L. O- WIOK iuui » Rough ind luted Lumber oi>unm Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Shingles and Lath Always in Stock. LIME. HAIR AND PLASTER. Office opposite P.4W. Depot, BUTLER. - ~ PA LUMBER YARD. L M. & J. J. HEWIT, Dealers in kinde oi Rough and Worked Lumber. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, SHINGLES, LATH, ETC. "We have a large stock of all kinds of Lum ber, Oil "Well Bigs, Etc. Call and g»fc«nr prices and see our stock. Mall Orders Promptly Attended TO. Office andTyard on MOITSOB ST., NEAR ;"W"KST PBITH DKPOT, BUTLER. PA. Planing Mill *** -AHD- T .iimher Yard J. L. PO RV»! L. O. PUBVIP. S.G.Purvis&Co. NUNRVAORCIUAS AHD DEALXBS » Sough and Planed Lumber or I? CRT DESCRIPTION SHINGLES, LATH & SEWER PIPE. Butler, Pa. TURN ON THE LIGHT Aa4 Ist It ma tU orery / JHl\ »an. woman aad cbtM I VHr Ueeaaad Kaowi of the Gosser's Cream Glycerine it is the idea) Cosmetic. It stimnlates the nerves, quickens circulation and carries away dead particles of the skin, leaving it fine and clear. It has no equal for Chap ped Bands, Lips, Pace, or roughness of the skin, and is not excelled as a dressing for the face after shaving. It is a bland, creamy emulsion, with just enough vege table oil to soften the skin. No lady or gentleman 4ie4ritfc«ufrlt. Be sore to get the genuine. Take no substitute. "For •ale by *. O. Redick, Drug gist, Butler, Pa. READ AND EEMET3ER For strictly pure and reliable STRAIGHT LIQUORS, call on I. Iff. PIKCH, 12 SMITHFIEIiP ST., PITTSBURGH, PA. (Opp. Honongahela House.) Matchless tor Family use and Medicinal pur poses are FINCH'S GOLDEN WKDDINO, I All $1 GCCKKNHKIMEB 8 WHISKY, Iperqt. ; OVERUOL.T'B WHISKY. * 6 qts. DILUNGEK'S WHISKY. J (or $5. Goods neatly packed and promptly shipped FREE OP EXPENSE on receipt of cash or post office order. UTNothlng expressed C. O. D. Send 'or Price List © Take the time to walk up East Jefferson|street to see the window-full of fine Remarque Proof and Artists' Proof Etch ings. Choice $1,50. Christ mas is coming. W. .A.. OSBORNE, ART DEALER, - BUTLER, PA REDUCE YOUR BILL BT BUYING YOUR CLOTHING Gents' Furnishings, Hats, Caps, Trunks and Bags at the One Price Net Spot Cash. RACKET STORE 120 S. Main St. Butler, 3Pa. _• _ j ««rprlMm# Yo bb« M..i Tr..K, .mintM ud tuned m. I worked ud u>*d. mm; rutar than I .xpMUdla. I tncam. «bl»io ti )u liludud bo lid .•malt mmia«r katal. If I don'tiocrMdil that. I will to ajr»in at the ba»in**a in which I made my money . A Co. t Shall wo instruct and start you. rtadirt I* wado. and if yum work indasuiou»ly. yoa will la dM limaba ablo.o boy an island and build a hotel, if yoa with M«My can be aomed at oar new lino of work, rmo idly Md honorably, by tho*« of either sex young ar oH. and to their own localities, where Tor they five. Any one can -llU>s special ties. Elegant outiTt free. AddrefS C. H . HAWKS & CO., Nurseiyman, Kochesier, N. V. Established lßTfi. we mi CQnn Salary a, »J - Com ? 