Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, March 11, 1892, Oildom., Image 9
Bute B#i. Until- county's inhabitant have nuny blessings .to* be thankful for. The J toil is productive, minerals abound, limestone and building stone can be had for the quarrying, and lastly, natural gas and oil, has tended toward making it one of the richest counties in Western Pennsylvania. It is not the editor's intention to give a detailed history of the county the settlement of the whites, although the most interesting events will find a place in this sketch. Our object is to show op the advantages to be gained by manufacturers, by locat ing in Bntler. Hence this large edi tion is to advertise the advantages of the place, morejthan to give a history of the past. Bntler county coven an area of 814 square miles, or 520,960 acres. The population has increased in less than a century from a few souls to 56,339, ac cording to the census of 1890, and there is every reason to believe that >JM nineteenth century will close with a showing of over 60,000 inhabitants. Butler county is bounded on the north by Mercer and Venango coun-, ties, east by Clarion and Armstrong, on the south by Allegheny, and the west by Beaver, Lawrence and Mercer counties. The Delaware Indians lived unmolested in Butler county until the close of the eighteenth century. The Indians and the first white set tiers as a rule songht homes along the IMIIIH of navigable streams, hence this county was not settled as early as neighboring counties. Several noted Indian trails lay through Bntler coun ty, which proved that the territory waa well traveled by Indians as well as by hunters and trappers. The English and French war, which was>uch an important factor in shap ing the destiny of the country, did not disturb the stillness of Butler county. George Washington, in company. with a surveyor and trapper, Christo-. pher Gist; passed through the county in the year 1763. Major Washington was only 22 years old It waa on the Connoqueneasing, in Forward township, that an Indian lying in ambush, fired at Washington, but luckily missed fire. Had the shot fired in the Butler county wilds reached its mark, the history of this nation might have been entirely changed. Hie intrepid Captain Brady also had several adventures with redskins in the county. The county and the town were named after Major General Richard Butler, who fell at St. Clair's defeat in Western Ohio, November 4, 1791. It was not until 1796 that the first white man, James Glover, a man of Holland Dntch descent, settled in Adams town ship. It is said, however, that two young trappers, David Studebaker and aiir«i«im Schneider, took up squat ter's claims in Worth township in 1783, and Peter McKinney in Forward township, on Connoqunnessing creek in 1792. In the year 1810 there were 7,346 people in the county. The pioneers were principally of Scotch, Irish or German descent, who had come from the eastern part of the State, or direct from Europe. Defects in the land titles caused considerable trouble for yean, and kept many from locating in the county. The trouble ended in • man being shot in 1816, and a halt was called on the ejectments of the landowners, which caused such din ruptures. It is said that one of the oldest citizens of Bntler borough was a witness to the affair. The hardy pioneers, who endured so much to gain liberty and homes, were a* ftally contented as we and lived to ripe old ages. The formers at first bad to construct their own roads. In 1804 a petition for the appoint ment of viewers to build a road from Bntler to Freeport was granted, and the same road is traversed to-day. Bridget and roadswere soon extending in all directions, followed by turn pikes upon which the first coach and four traveled in 1822. The first mail was carried in 1825 by W. W. Bell, between Ebensburg and Bntler, by way of Indiana and Kittan ning. The first plank road, completed in 1868, between Butler and Pittsburg, oost 9110,000. In 1836 a survey was made from Freeport to New Castle via Butler, With the intention of constructing a railroad. This was not realized until 1871, January 12, when the rood was completed by the Pennsylvania Com pany. The opening of the road was a day of great rejoicing long to be re membered in Butler. Excursions were organized from Butkr to Pittsburg and back again, with banquets, speech iwVitiff and fireworks. A telegraph line extended through the county Just ton years before from Pittsburg to Franklin and was called the Oil Valley Telegraph line. In 1862 an office was opened at the Lowry House, presided over by David Potts, of Butler borough. To-day we enjoy all the comforts our forefathers worked so hard to obtain, and the question arises, are we any happier ? BITTLER BOROUGH. Robert Morris, the revolutionary patriot, was the original owner of the groand upon which the borough has been built. When Bntler county was erected March 12, 1800, it was provided that a place for holding courts should be fixed at any place distant four miles from the center of the county. John, Samuel and James Cunning baas, who were agents for Robert Morris, were instrumental in having Mih beantiftil site selected. One of the commissioners appointed to examine the proposed site writes of Butler, in 1802: 'The situation is beautiful, be ing on an eminence, which descends In all directions; the land is scarcely tfanbered, but sufficiently dry and large bodies of meadow ground near the seat This site will have the ad vantage of the creek, with sundry goods springs of water and coal banks near, limestone and freestone