Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, January 08, 1892, Image 2

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W. C. KEDLKT, ... - rwr
Entered at rwuit at B.UWM Mdoee »atter
SsKSa?SiA"«iS* &OS
»orce Botloei<6e*eh. ■*#
*ta^rUnn^N»S^ M w*l ew
irum* 1% 4 uae for 6i£li IhmtUob. own*
aru* carda of thanks, reeotatioa* of respect.
noUceo of festivals md fair*. etc.. inawvxl at
«te ofTcSnto a Dae. money *• ~ie*io*nn}
thl Eider. MmwoKt ol pro*e mAk. a llae.
KauS for standing card! aad Job work or
» p F;i £mrti*in« is do* aft* lint inanition, aaa
all TaMleat adTerUsiaf mn»i be paid f*r l» »d
--law# (KtUCmn tome extra eopi*
"WS&S3S%S?&2* »
toe same# of their neighbors, net M* taking »
comSuiaicaOoM intended for
In ♦"*" paper most be acoompanled t»y the teal
t »wi oftbe witter, not lor publication W» as
a guarantee el good tattfc
Marnage aad daath aatieee BUS* be aeeees
panied by * i«epe—Oil» ——•
Nominating Cocgreseraen.
Tho Congressional conferees mot again
at New Caetle Monday, and as neither
Lawrence or Meroer eountle* would agree
to the popular vote system, the following
was agreed upon as a compromise.
Resolved, first. The nomination* for
congress in thin congressional district,shall
bo made by a delegate nomination conven
tion to consist oi fifteen delegate* from
each county, aeeordiag to the present *y»-
tern now in foroe, the *aid delegates from
each oounty to be sleeted by the vethod
now provided. Bach delegate in eenven
t ion shall vote the cheioe for eongreee of
the sub-district from which he wa* elected
as expressed by ths vote of said distrieti,
for at least ten sueeeetive ballots, provid
ed the choice of hi« diitriet to long _ re
mains a candidate botor* ths convention.
After said ton baUoU each delegate shall
be absolute); tree aad at liberty to rote
for the person who in his opinion will prove
the best acceptable candidate for the dis
triot. i ... ,
Resolved, *eoond. That each candidate
for congress at least two week* previou*
to the Republican primary election in the
respective counties, shall send to the chair
man ol each oounty committee in the dis
trict a notice that he is a candidate for
congress and upon tho payment of the
necessary feoe said shall bo considered a
candidate to bo voted for in that oounty.
"Without a compliance with this rule or
resolution votes in tho said county shall
not be counted tor the candidate thus fail-
ing to annonnce.
Resolved*, third. It shall be the dnty of
the cnairman of each respective eonnty
committee to eauae to be printed all tickers
for congress, and upon til of which «hall
be placed the named of all the candidates
who have complied with the preceding
rule or resolution. Electors in voting the
said tickets, shall erase therefrom the
names of candidates except that of the per
sohs for whom they are desiring to rote.
A motion waa made that earned, to the
effect that the n« ninating eonventioa be
held in the City of Newoaetie on the seo
ond Tuesday-of-May, this year, but aft*r
t hie convention the Chairman of eeeh coun
ty shall fix the time e*d place for holding
the convention, Bearer to hare the first
selection, Butler second, Lawrence third,
and Meroer fourth. The repert will be pre
sented to the different Republican eonnty
committees 'fpr concurrence. The confer
ene adjourned to meet at the call of ehair
Thk Commission oreated by the Baker
Ballot Reform Law to select booths for
the voting roome haa not yet decided upon
a pattern, bat the eontest has narrowei
down between those effered by firms at
Marietta, Pa., and Buffalo, N. T. An
average of fire booths will be needed for
each voting preeinct, or about 25,000 in
all, and as the oost will be aboat 98 for
each booth, this requirement of the aew
law will alime oost the State aboat S3OO,
000. It la said that Judge Briggt, of Phil
adelphia, will test the oonstitutienallty of
the new law before the Bnpreme Court
soon on the ground that it is la conflict
with the 3th seetion ef the Declaration of
A ltona Tribune.
There is one thing that may work to Mr.
Dalsell's disadvantage. He is not only an
intelligent and well-read man, bnt he is also
an orator of great eloquence and force. It
has been so long since Pennsylvania has
had a representative in the United States
Senate who ootid say anything-.werth list
ening to that the people asay hwifM about
breaking-with-an oM aad v—ershto trad;
tion. If they are willing to lake the risk
tha day may come when Pennsylvania
will have some influence in the Nation.
The Cleveland Ohio Ltader is of the
opinion that the best interests of the coun
try and the Repnblioan party would not
be advaneed by Mr. Quay's re-election-
He U a shrewd politioal manager but not
a states*an, and the great' State of Penn
sylvania should be represented in the Unit
ed States Senate by semething more than
a politician. Mr. Quay does not stand for
what is best in Amorioan politics. He
docs not represent the beet elements in
the Republican party of bis State or the
nation. He is now spending considerable
of his time manipulating the politios ef
Pennsylvania when he ought te be in the
Senate. During his present term he has
shown the most onmmonplaco ability. Af
ter sitting still ia his seat over a year und jr
the most damaging charges against his in
tegrity be finally made an impotent de
fense that disappointed his friends who
had stuok to him through all the warfare
made upon him and gave genuine satisfac
tion to his enemies. : In 1890 th 4 Republi
cans of Pennsylvania were overwhelming
defeated as a rebuke to Mr. Quay's leader
■hip. A large proportion of the Republi
cans of hi« State are oppoeed to him, and
thoy will in all probability organize an ef
fective opposition to his re election. He
eannot go into the campaign as a Senato
rial candidate without greatly embarrass
ing his party.
Cambridge Sews.
If the people of Pennsylvania have any
perforonoe for a man to gaoeeed Senator
Quay in the Senate, they will have to be
gin soon to express themselves. Tan only
way to rpake aire of getting the man they
want is by compelling all candidate* for
oar state legislature to make a plain uttte
ment of their intention* before the primary
Sherman Win*.
At Coluuibns, 0. Wedne*day, the Re
publican Legislative Caucus nominated
Sherman for U. S. Senator by a vote of 53
to 38.
MISIFTTKR MOTT at Washington, who is
a brother of President M<mtt of Chili, is
mak ing a tremendous effort to settle the
Baltimoro affair.
Blame Bfck Again.
Sco'y Blaine became suddenly and
alarmingly 111 at hi* offioe in Washington,
Wed no* Jay.
On. M. C. Hlioe, who was Quarter
master General of the Army daring the
war, di«A at kU hone in Washington, last
THE great barrel work* of the Standard
Oil Co., at Constable Hook, H. J., were
destroyed last Wednesday night.
Six acres of roaring flame* lit op the sky
of that vicinity, and tha IDM LI pat at a
million and a tydf.
Congress re convened Tuesday noon.
Clerk Kerrttf the House stated the illnf sR
of Speaker Crisp, and Mr. McMillen of
Speaker pro te a.
g«Tera£H|Hl bills were introduced a- d
amonflMmStne forty by Congressman
Dal sell.
