Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, February 05, 1892, Image 3

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Sehaul Bras. & Co.
Clothiers and
Here they are quoted below.
One lot men'* *ll wool Shirta end
Drawree, scarlet
75 c. worth SI.OO.
Oae lot men's wool Shirts end Draw
ers, grsj sod white
50 c. worth 75 c.
One lot men's orershirts for working
25 c. worth 50 c.
One lot mens Jesn Pants
75 c. worth SI.OO.
One lot men's half wool suits, all
$4.00 worth $6.00.
One lot men's and boy's gloves
50 c- worth 75 c. and $1 00.
Come now for
Actual bargains.
Bonn lias a population ot about lo.oos.
It 1* (to County seat of Butler County, with
•&r railways, natural gas, and nwnnallert
(acuities (or maimfaetctea.
iTufiws e»erywhere; new buildings, new
' Baawaetuea, a growing and prosperous town.
New Advertisements.
The New York Life Insurance Co.
Marvin's Wholesome Crackers.
Marks Muslin Underwear.
Store property for sale or tent.
So haul Bros, inventory sale
The Ladies Home Journal.
NOTE—AII advertisers intending to make
changes in their ads. should notify n. of
their intending to do so, not later than
Monday morning.^
7. Gotlieb Vogel of this connty is according
to a Pittsburg paper, trying to starve him
self to death at St. Francis hospital.
Miss Yinnie Boyd of Tarentnm is the
guest of Mrs 0. N. Boyd.
Miss Anna Whitener of Peachville is
visiting her friend Miss Sue English of
Mrs. Rose, widow of John Rose, who
live. with her son-in-law, Wm. Stoops,
nearMt. Chestnut,was ninety-nine years
of age la it Batnrday.
R. F. MeClung has moved to Bntler and
is living in his new boose in the South
Dr. Donaldson of Greenville was visiting
friends in Bntler, Tuesday. .
Mr. Devinny of the N. Y. Bazar, has
moved into the house on If. Washington
bt, lately occupied by Loais Trailer.
William Fisher is visiting friend, near
Grant City.
S. F. Bowser, Esq., returned from Potts
ville, Pa., Wednesday, where he was as
sisting R. B. Tayior in some complications
growing oat of the building of the new
Court House there.
John J. McGervey, of Meroer twp., was
visiting friends in Bntler this week.
B. J. Klingler k Co., made a handsome
donation of floor to the "Russian Famine
Robert Tamer of Batier, has rented the
Mansion boose and will fit op same forth
with fie will present a petition to the
Court for license, being the third one Irom
the first ward—Globe,Parker, and Mansion.
Mr. Turner has a large nuuiber of signerst
—Parker Phanix.
Messors John Clark of North Hope, and
Thomas W. Kennedy or Mara are drawn
aa Grand Jurors for the U. 8. District Court
st Pittsburg,
Farmer Cunningham of Bntler county
had an nnplaaaaat experience with the
eieetric oars is Alleghany lastfevening. He
bad disposed of his products, and after
making some purchases was driving np
Federal streak when oar No. 33 of the Be
beeca street line struck hie wagon and
wreeked it. Cunningham says he will
bring aa action for damages against tho
eompany as the motorman. John Kenney,
did not ting the bell warning him of dan
ger.—Pittaborg OaMtte, of wedneeday.
Peter Blatt, of Allegheny City wsa here
os last Thursday. He had been attending
the funeral of hi. nnole, Mr. Mathia. Blatt
which took plaoe on Wednesday, from the
grippe, after an illness of bat three days.
On Sunday afternoon he walked about the
room and at 9:15 that evening he was dead.
The interment was at Clearfield churoh
graveyard, near Ooylesville. Deceased
was sfsd about 73 years, and leaves a wife
sod three grown ap ohildren.—Peter Blatt
reports bis family all well, also that of his
brother John, who removed from here to
the city about a year ago. and where he is
doing well in the butchering business.—
Ban Brady Review.
Mck People.
Julius Baker of Fhuiklin twp. is serious
ly ill of grippe, etc.
The wife of I Mac Moore of Mnddvoreek
twp., is seriously ill; and Mrs. J. J. Bba
nor of same twp. f. down with the grippe.
Mr. and Mr*. Henry Stein of Franklin
twp. are recovering trom the grippe.
Mr.. Mary J. Sutton, widow of Jesse
Suttin is seriously ill at the home of her
son in-law, B. B. Conn of Clay twp.
Will Clark or Mercer twp. is down with
the grippe.
Bome of theehildren of Mr. Blakelv,
of Meroer twp. are down with scarlet fe
Jno. Emrick and his wife of Summit
twp. are down with the grippe.
Two of Jas. Caldwell's ohildren are
down with the grippe; also some of Ales
Wright's family; also John Wright and
bis wife, and Jno. Gallager and wife of
Penn twp.
CaL SaiUvaa and bis Sister Mary are
down with the grippe.
Mrs. J. Y. English, of Franklin twp., Is
down with the grippe, and L. R. English
baa it.
A daughter of Georpe Milliman of Har
mony is dangerously ill of spinal disease.
Mrs. Nail, of W. Pearl St., and her
daughter, Maggie, are down with the
John Fobs, of Zeleinople, is serion.ly ill.
Mrs. Alex. Watson, an aged lady of
Buffalo twp., was seriously injured by a
fall a few days ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Malaohi Eagle of Centre
twp., and two of their children are down
with the grip.
Mr. Milton Davis of Centre twp. is suf
fering from grip.
Henry Biebl and his wife are on the sick
—Utor of the students of the
Normal School. Edinboro, speedily
develop remarkable power and ability.
—Wheeler A Wilson and Stan
dard Sewing Maobinee at
No. ISS N. Mslo St., Butler, Ps
Beet plaoe to boy Table Linens,
Napkins snd Towels at
—Take your children to Zover's
flallsry for Pictures that will suit
JOB. Postoffice building.