quar ries partly adjoining the site. The ridges all pointing into the little val- ley, will be convenient for roads from every direction." The site was'selected March 8, 1803. In Augnst the village was laid out in 300 acres, with five acres for public , buildings. The first lot was sold to David Doug&l, on the northwest cor ner of Main street, for which he paid SIOO, the highest price paid for any lot, the lowest selling at f 10. Butler was incorporated as a bor ough by an act which was passed Feb ruary 26, 1817. The charter was issued by Governor Snyder May 2, of the aame year. The first Burgess was Wm. Ayres; Assistant, John Gilmore; Council, Wm. Campbell, Joshua Potts, Geo. Miller, j Hugh McKee, David Dougal, James Stephenson and Jacob Mecnling. The first mill erected in the borough was built by the Cunninghams, on the preeent site of the Walter's flouring mill. It was sold in 1306 to John Neg- j ley, who also erected a cabinet shop in the same year. Since then industries have multiplied, and the manufacto ries and shops afford work to hun- j dreds of skilled artisans. The many advantages which Butler affords should cause others to locate here, fuel, material, labor, etc., are so cheap, and shipping facilities so abun dant. TWO POPULAR BONIFACES. Messrs. Brown and Thompson, Proprietors the Lowry House and a Short Sketch of Their Lives. The Hotel Lowry, which has been identified with the history of Butler for 40 years, could not have passed into better hands. Through their efforts this hostelry has been remodeled completely, and every accommodation and modern con venience is offered the traveller. J. D. Brown. Mr. J. D. Brown, who has had vast experience in the business for the past 13 years, understands it thoroughly, knows the requirements of the travel ling public, and spares neither money nor time to accomodate the patrons of the house. Mr. Brown was born in Butler county, in Buffalo township, October 7, 1858. He acquired a common school education and spent a number of years in a Drug store, where he studied the Pharmacopia and mastered the in tricacies of the profession. He accepted a position as clerk at the Willard House thirteen years ago, and has made the rounds, from the Vogeley thenJHotel Lowry, of which he became part owner and manager two years ago. It is safe to say that no man in Butler county, has a larger acquaintance among the traveling men than Mr. Brown. His jovial manner, accommodating ways; and vast experience makes him the lead ing man in his business today. Howard Thomjiton. His partner, Mr. Howard Thompson, is a large muscular good-natured man, who has followed the ups and downs of the oil business, as a driller and producer. He was born in Pictou county, Nova Scotia, Canada, in 1852. Early in the oil excitement he was on the ground, and as one field gave way to another he followed the masses who sought a living from this source. He came to Butler a number of years ago, and settled down and became one of its respected citizens, and leading business men. With Mr. Brown he purchased the Hotel Lowry, and he has been instrumental in assisting to make the place the popular resort It has become since their partnership. A GRAND ACHIEVEMENT. Citizens of the Bonthslde of Butler Throw Off the Shackles and Secure Untold Benefits. Seventeen years ago the Town Coun cil of Butler granted a corporation the exclusive right to fUrnish water to the citizens. Tho water furnished was fit for nothing. Last year the citizens of the soutbside of Butler, after dis cussing some mode of relief, drilled a well 400 feet deep, built a reservoir to contain 60,000 gallons at a height of 252 feet from the main street, covered it, erected a pumping station, with hot air engines, and now have a pres sure of 136 pounds. The chemical analysis of the State Board of Health proves this water to be not only soft but among the purest found in the United Htates, only one other well, that at Dedham, Mass., equalling it in purity. The wonderftil purity of this water be comes evident by comparison, statis tics of 114 wells show an average of nine times as much mineral as this water contains, and the Ave best out of 114 wells average twice as much. The plant has been constructed ac cording to the best scientific rules of the day, and instead of exceeding first estimated cost, as predicted by its ene mies, the works, by nkillful manage ment, havo cost nearly 10 per cent, less. The cost of the plant was SB,OOO, and three miles of 6 and 4-inch pipe have been laid. The water works are run at an expense of |4OO a year. The trustees who manage this enterprise are Harvey H. Boyd, Fred Klingler and L. C. Wick. As soon as the extensions are built and the houses connected, and the sanitary facilities now in course of construction are completed, the south side will present attractions to home seekero which will be evidenced in ad vanced prices for real estate over any other portions of Butler. MANHFACTORERS. ATTENTION. EUREKA! HERE IS YOUR ELDORADO Shipping Facilities. Fuel Water, Low Taxes, Property Reasonable, Excellent Drainage. Cheap Living, Good Schools, Churches. Healthy Climate, Beautiful Scenery, and Natural Advantages, All Tend to Slake Butler a Manufacturing Center Recent wiles of the real estate boom ers throughout the country to unload farm land on the laboring classes at city prices, has caused the manufac turers, whom they have been using as stool pigeons, to halt. Capitalists and manufacturers who have undertaken to build cities without the advantages which are required, have in many in stances failed. To keep up