Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, February 12, 1892, Image 1

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    VOL. XXIX.
Physician and Surgeon,
• Offlce and residence M 338 J. Main St Bntler,
1«T E. Wayne St., offlse hours, IS to 12 M. and
1 to 3 P. X.
Physician did Scrokow.
Office and residence at 12T E. Cunningham St,
Sew Troutman Building. Butler, Pa.
K. N. LKAKK, M. D. J- K- MAJW. M..D.
Specialties; Specialties;
Gynaecology and Sur- Kye. and
Butler, Pa.
ravnciin anD scaoso*.
Office at No. 46. 8. Main street, over Frank *
Co's Diutt Store. Butler. Pa. .
Physician and Surgeon.
No. 22 East Jefferson St., Butler, Pa.
U „ow pennatenUy located at m South Main
gocet Butler, Pa., in rooms formerly occupied
by Dr. Waldron.
A SSST^r U MUier» Grocery east of U>wry
H< Office closed Wednesday s aud Thursdays.
j. J. DONALDSON, Dentist.
Butler, Penn'a.
cxir K»naul's ClothiuK Store.
Omct kiai Diamond, Ben**. P*-l •
AttT at La* and Notary
Diamond bt—opposite t£e Court House-sec
ond floor.
Attorney-at-Law—Office in Diamond Block,
Butler, Pa.
Ofhce—Between Fostofflce and Diamond, But
ler, Pa.
Office at No. 8, South Diamond. Butler, Pa.
Offlce second floor, Anderson B1 k, Main St.,
near Conrt Bouse, Butler, Pa.
Offlce on second floor of tbe Huselton block.
Diamond, Bntler, Pa.. Boom No. 1.
at » T . Ja « er *
Attorney at Law »nd Real Estate Agent. Ot
flee rear of L. f. Mitchell's office on north aide
Of Diamond. Butler, IV
Attomey-at-law. Office on second floor ot
Anderson bsliding, near Court Hooae, Butler,
Att'y at Lav—Office.on South slde'ot Diamond
Butter. Pa.
Insurant? aid Real Estate Ag't
Mutual Fire insurance Co.
Office Cor. Main & Cunningham Pts.
Alfred Wick, Henderson Oliver,
r»r. W. Irvln. James Htcphauson,
W. W. Blackmore. N. Weilzel.
F. Bowman. I). T. Norrl*.
<Jeo Ketterer. < has. ltebbun,
John (jrohtr.an. John Kcenlmc.
lOYAI S. 81' HI N KIN, Agent.
3ITT n, HIIR/, PA.
V eterinary Surgeon.
Graduate of tbe Ootario Veterinary
College. Toronto, Canada.
Dr. Gable treats all diseases of tbe
domesticated animals, and mokes
ridgliog, castration and horse den
tistry a specialty. Castration per
formed without clams, and all otber
surgical operations performed in tbe
moat scientific manner.
Calls to any part of tbe country
promptly responded to.
Office and InGrmary in Crawford's
Livery, 132 West Jefferson Street,
Sutler Pa.
Contractor and builder In brick work, urate
and mantel setting and all kinds ot brick-laying
a specialty. Also dealer In barrel lime, wam
pum loore lime, cement*. National. Portland
and all best grades In the market. Calcined
Blaster, piaster hair. King's cement. Ore brick,
U)e. white sand and river sand. Main office 315
Jt. Main street, and all orders left at ware bouse
will receive prompt delivery. Terms reasonable.
I fICcT ft! AHA ''fless you write us quick
fcUa I WUUU ly. We want more sales
mon. and will guarantee permanent position*
With salary and expanses paid weekly- Full
or part time. Bxpeneuce not required. Stock
complete, including many fist selling special
ties. Elegant outfit free. Address
C. H. HAWKS h CO.,
• rXurseryman. Rochester. N. Y.
established UTS.
■TXTAKTIB— Agent* to solicit orders for ou
" choice, and hardy Nursery Stock.
Steady Wtrk Fer Energetic Teaperate lea.
Salary and expenses or commisslou If prefsr
ed. Write at once. State Age, Address.
11. 6. Chaaa&Co.'litt.W
/ * ; that's sure to go through
C ; eighteen hundred mnetv-two. :
Give your feet a show—they'll have to carry you through
the new year. If you give them their deserts, you'll put
them into shoes that they will take kindly to. \ou 11 be
doing a handsome thing by them if you encase them in a
pair of our |3 00 SHOES. When you are wearing them,
neither you or they will have anything to complain about.
The day may come when a better shoe than this can be
sold for the money, for time brings wonderful improvements
as well as new years, but it hasn t come yet and there s no
sign of it.
|JU Worth Looking
Oar Bootß and Shoes are making
®D impression "on tbe sands of time."
I ■ >M | - ■ e e 'P cnr CDBtonjerß to make tbeir
in life easy by fining them with
V' '4 If Ik 'hat tbeir fe«-t comfortably.
rHSuS\ ■' *We pay special attention to this, as no
Boot or Bboe will wear well that does
not fit properly. There is enough trouble and pain in this life without
incieasiug it by wearing 111 fitting shoes.
