Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, March 18, 1892, Image 3

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FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1892.
'Just received the largest line of
Spring Overcoats ever shown
In butler.
Good Melton Overcoats - $5.00
All wool 6ne Melton Overcoats
at - - - 7 00
All wool fine Cewsitnere over
coats at - 8 00
Imported Kersey Overcoats at 10.00
These goods we have in all shades
Call and we will be pleased to
show them to you
We are now receiving our new
Spring Clothing and Gents Furnish
Schaul Bros. & Co.
Clothiers aud
lirri.i'K has a papulation of about 10,000.
It is the county seat ol BuUer County, wit
Four railways, natural gas, and unequalle
facilities for manufactures.
I rofrress everywhere; new buildings, TIP*,
manufactures, a ifrowtnu and prosjierous towi.
New Advertisements.
Administrator's Sale, estate of J. C
Dissolution notice, W. A Goehring <fc Co
Mechanics' Lieu, Niggle vs Noble.
Anditors Report of Clinton twp. •
Fire Sale of Clothing.
The People's Store, locals.
Workers Wanted.
Fresh Seeds.
Bye wanted.
NOTE —All advertisers intendingto make
changes in their ads. should notiiy us ol
their intending to do so, not later than
Monday morning.^
In the Salt Lake Times of March sth.
we find the following personal: A new
candidate for admission to the press club
filed an application at au early hour this
morning at the home of George X. Ifl't
managing editor of The Tunes. The youujt
gentleman who tips the beam at nine anil
a half flat has not yet been afforded oppor
tunity to display bis particular penchant
hut his size would indicate that another
"fat contribution" Las appeared in the
field. Mother and son are progressing
Phillip Eifler, Campbell Wright. Harry
Hinchberger, and , foui
Btout young men left Butler Monday for
Denver, Col., on a tour of obserration.
W. D. Brandon, Esq., and wife are
▼isitiug his mother aud brother in Jack
sonville, Florida
John P. Wilson, Esq., became a "happy
father" for the tirst time a few days aiio
and feels the natural increase of import
ance and responsibility connected with
the event. The mother and child are do
ing well.
Mr. Grove, the grocer has moved to the
Riddle building, and Dr. Byers has moved
back to the rooms over bis office
Will Lusk, Esq ,tonk hisyounger brother
to scho d near Philadelphia last week, aud
then visited his elder brother, who is now
stationed at Washington, D. C.
S D. Miller, Sr. aud wife, ot Aspiuwall.
Allegheny couuty, are the guests of his
son ou West Pearl »t.
Mr. W. H. H Wasson, Representing the
Mutual Beuetit Life Insurance Co., ol
Niwark. N. J., was in town on business
E. P. Tnom is of twp. w is in
Butler Tuesday ou business connected
with Allegheny Church Cemetry.
Mr Wm Burena and Jno. A. McMurrav
of Marion twp., are seriously ill.
Mr. Joseph Moore and family desire to
express ttiero heart felt thanks to the
frieidsaril uuig iiior* vu > lent their as
sistance and sympathy iu there late
bereavement to Mrs. Grant, Mrs
Hooks, Mrs. llearduiau, and Mr. David
The Markets.
Our grocer* are paying 23 for butter, 12 •
for eg/-*. 4 ) tor potatoes, 35 for apples, 30
for turnips 50 lor parsnips, 75 for ouioua,
4 to 0 for cauba<e. 1 75 for beans.
Timothy hay from eouutry wagons sl2
t<> sl6. mixed hay sl2. wheat straw $6,50,
oat straw $-4 00. wneat bv oar load I.oo,rye
95, oats 33 to 37, corn 44 to 48.
Country roll butter 15 to 24, fresh eggs
in cases 15. potatoes ou tracK 35 to 3d.
apples 1.50 to 250 a bhl , beans 1.90, oab
bage ou track 3 to 4 eta a head, buckwheat
honey 12 to 15, clover honey 17 to 18,
maple syrup 75 to 80 a gal ,onions 75 to 80,
oniou setts $5 50 to $7 50, dressed chicken
14 to 16.
At Herr's Island, Mouday, common and
mixed stock sold at 3 to 4, bulls and dry
cows It to 3}
Veal calves retailed at 5J to 6J.
Sheep sold at 4} to 6|, aud lambs at 5 to
Ohio hogs sold at 5} to 5 40, with no
local hogs on sale.
Closed on Monday at 59}-, Tuesday at
, Wednus lay at 56J.
—Spring goods DO w arriving at
Horses Wanted.
We will buy two car loads of
Horses and Mares aged from four to
eight rears olci; weight from 1,100
to 1,300 pounds
Will be at West Sunbury, Wednes
day, March '23 d, and at the Wick
House Livery barn; Butler, Tuesday,
March 24ih.
Ice For Sale.
Those wanting ice will please leave
their order* at tb« City Bakery, No.
212 Souih Main St, aud they will
receive prompt attention.
8. MORRISON, Prop'r.
Guitars, Violins,
Mandolins, Banjos, Accordiens,
Strings, etc. at
Armory Building.
Best place to buy Table Linens,
Napkins and Towels at
—Take your children to Zaver's
Gallery (or Pictures that will suit
you. Postoffice building
Very low prices on Fine Umbrel
las at
—Hello. What is it? Why D
E. Jackson is selling dress goods 25
per cent less than they can be booght
anywhere else How so? Because
pe is selling that much below value
to close out.
—At the Normal School, Edinboro
students are uot marked with per
cent They are stimu ated by noble
motives and urged to do their best
for the sake of sell improvement.
—The wedding trip of one of the young
couples married this week wad to the new
—A train of empty cars was wrecked on
the P. <fc W. about a half mile above Ron
nie Brook Station, Tuesday evening.