with the procession in the nineteenth century competition, a manufacturer must possess himself of every advantage, both to himself and employes. Western Pennsylvania is a veritable cemetery of boom towns, which flour ished when the real estate shark kept it booming, but died ofj inanition when he sought new fields. The manufacturer, in all cases, had to stand the brunt of their actions, and j keep moving or sink in the mud with his people. We again repeat that the manufacturer needs every available I advantage, and Butler can give it to them in any manner, shape or form they need it. First, Shipping Facilities. Three railroads enter the town, feeders of the largest roads in the country. The Pittsburg and Western, a branch of the Baltimore and Ohio now, being double tracked its entire length. West Penn, a feeder of the mighty Pennsyl vania system, and the P., S. & L. E., which gives an outlet to the lakes and through the whole oil field. Second, Fuel.—We have it to spare; so much so that thousands of tons of coal are hauled to Youngstown, New Castle, Erie and Buffalo, a considera ble portion of which is burned into coke. At home, natural gas is the favorite, and pipe lines extending to Pittsburg and Youngstown tap our fields. The pressure on the wells re maining the same to-day as it was ten years ago. The county is noted for its rich flow of oil. A manufacturer lo cating here can drill his own gas well in short order. Third.—The water supply never 1 fails, as the Connoquenessing creek never runs dry and the water works have a pressure of 80 pounds. Fourth, Tax Rates, —The assessment is exceedingly low. The city and county are practically free from debt. Fifth.—Prices of property are ex ceedingly reasonable, and we doubt not that the citizens would go down in their own pockets to purchase a tract of land suitable for any purpose. Sixth, Drainage. A town never could have better, sloping, as it does, in all directions toward a swiftly run ning river. Seventh.—Cost of living is remarka bly cheap, as the town lies in the center of an exceedingly fertile farm ing country, which has the reputation of growing the finest buckwheat in the world. Eighth, Schools. There are si* large buildings, with an average at tendance of 1,700 pupils. Ninth.—Churches of almost every denomination. Tenth.—There are many secret so cieties and one of the finest opera houses in Western Pennsylvania. The town is always in good order. Eleventh, Climate. Nowhere in Western Pennsylvania can you find a more healthy retreat than this conge nial spot, nestled in Butler county hills and surrounded by beautiful and bewitching scenery—a fit place to live and die. And where can be found a more hospitable, generous and jolly people than in Butler? We believe they are not in existence. The City Council is having the streets all paved and Game well fire alarms placed throughout the town. Four hose companies are ever ready to respond in case of fire, while the insurance rates are very low. The people are very progressive which the fine brick and stone structures being erected will attest. If you are in quest of a site for a manufactory, come to Butler and partake of its many advantages, and health, wealth and prosperity will ever be yours. JOBEPH HARTMAN ESQ. The President of the First National Bank and A Sketch of His Eventful Career. The above named gentleman, whose silvery hair and kindly smile greets you as you enter the Butler National Bank, has risen to his present position in life through the greatest ndversity. His grandfather, Philip Hartman, was a soldier of tho Revolutionary war and left the ranks at the close, to settle in Oakland, Butler county. William, his son, and father ot the sub ject of our sketch, was born July 4, 1796, and was undoubtedly the first male child born in this county. When a young man he traveled to Pittsburg, became a blacksmith and married Miss Mary Winters, after which ho moved | to Armstrong county, where he en gaged in farming and woiked at his trade. In 1849 he moved with his j family to Donegal township, Butler i county. Joseph Hartman, their son j and the subject of our sketch, wan i born in Armstrong county, where he j spent his boyhoods days and received ! a common school education. He acquired habits of industry that have remained his leading traits through life, although he commenced under very adverse circumstances. His mother, a good and pious women died September 10, 1864, in tho 61st year of her life and his father Joined her in the life beyond February 14, 1879, in tho 84th year of his age. Mr. Hartman naturaly feels a pride in a certain peri od of his life; during the wnr he was a strong advocate of the Union and served during tho term of his enlist ment in Company E. one hundred six ty ninth Pennsylvania Regiment, where with tho boys in bluo ho fought for the freedom of mankind, the cause dear to his heart. After the strife, he returned to his farm in Butler county and worked and prospered. Ho was school director of his towns ship for years and served a term in the Legislature from this county in 1885. He was President of the Millerstown Bank for 11 years and the institution prospered under his management Being prevailed upon to accept the management of the Butler County National Bank, he became a resident of Butler borough. Mr. Hartman takes interest in religious matters and was very active in securing the church at Sugar Creek, this county. Ho was one of the Building committeo chosen to erect it. He gives largely of his means and time to futher the cause of Christ. His home is one of the best