-Paris Robes Belford Cord- New Spring Dress Goods JL in H FOR EARLY BUYERS: > We received this pj. week our first shipment of New d O Spring Dress Goods and through this advertisement we extend a cordial invitation to you to come i W and look through our stock ( £ whether you wish to purchase or O JEW = 1-TROUTMAN'S-S , 2 Leading Dry Goods and Carpet i House. -Henrietta Serge it Better Late Than Never. ONLY A FEW DATS MORE AND Bickels Great Odd and End Sale Will Close. The Attention of Shrewd Cash Buyers is Called to this ad. The Following Goods Must Be Sold At One© 180 pairs Ladies' Fine Doogols Button Shoes $1 00. 260 " " " Grains " " 90 cents. 880 - " " Gaiters - - 50 " JlO " " " Fo*ed Gaiters - 60 " 240 " " " Grain Slippers - - 50 " 190 " " Oil Grain Bboes - 15 " 190 " Old Ladies' Fine Shoes - - SIOO. 410 " Ladies' Brasseli Slippers - - 25 cents. 30 Cases of Ladies' Fine Kid Walking Shoes Tipped 75 cents The above mentioned Goods are at Half Prices. Read on, Dear Readers, Read on. 320 pairs Men's Fine Boff Comrress Shoes at $1 10. 290 " " " A Calf Lace Shoes Tipped 90 380 '• •' Working Shoes (former price 1.25) 85. 310 " " French Calf and Kangaroo Shoes $2 00. 990 " Boys' fine Lace Shoes 3to 5 - $1 00. 600 " " Working '* " - - 85. 940 " Youths' Fine Button Shoes high cat 75. lfen's and Ladies' Cloth Slippers at Your own Price. 410 pairs Children's Spring heel shoes at 40. 390 " " fancy tip Shoes at 35 590 " " plain Shoes - 25 190 " Misse*' fine Grain Button Shoes 85. These Goods are All Warranted to be perfect in every respect and they are only sold at prices named or them to maCe room for new goods. If you want to get some footwear cheap, take in this Sale. New Sprind Goods Arriving almost every day, and too moch cannot be said in praise of tbera; ask to see oar ltae of Walking Shoes and Slippers, and also oar line of children's fancy Walking Bhoes in Red and Black. A beautiful line of Ladies' Wbitu Kto Slippers very cheap, don't biy any Bboes until you hare 1 ooked over mj stock and learned prices. Shoes were never cheaper than tbey are now. Misses' Rubbers Free of Charge for 10 days I will give a pnir of MUses' Rubbers any Size from 11 to 2 free of charge with ever j purchase of $1.25; and with every pair of Ladies' Shoes from $9.60 up, 1 will give a pair of Ladles' Rubbers Free of Charge- Remember this offer holds good for 10 days only and if yon warn robbers for nothing, yoa must get here oa or before the expiration of thi« time. Remember The Place, JOHN BICKEL. BUTLER, - -- -- -- -- PENN'A FRANK KEMPER, DEALBB IN BLANKETS, ROBES, HARNESS, And everything in Horse and buggy fur nishing go ods—H ar - ness, Collars, "Whips, Dusters, Saddles, etc. .Also trunks and va lises. Repairing done on short notice. The largest assort ment of 5-A. Horse blankets in town will be found at Kemoer's. DR. JOHNSTON'S IMPROVEMENT IN DENTAL PLAIES. Patented February 25, 1890. _ m This improvement & idoea away with the large suction plate in common use. Tbe Plates are very small, only about one-eighth to one-fourth the usual size, and being con principles, nt the mouth wltt perfect accuracy. .Ny number of teeth can be pat in without extracting any good teeth you may hare, and uo plate in the roof of the iDO'itb. Tbe patent plate ts specially adaot ed to partial lower dentures, since It is well known that the dental profession bare nothing successful to offer la that line; aud further more , partial tower plates have not nor cannot be successfully made by _ any other mown method. This Is an Important mat ter when we lake Into consideration that lower v.rv too^lo" U £u*£ r7 - upper Kor turtll « ••MM 114 Ssstlsffsriea attest. RCTLEK. PA. DR. S. A. JOHNSTON. Farm For Sale. us, r * Uro ~ l - Sufficient ttober alla ALSO another fann convenient to above- **?•• 22" U AS?» 60 •«*». witt^SSSol dwelling bouse and baru. Oivi cr, ou account of a«e7dMilres to sell and qall tannin*. rurnw oj iiTr' rM °°' iVrnlent 10 Purchaser. Call on JAMES PKICKY. rottmn. Valencia, I'a. Hotel Waverly. 