Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, April 08, 1892, Image 1

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    VOL. XXIX.
will tell you that Ritter A: Ralston sj
wraps are the best made and the best
fitting wraps in the market, and it you
want muslin underwear that at Ritter
& Ralston's you can secure full size
crarments, well-made and at about the
same cost as the material. Hut to cut
the story short, it a well known fact
that you c pa get all kinds of dry
goods, carpets, wraps, furnishings and
trimmings at the most satisfactory
prices at
-JL- Worth Looking
W\ Into.
Onr Boots and Shoes are making
•!* impression "on the sands of time."
f We help our customers to make their
fep?--. ■" ~ walk in life easy by Gtting them with
' \ Shoes that fit tbeir feet comfortably.
Wf.'gi. J \We pay special attention to this, as no
¥ *' Boot or Shoe will wear well that does
bo* s'. -y »»*••! v. Phm ii n u;) toi»!« n I nil it sir 4 life without
in«fani.i< v. Hp ill 4h»i*
A.H oar f> U 4jhr.»l cirjfallr fr> n •.'i * n>r, i nvizal la9t4 as
well s* qaility of 4t u't. etc
We k-?ap tin k'al tint will fit comforUV? ai l Wd k;ep the
best a 1; tb* lowait pricis.
Wedia'c k«p » Lvii<H SYniat $1.0) avl'4irit is worth s2.o3,thit is
an old, old chestnut, bat we do sif wa have a Ltlie* file Shos at sl. 00
thst ctoaot bi matched either for Styls or w nr, »v* -'ay th » svn) of our
L»diea entire llao frou $1.25, $1 50. $2.00. $2.50, an 1 $ 5 Oi a i l up tj $4.00
aul $4.50.
Djn't you gat tired of reiiiajf so-ne M\ovi »Ivortise n »at 4 whea
th-*y say £>>ds are beia? at aor pri:? to cl ii'i up et-;, that
this or tb»? Bora H»; it i-»!lio{ at $i 00 ff )."h }3 0) V >'V t'l-irj is just
oaa <>? Tv) itii'i ri, .,b <r t> i-ie a »iif i>r > ! it o if>r i »' i >*. to.iing; the
•truth, ojcjlli}?! tb«si liln*al fallows doi's lou any n >mr, good* are per
il ijj4 doar at the l>w p ices a imed »fte* you see them aid mere especially
afiir fna w.sir them
It soHins useless to quote a loojj list of prices as v >u unless
you see the girl-i. bat if yoa wa it the b*-«t Boys B >»'.s »', SI.OO, sizes 1 to
5 you over saw you c«i g«tit Hpta, a Man's B ot at $1 50,Children'* Shoes
at 25, 50 and 75 cts , Bit's ? »t s5 r* , these <i-e atni£iit prices no
humbug to pull yo- *; * * K-- .
Have a lot Misses Rubbers at 10 cts. a pair and they are not worth 30
cts either, recollect we ha7e the largest stock to select from, best goods and
lowest prices, we don't handle any old job?, sold cheap on account of some
Imperfections, bnt solid, new and desirable linosat the lowest price.
For 30 days only.
At less than wholesale prices.
Stock must be reduced at at once,
Big Line of Xmas Slippers,
Come and see us.
Remember the place.
•347 S. MALN ST., Opj). VVillard llou.se.
Eltfi Omun Balm it not a Uquid, muff or powdrr. Applied into the tu/itrils it it
m Jfc abtorbed. It cleantet ths head, allay* inflammation, heal* _ _
Ell A thesnres. Bold by druooUta or tent by mail on receipt of prire. II f| M
All Kinds of Job Work done
at the "Citizen" Office.
J<MM> P* Stone
of Lower Cabot, VL, formerly of
Oalton, N. If.
A Faithful Pastor
Is held in high esteem by his people,
and his opinion upon temporal as well
as spiritual matters is valued greatly.
The following is from a clergyman long
influential in New England, now
spending well earned rest in Cabot, Vt.:
" C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.:
•• We have nse<l Hood's Sarsaparilla in our
family for many years past, with Rrcni b«o
--cib We have, with confidence, recom
mended it to others for their various ail
ments, almost all of whom have certified to
great benefit by its use. We can
Honestly and Cheerfully
recommend it as the be«t blood pnriilrr
we have ever tried. We have used others,
but none with the beneficial effects of Hood's.
Also, we deem Hood's Pills And Olive Oint
ment iavnlnßblr. Mrs. Stone says she
cannot do without them." KEV. J. P. STONE.
Better than Gold
Mr. Geo. T. Clapp, of Eastondale, Mass.,
gays: "I aip 82 years of age and for 30
years have suffered with running sores on one
of my legs. A few years ago I nail two toes
amputated, physicians saying X was suffer
ing from gangrene and had but
A Short Time to Live
Eight months ago as a neighbor urged me, I
began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. The
whole lower part of my lee and loot was a
running sore, but It has almost completely
healed and I can truthfully say that 1 am in
beurr health than I have been for many
years. I have taken no other medicine and
consider that I owe all my improvement to
Hood's Sarsaparilla
It is better than gold." " I chrerfullf
verity the above statement of Mr. Clapp.
whom X have known 30 years." J. M. HOW
ARD, Druggist, Eastondale, Mass.
HOOD'B PIULS »re purely vegetable.
Physician and Surgeon,
■office and residence at 33* a. Main St. Butler,
137 K. Wayne Sr., ofll ;e hours. 10 to IJ M. and
I to 3 I*. M.
Office and residence at 127 K. Cunningham S'
V**w Trouttnan HrilUling. Hutler, Fa.
