THE OI TZIEIST FRIDAY, APRIL IS, 1893. BOrF LONG PANT SUITS. BOY'S KNEE PANT SUITS. We now bare for yon inspection a larger line of Boy's and Children's suit* than ever shown by us. We will just quote oar prices on our fast selling ones. Boy's long pant suit (for school) $2.30 Boy's long pant suit (onion case.) $3.25 Boy's long pant snit (scotch goods) $4.00 Boy's long pant suit (all wool) $5 00 Boy's knee pant suit (for school) SI.OO Boy's knee pant suit (union casg.) $1 30 Boy's knee pant suit (checkered cass.) $2.25 Boy's knee pant suit (all wool) $3.00 Boy's knee pant suit (double breasted) $3.25 Jersey and kilt suits a specialty. Boy's knee pants in light shades at 23 cents a pair. Men and Boy's black saline shirts at 50 cents. Schaul Bros. & Co. One Price Clothiers. OPPOSITE HOTEL VOGELEY. Bctlkb baa a population of about 10.000. It Is the County seat ot Butler County, with *Vour railways, natural gas, and unequalled facilities for manufactures. lioness everywhere; new buildings, new manufacture*, a growing and prosperous town. New Advertisements. Administrator's notice, estate of Cathe rine Boyd. Orphans' Court sale, estate of J. W. Wight. Jury list for April Term. Vogeley A Bancroft's Shoes. Premium Seeds —G. Wilson Miller, Farm tor Sale. Martinoourt & Co's locals. W. A. Osborne's removal. Henry Miller's new grocery. Fire Sale. NOT I—All advertisers intending to make ehanges in their ads. should notify us ot their intending to do so, not later than Monday morning. LOCAL AND GENERAL. —Gold is the god of nnrest. —Wealth has more wants than poverty. —Possession doesn't always bring peace. —Those who give the most advice take the least. —Prosperity kills more men than advers- Itjr. —Work has beeu begun on the new bot tle works. —The entertainment given by the U. V. L. netted about $220. —Barney Kemper has moved his shoe shop to the basement ot the Vogeley <fc Bancroft shoe store. —The contractors for the new brick building for the Slipperyrock Normal have begun work on it. -—Thomas Morrison now has for Hah* j flowers and plants from the Bortuias green houses. —G. Wilson Miller, the caßh grocer, offers some encouraging premiums for aeed corn, this week. Be has a large trade in seeds. —John Niggel has purchased the Wag ner Barber Shop, located uuder Berg's bank, where be will be pleased to see and accommodate his old friends. —A small umbrella with the letter N out in the handle has been mislaid, the finder will please return the same to this office. At Somerset, Pa., last Thursday "Bill' Miller, oue of the alleged murderers ot old man Hoobstetler, walked into the jail and surrendered himself. He said he was tired of being hunted. —Henry Miller has opened a grocery in bis building on Maiu street, opposite .the P. O. and he quotes some prices in a locai adv. in this paper, that will be of interest to our readere. —At a late meeting oi the School Board of Butler, Hon. Jus. Hartman was elected a member tor the 3d W ard, to take the place of C. M. Ueineman, who resigned on aocuunt of moving out of that W ard. —The new ballot law was tested at a local election held at McKeu's Hocks Al legheny Co., last week, and out ol 463 ballot* cant, but 19 bad to be throwu out for non compliance with the details of the law. —Mr. B, C. Haselton's new adv. came in too late for us to insert this week. Ben baa just received a large installment ol spring and summer goods, and has added some uew styles and new makes to his al ready large and varied stock. —The old time and ever new favorite, Hi Henry, wan Here on Saturday night, And waa greeted with a packed House The entertainment was ot tne highest class and it is superfluous to remark that the audience had out one laugu, but it lasted from the riling of the curtain to its flual fall. Hi Henry is always sure of a crowd at Batter. —Henry Brady, a son ot Owen Brady, of Milleratown, was tound dead along the pipe line near Nobiestowu,Allegiieuy Co., laat Saturday afternoon, ana a post mor tem indicated that he had died 01 po sonrng He was employed as a line walker 011 the pipe line, and ou the previous Thursday, wan in good health aud spirits. He was buried at MUlerstown, Monday. He was 33 year* of age and was married. —The next entertainment of the High School Course will be given in the Opera House on Fnday eveuiug ot next, week,en tirely by home talent. A splendid orches tra baa been organued for the occasion, also a good chvras; selections will be given by some of oar best readers, and also by vocal and instrumental soloists. The program is a good one, the canse is a goou one, and a large attendance is Uesired. Tickets will be on sale at Heineman's and by pupils, at 50 cents each. —We hare moved into oar Btore room, No. 128 East Jefferson St. .one aqaara above Hotel Lowrv, please Mil aad nee as, everything at lowest prieM. MABTINOOCKT & Co. The Freight on Goods From New Tork to Batler is just the •MM as the rate from New Tork to Pittsburg, bat the expense of selling goods in Batler is so much less than in Pittsburg, that we can eell you goods at 10 per cent advance on •Mtern coat while the Pittsburg Merchant to make a profit mast charge yoa 85 per cent. R. & R. Largest assortment aod best values Is Dreaa Goods and Oloaks at .L. STUN & SON'S. Buffalo Blankets, best for wear at L. BT*IN dt SON 'a LEGAL NEWS, ifonw. letter* of adm'n were granted to Hugh Braham on estate of Susan Mitllin late of Slipperyrock twp; also to John T. Martin on estate of Catharine Boyd of Win field twp; alto to Marit M. Cooper on estate of Dauiel K. Hill of Centreville; also to A. J. Baker on estate of Emma J. Maker of I'enn twp. The oummlMioDß of the Justices of the Peace elected this spring are now in the hands of Recorder Bale, aud can be Jilted anvtime. Any not lilted within 00 days from the Is' Monday of May must be re turned to the Sec'y of He Commonwealth. A. M Christly Esq., I»r. De Wolfe aud B. J. Forquer werfi appoiuted a commiss ion to inquire into the alleged lunacy of Fredrick atihl of Miller^town. LATR PROPKRTT TBASSHtRS. Cath Cain to 11 L Cain, lot in Butler for *l - MrElvaiu to tj C Tiuiblin. lot in But ler lor $250. Amy Bastian to N Dambaugh lot in Zeleinople for $750 H. Bright Ei'r to Jos Carnahan, 100 acres iu Centre for £2500 F Pfabe to E F Newbert, lot in Saxcn burg tor $1250. A S Caaipiiell et al to Oil Well Supply Co., lot in Kutl«r for $4850. T C Anderson to F Burry, 9 acres in Franklin for $725. M E Strswick to T J Ilazlett, lot in But ler for S2OOO. L Hays to A F Werner 12 acres in Ad ams for $llOO. S F Fulton to J B Fulton, 32 acres in Middlesex for 9380; and several others to same for same amount ranging from $23 - 62 to $288.19 A M tfaker to Agnes Nelson, lot in Centreville for #I3OO. A Bergbickler to P F BerzWickler, 49 acres in Summit for $2600. A C Perry to Jas E Perry. 40 acres in Cherry for #12"0. M B Shrader lo Martha E McClester, 40 acres in Jefferson for $1430. Jos. Bauuigard to T T W Deim'iing 22 acres in Jefferson township for SI,OOO. Jas Kerr to H C Black lot in Harrisville for sl,ot>o. W M Brown. Sheriff, to Emma Forkrr lot in Harrisville for $930. Joseph Elliott et al to .Jas Simmers 25 acres in Buffalo twp for S9OO. Alvin Jenkins to 11 A Brown 25 acres in Concord twp tor $772.50. Alvin Jenkins to Matthew Campbell 22 acres in Concord twp for $727.50. Marriage Licenses. R. R. Lowers Turkey City, Pa E. N. Walterson Black Fox Furnace E. J. Hoffman Jefferson twp S. A. Collins Wiufield twp J. E. Morrison : Centreville, Pa Lee Wicks " At New Castle —Ira Minteer of Lawrence county and Ida Young of Worth twp. At Pittsburg—John J. Sheridan of Franklin and Emma Ficbt of Zelieuople; also Walter E. Wick aud Mamie J. Miller ol Butler. Suicide in Marion Township. On Friday morning last Mrs. Harper Jack, of Marion township, committed suicide by jumping into a well thirty teet deep and containing fifteen feet of water. Her body was recovered shortly afterwards. She had been sick for several weeks and her mind was affected. „ She was a sister of Kimmons Beil, who also committed suicide some year- ago She was a ~ oung woman aud leaves one child. Mr. Jack is a worthy citizen aud has the sympathy of his neighbors. Miss Shaw's Lecture. The date given in the announcement last week by the VF. C. T. D. it) regard to the lecture to be given by liev. Anna Shaw of Ilotton ha- been changed from April 26, to Thursday. April, 28. She will speak in the Opera House. Reserved Heats will be sold ut fifty cents, and others at twenty-live. ilisfl Shuw is the most en tertaining and instructive speaker. While abounding iu brilliancy, wit and keen but kindly sarcasm, her calm sttengtn aud dignity of tone and manner have been lik ened to Mrs. Mary A. Liverinore. Press notices, wherever M<ss Shaw has bef-n, are of the inost Uatteriug character days oue: "The language is as lull of euph;>uy as her voice is ol harmony. Every moment shows a cultured; refined chiistain lady. The Markets. BUILKK MAKKKTS. Onr grocers are p:tying 23 fur batter, 12 lor eggs. 30 for potatoes, 25 to 3d for apples, 30 for turnips 75 for onione. $4 00 for onion setts, 5 cts lor cabbage. PITTSBUBU PRODCCH. Timothy hay from country wairon sl6 to sl7, mixed iiav sl2, straw $6.50 to TO. OO, wheat by car load 90 to i>7. rje 85 to 88, oats 33 to 36, com 43 to 51. Country roll butter 20 to 25, fresh eggs in cases 15 to 10, goose eggs 70, duel; eggs 22, beans 1.75, cabbage on track 3 to 4, live goose feathers 50 to 60. mixed feathers 25 to 35, white clover honey 16 to 17, hncKwhuat 12 to 15,oui<U3 90 to SI,OO a bu, onions setts 5 50 to 7.50, potatoes on track 38 to 40, tallow 4c. LIVK STOCK. At Herr's Island Monday, common and mixed stock sold at 2J to dry cows and bulls sold at 1.60 to 2.60, lresh cows S2O to 40. Veal qplves retailed at 3 to 5. Shi-cp sold at 5} to 6i, yearlings at 6 to 7, lambs at 6 to 10 tlogs retailed at 4f to 5.10. THK OIL MARKET Closed on Monday at 58|, Tuesday at Wednesday at 55. New Cash Grocery. Having opened a new store op posite the Butler Post Office, I am now fully prepared to turnish con sumers with anything in my line at lowest cash prices. In order to con vince the public that I am selliDg goods right,! will quote a few prices. SUOARS. Granulated 22 lbs for $1 00 A. Coffee 23 " •' $1 00 Extra C. 24 " " SI.OO WHAT IOC CAN BUY FOR 25 CENTS. 