—Hoaae-made bread at the Oity
'•The law condemns the man or woman
Wbo steals a goose from off the common.
But lets the larger rascal loose
Who steals the common from the goose.
—Have you got a house yctf
—Callery P. 0. ia now a money order
—Some of onr farmers think that the ice
killed the peach and cherry buds.
—When a widow marries again ber wait
of woe is over.
—Receipt for making chicken salad:
"First catch your calf."
—The late cold spells and heavy snows
caused the death of some qaail.
—lt is hardly probable that the ground
hog <■• this vicioity saw its .shadow last
Tnen: i . .
The bu.fk r-j >ter. signal* !i«-
put FLI \Vi--I IVUL K. K ACT A C».u*But
ler Ju.n iMi a id Allegheny.
—Some prominent physicians don't ap
prove a daily bath because it absorbs too
much vitality.
—lt's too much to expect that the ' man
who uses big words should furnish big
ideas with them.
—Some young folks of Leasureville and
vicinity had a glorious sleigh ride to Jef
ferson Centre a few evenings ago.
—Religious sensations pay. Three hun
dred and fifty copies of the Leader were
sold in Butler last Sunday.
—The election of borough and township
officers occurs on the 16th —the third Tues
day of February.
—Looking too closely at a dollar does
not make it any bigger, but it often makes
the soul a good bit smaller.
—Edison is said to have invented a talk
ing clock. If all kinds—onyx included —
could talk wouldn't there be some queer
tales told.
—A woman's grace and carriage lhave
become of so much importance in summing
up ber beauty that she cannot afford to
wear a pinching shoe.
—The Republicans of this borough will
hold tbeir primaries to morrow, Saturday,
between the hours ot 5 and 7 p.m., at the
nsnal polling places.
—The Republicans of Butler twp. will
hold tbeir nominating meeting in Greer'B
office on Saturday tho I3tb, at I o'clock p.
—A leap year fancy is a scarf pin in the
form of an interrogation point. It is in
tended for young ladies to present to eligi
ble gentleman friends.
—Sbeep have two teeth in the center of
the jaw at one year, and add two each
year until fire years old, when they have a
"full mouth." Alter that time the age
cannot be told by tho teeth.
—Buttons are now made from p tatoes.
The tuber is treated with acids, hardened
by means of great pressure, and the buttons
manufactured from it can not be disting
uished from those of bone.
—A slick tongned swindler is abroad
selling twenty-five pounds of coffee for a
ridiculously small sum. When the victim
gets bis can, bo liads instead of coffaq be
baa some nicely browned navy beans with
a little essence poured over them.
—Now that the Chili affair is settled we
would like to hear of that railroad being
bnilt up Beach creek. We would like to
hear of three railroads being built np that
oreek—one on each side and one in the
middle. Where, the thunder, is Beacb
creek, anyhow?
—Some friends were comforting a widow
upon the loss of her husband by telling
her what a good man be was, when she
added "I was not much acquainted with
him. He belonged to three clubs, four
lodges, a brass band, au athletic associa
tion and practiced law."
—Mr. F. A. Wiggin of Salem, Mass.
will lectnre in Cosmopolitan Hall, next
Monday and Tuesday evenings, on "The
Philosophy of Spiritualism." He is a
test medium and clarvoyant, and will
add a little phenomena to hi. lect
ure on the philosophy of spiritualism.
—lt is well known that dry sand is one
of the best things that can be used for
killing an incipient oil fire, and some fac
tories where oil is used bave been equipped
with pails for this material in various de
partments. It would be a good thing to
bave about the house in case of lamp ex
plosions or sudden fires. Flour is also a
good thing, and extinguishes burning oil
—According to a dispatch sent to a
Pittsburg paper a Donegal twp., man has
sned or tried to Bue his wife for selling
liquor without license—the circumstances
being that in order to keep him at borne
evenings, she bought the liqnor at whole
tale and sold it to him by the drink—an
arrangement that soon put all the cash on
bands in her pocket and brought about a
quarrel and a separation.
—The mammoth bull that Mr. William
M. Singerly will exhibit at the World's
Fair promises to be the biggest thing on
hoofs at the great exposition. The animal
weighs 3,000 pounds, about double tiie size
of an ordinary large bull. Although .hort
legged, be is seven foet iu height and bis
bust measure is twenty-two feet. He is of
pure Holstein Frisian breed and was pur
chased by Mr. Singerly in Michigan. He is
.till growing at Mr. Singerly's farm near
Philadelphia, and tis keeper expects bim
to weigh 4,000 pounds by tbe time he i.
shipped to Chicago,
—Last Mond ly a slick patent medicine
mau hailing from Kirn* City canvassed
the town selling bottled lightning which
he claimed was a sure cure for headache,
toothache and corns. He stopped at Ber
mont's boarding houso, and Tuesday morn
ing when be left it was discovered that an
overcoat and S3O in cash had disappeared
with bim. He is tall, slender, and oarried
a very small tan colored satchel. If he
.hould return he conld replenish bis stock
of bottled lightning without costing bim a
cent.—Freeport Journal.
—Jupiter and Yeuus are having a little
flirtation in southwestern sky, and with
tbe new moon, they made a pretty picture
tbe other evening. The three oeles'.ial
bodies were arraaged in tbe pink-and-pearl
sky somewhat thus:
" Jupitor.
* Venus.
Now Moon.
Tbe silvery lustre of Venus and the fine
eartb-ligbt reflected from tbe dark part of
tbe moon's disc were a delight to the eye
of every beholder.