8. McKEAX ST, - - BUTLER, PA Opposite School Hou*e. Tbi# elugun', new hoiol i« now open to the pp'jlio; it is a new house, with n«*w furniture tbronghont and all modem 0011 yeniences; is within ea*y reach of tb» ile pot* and buaiues* him*"* of the town, and has a splendid view uf the eastern part <>l the town. Rates Reasonable. Give me a call when in Butler. CHESS STONEB, Prop'i. Willard Hotel. W. H. REIHING, Prop'r BUTLER, - PA KTABI.IiIfI IV rovvKCTiav. HtIPLE ROOM for COXMKHCIAL TBITKI.KM W. H. O'BRIEN Js SON. [Saocessors of Sobotte t O'Brien.] Sanitary Plumbers And Graa Fitteni. DKALIBBIS Sewer Pipe, Gas Fixtures, Globes and Natural (iaa Appliances. Jeflerson St.,opp. Lowry Hous<- BUTLER, PA» FOR SALE. LOTS. I will offer lor sale a number of loth situated on the bl*b ground adjacent to H. 11. Goucher. Esq., and the orphans' Home. The land ts laid out In squares or something leas Ulan one acre, each square being surrounded by a 50-foot street, and containing Ave lota 40 test trout by 100 feet back. Tbeselots are offer ed at venr reasonable prices and on term* 10 suit purchasers. Those who wish an enure square can be accommodated. also—l will sell my tarm in Summit town ship .situated within one-bait mUe or tbe Butler oorou gh line, adjoining lands ot James Kearns and other*, on the Miller*town rood, and con sisting ot 113 acres. It will be sold either as u whole ordlvlded to suit purclumni. Kor further Information in reg»r<l to cither of the above properties, call on J. O. Sullivan, •£& East North Street, Butler. Pa. MIIB. VA-EKIA SULLIVAN. ijgsg JOHNSONS *NO DYHt LINIMENT .KE-vgt. \) v Ta KTXmi tti ZKESAI -GENERATION AFTcR -ENERATION^ OV\ EUVE USED A>U BT.BSfiFD IT. . o^/Nc-Me^ v on Sugar # Children lx>r+ Tt. ET erj Truvei«." auould E*ve * IxXtle of it lu hi- Rate ho L Every Sufferer fttica, NeuraUri*. N'cr rorut Headache, Diphtheria, Co*urh-. < Catarrh, Bronchitis, Asthma, Cholera Mort.na. Diarrhope, IJUTM ncra. fv-reni-sa In Body or IJmha, Stiff Joints or Ptrain*, will flr.d In thu ola Anodyne and rowdy nr*. Pamphlet free. Sold JVir« 36 ct«-. bv mall. 6 bottle*, fcl.-c* (aid. *1 L .£ OJ.. Uwtio*. n* VETERINARY SPECIFICS For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Zzgs, Hogs, AND POULTRY. 300 Page Book on Treatment of Animal! and Chart !»eul Free. craEs * Ferern.ConeeMiona, Inflammation A. A.) Spinal .tleniuaitiii, Milk Fever. B.B.—strains* I.amenewM* Uhpumnii»m. C.C.— Distemper, Mo*al l)l«ck»ruM. 1>.1». Hot» or (irabo, Worm*. K.E.—<'nueb«. Heaven, Pneumonia. F.F.—Colic or (iripra, Brll>acbe. Mi-wnrrias-r, Ileniorrhascn. H. 11.— I rinary and Kidney Diseases. I.l.—Eruptive Diseases. .Mange. J.K.—Diseases ol'Digestion, Paralysis. Single Bottle (over 50 doscsX - - .60 Stable Case, with Specifics. Mamu.l, \ eterlaar/ Core 01: ra<l Medicator, S7oOO Jar Veterinary Cure-Oil, - - l.#o SolJ b» DrtinrUi.; cr f-rrps.-i «nr»«.rr »»d I* "7 q«3rllij ci rwlpt of frke. HCIIFBnrTS'JiED.tO.. 11l * in T.im St., T«rt. rrg2i n,mpEEBTS ' IJ&ESMI HOMEOPATHIC AFT ImBLISPECIFIC No.fi 0 la n«e 30 year*. Tho only *nrce»sful remedy fcr Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, and Prostration, from over-vcrk or other ll per viai, or 5 vials and larpe vial powder, lor *s* Bold »>y l>ruffctst«, i r •er.i «»n ns-el|»t of price mfllßLTß' *EI>. CO., 11l 4113 WMHa»Sk, SewVart L— IVe Car!t but nre willing to pay for learning how to make as good an article as WOLFF'S ACME BLACKI.NO of cheap material so that a retailer can profitably 6ell it at 10c. Oar price is 20c. The retailer says the public will not pay it. We Bay the public will, because they vrill alwavs pay a fair price for a good article, "to show both the trade and the public that we want to give them the best iar the least money, we will pay $10,000.00 Reward For above information ; thi3 offer is open until January Ist, 1893. WOLFF ft RANDOLPH, Philadelphia. P!k-T?OIl is the name of a paint which doe j work tbat no other paint can do. A'cx ; ,jd painted with it looks like the natural wood v. hen It is stained and varnished. PAINTERS AND BUILDERS vrill Pnd It profitable to investigate. A:. r' int - .ores sell it. nil re ITCHING PILES r|L rOSWAYNE'S ABSOLUTELY CURBS. OINTMENT •YMPTOMS—lf»f«t«rei fartcuM Itrkia* sad •tlaalui until nl*kii varwkrHnUUif. If •llvwca «• mdaar taam form mat prtride, HniUiut. U« f«oidh;<iriai >Uo rto MlikTMow. rr»iitni toy Urn.Bw.ru * 8o», nul»del»*at V. .