Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, January 08, 1892, Image 4

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    X*C- WIOK
Bough and Wiiked Lumber
or>u. KUM
Doors, Sasb, Blinds, Mouldings,
Sblngtos snd Lath
Always In Stock.
Office opposite P. A Depot,
BUTLSK. - - ?A
L M. & J. j. HEWIT,
Dealers in all kinds of
Rough and Worked Lumbar.
We have a large stock of all kinds of Lum
ber, Oil Well Rig*, Etc.
Call and get our prices and aee our stock.
Mall Orders Promptly Attended
Office and'yard.'on
Planing Mill
Lumber Yard
J. L. PO STIS. L. o. ruivis.
Rough and Planed Lumber
Butler, Pa.
Aad let It glial aiar
an 111 (Terr f "oaua
and rhild / lHf W« and
Know* of tka JtxrflUmcj at
Gosser's Cream Glycerine
It is the ideal Cosnatia. It stimalate*
the nerves, quickens circulation and carries
awav dead particles of the skin, leaving it
fine and clear. It has no eqnat for Chap
ped Bauds, Lips, Pace, or roughness af the
skin, and is not excelled as a dressing for
the face after sharing. It is a bland,
creamy emulsion, witn Just enough
tabln oil to soften the skin. No lady or
gentleman should be without it. Be rare
to get the genuine. Take no substitute.
"For sale by J. C. Redick, Drag
gist, Batler, Pa.
Take the time to walk up
East Jefferßon|street to see the
window-full of fine Remarque
Proof and Artists' Proof Etch
ings. Choice $1,50. Christ
mas is coming.
w. a.. osßOßisrii],.
Gents' Furnishing*, Hats, Caps, Trunks
and Bags at the One Price Net
Spot Cash.
120 fc3. Main 3t.
Sutler. Pa.
Cal«n»rMa« ToNiiji Meat Trae k Co. luli««t«i
and aurted ui. I wurked •tsadtfy and mads m»*9j iMter
tUnnl«Bf*'-t«4to | be-*' iti« a file to bay an island an# hai!4
asmell aamnier heiel If I don't inereed at ihet. 1 *ill#e ,
to wort Main at tb« b««i«»«s l« «M<4i I made my *oi tf. '
TnmA- 4 «,t blwlt »• iestrNet »o4 atati yaw. ruiaaf
If w«do. atid 1 1 y u work yn u will in d*«
tiraat>saW«:n|»i.vmi (ylar.d andbnlld a hofel. if ytr% «IA
to. 11<hmj cat. r«e parsed atenr ii?w line of werk, rwm
idlf »nd b«.norahi> by tlioao of eftuer «•*. \ Ming er eld.
and ia tIHMr own U cauties. wberenfr th<*r flvf. Anjr «nae
can dotU* wnrb Haay to learn. erorffhlnf. He
risk. You can devcieronr »r«arn rnomrnfs. r.r all yoarllwi*
to tbework This entirely net lead bring* n utderfbl see
«•»»• to«»er» votker
for'i'"!. yoo •be«.pir rd/meat— weleeekywi
I UCL Tbtsienn a*"' of u r*r»aN>'( tMr.gs n*d
another great. aa»fu! w«iaui, giving- '/real gata
wlll reward every Indeehions w«ihe»- Wl yea are
•n«l wbetev*r nn nre doing, yoi went tn fcr.«t» ebont thl-
Wf>nderfal work at onen l;«lay means Diach money lost te
J"° *» "P* •,<? VP 1 "" '"t«J*ni irtou Win writ*t. 0«.
Kor atrictly mirp wid reliable STRAIGHT
IfQUORS call on
I. IV? a FIItfCH,
(Opp. Monottgahela Hoow ,
Matchlesa for Pamlly aie ana Medicinal pwr
poaen art
FINCH'S GOl.ni'N W (.'ODING. All *1
flood? neatly packed and promptly ahlpped
Ftiaa or Exrssas ou receipt of caah or post
offlt-e order.
sr-NotUlns expre.**! C. O. D.
lor Price List.'
a»cU T."|t met ivr «al fa
B. B.
Everybody Buys
turn ud
miomii emits
For Everybody Else at the
Ws have a special Circolar and Price
List on this aobject alone, contain
ing all the details of these elebur
ate stocks and special values.
You'll ba interested in it. Shall we
mall yoa a copy?
We Import all our
Plain Linen
Hematitched Handkerchiefs,
Ladies and Gents,
and are confident no snch values an
these we are selling can be fonntl
We've made a reputation and are
keeping it on
More than 1000 styles of Ladiet'
Embroidered Handkerchiefs to
select from.
Can we say more ?
Yes, if vafoea aent in execution of a).
1 Mall Ordars entrusted to us do net
please or falfil your expectationp,
wall accept the goods back and rc
fabd the money.
If yoo oaaoot come to see the
Holiday Display
ia these stores, yoa can order by
mail with oonfidance.