—A good story is told of a neighboring
editor who lately attended a party at a
home recently blessed by a new baby. He
met bis hostess at the door, and, after tbe
usual salutations, asked after tbe baby's
health. The lady, who was quite deaf and
suffering with tbe grip, thooght ho was
asking about ber cold, and answered that
although she usually bad one every winter
this was tbe worst one she ever bad; it
kept her awake nights a good deal and at
first confined ber to her b->d. Then notic
, ing that the newspaper man was getting
nervous, she said that she conld tell by bis
looks that be was going to have one just
like hers, and asked him to go in and sit
The Co. Commissioners have received
the election hlauk* for the Spring Election,
and request all the Judges of Election to
call or send for them.
License Court, this year, will come on
March 23d, and the applications must be
in by March 2d.
Treasurer Wilson has received instinct
ions from the Auditor General to bring
criminal suits against all persons in this
county who are runing billiard or pool
tables without license, unless they report
themselves immediately, and pay their
license, as the law requires Some of
these people are under the impres.-ion that
they can escape license by starting up
after the Mercantile Appraiser makes his
rounds but in this they are mistaken.
Chas. J. Westerman, E. F. Hays, Solo
mon Pontious, C. H Johnston and A. S.
Fleegar have been appointed appraisers of
the property of H. J. Hoyt of Millerstown.
The will of John Little.of Donegal twp.,
was probated, no letters; also will of Geo.
Lohr.y, of Oakland twp., no letters; also
will of John Pontious of Donegal twp.,and
letter C. T. A. to J. H. Pontious; also will
of Lorenzo Fleeger. of Centre twp., no
Letters of ad m'n were granted to Win.
Croft Sr., and Newton Garvin on estate of
Wm. Croft Jr.; also to Albert Kramer in
estate of Peter Kramer; also John W.
Gillespie in estate of Hamilton Gillespie.
The will of Andrew Walker, dec'd of
Clay twp was probated, no letters.
In the case of R L. Kent vs the Gazette
for libel, and claiming $25,000 damages,
the jury award at Pittsburg, last Friday
was 6£ cts Judge Stowe decided that
Ecclesiastical tribunals are quasi-public
bodies, and that the newspapers have a
right to print correct reports of their pro
In the case of the Commonwealth vs Ira
Myers, of Nickleville, Venango county,
who was convicted in Clarion county at
November sessions, 1890, of conspiracy to
steal bis own child from his divorced wife
Jessie Myers, and theroupon sentenced to
pay a fine of S3OO, the costs of prosecution,
and to be imprisoned one year and six
months in the Western penitentiary, and
who appealed from the judgment and sen
tence, the Supreme court has now reversed
the Clarion county court. Ira yers bad
served five months of his sentence, and
was then released from custody pending
his appeal. By the decision of the Supreme
court ne will uot have to pay the fine or
costs mentioned, or serve the remainder ol
this sentence of imprisonment.
The Supreme Court has affirmed the
Pittsburg Curative Legislation.
At Philadelphia last Monday the Su
preme Court denied its original jurisdiction
in the matter of the new election law, and
the case will have to be started in one ol
the lower courts.
The Supreme Court has decided that the
sick benefits of a secret society cannot ac
crue to a man's estate; and that if he de
clines them nothing is due him.
S Harper to J F Harper lots in Wash ing
ton for $325.
Ella Smith et. al to G' A Abrams lot in
Butler for SISOO.
Ira Staufler to A H Stauffer lot iu Har
mony for $1,635.
Jos. Rockenstein of Mary Hinchberger
lot iu Butler for S6OO.
R. P. Scott to A J. Pattou 125 acres in
Oakland for S3OO.
Jos. Ash to Anna Dontt lot in Forward
for SIOO.
M. A. Wilson to Caruthers <t Peters lot
in Harmony for 100.
David Dixon to Rachel Doutbett 100
acres in Penn twp. for S6OOO.
Judson W Breed assigned 3 leaseholds
in Connoquenessi' g twp. to the .NlcCalmont
Oil Co. for $50,000.
A few days ago a mortgage for five mil
lions was filed against the West Penn It.
R. Co. by a Philadelphia Trust Co.
Marriage Licenses.
J F Cbesnut Allegheny
Martha Holliugworih Pittsburg
F C South worth Penn twp
Celeste M McKame "
John B Riddle Armstrong Co
Annie Foringer Fairview twp
Francis gankey Marion twp
Sadie Porter Cherry twp
At Pittsburg, Phillip E. Neusch and Liz-
Dolan of Butler.
At Buffalo, N. Y. Lawrence Niggle and
Eva Castor.
Suspension of the Millerstown Bank.
On Friday last the second quarterly
payment of 25 per cent was due the cred
itors of the Butler Co. Bank of Millers
town, and as the Bank was un able to meet
(t, it made an assignment to Francis Mur
phy of the firm of Campbell it Murphy,
and posted the following notice on the
"Being unable to realize on its assets
and meet immediate obligations and de
mands, this bank bas been forced to close
its door*, and tbe unders gned bos made
an assignment to Francis Murphy for tbe
benefit of its creditors. H. J. HOYT,
—The Anti-Rusting Tinware
guaranteed against runt for three
yearn, at HENBY BIEHL'S,
No. 122 N. Mair St., Butler. Pa
—ID Plusb, in Cloth, in Ladies, iu
Misses, iu Cbildreus, Wraps we have
a large hoe, and we are going to
mil them at what thoy will bring.
If you want a grand bargain come in
—The People's Store at No. 323,8.
Main S». is closing out a stock of
shoea and rabbern regardless of cost.
—Pupils' Monthly Reports, one
cent each, for sale at CITIZEN office
Buffalo Blankets, best for wear at
—Buy your sleighs now and get
—For bargains in shoes go to the
closing out sale at the People's Store
323 S. Main St.
Lots of Wraps, Blankets and furs. |
But you should coroe in aud see the
Price. They will astonish you.
—Sleighs cheap before snow conies.
Best styles iu Dress Goods and
Cloaks at
—Confectionery and fruits at the
City Bakerr
—A stove and Gne grate can be
purchased cheap by any one needing
those articles. Information give" a t
this office.
—The best Indigo blue calicos at
5 ceots a yard at the People's store
No. 323 S Main St.
—Boarding House Cards, with Act
of Assembly, 25 cents for half-a-dozen,
for sale at CITIZEN office.
Largest assortment and best values
in DreßS Goods and Cloaks at
—lce cream furnished in any
quantity, for parties, by the City
Crackers shipped from a distance
and stored in damp, musty ware
houses are unwholesome. Marvin's
are baked fresh every day right here
[at home. Your grocer keeps them.
No Fire Alarm.
At the meeting of Council. Tuesday
night. Mr. Schenck of the Fire Alarm
Committee reported that the town was too
short of money at present to put in the
system, also that the firemen say the}
need hose more than the fire alarm sys
Mr. Black said there was "absolutely no
money." Mr. Forquer corroborated them,
and the report of the committee was adopt
ed, which means no firo alarm system at
present for Butler, and which blasted the
hopes of Mr. Meyers of Sharpsburg. who
was an interested spectator. Mr. Meyers
thanked the Council for the interest they
had taken in the Gamewell system; thought
that the firemen should have a 1000 feet of
hose for each Co., and a tower to dry the
wet hose.
Mr Stamm ot the Sullivan-run Dam
Committee recommended the destruction of
the dam and the building of another above
the Mifflin St. bridge: from which the
sewer could be flushed by a pipe. Mr.
Schenck thought that would not better
the matter, as the 24-inch iron pipe lay on
the bed ot the run and itself makes the
dam; he favored turning the run into its
old channel. Mr. Forquer thought that
this trouble was "hatched up and imagin
ary" and that some parties saw a specula
tion in it. Mr. Stamm referred to the
flooded cellars, and tho Council agreed to
visit the seat of war in a body next morn
Burgess Kennedy reported that his busi
ness was so smallduringthe pastmonth that
he would not make a report, bat that in
view of the coming election he would
withdraw any nominations he had made,
he made only a friendly call, and compli
mented the Council.
Mr. Alexander complained that the
street lights were turned out too soon and
the matter will be looked after; Mrs Wick's
board walk on West street was reported
to be in bad condition; the Forsythe mat
ter was referred to the paiving Committee;
tho Johnston matter to tbe Financo Com
mittee; the Markham Hook and Ladder Co.
was incorporated with the Fire Depart
ment, and the Long & Doyle assignments
were referred to the paving Committee,
they to take precedence according to
The Ladies Home Journal.
A most unique magazine is the February
Ladies' Home Journal, entirely made up,
as it is, in prot-e, verse and fiction by
daughters of lamous parantage, some of
the "daughters" being lamed themselves.
Thirty '•daughters" are represented, each
by au article, story or poem, and a more
carious and suceesslul innovation in maga
zine literature has uot been made for years.
The issue is in every respect a surprise,
and is a powerful argument in beiiall of
hereditary geniens. Hawthorn's daughter,
Air.-.. Lathrop, for example, has an excel
lent story; Mildred Howels' the novelist's
daughter, writes a very sweet poem; tbe
daughters of Charles Dickens, Thackeray,
. iid Horace Greeley all write of tbeir fam
ous fathers; President Harrison's daughter,
Mrs McK>-e, surprises by writing a very
strong article on "The training ol Children;"
Gladstone's daughter tells "How a Wo
man's College Begau" of which she is Vice-
Principal; General Sherman's daughter tells
a clever war story; Julia Ward Howe pre
sents throe literary daughters; ex-Senator
Ingalls' clever daughter Kthcl sketches
Mrs. Lelaud Sanlord; Jefferson Davis' fav
orite daughter, Winnie, portrays ' The
American Girl who Studies Abroad," from
her own experience; auu these are follow
ed up by tbe daughters of Sir Morrel
Mackrnzie, "Mrs. Alexander" and Kichard
lleury Dana; Miss Hrodly, writes of tho
'•yueens oi Westminister Abbey,"ofwhich
her lather is Dean, And as a fitting com
plement to the fure-part ol the issjio Julia
War J llowe, Mrs. iienry Ward Beeber,
Mrs. Admiral Dahlgren, Mrs. A. D. T.
Whitney und other famous mothers tell
"How to Train a Daughter." This is. in
deed, a curious number, and tho most novel
ever issued by a magazine. None of the
Journal'M departments are omitted, the
"famous daughters" occupying tbe fore
part of the magazine, while Dr. Talmagc,
••Dob" Burdelte, Margaret Hottouie aud
all the other Journal editors form tbe rear
guard. Sucb au issue is worth five times
itx modest price of ten cents. Published,
at $1 pur year, by tbe Curtis Publishing Co.
ol Philadelphia.
A Series of Three .Special Excursions to
Washington, it. C. via Penn
sylvania Ilailroad.
Gratifying was the success of tbe first
tour in the Washington Pennsylvania
Railroad series, which left tbe 21st iust.
The tours afford a delightful opportunity
of visiting tbe National Capital in its most
attractive season while botb bouses of
Congress are iu session and all the depart
ments open to visitors; three tours remain,
February 4th, lltb, aud 25th, 1892. Ex
cursion tickets will be good for ten dayg
from date of sale, admitting of a stop over
in Baltimore iu either direction within the
proper limit, and tourists will travel in a
special train of parlor and day coaches.
Kate. Train Leaves.
Pittsburg if"t> 00 9.00 A. M.
filuirsvilTe 755 9.22 "
Washington.. .Arrive .... 8.45 P. M
The tickets will be good for use on any
regular train of the dates above named ex
cept limited express trains. The return
coupons will be valid for passage < u any
regular truin within the return limit except
the Pennsylvania Limited.
Very low prices on Fine Umbrel
las at
Bargains in Dry (ioods and
Notion* at the People's Store, No
3*23 S Main St.
—Hello. What is it? Why I)
E. JackHon ia selling dress goods 25
per cent less than they can be bought
anywhere else How so? Because
be is selling that much below value
to close out.
—Before snow comes is the time to
buy nleighs cheap.
New Broadcloths, Bedford Cords,
Henriettas and fine Dress Goods at
—Sleighs cheap before snow comes*
Before snow comes is the time to
buy sleiirhs cheap.
--Towels nt 5 cents a pair, at the
l*i <'pie's Store, No. 323 S. Main St.
—lce li>r sale at tho City Bakery.
Buy tbe Lansing Wagon—it is
the best. For sale by
122 N. Main St., Butler, Pa.
—Zuver's Pictures leave nothing
wauting in finish, tone or a correct
—You can now save from one to
three dollars on a cashmere or henri
ctta dress by buying from
—if you want to get the best se
lections come soon before tbe stock
is run down, as everything must go
regardless of cjst
Any good square man or woman
can earn money in spare time as local
ageut lor the warranted fruits, (lowers
& trees ol J K. W hitney, Rochester,
N. Y. Yearly salary paid for steady
work. A permanent honorable
business is quickly built up.
Ladies and Misses' Cloaks in great
variety at lowest prices at
—The cheapest place in Butler to
buy stoves is HENRY BIEHI/S,
No 122 N. Main St., Butler, l*a.
Don't forget us on Hosiery and
(Jloves, we always bave the best at
I lowest prices
! The Oil €ity Derrick • says a man iu
' Venango county, who has been in the
habit of drinking a gallon of whiskey a day,
has been rured by the Keeley treatment.
The Meadviile Tribune Republican has
been sued for libel by a mail whose whisk
ers J wore referred to in uncomplimentary
(Jeorge Kilgore, of Blairsville, a brake
man on the West Penn liailroad, while
making a coupling lately had bis clothes
canght on the car and was thrown under the
wheels, by which one arm and one leg
were cut off. He lived long enough to
bid good bye to hi.s wife and eight children
His oldest boy is 13 years of age. As the
wife of the dying man and their group of
little children gathered about him to take
their last loving good-bye. the scene was
one of the most pathetic ever witnessed by
those present and caused the tears to flow
At Franklin, Thursday, farmer Winans
was convicted ol burglary. He is Go years
of age. On Friday the Court sentenced him
to five years in the penitentiary.
The Delamater estate will pay from 8 to
10 cents on the dollar.
By an ordinance enacted at the city of
Scranton all tramps found in its limits will
be arrested as vagrants and they will be
put to work upon the streets with ball and
chain attached: and no work, no grub.
Joseph David, a teamster, of Youngs
town. while eating dinner lately, tossed a
knife to his wife to cut some bread, but the
blade struck h°r on the left side of the
head, penetrating the skull, the point re
maining until removed by a surgeon. The
family claim it was accidental. Some
men have peculiar ways of showing their
love and appreciation for their wives.
Mrs. Herman Probst, of Sharpsburg,
died suddenly last Saturday, from an over
dose of Jamaca ginger.
Dr. M 1). McCandless, of Yourigstown
0. was found lifeless in his sleigh lately.
He was quite wealthy and his daughter,
now a ilrs. McClnre of Armstrong Co..will
inherit his wealth.
The Jamestown Axe Company has iu
ci eased the capacity of its plant by the
addition of new machinery, etc. The
works turn out 1,000 axes per day,
Lancaster county, Pa., it appears, still
stands at tde head of all the tobacco grow
ing countries in the United States, with
her 19,217, WO pounds grown ill the sea
son of 1891. The crop sold for $1,249,090.
Two hunters of Clearfield county who
were in the wilds of the mountains last
Saturday found a dead man in Andy
lteese's camp on Boon's mountain. The
dead man's name was J».bu Gilland and
for several years he lias lived alone there
in the mountain fastnesses, with no com
pauion but his dog, savo when a iiunting
party would locate at the camp for a short
season, For months at a time he never
saw civilization, living exclusively on the
game anil fish he could shoot and catch.
For a long time he lived iu a hut made of
liark, fashioned like an Indian tepee. He
wandered over the mountains with a dog
and gun, and seemed to enjoy his solitary
existauoe. When found, it was evident
that he had been doad several days, per
haps weeks, and the gaunt and emaciated
form of his faithful dog was by his side,
almost dead from starvation. Aud he
would no doubt have remained tboru and
died by the side of his dead master, and
never dreamed of deserting his post. Dogs
sometimes do things that make us ashamed
of our humanity. The body was taken to
Clearfield aud buried on Monday. It is
presumed that the man died of pneumonia,
or some kiudred disease, as ho had pul
monary trouble.
What We Have Got.
We don't profess to have the largest
bakery in the world, although we
have the biggeHt and best equipped
in the state, but we do claim to turn
out the freshest, purest, best crackers
and cakes to be found in the land.
Don't buy crackers made aat dis
tance, shipped here and stored in
musty warehouses; they're not
wholesome. Marvin's are baked
tresh every morning and sent at once
to customers. We have no big ware,
houses—no use for them. It's all
we can do to bake crackers and cakes
fast enough to till orders.
Marvin's crackers and cakes are
what you want. You can get them
from your grocer.
Our Tiade.
This month has been away ahead
of any former Januury. The reason
is that when people come
in and examine our goods and hear
the prices they invariably buy.
R. R.
For Sale or Rent.
I will sell my new store-house
property on Ziegler Ave., South of
the Plate Glass Works, ou reasonable
terms; or 1 will rent the residence
part of it, which contains ten rooms
and two balls aud is suitable tor a
boarding honse
D. Cui'ps,
312 Ziegler Ave., Butler.
Wraps, Furs, Blankets.
Blankets, Wraps Purs, Purs,
Blankets, Wraps, a large stock and
you can buy t your own
Meeting of the Stockholders of
the Mechanics B. &. L. Asso.
There will be held the anuual
meeting of the stockholders of the
Mechanics Building & Loan Associa
tion, at their office in llusclton build
ing. on February Bth, 1892.t0 hear
the auditors report tor past year, to
elect nine directors to serve duruig
the en«uing year, and for other busi
ness that may come before the meet
C. A ABBA Ms. Sec'y.
Dii 8. GRAHAM, Pres't.
The Best in America.
That is the kind of Blankets we
sell. Every one who has bought
them krioWH it and every one who
does buy them will find it out.
Truthful Advertising.
Is the only kind that pays, which
explains the fact that Kilter <V Ral
ston do the trade. R. & R
Prospect Normal Academy.
It will cost you but a penny to
send for a catalogue of Prospect
F. W. MAOEE, Principal,
Prospect, Pa.
New Importations.
Spring embroideries now on sale.
The largest and finest assortment
ever offered in Butler. Also white
goods, sheeting, muHlins and all
kinds of spring domestics marked at
extremely low prices for the benefit
of those who desire to huve their
spring sewing done by the time
spring comes, R. fi R.
Oil Notes.
Fisher's N*o. 1 on the Eichcnlaub farm
near Herman, was completed last wivk
and is rated at 100 bbls.
(inffy & Queen's Xo. 1 on the Sam Whit •
more, McDonald field, was doing 200
barrels an hoar, Monday; aud Brown X
Robinson's well on the McMurrav lease at
Xoblestown was doing 00 barrels an hour.
The report of oil operations for January
iu the Dt rrick shows 183 completed wells
with a total production of 12,309 bbls; 265
wells drilling and 111 rigs np. Compared
with December,this is a decrease of2l com
pleted wells, of 3.039 bbls. new production
aud 22 drilling wells. There were 37 dry
holes. The big wells in the McDonald
field brings the average production of the
January wells to 67 bbls. A noticeahle
feature of the report is the great decrease
of operations in the upper field. In Ven
ango and Clarion counties there was only
19 wells drilling and rigs up. and but 3
wells were completed in the month. Ohio
completes 07 wells, with a new production
of 2,853 bbls.
The Markets.
Our grocers aie paying 25 for butter, 25
for eggs, 30 for turnips, 50 for parsnips,
40 for potatoes. 25 to 30 for apples, 75 for
onions, 1.75,f0r white beans 4to 6 for cab
Apples are a drug in the market.
Timothy hay from country wagons sl2
to sls, mixed hay $12.50, oat straw SB,
wheat straw $6.00, mill feed sl6 to s2l,
wheat flour $4 50 to $5.50, rye flour $5.00,
wheat in car loads 97 to 98, rye 91 to 93,
oats 34 to 38, corn 45 to 51. buckwheat
Hour 2J to 2j.
Country roll butter 15 to 25. fresh eggs
in cases 26 to 27, apples $1.25 to $2.25 a
bbl., beans $1.75, cabbage on track 3 to 4 a
head, live geese feathers 50 to 60 a pound,
mixed feathers 25 to 35, white honey 17 to
18, buckwheat honey 12 to 15, yellow
onions 80 to 85c, tallow 4c. potatoes lrom
siore 45 to 50, on track 38 to 40.
Dressed chicken 13 to 14, duck and
turkey 14 to 16.
At Herr's Island, Monday, common,
to mixed cattle sold at 2} to 4, bulls and
dry cows li to 3J.
Veals calves retailed at 0 to 6|.
Sheep soli at 3} to s£, and lauibs at
5 to 6^.
Hogs retailed at to 5.
Closed on Monday at 63#, Tuesday at
6 If Wednesday at 60}.
—lce cream at lust summer's
prices at Morrison's City Bakery.
—Fine cakes at the City Bakery
German Knitting Yarn, Spanish
and Saxony Yarns at
—Buy you r sleighs now and get
The Reason
For the great gain in our business is
that when parties buy a bill of us
they are so we.l pleased with the
value of their purchases compared
with the amount of money invested
that they give vent to their satisfac
tion in conversation with others, and
thereby become advertising agents
for R <fc R.
Grip Gets the Blame,
But in a great many cases it is not
the grip, but impure, unwholesome
food that is responsible for sickness
Crackers, for instance, that have teen
transported for a long distance and
stored in damp, mouldy ware houses
are very apt to breed disease. The
way to avoid this is to buy only
fresh, wholesome crackers,made right
here in Pittsburg That's the kind
Marvin's are. Don't be fooled into
buying crackers or cakes that are
said to be "just as good " Insist on
having Marvin's and you may be
sure of having the purest, the fresh
est, the best in the market.
We Are Bound
To clean out our wraps, blankets and
furs To do so we are offering them
at lower prices than ever known to
the trade. R. & R.
Baby McKee's Tears.
A dispatch from Washington says
that Baby Mcßee had a fit of crying
yesterday. The chances are his
nurse bad been, telling bim about
Marviv's royal fruit biscuit, and he
nearly broke his little heart until she
went to the pautry and got bim some
of them. It you want to keep the
babies fat and happy you've got to
feed them Marvin's cakes and crack
The Readers,
of this paper have learned by experi
ence that we never put in wild ad
vertisements. but merely state facts
in regard to our stock and prices.
The Case School.
The new catalogues of Case School
of Applied Science,containing descrip
tions of the courses in Civil, Mechan
ical, Mining and Electrical Kn
eginering, and iu Physics, Chemis
try, and Architecture; requirements
for admission; expenses, etc., are just
published and can be obtained free of
charge by addressing E. Case, Sec'y,
!» Rockwell St., Cleveland, O.
And everything in
horse and buggy fur
nishing go ods—l lar
ness, Collars, Whips.
Dusters, Saddles, etc.
Also trunks and va
Repairing done on
short notice.
The largest assort
ment of 5-A. Horse
blankets in town will
be found at KLomuer's.
Muslin Underwear.
Muslin Gowns at 50 c.,70 c., SI.OO, $1.25,
$1.50 aud $1.75 each.
Muslin Skirts, plain or trimmed with
Kmdroidery or Lace at 50 c., 75 c., SI.OO,
$1 25, and $1.50 each.
Muslin Drawers, plain or trimmed 25 c.
to 85 c. each.
Muslin Chemises, 25 c. to 50 Each.
Always best Values In Hosiery.
Hats at half price
M. F. & M. Marks'.
. 113 and 117 Smith Main Street. —-
The Best Is
Htinr to i,•mil if you are
tick. The jthy-iciau ex
pects result# and this a IN
only be oltaitid tchen pure
drugs are ditpeiuetl. Pu
rity cart and accuracy in
every department of our
business. Only registered
pharmacist* are employed
and personal supervision
gireu to every detail. BV
endeavor to keep every
thing that is inquired for,
but if w do not hare ichat
your prescription calls for
ice will tell you so and do
onr best to get it for you
nt the earliest possible
time. So matter ichat is
needed for the sickroom
come to our store. Our
prices are as low as con
■'intent with pure goods.
Inferior ones we do not
care to handle at any
price. Physicians pre
scriptions and family re
ceipts a specialty.
C. N. BOYD, Druggist.
Diamond Block, Butler, Pa.
IDS. CO. ol North America, LOCTH veaj*.
Home Ins. Co. Assets $9,091,192 58
Hartford Ins. Co. " $6,576,616 13
Continental Ins. Co. " $5,000,000
London Assurance Co. Incor'd. 1720
N. Y. Life Ins. Co. As'ts 115,000,000
to the Court House.
E. £. ABRAMS:& CO.
u •
CAPITAL Paid Cp, ... {100,000.00.
Jos. Hartman. Pres't, D. Osborne. Cashier,
J. V. Hitts,Vice Pres't, C. A. Balley.Ass't Cash'
Jos. Hartman, C. P. Collins, O. M. Russell,
H. McHweeney, C. I). Greenlee, J. V. Rltta,
K. E. A brains. Leslie Hazlett. 1.4). Smith,
W. S. Waldron. D. Osborne.
A general banking business transacted. In
terest paid on time deposits. Money loaned on
approver security.
Foreign exchange bought and sold.
Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
Office Cor. Main & Cunningham fit*.
Alfred Wick. Henderson Oliver,
Or. W. Ir*ln. .lames Stephenson,
w. W. Blackmore, N. Weltxef;
K. Bowman. I>. T. Norrlß.
Geo Ketterer, ( has. Kebhun.
John Orohman, John Kooning.
eiTTLffl-R, PA.
In order to close oat all winter
goods. I will offer my entire stock of
In fact all winter goods AT COST.
Before you bay any Dry Goods
come and look through my stock. I
know I can save yon money.
Next door to Butler Savings Bank,
Butler, Pa.
measure at Aland's
if you desire a Fall
Suit, Overcoat or
Trousers, that arc
made to the newest
mode and decree 'of
Our stock is large,
comprising a care
fully selected assort
ment of
Brown Scotch
Tweeds for busi
ness suits:
Black and Blue
Diagonals for dress
Neat Stripes and
Cheques for trousers:
Whipcord and
Crepes spec i a 11y
made for full dress
And an excellent
line of overcoatings.
Sanitary Plumbers
And Gas Fitters.
Sewer Pipe,
Gas Fixtures,
Globes and
Natural Gas
Jefferson St.,opp. Lowry House
•t?j 'aapng - '* OOJ: >S "FW 8 *Ol
1 '.raqsnunj put: aanpojQ
•pepuiyai oq ][IAY AOIIOUI
) .moX JO w oq o;
OAI ivi[ja 1100s OAno/ {nun Sunpop JOJOHJO OJOQA\i(UI? Saioi>
! -jms iAT?oq 'optjui flOAv 'poog t? Suioq 'jfououi oq; joj po
I -.IOJJO JOAB onpu oq; s;I %uud JOOAI QG-G# .MO GGG QJ,
: lIYJ UIOQ '*l™* UMO -mOiC si ;i 'oj'B noA ji ;noq;u\ oq
;ou pooa no A ;uq; MOJ OS SI JOJUIAV UI
ye *n* J° 0l {? oq ajsra moj 00 uraq*
Snr[[Bs OJ'B ;nq spooi? SOIAIS XOitf ETHV STAI
C. D.
It will be to your own inter
est to come in and see what a
first-class Hat and Furnishing
Store -can do for you.
The success of the past
makes us confident 01 the present
and future, and notwithstanding
the depression in business all over
the country we have largely in
creased our lines throughout and
now show a full and comprehen
sive stock as can be found in the
We have gone right along
from the time we started owing to
the fact that we adhere strictly to
first quality goods at the very low
est prices, and we would rather
miss a sale than misrepresent any
Hatters and Furnishers,
242 S. Main street,
Butler, Pa.
Opposite School Honse.
This elegant new hotel i> now Open to
the pnblie; it ia a new honie, with new
furniture throughout and all modern con
veniences; is within easy reach of the de
pots and business houses of the town, and
has a splendid view of the eaatern part of
the town.
Rates Reasonable.
Give me a call when In Bntler.
Willard Hotel.