• lIR "CASES curco rot - * V>S - STA¥ CURtD ir uNCO" ' v .. V-: WAUt or li v' >* '<<■%-. I ■ • •' •• •* I P.HAfiO', • . mliTsNm PT3T,' '<r-wpFor X-OSTorPAIXXFO KAUHOr i , Cl»|-lSMpOmyal »rH nmVOPS Di SILIIA ?y,'l '1 °f Bod.v *rd Jtiml •.i'j liAi'JH SJLi I k~qtiot Lxceu«*in Oldor Ycnr.r I'iibtlt .1 ieaiNJiiliii* fb-'.y Pf«torrU. Hu.' to « &!artrr a\.- b r» Efc -thj'c>TkAii,t'SDtn;iX>PM>OH4-AKBitPAaTtG7fIOI>Y if»«l«t»!y KnUii'nr iiu'Tß TitKATMLXT— Beerfitk \m u djy y«a letilly '-em SO 'U!« »a«l 1 «r*l?a Coantrlra. WHtc Ihex. eipiß-!*.;!<c ami prc»r« cat lied (t»kird) fr*e «• rcil tRIS. tiiLiiiGfO. CO., BUFFALO. N. V, r\ DOCTORS LAKE Q Pltn'ATE DISPE?f«ART. "«7 COR. PENN A ?. Alio FOJRTM ST.. pirTSisur.orf, PA. , .. Aliform-ti.t I) •licato ai d Com- S. .» ,J pli.-alfdDiaeßaCdrcqniriii.'ros. N " • J HI- ,STIAI.IUId6CI£KXII-'lClj 1- icalio i uro treated at tlui Ui#- ••. v a - icci-s. raivly aitalri«d. Pr. 8. »* ( • • atfeiulH-'l*of tltu il*jyal C'"U< I'liy . and Surgtons, m<i is the oldest ami n.ost • : iea<*od SPECIALIST in the oltv bp •••ial at ri ;ivcn to Nervous Dcbilitj lmm« v ce»lve .il bxcrtioojindiwrotion of yoiiih,etc.. caus iu Hicil and mental decay, la'-ti of i ■ oud'-DOy. etc.; alio Cauc«' H, fid Soro , Kits. • l«Hin)ati»m. i ndall dw sosof the.SV.in. j. l.a I'i'insry' C*»n. Itm on . ii ,ii si. .ctly C'<.,H'U-n"al. tiflco lK'iira.9 to itoß ". K.J bund .ys. 2to f. ST. orlv. ; at or ttrt iKH* tR\ L'l'K, C"ft. .. N A\ AND I'ill&T..lM ITSLiLUCjIi.i'A. .-l|,jT||-3C | We the l v»pie U lU't, iT'lr"lv (MITM |or rn t'liv b> Or .1 May r 831 Arrh Si I'lill irtclnh a. ''a., .1 new Pli'lllii*. K« inel Sq ifre l'«. ; T. A Kreltz. Sl» insrton. Pa ; K Vf. S nxll Mount Alio, ''a ; Kev. 8 M. >h>-rni(*r Hunhur^. I'a.: I>. J. IX.-llvtt. L'H h. Twrlltll St.. I'paMinir fa.: Win. lilx Muntros.. sr.. I'hll idelplil •; H 1.. Howe. :«tt Rlin St . KeanlnK. Pa ; O—>rje ami Kh Mnrkan, 433 Locmt St , Kp.idin«. P». Send lor rirciilMr. t WOOL'S PHOSPHODINE tile Great I iikllsli Kruiedy. Promptly and perma ne ily curvs all forms ol Nervous WettKneßS Kmln- W i it AbtiHt'* or Exce»->ese.v In tho ißaii'lHol cases ,h,! o, " y K '-' !1:lhle : "" 1 HooeKt, Vledlelne known. Ask druggist nor WOOII'b PHOSPHODIXK; 11 lie otlers some worth less medicine lu pi I'e of this, leave Ills dlsuoti es*. stire In I'We price Hi letter, aiel we will send by return mall. ITtoe. one package, (i; six. One will pie se. six will cure. Pamph let ill plain nenled envelone. J j uihh Address THK nililli lUfcXICAI. CO. 131 • ooOwanl avenue. Detroit Mich. B®~Hold 111 Butler by C N.Boyd J F Balpb. I. C. nedlck and dugirUts everywhere. DOCTOR J. B HOBENSACK'S MEDICAL OKFICEb. SOU North hKC OM» HT , PHILIDKLPIIIA, I'A. Are the oldest In America for the treatment of SPECIAL IIISKAHES and TOCTHPDI. KKKUttH. Blood Poison. Nervous Debility. Ulcers. Run nings. Dlscbarges, Mrlctures. Bladder. Kid ney, and Skin Diseases. Varicocele, Hy drocele, Kupture. i ermaneatly cured by Improved methods without detention irom business. The Doctor's »u«-c<!.s.s Is oue to his lire-long experience and study; to the pure vegetable remedies used and to the thorough ex imlnation ami watchful at tention given patients during treatment- A forty j ears' establishment Is our guarantee of success. omce hours, nA. m. tup. M.Gto9 P. M. All day Saturday, nuuuays, lo U> UA. M. r-eud stamp tor book. A. J. FRANK k CO, DEALKBO* DRUGS, MEDICINEB, AND CHEMICALB FANCY and TOILET ARTICEB, POVQEd, BRCTSHEB, PERFUMERY. <ko iw~ .• iyji ol ins' Prescriptions carefully coa aa 1)1 5 S. Main Street, B'ltler. Pa. THE CITIZEN Tnusckl A NEGUS- Why Truapt Tnr*L A tramp stopped at a house in the suburbs of Houston, Tex., and said to the lady of the house: "Please give a poor man who is trav eling and who is far away from home, a trifle to help pay his expenses." "If you haven't got money to pay your expenses, why do you travel?" she asked, in astonishment. —Kansas City Star A Heportonal Genlu*. '•That new reporter is a genius, I tell you," said the city editor. "What has he done?" asked the man aging editor. "Why, he wrote a long ar+icle about the coal output, and didn't once say •dusky diamonds.'" "He must be new at the business— that's all."