4 lbs Corn Starch 25 4 " Gloss •' ..25 4 " Carolina Kice 25 4 " Tapioca i! 5 6 " Oat Meal 25 6 " ltoiled Oats 25 6 •* Cracked Wheat 25 6 •' Barley 25 12 Hominy 26 FLOURS. Oriental Patent Faucy 1.50 per sk Faultless Holler l'ateiit ..1 40 •• Supreme Straight tirade 1.30 " May yueeu Good Family F10ur.1.35 " Every sack lully Warrauted. HENRY MILLER. —Farm Work Bridles SI,OO. MARTINCOURT & Co. How Is This. Fine Tap Brusaets tbat we priced last year at one dollar even we now offer you at 85c. R. & R. Don t forget us on Hosiery and Gloves, we always have the best at lowest prices L. £ REIN & SON'S. 15,000 Sheets of Music of Every Descrip tion at Halt Price. TUE BUTLEK Music Co., Armory Building. —Pupils' Monthly Rep< rts, one cent each, for sale at CITIZEN office Our Spring Wrap Trade Has been immeuse. By calling and making a personal examination you will discover the tact thai we have the most stylish, best duing aud lowest priced wraps in the market. R. & R. —Spring goods now arriving at THE PEOPLE'S STORE. Full 35-inch muslin for 5 cts. a yvd at THB PEW JUS'S BTUWT, Oil Notes. Mr. Phillips has -.-cured a good well on the McCalmout farm a few miles S. W. of i : Butler. j The bui-nii g gas well on the Sieg farm J in Lancaster twp.. was extinguished last week. The old Bachelor gas well on the Harvey farm iu Clinton twp.. drilled seventeen years ago, is reported to have begun flow ing oil at the rt,to ol ten bbls. a day. The 8t indsrd ..truck » good ga--cr on the Kobt (ii i-.Mii farm in I'enn twp. last week. Leidecker it Smiths well on the Cainpde.l near Browns Isle, was shot, and i-< report l ed al 2-*> hi,ls a day. Stil igle, I, •nz .1 • Co. are .-till fishing in the sand in the ' Critchlow. 1 The Forest OP Co's. well on the Cat 11. i Garvin ic Cranberry twp is rated at SO bbls. Stheclsiuitb .1 Co's. No 4 on tl e E is making 35 bbls., anil Osboin Bros. So. 1 on the A. Cookson at 43 Bolard il Co's., No 2on the Ja-. Dean will be cased this week, and Convert «1 Co's No. 1 on the Jno. Kennedy is through the JOO-foot ami cased Htrso.'ial. Cap . Jas. I*. it;• - and hi- w« rthy wife celeb ated their siivet .•. .-ddiug Satnr day, at t;ieir borne m Forward town-hip Caj.t. Boggs is 53 j ears of age but looks ten years younger, though he ..a- pretty badly used up in the wai. lie went out i with compan; D., of the 11th I.'i serve.-, j us a private and came back as its captain At trie second liattle of Bull Run he was shot :n the cheek, the ball coming out ol his mouth and takii.g some teeth uith it; aud at the Wilderness tie was badly wound ; ed in the leg, a wouud that yet annoys him. Rev. James Miller will preach i'l the Baptist church ol Butler on next Sabbath. Subject for evening -'ls bell a hell." Mi.-s Edna Ilitts of St. Petersburg is the guest of Mrs. J. V. liitt-s. Mr. C. R. Smith is on a business trip to Chicago. Esq. McAhoy married two couples in the Clerk's office, Tuesday. Three sous of Postmaster Eastman have gone lo Virginia to take charge of the farm. Dr. H. R. Wilson ot Portersville has taken a partner in busine.-s in the person of Dr. Fuhean of Grove City, and intends taking a trip to the Hot Springs. «Mr It. C Mclnty re of Allegheny is the guest of Mrs. S. Markham. Mr. Hiram Graham, of Connoquenessing, Pa., is associated with J. G. Perry iu tr.e lumber business in this place. See adver tisement elsewhere iu this paper. —Grove City Telephone. Mr. and Mrs. Chas Miller, of Oil City, are visiting si. I). and wife. Sick People. Mrs. Fleming, widow of Thos. Flem ing, is lying very ill at the home of her son Geo. W. Fleming, in Concord twp. PREM UMSUFFE iED. By Committee on Agriculture of the Board of World's Fair of Pennsylvania on Corn, Dent Variety. FIRST PREMIUM $15.00. SECOND PRE* MIUM $lO 00, THIRD PREMIUM $5.00 vVe will >five one quart of the 'Early G-ldeu Lenawee Deut" Corn free to any farmer buying a hill of balk seeds, the parties so receiving the corn to give us, on or before November Ist, six ear* of the. variety, for which I will pay a premium, cs follows: Ist best six ears- Two dollars io cash; 2cd best— gat den seeds, spring of 1893. t>>tbn value of one dollar; 3d best—seeds to the valae of fifty cents. CL'JVER SEED, TIMOTHY SEEI> Mixed Lawn Grass Seed, Biue Grass Seed, O 'Ctiard Seed. VVe are the ackaowiedged seed head quarters, aud if yon need s«*eds, come and see us Y'ju woot be obliged to buy bi sof packages tnat contain ouly oue or two uozeu oeeds, but you cau buy auy kind ot t-eeds you waul iu bulk, bv the ouuee, pouud, piut, quart, peck or bushel. G. V> ILSON MILLER Cush Grocer. i_ace Curtains. We purchase direct Irom the largest Importer iu America aud we are therefore able to sell tbetu at less prices thau you can purchase else where. R. ti R. Guitars, Violins, Mandolins, Banjos, Accordiens, Strings, etc at TUB BUTLER MUSIC CO , Armory Building New Broadcloths, Bedford Cords, Henriettas aud Flue Dress Goods at L. STEIN & SON'S. German Knitting Yarn, Spanish and Saxony Varus at L. STEIN & SON'S. Rye Wanted. The highest market price paid for rye at our mill iu Butler, Pa. GK<> WALTER. Our Prices Are the same every day in the week, goods all murked in plaiu figures aud the general average will show lower prices than any advertised by would be competitors. R & R. Any farmer wanting a fine Jer sey ball call can leain or oue such at this office. —Justices aud Constables Fee Bills, printed on card board, suitable for posting—tor sale at this office. Prospect Normal Academy. It will cost you but a penny to send for a catalogue of Prospect Academy. F. W. MAOEB. Principal. Prospect, Pa. Boarding House Cards, with Act of Assembly. 