W. H. REIHING, Prop'r
The well-known liveryman, Win.
Kennedy, has bought an interest in
the above bar a and will be pleased to
have his friends call at bia new place
of business. Tbe
Best Horses, Buggies and Car
in Bntler at tbe most reasonable
rates. Tbe place is easily remember
ed. The first stable west of the
Lowrr House
Hotels and Depots,
W. 8. Gregg is now running a line
ol carriageH between the hotels and
depots of tbe town.
Charges reasonable. Telephone
No. IT, or leave orders at Hotel
Good Livery is Connection
Mifflin Street Livery.
B IEHL & HEPLER Prop'rs.
One aqaare west of Main Bt., on
Mifflin St All good, aafe
new boggiea aad carriages. Landau*
for weddings and fonerala. Oper
day and night. Telephone No. 34.
Planing Mill
Lumber Yard
J. L. PU avw. L. 0. ruivie.
S.G. Purvis&Co.
Rough and Planed Lumber
OF avcav uaaoairriow.
Butler, Pa.
WA HTItD Agents to aotlclt orders (or oa
clioioe) and hard; Nursery Mock.
Hlm4; Werk Far Kasreetlc lienraU'les.
salary and eipeuaee or commission J1 prefer -
ed. Write at ouce. State Afe. Address.
R. 6. Chate & C#."WSI'S"
wmr ran a. m.
Traini leave the West Pen a depot at foot
east Jefferson St. as follows:
6:20 a. m.—Market—arriyes at Allegheny at
8:40 and 9:13 p. m.
8:40 a. m.—Expreu—arrives at Allegheny
at 10:30 a. m.
11:00 a. m.—Accomodation—arrives at Alle
gheny at 1:24 p. m.
2:45 p. m—Accomodation— arrives at Alle
at 4:44 p. m.
5:00 p. m.—Express—arrive* at Allegheny at
Allegheny at *i:4B p. m.
The 6:20 a. m. train and 2:45 p. m. trains
ounnect at Butler Junction with trains East
to Blairaville Intersection, where oonneotioa
is made with the Day Express and Phi lad'a
Express giiag East.
Trains arrive «t But rat 9-35 and 10:35 a.
m. and 1:30, 6:00 aori 7:50 p. in., leaving Al
legheny at 6:55, »:50 and 10:40 a. m. and 3:
15 and 6;10 p. m.
P. & w. B. R.
Trains leave the P. & W. depot near Ce,
Ire Ave., Southstde, Butler time, as follws
going south:
6:00 a. m.—Allegheny Accomodation.
8.-00—Allegheny and Akroa Expreee—runs
on Sunday to Allegheny, and coaa eots for
New Castle that day.
10:20 a. ui.— Allegheny Accomodation.
2:50 p. m.—Allgheny Expreee.
3:20 p. m.—Chicago Expreee, nine oa Sun
6:10 p m—Allegheny and Zelienople Mail.
Buna on Sunday to Allegheny alone.
On Sunday alone, at 9 a. m., New Castle
Going North—lo:os a. m. Bradford Mall.
5:20 p. m—Clarion Aooom.
7:40 p m.—Foxburg Acoam.
No Sunday trains on the narrow-gaafe.
The 3:30 p. m. train South connects at Cal
lery with the Chicago express, whieh mas
daily and is equipped with the Pullman buf
fet and sleeping cosches.
Trains tor Butler leave Allegheny at
8:3o and 10;30 a. m., city time, ana 3:15, 5:25
*ud 7:40 p. m Ou Sunday at 8:30 a. m. and
4:20 p m.
Trains wrlve at Butler at 9:35 and 10:20 a.
m. and
day at 10:20 and 6:10.
Trains leave the P & W depot, Bntler
time, as follows:
5:30 a. m, to Erie, arriving there at 10:46
a. m.
10:30 a. m. to Erie, arriving there at 3:10
p m.
5:00 p. m. to Greenville, arriving there at
7:25 p in.
A train arrives from Greenville at 10:05 a.
ui with through cir to Allegheny over the
P. 4 W; one at 2.-30 p. m. from Erie whieh
oonnects with both roads to Allegheny, aad
one at 8:40 p. m from Erie.
Trains leave HUliarda at 6:36 aad 11:15 a.
m. slow time.
The 8:30 a. m. and 3 p. m. trains oa both
roads In Allegheny oonnect with trains oa
the P. 8. LE. at Bntler.
Take the time to walk up
East JeffereoDjetreet to see the
window-full of fine Remarque
Proot and Artists' Proof Etch
ings. Choice $1,50. Ohriat
mas is coming.
Farm ooutalning 200 acres, looated in
Donegal Twp , well watered, good orchard
plenty of froit, good dwelling, barn, epring
house, granery, and best farm in the town
ship for stock raising or cultivation. For
«ri, ou, "XiuiwrolJS.' u>
Bntler Co., Pa. Ohioora P. 0.
We Are Still Offer
ing through the month of Jan
uary special bargains in wall
paper stock to make way for
spring goods. These prioes
can't continue on new goods,
but we must have room.
Also if you want anything
in fancy goods left over from
the holiday season will sell to
you at cost or lets than cost.
"We're stoeking up on all
lines of staples and want you
to be on the lookout for our
new things.
J. H. Douglass,
Near Poatoffioe, Butler, Pa.
Good Farm for Sale.
Containing ios acree and JSilfff
cleared aoU uwder luaee. Balance to
„(K.d white uak umber. flwening
asr 2i2EsF
t-r 1 7*
Kuquirn at Crura* oßee. Butter. we
owner. Brotraedale, Butler Co..Pa
A. i. FRANK k CO.
asf Physician* preaenpUoaa carefully 00*
5 & Main Street. Butler, Pa.
Adratto in the Oitiaeo.