K. N. f.EAKE. M. !». J. F. MANN. M..«>
Specl.UUt's; Special! !>"i:
'/»4. aim auf ii<w. :<w' »" 1 '
*cry. Throat
Butler, Pa
Office a! NO. 1.1. H. Main street. Over Ki 'iik
• o'» Drug Store. Butler, Pa,
Physician and Surgeon
C*e. 22 l.»*t J»fltrfcun t-t. li iler I'a.
IH now permanently located at iifO South Main
Street Butler. I"a„ In rooms fortnerly occupied
by Dr. WaMron.
Gold Filling Pulnless Extncllon ol Teeth
and ArtificialTeeU» without Plates a specialty
Nitrous Oxide or Vitalized Air or Local
Anjrsthetles used.
Office over Millers Grocery east of Lowry
House. _
Office cloud Wednesdays and Thursdays.
J. J. DONALDSON, Dentisl.
Butler, Penn'a.
A Huh lal Teetli Insetted in the latest im
proved plan. Hold Killing a specialty. Office—
over Selloul's clothing Store.
llrott KKAH liimuNli. BCTI.KR. I'A. ,
□ Att'y at l.aw and Notary Public—Office t.ti S.
Diamond St.—opposite the Court House—s> ■ -
ond lloor. i -j ?m
Attorney-at-l.aw Office in IHamolil ltlock,
Itutler, I'a.
Altoi ney-at-La w.
Office Between Postoffiee and Diamond, But
ler. I'a. .JS
Office at No. s. South Diamond, Butler, l a.
Office «ccon t floor. Anderson 111 k Main
near t'oiitt House, Buller, I'a.
(tfllrp cm wrotul floor of thfl M;r«*I!on b'«»ck,
D Hutl«*r, f'».. Room No. I.
\ ttom<-y at Law. offloo at No. 17, F!;i*t JefVr
•on Ht . Butler. Pa.
Attorney at I«» mid Ileal Estate Au"• tit or
nee reur of L. Mitchell's office on north Hide
of Diamond, Butler, I'a.
Mtorney-at-law. Office ou second floor 01
Anderson building, near Court Mouse. Butler.
Att'y at Law - Office on South side of Dlamou't
Butler, Pa.
Contractor and builder In brick v.ork. grale
and mantel setting and all kinds of brick laying
a specialty. Also dealer In barrel HUM- Wam
pum loore lime, cements. National. Portland
and all best grades In the market. Calcined
plaster, plaster hair. King's cement, fire brick.
t|le, white sand and river sand. Main office :ns
N. Main street, ami all orders left at ware house
will receive prompt dollvery. Terms reasonable,
« V [Original. 1
W &•* Pi' had never be
fore enterevl the
V//-U* |P». heads of any of
Vii' the ix>stma.st"r's
HU audience that the
country round
about Penrose
ffiileh and King
bolt canyou had really become a part
of civilization. In fact, we had never
—at least a majority of us- hail any oc
casion to discuss the matter before, so
when Mauley's suggestion first pre
sented itself for consideration it rather
dazed us.
"You see. boys," said Hawley, "that
besides all the fellows that have
brought their folks from the states,
there's a lot of new families moved in
at Kingbolt and the Forks; and, take
it all round, I reckon there must be at
lcavt fifty k;ds that need schooling.
I've got two, and they've run wild about
as long as they ought to "
So liawley w:», authorized to call a
mass meeting for the next Sunday at
Harney's danee hall, the invitations to
include all citizens of Penrose, King
bolt an I Kingbolt I'orlis.
The meeting was held and it was a
dec Jed success. True, there was con
siderable discussion as to the respective
advantages of Kingbolt and Penrose
as a seat for the proposed institution
of learning, but better counsel pre
vailed and it was decided to locate
the fcchool at the Forks, which was
midway between the two larger camps,
and where, it was proven, nearly half
the children in the settlement belonged.
When this momentous question had
been decided a school board of seven
directors,two from each camp and one at
large—Hawley, of Penrose —was elect
ed amid much enthusiasm and dele
gated with full power to arrange any
and all matters pertaining to the
founding and maintenance of the new
institution, after which the meeting
That evening the board met and or
ganized, and discussed at much length
various plans proposed by the mem
bers. 11 was decided to begin building
at once, and Fen Tower, manager of
the Lady Jane Grey, who had former
ly been an architect, was asked to pre
pare plans.
Then the important question of a
teacher arose, and we struggled with
it for some time. Should the teacher
be a man or a woman? Down in our
secret hearts I am sure we all wanted to
see a pretty girl at the head of that
school, but people can't always have
what they want. There were two ob
stacles in the way. The first was that
there were quite a number of the larger
boys who would he hard to manage,
and the second reason was that it was
very doubtful if any young woman
would care to come into such
an out-of-the-way settlement as
ours. So, with much secret regret
on the part of the directors, four of
whom v.ere bachelors, the secretary
was instructed t > write and secure the
services of a man competent to handle
about fifty pupils of various ages and
assorted degrees of educational ad
vancement; alsotostate, when writing,
full t iUi it—tlnrrj «•» to salary, !»■ 1 and
BO forth. This letter went to a -
er's bureau In the .t, and, v. Uilc
awuit'-tf a r«.ii>r»r,-,e, t' secretary
joined with his colleagues in advanc
ing the work of construction which
was goin<» on at the Forks. There
was not a little speculation as to what
sort of a person the new teacher would
be, and we concluded that ho was
likely to be of the sickly, earnest, un
practical missionary typo.
