THE CITIZEN FRIDAY, MARCH It, 1892. SPRING HMTSI Just received the largest line of Spring Overcoalß ever shown In Butler. Good MeltoQ Overcoats - $5.00 All wool fine Melton Overcoats at - - - 7 00 All wool fiue Cassiinere over coats at - 8 00 Imported Kersey Overcoats at 10.00 These goods we have in all shades. C ill aud we will be pleased to show them to you We are now receiving our new Spring Clothing and dents Furnish iogs Schaul Bros. & Co. Clothiers and Furnishers, OPPOSITE HOTEL VOGELEY. BUTLKR lias a population of about lo.uou. It is the County seal of Butler County, with go, Four railways, natural gas, and unequalled facilities for manufactures. ITogress everywhere; new bulldlngß, new manufactures, a growing anil prosperous town. New Advertisements. Executors's Notice, estatte of Catb. Emrick.' Schaul Bros. & Go's spring ovarcoats. Ritter t of town, searching barns, etc. as they went The party con sisted of Detective Allen Col Reiiic, Mat. Leible and Jas. Orris, all mounted. They went in couples, and when they came to an old vacant house uear Oneida station : on the Shenango K. R , Redie remained ; behind the house while Allen went to the j I rout, and just as ho reached the door Suiith cauie out. Allen covered him with his pistol aud ordered him to surrender, which Smith was willing to do, but just then Alleu looked toward the window aud saw tnat Mills had him covered, and he dropped oil his horse and rail back to Ked- IC; the track was theu clear lor both men to escape and they ran op the wooded ra vine, Mills leadiug. Smith got tired and bid in a fallen tree top, aud Redic aud Allen passed him, jkml followed Mil's who waded up the run and hid under a ruck, and his pursuers lost his track aud left hiin there. Farmer Hendricks and his son followed after the party and fouud Smith bid in the tree top,and brought him to town. Smith says that mills arranged the escape; that the hole iu the ceiliug of his cell was sawed by Black and others; that wheu everything was ready last Fri day eveniug the piece ol iron, which is only about a quarter of an inch thick, was broken out; that Mills let a string down from the back window o( the jail aud pull ed up the rope which was turnished by somebody on the outside, and it was slip ped up through the bole and tied to a rat ter near the hole they bad made in the roof, the end let down, the opportunity watched for, and when it came they went out. Mills went first and he followed, and as soon as he lauded. Mills told him he must go with him. They struck out lor the Soenaugo R. R , but made a mis take, as neither knew the road aud took one of the roads leading north from town aud went out several miles, then finding their mistake headed eastward and south southward and got to the hill north east of town about la. m.. They wero very tired and crawled into Limberg's barn ami slept in the hay mow till after 10 o'clock next day, Mills' leet were sticking out of the hay aud youug Liinberg saw them aud awakeued him, and not knowing who they were got them something to eat. Theu thev took off through the woods aud were restiug in the old house when Allen aud Redic came up to them. They saw them coming aud were about to leave when Allen reach d the frout door. Mills covered Allen, he ran back and they ran up the hollow. He was glad to get rid of Mills, who had a pistol aud said be would not be takeu alive The escape occurred about 8 p. in and just alter the Sberiil left the house, aud the family got their first word of it from John W. Higginss (iu jail for wife beating) who rattled the jail door till be attracted Mrs. Brown's attention and then told her that the prisoners were escapiug. Britiu was arrested at Callery Junction next morning by Messrs. Sutton aud Daub enspeck who had driven there during the night.and was back aud