B. £ B. Where Dollars Go Farthest. That's what we're all looking for. Its a glimpse of human nature— showing the selfish side of it. e «]] want the beet of the bargain, or at least the best obtainable. Here are about half a dozen specials that it will paj yon this week to write our MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT and inquire about. There are hundreds of others in these stores equally as good. We're making it more to yonr interest ererv day to trade with us. Lot 44-inch Cashmere Serges in various widths of black and grey stripes 25c; were 50c. The line of 46-inch Colored Cashmeres at 50c largely increased this week by addition "of many new colors. The finest 50c Cashmere eyer bought or sold. 38-inch All -wool Belgo in Grey and Brown Mixtures, 50c 50-in. Black Mohair Brilliantine for house and street costumes, 50c a yard; value, SI.OO. 40-inch All-wool Plaids at 60c; usually, 85c. Choice color ings. 46-inch Camel's Hair in all choice plain colors, 75c; wonld be excellent value even at $1.25. 40-lnch Fancy Badford Cords in new Spring Colorings, 75c. Finest Qualities All-wool French Challies, 31 inches wide, 50c and 55c. ANDERSON GINGHAMS. Write for samples, prices or other information pertaining to "what to wear and where to get it at lowest prices." Boggs & Buhl, 115 to 121 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY. PA. Clr^rietmas Gifte F or Everybody. Beautiful Presents that meet all demands and satisfy all wants in great variety to suit all tastes now on exhibitton at Kedick's Drug Store Fancy goods and Novelties, Toilet Articles and Notions. While we can not describe or enumerate our great variety, we are very glad to show them to all visitors. We claim for our stock excellence inquality, va riety in, design and reasonable prices. Whatever your wants may be,we can meet them with beautiful and apro priate selections. We solicit a com parison ol our goods and prices. Knowing you will find our Holiday goods the best and cheapest. Respectfully, J. C. RED 10 K. LUMBER YARD. L M. &J. J. HEW 11, Dealers in all kinds of Reugh and Worked Lumber. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, SHINGLES, LATH, ETC. We have a large stock of all kinds of Lum ber, Oil Well Rigs, Etc. Call and get our prici* and eo our stock. Mailorders Promptly Attended To. Olßco and yard on MOHBOK ST., NEAR WEST PUNK DKPOT, BCTLEK. PA. L. C WICK DKALKR IH Rough and Worked Lumber KIKDS Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Shingles and Lath Always in Stock. LIME. HAIR AND PLASTER. Office opposite P. A W. Depot, BUTLBR. - - PA Planing Mill —AND— Lumber Yard J. L. FU RVIB. L. O. PUBVIt. S.G.Purvis&Co. *AJNR»ACTCKEEB ABO D*A LIES IM Bough and Planed Lumber or kvchy description SHINGLES, LATH & SEWER PIPE. Butler, Pa. Grand Pianos for Sale. Now Is your time to select a good Piano; YOU do not want to buy but one Piano in your life time. So while seloctlng one it Is the best and cheapest to buy a good one. PROF. MAIERH, of Boston baa opened a Piano and organ Parlor at No. 21*. East North St.. where lie has oo exlbltlon a new Invoice of Pianos from the very bent of maker* of Koston. they have a fail rich and melluw tune, the action Is Until, quick and powerful; they will stay In tune longer than any other Piano on account of a new device of tuning pins, that I will be glad to dhow and explain. Pleas call and examine be fore buyng elsewhere. Tou can save money by parebaalng a Piano of me. and get a:i instrument that you can rely upon, and one tbat I will warrant or garantee to give entire satisfaction. I have made and tuned Pianos and Organs 'or over to year*, therefor know how to selucti erfect Piano. PIANOS AND ORGANS TUNED. 