All onr footwear is selected carefully from the most improved lasts as
well as quality of stock etc.
We keep tbe k>ud that will fit comfortably and wear, we keep the
beet at tbe lowest prices.
We don't keep a Ladies Shoes at SI.OO and say it is worth s2.oo.that is
an old, old chestnut, but we do say we have a Ladies fine Shoe at $1 00
that cannot be matched either for Style or wear, wo say the name of cu>
Ladies entire line froui $1.25, $1 50.'52.00, $2 50, and $3 00 acd up to $4 00
and $4 50 v
Don't you get tired of rending some fellows advertisements when
they say good* are being Slaughtered at any price to clean up. etc , that
thiß or that Boys Boot is felling at $1 00 worth $2.00 Now there is just
one of two things, either they made a big profit before or not telling the
troth, recollect these liberal fellows don't lose any monev, goods are per
haps dear at the low prices named after you see them and more especially
after you wear them
It seems useless to quote a long list of prices as you caonot judge unless
you see the goods, but if you want the best Boys Boots at $1 00, sizes 1 to
5 you ever taw you ran get it here, a Man's Boot at $1 50 Children's Shoe
at 25, 50 and 75 cts , Boj'p fine Shoes at 85 cts., these are straight, prices uo
bnmbog to pull you in. neither are they sold at
Have a lot Misses Rubbers at 10 cts a pair and they a/e not worth 30
eta. ei'her, recollect we have the largest stock to select from, best goods and
lowest prices, we don't handle «ny old jobs, sold cheap on account of some
imperfections, but solid, new and desirable lictsst lhe lowest price
B. C. HUSELTON, _ _ _ 105; N. MAIN ST , BUTLER, P a
The Price Broken
Rubber Goods Forced to go!
The greatest rubber sale ever known
In Progress at Bickel's!
Men'e Rubber Boots $2 00.
Boys' Rubber Boots $1 40.
Youths' Rubber Boots SI.OO.
Child's Rubber Boot 90 cts.
Read and Wonder! Come and Buy!
Men's Rubbers 40 and 50 cts.
Ladies' h'ubbers2s cts.
Mi sees' Rubbers 15 cts.
Child's Rubbers 10 cts,
Customers Delighted!
Competitors Depressed!
Ladies' Buckle arctics G5 cts.
Ladies' ("loth alnskas 40 cts.
Men's Cloth alaskts 50 cts
Perfection overs for felt Boots 60 cts.
Rich and Poor Alike are Benefited.
Men's Kip Boots Si 35.
Boys' Kip Boots Si.oo.
Child's Kip Boots 50 cts.
Men's Working Shoes 85 cts.
Boys High Cut Button Shoes 75 cts.
No Cobwebs on my Goods. I Sell
Ladies' Button Shoes 90, Si 00 and $1.20.
Misses' Shoes fine 75 and Si 00.
Child's Shoes pat-tip 50 cts.
Bady's Shoes 10, 25 and 50 cts.
Remember Ihe old saying "The ear'y bird catches the worm."
Con eto this Sale Quickly. It can't last long.
Boots and Shoes to Order.
BUTLER, - - - -- - - PENN'A
All Kinds of Job Work done
at the "Citizen" Office.
Fai Vack In the (lays of childhood stood a grove
of stately pines;
Tbe fields spread green arounrt them and tbeir
shadowy outlines
Reached ui> Into the sky so far that I believed It
That angels in their upstretched arms passed
through the heavenly blue.
And when the night winds murmured in theii
branches, sweet and low,
1 listened through the dark and said: " 'Tis
angels' harps, I know-
Good angels who will give me all I want, if I air
For childhood's eyes look far out wide, but
childhood's faith is blind.
And as the angel music filled my soul with vi
sions brigßt,
I lay upon my pillow in a charm of rapt de
Where noble knights and maidens moved in an
enchanted land
Of palaces and gardens fair and castles tall ani
; " Sweet angels, grant me but two gifts,"and I*ll
be good—l pray
: A palace for my home, and let my mother live
My mother dear, so beautiful that like to yot:
she seems,
Oh, let her live forever!" thus I whispered in
iisj dreams.
No palaces are mine, but near me woods and
mountains stand,
Arrayed in all the splender of the wondrou*
And o'er a grove beneath the pines the bird*
sing all the day.
And Faith's bright angel tells me that my
mother lives alway.
—Zitella Cocke, in N. E. Magazine.
" "point of a D ar-
row tongue of
land, jutting into Lake Eric from its
southern shore, rising for fifty feet
without a limb and then spreading
wide its immense branches, tall and
solitary, stood the old tree whose com
panions had long since been swept
away by the heavy surges of wave and
storm that had washed bare its own
great roots and seemed ever trying to
wrench the old oak from its mocyings,
but in vain. A landmark by sea and
land for miles around, it held its ex
posed position as if in proud defiance
of the forces of waves and winds.
