To Close Out Our Winter Goods ■ .rer all Heavy Underwear. Scotch Glores, Heavy Suit* Tor men and boys, Heavy Shirts, etc., at a SWEEPING REDUCTION. "We will sell any overcoat in oor stock at cost. Come and look at them. We mean just what we say. Yon can have any overcoat in our stock For Just fftat He Paid For li in New York City. As these coats were bought Below The Market this is A Rare Chance. RACKET STORE 120 S. Main St. Butler. 3?a. TURN ON THE LIGHT Aad let It gllwer ■a 111 «twt "an, woman •na child I VH7 W« « d Kaoirs at the I yexceUeacy of 6osßer's Cream Glycerine. It is the ideal Cosmetic. It stimulates the nerves, quickens circulation and carries away dead particles of the skin, leaving it fine and clear. It has no oqoal for Chap ped Hands, Lips, Face, or roughness of the akin, and is not excelled as a dressing for the face after shaving. It is a bland, creamy emulsion, with just enough vege table oil to soften the skin. No lady or gentleman shonld be without it. Be sure to get the genuine. Take no substitute. "For sale by J. C. Redick, Drug gist, Butler, Pa. Cl\rißtmaß Gifts F or Everybody. Beautiful Presents that meet all demands and satisfy all wants in great variety to suit all tastes now on ezhibitton at Redick's Drug Store Fancy goods and Novelties, Toilet Articles and Notions. While we can not describe or enumerate our great variety, we are very glad to show them to all visitors. We claim for oar stock excellence inquality, va riety in, design and reasonable prices. Whatever your wante may be,we can meet them with beautiful and apro priate selections. We solicit a com parison of our goods and prices. Knowing you will Bnd oar Holiday goods the best and cheapest. Respectfully, J. C. REDICK. LUMBER YARD. L. M. & I J. HEWIT, Dealers in all kinds of Rough and Worked Lumber. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, SHINGLES, LATH, ETC. We have a large stock of all kinds of Lum ber, Oil Well Rigs, Etc. Call and got our prices and see our stock. Mailorders Promptly Attended To. Office and yard on IfoxsoK St., Near Wbst Pbkw Depot, BUTLER. PA. L. o. WICK DIALBB IK Rough and Worked Lumber KINDS Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Shingles and Lath Always In Stock. LIME. HAIR AND PLASTER. Office opposite P. A W. Depot, BUTLER. PA Planing Mil] —awD— Lumber Yard J. L. PUBVIB. L. O. PUFVI*. S. G.Purvis&Co. MAITUFACTOMBB AND OKALKBB IH Bough and Planed Lumber or KVCKY DMUKIPTION SHINGLES, LATH & SEWER PIPE. Butler, Pa. Grand Pianos for Sale. Now la your time to select a good Piano; vou do not want to boy but one Piano lu your life time. 80 while selecting one it is the best and cheapest to buy a good one. PROF. MAIERB, of Boston has opened a Piano and Organ Parlor at Na 218. East North St., where lie ban on exlbltlon a new Invoice of Pianos irom the ▼ery best of makers of Boston, they have a full rich and mellow tune, the action Is light, quick and powerrul; they will stay In tuno longer than any other Piano on account of a new device of tuning pics, that 1 will be glad to ahow and explain. Pleas call and examine be fore bnyng elsewhere. Yon can save money by purchasing a Piano of me, and get an Instrument that you cAn rely upon, and one that I will warrant or garantee to give entire satisfaction. I have made and tuned Pianos and Organs © or over 40 years, therefor know how to select erfect Fla'oo. PIANOS AND ORGANS TUNED. 