218 E. North St., BUTLER, PA. JVArtTtd—LitD I rvfirmnmr f i cro» nl'^aht* C. D. It will be to your own inter est to come in and see what a first-class Hat and Furnishing Store can do for you. The success of the past makes us confident ol the present and future, and notwithstanding the depression in business all over the country we have largely in creased our lines throughout and now show a full and comprehen sive stock as can be found in the cities. We have gone right along from the time we started owing to the fact that we adhere strictly to first quality goods at the very low est prices, and we would rather miss a sale than misrepresent any thing. COLBERT & DALE, Hatters and Furnishers, 242 S. Main street, Butler, Pa. OTh) .A. T COST In order to close out all winter goods. I will offer my entire stock of CLOAKS, BLANKETS. COMFORTS, HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR, FLANNELS, MILLINERY, In fact all winter goods AT COST. Before you buy any Dry Goods come and look through my stock. I know I can save yon money. LOUIS TRAXLSR, Next door to Butler Savings Bank, Butler, Pa. Hotel Waverly. 8. McKEAN ST., - - BUTLER, PA. Opposite School House. This elegan f . new hotel i« now open to the public; it is a now house, with new furniture throughout and all modern con veniences; is within easy reach of the de pots and business houses of the town, and has a splendid view of the eastern part of the town. Rates Reasonable. Give me a call when in Butler. CHESS STONER, Prop'r. Willard Hotel. W. H. REIHING, Prop'r BUTLER, - f-A HTABLIKU IS OOHBBCTIOJI. KAIPLE 800 S for COMB Kilt. - ! A I. TIUVKLKU Uaterprltlnf TOIIIIK Mom True A Co inslm'ted sod started me. I worked steadily and made money faster than 1 exported to I became able to buy an Island and bulla a small summer hotel ll 1 doii Unci wlal that, 1 will go to work Again at the business in which I made my mousy. True 4c Co.i Shall w« instruct and start you reader? If wo do. And If you work Industriously, you will iu due time bo Able to buy an islaud and build n hotel, if you wish to. MoMy can ba earned at our new line of work, rap Idly And honorably, by those of either »«*. young or old. and In their own locAlities, wUorerer thojr livo Any one cAndotbowork Ea«y to learn \V« furnish everything No risk. Too can devote your spare moment*, er all your time to tbowork This entirely new lead bring* wonderful sue cess to every worker Beginners aro e'lrmng from to per wee w end uowarda. and more after a little esj>e rlenoo We csu furnish you the employment—wo tench you PICRK. This is an atfe. f mArvelons things, and here i' another great, u.efnl wealth giving wonder OrOAt gain* will reward e*err Induarrions wnrk-r Whet over you sre arid whatever you are doing yen •» ant to know about thU , wonderful work at »>urm lielsy rwnum inn- i. money lost t. ton No spore to espleln hero, but'i v i wntotou will mak« ell |»l »: ' « • KISKF. » «r*.S*. TIU'KA < tl . lto\ 1 ' t Maine. Scientific American for I Ik J J ■a *y I I r i y i * j CAVEATS TRADE MARK 8, OCBION PATENTS r COPYRIGHTS, etc. For Information and free Handbook writ* to ML'NN K COL 381 BIIOAIIWAV. NKW YOKK. Oldest bureau for«ecnrlTnr patent* in America. BJrery pateut taken out by tin IM broufht before the public by a notice (riven free of charge In tho Scientific Jhuertfan Larfcnt circulation of any nclentlflr paper In tho world. Splendidly Illustrated. No INTELLIGENT fnyi nhould L*» without It. Weekly. 5.'1.00 a ▼ear; SIJJO Kl* unrußthn. Adtt office order. rvNotbliig expressed C. O. I>. Send for I'riee I.lst. SCHUTTE & O'BRIEN, Sanitary Plumbers And (ins Fitters. DKALEKH IN Sewer Pipe, (xas Fixtures, Globes and Natural Gas Appliances. Jefferson St.,opp. Lowry Iloiue BUTLER, PA. Nothing On Earth Will HENS LIKE Sheridan's Condition Powder! KEEPS YOUR CHICKENS Strong and Healthy ; Prevents all Disease. Good for Moulting Urns* It I« aboltru-lr pnn\ HUriUy cowvntrated. Int I'ori.TßT fn «i. v LS.JU!I»"N 4; < '•>.SCnrtom 11-»«.•*? St., Borton, Mass. HUMPHREYS' Dr. Humphrey*' Specific* arescjgnttflrally and carefully j»r*-j>ared Kernetilei*. u&ed for years in private practice and for over thirty years by the people with entire (mooes*. Every Flnglc Bpeciflo a special cure for tfa«* named. They cure without dragging. purging or reducing the system aii«l are in lsut and deed the ho» rrrixn Reined lew of tl»<* World. tier or rm*ctre«. foe. crw». m:. • s. X—Feverfs* Congestions, Inflammation?.. ,'is —Worm** Worm Fever, Worm C01ic.... .'Zo 3—Teething; Colic, Crying, Wakefulness 4 Dicrrbea, of children or Adults . .25 7 —Cough*, Colds, Bronchitis .'2o f+— Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceache .*,£.> f# licndnrhcs, hick Headache, Vertigo.. .-^5 10-U>»P«*p- • ••> 11 SupprcNHcd or Painful Periods .'2.) I*2 \Vhires. Too Profuse Periods *«J.3 13—C roup, Laryngitis, V.oarxenrs . .-25 14—Sail liheuin, Erysipelas.Eruptions .25 15— Rhrumaiisß!* R!:cumaticPains .*^.s 16— Malaria, Chills, F« vs v ►./. Philadelphia. P.HAROLD HAYi3 FOR MEN ONLY! ffTTZT*rmPor LOST or FAILIH Q MANTIOO.* * EJi ll «uwi wekvouß D£IUMT\\ J|Wf*kce»»cir Bot!y and Kind, Eifrc'-j OfcZtf f "Errorwor in Oldor Younj . |e,t»n«t, \oMr \| oaOO!* Tul.f Ho* io«-r!ar?<» »t i f ■; j: i.. n WKAfi. I NnftVItLOPKUOKfaAXHAPAftTSOP Itf/I/I', AU«lul*l/ unr»Jl!rtK lioau TKIATaiXT Hrueftts hi ii amy. Urn f fr-ro iO f»* •!»» #nJ f errlga < nuutr>s. IVrl> ;li-m. KfTrl .Hv ti k, *nJ proof* ««»IM <*• .trd» fr» A.' -- I f.iS MED'CAf. CO.. PIiFFALO. W. *. Q DOCTORS LAKH rniVATK DISPKNV\IIY. Coa. PLNN A jr.. AND FOURTH St.. _ t PITTSBURGH, PA. f IZ&jgP. v Allformaof I>eheatcand Corn el -#■> flhL i pi tented DlflcnwH requiring i icalloti lire trcAted at tin* I>J-- i u . i / with a hiicci!#b rarely* Attained. Dr. H. K ! ■he i ■ a iiienilier of the lioyal < ol lege of I'hy- Mciaim and Surgeon*, and i i the oldest and ino.it • v|M-ncnccd HPKCIALIAT in theelty 8|»e« tal at entioxi ftiventoNervou* Debility from c* CC-hIVC mental exertion. IndiMtretion of yout h,ete., caus in;; (diyuical awl mental deeay,laek of energy, |. -pondency, etc.; alsoCaueer-., Old Sore*s Fit*, I'iles I c Iteum at Urn, and all diM-aaesof the Skin, loud. Lun/N Urinary <*rgani», etc. Consultation tree and htrictly confidential. Office bourn, 1» to I and 7 to 8 p. M.; Sundays, 2 to 4 P. M. onlv. !1 at offleo or address DIM. I.AKK, (.'Oil. fcNN AN I..ANDITU ST..PITTBUL UUII. I'A. RIIPTIIRP 1 We the undersigned were nU « 1 Unt • entirely cured of rupture hy Dr. .1. It. Mayer. H3l Arch Bt.. PhlladHph a. Pa., s .hues I'll fill pa. Kennel Nouare. I'a. ; T. A Krelfz. Hla'ln^lon. I'a.; B. M. Small. Mount Alio. »'a.; Itev. S \I. sheriner. Sunhury. PH.; I>. .1. Dellett. 211 S. Twelfth St . Headlntr I'a.; Win. IMx. lH'ji; MolitrOhe St.. rhiladelphla; II 1.. Itowe. .'4)9 Kim St . Heading, I'a. , and Fli Hurkart, 4asi Loctiht St., Heading, Pa. Hend for circular. GNU! "sss WEARING OUT rnrrh CLOTHES. ' ULLII AS LITTLE OR VJ3™! 1 NO RUBBING iS REQUIRED. SHAM f° LLOw JUnt DIRECTIONS ■ CLOSELY. WOOD'S PHOSHHODINE Tlir lircit KAKIIHII II« un dy Promptly and pertna n« i.tly eurew all lormH «>f -lon^. *Jjk \ JJ Impotency and ill effeetn "t ahi is< ■ or i:*;ce SSL &L. ' »*"' 11 !»•' r <*rl!>••'! over .V, VirSlAflk'''' 1 IJcroro uua Aftrr. 1 ""0 IfHitfl" and llune.-.t Medicine known. AHk for \\'o Oit*H I'ilohl'l!OI»INE; if he ofTcrH»oin«- worHi lfrsH medicine In phu'e of thU, leave hln dlf»hon> CH'> Ktire. Inclose price In letter, and we will send by return mall. Price, one package. $1; Mix, #►. One will iih*AN4«Six Hill cure. Pamph let in plain sealed envelope, i Uainpn. Addre«n Til K noon i Ilk JIM'A I, < O , 131 Woodward avenue. Oettoit Mich. s^'Sold In Hut h-r hy < N. lioyd. .1 K. Uulph, .1. r. I.edleU and dUK'.ht*. ev ry v h'Te. DOCTUR J. B HOBENSACK'S M liUICAI. OFFICKH. 2«« North HCCOMO HT , riULAOKI.PIIIA, PA. Are the oldfst in AbMirica fur tlio trmilineiit of Kl'Et'l.iL »n ... *1 in- Ixx'tor'* HUCCI'MI iMiluf to hto HIO-IOBK expnrliiniw mi l Mu; t" tli« pure vej{«i il>lo ".oil iioit to U;>' «-*aiiilii»tion .mil watrlifiil at tuiitlun Klvfli pall'-ntM diirniK tn ilclient. A iMrly v uri tuljlHMii' nt In our guarautve of " offic® toour*. st A. ft. to " )'• M '"to ii r. M, All day Hut unlay. Hundava, 10 to 1" M. Heud Htanip lor book. THE CITIZENS MISCELLANEOUS ; lIU Name. Brown is a fellow who loves to push | himself forward on all occasions. Not long ago he engaged a stranger in con versation in a hotel lobby and after a few minutes he remarked: "Excuse me, but your name, please?" , "Brown," replied the stranger, gra- , ciously. "Ah, mine is Brown also," he chir- j ruped, with a pleased smile. The stranger's face was imperturba- i ble. 'Tleased to meet you, Mr. Also," he •aid, very quietly, and Brown waa flappergasted. —Detroit Free Press. A New lloss. I saw them here twelve months ago. And o'er the sighing waves I heard His constant pleading voice, while she Blushed red, but never spoke a word. They're here again, his eye seems dulled. And troubled is his brow She's with him, but it isn't he That does the talking now. —Truth. Dangers of Keai'sm. Critic —I have not seen Strutstaga this seasan. Actor—My goodness! Haven't yon heard? Poor Strutstage! You know he went out with the "Villain Still Pur sued Her" company, and in the last act there is a lynching scene. "Yes. Strutstage played the villain, j €ets Strang up in the last act." "That's it. Poor fellow I He played It ao well that one night, in a western town, the audience got so excited when the lynching scene came on they jumped up in -their s<>ats and shot hu» full of holes." —N. Y. Weekly. I called upon my lady love Against her stern behest. So she Just pressed the button— The footman did the rest. —Puck. Aharp Repartee in the Senate-House. "Cassius," said Cscsar, "you are aU j the time criticising the administration; but I notice you have no policy to sub stitute iu place of mine." "It would be a big day for Rome, nevertheless," retorted Cassius, "if you'd take my advice." "Which is, briefly, what?" asked Csesar. "Jump off the Tarpeian rock," replied the conspirator. "I would if I were as light as yon," said the consul, with quiet dignity, aa the lictors requested Cassius to move on. Harper's Bazar. Better Than a Pledge. Benevolent Lady—Little boy, here is another temperance tract I wish you would give to your father. Street Gamin—Me dad ain't drinkin' now lie's swore off. Benevolent Lady (ecstatically)— Did he read the last tract I gave you? Gamin—Nope. He's trainin' fur a prize-fight.—N. Y. Weekly. A Current Item. So common 'tis for wimc doomed man to fall Lifeless beneath the electric wires that smite him, With ghostly humor now the papers call The shocking episode, "a current item." —John Ludlow, in Puclr. Proof Positive. "Papa," said a talkative littlo girl, "am I made of dust?" "No, my child. If you were, yon would dry up onco in awhile."—San Francisco Wasp. The Marriage State. The spinster remarked: "I am sure you will find That as patriots none aro our betters; But as to 'United States,' give us the kind That aro spelt without capital letters." —Washington Star. Too Buty to Work. The Sceptical Aunt —What does he do, Dolly, for a living? Dolly (j?rcatly surprised) Why, auntie, he does not have time to earn a living whl'e we are engaged!— Life. Hi i 1.,.it .ph. Ucre Ho the remains Of Percy McMunn. A dear little boy Who blew In his gun. —Chicago Tribune. An Adept. Hilow— M i i Fl.'i pp learns every catch phrase as ;r> it is out Glim Yes, she'n a master of tho Kng lish slanguage Judtfe The Jersey Lily has become r. Bull's Cough Syrup? Make a note of it —Twenty fiye cents buys the bust liniment out, Salvation Oil, al all dealers. \ dinner table rule is "Pass to the left. La Grippe. No healthy persou need fear any daii- Kcrous consequence - from a:i attack of la grippe if properly treated. It is much the .-■ime as a severe cold and requires precise ly the same treatment. Remain quietly at home and take Chamberlain's Cough Kenieily a* directed for a severe cdd and u prompt mid complete recovery in sure to follow*. This remedy also counteract* any tendency ol Ih grippe to," result in pneu monia. Among the many thousand who have used it Juring the epidemic* of the past two years we have yet to learn of a single euse that has not recoverod or that has resulted in pneumonia. 23 and 50 cant bottles for salt! by I) H. Waller, Butler; A. Bowser*, Pro spect; Ilreiiden &. Allison, W. Sunbury. —One difference tIIHW the average poet and his readers is this: The poet take* pain* when he write* and tho reader take* pains when he read*. Cough Following Gripp. Many persons, who have recovered from la grippe are now troubled with a persist ent cough. Chamberlain'* Cough Remedy will promptly loosen his cough and relieve his lungs, effecting a permanent cure in a very abort lime. 25 and 50 cent bottle* for sale by. 1). 11. Waller, Butler; A. Bower*, Pro spect; Breaden A Allison. W. Sunbury. —The wise man i* appalled at hi* own ignorance. The fool is astonished that *o much knowledge and wisdom as he possesses can be contained within one small head. How to get Thin. The only safe and reliable treatment for obesity, or (superfluous fat) is the "Lever ette" Obesity Bills, which gradually re duce the weight and measurement. No injury or inconvenience—Leave* no wrink les—ants by absorption, Tii is cure is founded upon tho most sci entific principles, and lias been used by one of tin; mn-t eminent Physician* in Eu rope in his private practice "for five years" with tliii most gratifying results. .Mr. Henry I'erkins, 2!) I'nion Park, Bos ton, write- From tho use of the "Lever ette" Obesity Pills my weight has been re duced ten pounds in three weeks and niv general health is very much improved. The principle* of your treatment are fully indorsed bv my family physician*. In proof of my gratitude 1 herewith give you permission to use my name if you desire to do so." Price $'J 00 per package, or three pack ages lor $5.00. By registered mail. All ordre* supplied direct from our office. The Li.\ kicettk Sl'Kcll'lO C0.,M1) Wash ington fit , Boston, Mim. —Leap year hint for ladies who take gentlemen to the theater of an evening: All men like a bite to cat after a play. Consumption Suroly Curod. To The SDtroK:— I'iaMO inform your roadxr* that I hftvn & rmuedy fur ttie abovonainnd dlxaxn. Jly it* tlmaly UHi UiouuikU of li"]M'|ni« CUM liitvtj Im-4-ii Jmruiannnlly curwl. I shall l>o «lu«l to *«nd two bottle® of my rwmedy FRKK to any of your routers wlio havo consumption if ttioy will mikl ma tli' lr L»pr»M ninJ f. O. asldraaa. )u-«p>-< t- JHUjr. X. A. ULvt LU, M. . V. GORE FROM A BEAT. /ii - ■ r v tt^ Debtor—No use, sir! I'm teetotally busted. You can't pet blood out of a turnip. Irate Creditor—No; but unless 1 g«t that money I'll haTe the jg-ore from a beat. —Lippineott's Magazine. The Oris'" ot » Thrago. Phrases and slang terms are fre quently born of interesting episodes, aa witness the followinpr: Peter the Great, while off driving In the neighborhood of Moscow on one oc casion, was seized with the pangs of hunger. "What hare we in the ham per?" he asked of his aide. "There is but one candlo left, your majesty," replied the aide, "but I think I can exchange it for a fowl at the next farmhouse, if you wish." "Do so," replied the czar, "for I am famished, and do not care for a light luncheon." The aide laughed, and, as ho had sur- managed the exchange; but th® bird was found to l>e unusually tough. "I do not think, Vosky," said the em peror, later—"l do not think the game was worth the candle." —Harper's Ba iar. She Knew the Difference. The Boston papers continue to report anecdotes which show that the children of the city are not likely soon to lose their reputation for superior taste and intelligence. A four-year-old girl created a laugh the other night iu one of the public parks. The band did not arrive so promptly as expected, and she began to fear that it would not come at all. "Never mind," said her father, con solingly, "if it doesn't come I'll sing you a song." "I don't want you to sing," persisted the discriminating child, "I want some music." —Boston Transcript. Off for a Week'* Sport. De Hunter—l say, old boy, let's go down to Hot-Scotch bay duck hunting. De Sporter—l haven't any gun. De Hunter—That doesn't matter. There are never any ducks there.— N. V. Weekly. Go where yau will, you will find people usinjj Dr. Ball's Cough Syrup, and unani mous in its praise. I suffered most severely from rheuma tism during winter. Alter using Sal vation Oil two days the pain entirely sub sided, and now I am a well man. Epicures complain of the lack of vari ety in meats. —A Mongolian lion skin rug costs from $350 to SI,OOO —lf you decide to take Hood's Sarsapa rilla do not be induced to buy any substi tute article. —The Conneaut Lake ice compamy has thus far put up 30,000 tons of ice. —The decay of laughter is being grave ly discussed in some of the high class periodicals. It is claimed that the less civilized people are the luoie und the louder they laugh. To Consumptives. The undersigned having been restored to health by simple means, alter sultering lor several j earn with a severe lung atleclioii, ami that dread disease Consumption, is anxious to make known to his lellow sutler ers the means ol cure, lo those wl.o desire it, he will cheerfully seud (iree ol charge) a copy ol tiie prescription used, which tLey will hud H sure cure lor Consumption, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis f.nd all ihroat ami lung Maladies, lie hopes all sullercrs will tr> ins Remedy, ah u is invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, winch win com theui nothing, ami may prove a bless ing, will please address KI.V. hI>WAKI» A. UIUOA, Williamsburg, itrookijn, iNew York. —One of the most diliicuit thiugs in this lite i.-> to lorgive a u;uu whom you have wronged. a liiot claoo Hotel conducted ou the luUiopean plan. Lodging*, Xo, —ilo, —or .HI cents. —AD exchange tells ol a mau who, iu rep 1) to the ijucstiou, "Does your wile cook wcllf'said, "1 never tried to cook her. Tie lurtliesl 1 ever went with her wu to get her into a stew." —Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mystic cure" lor rheumatism und neuralgia, radic ally cures in Ito li da} n. Its action upon the s.) stein i» remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause aim the dis ease immediately disappears. The lirst dose greatly benefits. <•> cts. Sold by J. C. KeUicK, druggist, liutler. —"Tommy" asked the lady who was calling ou his mother, "have you any sisters or brothers/" "No" said Tommy, "I'm all the children we want around this house." —The horn of pleuty never falls to the lot of the man who takes plenty of "horns." Safe and Reliable. "In buying u cough medicine for chil dren," 11. A.Walker, a prominent druggist of Ogdeh, Utah, said "never bo afraid to buy Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. There is no danger from it and relief is always sure to follow. 1 particularly re commend Chamberlain's because 1 have found it to be sale and reliable." -5 and 50 ceut bottles for sule by I>. 11 Waller, liutler; A. Bowers, Pros pect; lireaden Allison, W. Sunbury. —New strawberries, fresh shad and ear ly robins are due in a few weeks. —An exchange tells how a woman re formed her husband from the smoking habit. She bought his cigars. He smok ed one and quit. Money in Cabbage and Celery. "Blood will tell." Good crops cannot be grown with poor strains of seed. l - 'or sixteen years Tillinghast's I'uget Hound Cabbage Cauliflower and Celery Keeds have been gaining iu popularity, The most extensive growers all over the Union now consider them the best in the world. A catalogue giving full partic ulars regarding theui will bo sent free to any one interested. When writing for it enclose 'JO cents in silver or postage stamps and we will also send "flow to Crow Cabbage and Celery," a book worth its weight in gold to any grower who has has never read it. Address ISAAC T11,1.1 NO 11 AST, La I'luuie, l'a. —A new varnished shoe is tuking the place of patent leather. —ltis a matter of congratulation that the toothpick habit has fallen. Chamborlaln's Eyo and Skin Ointment. A certain euro for Cbronlo Roro Eyop, Tetter, Suit itheum, Scald Head. Old Chronic Korea, Fever Sores, Eczema, Itch I'ruirio Scratches, Soro Nipples and Piles. It in cooling una noothlnj;. Hundreds of cases have been cured by it after ail other treutmont had failed. |it put up iu £5 und 00 cent buxoa. SELLING OUT. We are selling out all onr winter stock of Boots and Shoes away below the regular prices of these goods. All broken lots and sizes will go at about HALF PRICE. or less. This sacrißce becomes necessary in order to clean oat all the odds and ends as well as all exclusively winter goods to make room for the exceptiodally large and fine stock of spring goods, which will soon be arriving Herewith we enumerate a very few of the Bargains that will be offered at this sale. Men's good Heavy Kip Eoots at #1 25, and upward. Men's all solid Heavy Working Shoes at 75c and $1 00. Men's Fine Dress Shoes at SI.OO $1 25,51.50.etc Women's Estra F'ne Dress Shoes at $1 and 1,25. In fants goat and kid Shoes 15c. Children's Fine Patent Tip Shoes at 50c Childrens Heavy Shoes in Button and Lace 25c, 35c and 50c. Boy's Button and Lace Shoes 85c and SI.OO. We will sell you First Quality Bubber Goods at a lower price than you can buy them elsewhere in the county. AL RUFF, FURNITURE ■■ I ir»nrwgOQOa»Tt. ■ Thanking you tor O %J last year's patron age, and wishing you a prosperous new year. We intend trying J O to increase our trade for 1892 by greatly reducing prices 011 many o'oods. Save money by buying this month. Yours Truly, Campbell & Templeton, 13G N. Main St., - - Butler, Pa. FOB TIE HOLIDAYS ONLY JEWELRY, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 per ! cent bv purchasing their watches, clocks and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No. 125 N. Main St., - Duffy Block. Si{jn of Electric Hell and Clock. All arc Respectfully Invited —"Remember our Repairing Department —20 years Experience. , KINGS, I J EAR-RINGS, L)lclIT10Il(l8 ) SCARF PINS, <■ STUDS, fGENTS GOLD, + , -J I,ADIICS GOLD, atCiieS (GENTS SILVER LADIES CHATLAIN, TmirAlmr J Gold Pins, Far-rings, •J ( WCll \ j Ringn Chains, Bracelets, Etc, ( Tea nets, castors, butter dishe* Silverware | "" RODGER BROS. 1847 l&ITh-S"* Spoo,,s - E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER No. 139, North Main St., BUTLER, PA., lill^il!!lH^ririnirtnl M p.n.i.v I*' k«I 6 I.V. I ih f-»r &Oc. potato American M«nr ,r j" imw * Emdroidery <>r Laco at 50 c.. <•> c., SI.OO, #1 2. r >. anil $1.50 each. Munliu l»rawem, plttiu or trimmed 2or. to B.'> o. each. —> UimUd CUomist)*, 20.c. to "O taco. Always best Values In Hosiery. Hal* at half price. M. F. uid want you to be on the lookout for our new things. J. H. Douglass, Ntftr Postolßce, Hutler, Pa. ADVERTISERS : on tofc.. wh*i in Cfc'C*go, will find it »' .1 LMD&THOMAS.