—Frank C. McGrew of Prospect has a
Keystone Steam Driller and will take con
tracts for drilling and casing water wells.
—The Hoffman brothers have purchased
the Limber* store of the West End, and
will take possession on the Ist.
The name of Mr. J. P. Davis' English
Shire horse is Grovo Stuart and not Smait
Grove as it appears in his ad. on first
—Up «.n Brady street the other day a
boy discharged a revolver containing a
blank cartridge iu the face of another boy
thereby disfiguring him for life.
—The "Star-Lily Schottisch" composed
by T. J Edwariis, published by F. M
Woods atid sold by the Butler Music Co.
is very fine. Have you seen itf
—At Harmony, lately, A. S. Latshaw s
tailor shop, Goehring Go's hardware
store aud the P. <fc W. depot were burglar
Dale <fc Thompson sold a 12-acre lease
on the Auder.-ou tartu to Eastern Oil Co.
iOr $14,000; and Smith «L Leidecker a 14-
acre iea»e on saau to same for $5,000.
—Seanor it Co. bought twelve horses in
Butler last l'uesday. They will be here
again next week, as see tueir card in an
other place.
—Mr. A. McCandless of near Prospect,
this week, advertises nis two line otallious
Storm Bird aud Buffalo Boy. Storm Bird
is nis latest purcuase aud his pedigree
/-peaks lor itsell.
—During a row at a dance at Grange
Uall near Mt. Chestnut, oue night this
week a young inau bad some ribs broken,
aud E-<q. lieyl bad the unpleasant duty ot
imposing some tines next day.
—The general store of James A. Morgan
iu Parker twp. was burglarized a few
uights ago. Tue thieves were scared off
by Mr Everett, but had already secured
$25, iu chauice, aud registered bonds valu
ed at $4,400.
—Campbell & Templeton have purchas
ed the Harper McQuialion property ou
east side o." S. Maiu street for ssuoo, aud
intcud putting up a three-story brick im
mediately. Tne lot is a little over 32 feet
—The last issue of the Butler CITIZEN is
very creditable to its enterprise. It issues
a yery large antf well illustrated "Oildorn"
supplement, printed on a line quality ol
pink paper, wnich is full ot interest to
people in the oil country. —Franklin
—Eleren students of Westminster col
lege wore arrested last week, on charges
preferred by a demented girl, and taken
to Xew Castle where they gave bail in
SIOOO each for a hearing Mouday, and
were then discharged, there beiug no
evidence against them
—Mr. L G. Dodds, of Prospect, has
purchased the tntting-tired horse, "Hard
Wilkes," from bis former owner at Circle
ville, Ohio. Be weighs 1 200 pounds, was
sired by Bed W ilkes aud dam by Hard
wood. He is a tiue burse and will be
kept during the coming season at Mr.
Dodds' barn, two miles southeast of Pros
—On Friday last Dist. Attorney Bur
leigh of Allegieny Co., seat to every con
stable iu Allegheny county a list of all per
sons in the IVeuty thirl Internal R-tvenue
district, wh > have taken out a United
States license to sell olemargarine. With
the list he seul thin notification Your duty
requires you. in your quarterly returns to
include the names of alt persons selling
oleinargariue, etc., withiu your dist'ict. I
inclose a list of persons having United
States licenses for tile sale of said article,
aud with the aid of this list you can and
must return all off-uders The Court has
extended the time for the returning of
such dealers to Saturday, .March 1£) 1892.
at 8:30 a Tn , aud I would suggest that the
proper course for you pursue is on that day
to make a fail aud complete return in that
regard. The list includes 461 uam»s aud
was furnished by Attorney Willis F. Mc
Cook, and according to the ruling of Judge
Collier, the constables will have to make
the returns The Court holds that possess
ion ol a United States lieuus jto seil the
article is prima facia evidence that he is
selling it and smii.-ient on which to return
him. The dealers say they will tigut the
proposition wh m a case is brought to trial
setting up the claim that a sale must be
established beyond doubt, and that the
article sold must lie shown by analysis to
have been oleomargarine.
Facts, Fancies and Follies.
John H. Knight, of Pittsburg, will
lecture on the above subject in Cosmo
politan Hall on next Tuesday evening,
March 22ud. The lecture v."ill be one trt
the best of (be season.
"Th" lecture delivered last night by
John H. Knight in Mt Washington M E,
Church, was lull of interest and instruction.
As a speaker Mr. K iglit possesses a
strong, sonorous, clear cut voice a quiet,
telling humor, aud considerable dramatic
ability. Tbere were several really eloquent
passages in the address, which tbe
audience did not fail to appreciate, being
moved by tarns to tears aud uproarious
merriment. There was not a dull moment
or useless sentence iu the whole lecture."
—Pittsburg Church Telegraph.
—Kid gloves iu all the latest
shades at
Pianos and Organs.
The finest selection of reliable
makeß ever displayed io Butler Co.
Call and examine our stock before
Armory BaildiDg.
Slip; ery Rock Normal.
Attend the State Normal School at
Slippery Rock, Butler Co . Pa. Ex
peuses only S4B for 14 weeks. Ex
cellent advantaged in all branches
Spring term begins March 29, 18U2
—lf yoa want to get the best se
lections come S'tou before the stock
is ruu down, as everything must go
regardless of cost.
Lots of Wraps, Blankets and furs.
But you should come in aud see the
Price. They will as'onisb you
Truthful Advertising.
Is the only kind that pays, which
explaius tbe fact that Ritter & Ral-
Btou do the trade. R. & R.
Our Ti ade.
This month has beeu away ahead
of any former January. The reasou
is that wben people come
in and examine our goods and hear
tbe prices they invariably buy.
R. '& R.
—Zuver's Pictures leave nothing
wanting in fiutsh, tone or a correct
L ulies ant* Misses' Cloaks in great
: Variuy at lowest prices at
I L. STUN & Son'*.