In the Senate the li«t of nomiuatiois
sent in by the Pronident was eageily
Manned by one of the Senators from tfk
stato. The nomination* are as follows,
and they are considered to be good ones:
E G. Rathbeue, of Ohio, to be Fourth -As
sistaat Portnuster Oeneral. To be Inter
state Commissioners —James W. MeDi;l,
of lewa, vice Thomas M. Cooley, resigm i,
Wm. M. Liudsey, of Kentucky, vice Win
ter L. Bragg, deceased; Win. R. Morriso i,
of Illinois, a reappointment. Wm. P.
Seas, of Indiana, to be Consul General of
the U. S. at Constantinople. Wm. P. M -
Coy, of Indiana, to be Minister ReMde.it
and Consul General of tbe IT. S. to Liberia.
Andrew P. McCormick, of Texas, to i<e
U. 8. Circuit Judge for the Fifth Judicial
Ourotiit, a* approved by the act of 1861.
Abraham J. Seoy, of Oklahoma, to be
Governor of the Territory of Oklahoma,
vioo George W. Bteele, resigned:
Wont Representative Men.
The announcement of B. F. Jones, of
Allegheny, that he is a candidate for dele
gate to the Republican National Conventi' u
is an cncourageing movement on the part
of a leading business man and represent a
tive Republican of the State. Mr. Jon - '?
is one ef the original Blaine men and is
for Blaine now if Uo is a candidate. Tie
iiwincerity of tho machiae support of Blaise
is plainly oonfessed by the fact that Sena
tor Quay i* opposod to Mr. Jones' election,
although not • resident of his district at 1
in nowise authorized to interfere with the
choice of tho party there.
Mr. Jone* is oxacly tho kind of Repub
lican that thi* groat industrial Stato shou' J
hare in the National Convention of tl-e
party., Hi* eleotion would be significant
in many respects. He is a man of cbara :-
ter and influence, and is devoted to Re
publican principles for their own sake. He
has an intelligent comprebention of the
effect of the Republican policy and pu -
pose on affair*. A delegation of such mt a
would giro tho Republicans of Pennsylva
nia a broader standing with the party
throughout the oountry than they hav i
had for a quarter of a century. It wouM
mean something more than machine
polities, and personal trades and diokcr.i,
to the degradation of the party organiza
tion.—Philadelphia Pre* K.
Gov. Hcmphbby, of Kansas, has named
Ex-Congress man Perkins to suocee I
Senator Plumb. Senater Perkins is not
related to "Eii."
A Nitro-Qlycerine Explosion.
At Willow Grove, Allegheny Co., la t
Saturday afternoon, John M. Fair and
Goo. Conday wore blown to atoms by tie
explosion of a nitro glycerine factory; at d
Thomas Irwia formerly of Butler, wna
sorfonaly injured.
The three men had gone to tho factory
to put it in better saapo for the winter,ard
had been putting boards on the building.
Irwin went off about 30 feet to cut some
■takes, and the othor two meu wore in tb t
building when the explosion occured.
Nothing was found of either Fair or Cor
day, excepting a joint of baokbone and .1
big tee from which the bone had been ex
tracted. Irwin was found in a -
ing field stark mad, and running around .1
oirole. None of his bones wore brokon,
bnt he was covered with bruises. and a
splinter from the magazine wan sticking
is hi* leg. He was taken to the hospivl
in Pittsbnrg, and when be became natnr.l
be Mid "I guess lam the only man who
erer went through a nitro glycerine explo
sion and lived. We had only moved tie
magazine a short time ago, and wanted t >
pat it in better shape for the winter. Yo -
terday John Fair, Go aJ ay an J my
self went up thero in the afternoon. Tbci<>
was only 10 or 15 cans, or about 120 quart
of nitro-glycerine in the magazine. Tl e
horses and wagon are now on the roa l
from the fcctory at Shaunopiu with a
fresh supply. We had been putting o:i
clapboards to keep out the suow.
"Jant a few minute* beforo tho explosion
I had gone down the bank aboat 20 or 30
feet below the magazine to cat some
The other* were Kilt inside. What hap
pened next I don't know. I was thrown
with a terrible feroe, and when I awoke I
was bleeding from a hundred wounds. 1
but remember the awfhl pains, and th»-n
everything waa blank until I came to my
self here in the hospital. I did not ovun
hear the sound of the explosion."
A large hole fifteen feet was excavate 1
at the site of the factory. Fair has a!> »
worked La the oilfields of this vicinity,an ■
wat known here. At last accounts Irwi i
waa improving.
Capt. Schley's Story.
The U. 8. cruiser Baltimore arrived r.t
Ban Franoisco, Tuesday, from Valparaiso
via Callao, Capt. Schley was interviewe 1
by the Associated Press, lie stated tlibt
his report had been forwarded to Wash
ington and he was not at liberty to muk )
any statement concerning its conteuti-.
He stated, however, that he could see no
reason to modify his former telegraphic re
port based on the investigation of tin-
Valparaiso mob by the offljers of the Uil
"My men." said ho, "thirty-four i'i
member and entirely unarmed, were at
tackad at almost the sains moment in halt
• dosen different parte of the district of the
city ajmile and a halfwide by mobs varyin •
from 300 to 2,000 men. Two were killed
five seriously wounded and eighteen moro
braised and hurt. Every one of them w*<
stabbed from behind, not ono from the
frent. If my sailors had been armed the*
oonld have defonded themselves, for whe:i
even two of them turned at bay tho
Chilians fled. II they had had knives I
believe each one conld have chased adoson
Chilians. The wouuded are all well now
bat I cannot permit them to bo interview
ed at present.
Clinton Items.
Mr. James McMillian who was severely '
injured hv falling out of a haymow upon
the threshing floor is recovering as rapjdh
as san be expected.
Mr. Ed. Weetermaa says that he hai |
about one thousand hufnels of winter
apples, not many Clinton farmers ean bent
Tho pupils of our district who arc be
ing taught by Miss Maggie Mooro are
advancing rapidly under her skillfnl man
Mr. Albert Ilay who is keeping store at
Davis' corner, is doing a very extensive
Mr. lieorge Maizland of our coinmunitv
is taking grent interest in the cause < f
education, the improvement of the young
and the diffusion of learning.
The well which was being drilled fir
the pnrpwi# of obtaining oil on tho Kotr.
VeCall farm struck the sand last Saturday
and proved to be duster.
Mr. ChariM Woods oa retnraing hornj
from paying his Satarday night vUkations
was suddenly attacked »y unknown
parties, but escaped without injurious re
The young folks seem to be taking grent
interest io the young people's Christis i
meeting which js bejng hold ut Clinton I
i P. Chnrch onco a week,
j Mr. Thomas Wood has rn.ide quite u j
I improvement upon the looks of his littio
If arii) by contrasting around it a it's; -
niflctmt bbard fmcv. XXX
Crisp and His Party.
To the cl i-o oh- Tver there is an < linout
ring tn t iio speech of acceptance ma lo by
Ike Speakat of the Fifty-second t'uiigrer-,
on Lis election to the third office in power
in the Cnited States.
The famous motto, "Of the people, for
the people aad by the people," "w-ill here
after r«ad. 'Of the party, for the party and
by tho party."
"1 pledge myself here and now to de
vote every industry, every ability [[possess
to the real advancement of tho Democratic
pasty." And again, "I ha - .*e fait that we
were all Democrats • " * id that wo
stand as one body, laboring fur one c»ui
mou cause, tho principles of the Dein.v
cratic; Party," are words that should
maro thoughtful men; mon who have the
wellfare of the Nation at heart, to watch
the proceedings of the body of which .Mr-
Crisp is tho head.
Already the question is arising, whithir
are we drifting 'n politics. Never , before
did tin Nation witness such collossal traud
ai i» being perpetrated in New York, ihe
will of the people def«atod and the judicial
power of the Stito-put in force for pari.*
san ends.
The apportionment of States into dis
tricts giving the party in power tho advan
tage iu elect ug representatives has not
been wit! out <* ii iuiln nee, l.ut whei
this "gem niyn.'ering"
to secure th„ election of men who are
decide who will ! our Chief Executive it
is high time to call a halt In this Michi
gan has set ail example that may be far
reaching ia its evil producing influence-
We look around us and seeing prosperi
ty nn every haml, think little of
things, and cry "croaker" at any one vrfcn
to point out tli * cviis i:i oar
poiiticul system. So di«l the people -»t ol.i
Rome, bat neverthelos tiie e iuk-r vrs*
calLig away at tho very heart of the Em
pire aad tbe cr»s!i came.
As a Nation we live too much in tho
present. Our giorious past i;> aloiont lor
gotien, and our fntuie uneared 1.-r. VVe
ilo not Want to bother about what sort of
a government ouv children's children w:!i
live uuder. And every day these evils am
growing and tiicir eradication becoming
more diiiicult. Politicians educate th.-
people, not the people p-'liticiaus, and th**
suecess of a'..ertain faction is held par.i
inount to the welfare of the country, the
people being already eouc:it ,v l to tha
plan s. Shades of Webster! Wnat woul'
the fathers of our Legislatio;,
sav it' tbev w3re t*> bi" now
brought back" to uarth and witness th *
proceed;! l's oi our Rejiresentiitivcs ;»
Washington under the regim.; of the l>eui
ocratic party. When* o!;e** th(i air wa -
thrilled by the eloquence Adams, Ran
dolph, Benton and Ola.', or hushed it
whisperings to hear the mighty logic •>:
the Massachusetts gia;.t it now ts redolent,
with th« disgusting squabbles of party fac
tions oyer spoils, jtngii ig t 1
nee who shall >:rasp the most money Irom
the National funds. .
Thomas Reed n'a beheaded, politically,
beeanse his patriotic mind grasped tn ■
true idea that our Congress was a N ltion
al bodv, nad that a Omgressmau owed al
legiance to tho Nation ar.d its welfare, n.»i
to »eoiit>n and party.
"Wo did not notice in the remarks of Mr.
Crisp auy "t that spirit promptiag tb.i
wortls "1 would rathir right iliuu b.i
Pr«Kidout oftbe United States."
Ah, uo; Amor I'atriic bides her diininisL
hetnl while love ol party holds high carnt
val in halls that ought only to echo to the
voice of patriots.
And it w well to notice which of the two
great parties i< nio-t accountable fur
this state of tilings.
When the ilcliinley bill was passed, tin*
Democratic press all over the country be
gan a systematic plan ol misrepresentation.
It publ.sbeU tables of "figures," and col
umns of •' acts" that would have mad»
tno?« cbampi 'as of ye olden time, AB
nanias aT.t! groan with envy.» in
st i.l of the t.e.e law a fair trial
they, tbe Democratic f-ditors, determine.i
to lie it out of popular approval Irom the
very beginning. Their dear party was a ; .
Ktake as to the .advancement of the e«uu
try. "Ll'"t is not Wuat tiiey get paid for
*Wo of the North, engaged iu the cbasi
after wealth,resign all this to the bands ot
professional politicians We tlo not stoj>
to think tna't hundreds of thousands ol
the citizens of this "Free?" country ar.<
openly deprived < f the rights given Ibetu
by lite hintiest law of tho land. That one
section of our country is arrayed in avowed
hostility to tin- Coi>citutiou. All over tbe
Souvli Negro sufl'. is a farce, an t the
million.' ol looo'j", th« thousands of lives
that were sacrificed in giving them their
freedom, werenn*re thHii wasted. Tb«
Soutii lias said "I'he Negro :s not our
equal, au'l 'Joustitutional Ameudnient can
not make tii.ii such. It he votes oar ticket
we!! am! giod.but if ho should 'have a dim
idea that he i- his own master, we favor
shotgun argument tha'. ho is dreaming of a
pn 'iiise long siuee proven to havo been a
a till the pnity that dominates that, see
tiou is t!xi:-jsu:jt its principles into action
ia k!te N««rtfc, uhtrvver ile supremacy is ui
stake. Only in northern Hates they re
sort to open iraad instead of midnight as
We know a'.l this, yot '.ho wheels of tlis
Juggernaut that wii[ sureiy cvu»h onr
Na'iopal life, grinil onward, its spec'
accelerating wirn every year of gaiuing
power, and no one offers to put n rpoKe ia
it's wheel.
V." ;io will bo the Joshua of our Nation.
Hi shad > v has not yet appeared, or wi i
the history of other popular governments
tinally be ours, and tnus repeat h.T ancient
talc. * Harry I;uuxes.
At Denver, Col , ltst baturdsy th«» jury
in. the easii of tho Com. vs Dr. Graves, ii.-
dicted tor murder, returned a tirst degree
verdict, and there was a great scene in tho
Court room. The l>r's attorneys promptly
gave notit'i! of an application for a new
trial, but it was reported best day that lio
had confessed. Uo is accused of causing
the death of his benefactress, a wealthy
New England widow, by sending her a
bottle of poisoned liquor.
Flick Items.
lli-s Lydia Haz'ett of Mars is spending
a few days with friends here.
John Turner was the guest of W.J.
Giluspie on New Years day.
Boa Barton is as happy as a big sun
flower—a pair of line girls.
Nelson ifcCall and fteorge Grease hopper
were chosen appraisers on the property «.f
Weode! Hk'ky, Jr.
Th» voting folks ol this vicinity are
pleased to nee Mr. Baker home from llrad
ford. O K
Tho Chief llfaaon for tho greut eucreasof
Hoocl'a £arsapariJlA la found in the fact that
Merit IVir.s. Hood'* Sarsnparllla Is the beit
portlier actually accomplishes all that
l£ cte'Tnod far it. Prepared bj C. I. Hood Cut.,
Apothecaait-s, Lowell, Ksea. Sold If druggists.
Wise Merchant
Is never content to stand
still. Stagnation is death
—ln Trade as in other
things. New Customers
should be sought after all
the time. There is only
one way to get them —use
the Advertising columns
I'rt. R.i ' .• i i.i K 200 acres, located ia
Doiiciml Twp , v ell v at<;r»-d, good orchard
n!e •v of fruit, p 1 dwelling, barn, spring
bouse, gr : -i .. ii. il best farm in tho towu
tlr.p i.ii <>r cultivation. For
me; ly '' i-rtse iJiHenpie farm Apply to
[ Fuller Co., Pa. Ohit'uro P. 0.
The] pnV.ic -cbools of Kittanning, Pi.
Ii .ve !. •u . ien a count of diphtl'.criii
of a malignant type.
One of the ui'ist expensive, and
may say curiously constructed pig pens in
Pennsylvania or peruap® in the T nited
tf'ate. has ja.-t been completed at Eeonon.y
Tic cost of the pea or nursery, up to date,
is $3,000. It la constructed not only on
sanitary principle*, bat with special regard
to the comfort of each and overy porkar
.vliu-U lind- a pia"e within its walls. It
t« 1 'two large stoves, and the entire
pi .1 is covtred v, ith a giaa« roqf with proper
ventilator.''. The eating room is separated
from the rcsl oi the pen and everything is
kept -crupulonsly clean by twoattendantd
itlioo sole duty it i.- to take care of the
and look after the heating and ven
tilating of tins building, At present the
p n contain* 3 n o fine voting porkers as
Can be seen anywhere. They seem to
thrive in their well kept home, and appear
to realize their superiority over a new
t outer which tliey eye with disdain.
A M 'iti-n cobble gave bis wile a oertain
hqiu of mo:, .y i i week lor her personal
u~e. lie never inquired she did with
H, but al:«-r t . riy-nino years of wedded
ife tip? wife died, and iu the drawer of an
antique table the husband found a bagcou
ta aing gold, ai- > a roll of greenbacks,
iui"iiutiug in ai; to SIO,OOO. Moral: Nev
er inquire what your wife does with the
money yoa give her.
Daniel ilu ii'.iK'rt, a farmer living near
E.tst Berlin. A . uns county, this State, hud
b.'cn suffering for -otnc time past from
w.,at was snpp -ed to be pulmonary con
sumption. A week or so ago he was seized
with a violent spell of vomiting, and' e.v
small lizards troni hi%» stomach,
llis condition became worse, and on Sat
nr lav last ha dieJ. It was found that his
stomach was literally alive with the rep
tiles. Mr. Mummert was a supervisor in
Paradisj towusbip. aud in the course of
his work frequently drank from springs by
the roa.'.-id aud it is thought that iu this
way be #>: ; i ■ II:- .rdi while very young
in his stomach.
The first colored attorneys, two in num
b-ir. h ivo ■) .i a t.ui Cdd to practice iu tbj
Allegheny c ;.uty courts. To any level
bei ie:l p- "ii 1 \v u'l .-jam only fair th ft
nis color shoald not hinder a man from
practicing r. a lawyer, or in fact entering
upon .i y other profession, bat then it is
uot many year* since when a negro rapped
vainly lor admittance tr tho Allegheny
.ouuty bur. Timts uud feelings have
changed, at,d the young men have the best
w! ht s of ail who believe in fair dealing.
ifr. Aaron Wil- m, a merchant of Ho
cli ster, Pa , h w withdrawn from Rev.
B asall's CLnnii, because be considered
thit t!: Kev , in a late sermon denied tho
divinity of Christ and tho Bible.
Just before Jii'ige Baer, yf Bedford re
tired fr.-ui tho Bench list Friday morning,
he granted a new trial to John Dean, cour
v oted of murder in the first degree. Dean
was then brought into Court, and plead
guilty to murder generally, and Judge
Baor fixed the degree at tho second, and
sentenced Dean to tho penitentiary lor 11
years und 10 months. Juilge Longnec-kir
was theu sworn into < ffice.
Maggio ConlMj, a Kittanning young
wo :.au. has bean s n nt to tho workhouse
for 30 days by a I'jlt.-bnrg alderman. The
your./ woman who hid b:eu on question
able t-r.in with uu Allegheny Vally H. K.
pa;■•■ongt'r brakomao, named Boyle, saw
u;ui in a Darbsr hop iu trial city. She
motion.-J f '-' him t > come out aid walked
on. Ho didn't como aail s'a.s tfent back.
Boylo g me. She had a dispute with
ibt* proprietor of the shop about Boyle »
whereabouts and vas ejected from the
ib-p. Afier going out she thraw a brick
tb.-ii ig!i the win! ••.*. I' was for this sho
WiK irre-'ei ■. i ,:t up. Mia* Conlon is
th« «2<rtg .• ■>: i'.. ilttiy grocer at Kit
JD -: .f THIS.
THOU I'— Act 3 h ■ neof t'han. MeQuistion
in toiler. l)i'c. -4. 1891,. Mias Annie
Tiio.-p, daiighie oi Wm Thorp of Con
cord twp , ag-.d 16years.
NIWUI—In Cranberry, i'wp., this coun
ty. It -7. 1.-Jl. llr. William N'esbit,
iu I!: •ST : yar of his age.
Mi.iUNKIN"—Jaa. olh, in Clay twp.,
cl.il'. .! :: W. MoJunkin. .
BOOtC —At his homo iu Worth twp., Jan.
0, 1 -iui, Tuoaiss Book, aged about 05
JORDAN—At bis residence in Bntler,
Jan 3, ISD-, Samuel Jordan, aged about
50 y ars.
Mr. Jordan died of inflajc'.nation of tba
bo ft els, and way iit-k but a shrtrt tiine.
II a kep .i restaurant undufH'ie Sctmeidu
ni.iu I.nil li g. '
Sl'liOl'Liii -At the residence, of lier
brother Cltas F. Glenn, in Unlontown.
Pa., Jan. 2, 1S1):J. Uulda, wife ol John
li. Sp.uiiil <.l Boyi-r. and daughter of
v'v it • -.l ' « v*i of IV. Snubury.
Ati -iproall \..> •• aiiaCKed by tue grippi
wdilt* or, A vi.-'ii to her brother, and it
1 in rdiM'li. She was buried iu th«
I': b.' -r: , < ■ !<-.y of W. Suubun,
\$M TriWn.vTfoK" Jg92
Country Gentleman
Agricultural Weeklies.
Fnrrti Croj s and Processes,
H'l'ixif ure & Kruil Growing,
Livt iicck -uifl. Dairying,
Whi li. . it.c! :dcs nil minor dopart
nie:u «;i Uu:..' interest, ueh as the
l\ni! "V. ..!. K oi:io!«,f>y, Bee Keeping.
(*r. • •• and <»r.«i>ery, Vetennarj
' lie-'-- - I'. i -Lions and Answers,
i F.r. -!■ • lira ting. Dome.-'in Economy, and
i a ii..i.i . tl.o N", of tho Week. It
• M : .T I.': • «t;;. re ur.u.-ually complete,
ur i• i ■ paid t>ti e Prospect-*
ol lb" Crop . - thrr.-. itig lipht upon one
of tlo- ui■ -t impi ia-.t of nil questions—
ll'/un I > Hi't/ a, i When to Hell. It is
liberal!} Illna ited. and by KECEN'T
E-N BA KtJ V. UN V. contains uioro reading
uu i-r tba-i • ver hi fore. The subscription
Fri • is li o ' p.-r •. f»r, bnt we ofl'er a
! BHCOIAL itEDCC'i lON in «nr
Ul DB K 'E3 F.OR 1892:
Tv o i' hi one remittance.. $-1
I gil Subscript ions, do. do. .. 10
Twelve Sab«crfpti»tßfl| do. do. ..18
St bgcribert /">■ IB9S
,/ . ~ i.'ir, \VK WILL HBND TUB
r u-i . 'V K!.!' I.V. from our hrckipt of thv
• reditu.lo January 1 at, 1-ftfJ, wiTUOUT
i t*' SPSciMKy Copiks Fekb Address
Albany. N Y.
