The Price Broken Rubber Goods Forced to go! The greatest rubber sale ever known In Progress at BickelV ! Men's Rubber Boots |2.00 Boys' Rubber Boots Si.4o. Youths' Rubber Boots SI.OO. Child's Rubber Boot 90 cts. Read and Wonder! Come and Buy! Men's Rubbers 40 and 50 cts. Ladies' Rubbers 25 cts. Misses' Rubbers 15 cts. Child's Rubbers 10 cts. Customers Delighted! Competitors Depressed! Ladies' Buckle arctics 65 cts. Ladies' Cloth alaskas 40 cts. Men's Cloth alaskas 50 cts. Perfection overs for felt Boots 66 cts. Rich and Poor Alike are Benefited. Men's Kip Boots $1 35. Boys' Kip Boots SI.OO. Child's Kip Boots 5 Octs. Men's Working Shoes 85 cts. Boys High Cut Button Shoes 75 cts. No Cobwebs on my Goods. I Sell Ladies' Button Shoes 90, $1 00 and $1.20. Misses' Shoes fine 75 and SI.OO. Child's Shoes pat-t:p 50 cts. Bady's Shoes 10, 25 and 50 cts. Remember the old saying "The early bird etches the worm." Coxre to this Sale Quickly. It can t last long. Boots and Shoes Made to Oidei. JOHN BICKEL. BUTLER, " PENN ' A -Paris Robes Belford Cord- | New Spring Dress Goods . L, H FOR EARLY BUYERS: "We received this p* week our first shipment of New nj 0 Spring Dress Goods and through this advertisement we extend a 02 cordial invitation to you to come ■W and Jook through our stock ( whether you wish to purchase or O J not ~ 1 -TROUTMAN'S - S I Leading Dry Goods and Carpet i House. -Henrietta Serge • List of Applications for License. TUe following applications for distillers. wholesale, tavern and restaurant license to sell vinous, s|.lriu>u«. malt or brew.-d 'lqtior*. or any admixture thereof at thai naied below are now tiled In the ortice of i lie Clerk of Quarter Seas ons Court of Butler county. Pa., and will be beard by Uie said Court on the 4tli Wednesday or Marcb, IBOT. being the _ta ua> thereof, aud continuing from time to tiino until all applications shall have been heard. DIsTILLKRi, Names. Kesidence. Pl*ce for which application Is made. George Stahl. Zellenople. Butler Co , Pa. New castle St . Zelieupple. Pa. A. Gucicennlmer £ Bros. Scii ward, Allegheny, Pa. Montrose Dlst'y, BuCTalo twp, Butler CO, Pa WHOLESALE. George W. Campbell, 114 E Wayne St. Butler, Butler Co. Pa. 1-22 E Wayue St. 2d ward^Butler j George Eelber. l'.O X Main Sr, 3d wd 138 E Jefferson St. ;• i Jaco-i Helber. 129 E Jeleri >A it SM wd " " " " . „ . . u K „,.„ P ,, John McQ. Smltii. 3i ward. M 1 8 Main St. 2d wd. Butler boio Pa Fanny E. uamble. 439 X Wasulujtou St. Butler, Butler Co. Pa . 2« B Wayne TAVERN. Benjamin Forqner. Hlllentowu boro, Butler Go, Pa. Bllpperyroclc St. Millers town boro. Henry W. Stokey. ZeUenopla •' " (Bastlan House) Zell?nople " Charles Stokey, " " " (Stokey House) " Samuel Beam. Ha~mony •* '• (Beam House) Harmony Lewis X. Zelgler. " •• .Mercer St. •' Mrs. Caroline Bllnn. Evansburg " " (Beam House) Evansburg Charles H. Miller. ■« •' " (Miller House) " David Stewart. Kenfrew, Penn twp. " (Keuliew House) Penn twp. Frederick t'fabe. Sasonbuig boro " Main St. Saxonburg • Christian Kaabe. •• - " (Laube House) " John Dolan. MUlerstowu " " (Scluelber House) Mlllerstown " " S Augustus Hoch. •• " " (Central House) I Adoluhus Hoch. 1 •• " " " " *' William H.Jeliaon. Petrolla •' •• (Oriental House) Petrolla Luclnda Burnett " " Main St.. Patrick Snields. JelT-*rsou twp. (.iLfferson House) Jefferson twp. Mr*. M. lteihlng. id w, uutier boro •• (Wlllard Hotel) Butler boio Cornelius snodgrass. iic 21 s Malu st. " " (Vogeley House) I Howard Thompson. 2d wd. •' " (Lowry House) I John D. Browo. Henry Eitenmlller. 3d wd •• " (Eltenmlller House) M BESTAUKANT. Phillip Kramer. 