Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, February 19, 1892, Image 1
VOL. XXIX. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JOSEPH W. MILLEK, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Office and residence ui ;cw a. Main St, Butler, Pa. Dr. N. M. HOOVER, IST E. Wayne St., office hours. 10 to 12 M. and I ro J P. M. L. M. REINSEL, M. D, PBYSICIAN AMD SCKOKOX. Office and residence at 12: E. C St, L BLACK, PHYSICIAN ANI> ITKGKON, New TroutniHii Hnllditif?, Butler, l'a. F-. N. UEAKK. M. 1). J- F - »ANN. M. I). Specialties: Specialties: Gynaecology and Sur- Eje. Ear Nose and m I OTON. DRS. LEAKE& MANN, Butler, Pa. G. M /.IMMtRMAN. PHYSICIAN AND SCKUKON. Office a: No. *r>, S. Main street, over Frank ft do's Uiuw store. Butler. P ; . SAMUEL -VI. bIPPUS. Physician and Surgeon. &o. 22 E«M .Itfli rson St., tier, Pa. V. IVicALPIIvE, Derilist, Is now permai.ently located at l! 0 Soutli Main Street Butier. Pa., in ruoum tornierly occupied by Dr. Waldrou. DR. S. A. JOFNSTON. DKNTIST, - - BUTLER, PA. cold Killing Painless Extraction of Teeth «d Artui.-.*! reeth *it bout Hates a Nitrous Oxide or Sluulzetl Air or Local A om n ce t "eV'MiUt'rs Grocery east of Lowry H o U mc'e closed Wednesdays and Tliursdtys. J. J. DONALDSON, Dentist. Butler, Penn'a. i ttMiMiii Teetl» Inserted ( u the latest I®* pruved ptan. GoW PlUluK a specialty. Office i m r Krbaul'sClotbinK Store. I . F. L. McQUISTION, UNU.NEfcK AM) SCBVEVOR, OFFICE NEAK DIAMO.VD, BCTLBB, PA.| I A. B. C. McFARLAND. Att'y at Law and Notary Public —Office on B. Diamond M —opposite the Court House—sec ond floor. H. Q. WALKER, Attorney-at-Law-Office in Diamond Block. Butler, Pa. J. M. PAINTER, Attoi ney-at-Law. Office—l3etw ten Postofflce and Diamond. But ler. Pa. A. T. SCOTT, ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW. Office at >'o. *>, South Inawoud. Butler. Pa. A. M. CHRISTLEY, ATIOUNEY VT LAW. Office second floor. Anderson B1 k, Main St., near Court House, duller. Pa. J. W HUTCHISON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. on ce on i-efoi.d Hot.r of tlie Huselton block, DtanH'iid, Butler, l'a.. ICoom No. I. IRA McJUNKIN. Attorney at I .aw, Office at No. 17. East .letler son St . Butler. Pa.. W. C. FINDLEY, Attorney at I and Pea! Estate A|<ent. Of flee rear of L. Z. Mitchell s office on north side of Diamond, Butler. P<». H. H. GOUCHER. Attorney -at -law. Office on second floor of Anderson building, near Court House. Butl«r. Pa. NEWTON BLACK. Att'y at Law—Offlce.on South side .of Diamond Butler. Pa. L. S. McJUNKIN, Insurance and Real Estate Ag't 17 EAST JEFFERSON ST. BUTLER, - PA. FT 1) EP eonNTY gtutuai Tire insurance Co O'iico Cor, Main & O-tnrtinehamflu. C T. (' lIKTNKMAN, SECRETARY DIRECTORS: Alfred Wick. Henderson Oliver. Dr. W. Irvln .lames Stephenson, W. W. Blackmore, N. Weitzel. F. Bowman. D T Norris. Oeo Kftterer. ' IIMS. T(<hhun, John firohinan. .!< hn Keen inc. LOYAL S, Agent. airrLßiH-, T-->a. A. E. GABLE, Veterinary Surgeon. Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Toronto, Canada, Dr. Gable treats nil diseunefl of tht domesticated animals, and nv.>kfs ridtrliatr, castration >*nd borpe den tistry a specialty. Castration per formed wi'hout clams, stu! all other surgical operations performed in tbe scientific manner. Culls to MIIV pnr of the country promptly responded to. Office and Infirmary ip Crawford's Liv<ry, 132 West .Jefferson Street, Bntler Pa. I flfcT £ nnn Cnless yon write us qulck- UvlO I viUUU ly. We want more sales mou. and will guarantee permanent position* with salary and expenses paid weekly. Full or part time. Experience rioi required. Stock complete. Including nmny i.'.st selling special ties. Klegant ouitlt free Address t . 11 HAWKS & CO.. INurserj man. Kochester, N. Y. Established 1875. Farm For Sale. A tarm. improved, and In a high state of cultivation, situate In Adam.H twp..Butler coun ty, l'a.. on the Three Decree road, two miles from plank road, and two miles from Mars station on P a W. railroad. Sufficient timber thereon to fence same; good spring of water at door; In oil locality, unleased. and containing 63 acres. A two-story fra . e dwelling House with live rooms aid hull. ai,d bank barn 36x58 bulb in excellent order, ' XIJSO another farm convenient to above iame twp., containing acres, with small dwelling house and barn. Owi er, on account of age, desires to sell and quit farming. Terms will be made convenient to purchaser. Call on OJ address JAMES PURSY, Postollti" Valencia, Ta. (Mi t'H !J 'fcf ( i 712 J*, THE BUTLER CITIZEN. FREE! A Handsome Three-quarter Life-size Crav on Portrait Free. .ia.' i.'. '.o onr many patrons, and the public £>.< illy, for » short time we are going 10 & ive 10 every pu rcfcart r of Tec dollar- worth of goods a FINE THREE-QUALvTER LIFE-SIZE CRAYON PORTRAIT. There is not a family bat possesses some picture of Father Mother. Brother or Sister which they would like to have reproduced iD a life like and durable oianuer Call at once and see specimen at our store Wb»t more suitable for a present? And ae our liberal offer will insure immediate orders in large numbers, your early vis't is desired. To hPcure one of these portraits, you first trade len Dollars worth with us, nnd then give us any pirture of your self or friends that YOU wish to have enlarged The frame (samples of which you wi 1 see in our store) together with the giass nod mounting will only cost you $2 75 These portraits are made by the celebrated Acme Copy in? Companv. 