25 cents for half-a dozen, for sale at CITIZEN office. —Take your children to Znver's Gallery for Pictures that will suit ▼on. Postoffice building. Very low prices on Fine Umbrel las at L. STEIN & SON'S. Best place to buv Table Linens, Napkins and Towels at L STEIN & RON'S. Ice For Sale. Those wanting ice will please leave their orders at the City Bakery, No. 212 South Main St, and they will receive prompt attention S MORRISON, Prop'r. Ladies ant* Misses' Clonks in great variety at lowest price* at L. STEIN A SON'S. A stove and fine grate can be j purchased cheap bv any one needing , those articles. Information given at I thin oflfcv. t IRE! FIR EI EIRE! Wait! Now is Youi Best Chance! Don't Miss It. Car loads of clothing have been shipped from Columbus, Obio, fire to j Butler, Pa A large fire in a Co lumbus wholesale clothing bouse bag damaged their entire stock of fine tailor-made clothing by smoke and water, for men's, boys' and children's wear amounting to slls 000. The ! insurance companies have taken ( barge >if the stock aad disposed of | #75.<14G worih to clothiog dealers, *39,354 bae been shipped to Butler j to Im* sold at one third of mauufactur- I cr's value at retail. The room at No. 112 Ka.«t Jefferson street, next jt- Lowij Hou-e and next to G. Wilson Miller's grocery, for six days oiily, commencing Thursday, April 21 ai 9:45 a m., ending Wednesday, ! April 27, at 10 a m., 1892, when ,itjie. great sale will positively close. A li w simple pricee: Men's cas- I simtre suits, worth sll, only $3.08; ! men's worsted shits, worth $15.75, j <>nly $0 23; Men's fine dress euits, $lB 50. only $8 99; men's fiue pure wool and siik mixed suits, worth $25.50, oul v $9 99; men's pure cas suture pauts. worth $3 50, only $1 4S; boy's at d children's suits at 85c and upwards; kueo pan s, worth 75c, only lie. We have 3,000 dif ferent styles and qualities, too num erous to mention, it pioportiouately low prices. Strictly one price 500 pairs ol pants, real wet, will be sold at any price This «ale wil positive ly close Wednesday, April 27, 1892 Look lor sign of the Columbus Fire iLsuruuce gale, at >*o 112 East Jef ferson street, next door to Lowry nud adjoining G. Wilson Miller's grocery. Make no mistake and lock for our sign. I. Nnpuf, Manager for the insurance company, is in charge P. S.—Merchants will find it to their interest to attend this great fire insurance sale, as the goods will be sold at one 'hird of manufacturers's cost. Positively no one allowed in the building until 9:45 a. m. Another Chance. Gov. Geo. R. Seay, of Oklahoma, has received Doiice from Secretary Noble that the (Jhevenue aDd Arapa hoe reservations will be opened to the public, April 15th, in connection with the Sissetoo reservation in South Dakota to be opened the same date. This means thousands of tomes for the American people. Excurwion rates will be offered dur ing the National Conference of the M E. Church to be held iu Omaha, Neb. May Ist, to 30th. Take advantage of same, go and look over this territory, or if you anticipate a journey West in tbe near future call upon the nearest P. S. & L E. R R Co's., ticket Agent or write for further information and rates to W. G. SARGEANT. G P A , Meadville, Pa. We Are Offering Verv great bargain" in trloves and Ilosiery Call in and take H look. R & R. —Tee for sale at the City Bakery. —New wash goods iu Persiau Moll, Mousseliue, etc, now ready for your inspection at THE PEOPLE'S STORE. Best styles if. Dress Goods and Cloaks at L. STBIN & SON'S. Kid gloves iu all the latest »hades at THE PEOPLE'S STOBE. Pianos and Organs. The finest selection of reliable makes ever displayed in Butler Co Call and examine our stock before purchasing THE BUTLER MUSIC CO. Armory Building. Slippery Rock Normal. Attend the State Normal School at Slippery Rock, Butler Co.. Pa. Ex penses only S4B for 14 weeks. Ex cellent advantages in all branches. Spring term begins March 29, 1892. Adress ALBERT E. MALTBY, Principal. —Zuver's Pictures leave nothing wanting in finish, tone or a correct lißeness W. H. O'BRIEN & SON. [Successors of Schutte i O'Brien.] Sanitary Plumbers Anil (xas Fitters. DBALBRSjjIB Sew or Pipe, (ias Fixtures, Globes and Natural (ias Appliances, lefl'erson St.,opp. Lowry House BUTLER* A RARE BARGAIN. FOR SALE -One of the finest farms iu Butler county, containing 18G acres; large hrick house, large fram» barn, carriage shed and various other buildi"?s, all in good repair; well water, ; has a large orchard good market adjoining premises for nil farm products Convenient to schools and churches. To a quick buyer will sell this farm for much less than tbe cost of tbe buildings and on very reasonable terms L S. MC-IUNKIN, 126 E Jefferson St, Butler, Pa © has ren-.nv. d lii immense stock of Wall Paper, Window Shades, Fine Pictures aud Frame- to that l.irjre commodious room iu tbe Aldiuger buillinif, 311 8. Main street. The increased -izi of my new room has allowed a larpe increase in stock. W. iV. OSBORNE, ART DEALER, - BUTLER, PA FOR SALE. LOTS. I will offer for sale a number of lots situated on the