THE CITIZEN FRIDAY, JANUARY I, 1892. SPECIAL SALE OF Suits and Overcoats FOR Men, Boys, Children HATS-CAPS-UNDERWEAR To enable those that have not purchased their winter supply of these goods we will give you an opportunity to buy them this month. Everything in our mammoth stock is marked at a great reduction. This special sale will close Jan. 1, 1892. So come early while the stock isyet com plete. • Scliaul Bros. & Co. One Price Clothiers. OPPOSITE HOTEL YOGELEY. LITLKS naa a population of about 10,000. It is the County seat ot Butler county, with 60,000. . „ . four railways, natural gas, and unequalled facilities for manufactures. Progress everywhere; new buildings, new manufactures, a growing and prosperous town. Now Advertisements. Auditors Notice, Estate of J. E. V. Bron were, Divorce Xotic", Wimer vs. Wimer. Prof. Majors Pianos and Organs Trailer's Sacrifice Sale. Rupture Cared. KOTK —All advortisers intending to moke changes in their ads. should notify us «f their intending to do so, not later than Monday morning. Personal. Dr. Black was home for the holidays. Mrs. Hosford of Wheeling is visiting her folks here. I)r Donaldson's daughters are visiting friends iu Cleveland. Mr B. F. Cutler has accepted the posi tion of Secretary of the Y. M. C. A. at Beaver Falls. James lleydrick of the American Manu facturer ol Pittj.barg. an oil mau's paper, spent th" Holidays with his friends in But ler. Hon. Joseph Ilartman wishes his mail matter addressed to tho Butler Co. Nation al Bank hereafter, and his residence is at 442, E. Jeflerson St. Samuel Graham, of Kansai City is visit ing friends in this county. Mrs. A. Godfrey of Troatman is on the sick list. J. D. Donley Esq. of Warren Pa., is the guest of his brother, J. V. Donley Esq. Mr. Z. Kechner of Zelienople dreamed of ttio big well on the Shiever farm, and the well was drilled and tho dream came true. Now he has dreamed of another well, this time on tho John Glenn farm in W;-rth fwp., aud report has it that a rig is being built ou the spot designated in tbe dream. Mrs. John Webb, of Branchton, is dangerously ill of dropsy. Mr. L. S. McJunkin, the Insurance Agunt, is diitiibuiing some beautiful cal endars for 1892. Frank Weller, of Emlenton, who, in com, fany with tbe fcehmuek brothers, went to udia a year aud a half ago to bore wells for oil, has arrived home. E. E. Abrams & Co. Insurance Agents, have favored ns with a splendid calendar for 1892. A Grand Pow Wow. Commonly called a Farmers' Institute, will bo held in the wigwam at Renfrew. Ist Session Tuesday, Jan. 5, com menu ing at 9a m. Address of Welcome by A. J. Alcorn, response by C. L. Patterson; "How the Crab .apple Became a Rambo," by D. B. Douthett; "The Successful Farm er," by J, A. McCaflerty; music by the White sisters; question box by tbe Secre tary, etc. 2d Session Tuesday, Jan. 5, commenc ing at 1:30 p.m. "The Potato," by Glenn; "Roaiis,"by Wier; "Farm Improvements," by Dodds; "Music by Wasseu sisters; "Cat tle," l>y Black; instiumental music; ques tion box; Irish song by CriswelL 3d Session Tuesday. Jan. 5 at 7 pm. Prize best reoitatK "•* declamation by boy or girl under 16, so. Prize 2d, same by boy or girl over 16, $5; "How to Get the Farmer iu," by John M Greer, the big mediciue man; music by Harper and all the sisters; reading of Tomahawk. 4th Session Wednesday, Jan. 6, 9 a.m. "The Farmer's Way Out," by Thompson; "Beef Cattle'' by Uays; Poultry by Clark; prize essay cu "Farmer's Wrongs," by everybody—diploma for best, $5 for sec ord best. Will close with a war dance and three cheers for the Clay Diggers. All laboring people aud persons who honestly dexire to show practical sympa thy vtith Clay Diggers are respectfully in vited to be present. Dave Stewart will kill a Buffalo, aud the aborigines of Ren frew will welcome you to this annual Pow Wow, ou the banks of the Conuoqneness ing, to recount our wrongs, renounce our follies aud reason together for the good of —For bargains in shoes go to the closing out sale at the People's Store, 323 S. Main St. —Sleighs cheap before snow comes. MARTINCOURT & Co.'s. —lce cream at last summer's prices at Morrisoa'B .City Bakery. —Fine cukes at the City Bakery —Christmas Presents suitable for old or young i*t