302 and 304 West Tan Buren Street. Cbieatfo, 111.. wLicti (a a guarantee of quality of work we intend to give you. RITTER & RALSTON. HUSELTON'S SHOES! A Worth Looking Oar Boots and Shoes are making an impression "on the sands of time." We help our customers to make tbeir walk in life easy by fitting them with Shoes that fit their feet comfortably. We pay special attention to this, as no Boot or Shoe will wear well that doe* not fit properly. There is enough trouble and pain in this life without increasing it by wearing til fittiog shoes All our footwear is selected caretuily from the most improved lasts as well as quality of stock etc We keep the kind that will fit comfortably and wear, we keep the best at the lowest prices. We don't keep a Ladies Shoes at SI.OO and say it is worth $2 00 that i* an old, old chestnut, but we do say we have a Ladies fine Shoe at $1 00 tb»t cannot be matched either for Styl* or wear, wo sav the same of our Ladies entire line frotu $1.25, $1 50. $2.00 $2 50, and $3 00 and up to $4 00 and $4 50 r Don't you get tired of reading gome fellows advertisements when they saj goods are being Sliiugbtered at any price to clean up. etc, thai this or that Boys Boot is selling at $1 00 worth $2 00. Now there is just one of two things, either they made a big profit before or not telling the truth, recollect these liberal fellows don't lose any money, goods are per haps dear at the low p'ices named after you 6ee them and more especially after you wear theta It seems useless to quote a long list of prices as you cannot judge unlest you see the goods, but it you want the best Boys Boots at $1 00 sizes 1 to 5y ou ever ssw y on ( ttD j t bere, a Man's Boot at $1 50.Cbildren's Shoe* at 25, 50 and 75 cts , Boy V fine Shoes at 85 eta., these are straight prices ui humbug to pull you in. neither are tbey sold at SO CENTS OUT THE: DOLLaa. Have a lot Mif-Fes Rulbers at 10 cts a pair and tbev are not worth 30 cts. either, recollect we b»ve the large-t sto.-k to select from, best goods aad lowest prices, don't ti»rjdl>* «uy old j )bs. sold ch»ap on account of some imperft etions, but tolid, new and desirable liuetet ihe lowest price BC. HUSFCL ' ON, _ 102 N. MAIN ST , BUTLER PA The Price Broken Rubber Goods Forced to go! The greatest rubber sale ever known In Progress at Bickel's! Men's Rubber Boots $2 00. Bo>s' Rubber Boots SI 40. Youths' Kubber Boots $1 00 Child's Rubber Boot 90 cts. Read and Wonder! Come and Buy! Men's Rubbers 40 and 50 cts Ladies' Hubtiers 25 cts. Misses' Rubbers 15 cts. Child's Rubbers 10 eta. Customers Delighted! O Competitors Depressed! Ladies' Buckle arctics 65 cts. Ladie-' ( loth alaskas 40 cts. Men's Cloth alaskas 50 cts. Perfection overs lor felt Boats 60 cts Rich and Poor Alike are Benefited. Men's Kij) Boots Si 35. Kip Hoots $1.«0, ( hi d's Kip Boots 50 cts. Working Shvws 85 cts. F°, s High Cut Button (Shoes 75 cts. No Cobwebs on my Goods. I Sell Ladies' Button Shoe* 90. Si 00 and $1 20 Misses' Shoes fine 75 and §l-00 Child's Mioes pat-tip 50 cts. Bady's hoes 10. 25 and 50 cts. Remember the old say ng "The ear'y bird catches the worm." Con eto this Sale Quickly. It can't last long. Boots and Shoes Made to Order. JOHN BICKEL. BUTLER, ------ - _ _ PEN IV A All Kinds of Job Work done at the "Citizen" Office. THE UTOPIAN FARMER. Ooaao here, my J ear, I want ter say a word « two ter you Bout what I thlnk's the proper thing for me - n you ter da YeTe gave mo mighty good advice seace we wii wed that day "Way back In sixty-one, 'n' now I'd like to hare ye say Ef you don't think I've got a right to do as oth ers does, Tf sell the crops before they grows, Jest like them easterners. Why. Meg. a man out in Noo York hex sold • lot o' corn That's several thousand bushels more then what the oo un try's borne— "N" got his money, too, I'm told, 'c' didn't have a peck Of grain of any kind In hand to back his little spec. He cleared a hundred thousand cash! If, Meg, that's more'n.we Have cleared at farmln' all our days, or cvei will, by gee! "N* I can't say I sees the uao o' workln' day by day 'V only sellln' what we raise for mighty little P»y. When them as haen't any grain can sell up there In town A million pecks of wheat 'n' corn, 'n' git their money down. The modern plan's a dandy, Meg, 'n' ef we makes it go, I'll get you that planner, 'a* the trotting horse for Joe. Well raise tho mortgage oil the roof, 'n' paint the old barn red, "V send the gals to Paris, France, and buy a rosewood bed. We'll get new carpets for the floors, "n" keep a hired man, Ef only 1 can go to town 'n' learn to work the plan. •JT mebbe. Meg, I'd make enough ter run for governor. Or get sent down to Washington a full-fledged senator I tell yer, gal, this is an ago that beats creation. Say, What would yer father've said, d'ye think, if ho wuz here to-day, Ter see folks sellin' wheat and .corn, and hull ears full o' rye, •V 'leven-twelfths of all they sold nowhere but in their eye? How he would yell ter think of us a-makin' of a pot O' gold at sellin' fellers things we haven't really got i What's that ye say? It Isn't straight to sell what ye don't own? TT if 1 goes into the spec, I goes it all alone? The music on the piannay ye think would.drive yer mad, If it was bought from sellin' things ye never rightly had? Waal, have yer way: I'll let It go; I didn't mean no harm; But what is straight in cities can't be crooked on % farm. —John K-ndricks Bangs, In Harper's Magazine. SAM'S STRATEGY. The Trick That Cost Capt. Logan His GirL KEN jm l/lli:1\W DRICK had MM'"''Ml''iM&k brought in an Mn Willi!r wWSSSI armful of snow- HI cve ° re d loff9 li!ill! from the wood- Pl!