locked up; but be would divulge nothiug. Black was caught in a leed box in Renfrew. After the trail of Mills was lost near Oneida Saturday night, tracks were fol lowed through Clay, Coucord, Donegal and Fairview twps. to East Brady, but East Btady, but they proved to be those of a harmless lunatic. Oil Notes. A well 011 the Esq. Harvey farm in Clin ton twp., drilled seveuteeu years ag <, be gan spouting oil last week. Chas. Morrison has sold his interest in the Cha-i. ilaugel farm in Peun twp. to Andy lrvin lor SI2OO. Breed f the Columbiou Exposition. It con tains 32 pages of official procedings, aud will give photographic illustratious print ed ou enameled paper, of all the exhibits, buildiugs. aud attractions of the great Fair. As a work ol art, contaiuing the ui<»t interesting information, it is invalu able to all who wish to keep up with the times aud learn ol" the great international enterprise. It will be published semi-monthly early in the fall, making eighteen copies for present y ear. Price, $4, postpaid; 25 cts. a copy. Subscriptions takeu at this office, where the paper cau be seen, or send 25 cts. for sample copy to J. B. CAMPBELL, Editor ai.d Publisher, 218 La Salle St., Chicago, 111. We will club this elegant Magazine with the CITIZEN at $5.00 per year for both. The Markets. BUTLER MARKETS. Our grocers are paying 15c lor eggs. 25 for butter, 40 ('or potatoes, 35 for apples, 4 to 0 for cabbage, 30 to 35 for turnips, 50 to 60 lor parsnips. PITTSBURG PRODUCK. Timothy hay from country wagons sl2 to sl4, wheat straw, $6,50, oat straw $7.50, mixed hay sll, bkwt flour 2£ and 2^. Country roll butter 15 to 24, eggs in cases 15 to 16, cabbage on track 3 to 4, po tatoes ou track 35 to 38, apples 1.50 to 2.50 a bbl., beans 1.85, honey 12 to 18, onions 75 to 80, onion setts $5.50 to $0.50, spinach $2 to 2.50 a bbl. LTVB STOCK. At Herr's Island Monday mixed slock sold at 2$ to 4, bulls and dry cows 2 to 3i, veal calves retailed at 6 to 7. Sheep were quoted at 4£ to 6, and lambs at 5 to 7. There were no Penn'a hogs on sale. THE OIL MARKET Closed on Monday at 595, Tuesday at 59|, Wedneslay at 591. The Reason For the great gain in our business is that when parties buy a bill of us they are so we.l pleased with the value of tbeir purchases compared with the amount of money invested that they give vent to tbeir satisfac tion ia conversation with others, and thereby becjme advertising agents for R & R. Wraps, Kurs, Blankets. Blaukets, Wraps Furs, Furs, Blankets, Wraps, a large stock and v«u can buy them about your own Price. RITTER & RALSTON'S. —Justices and Constables Fee Bills, printed on card-board, suitable for posting—for sale at this office. The Best in America. That ia the kind of Blankets we sell. Every one who has bought them knows it and eyery one who does buy them will find it out. at RITTER & RALSTON'S Prospect Normal Academy. It will cost you but a penny to send for a catalogue of Proeptct Academy. F. W. MAOEE, Principal, Prospect, Pa. The Puzzle Corner. Noting the interests taken in curious and difficult problems and puzzles and tbe instruction from their carelul solution we havo decided to give au occassional one in the CITIZEN. We submit the tw > following to begin with and request all who solve them to send their answers in. A father willed SIO,OOO to his throe sons aged 10, 15 and 18 years, in such manner that on becoming of age each would have the same amount. How much did each have if 6 per cent were tho standard inter est? A horse was tetherod successively at fie three corners of an equilateral triangle. He was allowed to graze over circles with a radius half the length of one side ot the triangle. What was tbe area of the tri angle if there was a quarter of an acre of grass left tmttfuohetf In Irs centre? LEGAL NEWS. i Court met Monday with