' The March Quarter Sessions met Monday
witti Judge Hazen presiding. The list of
causes was gone over and some ca*es were
continued, notably those against Mr
Hoyt, the Millerstown banker. Tuesday
afternoon James F. Mills was taken into
Court and asked by Judge Bazen if be had
secured Counsel, lie replied in the nega
tive and was old to be ready for trial by
Friday morning.
Wednesday afternoon Mills was Again
ta'ien into.the Court-room aud informed by
Judge Hazen that he had appointed Col.
Thompson, Judge McCandless, Lev. Me-
Quistion and W. F. Forquer to defend
him. McCandless ami McQuistion imme
diately asked for a continuance of the
cai-e till June; Mr. Bowser, for the prose
cution objected to this, and the Court re
fused the motion and fixed Monday at 1
o'clock, P. M.. as the time for takiug up
the case, aud also made an order for se
curing the attendance of witnesses (or the
defense. The other business of the Comt
having been disposed of, the jurors were
then dismissed till Monday.
James Britin plead guilty to the charges
of breaking prison aud larceny aud was re
manded to jail for sentence.
Jesse Smith plead puilty to breach of
prison and was convicted of larceny.
James McClain was acquitted of the
charge of larceny.
Scott B*zen, Larcencv. not guilty.
A. D. Cook. A. <t B. not guilty but to
pay the costs.
W. L Campbell, embezzlement, case
J F Mills, J P Black, Jesse Smith.
Jas Britin, b.each of prison, plead guilty
Jennie Mcchln g. embezzlement, settled.
Louis Breneiiiau —seduction, setiled.
A Kill in. plead guilty to A <fc B and was
sent to the Work Hnu<e for six months.
M M Garvey, A <fc B, plead guilty,
A D Cook desertion, settled.
E Sahli, Surit) Peace settled.
I' Bearnat " " "
G Einrick,desertion recog forfeited.
R J Black convicte/l of A & B with in
tent to kill was sent to the Work House
for one year and fined SSO.
Nearly all the pieces advertised were
sold by the Sheriff last week, as follows:
All the right, tirlo, etc, of
John Gibie in 60 acres in Summit to C
Geihle for SB6O 00
Of Ei:z Kanisey in 50 acres in Slippery -
roek to W 11 Grine and W C Douglass lor
Of J H Mitchell and W M Keyser in 97
acres in Franklin to J J Stevenson for
Of W S and Susan S Ralston in 5 acres
in Muddycreek to D R Kennedy and O D
Meyers for SSO.
Of Sophia Knox ju 53 acres in Clay to H
Schneideman for $1375
Of D A Kamerer in 36 acres in Concord
to A Mitchell for SSOO.
Of U J Clark in 45 acres in Concord to
C Cochran lor SIOO.
Ot H J Clark in 57 acres in Concord to C
Cochran for SIOO.
Of John McMahan in 151 acres in Parker
to C Mangel for SIOO
01 G H Gibson in lot in Parker to Robt
Storey for SIOO
Of W A Vance in 46 acres in Allegheny
to A Weller lor SSO.
Of J R H Morrow in lot in Harrisville to
Emma Forker for $950.
Of C P Johnston in lot in Prospect to D
West for $25.
Of J M Wick et al in 12 acres in Butler
twp. to J S Wick for $999.
Of H W Christie in 40 acres in Butler to
John, Henry A and Louis Berg for $27,001
Of A 11 Burkhouse in lot iu Butler to S
G Purvis <£ Co for $175.
Of German Reformed Church in lot in
Butler to A J Naly for S2O.
Of Al W Mavs, adm'r, in lot in Butler to
M W Mats for $llOO.
Of M P Black iu lot in Butler to David
Dale for $260.
Of M P Black in lot in Butler to David
Dale for $230
Ot M P Black in acres in Parker twp.
to G S Gahegan for sllO.
All the other writs were returned or
money made in full.
Letters of adm'n were granted tr. Silas
aud S. H. Campbell on estate of S. P
Campbell, dee'd, of Washington twp.; also
to Jas. N Stein brook on estate ol John M
Bixler of Donegal twp.
A term of civil court has been ordered
for the 4th Monday of. April or the 25ib
J M Sloan ot al have brought suit
in ejectment vs B Forst et al for 47 acres
in Worth township.
F. X Kohler, Esq , was appointed a
commissioner in lunacy in the case of
Jacob Geihle, of Butler.
E C. Parks was appointed constable of
Allegheny twp. to till the unexpired term
of James Jolly, resigned.
M. T. McCandless declined to serve as
as supervisor of Franklin twp and, i.ewis
Albert was appoiuted iu his stead.
The Constable of Cherry t.wp. reported
the road from Pipe stem schoolhouse to
Coaltown. al"o the road from Christy's
bridge to Sunbury near Samuel Stewart's;
also the Hickory mill road ou the Hum
mel farm; aud the Court made an order ou
the Supervisee of the township.
The constable of MJ ldyereek twp re
ported the county bridge at Shaw's, and
the Court ruled the County Commissioners.
Quarter Sessions docket No. 17 is now
in use.
The Grand Jury recommended that the
atticol thejaii be changed. Inn did uot state
hnw, also tnat a perforated steel sheet be
placed over the back window, the repair
ing of all the cells, etc.—all nf which will
better the matter very little, as the entire
inside of that jail must be remodeled to
make it eitbur safe; or tit lor human being*
to be kept in.
B A Gibson to J \V' Gibtjon, 56 acres in
Clinton lor SSOO.
Jon Hartuian to A Black Jr, 100 acres in
Donegal for S3OOO
M E Vogeley to Sophia Lapham, lot in
Butler for $750.