1 'J» l01 PAY WUU. Oaloiyto Men anil Won men. Teachers and Clergymen to sell our Ne\ , Popular standard Work. MARVELS of the NEW WES " No Oner book ptibllslitMl. Over HV) choice gravlnps. !0.40fl ropie> sold In one week. In dorsed by the greateft men of l,h»i eounrr . This Is no humbug offer. Write at O*eSBS£KKa«K- Tie Ben I hilMiij! (ww. i' Oil' IVTorwicli. Oonn, FRANK KEMPER, DEALKIi IN BLANKETS, ROBES, HARNESS, _A.nd everything in horse and buggy fdr nishing go ods—EE ar - ness, Collars, "Whips, Dusters, Saddles, etc. _A_lso trunks and va lises. Repairing done on short notice. The largest assort ment of 5-.A. Horse blankets in town will be found at Kemper's. Mifflin Strsst Livery. BIEHL & HEPLER Prop'rs. One square west of Main St., OL- Mifflin St. All good, safe horses: new buggies and carriage*. Landau H for weddings and funerals. Opec day and night. Telephone No. 24. New Livery Stable. New Stock, New Rigs. —OPEN DAY AND NIGHT— Horses fed and boarded. PETER KRAMER, Prop'r 89. W Jefferson St Butler, Pa CRAWFORD &- KENNEDY. The well-known liveryman, Wm. Kennedy, bas bought an interest ir the above barn end will be pieascu to have his friends call nt his new j>!ee* of husiuese. The Best Horses, Buggies and Car riages in Butler at the most reasonable rates. The p'.aee is i-asily r-iu- u.h- r ed. The first, stable wte>t of ih. Lowrv House. i Hotels and Depots. W. S. <4r. }gft is tov. rij- oii-* r • !'> • at carriage? i i • -if *-n<; depots ot the town Charges reason a M.>. Telepboi; No. 17, or leave or'?* "q "I. ** . H ■ , '' U '.'P I.' R J|'J : , . . • . .'!•• istoa,Mars. HUMPHREYS' nr. Uuniphrcv. Kjif ific jarpFovniiflcaUy nl)'i ccr ftillv ;.i Murtxl used to r >car« iu prtTMe Vi. ...v ~1 t.rc ov,r thlr —Worms. Worm Ffiver, Wctrn Colic - -J 3—'Teothmsi Colic, Crying, Wakefttlnt* ; .43 4—llitrrhea, of Cliildren or AdulU .43 7—Contrh-s, Cuius. Erottchltlc .45 I B—KenratziA, Toothacte, Faceacbe. 4-J 9—Headaches, Si.-k Ilead.-iche, Vertigo.. .45 lll—l>> sprpsin- Elilo-Ji: ess.Constipation. .45 11— t*ui>:iresf*€-d «>r I'aiaiiil Periods .. .45 j 'i-Whi:e*. Too Frefu:-.' Perlo*ls .^5 13—Crotfp, Laryngitis. Hoarseness ... .45 14—Skit Ithccm, ErvslpeJa?. Empliomi.. .45 15 —KbountntiMn, KheurociicP.»ln3 .4-5 I®—Jttolarla. Chills.Fever aaJAcrne 43 17—Piles, Blind or Bleeding .4.5 19—Catarrh. Inlinenra, Cold In the Read. .45 "8-VrtoopiMCoash -'-5 27-HiiSii-y Plspcws . *4*' 28— Nervous »>cbi'.*ty • 1.00 s(»—Urinary Weakness, 'Wetting Bod . .45 Soli!ri V iiic*. moat at iilghtt wori*e by if ull'-w vfltu ennllnue 'umor* farm »tn«l protrude, wliic.t of.cn hi ■■ A M! 1»» nlf'cratc, b«M»omlnic very « re. A\ M-/S Of \THKXT stop* the Itchlujc nnd blecdini. hc*ula uL - ration, ami In nio*t cuca remove** the tUMn> l>nn*i»* i*« A -finctta and aJI Li»«r and Stomach troubles. \ jA & "ther ft ver f aiL Bold by all •♦ruffglat aad MM c jini.y ttore keepers. Cj* Bead for circulars. M EOF, BEN ONLY! IIT' iJsTLOST or FA3XWO MANHOO* LV \ and NEKVOUS DEBILITY; "f |« o« r Body and Kind, Effects L: lif Error»ar E.vc*.sicL in Old or Ycur jr. !to4s'" J A >iIOOO folly Itektorc*. Hew fo CJiUrpe and B k re».ctL«n WH tK, I NI>K VKL» •.