—Texas Sittings. An Advantage. Employer—You are having a decided flirtation with the girl who has charge of our telephone wire! Truthful Clerk (with cold chills run ning' up and down his spine, and with visions of instant discharge)— Y-e-e-s» sir: but. please, sir— Employer— Well, keep it up. She will give more attention to our calls, if you da—Puck. TOO EXP AN 81VH Mr. Wash Jefferson sits for bis ph* tograph. The artist asks him to "smile a little!" Unfortunately it was a card photograph. The result when printed. —Judge. A Regular Falling OA Gilhooly—l can't possibly make out what's going to become of our boarding house. I wanted ham and poached eggs the other day, and couldn't got 'em. Gus De Smith—Ah! and I wanted credit there the other duy and couldnt get that.—Texas Sittings. Rouud to Be in It. Police Commissioner—What assursnc# could you give that you would always be on hand when a fight was going on? O'Toole —Oi have alius been very fond of 'em, yer hanor.—Puck. He Filled the Bill. Advertiser—Are you good at figures? Applicant—l am a plumber by trade, and— Advertiser Consider yourself en gaged.—Judge. Strategy. He—l am in love. Will you be tnj confidant? She —Certainly. I am at your service. He—Well, would you advise me t* propose to you?— Life. A Legal Opinion. "What do you suppose is the cause o4 the large amount of insanity that ex ists at the present time?" "The lawyers for the defense, as a rule."—Puck. —"Et tn Brate," as the young Udy, who had just carried nfl" the honors trnm a fa-u --iouuble boarding school said, when her .uischievous beau swallowed the last spoonful of Dr. Ball's Cough Syrup. Thanks to the introduction of Salvation Oil, our young bicyclers need not fear a tall. 25 cts. —lf we could look into each other's hearts snd Bt*e all the woes and strugiib's und disappointments that lurk therein, there would be no envy in this world. —Try Dr. Grain" Grandmother no cure, no pay. Three months treatment. SIOO, for all blood, liver, kidney aud stomach diseases, at J. C. Kediok's. —The man who is generous and fools all his money away is the most popular wiih the young girls, but the older th*y grow the uioru they admire the fellow who stives his money. Au extravagant man is a hero U> a girl of sixteen, but a fool in the eyes of a woman oi twenty-ax. A Remarkable Cure of Rheumatism Mess. Cage and Silerman, of Alexander, Texas, write us regarding a remarkable care of rheumatism there as follows: "Tue wife of Mr. Wm. Pruitt, the Postmaster here, had been bed ridden with rheuma tism for several years. She could got nothing to do her any good. We sold her a bottle of Cliaiuberlaiu's Paiu Balm aud she was completely cared by its use. We refer any one to her to verify this state ment." 50 cent bottles for salo by I). 11. Wuller, hutler; A. Bowers, Pro -pi-ei; Breaden A Allison. W. Sunbury. —Oats are "brain food," Happy Homes. Thousands of sad and desolate homes have lieen mane happy by the use of,, Kose Buds," which ha\e proven an absolute cure for the following diseases and their distressing symptoms. Ulceration, Cou tfestion and Falling of tbe Womb, Ovar ian tumors, Dropsy of the Womb, Sup pressed Menstruation, Rupture at Child birth, or and complaint originating in ilii-e.ises <it the reproductive organs, whether frsin contagious diseases, hered ity, tight hieing, overwork, excesses or miscarriages. One lady writes us that afier suff-ring for ten years with Leucor rhea or Whites, that one application en tirely cured her, and furthermore, she suf tared no more pain duriug the n.eustrual period. "Kose Buds" are a simplt, harm less preparation, but wondertul in effect The patient cau apply it herself No doc tors' examination necessary, to which all. modest woman, especially young unmar ried ladies seriously object. From the first application you will feel like a new woman Price ~sl by mail, pont.paid. THE LEVERETTK SPECIFIC CO., 339 Wash ngton St. Boston, Mass. —Warmed skimmed mill applied to an oil cloth fioor alter washing will brighten it up wonderfully. —Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mystio cure" for rheumatism aud neuralgia, radic ally cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable rvid mysterious. It removes at onoe tbe cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The first doso greatly benefits. To cts. Sold by J. C. Redick, druggist, Butler. —Ham aud eggs," said tho customer "Two clttckt? wid a grunt," yelled the waiter to the cook. Chamberlain's Eyo sad Skb Ointment. A certain cure for Chronic Sore Eyes, Tetter, Salt Eheum, Scald Head, Old Chronio Sores, Fever Sores, Eawm, Itch, Prairie Scratches, Soro Nipples and Piles. It is cooling and uoothiag. Hundreds of oases have been oared by it after all other treatment bad It Is pat op in 23 and SO oent boxes. —Horseradish applied to tbe temples is said to be an excellent neuralgia remedy. Conaumptlon Surely Cured. To Tur Ssrro*:—Please inform your readuTu that 1 h»YO a positive remedy for tbe above-named dlaeaee. By lta timely UM thonaande of hopeleea cases have been permanently'eured. I shall be glau to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of your readers who hare consumption If they will send me their Lipreea and t. O. eilili—. Beepeot iuJJy. X. A. M/JQUM, U. 0., 1M fsart 8W X. JOLLY JOKELETS. Mas. OLDBIUD*— "DOW do you like »y furniture? You notice it is all of i antique pattern." Iler Dear Friend— : "I see. Nothing could be more appro priate."—Boston Transcript. Mao. COBWIGGKK —"Is the women'* 1 reading-room the same as the men's?" Cobwigger —"Exactly, except that they had to take down the sign of 'No Talk ing Allowed.' " —N. Y. Sun. "FATHER." said Mrs. Hicks to her husband, "let's go down and hear that boy preacher to-night. I'm very much interested in him. He and my grand father were schoolmates." — Harper's Bazar. "CHARLEt," said young Mrs. Tucker, "do men who go to banquets drink'" "Nearly always," was the reply, i "You see, dear, there are times when a man may be excused for drinking." "1 have thought of that." she said, pen i live'-", "when I read the speeches lb the paper."—Washington Star. A PARCEL OF DATES. A CX.CSTXB of mayflowers was plucked near Machias. Me., on January SO. IT was not until the eleventh century that leather uppers were made for shoes The wooden sole was still in use at this 1 time. POUTOUES ascended the Delaware river OD October 24, I SOI, as far as Trecton, Two of the school were killed oppc "tr Bordcntown. A ..to candle at Carroilton. Ma, whic.n was lighted December 3, burned exact' 642 hours and 49 minutes. There were 0,000 guesses made as to the dura tion of the candle, ranging from 1 hour to 35,000 hours. Gossip. Two gentle women talked one day— I overheard each word— And forthwith Siult me down %o pray For the poor abaant third. —Judga Hli Term* War* Cash. "And you didn't marry them?" ln» quired the bailiff "Was there some hitch in the arrangements?" "No," said the justice of the peso*. "There was no hitch The bridegrooai was strapped "—Chicago Tribune. Circumstances. Jones—You didn't get out to the meeting last night? Brown - No Circumstances over which I had no control prevented me. Jones—'i hat so? What were they? Brown—Twins —Detroit Free Press. Ths War with Man. Breathes there a mm with soul so dead Who never to his wife bath said: "I'll not forget a single thing That you've requested me to bring When I come home to-night:" And then Comes ectpty handed home again. —Detroit Free Preaa Nautical Item. "Yes," said Jones, "when my wile gets mad she reminds me of a vessel under way " "How so?" inquired Smith. "Because she's got her rancor up. Texas Sittings. —Cease your and enjoy the re freshing daintier, which Dr. Ball's Congh Syrup will insure you "Are yoa g»ing to the races f" "Yes. and bet on the winning borse." "Not the handsome Adbnllab, be is lame. Didn't yon know t" "I'll whisper in your ear,he'll win. They're are using Salvation Oil," —Recent lynching* in Arkansas havs earned a general exodus of negroes. It is estimated that 2000 have already made preparations for going to the Cherokee Strip, when thrown open for settlement. —Pare blood is better than "bine blood." To bave pure blood, take Hood's Sarsaparilla. New Washington Penn., People. Are not slow about taking hold of a new thing if the urtio'.e has merit. A few months ago