G H Leiiiecker to Maggie Gulf, lot in
Butler for SI4OO.
11 Abernatby to M C Searing, lot ill Me
cbauicsburg for $250
11 W Bauie to Frank Latchbaw, lot in
Harmony for SISOO
Frank Latcfiaw to Alice Bame, lot in
Harmony for SISOO.
G M Leslie to Jno T Harbison, 48 acre?
in Middlesex for $3500.
Marriage Licenses.
Charles Parks Forward twp
Eva Osenbaugh " "
Harvey Turner.... Greece City
Etta Campbell " "
Heury Scbwongraber Lancaster twp
Elizabeth Eppinger.... " "
Charles J. Kape Cranberry twp
Amelia Smith Jackson "
Isaiah Youug Penn twp
Ida Scbultz Erie Pa
Wiliam M. McAlillen Jr Greenville*Pa
Mame Crowl Harrisville
Milton Graham Penn twp
Mollie Sutton " "
Wm. E. Burket ..Harmony Pa
Blanche Mohney ..... "
At New Castle, Geo. Walker of Keshan
nock Falls and Louis* Fidler of Harmony.
Largest assortment and best values
in Drees Goods and Cloaks at
New Broadcloths, Bedford Cords,
Henriettas ami Fine Dress Goods at
German Knitting Yarn, Spanish
and Saxony Yarns at
lce for sale at the City Bakery
—You can DOW save from one to
three dollars on a cashmere or henri
etta dress by buying from
—New wash goods in Zepherett,
Per-ian Mull, Mousseline, etc, now
ready for your inspection at
Best styles in Dress Goods and
Cloaks at
A stove and fine grate can be
purchased cheap bv any one neerjimf
those articles. Information given at
this office.
Full 35->nch mi-din f>r 5 ots. a
\ yard at Tas PEOPLE' B titmr.
The Capture of Mills.
James F. Mills, who escaped from the
jail here, on Friday evening the 4th inst,
and who is indicted for the murder of
Peter Dugan, was captured at ilarionville.
Forest county, last Friday evening, or just
one week after his escape, and was landed
in jail here next evening. Hnndreils of
people were on the street to welcome bim
hack to Butler, and his reception was as
enthusiastic as that ever received by any
man in Butler.
lie was taken from the train at the
junction, and driven to the jail, where he
was stripped of his old clothing and giveu
new, and placed in a lower cell, which is
perhaps a tride more secure than an upper
one. His pistol was taken from him and
examined, and the discovery was made
that it was a side or rim lire, while the
cartridges in were ceutre fire, and that ac
counts for his failure to discharge it at
Alter escaping from the officers at the
shanty up the creek, Mills hid behind a
rock, the officers passed him, he made his
way towards Millerstown that night, pass
ed through Millerstown Sunday evening,
got over the bridge at Foxburg Tuesday
night, and by traveling by night and hid
ing by day he nianagt-d to escape capture
till Friday afternoon, when at a coal sta
tion in Clarion county he asked the con
ductor of a freight train for a ride to Kaue.
The conductor was agreeable, and told
him to get into a freight car, and then
growing suspicions of the man locked him
up, and wired ahead of his capture. Ai
Marionville the train was met by Deputy
SherilT Kuhu of that county and posse:
Mills was taken in charge, the Sheriff ol
ti.is county was sent word, and Mills was
held and identified and brought back to
His leaving jail without apparently hav
ing made any arrangements for getting out
ot town was a surprising feature of his es
cape, but that may have been on account
of a little miscarriage of pirns, as then
are reasons for believing that he expected
to escape in time to make the 7:40 train on
the narrow guage that evening, and that
he would have been met by friends at u
station this side of Millerstown; but the
Sheriff did not go out for his evening walk
as early as usual that evening, and the
prisoners did not dare risk going out until
he had left the house, hence the failure to
make that train, and as neither Mills or
Smith were acquainted with the lay of the
land here, their subsequent aimless wan
derin abont that night.
The SSOO reward offered by the Sheriff,
was divided between Conductor Thurston
and Deputy Sheriff Kuhn of Forest.Coun
Able Testimony.
With a case of Humphreys' specifics at
the expeuse of a few dollars, every family
may have in their hands a source of relii-t
and help on any emergency, and may noi
only render themselves comfortable, but
in thousands of cases effect an ultimate
cure. The following unsoliced testimonies
are to the point and convincing: Frank
A. Fry, Newport, Pa.: "There is much
virtue in Humphreys' Specifics which have
been a revelation to our family, myself
included. Often have our family said, a»
we administered doses of the precious
stuff to our little children, "it is worth its
weight in gold." There is not a piece of
lurniture more highly prized iu our bed
room, than our neat Humphreys' Spe
V. C. Wass, Centreville. S. Dak.: "I
have used Humphreys' remedies in my
family for the past six years, and always
with good results. Individually I can sa.)
that 1 never have found anything to equal
Humphreys' Sepcific number 19 for
catarrh. It always brings speedy and
lastiug relief. You may refer any one to
me for a recommendation of your
A. G. Earnshaw & Co., West Superior,
Wis.: "I have used Humphreys' Spe
cifics for eignt years, and find they are us
necessary iu my lamily as bread aud but
ter. I have induced all my friends to u>e
Iheui, and they are always reliable if used
in time."
I) Stewart Elliott, Coffeyville, Kansas
We have found Humphreys' Medicines to
be invaluable iu the family and no reason
able amount of money couuld induce us to
part witli our case if we could not get
Tae World's Fair.