«:» OROAK k PASTS OF RCDY. Absaluiet/ oafiiiliiT HOBB TttKATßEM"—f.enrftts In a day. In tc»Ury '-rj* Ttlfaf—trlaa. TTrltc'heas. rsp!a*iaU«Tt and p*oof« te*!!#d (tested) frc«» Mir :■■■ ERSE CO.. BUFFALO. M. V. DOCTORS LAKE - - Jip- p rni t'ATE '* j" COR. Pr :N AVE. ANO FCvftTM ST.. i-:: FITIGeiUKGH, PA. ' All tortus&l Delicate rt. ' Cora nilieated IMnMce* tequ-1 .i»(Uox* £2"" icatlon are treatert at tl'i- I>. - p* 11/ V itU a success rarely uUatned. X>i;. f». K. I.. ; tio' j a member of Hio Boval College of I'iiy -3ji• j;)i. ■ itiitl :mCanucrj, Ol : hit.-, I'l.xjil.l.unars UrinaryOrpans,etc. Consultation tre-? «:>d Dtrictiy coundential. Office hours,U to i and < to 8 v. M.: Sunday*. 3t04 p. M. only. • 'I .it OIVk'O or addrcas IVRI. I.AKE, COR. Vi;NN AVK.AUDITiIST..PITTSBUBtiH.TA. DOCTOR J. B. HOB KNSACK'S IKDICAL OFFICES. 2«« Sarth M' . PIiILAUELPSIIA, PA Arc tli<* old, In Atn'-r''.-a for Hie treatiiient of SPKI'iAL I))>KAISF.S and VOUTIII'UI- ERHOItS Blaor! Poteon, KiT"Oiw Debility Tlcer«, Run ui* . , I'i-t-lu.'i»..lur''s. Bladder. Kid ci . too Skin Diseases, Variecccl;*, Hy droc'-le. Kupture. ieiinaueutly ■ ->trc<« bv Improved methods without !i-t. i.lioii rr >tti business. Tlie Doctor'* bu-'Cess I.** din- Ui li'i lii'e-loug experience anil slurl\: to tb* pure i able lenn-uies u*-eii and u> tli<- iin. iisrh i x-iiii'iiitioii ami « itcliful at leiiiiou u*vi-i» p;ii ii-i.uj during tremmnit. A lorly jeiirs' istubllaUiueul is our guarantee Of Success, ufli' boars, YA.M.to -P. M.. II to 9P. M, AH day Saturday, huudajs, ioto 12 A. M. send stamp lor bo' k. rRR^IWIttHES ||:b 4 ft! WITHOUT I-* ?■" « WEfIR!H6 CUT - nTHES, L -iLiTTUOB jjj j:.-,; t'-> F.^QUSRED. | | ■JJJjfOLLOW wliJjli ! niHECTIOfiS j CLOSELY. -V.fio African f CAVEATS, ' t'HAOE MARKS, OESICM PATENTS r COPVRICHTS, etc. For Informal ion and i reo Harrtbook wi it« to Iff .\.S \ ( 0.. . • ! BRO i DWAY, Nl v, YOBK. Olaest burc.ta f-»rp - ;ir.r.« p.itontei in America. BYory pjitct take n out hy us is brought before the public by a nocfra flvpn free of charge In tho |>cient:fir Larcost < Iroulatlon of r.*\> nt paper in the worl-t. iliumrnteil. Ni» Intelligent man ehomd b? without Wetklv, *:i.Oo a year; , .M'ISSS. CO., PUB USHER . «i'i Orijotivsv, New York. We Have no ftgerits, .jo.ou-i Frtiit Trees and \'ln'*s. iu. - ioo Carolina I'oi>iat and Norway Maple. Sii.ooC oruauii'ntal. Hardy Roses. Shrublwry. 50,000 Tulips, tly.tcio4.aunt: other buius Gel our Illustrated Fall OatiiluK'to. -'•.'ad all orders to JOHN U. A \ SIIRDOCH, 60S Smith flei.l St., Pittubargli. l'u. Orders for l-'loial I>ecoratloDS and Fresh Flowers lia\e prompt attention. ♦JfSA . I'hilr. Iclp'l-L. ■ !*'** rf*' tiaiiM Agency 'it Uu«r*. v- AVER ASOI. car «luaal irfcn:» AT A DOG HOSPITAL- Settles a Black and Wtiit® SJoncr.-l Dog's Broken Lcj. The patients now under treatment ut Guy's hospital, says the London Pall Mall Budget, include a large black and white mongrel dog. vrhirh a few days ago was seen to enter the hospital j ground and hop on three legs in the di ' rection of the snrgery. Some children ' drew the attention of a student to tho do~, and he took it into the surgery, . where an examination showed that it j was suffering from a broken leg. The i SETTING JACK'S LEG. injured limb was set, but as soon as the i dog was well enough to have the splint ! removed, it refused "to take its dis- | charge" from the surgery, where the ' students supply it with food. They have named the four-footed patient "Jack." Our artist arrived when .Tack s splints were being adjusted, and made the above sketch. The Oldest Libraries. The oldest libraries of which we have ; any certain knowledge are those re- j cently brought to light by excavations j among' the ruins of tiie east. Among | these are the Babylonish books in scribed on clay tablets, supposed to have been prepared for public instruc tion about 650 B. C. It is said by Aris totle that Strabo was the first known collector of books and manuscripts— this about the year 330 B. C. Can Get Drnak Cheap. The natives of the West Indies drink rum and gin, which they can purchase for one cent a plus's, the g-lasses being abort as large as a wine goblet Xlio Only Way. "I wonder if a mm could see Europe on two dollars a day?" "lie could if he tad a. rich wife-" Life. Some i'avor a taiiil for revenue only, some a luiiti with imideiuul protection, aiid some a lar.ii lor protection, perse; Out a iciifeO majority Uvor Hie tree Use ot Sal. Vatluu Uli lin euu auU brumes. Au endless eiiain <>i ceititk-ates verify the excellence ot Dr. Hull's Cough tiyruy i'iiee -J cents. —lllustrated journalism iu this country owes it.- origin to >.iuiuei tiieasou, uao iu 1JN»1 wu.> niaKiiig JKRI.UCU a year out, of his LU.-.i be is now 111 uiuiaie 01 tue Ol'i .\l.-ll > iloillfc Ut liOSIOD. —-i iil'li i.tl«. '"A t'l. blllid t ' 111 <1 rry Jui.a I>egii.i', at i'ottsviiie, a.» jit-r engage ment; bu' - ;ie u.ul jiui iici'u married i'> A. Jacob.-, • i vjiiardville, and Tnoaias wa glad. —Travel lei uiay learn a lesson Irom Air. C. i». i. ... •: i-i- .i. Kent nilon.ey o. Pai . j er, Dakota, ».«> -ays: "1 never leave home U1.U14 a 0o..: • oi >.:.ji a«*i i lain's Ooi.'.', C:io;f.; i ai; 1 Di Ueiuo dy with uie, aad ou many nceasi.»tis have run 'Jiilh it to the J -itel' •>! some .-U i .rer and ii tve never knuwa to fail. Vox -ale <>j I). H. \Vidler, iuuler; A. F*e spi'ct.; B.eiuea & Aihsun. \V. Sunbury. liaelielor- are creatures .» ho have con- Bulled their l'c inrtlo relatives before ven-' taring 0:1 matrimony. Money in Cabbage and Celery. ••Blood will teli." tiood crops cannot be £ri,wn with pour strains of seed. For sixteen years Tillingbast's l'ugct Sound Cabbage Cauliflower und Celery Seeds have been gaining in popularity, The most extensive growers all over tlie Union now consider tliein the besi 1a tee world. A catalogue giving lull purtie ulart legaruing lucin will be seat tree to any owe mlertsteU. WhiMi wilting lor ii enclose jy cents in silver or post up* stamps and we .viii also send '•iiowr to Grow Cabbage and Celery,'" a hook worth its weight iu g»>ld tu am grower v. 110 lias has ijcver lead it. Address ISAAC '1 ii.l-lNliIL"<»l'. La I'luuie, f'a. Millionaire Thomas Cornell, the. Hud