Judge Hazcu • ' presiding. The Grand Jury was called and instructed as to its duties, aud J W : Starr was selected as foreman. The re , ports of the constables ware heard and the j new ones sworn in. The Grand Jury finished their work Wednesday evening, and reported as fol I lows: GBAXD JCKT FISDISGB. Commonwealth vs: James F. Mills, murder, a true bill. Chas Miller alias Chas Hardesty F4B, a true bill. Jos Uiblions. larceny, a true bill. Michael McGarvey, Aitß. a true bill. Jas MuClean, larceny, a true bill. Andrew Killian, agg Aiß, a true bill. Jas Britin, larceny, a true bill. 2 cases. Jennie R Mechling. embezzlement, a true bill. Lvuis Brenneman. seduction, a true bill. John SberiJaa, Fiß, a true bill. L Grossman, FA*B. a true bill. Flora tt'iles. Fr SIHO. S D Kirker to Joseph Peffer 160 acres in Lancaster twp. for $9600. Hannah Stuebgen to »V n Knoch lot in Saxonburg for $llOO. Emeline Hoffman et al to C A Abraais lot in Butler for $750. Alf Grossman to P B Grossman 15 aoros in Cherry twp. for S4OO. C to Jno Wost, lot in Butler for SSOO. Marriage Licenses. Ernest D. Rodgers Earns City EHa M. Lewis Peachville At Pittsbnrg, Thomas Park of Bntler Co., ami Maggie Dawson of Allegheny. At Yoangstowo, 0., Peb. 18th, Prank Tidball and Lizzie E. I.anil ert of Butler. At Ripley, X. Y , John McCandless of Slippery rock and Hannah McCandless of Whitestown, Peb 26. 1802; ot this wedding the Slippery Ruck Signal says: The story of their courtship and marriage reads like a romance. The bride had been visiting her husband's sister through the past winter and this is where the groom first became acquainted with bride. It was a case of love at first sight. Miss McCand less' parents are dead and a guardian was appointed. He opposed the union, as the bride is possessor of considerable property and not yet of age, but love breaks down all barriers, and the young couple deoided to take matters into their own hands, which they did with the result as above stated. —Boarding House Cards, with Act of Assembly, 25 cents for half-a-dozen, for sale at CITIZEN office. We Are Bound To clean out our wraps, blankets and furs. To do so we are offering them at lower prices than ever known to the trade R & R. The Readers, of this paper have learned by experi ence that we never put in wild ad vertisements. but merely state factß in regard to our stock and prices. RITTER & RALSTON'S. Jury Lists for March Term. I« r y JL, Washington twp,farmer. Carlin William, Petrolia Bor, producer. Dodds James, Donegal twp, farmer. Daubinspeck W L, Butler 3rd ward,laborer. Fisher U D, Butler 4th word, carpenter. Elison Charles, Millerstown Bor, contractor. George Lewis, Donegal twp, tarmer. Grossman W W. Millerstown Bor, laborer. Heyle Martin, Prospect Bor, blauksmsth, Jones Graut, Muddyereek twp,farmer. Kelly John, Parker farmer, Keister I, D, Ceniervilie Bor, carpenter. Kelly Thomas B, Worth twp, farmer. Kelly Robert, Butler 4th ward, clerk. McCullout;h W S, Fairview twp, farmer. Maloney Daniel, Millerstown Bor, farmer. Morrison James, Slippery rock twp, merchant McElhany John, Cherry twp, farmer. Morrison Peter, Clearfield twp, farmer. Miller L C, Parker twp, farmer. McGarvev John, Donegal twp, farmer. Overhein Daniel Saxonburg Bor, producer. Use tie Weudall, Clearfield twp, farmer. Osterliug Adam, Summit twp, farmer. O'Neal John, Butler Ist ward, gent. Porter Andrew, . Kelly, who committed suicide lately, was a member, is financially embarrassed. DR. BYRON CLARK, Specialist, in the treatment of Chronic Diseases can be con salted at Butler, Pa , Lowry House, Tues dav and Wednesday, March 22d and 23d. C. & D. Ready for All. WE HAVE THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK IN THIS COUNTY. Everything that is new in Stiff Hats. Oar $1 50 and $2.00 are wonders for the money. Everything new in