in the county. He is looked up to with respect and his life should be a guide to young men who wish to succeed and make a name for themselves. MASSETH It BLACK. Inventors and Patentees of Numerous Val uable Appliances Used In 011 and Gas Drilling. Mr. B. Masseth, the senior member ;of this firm, is a gentleman who has followed the fortunes of the oilfields from Pithole, in '62, to Butler, and 1 took in Pleasantville, Shamburg, Par ker, Modoc, Karns City and Butler. | He was born in Rochester, New York. Iu March, 18S9, Sherman & ; Black formed a company for manufac j turing oil well supply tools. Mr. Mas seth invented his valuable Packer and Fishing Tools, which are now in uni versal use. The present firm of Mas seth & Black occupy a handsome 28x60 feet two-story building at 121 West Wayne street, with their blacksmith, forge and machine shops. They man ufacture oil and gas well packers and fishing tools, which they have con stantly on hand for hire. Mr. D. W. Black, the junior member of the firm, is a young inventor who will eventually make his mark, as his patented oil well packer and casing spear are now in great demand. Mr. Black has sold his interests in these to his partner, Mr. Masseth. Mr. Black was born in Buffalo, N. Y., in 1869. He came to Butler in 1889. He is a practical machinist of wide experience and bids lair to become a leader in his line. L. C. WICK, Esq. A Hustler Who Has the Welfare of Butler at Heart Opposite the P. & W. Railroad depot, in the part of Butler known as Spring dale, lies the lumber yard of L. C. Wick. This gentleman is ever on the alert to assist in building up the town of Butler and making it a desirable place to reside in. Stonertown, Lawrence county, Pa., is the place of Mr. Wick's birth, which occurred December 14, 1852. The gentleman has devoted the working years of his life to mercantile pursuits, and managed a wholesale flour and feed business at Hilliary sta tion for a number of years. Five years ago he engaged in the lumber business in Butler, which has proved a profitable investment. Rough and worked lumber, sash, mouldings and lumber for oil rigs is the specialty handled. Politically Mr. Wick has been very active in the Prohibition party, and has been chairman of the County Com mittee. When he became a resident of the first ward, there were only two Pro hibitionists in the ward, now they number over one hundred and are the strongest, numerically, in the ward. Mr. Wick can point with pride to the part he took in securing a suitable water supply for the people in Spring dale. He is at present a trustee of the Water Association, which is described elsewhere. Mr. Wick resides at 628 Fairview avenue, is married and has one child. He is an active member of the Reformed Church. "NrV-JfK-- COL. W. T. MECHLINO. A Prominent Man in Military Circles, Who Worked His Way from a Private Up wards. Lieutenant Colonel W. T. Mechling, of the Fifteenth Regiment, Pa. N. G., is one of the most popular men in town. His ancestors were among the earliest settlers in tho county and held important public offices and assisted materially in advancing the interests of Butler county. The subject of our sketch was born April 5, 1857, in Butler borough. He started life as a printer in the Demo cratic Herald office, under his uncle, Jacob Ziegler. Nino years ago he en tered the oil business, and five years after entered tho employ of the Oil Well Supply Company. He married Miss Mary E., daughter of Hon. H. T. McJunkin, which union has been blessed with five children. For 15 years Col. Mechling has been a member of the Pennsylvania militia, and has advanced to his present rank step by step. Ills public life lias been a busy one, as he has served six years as a member of Council from the Fifth ward, Hutler, and four years as presi dent of the board. Politically he is a staunch Democrat. He Is an active member of tho Episcopal Church. ♦ ♦ ———>. BUTLER MANUFACTURING COMPANY. A Company Manufacturing Ball Engines for Oil and Gad Well Drilling. The rich flow ol pretroleum in But ler county, caused the town to enjoy a decided boom in the past few years. Men of brain and capital flocked here and the quiet village became a hust ling city. In June, IHBB, a company of men, with foresight, organized the Butler Manufacturing Company, for the construction of the Ball, Patented engines, so much in demand among oil and gas well drillers. Tho capital stock was placed at ' $20,000 and a works composed of Foundry, blacksmith, machine and i pattern shops were built, covering two acres of ground, on Lookout ave nue, near tho I'. &W. railway tracks. Tho stockholders and officers are; President, J. W. McKee; Secretary and Treasure, Harvey S. Gibson; R. H. Furgtison, J. E. Russel and Dan iel Yonkens. The ofllce is located at , No. 228 South Main street Butler, i It. 11. Furguson is general agent, an i affable and respected business man. Tho engines constructed are princi pally 9x12, 10x12, 11x12, and 12x12 inch • cylenders, although work of any do i Bcription appertaining to the oil supply trade, is given prompt atten i tion. Betwen 30 and 40 skilled i mechanics are employed hero and the shop has a capacity for turning out ) two engines a day. The comuany has ■ i been kept very busy since its organi sation and thousands of engines or j their make are in UHO today in the oil > territory. This firm is ro ;omended by <'the largest oil pnduors for their t superior workmanship, honest mate ) rial and promptness to fill orders, i ! which has gained for them a name i second to none in their lino. The f j company is composed of men interested in the wellfare of the beautifull town of Butler and would see it a manufacturing as well as an oil center. Mr. McKee, the President of the company, is also an inventor and patentee of several va.uable appli ances. A small compact high-speed upright engine, for use in hotels, the atres, small electric plants etc., recent ly invented, is a wonder iu its line. Ita motion is so regular that It could be suspended with a rope in midair and run as smoolhly as though bolted to a foundation. Patterns are being made from one to twelve horse power and are now in great demand. Patterns have recently been con structed for eight to twelve horse power engines for farm work and threshing machines. They are double acting, high speed, compact, light, and can be hauled by one horse. The boiler and engine are mounted on wheels and weigh only *2,500 pounds, whereas similar machines of the same horse power, weigh more than twice the weight. WILLIAM KESSELMAN, ESQ.. A Mechanic Who Has Established a Large and Prosperous Business In Butler. William Kesselman & Co., whose shops occupy the ground at the foot of South Main street, near the P. & W. R. R. depot, do an extensive business in manufacturing and repairing oil well drilling tools,and their name is synony- j mous with good work and the using of the best material. Mr. Kesselman was born in Prussia, ' Germany, October Ist, 1832, and served his apprenticeship as a machinist and engineer, in his native land. He im megrated to America in 1856, and worked at his trade. He was a mem ber of the firm of Bauser & Kesselman, j of Parker's Landing, Armstrong county, finally buying his partner out. , He remained there ten years. He came to Butler ten years ago and established , his present business. The old shops j were burned down last year and new iron-clad buildings were erected in: their stead. The blacksmith and forge shop is 31x87 feet. It contains two steam hammers; the one a fifteen hundred pound hammer, the other six hun dred pounds. The machine shop covers 28x18 feet of ground, and about 20 skilled mechanics are kept constantly employed. Mr. Kesselman is also an extensive oil producer and is kept constantly busy lo ''ing after his interests. He is married and the father of five children. Mr. Kesselman is a supporter of the Lutheran Church. He is a respected citizen of Butler and is anxious to see it prosper. The Lowry House. The Lowry House ie one of the lead ing hotels in Butler and is located on the corner of Jefferson and Main streets, in the center of town. The house was built in 1852, by Alex. Lowry, who presided over it for years. He sold it at one time, but repurchased it and remained its landlord until April 8, 1890, when he sold it to Messrs Brown and Thompson, who have made it the popular resort for the numerous traveling men anil oil pro ducers, who find their way here. Since the latter proprietors have taken charge they have added thirteen rooms and remodeled the whole interior, placing in it now windows, furniture, electric bells, natural gas for heating purposes; fans in dinning rooms and bar room and improved both cuisine and bar. The house has a frontage on Main of 60 feet and 110 feet on Jeffer son streets. It contains 48 rooms, which are furnished in tho latest style. Busses and hacks from the hotel meet every train, and commercial men find ample space to display their wares in the spacious sample rooms of the house. Experienced and competent clerks are always in attendance at the office. The proprietors have on sale nothing but the best liquors in their bar room, which makes a very popular resort. LIGHT AND AIRY. "" \ Reminiscent. 1 remember, I remember, Tho cot where I was born. And where it wau o difficult To get up in the morn. Ami well do I recall how pa Would come in with hia gad And expedite my ritdng By tlioHC wooing ways he had. 1 remember,! remember, Tho hickory trees HO high That I would climb with hope to bag Some fihellharks on the aly. Of course it wan a childish whim. But, ah! 'twas little Joy To find how Farmer Jones' dog Could masticate a »*>y - liostou Courier. Thffjr Had Heard Him Before. Mr. Iloste(in a terrified whisper)— Marie, there isn't half enough luncheon for all these people. What on earth am Ito do? Mrs. Jloste I'll rid of some of thevn, dear. Mr. Jloste (ten rniuutcn a trump, Marie I But how did you manage to get so many to go? Mrs. Jloste —1 just whispered to them that you had consented to sing "Hocked in the Cradle of the l)eep. M —Uoston News. (Canity Adjusted. Hank Teller This cheek, madame, isn't filled in Madarue— Isn't what? Hank Teller—lt has your husband's name signed to it, but it does not state how much money yon want Madame— Oh, is that all? Well, I'll take all there is.- Harper's Bazar A Noble Hall. A noble hall was his, where strayed Tho shadows as they softly played Upon the |*>rtrai!fl of his race That to the Conqueror could trace The winning of the accolade. All this he to the girl portrayed. As for her hand he sued, and prayed That with her beauty she would grace A noble hall. Her father had grown rich In trade. And ho, in Eugllnh clothes arrayed. Wan but a bogus lord, whone pace Had been too fast. Such was tho case. Ho married her, and thereby made A noble haul! —Truth. N» Trouble. Mrs. Flora— But, husband, won't the peo plo who buy sueds of you Is: disappointed when the .seeds they have planted come up and look fo different from these gorgeous pictures in your catalogue? Mr. K. (Seed-man) Oh, there's no trouble about that. The seeds will never come up No IMJTrreiice in the < out. She did not buy that sealskin cloak. Hut took the eaoh for it instead, racked up her fourteen trunks or so Au<l to tho Continent she fled. —Cloak Review. How He Stood It. Cobwigger—That little boy of yours never seems to get tired. I'd be played out if I were on my feet all day. Brown—But he's standing on his head most of the time. - New York Kvening Sun. A Candid Tramp. Gentleman Does work make you tired? Tramp-No, sir. Gentleman-^What! Tramp—l never get so far as that. Hut the thought of it makes me tired.