son Uiver steamboat man. left a wiil ami cut off his sons-in-law. The legal tight against the will has begun. The estate amounts to $3,000,000. —Mr. William T. Price, a Justice of the Peace, at Richland, Nebraska, was confin ed to his bed last winter with a severe at tack of lutnbag >; bat a thorough applica tion of Cbaaiberlaiq's Pain Balm enabled bim to get up ani go to work. Mr. Price says: The remedy e.ianot be reooinm >ad- ( ed too highly." Let any one troubled with rheumatism, neuralgia or lame back give it a trial and luey will be of tho same opinion. o0 cmt bottles for sale by ( D. H Waller, Butler; A., Bowers, Pro- , spect; Breaden . Pa., -te <1! ! ' the An >-.r U»k' en:. : l-i'.-rty and ' Fourth street-. It :« •> s-ri.-tr first-claw | Uote! • '••• K'O" pe ~ , i. i . .".O I-. •'i'J* op:i.-ai *) at C2-I Penn Av. nue. Pittshurg, l'a., are conceded the best and 1110s' romforta) In. Sav • m'.ney by having him lit your eves —The State Board of Health says t hat membraneous erouti is contagious. Corssumption Surely Cured. To TITC iriiror.:— i'luaao inform your rc-a
  • ox-e-nanitd disease. By ils tl- lely u«e tbon6an paper? lireat Edit.ir—Would he do for a re , porter? "No, he hasn't any le;r=."' j "Dm - might make an exchange j : editor, perhafis?" • "He couldn't read the newspapers. I He's blind." "Poor fellow! Can lie hoar?'' "Xo, deaf 33 post. He is a fine ! I writer, though, ar.d he has a lively im- j • agination." "Good' I v.'ill appoint him London j correspondent."—Go->d News. A Matter of SSoney. "I congratulate you, Julia, on your , ; approaching' marriage," said Mr. Hyatt, j 1 a prominent New York merchant, to his i j daughter. | "Marriage, pa? I don't know any j thing about it." "I am telling yon about it now," re plied Mr. Hyatt. "Hut who is tho bridegroom, pa?" j asked Julia. "That's none of your business. You j ! must not have so much curiosity. That I is a business secret that cannot be di vulged just now. I'll let you know who he is after the wedding is over." —Texas Sittings. STILI, I>" IT. Bill.Guthrie—Say, mister, what's the name of this yer town? Mr. Jackson Park—This is Chicago. Bill Guthrie—Chicago yet? A man told me two days ago I was in Chicago, and I've been drivin' right along. Mr. Jackson Park—That's right. — Puck. I*oint for Wheelmen. Wheelman —I believe I'll give up bi cycling. lam as careful as can be, but every now and then some accident hap pens. This is the second time I have been arrested and fined for running into people. Business Man—l'll tell you how to manage. Just yon get p. job as bill col lector. Everybody'll dodge you then. — N. Y. Weekly. Will Wiml Kim Around Some Way. Mrs. Chinn—So you are going to mar ry Mr. James? Why, he is a regular reptile. Of course he is rich, but I don't see how you will ever get along with him. Mrs. Trapier (by her third) —Oh, I will m.'-.-i i.;c him somehow I used to be a snake charmer before my mar riage.—Brooklyn Citizen. Too y.ccli So. Lucy—Clara Kr-tchem has certainly the most engaging manners of any girl : I know. llarrv (ruefully)— You're right, sis. I've just '. t! t Pin the fifth man she er; v , !1 tn If to last summer.