3d wd. Butler boro. Uutlor Co. I'a. in W. Je lurson St. 3d w Clerk's Offlce, March l, 1892. JOSEPH CBISWELL. Clerk Q. S. Christmas Gifts F or Everybody. , Beautifuh Presents that meet ail demands and satisfy all wants in great variety to suit all tastes now OD exhibition at Redick's Drug Store Fancy goods and Novelties, Toilet Articles and Notion*. While we can not describe or enumerate oar great variety, we are very glad to show them to all visitors. We claim for oar stock excellence inquality, va rie' v in, design and reasonable prices Whatever yoor wante may be,we can meet tbem with beaatifa! and apro priate selections. We solicit a com parison ot oar goods and price?. Knowing yoa will find oar Holiday goods the best and cheapest. ReFpectfully, J. C. RE DICK. LOST SIOOO SnWJKXffit won. and will guarantee permanent position with salary and expenses paw weekly. Full or part time. Experience not required, stock complete, lni-ludiiin many X.j»i selling special ties. Elegant outllt tree. Address C. H. HAWKS & CO.. JNuneryman, BocUester, N'. Y. ntabllafaodun. TURN ON THE LIGHT Aid let It -v glimmer in : I1 t*Tory /mHLA man, woman and rhlld I (tiem and Kaoni of tke I jfU iexcellenrjr ol Gosser's Cream Glycerine it is the ideal Cosmetic. It stimulates the nerves, quickens circulation and carries away dead particles of the skin, leaving it fine and clear. It has no equal for Chap ped Bands, Lips, Face, or roughness nf the skin, and is n»t excelled as a dressing for the face after shaving. It is a bland, creamy emulsion, with just enough vege table oil :o soften the skin. No lad.r or gentleman should be without it.. Be sure to get the genuine. Take no substitute. "For sale by J. C. Redick, Drug gist, Hutler, Pa. READ AND REMEMBER. For strictly mire and reliable STRAIGHT LIQUORS, call on 171 ST. FINCH, 12 SMITH HLLH ST.. PITTKBCHGH, PA. KOpp. Monongaliela House ) Matchless tor FantUy use and Medicinal pur poses are FINCH'S GOLDEN WFDDINO. 1 AUtl Gt'CKBNHEIMERS WHISKY, 'perqt. , OVKKHOLT'H WHISKY. f # qts 1)1 LUNGER'S WHISKY, J tor so. Hoods neatly packed and promptly shipped Khkk of Kxpe.vsk on receipt of cash or p»w. office order. (WNottUng expressed c. O. D. Send lac Price List. JOHNSON'S LINIMENT \) v nrrmAL ui /f AFTcR -ENERATION^ 0 A HAVE USED ASD BLESSED IT. % J>ropp*d on Suaar, Children Tt, Every Traveler should Lave a bottle of It In his satchel. Every Sufferer . F t ?" SSKffSE TCUI np.odaohe. Diphtheria, Coturhs. < 'atarrh. Bronchitis, Asthma, Cholera Morbus. Diarrhcea, Lamcnera, Soreness In Body or IJmha, Stiff Joint! or Strains, will find in this old Anodyne relief and speedy cure. J'am ph let free. Sold everywhere. Prlee 3a cts.. by mail. 6 bottles, Jfecprcss paid, &L I. b.aJOIi>SON CO.. Bus TOX. ILu*. HUMPHREYS' Dr. Huuiphre> »' Bpe.ill.-. are scientifically and carefullv prepared Keniedk.-s, used for years in private practice and lor over thirty years by the people with entire success. Every angle Specific a special cure for the disease named. They cure without drugging. purging or reducing the system anil are In fact and deed the Sotereisn Rented!*** of the World. usT or rmnciPAL KM. rsicra I—Fevers, Congestions, Inflammations.. .-J j •2 Worm*, Worm Fever. Worm Colic -23 3— Teething! Colic, Crying. Wakefulness .'2 3 4—Diarrhea, of Children or Adults .'J I 7— Coughs. Colds, Bronchitis 8— Neuralgia. Toothache. Faceache <3 9—Headachex, Kick Headache, Vertigo.. .23 10— Dyspepnia. EUlousness. Constipation .43 U —Hupprr»Ni'd or Palnfal Periods .*23 lit—^Whites, Too Profuse I'eriods 23 13— Croup, Laryngitis, Hoarsened 23 1-I—Salt Uhcnm, Erysipelas. Eniptlots. .23 15— Rheumatism, Rheuciatlc Pales .23 IS—Malaria, ChlUs. Forcr and Ague. . .23 17—Piles, Blind or EleeillDS .23 19—Catarrh, Influenza, Cold la the Head. .23 20— Whooping Cotlgh .23 27— Kidney Diseases .23 28—Nervous Debility 1.00 30—I'rlnary WcakcoM, Wettln# Bed .23 SoM by Druffgrists, or sent postpaid on i*relrt ot price. Da ntufHtm' Mawta!. U4 pages. MAILKI> rate. Hr«PHnrTS' MFD. CO.. ill nilllsmSl.. Vw Tort. SPECIFICS- WeMSetllilitiil pure alcohol to make WOLFF - A : IS BLA.CKI.mi. Alcohol is goal for i. !.