Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, February 26, 1892, Image 2

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« r KMUT, : : - :
r»• •• t A at PMUBC* at BatUr M it tl»— m*tur
Th« following named persons are an
nounced as candidates for the offices upeci
fied below, subject to the decision of the
Republican voters of Butler county at the
primary election to be held on Saturday.
April 9th, between the hours of 2 and 7
P. M.
For United States Senator,
Ot Allegheny county.
U. 8. QUAY.
Of Beaver, Pa.
For Congress, 35th, Pa. District,
Of Lawrence county.
For State Senate, 41st Dist.
Of Bntler.
For Assembly,
(Two to nominate.)
Of Franklin twp.
Of Butler.
Of Forward twp.
Karns City.
Of Brady twp.
For District Attojijpy,
Of Butler.
Of Butler.
Of Butler.
For Delegate to the National Convention
for 35th, Pa District.
j (Two to be elected by convention.)
Of Butler.
Of Butler.
For Delegates to the State Convention.
(Three to be elected.)
Of Butler.
Of Fairriew.
Of Buffalo twp.
Of Centreville.
THB address of the Pennsylvania Repub
lican Association comes in good time.
Pennsylvania is at present unrepresented
in the United States' Senate.
The state is entitled to two seats in the
Senate Chamber, and commissions are
now held for them by two citixena of the
State, named J. Donald Cameron and
- Matthew S. Quay, but they are seldom oc
cupied, and when they are occupied they
might as well be empty.
The two individuals named are either
void of oapacity for the duties of their
offices or else are entirely indifferent to
them, and therefore the state is unrepre
sented whether they be occupying their
seats or not.
Numbers of Republicans all over the
state have noticed this and have
, made several unsuccessful efforts to
remedy it. Now they are try
ing it again, and all they ask is the elec
tion of a man oapable of representing the
state on the floor of the Senate, and whose
past record gives some assurance of his
doing so.
AHONQ the names of the leading Repub
licans of Pittsburg who have signed the
address of the Pennsylvania Republican
Association, protesting against the re
election If. S. Quay to the United States
Senate, are the following: Col. William
A. Herron, Col. E. J. Allen, Major B. C.
Bryner, Judge Hellon, Hon. J. H. Ricket
son, W. L. Chalfant, C. W. Robb, Esq.,
Henry 8. Paol, Esq., George W. Dilworth,
Charles Arburthnot, H. D. W. English, S.
"W. Trent, Esq., and George W. Foray the.
THB Anti-Quay Republicans of Alle
gheny county have opened head quarters
at 436 Smithfield St, Pittsburg, with
Major B. C. Bryner in oharge.
AT Hill's mid-winter convention at
Albany, N. Y., last Monday, his boom for
the Democratic Presidential nomination
was started, and all mention of Cleveland
was avoided. The New York delegation
will go-to Chicago instructed for Hill.
QUITS a number of Congressmen visited
Chicago last Monday, and viewed the site
of the World's Fair, and incompleted
Prospect Grist.
Bead and know:
That Hon. A. N. Martin, M. C., from
Bluffton, Ind., was visiting his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Martin, last Saturday
and Sunday.
That Franklin Forrester and Miss N an
nie Webber were married recently at the
home of the bride. The young folks have
our best wishes.
That Rame Weigle has returned from
a visit to the famous Nulton stock farm,
near Kittanning. Rame deals in blooded
stock somewhat, and was well pleased
with his trip.
That John Weiglo recontly fell off a
derrick and was severely hurt. He is
about himself again.
That Mrs. Fisher, of Butler, is visiting
her daughter, Mrs. Jeff. Critchlow.
That Misses Emma and Eva McLure are
improving after an attack of quinsy and
sore throat.
That the Presbyterian Sunday School
has purchased a new library of standard
books for the benefit of the boys and girls.
A very proper move.
That Philip Milleman is dressing tools
on the Sam Shanor farm, for Alexander &
That Nettie Hay of Muddyoroek twp. is
working at Hotel Boehm.
That N. L. Shearer, of Bennett, Pa.,
was in town last week. Nels moved from
here to Bennett about a year ago. Glad
to see you looking so well, Nels. Come
That Mrs. A. M. Riddle is down sick
with the grippe. Mrs. Cowan, Mr. Rid
dle's sister, is keeping house for them at
That Allen Dunn and Jim Mctiowan
helped build the telegraph line to this
place. They are good hands, but tre not
stuck on building lines.
That W. W. Graham, the telegraph
operator, made a business trip to Jacks
ville, last Saturday W. W. do you think
of extending the line to that place?
That Henshaw & Dana's No. on the
Barkley farm, was commenced the first of
the week, and is progressing finely.
That Clar. Caler says he has some sym
pathy for a fel!f>w who goes to see his girl,
gets the grand-bounce and then has to
crawl through the transom to /et into bis
stopping place. Well, Clarence, there
are many funny things in this world.
Harry J. Heckel, salesman for C. C.
Heokel, the well known merchant tailor
of Allegheny will be in Prospect about
March Ist with a full line of spring and
summer snitiogs. Cat] and see him.
THB burning of ft negro by U uiob of
white savages in Arkansas a few day a ago
is another blot on onr boasted civilization,
and the woman showed what sort of a
cfitter she was whou she set lire to the
man's oil-saturated clothing.
CBAWFOBD and Erie counties,of the 20th
Congressional District, will bold their
primaries on Tuesday, April sth, and both
Win TOW 0a the 17. 8. Senator (predion.
Republicanism vs. Quayism.
Although there have been no surface in
dications of the fact, there ha» in reality
daring the past three months grown up in
this state a formidable organization, the
object of which is to prevent the re-election
ot Mathew S. Quay to the Tnited States
Senator and to secure the choice of a suc
cessor whose personal character, intellect
ual tnd foreDMC ability, statesmanlike
qualities, and loyality to the principles of
the Republican party, as well as his will
ingness to be the exponent of its voters sent
iments, shall stamp bim as a fitting repre
sentative of the State in the Upper Honse
of Congress.
The first open ovidence of the existence
of the organization is found in the strong
and significant address of its Executive
Committee. This, however, has n<Jt been
launched until, by personal conferences
and extensive correspondence, the senti
ment of many thousands of Republicans in
all parts of the State has been ascertained,
and the nucleus of an active and effective
organization formed in every Republican
county. So carefully and thorougly has
this work been done that there is no doubt
that the organization will achieve its object
and that Mr. Quay, at the expiration of
his present term in the United States
Senate, will be succeeded by an abler and
more loyal Republican. .
The present movement is entirely dis
tinct from that fathered by the Lincoln
Independents, or Republican Reform
League, which defeated Mr. Delamatcr.
It has been organized by Republicans, who
have uniformly supported only Republi
cans for office, and who voted the ful'
State ticket in 1890, although many of
them did so under a mental protest.
It embraces men who have followed Mr.
Quay's leadership as State and National
Chairman, and who have hitherto either
actively or passively given him their sup
port. They are men who have as a rule,
taken no active part in politics, but have
given liberally when applied to, to the
campaign funds of the party. They are
moved by no personal grievances against
Mr. Quay. Nor do they desiro any office
for themselves or other friends. They are
neither chronic kickers, sore heads, disap
pointed office seekers, mugwumps, nor pe
riodical independents. They are of those
who constitute the real strength of the
party, its business, professional and work
ingmen, who love its principles and the
welfare of their State, and who have at
length most reluctantly taken action be
cause it has been slowly forced upon them
that the vital interests of both would be
irretrievably injured unless a halt was
called upon Mr. Quay.
Mr. Quay's attempt to vindicate himself
indirectly by his forcible nomination of Mr.
Delamater, and the insertion of a plank in
the State platform of 1890 eulogizing him
self created in them a feeling of distrust,
and although they supported the ticket,
the overwhelming repudiation of its head,
dne principally to the Quay plank in the
platform, and the subsequent revalations in
regard to Mr. Delamater brought them
to tho point of deciding that Mr. Quay's
leadership was an evil one, Still, they
were unwilling to take actiou against it
His conduct in supporting Mr. Cameron
for re-election, followed by the treachery
of both the Senators on the free election
and silver bills still further stirred the
feeling of dissatisfaction which was aim ost
fanned into a flame by the Donegal con
spiracy. The object of that conspiracy was
to have last year's State Convention ig
nore Mr. Harrison by exceeding its powers
and nominating Mr. Blaine, whoso bitter
and uncompromising enemies the two Sen
ators had always been. It was further
their plan to omit the usual plauk from
the platform demanding a free election
and a fair count, in order to vindicate their
treachery on the election bill.
It was just here that the tide turned and
the conscience and good sense of the party
revolted. The night before the convention
met Mr. Quay apparently held it in the
hollow of his hand, and his chief henchmen
boasted that the full Donegal scheme
would go through the next day "like a
breeze." But there were some
who perceived the danger, and who work
ed nearly all night to avert it, and the re
sult was that when the convention met it
ignored Mr. Quay and his schemes and
made its own platform and ticket, and as
a consequence the latter received an im
mense majority at the polls.