ground adjacent Co H. 11. Uoucher. Esq., and the Orphans' Home The land is laid out in squares of something less than one acre, each square being surrounded bv a jO-toot htret-i. and containing Bve lots 10 feet tronl by I*o feet back. Theselots are offer ed ut very reasonable prices and on term-, jo suit purchasers. TUoso who wish an entire square can be accommodated. ALSO—I will Bell my farm In summit town shlp.nituated within one-salt mile ot the Butler oorou gh Hue. adjoining lands or .lames Ke&rns and othrrs. on the Mlllerstown road, and con sisting of H2 acres. It will be sold either as a whole ordlvided to suit purchasers. For further Information In regard to either of Ili>- above properties, call on J. y. Sullivan, •£> East North street, Butler. I'a. MRS. VALERIA SULLIVAN. Advertise ID the UtTiim The Best Is none to good if you nrr nick. The physician ex pert# reunite and thin can onlyb* obtained when pure drug' are (Unpenned. Pu rity core and accuracy in every department of our business. Only registered pharmacists are employed and personal supervision given to every detail, VTc endeavor to keep every thing that is inquired J'or, but if tvi do not have ivhat your prescription calls for ire will tell you so and do our best to get it for you at the earliest possible time. Xo matter ichat is needed for the sickroom come to our store. Our prices are as lore as con sistent with pure goods. Inferior ones we do not care to handle at any price. Physicians pre scriptions and family re ceipts « specialty. Respectfully, C. N. BOYD, Druggist. Diamond Block, Butler, Pa. INSURANCE COMPANY of NORTH AMERICA,IOOth Year Assets $9,278,220.00. Home of New York, Assets $9,370,640.00. Hartford of Hartford, Assets $6,743,046.84. Continental of New York, Assets $5,806,784.91. NEW YORK LIFE, Assets $125,947,290.81. Office of E. £. A BEAMS & CO. Office in BUsSELTON BUILDING, next to the Court House. BUTLEK <X)I'NTY NATIONAL BANK, BCTLKR, PA. CAPITAIj Paid lp. ... >100.000. 0i1. OFFICERS: Jos. Hartman. Pres't, J. V. Rltta, Vice Pres't. C. A. Bailey, Cashier. DIRECTORS : Jos. Hartman, C. P. Collins, O. M. Russell, H. Mcsweeney, C. D. Greenlee, J. V. Rltts, E. E. Abrams, Leslie Haztett, I. (5. Smith. W. 8. Waldron. l>. Osborne. M. Flnegan. A general banking business transacted. In terest paid on time deposits. Money- loaned on approve*, security. Foreign exchange bought and sold. Mercantile Appraiser's List. For the Year 1892. BCTLER BOROUGH. Gamble, Fannie £., liquor merchant, Butler $203 00 Reiher, Jacob and Bro., liquor merchant Butler 203 00 fBI'FKALO TWP. Pennsylvania Distillery Company, distillery, Freeport * 153 00 ZELIENOPLE BOROUGH. Stahl, George, liquor merchant, Zalienople 203 00 ADAMS TWP. Bowser, J M, 3 pool tables, Mars 51 00 Coalin, John, 1 " table, " 31 00 Murry, PH, 3 •' tables, Callery 51 00 CON NOQU EN ESS IKG TWP. Ewing, Gilbert, 2 pool tables, Conuoque itessing 41 00 PENS TWP. Dufford, WS, 3 pool tables, Renfrew 51 00 Watson, A, 2 " " " 41 00 BUTLER BOROUGH. Biebl & Wise, 4 pool table*, Butler 61 00 Bresleham John "3,4" " " til 00 Campbell N I), 5 " " " 71 00 Double John, 2 " '* " 41 00 Krepps \W, 4 '• " " til o't MeCrea H D, 2 " " " 4100 EVANS CITY BOROUGH. Croft L M, 2 p iol la'oles, Kvau-i City 41 0J Twentier II K, 2 " " " " 41 00 HARMONY BOROUGH. Wesley, 3 pool tables, Harmiay 51 00 KARN3 CtTY BOROUGH. Gilbert A, 2 pool üble*, Kirm City 41 00 MILLERSTOWN BOROUGH. Amy C P, 3 pool tables, Caicora 51 0v) Fadder GP, 4 " " " 01 00 FETKOLIA BOROUGH. K.ilroy J B, 4 pool tables, Petrolia 61 00 SAXONBUIIG BOROUGH, rich roth Euiil, 3 pool tables Saxoaburg 51 00 ADAMS TWP. Anderson J Ai W F, store, Valencia 12 13 25 Boggs & Crawford, store, Mars 11 15 75 Boyd Bro's Jc AlcCalla, " " 12 13 2u Burr JC4 11D, " " 14 7 75 Boyd W D, lumber, " 13 10 75 Beringer & Elder, store, Myoma 11 7 75 Gilliland VV J, store, Uars 12 13 25 Irvine C B, " Myoma 14 7 75 Little J M, " Callery 14 7 75 Marshall JD, " Mars 11 15 75 McCombs A M, " Myoma 14 7 75 Shannon JF, " Callery 12 13 25 Sterrett SO, " Valencia 14 775 Thomas JH, " Callery 12 13 25 ALLEGHENY TWP. Scliell J D & Co,store,Sandy Poiat 14 7 75 BRADY TWP. Clutton EG, store, West Liberty 14 775 llinea & Co, " " " 14 775 Robinson VV W," " " 14 775 I'hompsoa JM, " Elora 14 775 Wigton TW, " Pump 14 775 BUTLER TWP. Dickson B C,, store, Butler 14 775 BUFFALO TWP. Cramer Mr« ES, store, Freeport 14 7 75 Ettas David, Snipper,Sarversville 14 775 Falkuer LH, store, " 11 7T j McCallerty James Jr," *' 14 7 75 Powell Johu W, " " 12 13 25 Sarver Mrs S B, " " 14 7 75 Sarver H K, " Ekastowu 14 7 75 Watson \V, lumber, Sarveravrlle 14 7 75 Wilkewitz liotlieb, peddler " 14 7 75 CLAY TWP. Arthurs JB A Co, store, Kuclid 13 10 75 Lather G J, " " 14 7 75 CHERRY TWP. Bailey JA, store, Borard 14 775 Elliott H VV, " Coal town 13 10 75 Fogal Valentine, " " 14 775 McCoy HC <k Son, " Anandale 14 775 Stewart Bro's, " Coaltown 13 10 75 Stoops JE Jt Bro, '• Moniteau 14 77c Sproul Jc liindiuau " Gouieraol 12 13 25 CESTRE TWP. Fleeger AW. store, Fleeger 14 775 McLaudless M U, " " 14 7 76 CLINTON TWP. Anderson RJ, store, Flick 13 10 75 Snyder Samuel, " Riddle's X Roads 14 7 75 CONCORD xwp. Kuhn AD i Co, store, Hooter 13 JlO 75 Mar It well S, " Greece City 13 10 7 6 Murltaud