— • Pittsburgh Bulletin. The lii.Tercnoe Kxplained. "I can't under- land why yhaven't • as amiable 11 tempc r a.-, J tunes," said the i proprietor to an of.lee boy, referring to another. "James never h..a to answer the tele phone,'' replied the abused young man. —Detroit Free Press. Low-necked dresses arc going to be very popular with the lovely young (iodines, because if they should catch cold wearing them, bava't they got. Or. Bull's Cough Syrup to cure them? "How many munuer at bv'h prices? Why Salvation Oil costs only cents a bottle . —Rich Hill, Mo., has an 18-year-old young lady who weighs 3'J5 pounds. t»he is 7 feet 10 inches higk aud wears a shoe 16 inches in leng-.h. —D. 11. Wuller.draggist desires to inform the public, that he is agenl for the most >u«s cosl'ul preparation that has yet been pro due."! for coughs, colds au.l croup. It will loosen and relieve a severe cold iu less time than any other treatment. The article re ferred to is Chamberlain's Cotgh Remedy. It is a uiediciue that has woa fame and popularity on it's merits and one that can always be depended upon. It is the only known remedy that will prevent croup. It must be tried to be appreciated. It is put ub in 50 cent and $1 bottles. : —"Do you kuow if there is a gentleman there with ono eye named Grange?" asked a man of Cbamlos Fulton as ho stood at the door of the Lotos Club last night. "Let me think," said Fulton; "what's the name of his other eye?" —English Spaviu Liniment remove all hard, suit or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavins, curbs, splints. Sweeney, ring bone, stifles, sprains, all swoleu throats, coughs, etc. Save SSO by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful blemish cure ever known. Sold by J C Kediek, druggist, Lutlcr. Brewer G. F. Lauer of Reading, cast out in a bottle 100 miles at sea a note say ing that the tinder would receive upon return of the note to him. It has just come from a very poor fisherman, John P. Gil ford, Westport, Mass. To Consumptives. The undersigned having been rettcred to health by s::a[ ie mesne, alter su&crinp for . several » •■> «ith a were lung utiectioo, j uud •" tread (i;-ease tlon, i 3 : i.ax.. as 10 luake fen. Un to i '.. suflrr- ! ris tl.e uotans ot cure, iu tbes-.- who i Wi ills II- a: . and brc;;- \ and a M r. uthat hi eyes would | be • r:. i out by Mary Mark ley, newly j wedded David Bell art, of Reading, wants j protection from Mary, who says she loves | him. —Rheuuiatism cured in a day—"Mysti— cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radie ca'ly cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. , It removes at once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The firsi dose greatly benefits. '75 cts. Sold by J <' | Redick, druggist, Hutler. • j 1 —Andrew Carnegie has written an j article oil "Habit ot' I' a rift. As Andrew | does not support a family of six on $1.25 a | day, preaching eomv-s easier to him than j practice. RHEUMATISM Cured in a Day.