We have received the last iss'ie of the
"World's Columbian Exposition Illustrat
ed," the onl.\ authentic organ of the Ureal
Fair The object of this publication is to
give a complete authentic historical rec
ord sf Ilie COIU HIMOII Exposition. It con
tains 32 pages of official prvcedings, and
will give photographic illustrations print
ed on enameled paper, of all the exhibits,
hufldings, aud attractions of the great
Fair. As a work of art. containing the
most interesting information, it is invalu
able to all who wish to keep up with the
tunes and learn of the great international
It »ill be published semi-monthly early
iu the fall, making eighteen copies for
present ) ear. Price, $4. postpaid; 23 cts.
a copy. Subscriptions taken at this office,
where the papi-r can be seen, or send 25
cts. for sample cony to
Editor a u Publisher,
218 La Salle St., Chicago, 111.
We will cluli this elegant Magazine with
the CITIZEN at $o 00 per year lor both.
The Reason
For the great gain ia our business is
that when parties' buy a bill of us
tbev are BO we I pleased with the
value of tbeir purchases compared
with the amount of money invented
that they give veut to their satisfac
tion ia conversation with others, and
thereby become advertising aijeuts
for R & K.
Wraps, Kurs, Blankets.
Blankets, Wraps Furs, Furs,
Blankets. Wraps, a large stock aod
you can buy them about your own
—Justices aud Constables Fee
Bills, printed on card board, suitable
for posting—for sale at this office.
The Best in America.
That is the kind of Blankets we
sell. Every one who has bought
them knows it and eyery one who
does buy them will find it out.
Prospect Normal Academy.
It will cost you but a penny to
send for a catalogue of Prospect
F. W. MAOEE, Principal,
Prospect, Pa.
Don't forget us on Hosiery and
Gloves, we always have the best at
lowest prices
Shpets of Music of Every Descrip
tion at Half Price.
Armory Building.
—ln Plush, in Cloth, in Ladies, in
Misses, iu Childrens, Wraps we have
a large line, and we are going to
sell th<-m at what they will bring
If you want a grand bargain come in
Pupils' Monthly Rep rts, one
cent each, for sale at CITIZEN office
Buffalo Blankets, best for wear at
—Boarding Hi>use Cards, with Act
of Assembly 25 ceots for hulf-a uo&eu,
| for sale at CMUN office,
Bcrough Business.
At the meeting of the Council last Tues
day night. President Black appointed the
Committees as follows:
Gas—Harper, Borland and Vogel.
Sewers—Hoffuer, Ziegler and Hite
Street Paving—Schenck, Harper and
Finance —Perrine. Byers and Story.
Police—Stamm, Kirk and Patterson.
Sidewalks and Crossings—Kirk. Story
and Stamm.
Water—Perrine. Lefever and Byers
Fire—Ziegler, Togel and Patterson.
Permanent Street Committee—Kirk,
Hite, Patterson, Story aiM kefevre
The appointments were confirmed. It
will be noticed the live new members are
placed upon the Street Committee.
The most important question discussed
that evening was that of grades. Some
citizens of Brown Ave.,lst Wa£l, asked for
grade,and a profile of the wholo street was
ordered made and filed with the Clerk.
It would tave the town thousands of dol
lars to have all its streets plotted; and it
would also be a convenience to the people
who could go to the Town Clerk's office
for such information.
Several petitions were referred to their
proper Committees —A board walk was
ordered for Clay St., from the Lugiuh
Lutherarf church to Franklin St., —Burgess
lie Aboy called the attention cf Council to
a defect in the Peddling and Hawking or
dinance, and the matter was referred to
the Solicitor. —Ho also reported the col
lecting ol fines and licenses amounting to
$lOl2O. and nominated J. X. Clark for
special Police for two Weeks and the ap
pointment was confirmed.—Rev. Limberg
called th" attention of the Council to the
dangerous condition of Brady St., and a
committee was appoiuted and authorized
to take immediate action—The special
Com. on Centie Ave. reported against
paying any of the damages claimed.—
Some small bills were referred, and the
Council adjourned till next regular meet
ing night.
Until Wednesday, March 23, at 9 A. M.
In consequence of the late fire of the
large wholesale clothing house that recent
ly burned, over $500,000 worth of men's
and boys' liue clothing, hats and other
goods have been saved and removed to the
large building known as 49 Sixth street,
between Liberty and Peon avenue, one
door south from Hotel Anderson, Pitts
burgh, Pa. This building has been closed
for one week to arrange ior this great fire
insurance sale, and this great tire insurance
sale will commence on Wednesday, March
23, at 9A. M. Everything will be sold at
retail, 50 per cent, less than the actual
cost of manufacture. At the stock must
be sold in ten days, everything will go
rapidly. The appraiser for the insurance
company, after carefully examining the
stock of clothing, concluded that it was
uot so badly damaged as claimed by the
assured manufacturers, and, failing to
agree as to the actual loss, they were
forced to take the same and turn it into
money. Consequently the goods must be
sold at once in order to make a final
Below we qnote a few of the extraordi
nary bargains that will bo offered, and
bear in mind that there are over 30.000
different articles we cannot mention here.
Men's ribbed diagonal suits, $2 75, posi
tively worth $10.50. You may keep this
suit at liomu during the sale, and it it is
not worth $12.50 return the same, no
uiat'er what the cause may be, and we
hereby agree to return the $2 75. Men's
tine suits in cheviot and Scotch plaids,
$5 85, positively worth $lB, or your mouey
returned any time during the sale.
Men's "Royal" kerseys silk and satin
lined overcoats in tan and dark blue, $7 99,
positively worth S2B. You may keep this
co .t borne five days, and if not worth S2B,
return the same and your money will be
refunded, no matter what the cause may
Men's fine spring overcoats in several
different shades, latest style, well made,
$4 86. and well worth $lO 50, or money
Men's suits in fine, fancy and plain
worsted, in sever 1 different.shades, $7.89,
worth $22. Men's English cutaway suits,
$7 99. valued at.s26 You have the same
privilege on these suits as on the above
mentioned garments.