Boggs & Buhl,
115 to 121 Federal Street,
I fiCT ftmnn t'nle«« you-write us quiol.-
LUu I vIUUU iy. we want more Salo
mon, and will guarantee permanent posltlot i
wltb aalary ana ex prunes paid weekly. Fu.l
or part time. Experience not required. Htoc -
complete, including many fiat nelling Hpcclai
tles. Elegant outat free. Address
C. H. HAWKS & CO.,
Nureeryman, Rochester, N. Y.
established 187s.
.And everything in
horse and buggy fur
nishing go oris—XT ar -
ness, Collars, Whips.
Dusters, Saddles, etc.
Also trunks and va-
I lises.
Repairing done on
short notice.
The largest assort
ment of 5-A_ Horse
blankets in town will
be found at Kemper's.
85 Xorth MeKean Streot, Butler, I'a.
Meals at all hours. Open all Night.
Breakfast 25 ct*.
ff Dinner 36 Ct*.
Supper 25 ote
it Lodging 25 atx.
SIMEON NIXON, - - Prop'r.
■■. t *
Willard Hotel.
W. U. REIDING, Frep'r
ktabliio n eeincrnv.
•abplk aeea Mr ceaaiatKAL tbayilkk
Mifflin Street Livery.
One square west of Main St., oc
Mifflin St. All good, safe hornce;
new baggies and carriages. Landaus
for weddings and funerals. Opei;
day and night. Telephone No. 24.
New Livery Stable.
Mew Stock,
New Rigs.
Horses fed and boarded.
89. W Jeflhraou St Ktitler. Pa
The well-known liveryman, Wm
Kennedy, Lm bought an iDterost ii.
the above hara and will be pleaapn to
ba?e hia fricuda call at bis new pUo
of bnsineea. The
Best Horses, Buggies and Car
. riago.^
in Butler at the moot rea*onnl>l<
rat*3. Tbo placo in easily rcm> ruber
ed. The first stable w»!ht of th<
Ijowrr Houne.
Hotels and Depots,
W. S. Gregg ia now rnnnicg a liat
of carriages between the boteis and
depots of the town.
Charges reasonable. Telephone
No. 17, or leave orders at Hotel
Good Livery in Connection
UfiJTKS-Ainiitu lo t.ollrit order, tor oti
" ohoicc and Uurdy Nursery Stock.
Itaadj Work Par Kaeraetlr r. rat. Men.
Salary aad expense# or ootrimlMlon If pret.r
tA- wntaatonee. StaW A«t. Address.
«. 6. Chaaa & Co.'^2?#W n
Parts eontaiaiog 200 acre*, louatod n
Donasal Twu.. wall watered, food orohan.
plenty of fralt, f(ood dwelling, l.arn, tpriuf
aouae, granary, and best farm in Uia town
■hip for stock raising or cultivation. FOT
marly George Oilleapio lartn. Apply to
Btttiar Co., Pa. Chiaora P. 0.
Adtartiaa |» tie CiTTzaa
Nothing On Eartli Will
Sheridan's Condition Powder! I
Strong Lni Healthy ; Prevents all Diieaae. |
(. -f for Sfoulting Jim*.
J* .
■ ■ '
f ? ? can t *«*€ It«*nd lo ««.
W k - FlTtrfl. A*l 4!. $1 P«
T J* uttry Raising ruMf. price ;
£ f t ont. rs «t nif-rc. Son t|>lo copy I
lfsL J< li> - * m Hoi:?- lit. Foeton, Maae. i
F1!'.::?s, Cattle, Sheop, To;?, Hog:,
500 Pit' e i>«« t:i Trrmmont uf A uintala
ii ;i ( l.ar: Srnt I rer.
CTP" <r- vriv rmefti(i«oi.lnri«Bmu(kin
I, . Diugiild, Mlik }•*■■ er.
8.8.—> »• -«• I.:* UheamnCttfli.
C,\ ...i ' . vuier, J)U:burj»*ji.
p . . . h«. Wo< v»».
H.I .••!' • 'jii : ifnT"", Pr'•nmouta.
Jf":' —' 'ii or t ripe., Belly ache.
it'' .. •; ■•'. n«»friw.
jj. - t > i-d Kidnr> D!hfnw#.
1 j .. ;i\f l.i.i-n4f«. Wanae.
S.ti,. , ■of Diiteotlon, Parolj-ala.
Si- ■: - 'i. - - .68
„ • s- I'iflrs. Mann.'.l.
*" ■.,... . 57.00
ft. t.rc Oil • • 1.00
- . ,t : .a; : >■ ' l» »»I
li .. 11l * IU" •"law '*"*•
IT ~ . nnEF k a l; YS'
f /T. : '1 KOMEOPATHIC <%O
L - No .GO
in 71-, y ir. Tio onlf caoeewfol rMOislj loe
Kjrvrs BtfeHtj, Vital Weakness,
•rci Pr 'ration, from* ow work or otter aiwe.
•1 oer r». cr b vlate and large i*>wder f for *6.
rt '-7 i : f»r •*»'. joslj sM 0« r-c*lf* of prt<e.
BHIi'HRKT*' s>|). CO.. »U * 1 tf TFiaL** 34., MT«k.
will he -•:•! f'.T a recipe enabling
u t to make W olff'S ACME BLACK
ING at such a price that the retailer
can profitably sell itat loc.abottle.
At present the retail price is 20c.
7 "ca until Jac.iary ist., I?9J. For
p 3r . 1 • i :he unJcrsijnta.
Aor. I.i.ackinc; is made cf pure alcohol,
c; 1 • i j ate made cf water.
V • re' •••.•U.ii.jr. Alcohol is dear. Who
c - .•• ,; at) make it without alcohol
so? two- 'm' ■• "S ACM* Blacking as cheap
, ng, or pat it in fancy pack
£• ry of t:.e water
t , .. f.V i 3 outside ap. 'arunce in
~ for the contents cf the
V/ 0 V ';; RAKDOLPH. Philadelphia.
in 1 -r; - -• c{ a f ii'.-t cf wltich n 25c. bottle
i ' 1: -'1 1 riske *if scratched t.n'i dulled
« • :. look like newly finished «aa»
1 • r J' ■••. ill do many other rnr.irkibie
U,L. '1 ' o other eon da.
All retailer* sill it
c >«t .;lootl» Good Health.
& •.»« ' • ' • r
* i'lcfTl "cl. llr.tdf, nud a'i a:IW
A;' • : Co.. fUt;ta;ci,
£. -.i m Uttg-gTIIiiTCCCa
, . ' r SWAVfiE'S
Ciraitt* 05HTMENT i
alrr »r~ '"•'-'•o Onwin" vitkoal
.. , .ri --- m> ' wtli «'»r« »nr r.'* or Tctlrr, Mfcit
■ »■, ,-t«nr. Pile®,lub B«ro«.Pmipk-e Aa.
f;c«r «h»tii ftobl <inugt«la^
« k-i »/ »" f,r 50 et " 1 Hoin, ff H. Adir-W, Mk
lh> :«lii ■'"• riiW«!(bt«,ri. Alk J.MJI
r ■ \F*"n
I I \
1 a - . - .-.voua v
f- ' , iisof Body nndlllind, Effe^te
••- •a:
L r -r*«» JH«.- ' > t aai
t».. • mu *•
4 |. - n ■ at/.
5 . ' • - '• •«.
* >i. C U .* A3.0. i!. Y»
. . A.'C. Ah!l Fo."lII. ST..
f Al-riTinvotDillr t'Tft: K'om
'/ •• j ,'f t«.<lDlat-a.'^)*n-quu«•*("OK*
. ' ~ 11» ;MTlal. wi'lßClK..iim:
n.'tlo:. iuo treated .:t (hit J>n
.... 1 « ; atUlnrd. i> r. S.
. ...ciiit ucof tli« KovaK'citrgeof Phy
«i, '.ua, i mt 1* tl»o oldcat aa't uio«t
-i •:. •1 • i.i»r in tlucU? Spi.rtnlat
, ii '■ iTvimUoinlltyf"l -mc *ivwiv«
v, >i „ I.lnn lii'llf re!l«"i of yon*h,etr.,< , .an»-
;t>'. 1 1 • '.' au<» lius.itol d«i'ay,lß< r.f
1 . .. t OM Sjtii-s Kna.
i ~ . --t; , j; ,1 ft!) di.-r-uw'bot the
. ,-.1. ... 1 • ■ Cor.
*. ' t)y 1 . 1*1; i,*.al, I nfli'C l.<»nr», 9tu
... ; ;» , • 1 ; Sunday*. 9to 4 c. M. iinly.
, , . (i .'nn«, LAKLCOfc
tj; ij, 1 Wc tl'fl und»Ts|(fnf'l were
"U' Ik . 1 i iifi. 1 ur<-.| oi rapture »y
j)r .1. v ' r. : Arrll siPhiladelphia. Pa.,
s .!< " . Kennet s<iimr.- Pa.; T. A
Kn-: Slh lojftoii. Pa.; K. M. S n»ll. Mount
Alio. n.shimiinn. suiibur.. Ph.: U.
j. i> : ;>• 1 . MUi m . Rwidltu I'a-; \\in.
Ul.x, i 'c. .ii Ir* * sr . I'hllanlfdjihln: II 1..
K i\> 1.. Ki'iilltitf. Pa.: <lr"rxu mid
Kh.lt 1 i:■ i/. i-tKt., Iteadlng. Pa. send
lor r .i.'.r.
20« " Mh f"' ■> Si , PHllADKl.l'lllA, PA.
An " «>:• !:i Atn :: t for the treatment Of
Kl'|;| i\L i :\KASLS and loilliHl. KUKOEB.
Itlof 1■ . T." i .t.ui IVblllty. Cl.-urt. l<un
i '.■•■• >stricture», Ifl.-uldir, Kld
-1 1 L-i'.wm, Varicocele, Uy
• ' • i". Kupturc.
.-rr . . lit- . tiy linprowd methiKla
wii. m hti'.i'i'sss. Tlw> IK)^:tor's
... ■< 1 1 urc-tor.K erpcilence and
st,i Mv r.ahii! n'ro<*ll"« ««d and
to. ■ _i iraHiaMvn and waicluil at-
N't.' , ■ j.'''inntii duili's treaiui' i.t. A
fi.i -.1, sii'OllsLinPnt 18 fir rnarnnfoe of
si;'. •. .
' i . ■ . (1 a. h. tu zv. M.. oto'J r M All
d:., s. i . Mirdaya, 10 to Is A. >1 .>n<l
atiiuip tor Ufjli.
ii-/.. T.'-'r: wmizs
: • J !li3 RUBBiHfi
g• .7 ,i J StQ'Jlßti).
V.B- /? fCLIOW
i?niiflc Amoricu
k * ? . %, Apuncy for
. > '-J
I ' ■ ;: ■ ; 1
<-/; V.O ' ■ "KSi
'■, ' i • • 1 fi- , ut*T3
V; "YPfOH t 3, otc.
*c ■ '■ IMotwrttoto
„ . M.. YORK.
t t'. tu /mvrtea,
. . la bru'...<ht m
w vim Jrce of ri./iry.. in Iho
& .<:■ -Slturrican
J-' , ' • I «0T f «o«»tin< IHII-Or In ttu>
Tf' V ' ''* 'i«.-lrrlv f. No tnli*ilV*'it
Klu ' ... . ji I . \.ratty. kii.iUh a
!»*£; ' ' .r. \<bl & to.,
I*Uf»Li •'< £1? Kuirrn? ( N«w y«t.
.. Aaß acsasitt'
•f ** ♦ Hcfuio an?
Y % . ,1 r >
'. I'^Tl;.!«i i(if T3,
tie Didn't tie.
Father —Look here, young man. give
an account of yourself. \\ hat kept yon
out so late last uight?
Son —1 was attending a class In eth
nology, and of course I didn't want to
leave till the session was over.
"What do yon want to lie, for? I have
positive knowledge that you were at
the bicycle tournament. Good deal of
ethnology about that, eh?"
'•Ortainly That comes under the
head of 'the races of man,' don't it?"—
Boston Courier.
Famished Fintcgaa (politely)— Young
lady, would yer please ax yer
mother if she can't give a poor man
a bit of cold luncheon?
Miss Witherupp (aged thirty-eight)—
Sit right down here, poor fellow! ITI
get you some myself.—-Judge.
A Glve-Aw»y.
Judge—Officer, you say this woman,
when locked up, was dressed in men's
OtHcer —Yes, filr; but 1 didn't suspeet
her sex until this morning, when she
was buttoning her shoes.
Judge—How did y»u detect it then?
Oftic er—She asked mo for a hairpin!
Moving Out
Jones—H is said that it Is Impossible
to witness unmoved the acting of Mr. J.
Lawrence Sullivan.
Adams—Yes, I saw a good many peo
ple leaving after the first act. —Kate
Field's Washington.
Nermous In St*nea.
Jimly—Shakespeare speaks of ser
mons in the stones.
Bitnly—Now I understand why wom
en pay so much attention to one an
other's jewels when in church.—N. Y.
—Not excelled by any high-priced lini
ment. Salvation Oil, twenty live cents a
T. 1. Barnum thought that lie had got
the nineteenth century boom in Jumbo,
hut he forgot the frr«-;it excitement caused
by the sale of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, the
peer of cough remedies.
—"I'll knock your block off" is said to
bo t! latest. Bloc It may be more elegant
than head but it is surely leSs compliment
—lf the ehaps who bavo an itching to in-
Vufct in "green goods" would consult ihoir
wives before going int > speculation a good
many of them would not invest.
—Here is a word from a German news
paper to try begiuuers on: "Neapolitan
UDguverein. It is supposed to mean.
"Benefit Association of Napolitan Bagpipe
—Travellers may leain a lesson from Mr.
C. I>. Cone a prominent attorney of Park
er. Dakota, who says: "I never leave
home without taking a bottle of Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Heme
dy with me, and on many occasions have
ran with it to the relief of some sufferer
and have never known it to fail. For sale
1). il iVi.iler, butler; A. Bowers, Pro
spect; lirea.ien <fc Allison. W. Suubury.
—"Although il causes one to sneeze
Much mere than one is pleased at,
The grip is plainly a disease
That isn't to be sueeied at"
Money in Cabbnge avid Celery.
"Blood will tell." Good crops cannot
be HI own with poor strains of seed.
For Mi teen years Tillitighast's Paget
Soui:d Cabbage Cauliflower and Celery
Seeds have been gaiumg in popularity,
The r.io-t, extensive growers all over tile
L'a* 1.1.-a eouMiltr them the best in the
woritl. A catalogue giving full partic
ular* ny aiding them will bo st»ut lreo u>
any one interested. When wiiting for it
e«rlo>e "0 ecu'-* in silver or postage stamps
an.l wo will also send "j&ow to Grow
Cabbage and Celery," a book worth its
vruigut iu gold to an) grower who has
has never icad it Address
La Plume, l'a.
We may differ in this world, but when
we get to the cemetery we are all on a
dead level.
Good looks go a long ways, but finally
the paint wears off and there you are.