One afternoßn, about three weeks
after the first directors' meeting, I was
at Hawley':. store waitiqg for the after
noon mail, and discussing with him
the advisability of writing again to tlio
teacher's bureau. While we were talk
ing a buck-board rattled up to the
door, and presently a—well, 1 was go
ing to say an angel, but there was
rather too much of an atmosphere of
perfectly human health about tho
vision at the door to describe hf>r that
way—presently some one asked, in the
sweetest of feminine voices: "Is this
the post office?"
An electric shock couldn't have
started us to our feet more sud<]cnly.
It was an hour to mail time, and Haw
ley and I were alone in the store. Our
hats were off in a quarter of a
second, and I would have tfiven
a great deal if I hadn't taken
off my coat and braces up at
the cabin. Hawley rose and went
towards the vision, acknowledging
with a shocking matter-of-fact Bene
dictine bow the next question: "la
this Mr. Hawley?" Then she—the
vision—continued: "I am Miss Fiske,
of Denver. 1 came to see about the
school here. I understand a teacher
wus wanted."
Alec turned helplessly to mo with a
weak gesture, and I came forward.
"Miss Fiskc —ah —ah —Mr. Lawrence,
the secretary;" and Hawley retreated,
leaving inc to explain to the vision that
we wanted a man teacher.
Hut Miss Fiskc had como to get that
school. She was bound to have it, and
we couldn't do anything but let her try
it. What else could a few helpless
men do?
So when, a few days later, a letter
was received from a young man at
Omaha who wanted the position, of
which he had heard through the teach
ers' buro'.n, the writer was duly In
formed thnt t!;o place had been filled,
and Miss llcrlLa Fiskc was installed as
principal and corps of instructors at
the Kingbolt Forks "academy," as
most of its patrons were pleased to
call it
About a week after the opening of
the sehool the board of directors made
a call of state upon the teacher and her
ilock. and Miss Fiskc reported prog
iVss as well as three or four eases of
well-deserved trotincirigs she had ad
minitftcrcd just where they would do
the most good. She pointed out tho
trouncccs and intimated that they had
suddenly developed heretofore unsus
pected goodness.
It was evident that Miss licrtha
Fiske was not only an excellent
teacher, but had practical ideas o. lis
cipline. We took a vote before we sep
arated and unanimously decided that
tho new teacher was a success.
She also ma<lo a great hit socially,
ind in less than a fortnight after her
arrival was star boarder at the home
of Mai Ocnslcr. jimptmcr <A tUc fj.Ur
of the West, and she ani. Mrs. Oessler
were bosom friends.
There were a number of other peo
ple in camp who would have piven all
they possessed to occupy the position
of bosom friend to Miss Fiske. These
were, it must be stated, mostly men. of
whom there were at least twenty of
the eligible variety. lam quite confi
dent that a frank confession on the
part of the seven or eijrht bachelors
who became regular callers at Maj.
Densler's would develop the fact that
a round half dozen availed themselves,
during that fall, of opportunities more
or less favorable for proposing to the
pretty sehoolma'am. Bnt she couldn't
accept all of them, and wouldn't ac
cept one. I am incliued to think that
she gave each and every one of them a
big-sisterl3' lecture, winding up with a
serious dissertation on the mission of
womankind and an argument in favor
of universal celibacy, for I overheard
Re Long and Parry, two of the rejected
ones, comparing notes, and their ex
periences were strangely similar.
I wondered why Stansbury was so
indifferent. I was, for reasons unnec
essary to explain, merely a looker-on,
and could, therefore, give the matter
disinterested study. I had only known
Stansbury a few months, he having
come to the camp a stranger the win
ter previous. but we had been thrown to
gether a good deal, and 1 had often heard
his opinion on the subject of women and
matrimony—and they were not very
complimentary or delicately-expressed
opinions. Still, 1 have heard other
men talk as he did, and have observed
that when the enemy appears, at soma
period, they capitulate even more easily
than do some other men. 1 had rather
exiiected that Stansbury, under the cir
cumstances, would succumb to the
charms of the pretty sehoolma'am—
but he didn't He called upon her as
often as any of the other boys did, but
his spirits remained the same, and he
didn't grow pensive or lose his appe
tite. I tried to draw him out once in
awhile by mentioning Miss Fiske, but
he treated the subject in his usual off
hand way. Not that he made discour
teous remarks about Miss Fiske —he
was enough of a gentleman not to ap
ply any of his coarser remarks to any
individual member of the sex. But he
scoffed, nevertheless.
One day we were talking about poor
DeLong, wtio was in a.bad way with
the case of unrequited affection before
mentioned, of which, by the way,about
everybody in camp had heard. De
Long was not at all backward about
telling of it, so people felt at liberty to
talk all they pleased, and only the
evening before. Miss FLske herself,
with tears in her lovely eyes, had toW
me how very, very sorry she was for
the poor chap. I could not doubt it,
she spoke so sadly and looked so dis
tressed, and T told Stansbury that the
first thing we knew Miss Fiske would
pity poor DeLong so much that she
would accept him.
Stansbury pushed his chair away
from the table, and looked at me
in a peculiarly disagreeable, sarcastic
way lie had sometimes;
"Don't be an ass, William. You don't
know women. Here are p.ll these
feather-headed idiots fluttering around
and getting singed for their pains, and
she do; sn"t care"- here he snapped hLs
fingers contemptuously—" that for the
whole crowd of 'em. Why, Hilly, I'll
bet yon anything that when she leaves
she'll be laughing openly at every fool
man of 'cm. Humph! She's a flirt.