« r: it is good fortlie Bkin. Alcohol i- li. ingretlieutof O»logne, Florida -il> Bay Burn the well known fact \ We think there is nothinc too ci -il< • in a good leather preservative. Aciuc Blacking retails at :_V and at that price sells readily, people are so accustomed to Ix.v,: : ing or blacking at sc. and 10c. :i >- that they cannot nnderstand t!.:it a l !at! - ing can lie cheap at 20c. Wewnntto them with cheapness if we can, and to : - complish this we offer a reward of slo,Of for a recipe which will cnuV.c ;.b . WOLFF'S ACNE BLACKING at l , - that a retailer can profitably sell i : ai ; bottle. We hold this offer open Jan. Ist, 1893. WOLFF fit EAKDOLPH. it The Blmpl* applloailoo oT ter. eoitiDi, iteh, ■•ld by or »*nt by nail for SO at*. Addrtw Di »ViTn * SM, jvuxdru«irtfcflit Y CURED \F UNCOM-» R WANT ' NAME CP ' -V V I : ,-T T 1 IvtnvAr.THP 7* : a ' - \ '* , P.HAROLO I • ' v •- : FOR MEN ONLY? ITllUll-lTOf" LO3T or FAXUKO MAJIHCOI I'iln'liWHOtntrtlandNEKVoOß DKBIIITV, ffl'.l J' | Ml' | Weikneiß of Body and Kind, Electa Klll<<tl»llllnfßrmr«nr EZCCB&CS in Old Or ?OUHg, Bobuat, Nuble MaMIOO!) follr H»i(orrd. HOT* torolarv» and Strengthen >Vt Ah, I NDKVKLOPKD OROANBA PARTBOF f.fIDY. Absolulelj or.raiting HOSE TKEATMKM— Benefit* In a day. Ben t*t'.ify from 60 Plate* and Faraiga ConnlHe*. Write then. De«er!i>the Honk. expl&nalUn and proof* mailed (sealed) free. Adim,, ERIE MEDICAL CO.. BUFFALO. N. V. S DOCTORS LAKE ritIWTE COR. PENN AVS. AND FOURTH BT.. PITTSBURGH, PA. _ Allformsof Delicate and Com plieated Diseases rcquii InirCoN- FioKNTIAL ami SCIENTIFIC Med ication nro treated at tlus Dis i--:-.,iv vuh a Hiiccess rarely attained. Dr. 8. li Lake Is a member of tlio Royal College of I*l".y --.I '. uip and Surgeoas, and is tlie oldest and most j\;..•: icnoed SPECIALIST in the citv Special at • :i!:on ;;iven toXervmis Debility from ercessive .w. nt!!lc\ertlon,indiserction of youth, etc., caus iii!; I'livslcal and mental decay,lack of energy, le<pondeney, etc.; alsoCaucc-». Old Sores Fits, I iU'ri, I'lieiiicatiHm, and all diseases of the Skin, lojd, I.unzt, I'rlr.arv* 'i"(r:ins,etc. Con«':ltafon tree and strictly cuafldential. OfSce hours, 9to 1 a id 7 to 8 P. II.; Sundays, 2 to 4 P. >t. only. 1 at office or address LAKE, Co ft. liXX AVE. AND ITU ST..PITTSBURGH.I'A. OIIPTIIRC \ We the undersigned were nU~ I U"t , entirely cured of rimture by Dr. J. '<• Mayer. 831 Arch St.. Phtladetph a. I'a., s. .) nes I'liilliiis, Keunet Square. Pa. ; T. A. Kreltz. SlaMnffton. I'a.; E. M Small. Mount Alto. I'a.; Rev. S. H. thornier, sunbury. I'a.s l>. J. Dellctt. 214 s. Twelfth St.. Iteadinc Pa.; Wm. Uix. 1526 Montrose St.. Philadelphia; H 1.. Rowe. ;M9 Kim St.. Reutllnif. Pa. : tieorge and Fh. Itnrkart, 43a I.ocust St., Iteading, Pa. Send tor circular. Colton Root A recent discovery :.y an old «wfUDV'-rm i physician. Sucee>sfully used ■H WalV '\ tnoiithly bj thousands ol ■f JBf* 4»» Ladles, la theonly pr»-l''i ily MH XK safe ;ind reliable lned.ilue discovered Heware <»i un icr Hi -diciias lu COTTOV KooT i OMPOCNU. take no substitute, ■>! inclose *1 and ti c ut.s 111 postage In letter, .md we will send, sealea. oy return in.til. Fall seal ed p .rtlculars in plain et.vel.iih-. lo ladies only. 2 Stamps. Address I'und l.lly C< HIJI IUV. No. 3 Fisher Hlm'k. lietroit, jncU. Sold In Butler by N.Boyd .I.F. l alph, .1. C. HeJlck and dnwifistseven where. DUCTaR J B. EOBENSACK'S MEDICAL tJFKICES. 