Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, January 08, 1892, Image 1

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    VOL. XXIX.
Physician and Surgeon,
Office and residence at 338 si. Main Bt, Butler,
137 E. Wayne St., office hours. 10 to 12 M. and
1 to 3 P. M. _
Office and residence at 127 E. Cunningham Bt,
New TTOutnuui Building. Butler, Pa.
B. N. LEAKE. M. D. J- MAUN. M. O.
specialties: .Specialties:
Gynecology and Sur- Bye. an
Butler, Pa.
Office at. No. 45. 8. Mflln street, over Prank &
Co s Diutf store. Burlfcr. I
Physician and Surgeon.
* iCo. -2 East Jtfferfcoii St., Butler, Pa.
js.cow pennaw-uUj located at ISO South Main
sjrect Butler, I'a., in rooms lorrowly occupied
by Dr. Waldron.
j. J. DONALDSON, Dentist.
Butler, Penn'a.
iHii'rlul Tectll Inserted cn the latest Im
w3S£riaa.«Sd«nißK a specialty. Offlce
over WHaul'B Clotuin* Store.
All work pertaining to the profession: execut
ed ui the neatest manner. Paini«M»« Kx
-08.. 0.
office oiien daily, except Wednesdays and
Thffiiyi. Coiuxminlcatious hy mail receive
ptompt attention.
S. B.— The only Bent Ist in Bntlor using the
best DUik.cs of teeth.
, ft » i and Notary Pui>llc— office on 8.
DfiSSns & Coun HOUBC - 3eC '
ond floor.
Attomey-at-Law—Office in Diamond Block.
Butler, Pit.
ODice— Between IVstoffice and Diamond, But
ler Pa.
p»co at No. 8, Soul u Diamond, Butler. Pa.
Office sccucd ttcor, Anderson Bl k. Main St-,
pear Court KOuf®, Butler, Fa
ATTOlt»;v A? r -AW.
Office en second Door of- the Huselton block.
Diamond, Butler, Pa.. Room No. 1.
Attorney at Law. Office at No. 17, Ea*t Jeffer
son St.. Butler, Pa.;.
<U(ornei at La* and Real fcstate Agent. Of
flee rear of h. Z. Mitchell's office ou north
of Diamond, Butler, P*.
Attoro*Y-at-law. Office 011 Becond floor ot
Anderson Wilding, near Court House. Butlar.
v Att'y a'. 1-aw —Office.on South slde;of Diamond
Butler. Piv.
" L. 8. MeJIINKIN"
Insurance and Real Estate Ag't
YI i 118 COl) NT V
Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
Office Cor. Main & Cunningham fltu
». 0. 1 Hendanoa Oliver,
1 1 Purvii 'James Htcphwuon,
A. Troutman, ». C. Helneinan,
Alfred Wick. N. Weltiel.
i>. w Trvlu, l>r Klckenbach,
j. W. UurkkaiC iD.T. Norrto.
LO y» i s. h',} L- N KJK, A gent.
V" eterirraiw burgeon.
Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
Colhpe, Toronto, Canada.
Pr, Gable treats ell diseases of the
domesticated and m*.i»eß
riddling, castration and horse den
tißtry a specialty. Castration per
formed without clams, and all otber
surgical operations performed in the
moat scientific manner.
Calls to any .part of the country
promptly responded to.
Office and InOrmary in Crawford's
Livery, 132 West Jefferson Street,
Butler Pa.
Contractor nn<! builder In brick work, grate
and mantel setting and all kinds of brick-laving
a specialty. Also dealer In barrel lime, \\ arn
pum loose lime, cements. National. Portland
and all best grades in the market. Calcined
olasfr, plaster hair King's cement, fire hrlck.
tile, wblte sand and tlver wind. Main oltlee 315
N. Mail' street, and all onters left at ware Bouse
will receive prompt delivery. Terms reasonable.
Good Farm for Sale.
Containing 100 acres and 97 perclien. To acres
cleared and under fence. ISalance standlnK in
good wblte oak tlinl>er. Comfortable dwelling
ous«', good burn, wagon shed, spnngliouae of
best kind, hog pen and sheep house. Never
f&lltuK springs over whol>- place ; a good or
cbard. Powsoon given April t.isifl. Title
ffjod. Situate in : 'ur. ran lin'ler couu'-y,
V».. xi">ut si»
Bnqoire at Cnizjcv office. R,.tltr. f-... or the
Brownsuaie, riuUw Co., Pa
New styles arriving daily. It will be
bin a short timo until you will be looking
around for vour holiday presents, we
want to call your attention to our beau
tiful line of fancy
MIRRORS—ManteI and Cabinets,
We will also have tor the holiday
trade a full line of Dinner and Tea Sets
at any price from $4.50 to #75, all new
styles and new shapes, goods guaran
teed not to craze. A beautiful line of
Vase and Bouquet Lamps, from #LSO
to #lO. Anything you want in the
above goods call and see us.
Truly Yours
Campbell & Templeton,
136 N. Main St., - - Butler, Pa.
' .
A Handsome Three-quarter Life-size
Crayon Portrait Free.