Soft Hate, ranging in price from 25 $5.00. All the new blocks in Silk Hats. Greatest line of Furnishing Goods we ever had. An inspection will be an advantage to any one. COLBERT & DALE, Hatters and Furnishers, 242 S. Main street, Butler, Pa. LEAVE YOUR measure at Aland's if you desire a Fall Suit, Overcoat or Trousers, that are made to the newest mode and decree |of fashion. Our stock is large, comprising a care fully selected assort ment of Brown Scotch Tweeds for busij nessTsuits: Black and Blue Diagonals for dress suits: Neat Stripes and Cheques for trousers: Whipcord and Crepes spec ial 1y made for full dress suits, And an excellent line of overcoatings. L. 8. MCJULYKLV, Insurance and Real Estate Ag't 17 F.AST JEFFERSON ST. BUTLER, - PA. BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Main & Cunningham Hts. H. C. IIEINEMAN, SECRETARY DIRECTORS: KUred Wick, Henderson Oliver, Or. W.Trvln. .lames Stephenson, W. W. Rlackmore, IN. Weitzel, F. Bowman, I). T. Norrts, Geo. Ketterer. < has. Rebhun, John Qrohman, John Koenln?. LOYAL S. M'JUNKIN, Agent. RXn?JIj"F3-R. , T=> A A. E. GABLE, V eterinary Surgeon. Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Toronto, Canada. Dr. Gable treats all diseases of the domesticated animals, and m?kfs riddling, castration and horse den tistry a specialty. Castration per formed without clams, and all otber surgical operations performed in the most scientific manner. Calls to any part of the country promptly responded to. Office and Infirmarv in Crawford's Liverv, 132 We6t Jefferson Street, Butler Pa. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned win sell tits tarm,containing sixty acres, more or leas, and located In Adams Twp., on the Kvansburg and Mars road, near Marshall and Myoma stations on the P. & W R. R. and near the Callery oil Held. It contains a good bouse, good bank barn 56x34, good outbuildings, good orchard, level and good ground, two springs near house, pump n baru, and all In good order.,; Inquire of or aadress James Davidson, Myoma P. 0., Butler Co., Pa Atlvertiße in the Citiwn. Fhe Hessl I*s none to IJIHH! if you are sick The physician ex pects result* and this can only be obtained when pure druyti arg dispensed. Pu rity 1 care tm all applications siiall have been heard. ILI.KICS. Names. Residence. F1»C" for which application Is made. Cieerce stahl. Zellenople. Butler Co.. ra. New castle 8: /elieno -le. Fa. A. (juckenbtmer & Bros. sth ward, AUeghenv. Pa >1 nt ose Ulst y. Barialo twp. Butler Co. Pa W HOLK* 4 A !.K. George W. Campbell. lis E Wayne St Butl. r, Bat er Co. I'a. 12.' K Wayne St. 3d ward^BuUer 1 lirnr e Keller. 110 N M iln Bt. 3d WA ' " 13$ E Jefferson 8t i Ja--oi> Helber t2» E Jefferson St Jd *d " , . ' " _ John Mc-O. Smith. id ward. 8 Man. St. 2d wd. Butler boroPa Kannj E <>amble. X Washington St. But r Bui.erC'o. I'a. 24 £ Wayne St, 2d w, Butler boro, r% TAVERN. Benjamin Korquer. Millers town boro. Butler Co. I'a. Sllpperyrock St. Millers town boro,^Butler Henry W. Stoltey. Zellenople " " (Bast lan House) Zellenople '• " Charles Stokey. " " (SUikey House) " Samuel Beam. Harmony " (Beam House) Harmony Lewis N. Zeigler. " " " Mercer St. " Mrs. Caroline Bllnn. Evansburg " iHohm llouso) Kvansburg Charles II Miller. " - " (Miller House) ' David Stewart lterfrew. Penn twp. (Kenlrew lloUfe 1 enn twp. Kredenck i*fabe. Saxonburg boro " Main St. Saxonburg Christian Kaabe. •• •• (!.aube House) John Dolan. Mlllerstown " - tschrelberHouse) Mlllerstows " (Augustus Hoch. " " (Ce.ntn»l House) 1 Adulphus Hoch. • 14 * 4 „ . *' _ ' V. William H. Jellison. Petrolla " " (Oriental House) IVtrolia Luclnda Burnett " " " Malu St . " Patrick Shields. JelT-rson twp. (Jefferson Home) Jefferson twp. Mrs. M. Kelhlng. 2d w. Butler boro " (WUlard Hotel) Butler boio Cornell is Snodgrass. SMS 21« Main st. " ' (Vo