D. T. PAPB'S. German Knitting Tarn, Spanish and Saxony Yurns nt I, STEIN A SON'S. Best, styles in Dress Qoods and Cloaks at L STEIN St SON'S. New Broadcloths, Bedford Cords, Henriettas aud Fine Dress Qoods at L. STEIN & SON'S. —Sleighs cheap before snow oomes* MARTINCOURT & Co.'s. —P S. &L. E R R., will make one fare for the round trip, Dec. 23d to Jan. Ist inclusive. Account Holi days. Good for returning up to and including Jan. sth, 1892. Before snow comes is the time to buy sleighs cheap. MARTINCOURT & Co.'s. — 5 cents a pair, at the People's Store, No. 323 S. Main St —Home-made bread at the City Bakery. —Before snow comes is the time to buy sleighs cheap. MARTINCOURT & Co.'s. •Lad les and Misees' Cloaks in great tariff at lowest price* at L STEIN SI SON'S. —Why should not Sockless Simp son now wear * x'kx when be can get them at b cents a pair at the People's Store, >"o. 323 S. Main St. LOCAL AND GENERAL. —l—B—o—2. —Millerstown Is to have a ooke plant. —Red neckties and whito tnamel shirt stud* are fashionable. —Butler Presbytery met at Grove City Monday. —Wonder what has become of the Soldiers' monument fundT —A gold coin depreciates 5 per cent of value in sixteen years of constant use. —Edison is a wonderful man., but he c%n't invent a now excuse for being out late. —The firemen will hold a carnival in the Armory building, beginning next Tuesday evening. — WII direct attention to the card of the Harrislmrg Telegraph one of the brightest newspapers in tbe State. — TUJ new Opera House is a success. The view from all the seats on the floor is perfect, but that from some of them in the gallery is not so good. —Messrs Hitter & Ralston had the con tract for the carpeting and matting of the new Opera House, they being the lowest bidder, and by working all night had the room ready for tbe opening performance of next evening. —At a congregational meeting of the English Lutheran Church of this place, held last Sunday the Rev. Enoch Smith of Bethlehem, Pa. was unanimously elected its Pastor, and a call has been forwarded him by the Council of the Church. —The Y. M. C. A. will hold a reception on New Year's day from 3 to 10 p.m. in their rooms in the Reiber Building. A musical program will be rendered and re freshments will bo served by the Ladies Assisting Committee. A cordial invita tion is extended to all young men. —Squire Bopp, of Allegheny, the maker of 101 hangman's ropes and the witness of 72 executions thinks hanging much more humane than electrocution. He makes his ropes three-eights of an inch thick, and uses 112 strands.divided into four divisions, says his ropes will hang a man that weighs 5001b5., and advocates giving a man two and a half feet of a drop. —Christmas was celebrated in all the churches in Bntler. At the Presbyterian an immense crowd assembled in the church room on Christmas evening. The pro gramme was chiefly filled by the children, and tableaux were the foature. Perhaps tbe most enjoyable part was an instru mental trio by Dr. J. T. Balph and his two daughters. At the Methodist Church all was candy, good feeling, music, prayer, and recitation. It was enjoyed by all uf the hundreds present. Tbe English and German Lutherans bad elaborate and extensive programs aud their decorations were beautiful. At the U. P church the usual treat was provided. The Catholic churches paid, as usual, chief attention to the musin, which was very fine. —lt may not be generally known that silver has lately been found in Scrubgrass twp., Yenango county, not in large quantities, but iu very convenient shape for gathering it. It may be woll,however, in order to save a rush of men to the scene of this find, to state that the silver is coun terfeit. It was found under the leaves by some young men who were setting their traps in an out of the way place, about a halt mile west of the stone Presbyterian Church, and near what is called tbe "In dian Rock." About s2l. in halves and quarters was found, and it is supposed to have belonged to men who formerly lived in tbe neigh borhood, one of wboui was sent to tho penitentiary for dealing in such stuff, and another accepted Greely's ad vice, "Go west, youug man, go west." C. —A company of capitalists are at present boring an immense tunnel from a point along the Niagara river below the Falls, through the solid rock nnder the town, a distance of a mile or two, to a point under their property along the river above the Falls, and at that point they will sink an immense shaft and pnt turbine wheels into it which are to be moved by water from a canal leading from the river above. By so doing they expect to gain a force equal to that of 120,000 horses; with which they will operate an electric plant capable of lighting all the cities and towns of the United States, and also a compressed air plant capable of running all tbe engines within a distance of a hundred miles. It is the rcatest and most expensive enter prise at present underway on this conti nent, and ifit is successful will revolution ize the light aud motive power business of the country. —Few public events have boen more successful and gratifying to its promoters than the opening of the Opera House, last Wednesday night, by the Elks. The play, "A Knotty Affair" was all that could be desired, and the large number present ex pressed tbe greatest satisfaction at the ap pointments and fittings of the house. The arrangements were perfect, tbe ushering being done by a herd of handsome "Elks," and their work was done with the care of veterans. The Orchestra was, under the leadership ol Prof. Lamb, and the music WHS a prominent and most enjoyable feature of the affair, and will prove a great attraction to the Opera House. There was some great "hustling" done by the contractors in getting the House in order for the Wednesday night opening. Mon day showed a huge uncarpeted room with everything in disorder, but by day aud night work, aud a united and determined affort the Scbenck Brothers,and the others engaged, succeeded in having things in apple pio order by Wednesday eveuing. —The police ol Pittsburg and Allegheny were kept busy on Christmas day on ac count of the number ol quarrels, and these were mostly due to drunkenness. Half a hundred men were locked up for assaults some of whom tbe police expected to hold for murder. There was, also, one suicide. A German girl living at H. B. Boyd's house on Bcuua Vista St., Allegheny,com mitted suicide by banging herself in the laundry, after failing to do so by slashing her wrists. Her case seems to have been one of religious fanaticism, as she was iu the best of . spirits the previous evening, visited her friends and made them presents, but the revival meeting-i she had been at tending had affected her mind. Among the dead girl's effects was found the lollowing letter of farewell written in German: "Tomy Dear Parents, Uncle and Aunt Gabos and my friends: You must forgive me for making such a dreary Christmas time for you. lam determined to make away with myself. I have not yet paid the messenger who will have this letter. You will please pay him. Mary will tell you about my effects. Do with tbem what you will. Forgive me, my dears, if I have wronged yon in the past and ds not accuse any one on account ot that which I am about to do. It is all my own fault. I have thrown away the mercy of God in despair, for I have decided upon this awful step. I can not live any longer. That is tbe judgment of the Bible on such things, and so I look destruction in the faco. Rather than fall a burden on the world, I shall place my solfbefore the Judge of judges in the Eternal courts. My eutire life has been a dreary desert, nothing more. Do not let my good, dear parents grieve over this. Death comes once, at any rate, Therefore, I bid you all farewell. I kiss you all a thousand times. Pardon me, lor I cannot do otherwise. Farewell. 1 The Institute. Thirty-seventh Teaohert InitijaM« > of Butler Co. was called to order by Supd*t MoCollough, and opened Witt prayer Ly R«v, Small, Monday morning. A Finance Committee was appointed, and tho balanco of the morning was occu pied in making the enrollment of the present who numbered 500 ftnd were taxed one and a halfdollars each, which added to the fund for meeting ex peaiat. - That afternoon the room was crowded with teachers and spectators. Judge Hazen gave the teachers a hearty wel come, and then referred to the jury system of to-day which he considers a relict or the past ages, and thinks the teacher* should help to remedy by instructing their scholars regarding it. He said that the reading of the newspaper accounts of a crime by men called as a jurors was taken advantage of by the attorneys of defend ants and by the jurors themselves to dis qualify them from serving on important cases, which left only the illiterate element for such cases; such was the practice and the law in all the states. He thinks no employment so important as that of the teacher, and that the teach ers should inculcate in the minds of their pupil* the pripolples of tight and wrong. He referred to this readlnf of religions books In tho schools of different localities, and said that in law tho Common School System was non-sectarian and non partisan, but that the principles of morality should not be offensive iu any school. He oautioned the teachers that the impressions made on the mind* 4f the young were as lasting as life, thinks all boys and girls should be compelled to go to school, said that intellectual giant* who lacked morality wore not good citizens; wished tho teachers a pleasant sojonrn in Butler, and bid them good day. Prof. F. E. Enoch, of Petrolia, a son of Herman Enoch, of Saxonburg, made the response. He complimented the speaker who had preceded him, said our political and social development was tho result of diverse forces and spontaneous move ments. that in the North education had been a fundamental principle from the first, but our methods have not kept pace with its development. Teachers Institutes originated in New York State, had spread all over the country and were doing a great work, ho thanked the people of Butler lor their warm reception and com plemented the town in its improvements, spoke of the advance in the arts and sciences and said that 200,000 patents were granted last year, and that American machinery was encountered all over the world; said the teacher's duties isolated him from other teachers, but that concert of action would improve them inorallj and intellectually; he referred to Dr. Luc keys criticisms on the old school books and said they had set the teachers thinking, that the old oral spelling was going out, and that language reform was marching to victory; thinks a child's faculties should be developed harmoniously; said that one hundred and ninety-three million dollars are spent annually in this country on the Public Schools as compared with ono hundred and forty-five millions in all Europe, and that this expenditure paid us in making good citizens, that education here was free to all, that the curse of gold might destroy the virtue of legislatures, but when it destroyed our public schools our liberties would be gone forever, thai there are 361,000 teachers in the United States; that teachers should educate themselves by reading, and that now oc casions taught new'duties. A recess was then taken during which the enrollment was completed,and the Snp't si ated to the teachers that a report of their attendance would be furnished to each Board of Directors in the county; after which the regular exercises as set torth in the program were taken up* During the session of Tresday Mr. E. E McCall, spoke against corporal punishment in schools and also against adopting a code of rules. His arguments were good. Mr. J. W. Humphrey spoke of the teach ers opportunities for self imprvement. Which he thinks are many. His address was well prepared, and his delivery excel lent. Maggie Crawford,iu a pleasing essay, ad vocated an abundance of good literature in the Public Schools. The lecture,that evening,by Dr. John B. DeMotte, was one of the best ever deliv ered in Butler. He gave his audience an idea of the effort now being made to de velop electrical force, which was interest ing; and followed that by some exception ally pointed remarks on morality. His closing sentence "Have a reverence for yourself, will probably be remembered by all present. On Wednesday morning Mr. Frank Knoch took tbe place of T. H. Eiinesatthe informal ipeeting. and introduced the sub ject of language which was discussed by Prof. Mackey, Lensner and others. Howard Painter advocated the teaching of the causes and effects of historical events rather than the dry facts, aud made a very good argument. G- W. Kennedy illustrated the rules ot primary arithmetic, and G. I Wilson spoke of the opportunities the teacher has of do ing good iu connection with his teaching. The Professional instructors this year are good, the teachers speaking especially of Dr. White and Miss Grit?wold, and all tbe teachers who have taken part have done well. The whistling match that evening by tbe Eellogg Co., was held in the new Opera House. Clarence Caldwell presided at the in formal meeting of Thursday morning, and the subjects discussed all appertained to practical teaching. The directors meeting is being held this (Thursday) afternoon, and we will make a note of it in next paper. The Institute has been a very successful one. —The People's Stdte at No. 323,5. Main St. is closing out a stock of shoes and rubbers regardless of cost. —Take your children to Zuver's Gallery for Pictures that suit you. Postoffice building. Best place to buy Table Linens, Napkins and Towels at L. STEIN SL SON'S. —lce cream furnished in any quantity, for parties, by the City Bakepy. —Corsets, gloves, hosiery; hand erchiefs and veiling D. T. PAPE. —Wheeler & Wilson and kStan dard Sewing Machines at HENRY BIEHL'S, No. 122 N. Main St., Butler, Pa —NOTICE— You can select your Holiday Goods and call for them when wanted, at D. T. PAPE'S. —Fine selections of Albnms, Work Boxes, Toilet Cases, &c, &c. at D. T. PAPE'S. —Pupils' Monthly Reports, one cent each, for sale at CITIZEN office —When you visit your friends during tbe Holidays go Via the P. S. & L E. R. R. One fare for the round trip Dec. 23d to Jan. Ist in clusive. Tickets good for returning up to and including Jan. sth. 1892 Buffalo Blankets, best for wear at L. STEIN & SON'S. LEGAL NEWS. AS TO LICKSBE. A dispatch from Pittsburg, dated Mon day, says: In distributing blank petition? for liquor licenses tbe Clork of the Court discovered that the last State Legislature had amend ed the wrong law, thereby endangering the chances for every applicant for license. By a technical blunder no end of confus ion 5s threatened to license applicants and License Judges throughout the State. On June 19, 1891, the Legislature pass ed an act intending to amend the Brooks law, to allow saloon keepers to hare bondsmen from any part of the county in stead of ward or township. The amendment was to the Act approved May 24. 1887, whereas the Brooks law was approved May 13, 1887. The Act amend ed was one providing for wholesale liquor licenses and, as a result, the Judges can refuse all license applications because they do not coaform to the law. XOTKB. The case of Chas. Rebhnne vs Butler borough for damages for the opening of Howard St. is the first on the list for January term. - Is it not about time that, the so-called "Pekins Detective Agency" of Pittsburg was wiped out of existanceT Last week the time of the Lawrence county court wa* occupied from Tuesday noon until Tburs : day night in hearing the evidence agaiust two Italians who had been in jail for about two months and who were charged with attempting to wreck a train on tbe E. , ... 1100,000.00. OFFICERS ; Jos. Hartman. Pres't. D. Osborae, cashier. J. V. KUts.Vioe Pres't, C. A. Bailey,Ass't Cash' DIRECTORS : Jos. Hartman, C. P. Collins. O. M. Russell, U. Mcweeney. C. D. Hreenlee, J. V. liltta. G. E. Abmms. Leslie Hazlett I. «. Smith, W. S- Walrtron, I). Osborne. A general banking bnsmess transacted. In "rest paid <>n time deposits. Money ioaned cn approve*, security. Foreign exchange bought and sold. Assignee's Sale. Of Xmas goods, Holiday Qoods, Ladies. Gents, and Chlldrens furnish ing goods. A large assortment of new and desirable goods Must sold regardless of cost or value. Sale now going on and will continue un til all is sold—at 333—5. M.