Bros, •' Magic 13 10 75 CLEARFIELD TWP. Fnenell Peter & Sons, store, Fen elton 14 7 75 Mcßride MJ, store,Coylesville 13 10 75 CRANBKRRY TWP. Frantz J, sure, Ogle 11 775 Uarvin VV, " " 14 775 Heudrickson AG, store, Ogle 14 775 Johnson M H, " " 14 775 CON'NOQUENESSIN'G TWP. Barnhart R A Son, stose, Cona'g 13 10 75 Christie JL,M D, " " 14 775 NicklasC, 1 " 13 10 75 Purviance J T Jt VV A, store " 11 15 75 Wright Bros & Co, store W'hiteS town .12 13 25 DONEGAL TWP. l ate HS, Btore, Greer 14 775 Graham J H," St Joe 13 10 75 FAIBVIEW TWP. Hutchison M B, store, Peaohville 14 7 75 FRANKLIN TWP. Kornrumph O, store, Mt. Chest nut 14 7 75 Watson Woo, store, Mt. Chestnut 13 10 75 Watson Wm, " lale 14 7 57 FOBWABD TWP. Bowen Win, coal, iSeno 14 775 Coons B, " Reibold 14 775 i Duthel IMS, btore Zeuo U 775 A>' * flwww w i?n JEFFERSON TWP. ' Gerner C A. store, Jefferson Cent'e 14 7 75 ! Hartenstein L, " Great Belt 14 775 Mcßride MJJk Co " " " 13 10 75 LANCASTER TWP. Lander J, store, Middle Lancaster 14 7 75 Metz, A Ei Son. atore Middle Lancaster 13 10 75 MIDDLESEX TWP. ! Gillespie WJ, store. Flick 14 775 Marks VV J k. Bro. store, Glade i Mill 1! 15 75 MARION TWP. ; Bailey Joseph store, darrisville 14 775 Gorinley J 11, " Murrinsville 14 775 Hamilton H, " Boyers 14 7 75 Sisney L J, " • 14 7 75 MERCER TWP. Bryson W J, store, Forrestvilie 14 7 75 Owens W J. " " 14 7 75 OAKLAND TWP. Blaney Jt Andre, store St. Joe 14 775 Campbell A G, st-re, Sooora 14 7 75 PARKER TWP. Adams J D, store, Bruin 13 10 75 Caldwell HM SL Co, " " 14 775 Caldwell HM 4 Co, " " 14 775 • auipbell T G, " " 14 775 Howard John C, " Glenora 14 7 75 Morgan James A, " Parkers Landing 14 7 75 Orr J W, store, Bruin 14 7 75 Orr JH, " " 13 10 75 PENN TWP. Bowser R M £ Son, lumber, Renfrew 14 7 75 Calvert J M, atore, Renfrew 14 7 75 Douthett AM, " Brjwnsdale 13 10 75 Hollefreund 11, " Renfrew 14 775 Kirkpatrick Robert, caal " 14 775 Marawell FJt Co, store " 13 10 75 Pstrick James, '* " 13 10 75 Price 4 TUlinghast, " " 14 7 75 Sutton AD, " Mabarg 13 10 75 SLIPPERY*ROCK TWP. Book I" H, store, Keister II 7 75 Critehlow ES Agt, lumber. Wick 13 10 75 Hall A, store, Braucuton 14 7 75 SUMMIT TWP. Birckbicbler X, store, Carbon Centre 14 7 75 Dittmer M B, store, Herman 14 7 75 VENANGO TWP. Humphrey D W,store,Eau Claire 12 13 25 Kohlm-syer G F, " " 14 7 75 Kerr LTi Son, " " 14 7 75 Miller AO, " /• 14 775 WORTH TWp. Gardner WF, store, Jackaville 13 10 75 WASHINGTON TWP. Altmire Mrs T, store, Hilliard 14 775 Beaty J L, " " 14 7 75 Day J E, " " 14 7 75 Harper & Gibson, " North Hope 14 7 75 McKee Jt Co, " Hilliard 14 7 75 Milßin At Miffiin Jr," North Hope 11 15 75 McFarlin CB, " Argentine 12 13 25 Mitcheltree JF, " Hilliard 14 775 Patterson O M, " " 14 7 75 Sumers Mrs L J, " " 14 7 75 Thompson IN, " North Hope 14 775 WINFIELD TWP. Foster C Jt Son, store, Leasure ville 14 7 75 Kraus R& A " Denny 11 15 75 Smith Jt Logan " Carbon Black 12 13 25 Weidhos Lewis A Co, store, Denny 12 13 25 BUTLER BOROUGH. Anderson A C, Mgr. store Butler 14 7 75 Aikin & Campbell " " 11 15 75 Biehl Henry, " " 14 775 Bellis& Golden, " " 12 13 25 Bickle John, " " 11 15 75 Boyd CN, " " 12 13 25 baloh J F, " '• 14 7 75 Koos Jacob " " 13 10 75 Bowser ML, " " 12 13 25 Campbell & Templeton, store, 10 20 75 Colbert Harvey, store, Butler 14 77a Colbert & Dale, " " 13 10 75 Cleeland <fc Ralston, ' ' 13 10 75 Campbell JG& W, ' ' 8 3u 75 Cypher Geo A A Co, ' ' 11 15 75 Duffy Charles, ' ' 10 20 75 Douglass J H,. * ' 13 10 75 Forcbt H & Son, ' ' 13 10 75 Freeman Clothing ' ' 13 10 75 Frank J A ifc Co, ' ' 13 10 75 Flcinming VV C, ' ' 14 7 75 GriebE, ' ' 14 7 75 Grieb JR, ' ' 14 775 Grieb Chas R, ' ' 14 7 75 Graham Jt Hal le, ' ' 11 15 75 Grove WH, ' ' 13 10 75 Urieb Jt Vogeley ' ' 14 775 Glass M, 4 * 14 7 75 Huselton BC, ' ' 10 20 75 Hewit FM, • ' 14 775 Hinchberger C, ' ' 14 7 75 Heineman H C 4 Son - ' 13 10 75 Huff F J. ' ' 14 7 75 Hollefreuud OH,' ' 14 7 75 Harper Bro, ' ' 11 15 75 Hull H, ' • 14 7 75 Hunt H B, ' 14 7 75 Heck DA, ' ' 10 20 75 Jackson DE, ' ' 13 10 75 Jackson A Mitchell, ' ' 12 13 25 Jert-cki M'f'g.Co L'd ' ' 9 25 75 Kirkpatrick & Reed ' ' 11 15 75 Ko«ii CJc Sons, " ' 10 2l> 75 Kamerer WA, ' ' 13 10 75 Klingler 11 Ji Co ' ' 7 40 75 Kemper Frank. ' ' 14 7 75 Ketter Geo, ' ' 13 10 75 Koouc« H %V, ' ' 14 7 75 Kepple John, 1 ' 14 7 75 Keuueia Joe, ' 1 14 775 Kirk H D, • ' 14 7 75 Limberg FW. ' ' 13 10 75 Mcßride 4 Elliott, * ' 14 775 Miller G VV, ' « y 25 7 5 Mangold PR, ' ' 13 10 75 Mitchell Chas M, ' ' 14 7 75 McCrea VV S, ' ' 14 7 75 Morrison ML, ' ' 14 7 75 Metzger & Volkwein ' ' 13 10 75 Martincourt SB 4 Co, 1 1 S 30 75 Mcf'lain M, ' 1 14 7 75 Marshall A A, 1 ' 14 7 75 Niggel J 4 Bro, ' 1 13 10 75 Nickle W M, ' ' 14 7 75 Osborne VV A, " ' 13 10 75 Oil Well Supply Co, ' ' 8 30 75 Purvis SG 4 Co, lumber ' 8 30 75 Phillips W W, store ' 14 755 Patterson JN, ' 1 10 20 75 Phillips OM, • ' 13 10 75 Parkin J Sr, 1 1 14 7 75 Pape D T, store, Butler 14 7 75 Redick JC. ' 12 13 25 Reiber Fred F, ' ' 13 10 75 Ruff AI. ' * 13 10 75 Rich y J A, ' ' 14 7 75 Riiter 4 Ralston, ' ' 8 30 75 Rockenstine M C, ' ' 14 7 75 Reiber Alt M, ' ' 0 25 75 Reiber A 4 H, ' ' 10 20 75 Robiusou 4 McConnell, store, Butler 14 7 75 Stein L 4 Son, store, Butler 10 20 75 Scbutte 4 O'brien, ' ' 14 775 Schnei'ieman H, ' 'll 15 75 Smith J 4 H W, ' ' 11 15 75 Stehle JFT, ' 14 7 75 Singer M'f g Co, ' ' 14 775 Scbaul Bro's 4 Co, ' ' 13 10 75 Stock C, 1 1 14 7 75 Sutton WO, ' ' 14 7 75 l'erwilliger Mr* CC, ' ' 14 7 75 Trailer Louis, ' ' 13 10 75 Troutman A 4 Son, ' ' 7 40 75 Trailer J 4 Son, • ' 10 20 75 Wuller J L. ' ' 14 7 75 Wuller DH, 1 ' 13 10 75 Williams Alex, ' ' 14 7 7a Walker JL, ' 1 14 775 Wick L C, lumber, ' 10 2o 75 We'.tzel Bro's, store, ' 13 10 75 Weser NT, ' ' 14 7 75 Wuller Pharmacy, * 14 775 Watson Robert, ' ' 14 7 75 Youug4 Cruikshank,' ' 14 7 75 CENTREVILLE BOBOCGB. Bard 4 Son, store, SlipperyrucK 12 13 25 Bio-ham 4 Son's, store, 13 10 75 Christie 4 Campell, ' ' 11 15 75 Coulter T S Jt Co, ' ' 14 7 75 Clutton Bros, ' 1 13 10 75 Grine W H, 1 1 14 7 75 Kerr JC 4 Co, ' ' 13 10 75 Kiakadon HP, ' ' 14 7 75 Lawrence WE, ' ' 14 775 Rtm»ey VV V, ' ' 14 775 Über 4 Bestler, ' ' 14 7 75 W 7 ilson R L, * ' 14 7 75 EVANS CITY BOROUGH. Bury L N, store, Evans City 14 7 75 Barto David, ' ' 14 7 75 Birchard HC, ' ' 14 775 Boggs 4 Kline ' 1 12 13 25 Barkey John, ooal, ' 14 7 75 Donaldson T A, store, * 14 7 75 Dambach JN E. lumber ' 12 13 25 Eichboiz Jt' 10 2U 75 Hudson Robert, store, ' 14 7 75 Ifft Geo 4 Son's, ' ' 11 15 75 List J M. 1 14 7 75 Petier Fred, 1 ' 14 7 75 Ripper JA, ' * 14 775 Ramsey JA, 1 1 14 775 Bro's, • ' 9 25 75 Smamers A J, ' ' 14 7 75 Scoetlel A. ' ' 117 75 White J M, 4 1 14 '7 75 Wahl M, ' * 12 13 25 Young Henry, ' ' 13 10 75 Young VV H, 1 ' 14 7 75 Zeman D, ' » ' 14 775 FAIBVIEW BO BOUGH. Scott C, store, Baldwiu 13 10 75 Hawn 4 Black, ' 10 20 75 lIAB.MOHY BO BOUGH. Blackmnn CS, store. Harmony 14 775 Bcnile H M 4 Co,lumber, ' 14 7 75 Eppiuger 4 Sahli, ooal, ' 14 775 Foehrmger A. atore, ' 14 775 Goehriug VV A 4 Co' ' 11 15 75 Horrobin Mrs Luoy,' ' 14 7 75 Jareki M'l't Co, ' ' 11 15 75 Kirker S D, ' • 14 7 75 Latsbaw F R, ' ' 14 7 75 Milleman Bro'a, • ' 11 15 75 Oil Well Supply Co.- ' 11 1" 75 Swain GD, ' ' 10 20 75 Stiver FB, ' • 14 775 KABNS CITY BOBOCGH. Earhart Joseph, store,Karni City 14 775 Hilliard A 4 G L,' ' 14 7 75 ' ; S J# IIARKtsVILLk BOROtuti. Beaty E 8, store, Hsrrisville 14 7 75 Black Robert. * • 14 7 75 Brown R L. • • 14 7 75 Bingham SB. ' 1 1.1 10 75 Black HC. • * IS 10 75 Cnrrv J E, • • 14 7 75 Elrick J M, ' ' 14 7 75 Morrnin VV L, • 14 7 75 MILI.ERSTOWN BORorbH. B««fn W W. store, <'hii-.ra 14 7 75 Bell P A 4 Co, ' ' 14 : Bowen J B, * * 14 7 75 De Wolfe Dr WL, ' 14 7 75 Fraiier J T T, * • 14 7 75 Frankle S, • 12 13 25 Frederick Pli A Co,lumber, ' 13 |0 7 i Glass (ieo, store. ' It 7 7> H'<ch Bro's • • 13 10 7o HajsEF. • • 13 10 75 Johnson C H, * ' 14 7 75 Litzenger II C, * ' 13 10 75 McKee J L, ' ' 14 7 75 Murtland JC, ■ • 13 10 75 Siebert, Hook <1 Co, lumber ' 14 7 75 Scharbach C, store, • 14 7 75 Schiaeger F. • 14 7 75 Weaterman Bro's, • « 9 25 75 Weaterman RF 4 Co," ' 13 10 "5 POBTEBSVILLK BOROUGH. Humphrey Wm 4 Son, store. Porlersviile 10 20 75 McDanald Geoß, store, Porters eille 14 7 75 Marshall A S, store, Portersville 14 7 75 O&esou ST,' ' 14 7 75 Ramsey Bros, * ' !4 7 75 PROSPECT BOROUGH. Bowers A, store. Prospect 14 775 Critehlow Bros, ' ' 13 10 75 Edmundson 4 Son, ' ' 14 7 75 ForesterS S. ' ' 14 7 75 McClure J H, ' • 14 7 75 Riddle VV R 4 Co. • ' 12 13 25 Richardson HM, ' • 15 10 75 PETROLIA BOBOI'GH. Chesebro E P. store, Petrolia 13 10 75 Campbell Cyrus Jr, • ' 14 7 75 Deuholm T, ' ' 14 7 75 Foster W C, ' ' 14 7 75 Gibsou William lumber, ' 14 7 75 Hawk J M. store, ' 14 775 Khngensmith H J 1 ' 14 7 75 Kilchensteiu Anna ' 14 7 75 Starr ML. ' ' 14 7 75 Stoughton W It, iunk, • 14 7 75 Toronski Bros store, ' 9 25 75 Yeager S, juuk, « 14 775 SUNBUBY BOROUGH. Breaden 4 Conway, store. West Sunbury " 11 15 75 Breaden 4 Allison store, West Sunbury 14 7 76 Mechling John, store, West Sunbury 14 7 75 Pryor James, store, Wait Sunbury 13 10 75 Rnodes S L, ' • 14 7 75 SAXONBURG BOROUGH. Helmbold Mrs. Theo. A Sou, store Saxonburg 10 20 75 Helmbold Mrs. Theo 4 Sou, store Saxonburg 11 15 75 Krause T, store, Saxonburg 10 20 75 Mershon E B, M D,' ' 14 7 75 Maurhoff. G W, ' ' 14 7 75 Muder Henry, A, ' ' 14 775 Seipel Herman A, ' ' 14 7 75 Sachs Bauman 4 Co, lumber Sax onburg 14 7 >5 ZELIENOPLE BOROUGH. Allen 4 Dumbauch, store, Zelienople 12 13 25 B&stain DG, store, Zelienople 14 775 Dindinger, J, ' * U 15 75 Gel bach Bros, ' ' 11 15 75 Goebring, W A 4 Son. store. Zelieaople 11 15 75 Hamilton D L. store Zelienople 14 7 75 Householder H, * ' 14 7 75 Ifft VV H, ' ' 12 13 25 Passavsat CS, • • 14 7 75 R-*ed C £, ' ' 14 7 75 Wiuler A, ' ' 14 7 75 Zehuer E, ' ' 14 7 75 Mercantile Tax $3,515 50 Wholesale Liquor Liceuse 750 00 Billiard aod Pool Tables 980 00 TAKE NOTICE:—AII who are concerned in this appraisement, in at ai appeal will b« held at the Commissioners' office in Butler on the 26th day of April. A. D., 1392, between the hours of 9A. M and 3 P. M. o'clock, wheu aud where you may attend if you think proper. R. O. LEWIS, Appraiser. March 4th, 1892. C. &D. Ready for All. WE HAVE THE MOST COMPLETE BTOCK IN THIS COUNTY. Everything that is new in Stiff Hata. Oar $l5O and $2.00 are wonders for the money. new in Soft Hat*, ranging in price from 25 eta. to $5.00. All the new blocks in Silk Hats. Greatest line of Furnishing Goods we ever had. An inspection will be an advantage to any one. COLBERT & DALE, Hatters and Furnishers, 242 S. Main street, Butler, Pa. Grentlemeri TO ATTIRE YOURSELVES 1 X NEAT AX D FI T TI X G A I'- PAR A L , LEAVE YOUR MEASURE AT Aland's. LARGE STOCK. BEST FACILITIES Fresh Seeds Grow. Fruit and ornamental trees fresh from nursery, are best and cheapest —no agents here. Beautiful flower Seed. Lovely cut flowers arranged in richest designs. Illustrat ed catalogue free of iruit trees TRUE to NAME J. R. &A. Murdock, 508 Smithtleld St., Pittsburgh Farm For Sale. At Public Auotwn, on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13, 18s<2. 