All women arc, but she's a little more
The n- '. -tfternoon I walked up to
see Maj l>' .' Iff on hu-iiwH... but h»
ar.d Mrs. Peusler '..'ere, both out, ana
ivcn■ not c-.'pceteii home for half an
houi. It v. as warm, so I went down to
the shady road for a stroll. Coining
around a short turn, and hearing low
voices, 1 looked up, and there, not two
rods away, were Stansbury and the
pretty sehoolma'am. Ho was sitting
on a flat rock, and she was sitting on
his lap as if she were quite accustomed
to it. It was about as contented a
little group as it has ever been my
fortune to gaze upon. They did not
sec me, and I had no wish to disturb
them, so I hurriedly retreated.
That night, when Stansbury catno
into my room for his usual good-night
chat, I could not resist the t niptation
of giving him a sly dig, which was,
p< rhaps, more broad than sly. The
shot hit Stansfield leaped almost out
of his chair.
"You -you : aw—?" Then, with
something of a:i effort to assume hia
usual cool manner: "Well, liilly, I sup
pose 1 tuu.v us well confess. But—well,
old man, I hate like thunder to bo
talked about, and so does she. You
under tand, don't you? You see, when
it isn't to i opto off for awhile, the par-
tics hate to have a matter of this kind
I assured liim of entire silence on
my part, and he received my congrat
ulations in a rather more embarrassed
way than I thought him capable of,
after which we talked on other sub
A day or two later word came from
Denver that Maj. Densler's little girl,
who was at school there, was very ill,
and he and Mrs. Densler started at once
to go to her. The major eaine to the
ofiicc and said, hastily:
"Lawrence, have Stansbury" (Stans
bury was bookkeeper at the company's
store, I had forgotten to state) "take
all the money to the house. Miss Fiske
has the combination to the safe, and
will give it to you this evening, so if I
don't get back before pay day, you can
attend to it."
I notified Stansbury, \yho returned
from the Donslers that evening with
the combination to tho major's private
safe, which he gavo to me. "It's u
blamed nuisance, that safe in the store
being out of whack, but 1 suppose
there's no use kicking. Will that chap
be here soon to fix it, or had I better
write again?"
"I think I'd write, if I were you. It
won't do any harm."
Next day was Saturday, Miss Fiske's
holiday. About nine o'clock Stans
bury came up to the office. "Billy,
I've got to go over to lviugbolt and sec
if Parsons has heard about that last
ivW ■ /JJH
>' / f*'
order we sent in. I won't be back until
Then ho drove off, taking the road
past Denslcr's.
Sunday morning Jlrs. Flynn, Mrs.
Densler's cook, came to me iu great dis
tress of mind.
"Shure, Mist her Lawren?e, I do be
worrited to death, fur Miss Fiske wint
over t' Kingbolt tli' yistliurday, an"
ain't coom back yit"
Stansbury had not come back, either,
but 1 thought ho had only staid over to
spend the day with Parsons. I walked
up to the house with Mrs. Flynn, and,
as we walked, somehow or other a
strange suspicion c-une into my mind.
I rushed up the slope into the house,
and into Miss Fiske's room. L'noccn
pied, of course, but nothing to indicate
that she had not vacated it only for a
short time. 1 rushed down to the ma
jor's stilly, and stood irre-ol.itely in
front of the safe. Then, with shaking
hands, I turned the combination, fail
ing to strike it once or twice, and
opened the door. The safe was strange
ly empty. There was a note which flut
tered out of the open door. It read:
"RKAK MAJOR: My wife (alias Miss
Fiske) and your humble servant befj
leave to extend to you and your charm
ing lady our sincere thanks for the
many kindnesses you have shown us.
and especially for the opportunity just
given us of takiug a copy of the com
bination to the safe. It is what we
have wanted for some time, in fact
just what we were here for. Let me
advise you. dear major, to beware of
un recommended bookkeepers and
strange school-teachers. Let me also
suggest that it will be foolish to pur
sue us. We have about all the money
we need to help us out of the country,
an 1 you can't catch us. Yours gTate
fully, STAN-SBURV."
Aud the school board agreed that
Miss Fisk •, or Mrs. Stansbury, or Mrs.
Smith, or whatever li.'r name might
now 'be, was a success in everything
she undertook, for. although the major
did everything pouiblc to jj-ct on th >
track of the fugitives, not a trace of
them was ever found. The "school
ma'am" who succeeded Miss Fiske was
*ot a "ma'am," and he boarded at the
beanbouse with the rest of the miser
able bachelors. He also came highly
recommended. 11. L. Kktchum.
How to I?o a Nice Fellow.
Always try and adapt yourself to cir
cumstances. When you pro to a clam
bake, do as the clambakcrs do —eat,
drink and be merry. A solemn man
has no place at a clambake. When
you go to a funeral, do as the mourn
ers do; be quiet and unobtrusive; a
jester lias no place at a funeral. So
in everything study the character of
the company, and then accept their
sentiments as your own. This is what
makes a man "a nice fellow to have
around." —Philadelphia North Amer
One tv«y of Telling-
Wife— 1 know that Mrs. ilronstone
was thinking all sorts of horrid thing*
of me while she was talking to me.
Husband—Why, my dear, 1 don't un
derstand why you should say that. She
certainly was very pleasant.
Wife —Oh, yes, of course, but she
kept looking at my dress all the time
she was talking.—Detroit Free Press.
—lt was an old New Kngland judge
who once interrupted a lawyer in the
midst of a prt a:I-eaple speech by say
ing: "Mr. , I wish you would take
a few feather , front the wings of your
imagination and yut them in the tail
of your judgment,"
Mother "Olive, what has hap
pened that you are in so much bet
ter humor than when you went to
school?"' Olive —"Oh, liecause Miss
llrown told i.ie I was such a good little
fctud u>."