20(1 North KK('tlM) ST., PH!L*I»KH'HI.I. PA Are the oldest lu America lor the treatment ot BPKCIAL DISEASES *nd KHTIIH I. EKUOKS, Blood Poison. Nervous Debility. I'lcers, Run nings, Discharges, htrictures. Bladder, Kid ney, aud Skin Diseases, Varicocele, Hy drocele, Rupture. Permanently cured by Improved methods without detention trom business. The; Doctor's success is due to his llie-loug experience and study; to the pure vegetable remedies used and to the thorough examination aud watchful at tention Kiven (.atlents during t leal men t. \ forty > ears' establishment Is our guarantee ot succe.'s. Ottlcc hours, 9A.M.tul p. M . to 'Jr. M, All day Saiuroav. hjudays, 101 >l2 A. m. -end stamp cor book. A. J. FKANK Ac CO. DRUGS,. MEDICINES, and CHEMICALS FANCY AND TOILET AKTICEH, PONGES, BRUSHES. PEKFUMEKY. &. iW~ *avsi claui' Prescriptions careiully co.. unded. 5 S. Main Streel, Butler, Pa. - Ad •" •• ■"•>.vs proves Uet'.ro p!atiu;?«nj • Ncwsia,. r \ Jvcrtising coua->lt ci rHOMIAS, A ,| TSIIIBUU TA, THE CITIZEN UHCELLA NECU'S A MUtake of the Day. "Didn't you say the other day that the 21st of December was the shortest day of the year?" asked Cumso. "I did," replied Fangle. "Well, It isn't," retorted Cumso, turn ing his pockets inside out in the hunt for a dime "The day before salary day is the shortest." —Life. I'liijlng ft Skin Game on Him. Uncle Humstead —I'm layin' fer the mink that killed them chickens. Frank Towner —Going to get square with him, eh? Uncle Humstead —He'll pay fer 'em, yet. His skin is wurth three dollars. Frank Towner —Oh, I see; you're go~ lag to take it out of his hide. —Jury. A Boomerang. "Did your plan to stave off your cred itors, by having the newspapers say you had inherited 51,000,000 from a distant relative, work?" "Yes—but I'm worse off than ever. I'm bothered more by beggars and rela tives now than I was by my creditors. ** —Jury. Genuine. They Bay 'tis dyed, her (rold-brown hair: But she denies it: And truthfully Did she but dare She easily could tell you where She buys It. —Judge. HE ROSE TO THE OCCASION. Harper's Bazar. Its Art E-luration Neglected. Dinwiddie (sitting at his friend's fire side)—l don't call this an artistic chim ney Shingiss (who is rather proud of some exquisite tile work about the mantel) — You don t? What's wrong with it? Dinwiddie-It doesn't draw wall.— Pittsburgh Chronicle. No In*lno?tion. Passenger (in a railway car) —Can't you make room here? All the other seats are full Twoseats—Go along; can't you see that I am sick? Passenger— What's the matter; trich inosis? —N Y Sun. Snow-Bnltiu|f. Pray tell me. sages. It you can, How it should come to pass That the small hoy's sure to miss the man And hit the pane of qlass —Judge. Wifely Gratitude. Mrs. Penwiper John, I wish you would dress better Penwiper—lt takes all the money 1 can rake and scrape to pay for yottr clothes. Mrs Penwiper lt's too bad', I'm uetuallv ashamed to walk out with yo*. —Puek AM UoiiMt I'fTort. •J.'»hn." vairt 'he minister's wife,"how manv more ! ;:ie-. are you going to recite that - eriu'-M vours'" 'Don't I ' i m"> my dear, if yoe p't-a-e." he r >i:-r! •[ am practicing what I preach ' N Y Sun 'Alas! Alas!" tiiii ilude explains, "in tin slender ankle I've go! pains." "Don't fret," said nm. tor whom hu had sent, "I have souie Salvation Oil.', "Aly time is up," said the doctor to the patient wlioui ho found using Dr. Bull's Coug- Syrup. Hid he was correct, for bis cough hud bi'i-n cured. —Wealth ha* more wants than povory . —For a prompt, effective, yet perfectly safe blood purifier, take Hood's Sarsa pariila. —Temptation is Satau's advauec ag cut —Try Dr. Gram's Grandmother Medicine, no cure, no pay. Three months treatment $1 00, for all blood, liver, kidney and stomach diseases, at J. C. Kedick's. —Easter this year will be