®PM(lll' pil® at the north " end of the house, throwing them m 1" down on the •"** stone hearth with noise Hr like a small I, earthquake, Wf C&, when Carrie H Brown started wL "Five o'clock! -c Oh, I had no idea it was so late. I must be going home." "Allow me to accompany you, Miss Brown." "You will let me see you home, Car rie?" Capt Logan and Fred Jones both spoke at once, but Carrie shook her head. "I prefer to walk alone," she said, gayly. "About the sleighing party to-mor row night?" said Fred, anxiously. "I—l half promised Capt. Logan," said the village beauty, a rosy tint suf fusing her cheek. "But Carrie, I thought it was settled between you and me two weeks ago!" exclaimed Fred, with a frown. "Was it? I'm sure I had forgotten it" Fred was silent Capt Logan's smooth, soft-toned voice broke the silence. "I exact no promises," he said, gal lantly; "but if 1 am not punctual to the hour and the spot Miss Brown may draw her own conclusions." And Carrie went home. She was very pretty, this bright eyed, New England damsel. Fred Jones had loved her ever since they were children together, and Capt Lo gan, who had come down to spend the Christmas holidays with his cousins, the Kendricks, had become so fond of those bright blue eyes and golden hair that he had prolonged his visit into January. " 'Pon my word, she's a regular beauty," said the captain, staring through the tiny window panes at the retreating figure of Miss Brown. Fred Jones looked quickly up at him, as if he wouid have liked to knock him over into the fireplace, but he refrained from any such demonstration. "A beauty," went on the captain, "and it's a thousand pities she should be wasted on any of the country bump kins who vegetate among these wilder nesses. Sam, you young villain, are those boots of mine blacked yet?" Farmer Kendrick's hired boy, who had just come in to warm his purple hauds at the merry red blaze, looked glum. "No, they ain't" said Sam, crossly. "Well, what's the reason?" "'Cause I ain't'ad time." "See you find time, then, and that quick, too," said the captain. And Sam glowered after him as he went gayly up the stairs. "Just wish 1 had the firin' of him out," said the boy, gloomily "It's 'Sam do this," and "Sam do that,' and 'Sam, where's the warm water?' and 'Sam, what do you meiin by lettin' my fire go out?' and not a red cent has he guv me yet—no, nor as much as a pleasant word. I wonder if he means to stay here always?" "You and I are about aqual in out love of him, Sam," said Fred Jones, laughing. "I hecrd him talkin' with Miss Car rie about goin' sleigh-ridin' to-mcrrow night," said Sam, shrewdly. "I'd jes' like to put 'Kicking Tom' in the shafts; I would if it weren't for Miss Carrie. He don't know nothin' about horses, that there militia cap'n don't" And Sam chuckled. "I say. Mr. Jones," be resumed, "why don't you get beforehand with him? Miss Carrie don't really care for him; she's only dazzled like." Fred Jones frowned slightly; honest Sam was not exactly the kind of Gany mede he eared to have meddle with his love affairs. "Miss Brown must eboose for her self, bam," he said, and Sam went back to his work, secretly wondering how a young lady gifted with ordinary sense could hesitate for a moment be tween the captain and Fred Jones. The next night came—a perfect night for sleighing expeditions and rustic lovemaking, the roads bard and well packed and a glorious moon shining down whitely, as if a rain of silver were deluging the whole world. "Couldn't be better weather," said the captain. "Sam, where are the sleigh bells?" "Dunno," said Sam. "There's them old jinglers in the garret that used to beloDg to Deacon Joe Kendrick that was in the revolutionary war, and XUfire'3 the twoJJQW hells. that Mary BUTLER, PA., FEIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1892. Jane might scour up with ashes—" "Pshaw-:" said the captain. "Do you take me for Rip Van Winkle? There's a pretty little string somewhere, for I saw them when Mrs. Kendrick went out day before yesterday." "I hain't seen nothin' on 'em," said Sam, stolidly. "Come, come, Sam, don't make your self out any stupider than you be by nature," said the farmer, laugHing, nevertheless, for the captain's airs were fast wearing out his welcome, and he secretly sympathized with the much-abused Sain. "I guess they're out in the bam chamber. You better go with him, captain, if you expect to find 'em—our Sam's dreadful thick-headed when he chooses to be." "Come along, my fine fellow," said the captain, collaring Sam and march ing him off in the direction of the old red barn. "We don't need any lantern in this moonlight, that is one com fort. " "Where are the stairs?" demanded the captain, as they entered the barn. "Ain't none," said Sam. "It's a lad der." "Dp with you, then," said Logan, but Sam shrunk back •'I wouldn't, not for fifty dollars," said Sam. "Old John Kendrick hanged himself from the middle beam four teen years ago, and folks say he stands up there with a rope