A i' tz/Mnji ICoply.
Col, Ver,having wsvted a consid
erable length of time for his supper al
nn Austin restaurant, a a sort of ft hint
afckcil the Irish waiter what o'clock it
"Twenty minntu-» u» ntc. si>r." w«u»
the reply •
Col. Verger was puzzled to know
whether the waiter meant twenty min
utes t<> wait, twenty minutes to eight,
or twenty minutes to ate. Texas Sift
ings _
A dilutee Shot.
"Rrothcr Gotrox," said Rev Mr.
Wil .'us, "did you ever reflect that .your
wealth is not really your own —that it
is but committed to your hands uk a
trust yet to h(\accounted for?"
"That is the way 1 got hold of most
of it." answered the great man, sur
prised into sudden candor, "but I don't
sec how you discovered it."—lndianap
olis Journal.
Too rio»«.
Mr. Lotos—Have you any idea what
are the relations between that young
Rivers Idc and our Lena?
Mrs. Lotos —I don't know; the young
people seem to be very close-mouthed.
Mr Lotos H'tn: so 1 thought when 1
discovered tliem on the parlor sofa, this
evening. - - Puck.
Inexprnslvi' Offering*.
"IJrother Itylins is eloquent in
prayer," said one inembcrof the congre
gation to another; "but I don't think
he's very liberal when the contribution
box passes."
"No; his offerings to the Lord are
confined almost entirely to suggestions."
\ Itarrfu I xUtrucr.
Strawvv<r—Mangle and his wife have
gone out west and are living on a
Singerly—How do they like it»
Strawber- He likes it well enough,
but she is miserable. I hear she says
she can't tell when the next-door neigh
bor has a new dress. —Cloak Review.
Con,pill,.. lll.in In I llii l.
Clarissa—Come now, Ethel, was it a
genuine unsolicited proposal no leap
year business about it?
Rthel —Of course it was. The Idea
that I could propose to any man!
Clarissa- Well, you must excuse ine,
dear, but it seems impossible that such
a thinjf could happen.—N. Y. Press.
About lllm*«-ir.
Woodward—ls that man you were
talking to awhile ago an oculist?
Jefferson—No, he's a lawyer. Wby
did you think he was an oculist?
Woodward —Well, he had so much to
say about the 1 that I thought lie must
be a professional.—Detroit Free Press.
"l think my little dog's smarter than
my brother," said Willie. "They're
both a year old and the dog can walk
twice as well as Tommy."
"He'd ought to," said Jimmie. "He
has twice as many legs to do it with."
—Harper's Young People.
\ uiijcciinre Will I!© Hwopt.
"Well, little boy, what's your naraeT"
"Shadrack Nobuchaduezzer Jones."
"Who gave you that name?"
"I don't know. Rut ycr can bet clie*
life if I find out, when I gets me growth,
they'll t>e sorry for "t."—Life
Roy—Say, mister, will you (five me a
Mister —What do you want to do with
Roy—l want to give it to that feller
over there. Ho sez if I will give him a
cent, he will knock yer tall hat oft! —
Golden Dave.
TynKIIdOTTTT!!# of wood filler is eois
into use.
THE street oars in Leavenworth,
Kan., are to V run by compressed air.
The citizens have raised the money to
raise the wind.
A SUWINO machine has been invented
which stitches easily and" rapidly
through layers of leather five-eighths of
an inch in thickness.
A GKRMAN inventor is reported to
have devised an ingenious camera tak
ing photographs of the internal orgaus
of human beings and beasts
AN engineer on the Missouri Pacific
has invented a coat of mail so contrived
that when a man is held up by rob'oers
he can discharge a revolver while l>oth
hands are confined above his head.
THE latest architectural novelty in
Chicago is a book-shaped block, twelve
stories high, to lie known as the Mer
cantile Register. This book will have
steel bindings with terra cotta trim
A FRK.NCH scientist has invented a
practical machine for adding columns of
figures. It is expected to be a great
boon to bookkeepers, for, according to
all accounts, it is simply constructed and
can l»e easily used.
ZEBULO.N SVPUKR. a pork raiser at
Norwood. 111., is said to closely resemble
pictures of Shakespeare.
A RON of Charles Matthews, born in
New York, is now, at the age of forty
two, becoming conspicuous at the Brit
ish bar.
SqL'iRK JOHNSON, a justice of the
peace at Grayson, Ky., has enrolled
himself as a scholar in a country school
near his homo. He is forty years old.
TnE six Shields brothers, of Collin
county, Tex., have an average height of
six feet eight inches, and CoL Henry
Thurston, of Tituj county, Tex., towers
up to the height of eight feet five inches.
MRS. JESSIE RI SSEI.L, of Bay Ridge,
L. 1., is 105 years old and lias never had
any severe sickness. She waits upon
herself and is a daily reader of the news
papers. Five generations of the family
are now living.
DR. LEWIS REUTER, a physician of
once lucrative practice and now a man
of wealth, has been discovered living in
squalid apartments at Williamsburg,
N. J., and with all the surroundings of
a miser. His wife, who left him some
years ago. is a niece of Gen. Franz SigeL
LORD TENNYSON is not very strong in
his spelling.
THERE are over C,OOO known lan
guages and dialects.
THE total number of newspapers pul>-
lished in the world at present is said to
be in excess of 37,000.
ANDREW CARNEGIE has donated for
libraries and museums in the state of
Pennsylvania $2,440,000 in all, beside
over £IOO,OOO for libraries in his native
country, Scotland.