! Hotels and Depots,
! W. P io now manioc a lioe
of - •. In't'-oen tbo botcla and
dopots o! f a tor, a
• Liu- (•-. • o uabli'. Tt-lephone
N 17 i- ■■■" otdtre at Hotol
V.. ;
luwii Liverj in Cwiueclion
"" " v *'" u
Absolutely Pure*
A creatn of tartar baking potvder. High
est of all>in leavening -strength.— Latest
S. Government t'aio<tßeport. '
Administrators and Ht«<cutor*of estates
can ecure their receipt l»»wks at the Cin
zes office.
Executors'' rfoticfe. ■ • .
ESTATE OF WtLOiil <; xt.l.vfctrelt. DfcC'D.
Letters t'e.-t;.u.'et>t":lrf on "Hie pn'f ate' of Wu.
HallasUer. ciee'it.Oftie v r • < tw,|»„ Butler
Co.. fa.. Ii .v 1 (jra.- 'eil to iiit anuersl,,!-
etf. all |.t '1 us ■.rt t .'l<e-i i»i:ebt"<t lo
said estate wlit p:e ,u..ike immediate pay
ment. anil an-, li ning i-laltirs s^*'luM said
rstaTe will present ttiein Uo>> autliCiitK.ttetl fur.
settlement to
MMON «; \^L*uukit,
Herman P. 0.. Butler Co., Pa. .
w. i>. 11 ?;ui).\ .. i
C. F. Pierce for Ui«i <ifiiw'.of ("paimcn
of clarence .Walker , Fleas of l.utier Co.. Pa.,
vs !*:. jT.'Nb'.'fmvc.' term
J. K. V. Brouwere J IW], U.WJ - .J«*4.
Dec. IT, ism. Petition of Win. M. frown.
SUerift. for ttie appoiliittii.n* i»f vo -auditor to
distribute the funil rcalt/ed .t> >m the bate of
nutciier. as v. el", r.-t at if. 1); >•;. uj; iame term. to
aui amonc those entitled thereto, preseutetl
find t i.e Court appoint -la-i. -i. K: Mates Esq.,
auditor to make distribution of tho monejt, lu
the Sheriff's h;'nits, as stunsl within,
the persons cnttticil tnure -j, ( •
l',\ the Court
Buth.-r Co.. S. rt. <vr'4ti I • from Hie records
this. 17th dtiy oiiiec., jsyi. ...
' M. vv. Bkown. Pro.
Notice is hereby- given tor tof intereijted
that I wilt atu u.i to til.; Juttes ol Uie »uO»e
appoliitinent 'ti.l m\ offl.+ la tfce i: l-icioud
Block, Butler,jftt-lo o'cloidi.A. -M, oi Moudaj.
.laa, 18, I«<2. " " "
. . B.'MATHe,
(1 . Auditor.
Coninmsicrncfl 's "Kcrtice in
' •- "Dlvoinsd. ,
I.evlua Wlnce'r, bi'W-f) in'tVV'fWff of Common
broiher and jjexi- i'lraf qMJa»l«>H'o.. Pa.,
fneud.lx-vt M. (Sow »it fat A
vs. Jami . \\ lit) li.c. BJJfc 11. f'aye liw.
D«c. 9th. Ivi M-it I>u tit # - >toJ»ifelu s. uai
hieuth. ii i'j Tor p; iiu'lJ j? ; ie .■Jpolntrnei. l
ol a i omm>SM».aer 'oAikoaattKH hiv. iu aliuv
Cf.se .»• (1 iaakejfu rt to Cjuitjoii.venteH. ana
,1. T. UoDly (' .(jyjlut'^ r lor
the i.urpobas .-aeuyon a in ; luoaou.
,- ,_. JV. I he. Court.
Butler CO.. H. S.'t .rt llie leeoUs,
Dec.9, 1831. 'rcUtt -
Job . «'■ Bkown. Pro.
To lire parties eU to tt*in.®veni.itier
t-leasc lake u -Hits* that l »>lll »' tcud U» tu •
duties oi saW appointment x? my oiQ.-e tu But
ler, tn Diamondliwek. oa-Hju f*y. tvo. is 1 .
IftJ. at 10 o'clock A.M. whffliind whete jou
may attend ana be heard, K-ffta so wish.
J. 1". Ihjm-V.
* 'Commissioner.
——. - 1 *
Electioa Natic* -
Tbere will be a the members
of the Worth Muuiai. l«e mce (Jo.
at the U. P. Church at Wc.-l Liberty Hut-,
ler Co, Pa.>t)ti i'ue.s ia >t :, J.au?.l2. 1893, for
the purpose of Hcc: tg r-ii'Sfi lor the en
suiug year, aud •di.-'p* Kfjt<if'such otuer
bu.-iueES as tnay i'iihik tl|o meeti ug
J iiuk'6 Uiuuphrej , I'resdt.
XV. E, Taylor. Secy. r
Elestion Notice.
There tvill bo a ujaetiug of the raeu}bers
of the Butler.Couwv Ma-ftftl PirolnMirance
C'ompauy. at the iHli 'e iu- Secretary in
Butler I'a ou.Tuesjay .I.uiigpcy. 12 lf)02 t at
1 o clock P. pTirpase" of eleetliij?
twelve directors fiir tlfl'fnsuing year.
H?«'r4»<i> the iPre#ident.
11. C. lIKISKUAB) Si^'retiwy.
Eleciloji Jiloiiae. • ..
Ti.e general >• Ulw Farmeri Mu
tual l ire Ii u.ao .e v "UU * uj( 01. Hoiiuab»-
town HE, x visiui'y' wiif -a held at the
crwaraerjr'hui:rtia4 ii 'DMhiio. Jul jaiurdav,
Jauu.-ry st, ISaJ,, !' I o'cioi;%.p iu. -liarp,for
the purpo." o. iy : .. ; ur directors and
trati>'aeiiu< oilier Lr.ViW ' -.
■ -A° KkaU.SK, Pros' t.
IIk.VKV lli:tK, St-crcf .
Es'ate of John T3ilrkhart.
Letters testamentary 1;! viiig* been grant
ed t«the (i)' tn<%.-eata.e of John
Burkiiari, d'o'd, late i;l ip.JSutler Co.,
Pa., all ptr-ous ki:qwui,{ indebt
ed to paid ff ilc wjl lot- l-Uin -di'ili
payment, and any " u..v '..4 . laiuis
said estate will present tnem duty auiheuti
cate»l for settlenieu:.-- -■ -: >-» - ,
Mauv Exe.tutri*.
'* - __.' JiLTIEK, PA.
Greer i Uaiittu.'AttVß.-'' " ---
.„ ■! 1.. .+ a .»;
. -. r, jh-. v- ~
Estate of Jaim Vtfkttttrtre, dec'd
laikof o\s i ,.\Nt>'xvvV!, uufuuSoo.', rX.