Mr. William T. I'ricc, a Justice of the
Peace, at Richland, .Nebraska, WHS confin
ed ti> hi< bod last winter with a .were at
tack nl' lumbar >; but a tltor<>i4£ applica
tion «f Chamberlain's Pain Halm enabled
hiin to get up and go to work. Mr. Price
say*: The remedy cannot be recomtnend
ed too highly." Let any one troubled
with rheumatism, neuralgia or lamo back
give it a trial and they will be of the same
opinion. 50 cent bottles for sale by
l>. II Wuller, Butlor; A.JBowers, Pro
pped; lire ad en <fc Allison, W, Sunbnry.
A snail has 30.000 teeth. They are too
small io bo dangerous ordinarily, but when
the} .-Me magnified by a microscope, scien
tial* linve to be very careful to avoid being
torn to pieces.
—No matter how small the f.canilal,
tlu.re's always enough to go aronnd.
—Spectacles and Eyegla-ises wade by
Robert llruce Wallace, (»uec«>ssor to the
'To* Optical C 0.,) at <524 Penn Avenue,
Pittsburg, Pa., are conceded the best and
most. iitforial le. Save by baring
hitn ti * your in <•*.
l.ook « til l>>r the man who lowers his
\ni, e «■! on I;« !«>.-«» bis temper. lie is a
good .'i n! in re dangerous than the fellow
who talks I'''id enough to be heard half
way tlir ugh the next century
Chamber late»o Eye and Skin
A cnrts."r» euro (or Chronic Soro Ey ci>,
Tester, Salt. llhenm, Scald Head, Old
Ciironio Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema,
Itch, Prairio Scratches, boro Nipples
and Piles. It is cooling and soothing.
Hundreds of cases have been cured by
it after till other treatment had failed,
it Is put up in 'v3 and 00 cent bozos
—"CottiO In, there's a tire In the parlor,
were the whimpered words overheard while
passim: a certain hr»u <• one evening. It is
such little f .ninine courtesies as these that
tend to make the linker sweat over six-sto
ry wedding cakes before the winter is
Consumption Suroly Cured.
To Tun £uui»a:—Plcaao inform your jenli-r®
ti. it I hire ft ponitivo remedy for tlibabove-urwicd
dl. it*.. }!/ ltu timely uh thooMiiils of hojx-!*•«
cam* ! .iv*< Ihkui i>onn»nontly oarvd. t abaU be glad
to i-CLtl two bottle* of my remedy FREE to any of
jrotir n-ul"r» who haro conanmptl in If th«y will
aciul n.ti t'.i-ir Ixjiresa nnj H. O. aridm. Inptrt
tuily. T. A. &LOCCM, M. 0.. Ist P«aH BL. N. Y.
—lt has been computed that between
116,000,000 and 37,000,000 babies ure born
into the world each year, or about "0 per
niinuie. A line of cradles containing them
would extend aronnd the world unbroken,
but the silcucu would be broken in several
[ places.
M 18( i: L ANKOI S
A wool-WJIOWKII says tiiat tebaocc
Wfcter used a= a slTei-p dip do<»s n«t jfi*e
go good a lUster to the grovriag fierce
as mowf the dips that are* to be
b«u(Wt already prepared.
lr a maa wants to establish a market
tliat will five biia the best price possi
ble year after year he must be strictly
ho*"*t in paokiny and d.sposinjj »I his
fruit The rogue it. soon found out.
THK quiet COW, the friendly hen, the
peaceful horse, five th« largest re
turns with the least expense Conquer
on the farm, indudiag the
hirei ciac, by politeness and kindness.
—Farm JouraaL
WB see it stated that from reeeut in
realisations Bade in the Pennsylvania
university veterinary school it was
shown that the chief eau.se of consump
tion is tne use of the milk and flesh of
tuberculous cattle.
Do SOT expect anv hens to lav
equally well in summer and in winter.
If you insist on a good supply of egjfs
from November till February, then
select a breed noted for the ability to
lay in the winter. Do not expect every
thing of one breed.
Fbcjt men say that when fruit is
barreled, and is to be hauled several
miles by team before being shipped,
the barrels should be laid down on their
sides so that they will not be shaken
closer together and thus be left looser
in the barrel than when packed.
TIIH American Florist claims to hare
fcrund an infallible remedy for the cut
worm pest. It says use pyrctlirum
powder, making certain that it is fresh.
Distribute it with a bellows at evening
time and in the morning large numbers
of the worms will be found lying on
the ground dead.
WHIX tomato vine.* are nipped by
the first fruet it is said to bo of great
advantage, in ripening the remaining
green fruit, vo cut orf all frosted por
tions of leaves and stalks aj> this pre
vents the depreciated sap from the
frozen parts from reaching and de
preciating the frolt.
THZ raising of ducks u> only in its
infancy in this country. The time
will perhaps come when that fowl will
bo raided as extensively as in China.
One of the best reasons for extending
the breeding of duckb is the fact that
they aro less liable to Uisev»a than any
other breed of fowL
Contracted a Prejudice.
"No, Mrs. Van Twilkon will never
cross the water," said a lady to her
•'Why not?"
"Well, you seo her husband rescued
her from drowning. That was what
led to their acquaintance, and she has
had a violent prejudice against the
ocean ever since." —afchington Star.
The l'nreli*bic Sex.
Gus De Smith—The young ladies of
the present day arc no good. They can't
be relied on.
Kosciusko Murphy—What makes yon
think so?
Gus De Smith —I am engaged to three
young ladies, and tbey all flirt with
other men.—Texas Sittings.
MeJunkin (in the barber's chair)—
Loo't here, you bctoher, you've cut a
pieco out of my left earl
Barber—Yes, sir, I see; but I'll cut a
piece Just like.it ent of your right car,
elr, and thus make thaat uniform.—
Harper's B«nr.
That In Rathsr Ho»»r
--"I understand that Mr Fangle is one
of your heavy depositors," remarked
Jay smith to Banker Scadds, In an effort
to pry into Fangle's business.
"Well, I should say Mr. Fang'.e weighs
230 pounds," replied Scadds. —Brooklyn
rune of Ne*-f»*»lt.v.
Mamma Dora, didn't 1 tell you 1
should have to punish you if you put
your fingers in your mouth again?
Two-year-old -1 touldn't help it,
mammu I dess had to do it. My teeth
itched dreadful) —Chicago Tribune.
—Uncertainty may attend business ven
tures nnil cntcrprißcs; but il novir atiniui
tlie prompt aduiini-tration <il l>r. Ball'
Cnugli Syrup. Priee cents.
'•Mv son ran in the uij;ht f aud my sou!
refused to be comforted." "l'oor fellow '
of course in ditl. I'ltv, he couldn't get Sal
votion Oil. Only cents :i bottle.
Tis time to kill the Christmas uds.—
For they're, no longer in it;
But if you'd advertise next year,
Sow's just the time to'gin it.
Rewrite tl.c a.ls without deluf,
And don't give up the space,
Tbi* ihthe only dead-Mire uay
To win the bu -iiitiss race
—l>. 11. WulltWjdruggiat J« sirc3 to iufoi u.'
the public,thut he is uj{>.vit for the most sue
cessfu! prnpar»tion that ha* \ ot. been pro
duced for oouglis, colds and cr«"Up. 11 will
loosen and relieve a severe cold in less time
than any other treatment, fhe article re
furred to is Chamberlain's Cough Keuiedy.
It is a medicine that ban won fame ati 1
popularity on it's merit* and oue that ran
always be depended npon. It is the only
known remedy that will prevent croup. It
must be tried to be appreciated. It is put
ub in 50 cent and $1 bottles.
—lf you see three girls coming abreast,
take to the street. They will neither sep
arate nor turn out.
—English Spavin Liniment removes all
hard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes
from horses, blood spavins, curbs, splint: ,
sweency, ring bone, stifles, Sprains, all
gwolen throats, coughs, etc. Save SSO by
use of one bottle. Warranted the m<l
wonderful blemish cure ever known. Sold
by J C Kedick, druggist, Butler.
—What's the use to cry lor spilled milk/
The cow will bo home again in the evening.
To Consumptives.
The undersigned Luvin# brcu rii>Loml to
beclth by simple mean*, after goffering tor
several years Tiih a kevert lui g attrition,
aud thai dr».ad diM-t-e Consuinptmu, is
anxious to make known to hi« I'cilow fulltr
ers the lilt iu» of cure. 1 1 li. WHO ilesiri
it, he will cheerfully nerd (tr»r of rhar~e) »i
copy of the preacripuon used, which they
will find a uurc cure for Consumption,
Anthuia, Catarrh, lironobitin aud all iiT>ai
and luuß Maladie*. He hupei all iutferers
will try his Kttaedy, a* il is invaluable.
Thone u'&oriuj; the pmcrißliou, whiuii will
cost them not ti1..,/ '-n.; may pri.ve a bl«-s
iug, will address Rr\. KDWAKC A
WiUtwN, Williainsbura,, Hrooklyu, New
—When a boy and a dog become li ieinl
it is Imrd to determine which is most in
need of conuni -eratiou.
Uheutnat;. ui cured in i. day - "ilj sti--
JJIUC" lor iheuiiiuti m niftl .ucurllgla, radi'c
cally litre,, in'l to 3 - Itrf-ilcVion upon
the t) ii iii is remarkable and ui\ hterious.
It remove -ut once ch»cau -i! and the di.-<
ease minit disappears. Tito lir. i
dose greatly benefit*. ct . S' !d by J 0
Kodak, Oruggi~t, Butler.
—The phrase, '-he gets there just the
same, 1 ' changes in J.he mouth <d the Boston
girl to, ''he attains his destination not
Kum ilATiNitCured hi a Day.—"Mystic
Cuie" lor Kneumatisiu uud Neuralgia lud
ically curi ~in rto .! daj ■ lis action
upon the systcAi is Anlafkable umf my a
teriou >. It rcu.ovus nl oiie.e the cuu«e aud
the disease liuiuediat(*le di..appears. The
lirst dose greatly beiutats, 75 cents. Sold
by J. C. Kedick, Urujiist, Butler.
—This ie Uie eason when the allniia! re
port makes Itself h'ourd ftoni one crtd ofth<
land to the otlr<+
—ltch on hiuiiuu uinl horses anu all ani
mals cureu til'3o minutes by WoolfordV
Sanitary Lotion. Tins laiis. Sold
by J C Kedick, druggist, Butler.
Save Your#«lf Money.
When von go to Pictshnrgh, Fa., stop at
the Anchor Hotel, corner Liberty and
Fourth streets. It f« a (strictly first cU«»
Hotel conducted ou tlie European plai:
Ledgings, 25,-35, —or 50 cents.
Gill Mi I SALE
For 30 (lavs onlv.
• •
At less than vdioiesale prices.
Stock must bo reduced at at once,
Big Line of Xiuas Slippers,
Come and see us.
Lieiiioi Jht the place.
I \ IfVf'n. )
I*l JiL : &Ja si*
IFpfa pT pw
If 111*r 8»? 5 a T
S. MAIN ST., ojM>. Willarcl House.
Closing out Sale
ms*\ ~£ m o o
DUU I H ■ ; . ' Oc
Rc « r*- a W O.J
U B B E R S.
Re.U'iU'» of Cost.
!f ven arc ; o .;i».* »r 1. : . po to
fl ?;i I L v i i: I \ az.2
A lively «r!.- i- now -•< < \ it. ilk' 1 f • sr. I'rie* no object,
the pr : oc'pal tiling .- ir. .>.■ ■ i* !:. < •! w i'.h vbty tor ire BIOCX
of winter goods v."! •iil v. iii not ,'ar ovr ■ !•. .■' ligurtitt on thuin will have
any etTect.
All Kinds of Stoga Boots go.
I gold B ot:' low 11 * »l. '• i i ; ' «»f Now I nrn almost
Kivi ther- . >■. ■ -• 1 .0; i \ utbs I3oot
sl 00; Childt- B • t:"> its.
Ladies, Misses and ChihLons Shoes Go
Shoddy sh ■ • il • r > ;,r ' all fresh, deair
able )!"■■ is and • v . \J". -took ol childreu".
school ahot-B «r«> v> i> de •! • •in. iiuu «ver before.
Felt Boots are a t, • r with liubbei
Thow goods ttr-- jo-it ? i j.' m.i i ii.»»v i :h-; ".im: to eeo them, now ir
whan you want thorn arid y j j cr:i buy thrni t:.VA;»
Boots and Shoes ]\lade to Order
Holiday in Great
Repairing neuUy and promptly Jyne.
Ask for I BU2 Calauder.
BUTLER, ------ - PENN'A
, r !,_ • : 1 ihj.' ce history, it if i
. I ii r He!. 1;i >. iL. re no neoMi>it>
1" V •! for pi * - vi: il'eir history into book
\ 'i • I f-rm. You ' ho<#u Un <k enough about
'li"n« ■(• ii «r » p"'ir of thcni." It
1 > , V ■ v AI-T T• : V MI lcp:r to find out tb»T
I f., J. *' , \ -.Lei) v«• i: f.CD>sLt Ibem yon were bu» !
A L f ' ' ) g in service for very littl.
Cft • ;• ■ .*' ' { money.
J'l* t v Tl if yon ' diieovpr is tha'
v ' i .a l>!r ■ t e.iwi in them.' J
!Ffj ufflT V •. \• : I in i f /.e th-.t they not onlt j
lit y - r I ■*' v i' I •i: w-t |l"_ in abort thai |
•j^ 1 Ml « JOQ DMdn't be asham '
' " l " 1 -
There aro no cheaper si • «'P on t rth 1 ■ I<' ; '' C;i '' ' ut! ,>es u '
$1.00,51.25, -1.50 and 5-2.00. Then ••e Heavy Shoen in A |
Calf, Glove Grain, U 1 (Jrain, Kip a Calf .$1 00, $1 25 and fl 50 |
Our Menu and Ii f Kio ! 10 MM 9hOM I mtb '•" "!• Ur-gwi to the |
fineat hand Hew d ; hoc?.' Onr Old I He;' W;-.n • Shoe.* urn splendid—Non<> j
Of the choicest pi'tternf now w-•>.?. IB b»fll ; CbrbtßlM prenentfl why
not buy K<>ni"M.if.ir in the • 4 and r They are
uueful and are nlwnyp
At 50 cU Gt'iita Fiao Ii n ..!«• S i ' .
At 15 eta Gt-nti* Fiu< li. : ; » Velt p-ri.
At SI.OO 0< Plus : i ■ ■ i
At $1.25 and $1.60, the { r. io different colors—ld
Blue, Old Se»l Brown and To' xo li iv.-: The i Ilei Maroon Qou!
at SI.OO, $1.36 and Tut; Ci»ll at sl.r>o are '> ■ >•.* Then the Ruebi; i
Reiither iu the dark wine ri-l« r M,d t• Aly 'or" are the fineH Slippers in |
tbeiuarkftt. Our Ladic* Shpperr. are line— la mleetion—no houfao can |
show HO largo a i-eWtiou »»r »• - lie." hi"vleb axr 1 •» * l<«w prices fHth«fe goo<lo
•re. i>on't tail i i cjnie in an l iy .. 'Hir o* t % vo id.»re ;-!.<•* •# broken.