Men's cassimere pants, worth $3, for 98c,
Men's all-wool cheviot pints, 25 styles,
light and dark colors. $1 4'J, worth $5
Boys' pants, 5,000 pairs in all, at 19c. a
Boys' suits, $1 08, worth $4 50; good
socks, 6c. per pair, worth 40c ; fine
embroidered suspenders, 9c, Worth 60r ;
tine flannel underwear, 37c per suit, worth
$2 50; men's hats, 99 • , worth $3 75, all
shape.-; boys' hats, 15e„ worth $1 50. and
30.000 different articles we cannot mention
It will pay you to como 100 miles to
visit this great sale. If yon value money
don't inKs it. Everything sold as adver
tised. Now is your chance to get clothing
lor almost nothing VVe advise you to cut
this out and bring it with yon, so you get
exactly the goods mentioned here This
sale will positively commence Wednesday,
March 23. at 9 s M.. at 49 Sixth street,
between Liberty and Peiin avenues, one
door south of Hotel Anderson, Pittsburgh,
X B.—Railroad fare paid to all pur
chasers of $25 and over.
Rye Wanted.
The highewt market price paid for
rye at our mill in Butler, P i.
We Are Bound,
To clean out our wraps, hlanketa and
furs To do BO we are offering them
at lower prices than ever known to
the trade R & R.
The Readers,
of this paper have learned by experi
ence that we oever put in wild ad
vertisements. hut merely state facts
in regard to our stock aud prices.
Fresh Seeds Grow.
Fruit and ornamental trees
fresh from nursery, are
best and cheapest —no
agents here.
Beautiful Flower Seed,
Lovely cut flowers arranged
in richest designs. Illustrat
ed catalogue free of fruit
trees TRUE to NAME.
J. R. &A. Murdock,
508 Smithfleld St.,
Salary or commission to good men. Fast sell
ing Imported Specialties; also tull Hue
Stock tailing to live replaced KI<EK.
R. I>. Luetclitord 4 Co., Rochester, N. Y.
Farm at Public Sale.
I will offer at public sale, on
SATURDAY, MARCH 19th, 1892,
at 2 o'clock, p m., the farm known
as the John C Gibson's heirs farm
in Perry township, Armstrong Co ,
Pa , containing 109 acres, plenty of
good timber, good orchard, frame
bouse aud barn
It will be nnld on pavments, if so
desired Title undisputed.
Address A. B. GIBSON, Agt.,
Bruin, Butler Co , Pa
• »i i* i-uru 11 ri' • .1 . .
BEMOrC ...
>ll. will ctinriiftt tor ndTi'rUo.urf at {l>n<
North Washington.
The latest sensation
And all the rage.
Occurred here last Fridsy
Ti's "go on the stage,"
Xo; wait till 1 think.
Ti's "get off the brink."
Mr. Al Seezy of Xew Lisbon. Pa., has
moved into the Dr. Hoover house on Ea.-t
Mitlliu Smith is talking of leaving us
this spring, belter stay with us a while
longer Mit&in: One place is as good as au
other and far better.
Mr. Jaines Christy, who has been very
ill with gripp. is recovering slowly.
Mr. Sain A. Campbell is very ill with
that awful gripp.
The temperance drama. '"On the brink,"
given by the students ol the academy on
Friday evening, was very successfully
rendered. Xot-with staudiug the incleni
ency of the weather a goodly number were
present aud emjo_,ed the evening.
James Kumbaugh of Brady's fiend is
visiting friends here and vicinity.
O. R. Eavens will give an entertainment
at the close of his school.
Our oil men are commnceing to talk of
goiug to the oil field.
S H. Eavens is going to Missouri, April
1 where he will engage in the lumber busi
The World's Columbian Exposition.
Send 50 cents to Bond <fc Co., 576 Rook
ery. Chicago, and you will receive, post
paid. a four hundred page advance Guide
to the Exposition, with elegant Eugrav
ing of the Grounds and Buildings, Portraits
ol its leading spirits, aud a map of the
city of Chicago; all of the rules governing
Ihe Exposition and Exhibitors, aud all in
formation which can lie given out in ad
vance of its opening. Also, other Engrav
ings and printed information will be sent
you as published. It will be a very valu
able book aud every person should secure
a copy.
DR. BYROX CLARK, Specialist, in the
treatment of Chronic Diseases can be con
sulted at Butler, Pa., Lowrv House. Tues
day and Wednesday, March 22d and 23d.
e. c\ i).
Ready for All.
Everything that is new in Stiff
Hats. Our $1 50 end $2.00 are
wonders for the money.
Everything new in Soft Hats,
ranging in price from 25 cts. to $5.00.
All the new blocks in Silk Hats.
Greatest line of Furnishing Goods
we ever had.
An inspection will be an advantage
to any one.
Hatters and Furnishers,
242 S. Main street,
Butler. Pa.
measure at Aland's
if you desire a Fall
Suit, Overcoat or
Trousers, that are
made to the newest
mode and decree 'of
Our stock is large,
comprising a care
fully selected assort
ment of
Brown Scotch
Tweeds for busi
ness suits:
Black and Blue
Diagonals for dress
Neat Stripes and
Cheques for trousers:
Whipcord and
Crepes spec ial 1 y
made for full dress
And an excellent
line of overcoatings.
Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
Office Cor. Main & Cunningham fits.
Alfred Wick, Henderson Oliver,
Or. w. trvln. .lames Stephenson,
w. w. lilackmore, >'. Weltzel,
F. Bownmn. I». T. Norrls.
dm K-ticrcr. 'lias. U-bhun,
John Gruhman, John Koening.
Veterinary Surgeon.
Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College. Toronto. Canada.