on Sunday April 17th. * A Remarkable Cure of Rheumatism. Mess. Cage and Sherman, of Alexander, Texas, write us regarding a remarkable cure of rheumatism there as follows: "The wife of Mr. Win, Pruitt, the Postmaster here, had been bed ridden with rheuuia lisui lor several years. She could get nothing to do her any good. We sold her a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and she was completely cured by its use. We refer any one to her to verify this state ment." 50 cent bottles for sale by I). H. Wuller, butler; A. Bo were, Pro spect; Breaden 4 Aili?on. 'W. Snnbury. —The eftimated daily production of the McDonald field is now 25,000 bbld. How to gat *1 in. The only safe and reliable treatment for obesity, or (superfluous fat) i* the "Lever etto" Obesity Pills, which gradually re duce the weight and measurement. No injury or inconvenience—Leaves no wrink les —ants by absorption, This cure is founded upon the most sci entific principles, aud has been used by one of the most eminent Physicians in Eu rope in bis private practice "for live years' with the most (rratitvina results. Mr Henry Perkins, 20 Union P.>rk. Bos ton. writes: From the use of the "Lever ette" Obesity Pills my weight has been re duced ten pounds in three weeks and mi general health is very much improved. The principles of your treatment are lull)' indorsed by my "tuuiily physicians. In proof of my gratitude i herewith give you permission t'« use my name if you desire to do so." Price $2 00 per package, or three pack ages for s">.oo. By registered mail. All ordres supplied direct from our office. The LEVKRETTK SPECIFIC C 0.,330 Wash ington St., Boston, Mass. —Never hesitate about encouraging ev er'. enterprise that tends towards the up building of the community in which yon reside. —Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mystic c .re" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic ally cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upon the s.\ stem is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. lhe first dose greatly benefits. 75 cts. Sold by J. C. Kedick, druggist, Butler. —A fashionable mourning outfit is now a very expensive luxury. Reader, you'd better stay in town awhile longer and not burden your family with extra expense. Consumption Surely Cured. To THE Sorron:— Please inform your readers thut I have a positive remedy for the above-named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases havo been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any oi your readers who have consumption if they will send me their l_*pr**s and I*. O. address. Eespoct- W.'y, T. A. &LOCDU. M. 0.. 181 P«ari St. N. I. —A hotel keeper on the upper shore of Luke Michigan proposes to transDort his big hotel over the lake on a raft to Chicago in titne to open iu the spring of 1893, Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment. A certain cure for Chronic Sore Eye?, Totter, Salt Khoum, Scald Head, Old j Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema, Itch. Prairie Scratches, Soro Nipples ' and Piles. It is cooling and eoothing. Hundreds of cases have been cured by it after all other treatment had failed 1 It is put up in 35 And 60 cent boxes. Ttar Farmer'* l'lea»»nt l_lfe. Boston Girl (to Uncle James) —Do yo« like living <m a farm? Uncle James—Yes. I like it very mncb. Boston Girl—l suppose you like it well enough in the grand summer time, but to go out in the cold and snow tc gather winter apples, and harvest winter wheat, I imagine might be any thing but pleasant.—Texas Siftings. Holding Hi* Notci. "She is largely indebted to me," said the delighted opera composer as the fair prima donna began one of his fa vorite trills. "I don't see how you can say so," re joined his friend. "Isn't she at tliii very moment holding your notes?"