A NEWSPAPER printed in the Sioux
language, to be called the Lina Sappa
Wocckiye Taeyaupaha, and edited by
Father Jerome, the Indian missionary
of Fort Tottan, is to be published at
Devil's Lake, N. I).
THE woman's literary club of Balti
more has begun collecting a library of
all works written by men and women
of their state, and southern papers
are urging the formation of clubs for a
similar work in all their states.
TBBBE is a spider named after An
thony J. Drexel, of Philadelphia.
A LAKE bed of scallops has been dis
covered near Bastiue, Me. Large, un
developed deposits are also in the lower
St. Croix river.
IT is saiil that if the "voice" of an
elephant were as load in proportion an
that of a nightingale, his trumpeting
could be heard around the world.
WITH a jackknife James Ingram, of
East Bradford, Me., has carved on a
dogwiHxl cane a fox hunt, with a dozen
hounds and a mounted hunter or two in
the chase.
A CAMEL of the largest size has l>een
known to drink from thirty to fifty gal
lons and then travel without water for
twenty days. The water remains pure,
and numerous instances are on record
in which human life has been saved in
the desert by killing a camel and using
the water from its stomach.
THE ant is said to have the biggest
brain, according to its size, of any crea
Tiib normal temperature of mu#i is
08,' i degress Fahrenheit; that of fish 77
A l'oi.isn chemist has discovered that
liquid oxygen is not colorless. In a
layer of it thirty millimeters thick he
finds that it has a bright sky-blue color.
IiBOW.f eyes, according to Do Can
dollc, the famous scientist, are much
more common anion;,' women than
among men. The saine gentlemun de
clare:. that in re i>cct to health persons
of the 4>rowu type are probably su
perior to those of tho blonde type.
Tiik sun gives Cffl.ooo times as much
light as tho moon; ".000,000,000 as much
as the brightest star, and ."G.000.000
times as much as all the stars combined.
In bize tho sun eqn; !s 1,300,0110 earths,
but owing to it. small* r density it
weight equals only JJOO.OOO earths.
Fifty mii.i.ion pins are rnado every
day in London alone.
Tiik Penobscot log cut this year in
150,000,01)0 feet. About 110,000.000 feet
como down tho Kennebec.
It is computed by well-informed per
sons that Maine has wood enough to
make 28,000,000 tons of pulp, or sixty
years' supply for all the pulp mills now
running in tho country.
Wobk has been started on a pulp and
paper mill at Winslow, on the Kenne
bec river, Me., which Is to havo a ca
pacity larger than that of any other
mill in the world. It will turn out 75 to
80 tons of inanila paper daily and cm
ploy 250 men.
A l.oiig-llemle.l Intlicr.
"You weren't mail, then, when your
daughter eloped?"
"Not much."
"Why did you pursue them so hotly
for twenty miles?".
"I was afraid they might repent and
come back."—Judge.
Bound to A««ert Iturll.
"If it hurts you, dear," said the sur
geon, as he applied the splints and ban
dages, "cry all you want to. You will
feel better."
"Thank you, doctor," replied the
little Boston girl. "I never weep. It
wrinkles the face."—Chicago Tribune.
Cotllng Krrn Willi Ihr <irlp.
[timer (entering the editorial sanc
tum) I have written a poem on tho
grip, sir
Editor (who Is just over a severe at
tack of the tnaladj*)— Well, it deserves
it. —Jury. _
SliiKtilur IfDornucw.
"Do you know that Mrs. Coldwater
actually asked inc to-day what a jag
"She did?"
"Fact The Idea of a woman having
a husband and not knowing what a jag
ial"—N. Y. I'ress.
Well I'nderntood.
"Your brother seems to pay no atten
tion to the girls, does he?"
"Oh, no; he has to escort inc every
where until I'm married."
"Yes. I heard hUn say he preferred to
be a bachelor all his life."—llouselfcld
Kf Sure to I'Unt * fc>w Arrw I>.irln* tIM
< omitif NFMOII
While a considerable number of east
ern farmers Had it profitable to stow
root crop-, of different kinds to !c«d
out to the stock during the fall and
winter, it is only in exceptional cases
tvhere a western farmer can be found
that follows this plan. Yet in many
localities the sandy, loamy soil seems
well adapted to the growing of this
class of crops.
Perhaps one of the principal reasons
why so few roots are grown In the
west is because so much corn is raised,
and the fodder is nsed to the same pur
pose in the west that the roots are
grown for in the cast. Some years ago
quite a number of farmers were In
duced to try growing artichokes, more
especially us a food for hogs, but the
plan for various reasons has, to a con
siderable extent, been dropped. Corn
is fully as easy to grow and Is less
trouble to harvest and feed, and this Is
at least one good reason why the plan
has not been followed np
As with many other crops that are
new to localities the better plan is to
try on a small scale first, and if the re
sults are satisfactory the planting can
readily be extended.