As a compliment to our many patrons, and the public
generally, for a sbort time we are tcoiug to give to every
purchaser of Ten dollar? worth of good* a
There is not a family but possesses some picture of
Father, Mother, Brother or Sister which they would to
have reproduced in a life like and durable oiaaaer Call at
once and see specimen at our store
What more tunable for a present? And as our liberal
offer will injure immediate orders in uumbers, your early
vis't is desired.
To secure one of these portraits, you first trade Tefl
Dollars worth with us, md then eive us any picture of your
self or friends Uitu you wish to lave enlarged. The frurne
(samples of which you wi 1 see in our store) togetbtr wiib the
|r!ads and mounting will only cost you $2 75
These |M>rtraits are made by the celebrated Acme* Copy
ing Compaay, 302 and 304 West Vau Bureu Street, Chicago,
111., which is a guarantee of quality of work we intend to giv©
Perfection Heel <fc Tap Overs
$2.00 ~r52.00
We offer the Farmers of Butler Co., this season the greatest value for
the money they have ever had.
The Boots are (he heaviest and best made and are fitted with joint and
back stay of leather. They are all wool and seamless, made m imiooth size
aod then fulled down to ibe proper dimensions They combine Soilness
Pliability aDd Durability ami will keep your feet warm the coldest dav.
This well known brand of overs., which forms over one half of the
great combination need* no comment as to tbeir quality. Everv one knows
that they aro one of the best makes of rubber goods ou the market to day
Their style is that of a buckle ankle boot. The buckle is a patent clasp.
Tbey have solid Heels and Taps. The taps over extra thick at the ball
where the most wear comes.
We will se'l either part of the combination separately for SI.OO per pair.
This will give those who have boots but uo shoes a chance to buy the best
shoes at less than wholesale prices end vice versa.
A last word. Don't delay in buvinjr We have lots of these goods
now but uo telling how loug they will last at these prices.
A-L. R-U-F-F.
114 South Ma in Street. Butler, Pa
Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 per
cent by purchasing their watches, clocks
and spectacles of
J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler,
No. 125 N. Main St., - Duffy Block.
Sign of Electric Bell and Clock.
All are Re?:jectfull\ ' ;\itcd
t •
—''Remember our Repairing Department— 20 y ears Experience."
The night Is gloomed with many a cloud;
A waning moon, behind them,
Give? each the sembianco of a slirouJ _
L<Vwrapped round sLapes—an CT'il cfowd—
That, grisly hued and frowning-browed.
Have slipped the chains should bind theo.
Th«r wander lone, they gather where
Are wild and hurried meetings;
Their parments waver in mid air,
And curses oft—but never prayer—
Diatcrt their lip<. while fierce despair
O'ersLadows all their greetings
Tli>'fr breath is like a wa'ling breeze
Through shuddering ether giidtng.
It cleaves unto the shrinking trees.
TV>:it as though some fell disease
rani ■ ru'hlng forth, their limbs to selza,
Fr> m deca wh.*re it had hiding.
In the still village, down below.
The p'ood folk rest in slumber;
Unmindful of the plotting foe.
Marshaled above to work them wee—
A sinister and gloomy show
Of demons, 1:1 to number.
Now. to the heart of w;ndy space—
The quiet hamlet dark'ning—
Tiio wci d assemblage flock apace;
Shape unt •> shape, and face to face.
And ther \ Just o'er the sleeping place.
Hang ominously, heark'r Ing
In silence, deep as of the dead,
Tije somber cohorts listen;
While one Beet messenger is sped
Away, upon some errand dread,
An.l lieath the fitful moonbeams red,
Uy times his garm»ats glisten.
Thn messenger flies forward fast,
A . waits the sileat column;
T.;" 1 OK -raced moments glimmer past—
Wal;e! sUi.nberers, and gaze aghast:
Seek safety, ere the die is cast,
From doom so sad and solema
Ah. harmless terror of the iky.
Of fancy's own creating:
In peace the village well may lie-
While vaporous phantoms, up on high,
Tiiough the vast void float wildly by—
A placid morn awaiting.
—Joseph M. Pratt, in Springfield (Masx) Re
I fjil was a poor tiler
'/ HTb jjy o f Grenouille
/ ville, who had
fy- -- a wife and two
children. Jean
was no advo
vLw ~ cate °* Polyffa
f ItVjJgS- my. He found
li ' "* one w '* e I 1 "*®
enough, for La
Louise, as sl»e
'■ ii ' wascalled
often, led him u hard life.
Jean worked with a will from morn
ing to night. He was full of courage
and strength, and yet in spite of all the
hours he spent on the roof in company
with love-lorn cats, he barely managed
to eke out a living.
'•The two youngsters, their mother
and me." said he, "that, makes four,
and four stomachs to fill is not a small
affair. It means: To work, Jean!"'
And work he did, poor man. and yet
never knew what it meant to have a
few spare coins laid by in a corner of a
The winter of 1579 to 18S0, cruelly
rigorous, as will be remembered, taxed
the slater rudely. No work to be had.
To warm his blood he was obliged
from time to time to whip his arms
back and forth; but work also would
have kept his blood in circulation and,
in addition, would have brought in
coin for dinners and breakfasts.
Often at this time Jean Renard
looked up at tho higli steeple of the old
church of Grenouilleville. In many
places the ruined slates had fallen
away pieee by piece. What a lot of
work there was to be done on that
Of course it was dangerous work.
Jean knew that, but he knew his
trade, too.
Long ago, also, the weathercock that
Torched on the summit of this spire had
been blown down during a storm. The
cure had often beeu asked by his peo
ple to reinstate this weathercock in
his high station, and had always re
plied that he asked nothing better, if
he could manage to do so without it
costing him anything.
Jean Renard had an inspiration:
"Suppose I propose to the cure to put
back tho weathercock for nothing, if
he will give me the work that is to be
done on the steeple."
liut the cure was a miser, and he re
j plied that it made no difference to hiru
if the steeple was leaky, as he did not
| bleep there.
"Repair as much as yon want to,"
i said he to Joau, "but I will not ffive
I you a cent."
! The slater found this too little, and
(favn up the affair, keeping, however, a
| grudge -igaijist the cure.
A* about this epoch the mayor of
Grenouiileville was revoked. The new
magistrate in-
auffu rated his X i \
rule by asicing / p \
the cure to re- f A \
paint the fla?, f M\
covered with I Hit)
ru st, which \ 111 I J
crowned the £ 1 W4 (I '
steeple. ? I jag j
> e A pi
Maire," ob- J| 1
jected the ||
cur. •*„» do fa/6 C'i
v •
ir ' money t0 pay
""•vfo" 'or this
jjL work? "
i bother your-
J sl 'lf about that
I M. le Cure,"
f replied the
mayor; "have
the flag re-
JEAN urso FROM THE painted, and
TOP OF THE STEEPLE, the municipal
ity shall pay."
"Very well then, since you wish it,"
replied th • cure, none too happy at see
lnsc the s.auonal colors float over hia
True to his principles, the cure beat
de'<-n the price, franc by franc, in mak
ing liis bargain with Jean Renard; and
1 Irheiiit was concluded, the priest added:
! "And it is well understood that putting
j back the weathercock is included in
' the bargain."
"O, no," said Jean, "that is nc* un-
I derstood at aIL That, you know, sir,
i doubles the labor; and also, the weather
i cock has to be put much higher than 1
mount to paint the flag, l'lacing the
; weathercock is a perilous job,—so
| perilous that it is my life you are ask-
I ing me to risk for nothing. No."
"Yes, my friend," said the cure, with
! an unctuous smile; "you will do that
j for the love of God."
| "110 .von say masses for the love of
1 God. M. le Cure? I»consentto replace
j the weathercock, but you will add
fifty francs to your price; it is worth
! that."
"Fifty francs!" cried the priest "The
, deuce I will! How you run on! See
, here, Jean, ouce you are up there, it
won't be much of an effort to go a few
j steps higher."
"Hut if misfortune befalls me, do
you think you, for the love of God,
will care for and bring up my chil
"Come! come! 2s*o more talking. I'll
give you ten francs."
"Ah, M. le Cure, you take advantage
of my poverty. You know 1 must earn
a living, and so you jjet the better of
me. In short, I'accept tor ten francs
'iiie cure, delighted al his success,
SDreuol the food n«ws through the
town. At last the wcatnercocic was
going to be in place once more'.
It was December, and the bad weath
er still persisted. Jean, therefore, was
forced to wait several ''ays before un
dertaking his dangerous ascent. At
length the rain ceased: by night the
clouds had gone, and next morning all
the roofs were covered with frost.
"Clear weather," said the slater. "I
can go to work to-day.
All the good folks of Grenouilleville
were assen.bled in front of the church
in the large square to see .lean Renard
hoist himself to the top of the steeple.
He had in his belt three bottles con
taining red, white and blue paint for
the flag-, and to his back was attached
the weathercock, resplendent in new
gilding. He entered the church to pass
by a window at the base of the spire.
When he appeared, throwing one of
his ropes over the lirst hook of the
steeple, there was a murmur of con
sternation from the watching crowd;
but terror became paroxysm when
Jean, near the middle of his ascent, al
most lost his equilibrium by the break
ing of an iron eaten by rust. The up
turned faces were pale with emotion,
but the dexterous slater quickly
grasped a higher hook.
Nevertheless, ho was long in mount
ing. It was nearly three o'clock in the
afternoon when he touched the base of
the cross at the top of the steeple. He
lashed himself fast tiertto. feet and
body, and began his first work—the
painting of the flag. In about half an
hour cheers and applause broke from
the crowd; the national colors floated
over the steeple.
The hardest part, though, was yet to
be done: the weathercock had W go
up. Two feet more to mount; and to
crown the danger it was the cross that
had to be climbed, that is to say, a mere
bar of iron.
In December it is soon night; already
the ira hers saw but a faintly outlined
form amid the mists of twilight, and
they began to rtow uneasy. How
would poor Jean Renard manage now?
Ho could no longer see to work, and
now in greater danger than ever.
Suddenly a small light showed in the
darkening night. Jean Rcnard, being
a careful man, had thought to carry
with him a candle. Soon nothing more
could be seen but th-t tiny light,
gleaming on high like a star lost in the
clouds, and the anxious crowd began tc
Jean continued working.
On the morrow, at dawn, the early
risers of Grenouilleville saw a fright
ful sight.
Jean Renard hung, head downwards,
from the top of the steeple, his feet
still held by his ropes.
The unfortunate man had doubtless
lost his balance, and in falling his
work apron had turned backwards,
thus concealing his face. He no longer
moved; dead, probably, some hours
The cure, who was at once apprised,
expressed his sentiments in intolerable
"Unlucky fellow! Well, at least, he
had put back the weathercock!"
"Yes," was replied, "but we cannot
leave the corpse up there; it must be
got down."
"That is true," said the priest; "it
must be brought down, but who will
do it?"
"That, M. le Cure, is your busi
ness. Get workmen from the city, if
you must, abno matter what cost; the
body of Jean Renard must not remain
up there."
Get workmen from the city—that
was very expensive, and the cure hesi
tated, but it had to be done. Just then
It was learned in the village that the
priest had pushed his avarice to the
point of trying to get his weathercock
repaired for nothing, and feelings of
aversion for him developed in the
breasts of his parishioners.
A subscription was opened for the
orphans of the tiler, and the same day
a hundred francs were paid in; little,
but the people of Grenouilleville were
not rich. A inau had gone to the city,
but they asked two hundred francs, and
the cure found that ridiculously exor
bitant. So the next day the corpse
being still suspended from the steeple,
funeral ceremonies were held in front
of the great church door, draped for
the occasion; and all Grenouilleville
joined in the last prayer for Jean
Bnt to inter the body, it had to be
got down from its lofty perch. The
fellow-citizens of the slater this time
showed great decision. They wonld
have the body, and. if necessary, would
force the cure lvinself to go and get it.
When that person left the church, ho
found himself confronted by a threat
ening crowd.
"No, M. le Cure. He shall not stay
up it is an outragvj"'
"My good friends, I am qaite of your
opinion; so get him down!"
"You shall go yourself, since you re
fuse to pay some one else to go," and al
ready the most audacious, the anti-cler
ical faction, pushed the cure backwards
towards the church.
Thoroughly alarmed, he at length
"it is impossible; I do not-know how
to climb on roofs. I'll pay! I'll pay!"
"They ask two Imndrcd francs to
cotne from the city," cried the men on
all sides.
"Oh! but I'll give them!"
"Stop! stop!" cried a voice. "I'll do
the job for a hundred francs," and a
m;:n forced his way towards the cure,
through the amazed villagers.
".lean Uenard! Jean Renard!" burst
from their lips.
It was indeed Jean He explained in
a f< - u words how he had planned to
trick the cure, who meant to get the
better of him. After his work was fin
ished he came down, entered the bell
tower, aud dressed a wooden figure in
his clothes; he then remounted and
linng his effigy from the steeple.
But effigy or not. it was a dishonor
to GrcnouiileviHe, suspended from
their church spire, and must remain
there no longer.
Jean Renard climbed up aud un
hooked the supposititious corpse, which
-0 _ TV
lili P I Jl»
•tfa S&fe.,
i nvri . iMk"
r " i /k Wi
I "iJ m mfi
fell upon the square beneath, amidst
general cheers and laughter.
The cure thus got the worst of the
barcrain; his money, after all, paid for
the weathercock.
This was not the end of the matter,
"1 gave Jean Renard a first-class fu
neral service," thought the cure, "and
he shall pay for it."
He then I egan suit against the slater,
who. naturally, refn »*d to piv .
"I d d not ask you for burial & rvice.
Mors-. ,e Cure."
"Notje ask that, my son, and yet all
finisji that way. You were thought
oea<l —~
"But I was not, happily; and also, in
that ca«e, it is never the customer who
pays. Carry your bill to my heirs."
••To your heirs! You have none
since you are not dead."
"Then why did you bury me?"
"But. unhappy man, I prayed for the
salvation of your soul."
"The salvation of iny soul! Pray for
the salvation of your own, for I am not
sure that I have a soul."
"Heretic!" muttered the priest
"The cause is heard," said in his turn
the justice of the peace, who gave
judgment as follows:
"Considering that Jean Renard
tricked the cure, but that the cure had
first tricked Jean Renard;
"Considering that the trade of a
priest is to pray for the salvation of
souls, as it is that of slaters to set up
"But, whereas, the slater could no
more have set up a weathercock that
had not fallen down, than the cure
could pray for the salvation of a soul
that was not in peril;
"Whereas, finally, Jean Renard af
firms that he has no soul, and in that
case no use for prayer;
"We therefore, reject the suit of the
Cure de Grenouilleville. and do con
demn him to pay the costs thereof."
And all Grenouilleville laughs yet
The cure's money was put to pood
use by Jean Renard. He no longer
climbs steeples. He lives by the sea
side now, from whenoe he frequently
sends me a basket of fine oysters. So
I owed him this story.—From the
French of Raphael Lighten®, in Over
land Monthly.
The riin and the
A clam who had become very mnch
disgusted with his station in life paid a
visit to a well-known wizard who dwelt
near the seashore and said:
"O, wizard, I am come to ask a great
favor of you. As a clam lam an object
of ridicule, and the funny man is al
ways cracking jokes on me. I want to
be transposed into a bird."
Tho wiz /d, who had disposed of his
Santa Fe stock before the slump and
therefore felt in good humor, waved his
hand and the clam flew away. He re
turned in about an hoar, however, to
loudly complain:
''O, wizard, as a clam I had to put up
with only ridicule, but as a buzzard I
am the object of everybody's con
tempt "
"Well, then," replied the wizard, "be
ing as you are neither satisfied to be a
clam nor a bird I'll make a snail of
you," and he forthwith gave him a shell
and curled him up iu a sandhill.
In trying to be somebody else we
may come to nothing.—M. Quad, in N
Y. World.
What Nap-sleon Cost England.
The steward of Napoleon I.'s house
hold at St. Helena received £I.OOO a
month for living expenses. Every
fortnight there landed, for the table of
'•is ex-majesty, 84 bottles of ordinary
wine, --li i bottles of strong wine (Con-
I stantia. Teneriff, etc.) and 54 of porter
j In all the period of his stay on the
| island is said to have cost England JM,-
I Osj,(i io. Of course, there were no poor
j wretches starving either in ICnglautl or
in France at *he time.—Notes and
j (Queries.
Mysteries of Navigation.
Sweet Girl (in a rowboat) —What is
this place in the back of the boat for?
Nice Young Man —That is to put an
| oar in when you want to scull the boat.
Rowing requires both nirs. one on each
side; but m sculling one oar only is
1 used. This is placed at the back and
! worked with one hand.
Sweet Girl (after meditation) —I wish
you would try sculling awhile.—Good
j News. _
IA Testimoni.il for Matrimony.
Jaylawn—How long has that young
Mrs. Dodson's husband been dead?
Ireson —About six months.
"She was extravagant in her devotion
i to him, wasn't she?"
"Very She is going to marry again
next month as a delicate compliment
to his memory."—Kate Field's Wash
| ington.
On© for the Doc tor.
Skeptical Caller Doctor, can you
| cure me of the belief that 1 have these
; warts on my hands?
Faith Doctor (inspecting them) —Not
I until I can cure myself of the belief
that your hands need soap worse than
they do medical treatment. Good morn
ing. This is uiy busy day.—Chicago
A Sad End.
"How's that biaek and tan dog of
"Dead?" —-
"Yes. Swallowed a bunch of watch
keys and they wound him up."—Brook
lyn Life.
The Humblest M»y Follow.
Miss Wobbleton —How beautiful, pro
fessor, it would be to mold one's life,
however imperfectly, aiter the ideas
and practice of Emerson!
Prof. Grout- Well, you can make a
start by eating pie!— Life.
The Modern Way.
Cholly—l—l—l—called to ahsk—er—
er —
Her Papa—Yes, yes; you may have
her! Take my blessing! ! This is my
busy clay! ! ! Get out! I ! ! —Puck.
An KmlHirriAMsinc Question.
He—My lips never uttered a word of
love to any woman before.
She—How did you manage —speak
through your nose? —Judge.
Farmer Whifßetry—Hi, there! W r hat
are you doin' here?
Tommy Towcan—Ah. sir, I'm spoiling
a most beautiful thirst!—l'uclc.
Their Reapeetire Value*.
Mrs. Meddergrass—Young Sassafras
has run off with our daughter, Jeru
Meddergrass—Oh, he can have her.
"And he took the sorrel mare."
"What's that? Get me my gun! I'll
go after the scoundrel right away!"—
An L'-m*xpeete<l Answer.
"Our neighbor, Mrs. Comfort," said
Mr. .Pones, "is greatly praised by her
husband for her economical manage
ment of her household."
"I don't blame her for being econom
ical," replied .Mrs. Jones, tartly; "she
has plenty to be economical with."—
Cape Cod Item
At tha Ball.
"What do you mean. sir. by your in
ir«nlt"noe are you talking
"Your iiKolence. sir, in permitting
my daughter to cast loving glances at j
you.;'—Texas tftitggs.
A Visit to the Great Novelist's
Home in Franco.
A That About Hl* Method* of Work an*
the Beginning of Hi* labors In th*
Itnliu of Adventurou* aual Mmr
velou* Literature.
"Is this the residence of M. Jules
Verne?" I asked a little boy at the gar
den gate of a stylish villa in the suburbs
of Amiens.
The little curly headed boy nodded.
'•Do you wish to see papa?"
"Yes, if he is at home."
"He is snoring'."
"Then I had better come another
"Go away; what do you know?" cried
another little Verne, pushing his young
er brother aside aud then turning to
me. "If you wait a few moments I
believe you can meet M. Verne." Then
they both ran off.
1 strolled slowly through the pardon
to the veranda, continues the writer, a
New York Herald correspondent, where
a heavily-built man soon appeared and
greeted me cheerfully.
"Thank you for the trouble of com
ing all the way out here. It is seldom
that strangers go to the inconvenience
of seeing me in a little town."
j He led me into his study, crowded
with all sorts of instruments, such as a
quadrant, an electrical machine, a
; thermopile, batteries, etc., globes of
different sizes, maps, calendars, charts
ond bookcases. Heaps of books, rnaga
| zincs, pamphlets, etc., lay on the floor
and the writing desk, causing it almost
to disappear from view The room was
in great disorder; it seemed as if every
thing had been laid down where it was
■ last used. A skeleton stood in the
corner among stuffed animals and made
the room look like a museum of natural
i history.
"How did the idea of writing in your
; peculiar style first suggest itself to
you?" I inquired.
"Ob, as a boy in reading the story of
'Baron von Munchausen." His fabulous,
ridiculous adventures made me think
whether they could not be written in a
S —*|
serious manner, so I set to work. 'Le
Tour du Monde' was my first great suc
cess, so I pursued the chosen path"—
Then his wife, in apron and cap, en
tered and served some cider, with a
friendly smile. But before she could
speak a child was heard crying and she
had to excuse herself.
"As you see, we live quite like the
bourgeoisie—simple but comfortablel
I would not live in Paris for anything
in the world—
"Look, here is one of my latest books,
illustrated. It is always a great pleas
\ ure to me to see my ideas taking form
and shape."
"How do you make the enormous
material that is necessary for your
novels?" I asked,
"Why, I read all the scientific books
that are published—in short, ever> thing
in the book market of any interest to
me. lam also a subscriber to all scien
tific journals, as you see." making a
sweeping gesture with both arms and
looking around the overcrowded room
with a humorous expression.
"Besides, I have connections with
many of the leading conservatories,
museums, etc. Also that 1 know Ger
man is a great help to me. The Ger
mans are remarkably clever, but only
theoretically, while the Americans are
undoubtedly the most practical, but
they sorely lack taste. Only look at
their public buildings! Colossal, expen
sive, but no architecture."
"And the Frenchmen?" I asked, po
"Nobody can deny them the suprem
acy in matters of art. Hut to return to
the subject from which 1 started, my
actual experience for the 'Clipper of the
Clouds' was*one ballaon ascent, while I
had to look over about five hundred
books on aeronautic inventions."
"Then yon do not deem actual expe
rience necessary?"
"1 think a careful perusal of books
from the best sources on any new sub
ject is better at least for the purpose of
writing books. A good book on the
customs and manners of a country can
only be written after a sojourn of years,
while I, at the very best, could only de
vote a hasty trip to it, and at that rate
my books would dwindle into a very
limited number of volumes."
"I think it must be time for me to go."
But he continued in his jovial way, as if
he had not heard me:
"People should always remember that
Jules Verne is neither a mathematician,
nor an astronomer nor the author of
scientific handbooks, but a novelist, who
scatters his knowledge here and there
in the manner of a conversationalist."
The Harvest Moon.
It so happens that the position of the
moon is such that the full moon preced
ing the autumnal equinox for several
Buccessivo nights, in the latitude of
London, rises only uine or ten minutes
later each succeeding- evening-. This phe
nomenon is called the "harvest moon"
from a notion that it is a provision of
all-wise Providence calculated to enable
the husbandman to take care of liis
grain at night if there is so much of it
that it cannot be handled during day
Another Ca*e.
Frances —Is it that tiresome Mr. Co
balt, with his everlasting gabble on ivrt?
Laura (hotly)—l think lie amounts to
a good deal! He is quite wedded to his
Frances A case where marriage
seems to be a failure. —Life.
A New Industry.
Prof. NVetthedust (a few years hence)
—Good morning, Mr. Tiller. Anything
in my line to-day? I have brought my
balloons and explosives along.
Mr. Tiller (American farmer) —Well,
I dunno. What's the price of rain now?
—N. Y. Weekly.
An Artful Maid.
Mother— Why, Rosalie, I thought you
were going driving with Mr. de Kiche.
What are you wearing black for?
Rosalie—You know the poor fellow is
In mourning for his wife, and I want to
show my sympathy. —Judge.
I'imblf to I'roT* It.
"You are a grasping man," said Sum
way to a creditor.
"I don't know how you know that,"
replied the latter "You never gave
me a chance to grasp the money that
you owe me."—Detroit Free Press
Very Mean.
"Gould Is awfully merji with his uuU>-
graph." said Bobbie - 1 >-**? it l<iin *
bl.mU check aud U -t-d 1.. i I write
his name at tl.e i f it. ;;addi>
you know he w*juldn tuo it." —Brooklyn
Life. _ 0m
It Cm ll# Fi«l In Mur Wiji AImM
Ftrtu til M law
Concrete may be turned to otaaj val
uable uses about farms and rural dwell
ings. ami any ordinary workman caa
manage it It is made up of the com
mon hydraulic cement or waterlime,
one part; clean and sharp, rather coarse
sand, three parts, and broken stone or
coarse Travel, fire parts. The lime and
sand mixed dry and evenly as pos
sible; this is necessary, because if
mixed wet it will quickly harden and
be spoiled. A mixing-board or table is
made and the cement and sand are
spread on it Water is then added to
make a tbia mortar. Th* broken
stone or gravel, which show £ be clean
and free from earth, is kept wet, and
the required quantity ia added to the
mortar, the whole being shoTeled over
and over until each fragment is com
pletely covered with the cement Thia
is important: the strength and solidity
of the concrete depend upbn it
To lay a floor, the bottom is first
graded and made level, and should be
well rammed to get a solid foundation.
As much of the concrete is then mixed
as can be spread while a second batch
is mixing, and is spread on the floor
and beaten drown. More of the con
crete is then spread and a clean joint is
made, so that no cracks will be left in
the floor.
The whole floor is thus laid and made
as smooth as possible by a rubber of
plank with a handle, by which the sur
face is smoothed and leveled. After
the floor is laid it is covered with a fin
ishing coat of the cement and sand
mortar alone, and this is well rubbed,
as before, to get a good surface.
It must be left a few days to harden
before it is used. It will be impervions
to rats, and if coated with hot gas-tar
or asplialtum, it will be perfectly water
proof. The floor should be at least
three inches thick, and the finishing
coat need be no thicker than is neces
sary to make the surface smooth. Thia
is the best floor for stables and dairies.
The quantities of materials required
may be calculated on this basis: A
barrel of the cement and three of sand
will make 12 cubic feet of mortar, and
the 5 barrels of stone or gravel will
make 20 cubic feet This quantity of
concrete will make 120 square feet of
floor three inches thick. To find the
quantity required, the length and width
of the floor arc multiplied together,
this giving the number of square feet
in it.—X. Y. Tribune.
A Xew Kind Invented by aa Ingeniona
Western Farmer.
Some improvements on the common
stationary stanchion are herewith
shown. They are in nse in the stables
of a Minnesota subscriber and give
good satisfaction. Being cheap and
easily made, they are adapted to the
wants of those who feed cattle in the
winter and during the summer or who
another year want this space for some
thing else. The stanchions are made
of two by four inch scantling and, l>e
(ng put together with wooden pins or
bolts, they may be readily taken apart
and stored away when necessary The
bed piece is made of two by four inch
scantlings and so is the top piece, but
fl 1 y* i Ti
in the illustration one is removed to
show how they are fastened. A A are
the stationary parts; C C the movable
sides that hold the cattle in; - E E are
automatic fasteners which hold the
stanchions shut In stall A the stan
chion is shown open. The space II is
filled with a triangular board to keep
the animal from putting its head in
the wrong place. When tho animal
puts its head in place a push on C
closes the stanchion. E drops auto
matically in place and holds it shut, as
shown in stall B. As seen in the en
graving, the movable part C has no
pin in the lower end to hold it in place,
but one on each side of it A pin at
the top keeps it down when it is shut
In stall C is shown how the movable
part is taken from its place when tak
ing the stanchions apart Stall P
shows a simple contrivance by which
the cattle can be shut in if they know
their places and let out, too, without
going in between them. A strong
string S is tied to the staple N, passes
through the staple I and to any con
venient place. I'ulling on this will
close them, and on the one attached at
W and E will open them and let the
cattle out—A merican Agriculturist
Excellent Tonic for Fowls.
Iron in any shape is beneficial to
fowls. Copperas is sulphate of iron,
and if a little copperas is added to the
drinking water or ground fine and
mixed with their food, the benefit will
soon be seen in the reddened combs and
healthy look. If an old iron pot is
used in which to keep the drinking
water gradual oxidization of the iron
by the water will cause particles of
oxide of iron to be given off, which
will be taken up by the fowls when
drinking. A handful of nails or other
pieces of iron, iron fillings or even iron
cin : 'rs, if placed in the vessel contain
ing the water, will more or less afford
iron to the poultry Iron is invigor
ating 1 , stimulating aud assists in guard
ing the system from disease. Iron is
in the system of every living creature,
and any deficiency thereof causes
weakness and debility. The use of
copperas is beneficial in another re
spect It is a remedy for a great many
diseases; it is a good disinfectant and a
sure remedy against contagion of a
certain character. Do not be afraid to
use it. A tablespoonful of solution of
copperas in the drinking water for a
dozen fowls is sufficient, and it is cheap
in price; the expense of its use is but a
trifle.—Farm. Field and Stookman.
THE lien hasn't much of a voice, but
her lay is sweet
Look Out for the Farmer.
Tough—l tried the bunco game on ft
Kansas farmer yesterday
Another Tough—How did you come
Tough—He got my dollar and a half
Of Coarse Not.
She—Why do they always refer to
music as a woman?
tie—\v e ii, you couldn't conceive of
music as existing in silence, could you?
Iu the IluUurant.
Mr. Feeder—What's that awful
thumping out there?
Waiter— Dat's de cook. Yo* ordeied
a tenderloin steak, didn't yo", sail?—
Not That Kind or a Relic.
The widow of a distinguished pn>
fi«sor was visited by a rather shabby
genteel sort of a gentleman, who ex
pressed great admiration for her de
ceat*Hl husband and who finally said:
•'I revere the memory of your hus
band, and would like very much to have
some Helic to keep and cherish."
'The only relic I can offer you." re
plied the disconsolate widow, sighing
heavily, "is myself If you will love
and cherish me for his sake you may
for 1 atn of ,ia affectionate dUpoaitmo
Uul tue relic huiier hau silent.v
stoleu away before she ooulti finish the
*eawn^.— I Textt t&fnflSfc
NO. lO
Kxcess la Fat la lankily tha llira
Coasiderakl* Laaa.
When tha farmer is feeding for hla
own meat ho has no one but his own
taste and that of his family to consult,
but in feeding for market, if ha expect*
to realize the best price, be most sup
ply what the market demands. With
hogs there has been a considerable
change and the farmer must breed and
feed so as to supply what is needed as
fully as possible. Instead of a hoy
made extremely fat. a proportion of fat
and lean and not so large an animal ia
wanted, and sells at a better price •
pound than the fat animal, while in
nearly all cases it can be placed on the
market at a less cost
One of the principal causes of the ex
cess of fat with hogs is the exclusive
feeding of corn. So many rely almost
entirely upon corn as a food for their
hogs, not only in fattening or finishing
for market, but also in feeding for
growth, and as corn is very fattening
food the natural consequence ia a car
cass with a large proportion of fat.