— Baltimore American. Tp and Down. Young Jeweler—l've neglected mjr business, wild and failed. But I'm going to reform. I'll marry and settle down. Old Jeweler (a creditor) —Don't you think you had better settle up first?— Jeweler's Circular. "PERSONA NON GRATA." —Chicago Mail. Uis R«oouim«iiUtion. Briggs—How do you like your new furnace, Griggs? Griggs—Oh. it's just splendid! Briggs—Can you recommend it as a bang-up good heater? Griggs—No; but I recommend it as a good refrigerator. —llarper'B Bazar. Father to the Mau. Gcorgie Gazzam (aged tive) —Let me tell you the latest smart thing my fa ther said Benny Bloom bumper (aged four and a half) —Thanks, no: I'm tired. I have a smart father myself.—Jury. Caught. "This squirrel must be quite old," said Maud. "Why, no; he's not uiotc than a year old." "How does it happen he is so gray?" —Judge. —You should keep Salvation Oil on hand; it will cure all aches and pains. Price only 25 cents. Humbult, in bis Cosmos, thought he showed up the world Suppose he lmd lived to know Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. But he didn't, alas! —lt is a mistaken idea that loud talk gives tone to society. New Washington Penn., People. Are not slow about taking hold of a new thing it' the rticle has merit. A few months ago I) i viil Byi*rs. of that place, bought bis lirst sto. # \' of Cbamhorltkin'ti Cough Remedy. 1!" has sold it all and ordered more. 11K says: "It his given the best satisfaction I have warranted every bottle, anil have not had one come back." 5o cent and $1.01) bottles for sale by. 1). U. Wuller. Butler; A. Bowers, Pros pect; Breadeu «fc Allison, W. Sunbury. k .—Late to bed and earl} - to rise, shortens one's path to a home in the skies. La Grippe Successfully Troa.^-d. "I have just recovered from a second attack of the grip this year," says Mr. Jus. O. Jones, publisher of the Leader, Mexia, Texas. "In the latter ca.-e I used Cham berlain's Cough Remedy, and I think with considerable success, only being in bed a little over two days, against teu days for the first attack. The second attack I am satisfied would hive been equally as bad as the first but for the use of this remedy as I had to go to bed sis hours after being struck with it, while in the first case I was able to attend to business about two days before getting down. 50 cent bottles for sale by I). II Wuller, Butler; A. Bowsers, Pro spect; Breaden & Allison, W. Sunbury. —The three hundred youug ladies in the state normal college of Maryland have di>- carled corsets and exchanged their stays for Delsarte waists. How's This! We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward tor any case of' atarrh that cannot be cur ed by Hall's Catarrh Cure. P.'J. CHUNKY <fc Co. Prop-.. Toledo. 0. We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, a d believe him perfectly honorable in all busines> transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West <£ Truax, Wholesale Druggist, To ledo 0., Walding. Kiunan <fc Marvin, Wholesale Druggist Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces ot the system. Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testimo nials free. —One bullet tn its passage from a pis'ol bored through the knee of one mau, the calf ol the leg of another and cut ofi the toe of a third. To Consumptives. The undersigned having beeu restored to health by simple ine«us, utter sutleriuir for several years with a severe lung urtection, and that dread uioease Consumption, is nixious to mafee known to bm fellow stillrr ers the means ot cure. To those who desire it, hu will cheerfully send (tree of charge) a copy of the prescription used, which they will find