Of the different varieties of root
erops grown for feeding stock tb«
mangel wurzel stands first and in a rem
sonably rich, well-prepared soil very
large yields can be secured. Carrots,
parsnips and turnips can be used to a
good advantage. In growing for stock
the larger coarse varieties should be
selected, and the preparation of the
soil for planting, the seeding and culti
vating should all be done by using the
team with the plow, harrow, drill and
cultivator. All root crops thrive best
in a deeply worked soil; plow deep
and thorough and work into a good
tilth t>efore pladting the seeds. The
advantage in using the seed driM is
that the seeds will be distributed more
evenly in the rows and be covered at a
more uniform depth. Use plenty of
seed and after the plants come up well
thin out leaving only one plant every
six inches at least One cause of fail
ure to grow good crops is often on ac
count of neglect to thin out If a large
growth is secured the plant must have
room to grow. In a majority of cases,
if the soil lias been properly prepared
before planting, the harrow can bo used
first in commencing the cultivation
and tlica the cultivator, taking pains
to work as close as possible to ths
plants, not only to kill out the weeds,
but also to keep the soil mellow and
induce a better growth Try a quarter
of an acre first, give good cultivation
and feed out carefully and if the re
sults are satisfactory a larger acreage
can be planted next season.—Prair'.e
Ita lovontor Coiildtn It llw Bnt Thing
Ever Mad*.
I send you a sketch of a cheap and
substantial gate fastener. Fig. 1 rep
resents the gate shut Fig. 'J Is the
fastener ready to attach to the gate.
Tho dotted lines show the position qi
the lever when shoved back ready for
opening. Fig. 3is the wire which holds
the top of tho lever to the gate. E,
Flo. L
Figs. 1 and 2, is the wire in poaltlon.
A, A, are the pieces or bolts that go
Into the mortices in the posts: they are
fastened to the upright B, and this to
attached to the lever D, by connecting
piece C. It should be fastened by a
bolt at each end, loose enocgh to ttva
I fl I ft/ / m
=9 J>
no. a. no. a.
easily as the lever Is moved. The pieces
A, A, work in mortices through the end
bar of the gate (not represented prop
erly by the engraver). This, with the
bolt through the lower end of lever,
and the wire, E, holds the device firmly
in position.—J. A. Calhoun, in Ohio
• 'lover with Timothy
]t is not as generally known as it
should be that common red clover seed,
to the measure of 5 per cent of the
whole, sown with timothy seed, will
increase so much the growth of the
grass. The yield over timothy sown by
itself is from -0 to 25 percent This fact
is a practical indorsement of the new
doctrine of vegetable nutrition, that
nitrogenous plant food may be to some
extent supplied by microbes, that in
rich soils are developed on the roots
of the leguminous plants, like clover,
alfalfa, beans, pea-, etc. It is said that
nothing else, unless it be alfalfa, so
much enriches the land on which it to
sown, as the castor bean. This has
been attributed to the deep root* of
the plant and the long shading of the
surface, favoring the formation of the
nitrates, but under the light afforded
by the discovery of the important part
played by microscopic germs in the
phenomena of piant nutrition, the old
and former explanation must give
place to the new.—N. Y. Tribune
f'ootl I'tiiuonwl by Horns.
It is not the amount of food con
•nmed, but that digested, which keeps
the horse strong and plump I put two
quarts of stones the size of small ben
eggs in one of my mangers lately
The horse did not digest them—in fact,
he did not eat them, but he eats his
oats more slowly now because he can't
get them so rapidly, and as a result
digests them fully. It is as easy for
an animal to waste food by bolting It
as to poke it through a bole In the
manger.—Farm Journal.
No I'M for Harbors.
Customer (in barber's chair) —So you
haven't heard Von Thumper, the wdrld
famous pianist?
Ilarbcr —Nan. Dose bianists ueffer
batronize me, an' so I neffer batroniie
dem. —N. Y. Weekly.
With Our ApolufWw.
••When Washington wm pmldcnt he
had a magnificent state carriage."
"I believe so."
"Itut when he was at hto cherry tree
age he was satisfied with a hack."—
lU|*l4 (•rowth.
"This town seems to be making great
progress." said a visitor to a resident of
BooinvtUc. O. T
"You are jist right, stranger. Why,
we've had to enlarge the jail twice."—
Tlii.) Duo't Know tuo l>i Wmrmucm.
"He may be a good lawyer, but there
la not much sense to his talk."
"Well, that isn't noticed, you know,
for lie talks mostly to juries."—N. Y.
, < ouifort for tho Ntodf.
I'spcr, t W uld, wta keep us warn.
Tbl» fad. pour friend, pray note—
Aud lti your rest tfce ticket wear
for your pawned orrrcoat
Duly t'atalogaril.
She - iiave you got that picture w»
lad taken at the seashore last July?
lie —Yes, I've got it among my collao
tion of souvenir spoon*.—N. Y.-HcnJ*
It# Cl«m ItifmUon «f *a
New Turk I ir»»r
I send jv>u sketch and ikwriptwc of
a portable ] have used for 11
yean, sc.l I think it superior to aay
otlfrr. portable or iermis«t Have
your boards It feet loug, 5 inches wide
and 1 inch thick. Take two narrow
boards feet long; cut notches In
them 1 iri. h deep, as far apart a* you
want the boards, and fasten them to
the barn floor. to put the ends ot the
board- in. one at each end. These
boards are T Ineh-s apart Then cut
three stripe, iioc ! njrth of these, nail
one in the n uUr am! the other two IS
incbe* fr >1:1 each <ml I'se wire nails
and clinch well This makes one pan
el. a. shown in I'ijf. I.
flow to put. it tip Set posts IS feet
at irt Kaise the panel <1 fnctaes from
grouad. and t> re a H-hole through the
p. -t -in kr the top board, into which
.ir.ve t'- U»h v.vn at Fig. A This
li »k is of f,-inch •quare iron. Put
anoth t h.wk under the third board
fro i top. as hown. This gives you a
lap of d inches of panel Drive hooks
f±T I ±
FP-F NIT 1 -
f I hl " I' ' f
fl'" 1 —P I
np r.nvf. and you will have a good,
stro"v l . that nothing will disturb
When jot want to move the feae*.
start Uic hooUs back with a blow or
two with tue 'lamruer.
