO A WILSON, Williamsburg, Brook lyu. New York. —Blotting paper is made of cotton boiled in soda. —We live and learn in this world, but most people do more living thia leara ing. Save Yourself Money. When you go to Pittsburgh, Pa., stop at the Anchor Uotel, corner Liberty and Fourth streets. It if a strictly first-class Uotel conducted on the European plan. Lodgings, 25, —35, —or 50 cents. —lt's not a particularly wise fool who knows bis own day. —Girl customer—What is the nicest thing in veils? Clerk (suiting) Jfy best girl's face. —Mills are being erected iu the West for the manufacture of corn husks into paper. —A man has invented a machine which will register the paces and the ground cov ered by a horse Consumption Surely Cured. To THE S»rpo»:—Please Inform your readi-r* that I have a positive remedy for the above-named diitMso. By lta timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of yonr readers who have consumption If they will send me their impress and P. 0. address. Reapect *>»7. T. A. BLOCCM. M. 0.. 181 Peart St. V. X. v r E WANT WORKERS Salary or commission to good men. Fast Bell ing Import**] specialties; also full Hue GUARANTEED NUBBEHY STOCK. atock falling: to live replaced rust. R. D. J.uetcbford A: Co.. Rochester. V V '„.Jt . n-r § ' cWtell w th-■> pap" ,Of obt*n •stimat 1 >* * 4 <»*usi gMW when in Chicago, will find it on tPc 1 1 vIvrr^LORD&TMOiiS- This Is The Lowest Price Ever given cn a Bed Room Suite Solid, Polished Oak, irlass 26x30. I> 'vd 1 p »'e. FOR $23.00, We ofTer this suite for 30 days only. Our Bed Room Suite for 810 You can't get elsewhere for less tban $23 to $25. We don't only ofTer the above goods at low prices, hut anything tn our store away down In price. All we ask you to do is to examine our stock and you will say as we d( --best goods for least money of any FURNITURE store in the country. Campbell & Templet.on, 1136 N. Main St., - - Butler, Pa. MTMHIHB DILI JEWELRY, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 per cent by purchasing their watches, clocks and spectacles of J.R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No. 125 N. Main St., - Dufty Block. of Electric Bell and Clock. AH are Respectfully liivited —"Remember our Repairing Department — 20 years Experience. , KINGS, Diamonds j SCARF I PIN'S, '-STUDS, (GENTS GOLD, \ LADIES f4OLD VV aiClieb I GKNTS SILVER L A DIES CHA.TLA.IN, i G,,1(1 PinS ' Kar " rin o^ *JOYVtMI\ | Rings Chains, Bracelets," Ete, {Tea sets, castors, butter dishes and everything that can be found in a first clas>s_Bto r e, DODGER IMS. lit) fSSftjr* E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER No. 139, North Main St., BUTLEB.JPA., The Dairy Sweepstakes, The Creamery Sweepstake* THE GIiAXD SWEEPSTAKES, ' athe GOLD MEDAL, YVus awarded to Tint for .Hade by the CS'-a* umtrr 9UHI GOOLEY CREAMER PROCESS.MQT At the annual mwtim* of the Vermont Dairymen 1 * Asportation. Jan, L2Lh to 14th. I*V3. IM not thi* a irran -! victory,there being' ov»r seventy conu*tltor«; the three judfre* statin*? that it wa* the finest l.»t of win ter butter they ever saw. Thi* mafcea the 23d COLD MEDAL awarded. »y»t*m can with the f'oolry Creamer. Send tor Full Illurtratcd Circular*. W VERMONT FARM MACHINE CO.. Bellows Fall®, Vt. [ Manufacturer! 1 * ol Creamery and Dairy f*opplice# L. C- WICK DBALKR IN Rough and Worked lumber KINDS Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings. | Shingles and Lath Always In Stock.; LIME. HAIR AND PLASTFK. Office opposite P. A W. Depot, BUTLER - - P*. FOR SALE. A general store in a good locality and doing a good business. Good reasons for selling Terms reasonable. Inquire of L. S. McJUNKIN, Butler, Pu. FARM FOR SALE. The uuiJerslKiied win neu uis r»rru.contilnliii{ sixty acres, more or less, anil locnteil In Adain* Twp., on the Evausburif and Mars road, near Martihall and Myoraa stations on the H. & W jt R. and near the Callery oil ne:d. It contains a Rood house, good bank lr.ru 56X34. food outbuildings, itood orcliar.l. lev.! unit cood gruuud. two springs near liouv. pump n barn, and all In good order. Inquire of or address James Davidson, Myoma P. O , Butler Co., Pa ADVERTISE in *HE CITIZ*» TUBN ON THE LIGHT Ami l«-t il v irli»«i»r hb r\rrj / J£k\ Ban. woman an 1 child Wm W" »"<i Gosser's Cream Glycerine It is the ideal Cosmetic. It stimulate* the nerves. quickens circulation *nd carries away dead particles of the skin, leaving it fine and clear. It has 110 eijual for Chap ped Bands, Lips Face. or roughness of the skin. and i* not excelled aa a dressing for the face after shaving. It is a bland, creamy emulsion, with just enough vege table oil 10 soften the skin. No lady or gentleman should be without it. Be sore to get the genuine. Take no substitute. "For naln br J. C. Redick, Druif Kirit, Kutler, Pa. LADIES Muslin Underwear. Mu«lin (jowns at 50 e.,75 c., II 00, #1 Jo. #1.30 and #1 75 each Muslin Skirts, plain or trimmed with Euulroidery or Lac*' at 30 c.. "5 c., #1 00. #1 23, and #1.50 each Muslin Drawers, plain or trimmed c. to 85 o. each. Musliu Chemises,.2s c. to 30 Each. Always.best Values in Hosiery. Ilats at half price M. F. kM. Marks'. 113 and llT.iiX'Utli SUwl A MILLINERY TRIUMPH THE Leading Millinery House, 1). T. Pape. Our line of Millinery incomplete in everv resj>ect. We invite von to in vestigate, and we claim that our stock is the most attractive in Butler county. Trimmed hats and bonnets, dowers, jet crowns, pins, laces, hraids, crepes, nets etc. Mourning Milliners* in irreat variety. I'AI'KS S. Main Street, 1 hitler, Pa. STORM BIRO. i«5 No 9459. HKCOIi 13 2:35 AT KuU Ii VK A I iS. (Douglit «>i M« Fiiran & t tanc). iit«. k\.) Si>*ed by Lord Russell, Kull Brother lo Maud S, 2.0% 3-4. Sir • ..I Komtin. J : Uk* 1 Kmc Ka—ii. 1 mmi with "M «l 230 at tru Ji-»n t .'tn» ». tu«re ihan »»?w •«■ i*' *-% mm Hf Ist Dam, Storm, rc >rd 2.26 3 4 y MtddXown, No. 152. Dai.i <>t ti*lr 2 'Si... 11 ii 1 1.4. rui ■; <» . • |; 4 ■> 4 . BirU. m-..ra 2XV , u:« »«; >*.>. 12*4; •>»* . " • a . • .'»<> f. 2d Dim, »;ree-. Moant* n Maid By Harry CUy 43, r#c w t 229 l>»ni £•»•••. 2 "J". Pfi >. 2S>-: S; .» j _t-j. KMt 2 *JU|i r>. . 2 ii. Mmm * ► _ «eM. 2 * slcr .2*,. * - 2-. -1 .. .i: . i. . ..t fciu.H. - 2S>i- a 2 31. Ei.tt LLUllu:<£i.K. Tl< NEKI>. r» < i - i 21« . [ In Alt... 2«w.>: v i (2 21 "i ai.tt*. . r WTi'B •> i HI 2 STOli'J til I» i .«forjrr» I ill; « Cr»«n U * i tit® two icrealmt Ur>H> i .■ » k i»«m Ht>r • ~ , . th:< jear UKTr ti >l tDu or <>' r , l M .n vl -s: SSO r. > I.» • Urt - . > ...i . ISI FFAKO HOY. Sire. !*<■«•-: 1i« B. V . r-c fl i St; .•<•.. <*t 8*f»! > » 3 12. !!. - 2 15}, Prio --■» 2 l!»i; ■ 2 X'K \ :• .'2l i' . i .. .«• teen "ther* iti 23d i i «•;>■-. » Iml tU» l_. • record 2 it 3 yeu-x; .1 ».j < .. . ,'Jf I >ht* by Anient* t i r ir, JT . N » 3772. 2*l Jam its-- « » .;!i •<U H «•. Mfji'i >n \I. r" ! i , v > t. * tir lie** Ihe iuiui9 |»ct c< u. •». t*,i4 HI » , j i"* V *•. j i. • * * TEf«VIS: 525 rO INSURE. Both h'-r-tfs will !» • !■ in ! at mr t>irn. 3 • I vi!t lie plMiwl t» «!»•>* -.ii U .ill t.aiK. Si c f - .•!»«» inforuiittion t-siil oa <>r a . .ct ■«. ALOXZO ISLE, PA. fi LOUIS fefc. flUt "• 4 " 4 .. 950 C"i (I fcKt iIhKU.V ) Sire S»vh 1"!»7 >M> Dain IVnaiont Iftki iu > " y «'• ! ~ v A l«rg<» roiiir.v »»•! » I'-rfwt «pe.« , . j , , , . w , ~.t mnn of the ilhiMtrioa" <«l >.-riii*ij Dr»«(jhu , lUK KXOt ISU M luK ...» .- i^r Proiioitn '''(l !>r nil the !i !of all yuri>.-«- «f '• .t - ,~.4 hnjaps. no l*.ttt»r » ... tMiaerrr '*^v HViitht—l.«oo pou.itU. ii»j»-»rtr.l. W.t «ig n%: 1 TKKMS TO INSI'HK - - *lO 00 TBKSIS-To ISSt'i h - ?!.'» The »U.ve Ji"rrilM-.l hi>r.4*>.i will-un l f»r i llw ilarinf the llin ml i!»»'m follows: Moriilay ami Tuc-tliu «• f ea,-h wr.-k jt Pr. -p. ,• 1*» ~r „f the wci-k .-tt thf .«tahle of th«- <>« n«r in M<atttwrnt . • r . • <■! I:- » e, Dortll of llntlrr coiintjr. |'a Proper earn will be taken bat no aci*oanrubili;j a ->.B>r<t J. P. DAVIS, Proprt«u>r. Pr»j»pt-ct, Pa. HENRY BIEHL, 122 NORTH MAIN STHfcKT. ~1/ 1. Ij£jß< - • - - • fJN 2 /. DEALER IS Hardware and House Furnishing r "fi -1 reaper aim - *•» !• iii" l<. if. W • t warreoted; nct'»*eii «i o - uul win i» > > > • i i \ i mowers No better ml'c* in the »ntv f«» tr i Come anil .-♦•<■ UiV i. • '■ ! long \v, f:iiK \ « i !i.' ' w t'V V- •n V If you »re iot *ro.-t< i i . FLCW£fcS, PLANTS SEIi S It tell« how Safelf. Enil* and Oft"aplT y»>a mi pr-' r • > •" •o<l ' «no 9' reliahle'" in PmnM S»'"»it<«, efo n - #itb th»- prin'imr u-i-c fin" r '"' h . • ioir comni'inM ii-•> w>v wj attraoii*<» to «or ni- m* >\ ■ .• f h Hiid a P«>-ke> of Wild Fl iwer i Seedi. »• 1« ' «• two-ceot or if ▼< u are interfiled hur h.-**.' n > »- • poetal eard will d > the ba«ioe4»; ?n*r j-H «"« >"» «»to* - •►. »«t * *b the other Write now. Meitioo «b'» P"p^r HARRY CHAAPEL. ffflittufnt P L W/f >. k X -■ *.'•» V t ft fcIJVICKSILORtLGUipEim I cr r " wY > K nay fr'P fe* I OJB6 m-ih o«»y mrr« ort HAY-FEVtR I "-'-''-'l \J COLD HEAD wmS ETg't Crtam B*t"> »*■•€* kq •«*. mmg #r pamdrr. Apfttrt **«■• •■**' "* *** mmkUf «twrW. It rt iwa tkt Am< mOmt 50C ELY BROTHERS. 56 wirlin Strut It* YORI. 5uC
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers