Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, February 05, 1892, Image 1

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    VOL. XXIX.
Physician and Surgeon,
Office and residence at 338 Mala M. Boiler,
117 E Wayne.St.. office hour*. 10 to 12 M. and
1 to 3 P. M.
Office and residence at 12T E. Cunningham Bt.
New Troutman Building. Butler. Pa.
E. N. LKAKK. M. D. '•
Specialties: Specialties:
OjTHeootogy and Bur- Kye. an
Butler, Pa.
Office at No. 46, 8. Main street, orer Prank *
CO* IX u* Store. Butler. Pa,
Physician and Surgeon.
fio. 33 East Jefferson St., Bi.tier, Pa.
la now pennatenUy located at i» South Main
Street Butler. Pa., In rooms formerly occupied
by Dr. Waldron.
a old Filling Painless Extraction of Teeth
and Aitlflcial Tec th without Plates a specialty
Nitrons oxide or V itailxed Air or Local
A OfflS"oier Grocery east ol Lowry
H Offlee closed Wednesdays and Thursdays.
J. J. DONALDSON, Dentist.
Butler, Penn'a.
ArUOclal Teeth inserted tin the latert. Im
uroved plan. Gold Filling a specialty. Offlce
oviir Sebaul's Clothing Store.
Att'y at Law and Notary Public—office on S.
Diamond St.—opposite the court House—sec
ond Boor.
AttorMT'lt*law —Office in Diamond Block.
BuUer, Pa.
Office—Between Po»toffie**and Diamond. But
ler. Pa.
at No. 8, South Diamond, Butler. Pa.
Office second floor, Anderson BL K. Malu BT,
near Court House, Butler, Pa.
Office on second floor ol the Huselton block.
Diamond, Butler. Pa.. Boom No. 1.
Attorney at Law, Office at No. IT. East Jefler
tou St , Butler, PA^
Attorney at Law and Real Estate Agent. Of
SEA rc«r of L. Z. Mitchell's office on north aide
GF Diamond. Butler. Pa.
Attorney -at- law. Office on second floor of
Anderson building, near Court House. Butler,
Att'y at Law—Office.on South iide of Diamond
Butler. Pa.
Insurance and Real Estate Ag't
A* £• GABLE,
V eterinary Surgeon.
Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
Cellege, Toronto, Canada.
Dr, Gable treats all diseases of the
domesticated animals, and makes
ridgling, castration and horse den
tistry a specialty. Castration per
formed without clams, and all other
surgical operations performed in the
moat scientific manner.
Calls to any part of the country
promptly responded to.
Office and Infirmary in Crawford's
Livery, 132 West Jefferson Btreet,
Butler Pa.
A Wise Merchant
Is never content to stand
still. Stagnation is death
—ln Trade as in other
things. New Customers
should be sought after all
the time. There is only
one way to get them—use
the Advertising columns
Contractor and builder in brick work, grate
and mantel setting and all kinds of brick-laying
a specialty. Also dealer in barrel lime, Wam
pum lows time, cements. National, Portland
Sad all best grades In the market Calcined
plaster, Blaster hair. King's cement. Ore brick.
WE. wbtts sand and river sand. Main office SIS
*■ Main street, and all orders left at ware house
will rsoslTe prompt delivery. Terms reasonable.
LOTS. I win OFFEROR sale a number of lota
Situated on the high ground adjacent to H. H.
Ooocber, Esq., sad the Orphans' Home. The
land Is laid out in squares of SOMETHING less
»AA one acre, each square being surrounded
by a 50-foot street, and containing five lota 40
feet boat by IW feet back. Tbeseiota are oner
ed at rtnr reasonable prices and on terms 10
rait purchasers. Those who wish an enure
square can be accommodated.
ALSO—I will sell my farm In Summit town
ship.situated within one- half mile of the HtUler
norou fh line, adjoining lands of James Keams
and others, on the MlUerstown road, and con
sisting of It! acres. It will be sold either as a
whole ordlvtded to suit purchasers.
For further Information in regard to either of
the above properties, call on J. Q. Sullivan, 22*
last north Street, Butler. Pa.
. y f r - '--■^o9
New York State Superintendent of
JANUARY 22. 1892.
Assets June 30, 1891,
Per Superintendent's Report,
Assets Jan. 1,1891,
Per Company's Report,
Surplus June 30, 1891,
Per Superintendent's Rerort,
$14,708 675.83
Surplus Jan. 1, 1891,
By Company's Report,
The above surp'us as shown by the Superintendent's Report
I? larger than that of any other purely Mutual Life Insurance
Company in the world.
E. K. Abrams Co. Agents.
Office In Huselton Building, next to Court House, Butler, Pa.
Thanking you for
last years patron
age, and wishing
you a prosperous
new year.
We intend trying
to increase our
trade for 1892 by
greatly reducing
prices 011 many
goods. Save
money by buying
this month.
• • •
Yours Truly,
Campbell & T empleton,
136 N. Main St., - - Butler, Pa.
Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 per
cent by purchasing then- watches, clocks
and spectacles of
J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler,
No. 125 N. Main St., - Dufly Block.
Sign of Electric Bell and Clock.
All are Respectfully Invited
—-"Remember our Repairing Department— 20 years Experience."
When Jim anJ Hill and I were boys, a many
years ago,
How gayly did wo use to hail the coming of tho
Our sleds fresh painted red and with their run
ners round and bright.
Seemed to respond right briskly to our clamor
of delight
As we dragged them up the slippery road that
climbed the rugged hill
Where perched the old frame meeting house, so
solemn-like and still.
Ah' coasting In those days—those good old days
—was fun, indeed!
| Sleds at that time, I'd have you know, were
paragons of speed:
And if the hill got bare in spots, as hills will do,
why, then
' We'd haul on lco and snow to patch those bald
spots up again;
But, oh' with what sad certainty our spirits
would subside
When Deacon Frisbie sprinkled ashes where we
used to slide I
The deacon ha would roll his eyes and gnash
his toothless gums
And clear his skinny throat and twirl his saint
ly, bony thumbs
I And tell you: "When I wuz a boy, they taught
me to eschew
The godless, ribald vanities which modern youth
| The pathway that leads down to hell is slip
pery, straight and wide,
And Satan lurks for prey where little boys are
wont to slide!"
Now, he who ever in Us life has been a little
Will not reprove mo when he hears the lan
guage I employ
To stigmatize as wickedness the deacon's zealous
, spite
In interfering with tho play wherein we found
And so I say, with confidence, not unalloyed of
"Gol durn the man who sprinkles ashes where
the youngsters slide!'*
But Deacon Frisbie long ago went to his lasting
His money well invested in farm mortgages out
Bill, Jim and I, no longer boys, have learned
through years of strife
That the troubles of the little boy pursue the
man through life;
That here and there along the course wherein
we hoped to glide
Some envious hand has sprinkled ashes just to
spoil our slide!
And that malicious, envious hand Is not the dea
con's now.
Orim, ruthless Fate! that evil sprite none other
is than thou!
Riches and honors, peace and care come at thy
beck and go;
The soul, elate with Joy to-day, to-morrow
writhes in woe!
And till a man has turned his face unto the wall
and died
He must expect to get his share of ashes on his
—Eugene Field, in Chicago News.
ftk MO N O tho
guests at the
Driskill hotel
a few days ago
<23 was Col. Abner
Smith, a well-known ranchman of
Gonzales county. Although he stopped
over but a day, he had one large pack
age taken to the hotel, and iooked
after it so closcl* that one of his
acquaintances finally rallied -him
about it, inquiring what relic he was
guarding so carefully. The inquiry
w«s repeated so often by various ac
quaintances that CoL Abner finally, in
the presence of three or four chosen
friends, drew the bolts, unfastened the
straps, raised the lid of the long box
and disclosed a magnificent pair of
moose horns, fully six feet from tip to
tip, and bearing twenty points. When
the exclamations of surprise and de
light were over, he was urged to tell
all about it; and having lighted a pre
paratory cigar, he]remarked musingly:
"It's a very nice thine to have those
horns in a box taking them home, but
those same horns came very near get
ting me into a box, which would have
been quite another thing, let me tell
you. As the story happens to have this
kind of an outcome, though, I am, for
tunately, in a position to tell about it,
so here goes:
"From southwest Texas to northern
Maine is a pood long way. It's a little
diflicult to believe, having seen thorn
both, that they belong to the same
country. I don't mind telling you that,
though 1 Itave seen a good deal of the
United States, this was my first visit
to New England. My little sister,
Nellie, you know—the pretty one, Ben,
that you used to funcy—oh! you re
member, do you—well, she married a
Maine man three years ago, and this
summer I paid her my first visit. She
lives in Bangor, and her husband is a
big lumber dealer there, with interests
in half a dozen mills in different parts
of the state. He's a fine fellow—Felix
AniJrews is his name—and he spared no
pains to make my visit a delightful
one. We spent several weeks on the
coast fishing and bathing and having a
royal time generally, and were really
intending to stay longer when Felix
received a message from one of his
managers, calling him to come up im
mediately as his presomce was neces
sary to settle some disturbance and
bad feeling that had arisen among tho
men, who threatened a revolt. '1 don't
like to go away and leave you, Ah,'
said Felix, dubiously; but an idea had
presented itself to me, and I replied;
'Felix, I think I'll go with you if
you don't object. I have always
wanted to see the northern part of the
btate. I'll just seize t his opportunity.'
Felix was only too glad to liavo
company, and so we started on that
memorable trip. I think that one
journey included inore variety of con
veyance than any I ever took. We
traveled by boat, by stage coach, by
ox wagon, and finally took the last few
miles horseback, arriving at the great
mill about as nearly frozen as any two
people you ovi-r saw. I forgot to tell
you that tli vas the first week in Oc
tober. I I:: :.yed past Ihe summer
became 1 1 to pet a taste of a
real Main r; just to see what it
was like— au u by the time I reached
that mill I knew all about it. There
R*as apparently no bottom to the snow,
fences were out of sight, and it was
desperately cold.
"Well, we stayed at the mill until
Felix got everything straightened up
among the men. It was the fourth
day, 1 think, that the manager said:
'Mr. Andrews, some of the men have
been saying that there's moose about
ten miles up the river, near the nar
rows. There were several 'yards' up
there last winter, but we hunted them
out pretty welL It a good grazing
place, thoug-h, and they say the moose
are gathering in again.' You may
imagine what a thrill went over me at
the mere suggestion. The bare idea of
me, a native Texan, going on a moose
hunt away in Maine. Felix laughed at
me and said thr.t I would find it was
not so much fun at last, but he was as
eager as 1. Maine man as he was, he
had never been moose hunting but
twice in his life. We prepared for a
hunt, however, a wagon load of camp
ing materials being made up by the
manager and two or three of the men
who were going with us. Guns and
hunting-knives were put into first
class condition and everything was ar
ranged for a three-days' stay in the
woods. I kept hearing them talk
about a good hunting dog they were
going to take with them, but when
they brought it out on the morning of
our start I couldn't keep from laugh
ing. It was a little bhaggy mongrel,
about as large as a rat terrier and the
aunt undoubted nltftelafl erf the do?
kind I ever saw in my life. 'For good
ness'sake, Felix!" I exclaimed, 'is that
the best this country can do in the
way of a hunting dog?' 'Oh, you don't
know it at all!' retorted Felix, good
naturedly. 'lt wouldn't take a moose
more than three minutes to tramp one
of your fine dogs into shoestrings.'
And then I said no more, especially as
the little dog took a most insane fancy
for me and followed me around like
a shadow. I saw that his tastes were
good, though his pedigree might be a
little off.
"We drove easily through the open
woods, and finally struck camp at a
point about eight miles from the milL
The men cut down poles and made a
kind of pen house, open on the south
side and roofed over with poles and
brush, taking as much pains as though
they had come to spend the winter, I
told them. They built a huge bonfire
opposite the open side of the hut, and
we spent the night very comfortably,
wrapped in our heavy blankets.
"The next morning we started on
our first hunt, separating into two
parties, the three mill men constitut
ing one, while Felix, the manager and
I composed the other. The little dog
went with me, of course, but even
with his assistance we found no moose
that morning. We saw the tracks of
some very large ones, however, and we
even came upon one of their 'yards,'
on the southern slope of a hill, where
the snow was all trampled down and
where the twigs and barks of the trees
showed that they had recently been
browsing, but the yard was empty.
When we returned to camp, however,
we found the other party already
there, and the savory odors arising
from the fire told that they had not re
turned empty-handed. They had. in
truth, killed a yearling 'calf,' and had
brought the choicest morsels of its
flesh to the camp.
"The next morning we started out
again, in the same order, and after we
had tramped an hour or two we reached
the deserted yard. It was evident that
several large moose had been there
since we left Felix and the manager
decided to lie in wait for a little while,
on the chance of their return, while I
begged tliem to hold that miserable
little nuisance of a dog and let me slip
off acd hunt over the ridge and down
the valley for a mile or so. To tell the
truth I was devour<*l by a frantic de
sire to meet a moose and kill him all
by myself, and I didn't think anything
else could satisfy me. I was awfully
conceited, but it didn't take long to
knock all that out of me.
"I had gone about half a mile, I
should thin'*, and was wandering along
trying to look everywhere at once,
when all at once I came face to faee
with the very thing I was looking for,
and 1 was within fifteen feet of it be
fore 1 saw it. The minute I saw it I
fished I was somewhere else. 1 hadn't
expected to see such an enormous
brute in the first place, and I hadn't
expected it to be as ugly as home-made
sin, either. Boys, that animal was
eight feet high, and you can see for
yourself what his horns looked like.
To add to his wicked appearance, he
had evidently been engaged in a fight
with some hated rival, for there were
numerous wounds on his body and neck,
from some of which his blood was
still trickling in little streams, making
crimson spots in the snow, and his eyes
were fiery and bloodshot. It didn't
take me half an hour to see all this. I
just took it in at a glance, you know.
That took about half a second. Then
I thought I would raise my gun and
shoot him through the heart. Just as
I was getting ready to do this, howev
er, the moose made a lunge at me, and
I made a lunge in another direction. 1
decided to wait and shoot him after
awhile. I skipped airily behind a tree.
The moose skipped airily after me and
reached for me with one hoof. The
hoof caught my coat and tore a long
slit in it. I skipped a little faster.
i'his was growing interesting. I went
dodging about from tree to tree. My
whole heart was in the work, and I
have always been considered an active
man, but I was hampered by over
shoes, overcoat and gun. The moose
carried no excess baggage, and besides
he was on his .native heath. He was a
greater success at dodging than I was.
"In ttic midst of otlr maneuvers we
had come to the edge of the thick un
dergrowth that bordered the river. All
at once a brilliant thought occurred to
mo. I would dash down into this thick
undergrowth and the moose couldn't
follow oil account of his groat height
and enormous horns From this point
of vantage I could then shoot him.
Seizing the tirst opportunity 1 darted
into tli-.- thick undergrowth, runuing
half bent to avoid the low hanging
l'nibs. I louring a rushing noisy behind
mo I glanced over my shoulder, and,
b'.ys, imagine my horror when I saw
tliiit enormous boast, with body cropped
nearly to tho ground, coming straight
aft r me under those very branches
that 1 had t > stoop to keep from bang
ing my head against I knew I was
gone then. I said: 'Good-by, Texas!'
all to myself, but I just kept running
and dodging, anyhow A follow might
as well be doing the bost ho can, oven
wh ii he knows it's all up with him. I
had my gun all the time, but that
moose had kept me hustling so fast I
ha in't got a chance to shoot. I never
saw auythiug so impetous and uncere
monious as that caribou.
"The Underbrush had thinned out a
little and the moose had pot where he
could stand up. There was no more
chance for running. I had to begin
.lodging a;*ain, and I was so near worn
out that it was getting to be mighty
heavy work. Finally a blow from one
of those wicked hoofs knocked the gun
out of my hand and came near knock
ing my hand with it The sight of a
low, overhanging limb gave me one
more faint hope, and I caught and
swung myself up and sat there, too
weak and worn out to make another
motion if my life had depended on it.
I am quite sure I saw a fiendish joy
kindling in the eyes of that moose when
he saw my predicament I think he
patted himself mentally and re
marked to himself: 'Aha! Now I've
got him!' At any rate, he backed off to
a reasonable distance, much as a billy
goat does when it meditates an attack
on a small boy, and then came swift
as an arrow, rising into the air as be
came, preparing to strike me with
those terrible hoofs. I had no power
to get out of hia way, but he swerved
aside and did not strike me. Do you
know what made him do it? Oh, it
was a little thing—the snapping and
barking of a little dog at his heels—a
little, plebeian dog. with not even a
hint at a pedigree. The moose turned
on him furiously, but the dog skipped
here and there, light as a feather and
always just out of reach, barking de
fiance at his big foe as bravely as
though they were both of a size. Di-
u\ !M iw v.
rectly the huge beast came at me
again, but there was the little dog
under his feet almost, and he left me
to fight the dog. This performance
■went on at least a dozen times, and
every time did the little dog interpose
to save my life. At last, when the
caribou had followed him to some
little distance, I saw ray opportunity,
and, slipping down from the tree, I
seized my gun before he could turn.
He came straight at me, more furious
than ever, and I fired. Boys, I don't
make a practice of firing with my eyes
shut, like Mr. Winkle, but I came
mighty near doing it then. The fact
is, I was so nervous that it was almost
a mere chance shot, but it chanced to
go straight and true. The moose was
shot through the heart.
"Maybe you think I didn't -love that
dog after that! He had slipped away
from Felix, you see, and had run after
me: and if he had been three minutes
later I'd have been buried up in those
Maine woods. I tried ray best to buy
that little dog and meaut to bring him
to Gonzales county and let him roll on
the Bermuda grass and play with the
children all day, as long as he lived,
but the mill men wouldn't sell him;
and So 1 was forced to come away with
these horns as the only trophies."—
Austin (Tex.) Cor. St Louis Globe-
tßrotherly Criticism.
It is unwise, as a general thing, to
ask other people what they think of
our work. The result may be unpleas
ant both for them and for us.
Two ministers were discussing the
process of sermon-writing.
"Now with me," said one of them,
"the only really hard things to
manage are the introduction and the
conclusion. You remember the ser
mon 1 preached at the installation of
Brother So-and-So not long ago? Well,
I flattered myself that the exordium
and the peroration of that sermon
were pretty well done. Do you re
member what you thought of them?"
"Yes*" said the other minister. "I
remember thinking they were very
good, but too fur apart"—Youth's
—"lt's very happy yez look thismorn
in', Mr. O'lloolihan. Au' why be the
cause av it?" "It's another bye; an'
the neighbors do be tellin' me the child
Is the very image av his father."
"Well, Oi wouldn't be afther moindin'
ft little thing like that. What's the
harum in his rescmblm' av yez if the
choild's only healthy?"
I Tact iced.
"Didn't Miss Speaker make an elo
quent address at our meeting this after
"Beautiful! 1 wonder whether she
ever had any experience in speaking in
"Oh yes. Her father owns that opera
box over there, and she comes two or
three times a week." —Harper's Bazar.
Too Rupld.
"What do you think of my poem?"
"It's good; but the action seems to be
a little rapid."
"Well, it's the last poem I shall ever
"My dear boy, allow me to con
"On a railroad train going forty miles
an hour." —Judge.
How Stories Grow.
Mrs. Bryde—l can't see what makes
everybody think that my husband is so
dissipated. Why, John comes home
every night and goes to bed with the
(Exit Mrs. Gossip, to report to the
world that Mr. Bryde is locked out
every night, and has to sleep in the hen
house.)— Life.
She Wu Forgiven.
Young Husband—Why, my dear; this
pudding is burnt black. How did that
Young Wife —I'm 6ure I don't know.
I looked at it just before you came
home and it was all right. ,
"But I've been home two hours."
"Dear me! I thought it was only a
few minutes." —Puck.
In Trnlulng.
"I believe that boy is training him
self to be a policeman," said the wom
an who keeps the apple stand.
"What makes you think so?" asked
her friend.
"Because he hooks an apple every
time he passes."—N. Y. Press.
l'rofit from Misfortune.
Foreman —Th' cat got in tli' press,
Managing Editor (to advertising
agent)— Mr. Cook, just run 'round to
the fur store on the corner and see if
you can't catch them for a fnll-page dis
played ad. at reduced rates.—Judge.
Discovered at Last.
When the new boarder reached over
and plucked the entire roast from the
carver's platter old Mrs. Foepar ex
"Weil! I've read about 'era but this is
the first time I ever really see'd a
boarder ruffian." —Yonker's Gazette.
Han's Inhumanity.
Mrs. Bacon—Can you get me a divorce
for inhuman treatment?
Lawyer—What does you husband do?
Mrs. Bacon —Every time we hav« an
argument lie laughs so loud that I can't
make myself-heard.— Brooklyn Life.
Making a I.one Story Short.
Husband—What a splendid dinner
you have to-night!
Wife (complacently)— Yes, dear, I
thought it would please you.
Husband —What kind of a dress are
you thinking of getting?— Life.
Like Other Medicine.
Penelope—l hear you are ongaged te
Miss Dingbatts at last.
Reginald—Yes; she refused mo six
times, but I persevered.
Penelope—Then you were well shaken
before taking.—Brooklyn Life.
Sociable Neighbors.
Mr. Moveoft—Well, my dear, how do
find the neighbors here—sociable?
Mrs. Moveoft—Very. Threo or four
of them have sent in to ask if I would
allow their children to use our piano to
practice on.—N. Y. Weekly.
A Wretched Pnn.
She—l don't like these windows with
so many little panes In them.
She—No, it requires such great pains
to keep them cloftin. —Detroit Free
AH Important Fuuctlou.
Spareribs (of Chicago)— Are you go
ing to Mrs. Drestbeef's to-night?
Wobbash —Cert! She's giving the
spread in honor of her coming out since
her last divorce.—Epoch.
A Hipe Bird.
"Isn't, my parrot remarkable? He is
eighty years old."
"Yes, indeed, madam; his ts a green
old age."—Harper's Bazar.
THF. best wines are found to be pro
duced from grapes grown upon volcanic
| soils.
Br a new system, compound sheets
of platinum and gold are used to make
crucibles for use in industrial chem
Ax apparatus for purifying lubricat
ing oils coming from machinery has
been patented in Norway whereby the
same oil can be used many times at a
trifling expense.
A GREAT improvement in machine
bearings is made from compressed wood
pulp combined with graphite. No lu
brication is necessary, and the amount
of friction is greatly diminished.
EXPERIMENTS made with oil and var
ious other substances have shown that
oil alone gives the greatest heat It has
been adopted for the boilers of the big
pumping engines at Brilliant, near Pitts
THE remarkably beautiful green col
or of some preserved beans and other
vegetables is said to be obtained by
boiling the vegetables in a copper ves
sel while an electric current is passed
through It.
A NEW electrical device on the nickel
in-the-slot order has been Introduced In
the railway cars in England. By plac
ing a penny in the receptacle the light
burns for fifteen minutes, and is then
extinguished automatically.
OWING to the lack of penetrating pow
er possessed by the electric arc light
in thick weather, its use in lighthouses
is not recommended. Inventive talent
is now being brought to bear in Eng
land ta ascertain a better composition
of the carbons, with a view to supply
ing the required rays for penetrative
HERETOFORE It has been impossible to
get lead to adhere to iron without the
aid of tin. This can now be done by
the following means: First pickle the
plates in a bath to remove the scale, a
a weak electric current being sent
through the bath. Remove the plates
to a bath of lime water, and thence to
one of fresh water. From this place
them In a bath consisting of a neutral
solution of zinc and stannic chlorides,
thence to a drying chamber heated by
steam. When dry place them in a bath
of molten lead per cent. pure.
Ouo of the Quaintest Representatives ol
the Frog Family.
One of the most beautiful of all the
tree-frogs is the leafsticker of South
America, a little animal of hardly the
size of our common green tree-frog,
with slender body and abruptly short
ened head. The color of the upper part
of the body is a handsome reddish
brown, bordered at each side with a
yellowish white band, sometimes of a
silvery luster. Beginning at the eye, it
extends along the sides and ends in a
shatp angle near tke bind legs, where,
as well as at the eyes, the stripes unite
into a triangular spot. The legs are
striped on the outer side for their whole
length in a similar manner; at the
under side they are simply yellowish
white. According to measurements
made by the prince of Wied, the whole
length of this pleasant little creature
does not exceed two centimeters. The
leafsticker is common in Guayana and
Brazil, where it seeks its abode in the
crowns of large trees. Of its habits
little is known, but, no doubt, they are
similar to our tree-frogs. The little an
imal Is especially remarkable on ac
count of its beautiful coloring and the
Bmallness of the body.
The Ant ■■ s Surgical Instrument.
The tenacious hold which ants of all
nations maintain whenever they have
seized anything with their jaws or
"nippers" is matter of familiar know
ledge. Otherwise, that would be an
exceedingly Indigestible statement
which is made, but for which we do not
stand responsible, regarding the Brazil
ian Indians, and the manner in which
they utilize the ants of that country.
Surgeons in Brazil are presumably few
and far between. Accordingly, when
an Indian accidentally cuts himself, he
does not go several hundred miles to
obtain professional treatment, but cap
tures a number ol snts —Brazilian ants
arc very large and powerful—and ap
plies them to the gash. They bite at it
ferociously, drawing the skin of the
two sides together. The Indian pinches
off their bodies, leaving their heads—
which still hold their grip on the wound,
effectually sewing it up—and goes on
liis way rejoicing.
A Soaked Wood Pavement.
A new system of wood paving that Is
now being tried In Paris makes use ol
pieces of oak about four inches long,
split up similarly to ordinary kindling
wood. These sticks are laid loosely on
end in fine sand on a bed of gravel from
four to four and a half inches thick. A
layer of fine sand is spread over them,
and they are alternately watered and
beaten several times. In about forty
eight hours the water has completely
penetrated the wood, causing it to swell
into a compact masa, which is capable
of supporting the heaviest traffic, ac
cording to reports.
For Extracting lloney.
A Canadian has invented a centrifu
gal extractor for honey. It leaves the
comb clean and intact.
t \ ' " " -Life.
The March of Civilisation.
distress —Bridget, 1 see with touch
pleasure that you do not break as many
dishes as formerly.
Bridget (two months in America)—
Ohl Indadc I do, mum, and more, too;
but Oi know enough to kape me muth
shut about it now.—Brooklyn Life.
In 4000.
"That ruined city they have just dis
covered turns out to be the fabled town
of New York," said Prof. Bones, of
"Was It destroyed by volcanic ac
"No. It was buried in mud and
"garbage by titjnjc {njtsUgg."—Life.
tl Should flare a LOBE Bod/ Set Cpoe
Short Loss.
As nearly all the edible meat in a
sheep is found in the quarter* and but
little found elsewhere, we should aim
to breed them with as large quarters
as possible. This ean only be accom
plished by breeding from sires with
great width of thighs and prominent,
broad chests, having also long, sloping
shoulders and hip bones extending
well forward; animals of this form
will always have edible meat nearly
down to the knees and gambrila This
is what pleases the eye of the butcher,
for the reason that no customer will
ever ask him to cut off a pound of
bone every time a sale is make. Give
us, then, a sheep with a long body, set
upon short legs, whose principal
weight lies in his quarters and not in
his belly. H<s forward end must be
large in order to give him heart and
lung capacity, without which he ts no
sbeep II is hind end must be large
and loin strong, in order to furnish
high priced meats, and reader Km
prepotent Give me a sbeep with two
good ends, says Dr. C D Smead
Now we have got the form, see that
it is well and evenly covered with a
fleece wool that is even In quality,
medium in texture, free from hairs and
black wool and having density in a
large degree If it can be made to
grow well down upon the faea, or down
the leg even to the toes, then is no
objection. But never spoil a hind
quarter in striving to get an extra tuft
of wool upon the face or nose. Keep
the mutton form perfect; then get all
the wool you can.
The next plank in our platform is
size. This is a question of vital im
portance. If we get too small an ani
mal we will run the risk of losing
some of the popularity that we have
already gained Again, if we strive to
produce too large an animal we run the
risk of producing one that is too coarse
in its make-up to please the eye of the
dealer, as well as to produce an animal
that will lack constitutional vigor and
mutton quality.—Western BuraL
It Costs Bnt tittle and Is a Sonroe of
Considerable Comfort.
" There are a great many farmers who
still stick to the old-fashioned wagon
bed with detachable sideboards, which
has many advantages over the other
kind on the farm This necessitates
working the rubber with a lever, which
is ready for use at all times, with bed
off or on It was this idea which
brought to my mind the adjustable
wagon-seat which almost any farmer
can readily make. I have often thought
when riding over rough roads, of the
mowing machine seat which is in use
only about two weeks in the year
My first idea was to remove the bolt
which fastens it to the machine and
bolt it to a bottom board of the wagon
bed, but I knew it would make a very
no. L
low driver's seat not much higher than
the sideboards, and would be of no use
when the bed was filled. I will here
describe the seat which has the advan
tages of being hsld more firmly in po
sition than the ordinary spring-seat
and costing little or nothing, and when
thrown back is as little in the way as
any other kinds.
For the footboard, take an 8-inch
board of tough white oak or red elm.
saw it 4 inches wider than the wagon
bed—a '4-inch projection on each side.
The arms are inches, with the
end gate rod passing through the wid
est side at A (Fig. 9), so that the arms
are held flat against the sideboard
Fasten the footboard M (Fig. a) on the
other end of arms with three strong
o .V
I m lr\
no. 3.
bolts (B), the iron strap D (Fig. 3)
having been placed on both ends of
bolts. Now you are ready for the ma
chine seat Fasten it on to the foot
board with one bolt having a very
large washer, or square iron strap, on
the underside of board Fig 1 shows
the seat in position. Dis wagon brake.
E is the chain attached to seat for con
venience. F, dotted line, showing cir
cle the seat makes in reversing. G,
seat inverted.
It may be attached to front end of
bed for front lever, if desired, by re
versing the machine seat and fastening
on the other end of footboard, and
passing a rod through front frame of
bed —Thomas 0. Starbuck, in Ohio
Transplant lac Tines.
When transplanting vines, trees or
tall canes at this season, cut the top*
back as much as possible. When the
roots begin to shoot out in the spring
the work to be performed by the roots
will be materially lessened when there
is less top to support The more buds
and branches the slower the growth of
the tree until the roots become well
IN comfortable quarters poultry will
fly down off their roosts as soon as it is
light enough to see well.
A Genuine Houae-Warmln*.
Mr. Wayback—The next time 1 go to
one of Brother Stumpland's house
warmings, lie'll know it What d'ye
think the mean cuss did?
Mrs. Wayback — I'm sure I don't know.
Mr. Wayback—Well, he waited till
all the guests had assembled an' then
he led the way to the back yard and set
us to choppin' wood.—N. Y. Weekly.
A Western Kgotlst In New York.
Chicago Man—The girls in this town
seem to be short-sighted
New Yorker —What makes you think
"Because they dont turn around and
look at me when I walk down the
"Humph! That shows there U noth
ing the matter with their eyesight"—
Texas Siftings.
Wit and Honor.
Countryman (looking up from paper)
—John, what does "1-a' stand for?
John (poring over his lesson In geog
raphy—Lousiana, sir.
Countryman—Well, this "Louisiana
grip" seems to be an epidemic.—Har
per's Bazar.
stating the Cass.
"When I look at Tommy," observed
Mr. Snaggrs, as the dinner drew to a
close, "I am strongly reminded of a
certain Latin proverb."
"Which?" asked Mrs. Snagga
"Multum in parvo."—Pittsburgh
NO. 14
How to Develop Good Bad toMllll M
Trmiu la HUM
It is very desirable and important to
be able to catch a borse in tie putnn
field, which can most always be done
when he is treated • with uniform kind
ness. It is often nrni'— iy to get Bp a
horse quickly, and If he is hard to catch
the delay thus occasioned tuf malt
quite seriously to his mas tor's interest.
1 never go into a field to catch a horse
without a nubbin of corn, bit of apple,
handful of oats or something else he
likes, and, as a consequence, never
have the slightest trouble in ftotphmg
In turning a horse out to posture
never frighten him and make him run
away from you, by striking him with
the halter or bridle and yelling at him.
This is a mean, heartless habit, and is
apt to make a liorse hard to catch. I
know a farmer whose horses cannot be
caught in the field, and the only way
they can be stabled is to get the dogs
after them and drive them in I Should
the dogs be away from home some day
(or night) when he wants to get up a
horse to go for a doctor or to see a sick
neighbor, he would doubtless realize
what it is "to.be in a pickle."
Of the many bad traits the horse may
possess, that of leing bre achy may be
classed as one of the worst I think
that the author of the expression: "an
ounce of prevention is worth a pound
of cure," must have had some experi
ence with breachy horses; at any rate,
the adage holds good in this connection.
Ordinarily it is no very difficult matter
to keep horses from beooming breachy,
when managed with discretion—discre
tion, "aye, there's the rub," for many
farmers very little of this es
sential characteristic. They buy a horse
or colt and take it home and turn it
right out in a poorly-fenced field, be*
fore it becomes accustomed to the
place, and being discontented and anx
ious to get back to its old home, it
pushes down or jumps over the weak,
low fences and bounds away like a deer
in the direction of its home. Then the
farmer goes alter it again and brings
it back and turns it out in the same
field, after having slightly repaired the
fence. But it has now become breachy
and has bnt little respect for fences.
It gets out again and again, and
Henceforward goes whithersoever it
pleases, regardless of fences and
Wfeeti fhfc buy a borse and take him
hoS don't tarn him out for a few days
unless you can provide him with a very
well-fenced lot or field. And iu wean
ing a colt exercise some judgment
Don't take it away from its dam and
put it into a poorly-fenced field. It will
be sure to jump if you do. Never force
nor even permit a horse to jump back
out of a field he lias jumped into, but
open a gate or lay down a panel of
fence for his egress.
Before turning a borse (or any other
kind of stock) into an unoccupied field,
go around the field and inspect the
fences, Horses often form the habit
of pushing down the fences and jump
ing, in reaching over after grass and
weeds within their reach. If such
weeds and grass were cut with a
scythe, and the fenoe corners kept
clean, the temptation for them to get
into mischief would often be removed.
Exercise a little "horse-sense" in this
matter, and your horses will not be
come breachy.—Frank Leslie, in Ohio
Their Proper Arrangement a Matter of
Home Importance.
The highest roost is Invariably the
one a chicken or a turkey will select
Haven't you ever noticed this? If not,
you never paid much attention to the
matter of roosts. Not Important
enough? Excuse me, sir, it i$ impor
tant Some use a tier of steps or roost
poles, one above the other, but I prefer
a roosting place with a foot-path or
board leading up to the roosts, and all
to be on a level and far enough apart
to avoid quarreling and soiling one
another's plumage. I shall try to
sketch my idea. The roosts are made
of four-inch slats, not round poles.
This gives the bird a chance to roost
and support her weight, while a round
roost would cramp her feet and make
rest entirely out of the question. A
flat perch is the natural kind for all
fowls. This has long ago been demon
strated. Under the perches which by
the way should be placed far enough
apart to avoid the droppings—is a floor
of boards nailed closely together where
the droppings may fall and be scraped
up essily.—Ohio Farmer.
THE sheep's quarters should be light
and well ventilated
SHEEP eat down many plants that
other stock will refuse.
SBEEP keeping should always be
estimated from the standpoint of fer
So FAR as possible the larger pro
portion of the sheep should be thrifty
IN nearly all cases where sheep are
kept the land continually increases in
NEGLECTING to feed properly is one
cause of failing to secure a good growth
of wool.
No MATTER how good the breed, un
less good feed and care is given >they
will degenerste.
MAKING the sheep comfortable and
feeding well will secure a steady
growth of wool every day.
KEEP the sheep thrifty. As with
other stock, It is poor economy to al
low them to run down in winter and
then be obliged to feed up again in the
spring.—Live Stock Indicator.
a Clear OIM.
"I've been cudgeling my loaln for an
hour over this thing," said a young
Detroit attorney to the older one with
whom he is associated In a knotty case.
"Be careful," was the quiet response,
"or I'll have you arrested for assault
and battery. I'd be sure to win the
case, when {t man of your sire would
jump on a little thing like that with a
cudgeL"—Detroit Free Press.
A Certain Cor*.
She (talking confidently to her bosom
friend) —Now that we are married John
v<»« stopped drinking entirely. I hove
not-detected the odor of liquor about
him since our wedding day.
"Was it difficult for him to stop?" in
quired the bosom friend
"O, no; not at eIL He justeats cloves.
He says that is a certain cure."—N. Y.
vm '
What Ue Had test-
Old Bullion—Ah, my boy, I often long
for the good old times.
Friend—That's very strange. You are
rich now, but in those ola days you
were an overworked, barefooted plow*
boy on a farm. What bad yw then
that you haven't BOW.
Old Bullion (sadly)—An appetite.—
Good News.
roe umr utu> »■»
"You and I both like the autumn ap
parently, my dear," said he,
"Yes. It's quite natural we ahould
When May weds December there has
to be a itHapromlse*" saW sfae.—Bwi