a sure cure tor Consumption, \sthsna, Catarrh, Bronchitis end all throat and lung Maladies. He hopes all sutlorers will try his Remedy, as it is invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, which will aeat thtui nothing, .toil may prove a bless ing. will pleasr address RKV. I'D WARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Brooklyu, New York. —lt is better to do one good act to ele vate the th in it is to do a dozeu to comb down your neighbor's wickedness. —Au Euglishinau who recently visited Boston was most struck with the fact that the men use ice water in shaving. Save Yourself Money. When you go to Pittsburgh, Pa., stop at the Anchor Hotel, corner Liberty and Fourth streets. It is a strictly tirst-class Hotel conducted oil the European plan. Lodgings, '-5, —35,—0r 50 cents. —The man who lias no business of his own to attend to always goes to bed 'tired. —Jagson says that the man who claims that lectures are not what they used to be must b-) a widower. Money in Cabbage and Celery. "Blood will tell." Good crops cauuot be grown with poor strains ol seed. For sixteen years Tillinghast's Puget Sound C'ab'oage Caulitlower and Celery Seeds have been gaining in popularity, The most extensive growers all over the Union now consider them the best in the world. A catalogue giving lull partic ulars regardiug them will be -ent tree to any one interested. When writing for it enclose 20 cents in silver or postage stamps aud wo will also send "How to Grow Cabbage and Celery,'' a book worth its weight in gold to any grower who has has it. Ad lress ISAAC TILLING II .VST, La Plume, Pa. This Is The Lowest Price Ever given on a Bed Room Suite Solid, Polished Oak, glass 26x30, beveled plate, FOR $23.00, We ofler this scite for 30 days only. Our Bed Room Suite for sl9 You can't get elsewhere for less than 523 to $25. We don't only offer the above goods at low prices, but anything in our store away down in price. All we ask ycu to do is to examine our stock and you will say as we dc--best goods for least money of any store in the country. - Campbell & Templeton, 130 N. Main St., - - Butler, Pa. SELLING OUT. We are gelling oat nil our winter gt< ck of Boot* and Shoes away below the regular (.rices til tbtfe go< de. Ailbrektn lot? sod sizes will go at about HALF PRICE. or Ws. This h.orifice becomes necesKiirv in order to clean out all the odds and ends hs well «•> all i-xclu.-ivelv win'er tr >oa* to mike room for the oxceptiodallv lanre end fine B'o.'k >f sprin* which will soon b-' arriving Herewith we enumerate «i verv few of the Bargaios that will'be i'ffered at tm* -ale .Men's good Heavy Ki » b»ui- at §1 *25. and upward. Men's all soiid Metvv Winkmg .Shoe* a 75- and $1 00. MenV Fi >• l>re-s Sh. e> M $1 00 51 "25 $! 50 etc Women's Kx r.i Fiue Or<'-s S'w- .t $1 iU't 1 25 In fants iroat and kid Shoes I.V Children's. Fine Patent Tip Shoes at 50c Children- H aw Sn >e* in Huirou and Lace -25", 35c nnd 50e Boy's Button and ■ are Shoe.-. 85>r and SI.OO. We will .-til First Qu Iny Bi.t'»r »iood> nt a lower price th ID you can buy Knu TK where in the county. AL RUFF, FOR TIE HOLMS ONLY JEWELRY, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, Purchasers can save from 2.)t0 50 per cent by purchasing their watches, clocks and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No. 125 X. Main St., - Duffy Block. Sign of Electric Bell and Clock. All are Respectfully Invited —"Remember our Repairing Department — 20 years Experience. RINGS. Diamonds WFUDS ( G ENTS GOLD, f T7" j 1 . . LADIES '^OLD. Wat dies jGK Nrs s 11. vER ii A DIES CH ATL UN\ I 1 ( G Pins. Ear-rings, Jewelry ( Rings Chain*, Bracelets, Etc^ ( 1V;I sets., cantors, butter dishe -1• 1 . ami * very tiling that can b«- oil \ f ei W<ll ( | t<> ull : iii it tirnt cla*s *to«v Ntm IIK. Ml 'fS:'"."'"