—Kpoch. Strange I'act. She wore a brand new Paris gown One evening at the dance. And, strange as it may seem,they any That it wus made in France. PEALS'# WASHINGTON. H«m t>» Fartrall Wiw r,int«-<t I. Told in ■ Letter by the Artl.t. the ! railing lawyer* of New J»-r*ey was Mime tiow in th, tdnun i«tratiun of au rotate that involved, amuog other things, the ownership of a copy by Kembrandt IVale of hi* original portrait of WAAhinjfton ami also a copy of IVale'* father's portrait of Mr* Washington. The executor of the Peale estate waa ap[>ea2«l to. ami he furnishi-d a bundle of old letters from the artist himself, which not only aettlcd the questiou in litigation, but brought to lmht interesting information concerning thorn famous portrait*. These letters have never Iwen published. Peale dit <l in Philadelphia in 1860, and the letters to the executor were written in 1854. Pcale, it will lie recalled, was only eighteen years old when he painted Wash ington's portrait. The following letter tells ita own story of the way in which the artist painted the portrait of the Father of his Country. It is dated Philadelphia. March, 1534: "By express I send you a copy of my Washington, and shall with pleasure im mediately finish for you a portrait of Mrs. Washington which I had begun for an other destination some weeks ago. "When Washington sat to me in 17%, the latter part of September, he came to my room at 7 o'clock, each time as he en tered iu the act of putting his watch in his fob, thus giving me an example of punc tuality which I hare since enforced on all my sitters. My father, an old acquaint ance, kept him in conversation, which en abled me to study his countenance. It was a period of some anxiety with him. as he was hesitating whether or not to sign Jay'* treaty with England: and further, he wa» doubtless disturl>ed4>y the publication of forged letters, which it was asserted were taken on the person of a runaway servant. Xo one ventured to sjieak with him on the subject, and he would not condescend un asked to deny them. My uncle, James Peale, a zealous politician, at the second sitting he cave me, bluntly addressed him. 'General, did you write those letters*' To which he replied, 'I never lost any letters. No servant of mine ever ran away from me.' lie talked at ease on other subjects, but my uncle went out, telling his (Wash ington's) answer to everybody he knew, and in two hours all Philadelphia was re lieved of the scandal. "Before the invention of porcelain teeth on gold plates it was the practice of the dentists to fashion them from blocks of seahorse ivory. One of these sets was made by the elder Gardette for General Wash ington, but it was fortunate for me that he sat to me without them, as they were just linishttl and were clumsy and uncom fortable and distended his month so that he finally rejected thein, and it was equally unfortunate for Stuart that his portrait represents him as he ap|>eared for a short time with them, looking, as Judge Wash ington informed me, as though rinsing his mouth with water, and, as Stuart himself Informed me. preventing him from holding any conversation (though ignorant of the cause) so essential to the production of an animated likeness. By sitting so early as 7 in the morning I had his hair before it was curled and powdered by the barber, after which hour Mr. Stuart's portrait was painted. "I painted this portrait with but little reference to any pecuniary compensation, but for my own heart's satisfaction, to take with me to Europe, proudly to be valued as the portrait of the Father of my Coun try anil the revered of all nations. I never offered it to congress, but the senate Hat tered me into their acquisition of it by a unanimous vote, supported by Henry Clay, who declared that if he could have his will 'not only every room in the Capitol, but every house in the t'nited States, should have this portrait of Washington.' "It is now the reward of my enthusiastic excitement In producing it, and il is my devotional duty in reproducing them to gratify the taste and patriotism of those who think with Chateaubriand that 'there is a virtue in the looks of a great man.' " It is right that a paragraph should be added showing the turmoil that sirrround ed Washington at the time he sat for the picture to 1 Vale in 1795. He had just been summoned from Mount Vernon because of the excitement over Jay's treaty. While he was sitting to the young artist Jay was being burned in effigy in IJostou, and the intercepted dispatches of the French min ister had but just led to a rupture between President Washington nnd Secretary of State Kdmund Randolph that led to the latter's retirement in everlasting disgrace. This old letter of Peale's throws a strong light on Washington's demeanor at that critical period.