Meanwhile, however Mr. Quay had in
creased the ill-will of many who had here
tofore been his frieuds by his interference
in the Club League presidency contest, and
the blunder of his lieutenants in permit
ting nearly a hundred bona fide clubs,
many of them composed of his friends, to
leave Scranton without having been admit
ted to the convention, although the com
mittee controlled by his friends had been
compelled to recommend their admission.
All these occurrences taught tho men who
had for sometime been distrusting Mr.
Quay's leadership that they must however
reluctant they might be to do so, act them
selves to get rid of it.
At this juncture further evidence ap
peared of Mr. Quay's determination to de
feat Mr. Harrison, and his intention to
control the State's national delegation so
that he could use it simply for trading for
his personal advantage, as ho had so often
done in the past. His pretention of being
in favor of Mr. Blainu was tjo bald to bo
believed, and it was also tho general opin
ion that the latter would not allow his
name to be used, and in that event tho
sentiment of the Republicans of the State
was known to bo overwhelmingly in favor
Mr. Harrison.
Mr. Quay's evident attempt to preveDt
the expression of that sentiment and tbe
means which he was taking to secure that
result, brought mutters to a Crisis. Al
most simultaneous with the promulgation
of his plan to elect the Philadelphia na
tional delegates three months abend of
the time they should have been chosen the
feeling against him crystxlized into act
On the 15th ofDecember there assembled
in an upper room of No. 1510 Chestnut
Street some forty Republicans from Phila
delphia aud various parts of the State who
resolved that an organization should at
OIJCO be formed covering tbe whole State,
tbe object of which shonld be to elect a
majority of the Republican members of
the next Legislature who would under no
circumstances vote for Mr. Quay, and
who would secure the election of some
popular and able Republican as his suc
cessor. A provisional Executive Commit
tee was appointed with instructions lo se
lect a State Committee, composed of a
representative in every county and Sena
torial district and to call a meeting thereof
as soon as possible.
The members of this State committee
assembled orl January 29 at tho perma
nent headquarters of the movement, Rooms
4, 5, and 6, No. 603 Walnut Street, this
city, aud permanent offices and an Execu
tive Committee were chosen, whose names
are appenod to the address. The organiza
tion was named tbe Pennsylvania Repub
lican Association, and as its motto it se
lected the phrase, "Republicanism vs.
Quayism." At the desire of tho country
members of tho Stato Committee the Exe
cutive Committeo was divided into Eastern
and Western sectious, the members of
which were taken from the immediate vi
cinity of Philadelphia and Pittsburg.
Since the meeting the work of organiz
ing tbe State thoroughly has been pukhed
and it met with such great success that
tbe Executivo Committee felt that the
time was ripe to mako the movement pub
lic, as they do this morning in their ad
Pennsylvania Republican Association,
Republicanism vs Quayism.
To thf Republican rulers of Penmylrania
•Believing that the best interests of the
Republican paity demand the retirement of
M. S Quay from the U. S. Senate at the
expiration of his present term, and that he
should be <-ucceded by a loyal Republican,
possessed of the qualities necessary to the
proper fulfilment of the duties of that high
and responsible position, we hereby ap
peal to you for your support in our efforts
to accomplish this result.
"We, and those in whose behalf, and by
whose direction this declaration is made,
have no other purpose in view than the ad
vancement of the true principles of the Re
publican "party and the highest interests
of our commonwealth and country.
"This declaration comes from the Penn
sylvania Republican Association, whose
members have always believed the remedy
for evils of leadership is to be found by
timely and well-directed action within
party lines, such as we propose to pursue
in this instance. But as American citizens
wo can remain no longer silent, and see a
man continue in place and power whose
influence is constantly working to the
detriment of onr party, our State and our
Nation, and we. therefore, are impelled to
make the positive declaration contained in
oar first sentence, and are prepared to
make it effective by devoting our aflorts,
our time, and our means to that end.
"A point has been reached where, unless
prompt action is taken within the Repub
licau party to deprive Mr. Quay of further
capacity for disastrous leadership, the par
ty in this State will utterly fail to achieve
its true mission, and will, sooner or later,
meet with final overthrow. We have no
personal feeling or grievance against Mr.
Quay. Wo regret that his conduct as a
party leader and U. S. Senator has render
ed it impossible for us longer to support
him. Wo do not forget the services which
he has rendered the party, and while giv
ing full credit therefor cannot but feel that
he has not only been amply rewarded by
the bestowal of its abundant official and
pecuniary favors, but that the scale has
been turned against him by the evils and
defeats he has brought upon the party.
"In a spirit of regretfuluess at the neces
sity which compells action, without mal
ice, and with a desire to be fair to ilr.
Quay, but determined to be loyal to the
Republican party, we will briefly outline
our reasons for opposing his re-election to
the U. S. Senate.
•'We oppose him because he has forced
unpopular nominations and platforms,
which have brought defeat to tho party.
"Because he has instigated, or counte
nanced, the defeat of the party's candid
ates to achieve some personal end.
"Because he has repeatedly induced
delegates and legislators to misroprnsent
the wishes of the majority of their con
Because he has aidod in defeating legis
lation to secure a free ballot and a fair
count in the South; to tho enactment of
which the party has been pledged and
which, as its national chairman, he was in
honor bound to have supported.
"Because by reason of his frequent ab
sence froin the Senate, and the diversion
of his time to office getting, he has failed
to do tho work he should have dono in be
half of legislation of vital importance to
tho State of Pennsylvania, or to iuitiate
and secure tho enactment of a single iin
portaut national measure during bis five
years of service at Washington.
"Because he has, both by words and ac
tions, discredited the pledged policj of his
party in behalf of a genuine, efficient and
business like reform of the civil service,
and has compelled office holders to devote
their time and money to political work in
his behalf.
"Because of his attempts to embarrass
the present Round and patriotic national
administration due to the fact that the
federal offices in this State were not placed
entirely at his disposal.
"Because he has repeatedly opposed the
nomination of the Hon. James G. Blaine
*or tho Presidency when tho overwhelming
sentiment of the Republican voters of the
State was favorable to his selection, and
recently has pretended to bo ardently in
favor of him in order that he might secure
national delegates whom he oould dispose
of to his own ac /antage.
"Because, so long as he dared to do so
ho opposed every change of party rules
calculated to increase tho power of the
voters in county, district, State, or Nation.
"Because he has had primaries and con
ventions called long before there was any
necessity for so doing, in order to forestall
a growing public sentiment against him or
his candidates.
"Because ho has insisted that no recog
nition should be accorded to any element
of the party or to any of its leaders who
were not willing to act with or be subs er
vient to bim.
"Because the system which he has up
held has driven many able and honest
men out of the Republican party, or has
discouraged them fron taking active part
in public life.
"Because he has placed men in office or
position so hampered by pledges to him that
they cannot faithfully perform their duties
to tho State or to their party.
"Because we believe the Republican
voters have a right to choose their U. S.
Senators, instead of their being selected
by office holders, without regard to char
acter, ability, or fitness.
"We issue thin address by the authority
of the Pennsylvania Republican AssocisJ
tion, whose Executive Committee we are,
which organization has its representatives
in every Republican county of tho State,
and which was born of tho necessity for
concerted action to oppose the banded
oflicialism which has boon at tho beck and
call of Mr. Quay.
"It is the ptirposo of onr organization to
carry on tho contest strictlv within party
lines, and to secure the election of a major
ity of tho Republican members of the next
Legislature who will unalterably oppose
the re-election of M. fi. Quay t« tho U. S-
Senate, and who will favor tho choice of
any honeßt Republican, as his successor,
whose personal character, intellectual and
forensic ability, statesmanlike qualities
and loyalty to tho Republican party shall
stamp him as a lilting representative oftho
great Keystone State in tbe upper honseof
"To every patriotic Republican of Penn
splvauia, who believes that tho advance
ment of tbe principles of the Republican
party is above and beyond all personal in
terests, aud who is opposed to political
bossism in every form, to all who wish to
see our great Commonwealth of Pennsyl
vania properly represented at Harrisburg,
at Washington, and in our National and
State conventions by the ablest and best of
her Republican voters; to all such, and
especially to tho young men of our party,
in whose hands the future of the Republic
rests, we oxtend a cordial invitation to
join us in this movement, and to notify ns
of their willingness to do so by commun
icating with the Pennsylvania Republican
Association at its permanent headquarters
rooms 4, 5 and 6, 603 Walnnt St., Phjla
N'F.AR Rochester N. T. a daring outlaw
took charge of a baggage car, shot ibe
messenger, rifled the safe, stole an engine
and Bed with it, was pursued with another
engine, jumped off his engine and made a
passing farmer give him hi. bursa, rode
several miles, took rofuge in a Rwamp and
was surrounded and captured.
North Washington.
Oh!|the inud, the mud, the dirty mud,
~ That lays all o'er our street,
The mnd, the mad, the nasty mud.
That soils so much our feet.
Mr. Loyal Hall, of Butler, spent Sabbath
with his mother and attended services at
the Lutheran Church.
Mrs. R. B. Staiks is very ill with grip.
Will Shryhock retsrnM home from Cal
ary on Friday.
Our Council of Jr. 0 U. A. M. gave a
very pleasant entertainment un Monday
evening commemorating the birth of Wash
ington. A very interesting program be
ing prepared, including lion. J. M. Greer,
who took fiSr his theme, "This grand conn
trv of ours." At the close of his discourse
a unanimous vote ot thanks was returned
to hiui for his kindness.
The Lutheran Church of this place, of
which Rev. R. B. Starks is pastor, was
consecrated to the service of God on last
Sabbath. The building was commenced
in 1891, and completed in 92. It is a com
modious structure, equipped with modern
improvements, having a church room 30
by 42 It. a Sabbath school room 2S ft.
square. Rev. Eli Miller of Chicora.
E reached the dedicatory sermon, his text
eing Ps. 127—1. at this service the debt
was presented amounting to over SBOO to
which the good people responded with an
offering of $1,16". The evening services
were conducted by the Rev. Maurer of
Butler, text, Ejb, 3—17—19, about 500
people participated in the services, all ap
preciating the fact that another beautiful
place w»s added to the many others for
the ingathering of God's people.
THREE new announcements appear in our
columns this week —those of Josiah M.
Thompson for Assembly, E. E. Abrams
for delegate to the National Convention,
and Jonathan Mayberry for delegate to the
State Convention.
AT the meeting of the Republican Exe
cutive Committee ot Armstrong Co. last
"Saturday, it was decided to take the popu
lar vote of the party as to U. S. Senator
The primary was fixed for April 9th.
THE Pardon Board has granted a respite
of 90 days to Pat. Fitzpatrick of Alleghe
ny Co., whose hanging was fixed for next
AT Texarkana, Arkansas, last Saturday,
a mob burned a colored man named Coy
at the slake for assaulting a white woman,
named Jewell. Coy was strapped to a tree
with iron fasteuings, and coal oil was
poured over his entire person in liberal
qualities. There was then a moment's
silence and then a shout went up. It was
"let Mrs. Jewell apply the match; let Mrs.
Jewell set him off." Walking slowly, very
pale, but collected, the woman emerged
from the crowd. Her appearance among
there set the mob fairly wild, and such a
cheer went up as almost shook the ground
on which they were standing. The crowd
fell back at her approach, making a path
way for her. Leaning upon the arm of a
male relative on either side, she walked
unhesitatingly forward to where the negro
stood pinioned, struck a parlor match with
her own band, and with perfect delibera
tion fired the negro's clothes in two places.
In a second the wretch was one mass of
consuming flames, but even in death his
wonderful nerve exhibited ever since his
arrest never forsook him, and while
suffering the tortures of fire he actually
called to the men of the assembly, and in
a clear voice requested of tbem; "Move
back, so the ladies can see." He referred
to the negro women, a largo number of
whom witnessed the execution. Coy made
but little noise pending his horrible death,
except to groan and grunt, and died in
abont twenty minutes after the application
of the torch.
The Coal Combination.
The great combine of the coal carrying
railroads so skilfully engineered by Presi
dent McLeod of the" Reading is to be in
vestigated by the New Jersey authorities.
Despite the assurances of those in the deal
that there will be no raise in prices thero
is a feeling that the deal is contrary to
public interest and should not be allowed
to hold.
Our Constitution condemns this deal.
Its language is too plain to be obscured
The Reading and Lehigh Vally were and
are competing lines, and the prohibition is
plain. Tho case of Coxe Bros., ftesh in
the memory of all, only needs to Ije refer
red to in order to demonstrate the condit
ions violated. They fell out with the Le
high Valley and went to law with it. Did
their works standf Were their collieries
idlef No; but an arrangement was made
at once with the Reading, and it did the
work that the Lehigh Valley had before
been doing. Coxe Bros, had two carriers
ready to carry their coal. They broke
witli one and favored the other. It is too
plain for argument that the two lines were
bidding for the same work. If bidders,
then competitors. If competitors, then
their merger or lease is forbidden.
Do your duty, Mr. Attorney-General.
Don't forget the vigorous tight for the peo
ple when the South Penn deal was broken
up. Governor Pattison, you are in the
balance; the people don't want monopolies
in coal. Action for the people is the duty
of the Governor; action prompt, vigorous,
and thorough.—Philadelphia Evening
Tnu nomination of Joseph Bnffington
Esq. of Kittanning to the U. S. District
Judgeship was confirmed by the U. 8.
Senate, Tuesday.
ATTORNEY General Hensel has summon
ed all the parties interested iu the Reading
railroad deal betore him for a hearing next
Sick Headache
Is «O readily cared by Hood's Sarsaparllla that It
uemt almost foolish In any one to Ulow the
trouble to continue. By It* toning and lnrlgora
ting effect upon the digestive organs, Hood's Bar-
BapariUa readily give* relief when headache
arises from indigestion; and In neuralgic condi
tions, by building up the debilitated system.
Hood's Sarsaparllla removes the cause and hence
orercomes the difficulty.
" My wife suffered from sick headache and neu
ralgia. After taking Hood's Sarsaparllla she was
much reliered." W. R. BAUD, 'Wilmington, Ohio.
Hood's Sarsaparllla
Sold by all druggist*. fl;itxforfS. Prepared only
by C. I. HOOD * CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass.
100 Doses One Dollar
measure at Aland's
if you desire a Fall
Suit, Overcoat or
Trousers, that are
made to the newest
mode and decree Jof
Our stock is large,
comprising a care
fully selected assort
ment of
Brown Scotch
Tweeds for busij
ness suits:
Black and Blue
Diagonals for dress
Neat Stripes and
Cheques for trousers:
Whipcord and
Crepes spec ial 1 y
made for full dress
And an excellent
line of overcoatings.
Absolutely Pure.
A cream of tartar baking powder. High
est of all in leavening strength.— Laitit
U. S. Government Food Report.
WAGNER—At his home in Parker, Feb.
18, 1892, John Wagner, aged about 48
He was a veteran of the late war.
HCGGAXS—At her home in Hallstou, on
Friday, Feb. 5, 1892, Mrs. Elizabeth,
wife of F. T. Hnggans, in the 72d year
of her age.
[Pittsburg papers please copy.]
McCOY —On Sabbath, February 14, in Mc-
Coytown, Mercer Co., Mrs. Nancy Mc-
Coy, wifo of Thomas McCoy, of pneu
monia, aged 75 years.
The remains were interred ia the Harris
ville cemetery.
MOON—On February 13, 1892, of pneu
monia. Mr. Martin Moon, of Mercer Co..
aged 74 years.
Mr. Moon was born in Butler county,
February 17, 1818.
BOYD—At her home in Parker, Feb. 17,
Mrs. Wm. Boyd, aged 73 years.
BOYD —At the home of her son Campbell,
in Worth twp., Feb. —, 1592, Mrs.
Dorcas Boyd, widow of John Boyd.
DODDS—At his home in Beaver Falls,
Feb. 12, 1892, John Dodds, aged 78
MILLER—At her home in Butler, Feb.
21, 1892, Mrs. Andrew Miller, aged 78
DAUGHERTY—February 12th, William
Daugberty, of this county-, aged 73
years, 10 months and 28 day 3.
RCMMEL—February 20th, Christopher
Rammel, of this county, aged 57 years,
6 months and 21 Jays.
JOICE—At his home in Butler, on Wed
nesday, Feb 24, 1892, Mr. Michal Joice,
aged about 45 j ears.
WEIGAND—At his home in Butler,
Feb. 22, 1892. P6ter Weigand, formerly
known as "Peter, the water-hauler,"
aged about 73 years.
BROWN—At the house of her son C. M.
Brown, Esq.. in Harrisville, this oonnty,
Feb. 19. 1892, Mrs. Sarah Brown, widow
of the late Mr. William P. Brown, aged
about 76 years.
PURYIANCE- At his home in this place,
Monday morning, Feb. 22, 1892, John
Purviance, Esq., in the 56th year of his
Mr. Purviance was the oldest son of ojr
late and respected fellow citizen, General
John N. Purviance, and was born and
raised in this place. He was a man of good
education, pleasant disposition, and a gen
tleman always. Strictly honest and honor
able he was respected by all for his integrity
of character. The breath of suspicion was
never heard against any act in the private
life of John Purviance.
In 1858 he was admitted to the Bar of
this county and for some years had a good
legal practice, standing fair in his profes
sion, but some fifteen years ago be became
ill and from that time since had generally
been confined to his room. Being fond of
books and a great student he was not idle
in his room He was familiar with many of
the best writers and was well informed on
many of the sciences. With history he
was quite conversant, particularly with
that ot our early local history, which he
delighted in reading and upon which he
could converse with much interest.