Cost of fer.ee. It take'* about 33 feet
of lumber to each paneL Therefore
1.000 fc» -t will make forty pauels or »
rods of fence
1,000 feet cf ;■< nil i. IS AS
«ochestr-:t •»- - I. !■
■n bocks. s>-ut t 1%
Nails •
Total M«s
Or 50 cents per nsi. This does notia
clnde makir,, ■ f panels, or sharpening
of DOMta This is about the price of
mat-rial herw of course cost varies
in different toeal'ties. Atraia the psa
eU can t r made to suit anyooe. by
having wider boards or -.pacea. bat the
object is to have them alike so they
will ban.' on the hooks on aay poet
Advant ages of this fence: It caa be
Bade on stormy days ia a workshop or
on the barn floor. It doesaot take aay
more nail - Ymi rave a middle poet,
and that will savior two boolca. atad
they will last forever. By starting the
hooks back a little it to very readily
taken down to be moved, or laid down
all winter, svoidir._- all saww drifta.
Drlts* joar jx tt in the ~priag if aeeaa
sary, an.l hang if strata. and 'hen
JOU wtJvli t.. move th«*:n JOB ean draw
13 or i» panels at oac load. lattetd of
bars or irate*. I i:-ak'- them 13 fwt King,
only one poet near each end, iad uoe
book in eiM-h post under the second
board from top. to f»>tfß It Bora a
bole in the width of Iwonl - above the
book and put a tin in. It <-»n be takes
ont •3d pot back again abo at aa quick
as openihg and shutting a irate, aw!
answers everv purpose of an expensive
gate. —J. li liawlin*. in Ohio Farmer
I'*4» Manf » Irrowlinrn tk* Tm»
An U*M« TilwM>.
An lowa farmer —"'"•»
and large French *rtu uu*» w aa**,
whioh harvest the tuber* thl■«!»»*.
and fonnd the oaUoa* a® deairntle
that the practice haa been foatlmwd
annually during maoj year*,
however, till te»t spring were any of
the mots gathered for other stock. At
that time some were girt** to a valu
able stallion apparently oat of health.
The result, and dedoetioaa from It. are
thns set forth >a » letter to the Weat
ern Agriculturist:
• The horse ate them readily, and be
siih'H an excellent effect aa food ami
Improving his coat and general health,
it mas noted that he pas—d worms
freely. In a short tinae ha wan ia Una
condition. Although the effect oa
swine has many times been similar, it
| w»» accepted aa an ordinary fact. Thin
' experiment w.mhl indicate that for
horses, under like rtn-anstaawa thia
tuber would l>e ~u.te valuable. The
labor uf growing one fourth acre for
t use in the horse barn would ha small,
and the tsw with which the laiga vari
ety can be hered and stored (fram
ing is no damage i commend the matter
as well worth fair tnai. Thev may be
left In the rrniHkl until frost ta o®t.
anil would furnish a soft bite to horaea.
brood mars ami oolts, just when aeed
ed, and at one-teeth the coat of grow
ing and storing the same weight of
earrats. *
A fOOL is like a sheep; his fleece la
worth more than his eareaaa.
'fur. cars don't kiil aa many men as
die of being too smart ia money mat
Kr.iri.wi cow* ta make axle-greaec
butter ia living next door to tha four
Caixo one vote to pay a spite la like
burnitfir "Ut a >nino ble bee s neat With
Mtd roods, as a luxury, are not to be
compared with mu« brooms ua toast for
e a penai renews.
NttT to a bunkoed farmer, tha Mff
gest fool is the fly that tickles you aad
waits to be slapped
Tin farmer who raises army peas
where he ought to raise amber when*
cats down his own wage*.
A mascal ia lihe a loeomatiea; al
ways tryinjr to run away from hia oat
smoke, but always making mora of it.
Owa can t help admiring the seaaa fit
a balky horse. He knows the eklf
won't wear him out as «ooa aa i>«r
A LOOM muli- amonjr the horaua at a
political meeting r» as strong aa argu
ment while it laat* aa the other side
wants. —Jonathan llayseed. ia Ameri
can Agriculturist
r»M It AkMf.
Miss He Fashion—Ma. shall I wear
my big hat to the theater?
Mrs. He Fashion—Horrors! ?W Peo
ple will think you aro from tha Liaitn.
[Note tu Exchange*.—Thia wildly
Imaginative item ia not copyrighted.}—
N. V. Weekly.
Ha tlatfa'l. It »■ -mit
Humley— I've been to aea Mint T«
at least two dotcn times withia the laat
aix weeks atwl have never soceea*4 ia
finding her in.
Shsrpleijrb— Wall. I sbonld think kff
this time you wotld have niceeedad ia
finding ber ont —Detroit Frae Preat
She— Willtam. when art yon gotag to
be married . 1
He Not nntil your father takae me
lato bu*laesa, Sarah. I don't want to
take you from your home until I eaiuap
port you by ir«od honest toil- —"ftaas
lifting*. ______
iMaMhl sumrHy.
When a ■tatrsaus m fxastiag hia ««rtt «e th*
Wketi a dsetor Is r >rws*a la MriH yaw
b- a <h.
When a la*r»r a4rsees lo than UOgaMaa.
Tkey are erfeeauac fur aaogbt M hmakt
their eealtfc.
Featherstoae— I have just «*de tha
mistake of my life.
Ringway - ilow ao?
Featherstoae—l was fooliak anoagh
to call on my doctor ia a silk hat aad ha
Charged mu double rates.—Judaa.