- E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER No. 39, North Main St.., BUTLER, PA., - - - ~ - | ' * * ||»! IjyY •. .1 o lI» t.r«v ,j(J 6 liar? C- •' -.utheioun:*., > ■ ;>'* »!>«*• Ik C W •• • - Nl Any one not now a ' Agm I vFortli from us before May l '.. __ f F !j«ICRSF..OB I Cr fiwt ccnt; '»»>• t* «-' ;,clsd " - n ! ' r ! D ZTCA a tacut of 40-11. f>::t FKF" - Loading Millinery House - We are now ready to exhibit this Muoa'i atylea of MIL-I.=l =N= E~ Y la every desirable atvl» and quality Our t«trck i-anumaliy larjfe and at tractive. Trimim-.* aot b-.i D*U of all dearripu< D*—f»-l: hat*, velvet baia and -tilar Hat* i bonnet* trimawd to < rder. 'I lit- lariat and n.r! r> ar|r n r -tiik of *elv- t* ribbons, tin*. quillr I ird- and win#* ever brought t.. Buii.r FOR CHII.DBEN Hoode, cape, bailor hat* in ijreat variety. MOURNINCT Hats and bo;.int.- reo vo our ber«t atunti »n. .* eomu'ete Hue alarav* ou hand Al "z s IDT PAPE Cheapest. | • ■ #» ■ Im» J | Sliest. EMIMi! SB I JUST RECEIVED 10 pieces Black Mohair Brilliantine 50 inches Wide at 50 cents per yard. This quality LtTtrgnld for lew? tb*n $1 p*r jard Our price 50 cents. Troutman's Leading Dr\ r Goods and Carj>et House. New Spring Embroideries and White Goods Just Received. HENRY BIEHL 122 NORTH MAIN >TBKKT. -3U" H.TD "R, - IIJNN'A DEALER IX Hardware and House Furnishing Goods. W.-i-hinj* Mwhiner, the A Standird FI .r j r-. Shntrle W* ' W tii<j H iii-iii.' farm vr*.'unv N-v Sunshine i How ird . m rjUjt) ■ S*. >•.>•«. tabl«* and K B M cutlery. a Umpi; K maMtttartnrer of tinware, tin J rating and -pouting a t>pec ialtj; the Johnston mowers, reaper and steel frame binder. Warren ready mixed paint, warrented: screen doors and windows, refn.tfratow and lawn mowers. No better pl*ce in the city to tr*d<». Come and see my large store room full of good*, 136* feet long. WHERE A CHILD CAN Br\ T AS CHEAP AS A MAN P^l * HAY- FEVER W Am \J COLD-HEAD mwM Elu'» Cream Balm u not a liquid, tnuf tr pomdrr. Appdtd M» Ot mtfrtU *ft _ quickly abtorbrd. It eUmmtm t*4 A*j d, ailag* injlammuM**, htmk _ A 50c The Dairy Sweepstakes, Hie Creamery SnepsJato THE ORA2JD SWEEPSTAKES, r COLD MEDAL, I! IVu atruJrd I* Baiter tlaif by IW l»wjj«>*; W jitii /COOLET CREAMER PROCESS.! Q| ' FjSLJ t Atthr«i!»u«lnjr.'tijMr of Uw ▼•rpoal DwryuMaN ■ !r% lafcto WH :«e I*a>athla.«iaßd f t.CT.thew lumow mrrmtj .vapXHor.: tta A. dbl tun. M«* wla \i > *sl tcr batter t toej ever uw TkU m»>«* ite x . 23d COLD MEDAL trrnmer. 8«b«1 (orFuJUuanWCtceulMa. W ~ VERMONT FARMJJACHWe F.U,, Vt. RABIES | Muslin Underwear. Muolin G«w . at 50 c.,75 e , «l 00. #1 -S>. $1 50 aiid *1 75 each. Mu>h» >kirt». pl*in or trimmed with Krmtniidfrj or Lac«J at 50 c.. >o c., H w #1 25. and *1.50 raeh. | Mu-dm l>r«wt»r», plain <>r trimmed JJ c. | to 85 r i-w'li . Mu-iiu Ch«fiui-«f*. t«» •*> r.acn. Always best Values in Hosiery. H*t< at half price. M. F. A- M. Marks'. 113 and U" Soath Main Street. FOR SALE. A general s'ore in a * >od locality a D d dointt a good bunineM. Good reason# lor seHinj? Terms reas j.iable. Inquire ot L. S. McJUNKIN, Butler. Pa. \ JVT>'TT^* 1 L" • I'ITUB" 'WeAre Still Otter in.' through the month ot Jan uary special bargain* in wall paper *t<»c< to mak»* way 1* r sprinir goods. The** prices | rWt continue on new gooda, but we must have room. Al.-o if >«»u want in fancy sr»»od* left over Iron [ the Holiday ;*ajH>n will *ll to vou ;»t c»*»t or than cost. Were *toeking U P '® lines of staples and want you to be on the Icokout for our new things. J. H. Douglass, Ntar l'oi»totfice, Butler, Pa. YOU CAN FIND «W, ■o &i< :n rm»>.« «» lh * i »_ I rocs.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers