Grand Pianos for Sale. New la your time to wloct a stood Plan..; you 4o not want to buy Out one Piano ID your life time. 80 while selecting one it H the Best and tfic&pest to buy a good one. PROF. MAIERB, ot Boston has opened a Piano and orcan Parlor at No. 218. East North St., where be ha* on e-Jbttlon a new invoice of Pianos from the very best of maker, ot Boston. they have a fall rich and mellow tune, the action Is light, quick and powerful; they will stay In tune longer than any other Piano on account of a new devlco of tuning plat, that 1 will be glad to show and explain. Plea* call and eiamlne be fore buyng eEwhere. You can save money by purchasing a Piano of me, and get an instrument that you can rely upon, and one that I will warrant or garantee to give enure satisfaction. I have made and toned Pianos and Organs for over to yean,'therefor know how to select a perfect Piano. PIANOS AND ORGANS TUNED. 218 E. North St., BUTLER, PA. We Are Still Offer ing through the month of Jan uary special bargains in wall paper stock to make way for spring goods. These prices can't continue on new goods, but we must have room. Also if you want any thing in fancy goods left over from the holiday season will sell to you at cost or lets than cost. We're stocking up on all lines of staples and want you to be on the lookout for our new things. J. H. Douglass, Near Postoffice, Butler, Pa. FRANK KEMPER, DEALER IN BLANKETS, ROBES, HARNESS, And everything in horse and buggy fur nishing go ods—HE ar - ness, Collars, "Whips. Dusters, Saddles, etc. Also trunks and va lises. Repairing done on short notice. The largest assort ment of 5--A_ Horse blankets in town will be found at Kemper's. Hotel Waverly. 8. McKEAN ST., - - BUTLER, PA. Opposite Sobool House. This elegant new hotel is now open to the pnhlic; it is a new hoase, with new furniture throughout and all modem con venienoes; is within easy reach of the de pots and business houses of the town, and has a splendid view of the eastern part of the town. Rates Reasonable. Give m. a oall when in Butler. CHESS STOKER, Prop'r. Willard Hotel. W. a. BEIHING, Prop'r BUTLER, - STABLIHfi IH COHIICTIOK. SABFIiB 8008 tar COBBIBCUL TBI Tillß CRAWFORD & KENNEOY. The well-known liveryman, Wm. Kennedy, has bought an interest in the above bars and will be pleased to bave hia friends call at bis new place of business. Tbe Best Horses, Buggies and Car riage* in Bntler at the most reasonable rates. The place is easily remember ed. Tbe firat stable west of tbe Lowry House. Hotels and Depots, W. S. Gregg iB now running a line of carriages between tbe hotels and depots of the town. Charges reasonable. Telephone No. 17, or leave orders at Hotol Yogeley. Good Livery io Connection Mifflin Street Livery. BIEHL k HEPLER Prop'rs. One square west of Main St., on Mifflin ot. All good, Bafe horses; new baggies and carriages. Landaus for weddings and funerals. Open day and night. Telephone No. 34. SCRUTTE k O'BRIEN, Sanitary Plumbers And Gtas Fitters. DBALKBS I* Sewer Pipe, Gas Fixtures, Globes and Natural Gas Appliances.} Jeffereon St„opp. Lowry House BTJTLBR. PA* Good Farm for Sale. Containing 108 acres and »T perches. To acre, cleared and under lenoe. Balance Bunding In good white oak Umber. Comfortable dwelhac house, good barn, wagon shed. oj best Klud. hog pen and sbeep boase. Never faiiiiiK fcprlDgs over whole place: a good or chard. Possessionjlveo April l.ustl Title good Situate in rain twp.. Butler coun'r. Pa., about six miles Mutb of Butler Bnquire at CrnzKN office. Butler, ha., or tbe owner. DAVID DIXON. Brownsdale. Butler Co., Pa in. Tsc.tur. p'Msint;an« § NewKMupv r ivmisinv uwnexK tiSEJtf. i-C «1 THOMAS, iMsitiianfl loniai 41 if OIUOI^OI L. C- WICK DKALKR IK Rough and Worked Lumber OF'ALL KIXDS D";us, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Shingles and Latb Always in Stock. LIME. HAIR AND PLASTER. Office opposite P. it W. Depot, BUTLBR. - - PA LUMBER YARD. L M. & J. J. HEWIT, Dealers in all kinds of Rough and Worked Lumber. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, SHINGLES, LATH, ETC. We have a stock of all kinds of Lum ber, Oil Well Rigs, Etc. Call and get our prices and see our stock. Mailorders Promptly Attended To. Office and'jardjon MUKROB ST., NEAR IWKST PKSN DRPOT, BUTLER. PA. Planing Mill —AND— Lumber Yard 1. L. PD KVIB. L. O. PDBVIS. S.G. Purvis & Co. KAJJCFACTCRJtES Jk-SD DEALERS IV Rough and Planed Lumber OV IV CRT DESCRIPTION. SHINGLES, LATH & SEWER PIPE. Butler, Pa. REDUCE TOUR BILLJBY BUYING YOUR CLOTHING Gents' Furnishings, Hats, Caps, Trunks and Bags at the One Price Net 0. Spot Cash. RACKET STORE 120 H. Main St. Butler, Pa. Christmas Gifts F" or Everybody. Beautiful Presents that meet all demands and satisfy all wants in great variety to suit all tastes now on ezhibitton at Redick's Drug Store Fancy goods and Novelties, Toilet Articles and Notions. While we can not describe or enumerate oar great variety, we are very glad to show them to all visitors. We claim for our stock excellence inquality, va riety in, design and reasonable prices. Whatever jour wants may be,we can meet them with beautiful and apro priate selections. We solicit a com parison ot our goods and prices. Knowing you will find our Holiday goods the best and cheapest. Respectfully, J. C. RE DICK. TUBN ON THE LIGHT Aad let It glimmer ■a UI «»• rj f man, woman sad child I VHfly \seei Knows of tha I Jcxrtllenrr of Gosser's Cream Glycerine. It is the ideal Cosmetic. It stimulates the nerves, quickens circulation and carries away dead particles of the skin, leaving it fine and clear. It has no equal for Chap ped Bauds, Lips, Face, or roughness of the skin, and is not excelled as a dressing for tho face after shaving. It is a bland, creamy emulsion, with just enough vege table oil to soften the skin. No ladr or gentleman shonld be without it. Be sure to get tbe genuine. Take no substitute. "For sale by J. C. Redick, Drug gist, Butler, Pa. oaaa. Sclentlflo American Agency for I I L J J * L J / . ■ m ■ . ■ CAVEATS HP TRADE DESIGN PATENTS 'mfV' OOPYRIOHTS, Mo. For information and free Handbook write to ItVWS ft CO.. 981 BROADWAT, NKW YORK. Oldest bureau for securing patents In America. Brarr patent taken out by ua Is brought before the jiahllo by a notice given free of charge In tha Scientific JVmericau Largest circulation of any scientific paper in tha world. Splendidly Illustrated. No Intelligent man ahoald be without It. Weekly, 93.00 a rear: fLM six months. Address Mu Xy\ CO rWl.nnnui, 361 Broadway, New York. Farm For Sale. A farm, Improved, and In a high state of cultivation, situate In Adams twp .Butler coun ty, Pa, on the Three Degree road, two miles (rom plank road, and two miles from Mars station on P Ac W. railroad, sumclent timber thereon to fenoe same; good spring of water at door; In oil locality, unleased. and containing 53 acres. A two-story frame dwelling house with Ore rooms asd ball, and bank barn 3«xS6. both In excellent order. I ALSO another farm convenient to above: same twp., containing 60 acres, with small dwelling house and barn. Owner, on account of ace. desires to sell and quit farming. Terms will oe made convenient to purchaser. Call on or address JAMES PKRKY. I'ostolllce, Valencia, l'a. ■ OCT iinnn I'nless you write us qulck- LUO I vIUUU )y. We want mole sales men, and will guarantee permanent positions with salary and expenses paid weekly. Pull or part time. Experience not required. Stock complete, including inauy last selling special ties. Elegant outfit free. Address f. H. HAWKS A CO.. .Nurseryman, Rochester. N. Y. (BlAbUsUed 1870. Nothing On Earth Will HENS LIKE Sheridan's Condition Powder! KEEPS YOUR CHICKENS Strong and Healthy ; Prevent* all Disease. Good for Moulting Item. STS-SPS pfSrent Rcmp." Kiy» on^ruKtc-roer. If TOU can't get It wnd to N«. We mil i one pack SSr ¥"!▼• $1- A S 1-4 Ih. cm.n 11.30. J? rtui*. s£> 00, expr»*" paid. Poultry Raising tiutdf. 25 cents, free with SI.OO orders or more. Bamp.e copy of THX BtffPoam L 8. JOHSSON £ CO., tt Custom How St., Boston. Ma«. HUMPHREYS' Dr. Humphreys" *periflrs are scientifically and can-fully prt-pared Remedies. used t or years In private practice and tor over thirty years by the people with entire sucrws. Every single Specific a special cure for the disease named. They cure without d rut;King, purging or reducing the system and are In fact anu aew the Hot ereign Kemedie* of the tt orld. LiiT or rxtsciTAi aos. crsi:.. rsto-S. 1-fevers, Congestions, Inflammations.. .US U— Worms. Worm Fever. Worm Colic.. 3—Teething! Colic, Crying. Wakefulness .US 4- J»inrrbcn. of Children or Adults . .US 7~ t oughs. Colds, Bronchitis .US 8-Nenralgia. Toothache. Faocache .US 9- Headache*, Kick Headache, Vertigo.. .US 10—Dyspepsia. Biliousness. Constipation .US J 1-Suppressed or Painfal Periods .US lU— Whites. Too Profuse Periods 13—troop. Laryngitis. Hoarseness . .. .23 14—Malt Kheom, Erysipelas. Eruptions .US 15—Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains .US I#—Mainria. Chilis, Fever and Agnc. .US 17—Piles, lillnd or Bleeding .US 19-Catarrh. Influenza, Cokl in the Head .US 40— Whooping tough *25 27—Kidney Diseases -US US — Nervous Debility I.UO 30-1 rinary Weakness, Wetting Bed .25 gold bj Dmrrl*ti, or KM po«tj>«M on reelpt of prle*. Da RoniUTl MAIUIL 1«« p«r»«. s»ll.*ri r»B mHPHRFT"! - 9PD. CO., 111 alii WHni« St., *.w York. SPECIFICS. IVe Can't do it b:it arc willing to pay for learning how to make as good an article as WOLFF'S ACHE HLACKINO of cheap material so that a retailer can profitably 6ell it at 10c. Our price is 20c. The retailer says the public will not pay it. We say tho public will, because they will alwav's pay a fair price for a good article To show both the trade and the public that we want to give them the best for the least money, we will pay $10,000.00 Reward For aljove information ; this offer is open until January Ist, 1893. WOLFF A RANDOLPH, Philadelphia. Pik-Iton is tho name of a paint which does work that no other paint can do. JVrui ood painted with It looks like the natural wood when it is stained and varnished. PAINTERS AND BUILDERS will And it profitable to Investigate. All pr.lnt stores sell it. nil re ITCHING PILES r LtOIWAVNE'S ■ OINTMENT ABSOLUTELY CURBS. Um 1 mfcfl 1 SYMKIOMH-Molatarei lntciM Itcklif and •tlnglnc; moat ut nl* hit worn by scratch lit* If allowed to continue tun or* form and protrude, which often bleed and ulcerate, btooalag frj •ore. BW AY>E* OINTMENT atop* the lUhla« aad bleeding, heala uleeratloa, and la awt «MM KBOVM the tumor*. A reur DNI«U» tor la. CASES CURED TO AY CURED IF UNCOM BY ORGAN iO) ' W eat': or I " , CVCMY k i B.Wmm Examination fr** fry maU. V | P.HAROLD HAYES M.WSSgS O I N. Y^ FOR MEN ONLY! IVilpJll"fffl For LOBTorPAIinfO MANHOO* r||ri ,llW4jn a) andHS&VOUB D£BIIITTv Rl 'jf In I ■ of Body and Kind, Effect! MliHH>Hllar Errors or Exieuei in Old or Yoaiif. B»ba*t, Nobi* MaKHOOD Wly Rntorfd. How te enlarge u4 Itmithta WI£AI, IXDKTVLOPIDOROAKS* PARTS OF BODY. Absolutely aafelllag HOIK TREATMENT—BeoeBta la a day. Its tottlf j from 10 BUin aad Ferelf a Couatrlae. Write then. Dtteiiptlto Book, rialaaatloa aad proof* mailed (tooled) free. Add"" ERIC MEDICAL CO.. BUFFALO. N. V. « DOCTORS LAKE PRIVATE DISPENSARY. COB. PENN AVE. ANO FOURTH 8T„ PITTSBURGH, PA. Allformsof Delicate and Com plicated Diseases requiring CON FIDKNTIAL and SCIBNTIFIC Med ication are treated at this Dis pensary with a RUCCCSB rarely attained. Dr. 8. K. I.ake In a member of tho Itoyal College of Phy sicians and Surgeons, and is tne oldest and most experienced SPECIALIST in the city Special at tention given to Nervous Debility from er cessive mental exertion, indiscretion of youth,etc., raus mg physical and mental docay,laek of energy, iespondency, etc.; also Cancers, Old Sores, Kits. Piles, Rheumatism, and all diseasesof tho Skin, Riood, Lungs, Clinary Organs,etc. Consultation Iree and strictly confidential. Office hours,it to I and 7 to 8 t. M.; Sundays, 1 tu 4 P. M. only, mil at office or address DRS. I.AKIC, COR. VJSNN AVE. AND ITU ST.. PITTSIIUUUH.I'A. QUPTIIPP I We the undersigned wero lUr I unt . entirely cured of rupture by Dr. J. K. Mayer. 831 Arch St.. Philadelphia. Pa., S. Jones Phillips, Kennet Square. Pa. ; T. A. Kreltz. Slatlngton, Pa.; E. M. Small. Mount Alto. Pa.; KPV. S H.Shermer, Sutibury, Pa.; I). J. Dellett, 214 s. Twelfth St.. Reading Pa.; Win. [)lx, 1820 Montrose St., Philadelphia; H L. Rowe. 309 Kim St., Reading, Pa.; George and Kb. Burkart, 439 Locust St., Heading. Pa. Send for circular. GOOD w UUUII WEARING OUT rurrn CLOTHES, I Mr If ASLITTUOR LIiLLII Mfj RHRRIMR «Ain IS REQUIRED. SHAM f° llow JUnr DIRECTIONS W—M CLOSELY FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned will sell his farm,containing sixty acres, more or less, and located In Adams Twp.. on the Kvansburg and Mars road, near Marshall and Myoma stations on the P. & W R. R. and near the Callery oil Held. It contains a good bouse, good bank bf-rn 86x34, good outbuildings, good orchard, luvel and good ground, two springs near house, pump n barn, and all In good order. Inquire of or address James Davidson, Myoma P. 0., Butler Co., Pa DOCTOR J. B HOBENSACKS MIiDICA I. OFFICES. SOU North SECOND ST, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Are the oldest In America for the treatment of SPECIAL DISEASES and VOITIIFII. EBBOKS. Blood Poison. Nervous Debility. Ulcers. Run nings. Discharges, Strictures. Bladder. Kid ney, and Skin Diseases. Varicocele, Hy drocele, Rupture. Permanently cured by Improved methods without detention from business. The Doctor's success Is due to his life-long experience and study; to the pure vegetable remedies used and to the thorough examination and watchful at tention given patients during treatment. A forty years' establishment Is our guarantee of success. Office hours, u M. to 2r. M.. Gto9r. M. All day Saturday. Sundays, to to 12 A. M. Send stamp for book. MUTED LAiN In old tirm. kefrrcrictft.*-• julrts!. lY»:,».-i . ti |>. U>J I - IJK 4* VOTEK IX .U. 1 LOVE LAI'GHS AT AU. s^- Young Bortie Oh, darling! hePB comes your papa, and be has forbidden me the house. "Jost sit still for a moment and all will be well." "Oh, no, papa; you are mistaken. You did not hear me talking to anyone. I was merely reading aloud to myaelf." Young Bertie—Aj I was saying, dar ling, would that we could go through life together—you under my protecting care," etc., etc., etc. —Judge. Had BMI Him. English Girl (to accepted lover)—My dear, I think you should see my father. American Youth— Oh, I're seen him several times. He looks very respecta ble. —Good New* —The prettiest sight in the world is a pretty woman's feet in Jersey Lily bootr and since Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup cures all sorts of colds and costs but 25 cents, all women can wear them. The earth move*. —Evidence, you can buy a first-class liniment, Salvation Oil, 25 cents. —When people do not love they are not fit to live. —Pure blood is betterthan"blueblood." To have pure blood, take Hood's Sarsapa rilla. —At parting—He—And you can only be a sister to me f She —That's all. He— Then please kiss me good by; my sister al ways does. —Penelope—Do you see that handsome fellow by the window I I rejected him once. Perdita—That's nothing. I reject ed him twice. Money in Cabbage and Celery. "Blood will tell." Good crops cannot be grown with poor strains of seed. For sixteen years Tillinghast's Puget Sound Cabbage Cauliflower and Celery Seeds have been gaining in popularity, The most extensive growers all over the Union now consider them the best in the world. A catalogue giving full partic ulars regarding them will be sent tree to any one interested. When writing for it enclose 20 cents in silver or postage stamps and we will also send "How U. Grow Cabbage and Celery," a book worth its weight in gold to any grower who has has never read it. Address ISAAC TILLINGHAST, La Plume, Pa. —Belle—That Pruyn girl's French is atrocious, isn't it? Blanche—Yes, she has the Hoboken accent. —A woman's grief is never very sincere if she remembers to try and look pretty when she cries. —Quenn Victoria pays her private secre tary SIO,OOO a year and gives him a house rent free. La Grippe. No healthy person need fear any dan gerous consequences from an attack of la grippe if properly treated. It is much the same as a severe cold and requires precise ly the same treatment. Remain quietly at home and take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as directed for a severe cold and a prompt and complete recovery is sure to follow. This remedy also counteracts any tendency of la grippe to*„result in pneu monia. Among the many tbonsand who have used it during the epidemics of the past two years we have yet to learn of a single case that lias not recovered or that has resulted iu pneumonia. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by I). H. Wullor, Butler; A. Bowsers, Pro spect; Brcaden >fc Allison, W. Sunbury. —Most people's idea of forgiveness is the privilege to go on sinning. How to get Thin. The only safe and roliable treatment for obesity, or (superfluous fat) is the "Lever ette" Obesity Pills, which grailnally re duce the weight and measurement. No injury or inconvenience—Leaves no wrink les—ants by absorption, This cure is founded upon the most sci entific principles, and has been used by one of the most eminent Physicians in Eu rope in his private practice "for five years'' with the most gratitying results. Mr. Henry I'erkins, 29 Union Pork, Bos ton, writes: From the use of the "Lever ette" Obesity Pills my weight has been re duced ten pounds in three weeks and my general health is very muoh improved. The principles of your treatment are fully indorsed by my family physicians. In proof of my gratitude I herewith give you permission to use my name if you desire to do so." Price $2.00 per package, or three pack ages for $5.00. By registered mail. All ordres supplied direct from our office. The LKVKRKTTB SPKOIFIC C 0. ,33!) Wash ington St., Boston, Mass. Cough Following Gripp. Many persons, who have recovered from la grippe are now troubled with a persist ent cough. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will promptly loosen his cough and relieve his lungs, effecting a permanent cure in a very short time. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by. I). H. Wuller, butler; A. Bowers, Pro spect; Breaden ««potlr Sorcr»lfn Thai Wm Over thrown. Natives may well call the monkey sire Maharaja, for he is the very type and incarnation of savage and sensual despotism. They are right, too, in making their Haauman red, for the old male's face is of the dusky red you see in some elderly, overfed human faces. Like human Maharajas, they have theic tragedies and mayhap their ■romances. One morning there came a monkey chieftain, weak and limping, having evidently been worsted in a severe fight with another of his own kind One hand hung powerless, his face and eyes bore terrible traces of battle, and he hirpled slowly along with a pathetic air of suffering, sup porting himself on the shoulder of a female—a wife, the only member of his clan who had remained faithful to him after his defeat. We threw them bread and raisins, and the wounded warrior carefully stowed the greater part away in his cheek pouch. The faithful wife, seeing her oppor tunity, sprang on him, holding fast his one sound hand, and opening his mouth she deftly scooped out the store of raisins. Then she 6at and ate them very calmly at a safe distance, while he mowed and chattered in impotent rage. He knew that without her help he could not reach home, and was fain to wait with what patience he might the raisins were finished It was a sid sight, but, like more sad sight*, touched with the light of comedy. This was probably her first chance of disobedience or of self-assertion in her whole life, and I am afraid she thor oughly enjoyed it Then she led him away.—Pall Mall Budget. THE INEVITABLE FATE. Th» SlUnt F>H That Nona Can O* Around. I have heard it said that we ought to live as though each moment were to be onr last Ido not believe that theory. As far as preparation is concerned we ought always to be ready; but we can not always be thinking of death, for we have duties in life that demand our attention. When a man is selling goods it is his business to think of the bargain he is making. When a man la pleading in the courts it is his duty to think of the interests of his clients. When a clerk is adding up accounts it is his duty to keep his mind upon the column of figures. He who fills up his life with thoughts of death is far from being the highest style of Christian. I knew a man who used often to say at night: "I wish I might die before morning!" He is now an infidel. But there are times when we ought to give ourselves to the contemplation of that solemn moment when to the soul time ends aud eternity begins. Wc must go through that one pass. There is no roundabout way, no by-path, no circuit ous route. Die we must; and it will be to us a shameful occurrence or a time of admirable behavior. Our friends may stretch out their hands to keep us back, but no imploration on their part can hinder us. They might offer large retainers, but death would not take the fee. The breath will fail and the eyes will close and the heart will stop. But this ought not to be a depressing theme; who wants to live here for ever?—Talmage, in Ladies' Home Jour nal. —All Alone.—He (admiringly)—" And did you make that mat yourself?" She —"Yes, I did it all myself, with the ex ception of a little help I received from my six younger sisters." Yankee Blade. His Beverage* Had Always Been Plain. Uncle Danforth (on a New York visit, from Portland, Me.)— This is grand ain't it? Ilis Nephew—Would you like a cock tail before dinner, uncle? Uncle Danforth (bubiously)—l dunno. Aunt Danforth —Take it, Ezra, take it Martha raiffht like it t* wear in her new bunnit, when we get back. —Once a Week. An Accommodating Ofßcl*L "Say, how do I get to the Grand Cen tral depot?" asked a Philadelphia man of a Third avenue elevated gaternan. "Say what?" "Say, how do I get to the Grand Cen tral depot?" "How do I get to the Grand Centra) depot? Anything' else you want me to say?" —Texas Siftings. Not So Very Little. Mrs. Chugwater (while the congrega tion is passing out) —Never mind it, Josiali. You make such a tremendous fuss about little things! Mr. Chugwater (still clawing aboul under the seat for Mrs. Cbugwater'i overshoe and getting madder every second) —Do you call anything you wear on your feet little things, madam; —Chicago Tribune. —Easy expectoration, power of the lungs and the enjoyment of rest, are the rewards, upon taking L>r. Bull's Cough Syrup to all consumptives. Cuts, burns and all other wounds, cau be cured iu a short time by the use of Sal vation Oil, the greatest cure on earth for pain. Price 25 cents. —A cigarette is one of the things a iludc has constantly before him. To Consumptives. The undersigned having beeu restored to health by simple means, atter sutferinic for several years with a severe lung aflection, and that dreail disease Consumption, is anxious to make known to his fellow sutler em the means of cure. To those who desire it, he will eheerlully send (Iree of charge) a copy of the prescription used, which they will find a sure cure lor Consumption, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis s.nd all throat and luug Maladies, tie hopes all sutlerers will try his Keuiedy, as it is invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, winch will cost them nothing, and may prove a bless ing, will please address KKV. KDWAKP A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, New York. —Woman suffer the afflictions ol the ser vant question simply because they won't help themselves. Save Yourself Money. When you go to Pittsburgh, I'a., stop at the Anchor Hotel, corner Liberty and Fourth streets. It is a strictly first-class Hotel conducted on the Europeau plan. Lodgings, 25, —35, —or 50 cents. —Don't blame domestics for having high notions —There is always room lor them at the top. —Rheumatism cured iu a day—"Mystic care" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic ally cures in Ito 3 days. Its actiou upon the system is remarkable aud mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cts. Sold by J. C. Redick, druggist, Butler. —Hatred is a fire that burus, but con sumes not. Safe and Reliable. "In buying a cough medicine for chil dren," H. A.Walker, a promiuent druggist of Ogden, Utah, said "never bo afraid to buy Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. There is no danger from it and relief is always sure to follow. I particularly re commend Chamberlain's becanse I have found it to bo safe and reliable." 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by D. H Wuller, Butler; A. Bowers, Pros pect; Breaden A Allison, W. Sunbury. —Tb« orauge crop of California lias come so large that it cau not bo marketed at paying prices. Consumption Surely Cured. To Tile Sorron:— Pleaao Inform your reader* that I havo a pomtivo remedy for ttio above-named dlseaao. By lta timely uao Uiouaanda of hopeloaa caaea liaTo Ixxra permanently cured. I ahall bo jtlad to Mint two bottle* of my remedy FRKE to any of your readers who havo consumption if they will •end mo their Kit.rasa ani P. O. addre**. lie«pect iaUjr. T. A. &LVCVM, U. 0.. 181 l'eart tit. N. X- Overstocked!' . 0. GREAT BARGAIN SALE For 30 days onlv. • W BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS. At less than wholesale prices. Stock must be reduced at at once, Big Line of Xinas Slippers, Come and see us. Remember the place. GRIEB & VOGELEY. 347 S. MAIN ST., Opp. W illard House. IF ANY SHOE WAS EVER worthy of a high place history, it is i ~ |)f 1 our School Shoe. There is no necessity 1 -w" \ for putting their history into boob 1 V ] I form. You "soon know enough about i it' 1 --' ' 1 them if you wear a pair of them." It I 1J \ wont take you long to find out that I IT \ \ when you bought them you were buy- X f \ r eyi ©@>'4S\ iucr splendid service for very little Q money y°u "discover is that v jl| Tfji you ore thoroughly at ease in tbem." i| $ Ij II Wj[ [ 1 look well but wear well"—in short that f -JZ&-you have a shoe you needn't be aebam c J^3*t? 6 ja - ed 0f - There are no cheaper shoes on than our Ladies tine Shoes at $125, $1.50 and $2.00. Then see the Ladies Heavy Shoes in A Co 01'>vp Grain, Oil Grain, Kip anil Calf at 75cts, SI.OO, $1 25 and $1 50 Oi r >«li! . and Boys Kip Boots and Shoes from the cheap Brogau to the finest hand sewed shoes. Our Old Ladies Warm Shoes are splendid—None -HOLIDAY SLIPPERS- Of the choicest patterns now ready. In buying Christmas presents why not buy something in the way of Boots and Shoes or Slippers. They are useful and are always appreciated, Atsoctß Gents Fine Embroidered Slippers. At 75 cts Gents Fine Embroiderd Velvet Slippers. At SI.OO Gents Plush slippers in beautiful shades. At $1.25 and $1.50, the patterns are beatiful, in different colors—in Blue, Old Gold, Seal Brown and Tobacco Brown. Then the Maroon Goat at SI.OO, $1.25 and Tan Calf at $1.50 are beauties. Then the Russia Leather in the dark wine color and the Alligators are the finest Slippers in the market. Our Ladies Slippers are fine—large selection--no house can show so large a selection or as fine styles and at as low prices as these goods are. Don't fail to come in and buy a pair or two before stock is broken. BC. HUSELTON, - 102 N. MAIN ST., BUTLIR, PA ; THAT'S SURE TO GO THROUGH VJ ; EIGHTEEN HUNDRED NINETY-TWO. ! Give your feet a show —they'll have to carry you through the new year. If you give them their deserts, you'll put them into shoes that they will take kindly to. \ou 11 be doing a handsome thing by them if you encase them in a pair of our $3 00 SHOES. When you are wearing them, neither you or they will have anything to complain about. The day may come when a better shoe than this can be sold for the money, for time brings wonderful improvements as well as new years, but it hasn't come yet and there's no sign of it. AL RUFF, fctf-CHILDRKN'S SHOES A SPECIALTY. SHOES MADE TO ORDER OR REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE. I nterprlelnff 1 oting Bfun: 1 and started mo I worked steadily and mado money faater than I expected to 1 became able to buy mi Islaud and build a until go mm or l>"iel If 1 don't aucceed at that, I will go to work araln at the basinet. tu which I made my money True .1: < o.: .•hall «u Instruct an t start you. leader? If wo do. and II y u work Industriously. you will in dna timo bo able to bur an island and build n hotel, if you wtab to Money can he eari.cj at our new line of work rap Idly and honorably. hT tlx «>ofelthci ex x> it.f « r old. and ID their own localities. whet ever the* live Any one can do the work Easy to learn Wofurnmii ei oi > tbirijc No risk. You can «te»«»te your spai e moments or all your lime to the work This entirely n«w 1«* id I : w uderfol anc case toeeerT worker Hejtinm » ai >• f u uinr front to KSO per weeH and nnwnr 1 - and i • a(: r a l.ttleeipe rienco Wo can furnish you the. • tit • -it —we teach yon I'KF.r.. Thiaienn ac« «-f mary. i • » »!; • ■« mid her" b another great, u«efu! wealth pi v•' : wmi'ler (iroat '• will reward erery Industrious m ■ iover you arc »nd wbateetr you are doinr mu » nt to l.'.nwab Hthii . iiderfi; i work at once lli * '"»t No aiMM «• »< explain ben t • nOatam i i: i i TUl'i: >i t 0., Ilex UK), Ausustu, Maine. READ AND REMEMBER For strictly pure and it-liable STRAIGHT LIQUORS, call on I. XV. FINCH, 12 KX ITHFIEI.It ST., PITTSBI R«II, PA. (Opp. Monongahela House.) Matchless for Family use and Medicinal pur poses are FINCH'S QOLDKN WF*)DING, AH $1 (JUCK KNIIKIM Kit S \*iIISKY, .per ill. , OVEKIIOLT'S WHISKY. f « qts- UILIJNCiKKS WHISKY. I lor S5. Goods neatly packed and promptly shipped Fbkk or Kxi-k.nsb on receipt of cash or post office order. „ _ t«r"Nothliig expressed C. O. I>. s»-nd f»r l'rlce List. A. J. FRANK k CO. DKAI.EItSjiy DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND CIIKMIOALB FANCY AM> TOILET ARTICES, PONUES, BRUSHES. PERFUMERY. Ac uri'hyslelaus' ITOfccriptloni carefully co»n unded. 5 S. Malr. Street, Butler, Pa. - Leading Millinery House - We are now ready to exhibit this season's styles of M=l L L=l=]Nr=Eß Y In every desirable style and quality. Our stock is unusually large and attractive. Trimmed bats and bon net* of all description*—felt bats, velvet hats and sailor bats Hats and bonnets trimmed to order. The largest and most complete stock of velvets ribbons, tips, quills, birds and wings ever brought to Bntler. FOR CHILDREN Hoods, caps, sailor bats in great variety. MOURNING Hats and bonnets receive attention, a complete line always on hand. A,W "he ID. T. PAPE Cheapest. | I kay | Street. / CAPTURED. Once upon a time a young man named '/fib) Cobb met a beautiful young lady named (i/x r ( w e b b, and it is telated that he fell in love U ( x// I R8 B ° on ag he s P ied * her - Our tale is told. rAr U jr i f J We've caught your eye. Do you catch further. That "birds of a feather, flock together" in little droves by themselves is no more truly verified than at our store. r '. dp Those who are good Judges of goods in f j"■ '• . /ft* our line, and who wish to get the best goods in the market for the money, con • "' ■ gregate at our store daily. There is al ways room for one more; so don't be back mnTQ , j ward, but call in and see us. I did not think of advertising this fall, but I met a man who asked me who I was. I told him Heck, The Champion Clothier & Furnisher. And strange to say, he informed me that he had never heard of me. Well! it is just 6uch people we are after, and if this should cateb their eve, we hope human curiosity will lead tbem to read it for it is one of the commonest traits of the race. It was curiosity that led Eve to taste the forbidden fruit; and her offspring have their curiosity excited every day as a hereditary temptation, from the small boy everlastingly peeping into boxes to the hired-girl with ber eye to the key hole. Eveybody wonders what is in it Properly directed, this curiosity often leads to satisfactory results, and D. A. Heck invites all curious people to make a voyage of discovery to his store and see the largest store, the largest stock of clothing—in Overcoats, and Suits for men. boys and children, Hats, Caps, Qloves, Mitts, Shirts, Uuder wear, Cordigan-.Tackets, Leather Coats and Pants, Overall-Jackets, Trunks, Valises, Umbrellas, Rubber-Coats, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Hdkfs, Mufflers, Brushes, Purses, Bill aud Pocket-Books, Ladies and Qents' Watches, Chain- Charms, Rings, Pins, Sleeve and Collar Buttons, Silver Card-Cases, and a full line of Notions—at remarkably low prices; no matter how low you have been offered goods we have them still lower and for quality we never take a back seat. It will be to your personal advantage to give us an early call and get our prices, and you are sure to give us a large share of your pat ronage hereafter. Thanking our many friends for their very liberal patronage. We remain, yours to please. D. .V. II E C IC, Champion Clothier, Furnisher and Hatter. 121 Main St. Butler, Pa. Turn Over a New Leaf and Commence the New Year Right. And buy your Dry Ooods, Carpets, etc. at TROUTMAN'S And at the end of lft£)!2 figure up and see how many hard earned dol lars you have saved by doing so, and you will surprise yourself. Cloaks, Jackets, Wraps, Blankets, Flannels, Yarns, Hosiery, Gloves, Mitts, Etc., Etc., At Big BARGAINS this month To look at our goods is all we ask—our • prices will do the rest. Trontman's Leading Dry Goods and Carpet House. HENRY BIEHL, 122 NORTH MAIN STREET, ! BTJ r r:L/E"R, i 3?"G_N UST'A DEALER IN Hardware and House Furnishing Goods. reaper and steei frame binder, Warren ready mixed paint, warren ted; screen doors and windows, refrigerators and lawn mowers. No better plnce in the city to trade. Come and see my large store room full of goods, 136 J feet long. WHFRE A CHILD CAN BUY AS CHEAP AS A MAN All Kinds of Job Work done at the "Citizen" Office.