40 acrea more or leu, •itoate in Butler twp., Butler Co., Pa., know#*« ttie RaUtoo mill property, having thereon erected I frame bouae, frame barn and grut mill ID running order. Will be aold cheap For term" and further information call on or addr«w, ELI H. RALSTOS, Nobby Goods. terns. Our Bo\s Suit Department was never more complete than it is this season. New Spring Styles NOW READY FOR INSPECTION. Do not put off huving your boy a new spring suit, but come now while stock is complete and secure the best patterns. Also a large line of Men s Suits, Sin gle Pantaloons, Gents Furnishing Goods, Hats, Etc., at lowest |>ossible prices. H. SCHNEIDEMAN 104 S. Main Street, Butler, Pa. VOGELEY BANCROFT having succeeded the old firm of Grieb it Vogeley, are now about to give the Public a chance to buy ~ BOOTS AND SHOEB[ and get Quality, Style and Variety at prices which will astonish our Competitors. We intend, through courteous treatment, prompt attention and small profits, to make this the leading Boot and Shoe House in Butler County. No. 347 South Main Street, OPPOSITE WILLARD HOUSE. BUTLER, PA. I IWT -5 nnn I'»lees vou »n» us qnlck »»« I C.UUU ly. We want more >*!•**- men. *n«l will guarantee perman-nt pr»lik>n» with salary and expense* i*Hl Full or p-,rt rime. (experience not required. sun k complete. Inrludlnc many list «elllnj( apeclsl tle*. Kleirant outat free Address C. H HAWKS ft CO.. Nunervmu. Rorheeter. H. T. *stabll*lieillßTs. Grand Pianos for Sale. Now Is jf>ur nme to .elect a l'l»n«>; von do not vi ant to buv but on»- Plan. >ln your life time. So while selecting one ll I* the best MI. I cheapest to buy a good one. PROF. MAIFiRS. of Boe'on tins opened a Piano and ore in Parlor at So. IIS. Kast North HL, where he'ia." ou embttlon a new invoice of Pianos fr»m the ver\ best of maker* of Boston, they have a full rich and mellow tune, the action Is light, quick and powerful; they will stay In tune longer th in any other Plane on account of a new device of tuning plm. that I will be triad r<> show and explain. Pleas call and examine < »■ fore buvn* elsewhere. You can save moi ■ \ by purchasing a PUno of me. and get an instrument that you can rely upon, and i>ne that 1 will warrant or garsntee to five estir Satisfaction. I have made and tuned Pianos and Organs or over v> yeaet. therefor know how to select erfect Piano. PIANOS AND ORGANS TUNED. 218 E. BUTLER, P-A. BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Main & Cunningham fits. H. C IIEINEMAN, B«CR*TA*T DIRECTORS: \if red Wick. Henderson (Mirer, • >r. w. Irvln.* James Htephenson, W W Uiackmore. N. Weiuef. F. llowman. D. T. Norris. Geo Ketterer. ' baa. Kebhun. tohn Urohman, John Koenimc. LOYAL S. M'JUNKIN, Agent. BITTIiBR,, " L 8. McJUXKLV, Insurance and Real Estate Aft 17 LAST JErFEBSOS ST. BUTLER, - PA. Scientific American Agency for JTiPkaiPPi I V J J I L 4 O 114 k I J 1 ' COPVftICHT*. «to- Okux banaai for (Marios paMM* to AaMnoa. Every nuot taken oat by as I. !■»■>! bafqm the ptobUe by a notice (Ttvso tr— of charge Is the Scientific Larwt circulation at any .illlfe n>iru> tb" world/ Splendidly lU—»ra«ad So irtalhmwt man •buaiVd be withoot It, Weekly. MlßOa Tsar; IIJO six montha AlHtll MPC"A CO., PT>UM<«<. W Dnadwar. New Talk. S iTsstas v# , ,'« •i, v* w*er tn V** 0(8, **♦' »t O" LORDIiTHOHAUt B. B. YOU CANT AFFORD TO Buy TOOT SPRING or SUMMER SOUS 'til joo write as for fnaplw. DRESS WOOLENS, INDiA SILKS, WASH FABRICS. In sneorttnent that for extent, variety ao 1 elegance ere ei m pie par excel lew* PRICES Tbet fiifure oat tor yoa m profit on every ue>n —aooer savers **•7 -re- Mere's au item or two. Oa* lot AMERICAN CHEVIOTTS, In mediaoi dark coloring—Mwfofc ; grey with bint lines of BoWMK Threads «»f rolor—d»able width 134 ! inr fce-» ) —legitm «te 50 east eal— at 25 '--Qtjt a »nrd. 40-inch ALL-WOOL STRIPED BLOrOKO SUITINGS, Urej and Tan C lorings,go CEXTS, worth all of 25 centa son 50 inch ENGLISH SUITING STRIPES, Neat stripes oo Nsry-Bioe grand, 75c a quality that is fall MMrtawt ot colorings is worth f 1 M. Two numbers of 46-inch WOOL HENRIETTAS In perhaps 50 abnd—, at 16c. Hd ?5c.-oorown importations qootitioo that caooot be txxigbt eieewhere at surb low prices. Our Illustrated Catalogs* will ho useful to you ia yoor SPRING SHOPPING. Shall we mail a copy? & Buhl, 115 to 121 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY. PA. Willard Hotel. W. H. RKIHING. Pref'r HUTLKH, - FA. trrtßLiM in fMWiw. >iii u s«m»s br KIIIIKUI nimn 9 im liiuis Salary -jt t oaaMw <M> >oo4 wea. CM S»U inir kimm «iwm ll ie»; *i*> full Ilae ■it vaMIH' NVBSUT STOCK.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers