Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, February 19, 1892, Image 2
THE CITIZEN. W. C. NKULKT, - - - ~ B»UM4 at r—Wf at litlin* U tlan aatUr FBIDAY. FEBRUARY 19, 1892 Republican Primary Election. The Republican voters of Butler county in requested to meet at their usual places of holding elections on Saturday, April 9. between the hours of 2 and 7 p.m. of said day to vote by ballot for one person for State Senate; two person* for Assembly; Wa person for District Attorney; three persons lor Delegates to State Convention and onn person for Return Jndge. Voters will also by ballot vote their •hoice for one person for Congress; one person for Delegate to the National Dele gate Convention and their choice for Unit ad States Senator. Voters will by ballot in the different sub districts of the county, vote for one person for Delegate to the Congressional Conven tion and one person for Delegate to the National Delegate Convention. The sab-districts of the oounty are as follows: 1. Allegheny and Parker twps. 2 Mercer, Marion and Yenango twps. and Harrisville boro. 3. Slipperyrock and Worth twps. and Centrbvule boro. 4. Cherry and Clay twps. and Sunbury boro. 5. Washington and Conoord twps. 6. Fairriew twp. and Fairview, Petrolia and Karns City boros. 7. Oakland, Donegal and Clearfield twps and Millers town boro. 8. Summit, Jefferson and Clinton twps. and Saxonburg boro. 9. Winfield and Buffalo twpß. ift Pvtrn ni Tvisut twps. 11. Batler twp. and Butler boro. 12. Adams and Middlesex twps. 13. Cranberry and Jackson twps; and Connoquenessing S., Evans City and Zelie- Bople boros. 14. Connoquenessing X., Lancaster and Muddycreek twps. 15. Centre, Franklin and Brady twps. and Prospect boro. The Return Jndges are to meet in con vention at Batler en Monday, April, 11, at 1:30 o'olook, p.m. to count the votes and declare the result, and the Return Judges from the sab-distriots shall declare the re salt of the vote in the sab-districts for del egate to the Congressional Convention and for delegate the National Delegate Con vention and issae certificates accordingly 7 and attend to saoh other basiness as shall oome before the convention. By order ot County Committee. A. M. CHBISTLBY, J. M. PAINTER, Chairman. A. R. MBOHLIKO, Sec'ys. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. The following named persons are an nounced as candidates for the offices speci fied below, subject to the decision of the Republican voters of Butler county at the primary election to be held on Saturday, April 9th, between the hours of 2 and 7 P. M. For United .States Senator, JoHir DALZXLL, Ot Allegheny oounty. K. S. QUAT, Of Beaver, Pa. For Congress, 26th, Pa. District, THOMAS W. PHILLIPS, Of Lawrence county. For State Senate, 41st Diet. JAMBS M. CABSOX, Of Butler. For Assembly, (Two to nominate.) HAUAH BOOK, Of Franklin twp. JAMBS B. MATES, Of Butler. DAVID B. DOUTHBTT, Of Forward twp. JOSEPH THOMAS, JK., Karns City. For District Attorney, IRA MCJUKKIV, Of Butler. JOHJI P. W ILSON, Of Butler. A. M. CHBISTLBY, Of Butler. For Delegate to the National Convention for 29th, Pa. District. (Two to be elected by convention.) DR. 8. D. BELL, Of Butler. For Delegates to the State Convention. (Three to be elected.) J. H. NBOLET, Of Butler. W. P. JAMWO*, Of Fairtiew. M. N. GREEK, Of Baffalo twp. SOMB iriends of M. S. Quay, held a little caucus in Butler the other evening and have had his name announoed for U. 8, Senator. Quay has had the offioe—has it now—and as be has proved himself to be a mere pawnbroker in offices, and is quoted as saying that he is not a candi date for re-eleotion,thiß action of his adher ents here may be a little premature; but it means a fight in this oounty and it be hooves all Republicans who prefer the pol itics oi Harrison and Dalzell, as compared with that of Cameron and Quay to stand by their guns. FRIDAY last was the 83d anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln the peer of any American who has ever lived. In bim the purest patriptism, the deep est love to humanity, the truest courage, the most absolute unselfishness were united with the keen, broad vision of the statesman and the power and instinotive leadership of a ruler of men. His wisdom was equally of the heart and of the head. His stnrdy democracy never knew the taint of oonceit; his shrewd oommon sense took no aoconnt of show or glamour, but went straight to'the essential core of every question. An Amerioan, he was intense ly loyal to all that constitutes true Ameri canism. Himself one of the "plain peo ple" he understood the people, and the people were as qpnstant in their sapport u he was constant in his service. Local Institute. There wili be a Local Institute at Pros pect, Batler Co., Feb., 27, 1892. PBOORAMMB. Devotional Exoercises, Rev. Young. Addres* ot Welcome, T. P. Critchlow. Response, W. A. Avey. Address, Dr. Maltby. History, O. F. Keister. Talk on Teaching, Miss Emma MoLure. Music. Music in the Public School, L. M. Mc- Gowan. Declaration, Miss Bessie Sbanor. Music, Number, 6. I. Wilson. Address, Superintendant McCollougb. Solo, Miss Aggie Kennedy. Geography, I. N. Dyke. Appropriation, General Discussion. Music will be furnished by the Prospect Quartette. All friends of education arc invited to attend. COMMITTER. FIVE million dollars worth of silver has been taken out of the new mines near Creede, Col. during the past few months, and people are flocking there from all parts of the country. Down with Hill," was the battle cry ot the Cleveland Democrats at the Cooper Union Mass meeting last Thursday night. Hill fixed the Democratic State Conven tion for next Monday, Feb. 22nd., hence the kick by Cleveland's friends against what they call "the freeze oat conven ttOft." Dalzell in Lancaster. Lancaster city and eonnty Republicans tnrned ont in force to honor tho memory of Lincoln. Tho large court room wan crowded with an enthusiastic audience of both sexes, notwithstanding the severity of the weather. As indicative of the in terest manifested, delegations were pres. cnt from nearly all tho organized Repub lican clubs of the county. The meeting was under the auspices of the Young Rep ublicans of the city, who, prior to the meeting, held a reception in their club rooms for tho Speakers of the evening, lion. John Daliell, of Allegheny county, and Congressman Stone. The reception which lasted an hour, was largely attend ed, hundreds of citizens availing them selves of the opportunity to become per sonally acquainted with the distinguished visitors. Mr. Brosius acted as Chairman of the meeting and introduced Mr. Dalzell who began his address with an eloquent tribute to the memory of Lincoln, who, he declar ed, was essentially a man of the people in birth, in culture,and in convictioa and con tinuing said: "The abolition of slavery was the salva tion of free speech and a free press. Tt marked an epoch in the march of civiliza tion, elevated Abraham Lincoln to a place amongst the men—very few in number who shall be forever conspicuous in the world's history, and established the high character of the Republican party as a potent instrumentalitj in the world's ad vance. "When the civil war ended the right of secession was buried and over its grave arose the Genius of Nationality. It's pro clamation is. 'This continent is ours, from tho Lakes to the Gulf, indi visible, one in destiny, under one flag, wedded by Nature's immutable law, "What God hath joined let not man put asunder." There the old Whig doctrine as to inter nal improvements took on a new meaning, assumed a new importance, and merits to day, in my judgement, the attention of the loftiest and most generous statesmanship. It may not, perhaps, be said that a distinct line of difference separates the two great parties as to the power of the Federal Gov ernment over internal improvements, but certain it is that the broader views as to this power and the more advanced concep tions as to the extent of its needed exer cise distinguish the Republican party. More than forty years ago, Mr Lincoln said: "I am a Whig, I believe in interna tional improvements and a protective tariff." That is good Republican doctrine to-day, and in its establishment are involv- interests and tho welfare of a country and a people with whom God has dealt as with no other. "The task before us is the development of our material resources and the elevation of tbe American people. "American cotton furnishes work for the spindles not only of our own country, but of others, and with proper tariff protection in accordance with Republican doctrine there is no reascn why American wool may rot supply the homo market and other market as well. The raw material for manufacture in variety and abundance are stored away in onr mines and our forests, awaiting only the hand of properly pro tected labor to turn them into a wealth that wonld seem almost fabulous. Coal fields of an extent that postpones their ex haustion for ages furnish tho promise ot manufacturing power without any limit. "The saving of the Union and the free ing of the black man it/iposed upon the party responsible for both, the difficult and complicated task of reconstruction. Abra Lam Lincoln not only loved the plain peo pie; he trusted them, too. Said be: No men living are more worthy to be trusted than than those who toil up from poverty; none less inclined to take or touch aught which they have not honestly earned. "Upon a creed like this the Republican party made a bold step in advauce. It dared to do what no nation, no race or peo pie, has ever dared before—to trust tbe safety of the Repbulic to the unlimited suffrage of the millions. It took from the domain of theory into the domain of prac tice the doctrines of the Declaration ol Independence and subjected them to the test of experience, "So far as the black man was concerned suffrage was due to him as a weapon of de fense of his liberty. It is further his right by purchase at the cannon's mouth and with the price of blood. "But the point that I wish to emphasize is that, howsoever it came, it exists by virtue of our organic law, and is a present right as sacred as any guaranteed by our Constitution from the first letter of its first line to the very last letter of its final word. If this right of suffrage be denied to any man entitled to it, whether he lives in palace or hoyel, at the frigid North or in sunny South, the law is defied and set at nought Every defiance of law is a blow at the security of government, dangerous to social order, and degrading to the peo ple which permits it. Continued and per missive disobedience to law will in time sap the vitality of the most robust nation and poison it to death. "For the development of our wealth above ground and below, for tho preserva tion of tbe manufactures that we have,and for the development of still others, and, most of all, for the development of our men to the full height of au American stature, to what policy can we look if not to that which every prosperous page of our history indorses —the Republican policy ot a protective tariff. "And as Pennsylvania believes in the tariff doctrines of the Republican party, so does she adhere also to its avowed policy in favor of honest money. He who de clares to the contrary misrepresents her. When our great leader, Blaine, a few days ago saw fit to put aside the possibility of tho highest official honor that any Ameri can can wear, he gave to us the watch words which, I doubt not, the good sense of the people shall made trumpet calls to victory: "Industrial and financial policies, tbe popular decision of which is of great moment and will bo of far-reach ing consequence." "Fellow-Republicans, to a wise popular decision upon these important policies let us contribute to tho extent that we may, to tbe end that the great party that uuder Lincoln gave freedom to the slave and preserved the Union, and under Grant and Hayes and Garfield and Arthur and the manly, clear, and couragecus Harrison has given us prosperity with national honor, may still direct us in the pathway that leads to so much ol promise." Mr Dalzell's closing references to Secre tary Blaine was received with tremendous applause, which was repeated with equal fervor when tbe name of President Harri son was mentioned. Mr. Hartman not in it. In our report of the bank trouble this paper stated last week, "The first rumor to reach us was of the discovery that tbe Hickey Oil Co. was overdrawn", <tc." In the same connection a number of unin formed persons stated that the company was composed of Messrs Hartman, For quor, Brady, Simpson, Wolford and others. As we could get no information Irom the bank officials we were forced in a great measure to accept what wo considered re liable rumors. Since that date we have received a letter from Hon. Joseph Hart man in which he denies having had auv connection with that or any other oil com pany that is named in tho report. There upon we entered upon an investigation and find that his statement is correct. His name does not appear on any list, good or bad. aud it is with pleasure we are able to refute the«e injurious rumors and place him in the proper light before the public. Mr. Murphy, the as.igneo, kindly assisted tho reporter in the investigation, aud said that JIH wants tho public to know every thing regarding the bank, but wo failed to find anything derogatory to the high stand ing of Mr. Hartjpap.—Mjllerstown Urrald. West Sunbury Items. Tho election of last Tuesday, here, may furnish some work for the lawvers The "bondholders" nominated a ticket that did not suit everybody and au opposition tick et was nominated aud elected; but there is said to have b*ie» some irregularties in tho conduct of the •lection. which may re sult in an effort to upset it. ftoiua boys upset John McC'andlesa stove the other and Mi>. Mcl'andless broomed tbeui. '£ h«i tjiei- went down to Billy Donaldson's tobacco sU/id itiul Uroka bis plate glass via dawn, no arrest* yet. Local Institute. There will be a local teachers' institute at West Liberty. Feb. 1891. The following programme lias been prepared: 1 p. m. Devotional Exercise. Music. Writing. S. L. Wick. Primary Geography. W. R. Cowden. Spelling. Sarah Williams. Fractions, C. G. Magee. Percentage. M. T. Mayer. M nsic* Primary Reading, Mattie Wick. Language. S, B. Badger. Mental Arithmetic, Buna McQuistion. History, Frank Glenn. Physiology anil Hygiene. W. C. Currie, Qnery Box. All persons interested in school work are invited to be present. Mt. Chestnut Items. J. W. Watson, who has been in Montana three years, is home on a visit for a few weeks. Everett Cranmer has been on the sick list for a few days. Newton Weitzel our energetic black smith has been off duty for a week. John Shnster smiles more than usual since tho arrival of his new boy. E. 11. Oesterling spent last Sabbath at home. Miss Nattie Anderson.of Indiana county, has been visiting at Wm. Watson's for several weeks. The congregation—L. P.—of this place has decided to have a new organ in the near futuie. The Mission Band having secured it. Eli Ralston will soon have his new house completed, which be has built for his mother. Middlesex Items. Last Tuesday evening, Miss Eva Fair entertained a lew of her iriends in a very pleasing maimer. While some popped corn and pulled taffy,others eager to know their destiny played Catechism. Next came Charades, objects and other inter esting games. Charades were especially interesting and although Esther is an old band at the game, tho guessing abilities of her ' side" were severely tried, but they wonldn't "give up." A dainty repast was served and after a few games more, it was discovered that it was growing quite late. Tho guests took their departure after an evening of solid enjoyment. Mr. Baker, Mr. Crooks and Mr. Turner took a tlying trip to Pittsburg, on business one day last week. Mr. Elmer Thompson and his sister Katie, of Tarentum, spent Sunday with relatives and friends ot this place. Tho daily mail adds greatly to the inter est of the community, heretofore it was received semi-weekly. Mrs. M. V. Moore has been seriously ill, but wc are glad to state, is convalescent. KEG. SENATOR Mitchell says that the marriage of his daughter Mattie, with the trench Duke do la Rochefoucauld was purely a love match. North Washington Squibs. The weather has been so cold this week that everybody has suspended business, excepting Dr. Pisor and Ed. Sbryhock. The young people of Mt. Vernum have organized aY.P.S. C. E. We wish them success m their endeavors. Mrs. H. C. Stoner is recovering slowly from a severe attack of grip. A few of our good Lutheran ladies and gentlemen met last week at their new buildings aud laid the carpet, which adds greatly to the the appearance of the church room. Bill Witherup is home once more—the same jolly Bill. Bill Thompson is housed up with the grip. Miss McCoy is threatened with quinsy. Plum Mifllin is keeping up fires this week for his graduates. Our sleighing is on its way to the ocean. Ally Hal l made a very narrow escape last week trom King Lagrippo. He says he owes his marvelous escape to onions and honey. | The Lutheran church will be dedicated next Sunday. Services morning and even ing. fl. Death of a Good Man. The lion. James C. Brown, of Green ville, Pa., died at his home in that place on Friday night last, February 12, inst, aged 63 years. Mr. Brown we learn was seized by the prevailing influenza and being of rather leeble constitution it soon claimed him as a victim. He was well and favorably known to many of the people of Butler county who learn of his death with great regret. Personally ho was a most pleasant gentleman, and as a citizen was public spirited, correct in habits and tilling many stations of public trust with credit aud tidolity. Nearly all his life he w,.s what is known as a newspaper man, his latest venture in that line being the pur chase of tho New Wilmington Globe, which he was editing at the time of his death. But in 1864 5, Mr. Brown did a service to the people of this and his own county o I Mercer that may not now bo known to all. At Harrisburg iu those x ears he was very active and influential in procuring tho first railroad legislation that led to the construction of the present Sbenango System. In those days it was difficult to obtain railroad legislation, but alter a defeat in the session of 1864, Mr. Brown renewed his efforts in 1865, and with the aid aud work of the Hutler mem bers and other friends a charter was grant ed nnder which tho railroad was made from Greenville to Billiards iu this county. This was the first railroad to enter the northern end of our r<»u. aud the begin ning of the extended Pittsburg, Sbenango and Lake Erie road of to-day. The llil liard branch road was built uuder a charter called the "Bear Creek Railroad Company." This name was subsqueutly changed to the Sheuango, etc, road, and has now the name it has, being a prosperous and ex tensive road. The best record a public man can leave are his good works and deeds. Tho best tribute to bis memory is that of being a faithful and useful citizen. The memory ot James C. Brown will be respected by all who knew him What is Catarrh Catarrh is generally understood to mean inflam mation of the mucous membraue of the head. It originates In a cold, or succession of colds, com bined with impure blood. Flow from the nose* tickling in the throat,offensive breath, pain over and between tho eyes, ringing and bursting noises in tho cars, aro the more common symptoms- Catarrh is cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, which strikes directly at its cause by removing all im purities from tho blood, building up the diseased tissues aud giving healthy tone to the wholo system. N. B. Bo sure to get Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists, gl; six for £5. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned will sell tus tarm,containing sixty acres, more or less, and located In Adams Twp.. on the Kvansburg and Mars road, near Marshall and Myoma stations on the P. & W It. K. and near the Callery oil tte'.d. It contains a good house, good hank bun 56x34. good outbuildings, good orchard, lavel and good ground, two springs near bouse, pump n barn, and all In good order. Inquire ot or undress James Davidson, Myoma P. 0., Builer Co., Pa ~ G. D. HARVEY, Contractor and builder In brick work, grate and mnniel setting and all kinds of brlck-la\ lug a specialty. Also dealer In barrel lime. Wam pum loose lime, cements. National, Portland an 1 all best grades hi the market. Calcined plaster, plaster Ualr. King's cement. Qre brick, til*. white saud and river saud. Main oQlce 315 N. Main street, and Hi orders left at ware house will receive prompt delivery, Terms reasonable. Farm For Sale. A tarrn, improved, aud In a high state ot cultivation, situate lu Adams twp .Butler conn ty, Pa., on the Three Degree road, two miles Irom plank road, and two miles from Mars station on 1' \V. railroad. Sufficient timber thereon to fence samejeoou spring ot water at door; In oil locality, unleased. and containing 53 acres. A two-story frame dwelling house with live rooms and hall, and bank barn 30x36. both In excellent order. ALSO another larm convenient to above: tame twp., containing Co acres, with small well.tig house and baru. Owner, on account 'ol age, d«-'U -s lo -til and quit farming. Terms • will be nu de convenient to turchaser. Call on ! i r address | JAMES PKRKi, POjtoUlrtr, VaKBCIU, Pa. , DEATHS WEST—At his home i Cranberry twp. Feb. 9. 1892, Joseph West, aged <l3 years. He was the father of Andrew, Fleming and Calvin West of that twp also of Mrs. Thomas Wilson, Mrs. Addison Ramsey and Mrs Jaines Croft. VEX.SEL—At his home in Millerstown. Feb 10, 1892, Isaiah Vensel aged 33 years. SIDLER—At her home on X. Washington St.. Feb. 11. 1892, Mabel, daughter of H. A. Sidler, aged 16 rears. HEWITT—At Conneautville, Feb. 11, 1892, daughter of L M. Hewitt of Batler. • WALTEK —At the home of her daughter. Mrs. G. W. Miller, Feb. 15, 1892, Anna Mary Walter, widow of Jacob Walter, dec'd, in her 79th j'ear. Three children. Mr. George Walter, Mrs. J. Boos and Mrs. Maggie Miller, survive her. MICHAEL —At her home near St. Joe, Feb. 16, 1892, Mrs. George Michael. SHEPHAKD —At his home in Slippery rock twp., Feb. 16, 1592, Zerah B. Shephard, aged about 70 years. McCAXDLESS —At his home in Slippery rock twp., Feb. 16, 1892, Mr. McCand less. McGRAXXAHAX —At his home at Bil liards, Feb. 12, 1892, Mrs. Beriah Mc- Grannhan, aged about 40 years. She was taken to Mercer Co. for burial. BLIXX—At his home in Evans City, Fob. 17. 1892. John Blinn. proprietor of the Beam House, aged 28 years. Be was taken sick of the grip about three weeks ago. Ho will be buried at New Brighton, to-day. PERKY —At her home ia WeU Liberty, Feb. 1892. Miss Sarah Perry aged about 50 years. McDEAVITT —At hur home in Brady tw|»., Jan. —, 1892, Miss Jane Mc- Deavitt, aged about 60 years. ALLEN —At bis home in Franklin twp., ■ Feb. 11, 1592, Robert Allen, aged 7S j years. MOORE—At her home in Muddy Creek twp., Feb. 13, 1892, Xaucy, wife of Isaac Moore, aged about 82 years. YIEHMAX—At Chicago, 111., Feb. Btb, 1892, Mrs. Barbara, wile of John Vieh man. She was a daughter of Barthold Zier, of Winlield twp. EILER —On Monday, Feb. Bth, 1892, Andrew Eiler, at his home in Lancaster twp., aged 70 years. KOCH—On Saturday, Feb. 6, 1892. Mrs. Kocb, widow of M. Chr. Koch, iu Middle Laucaster, Pa., aged 66 years, 5 months and 5 days. MILLEMAX— On Tuesday, Feb. 9, 1802, at Harmony. Pa., Sarah Millemau, aged 24 ytars, 5 mouths and 2 days. WARREN—On Sunday, Jan. 31, 1892, at Thornhill, Pa., George W. Warren, aged 35 years. GOETTMAN—On Monday, Feb. 8, 1892, at her home, near Burry's Church, Mrs. Margaret A. Goettman, aged 80 years, 1 month and 14 days. GALLAGHER —At his home in Clay twp., Feb. 14, 1892, Neal Gallagher. PEARCE—At his home in Clarksburgh, Mo., of la grippe, after au illness of 11 days, Feb. 5, 1892, Mr. Joseph Pearce in the 78 year of bis age. He was formerly a resident of Butler Co. HAWK—At his home in Buffalo twp., Feb 14. 1892, Mr. John Hawk, aged aboilt 70 years. AULTMAX —At his home in Buffalo twp., Feb. 4, 1892, Peter Aultman, aged 86 years. Mr. Aultman was one of the first settlers of Buffalo twp , and passed the greater part of bis life in sight of the house in which he died. He was a good square, bouest man, and bis stories oi hunting in early days were very interesting. FLEEGER —At his home in Millerstown, this county, February 16, 1892, Solo mon Fleeger, Esq., at an advanced age. Mr. Fleeger was one of the oldest and most re; pected citizens of the county. He was a strictly honest and conscientious man, always on the side of the good and the right. " He was born in or near Millers town and for many years was its post master. MARTIN—At the home of his daughter, Mrs J. A. Horton, in Butler, Pa., Feb. 13, 1892, Mr. Thomas Martin, aged 73 years. Ho was born and raised near St. Joe,and caine to Butler about 13 years ago. Seven children, Miss Maggie Martin, Oil City; Mrs. Sadie Ganter, and Miss Louie Martin, Butler; Mrs. Grace Morse, and Miss Ada Martin, St. Joe; Mrs. Jesse Fencil, Beaver Falls and Mrs. Frankie Horton, Butler, survive him. RASELY—Feb. 12, at his residence in Con noquenessing twp , Mr. Matthias Rasely, in the 76th year of his age. The deceased was born in Northampton Co., near Easton, Pa., and moved to this county in 1847. He was married to Miss Priscilla Fairchilds of Luzerne Co., Feb. 22, 1840. For more than 50 years these two lived happily together, their golden wed ding having been celebrated two years ago. Hi.s wile and live children survive him. Mr. Rusely was well known in Butler Co., in which he spent most of his life, llis genial disposition and friendly manner made turn many friends. He was honest and upright in all bis dealings, and stood very high iu the community in which ho livid. For many years he was a member of the Presbyterian Church, but a few years ago he connected himself with the Reformed Church., near which he lived, and iu that faith he died. U. KAYLOR —At his home in Fuirvicw twp., Feb 11, 1892, Leuard Kay lor, aged about 82 years. The death of Mr. Kay lor removes one of the oldesr citizens of Fairview twp. He died on the adjoining farm on which he was born. Ho was married to Miss Cath cri"* Ketnmerer of Armstrong Co., who survives him. Only six of his ten children are living, also twenty-eight grand chil dren and one great grand child His brother aged 93 was at bis bed side when he died. Mr. Kay lor was a member of the Retormed Church. He died in full faith in the Lord. L. WISE —At tho West Penn Hospital iu Pittsburg, Feb 9, '92, Daniel Wise, for merly of Penn twp, in his 80th year. LEAVE YOUR measure at Aland's if you desire a Fall Suit, Overcoat or Trousers, that are made to the newest mode and decree Jof fashion. Our stock is large, comprising a care fully selected assort ment of Brown Scotch Tweeds for busi* ness suits: Black and Blue Diagonals for dress suits: Neat Stripes and Cheques for trousers: Whipcord and Crepes spec ial 1y made for full dress suits, And an excellent line of overcoatings. pom POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. High est of all iu leavening strength— Latest U. S. Government Food lieport. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Administrators and Executors of estates can secure their receipt books at the CITI ZEN office. Administratrix Notice. Letters of admlD Istratlon having been grant ed lo the undersigned oil the estate of Kev. J. 11. WrlglH . dec'd. late of West Sunbury nutler Co.. Pa., all arsons knowing themselve* in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and a»y navlug claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to Mas. JURY G. WRIGHT, Adin x. West Sunburv. Butler Co.. Pa. W. D. BRANDOS, att'y. Administrator's Notice. Letters of administration ou the estate ; of ■lames Gibson. 1 lie of Clinton township. Butler CO. Pa., deceased.having this day been granted to the undersigned. all persons knowing theins«lves Indebted to said estate are request ed to make Immediate payment and those hav ing claims against said estate are requested to present them p.operly probated to the under- ; signed for payment. J.N. FLLTON. Adm'r. E. Mcjr SKIN. Flick I", o. Butler Co.. Aft } lor Ac'm r. Fel tuarj 11,'92 Notice in Divorce. Addison Brown j In the Court of Common Pleas vs }oi Butler County, Pa.. A. I>. j Sadie Brown. \ No. S3 sepi.T, 1891 B 11. P 244. February 4. lKrj. motion of S. K. Bowser att'y for plaintiff for the appointment of a Commis sioner to take testimony of plaintiff, etc. pre- , sented to Court, and H • E. Coulter. Ksq., Is ap- j pointed Commissioner for the purposes rnen tioued in this motion. BY THK COURT. I hereby give notice that I will attend to the : duties ol above appointment at the oMee of | Coulter <£ Baker, in Butler. Pennsylvania, on Friday, the 26 th dav of February, 1892, at l ; o'clock. P. M. H. K. COULTER. Commissioner. | Administrators Sale of Real Estate. ♦ In re Petition of Barbara E. Kalstou admx . of J. P. Kalstou. dec'd. for order ot Court to se'l real estate for the payment of debts, etc. O. C. of Butler County, No 82 Uee. term. 1891. Notice Is hereby given that I.Barbara E. Kal stou. administratrix ot .1. P. Kalstou late of Butler, Pa., dec'd. pursuant to order of Court beariug date Oct a. 1891, and also order bearing date Jan. 15, 1892. made in the above entitled proceedings will expose to sale on the premises in Butler Co.. Pa., at puoilc vendue and outery. FEBRUARY 26t11. 1892. at one o'clock p. m., the following described real estate of said decedent, to-wlt: An un divided one-half inteiest In a certain messuage and tract of land situa e lu Butler twp., I! .tier countv. Pa., bounded and descrl «ed as follows, to-w It: On the norm by lands of Michael Stypes and Miles Gold, on the east by lauds of Jacob Klee and John framner. ou the south by lands of Win. Bryson and on the west by lauds of John Cranmer and Andrew liaker. contain ing thirty acres,more or less;wltn tr.tme house, grist mill, saw mill and outbuildings thereon erected, with authority to adjourn from time to time. >ndto Butler if necessary in order to secure sufficient bids. TtilMS OK SALE: One-half cash on con tinuation of sale by Court and the balance in two equal annual payments secured by bond and mortgage 011 the premises, said bond and mortgage to bear Interest from dat e. payable annually. and to contain an attorney's com mission ol five per cent, for collection etc. BARBARA E. KALSTON, Adui'x.. Butler, Pa. 8. F. BOWSER. Att'y. Orphans' Court Sale. By virtue of an order and decree of the Orpnans' court In and for the County of Butler, dated January 13, ISO 2, the undersigned ad ministrator ot the estate of Harvey B. Brown, dee'd. of Middlesex township, said county, dee'd , will offer lor sale at public vendue on the premises, on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27. 1892, at l o'clock, P. M., of said day. fifteen acres of land be the same, .nore or less, situate In said township and county, and bounded on the ncrth by lands of John Mcßrlde. on the east by lands of Jas. Whltesldes and on the soutn and west by lands of John Ferguson. Said land Is fenced, cultivated and has a small dwelling house thereon. Terms of sale cash. Title good. SAMUEL A. LESLIE. Glade Mill P. 0., January 15 1592. MCJCNKIN & GAI.HKEATH att'ys. for Adm'r. Administrator's Notice. ESTATE OF JOSEPH HAYS, SR , DEC'D. Letters of admit. C. T. A. having been grant ed to the undersigned, on the estate of Joseph Hays, Sr.. dee'd, late oi Middlesex twp., Butler V'o ~la, all persons Knowing themse Ives In debted to said estate will please make immedi ate payment, and any having claims against sal estate will present them duly authenticat ed for settlement to W. A. SLOAN. Adm's.. Valencia. P. O. Butler Co.. Pa. Administrator's Notice. ESTATE OF MBS. SARAH SNOW, dee'd. Letters of administration having been grant ed to the undeisigned, on the estate of Mrs. Sarali Snow, dee'd. iate of Peun twp.. Butler Co, Pa ..all perbons Knowing themselves in debted to said estate will please make Im mediate pajment.and any having claims agaiust said estate will present them duly authentica ted for settlement to D. B. IJotTHETT. Adui'x, Brownsaale. Butler Co., Pa. Executors' Notice. ESTATE OF WILLIAM C ALLAGUER. DEC'D. Letters testamentary on the estate of Win. Gallagher, dee'd, late of Clearfield twp.. Butler Co., Pa., having oeen granted to the undersign ed. all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will pleise make Immediate pay ment, and any having claims agxlnst said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to ANDREW GALLAGHER, SIMON GALLAGHER. Ex'rs. Merman P. 0., Butler Co., Pa. W. D. BRANDON, atty. Estate of John Burkhart. LATE OF BUTLER TWP DEC'D. Letters testamentary having been grant ed to the undersigued on the estate of John Hurkhart, dee'd, late of Butler t|>.,Butler Co., Pa., all persous knowing themselves indebt ed to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenti cated tor settlement. MARY BUBKHABT, Executrix, BCTLEK, PA. Greer & Ralston, Attys. Estate of John Whitmire, dee'd LATE OK OAK LAN 1* TWP,, BUTLER CO.. PA. Letters testamentary ou the estate of John Whitmire. dec d.. late of Oakland twp., Butler Co., Penna.. having been granted to the under signed, ail persons knowing themselves Indebt ed to said estate will please make immediate payment and any having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement to PETER WHITMIRE. EXK. Sonora P. 0., Butler Co., Pa. G. W. Fleeger, Atty. Estate of Joshua McCandless, dee'd- LATE or MCDDYCREEK TWP.. BUTLER CO .. I'A. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned having taken out lettlers of administration on the estateof Josnua McCandless. late of Muddy creek twp., Butler County. Pa., dee'd. All peosons knownlng themselves Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and all persons having accounts or claims tg Inst said estate will present the same pro perly authenticated for payment to EVANDKR MCCANDLESS, AI.ONZO H. KENNEDY, Prospect, Pa., Adin'rs. MoJunktn & Galbreath attj. for Adra'ns. Estate of Robt. G. Crawford, dee'd. I, \TE*OJ ADAHS TWP., BCTLEK CO. Letters |of administration on the estate of Robert G. Crawford, dee'd. late of Adans twp, Butler Co., Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all j ersons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will plea«e make Im mediate pavment and any having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement to JOHN CRAWFORD, Adm.'r, Valencia, Butler Co.Pa. Mifflin Street Livery. BIEHL A IIEPLER Prop're. One square west of Main St., on Mifflin St All good, safe horses; new buggies and carriages. Landaus for weddings and funerals. Open day and night. Telephone No. 24. | Financial Statement OF Butler County For the Year Ending January 4, 1892. Lery ami Aafte«»ui'-nt for the Year 1891. E = s> Townships g _i ? M Adams . .. *»I 3*> $i 6 6 0*1328 ou Alleirhenv 2.V JK I 013 54 41 .19 Bradv 225 917 67 OS 13 Buffalo 372 an 1 4:>s oi 79 IT But!*' 306 637 1 t»i 86 it Clinton Ml 33'» 1 4<>s 34 63 99 C'lav 321 CSS 1 286 60 6s 20 Centre 200 770 i 013 o* 4" 20 Cranberry 336 637 1 3W RS 100 01 Clearfield.. 231 6*2 9io 73 7s. 37 (Tjerr» 291 327 1 165 31 00 Connnipienesslng 21-4 iss i lTf, ~ r , 04 Concord 2»1 920 1 IC7 «s 2". 13 Donegal 265 l Ml on 224 44 Forward .W 825 l an 541 37 Franklin 288 013 I 152 05 71 41 Fairview 31". 19."> 1 260 7s 119 21 Jefferson 342 26-'> 1 36# 06 2VJ 01 Jackson 310 987 1 467 9.'. US 17 lAncaster 283 l» 1 076 G> 95 42 Marlon 257 6*' 1 u3O 4S 61 77 Mercer 153 738 «l» 9"> 26 14 Middlesex 337 012 I 510 43 190 39 Muddycreek . 253 825 1 015 3"' 39 y.> Oakland 272 Bis i o9i 2: 139 12 Penn 334 30J 1 337 45 406 74 Parker 2:4 33- I 177 a r > 123 57 Summit 298 847 1 195 39 90 6S Sllppervroek 754 1 435 OJ ll^i>J Venango 238 67;. 954 70 34 65 Washington 311 7M 1 247 02 137 64 Worth 321 155 1 2*4 62 92 71 Wlnfleld 267 O-.'J 1 068 09 173 51 Butler Boro 1 978 872 7 915 49 148.5 « Centreville " 7". 402 301 61 2s 33 Evans City •• 80 030 344 1 2 352 69 Fairview 40 14s 1«II 59 92 93 Harmony •' 110 a# 401 32 6* 34 Harrlsvllle " tio 42'. 241 7o 274 2s Karns City •' 28 m 56 10 3d Millerstown" 97 942 391 7; o't Prospect " 57 20.". 2.-8 82 73 53 Petrolla '• 47 565 191 46 7*; 09 Porfersville " 42 ss-j 170 3.i 20 4e Saxonburg •• 91 961 367 87 238 51 Sunburv " 39 6S« 158 72 55 3J Zellenople '• 125 370 601 4»» 224 56 Total 12 698 170 30 792 68 7655 50 County Tax. Am't Hal Col. Due. Amount of outstanding taxes col. prior to 1891 $9728 50 32 H *2 Amount ot taxes col. for 1891 36853 13 11522 ns Total amount col 46551 63.14757 70 SUte Tsx i~ Am't F.af Col. Due. Amount of outstanding taxes col. prior to 1891 $2233 91] 219 30 Amount of taxes col. for 1591... 1906 »s 2072 09 Total amount Col j 7205 ~i\ 2291 39 Total amount of taxes col. and bal. due Jan. 4, 1592 .. 53787 42 17019 09 Uerclpts of Bntlcr Comity for the Year IS9I. To am't rec'il Irom Collectors 53 7»7 42 To am't ree'd <>n un«eated larnl.. 523 74 " " " from different twp. and Boros. for Dixmont and Warren Hospital 1 626 81 To am't ree'd from (.'o Comm'rs . 3 651 76 " " " " (Relunded) by B M Duncan and A J Hutchison 37 50 To am't ree'd from Licenses 445 31 " " " " Amos Seaton.. 17U o<l " •' " Jury fees 272 88 " " " I Refunded) Butler Eagle 133 33 To aoi't ree'd from Registration K C McAboy (1889) 76 00 To am't ree'd from Saate 2 522 35 To Balance in Treasury January sth 1891 18 234 55 Total am't ree'd 81 839 65 Expenditure* of llutler 0 >uoty for the Year Eudiui; January 4, 1892. To \mount pd lor appeal 2 00 " " " " assessing 1 931 00 " " " Allegheny Co. V, .rk tlouse 276 28 Bridge Accounts. To amiu it pd lor Center Ave. Br dge Butler Boro 8 331 05 To ouioiliit od lor Centre Ave. Cinlift- ui 'ir..4 approach 1 4i)o 00 To i> muni]' ~d lor other new Budiies 937 75 To amount pd tor planking and repairing bridges 1 929 08 Total 12 587 8* To amount pd for bonds redeemed 5 Oou 00 " " " " boiler bouse fuel and repairs ft)." 54 To amount pd for bridge, in spection 31 10 To amount pd for Butler Fair Association . 100 00 Commissioners Clerks. To amennt pd Enos McDonald... 60 00 " " " Isaac Meals 682 00 Total 742 00 To amount pd Commr's Council.. 150 00 '• " "Commonwealth costs 1 515 41 " " " Court House water, light and repairs 1 533 36 County Accounts. To amount pd paving, house and lot etc 1 553 16 To amount pd Court Auditor 48 00 •' " " Court Crier 318 00 " •' " Coast's Returns.. 682 65 " " " County Detective.. 600 00 " '• '• County Auditors... 297 48 " " " Clerk ol Courts 563 34 " " " County Institute... 200 00 Commissioners Account, Am't Am't due ree'd To amount paid John Humphrey 300 days at $3 50 SIOSO O0 $ 450 00 " S T Marshall, 304 ds.. 1061 00 64 00 " J C Kiskaddon, 302 ds 1057 00 980 00 Total 3171 00 1494 00 To amouat pd Dixmout Hospital 1 370 75 " " " District Att'y 422 00 " •' " Elections 9. 935 66 " •' •' Election Procla mation 400 00 To amount pd Freight and Dray age 1 34 To amount pd Indexing 965 00 " " " Inquest 143 17 " " " Interest on Bonds and tax 598 50 To amt pd Jury accounts 8 355 66 " '• '"Jury Commr's 350 40 ' 1 • Jail account 277 56 ' ' ' Janitor 702 00 ' ' ' Livery Hire 29 50 ' ' ' Lunacy 55 00 ' ' ' Military lioll 210 15 • ' ' Notary Public 200 • ' ' Printing 533 69 ' • ' Postage and Ex pressage 32 15 ' ' ' Pa. Reformed School... 1 152 £7 ' ' ' Prothonatory 409 80 ' ' ' Registering 740 00 ' ' ' Refunding 63 48 ' ' ' Road and Bridge View.. 142 81 ' ' ' Register aud Recorder.. 14S 60 ' 1 1 Scalps 215 50 ' ' ' Soldiers Burial 167 OO ' ■ ' Stenographer 1 -191 44 ' ' ' Stationery (Dockets etc) 629 03 • ' ■ Sheriff 1 90S 54 • ' ' Tipstaff 792 00 ' 4 ' Traveling Expenses 23 15 ' ' ' Warreu Hospital 822 00 ' ' ' Western Penitentiary.... 1 l9d 86 Total Ex's 57 907 83 RECAPITULATION. James S. Wilson, Treasurer of Butler County. DK. To am't Co. tax ree'd for 1890 aud previous $ 9 728 50 " State tax 2 238 91 To am't Co tax ree'd for 1891 36 853 13 * State ' 4 ißiti S8 ' ree'd on unseated lands 823 74 1 ' from different twps and for Warren and Dixmo.it hosp's 1 626 81 To am't ree'd from Co. Comm'rs 3 651 76 ' ' B M Duncan and A J Hutchison , 37 50 To am't ree'd from licenses 445 31 ' ' Amos Seaton 179 00 ' ' Jury fees 272 88 ' ' Butler Eaglt 133 33 « fines 49 00 ' Register tax 76 00 ' State 2 522 35 To Bal in treasury Jan. 5,1891... 18 234 55 Total 81 839 65 CB. By warrants redeemed 52 317 83 By interest on Co. bonds _ 360 00 By bonds redeemed 5 000 00 By unseated lands 647 09 By County Institute 200 00 By State tax " 680 43 By Treasurer's Commission ou $50,000 @ 3 per cent 1 500 00 By Treasurer's commission ou $9,944.78 @ 1 per cent 99 45 Bal. in Treasury Jau. 4, 1892 12 001 85 Total 81 839 65 Fißinclal Statement Showlun Asset* and Liabil ities January 189J, ASSETS. Bal due from Collectors 17 045 99 ii if <• ty'arrtn aud Dixmont Hospitals 878 44 Bal due from Ex-Prothy Shira jury fees I<3 00 Bal due irorn Ex-Sherff Redick iuxy fees n rt«/«. V.'.vnv. HO 00 B«; due from Sheriff Brown jury fire* 56 00 2 Hou»e« an'l I lot owned by Co. 500 00 ! Note* due the County 25".' 2»- ! Bal in hand* of Co. Treas'r Jan. 4th, 1392 12 004 S3 Total 30 $93 54 LlabllitlM. Outstanding Bonds .. 10 000 1 Accru>d In't on " 143 3.< • Bal due CVniroiwioners Clerk... 33 00 I • ' ' Wirrm Ho-pita] 273 (<0 | • ' ' Pa Reform School... 165 71 • 1 ' I'omnjr'a Council ..... 50 ol> ' ' John Humphrer (500 00 i • ' S T Marshall 1 000 00 I ' J C Kiskaddoa 77 00 ( • ' • Allegheny Co work house 133 71 j • ' ' Jobuson & WaUton 470 10, ' ' l> P Kelly 900 j » ' Western Penitentiary... 1 532 74 | • ' ' P Schenck Boro Treas'r Paving 1 86.) 08 Bal due Butler Boro A-se«sinent (Sewerage 91 SO ' ■ Bal due Sheriff 497 80 | v ' ' insuring Court House. - 625 00 i * ' Western Perm a 1' -»ital | Dixmont _... 438 50 18 060 77 Assets over Liabilities 12 832 77 Those marked with a paid since settlemeut. We. the undersigned Commissioners of Butler County, do hereby certify that the foreiroinjr statement is a true exhibit of the receipts and expenditures of said County for the rear 1891. Witness our hands and seals thisßth day February, 1892 S. T. MARSHALL, [SEAL] JOHN HTMPHREV, [SEAL] J. C KISKADDOS, [SEAL] Attest; Co. Commissioners. ISAAC MEALS. Clerk. STATEMENT Showing the amount of the assessed value of the taxable property in the several dis tricts of Butler county. Pa., as returned by the several assessors and equalized by the County Commissioners for the year A. D 189.' = I 111 I ? £ 2- * DISTRICTS. 5 2. T |f a g x ■ M .. : $: '= $ Adams oSb 375 692 53 tJJri 112622 Allegheuv 344 236 til>4 IS 624 9551) Butler 474 3119 776 21 502 41405 Buffalo 410:358 593 22 313 27316 Brady 257 199 476 14 252 25556 Clinton 280 326 969 23 7SI 1/327 Clav 375 293 915 26 568 12865 Centre 29U 242 175 18 437 16412 Clearfield 263 219 1% 15 433 247.59 Cherry 460 2al 327 24 064 16206 Connoquenessiug ... 496 276 641 32 553 80973 < ranberrv 311 323 252 19 271 33891 Concord . ............. 349 2/3 4/2 16 9/0 4050 Donegal 469 237 976 26 794 68979 Forwird 562j316 665 37 112 196441 I'airview 552 285 23/ 34 632 56756 Franklin ....303 2/0 500 18 352 18201 Jefferson 461 311 9al 31 848 90770 Jackson 384 299 445 20 09* 44650 Lancaster 272 248 410 21 975 3119* Marion 325 244 119 12 884 19785 Mercer 200'140 904 12 465 8581 Middlesex 379 346 893 28 161 68520 Muddy creek 257 23s 654 14 574 7147 Oakiaud 358 253 447 16 319 36170 Peuu 488 299 304 38 987 114663 Parker ..." 49 250 874 31 576 41555 Summit 326 278 268 19 945 46830 5)-lpperyrock 360 355 8.-1 21 672 3*136 Venango 374 .'22 06i 17 043 63< 2 Washington 440 255 416 18 453 3144* Wmfield 3*o 247 211 21 soa 64107 Worth 332 301 576 17 778 33712 Butler boro Ist w 688 473 465 33 170 101/27 " 2d w 662 553 905 36 677 82427 '• 3d w 419 455 004 21 187 120304 " 4th w 48a 329 oio 20 089 126410 " sth w 456 315 866 22 527 83829 Centreville " 180 77 605 8 082 27063 Evans City " 202 82 656 15 207 120470 Fairview " 122 30 760 5 147 26546 Harmony " 247 92 £BO 11 590 22978 Harrisville " 106 54 815 6 487 89319 Karns City " 107 23 010 t 165 3370 Millerslown '* '"*3o 86 105 17 887 ;>2004 Prospect " 136 50 2/4 b /36 25106 Petrolia " 168 35 119 9 511 60$8 Portersville " Saxon burg " 136 93 600 9 420 92101 W. Sunbury " 96 37 300 4 315 17818 Zelienople " '216 112 776 17 760| £3B7f We. the undersigned Commissioners of Butler county do certify that the above is a trui' and correct statement of the assess ed val of tne taxable property of Butler county lor the year 1892. as returned by the assessors of the several districts and equalized by us. S T. MARSHALL, JOHN HUMPHREY, J. C. KISKADDON, attest: Co. Commissioners. ISAAC MEALS, Clerk. • Commissioners' Office, Feb. 9th, 1892. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. WEST PKNN R. R. Trains leave the West Penn depot at foo east Jefferson St. as follows: i;:2oa. m. — Market —arrives at Allegheny at 8:10 and 9:13 p. m. -40 a m. —Fx press—arrives at Allegheny at 10:30 a. ui. 11:00 a. ui. Accomodation —arrives at Alle gheny at 1:24 p. m. 2:45 p. m—Accomodation —arrives at Alle- at 4:44 p. in. 5:00 p iu.—Express— arrives at Allegheny at Allegheny at'i:4B p. ra. The t>:"2o a. ni. train and 2:45 p. m. trains eonueotat Butler Junction with trains East to Ulairsville Intersecti'in, where connection is niaile with the Day Express and Pbilad'a Express going East. 1 iMi.i-muv r-t Bu rat y-35and 10:3o a u iic 1 :;)(•, o:0 atd 7:. r )0 p m., leaving Al lien y i i 6:66>:6tand lt:40 a. m. and 3: 15 and U;10 p. M P. & W. K. E. Trains leave the P. & W depot near Ce, tre Ave., Southside, butler time, as foilw« going south: 6:00 a. m.—Allegheny Accomodation. B:oo—Allegheny and Akroa Express—runs ou Sunday to Allegheny, and connects lor New Castle that day. 10:20 a. iu.— Allegheny Accomodation. 2:50 p. in. —Allgheny Express. 3:20 p.m.—Chicago Express, runs on Sun day. ti:ln p. iu—Allegheny and Zelienople Mail. Huns on Sunday to Allegheny alone. Ou Sunday alone, at 9 a. ra., New Cattle Express. Cioiug North—lo:os a. in. Bradford Mail. 5:20 p. ui— Clarion Accom. 7:40 p.m.—Foxhurg Accom. No Sunday trains ou the narrow-gauge. The 3:30 p. in. train South connects at Cal lery with the Chicago express, which runs daily and is equipped with the Pullman buf fet and sleeping coaches. Trains lor Butler leave Allegheny at 8:30 and 10;30 a. m., city time, and 3:15, 5:25 aud 7:40 p. m Ou Suuday at B:3'J a. m. an)' 4:20 p in Trains arrive at Butler at 9:35 and 13:20 m. aud 12:30, 4:45, 7:35 and 9:40 p. m. Sun day at 10:20 aud 6:10. FITTSBrRG, SIIEN'ANGO & LAKE ERIE R. R Trains leave the P & W depot, Butler time, as follows: 5:30 a m, to Erie, arriving there at 10:45 a. in. 10:30 a. in. to Erie, arriving there a 13:20 p. m. 5:iK) p. m. to Greenville, arriving there at 7:25 p m. A train arrives from Greenville at 10:05 a m with ttirough car to Allegheny over the P & W; one at 2.-30 p. m. from Erie which connect" with both roads to Allegheny, and one at S:4O p. m from Erie. Trains leave Milliards at 6:25 and 11:15 a. m. slow time. The 8:30 a. m. and 3 p. m. trains on both roads in Allegheny connect with trains on the P. S. & L E. at Butler. CRAWFORD &. KENNEDY. The well known liveryman, Wm. Kennedy, baa bought an interest in tbo above barn and will be pleased to have his friends call at hie new place of business. The Best Horses, Buggies and Car riages in Butler at the most reasonable rates. The place is easily remember ed. The first stable west of the Lowry House. Hotels and Depots, W. S. Gregg is now runniDg a line of carriages between the hotels and depots of tbo town. Charges reasonable. Telephone No, 17, or leave orders at Hotol V«geley. Good Livery in Connection dvtitiee if 'bfl CiTiZJH SHERIFF'S SALKS. By Mrtue ol sundry writs of \ en. Ex.. Fl. Fk. U-v Fa.. Co..issued out of the Conn or i'ommon Pie.i-» of Butler Co.. l'.i-. and to me directed there win tu- expowd to public sale at Ihe Court H"use. ID the borough oi Butler, on Monday, the 7th day or March A. 1) Is:/.' It t «.clock, r. *.. the following de scribed property, to-«u: E I> No. sa March t rrn. IK*. J B Bred In atl'y I Ail the right, title, interest and etatm of Uu dolpn Mortmas. of. In and to 75 acre* of laud, more or less, ntuate in i onCotO auu Oakland iwps Burler county . Fa . bounded a-s follows to-wit :on the north by Wm -shakley eatl by A J fHiUihbyAi. Moore and Klch ar.l K.imson and west by Wm B Oy inert heir-, with a li e house, log stable small or ch ird and out: mining* thereon. Seized and taken in execution as ihe property of Kudolph Bortmas at the suit of Al itulf. E u .Nos 2 S5 and 42 March term. 1«M, and £ D No Ihv term. is:<i. Fur«|uer and Camp bell, att'ys. All the I Ight. title, lateri-st and claim of A U BurkliouKe or. lu and to all that certain lot of land, more or less, situate in Butler t-oro. Bui lercoUDty, Pa. bounded as follows, to-wit • On the north by Penn St.. eas: by Miller, south by an a ley aud west by Wilson; said lot being 45 feet trout and luu feet deep, and having there on erected a two-story lrame hou.se aud out building* seized and taken In ex<cution as ihe property ot A H hurkhouse at the suit of M i Kockensleln lor use ol John Bt rg £ Co et E 1> No 1- March term. I saj. W D Brandon. auy. Al! the right, title, interest and claim of Wm S Italston and susati A Itaistou, of. In and to 5 acres oi laud, more or less, situate In Muddy creek iwp Butler to. Fa., bounded as follows, to-wit-. on the nortn by laud ol Jacob Musser. east by land or c J Megirleo. south by the same, and west by Yeliowcreek road; together w ith a irame house, iog stable aud other out buildings thereon Seiz>d and token lu execu tion as the pruitrty ol W m S Kalston and Su san A Ualstou al the sun ol 1) It Kennedy and 0 M Myers, administrators or David Myers, deed, and Ueo Magee. Assignee. ED No 87. March ierm. ls»2. T C Campbell, atl'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of the German Kelormcd church, ol Butler borouga. Butier county, t'a., owner or reputedowner. 01. In a-u to lSxoo teet ol laud. more or less, situ ate In Butler borough, butler county. Pa.. bounued as loliows. to-wit: On tue north by West North street, east by iandnol the German Kclurmed chu eh. suuih by loi now ur lately of Jell Buriner. and west by au alley. Selinl and taken in execution as the of the oer nian Keioimt-u church, oi Butler. Fa , owner or reputed owuer al the suit of Butler borough. E O No 31. March Term, 1*92. P W Lowry, atty All the right, mle. Interest and claim ot John Kuiucr. 01. in .iiiil to that certain 10l ol land, more or less, situate in Butler borough. Butier couuty. Pa. bounded as loliows, 10-wil: On lue north oy tiiuulngham street, east oy lot of s>. G. i'ui vis & Co , south uy uu alley, and west by iot ot Fisher; said above described lot fronting *) feci on cunuingham street and extending soulh 183 aud --lu loot to said alley, and being SO feet on said alley, oelng lots Nos I aud sas per survey 01 James Onnlap. made at the instance ot Louis Miller, deed, an i having a two-story Iramc house aud outbuildings thereon. Seized aud taken in ex>"Cutiou as the property Ol Joun Kuiner a', the suit oi Ueury Bickel ror use ot J F Lowry. ED No 88. March term. 1892. J I) McJunkiu atty. AU the right, title, interest and claim ot John 11 Mitchell ..nd Wm M Keyser. of. In and to »7 acres ot laud, more or less, situate in Frankllu twp , Butler county. Pa., bounded as loliows. to-wlt: Beginning at a post on the lauds of llenry stauHer. on the northwest coruer.thence by saiue north S7V --ast ao perches to a post; tlience by lau Js ol John Iboinpsou south 2'eaM 123 erches to a posi; soutu ss* west yo 2-10 perches by lauus or Johu Sullivan ; thence by lauds of Wm Albert north 'j west 171 3-10 perches lo the place of beginning. Seized and taken In execution as the property of John 11 Mitchell and Win M Keyset" at the suit of W 11 11 tlipple et al, executor of John Hippie, dee d. E DNo 169 March term. 1892. Marshall Bros.. atiys. All the right, title, interest and claim of Clias P Johnston, 01. In aud lo all that certatu loi or laud, mure or less, situate in Prospect Boro. Butler county. I'a.. bounded as follows, to-wit; On the north by lot ot Ur. Ktchardson 1«8 leet to I lttsburg street ; thence along Fills burg slreet south 10 an alley li.' leet; thence along saul aliey west 152 leet 10 lot of Koth heirs ; thence along said 10l north 80 leet to Ihe place ol headlining SeUed and taken iu execution .is the property ot thai 1* Johnson at the suli or David W. si. ED No 112. March Term. 1892. T C Camp bell. alt'y. All ihe right, title. Interest and claim of John McManan, ot.ln aud lo 151 acres or land, more or less, situate in Parker township. Butler couuty. Fa , bounded as follows, to-wlt: Com mencing at a biai'K oak. theuce north 1' west by lauds of Thos and Alexander Wally and Wm Allen ltil perches lo a stone ; thence north 89* east by lauds ol heirs ot George McCaudless 138 perches to a post; thence south 1' east by lauds ot Thos Allen. 108 perches to a post; thence north 8a east by lauds ot Thos Allen 42 perches to a post; theuce south 1' east by lands or Thos Allen 59 perches to a post; thence sou h si* west by lands ol James Mc.Mahan 86 perches lo a whue oak, thence norih 1" west by lands ol James McMuhan 23 percnes to a black oak . theuce so ilh 8a west by lmdsot James McMahan and heirs of Thos McGilt 101 perches tu the place or beginning aud being the same piece ol land conveyed by Joseph Mech ling to John Mc.Mahan by deed dated April 1, 18«>, and recorded lu the olllue lor recording deeds, Ac., lu Deed Book P. 41. 252. Seized and takeu in cxcculiuu us the property ot John McMabunal the suit ot Caihariue Mangel. E1) No 168 March Term, 1892. Marshall Bros., att 'ys. All the righi, title interest aud claim of J M Wick, Martha M Wick, and W M Wick, of. In and to 12 acres ot land, more or less, situate In Butler township, Butler county. Pa., bounded as loliows. to wn: Beginning on tha Freejiort road. tlience soulh along the lands or Adam Wei zellßSl feet tothe lands ui Kelly.thence aiongKelly 2as reel lo ihe lands of Harriet Fair, thence along lands of Harriet Fair 1929 feet to the Freeport road, theuce along ihe Free port road 294 leet lo place of beginning, aud being composed ol two tracts of land, one convened oy William S Boyd, et ux, to Manila M Wick, dated Julie i". 1876, con tain lug 7>» acres and ihe other piece conveyed by Samuel Taggart aud Mary Taggart, con taining 6 acres. seized and luken In execution as me properly oi J M .v lck. Martha M Wick and W M \\ lck at the suit Of W It Kid dle- EL> No 190, March T. 1892. A T Black, att'y All the right, title, .merest and claim of M W Mays, aum'r of Minnie Mays, dee'd. and M W 51 ays. dee'd. or, In and to ail t hat certain lot ot land, more or less, situate in Butler borough. Butler county. I'a., bouuded as follows, to-wii: On the north by an alley, east by C Otto, south ny West Cunningham street, and west by center line of a private alley be tween said 10l and lot ot William Banley .front ing uu Cunningham strict 46 feel (includlug t) feel ul said private alley) ahd extending back 17u leet. mure or less tothe alley, being the same lot conveyed to lue said Minnie Miys oy deed from C Olio aud wife, dated Jan 13th, ls9J. recorded In Deed Book No. lor, page 4*l. with a two story trume house and outbuildings thereon seized aud taken lu execuuou as tue M. \V. Mays, adui'r ot Minnie .Mays, deceased, and Al. W.Mays, at tne su t of w orkiugiueu's Equitable Building aud Loan Assoclallou of Butier. Pa.. Series 'O. K I) No 47 March Term, 1892. J. li. Mates, att'y All the right, title, Interest and claim of S. L. Markwell of, in aud lo tuat certain lot ol land, iuore or less situate tu Butler borough, Butler county. Pa., bouuded as follows, to-wlt: On the north by lot No. 46. iu Mrs Mackey's plan of lots In" said borough, east by Fairview Aveuue, south by lot No 48 li» said plau of lots, aud west by Cherryway, and beiu g 4u feet iront and runu.ng back parallel lines tho same width 125 leel lo Cherryway. and being lot No 47 in Mrs Sarah Mackey s plan of lots as aforesaid, and having a two-story frame liun.se and outbuildings thereon. Seized and takeu in execution as the property ot S L Markwell at the suit of Anna £ ttowiand. EI)Xo U i March Term. 1892. W A Forqucr. All the right, title. Interest and claim ol An drew Augert. of. U. lllid to that certain lit of laud, mote or less, situate in Bu'ler borough. Butler county Pa.. bouuded as tollows. to- wit j Ou the north by aa alley, east by lot uow or for merly of K (iraharn. south by Lincolu Ave..west by an alley; said lot being 27 by 112 teet. more or less, aud being the same lot ol ground con veyed by Anna M Fullerton and James O t ul lertou, her husband, to Andrew Augert, oue of the parties ol the tirst part by deed bearing dute the Till day ol April. A t). 1S8">. and Hav ing a two-story frame nouse and outbuildings thereon. Seized and taken Iu execution as the property i t Andrew Augert, at the suit of John N Muntz. E L) No IS4 and l!>l March term. ISO.'. J N Moore aud Ureer& Kalston. att'ys, All the right, title, interest and claim of Eliz abeth Kaiusey. of. In aud to 5u acres of land, more or less."situate ui Slipperyrock twp But ler Co.. Pa , bounded us lollow-, to-wlt: On the north by public road, east oy Wm Christley helis aud WmS Bingham south by li P Kls kaddon i>nd west by frauk Kyth; together with a Maine house, name baru. orchard aud out buildings thereon, seued and taken lu ex ecution as lh< property of Elizabeth Itamsey as the suli ol Isa M. "attersou et al. EDNoiil March Term. 1892. A M Cornelius, att'y. All the right, title, luterest and claim of W A Vance, of, lu and to -iti acres ol laud more or less. Mluuled In Allegheny townrhip, Bu'ler county. Pa . bouuded as toltowa to-wlt : On tne north by Mc.Vlahon and Norrlgan. eist by Alex Coulter, south by D. P BOOK aud Mercer aud ICosenberg roasi. and west by John Camp bell. together with a two-story iraine house, frame barn aud outbuildings thereon. Seized and taken lu execution as tne property of W A Vance at the suit ol ittgeUne Weller. E D Nos 127.125, riu. 1J0.131.133 and U3, March Term 1892. Jos. B. Bredin et al, att'ys All the right, title. Interest and claim of John Ulble, of, lu aud toft) acres of land, more or less situate lu summit township, untler coun ty Pa . bounded as rollows. to wi i: On the iio'rth by Wendell Kirk, east by Charles Cilble sr south by Oeaterllng and Hodman and went by krepps. together with lujr ..oiue, log baru, orchard and open -oal UanK thereou. Seized and taken lu ex>-cuilou as the pr-jperty of John tilble at the suit of Stephen Cuinuilngs. trustee et al. E 1) No 171, March Term. 1892. A. G. Wil liams. att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of D. A Kamerer, of. li. *nd to 3# acres of laud, nioro or lesasltuaie 111 coucord towusnip. Butler CO., Pa-, bouuded as follows, to-tvit: lieginlug at the northeast corner, theuer by lands of J c Daubeuspeck. south 1* east 92 perches to a post thence by lands of Peier Kamerer. south west 133 perch s to a post, thence by lands of H J. Clark (now A O Meals) nori..' J west 35 perches to corner ul J U hamerer; theuce by lands ol J l> Kamerer uortli east si o-io per. lies to a post; theuce along the same north l* wesL y perches to public roud ; thence along said road 20 perches to a post; thence north 40 ueri lies to a post; thence east 4S perches to a stone post, the place ol beglulng and belugihe saaie that w'as conveyed loUA kameror, the above named mortgagor. L'j peter kamerer aud («uht*riue fa. a merer, lila wile, by detd daied May li». a i> IS--T. Seized aud tuken lu oxecu tlon us the property of IJ. A. Kamerer at the suit cl Alex Mitchell. EliN'osHO. lit. 14M. lk». 150 and 151 March Term. 1892. Coulter A Baker and \\' D Brandou. attorneys. All the right, title, interest aud claim at Theo M Shearer, of. In and to all that certain lot ol land, wore 81 less, -ituate iu Butler borough, lluller county. Pa bounded as lollows to wit: on the north Uy Klttanning road, east by 1 ur vls &•'<>. south by Purvis * Co uud west by P 4; W li K. together witu a Irame machine shop. boOM hoube wicb Utfcvj stvaui Uauuier, planer fonres. boiler an«l engine contained in said building!! Seized and taken In execution as 'be property of Tbeo M Shearer at the suit of H l/ocke. et al. E1» No 19* March Term. 1892. A. T. Black any All the right. title, interest anil claim of JR 11 Morrow, of. in and to a certain lot of land more or less sit ate In Harrisville borouzli. •<ut ler county Pa bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north by I>tof B ngham. east by Main strert. south by an alley an t west by an alley said lot being 120 feet trout on Main street and extending oac* l»o to an allev. together with a a two story frame dwelling hms\ frame bite and other outbuildings taereon Seized and lakeu In execution as the projeit ,- of J 1{ n Morrow at Ihe Suit of Km in I A Fo'rker. E DNo »3 March Term. 1492. Williams & Mitch ell, att'ys. All the right. title. Interest and cli'.ui of J W Gibson, of. in and <o 40 acres ot laud, more or situate In Clay township. Butler county. Pa., bounded as follows to-wlt; On the north by Mrs Mary Gibson. east by John Sutton, south by John A Glb-ou'g heirs and Mary A Vande vort. and west by Jacob Brown. Seized arid taken In execution as the property of J VV (lib son at the suit of L H Oat man. E I) No 28s». Dec T. 1891. and E D Nos 82. 58.134, 111. 195. lae and 199. March lei in. isa-j Bran don, Cornelius. Lowry l.usk,and McOuistion. attorneys. All the right, title, lnten »t and claim of H W Christie, 01. In and to 40 acres of land, more or less, situate In Butler borough, Butler county Pa.. in unded as follows, to-wlt : i/n the north by Northslde tvmetery Association, east by High street and lauds of Charles Duffy, south by lands of J L Purvis and W H 11 Kiddle. and west by W II H Kiddle and Heiner heirs, and navlng thereon erected a large brick hous», trame barn, orchard and other outbuild ings. Seized and taken In execution as the property of H \V Christie at the suit of John S Campbell etal. ED No 75. March T, 18S2. C Walker, att'y- All the tight, title. Interest and claim of M 1' Black, of. In and to u certain lot of land, more or less, situate in Butler borough. Butier coun ty. Pa., bounded as follows, tolwlt: On the north by lot No .1. cast by First street, south bj lot No 43, west by an aliey, said lot being lot 3i In clymer tract. ALSO—AII the right, title. Interest and claim of M p Black, ol in «na to l>s acres of land, more or less, situate in Parker township. Butler County. Pa.. bounded as loliows, to-wit: On tne north by John Kelly. east by meandering ol the spring run, south by the meandering of the spring run. west by public road leading from Martlnsburg to Maple Furnace, together w lth with u wostory lratne house, board stable ana outbuildings thereon, ALSt>— All the right, title, interest and claim of M F Black, 01. in and to a certain lot ol land, mure of less, sltuste In Buller borough. Butler count}. Fa., bounded as tollows, to-wlt : On the north by lot 37, east bv First slreet. south by I-ocusl sireet. west by an alley . said lot be ing lot No 43 tu ti\ uier tract, seized and luken In exscuuuu as the property of M P Black at the suit ot Uobert black el al. KjU No 203. March r. 18M. "R P Scott atfy. All the right, title, interest aud claim of Geo H tiibson.ol, in and to a curiam lot or land, more or less sliuate in Parker township. Butler couuty. Pa., bouuded as to.lows. io-«u: On the north by Thos m alley 's heirs, east In tieorge Boya, soutn by \* A Aiartin, west by .Mam sueet, saia lot being Ui teet more ot less, froutlug on Main street, ami exteu Una back eastward lsO feel, nurc or lesi. «iUi a frame store and awclnnfr house combined and boartl stable and other outbuildings thereoit Seized and taken in execuilon as U>e property or t.eo. 11 oibsou al the suit ot Kotert blory. E 1) No <O6 March term, li>ir2. 8. F. Bowser, atl'y All the right, title, lulerest and claim of 11 J Cl&rg, 01. in and to 44 acres ol laud, more or less, situate Concord township, Bulitr county. Pa., bounded as follows, 10-wil: Beginning .it the northwest co mer. theuce east to the north east turner 7» perches, thence south iu7 9-lu pelches. thence north 53 ueg. West llu 7-10 perches, theuce norm 17 ueg. east „ii 4 10 perch es to the place 11 beginning; bounded on the uoilh by JoUn Kemeier and A U hi hn, on the east Dy John auu Feter Xaiuerer.un Hiesjutli oy Coulter Kobb aud tleury uiatr, and on the west by oincr lands ol li J Clark, with Inane house, log barn and oiuer outomldings tin re m . ALSO—AiI the right, title, luterest aud claim of M J Clark, 01. in and to 57 acres ot land.uiure ur less, bltuate in Concord township, lsutler county. Pa., oounued as luliows, to-wit: tin me uoitu ny NS in 11 Campbell and A U Kulin. east by utuei lauds ot 11 J ilalk aud lanus J I llenry oiali', suutu by sauiuel Palteu. West liy Jeplua liold, beizcu and taken In execution as tne pioperty ol H j Clark at the suit ol sV J Kis kaaiiou lor use now lor use ot Charles Cochran. Eli No 201, March term, 1892. Joseph B Bred in. all' y AI. the tight, lille, interest and claim of bopt.ia Knox, aumiulslrali u ol U Knox. Cec i. 01, in aud to 53 aeics ol lano, more or less, situate lu clay township. Butler county, Pa., bouuded as tollows. 10-wil: cm ihe north uy lands ol John Sutton auu chuicu iot, east by lauds ol lieury VV Wuilmire aud Kedlc -Mc- Cauuless. soulu oy lauas ol aeury braoKuey, west by Johu MuCauuless. Seized aud taken tu execution as the property ot SjpUia Knox, admlnisirairix ol \V 11 Kuox, at lue suit ot 11 scuueiueinan. EL) Nos 19, 20 ana 21 March term, 1892. H. U. Uoucher, atl'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of . o Leouard, 01, in aud u» 1W acres ol land. uw 1(J or lis», situate lu tue adjoining couuues ol i> u .i ... aud Armstrong, aud ine greater porlio n ~ which is situate lu Parker township. B u ,i. r county, Fa., bouuded as loliows, to-wit: , 'J, ineu'.iug at a post, thence by lauas oi WijuVm Morgan, north 5 deg. eas 15a perchas to a Dost thence by lauds ol W E Allen, south 87 He.- ,M S r 150 perches to a post, thence oy lanus ol A au, Kuoeustelu, et al, south 3 deg w°esi ij/j perches lo a post, thence uy lands ot Parke" aud l'uompson and Bear Creek Oil Co., north sr ueg. west loi percues to a post, the place of beginning ; logetuer With two produJ[ u , ol i wells complete situate thereon Her of royal ty ; said property known as the Joun j- Le'ou aru farm, oetzed aud lakeu lu execution as the property of J F Leonard at tile suit of j j sel sou lor use oi the i'orpedo Company. fEttMS OF SALE:—The following must be striclly complied with when property is sirlckeo down. 1. Waen the plaintiff or other Hen creditor becomes the purchaser the cost on the writ must be paid and a list of the Ileus including mortgage searches on the property sold to gether with such hen creditor's receipt* for the amount ot the proceeds of tho sale ur such por~ Hon thereof as he may claim must be furutnied the Sheriff. 2. All bids nms( be paid in lull. 3. All saias not settled ImmaJiately will bo combined until l o clock r. 11. or next day. at which lline all property uoi settled for will be put up and sold ai the expense and risk of the persou to wuoiu Urst sold. •see Fuiduu's Digest, ath edition, page 4ia. and Smith's Forms, page 381. WILLIAM M. BROWN, Sheriif. SheilU's Office. Butler. Pa., Feb. 17. 1892. Planing Mill -AND- Lumber Yai»d J. L. PC KVi*. L. O. PUKVIB. S. Gr.Purvis&Co. MANUFACTCRKRB AND DBALKRB IN Rough and Planed Lumber •IK KV«*Y OSBCKIPTION, SHINGLES, LATH & SEWER PIPE.' Butler, Pa. L. c. WICK: DKALKR IS Rough and Worked Lumber OF*ALL KINDS Doors, Sash, BUnds, Mouldings, Shingles and Lath Always in Stock. LIME. HAIR AND PLASTER. Office opposite P. <fc W. Dep -t. BUTLER. - - PA LUMBER YARD. LM.il. J. HEWIT, Dealers in all kinds of Rough and Worked Lumber. DOORS, SASH, BUNDS, SHINGLES, LATH, ETC. We have a large stock of all kinds of Lum ber, Oil Well Rigs, Etc. Call and get our prices and see our stock. Mailorders Promptly Attended To. Office and yard on Monroe St., Xear West Pexx Depot, BUTLER. PA. SCHUTTE & O'BRIEN, Sanitary Plumbers And Gas Fitters. DEALERS IS Sewer Pipe, Gas Fixtures, Globes and Natural Gas Applianoes, Jefferson St.,opp. Lowry House BUTLER, P-A..