218 E. JNTorth. St., BUTLER, FOR RENT. Farm containing 200 acres, located in Donegal Twp., well watered, good orchard plenty of fruit, good dwelling, barn, spring house, granery, and best farm in tbe town ship for stock raising or cultivation. For merly George Gillespie farm. Apply to ANDREW FORD, Bntler Co., Pa. Cbicora P. O. V • <:l0 UMfeEc? v ' 1 ' always provea su'-cc- ... Before pluC'lnf;any f N<--fs;>ur'r I Ivertising c«ag"K J (-C XO & THOMAS, in f«i*o icrvn, r*u Utotf **a»o'D • - cmOM^n* DR. JOHNSTON'S IMPROVEMENT IN DENTAL PLATES. Patented February 25, 1890. Tills improvement * • does away with the large suction plate in common use. The nlates are very small, only about one-eighth to one-fourth the usual size, and being con structed on true mechanical principles, fit the mouth with perfect accuracy. Any number of teeth can be put in without extracting any good teeth you may have, and no plate In the roof of the raouth. Tne patent plate Is specially adapt ed to partial lower dentures, since It is well known that the dental profession have nothing successful to offer In that line; and further more, partial lower plates have not nor cannot be successfully made by any other known method. This is an important mat ter when we take into ~ consideration that lower v\SjC3C3W teeth are as necessary as upper For further 1 Information, call at Kooms 114 Kant Jefferson Street. BITI.EK, PA. DR. S. A. JOHNSTON. FRANK KEMPER, DEALER IK BLANKETS, ROBES, HARNESS, And everything in horse and buggy fur nishing go ods—H ar - ness, Collars, AVhips, Dusters, Saddles, etc. Also trunks and va lises. Repairing done on short notice. The largest assort ment of {3--A. tlorse blankets in town will be found at Kemoer's. OTh) AT COST In order to close out all winter goods. I will offer my entire,stock ol CLOAKS, BLANKETS, COMFORTS, HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR, FLANNELS, MILLINERY, In fact all winter goods AT COST. Before you buy any Dry Goods come and look through my stock I know I can mve you money. LOUIS TRAXLKR. Next door to Butler Savings Bank, Butler, Pa. Hotel Waverly. S. McKEAN ST., - - BUTLER, PA. Opposite School Honse. This elegant new hotel is now open to the public; it is a new honse, with new furniture throughout and all modern con veniences; is within eaay reach of the de pots and business houses of the town, and has a splendid view of the eastern part of the town. Rates Reasonable Give mc a call when in Butler. CHESS STONER, Prop'r. Will ard Hotel. W. H. REIHING, Prop'r BUTLER, - PA. STABLING IN CONNECTION. SIMPLE BOOM for COMMERCIAL TRAVELER Scientific American f° r / a m m ■ > I Ak/V 'llk I P 1 TRADE MARKS, OESION PATENTS 1 MM' COPYRIGHTS, etc. Forlnformatlcm and free Handbook write to MUNN k CO.. 361 Broadway, NF.W YORK. Oldest bureau for securing patents In America. Brery patent taken out by us Is brought before the public by a notice given free of charge In the $ mntific JVtueman Largest circulation of any scientific paper In the world. Hplendidly Illustrated. No Intelligent man should be without It. Weekly, *.'1.00 a year; sl.£o six months. Address MITNN Jt CO., PuuLISBEBS. 3fTl Broaflwuy, Now York. READ AND REMEMBER. | For strictly pure and reliable STRAIGHT LIQUORS, call on I. Iff. FIIffCH, 12 SJIITHI'IELD ST.. PITTSBCRGH, 1»A. ' «Opp. Monongahela House.) Matchless for Family use and Medicinal j.ur- t poses arc : riNCH'B GOLDEN WFDDINO, All II GUOKENHEIMER 8 WHISKY, 'perm. , , OVKRHOLT'S WHISKY. ' 0 qts. ' DILLINGEK'S WHISKY, J lor $5. Goods neatly packed and promptly shipped Free ok Kx tense on receipt of cash or post ufllec order. tar Nothing expressed C. O. D. Send for Price List. SCHUTTE & O'BRIEN, : Sanitary Plumbers And Gas Fitters. DKALKRS IN Sewer Pipe, Gas Fixtures, Globes and Natural Gas Appliances. Jefferson St.,opp. Lowry House BUTLER» FARM FOR SALT The undersigned win sell nis larm,containing sixty acres, more or less, and located In Adams Twp., on the Kvansburg and Mars road, near Marshall and Myoma stations on the P. & W R R. and near the Callery oil ileld. It contains a good bouse, good bank hc.rn sCx3i, good outbuildings, good orchard, level and good ground, two springs near house, pump n barn, and all In good order. "Inquire of or address James Davidson, Myoma P. O , Butler Co., Pa JOHNSON'S 1 ! LINIMENT ■ Eany °^ \3 v F- JSHBKII isi B7XSSSL fy -GENERATION AFTcR GENERATION-, I IJO HAVX VBED AXV BLESSED IT. , Z>rn->>W on Sunar f Children ILftrr Tt, ry Travel' r luiould Have A bottle of it hi his sat^heL Every Sufferer atica, NeurmUfiA, N£r- Tona Headache. Diphtheria, Coturhn, < 'atarrh. Bronchitis, Asthma, Cholera Morbus, lHarrhnpa, I Jim cn em. S<'renews In Bodr or IJmba, Stiff Joint* or Strains, will find In this old Anodrne relief and speedy cure. Pamphlet free. Sold everywhere. Price 38 cts.. by mail. 6 bottles, I kprc** paid, L SjrfOU-NSON A (X).. Bostov. Ha*. HUMPHREYS' SPECIFICS For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Cogs, Hogs, AND POULTBY. 500 Puce Book on Trpmnirnc of Animals nud Chart !*ent Free. CtHEs i Fpver^.C'oiicesiionrt.lnfinniinalioi* A. A. 1 f-piniil -Meningitis, Milk Fever. 8.l *trnius. l.araene!*M. Kb<'uinuii»m. f'.C'.--i»isteiiiper. Nanul l>i*ohargc«. l).I).-llolii or CJrubs. Wtirm*. E.K.—« oiitb", llrnvn. Pncumonin. F.F.—Colic or t;ripe«, Bellvache. ■ .lliscarrinirc. Ileniorrhanes. 11.11.— I'rinary and Kidney IMncaneß. I.l—ErapliTf lli*cn«eK. Mann. j.K Uiaestion, Parnlyaia. Single I!ottle over 50 doses), - - .60 Stable Case, with Specifies. Manual. \ eterinary Cure Oil and Medicator, s7*oo Jar Veterinary Cere Oil, - - 1.00 Soi l bj or .ml prrysld Hi.orr and la aaj qnaniitr on r»-c*lpt ©f lIfBPHRKTS'aKD.CO., 1114 111 Willi** St., S«wfork. V F 1 HOMEOPATHIC n #% [fIBHUSPECIFIC No.uu In use 30 j i"»rs. Tho only unecessfnl remedy for Nervous Debility, Vita! Weakness, •nd Prostration, from'over work or other causes. Si per rial, or 5 rials and lance vial powder, tot *5. Soid l y DraspUt*, or md! ]>oatp«ld on receipt of frict. HCmPIIKtYS* BED. CO., 11l * 113 William St., New York. SI 0,000 will be paid for a recipe enabling us to make WOLFF'S ACME BLACK ING at such a price that the retailer can profitably sell it at ioc. a bottle. At present the retail price is 20c. This offer is open ontil Januanr ist., 1893. For particulars address tbe undersigned. ACME BLACKING is made of pure alcohol, other liquid dressings are made of water. Water costs nothing. Alcohol is dear. Who can show us how to make it without alcohol so that wecan make ACMK CLACKING as cheap as water dressing, or put it in fancy pack ages like many of the water dressings, and then charge for the outside appearance in stead of charging for the contents of Ihe bottle? WOLFF & RANDOLPH, Philadelphia. PI K-RON is the name of a paint of which a 25c. bottle is enough to make six scratched and dulled cherry chairs look like newly finished ma hognnie It will do many other remarkable thin:-. which no other paint can do. All retailers sell it. ainplt application emptiom on the &°e^|Bt > ikin clear, while end Bold by dronlitt, or aent by mail for 50 cti. Additii Da. IwiTM 4 So!t, rtdiwtelphU, Pe. Aek your druggist Aw !t» SBBPv'" ■V^ w -^O^''CURBS' TO? ± sk"'* p T"AY CURED IF unccm ? ' ' - A7CO EY n•: j P.HAROL FOR MEN ONLY I irrrairW" W3T or FAILINO KAKHOOi B 11H IPrltl 0 " 1 *" 11 ttnd NERVODB SEffa.lTTi fSnpTj'lfll J jWtilcneaaof Body and Kind, Effect* Mlllillllllof Error* or Exoeaaea in Old or Younr, Kobaii, fiotil* 9AMIOOD fblly He«tor«d. Row to tnlirtt and Btrtogthra WEAK, l SDKVKLOPKDOR<*AXBAPARTBOr BODY. Ahiolutclr unrulllng HO9K THKATUENT—Benefit* In a day. ■en tttilfy from 60 Btat«« and Karrlgn CaantHea. Writ* thenu De«eiiptl«o Book, eiplanatlen and proofs mailed (taalad) free. M«re>a ERIE MEDICAL CO.. BUFFALO. N. V. DOCTORS LAKE XSOB I PRIVATE DISPENSARY. Lw.