-in St., Butler, Pa. JNO. T. KELLY, Assignee of J. M. Arthurs. DIPSOCUKA, Which means "thirst cure," is an im proved formula, and is a positive core tor drunkenness in all its forms Penna. Headquarters and Sanitarium at 129 South McKean street, Butler, Pa. For particulars address R. S. NICHOLLS. Manager. —Grand Opening of Holiday— Goods. November 17—18—19. AH are invited. D. T PAPE, Semi-Annual Clearance Sale. AS HAS BEES' OUR CUSTOM POK MANY YEARS WE WILL CLOSE OUT OUR WIN TER MILLINERY AT COST. M. F. & M. Marks'. - 113 and 117 South Main Street. (FTD •AT COST In order to close out all winter goods. I will offer my entire'stock of CLOAKS, BLANKETS. COMFORTS, HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR, FLANNELS. MILLINERY, In fact all winter goods AT COST. Before you buy any Dry Goods come and look through my stock. I know I can save you monev. LOUIS TEAXL2E, Next door to Butler Savings Bank, Butler, Pa. Grand Pianos for Sale. Now Is your time to select a good Piano; you do not want to buy but one Piano In your life time. So while selecting one it Is the best aud cheapest to buy a good one. PROF. MAIERB, of Boston has opened a Piano and Organ Parlor at No. 218, East North St., where he lias onexlbltlon a new Invoice of Pianos nom the very best of makers of Boston, they have a full rich and mellow tune, the action Is light,, quick and powerrul; they will stay In tune longer than any other Piano on account of a new device <>f tuning pins, that I will be glad to show and explain. Pleas call and examine be fore buying elsewhere. You can save money by purchasing a Piano of inc. and get an instrument that you c« rely upon, and one that I will warrant or «arantee to give entire satisfaction. I have made and tuned Pianos and Organs for over 40 years,{therefor know how to select a perfect Plauo. PIANOS AND ORGANS TUNED. 218 E. North St., BUTLER, PA. DIIDTIIRr f We the undersigned were nu« I link 1 entirely cured or rupture by Dr. J. H. Mayer. 831 Arch St.. Philadelphia. Pa., S. nes Phillips, Kennet Sauare. Pa.; T. A. Krettz. Sla'lngton. Pa.; E. M. Small. Mount Alto. Pa.; Kev. S. H. Sherman. Sunbury, Pa.-, O. J. Dellett. 214 S. Twellth St.. KeadluK Pa.; Wm. Dlx. IS2U Montrose St.. Philadelphia; H L. Kowe. 300 Kim St.. Heading. Pa.; George and Fh. Hurkart, 43a Locust St., Heading. Pa. Send for circular. HEM! Kill! UN I Owing to the mild weather we have had this season. OUf overcoats are not moving as they should, we have lots of theni# and do not wish to carry them over, would rather have the money. Now read what we propose to do, I -CUT THIS OUT II IS WORTH MONET TO YOU.! IT. . . E : To each and every customer who buys an overcoat (from* ; now until Jan. i,) to the amount of five dollars or over, and* * ; will cut this slip out and bring it to us we will give a cash dis- * s I count of io per cent. H. SCHNEIDEMAN, • £ 104 S. Main St., Butler, Pa.; In addition to our large line of overcoats we have the largest and best line of Clothing for men, boys and children to be seen in the city at bed rock prices; also a fine line of hats, gents furnishing goods, rubber coats, trunks, valises, underwear, etc., at prices to suit everybody. H. Schneideman Clothier and Furnisher, 104 S. Main Street, - Butler, Pa* Anotoriouscfank Is supposed to be sneaking around in this vicinity sod nfeininf •boat hard times and no money and the duty of economy—hinting to boys and girls as well as older people, that there ahonld be NO CHRISTMAS GIFTS THIS TEAR! But we take this early opportunity to warn everybody against this meanly, mercenary marmurer and tell the YOUNG PEOPLE and everybody that our glorious country is teeming full of good things, the result ot fruit ful seasons and bountiful harvests, and we wonld say in the words of Sam Jones "QUIT YOUR MEANNESS," throw off this closefisted, hidebound, cantankerous, low-lived spirit; rejoice and be glad and thankful tbat you are alive. Then with large hearts give liberally, bountifully to the friends ar.d dear « oes and the poor and unfortunate ones as well, scattering joy and sooxhine everywhere until thero shall come riMrintr from t he »kies md all around sweet songs of PEACE ON EARTH AND GOOD WILL TO MEN. Probably the vory bee: time to wto presents is now, before the Btore is crowded, and we know cf n>> p lace in sll this country where there is such a variety uf beautiful things to please all tastes and all size purses and where you tm-et such sur prises in low prices and big bargains as at the Btore of \J. M. Douglass IT WILL DO YOU GOOD! THERE IS NOTHING BETTER TO HATE IX THE HOUSE THAN A FIRST CLASS FAMILY NEWSPAPER. The Weekly Mail and Express is a live, independent, fearless, progressive jonrnal, with an individuality