B. C. HUSKL'iON, - S. Main dx., Butlu, Fa j
- Leading Millinery House. -
W t are now ready to exhMt this ntntfl Styles of
In enry lesrrahle style and quality.
Our stuck isucusually Urge ud attractive. Trimmed bats and bon
jt- cftili de:^ri{»ticßK—f*lt bats, velret bats and sailor hats Hats and
Doubvis trimnrt! tc < rt'er. The larpeat and most complete etock of velvets
ribbons, tipe, quills, b;rdi» sod wiogs ever brought lo Butler.
Roods, caps, sailor hats in rrreat variety.
ILi's fiD(i bunnets receive our lx st attention, a complete line always on
A '"- ID. T. PAPE l-t^
Cheapest j ' ■ • ■ '» ■ | Street.
l ~\ Once upon a time a young man named
'/flh ) Cobb met a beautiful young lady named
(yfl'J \ Webb, and it is related that be fell is love
f fOft iAV ■k\ ) R * HOnn as he Spied her. Oqr tale is told.
\\« v) / 1 ' J We've caurht vour eye. Do you catch
OD - Well; just follow along a little
t--'\ further. That "birds of a feather, flock
. ■" together" in little droves by themselves is
v r >■ '"-ore truly verified than at oor store.
Those who are good Judges of goods in
'*/ ~ oni l!ns, and who wish to get the best
■* ' w.* L goods in rbo market lor the money, con
, taggp gregate at our store daily. There is al
f 1 ways room for one more; so don't be back
■--■s $J >& ward, bnt call in and see oa.
I d\d not think of advertisiug this fall, bnt I met a man who aeked me
who I wis. I told him . ,
Heck, The Champion Clothier <fe Furnisher.
Ar.d Grange to sav, he informed me that he bad never beard of me. Well!
. it is juet eu<-h people we nre after, and if this should catch their eye, we
b< pe human curiosity will lead ibem to read it for k isone of the commonest
| traits of the race. It was curiosity that led Eve to taste the forbidden trait;
and ber < ffspriog have their curiosity excited every day as a hereditary
| legislation, from tbe email boy everlastingly peeping into boxes to the
I hired girl with ber eye to tbe key holo. Evevbody wonders what is in It,
i Properly directed, th:« curiosity often leads to satisfactory results, and D.
A Meek inviten all curious people to make a voyage of discovery to his More
aiid een the largest store, the largest stock of clothing—in Overcoats, and
Suit* for men, boys and children. Hats, Gaps, Gloves, Milts, Shirts, Under
wear, CV-rdi^fc ii- Jackets, Leather Goats ana Panto, Overall-Jackets, Trunks,
Valines, Umbrellas, Rubber Coets, Collars, Cufft*, Ties, lldkfs, Moflera,
Brnebes, Puisc*, Bill nnd Pock« l-Books, Ladies and Gents' Watches, Obajfli
Charms, Ru;gis Pkis, iSieive and Collar Buttond, Silver Card-Cages, and a
full lire ■ N-.-tions—a? remarkably low prices; no matter bow low you have
; btOL. oQ< red good* wo have tbeui still lower and for quality we never take a
T OK- 1; seat. It will be to your personal adv.iutage to give ns an esrly call
tar• ■ ;et our prices, and you are sure to give us ft large share of your pat
ronage 1 ereafur.
Thuakii':* "ur many friends for iheir very liberal patronage.
We renmiu, your» to please,
r>. H E C K,
Champion Clothier, and Hatter.
121 Alain St. 33ntier, Pa.
Turn Over a New Leaf and
Commence the New
Ye;tr Bight,
Aod buy your Dry Gooda, Carpets, eto. at *
And at the end of "1 SJ up and seo bow many hard earned dol*
I:rs you have ived uv doing HO, and you will surprise yourself.
Cloaks, Jackets, Wraps, Blankets,
Flannels, Yarns, Hosiery, Gloves,
Mitts, Etc., Etc., »■ •
At H : g BAUGA IMS this month To look at our goods is sll we ask—ou*
prices will do tbo r«*t. •
Leading Dry Goods and Carpet House.
! •
I •• "JK
Hardware and House Furnishing Goods.
J Washing Machines; the
SJj. Standard Rotary Shuttle ! '•
stiches per ininnt«; the No.
7 American newing machine,
also^ Singer and JSmpreaa;
Suoshiiie & Howard rnnf?oß,
, U Stoves, talile und pocket
ft;j ■ cutlery, hanging lamps;
j .'J n»nulact»rer of tinware, tin
[w rooting ami upouting a spec
t'-l% ialty; the Johnston mowers,
reader and steel l'rame binder, Warien ready mixed paint,
wnnented; screen dooin and windows, rclrigeratore and lawn
No better place in the city to tirade.
Come ;:nd se" my large store room full of goods, 136J feet
long, : *
All Kinds of Job Work done
at the "Citizen" Office.