- $ Cob. PENN AVE. AND Fourth Bt.. .JHr\ PITTSBURGH, PA. !Allformaof Dflicata ami Com plii'tited Diseases requlrln*COK. icatlon arc treated at this I>ie mi-.iry with a success rarely attained. Dr. S. K. Lake ls :t member of the Royal College of I'hy- Meians and Surgeons, and ls the oldest and most •xporieiH-.ed SPECIALIST in the rity Special at cntiou Riven to Nervous Debility tmrn excessive mental exertion. Indiscretion of youth, etc., caus ing |>hrsleal ana mental decay,lack of energy, le-poiidencv, etc.; also Cancers, Old Sores, Fits, files, rheumatism, and all diseases of the Skin. loud. I.ungF, Urinary Organs,etc. Consultation tree ami strictly confidential. Office hours,n nets of all descriptions—f«-lt bats, velvet bats and sailor hit's FLits >uij bonnets trimmed to order. The largest and most complete stick of vel\.:« ribbons, lips, quills. I irds and wings ever brought to Butler FOR, CHILDREN Hoods, caps, sailor hats in great variety. MOURNINt f Hats and bonnets receive our beet attention, a complete line always .:i hand. *TS~ID. T. PAPE,r--sL I : HXTHAORDIHIBY SALE. JUST RECEIVED 10 pieces Black Mohair Brilliantine 50 inches Wide at 50 cents per yard. This quality never sold for less than |l per yard. Our price 50 cents. Troutman's Leading Dry Goods and Carpet House. New Spring Embroideries and White Goods Just Received. HENRY BIEHL, 122 NORTH MAIN STREET, BUTLiE"E?. - s T' A DEALER IN Hardware and House Furnishing Goods. Standard Rotary Shuttle Sewing Machine, 2500 stiches per minute; the No. 7 American sewing machine, agricultural implements and HH Limping farm wagons; New Sunshine & Howard ranges, K rfc} ■ Stoves, table and pocket em V cutlery, hanging lamps; U manulaeturer of tinware, tin UH roofing and spouting a spec ialty; the Johnston mowers, reaper and steel frame binder, Warren ready mixed paint, warrented; screen doors and windows, refrigerators and lawn mowers. No better place in the city to trade. Come and see my large store room full of goods, 136 i feet long. WHERE A CHILD CAN BUY AS CHEAP AS A MAN U\v£s CtesttvfcslcKv _gl HAY- FEVER W_ JGfm \J COLD-HEAD w^m Ely's Cream Balm is not a liquid, snuff or powder. Applied into the nostrils it it _ quickly absorbed. It cleanse* the head, allays inflammation, heals _ 50c 50c The Dairy Sweepstakes, The Creamery Sweepstakes; • THE (11? A N'T) SWEEPSTAKES. - COLD MEDAL, MB j ttpHnPik »H Wiia awarded to Hatter Made by the iKBBgTEMIpTSEg^y Jinn CBOLEY CREAMER PROCESS.^^pI C At the annual meoilnir of the Vermont Dairymen'* f._ , ytjl if 7i Sua victory there Ixintf over seventy competitors; tho [J J j ;,S\ thru'Jud*c««tatinK that it wa» the flne«t lot ot win- S | igja jcr butter they ever «*w. This makes the Bp 23d COLD MEDAL L - awarded. Do nyrtem can onmpare wlththeCooley < reuuirr. Send for Full Illurtnted Ctrculmw. W VERMONT £kJftSSe* Fa V, • LADIES Muslin Underwear. WMusliu Gowns at 50 c.,75 c., SI.OO, $1.25, .50 anil 1175 each. Muslin Skirts, plain or trimmed with Emdroidery or Lace at 50 c., 75 c., SI.OO, $1 25, and $1.50 each. Muslin Drawers, plain or trimmed .» c. to 85 c. each. Muslin Chemises, 25* c. to 50 i.acb. Always best Values in Hosiery. Hats at half price. M. F. &M. Marks'. 113 and 117 South Main Street. FOR SALE. A general store iu a good locality and doing a good business. Good reasons for nelliDg. Terms reasonable. Inquire of L. S. MeJUNKIN, Butler, Pa. Advertise in the Citieen. We Are Still Otter , ing through the month of Jan uary special bargains in wall ' paper stock to make way for 1 spring goods. These prices can't continue on new goods, ' but we must have room. Also if you want an) tiling , in fancy goods left over from the holiday season will sell to vou at cost or lets than cost. We're stocking up on all lines of staples and want you to be on the lookout for our new things. J. H. Douglass, Near Postortice, Butler, Pa. YOU CAM r: an fl!e lu I'lTTHiirK ti JI t!•» >■' 1 ■ u«d Who wilt conuact tor wiTerti>:u»- »t I -•-