The selection, feeding and breeding
have all been to this end, and with a
predisposition in this direction, and a
ration that is well adapted to its devel
opment, a large proportion of the hogs
marketed have contained an excess of
While breeding is a factor in secur
ing a better proportioned carcass, the
feeding is still more important By
supplying a good variety and using
such materials as are well adapted to a
development of lean as well aa fat
meat, such as alfalfa, peas, barley,
6ugar beets, squash or other flesh-form
ing seeds, a better animal can be se
cured, and while ordinarily corn is one
of the cheapest hog feeds, other ma>
terial can be used in connection with it
that will still help to reduce the cost
Especially during growth is it im
portant to feed properly. Keep in a
good, thrifty condition, but not fat,
nsing alfalfa steamed In winter or
green in summer, bran ship-stuff, oats,
barley or other material to secure a
good growth of bone and muscle. You
need not discard corn entirely if you
can grow it easily, but using in connec
tion with other materials rather than
making it au exclusive food. After an
animal has reached a certain stage,
any gain beyond this is secured at an
additional cost This, of course, lessens
the profit and wheu tho lower prices
are considered it is c-rtainly not ad
visable to feed beyond a certain weight
In a majority of case': hogs that are
well finished for market, weighing
from 175 to C'JO pound-., not only sell at
the best prices but cost less to feed
than those that average 309 pounds, as
the additional weight 1* generally
largely fat and is not what the con
sumer wants.—Colman's Kural World.
The Experience of «n Eaterprlalaff Maw
Eughmd Vroiu- a.
Living in the city, yet longing for
some of the country privileges. I deter
mined to at least keep a few hess, so
about the first of October, 1889, I
bought six brown. Leghorn bens. They
cost me $3.00, the expresaage came to
$1.25 more. 100 feet of • wire netting tax
a small yard cost SI.O(S, and twenty-five
cents was paid for boxss of which the
house was made, so I with an
outlay of S5 59. In our small back yard
a henhouse was constructed of packing
boxes as shown in tha illustration.
The front or the largest part was re
moved and old glass that we had on
hand was substituted after the box had
been raided on two 1 ght sticks so that
the top sloped suilieirntly to shed rain.
Here the f.iwls took tiieir dust and sun
baths, arc! were led on cold days. The
next part, which was smaller, was a
complete l box, raised in the same man
ner as first part. Ihe entrance from
the other box was through a small hole
cut in the >-ld3 of the lower end In
th s were two poles for roo6ts and the
under part formed a shed. The small
est box was for the nest where my
favorites deposited 24*1 during the
seventeen weeks of my ownership.
The top board on this box could be
raised and the eggs taken out I sold
ten dozen at thirty-three cents, besides
using all we wanted in our family of
two. Then, too, there was the satis
faction of knowing they were fresh,
not limed as most eg;,'s are that we find
in market in winter. The food, corn,
bran and crackod shells cost only $3.00.
Circumstances forbidding me to koep
them longer I sold five at fifty oents
each and cooked the sixth, so she was
worth as much or more tLaa the aver
age one sold. Setting aside tbe pleas
ure of the pursuit and satisfaction
when using the products, and looking
at the money view only, 1 cleared in
the transaction 53. 25, considering the
eggs and fowl used were worth market
price. This for so short a time and
with only six hens was an excellent re
turn. When I gave up my fowls I had
on hand a quantity of the feed 1 had
bought, and had I kept them five weeks
longer the percentage of profits would
have been greatly increased.—Anrer*
can Agriculturist
An Asserted l-lworery.
It Is asserted by a California papej
that a Swiss savant has made a discov
ery which seems almost to revere*
know-n natural laws. He reduces milk
to a dry powder in such a manner thai
by the addition of water it at once as
sumes all its natural properties. It i«
claimed that milk in this torva Is mncb
better than canned or condensed milk
for one reason —it has no sugar in it
THERE is no positive way to tell tha
age of fowls. An experienced person
can judge something from tbe general
appearance, but not always conwUy.
Corrobort t tan.
"Lighthouses are very expensive," re
marked Mn. Dimiing', looking up from
a governiacut report
."Yes, any theatrical manager will
tell you that," replied her husband.—
Detroit Free Ih-es*.
I ucout roTertlble.
Mamma —You seem to be In ft hurry.
Little Frances - Yes ma'am; If I
hadn t turn so fast I wouldn't det hare
so soon! I'uck.
Ye Modern .fonrnal.
City Editor— Yob may all take a v»ca>
tion for a few days. .
Reporter— What's the matter?
"I presume you noticod that we
printed au exclusive bit of news to-day
—big beat on the otker papers.*
"Well, wo won't have any more room
for news for several days. That beat
is in the way The editors will need
till our space to blow about it n N- Y.
Weeklv. . *
Not Entirely L'aelaaa.
lie (hopeless, but seeking consolation)
—Now that you have met Tom Walk*
over, you have no further use for mo
bile —Oh, yes 1 have. I need ytfu to
make him Jealous!- Lilfe.
A Mean Adwat ii*.
Jack How did vru muoage to get rid
of your nvi,|V
dorry I b "ot hi o appointed an um
pire, ano tuul> the t lri outtbWlWW
first ipoae.—Fuck-