—New York Herald. Who They Were. Not long ago two young girls were trav eling "out west." As the train stopi>ed at a station two ladies entered and took seats directly in front of them. Just as they were seated a stout lady came forward, greeted them effusively, and the trio kept up a lively conversation until the train started. Then one of them said, "Sit down here near us," and, in a little lower tone. "Tell those girls to sit somewhere else." So the stout lady turned and said in the most freezing of tones: "I wish to converse with my friends and would like that seat. 1 am Mrs. President R . of this road." The girls stared at her an instant, and then one of them drawled: "Pleased to meet you, I'm sure. I suppose you know 1 am Mrs. President Harrison, of Washing ton," and the other girl, settling herself comfortably in her seat, said, "And I am Mrs. Queen Victoria." There was an au dible smile from the other passengers, and the stout l;i<ly went to her own seat in the rear. —Cor. New York World. Teas for Thl» Country. The teas imj>orted into the United States embrace some of the choicest varieties grown. We get all of the Formosa teas. the best black teas grown in China, as well as all of the Fuchan teas, which are the next best oolong teas to the Formosan. The Importation of Amoy teas, the lowest grade of oolongs, Is steadily decreasing. We get all of the Chinese fancy green teas, which are grown especially, year after year, for the United States, and in addi tion almost all the entire crop of tea ex ported from Japan. Indian teas of the finest quality can l»c procured here, but there is little demand for them. They constitute the teas so much admired by the English, and, as they come largely from Knglish plantations, whose owners anil all interested have praised them at the expense of the Chinese product, it is not dillicult to discover a reason for their popularity in England and Knglish col onics. Chinese teas are much preferred here.—Philadelphia Ijedger. Derivation of I>og»' Name*. Harrier* arc chiefly used in hunting hares in England, while the title bcugle, applied to A breed which!* an inveterate enemy <>f rabbits, is probably derived from the < Vlt ic lien ; or bige, or the Welsh back, signifying little, they U-iiitf in reality a small »i»ecicH of hound.—Detroit 1« re* Pre**. 1 o the ( lam I muse upon an empty houne. Built daintily and true; An if great nature had hut thin One work on hand to do. It* nails of polhhed milk white pearl. Curved, Jewel-clean and fair. That any king might winh to own. Arc desolate and hare. Where the. tenant that once clasped Thereto each rone pink loop. And lived a lordllngat Its cane? Ala;.! 'tin in the soup! —New York Hun. The Views of a Veteran Chaperon. "Doesn't Mr*. Maxwell believe in co education of the Hexea?" "Coeducation? I should nay not! Why, she believe# that a girl ought to tic rained MI carefully that when she sec* a man *he will say, 'What is that, mamma?' " Brooklyn Life. Proficient In French. Friend - So you've all learned French? Lite Stracl He Ye . Indeed. BhkM II in i'aree. We went to a French perform ance and enjoyed it thoroughly "Was it comedy?" "No; pantomime,"—Good News. Fate's Whaekn. 'Twos ever thus, a fate condign I lath Joyed to get a whack at ine; My girln are always five feet nine. And I. alan. hut five feet three! —New York Herald. Helping It Out. Judge Plaintiff nays you knocked out one of bin teeth. What have you to say iu defense? "It was a hollow tooth; ho would have had t«i have it pulled noon, anyhow."— Fliegeiide Blatter. A Ucmarkaliln Modern Lpimxlv. Clara Have you heard theMurtliuj( news about Kitty Van Twiller? Maude Why.no. Do tell me quick. Clara It in reported that she is going o marry the man to whom she is engaged.— Epoch. Tb# Month. The «80-:'h la the front Am< *• jrynr tmrm. It is the aperture t > tn» ouU •* j ■. e r> ><n ii jortr aaa'niy. ikm, c utl»* are the »r .>« h aoi »r»nm ui i oth -» loak kki a kola in a tniek wall tn admit a new 4»t<r wu.-i.jw. The sr.-nth U the hotbed <ji toothache and the place to keep Tourtijtigue \! *» pers- a «r tarry their tooguea in their ■ if. ■ I {uckets. A Butlti ws» never mail* t.io ■mail, bat tome are so large that their owner* pot their feet ia then- It is th J.«. rway «,ut of which lenir beautiful w< rvls at ' <f« and courage, and through wb. h jk«» oohi cu.tard and kraut and x»l iner «... ai» people sleep with heir adjusted for | kissing. ' The month la the baqghole of oratory and a baby's crowning glory. It is the crimson aisle to your liver and nature's ap p&ratus for blowiug out the gas. It la patriotism's futin'.uD leal and the chest for pie. Without it the j» lit ia-. woold be a wanderer np <:i the f... »• of ti., earth, and the corneti-t and chjrns »;;r'.-* go down to unhonored graet-. It is th grocer's friend, the orator's pride undth dentist's hope. It puts some men on the rostrum and many on the rock p:le. It i> teuiptat. n's lunch counter when attached to a malte, and the tobacconist's friend when attached to a man. Without it the torchlight pr>»'i -- n would tie a dumb and lifeless thir.c. and when the political hero advai. . i t th front of the platform the audit i: w uld have to stand on their h>-»d.« to show tt. n delight. Without it married life would l» a perpetual summer dream and the dud-, would lose half his attraction, and mn»t ot all. and greatest of all, if there were ti mouths there would be no g. sitiys or hap py greetings, no wonts of comfort or of hope, no laughter full of sunshine and song full of praise, the hin d man could not be called to dinner and no one would a»k. "Where did you get thar hat •" Ar kansaw Traveler. . A Rail Pick 17p. Mind your own busine-s .«! r;!" tc follow always and everywhere, ami in it.