Dr. Gable treats all diseases of the
Jomesticated animals, and mykes
ridirlinir, castration and horse den
tistry a specialty. Castration per
formed wi'hout clams, and all otner
surgical operations performed in the
most scientific manner.
Calls to any part of the country
promptly responded to.
Office and Infirmary in Crawford's
Liverv. 132 West .Jefferson Street
liut.ler Pa
>n it'vtftiti. fc * when nv, c*go, *»! l find »• . t-
The 13e**l Is^
none to good if y«n are
nick. The phytieuim ex
pects results and this eat
only be obtained when pun
drug* are dispensed. Pu
rity rare and accuracy in
retry department of our
hu.\iOnly registereil
pharmacist* are employed
and personal superristou
gieen to trery detail, lie
endearor to keep erery
thinij that M inquired for,
hut if we do not hare 1 chat
your prescription calls for •
ice will tell yon so and do
our best to get it for you
at the earliest possible
time. Xo matter what is
needed for the sickroom
come to our store. Our
prices are as law as con
sistcnt with pure goods.
Inferior ones we do not
care to handle at ant/
price Physicians prf*
scriptions and family re
ceipts a specialty.
C. N. HO\ D, Druggist.
Diamond Block, Butler, Pa.
NORTH A MERICA, 100 th Year
Assets $9,278,2*0.00.
Home of New York,
Assets $9,370,640.00.
Hartford of Hartford,
Assets $6,743,046.84.
Continental of New York,
Assets $5,806,784.91.
Assets $125,947,290.81.
Office of
Office in HI'S ELTON BUILDING, next
to the Court Hon«e.
CAPITAL Ptl.l l"p, ... gIOO 000.011.
JOS. Hantaan. Pres't.
J. V. Rltts, Vice Pres't, <\ A. Bailey, Cashier.
Jos. II art man, C. P. Collins. O. M. Russell
11. Mc.sweeney, C. IX Oreenlee, J. V. Rltts,
E. E. Ahrains. Leslie llazlett. I. O. Smith.
W. S. Walilron, I). Osborne. M Kiuejjan.
A general banking business transacted. In
terest piMd on time deposits. Jloney loaned on
approver security.
Foreign exchange bought and sold.
In Great Specially Co,
Harry Ricketts.
The inimitable grotesque Com
Al. F. Darcv,
The Favorite Comedian in songs and
dances in theatre.
Ainsly J. Kooiie,
810 HILL
Albino Sisters.
This Piogram is Subj:ci to
Alter tionji
Take the time to walk up
Fast JeffersonJutreet to K*e the
window-full of tine Remarque
Proot and Artists' Proof Ktch
inga. Choice $1.50. Christ
mas is coming.
LoTS. 1 will offer for sale a number of lots
Hltuated on the liltfli ground adjacent t<> H. II
tioucher, Esq.. and the orphans' Home. The
land is laid out In squares of something less
tban oil*- :icre. i-acli *(|uare being surrounded
by a 50-foot Mrr,-[. uofl containing Ave lots 40
feet front by lso ft-.-i li nk. Tb«-si- loin an- ,ifr»r
cd at very reasonable prices and on terms 10
suit purchasers, those who wish mi entire
square can be accommodated.
ALSO I win sell my farm In Summit town
ship.siluaied within one half mile of the Itutler
oorou gh line, adjoining laiuls «f James Kearns
aud others. 011 'lie Millerstown mini, anil con
sisting of I l'J acres. It will lie sold either as a
whole ordlvlded to suit purchasers.
For further Information tn reg"M to either of
the above properties, call on J. y. Sullivan. ■£»
East North Street. Kutler. I'a.
Grand Pianos for
Now Is your Mm« to nelect a c°fwl Piano; vou
do not wani f«» buy hut ou»- PI2IIIO tn your life
time. So wlille wlertnijj one it is the best an«l
••hea|M*Ht to buy a K<XK! one.
of Boston has opened a Pluno aud
I'arlor at No. 218, Kaaf North St . where be nan
on fX'bltlon .1 n«*w Invoice of »'i;inos trurn the
ver> best of makers of HOHUMI, they hav« a full
rich and BHIOV tutu* th'* letftoi N UffM QMMI
and powerful; they will sta> In tune longer
than any other I'lauo mi account of a n*w
derloeoftoali? plat. 1111 1 ffll In fMri t«»
Hhow and explain, t'lea-s call and t-xainliir be
fore buy ntf elsewhere. Vou ««D sav»« money
b) purchaslßir .1 ri %mo «»f me, nad gtl an
instrument that you nn rely upon, and one
that I will uarrant or prarantee »o irlvo entire
Hat IN tart lon. 1 have made aud tuned
Pianos and Groans
or >•-r 11 v > i-s. r«"refor Ku»«r lio » to select
cried P lauo.
'2lB "K. Xorlll St..
K«rm containing 200 acres, loeate.l in
Donegal Twp , well watered. goo<l orchard j
plenty of frnit, good dwelling, barn, -pnng
hon«e. gTanerr. and liest f>irni in tit.e town
ship for stock rai-ing or cnltivat ion For
merly George Gillespie farm. Apply to
Butler GV, Pa. Chicora P. O.
Adwrtiuo in the Cliieen.
Nobby Choice
Goods. terns.
Our Boys Suit Department was never
more complete than it is this season.
New Spring Styles
Do not put oft* 1 Hiving vour bov a
new spring suit, but come now while
stock is complete and secure the best
Also a large line of Men's Suits, Sin
gle Pantaloons, Gents Furnishing Goods,
Hats, Etc., at lowest possible prices.
104 S. Main Street, Butler, Pa.
IVo. 9450.
(Bought of McFerran & Clancy, Louisville, Ky.)
Sired by Lord Russell, Full Brother to Maud S, 2.08 3-4.