But not alone for its great size and
striking situation wa° the old oak
noted. High up in the topmost
branches, so high that the foot of the
most expert elim ber had never ventured
there, a mass of sticks and dead limbs
was the nest of a pair of eagles, who
sought it every spring to rear their
young, and prey upon the gulls and fish
hawks who sought their food in that
vicinity. A magnificent pair were those
old eagles, the pride and admiration of
all for miles around. No one could
remember when this had not
been their eyrie, and the time
of their coming lay far back
in the time of Indian possession.
From the Indians had also been
handed down the tradition that even
more than sentiment or local pride had
preserved the lives of the eagles and
restrained the inhabitants from any
act of violence or barm. "For," so
ran the legend, "whenever the eagle's
nest should be touched by a disturbing
hand, the eagles would leave it never
to return again, and with their de
parture dire calamity would over
whelm the neighborhood, while ill luck
and misfortune would ever after fol
low the rash mortal who should dare
to molest the birds or their habita
tion. "
Such was the prediction told by the
earliest settler »to every newcomer,
and repeated in turn till the old oak
and the great nest within it came to be
almost objects of reverence and super
stitious dread, and daring hunters
shunned it as a tree of ill-omen, while
timid childVen playing about the beach
kept far aloof from the "Old Eagle
The tradition was again repeated to
the Van Fleets when one early spring
they came to make their home on the
shore of the lake, about a mile from
the point where the great oak held its
solitary state.
Martin Van Fleet listened to the
story as the old hunter Mackworth
told it, his eyes in the meantime
watching the eagles as on widespread
wing's they sailed in great circles high
m the air above him. A bright-eyed,
well-knit, active boy of fourteen, was
Martin, alike ambitious, intrepid, fond
of daring and adventure, and who
as yet had to learn the meaning of the
word fear. From the first the eagles
were an object of fascinating interest
to him, and also to his younger twin
sisters Grace and Clara, and often they
might have been seen watching them
or haunting the vicinity of the eyrie.
For a time there was comparative
quiet in the old oak; seldom wm but
one of the eagles seen, and lie re
mained much of the time perched on a
limb near the nest.
But at last one day Martin rushed in
to the house crying: "New neighbors
have come to town. There are young
eagles in the eyrie!"
That such was the case was soon ap
parent to eyes less keenly watchful,
and both the old eagles now made
long excursions in search of food for
the hungry little mouths so securely
hidden in the nest.
"O dear," sighed Grace one day, a £
the old bird disappeared within the
tree, "how I do wish I could see tliose
little eagles."
"Do you? ' : aid Martin, with a curi
ous Mnile. "Well, who knows but oue
of them may fall out of the nest one of
these days?"
"But that would kill it," rejoined
Clara, "and we want to see them alive."
Nothing more was said on the sub
ject, and but incidentally was it noticed
that the next week all of Martin's
ipore time was given to some work in
regard to which he preserved a studied
iilcnce. Finally one afternoon be
asked his sisters to go vrith him for a
row over to the eyrie, and on reaching
the spot drew from under a thicket of
stunted, storm-twisted bushes not far
distant a rude but strongly-made lad
der and a coil of knotted rope.
"What are you going to do?" ex
claimed both the girls in one breath.
Martin laughed. "I am going to get
you a .young eajrlc."
"O Martin!" protested Grace, "the
tree is so high—what if you should
fall? You must not think of such a
"And," urged Clara, "you know what
will happen if anyone meddles with
the nest Fray, Ma.-tin, let it be." and
she gave a little shudder.
"I'oohl" with a contemptuous snap
of his lingers; "what do you suppose I
care for an old Indian superstition?
Besides, I'm not going to kill the
eagles or hurt them; I wouldn't do that
for anything. If there is only one
bird in the nest I \von't touch it; but if
there are two, as 1 hope there are, I
am going to take one. We can take
good care of it and feed it fish, and
just think what a grand thing it will
be to have an eagle for a pet."
The possession of a pet eagle was a
tempting possibility that easily oyer
cone the little srirls tears and BOTHtttlt.'
while as to danger, Martin scoffed the
idea. "Many trees as I've climbed!
and then see here!" and he displayed a
pair of old shoes he had fitted with
sharp-pointed nails to serve as climbers.
I The old eagles had bw?n seen to
leave the nest shortl* before they ar
rived, anil, taking advantage of their
absence, Martin set up his ladder and
with a bag fastened around him to
hold his prize aud with a stout rope
on bis arm, began the ascent. In the
meantime the light wind that had
helped them over had. died away and
been succeeded by au almost un
natural hush, with hardly a ripple to
break its surface. The lake stretched
before them as far as the eye could
reach, and up the sandy beach the
little waves crept softly towards the
great tree's bare and knotted roots,
while overhead the leaves hung mo
tionless in the still sunshine. Up the
great bole pressed the young climber,
higher and higher; the branches were
reached, and he was lost to the gaze of
the eager watchers below; higher,
still higher, aad then a loud, exultant
shout told that the goal was reached.
Soon Martin was on his downward
way, carefully picking his steps with
his iron-shod feet, and swinging and
steadying himself by the aid of his
rope till he reached the ladder, and
then the ground, with his proud and
hardly-won trophy, not one bird, but
two, for, having found three feeble lit
tle eaglets in the nest, he had deter
mined to bring Grace and Clara each
one. "For, you see," he explained,
"that leaves the old birds one, just as I
At that moment steps were beard,
and turning, they saw Mackworth, the
old hunter, who had repeated the In
dian tradition to the Van Fleets, and
who from a not distant field had seen
enough of the movements at the old
oak to rouse his suspicions. As he saw
the eaglets in the children's hands his
face darkened with anger. "Martin
Van Fleet, what have you been guilty
of?" he demanded, sternly. "In all the
years I have lived here never before
has a soul, boy or man, disturbed the
eyrie. You ought to be shot for it,
you had, and if you have brought a
curse on yourself, it is no more than
you deserve."
"But I have left one in the nest for
the eagles," protested Martin, his high
spirits over his success suddenly fall
ing under this sharp arraignment.
"I don't care if you have; you have
broken the prohibition; you have tam
pered with the nest But yonder,"
pointing to a black speck in the sky,
"comes one of the old eagles; if she
eats you up to pay for what you have
done, I shan't care," and turning on his
heels he strode wrathfully away.
With the old eagle so uear, the chil
dren did not dare to escape, but hastily
hid under the low thicket where Mar
tin had concealed his ladder. Wheel
ing round and round in great circles,
the mother bird drew near her nest
There was a moment's silence after she
reached it, and then a hoarse cry of
disappointment and rage told the
trembling listeners that she had dis
covered the robbery; then, stretching
her wide wings, the powerful bird flew
rapidly away again. It was but a lit
tle while till she returned with her
mate, when both, with loud calls,
swept round and round searching for
for their little ones; while Martin, be
ginning to realize as he had not at first
the seriousness of his act. crouched be
side his sisters under the bushes, with
the eaglets held close to his breast,
lest by a sound they betray them.
Finally, with a last cry, the old birds
turned and flew away over the lake,
their dark forms growing more and
more indistinct against the darkness
of a swift-rising stormcloud, till final
ly they were lost to sight, just as a
flash of vivid lightning zigzagged
across the ominous-looking sky.
"O Martin, what have you done?"
■obbed Clara, breaking the almost
spellbound silence that bad held them.
"The old eagles will never come back,
and what will become of that poor,
little bird in the nest?"
"I can't help it if they don't," re
plied Martin, doggedly, though his face
wore a troubled, anxious look; "l'in
sure I didn't mean to frighten tficm
away; maybe they will come back yet,
and if they don't 1 can get the other
little eagle to-morrow Hut we must
hurry home before that storm comes
There was no elation now over their
trophies. Fold on foHl the blacU
clouds were rising in the north, an out
ward oxpiv,,ion it seemt'd to Martin
of Uis own overcast spirit Already
lines of foam could l>e seen flicking the
surf»;ce of the lake; the close-brooding
stillness was broken by the mutter of
distant thunder; the rush of the rising
wind filled the forests, an 1 just before
their little reached the shore a
strong gust struck and but for the
shallow water would have over
turned it.
ISut not till the night and darkness
were e|o:.i'l v gathered did the stm in
br.-ale in it , full fury Then the great
waii'S came thundering in to break far
upon the beach beyond the rcimtm
brunce of the oldest settler; the rain
beat in swirling, blinding sheets, and
the gale swept with terrific force ever
the whitened, water-leveling fences,
unroofing buildings and snapping
strong trees as though they had been
but saplings. From old Maekworth
the news of the spoiling of the eyrie
had rapidly spread through the neigh
borhood, with a general indigna
tion at the act, arising even
to threats of violence; and dur
ing the hours of the brief but
awful tempest, wherein they that slept
were few indeed, the thoughts of more
than one turned to the disasters pre
dicted to follow the touch of hands on
the old eagle's nest. While at the
same time, under a quivering roof in
full hearing of the surges, a white
fased twy lay with hi* tavo bar led i»
liis pillow, nis heart heavy with re
morse for his afternoon's work, and
the shuddering fear lest he had indeed
broken a mystic spell and brought
upon himself the threatened ill, that
tho "Indian superstition" he had so
scoffed might after all prove a dreadful
Morning dawned with skies as clear,
sunshine as bright, and air as calm as
though the elements had known no
rage. But traces of it 9 wreck were
not so quickly vanished. As Martin
Van Fleet, heavy-eyed and pallid,
came down the stairs, an exclamation
from Grace, standing in the open door
way, brought him to her side. Follow
ing the direction of her outstretched
hand, he looked across the bay to the
point of land where the old landmark,
the great oak. bad stood so long, but
where it was no more to be seen. For
a moment Martin gazed motionless,
and then, followed by his sisters,
dashed off along the sandy beach, now
beaten hard and smooth as a floor, to
where, driven by wind and wave, a
bruised and wrenched and shattered
ruin, the great tree lay. Not a trace
of the nest was to be seen; the eyrie
had disappeared as though it bad never
been, but on the sand, crushed by the
fall of the prostrate trunk, drenched
and dead, lay the puny body of the
third young eagle.
Martin took it up and tenderly
amoothed the sodden feathers. "I
don't care," he burst forth, his fears
of the night lessening with the bright
morning and the pulse beat of health
ful exercise, and all the vigor of his
atrong, young nature rising in passion
ate protest against a malign fate, "I'm
awful sorry for what I did, but I don't
believe it had anything to do with the
storm. That was coming up anyway,
and would have blown the tree down
just the same, and if the old eagles had
stayed they might have been killed
too, so after all maybe I saved their
But for all this reasoning, to which
Grace and Clara, wi£h the guilty sense
of accessories, were only too glad to
agree, it was a silent, sober little group
that made a grave for the young eagle
in the sand. And long was it after
public indignation and the displeasare
of his parents at his ill-considered aad
dangerous act had passed away before
the memory of the despoiled eagle's
nest and ifs attendant storm and ter
ror lost its vividness to Martin's mind,
or that on the occasion of any accident
or misfortune the "ill luck" of the old
tradition did not uncomfortably rise.
As for the coveted eaglets one soon
died, the other grew to sturdy eagle
hood. but always showed a malicious
•nmity toward his captors, and with
his savage beak and claws proved a
most formidable pet, till one day
breaking the chain that confined him.
he spread his great wings in all the
conscious pride of freedom, and, sweep
ing up in great circles, vanished over
the lake as his parent birds had done
before him.
The prediction, however, was bu l
partially fulfilled, for though the
eagles never returned to tlieir dl*
turbed nest, no other disaster foil owec
the tempest, and Martin Van Fleet
still lives, a man prosperous and suc
cessful beyond the average —Kla
Thomas, in Christian at Work.
"I do«ot doubt you," nbo slowly said,
"But X think It would be better,
To prove that you're In earnest now.
To propose to mc by leiter."
Not a Happy Home.
Little Johnny Fizzletop was punished
because he had punched the baby in
the stomach.
"Well, that beats all. If I am not
allowed any privileges in this house I
dou't care a cuss for family life," re
plied the aggrieved youth; "I'll go west
and have some fun killing Indians."—
Texas Sittings.
Very strict.
Little Girl —My mamma is awful
strict. Is yours?
Little Boy—Orful.
"But she lets you go anywhere you
want to, and—"
"Oh, she ain't strict with me."
"Then who is she strict with?"
"P»p." —Good News.
The Name Salted.
"That chicken," remarked the board
ing house keeper, as she beamed on the
tab'e, "is of the Plymouth Rock va
"No wonder it is hard to carve, then,"
replied the star boarder, who was en
deavoring to dismember it.—Pittsburgh
Mrs. Banboz —I understand the prince
of Wales was on our train from London
to Paris.
Mr. Lapsusling—l didn't see him to
know him. I guess he must have been
traveling impromptu. Detroit Free
A Hopeless Search.
Little Dot(gazing out of the window) —
I've stood here au' watched, an' watched
over an' over again, an' I never saw a
letter go over these telegraph wires
Little Dick —No, an' you never will,
goosey. Those is 'lectric light wire*. —
Good News.
Not a Sign of Promise.
"Ia Miss Winterbloom in?"
"No, sir. She told me to say that she
waited for you until half-past four."
"But I told her expressly I wouldn't
be here until five!"
"Yes, sir. So I heard her say."—
He Knows (letter.
Mrs. Stimple—That poor little mes
senger boy has caught a bad cold.
Mr. Stimple—Don't you believe any
such thing, my dear. These messenger
boys couldn't catch a slow fever unless
it were tied fast. —Harper's Young Peo
How to Tell Tlieus Apart.
"My aunt says I'm so like my papa
that she can't tell us apart, but I know
the difference," said Tommy.
"What is it?" asked the visitor.
"Papa wears suspenders and I don't."
—llarper's Young People.
Wai It Amlai?
"And you really think that a miss is
as good as a mile?"
"Yaas, and f good deal better, for
one can Kiss a miss, when one couldn't
kiss a mile, don'cher know?"— Texas
Worth Twice m Much.
Bloobumper—Uow is it you ask teo
dollars for this parrot and only five dol
lars for that?
Dealer The ten-dollar bird can't
talk, sir.—Judge.
In 111* Ituzxum.
I craved one golden lock of hair
Of those that like a crown bedecked her.
She gave It me, and ever since
I'Vo worn it aas chest protector.
.. "
A Work of £xqul*lt« Beauty f*r
the Chicago Fair.
The design of a monument to Colum
bus has, by the request of llarlow N. Hig
inbothain, of Chicago, been drawn up
by M. Godebski, the celebrated Parisian
sculptor, and sent to the world's fair
authorities in Chicago. The design,
pays the Chicago Graphic, provides for
a quadrangular terrace at each angle
of which a lamp post may be placed.
The monument proper is approached
by four long steps and consists of a
pedestal with suitable medallions and
Bas-reliefs illustrating the principal
events in the life of the great naviga
tor adorn the sides of the pedestaL
These bas-reliefs commemorate the en
trance of Columbus and his son D:ego
into Spain upon that mission that waa
fraught with such stupendous conse
quences to future ages; the interview
of Columbus with Ferdinand and Isa
bella and the unfolding of his design
to them and to the court; Columbus'
return to Europe and tbe triumphal
cortege that accompanied him to the
court of the Spanish king.
The principal front of the base shows
the prow of a vessel terminated by a
figure holding in each hand a torch to
light the discoverer upon his way, and
above and back of the ship's prow is a
group showing Columbus and his com
panions discovering the new land. The
principal group, as well as the three
statues, is on a pylone which rises in
the middle of the monument and serves
as a pedestal for Columbus. This ped
estal is crowned with an entablature
ornamented by modillions and the real
column rests on a slightly raised circu
lar stylobate decorated with encarpus.
This is canulle at least one-third of the
way up, whence It is ornamented by
emblems formed of anchors and crowns,
intermingled with olive branches, and
terminates with a top piece that sup
ports four eagles, each holding in its
claws an American shield and bearing
on their outspread wings a globe on
which sits Genius holding a crown
above the head of Columbus. Lastly,
an American llag held by eagle's talons
fronts the principal part of the monu
ment and floats over the column.
The total height of the monument,
not Including the terrace—that is to
say, reckoning from the base to the
summit —will be 98 feet. All the archi
tectural work will be executed In clear
white marble and all the decorative
parts will be in bronze, with the Ameri
can shields enameled in their heraldic
colors, the same being true as regards
the flag and the globe supported by the
gilded eagles.
Aa Amusing Illustration of a Familiar
Law of Mechanics.
Our illustration supplies without the
need of explanation the solution of the
problem, how to balance a pencil on ite
You have merely to dig the blade of a
half open penknife into the pencil a lit
tle above the point, and to open or close
the blade, little by little, till you find
that the balance is obtained. The com
bination of pencil and penknife thus
placing itself in equilibrium is an illus
tration of a familiar law of mechanics;
the center of gravity of the combina
tion falls below the point of support
(the finger, edge of table or the like),
and thus stable equilibrium is obtained.
By varying the degrees of opening
the penknife, you impart corresponding
degrees of Inclination to the pencil.
When the center of gravity of the two
combined falls in the same line as the
axis of the pencil, the latter will as
sume a perpendicular position.
Various Measurements.
The foot is named from the length of
that member in a full-grown man. It
was a standard of measurement used by
the ancient Egyptians. The cubit.
Latin cubitus, an elbow, is a Roman
standard of length from the point of the
elbow to the end of the middle finger.
Fathom Is from the old Aryan root, fat,
to extend, and denotes the distance from
tip to tip when the arms of an average
sized man are fully extended The palm
was a measure of length used by the
Romaus. Its length was about inches
Pictures I hat Never Came.
In the dead-letter office at Washing
ton are more than 42,100 photograph
which found their way there last year
Practical Advloa*
An Irishman and an Italian were be
fore a justice for being drunk, and the
Irishman pleaded guilty. The Italian,
not knowing the "ropes" so well, ap
pealed to the Irishman for advice.
"It's thish way, Dante," said Mike.
"Af yez soy yez was dhrunk, that -will
ind it to wanst; but af yez soy to the
conthrary, they will argy and argy and
make yez out a dhrunk anny way, so
yez had better conflss and be done with
Dante confessed. —Detroit Free Press.
Too Sensitive.
Mrs. Yerger was happy in the thought
of having secured a reliable servant.
This delusion only lasted a very short
time—one day, in fact.
Mrs. Yerger— As I do my owo market
ing I shall expect you tio accompany me
to the market.
Bridget—Thin, mum, we had better
siver our connicti<yi at wanst. I never
allow meself to be seen on the strate
wid anybody who carries a market
basket. —Texas Siftiiw*.
Simmons was in the act of getting a
big jag aboard when an acq laintance
hailed him with "Hello! what's up?
This is something new for you."
"My wife says baby (hie) looks Jos
like me (hlc)," with a joyful grin.
"Oh. well, *lon't take it so hard; she
may be mistAken-"—LUtta^lAmes.
A J*b Boqalrlaf ÜBtMtraklt C»« u4
Soma Ein«rMkM>
Every person should have a crosscut
Mw and a rip saw and should know how
to tile both. He will need a three cor
nered file and a couple of straight
edged boards, two or three inches wide
and about the length of the saw, be
tween which to clamp the saw in posi
tion firmly while being sharpened. The
principle of sawing is the same as cut
ting. In ripping the teeth act like a
series of chisels and should conform to
a chisel shape as nearly as is consistent
with the proper strength at the base
of the tooth. The shape shown In Fig.
1 is about a correct representation of
what the teeth of an ordinary rip saw
for farmers' use should be. The teeth
of rip saws are filed straight across the
blade from erery way, thus giving an
entirely level and straight front to the
tooth, as shown in the cut.
The filing of crosscut saws is more
difficult than rip saws, at least to the
amateur, as they are filed at an angle •
both horizontally and perpendicularly, !
and the set, or pitch, of the tooth must
be governed by the hardness of the
wood to be sawed. The softer the
wood the steeper the forward pitch of
the tooth may be. In Fig. 2 is shown
the strongest form of tooth com
parable with execution. In this form 1
the sides and base of the tooth are
equally long. This gives the base of
the tooth the strength to resist the pres- ■
sure of the hardest woods. The hard
ness of the wood has also to do with
the size of the teeth, as the harder
the wood the smaller the teeth must
be in the same style of saw. For
ordinary purposes in a hand saw a
slightly forward pitch, from that of Fig.
2, is preferable, as it is capable of great
er execution while giving the base of
tJie tooth the strength necessary for or
dinary purposes (see Fig. 8). The set
of the tooth may be given fairly well,
by a careful hand, by tapping each
tooth with a hammer and punch as it
lies flat on the end of a hard wood
bl«ck, but it is best administered by
one of the many good saw sets in use.
The width of the set is governed by the
softness or sponginess of the wood.
Elastic wood such as willow requires a
very wide set. Give in no instance inore
set than is required to make the saw
run easily, as all beyond this demands
extra and useless effort, besides wasting
the timber.—Farm and Ilome.
A SMOKELESS fuel called "inassute" is
being used on steam rollers in Vienna.
The fuel is composed of the liquid resid
uum of petroleum refineries.
A VALUABLE find of skeletons belong
ing to the fourth dynasty was recently
made in Egypt. This is the earliest
known date of Egyptian remains.
To CUT sheet brass chemically the fol
lowirg method meets with great success:
Make a strong solution of bichloride of
mercury in alcohoL With a quill pen,
draw a line across the brass where it is
to be cut. Let it dry on, and, with t'.ie
same pen, draw over this line with
nitric acid. The brass may then be
broken across like glass cut with a diai
As electric device for clearing a
track of obstructions is among the new
est ideas. It consists of a triangular
steel folding frame, over which a net is
stretched This is placed on the front of
a locomotive, and can be opened at
Will, catching the obstruction upon it
An additional arrangement Is a scoop
to drop on the track. The recent tests
were very satisfactory.
A DEVICE has been patented in Eng
land by which all kinds of wood can be
cut into veneers or boards. The logs
are cut Into suitable lengths, steamed
in a close box through which a current
of electricity is sent, and finally
placed in a lathe, where they are rotat
ed against a knife. The thin sheets
are afterward nipped at the edges, and
can be used to make barrels, pails, etc.,
from one stave.
Corlooltlo* About B»i
It is estimated that bees, in order to
collect one pound of honey, must
visit and extract all the nectar con
tained in 62,000 heads of clover of the
average size. This herculean task (for
the bees) would necessitate 8,750,000
trips to and from the hive. Wax is a
substance secreted by the bee and is
analogous to the" fat of the higher ani
mals. The wax of a species of bee com
mon in Patagonia, Terra del Fnego and
other parts of southern South Amer
ica and the adjacent islands is a dark
blue in color and is said to be more pois
onous than arsenic. A hive of 5,000 bees
will produce about fifty pounds of
honey annually, and will multiply
about tenfold in five years. According
to latest statistics the total number of
hives of bees in the United States and
Europe is 7,424,000 and the annuaL prod
uct of honey 188,000,000 pounds.
An Kleotrical *lj Ontcbm.
A certain storekeeper in Richmond,
Ind.,wfth some knowledge of electricity
and considerable ingenuity in getting
up window attractions, recently con
structed an electrical fly catcher that Is
unique. It consists of a small induction
coil, giving about a quarter inch spark,
with a couple of cells of battery and a
series of fine wires strung on a board,
very much as in tlie musical instrument
culled the zither. Each alternate wire
is connected to a terminal of the coil,
and the sliding regulator so adjusted
that the spark will not strike across
between wires until an unluoky fly
alights on the wire, when the project
ing body receives u spark and the vic
tim takes a header between the wires
and leaves the field clear for the next
The Acme or fteaium.
Playwright—ls her jacting natural?
Manager (enthusiastically) —Natural*
Why, when she appeared as the dying
mother, last ni£ht. a life insurance
agent who has her insured for $20,000,
and who was in the audience, actually
Naught Nanr Come# to Orlof.
Hobson—l'm tired of life, you see, and
yet if I blew out my brains, don't you
know, the world would condemn me as
a suicide.
Dobson—No; I believe the general
verdict would be justifiable homicide.—
Epoch. ____________
Somewhat Particular.
City Niece (reprovingly)— Why do
you put your own kaife in the taitter,
Uncle Way back?
Uncle Wayback—Why, Eldora, I
don't wanter use that there public knife
what everybody uses.—Good News.
Debts of lloaor.
Sweet Sister—What makes you M
downhearted to-night?
Bad llrotber —Debts of honor.
Sweet Sister—Well, why dem't you
tell papa? lie never objects to what is
honorable. —N. Y. Herald.
In Front or the Morton Hoeso.
First Actor— Have you heard of th«
terrible accident that happened to' Mr.
Blank last night?
Second Actor—No; what ia it?
-My wife eloped with him, IWo*
H*> Much Should Be Fed aad What
Mud* of Fo«d.
How much skall we feed? The ques
tion just stated is frequently heard and
it deserves a considerate answer. With
regard to cattle it may be stated in
brief thus: It takes just so much to
keep the stock in a good healthy con
dition without gainlngapound; if more
than this is demanded, extra and bet
ter rations must be served Two forks
ful of liay and six or eight ears of
corn fed at regular times will keep a
steer at his weight, but if you want
him to grow, to fatten, he ought to
have of hay nil that he will eat and the
corn besides. It is best, however, to
give regularly what will be eaten rath
er than to feed lavishly to be trampled
under foot
The same treatment may be given to
a milch cow, no matter whether she ia
dry or in milk or coming in milk. It
should be remarked here that it is best
not to feed a cow about to become
fresh with mill feed in order to stimn*
late and enlarge the milk production;
such treatment is likely to superinduce'
the dreaded parturient fever. Forty-'
eight hojrs after calving, if the cow:
has "cl»a«l" well, it will do to in-'
crease t9 feed calculated to increase
her milk.
Horses that labor should be fed their,
grain in regular quantities and at reg
ular times. Six quarts of oats three
times a day with hay ad libitum is
enough for an ordinary-sized horse. Aj
fat horse will require less feed and'
in condition than a gaunt one.
It is well to shake the dust out of
grain or hay that Is to be fed. Stock
relish it better and will eat more of
One must be very careful in feeding
shipstuff (fourth grade flour) because
a little too much will act as physic aad
will give cattle a backset
The careful stock feeder will so man
age that the animals will be ready for
their meals when they are given them.
Have salt within reach of horses and
give a small handful to each of the cat
tle tvro or three times a week.—St
Louis Republic.
Gall Maker* and Borer* and Bow to os«r
Rid of Then.
In certain of the blackberry regions,
according to Insect Life, a number of
insect depredators have been noticed
and their habits studied One of the
most destructive of these is the red
necked blackberry cane borer (Agrilu*
mficolht). The eggs of this borer are
laid at the base of leaf stalks, or in the
buds before starting. When these eggs
hatch, the young borer enters the
6talk and makes a corkscrew traok be
tween the wood and the bark, continu
ing until about the first of August By
that time some are half an inch long
and reasonably stout while others are
less than a Quarter of an inch long and
of almost no diameter. Usually the
borer makes a spiral path going
around the stalk five or six times.
When this is the case, galls are formed
on the stalks and the location of the
borer may be known by them. Some
times, however, the borer will make
.but two or three turns, and while yet
small, will pierce the wood and enter
the pith. No gall is then made and
the position of the borer cannot then
be determined. Raspberries which are
Infested with borers form no galls, and
it may he that varieties of blackberries
supposed to be exempt from borers
simply form no galls when attacked.
The only remedy is the knife and fire.
Cut off the infested shoots below the
galls in early spring and burn them.
Worn out bushes or patches must be
destroyed, as these form breeding
places and all efforts to keep the bear
ing bushes healthy will likely falL
a, blackberry gall; b, transverse seottea, skew
lac larv» cells sad larvw la position: c,
larve; d, chrysalis.
Another insect that at times does
even more harm than the gall-maker Is
the larvae of Bembecia marginal* (Hare).
The eggs are laid upon the new canes
in August or September, hatch the
same autumn, and bore into the cane a
short distance above the ground. In
July of the following year they leave
this cane and enter one of the new
growth and eat around the base, be
tween thi wood and bark, causing the
shoots to wilt In August the Ism,
which Is about an inch long, white,
with a brown head, pupates. As this
insect destroys two years' growth. It is
quite important to keep It in check.
Cut the shoots, as they wilt, close to
the crown, and burn the larv« con
tained therein.
Barrio* Tomatoes.
Bagging tomatoes was an experiment
the past season which gave excellent
resnlts. The fruit ripened ten days
earlier than that which was not bagged.
A curious result was that while bag
ging grapes retarded the period of
ripening, the bagging of tomatoes had
the opposite effect Tomatoes that
were bagged also ripened more com
pletely around the stems. Bagging is
done by simply pinning paper bags
over the young fruit
IT IS not necessary to feed the breed
ing turkeys so as to keep them fat:
v*hat is best is to keep them in h good
thrifty condition
Not a Winter GlrL
The lover'* heart la fall of woe,
He hsrkened to her vow;
She loved him six short month* sffo,
That's why she doesn't sow.
Little Tot (tugplng away at her
papa'a leg)—Dimme dime, papa!
Her Papa—Why, bless youl what for,
Little Tot—l heard brower George
toll sister Tillie'at he pulled you* leg
for five dollars last night I'll do It for
less *n that;— Puck. j