Letters aa I Jo oi Julxu
Wtiltmirc. dec tl.. VtUrbt O-Tiau'l twji.. Buutr
< u., Weuute. UaVlilii been'(jreWSJ iO tuo
s. a 'iioU. all persons i:io>v|Ug i-* nni:;»ci iuleut
i u Ui .ulil cjUl" h.»ii p!r«»i; tiaUiedlale
p.ijmeut auu nu> 11 kVUU £ tue
»au»e wiii lUcui tonV lor
I st'lllrUlclJU lo •'
ran Winr.uw. tv.\«.
iil.li.:.' Co., i'a.
G. W. Fitter, Awi.
- »•
Estate of JosbuaroAtcCandless,
I.ATE OF JllWlVttilJlS TW!'., lIUTLEU CO., I'A.
Mouce is Lircby tIJ-if iii'; ULil'-istgueii
liavlug lal;.!i mul It ii K . -C'jt '■uiltrtmi.vratiuii on
tne iM.ucut Jo>uua JltC.in".leas'. 1 >t 'ui touud-.-
cieck twp.. liuuer i . i'.i.. decu AH
peaupMi knownlDjjthe!irna itf<iet>ted watM
estate *m ft ">-■ tu i pu>uiei.i.
ai.d fill | "i.vius biM'., 'aViiio m ' claims
't„- lust Sui-l i-.-ilais • 11. ,-u' lu») -alii.' pro
|K-rly auUieii-!' .I i lur v«i*';i,' iil lo
i.VANUBI: >i«_A S3,
A, .s _jj_n ...
i i. >j tel. ; u„ Adia'n.
McJuukiu o. ahr-atf ■ le'rAdm us.
Estate of
I,ettare.lof "adrotniMteflo?? jjii 1 We estate of
BON-rt Q. fTawfnrd. (1»..".'<1,.1ata Of Adnns twp,
Jlutter Po~ Pa..
underpinned. a|) i i ritis Iciqwlu? th eniselv<'.s
indebted to skid ••nt'ifti will pl»* ««' niake Im
wedlate payment acd, any -hnvint: claim*
aß'duat the .same wit preanit th«-m duly
authenticated for t<-ttlnj>t>rt*rn r
JuM' caawford. Adni.Y.
" • V: { fi II? 1 cftfrr C«?,Pa.
; - .4.7* v~
Take the time to walk up
East Jefren-o: Jstr£et to Fie the
window-full of fine *Reniarqu< :
Proot uiid Artist*' Proof Etch
ings. .Choice ijXj-jO. Christ
mas is coming.
■• •• V -
CRAWrtrfm ■ k KtNMEDY.
The well kuown liveryman, Wqi. .
Keuueriy, has bouubt »d interest iu
the above (Uuii i.cii vs ril b« plfaw dto
Liive hie fi4tfudj» eall ui :Uio now pl«u*
of budfuosH. T-iie • -
Best - j
riage > j
in Batler at the moPt reasonable!
The pl&co ia eabiiy rfniembor
♦■d. The first stable wo«t of the
Lowry House.
; • • > • •** n *
■ ' " •C'' . *> -•
/.• . , • f.«d ;«a.:o'.n
v- ' yyjy^f.S
. .. t 'j. , ■
Adwrtise in the Citfteti.
Jury List.
tilt nf Trav'r •» I iro si Iriwu t:.:t day of
>.i>vembvr. A_l> l- »l to i Travel--,-
Juror*at •« », •• •: -i !• rn» «••: - • mm-UiLD.: .
'"5 *flt"» th" luu -lav •<: «liii ,u»j A. ». 1
ii..' same u-l:. b lUe and Morula o:sa. I rnon u.
frank. Butler jtfi w ml&tt-r.
BKck. .U> a F*!n ew i*i> (i mor.
J. nnett £ *i. a legiieuj twp uriner.
Brown. Hli.Uip L>. 111. Id It St x t'.vp, farmer.
. Melt U l» .v. MiUt »to» ii i—r. : toorrr
I Bgljaa, Georve Hitler. ;ra w, luereliiut.
CauiptwJl. TnoVn.' Parker i » p m> r J uit.
f Cauiptx-11. Ira. W.tMiH. rtoaiw ;., min* r.
( auipix-!! .loliii. .letfi i -on iw,» ! <r..ier.
, Cri'Up, .Jobn Wr Butter !#,> faniur.
j lHuih IT. .las U PenajWT'. f.iriner.
i l'.ivi(i-t,a. I A slip: --, to.-* t*p t.irmer.
L>utlorU. Jacob 11. a!itr,d,-i i .ruler.
]» ;>S. 11. .lol.n, t tn • r.
Diine.-.u H M V p. iaf.j.-r.
1 ' ,':ble C S Kr uiUiia :•« u iaiiu^r.
I>km.in, (}r'i», .\vUrt-on tn ■■ Ur ier.
Heittfiiil Mi. h.iei t.e irt- I r'.v'i., iuriu' r.
Coy iVnu t« ••. '..iim-r.
1 l'ortldi r i mule, e< tir.a-r.
Klceger. W B, f'opcir ; twp. : iraier.
Ketter..lacoh I" nur. p fa-ai-r.
Korsvitie. J. in- s. Aii.nn- twp. (arim r.
i r.ili; m. I N 1 vnr.s < ito o. le.'i.st-r.
. i rJum. tl w T liuiler UU w. Clerk.
Irvln. xaniuel. Ceetie i« p. lar er.
. ljivcy Josepti, ItuUc ixr> firiu r.
1 "arks. A 11. Mu *JKn'r* tW|i f..rmer.
."• : iir<l, JoUu. But > r ith w.jewejer
Mr.vt)n hi Bailer. :ul . J.isti e.
. MeLau.-illin i -plias i'al:Vi.-.v la\,, trainer.
B J. r' an ew twp (« w-r.
Pi;rvis. s A. A«mms i.»ruruier.
1> u. Jou Jliiier-towu uoni miner.
I tilpp- simeuii. HalUrliUe .coutraeter.
i: !lcl:»01ivt r i'. Biill r. art w, es saerl3.
I.'eno, JuU>i (i I>' '.v m,' it -v.ito.i.
9 SJH*! Butler, Ist w causwlth.
• nliepiMrd. 1.8 tmpperjrrnsic. •»:>, iira-r.
-l»-wari Alex, i "ii'iiiiii- AD t.ruar.
>™inler«ou, Ue.li. Com orl twp, tar u**r.
. .>-ller-. Jaai. s. Batlcr. iuJ w, li .house
. * -en- Lauiuci .Merc r two. t nlor.
Miahnon. \m.urw. frauKilij twp tarmer.
- -uic.iist, A v K rusfiti i-ir-i eartieu'-T.
■ nrne.. Mtl'Jew. i'liuiu.i i-iyp. »ai uier.
• Tlintliu. ".mi-. - i;i:iir. •m\\ sn • • j .ter.
' ; : iomps tu. iN" !ir ■iyta p, lariaer.
tni Joseph, i aiiea&t-1. twp. lariner.
' \ .u e, JB. Aiii-„ne'iy I'av. i tinier.
: \ mium UuiH'li.. nx-Liiu'lDii twp, tarmer.
[ . ailj, At', faikeriwp. tariner.
- \'. iv, Johu \V. Butlnr 3*4 »v, urUler.
ihklm Ko i-rt, H lUii l<e livrjiuan.
v. llllaaisou. .\ 11. Merecr. farmer.
LOTS. I will otfer fort>ule a iiumlier or lots
■iLuated ou the hl£U ;n outi.l.:i<ljaceiit to M. 11.
'.ourher, Ksq., ar.d li e Home, lite
i !; nil is laia witt 'n equates of something !•>-■}
, lean one acre, enelt Miui.re surroun'JcJ
i tr\ a3O-n>ot sir.ri. ami cmtaininK live Itit- ;0
iret trout by i»o feet ii.icfc these lots are orer
eJ at very rea>cn:itie prii-es and on term-40
1 snit 1 urofiaser-v th' s«. \.ho isL-Ai an entire
t sijuare can t>.' ai > « , oiiiiiii>l .t-^l.
ALmi—l will se I ni' i-irra in summit town
-1 ship.Mtuateti ><it!aii 6i:>- iialt u.ile 1,1 the Burp r
t"Ot>)U line, uOJ-iuiiiik lat.n •ot arjea Kb.irr.s
ai ; .l ixhrr>, 011 riie .Mlllersiowu i"imX. ui.d eju-
M.iltq{ot 1)2 acres. It will be -elil either as a
\ tiulr urdu "led 10 stiii purchasers.
Kor turiuei- Intorinatiou lu reu ir I to either of
pro;n*riles. i 'll on l. q. Sullivan, ■£s
Kas Nori t Mrcei KtiUer, I'a.
iioßgli and Wsited Lumber
Doors, Sash, Ulinds, Mouldings,
Siiingies and Lath
Aiways in Stock.
t Ofllce opposite P. &. W. Depot,
BUTLEK. - - P*
L. M. & J. J. HEWn,
Dealers in ull kinds oi
fuugh £rd V.urked Lumbi r.
DOO :: S,
SASH, • -
\Vt* ' \ a stock <»f all ot LuUl"
• I. Oil NV trii Kigi*. l^tc.
; i Caii ui'U t our prices and f»<*o our stock.
Mailorders Promptly Attended
Oliiee aud i aril on
I S'os HOE ST., Skak \v kut I'eks Dbf <.,
Plaiiiag Mill
A. N' yj
L. fU KV 10. L. O. fUKV i s
S. 6. Purvis&C«>.
Rough Planed Lumber
»)if KV SHY M,
Butler, Pa.
| (icntii' FnrniMhiuK-. lluU, Caps, Truuku
und Bags ut tbt> On". Price Net
L Main St.
Hutler, l?a.
AntJ til it ✓ x if Ii in iuit
uii II ■n r/ r \ man, w.nana
an 1 child f Iwi and
{.os££rs Cttdm GyceHne.
It i 'ln- ideal Ci'."U»:tio, It btiuiulated
•he dpi V' n quifkeUKeuculitTiiin and carries
nway dead particles of the tkiu, lt-aving it
<ia. d clear. It had no equal lor Ch»l>
pftd 1J ilids, Lip<, Fiiee, or rounrhir-xiinf the
skill, anil is iuit i sn-iled a- u dresainK i<>r
the face after it is a biand.
cr.-.i uy euiulsiou, with just enough vege
ta'de oii io aidlcu tiie nniu. No laily or
Kuo'teiuan atmnlil '»« witlmut ii. Be sur' 1
to get the geuuiue. Take uo uutistitute.
"P.»r nale bv J. C. Rcd.ck, Drug
gist, Butler, Pa.
35 North McEeau Strict, Butlor, l'a.
Myals at all honrn. Oj'cn all Night.
Brcaktaal 25 cts.
Diuu<t 33 cts
Supi" r 23 ets
SIMEON NliON, - - Prop'r.
A<l'»»«t'B'> 'ho CiTftuN
fop. sample IOPY or thk
i iie ve,r Is ' 1 eine ! enti«l Year.th
■ f 13 r> •.i•"•«■*I aif..ir. w.tl be (feneral.
fa-ilities for oti
' 'l.i' tr -t reliable iplnrmntinu
tm X' LI.K1") IV AMERI) nn.l fcfKC
i • ■ r-w:': v tik"H It rne ru a*-
c' :e msJ uubi - I ii*ws obtainable.
The Gpscial Fsaturss
i r-c in id'Mtioa ti the very l»?e«t nei.
:l \l. MINIS i AND MASI!F.ACri;K
-a-it i"&e .r- w .rth the sutvicriuti »u
Pittsliurgh, Pa.
By a lil- r*l g'rtni{'?!ii ;tt wi.h tb» Pitis.
I ifn VV • sly Ihr i siole Teie»rij> i we ar«
I M 'tl 1 veer's sub-e iptua t» tt .it
1 • 1 and the 01 TliitCS, b >ta lor on« y*»r
l >r f .vo Dallars.
Is tin- lar/i >t ami bi-t newspaper pubishe,!
lit the Oapit J of PeunnjlVHiiiv Eaeh
uiiuib t c iutains sixty-four coluains
filled vitti tt-o latest new*. ntorii-s,
market reports Legislative proceed
ing-. and uiisn laneous reading.
DickenVCotupiete W'i rk.-. (15 volume".)
1 r Waiter Seott'ii \\ averlet Novels, (25
vi 'nines.) aud the Harrisbnrg Weekly
'f . eiirnpti, «>ue year will lie sent to any
a drt»s. postage p iid for TWO dollakf.
A>'e will lurutsh the Weekly Telegraph
... I James Fen ni morn Cooper'* Leather
Stoi ki: h Tales, (lo volumes.) for one
d«l! :r and a half
V i.ckl.t T« and Continental Illns
trat-d Mag.ixine, (monthly.)for one dol
lar and -eveiity-five cents.
Weekly Tel« f.'r iph and American Ajrioul
tnri-t for tv." dollars.
\ .. ki\ nl' jiraph ami American Farmer.
(inonthly.) tor one dollar.
e' kly Tel. and Umun Uaitazi'ie,
e ted liv mi-s John A. L"ita:t, (monthly,)
l< r one dollar and ten eeuijj.
To Solicit ejs iu every tjoho. 1
Di-itriet in Penimylvauia.
I' ;Iv Tele-raph. $5 per year.
l'..tly Tei'-sp-aph a id Dieketts' Work*,,
1.-- uv Telfjcriph and Waver ley Novels, $5
Ciiwcann iim-t aceoinpaay all orders,
ax.d i>e addressed to
il. W. MoALAKNEY. Manager.
U&rrisburg, Pann'u.
And everything in
l-orse and buggy i'ur
i i.>liin£c (roods-IX ar -
O o
Hess, Collars, Whips.
J dusters, Saddles, etc.
Alwo tmnks and va
done on
short .not ice.
The largest assort
ment ol* 5--A. Hor.su
blankets in town will
1 »e ionnd at Kemper's.
3. <v B.
Everybody Buys
iUld 113
For Everybody El&e at the
MUSI! sasn
►» have a specie! Cir-'ular atd Pi'ice
List uu tnU tuhjeci aloue, cqat.no
lux ull tbe detaila uf eiub"?-
i ar»» and special vameti.