around his neck every moonlight night." "Stuff and nonsense!" cried the cap tain, in accents of contempt. "You cowardly lout, stay where you are, then, and I'll go myself." He sprang lightly up the rounds of the ladder and disappeared through the trap door. "Where is it?" he called. "The ghost? Right under the mid dle beam by the windy was the place where —" "Blockhead! I mean the string of bells." "Look for 'em yourself," said Sam, sulkily. "I don't know where they be, and, what's more, I don't care." "I'll settle with you, my fine fellow, when I comedown," 6aid the captain, threateningly, as he groped about in -<^9l "COME BACK, YOU SCOUNDREL!" the dim light which came throuxh a cobweb-craped window at either end of the barn chamber. "Don't hurry yourself, cap'n," re joined Sam, in a jeering tone. As the captain plunged into a dark corner there was a jingle, and the string of bells, suspended from a nail, hit him directly on the neck, so like the grasp of death-cold fingers that h« could not but start. "Oh!" said the captain, nervously. "Here they are. Catch 'em, Sam I Hal-lo! Where's the trap door?" And it took the worthy captain fully sixty seconds or more to realize that the trap door was closed and fastened on the lower side. He rushed to the window and threw it up only to see Sam speeding up the bilL "Hal-10-o-a!" yelled Capt. Logan. "Come back, you scoundrel! You ill conditioned lout! You imp of evil!" Sam turned around and executed that peculiar gyration of the fingers in con nection with the nasal organ which is supposed to express the extremity of scorn. "You'll find the ladder on the barn floor, cap'n," hooted this young rebel, "an' don't be afraid o' the ghost; it's very harmless if you let it alone." "But, Sam—Sam. come back! I'm to be at Mr. Brown's at half-past seven." "Don't worry!" bawled Sam. "Miss Carrie won't wait long afore Mr. Fred'll be on hand." The captain danced up and down on the floor in an ecstasy of rage as Sam disappeared over the crest of the hill. He knew very well if ho possessed the lungs of Boreas he could make no one hear. lie sat shivering down on the hay, starting nervously at the sound of horses' feet below, and thinking how disagreeably a bar of moonlight, which streamed down from a crack in the roof, resembled a tall, white figure standing under the center beam. He could almost fancy the rope round its neck. Pshaw! And the captain jumped up again, with starting dew on his tem ples, even in the freezing atmosphere of the barn chamber. "What is to be done?" he asked him self. And echo, if echo had had any common sense, would have answered: "Just nothing at all!" Sam had outwitted him. And pretty Carrie, and Fred Jones, with his red cutter anil great chestnut-colored horse! The captain was wild at the thought; surely lie was vanquished. "1 won't wait another minute for him," said Carrie Brown, coloring up. with the tears in her blue eyes. "Go on, girls, 1 shall spend the evening at home." "There's plenty of room for you in our sleigh, Carrie," coaxed her brother. "Bessie Andrews will be giad to have you along." "Xo. she won't, either," pouted Car rie. "As if I would spoil all her fun! No; if I can't have an escoit of my own I'll stay at home and mend stock ing;; and I never, never will apeak to Capt. Logan again." Charlie Brown was on the point of arguing the matter with his sister, "SOX GONE YET. CABBIE?" when the door opened and in walked Fred Jones. "Not gone y;t, Carrie? Where is the captain?" "I don't know," said Carrie, tartly, "and 1 don't care. Am I Capt. Logan's keeper?" "Will you go with me?" "Yes, I will," said Carrie, her eyes lighting and shy smiles dimpling her face. "Of course," said Fred, "I can't ex pect to make myself as agreeable as the city captain, but —" "The uratsio. captain'.'' «xl«d Carrie, a little lrritatny. "J. m SICK UI the sound of his name. I never want to see him again. What a nice new cutter this is, and how easy the wolf robes are!" "Carrie," whispered Fred, as he touched up the horse and felt her nest ling close to him, "is it for always?" "Yes, always," she answered. "Jerusalem!'* said Farmer Kendrick It was past ten o'clock at night, and the old gentleman had come out as usual before retiring to rest, to see that the dumb members of his family were all safe and comfortable. "I do believe that's old John Kendrick'L ghost come to life again, poundin' like all possessed on the barn chambei floor!" "It's me-e! It's me-e!" bawled the captain. "Unfasten tho trap-door and let me out!' Slowly the farmer lifted the ladder to its place. With rheumatic awk wardness he climbed the creaking rounds and undid the hook from its hasp. "How in all creation came you here?" he demanded. "Why. I thought you was out a-sleigliridin' with tke gals." "It was all the doing of that villain, Sam!" gasped the infuriated captain, his teeth chattering with mingled rage and cold. "I won't stand this sort of thiug. I'll leave the place to-morrow." "As you please," said the farmer, to whom the prospect of losing his guest was not unpleasant. "I'm dreadful sorry this should have happened, though, and I'll tails seriously to Sam." "So will I," gnashed the captain. "I'll break every bone in his body." But -Sam had taken particular care to go over to his grandmother's, six miles across the snowy fields, to spend the night, and the only person the captain saw was old Mrs. Kendrick sitting by the kitchen fire. "You've lost your chance, captain," said she, good-humoredly. "Dorcas Smith has just gone by on her way home from the sleighing party, and she says Fred Jones brought Carrie Brown in his new cutter, and they're engaged." The captain left next day, and Mrs. Fred Jones has never seen him since. And when the affair came off Sam got a piece of wedding cake big enough'to give him the dyspepsia for a week.— Boston Neivs. Equ il to tho Occasion. A family of new wealth in Washing ton have * just up a butler. The head of the family formerly lived in Michigan and some friends from this state have recently been visiting them. Among them was a lady who had known them for many years. One day at dinner she wanted some bread. The bread basket was within easy reach ol the host and the guest asked him tc pass it to her, but he shook his head. "Darsn't/'be said, grimly; ' Maria's got her eye on me, and if I didn't wait for the butler she'd give me jessie a* soon as she got me alone. "—Detroit Free Press. —Hamlet Jones—"So you have lett the Tin Monkey Company?" Buffo Booth—"Yes, I didn't like the way they cast me." Hamlet Jones —"In- deed! How did they cast you?" Buffo Booth—"Out"—Kate Field's Washing" ton. GROWING FINE WOOL. Only Animals That Have Uniformly Good Health Produce It. Even during an excessive demand for wool the finer grades generally in crease in value more than the com moner grades, and in times of depres sion the finer grades are always the most profitable. The commoner grades can easily be made by many inexperi enced sheep growers, and as the de mand for wool increases thousands will go into the business of supplying the busy looms with this product, and, in stead of being pushed out of their busi ness by the newcomers in it, the old veterans at wool growing should de vote their experience and skill in pro ducing the very finest grade of the raw product. This is the legitimate gain and profit which must be due them for their study and labor. The finer grades of raw wool should have a fine staple, with a fiber that is fine, but not silky. If this fiber is evenly developed, so that it cau stand equal tension all over, it can be classed as finest grade. Very few of our sheep have such fine wool, not even among the very best breeds. The secret of it is in the care of the animals more than in the blood or breed. Such wool is only found on animals that have uniformly good health, and which are not suffering from any skin diseases. If the health is poor the wool will be unevenly developed A weakened growth of fleece will follow where neglect of proper feed is shown; where lack of water or exposure to in clement weather is allowed. Animals that have to use up animal heat to re sist the cold which strikes in from wet, frozen fleece, or very cold weather, can not give the same amount of growth to the wooL The wool has to suffer to keep the internal organs in condition. Good stock and health count to begin with, but these alone cannot be de pended upon to produce high-grade wool. Sheep that are not adapted to the climate and country may also fail to produce high-grade wool for this reason alone, and it is Important that the proper breed should be selected. It is well to remembar that the wool depends upon the good health of the animal for its growth, the same as the plants depend upon good soil for the development and maturity.—American Cultivator. FOR HOME CONSUMPTION. Implements Nece»»ary for Making Cheat* on a Small Scale. For the manufacture of cheese on a small scale are required a cheese hoop, about ten inches in diameter with a follower, a new washtub and a press. The milk should be taken perfectly fresh from the cow, and strained through a cloth into the cheese tub. As a gallon of milk will make one pound of cheese, the precise quantity used at a time should be noted. Part of it should be warmed so that the temperature of the whole, when in the tub, shall be raised to eighty-three degrees Fahrenheit. The rennet, thoroughly cleaned and prepared, should be then added, enough being used to produce curdling in about forty minutes. As soon as the curd will break smoothly, it should be cut with curd-knives into squares, and then allowed to stand until all the ivhey runs off. Part of this whey is then heated, the mass of curd is lifted and broken into minute pieces, and warm whey is added until the tempera ture of the whole is raised to ninety eight degrees Fahrenheit. Wlieu cool this operation is repeated until the curd becomes crumbly, easily falling to pieces when pressed in the hand- The whey is then all drained off, and the curd put into the cooler and cut up with curd ltnives. When the tempera ture has fallen somewhat, it is turned aver and left until it assumes a flaky condition. When nearly dry, salt is added, and the whole is mixed thor oughly with a curd mill- It is then put into the bandage inside of the hoop, and la put on the press. After remaining there from two to four hours it should be taken out and turned. The next day it may be taken out from the press and put on a shelf to cure. While curing it should be watched closely to keep all flies from It; should bo rubbed over daily with warm melted butter and daily turned. It is fit for uss from six to eight weeks after it is pressed.—ln diana Farmer. SAVING STOCK FOOD. A Number or Illnttrstlona from Experi ence and Observation. Xo other practical knowledge Is of greater value than that of the balanc ing of rations, and utilizing the coarse provenders of the farm. I know farm ers by the hundred who save no fodder from their corn fields, even though the hay crop be short and their stock nu merous. Often I have seen forty or fifty acres of cornstalks left in the field, and the straw of several hundred bushels of wheat dumped in a pile in a corner of the wood lot and their owners buying hay by March 1 for their stock, and like "Pharaoh's lean kine," the herd would devour one of their number—or its value—each week. After an experience of over thirty years during which I have given per sonal attention to my stock, and noted carefully the effect of different foods, 1 pronounce good, bright corn fodder the most palatable, wholesome and economical of all provenders for cattle, horses and sheep This winter I am feeding eleven head of horses and cows —three of the horses of large draft breeds —and, with only the fodder from twelve acres of corn, 1 have not fed a pound of hay since September, and shall not until April. This corn fodder cost me as follows: For cutting up the corn, $18; cost of husking 1 of 250 shocks, 120 hills each, and binding the fodder, at 8 cents per shock, 520; two days with two hands and a team draw ing the fodder to the barn, SO; total, $44. Deducting 3 cents per bushe! for husking 500 bushels of corn, it leaves the net cost of the fodder in the barn 829. Counting that this fodder will last the eleven head six months, the cost for rough feed for them is *0 cents per head per month; and 1 shall be able to sell at least ten tons of hay, which would, without the fodder, all have been fed out on the farm. Good bright straw can be used to winter horses and cattle; they will eat it well and thrive on it, but it is best that, in stead of corn, the grain ration be bran and oil meal; these balance the ration and enable the animal t> digest the straw much better than if it is fed with corn, for the straw is deficient in albuminoids, and the bran. and oil meal are both rich in this essential ele ment. The greatest waste of the farm is in the use of feed, and little study and investigation is needed to enable us to overcome this waste. If, with the sharp competition they must meet, our manufacturers showed as little in telligence as we farmers do, they would every one be bankrupt in a single year. Make a study of this matter, put in practical use all the information you fan gain, and you will be sur prised to see what a saving can be effected.—Waldo F. Brown, in N. Y. Tribune. ABOUT MOLDY CORN. It Kills Hundred ol Valuable Animal* Every Ve.ir. The "new and comparatively strange disease" fatally prevalent in parts of the west last fall and winter, and vari ously known as "staggers," "blind staggers," "mad staggers," etc., ac cording to the symptoms presented in different cases and the degrees of im agination of the reporters, is believed to have been caused by feeding horses com which has beeu infected by As pergillus glaucus. To this visitation and similar ones •lsewhere at other times, recent bulletin 24 of the Kansas experiment station, at Manhattan, is entirely devoted. We excerpt a para graph or two of information and advice for general use: "The spores of this mold gain en trance to the circulation, and find lodgment In the kidneys and liver. The latter is more affected than th c kidneys (probably on account of the lower pressure of the circulation.) The spores germinate here and cause in flammation of these organs. The cere bral symptoms are the result of the formation of an abscess in the cere brum. This abscess is caused by an interference with the blood supply, probably from spores or inycelia of the mold in the circulation. The spores seemed to retain their infectious prop erties for about sis months, from Oc tober, 1890, to March, 1891. Mules, cattle and pigs do not contract the dis ease. An ounce of prevention is worth many pounds of cure. Do not feed moldy corn, or turn horses into fields where it can be had. In feeding ear corn from the crib, care should be ex ercised to pick out the moldy ears, or break off the moldy tip If the corn has been shelled, it can be poured into water and the moldy kernels floating can be skimmed off." HELPING THE MILKMAN. A New French Device for Delivering XxilM at Ketall. A hole shaped like a speaking tube. Is made in the door or near it. Inside there is a little shelf on which the can or other receiving vessel can rest The milkman comes with a little funnel, Bhaped as shown in the picture, and easily pours his milk through it into the can, which is inside where it will not be stolen. Many of the families in the larger towns and cities have bread, milk and other articles of food DEVICE FOB DELIVERING MILK. left, in the early morning, on the steps or in the halls. A good deal of it is stolen by tramps and thieves, while wandering dogs frequently make an early breakfast at the expense of the household. This arrangement would certainly put an end to such loss, but the milkman would lose one valued privilege. It would be impossible for him to "kiss the cook" with any satis faction through his funnel or through the hole in the wall! —Rural New York* cr. A USEFUL DEVICE. A Stove Pipe Ventilator Which Hal Many Advantage*. We live in an old-style rented house without an open fire-place or venti lating flue. For heating we use the largest size base-burner, which has a ventiduct flue, causing a circulation of air, but no ventilation. This fall I bought a T stove pipe and ran a drop frrrf , w, 111 ( BASE I dUBNLR fr \l \ U -U STOVE PIPS VENTILATOR. pipe to within one inch of the floor. Tha regular stove flue, being warm, cause! an upward current of cold air from the floor in my drop flue, and carrier il outside with the smoke, etc In this ■way (see picture) I have secured, at small cost, the effect of an open fire place, while I still have all the benefit from my base-burner. The T can b< bought from auy dealer and every American knows how to put stove pip« together.