D-md B/ers, of that place. bought his first stock of Chamberlain's Cougb Remedy. He has sold it all and ordered more. He says: "It has given the best satisfaction. I have wan-anted every bottle, and have not had one come back." 5o cent and SI.OO bottles for sale by. D. H. Waller, Batler; A- Bowers, Pros pect; Breaden <k Allison, W. Sunbury. —The demand for American apples from abroad continues surprisingly strong. Up to Saturday night the export* this season were in round number* 1 ,4'J0,000 barrels, against 415.000 last year. La Grippe Successfully Treated. "I have just recovered from a second attack of the grip this year," says Mr. Jas. O Jones, publisher of the Leader, Mexia, Texas. "In the latter case I used „Cham. berlain's Cough Remedy, aud I think with considerable success, only being in bed a little over two days, against ten days for the first attack. The second attack I am satisfied would hive been equally as bad as the first bat for the use of this remedy as I had to go to bed six hours after being struck with it, while in the first case I was able to atteud to business about two days before getting down. 50 cent bottles for sale by D 11. Waller, Butler; A. Bowsers, Pro spect; Breaden & AlH«"ii. W. Sunbury. —Who c-iu prove that a buy isn't happi er in his first p-tir of pints than Columbus was when he discovere d Auurioa. —C D. Angell, well known to all oil men, has g,.u« to Caihuahua, Mexico, where he will have charge of the El Soc coro mine. To Consumptives. Tbe undermined having been restored >• Health by uruple iiiesns. utter suffering lot several yearn with a severe lung affection, md thai dread disease Consumption is ■ QXIOUM-Ui make Cuowa to his fellow siill»r srs the iueaus o> eure. To those who desire H, be will cneertuU; send I tri-e of charifr) a oojiy ot tile |irenvrifi!li>ii used, nmch the> j will fiDd a sure cure lor Consumption Asth ua, Catarrh, Kruuchitis aud all throai aud lung Miladies. He hope* all sufferers will try bis Ueuiedy, as it is invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, which wil< com theui nothing, and may prove a bless tug. will please address RKV. KDWAKI) A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, New York. —Who is it that takes something from something and yet leaves everything as he finds it T The photographer.— Exchange. Not cnrrec t. lie leaves a shrinkage in the subject's pocket-book. —The spring bonnet will be largely com posed of the springs thereon. —The messenger boy's motto: "You touch the button, we do the resting." Save Yourself Money. When you go to Pittsburgh, Pa., stop at the Anchor Uotel, coruer Liberty aud Fourth streets. It i? a strictly first-class Hotel conducted on the European plan. Lodgings, 25, —33.—0r 50 cents. —lndia bus 277,200,000 souls. —Uncle Sam has 250,000 Indians. —The Japanese language has no oaths. —£eed is the largest man in the Hons*. —Victoria's region has seen fifteen wars. Money in Cabbage and Celery. "Blood will tell." Good crops caauot be grown with poor strains of seed. For sixteen years TlUinghast's Paget Sound Cabbage Cauliflower and Celery Seeds have been gaining in popularity, The most extensive growers all over the Union now consider them tt)e best in the world. A catalogue giving full partic ulars regarding them will be sent free to any one interested. Wheu writing for it enclose 20 cents in silver or postage stamps and we will also send "flow to Grow Cabbage aud Celery," a book worth its weight in gold to any grower who hy has never.read it. Address ISAAC TILLINGQAST, Lift Flume, Pa. Thin Is The Lowest Price Ever given on a Bed Room Suite Solid, Polished Oak, glass 26x30, beveled plate, FOR $23.00, We ofTer this suite for 30 days only. Our Bed Room Suite for sl9 You can't get elsewhere for less than $23 to $25. We don't only offer the above goods at low prices, but anything In our store away down In price. All we ask you to do is to examine our stock and you will say as we dc—best goods for least money of any FURNITURE store In the country. —~Tgftooon HI i Campbell & Templeton, 136 N. Main St., - - Butler, Pa. FOR THE SOLID AYS ONLY JEWELRY, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 per cent