and a being of its own. It is good for you, for your wife, for your children, and for your neighbors; and is the best, most varied, inott reliable, most patriotic, and thor oughly all ronnd good family newspaper. If you desire documentary evidence, The Weekly Mail and Express SPEAKS FOR ITBBLT. IN PUBLIC AFFAIRS it is fearless, just, honest, and altogether AMERICAN AND REPUBLICAN. You will find that it embraces more dis tinct features than any other family news paper, and gives you MORE FOR YOUR MOKBY than any two others, besides being refined in tone and pure in its influence. It presents t-very week not merely "a world of news" but WORLUB OF NEWS, for it embraces an extraordinary scope, in cluding the Agricultural \ Legal 1 Financial I College I Religious f Manufacturing. WORLDS. Social / Political I Commercial \ Athletic 1 Foreign And Other / The Weekly Mail and Express gives the best of everything in the best j ribapc, and has more celebrated masters of I the pen represented in its columns than any other family newspaper. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One copy, one year, - $2 00 One copy, six months - 1-00 One copy, three months, - - _-50 Ten copies, one year, - - -15 00 And a free copy to the person sending the club. Daily, per year, - - $7.00 Remittances should be made by Express Money Order, Post office Order, Registered Letter, or Bank Draft, payable to the order of The Mail and Express. When thus made they will be at our risfr. Agents Wanted. We want an Agent at every Post-office in the United States. Liberal Cash Commissions given to Agents for making up Clubs. Special Cir culars to Agent* stating commission sent on application. Specimen Copies Free. Aaarers all letters to The Weekly Mail and Express NEW YORK. NIXON'S HOME, 35 North McKean Street, Butler, Pa. 1 Meals at all hours. Open all Night. Breakfast 25 cts. ( Dinner 35 cts. Supper 25 cts. Lodging 25 ata. SIMEON NIXON, - - Prop'r. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned will sell ms (arm.containing sixty -cres, more or less, and located lu Adams rwp.. on tlie Kvansburg and Mars road, near Marshall and Myoma stations on the P. & W R. K. and near the Callery oil field. I It contalos a good house, good bank bcrn 1 56x34. good outbuildings. Rood orchard, level and good ground, two springs near house, pump < n barn. and all In good order. ~ Inquire of or aadreas James Davidson, Myoma P. 0., Butler Co., Pa A. J. FRANKIc CO. DBALKttCfM DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND CHEMICALS FANCY AND TOILET ARTICES, PON'OES, BRUSHES. PERFUMERY. Ae rv Physicians' Preaertpaooa carefully cou> unded. 5 S. Main Street, Butler, Pa. Eft LEAVE YOUR measure at Aland's if you desire a Fall Suit, Overcoat or Trousers, that are made to the newest mode and decree of fashion. Our stock is large, comprising a care fully selected assort ment of Brown Scotch Tweeds for busi ness suits: Black and Blue Diagonals for drt*s suits: Neat Stripes and Cheques for trousers: Whipcord and Crepes specially made for full dress suits, And an excellent line of overcoatings. c. i fx It will be to your own inter est to come in and see what a first-class Hat and Furnishing Store can do for you. The success of the past makes us confident oi the present and future, and notwithstanding the depression in business all over the country we have largely in creased our lines throughout and now show a full and comprehen sive stock as can be found in the cities. We have gone right along from the time we started owing to the fact that we adhere strictly to first quality goods at the very low est prices, and we would rather miss a sale than misrepresent any thing. COLBERT & DALE, Hatters and Furnishers, 242 S. Main street, Butler, Pa. FOR RENT. Farm containing 200 acres, located in Donegal Twp., well watered, good orchard plenty of fruit, good dwelling, barn, spring house, graziery, and host farm in tb« town ship for stock raising or cultivation. For merly George Gillespie farm. Apply to ANDREW FORD, Butler Co., Pa. Cbicora P. O. Willard Hotel W. ti. REIHJNG, Pwp'r BUTLER, - PA. KTißLisu is rosncnei. miru BOOM far toinuuk TUTM Advert sin-; li« aiwafe jsuvs* auoccesfui. Jk-ftiw Newspaper 4 JvirUr'nf Mil! Ht LOnD &