' b? luiercsted in it. Shall we
inatl you a copy?
We Import all i>ur
Pmiii Li'ieo
ilcii.c l itched Handkerchiefs,
Liadita aiid Gcnta,
and are conCdr-ut no fuch values aa
theao v/e are belliutr cau be fouud
else w here.
We've tnade a reputation and are
keeping it oa
iloro ihnu lUOO styles of Ladles'
Embroidered Lluudiiorchiels to
select Iruiu.
' ('an we sty more ?
i'n ii values sent in execution of all
Mail Oilers entrusted t » us do not
p1«.».-e oi tiilfii v<'tir expectations,
we'll i.i'itpt the goods back and fw
toiid tiie money,
it l uu cauuoi Cvui 1 ) to tee the
tjoliday Display
in th 'se storea, you caa order by
Uiuil with confidence.
to 121 Federal Street,
liifcurance and Keal Estate Ag't
G .~D7 H A R VE Y,
DUtra r U'J b'Ui-ler !.■ i ll' k work, eraU
a..J iuxl octtiug »ul* uii kiflcKof brick-l/iyluiT
lu-tf ttlrv. V.w UfiittT la Uwh. v«m
IJ JCi 10 r j NaUou tl. TX>r^UOif
; ia a.l t u ttc market.
r u>. r. j asf r Lair. Klii>J'o Uro t rlvk
»1 v. v. Li: •y ui . u'l rtvur aurti. Mill, otfl'o
. .. :■ a. vv.trr i.trtiM"
v. UI receive pivinin. dvUVbry. i tniib
t M Va ' tlrJ t . &&.- sris %Jr §1 oLji
■""" > ~
1 .. * "
Thanking von for
i ?
last year's patron- •
aire, and wishing.
O 7 O
you a prosperous ...
new year.
We intend tVyins ...... .
to increase our
trade for 1892 by
greatly reducing:
prices on many
j, .- ■ - w
goods. Save
money by buying
this month.
„■ * - „ mm* mm* 4
Yours Truly,
Campbell & Tenipleton,
1130 N. Main St., - - Butler, Pa.
1892. , ' *
i'W iOBK mHEB4X3
•<.J. #. . ♦
Ilisy Fas:iy Ju ;!iijhi !jii )1 Slabs.
o •-*. - o " ; t u%. £...... r ah .
Wi'h th<- most pi-r fCt ueW'j iratlienu ? and wiib t:orre«poDd
* )tf> in cvrri wcii -u of ib-> tri '> . ■•■a'* Vf«*vWy UtT*ld is enabled
t.i lay More its render- tl.e latast iut-.-lh 'jiVfc eatertaiatuif news
! from t-yf-rv city ami country in .he world.'
The reputation fur freedom and' independence which is his acquired
during the many rears .»f ita prospsraus career wjH b; uiiiataiitf!d
Original Ariic'los on Practical arming and Gardening.
Progress in Science. Woman's Work.
Serials and Short .Stories by the Bast Authors.
Literature and Art. Wit and Humor.
News for Veterans, and I'nforfnatlon on all Subjects.
The stamp of Parity aud Tru'b :a IJc. s, St riei and NeWs will be
f rfctly uiuidiaiaed >
Send ah Subscriptions to
J - 3£MS GO'iDC T
fUi u f> V C i> -> i in « v/r * Do U"' fiil to now for tin .
<■ .srlos, ,
IW-itr-liOQ V ,A D 1: S -OLD,
|VV cIICIICS ((i•• vj s >]i.VKR
i ... ■ . .• W • ».s •I ' C•oj »•
rmirolrir i c !.V'Pir*. K'ar-rinjis,
flLVVrll \ | liii;>?« tihauts, Bracelets, Etc,
( Ton sets, easturs. butter dishes
Ond ■ vemliing that can be
I F ft fl Pr ItF *, J/7 | Ki-ive. 1 - Fcrks, Spoons—
Mdi tr i W ;'Lis :e Plate.
jNo. .3d, JSorth Man St.. Bt;TL3i;X: f PA.,
! U7 ASTKU—Ax.m> t«> solicit ordm tor ou
* choice unc bnrtl> Vn>" r > M4»-k
SU*dj Work For Earrxrttc Tcmper-it# lieu.
ISulur\ *u*i
ia l. Write at ou <!:tte Afldr*
rt. 6. Chase & Co. lw^
New Livery Stable.
New Stock,
tiorsea tVd and b >ar-1e i.
3&. W Jt.iereuD tit. Butler, Pit
Willard Hotel.
W. H. REIUINH. Prop'r
STiKLIXi IN < <>NMH i !•'>■
siBTLK -o« t•!«' <AI. IIUVKtKB
liiEia Strest Livery.
Ouc btjuarf woe' if Alaiu tit., on .
MiHiiu est All gocJ, nttfti tooreeti;
r.ovv *ni curri
lor wfiaiut'o and Inc-rals. Oati
uud liigt t. T» lepbouM N"t>. li 4.
i r part' - ' * ( .'\ K
It-. !i.o l„ u.a.. . ; - .U.K
Ue*. Lk-guK. uutt u«v i: ;WVvfus 4 CO..
Nuittcrymau, kuUKHfcf. S. Y.
i_;tabUiliv.i WiO.
'■ §
►rvvV< copvimchts, eto.
For .>aY.: : iwHaTltoofcwTttato
?i -V ,c PC.. l t wiBWAY, NEW You.
Ok. .i tun . j for . L :;Irur ? utr at.H In America.
Evwy p. it' ur.c out I»y "s Ls brought Defect}
tac I*-! v o rise of Ouuiu la tlu»
Let: . st.tr o' -i7 #elcnU®r roper In the
nxrtu. »i.n.. i . 'ite-i. No imoUlnnt
ui. 11 i'lOii.l c V h. ,:i it. Wortl?. s£.oo a
jne 11. •:. drtnaVftV'StlOo.,
□'j» /' P, ; WITHOUT
&L 4 iji L 3 WcAR'KOOITI
VL=' naV B n E>9f
a* r... j IS R£QUIR£O v
u£ Cji, i| j DIRECTIONS
V ' "
Good Farm for Sale.
.Cw'.-uuii-sr icn jjcr"! uaa trr perccoj. m actm
C'.t;.ir : ftpu un Wi fernv. BMnccd i«
x<v A ivlfll.- "„it t:u.h<?r. ' oi;.iort»blc Jweliiu*
. u»um •>«' "3«a. v,.. H .>u sho.l. tiirlßgl.ouoe of
f l. uoK :ml-fit'vp bounr. Nevet
1 I.. 1 ; ■ s, ""..o s".<;r wiioit; ;p! ion ; a voixl or
; .t-i.t A p."11 ].!* V?. Till#
1 la ti iifi twp.. Kutlcf coua'y,
if... .illtfi! r'U' C '!#'« - .'JtJlof Ulltlfr.
i alCiji£».N u®ce, H"fl»' V-t.'or Un
I o»Dfr. ■ • DAVID pi.XON.
'*. • - •I.TTlWlni.JlllC." iiUtKIX CO..P*
. ith*fflrbta
■?. ~ :
... " 1 -r-'.-'lj' 1 - *'> »l .
.. '■■■ - *rntJ