V- I Tj. & WICK DEAI.BS IV B*a|h and Walked Lumber OF*ALL KISLS Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Shingles and Lalh Always In Stock. LIME. HAIR AND PLASTER. Office opposite P. 4 V. Depot, butler. - PA Planing Mill -AND- Lumber Yard J. U PC RVIS. l>. O. PUB V lb. S. 6. Purvis & Co. uiwtTflirniMM AKO DEAL*ES IH Bough and Planed Lumber or «V*RT DM4)tUTTION SHINGLES, LATH & SEWER PIPE. Butler, Pa. • Where is the best place to buy Clothing, Hate, and Gentf' Furnishing Goods? At the Racket Store. WHY P Because they have one of the largest stocks to select from and thfey sell for OA.SH thus being able to give you more for a dollar than other house in the county. You can see these facts for yourself by calling at THE RACKET STORE 120 S. Main! St. Butler, fa. TURN ON THE LIGHT Aid let it fl '"" er ■atil ntrj f JHl\ »*n. woman aad child / «£§? W" and K»ow» of the JrxrtllMßrj ot 6oßßer*B Cream Glycerine It Is the id«al (.'osmotic. It Btimulate» the nerve*, quickens circulation andcarrie.- away dead particles of the ckin, leaving it fine an«t clear. It has no equal for Chap ped Bands, Lip*, Face, or roughness of the skin, and is not excelled as a dressing for ttie face after shaving. It i» a hlar.d, creamy emulsion, with just enough vege table oil to soften the skin. No lady or gentleman should be without it. Be sury to get the genuine. Take no substitute. "For pale by J. C. Redick, Drug gist, Batler, Pa. W e've Got 'EM Yes indeed! The kind of aodcrcloth ing thst will keep yon wirm, and niHke yoo feel comfortable tbis win ter. Drop in »nd we na. We want to get scqoainted with yon and show yon onr Goods and Prices. Auk to aee onr Ofaildrens All-Wool Ribbed Hoee st laj e., Bpr for 25 c. Ladies All- Wool 19 e. Mens Wool Sox 12£ c., Bpr for 85 c. Cbrirtmas Gooda ar« opeu for ycur inspection. John M. Arthurs. 333 SOUTH MAIN STREET. 333 Full Again. We mean our wall paper de partment. full and overflown"-' with our immense and choice stock of paper hangings. You must help uh out, we haven't room for half our goods, until you relieve us of some of them We have the choicest selec tion of patterns in every grade from Brown Blanks at 10 ctf to Gilts at from 20 cts to $1 per double bolt. Examine our Stock. J. H. Douglass, Near Postoflßce, Butler. Pa FARM FOR SALE. The uiKlcrslKiit-d win neii nm lurtn.i-oxitalnlntr HUty acres, more or less, atul located In Adaum Tw p., OD the hvannburif and Mam road, near MareliuJl and Myoma htniions on the P. & W B. K. and near tbe Callery ell field. Jt. coctailM a nooil liou.w. good bank burn 56x34, good outbuildings, irinvl orchard, level and KOOD TRNMND, two *prIJI«S near house, pump tn 'iaru. and all In g'iod order.; Inquire ol or audresH James Davidson, Myoma P. O , Buller Co., Pa We Have no Agents, vt,ooo Krult Trees and Vines.' 10,000 C'«rollna Poplar and Norwity Maple. r,ip/rt> Oriiarientnl. Hardy Itoses, Shrubbery. 50,000 ToUpi". lljKelinb and other biilbo. (iflt, out IHUAtratud T'nlt otuloeue. Hexd all orders U> Jliß.v K. k k. XCBI>OiH, W5 hm.th «»W St., Httxbaxfth, Pa. Onl*rs for Floral Ueeorations and Fresh Flowers hnro prompt attention. CRAWFORD & KENNEDY. Tfa« well-known livery man, Wm. Eenardj, bis bought, an itsterest iu tbe above Ura and will be pleaacd to bave bis Wends call at bia new placs of bu«inAM. Tbe Best Horses, Buggies and Car riages in Bailer at the moet reasonable rile*. Tbe place ia easily rnm -iulier ed The lirtit nuiiile went of th>< Lf>wry Houae. A. J. FRANK k 00. DEIJQB, MEDICINEH, AKD CHEMfCALH FANCY AND TOILET A RTIOEB, BPONGFS, BRUSUVX. PERFL'MKRY. At- Preurtptlons carerully cofli pounttod. 5 S. Main Street, Butler, Pa. C£si Cys+XUi'fiy. A- fkr J", u.o+Z+evrti* V< DO YOU NEED . A Traveliap . Onr Special Shapes Always Fit Comforta- M. F. it M. Mali'- I - 113* and 117 South Main Street. SILVERWARE FREE! FRFE ! Commencing Thursday. Dec. 10th until Xmas, we will present to eacii of our customers absolutely Free Of Charge with every purcbaee of Two Dollars A eilver-plated But ter Knife, or Sugar-Shell. Five Dollars: A silver-plated on* - bait-dozen Teaspoons, or Table epoon, Fork and Knife. Tin Dollabb: A silver-plated Sugar Bowl, Pickle Caetor, or Butter Dish. Notwithstanding the expenditure of these of costly presents, we goaruc tee to save you 15 to 25 per cent, by purchasing your Dry Goods and Xmas Gifts from LOUIS TBAXLER, Next door to Batler Bavings Bank, Butler, Pa. Day Goods, Cloaks, Milliszry LEAVE YOUR measure at Aland's if you desire a Fall Suit, Overcoat or Trousers, that are made to the newest mode and decree of fashion. Our stock iV large, comprising a care fully selected assort ment of Brown Scotch Tweeds for busi ness suits: Black and Bluo Diagonals for dress suits: Neat Stripes and Cheques for trousers: Whipcord and Crepes spec ial 1 y made for full dress suits, And an excellent line of overcoatings. I nt-T 6 nnn tJolexs yon write in qi:li - LU j I C.UoU ly. We wan: motr xnli men. tD'l will guarantee pern atieut r *'*" Willi salary and excuse* j-alrl weekly. 1 or par'l line. Kxperleiio* not rcqulrrd. mo complete, Includliug mail) f..st .sel'iin# »i>et Un ties. Elegant ouuil tree. Artilrttf* C. 11. HAWKS SCO.. Nurseryman, Rochester, Y. Kstablhbad 1875. We will CQHfI Col-jpu a Commlsploi PAY vwuU- ©<»'<»• jto Men :>nd Wuic tneo. Teachers und Clergymen to Hell our New. Popular Standard Work. MARVELS of the NEW WEST No (leer book published. Over 3T/0 choice «-u tfr.f.iiu». iu.4un »iit lu «m week. Bn dorted by the (freateir tuen of the. country This Is no fciimbiiK oiler. Write at Once BSfIraBJSK? Ihe Henry Kill Pulling tapanj, Norwich, Conn. FRANK KEMPER, DEALER IY BLANKETS, ROBES, HARNESS, .A.nd everything in horse and buggy fur nishing goods—H ar - ness, Collars, "Whips. Dusters, Saddles, etc. .Also trunks and va lises. Hepairi ng done on short notice. The largest assort ment of 5-A. JTorsf blankets in town will be found at Kemper's. American COP fill ITc . nn Q H<tndbn(A write to LFI.NFC. A CO. :.>I Ur.-\\uwAY % fir.w YOIIK. uiient iinriMu for domrfmr m America. wverj pmt*uL tokm oul Uy tin IK brought before mo puulic by a not • trtvi'n tree of charge la the |>rientiC;e I*rec.,t etrcalatlnn oTar.? nMcntlfl•• ;>npor In Iho world. HpUntllUlv IlinMrated. No liit«lliKrnt nuui should b-i will'., it It. Wee*lt, «:{.<>« m M»r; tun eix month*. A'Hln iltf.NM &CO PiriiLLMUk.xs.ari tn . lw .r. A'oir Ifork. a jnir is I »<nr nu«iJ» hjf John 1 rnj. B'.ib l'l Mfi. in n; [>«rl U ZZpZtoT R/.fclU xihilJlLY uiitclf FiKKI b-L'LAK* IUKK. u*c* kIIJBUa * to.. iOMTUMtt, JUUJ Sotliins On Earth Will tfiAKs HENS Sheridan's Condition Powder! KEEPS YOUR CHICKENS Strong and Healthy ; Prevents all Disease. ° Good for Jloulting Jims. '■ I'Hal • • ivnore. Bt i.~ a «nt a «my. No other one-fourth aa fttO; : *id -i, - ti pr-rent Konp. w savw tin?e«st"Q"- ll' mil can't set Itaciid to Wem-i • »'•»*« AIM h rmnlLM. Wx CUB. J. -.. M-i»I-'" 1 - Kuttm Rm-naOvlde. pri™ Sie.?-* free »ltn ft word -r» or more, temple W Lli Jo/i Nit.'a ITwTacStom Ho:;*.-SL. Boston. Miss. ACME BLACKING is cheaper at 20 cents a bottle than any other Dressing at 5 cents. A LITTLE GOES A LONG WAYS became shoes once blackened •witli it can be kept dean by washing them with water. People in moderate circnnistanees find it I protitiLle to buy it at 20c. a bottle, because ';at t' r y spend for Blacking they save ia shoe-leather. _ , ii, r? the cheapest blacking considering i ; r cud yet wc want to sell it c'.v.r li it can bo done. A\c will pay 090 Reward svc. » ,10 t! <at will enallo us to make • A .rc BlacK-LNG at such a price 1 a r ! :';1 r c;*n profitably k!1 it at 1 Oc. a T • . Ti.!■-. ijr is open until Jen. Itt, 1893. ' Or I <£ 2 Phil&delphia. V'J jar. i'ui c painted with Pi K-RON (this is the name of the paint), looks lilto u.'uitc-l find varnished ncu> furniture•, One c t will <io it. A child can apply it. Yon c 1 chaiii:c a pine to a walnut, or a cherry to i-ichoc-iny; there If no limit to your is. r.cits. All retailers sell it. ft pLkiUl. yi*w a."l Ifo*. l3il<tn:ion. Bactufca, fj-..-,.. n.,1 U>«l- »adsuiii*-b lnuti!e».» Ff T'T fr - fall. Sold kr «n -Instill! ul t".i Ci- • :ry terpen. <»' eirealmtm. M.J i. : . J..-1 tM Co.. J-*tt»hrr*h, Pi- H C-. ■ • -..ißaaaaasK^aaaaeM r ' rf*: """r :"J L -iTorFAILIMO SASBOOS fs'": • -- jm •-i Vu'wl and KEBTOOS tIZILTT?. '■ J- . 1 »Vik-.enof Boi7»nd Jticd, iCK'.i *l2' ii" " lj~>t Krrorsor ZxeeuMin Older Us.ct'. 19-r r RnlwH. Uc« Ic :,OPKDO!i<>4SRAPARTHu> h«I>T. 4 '» f KOKE TtUU fßillT !• m dftj K r if: • 6<» •*'4 cMßtrtM. ITrit* D - ■»!•* proofs fre«. *»-- :» K-!U. CO.. BUFFALO. N, V. DOCTORS LAKE J- ... A rKIVATK DISPEXSAKV. ' - . Cor. Pf-;m Ave. AI.O fouhth ST.. PirTSBUSCH. PA. \ All forin .of Delii nle ami Cotn .. j tiln nted l)lwa<-srcquiiiiiK<'»N --' ,/ l jcation !• 10 treated at tlm Hi-- U a ni. ci-s8 1 ni*ly alt:iine<t. Pr. P. ,i , <11:! rof the ItovaK li gcof l"ii>- I Purgi-.-n:, and Is tnc oldest ami nio»t : ipbc!ai.ist in the c!tv Sp ! '' ial al -1-j 1 . v-,:.- DcbUltyfromeTC'five • > . • - .11, i n'i: - ~rct k.it of Tfit h, etc., cans- ! I and 1. ntal decay,lack of < n:r„y. ■ <■ . : oC.i: "i 3,OMXore .Fltr, ri ' . uas: ra, j.ndali the SI ia. -. i-V >rcnns,etc. O-nsMtafyn •, . 1* 1. :nly eouudcn'iaL Oißec hvttrm oto •• Jl ; »-'• .vs. 3 to 4 P. M only. Jat '-3 or ;>•: ' . - .OH*. I. \KK, COR. DOCTOR J. B. HOBENPACK'S MKDIC Al> OKFI^ES. 20C >orth ' KT , I*;i:i4DELP'IIA. PA. Are tti olili-it In America for t'ae tr».,itineiit o! IAJ. PiSEASLS and YOi rHFfcL EBBOEB. Hlovl Polwn. Nervous Debility, meets, ltun ni:>L'-. J>lßclnigee. S»rletwes. HlaJder. Kld !.!-y, ..a:! (Skin 'leases. Varicocele, Hy iJr"> le. Rupture. I eiianncntlv hy Itupr-ved metitad* v. ii: - it • i-ti'/n from btwlness. The Doctor" 1 ! 6U.J I. ( u-j to his lilt-long experlercH a: -l stiif .; !o pure veget ble remetlleM used and to : '':,"h t-xamlnation and watchful at tf-r r . .-'\. ii durlnjc trealcueut. A forty y» n - establishment Is our guarantee of Sli l ' ■' <t (i ■ ■ li.'