A short time ago paralysis was added to
his other ailments and he was almost help
less until the end caino. 11 is kind heart
and generous nature made and retained
for him many friends, who will join with
Ufcin paying tribute to his memorr.
REIHING—At his home in Butler, Feb
22, 1892, William 11 . Reihing, proprietor
of the Williard House, aged 31 years.
Mr. Reihing had boon in poor health for
several months, and his death, therefore,
was not unexpected. He was a son of the
late Jacob Reihing, was born and raised in
Butler, had been in the hotel business for
several years, and for the past four years
had been the proprietor of the Williard
House, which ho rebuilt nnd remodeled.
He was an enterprising man, also a liberal
and public spirited one, and his death is
regretted by a large circle of friends and
His funeral on Thursday morning was
one of the largest and most imposing ever
seen in Bntler.
Administrators and Executors of estates
can secure their receipt books at the CITI
ZEN office.
Administrators' Notice.
Butler, Penn'a, Feb. 19. 1892. Letters of
administration, cum testamento anuexo, of
Henry Kohimpyer, Ksq„ late of Allegheny twp..
Butler''o., Pa., deceased, having been this day
Issued by the Register of Wills, etc. In and for
«aid county to the undersigned, all persons,
therefore, knowing themselves Indebted to said
deceased and his estate are requested to make
Immediate payment, and those having claims
against the sam* will please present them to
the undersigned property authen Heated and
probated for payment.
.1.11. KOHI.MEYF.R Adm'lS.
Sandy Poinl P. (>..
Butler Co.. Pa.
E. McJunlcln. att'y lor estate.
Administratrix Notice.
Letters of administration having been grant
ed to the undersigned. In the estate of Thomas
Martin, dee'd, late of Butler, Pa. all persons
knowing themselves Indebted to said estate
will please make Immediate payment, and any
having claims against said estate will nreseut
them duly authenticated for settlement, to
| Adm'x.,
St. Joe Station. P. 0.,
Butler Co., Pa.
8. F. Bowser, Att'y.
Sheriff's Sale.
E. D. No. 212 March Term. 1892. 11. Q. Walker,
By virtue of writ, of Fi. Fa. Issued out ot the
Court of Common I'leas of But '.er County, Pa.,
and to me directed, there will bo exposed to
Public sale, at the Court House, in the Borough
of Butler. Pa., on Friday, t»e nth day of March
A. D.. 1892. at 1 o'clock P. M., the following de
scribed property, to-wlt:
All the right, title. Interest And claim of
Emma J. Kobb, of. In and to a certain lot of
land, more or less, situated In Butler Borough,
Butler County, Pa., bounded as follows, to-wlt:
Beginning at a post on Mercer St , thence run
ning south along Mereer St. 121 feet to an alley,
thence along said alley In a westerly direction
183 feet to an alley, thence along lot of J. A.
Horton. in an easterly direction to a post in
Mercer street the placo of beginning. Together
with a one story frame house, and out buildings
Seized and taken In elocution as the property
of Lmma J. Robb, at the suit of J. B. Mates
for use of H. 11. McGeary-
WILLIAM M. BKOWN. sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Butler, Pa., February 24th, 1892.
Stockholders' Meeting,
Tho annual meeting of tho stockholders
of the Citizens' Building and Loan Associ
ation will be held at the office of the cor
poration, 113 E. Cunningham St., Butler,
Pa., Tuesday, March Bth, at 7 o'clock p.m.
for the purpose of bearing the reports of
the Auditors, electing a board of nine
directors to servo daring tho ensuing year,
and for the transacting of whatever other
bosiness may come before the meeting.
G. Wlisox MILLEB. Pres.
*II :<L ir» L':TT««LH K 11 -T rtmiiif iMireu I
tIU com rati fOr advertising at t.iVrwt
, '
r mancial Statement
Butler County
For the Year Ending January
4, 1892.
Let} and l»»fnmf«t fur the Year IS9I.
j a— i —s —| —j*
5 ® |
Tovnibips o H
?? * I
' j M
Adams. *toi 540 11 <sc<> wirjs oo '
Allegheny 2X! 3S 1 013 54 41 39
Brady '225 91T 90.i «T 68 13
Buffalo 372 i 490 oi rs IT
Butler 306 6371 1 896 &"> SB 4»
Clinton 351 33". 1 405 34 99
Clay 321 065! 1 286 66 68 20
Centre 200 770: l 043 <* 4» go
Cranberry 330 637 l 34« .v 106 oi
Clearfield 231 662 Mrt 73 . 78 37
Cherrv 291 xz 1 iss .11 «oon
Connoquenesslng 2»4 IS* 1 176 75 236 64
Concord 291 92« 1 167 6* 25 13
Donegal 263 MS 1 661 01; 224 44
Forward 348 825 1 395 30 547 37
Franlclln 288 013 1 152 OS 71 41
Fairvlew 315 1»5 1 2«o 7s 119 41
Jefferson 342 265 1 369 01: 256 01
Jackson 316 957 1 267 95 118 IT
Lancaster 260 150 1 OT6 »"> 42
Marlon 25T 620! 1 Uio 4,- 61 77
Mercer 153 731* till 95 26 14
Middlesex 337 612 1510 4.'. 190 39
Muddyrreek 233 825' l 015 3" 39 9.>
Oakland 272 818 1 091 27 139 12
Penn 334 3ITJ 1 33T 4'. 406 T4
Parker 294 S3- 1 1 ITT 35 123 57
summit. 298 847: 1 195 39 90 AS
Sllpperyrock 358 754 l 435 02! 118 09
Venango 238 675 9M 70 34 65
Washington 3tl 754 1 247 02 137 64
Worth 321 155 1 2*4 62 92 71
Wlnfleld 267 002 1 008 09 173 51
Butler Boro 1 978 872 7 915 49 1485 56
centreville " 78 402 301 61. 28 33
Evans city •• 86 030 344 12 362 69
Falrvtew •• 40 148 160 59 92 93
Harmony " 110 330 401 32; 68 34
Harrisville " 60 425 241 To 274 2x
KarnsCltv •' ss 640 114 56 1036
Mlllerstown" 97 942 391 ~ 290 On
Prospect " .... 57 205 228 82 73 53
Petrolta " 47 865 19t 46 76 U9
l'ortersvllle '• 42 582 170 3-i 20 4»
SaXOilburg •• 91 i*>l 367 87 238 51
Sunburv " 39 oso: 158 72 55 33
Zellenople " 125 370; 501 4* 224 56
Total .19 698 170 50 792 68 7655 50
County Tax.
Am't 1 Bal
Col. j Due.
Amount of outstanding taxes
col. prior to 1891 $9728 50 3234 82
Amount ot taxes col. for 1891 36853 1311522 S8
Total amount col 46581 63 14757 TO
State T*x
Am't Bal
Col. i Due.
Amount of outstanding taxes
col. prior to 1891 12238 91 219 30
Amouut of taxes col. for is®l... 4966 ss 2072 09
Total amount Col T205 79 2291 39
Total amount ot taxes col. and *
bal. due Jan. 4, is 92 53787 42 17019 09
Kei-«ipte of Butler County r<>r th» Year 1891.
To am't ree'd from Collectors 53 787 42
To am't ree'd on unseated land.. 823 74
" " " from different twp.
and Boroa. for Dixmont and
Warren Hospital 1 626 81
To am't ree'd from Co Comm'rs . 3 651 76
" " " " (Refunded) by B
M Duncan and A J Hutchison 37 50
To am't ree'd from Licenses 44.5 31
" " " " Fines 49 00
" " " " Amos Seaton.. 179 00
•' " " Jury fees 272 88
" " " (Refunded;
Butler Eagle 133 33
To am't ree'd from Registration
R V McAboy (1889) 76 00
To am't ree'd from Saate 2 522 35
To Balance in Treasury January
sth 1891 18 234 55
Total am't ree'd 81 839 65
Expenditures of Butler Ctuuty for the Year
Ending January 4, IM>2.
To Amount pd for appeal 2 00
" " " " assessing 1 931 00
" " " Allegheny Co.
Work House 276 28
Bridge Accounts.
To amount pd for Center Ave.
Bridge Butler Boro 8 331 05
To amount pd tor Centre Ave.
Bridge making approach 1 400 00
To amount pd for other new
Bridges 937 75
To amount pd for planking and
repairing bridges 1 929 OS
Total 12 597 88
To amount pd for bonds redeemed 5 000 00
" " " " boiler house
fuel and repairs
To amount pd for bridge, in
spection 31 10
To amouut pd for Butler Fair
Association 100 00
Commissioners Clerks.
To amonnt pd Enos McDonald... 60 00
" " " Isaac Meals 682 00
Total 742 00
To amjunt pd Commr's Council.. 150 00
'• " ''Commonwealth costs 1 515 44
" " " Court House water,
light and repairs 1 533 36
County Accounts.
To amount pd paving, house and
lot etc 1 553 16
To amount pd Court Auditor 48 00
Court Crier 318 00
" •' " Const's Returns.. 682 65
•' " " County Detective.. 600 00
" " " County Auditors... 297 4S
" " " Clerk of Courts 563 34
" " " County Institute... 200 00
Coinmlss'.oners Account,
Am't Am't
due ree'd
To amount paid John
Humphrey 300 days
at $3.50 SIOSO 00 $ 450 00
"ST Marshall, 304 ds.. 1064 00 64 00
" J C Kiskaddon, 302 ds 1057 00 980 00
Total 3171 00 1491 00
To amount pd Dixmont Hospital 1 370 75
" " " District Att'y 422 00
" " " Elections '). 935 66
" '• •' Election Procla
mation 400 00
To amount pd Freight and Dray
age 1 34
To amount pd Indexing 965 00
" " " Inquest „... 143 17
" " " Interest on Bonds
and tax 598 50
To amt pd Jury accounts 8 385 66
" '• "Jury Commr's 350 40
' ' ' Jail account 277 56
' • 1 Janitor 702 00
' ' ' Livery Hire 29 50
' ' ' Lunacy 55 00
' ' ' Military Roll 210 15
' ' ' Notary Public 200
' ' ' Printing 533 69
' • 1 Postage and Ex pressage 32 15
' ' ' Pa. Reformed School... 1 152 57
' 1 ' Prothonatory 409 80
' ' ' Registering 740 00
1 ' ' Refunding 63 48
' ' ' Road and Bridge View.. 142 84
1 ' ' Register and Recorder.. 148 60
' ' ' Scalps 215 50
' 1 ' Soldiers Burial 167 00
* • * Stenographer 1 491 44
' ' ' Stationery (Dockets etc) 629 O S
« ' ' Sheriff 1 90S 54
• ' Tipstaff 792 IK)
' ' ' Traveliog Expenses 23 15
' ' 1 Warreu Hospital 822 00
' ' ' Western Penitentiary.... 1 190 86
Total Ex's 57 907 S3
James S. Wilson, Treasurer of Butler County.
To am't Co. tax ree'd for 1890
and previous $ 9 728 50
" State tax 2 238 91
To am't Co tax ree'd for 1891 36 853 13
' State ' 4 966 B.S
' ree'd on unseated lands 823 74
' ' from different twps and
for Warren and Dixniout liosp's 1 626 81
To am't ree'd from Co. Comm'rs 3 651 76
' ' B M Duncan and
A J Hutchison 37 50
To am't ree'd from licenses 445 31
" ' Amos Seaton 179 00
' ' Jury fees 272 88
• ' Butler Eagle 133 33
' ' fines 49 00 '
* ' Register tax 76 00
' State 2 522 35
To Bal in treasury Jan. 5,1891... 18 234 55
Total 81 839 65 '
CB. ,
By warrants redeemed 52 347 83
By interest on Co. bonds 360 OO
By bondß redeemed 5 000 00
By unseated lands 647 09
By County Institute 200 00
By State tax i) 680 43
By Treasurer's Commission on
$50,000 @ 3 per cent 1 500 00
By Treasurer's commission on
$9,944.78 @ 1 per cent 99 45 1
Bal. in Treasury Jan. 4, 1892 12 001 85 (
Total 81 839 65
Financial Statement Showing Auet* and Liabil
ities January 4th, 1889,
Bal due from Collectors 17 015 99
" " " Warren and Dixmont
Hospitals 878 44 !
Bal due from Ex-Prothy Shira 1
jury fees - 16 00 |
Bal due from Ex-Sherfl Redick
jury AMim'.mi 140 00 1
Ha. due i"rom Sheriff Brown jary
'«• 50 00
1 2 Route* and I lot owned bjr Co. .V»i (*i
Note* doe the Coonir j o ( ;
Hal in hands ot Co. Tre**'r Jan
4th, 1893 13 004 85
Total Aweta 30 «!*3 54 |
Outstanding Hon,ls 10 000 00
| Accrued ln't on '* 143 S3
| * Hal due Commissioners Clerk... 33 00
J * 4 ' Wjrren Hospital 273 00
( ' l'« Reform School... 165 71
j * ' ' Commr's Council 50 00
' ' John Humphrey <SOO 00
' ' ST Marshall 1 000 00
' J C Ktsk addon 77 00
; * ' " Allegheny Co work house 133 71
* ' ' Johnson 4 Watson 476 10
j ' ' n P Kelly 900
' Western Penitentiary. t 582 74
* ' * P Schenck Boro Treas'r
Paving i gss OS
Bal due Butler Boro A«sesßineat
| \ Sewerage i 91 SO
, *Bal due Sheriff 497 80
* ' * Insuring Court House... 625 00
j * ' ' ' estern Peuna Hospital
| Dixmont 438 50
18 060 77
| Assets over Liabilities 12 832 77
Those marked with a * paid since settlement.
We, the undersigned Commissioners of
Butler County, do hereby certify that the
foregoing statement is a true exhibit of
the receipts and expenditures of said
County for the year 1891.
Witness our hands and seals thisSth day
February, IS9'2
Attest; Co. Commissioners.
Estate of Joshua McCandless,
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
having taken out lettlers of administration on
the estate of Josnua .Mct'aiulless. late ot Muddy -
creck twp.. Butler County. Pa., deed. All
peosons knownlng themselves Indebted to said
estate will please make Immediate payment,
and all persons having accounts or claims
•iff Inst said estate will present the same pro
perly authenticated tor payment to
Prospect, t'a., Adtn'rs.
McJunkin & Galbreath atty. for Adtn'ns.
Estate of Robt. G. Crawford,
letters of administration on the estate ot
Robert G. Craw lord, dee'd, late of Adans twp.
Butler Co., Pa., having been granted to the
undersigned, all persons knowing themselves
Indebted to said estate will plea-e make Im
mediate pa\ment and any having claims
against the same will present them duly
authenticated for settlement to
Valencia. Butler Co.Fa.
Estate of John Burkhart.
Letters testamentary having been grant
ed to the undersigned on the estate of John
Burkhart, dee'd, late of Butler tp.,Butler Co.,
Pa., all persons knowing themselves indebt
ed to said estate will please make immediate
payment, and any having claims agaiusi
said estate will present them duly authenti
cated lor settlement.
Greer <t Ralston, Attys.
Estate of John Whitmire, dee'd
Letters testamentary ou the estate of John
Whitmire. dec d.. late of Oakland twp., Butler
Co., Henna., having been granted to the under
signed. all persons knowing themselves Indebt
ed to said estate will please make Immediate
payment and any having claims against the
same will present them duly authenticated for
settlement to
Konora P. 0., Butler Co., Pa.
G. W. Fleeger, Atty.
Administrator's Notice.
Letters of administration having beeu grant
ed to the undersigned, on Ute estate of Mrs.
Sarah Snow, dee'd. lale of Penn twp.. Butler
Co, Pa..all persons knowing themselves in
debted to said estate will please make Im
mediate payment.aud any having claims against
said estate will present them duly authentica
ted for settlement to
1). B. DODTHETT. Adtn'x,
Brownsoale. Hutler CO., Pa.
Executors' Notice.
Letters testamentary on the estate of Wm.
Gallagher, deu'd, late of Clearlleld twp., Butler
Co.. Pa., having been granted to the undersign
ed, all persons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate will pie ise make immediate pay
ment. and any liaving claims against said
estate will present them duly authenticated for
settlement to
Herman P. 0., Butler Co.. Pa.
W. D. BRANDON, atty.
Orphans 1 Court Sale.
By virtue of an order and decree of the
Orphans' court lu and for the County of Butler,
dated January 13. lsa-j, the undersigned ad
ministrator of the estate of Harvey B.Brown,
dee'd. of Mt'idlesex township, said county,
uecil . will offer tor sale at public vendue on
the premises, on
at 1 o'clock, P. M.. of said day, fifteen acres of
land be the same, .uore or less, situate In said
township and county, and bounded on the
ncrth by lands of John Meßrlde. on the east by
lands of Jas. Wliltesldes and on the soutn and
west by lands of John Ferguson. Said land
is fenced, cultivated and has a small dwelling
house thereon.
Terms of sale cash. Title good.
Glade Mill P. 0., January 15, 1892.
MCJCNKIN & GAUSKEATU att'ys. for Adm'r.
Administrator's Notice.
Letters of adm n. C. T. A. having been grant
ed In the undersigned, on the estate Of Joseph
Hays, Sr.. dee d, late of Middlesex twp., Butler
Co.. la . all persons knowing themselves In
dented to said estate will please make Immedi
ate paynieut. and any having claims against
sal estate will present them duly authenticat
ed for settlement to
W. A. SLOAN. Adm's..
Valencia. P. O. Butler Co., Pa.
Aaministrator's Notice.
I Letters of administration on the estate lot
James Gibson 1 ite or Clinton township. Butler
I Co. Pa. deceased.having this day been granted
to the undersigned, all persons knowing
themselves Indebted to said estate are request
ed lo make linmediate payment and those hav
ing claims against suld estate are requested to
present them p. operly probated to the under
signed for payment.
J. N. FULTON. Adm'r.
K. MCJCNKIN. Flick I*. O. Butler Co..
Att'y lor Adm'r. February 11. D 8
Notice in Divorce.
Addison Brown / In 'he Court of Common Pleas
vs >of Butler County. Pa., A. I>.
Sadie Brown. ) No. W Sept. T. 1891.8 11. P 244
February 4. 18U2. motion of S. K. Bowser att'y
lor i laiutlfl for the appotntment of a Commis
sioner to take testimony of plaintiff, etc. pre
sented to Court, and H. E. Coulter, Ksq., Is ap
pointed Commissioner fer the purposes Ineu
tlouedln this motion.
I hereby give notice that I will attend to the
duties ot above appointment at the office of
Coulter & Baker, in Butler, Pennsylvania, on
Friday, the I'tlth day of February, IMI2, at 1
o'clock. P. M. 11. K. COCLTKR.
Administratrix Notice.
Letters of administration having been grant
ed to tlie undersigned on the estate of ltev. J.
11 \V right. dec'd, late of West Sunbury, Butler
Co., Pa., all persons knowing themselves In
debted to said estate will please make Immediate
payment, and any having claims against said
estate will present them duly authenticated
for settlement lo
Mas. MAUY ti. WHiiiUT. Adm'r,
West Sunbury.
Butler Co., Pa.
W. I>. BBAHDOX, att'y.
The well known liveryman, Wm
Kennedy, has bought an interest in
the above barn and will be pleased to
have bis friends call at his now place
of business. The
Best Horses, Buggies and Car
in Hutler at the most reasonable
rates. The place is easily remember
ed. The first stable west of the
Lowry House.
Hotels and Depots,
W. 8. Gregg is now running a line
of carriages between the hotels and
depots of the town.
Charges reasonable. Telephone
No. 17, or leave orders at Hotel
Good Livery in Connection
ihj - ikmm t * pipe ,or obtain •stimat «• J
.n • rtifti"*g s(#. who« c* 1 wiil find it on f<*c « t
By virtue crt sundry writs ot \en. Ex. F1 Fa
™ . ,* c • issued out of the Court of common
I leas of llutler < . Pa., and to me directed
there will 1* .-i.pix.-d 10 public sale at the
Court House, in th* borough of Butler, on
Monday, the 7th day of March
A- l»- I* at 1m . lock. r. the following de
scnbt«d pr*>p«»rty. to * u:
E D No. sa Mar. h term, lswf J B llredlu att'y
All the right, tale, interest and claim of Ru
dolpn Bortmas. 01. in and lo 75 acre* of land,
more or less, situate in i uncord aud Oakland
twp*. Butier county. Pa. t«ounded as follows
to-wit on the n-.rth by Win .Viakley east by
A J stouguton south by A o Moore and Klch
ard Robinson and we»t by Win B Clymer's
heirs, with a io. house, log stable, small or
chard and outbuildings thereon. Seized and
taken In execution as the property of Rudolph
Bortmas at the suit ot Al Rutt.
E D N • .• 2"> and 4- March terra. ls»_\ aud K D
NO Uec term, is .i Porquer and Camp
bell, attys.
All the right, title, interest and claim of A II
Burkhouse. ot. lu and lo ail thai eertalu lot of
land, more or less, sl.uate lu Butler boro, But
ler county, Pa bounded as follows, to-wit •On
tne north by Penn St . eas; by Miller south by
an a ley and West by Wilson;said lot being 41
leel iront and lt» teet deep, and having there
on ere* ted a two-story irame house and out
buildings. seized and t.iken in extcution as
lh. property ot A H Lutkhouse at the suit of
M c Uockensteln lor use ol .John Berg ,t Co et
ED No 102 March term. i«e. w u Brandon
alt 'y.
All the right, title, interest aud claim of Wm
S lvalsu.u and sniiu A Kalston. ot. m and to 5
ai ren ot lanu, ram- or less, siluate lu Muddv
crcek tw,i. Butter io. Fa., bounded as lollons,
to-wlt: on the norm by laud of Jacob Mus.ser.
east by land ot C .1 Meguleu, soutli by tue
same, and wot by Yellow , reek road; together
with a tranic house, log stable and other out-
Ouiiulngs thereon. Seized and taken in execu
tion as the property Of Wm s RaLston and Su
san A Ralston al the sun of I) R Kennedy and
0 M Myers, administrators ot David Mvcrs.
dec d, and c.eo Magee. Assignee.
ED No 87 March Term. 1882. T C Campbell
All the right, title. Interest and claim of the
German Reformed church, of Butler borough,
Buiier county. Pa., owner or reputed owner, of,
In a-d to 1 sX-V, teet of hind, more or less, situ
ate in Butler borough. Butler county. Pa.,
bounded as follow.-, to-wlt: Ou the north by
West North street, cast by lands of the Gerrnau
Itetormed chu.ch, south by lot now or lately of
Jeff Bunner. and west by an alley. Seized and
taken m execution as the property of the Ger
nian Keioimcd church, ot Butler, Pa., owner or
reputed owner at the suit ot Butler borough.
E D Xo 34, March Term, 1592. P W Lowry, atly
All the right, title, Interest and claim ot Johu
Kiimer. of, in and lo that certain lot of land,
more or less, situate iu Butler borough. Butler
county, Pa., bounded as tollows, to-wit: On
the north by Cunningham street, east by lot ot
s, G. Purvis & Co., south by an alley, anil west
by lot ot Fisher; said above described
lot fronting so feet on Cunningham
street aud extending south IS3 and
2-lo teet to said alley, and being 80 teet on
said alley, oelug lots Nos 4 aud 5 as per survey
of James Dunlap, made at the instauce of
Louis Miller, deed, and having a tvvo-slorv
truine house and outbuildings thereon. Seized
and taken In execution as the propertv of Johu
Kumer a', the sultot Henrv Blckel for use of J
F Lowry.
ED No «8. March term, 1892. J I) McJunkiu
All the right, title, interest and claim of John
H Mitchell -.nd Win M Keyser, of, In and to 97
acres ot land, more or less, situate In Franklin
twp , Butler county, Pa . bounded as follows,
to-wlt: Beginning at a post on the lands of
Henry Stautler. on the northwest corner,thence
by same north 87' i east yo perches to a post;
tnence by ian ls ot Johu 'lhouipson south 2"east
I*3 erches to a posi; soutu ss' west 90 4-10
perches by lauus oi John Sullivan ; thence by
lauds of Wm Albert north 2 west 171 3-10
perches to the place of I'egluulug. Seized and
taken lu execuiiou as the properly of John 11
MitcUell and VV m M Key -cr at the suit ot W 11
H Hippie et al, executor ol John Hippie, dee'd.
ED No 1G:I March teim, 1592. Marshall Bros.,
All the right, title, interest aud clatrn of
Chas P Johnston, of. lu aud to all that certain
lot ot land, more or less, situate in Prospect
Boro. Butler county. Pa., bounded as tollows.
to-wit: Ou the north by lot of Dr. Richardson
108 teet to 1 Ittsburg street; thence along Pitts
burg street south 10 an alley 62 teet; theuce
along said alley west 152 leet 10 lot of Roth
heirs ; thence along said lot north 80 feet to
the place ol begin mug seized and taken iu
execution as me property of Clias P Johnson at
the suit of David WvSl.
ED No 112, March Term. 1892. T C Camp
bell, att'y.
All the right, title, luteresl and claim of John
McMahan, of.ln and to 151 acres ot laud, more
or less, situate iu Parker township. Butler
couuty. Pa., bouuded as follows, to-wlt: Coin
meucing al a black oak. thence north 1* west
by lauds of Thus aud Alexauder W ally aud Wlll
Allen 161 perches to a stone ; thence norih 89 a
east by lauds ot heirs of George McCandless
138 peiche» to a post; thence south 1* east by
lauus 01 Thos Allen, 11* perches to a past;
thence north 81) easl by lands oi I'hos Allen 4.'
perches to a jHjst; thence south 1 east by lauds
01 Thos Alleu 69 perches to a post ; theuce
sou h so west by lands ol James McMahan Bti
perches to a while oak. thence north 1" west
uy lauds ol James McMahan 23 percnes to a
black oak , theuce south 89" west by 1 mds of
James .Mc Mahan aud hen sof Thos McGill 104
perches 1 J the place of beginning and being the
same piece ol laud conveyeu by Joseph Mech
liug to JOUII McMaiiuu by deed dated April 1,
is «i. aud recorded 111 the office for recordiug
deeds, .vc., lu Deed Book 41. P. 2">2. Seized and
taken lu execution as the properly ot John
McMahan at the suit ol Catharine Mangel.
ED No 168 March Term, 1893. Marshall Bros.,
All the rpjht, iltle Interest and claim of J M
Wick, Martha M Wick, and W M Wick,
ot. 111 and to 12 acres of land,
more or less, situate In Butler township,
Butler couuty. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wlt:
Beginuiug on tha Frecport road . theuce south
"long the lauds ol Adam \Vej /.ellßßl feet tothe
lands ol Kelly.thence uiougKelly 29s feet to the
lands of Harriet Fair, thence along lands of
Harriet Fair 192!> feet to the Kreeport road,
theuce aloug the Fieeport road 294 feet to place
of beginning, and being composed of two tracts
of land, one conveyed by William S Boyd, et ux,
to Martha M Wick, dated June 17, 1876, con
tain lug 7% acres and tlie other piece conveyed
by Samuel Taggart and Mary Taggart. con
taining 5 acres. seized and taken In
execution as the property of J M Wick, Martha
M Wick aud W M Wick at the suit of W R Rid
ED No l#o. March T, 1592. A T lilack, att'y-
All the right. title, interest and claim of M
W Mays, um'r of Minute Mays, dec'd, and
M W Mays, dec'd, or, In and to all
that certain lot of land, more or less, situate In
Butler borough. Butler county, Pa., bounded us
follows. to-wlt: On tUe north by an alley, east
by C Otto, south by West Cunningham street,
and west by center line of a private alley be
tween said lot and lot ot William Bartley,front
ing on Cunningham strret 40 feet (Including 6
feet o( said private alley) and extending back
no feet, more ur less to the alley, being the
same lot conveyed to the said Minnie Mays by
deed from C oito and wife, dated Jan lath, 18SM.
recorded In Deed Book No. luT, page 491. with
a two story frame house and outbuildings
thereon, seized and taken In execution as the
property of M. W. Mays, ad in rot Minnie Mays,
deceased.and M W. Slavs, at the suit ot Work
lngmeu's Ktpiltable Building and Loan
Association of Butler, Pa., Series "D."
K l) No 47 March Term, l*» 2. J. B. Mates, att'y
AU the right., title. Interest and claim of 8. L.
Markwell, of. in and to that certain lot of land,
more or less, situate lu Butler borough. Butler
county. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the
north by lot No. 40. In Mrs Mackey's plan of
lots In said borough, east by Fairvie w
Avenue, south by lot No 4S In said
plau of lots, and west by CUerryway, and being
4n feet front and rutin.tig back parallel Hues the
same width 125 feet to Cherryway, and being
lot No 47 In Mrs Sarah Mackey's plan of lots as
aforesaid, and having a two-story rramc honse
and outbuildings thereon. Seized and taken lu
execution as the property of S L Markwell at
the suit of Anna E uowland.
t 1) No 101 March Term. 189.'. W A Korquer,
All the right, title. Interest and claim of An
drew Augert. of. It and to that certain lot of
land, more or less, situate in Butler borough.
Butler county . Pa., bounded as follows, to-wlt:
On the north by an alley , east by lot now or for
merly ot K lira ham. south by Lincoln Ave..west
by an allev; said lot being *7 by 112 feet, more
or less, and being fhe same lot of ground con
veyed by Anna M Kullertou nud .lames O Kul
lerton, her Husband. to Andrew Anifert. one of
the parties or the first part by deed bearing
date the 7tn day or April. A l>. ls«>. and hav
ing a two-story frame house and outbuildings
thereon. Seized aud taken In execution as the
property c 1 Andrew Augert, at the suit of
John N Muut/.
K 1) No ls4 and IDI March term, IS»2. J N' Moore
and Greer & Italston. alt'ys,
All the right, title, interest and claim ot Kllz
abeth Kaiusey, ot. in and to 50 acres of land,
more or less, situate in Slippery rock twp. But
ler Co.. Pa . bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the
north by public road, east oy Wm Chrlstley
heirs and Wm S litngham south by 11 P Kls
kaddon and west by Frank Kyth; together with
a frame house, frame barn, orchard and out
buildings thereon. Seized and taken In ex
ecution as tb>- property of Elizabeth Kainsey
as the suli of Isa M. '"attersou ot al.
KD No 61 Match Term. lfW. A M Cornelius,
All the right, title, luterest and claim of W
A Vancn. of. lu aud to « acres of land more or
less, situated In Allegheny township, Butler
county, Pa., bounded as follows to-wlt : On
tne uorth by McMuhou and Norrlgau. esst by
Alex Coulter, south by l>. P. Book aud Mercer
and Hosentierg roaj. and west by John camp
bell. together with a two-story frame house,
irame barn and outbuildings thereon. Seized
aud taken in execution as the proiierty of W
A Vauce at the suit of tngeliuo Weller.
11> XOS 127. T2S, L*J. I:>J. 131. i;I3 aud 143. March
Term lav.'. Jos. 11. Bred in et ai. alt'ys
All the right, title, interest und claim ot John
Cilble, of, In and to ijo acres of land, more or
less situate lu Mimmlt township. Butler coun
ty Pa . boundcJ as follows, lowtt: Oil the
north bv Wendell Kirk, east by Charles Uible
sr., south by Oesterllng and Hoffman and west
by Krepps. together with log uotue. log barn,
orchard and open coal bank thereou. Seized
and taken lu '•xecutlon as the property of John
uible at the suit of Stephen Cummlugs. trustee
el al.
K l> No 171, March Term. 1882. A. G. Wil
liams. att'y.
All the right, title. Interest aud claim of D.
A Kanierer. of, In aud to 36 acres of land, more
or less situate In Concord towiwnlp. Butler co..
Pa., bounded at follows, to-wlt: Beaming at
the northeast coiner, thence by lauds of J C
IJaubeiispeck, south l east ttt perches lo a post
thence by lands of Peier Kauierer, south
wast 123 perch.s to a post, thence by lands ot
11 J. Clark tnow A ti Meals) uorl.> v west 35
perches to corner ol J t> Kaiuerer : theuce by
lands nl J I) Kauierer uorth w.tfeast 84 tl-10
per. hes to a post; thence ulong the same north
1* west ti perches to public road ; thence along
said road 20 petclies to a post. theuce north li»
perches to a post: thence east 4* perches to a
stone post, tlie place of beglnlng and belug the
same that was conveyed to I) A Kanierer, the
above named mortgagor, by Peter Kanierer aud
Catherine Kauierer, his wife, by detd dated
May 19. A t>. lss7. Seized and talteu In oxecu
tlon as the proj-erty of D. A. Kamcrer at the
suit ct Alex Mitchell.
EDNOSI44. 147, 14S. 110. 150 and 151 March
Tt'rm, ls:<2. Conifer 4 Baker and \V D
Itmudoii. attorneys.
All the right, title. Interest and claim of Theo
M Shearer, of. lu aud to all that certain lot of
land, moreol less, situate k* Butler borough.
Butler county. Pa . tiouuded As follows to wit ;
Ou the north to Ktttauning load, east by Pur
vli 4 co. south In Purvis a Co and west by P
4 W J; It. uigelhor with a frame machine shojp.
umht hemsv wm itnriies.swinn titrmtarr, planer
hjnf??: « n Sioe containel In said
build.ngs Seized and taken In execution as
\M& o, e t r r M ShearPr a! lh " suit of
EI) No 19s March Term. 18?.'. A. T. Black
, AH the right, title, interest and claim ot J R
II Morrow of. lu and to a certain lot of land
more or less sit uate in llarrUvllle borough,
•Jut ler county. Pa. bounded as follows, to-wit:
On the uorth by Lit of Bingham, east by Main
street, south by an aliey and west by an alley.
a*ld lot being l*j feet front on Main street and
extending oaek I*o to an alley, together with a
a two story fram» dwelling house, frame barr.
and other outbuildings thereon. Seized and
iaken in execution as the pro >er y of J It »
Morrow at the suit of Em 1111 A K rter.
E DNo S3 March Term. lsaj. William, & Mitch
ell, att ys.
All the right, title. Interest and claim of J \V
iiibson of. In and 'o 10 acres of land more or
situate in Clay township. Butler county. Pa.,
bounded as follows to-wit: Ou the north by-
Mrs Mary t, I beon, east by John Sutton, south
by John A Gibson's heirs and Marv A Vande
vort. and west by Jacob Brown. Seized aid
taken in execution as the property of J W Gib
son at the suit of L H OatmaiK
E D Ko2ft. Lec T. 18»i, and E 1) Nos «, 88. 134
194. 198. 196 and 199. March reim. ls»» Bran
don. Cornelius, Lowry, Lusk, and McOulstlon
All Ihe right, title. Interest and claim of H W
(. hrtstle. of. in and to 40 acres of land, more or
less, situate in Butler borough, Butler couuty
la., bounded as lollows, to-wit: "u the noriu
by N orthnlde Cemetery Association, east by
High street and lauds ot Charles Duffv
south by lauds of J L Purvis and W H H
Riddle, and west by W H II Riddle and Helner
heirs, and uavlng thereon erected a large brick
housj. frame barn, orchard and other outbuild
ings. Seized and taken in execution as the
property ot H W Christie at the suit of John S
Campbell etal.
E1) Xo 74, March T, 1892. C Walker, att y.
All the right, title. Interest and claim of M P
Black, ot, hi and to a certain lot of laud, more
or less, situate iu Butler borough. Butler coun
ty. Pa., bounded as follows, to-nit: Ou the
north by lot Xo3l, east by First street, south
by lot N043. west by an aliey. said lot being
Jut .'IT In Clymer tract.
,Uc r 'S hl . "tic. interest and claim
of M p Black, of. in and to 1X acres of land,
more or less, situate in Parker township. Butler
county. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wtt: on
the north by John Kelly, east by meandering
of the spring run, south by the meandering of
the spring run. west Uy public road leading
from Martinsburg to Maple Furnace, together
with with a wo story irame house, board stable
and outbuildings thereon.
ALSu-All the right, title, interest and claim
of M I Black, of, in and to a certain lot of land,
more of less, situate In ButL-r borough, Butler
county. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wtt: On
tne north by lot 37, east by First street, south
by Locust street, west by an alley, said lot be
ing lot No 43 In clymer tract, seized and taken
lu exscuuou as the property of M P Black at the
suit ot Robert Black et at.
Ell) Xo 203. March T, l8i«. It P Scow. att y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Geo
II uibson, of, ID and to a certain lot of land
more or less situate in Parker township. Butler
county. Pa., bouuded as follows, to-wit: On the
north by Thos W alley's heirs, east by George
Boyd, soutn by w A Martiu, west by Main
street, said lot being 00 feet, more or less,
fronting on Main street, and exteuulng back
eastward 180 feel, more or less, with a frame
store and dwelling house combined and board
stable and oilier outbuildings thereon. Seized
and taken in execution as the property of Geo.
II uibson at the suit of Robert Story.
K l> No iOB March term. 1882. 8. F. Bowser, att'y
All the right, title, Interest and claim of H J
Clark, of. lu and to 45 acres ot land, more or
less, situate concord township. Butler county
Pa., bouuded as follows, to-wit: beginning ut
the tiortnwest co rner, thence east to the north
east coruer 78 perches, thence south iu? 9-10
perches, thence north a 8 oeg. west ltu 7-10
perches, thence nortn 17 deg. east Sti 4 10 perch
es lu the place ot beginning; bounded on the
north by Jonn Kemerur and A D Ki'hn, on the
east by Johu and Peter Sauierer.on thesjutli by
Coulter Robb aud Heury Blair, and 011 the west
by olner lauds ot It J Clark, with frame house,
log barn and other outbuildings tlitrejn .
ALSO—AII the right, title. Interest and claim
of 11 J ciark, ot, in and to 57 acres of land,more
or less, situate In Concord tow nship, Butler
county. Pa., bounded us tollows, 10-wa: On the
nottu by Am a Campbell and A 1) Kdhn, east
by otucr lauus ol 11 J Clark and lands J f Henry
Biair, soutu by Samuel Patten, west by Jeptha
Gold, selzeu and taken lu execution as the
propery of 11 J Clork at the suit of W J Kls
kaudou tor use.now fcr use of Charles Cochran.
E1) No 204, March term. 18U2. Joseph B Bretl
ln. an' y
All the light, title, interest and claim ot
Sophia Kuox. administratrix of W 1) Knox,
dee u. 01, In aud to 53 acres 01 land, more or
less, situate 111 Clay township, Butler county.
Pa., bouuded as follows, to-wu: on the 1 ortU
Oy lauds 01 Johu Sutlou and church 101, east
by hinds of tleury W VVhiluilre aud ltcdlc Mc
-1 audiess, soutu uy lauds ol Heury lirackuey.
west by Johu Mei'an Jless. Seized aud taken
111 execuiiou as ihe properly 01 Sjpuia Kuox.
adiuluisirattix of VV i> Kaox. al lue suit ot H
E1) Nos 19, 20 and 21 March term, 1392. H. U.
uoocher, att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of jo
Leonard, of, 111 and l« I,W .icren ot land. inor e or
lis., situate lu the adjoining counties of B ut < er
aud Armstrong, aud the greater porllo a or
which is siluate in Parker towuahip. B ut i er
county, Pa., bounded as tollows, to-wlt: , . um
ineiKiiig al a post, meuce by lauds ol
Morgan, north 5 deg. eas 159 perch-is oo a „ ,
lucuce uy lauds oi VV E Allen, south 87 de„
156 perches U» a posi, tueuue oy lauds ol / a eob
«all. ltobeuslelu, et al, south 3 deg
peniies to a post, theuce Oy lauds ot Parker
aud l'uompsou aud Bear Creek Oil Co., north
s7 ueg. weal H>» peruueS lo a post, the place of
beginuiug; with two producing oil
wells complete situate tueieou I lee royal
ty ; said property known as the Joan jj Leon
aru tarin. .seized aud taken in exocuiiou as the
properly of J 1' Leonard al the salt of J j Nel
sou lor use ot the Torpedo Company.
I'EKMS OF SALE:—The following must be
strictly complied with when property is stricken
1. Waeu the plaintiff or other lien creditor
Incomes the purchaser the cost on tne writ
must be paid and a list of the Ileus Including
mortgage searches on the property sold to
gether with such lieu creditor's receipt* for the
amount of the proceeds of the sale or such iKir
tlou thereof as he may claim must be tumuiicd
the Sheriff.
2. Ail bids must be paid in full.
3. AU sales not settled immediately wUI be
continued until l o'clock p. u. of next day. at
which tune all property not settled for will be
put up and sold at the expense and risk of the
person to wnom first sold.
•see l'urdou's Digest, atli edition, page 4H5.
and Smith's Forms, page 381.
Sheriff's Office, Butler, Pa., Feb. 17, 18M.
Trains leave tbe West Penn drjwt at foo
east Jefferson St. as follows:
6:20 a. m. —Market —arrives at Allegheny at
8:40 and 9:13 p. m.
s:4O a. m.—Express—arrives at Allegheny
at 10:30 a. m.
11:00 a. m.—Accomodation—arrives at Alle
gheny at 1:24 p. m.
2:45 p. m—Accomodation—arrives at Alle
at 4:44 p. m.
5:00 p. m.—Express— arrives at Allegheny at
Allegheny at <1:48 p. m.
The 6:20 a. m. train aud 2:45 p. m. trains
connect at Butler Junction with trains Eait
to Blairsville Intersection, where connection
is made with the Day Express and Philad'a
Express going East.
Trains arrive at Bu rat 9-35 and 10:35
m. and 1:30, 5:0 aud 7:50 p m leaving A 1
legheny at 6:55.8:50aud 10:40 a. 'm. and 3:
15 and 6;10 p. in
P. <k w. u. R.
Trains leave the P. <fc W. depot near Ce,
Ire Ave., Southside, Butler time, as foilw»
going sooth:
6:00 a. m. —Allegheny Accomodation.
B:oo—Allegheny aud Akron Express— runs
on Sunday to Allegheny, and connects tor
New Castle that day.
10:20 a. m.— Allegheny Accomodation.
2:50 p. in.—Allgheny Express.
3:20 p.m.—Chicago Express, runs on Sun•
6:10 p.m.—Allegheny and Zelienople Mail.
Kuns on Sunday to Allegheny alone.
On Sunday aloue, at 9 a. m., New Castle
Uoing North—lo:os a. ui. Bradford Mail.
5:20 p. m—Clarion Aocom.
7:40 p.m.—Foxburg Aocom.
No Sunday trains on the narrow-gauge.
The 3:30 p. m. train South connects at Cal
lery with the Chicago express, which runa
daily and is equipped with the Pullman buf
fet and sleeping coaches.
Trains lor Butler leave Allegheny at
8:30 and 10;30 a. m., city time, and 3:15, 5:25
aud 7:40 p. u On Suuday at 8:30 a. m. am'
4:20 p m.
Trains arrive at Butler at 9:35 aud 19:20 L.
m. and 12:30, 4:45, 7:35 and 9:40 p. m. Sun
day at 10:20 and 6:10.
Trains leave the P 4 W depot, Butler
time, as follows:
5:30 a. m, to Erie, arriving there at 10:45
a. m.
10:30 a. m. to Erie, arriving there a t3:20
p. in.
5:00 p. m. to Greenville, arriving there at
25 p m.
A train arrives from Greenville at 10:05 a.
m with through car to Allegheny over the
P. A W; one at 2:30 p. m. from Erie which
connects with both roads to Allegheny, and
one at 8:40 p. in from Erie.
Trains leave Hilllards at 6:25 and 11:15 a.
m. slow timo.
The 8:30 a. m. and 3 p. m. trains ou both
roads in Allegheny connect with trains on
the P. S. A 1. E. at Butler.
Mifflin Street Livery.
One square west of Main St., OD
Mifflin St AH good, safe horses;
new baggies and carriages Landaus
for weddings and funerals. Open
day and night. Telephone No 24.
A general store iq a good locality
and doing a good business. Good
reasons for selling.
Terms reasonable.
Inquire of
Butler, Pa.