- strictest sense too. Look at me. for in stance. I was rushing the a.' a shopper. A woman in front of medn : pe*l a newspaper which was done up in its wrap per. Hurried as I was, I stopped, picked it up and chased the woman. "Pardou me, madam," said I, "yoa dropped this." She turned serenely upon me. "Yes," she said, "I meant to," anil passed on. Thi, left me in an angry state of mind. I paused. exclaime<i crossly, "well, I don't care what becomes of it." and dropped it. I hadn't gone three yards when a voice at my eltx w said: ''Pardon me, miss, you dropped this." I lacked the aplomb of the tir-t lady and I smiled sheepishly, saying. "t>h. deiir— thank you," ami took it. A little further along I dropped it again and bolted into a store. While I was buying a hat an urt>a:» salesman tendered the paper to me. with "A lady left this just n iv. She said you dropped it." "Oh, thank yon so mnch," said I. Then I Iff* It on the counter. They sent it home with the hat. A little lain-! was on it, "You k t this." I threw it in my coal I*)X. Said John the nest mornintr, "I found a brand new unopened paper in tht coal box. :• i and 1 put it on your table." There it was too. No one will blame me for throw in • it out of the window then and there in a moment the bell rang Presently th. maid entered. "A gentleman just left this." she said; "it ju-t now fell cut of the second story front." That paper is liefore me now. Tonight, If it be moonless. I am going to bury the thing deep in the cellar.—Uab's Ix-tter. Brave Manxmen. The little fishing port of Peel, on the west coast of the Isle of Man, looks nut on the Irish sea. A rocky headland, called Contrary head, juts out south of the har bor, while in front is a rugged island rock on which stand the ruins of I'.s-l castle. It is a perilous place for ships and a splendid place for the display of the heroism of the Manxmen. One afternoon in October. IsjO, a Norwe gian ship in a fearful temj-est was drift ing upon Contrary head. All Peel was down at the beach watching her. The life boat was got out. and there were so many volunteers that the harbor master had lo difficulty In selecting a crew. The Norwegian had lost her masts and the spars were floating ar - ind so that she was da. 1/ rous to approach, but the lif» boat reached her. "How many of you f" cried the cockswain to the Norwegian captain. "Twenty-two." The cockswain counted them as they hung on the ship's side and said: "I only see twenty-one; not a man shall leave the ship until you tiring the odd one on deck." The oclil one, a disabled man. had been left below to his fate. He was brought up, and all were taken aboard the lifeboat and safely landed on the beach. The Nor wegian government struck medals for the lifeboat men and sent them to the govern- >c of the island for distribution.—Exchange. I>e*t rent lon of (iernoi In Hater. The sterilizing of water is easily accom plished by keeping it at or near the Uiiling point for fifteen minutes. Five minutes' heat is sufficient to destroy all harmful mi cro organisms. Still lc-s timesufflcea to de stroy the disease producing varieties which are recognized as liable to occur in water. Thus, merely raising to the boilitiK point a clear water containing the micro-organ isms of malarial disorders, typhoid, cholera, diphtheria, or of suppurative pn i-s and allowing it to gradually cool. Insures the destruction of theue germs. They are aKo destroyed by keeping the water for from a quarter to half an hour at a temperature of 170 degs. F„ though occasionally very resistant but harmless bacteria may get Into water. The brief heating, however, render* them safe fur drinking purjs'-' s; but when It is desired to destroy every micro-organism that may Is* present iu a contaminated water, it is to Is- heated for one hour and allowed to cool slowly, when It may lie used for cleansing wounds or for alkaloldal solutions. New York Tribune. S. R. DRKSSER. nii«l XariufeHurrr «»f Oil and (Jas WVII Packers. The Best Malleable Iron Frnim audi Superior Quality of Rubber. Only Packar Easily Mimi from Well. I make intty ofthr »'»«W r bttoiiM* ami mn |fivi» jron Mitytliinic iu that li »#«*. A<hlrt *" RRADFORI), Ml l\i:\s ('<>., Pa. N<>. 15 Patbst A vim E. £/ ■ Our Furniture for 1892 will reflect the most desira ble productions of the coun try's best designers. N. B. - ('orrenponilence -olieited. i LARKIN & CO. Drilling and Fishing Tools, OPPOSITE P. & W. OEPOT. BUTLER, - PA. Hotel Yogeley, C. SNoLXiRASS. Prop. Kates. - s - Per Day. Good Sample Boon Waverly House South McKean Street BUTLER, PA. This house if n<>w nj»-n for the acroro modal ion of th# public ud one of the U-t house-. in the town. It ha* all the modern improTCMMi i-> lighted by electriritv and heated by «team. We ffttarantee p>od aeeoa moiinti >ns :t! n derate |irici"«. All are invited to fcive o» A rtll.ud Mtid thenwelvt*. CHEBB HTONER, Prop. SHETTER & MULLEN, Patentees and Manufacturers of the Mill - Gas - Generators FOR GENERATING GAS FROM CRUDE PI TROLEUM, and BURNING THE SAME. PATENTED MARCH 11, 1890. It has no equal for economy, pre duces a fuel much cheaper thaj coal, equal to and as easy control ed as the natural gas, and requii ing no more attention. Steam limits FitW Out With (ieneratorson Short Notks Kor Kurt her Information, Call or Address. SHETTER & MULLEN, - Renfrew, Penn' Fire, Life and Accident Insuranc Agency of LOYAL. S. McJUNKIN, ■successor to .1. T. MrJuiikin A Son). i 3() I.Cawt Jefferson Street, BUTLER, PA. nrmra,sVE|Ro H HOUjtTM BOITL HilSi ll 12 BIEXICOj i'*« *««•• *«jU5?w5S I.I ♦ It.niU*. " NTUi Imr rdo, tmgfc ' '* J- 1 ' «rx"<. *l'. *"- > liek»t» •< w K."*' **,—**.** * Vz2 W&lll'lfttf i',...•-T-Svtfiff ; -A »•»■«»■ U^uimwwi