Sire of Kremlin, 2 22*; Aula de Clare. 2.26*. Kin* Rqm.ll. 2 28* tod htm ottere
with records of 2.30 at ten yein of ife. Thi# i# more tlm iqt oUtr lUlhoo at atat
Ist Dam, Storm, record 2.26 3 4 By Middletown, Ho. 152.
Dain of Gale, 2 27+; half in 1 10*; Storni Sir. of Orw|r> Bad. 2 21*; Mo«ie. 3 21*;
Bird. record 2 35; quarter in 36 second*; Fan. y. 114} and niae <itb«r» la ZM
Typhoon, record 2 36*.
2d Dam, Green Mountain Maid.... By Harry Clay 43, record 2 2».
Dam of Elaine, 2 20; Pronp.ro, 2 20; Sir. of Shaarmat. 2 38. Claytna. I*4,
Elista. 2 20J; Dam. Trot, 2 22; Mao* 3ar#ri»-. 2 28. <•( lb. 4aaM of St. Juhmm.
field. 2 26; Stor;n. 2 26f; Antonio. 2 28}; 2 11*; IMinf 2.19* al*o tba gnat
Elina, 2 29*; Marinda. 2 31; ELEC ELECTIONEER.
TIOXEER. nire of Sanol, 2 OS*; Pa,o
Alto. 2 08*; Arion. (2) 2.10). and ninety -
seven other* in 2 30.
STORM BIRD ha* for grand dam* 'i»m M "ant aid M.v.d and Mia. Rqm.ll, Uw
two greatest brood mare* known to trotting h» r*e hi.tory. will make taraa fer
this year more liberal than any other borse »f rqaal merit.
Send for tabnlated pedigree.
Sire. Px-abontju Boy. 1790. record 2 31. «ir. of Baffato Girl. 2 12*. Rawa Bay
2 15*; Prince**. 2 19*; Gargle. 2 20; N'.lhe B. 2.21, Pocabonta. Prinoe. 130*. and few
teen other* in 2 30 and better.
Ist dam Lady S. record 2.50 at 3 year*, dam of Edaall Star. sir. of Silver Star. 2.3 th
she by American Star, Jr , So. 3772.
2d dam Mis* Cadmas. dam of Stephen M. record 2 29. by Long Inland H. <«•
ries the same per cent, of Pocahonta* blood a* Nel*»n. 2 10. king of npltfiN traeka.
Both horses will be foand at ray barn. 3* mile* nnriheaat of Pwpeet, akwa I will
be pleased to show them at all time*. Sabbath excepted For pwligr.* er any ftuttor
information call on or addr«et,
rf ST.
No 4654.
(i EKtJHhHUX.)
Black Uurw foaled 1886.
Sire Bt-n Sevi* 1097.
Dhih llumont 1606
A Ur(fc ranxy burw and a perfect *p. ci
man of the illusLriuu* family of Norman
Pronounced by all the bent of all-parpot«
Weijfht—lßoo pound*.
The above de«cribe<l horse* will stan I for servic* dnrin* lb« iiamn at IMB ae
follows—Monday and Tue-.lay of each we*k at Prmpaet. Pa., aad Ihm —- at
th«- » et*k at the »Lable of the owner in southwest comer of Brady
uortti of Prospect. Butler county. Pa.
Proper care will be taken but no accann'.abilitv a«'imnl
J. P. DAVIS, Proprietor.
Prospect, Pa.
IJ. $• B.
The variety and assortment of
Spring Dress Woslens
Are more elegant and effective tuts
Hebhod than eyer before
We are now showing all the choic
est lines and at oar own special pop
ular low prices.
It will pay to waite for samples
before you buy.
stripes and fa odea is gray, brown
and tan shades.
36-inch, all wool Knickerbock
ers, all colors, 45c.
36 inch Camel Hair Stripes,
all colors, 50c.
50-inch Knickerbocker Stripes,
40-inch Mixed Bedford Cord*,
50-inch fine all wool Tweeds
Above choice fabrics are all wool
Write for samples, prices or oth
er informa'ion.
SptHal facilities for filling your
orders by mail to yoor profit.
15<)<;<>s & Bulll,
115 to 121 Federal Street,
~~ *a iur;c.. - »*o
Adviri :o h«« ai»»ra pre
;fIK ••jorrssml. Ih fcre plaan-r nr
i \too-**"
wtnt ic-e. <am»v»
Mo 9500 JUi
English Shire
Bay H«m f.-aled 1807 A pHd booed
and com pm-t ly bo ill home.
Sired bv Com toe K.u> t 4330; dam Vara nek
THK mull SHIRE >• Bow «hw,dar
ed the pi>»tr«t of all drao|t! t>« rw i au4
no belter model of hi> kind DaivnrlMM
'iTM™ * iU
Oppostu. School Hoom.
Thin elenn*. n«-w hotel is now npea to
the public; it is a new hnosa. with dww
tarnitar* thr..i;<i,.>at aad ail minlatn ona
venien«e«; is within easy reach of the de
pots and b-inin«». haoMa at the town, »nd
bas a splendid new of (he setters pert at
the town.
Bates Reasonable
Give me a call when in Bailer.
Willard Hotel.
w. U. REIHINT,. Pnfr
«»rt« aeoa tor miiarut mvnia
w. H- (rßun a
[Soccesaors of ScboUe 6 O Briaa. J
Sanitary Plumbers
And (ran Fitters.
DflLll* 01
Sew9r Pipe,
(ru Fixture#,
Globes and
Natural (iaa Appliances.
Jefferson St..opp. Lotrrj House
Planing Mill
Luniber Yard
i. l. ru Kvie l. a. rciv*
S.G. Purvis&Co.
■srirtcmiM AWO P««i aaa is
Rough and Planed Lumber
>-.r EVCJtT .>«eC*l!"Ttu«.