by purchasing their watches, clocks and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No. 125 N. Main St., - Dufly Block. Sign of Electric Bell and Clock. All arc Respectfully Invited —"Remember our Repairing Department—2o years Experience. , RINGS, Diamonds I STUDS, r GENTS GOLD, Watches LADIES CHATLAIN, Tntimli.fr ( Gold Pins, Ear-rings, J LVr CII \ j Rings. Chains, Bracelets Et^ { Tea sets, castors, butter dishos Culvorwdro \ and everything that can be V fcyl V\ ell t; | found in a first claas sto r e, TOM IRES. Ilfl E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER No. 139, North Main St., BUTLER, PA., Tln Dairy Sweepstakis, The Creamery svatpsttw THE GRAND SWEEPSTAKES. * ®'£S COLD MEDAL,SHIk Wu twwM (• Butler 9Ui* by At COOLEY CREAMER PROCESS,■■HI wiSTST*® 23d COLO MEDAL Bsga..tßsmaasaßaa? VUMONT .SfWttSZ* We Are Still Offer ing through the month of Jan uary special bargains in wall paper utock to make way f<>i spring goods. These price* can't continue on new goods, but we must have room. Also if you want in fancy goods left over from the holiday season will sell to you at cost or lets than cost. We're stocking up on all lines of staples nnd want you to be on the lookout for our new things. J. H. Douglass, Near Postotfice, Butler, Ha. L* C- WICK DIUXBK I* Rough and Walked Lumber O f.Atl KIHDB Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Shingles and Lath Always In Stock.) LIME. HAIR AND PLASTER. Office oppoiit« PAW. Depot, BUTLSK, - - PA TURN ON THE LIGHT Imd let It ■•<U every ■■< l child I VHr " d Knows of th« I Jeicelleeej el Gosser's Cream Glycerine. It is the ideal Cosmetio. It stimulatee the nerves, quiokens olrenlation and carries away dead panicles of the skin, leaving it fine and olear. It has no equal for Otaap* ped Hands, Lips, Pace, or rougbneee »f the skis, and is not esoelled aa a dressing for the faoe after shaving. It is a bland, oreainy emulsion, with Just esoagh vege table oil 10 soften the skin. Vo lad'' or gentleman should be without it. Be sore to get the genuine. Take no substitute. "For sale bv J. 0. Rediok, Drug- Ua'ler, Ps. LADIES Muslin Underwear. Muslin Gown* at 50 a,75 a, #I.OO, #1.39. #1.50 and #1.75 «*oh. ilusiia Skirts. plain or trimmed with Emdroiderr or Laoa at 50 0.. 76 0., #l-00, #1.25, and #l-50 eaoh. Muslin Drawers, plats or trimmM to e. to 85 o. Moh. Muslin Chemises, 35*0. to 60 Bach. . Always.best Values In Hosiery. Huts at half price. M. F. & M. Marks'. 113 and 117 South Main Street. —— Advert! »• i« the Citiasa. - Leading Millinery House - We sre now reedy to exhibit this mm •d'» styles o( E~R Y Id every deeirsble sty E sod quality Oar stock is udusually Isrjrt. »od sttractive. Trimmed lets sad boa nets of si I descriptions—felt bets, v#lvet bsis snd w*ilor bat* H U sod boooeu trimmed to order. Tb* Israel sod moet complete ewck of velvet* ribbons, tips, quill*, Bird* sod wisps *ver broagbt to Batler. FOR CHII.DREIV Hoods, cspe, ssilor bats in great varietv. MOURNING Hats snd boooets ivceive oor best stteotijo, a complete .ia? s'wsvs oa band. ' "SJD.T. PAPE,-5~ HENRY BIKHL 122 NORTH MAIN STB EFT. F*TJ : LER - zftjshst'a DEALER IN Hardware and House Furnishing Goods. Washing Machines; the 2500 the N.». ~ icving miicbint, ~so Kmpntw; Sunshine & How .nl mnges, K BHO M Stoves, table and |«rk*-t B ■ cutlery. hxn-.'itig lamp; K iniiiulncturer of tinware, tin B rooting and spouting a spec laity; the Johnston mowers, reaper and sieel frame binder. Warren ready mixed paint, warrented; screen doors and windows, refrigerators and lawn mowers. No better pi <ce in the city to tr id's. Come and see my large store mom full of goods, 136 J feet long. WHERE A CHILD CAN BUY AS CHEAP AS A MAN 1892 STOfil BIRD. 1892 IVo. 8458. RECORD 2:35 AT FOUR "Y EARS. (Bought of McFerran & Clancy. Louisville, Ky.) St r ed by Lord Russell, Full Brother to Maud S, 2.08 3-4. Sire of Kremlin. 2 225; Aids de Clare, 2.265; Km* RumcU. 2 265, snd «*ren others with record, of 230 si ten }esr« of age. Tnia i* more thau any oilier .taliion st teas sge. Ist Dam, Storm, record 2.26 3 4 By Midd'etown, No. 152. Dstd of Gale. 2 275; nslf in I 10$: Storm Sire or Orange Bad. 2 21$; Slu-*. 