—W. Douglas King, in Bur a! THATCHED SOD BARN. CkMp, Eatiljr Ceoatracted, Warm. Boeair and 9»i iln»tl«. Farmers in a new country, while often having a wealth of energy, are usually not possessed of overabundant means, and the necessary land im provements make it imperative that aa little capital as possible be invested in the unproductive part of the farm plant viz., the buildings, etc., which, however necessary they may be, con stantly deteriorate and retnrn no direct interest on the investment Thna, if the same warmth and the same protec tion can be secured by using a cheap material, costing say S3OO for a bam, which if built of more expensive ma terial would cost 81,000 and yet be no better for the purpose for which it Is needed, it is evident that the 8700 rep resenting the excess of cost would be at least dead capital, drawing no in terest and not increasing in value. A MODEL THATCHED AND SOD BA.RN. To illustrate the principle we give a drawing of a combination frame, sod and thatched barn, which combines utility with cheapness. The structure is 00x48 feet and 27 feet high to the ridge point but its size can of course be varied to meet different require ments. The sod walls are 7 feet high and 28 Inches thick The doorway figured in the engraving Is 14 feet high and 12 feet wide, closed by two swing ing doors. This allows a load of hay to be driven into the barn and un loaded. In building this barn a light timber frame was first erected, supports 6xo inches, 7 feet high being sell aloag the Bides at intervals of 10 feet as shown In the ground plan herewith. After putting up the posts and nailing on a PAS b | pi —in »i I { !I • I j! - STOCK ; I 1 : STOCK I I HAY I j i! ii 1 i | • 1 1 I J ! 11 ' ! i X - L rcco ; 6BAIN GROUND PLAN OF SOD BARN. plate of planks around the top, the next thing to be done is to board up the sides (inside) with rough boards to the top of the posts In building the windows, make window frames around the size of glass required, and let the boards forming the frame bo 38 inches wide, so as to reach through the sod ding. It has a hip roof with about a three-fourths pitch, and a small gable on one side for large barn doors. Raft ers, and sheathing of 6-inch fencing stuff placed about 5 inches apart are used for the thatch the same aa for shingles. The eaves of thatch project over the sod walls to protect them from the rains. The thatch is laid on thickly and so as to completely shed the rain and driving snowstorms. If placed on carefully the thatching will last five to I , 1 II > . I ' I I 111 Ili' I ' I MANNER OF LATINO SOD WALL, eight years before needing renewal, and will cost about #4O for this size barn, a saving of some $l5O over shing ling. After the thatch has settled for one year, the danger from fire is quite as small as if roofed with shingles, and insurance companies will very readily assume risks at just the same rates for thatched as for the shingled buildings. For so-ili ng, cut the sods to a uniform size of 9x28 inches, and laying the first layer crosswise, place the next above it lengthwise, and continue the entire wall in this manner. This binds the wall firmly together. In building, have plenty of fine dirt at hand, say a couple of loads, to fill in the loose spaces between the sods. The method of placing the sods will be plainly un derstood from the accompanying en graving, which represents a section of the sod wall in course of construction. —Orange Judd Farmer. Utuixlnr Dry Dltotaes. A very useful thing 1 for a farmer to know is how to utilize a dry ditch, and In California they have an excellent way of doing it After the water is turned out in early summer, instead of allowing the banks to become a swamp of weeds, to his own detriment and the undoiug of those below, the farmer plows the banks and the bottom of the ditch and plants pumpkins therein. Supposing his ditch runs, say, for three-quarters of a mile, he raises from fifty to one hundred wagon-loads of pumpkins of the largest kind. After they are gathered in the fall and the ▼ines are dry he dumps them into the ditch and sets fire to them. The result is a ditch as clean as a garden-walk, and no weed seed to be spread over thousands of acres as soon as the water is turned in, to say nothing of tho bal ance to the good in the large and val uable crop at a comparatively light ex pense. EVES with low prices for wool, with the increase, sheep can be made profit able on the average western farm A Bad Hlffn- Mrs. De Flatte —We must move away from here at once. The janitor is des perately in love with our daughter. Mr. De Flatte—My starsl How do you know? Mrs. De Flatte—Ever since she grad uated and came home to live be baa been considerate and respectful. N. Y. Weekly. __________ U« Wanted to Be Sure. "I beg your pardon," remarked a man on his way home at three a. m.; "are you a policeman?" "Yes, sir," responded the officer, con fidently. '•Excuse me," continued the man, * wasn't sure, seeing you were awake." —Detroit Free Press. How Ha Woa Her. Mabel—Yes, I give you my hand with my heart in it. Jack —You cannot do that. Mabel —Why not? Jack— Your hand la too daintily amall to hold such a large heart. That made the engagement Irrevoca ble.— la F«v» Act*. Bilger—Which of the new plays did you go to see last night—the three-act farce or the five-act tragedy? Roommate —Hem! Lemme think- Waa I drunk when I came in? "Yes, you were." "It must 'a' been the five-acter. —N. Y. Weekly. NO. 16 THE CARE OF HIDES. ■«w to Tak« Them Off Without fUdnetn* Their Commilal Valua. At this time of the year farmers kill more or less beeves for home use or to •ell in their nearest town or city as dressed beef. Beef is low and It should be the aim of each one to get out of eacb animal all that is in it To do Jhis we must be pin with the outside—the hide. If a hide is taken off and properly cared for it will often bring a fifth or fourth as much as the dressed carcass. FIO. I. If taken off improperly and neglected it will bring very little. A hide ought to more than pay for talcing it off. After the animal is dead turn it up on iu back and run a sharp knife along the carcass A Indicated by the dotted liu£ tn Fig. L TT> do this.thrust in the knife, point foremost and. edge up, and rtin t.Kji ulit the entire length of the carcass, from the chin over the breast in the line of the naval to the tail. Then slit the skin of each leg from the cleft of the foot to the central slit If these lines are followed the hide will be the right shape to care for no. a when removed. The horns do not go with the hide—nor does the tail bone— the tail and ears da After the hide is removed spread it out as in Fig. 2. Cut off all pieces of fat and flesh (for if you are not an adept you will probably either have some such pieces on the hide or some holes in it and it is better to have meat than holes, as very slight cuts, especially at or near the center makes a badly "damaged hide" and it like wise damages the price badly) and fio. 3. sprinkle the flesh side with salt Fold the bide flesh side in and put. where it will not freeze. If the above is too much "bother" it is very likely the hides you remove will be in the shape of the one in Fig. 8, and prol-ably it will be "hung to dry" in the same position, and the price you will get—well it will be hard to get any price that will pay. Take care of the hides. —Farm, Field and Stockman. AMONG THE POULTRY. FOWLS have to be taught to eat sun flower seed ONE rooster and ten hens are enough for breeding. PULLETS that are just beginning to lay are not good settei s. EXTRA large or odd-shaped eggs should not be used for hatching. IF raw meat is given too often it will cause bowel diseases; once a week is enough. FASTEN a small box to the side of the house to hold oyster shells, ground bone or grit AT no time is it desirable to feed poultry an exclusive grain diet; they need more bulky food. BI:OAD-BACKKD, full-breasted, large boned turkeys are the best for breed ing. Have the In well matured. ON* advantage in feeding bran with the corumeal is that it increases the bulk and is less liable to cause indiges tion. ONE advantage with ducks about the yard and garden is that they do not scratch, although they are voracious eaters. IF the hens pick at the whitewash on the walls or fences it is a good indica tion that they need lime; supply it in some form. WHEN the hens are well fed and com fortably housed and yet do not lay, a little cayenne pepper in the food as a stimulant will often be of benefit. WHILE any kind of grease is sure death to lice, the odor of cedar oiL tur pentine or kerosene will cause them to vacate the premises if used liberally. PUSH the yoilng chickens by giving them all that they will eat A quick growth is essential in making early broilers most profitable —St Lotiis Republic. Ix requires, on an average, ten pounds of grain to feed incubator chickens ten weeks. At first they will need less than oae pound a week and at the last more. Waste of Food la Barns. The food for animals should never be given them in a manner to allow of its being trampled or wasted. Racks should hold the hay and troughs the grain. The waste of food on farms where it is placed before stock without regard to how it will be treated by the animals is very large. It requires but a short time to make bulky feed dirty and unacceptable to animals during damp weather. It is not best to turn the stock loose to help themselves to straw, as is frequently done, for more Is sometimes wasted than is eaten. HCMILIATIKa. Boy—Say, young man, give me a quarter and I'll boost yer up and carry yer a bit, an' then yer young lady won't have ter stoop every time she wants ter hear what yer sayin'l—Life. THE seed potatoes for next season re- Suire some attention. Every potato tat shows the slightest indication of disease should be removed. The seed Is the agency by which many diseases are spread, and if the crop was attacked last year it will be well to procure new wed from elsewboro.