VOL. XXIX. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JOSEPH W. MILLER, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Office and residence at 338 U. Main St. Batter, Pa. Dr. N. M. HOOVER, 187 E. Wayne Jit., office hours. 10 to 12 M. and 1 to 3 P. M. _ L. M. REINSEL, M. D-, Physician and Scrgeon. Office and residence at 12T E. CunnlngUam St, L. BLACK, PHYSICIAN AND BURUEON, New Troutman Building. Butler, Pa. K. N. LKAKE, M. V. J. K- MANN. M. U. Specialties: Specialties: gynaecology and Sor- Eye, Ear, Nose and gery. Tnroat. DRS. LEAKE & MANN, Butler, Pa. G. N.. ZIMMERMAN. I'UYSICIAN AND SCROSON. office at No. 46, S. Main street, over Frank * Go's Ihug Store. Butler, Pa, SAMUEL M. BIPPUS. Physician and Surgeon. no. 22 Eatt Jefferson St., Butler, Pa. V. McALPINE, Dentist, la now permanently located at ISO South Main Street Butler. Pa., In rooms tormerly occupied by Dr. Waldron. DR. S. A. JOHNSTON. DENTIST, - - BUTLER, PA. Gold Killing Painless Extraction of Teeth and Artificial Teeth without Plates a specialty Nitrous Oxide or Vitalized Air or; Anaesthetics used. Office over Millers Grocery east of Lowrj B umce closed Wednesdays and Thursdays. J. J. DONALDSON, Dentist. Butler, Penn'a. Artttidal Teeth inserted i n the tafst Im proved plan. Gold Filling a specialty. Office over Schaurs Clothing Store. C. F. L. McQUISTION, EKUIXEEK AMI SURVEYOR, Orncc NKAK DIAMOND, BLTLKII, PA. . A. B. C. McFARLAND. Att'y at Law and Notary Public— Office on S. Diamond Dt.—opposite tlie Court House—sec ond door. H. Q. WALKER, Attorney-at-Law-Office in Diamond Block, Butler, Fa. J. M. PAINTER, Attorney-at-Law. Office— Between Postofflce and Dlumond, But ler, Pa. A. T. SCOTT, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. Office at No. 8, South Diamond. Butler. Pa. A. M. CHRISTLEY, ATIORNEY AT LAW. Office second Boor, Anderson B1 k. Main St., near Court Bouse, Butler, Pa, J. W. HUTCHISON, ATTORNEY AT I .AW. Office ou second floor of the Uuselton block. Diamond, Butler, Pa.. Room No. I. IRA McJUNKIN. Attorney at Law, Office at No. IT, East Jefler •oii Bt., Butler. Pa.. W. C. FINDLEY, Attorney at Law and Heal Estate Agent. Of flee rear of L. Z. Mitchell's office on north Bide of Diamond, Butler, Pa. H. H. GOUCHER. Attorney-at-law. Office on second floor ol Anderson building, near Court llouse, Butler, Pa. NEWTON BLACK. Att'y at Law—office.on South side;of Diamond Butfer. Pa. L is. McJUiNKLN, Insurance and Real Estate Ag't 17 EAST JEFFERSON,ST. BUTLER, - PA. A. £. GABLE, "V" eterinary Surgeon. Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Toronto, Canada. Dr. Qable treats all diseases of the domesticated animals, and makes ridgling, castration and horse den tistry a specialty. Castration per formed without clams, and all otber surgical operations performed in the most scientific manner. Cails to any part of the country promptly responded to. Office and Infirmary in Crawford's Livery, 132 West Jefferson Street, Butler Pa. A Wise Merchant Is never content to stand still. Stagnation is death —ln Trade as in other things. New Customers should be sought after all the time. There is only one way to get them—use the Advertising columns ofthe BUTLER CITIZEN. G. D. HARVEY, Contractor and builder In brick work, grate and mantel setting and all kinds of brick-laving a specialty. Also dealer In barrel lime. Wam pum loose lime, cements. National. Portland aid all best grades In the market. Calcined Ulißter, planter hair. King's cement, lire brick, tie, white sand and river sand. Main office 315 If. Main street, and all orders left at ware house will receive prompt delivery. Terms reasonable. FOR SALE. LoTS I will offer for sale a number of lots situated on the high ground adjacent to H. 11. Goucher. Esq.. and the Orphans' Home. The land is laid out in squares of something less than one acre, each square being surrounded by a 50-foot street, and containing five lots 40 feet front by I*o feet back. These lots are offer ed at very reasonable prices »nd on terms 10 kult purchasers. Those who wish an entire square can be accommodated. AU9O—I will sell my farm In Summit town ship,situated within one-half mil* of the Butler oorou gh line, adjoining lands or James Kearns and others, on Uio MUlerstown road, and con sisting of 112 acres. It will be sold either as a whole ordlvlded to suit purchasers. For further intormatlon In reg»rd to either of the above properties, call on J. y. Sullivan. Ws East NorUi blreet, Butlor. Pa. «LUb. YALERIA BULUVAN. THE BUTLER CITIZEN. FURNITURE __ — —waaPQQBQrM n. Thanking yon for last veai s patron age, and wishing you a prosperous new year. We intend trying to increase our trade tor 1892 by greatly reducing prices on many Save o money by buying this month. Yours Truly, Campbell & Templeton, 136 N. Main St., - - Butler, Pa. FREE! A Handsome Three-quarter Life-size Crayon Portrait Free. As a'compliment to our many patrons, and the public generally, for a short time we are ifoing to give to every pu I chaser of Ten dollars worth of goods a FINE THREE QUARTER LIFE SIZE CRAYOX POIITRAIT. There is not. a family hut possesses some picture of Father, Mother, Brother or Sister which they would like to have reproduced in a life like and durable manner Call at once and see specimen at our store What more suitable for a present? And as our liberal offer will insure immediate orders in larj;e numbers, your early vis't is desired. To secure one of these portraits, you first trade Ten Dollars worth with us, and then give us any picture of your self or friends that you wish to have enlarged The frame (samples of which you wi 1 see iu our store) together with the glass and mounting will only cost you $2 75 These portraits are made by the Celebrated Acme Copy ing Company, 302 and 304 West Van Bureu Street, Chicago, 111., which is a guarantee of quality of work we intend to give you. RITTER & RALSTON , RINGS. Diamonds feS'S. t>STUD , ( GENTS GOLD, tv (gents silver jVOl&i CHATLUN, J Gold Pins. Far-rings, O C VVC;IJ Ri n g g Chains, Bracelets. Etc {Tea sets, castors, butter dishe* and everything that can b • found in a first class sto r e MM 1885.110 S| — E. GRIEB, THE JEWELEB No 139, North Main St.. BUTLER, PA.. FOR THE HOLIDAYS DILI JEWELRY, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, Purchasers can save from 25t0 50 per cent by purchasing their watches, clocks and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No. 125 N. Main St., - Duffy Block. Sign of Electric Bell and Clock. All are Respectfully Invited —"Remember our Repairing Department— 20 years Experience." "E\vjs tcesKvfcsJcwv .. m?rh pjg HAT-FEVER tZ/im U COLD-HEAD WWM Ely's Cream Balm is not a hqures. Sold by drugatits or sent by mail on rectipt of pric-e. El jfi 9UC ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren Strut NEW YORK, OUo PEACE. Peaco! peace! ere yet I fold my wings Upward to clearer light; Peace! peace • to all of mortal things And Ml of mortal sight. Peace: peace: O yon that were my foe Come nearer, take my hand! Life Is so short—why did wo Jangle sof— Peace now, and closer stand. Peacel peace! and have yon come, too, deart This Is the one last grace, That you should come! Come close and kiss me, here— Here in the old, sweet place. Peace! peace! Oh sweet to he at rest And the long silence keep; To dio here thus, with hands still on my breast- To he at rest—and sleep! Peace! peace! Oh you with whom X11"e my life, Friends near me or afar, Forgive the old and oft Ignoble strife — The willful fret and jar. Peace! peace! Come hither now and see The last, be it foe or friend; The rudest force like this at length must be— This—this must be the end I Peace! peace at last! Oh, so to soar and reach Into this joyous balm! If I might tell, in the old earth-time speech, Of this white, tender calm! Peace! peace! to have such peace, so sweet I It might have been so, too, O, parted friend! had we but chanced to meet. Had I but turned to you! Peace! Peace! such peace! and this I know, Since resting time is here; It is not dark, nor less of aught to go, But light, calm, steady, clear. Peace! peace! this life for mo Is done— Forgive it all—forget I I go to meet the uew, the rising sun— The best life shall be yet 1 —Millie W. Carpenter, in Sprilgfleld (Mase.) Republican. jEgr. DON'Tsuppose it has got noised around here ~ yet about Jim Bonesett having 1 to shoot his trained bear, Sassy Sam, has it?" asked an innocent-looking man who had coinc in on the night train and had been listening to some reminiscences and experiences of different members of the Fairchild hon.se circle, which ■was sitting in informal session in Ham mondsport. "Not yet," replied Landlord Ross. "We don't hear much news of that kind any more siDce Stebbins got mar ried and Jake Lapharn went to New York. So Sassy Sain is dead, eh? Well, where did he live when he was alive?" "Down my way," said the stranger, "Yes, Sassy Sam is dead. Jim had to shoot him. He got the big head, Sam did, and Jim had to put a bullet in it lie was an ungrateful cub, that bear was, but what a nice mother he had! His mother's name was Peggy Ann. She lived a number of years on Jim's farm, and if ever a bear had a romantic life Peggy Ann did. Ten years ago nest spring a fine Berkshire sow be longing to Jim gave birth to a litter of nine coal black pigs. This interesting pig family was kept in an inclosure out near the barn, and early one morning, when the pigs were about three weeks old, Jim heard a great squealing among them, and, hurrying out, he saw a bear gettyig out of the pen with one of the pigs under its arm. The mother of the kidnaped pig had made the fur fly out of the bear, and it seemed glad to get away without tarrying to capture more than one of the family. After that Jim moved the old sow and her pigs to a small building that had been used as a smokehouse, where he could shut them in and pre vent further raids upon them by bears. Two or three days afterward Jim fed his pigs and started for his work and forgot to close the door of the smoke house. When he came home at night his wife told him that early in the afternoon she heard the pigs squealing as if their little hearts were breaking and going out found the mother gone and the pigs huddled together in one corner of the inclosure. The old sow hadn't returned to her family when Jim and his wife went to bed and they were at a loss to understand her strange disappearance. As soon as he got up next morning Jim went out to take a look at the pigs. Everything was quiet and when he got to the smokehouse he was rejoiced to see the old sow lying in her place as comfort able as ever, suckling her family But what was Jim's astonishment to dis cover that the place at her maternal fount which had been made vacant by the heartless kidnaping raid of the bear was tilled and that a black and furry baby bear occupied the place. The thing was plain as day to Jim. The sow, smarting for revenge on the bear, had taken advan tage of her firs*, opportunity to get away, tracked the bear to its lair and watching until the heartless marauder went away on some similar expedition had kidnaped the bear's cub and brought it home with her. "That cub thrived amazingly in charge of its strange foster mother and grew up and away beyond its foster brothers and sisters. A feeling of un dying affection seemed knit between the bear and Old Blacky, as the sow was called, and it grew stronger as one by one the pigs were taken away and fattened and killed. Jim named the bear Peggy Ann, it being that kind of a bear. At the age of two years she was a whopping big animal and Jim trained her to work the churning ma chine, take the cows to pasture, turn the cider mill, drag the harrow and malce herself generally useful about the farm. She was as kind and gentle as a sheep :tnd when she wasn't at work spent most of her time cheering up her beloved foster mother, who was getting old and feeble. The first thing Peggy Ann would do when Jim ap peared in the morning was \o hurry to meet him and put up one of her great big paws to shake hands with him. She liked Jim next to her foster moth er and she was a favorite with the whole family. "When Peggy Ann was six years old something occurred that changed her whole life. The old sow, her foster mother, died. I have heard Jim tell about the frantic way in which poor Paggy Ann took on when she found she wis an orphan. Jim said her griei was enough to make an undertaker weep. They buried Old Blacky under a , tree in the orchard and for weeks Peg gy Ann spent all -her spare time at the grave mourning for her beloved foster parent. While she did not neglect her duties on the farm Peggy Ann became listless and apparently discontented, j It was noticed that she would stand fot J minutes at a time and gaze mournfully at the woods, and frequently was seen | taking long walks along the edge o) I the fields where the woods began. " 'That b'ar's b'ar natur'scomin' back to her sence Old Blacky dieio. a. the black cardboard, and the other slate, on being raised, shows the char acters that it bears, and that are stated to have been written by an invisible spirit that slipped in between the two slates. Our readers will not ask us how we manage to know in advance what should be written upon the slate. It is useless to say that deceit is allowable In prestidigitation; loaded dice always turn up the same number, and nothing is easier than to know the name of the card that a spectator will draw from a pack composed of thirty-two similar cards, if one if not skillful enough to cause him to take the forced card. A Perpetual Motion Machine. It is generally known among en gineers that a novel motor is runritbg at the patefit office in Washington and has been for many years, and to some minds seems to fulfill the conditions of perpetual motion. The inventor made this claim, but it is hardly correct. Perpetual motion is said to exist in a machine that "when once started will continue to run until worn out." This machine operates by the power given out in the different expansion of metals under varying conditions, and is so small and carefully constructed that if there was absolutely no change in temperature of the room it would run when once started thirty-eight days be fore stopping. If it was possible to put it in some place for this length of time, as the center of the earth, where the temperature would be constant, it would stop, so does not fulfill the con dition of perpetual motion; but that cannot be done where the machine now is, so it has run for a great many years without stopping, and probably will continue to run until it wears out. Colorless Varnish. Colorless varnish for use on fine labels or other prints, as well as for white wood ana other spotless articles, is made as follows: Dissolve two and one half ounces of bleached shellac in one pint of rectified alcohol; to this add five ounces of animal boneblack, which should first be heated, and then boil the mixture for about five minutes. Filter a small quantity ®f this through filtering paper, and, if not fully colorless, add more boiw-blaek and boil again. When this has been done, run the mixture through silk and through filtering pa per. When cool it is ready for use. It should be applied with care and unifor mity. In Boston. "Mamma, I do not like my new phon ograph doll at all!" "Why not, dear?" "Oh, it speaks with such an offensive New York accent." —Life. She Wasn't Pretty. Dora—All is fair in love. Cora —I don't think so. Dora —Why don't you? Cora — Tou-'t in love. —Philadelphia Press. Blue-Grass Bred. Boy (on the road) —Water your boss, boss? Rider—Go away, you young scamp! this horse is from Kentucky.—Judge. Only That. She—There's one thing 1 like about you, Jack. He —And that is— She—Yourself.—Philadelphia Press. A Great Record. Clara—How did you get on at the church trimming?" Maude—Very well. 1 got three en gngpment ring's -Judge. Tired. Mrs. Sidon —I've been shopping all day. lam just ready to die, I am so tired. Mr. Sidon—So am I. Mrs. Sidon —Goodness! what should make you tired? Mr Sidon—The bills that came to the office. —Puyk. THE MAN OF THE HOUR. Albert Victor, Popularly Known as "Collars and CufTs." The Young .Man Who Will Soon Wed Princes* Victoria Mary of Teck —He May at Some Time Be the King of England. All flunkeydom is aroused, and noth ing else is talked about for the moment but the royal wedding, writes the New York World's London correspondent. People are already beginning to plot for invitations. It seems likely that, by desire of the queen, the ceremony will take place in St. George's chapel, Windsor. This, of course, will limit in vitations to a comparatively small num ber of people. The prince of Wales is said to have expressed a preference for . Westminster abbey, but the queen would not hear of it. The funniest tiling about the whole business is that everybody assumed to be profoundly surprised when the news , of the betrothal was made public. This was managed in truly royal fashion. The duke was given to under stand that the queen's objections to his marrying the Princess May would be waived, and that it would please his royal very much if he would settle the matter at once and ar range for an early wedding. Accord ingly the duke hurried off to Luton Hoo, where Mme. de Falbe was giving a ball at which the Princess May was present. Securing Mme. de Falbe'sper mission to take the princess into her boudoir, the duke told his lady love that the objections of the queen had at last been removed and that he was free to marry her. The next morning tiie news was telegraphed to the severe'. ,>na of Europe, who immediately replied with a shower of congratulations. The young duke has won his bride by sheer obstinacy. It has been known for a long time that the duke declined to marry unless he had his own way. He took no in terest in the apartments fitted up for him In St. James' palace. He acted discreetly, but with more decision of character than most people gave him credit foT. He did not fret. He simply waited. He showed that nobody else THE DUKE OF CLARENCE, attracted him. He is now twenty-seven, and might have waited for a few yeara longer without becoming an aged bachelor. The princess is twenty-four, and had no fear of old-maidenhood for many a year to come. At last the Duke of Clarence's evident calculation justified itself. Called upon suddenly to settle in life, he has obtained the settlement he desired. It is interest ing to know that the princess oi Wales and her daughter have all along been in favor of allowing the duke to marry the girl of his choice. They gave all the encouragement in their power, but could avail nothing against the obdurate opposition of the queen. The Duke of Clarence and Princess Victoria Mary of Teck are "second cousins once removed," and are both descendants on the side of the mothers from George 111., thus: GEORGE 111. I Duke of Kent. Prince Adolphus Frederick. Queen Victoria. Princess Mary of Teck. Prince of Wales. Princess Victoria Mary. Duke of Clarence. The Teck family have not bees blessed with riches at any time. The princess, who is possessed of considera ble artistic taste, is a very competent pianist, and she has always been ready to give her services in that capacity to amateur entertainments about Rich mond where any charitable or deserv ing object was to be served The cir cumstances in which she had been placed will have been a valuable train ing for the relatively modest income on which she and her husband must, in the ordinary course of things, expect to live for some years to come. The duke of Clarence is a namby pamby sort of a fellow, who has made very little impression and who certain ly has not taken any pains to be popu lar. Dntil the papers began to chronicle his movements as colonel of the Tenth Hussars people knew very little about him. He does not show any interest at all in the forms of usefulness which are suggested to him. The people in Paris speak of him as nothing but starch. His less complimentary nick name in London is "Collars and Cuffs." He lias been as unfavorably compared with Prince George as was the prince of Wales in his younger days with the duke of Edinburgh. The duke of Clarence is not much of a sportsman, though he rides to hounds occasionally. It is said of him that once when visiting a country house in Scotland he spent most of his spare time in the cellar chasing rats with a sharp stick. A few years ago he manifested an in ordinate fondness for American girls— so much so that parental authority was called in to prevent too frequent visits to the Metropole. Still, now that he has won the girl of his heart and will soon have an establishment of his own, the duke may broaden into a useful man —so far as his limited opportunities will .permit. Hibernating In the Rockies. Mr. Bruin—Wow-Row! Roll over there! Mrs. Bruin —Wow! What's the mat ter? Mr. Bruin—How do you suppose I am going to sleep for six months with your cold feet in the ignall of my back? — Brooklyn Life. A Scientific Formula. Jack—lt's pretty hard to guess a girl's age correctly. Tom —I can tell you a good way to find it out. Jack —How? Tom—Ask her, and then add one third.—Harper's Bazar. A Dull Maiicet. Mrs. Stone (before the milliner's win dow) —Oh, look, dear, what a lovo of a bonnet! Kirby Stone (pulling her away)— But in your case, dear, it is going to be a case of unrequited affection. —Puck. Gone to Their Destination. Printer's Boy (to farmer) —Say! Th« end gate o' yer wagon's dropped out! Farmer—Gosh! Printer's Boy—Yes, an' you've pied all yer punkins!—Chicago Tribune. A Conscientious Tippler. Primus —You drink too imich. Aren't you afraid you may transmit a craving for liquor to your children? Secundu?—Yvs—and you see I d«n't CTABt to transmit 11 unsatiaflettrLifO. c SOME TOUGH KNOTS. TMfal Knots flitches and Rtodi *nd How to Mnko Them. llow many know how to tie a knot that will stay tied? Not many lands men, according to ou« observation, though all feel the need of such knowl edge. The pictures of knots, shown at Fig. 3, are taken from a little pamph let called "Manilla Rope." In this book we are told that these knots are known by the following names: A, bight of a rope; B, simple or overhand knot; C, figure-8 knot; D, double lcnotj E, boat knot; F, bowline, first step; O, bowline, second step; H, bowline, com pleted: I, square of reef knot; J, sheet bend, or weaver's knot; K, sheet bend with a toggle; L, carrick bend; M, stevedore knot completed; N, steve dore knot commenced; 0, slip knot; P, Flemish loop; Q, chain knot with toggle; R. half hitch; 8, timber-hitch; T, clove-hitch; -4*-' | •^9®—A i'l j Afrfit ▲ FEW TOUSH KNOTS. U, rolling-hitch; V, timber-hitch and half-hitch; W, Black wall-hitch; X, fisherman's bend; Y, round turn Mid half-hitch; R, wall knot commenced; A A, wall knot completed; B B, wall knot crown commenced; 0 0, wall knot crown completed. The principle of a knot is that no two parts, which would move In the same direction if the rope were to slip, should lie alongside of and touch ing each other. The bowline is one of the most useful knots; it will not Blip, and, after being strained, is easily un tied. It should be tied with facility by every one who handles rope. Commence by making a bight In the rope, then put the end through the bight and under the ctanding part, as shown In U; then pass the end again through the bight and haul tight The square or reef knot must not be mis taken for the "granny" knot that slips under a strain. Knots U, E and M are easily untied after being under strain. The knot M is useful when the rope passes through an eye and is held by the knot, as It will not slip and is eas ily untied after being strained. The timber-hitch S looks as though it would give way but it will not; the greater the strain the tighter it will hold. The wall knot looks complica ted, but is easily made by proceeding as follows: Form a bight with strand ], and pass the strand 3 around the end of it, and the strand 3 around the end of 2. and then through the bight of 1 as shown in the engraving Z; haul the ends taut, when the appearance is as shown in the engraving AA. The end of the strand 1 is now laid over the center of the knot, strand 8 laid over 1, and 3 over 2, when the end of 3 is passed through the bight of 1, as shown in the engraving B B; haul all the strands taut as shown In the en graving C C. ALL AROUND THE FARM. TnE sooner old sheep are fattened for market and sold the better. IT pays to feed meal to cows giving milk, and if a cow insists on having it every time she does a good turn by forcing us to be regular. Of all losses incurred by American farmers scarcely any one is greater than that which comes from allowing cows to fail in their milk for want of sufficient food of a kind that answers their require ments. One of the very best places to keep sweet potatoes during the winter is a tight loft or room over the kitchen, so constructed that the heat from below can readily be utilized in warming the the loft or upper room. The two im portant things about keeping sweet potatoes in winter are to keep them drv and warm en ough to prevent their freezing. THE coming farmer will have better implements and machinery with which to cultivate his farm. He will employ his mind to rest his hands. He will do more headwork on the farm. He will a ; d in uniting the agricultural inter ests of his neighborhood into a union of strength, a power that will be avail able at all times in the maintenance and protection of honest labor and American production. MILK is a very oily substance, and greases the clothing with which it comes in contact. It is a point of both neatness and economy In milkers to use cloth aprons when drawing the lacteal fluid from the cow. If the apron is slit half way up, and each flap "tied around the milker's knees, free dom of movement is secured and pro tection to clothing from all spatters vouchsafed.—American Cultivator. EXPERIENCE has proven that while trees on which stable manure was used were healthy and vigorous, yet they were short-lived, while such as were fertilized by ashes were equally vigor ous and far more durable. The contu sions thus forced upon us were that heavy applications of potash and bone made healthy trees, while any large amount of nitrogen led to the yellows and other diseases.—J. H. Hale. STILL SCBAPIXG AWAY. ••Ah, by the way, Mr. Brown, youi home is in Cincinnati, I understand. Do you know Mr. Do Smythe of that pla«e—Mr Algernon De Smythe? I had such a delightful time with him a few days last summer at Long Branch. Met him on the train and somehow wo man aged to scrape an acquaintance. What Is the dear fellow doing now?" .."Well, he's still at It. I believe." ""What! Still ftirting?" "Oh, no; still scraping acquaint -IL'likagy M*LL no*XB. HOME ICE PACKTTTQ^^H Uwd Air Space* Preferable to th( nil Snwdmt or ChareooL The method of building icehouse* without requiring packing of sawdust, charcoal or other substances, merely by leaving dead air • paces, is to-day considered fnlly equal, if not superior, to the old-time way. Dead air spaces appear to hare fully as much power as non-conductors as do solid packings, and the method is a cheaper one. The system, however, must be carefully fol lowed out for the best results. Tne air chambers must be distinct and must not admit a draft up or down or around the ice. The air spaces mast open into the upper portion of the house abeve the plate, that the cold air of evening may descend into them. This also al lows air which may have become slightly heated to rise above the ice without reaching it. Partitions must be tight To receive the full benefit of A FRUIT STORAGE ICEHOUSE. tba system, pains should be taken when the fi»l layer of ice Is packed and the covering' with sawdust is in process not to clog these air chambers. At least two feet of space shonld be left for sawdust over the packed ice. Still higher in the side of the building, one-or two windows should be placed, which should be left open in warm weather to allow free ventilation above the ice, allowing the escape of heated air and ingress for any cool air which nights aflfl storms may bring. With small quantities office, it is desirable, even with these air spaces, to leave a space of at least six inches between the Inner icehgjise wall and the ice, which must be filled with tamped sawdust Six-inch studding will do for the out sMe chamber and four-inch for the iner chamber is certainly heavy caough, and even four or three-inch lumber will do; it need not be more than two inches thick. To secure good drainage is easy in a side hill or on a very slight slope. If only a dead level Is obtainable, the house should be well underpinned and perhaps one or two courses of tiles laid in the ground a rod A FAMILY ICEHOUSE. or two from the house, if possible into gravel soil. If the character of your land be sandy or gravelly, yon need have no anxiety a boot drainage, as the melting ice will take care of itself. The main point is securing good drainage so as to prevent a draft of air under the ice chamber. It is well to have a stone underpinning well pointed with mor tar. A current of lir will melt many tons of ice in a week. An excellent plan in use under many ice houses is a oold stor.xge room. A bank is most convenient for this arrangement, though by elevating the floor for ice four to six feet a moderately good stor age room can be secured with little extra cost The one objection to this convenience under the chamber is that it is likely to allow drafts of air up through the ice house unless great care in exercised. A tight, or nearly tight, and sloping floor should be made and the drainage carried into a trough and away fiom the building in a pipe. Of course the floor, which also forms the ceiling of the cold storage room, must be heavily propped or underpinned to support ice so the great weight above will not crush it in. Many find such • storage room extremely useful in hold ing f%r a few days small fruits, vegetar bles, meato, etc., for market, and for preserving the family supplies For foundation walls probably nothing is cheaper or superior to concrete well laid below frost The walls if of wood must be double or treble the same as for the ice house proper. Double doors and windows must also be provided. Never overlook the rule that the smaller the amount of ice stored the greater is its proportionate waste. — Farm and Home. AMONG THE POUUTBY. EGOS cannot be produced without lime for the Bhells. THE beginning of the year is a good time to begin keeping accounts. THE earlier the pulleta are hatched the sooner they will begin laying. Is small yards two cocks are w or»e than none on account of fighting. EXTBA care is needed with the chick" ens that are hatched early, but it will pay. SUCCESS with young chicks demands warmth, dryness, liberal feeding and pure air. A FEW days in the spring will make • considerable difference in the prices try to be early. FOB setting pick out smooth, medi um-sized, well-shaped eggs from hens that are over a year old or pulleta that are well matured. IT takes less time to look after an IN* cubator that will hatch 800 egga than to look after one or two old hens that will not hatch over thirty.—St LouiA Republic. She Bad K«»* th» Tmpen. "Papa," said young Mra. Honker,' "won't you please (five George and me $10,000?" •'■What do yon want that mnch money, for?" "We want to build a $5,000 house. ■■ Jury. It Probably Skipped Oat. Customer (to waiter) —Some cheese, please. Waiter —Bpg pardon, sir. Sony, sir. Cheese out, sir. Customer—That so? When do ytftt expect it back?— Texas Sittings. And Sba Winked the Other Bra. Henrietta (who had been sitting on the sofa with Algernon)— You might Shut the window, Algernon. It would be better if it were warmer here. Algernon—Yes, and cloeer too—dont yon think so?— Harvard Lampoon. Nothing French A bant Him. Mrs. Callahan—l want to get a pal* of shoes for the little bye. Clerk—French kid? Mrs. C. (indignantly)— lndade not He's me own son— bom sad bred in Amerlky.— Life. Palmistry. Kitty Winslow— They say you can tell a girl's character by the way she holds her hnnda. torn De WUt—H'm; I can tell more about It by the way I hold her hao**— Puck. !i