2 21$; Bird, record 2 35, quarter m 36 »«coud#; Typhoon, record 2 365. 2d Dam, Green Mountan Maid .... By Harry Clay 45, re ord 2 29 Dam of Elaine, 2 20; Pro«p«ro. 2 20; Sire of 9ittwln.lt, - J6, Clot too. 2--4 i; Elints. 2 20$; Dann« Trot, 2 22; Man*- *urpriar. 26. «>i ih> darn- »l :»l Jul e». field, 2 26. St«r u. 2 265. Anioui.. 2 2*l; 2 llj. I».»n»e. 2 l»j. Slm. the gTest Eliua. 2 295. Marina*. 231; Eufco ULtcTIoSSt,K TIONEBK. elre of Sunol. 2oS|. Palo Alto. 2 OS}; Arjon.(2j2 lOf.a.iU ..iiiety •eveii oilier - in 2 30 STOKM BIUD tia* for grnnd dvn» Urei n \l -u >1 • Maid and ■ i»- Ku •■•II. the two greatest brood mare* kauwn t» trolling it»r«" 1 - We will muo urj»« f«* thio year more liberal than auy otßer h.»,-»e of j<l .Merit. TERMS; SSO TO INJURE. Seud for tabulated pedigree. BUFFALO BOY, 8883. Sire. P.iush» ir n B.ir. 17J) r.>■•>.• I J .'JI; * r.» >' tt Ti » '1 i, J I-•. U"f 2-15$; Priaee**. 2 ll>i; vi »rir. 2 20; N' -ili- it 2 21, t" i- .'-1 . - -ij « i four teen other- in 2 30 sad t>ett.-r l»t dam L.«l. S, record 2 •'>o i> 3 i Jl.l ■ I. a' ~ r. ~ ■- f - «r. • JO; .bo by American Star. Jr . 377J 2d dsm 14i»« Cotliuu*. ilit.n ol Stephen M. r -. - ,r I 'Z 2). L ■ s I-'a tl* ®*r rie* tbe name p«r ceut. of - 1 2I" ■< " " - "1 • 1 tr.' **. TEKVIS; $25 l O I N *>UKE. Both hor«>* will be found at my t>aru. 3$ mil' - >■ '• i"*' ,i-«- . I *ill be plettMol to »h'»w them at all luu. ». Sau»a;n pted. I' • I' : - ' • an,. .rtaer information call on or aJJreea, ALONZO McC ISLF, PA. LOUIS No <654. (i KKi nhKU.V ) Black Uorne foaled IfWC Sire Bt*u X'-vi* 11)97. Ram Dum«nt 1600 A larire ratify bor»« and a perfect »p.-ci man of the illuittrion* family ol Jioruwui Draught h Pronounced by all tbo btMt of all purjx>-' hofMn*. Weight—l 800 uounda. TEKSIS—TO INSURE - - #lO 00 The al>«vo leacribel h«r«en will »t*uJ f>r » ;vie«* «l*i mji ti.- -»-.n •• InOJ a* follow*:—Moiidav and Tu>-"tay of each week a' Pro-jwo . Pa., t ><l ti- r» u*i uer of th>' week at tbe xtable "f Ih""-iwuer in » .r iHf Ur»J. t->«- i-4 milea nurth of PriwjMwt, Batter county. Pa. Proper care will be taken 'tut III> acc" : labilit. -i n >l. J. H oaVli, it?ior. Prc!»pfct, Pa. To Close Out Our Winter Goods we off>*r all Uurr Underwear. Scotch Cap*. GI"Ve«. Heavy Suit* for men and boy*, ileavy Sbiru. etc., at a SWEEPING REDUCTION. We will »ell any overcoat In oar ittock at cost. Come and look at them. We mean ju*t what wo nay. You can bare any overcoat in uamtock For Just ft! We Paid For It io >'ow Tork City. A a thew coats were bonght Below The Market tbif if A Rare Chance. RACKET STORE L2O K Main -~t. Kutler, Pa. wtati Aim REMEMBER. ror ntwir £g. "Tluight I. N. FINCH, It KHTBriELP ST.. PITTKBI'BGH, fk |<<>pp. Mooongabela Boose.) MatctUes* for FatuUy use and Medicinal pur % pose* are riKCU* GOLDEN W«">DTNO. ' A*l «1 GITCJiENHEIMKR H V- rllriKY. OVERnoi.T'B WHI-iKY. f « qt* DILUNciEK-8 WHISKY. ) tor $s Goods Dputly packed and promptly shipped Fan or ExrsNss on receipt of rsah or pool olßue order. expressed C. O O. Ssufl let iT.ce Lwt- Enilis^Sh:r« Buy il-ffo* IVilrl iMi A gra. .i ln>.ied a:.(I t"Ui(..«i-lfy bunt bmn; Sirt-o li_; cVuii.-g i ting Jam Waraock 2333 Tii<s ENGI.I.-U SB IKE HiMrroaiMif •nf rhr- frMU>'t "I all draught l»>r»i"- and ! belter U] rl •»( lii< kind r »irt»r b- en Will »ri«li («»1 **i«r>4.) FEKM>—TO r.N'.-I'HE - - JU-OO Cl\rialmua Kor Kvery body. B"->aiifat Pw-fOll tb»t uieft si] ttnd hII want* ia trr»t' r*ri*t» to »u t all ts-ies now on «*xbihittorj si Redick's Drugstore Fancy inxnin sod Novelties. Toilet Articles* aid Notion*. V\ t»11»- we rsrj oot d»-«rrih»* <ir enunifT»"«« var g<~e* t variety. w«* ««fx v»-r? (jUrt 10 eho*r tbeoi to ull visitor*. We cl»'m for our Btm-k « i >-i|»-ik-«* ioqusiitj-. v%- riet* in. deciyn au«l '• ft*"o*»»le price*. Wbat«-v»-r jour »»r in y l«.»e rta inert ibt-ni *itii ifa »nd spro prik'r M'lrrti'MM M>lie>t t C >ai piric o ' "<>r .os and p ice#. K um >(!.' \ u wit. r. d our Uolidaj t<oode Ibe best aCid beaprst. Keepect fully, J. C. RE DICK. FOR SALE. A jrenersl s'ore n » ff> i loc* tod doiuif » go a ia*'o-u. Q td rt-ftftonn tor fellu»jf Terras rt*ft«ouftOle. Inquh* of L.S McJU KIN, i aUer, PA.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers