HUSELTON'S SHOES! m Worth Looking Oor Boots and Shoes are making aniu Mtfsion "on the sands of time." We Lelp our customers to make their walk in life easy by fitting them with Shoes that fit tbeir feet comfortably. We pay special attention to this, as no Boot or Shoe will wear well that does not fit properly. There is enoagh trouble and pain in this life without increasing it by wearing 111 fitting shoes. All oar footwear is selected carefully from the most improved lasts as well M quality of stock, etc. , ~ We keep the kind that will fit comfortably and wear, we keep the best at the lowest prices. - . .... We don t keep a Ladies Shoes at SI.OO and say it is worth s2.oo,that is an old, old chestnut, bat we do say we hare a Ladies fine Shoe at *1 00 that cannot be matched either for Style or wear, we say the same of our Ladies entire line from $1.25, $1 50. $2.00. $2 50, and $3 00 and up to $4 00 and $4 50. Don't yon get tired of reading some fellows advertisements when they say roods are being Slaughtered at any price to clean up, etc., that this or that Boys Boot is selling at $1 00 worth $2.00. Now there is just one of two things, either they made a big profit before or not telling the truth, recollect these liberal fellows don't lose any money, goods are per baps dear at the low prices named after you see them and more especially after yon wear them. It seems useless to quote a long list of prices as you cannot judge unless yon see the goods, bat if yoa want the best Boys Boots at SI.OO, sizes 1 to 5 yoa erersaw you can get it here, aMan's Boot at $1 50, Children s Shoes at 25, 50 and T5 cts., Boy's fine Bhoes at 85 cts., these are straight prices no humbug to pall yoa in, neither are they sold at 60 GENTS ON THE DOLLAR. Hare a lot Mines Robbers at 10 cts. a pair and tbey are not worth 30 cts either, recollect we have the largest stock to select from, best goods and lowest prices, we don't handle any old jobs, sold cheap on account of some imperfections, bat solid, new and desirable llnesat the lowest price. B. C. HUBELTON, - 102 N. MAIN BT., BCTLER, PA F R" K~K T A Handsome Three-quarter Life-size Crayon Portrait Free. As a compliment to oar many patrons, and the public generally, for a short time we are going to give to every purchaser of Ten dollars worth of goods a FINE THREE-QUARTER LIFE-SIZE CRAYON PORTRAIT. There is not a family bat possesses some picture of Father, Mother, Brother or Bister which they would like to bare reproduced in a life-like and durable manner. Call at once and see specimen at our store. What more suitable for a present? And as oar liberal oifor will insure immediate orders in large numbers, your early visit is desired. To secure one of these portraits, you first trade Ten Dollars worth with us, and then give us any picture of your self or friends that you wish to have enlarged. The frame (samples of which you will see in our store) together with the glass and mounting will only cost you $2.75. These portraits are made by the celebrated Acme Copy ing Company, 302 and 304 West Van Buren Street, Chicago, 111., which is a guarantee of quality of work we intend to give you. RITTER & RALSTON, , RINGS, Diamonds ; te N^s, <■ STUDS, ( GENTS (K)LD, \ LADIES GOLD, vv aicnes ) GENTS SILVER LADIES CHATLAIN, J Gold Pinß » Ear - rin g s » C ▼▼ 01a y | Rings, Chains, Bracelets, Etc, f Tea sets, castors, butter dishes "J and everything that can be Oil V t?l W ctl t; found in a first cla/ss sto^e, BODtIR ins. no ! '**- E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER Ho. 139, North Main St, BUTLEB, PA., PP HAT-FEVER WTJ&M sJ COLD-HEAD \ El/1 Cream Balm to not a liquid, muff or powder. Applied, into the noitrils it i* _ A quickly abtorbed. It cleanees the Mad, allay t inflammation, heal* _ _ ] Clin the Dree. Bold by druaoUte or eont by mail on receipt of price. Lfl -« ] 9UC aY BROTHERS, 56 Warno Stmt DEW YORK. DUO I TURN ON THE LIGHT •«* •* *n»»»r uofll trerj / \ man. iirau ■ad rfclld I VHflg !«■<« Knonaoftk* I lnfflUnrjrt Gosser'e Cream Glycerine. It ia the ideal Coametic. It stimulates the nerves, quickens eircnlation and carried away dead particle* of the skin, leaving it fine and clear. It has no equal for Chap ped liaudu, Lip*, face, or rnaghneaK »f the •kin, and ia not excelled ax a dressing for the fane after shaving. It is a hland, creamy emulsion, with last enough vege table oil to soften the akin. No lady or gentleman should be without it. Be sure to get the genaine. Take no substitute. "For sale by J. C. Redick, Drug gist, Butler, Pa. SelmtMto American Apacy for I W v J J 1 L J 4J 1 1■■ k ■ n 1 WrogWE.aMni. feSHSta Scientific j^weriran ■rSE?** diHiSHS" IJ!"7 adapt!4j paper la tbe Jtk ,>yw JOOICiCu. ttfO PEMISTUT Advertising linn always prove* auooeeatul. li 4 foro placing any jf Nrwii?a|»T Adverilain* eon*«c l3fiM(S njJEy - j»txarui»u Aiirvrs, M u IT W.W. Itrr*. I tuarptUniVnat Mmn Tro* A Co. iotlract*4 apd eterted mo I iroikw atredlly mid mad* money ftittr than I aspect c earned at out new line of wurk. rap idly and honorably, by thoao of either »ex young or old. and la thair own localities, wherever ihoy lira Any ona j ran dotha work Kaey to learn We furnish evpry thing No fl riak. Ynr« itm\ny meanainnrh money loat to ( you. No spare to at plain item t,nt if yon will wiite to us ll w, Angtitim, Malue. o READ AND REMEMBER. For STRAIGHT . I. N. FINCH, IS HMITNriKLD HT.. PITTHBL'BUII, PA. (Opp. MononjaUela House.) ' Matchless for Family me and Medicinal pur poses are S KlSfjra <.OLDEN WJ'VDINO. All II ' (ICCKKNIfKIMKK H WfIWKV. per qt. ; ► OVEKHOI.T'R WHIBKV. T # qti. , DII.UNOEBH WHIHKY, ) for $5. 1 Oooda neatly packed and promptly alilpped Fbkk or Exra*»f on receipt of caeTi or [xmt omce order. tr Nothing expreswil O. r>. , Send for Pr!e« Lint. t K t 1 I ntT imnn rnlfW yon write U«<|Ull-1(- I LUO I CIUUU ly. We waut more aalea- s men, and will suaranlee permanent ponltloim with oulary and eapeiutcn paid weekly. Full < or part time. Experience not required. Htoelc t. eomplele, including mauy IM aelllng apeclal tlea. Klegarit outfit free. Addreaa C. H. JIAWKH Si CO., Nuraeo' ™ n fi?" can*. R5 00, cxpre« puii 1. Poultry Raising » cent*. free with SIOO order® or more. Sample copy VETERINARY SPECIFICS Fcr Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dcgs, Sags, AND POULTRY. 500 Page Book on Trfotment of Animal* and Chart feni Free. CURE- V FfVfri»Congfiitionii,lnflammatk)n A. A.' Spinal Meningitis* Milk Fewer. B.B.—Strains, Lamenenn, Rheumatism. f.C'.—llißtrmper, Sasal Din hargn. Bots or C»rubs« Worms. E.E.— roughs. Heaves. Pneumonia. F.F.—Colic or Gripes, Bellyache. €*.<».—Miscarriage, Hemorrhages. ll.H.—l'rinary and Kidney Diseases. J,l.»Kruptive Diseases, Manse. J.K.—Diseases of Digestion, Paralysis. Single Bottle over 50doses\ - .6# Stable Case, with Specifics, Msnnal, Veterinary f'nre OO and Med lea tor, 97.00 Jar Veterinary Cure Oil* - - 1.00 Sold I»T DnunrUlc or ft prepaid aayvh*nc and In aay qaaattty on nrclpt of prk*. HmPHRFTS'SLP. CO., 11l A I IS Wllilaai St., SerTwk. P r ~gTjl HUMPHREYS' f Jfial HOMEOPATHIC ff ff iMM»I SPECIFIC NoZo In use 30 years. Tho only successfnl remedy for Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, and Prostration, from over-work or other causes, fl per vial, or 5 vials and le-rice vial powtier, for $5. Hold hj DrQ£c!it>, «r **».t postpaid •--> r t of j rH*. HliPitUKis' BCD. to., 111 & lis M., fc* lork. SIO,OOO will be paid for a recipe enabling us to make WOLFF'S ACME BLACK ING at such a price that the retailer can profitably sell it at IOC. a bottle. At present the retail price is 20c. This offer is open until January jst., 1893. For particular! address tho undersigned. ACME BLACKING is made of pure alcohol, other lijuid dressings are made cf water. Water costs nothing. Alcohol is dear. Who can show us how to make it without alcohol so that we can make ACME BLACKI :;G as cheap as water dressing, or put it in fancy pack ages like many of the water dressings, and then charge for the outside appearance in stead of charging for the contents of the bottle? WOLFF & RANDOLPH. Philadelphia. PIK-RON is the name of a paint of which a 25c. bottle is enough to make six scratched nnd dulled cherry chairs look like newly finished ma hocnriie- It will do many other remarkable think- > Uich no other paint ran I Weakness of Body and Mind, Effects Errorsor Ezoetses in Old or Tounc. Iltwl, Wabla MISHOOD folly Kr«tor»d. flow to nlorei* aai Biroavikoa WKAk, L'SDKVILOPKbOROASBAPARTNOKftADT, AhMlvltl/ unfalliaf HOIK TRKATIKMT-Baaeflia la a day. ■aa Uatlly froai 60 lUUt aad I'arolfa CoaatrtM. Writ# (beta. DeaartpUta Book, »iplaoaUoa aad proofs mall+4 (aaalod) fraa. Addrwa KRII MEDICAL CO.. BUFFALO. N. V* A DOCTORS LAKE RM ■ riIIVATK DISPKNRAKY. IZj. Jff COR. PEHN AVE. AND FOURTH ST.. JBktfP PITTBBURQH, PA. ' A All formnof Delicate ntul Com plicated DliH-ancH rci|iiu lnt(('<>s. Wi" lEM rnir.NTIAL umthciKNTini: Mc<|. icatlon ure tieate'l at ttu» I >i»- i«Mary with a diiceewi rarely attained. Dr. 8. K. Lake 1» a member of Uie Itoyal College of I'hy- MCiaiiH anil Hur>{eon», ami in the ol"le»t ami numt ex|>eneuceRt. I.AKK, CO ft. ■ESS AVK.AMDetrolt. Mlcli. Sold In liutler by C. N. Boyd. J. F. Bulph, J. C. liedick and drugsf Is t» every where. DOCTOR J. B HOBENSACK'S MEDICAL OFFICES. •Jdll Noitli SM ONII ST , PHIHBH.PIIU. I'A. Arc the olilest In America for the treatment of KPKCIAI. IHfeKAHEK an 4 IOITHHI. UlllOltS, Blood I'olson. Nervoui Debility. Ulcertt, Hun- IIIIIK«. Discharge*, Strictures, Bladder. Kid ney. and Skin Diseases, Varicocele, Hy drocele. Itupture. I'ermanently cured by Improved methods without detention frum business. The l»oetor'» suc ' .i 1* due to Ills life-long experience and Rllidy; to the pure vegetable remedies used and to the thorough examination and watchful at tention given patients during treatment. A forty yearn' establishment Is our guarantee of success. (•nice hours. 'J A. M. to 2P. M., II to 'J I*. M. All day Saturday. Sui.days, to to 1 1 k. M. Send stump for book. tl*Ui £v ».t. „i.„nin. uioiaunii. ItcfiT. ■ an !, iv,, , „ I- V, (. ■ J. UtilXl.. , I. f A Sm&rt Hatband. Mr. De Fashion—The paper say* ' sealers are disappointed at the low ! prices obtained for Kltiiu in London this season. Mrs. De Fashion—That's splendid! Yon know I need a new— Mr. De Fashion—The paper says the furs are very cheap, dirt cheap. Mrs. De Fashion—l never did care mn'h for seal-fur. It's too warm.—N. Y. Weekly. All Gone. Blinks —How about the girl with the hundred thousand dollars and the cough that yon were engaged to last summer? Winks—l married her. Blinks—Ah: Is the hundred thousand dollars g-one? Winks (sadly)— Yes. So is the cough. —Kate Field's Washington. Both iu I.nck. Uncle —Tom, you are incorrigible. You do nothing but spend money. I am glad you are the only nephew I've got. Nephew—That's what I say. I am very glad I'm your only nephew, other wise there would not be enough money to go around. We are both in luck. — Texas Siftings. Tit for Tat. Mrs. Stagtrers—Going to turn over a B3w leaf, are you? H'm! I've heard that before, many a time. When yon get it turned over yon had better put a ton weight on it to keep it down. Staggers—l'll do better than that. I'll p\it a piece of your angel cake on it; — N. Y. Truth. Warm Enough. New Hoarder (shivering)— The house seems very cold, madam. Mrs. Slimdiet —Does it? Why, I'm as hot as fire. "Hum! Pardon me, but why does the end of yonr nose look so blue?" "Oh! that comes from my aristocratic ancestry."—Good News. Brotherly Foresight. Little Tom was involved In the diffi culties of learning to dress himself, and regarded the buttons which had to be fastened behind his back as so many de vices to torment small boys. One morning he was informed of the arrival of a baby sister, and later in the day was allowed to steal into his mother's chamber to look at the baby as she lay asleep. Tom regarded the small creature with much interest, and the nurse, wishing to know what his thoughts were, asked him, softly: "Well, how do you like her? Isn't she a darling?" "I don't think she looks much good," answered Tom, with uncompromising frankness. "How soon will she be big enough to fasten my back buttons?" — Youth's Companion. The TnL Mamma—My darling, don't you think you've eaten enough? Maudie —Me don't know. Me ain't dot a verwy bad tummickache yet.— Harper's Bazar. —My wife had been a sufferer for some time with pain in the hack; Salvation Oil was freely used and I am glad to say my wile to-day suffers no pain- W. B. CODNCILL, Baltimore, Md.. In colds of great obstinacy and hacking coughs use Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, the favorite. —lt is ea-ier to run with a crowd than it is to walk by yourself. La Grippe. Xo healthy person need fear any dan gerous consequences from an attack of la grippe if properly treated. It is much the same as u severe cold and requires precise ly the same treatment. Remain quietly at home and tnke Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as directed for a severe cold aud a prompt and complete recovery is sure to follow. This remedy also counteracts any tendency ol la grippe to* result in pneu monia. Among the many tbonsand who have nscd it .luring the epidemics of the past two years we have yet to learn of a single case that has not recovered or that has resulted in pneumonia. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by D. H. Wuller, Butler; A. Bowsers, Pro spect; Breaden and 50 cent bottles for sale by. I>. 11. Wtiller, Butler; A. Bowers, Pro spect; Breaden years old, which is two feet long and about the same in width. —No better advice was ever given, hy one friend to auother than this, "be good to yourself," THE (CITIZEN "MISCKL ANKOI S One on thu Teacher. First Little lioy—What you laughin" so about? Second Little Boy—l had to stay in after school. He, he, he' '•Wot is there to laugh about in that?" "Why, the teacher she had to stay in, joo. liaw, haw, ho'" —Good News, ■ lilt Wife's WIU. "Your wife left a very ambiguous will," remarked the attorney to the widower. "That's strange," replied the hus band, reflectively. "It never was so when she was alive." —Detroit Free Press. I TS ANI» DOWNS. —•• ~ First Traveler—Say, boss! is this the roight road to the nixt village? Farmer —Keep right on, and follow the point of your nose. Second Traveler —But, mine frendt, we want to stay togedder. Is dere no odder way?— Judge. A Xew Slang Phrase. Stranger—So you're one of these rain makers, eh? Experimenter —Yes; I'm experiment ing somewhat. Stranger—Do you have pretty good luck? Experimenter —Well, I should put up an umbrella! —Judge. A Falling Market. Miss Petite—lf Mr. Makeshift should propose to-night, what shall I do? Fond Mother—l think, my dear, you'd better take him. I see by the Society Chitchat that short girls are going out of fashion. —N. Y. Weekly. Boudoir Rcp.irte«. Bosalie—How shall I wear my hair to-night? Grace (sweetly)—On your head, I should say. Rosalie (gently)—l was thinking of wearing it down on jny back.—Jury. A Veritable Hidalgo. Waiter (to departing guest)— Sir, do ycru know, you remind me strongly of the Spaniards at the capture of Gran ada? Guest—How's that? Waiter —You give no quarter.—Jury. Condensed Too Much. "Do you call this a pint?" asked the model hired girl of the milkman. "Yes." "Well, it won't do. When this family wants condensed milk it'll buy it at the grocery."—Washington Star. Artless. Bjones—l'm going to send is a de sign. McGarry—l didn't know yon could draw. Bjones—Neither I can. It is a design for a public statue. —Epoch. Shocked at the Evidence. Judge—Well, officer, who is this per son and what is she charged with? Officer—Sure, it's the "Magnetic Girl," your honor, aud she's charged with electricity.—Puck. Wicked Kitrav "Silas, you're the m travagant man I know," cried M "Eatin' with your new teeth win . i:ie old set's plenty good enough. Man o' your age ought to know better." —Judge. A Speedy Preference. Dudsleigh—Do you like cycling with I party? Wheelsbee—No; I prefer to cyclone. —Judge. The wonder of the age—Salvation Oil, for twenty-five cents a bottle. It kills all paiu. Columbus discovered America and Kdibon invented the phonograph, but it remained for Dr. Bull toiuvontthe remedy of the age, "Cough Syrup," the kingly cure At all dealers for 25 cts. —Probably the largest alligator eyer Been in Louisiana was killed in a sinall lake on the plantation of 11. J. Fellus, in Concordia parish. It measured tweuty two leeet in length. —The success of Hood's Sarsapaiilla lor scrofula is vouched for by thousands whom it has cured. To Consumptives. Tue uuderHigued having been restored to health by Hiiuple means, alter nufleriii|< for several years with a severe lung uUeelion, aud that dread disease Consumption, is anxious lo mate known to his fellow sullt-r --ers the meai.w ot cure. To those who desire it, be will cheertullj seud (Irce of charge J a copy ol the prescription used, which they will lind a sure cure lor Consumption, Astbuia, Catarrh, Krouehitis and ill throat aud lung Maladies. He hopes all sußerers will try his Itemedy, us it i« invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, which will cost them nothing, and may prove a bless ing, will please address KKV. KIJWAUD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, New York. —lt washing supposed that bees collect ed the wax direct from flowers. Now it is known that if they are kept Irotu plants and fed on sugar only they will form wax. Save Yourself Money. When you go to Pittsburgh, l'a., stop at the Anchor Hotel, corner Liberty and Fourth streets. It i.' a strictly first-class Hotel conducted on the Kuropean plan. Lodgings, 25, —35, —or .i 0 cuius. —Japan bus a radish ten feet in length. —Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mystic cure" for rheumatism and ueuralgia, radic ally cures in lto 3 days. Its action upon the s.t rtciu i remarkable and mysterious It removes ut oneu the cause and the dis case immediately disappears. The first greatly benefits. 75 cts. Hold by J. C. Hell Ilk, druggist, Butler. —There lire about four yards of very clo e m*wing in a lady's ten button glove Safe rind Reliable. "In buying i cough medlcinefor chil dren," 11. A Walker, a prominent druggist of Ogdeu, Utah, sriid "never be afraid to buy Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. There is no danger from it and relief is always sure to follow. I particularly re commend Chamberlain's because I have found it to he safe and reliable." 25 and 60 cent bottles for sale by l>. 11. Wtiller, Butler; A.|liowers, Pros pect; Breaden it Allison, W. Sunbury. —Meeting and overcoming difficulties makes character. Money in Cabbage and Celery. "Blood will tell." Good crops canuot be grown with poor strains of seed. For sixteen years Tillinghast's Pugot Sound Cabbage Cauliflower aud Celery Heeds have been gaining in popularity, The most extensive growers all over the Union now consider them the best iu the world. A catalogue giviug full partic ulars regarding them will lie sent free to any one interested. When writing for it enclose 20 cents in silver or postage stamps and wc will also send "How to Grow Cubbage and Celery," a book worth its weight in gold to any grower who has has never read it. Address ISAAC TILLINGHAST, l,a Plume, Pa. —An hour lost will get behind you and chase you forever Overstocked! GREAT BARGAIN SUE For 30 days only. • ml BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS. At less than wholesale prices. Stock must be reduced at at once, Big Line of Xmas Slippers, Come and see us. Remember the place. GRIEB & VOGELEY. 347 S. MAIN ST., Opp. Willard House. Rally Round the Flag Boys! \ Three Cheers for the Red, White and Blue. COME TO THE FRONT. If \ou vmt cheap footwear, I a n goiDg to nave a Great Red Letter Sale of BOOTS, SHOES & R U B B E R S. All fall and winter goods are to bo closed out, regardless of cost. A backward winter leaves me with o great many heavy goods on hands, and they must be sold to make room for new goods. Solid Leather Bootsj $1.50 These are good Solid Boots, sizes 6 to 11, worth from $2 75 to $3.00. I will close boys good Boots out at $1 00 and $1 25, size 3 to 5, the actual value of these Boots is $2.00. * You want to Visit my Store Now And reap some of the benifits of this great sale. which can only last for a short timo, for all goods are marked at about half price, and they will not last long, they can't. Just think of it, lam offering Ladies Button Shoes, 9 Gets Childrens Shoes 50 aud 75 cts., Infa nts Shoes 10, 25 and 50 cts., Boys fine Shoes 90 and SI.OO, embrace this grand opportunity, and get your shoes All at 50cts. on a dollar. Remember nothing to be reserved, the goods must go no matter what they bring Rubber Boots, #l, #].25, $1.50 and $2 I have a yery large stock of rubbers, and must sell them in the next 30 days. Will close a lot of Ladies footholds at 10 cts. a pair, Children and Minses heel rubber 15 cts. Boots and Shoes Made to Order JOHN BICKEL. BUTLER, - -- ------ - PENN'A i n vr's si KI; TO GO TIIKOUGH : ✓j ; 1.H.11 I i.!.\ 111 NDKKI) NINETY-TWO. ; Give your feet a show—they'll have to carry you through the new year. If you give them their deserts, you'll put r them into shoes that they will take kindly to. ou 11 be y doing a handsome thing by them if you encase them in a n pair of our $3 00 SHOES. When you are wearing them, neither you or they will have anything to complain about. The day may come when a better shoe than this can be sold for the money, for time brings wonderful improvements as well as new years, but it hasn t come yet and there s no sign of it. AL RUFF, MADE TO ORDER OR REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE. - Leading Millinery House - We are now ready to exhibit this season's styles of i\l I L L, INERY In every desirable style and quality. Our stock is unusually large and attractive. Trimmed bats and bon nets of all descriptions—felt hats, velvet hats and sailor tats Hats and bonnets trimmed to order. The largest and most complete stock of velvets ribbons, tips, quills, birds and wings ever brought to Butler. FOR CHILDREN Hoods, caps, sailor hats in great variety. MOURNING Hats and bonnets receive our % best attention, a complete line always on hand. "SJD.T. PAPEJI& CAPTURED. > — ~\ Once upon a time a young man named * s / met B beautiful young lady named --V , ( Webb, and it is lelated that he fell in love «/I M\C 7/ f/$*S ) M 80on 48 be s P ie singer and Empress; agricultural implements and Lansing farm wagons; New ' M Sunshine & Howard ranges, KoijAt r j ■ Stoves, table and pocket m ■ cutlery, hanging lamps; manulacturer of tinware, tin K roofing and spouting a spec ialty; the Johnston mowers, reaper and steel frame binder, Warren ready mixed paint, warrented; screen doors and windows, refrigerators and lawn mowers. No better pl«»ce in the city to trade. Come and see my large store room full of goods, 136 i feet long. WHERE A CHILD CAN BUY AS CHEAP AS A MAN All Kinds of Job Work done at the "Citizen" Office.