—"Mystic Cure''" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia rad ically cures in Ito days. Its action upon the system la remarkable and myn j terious. It reu.ovcs at once the cause and tne disease immediately disappears. The 1 first dose greatly beuetits, 75 cents. Sold I by J. C. Redick, Drugist, Butler. —Orators and amateur elocutionists are I blossoming out in the secret orders. —ltch on human and hor»es ana all aui- ' mals cured in 30 minutes by Woolford'a : Sanitary Lotion. This never tails. Sold ; | by J C Redick, druggist, Butler. GUT Siiil- SILF For 0 only. « •' B()() iiS, si i() Es AND RUBBERS. At ic- than wholesale prices Stock must be reduced at at once, l >ig Lbio of Xinas Slippers, Come Mid see us. j Remember the place, j 347 8. MAIN ST., Opp. Willi.nl House. ("losing out Sale OF WINTER 3 OES & R U tl B E R 8. 'I; ;;-!'-' ie.-s of Cost. ii j« i. --.e looking ' »r bargains go to .insir ii KL'S ■ y h. >1 jl. ' J I V 31 J m.J KSJm Ali v»' v . 00 w r < on i .11 kiud< of footwear. Price no object, the principal tiling ' '■<> r-.-i-. 1 li'td myself with a very lartfe stoci: of winter goods vv .hi will uot carry over if low fitrures on thern will hav» any effect. All Kinds of Stoga Coots go. I sold Boots loA at tbe bt j-inniuif of the season. Now I am almoFt tbum uwtiv. Mens BvOtft. 50; Bovc l Isi?ots, $1.25; \ ouths Boot> $1.00; Cbilds Boots. 15 ct~. Ladies, Misses and Childrens Shoes Go Sliu-Wy ara d'-.v a any j-r-ce. »r? all fresb, desir üblf goode v.!'' aro .-o;. ; r be soi-i very cheap. My Plock of children's i school shoes ;ire vei v desirable n:iti e-llicg lower than ever Felt Boots are in the Push with Rubber Goods. These goods are just in at-ason aud now is the time to sec them, now is when you want thani aisu you can buy theta cheap. Boots and Shoes Made to Order Holiday Slippers' in Great Variety. ¥ Repair log oertly ead yi* 2 Calander. JOHN BICKEL. BUTLER, - -- -- -- -- PENN'A IF ANY SHOE WAS EVER worihv of a high piece in history, it i:- 1 . i.rKfbo'M : ; hoe. There is no necessit jjfT '' \ lor pnii-mg tleir history into boo^ I STj \ form Von "noou know enough abonv I i V 1 them if you wear a pair of them." It 1 1 1 \ ..vol)' take you loD>r 'o find out th»' j W_\ 1- hen m i them you were buy-1 J rl .. uy ept-.-L'did service lor very little | JV rf Ti ei• i ' .' tin ' oisc'Ver is thu* lw ' " '•'* :! - U M ORM ' in tiit ' nl v rwcSrßlniy W H lilV il .! r Ti.-u ■ > /.«• t' :r 'her not only ! t \\ ll yjEll • 1 v v " ' h "~ " horl ' 1h:1 ' T ou - -i "• > 11 Def.iii't be iifliute cd < ' no ,^p ir sh.-on ,-th than our Ladita Fiue Shoes a< . *1.00,11.35, *1.50 and *2.00 Th , see the Ladies Heavy Shoes in A Calf, Glove Grain, <' I Grain. Kip ami Cell'at 75 eU. *1 00. $1 35 and $1 60 | Our Menn and Bey," K'ip Boots and Shoes from the cheap Brogan to the fineFt hand sewed shoes. Our Old Ladies Warm Shoes are splendtd-N one , better. --HOLIDAY SLIPPERS-! Of the choices; patt> rns v■■■+• rendy. In bnylog Christmas presents why ! not l.uv sonu thing iu the \.ay of Bo: :s and Skoca or Slijtpers. They art-. o&cful and ar- always u.'pn-ci.: »-u. At 50 ct- Gent- Ki.,- ii ;iihv- i S. T Pape We arc now ready to exhibit this «e.i •ou'r tsljl <• of mi- i - jsr= r-y la ever, a.-~i ,;b!o ety 1 ~i: d quJit^ Our stock isuuutu&Hv large atd attractive Trimmed let* »>d bon net* of all description?—frit hets, velvet haU and -»ilo- His . .:d b. : c;s trio nr-r. to lt CWII^DREN Ht ode, caps, ee:!- i nuts ia threat varietv. JVK3 LJ~X~i..IV L < r H&t£ and boiiuetH n , pU~c our i«Bt ; itentio-, a ten piete line iJsvav.s on hand "2-JD.T. PAPEJ-I-, C A p T R IT JRA 13 . *\ Ouee up >u ft me yaunjr maa named ~ ri'\h jr J Ccbli mil a beautiful your sr l-.dy homed f *' ,s 'elated that be 'ell iu love U ( ~s' ■£// a * St " :i p! ~ Spied-'r-er. Our title is told. ''J / '1 /' W*'ve caught your eye Do you catch V or? Well; ju■ 'it. re. € are Ll " •'' '' ! 'u «? our lice, I est . JBf goods in tLi-niPik' i «r •!.- m to.v, cea 'jjgP~- tW g"' wovs room lor or ;* u ori 1 ; don't be back ~ « ~ word, Hut call in and see us. I did not think of advertblug (Lis lull, bu. I tct-i in who a led mc who I w<*s. I told him Heck, The Champion Clothier & Furnisher. And strddru tru't; and her ofFaprtng bave their curiosity ezciteu every da< a her< d:tcry temptation, from the t-utall boy everlastingly { eptns: inu boxos to the hired-gii! witb her eye to the key hole. E rev body woudirs wt.at is ia it. Properly directed, tb ; B corio&ity often lenda to satisfactory results, and I). A . il'ck invites all curious people to make a voyage of difec-.-verv to his ro and see tbe largeat store, the largest stick of clo«h;:;g—iu Ovt-icrj. and Sni:* l lor iaen, b..»\p ana chiidi-en, Hats, Caps. Uiovt-a, Mitts. Sbi.-tt, Uur w Cordifiari-Jeeketß, Leather Coits and 1 ent>. Ovt: , l-.l'.cktts, Trut.ka, Vali»ts>, TJmbteliap, Rubi't-r Coats, ('«»llcri», I'otT . Tit., Hdk'*, M 'jEH'TB, Pfoshes, Pnr?c?, Bill -utd Pcoket Books, Ltolfftard QeLts' IVfeicbea, C\ :in- Cnarres, Piaa, Sleeve n-.d Collar Bii't >:■. -, Silver I' o , t o a full line of Notions—ut remark>bly low p-no iout:er bow low v,-u have be«n offered good? we Lave tht-tu still lower and lor quality we never t-.ke a balk seat. It will be to your personal adv ;.--:.ge to ktv« us r.: «T-1J call and ge* our prices, and you are sure to give i- a ' s" share ot vur pat rouftge he:reafirr. Thanking onr many friends- for I heir ve. ■, liberal patronage. We remain, yours to please. T). H E C JC, Champion Clothier, Kurili.sher and 1 latter. 1 21 N.Main St. Butler, Pa. j AT For Ladies, Misses and Children, the largest- line we ever had. Come © in and see them, they are M €> 33 3EI IgT . CloakS - Jackets - WrapS. , KINGS. Diamonds ■ ICARF'PVNS. 'STUDS, ( GENTS GOLD, W , 1 . < LADI VV (itci IPh ( (tKMS sh.VKR LAi'iLS CHATLMN, 1 r , TTn ]viT f Pi"P. Far-rings, •i t vi v. i I \ j Riugjj* Chains, Bracelet . 151 ( 'IVu castors butter dishei Silvenviirp !l«l« be; #o ! ■ E. GRIEB. THE JEWELER Ko* 139, North Main St., BXTTf,E:>, FA.. U\\Js - j tft , HAT-FEVER %J COLD HEAD BSS Ely'* Cream Balm is not o U'jviA, snuff or pctnkr. Applied itUo the w*trr- : . " ot«i«/-'y rcs. M