-::rs, 9A. M. t» 2r.M„oto 9P. X, All dflj ... > unlsys, 10 to 12 a. m. Send Bta'i lor Im> jk. C. S, D. It will be to your own inter est to come in anil see what a fi . ' ; Hat and Punishing Si' ■: e c: ! do for you. riie success of tiie past makes us confident 01 the present and future, and notwithstanding •.he depression in business all over the country we have largely in creased our lines throughout and now show a full and comprehen sive stock as can be found in the cities. We have gone right along from th time we started owing to the fact that we adhere strictly to first quality goods at the very low est prices, and" we would rather mis.i a sale than misrepresent any thing. COLBERT & DALE, Hatters and Furnishers, 242 S. Main street, Butler, P. j . r WASHES WITHOUT t . WEARING OUT •*55, ■ ;'i\ ASLiTTLEOR . $0 RUBBING ' s *««"*»• SIsafFOLiM *2 PIRECTI*NS J CLOSELY MY NEW STORE Ib DOW completed and I reppectf'illy ' invite the Public to r:dl and see rco. I': ii, prepared to supply every th: 7in the line of I und tMedi ei ct 11 1 honrp. Prp«nriptionH nt nifrh* ppsjci Hc r Bill MM I speaking tube nt front i' . Oil-:) r. wered prompt i ;y --i\j i r . i , cberrful io r ni und every new. Yours, .r. V. BALPH, 3R • T« 5P £ " er • , " wno "" ,hto ■ RSfwb*#* t>.t, p.-p«- ( or obtain cstimat a j 'jn Mfwrt*in<• sr*. when Chicago, will f'nd »t on *«* NOT WHAT THEY EXrECTED. j "Wbut a blessinp it will be when the boys get old enough to be put to bed to gether in iheir own room." ■ i j ! The blessing.—N. Y. World. 1 ; V Sound Institution. 1 j ISank Director—l am surprised, sir, to learn that you drop into our bank every day and whisper tips to our cash ier Don't you know the information must be a great temptation to him to use the bank funds to speculate with? Wealthy Rrokcr —Yes. "And yet yon are a heavy stockholder ! In onr bank." "Just so." "Then, in the name of common sens#, what's your motive?" "Well, the fact is 1 don't know whether your cashier is honest or not; bnt if he isn't honest, and if he does use the bank funds to speculate with, I want him to keep on the right side of t&e market. See?"—N. Y. Weekly. For Callers. "Mr. Upholsterer, 1 would like to buy a nice reception chair. Something new." "We have just the thing, madame. Here it is. Made especially for ow trade Take a seat on it" "Dear me'! Why, this chair is awful! I couldn't sit on it Ave minutes. I never sat on such an uncomfortable thing in nay life!" "Exactly, madam. That is just the idea. You see, it is made for callers." —A fried induced ine to try Salvation Oil for my rheumatic foot, 1 used it and the rhoumii'i.-ui i:» entirely gone. John 11. Anderson, Baltimore, Md. Positive and unsolicited testimony (ro every section confirm* every claim made fur iiie wonderful efficacy of l)r. Bail * Cough Syrup, l'rlce 25 cents. —The railroad bridge apau in the Unit (1 .-Siut<-• is the Cantilever span in the Poughktcp ie bridge over the Hudson I Kiycr—o4<s lev;. —'l.. ~iof hi ,uth are 1. ;:ght iu ill" j celio- !►; Out u«'t iu A W;TJ L.I LIE ol UJUCU |inu:!:c:i; Li.ln.fi. ;i;.u a.'u taever iliustrun-.L by uxainpiet, whicu iu many c.. cs might easily ou done, ii some scholar, • who had ju.-1 contracted a coid was lirougho bfctorc the school, so that all could hearth* dry, loud cough and know its significance see the thin white coating on the tongue ai.d later, a,, the cold developed, see the profuse watery discharge from the nose, not one of them would ever forget what tfcc'firßt symptoms of a cold were. The scholar shc.uid then he given Chamberlain's Cougti Remedy freely, that all might seo that even a severe cold c«i:iid be cured in one or two days,or ut least greatly mitigat ed when properly treated as soon as tho fiist symptoms appear. This remedy is fa tuous forit's enre of coughs,colds and croup. II is made especially lor thcne diseases, and is the UIOSL reliable medicine known for the purpose. 50 cents a bottle, for sale Ln I), ii. Waller, Duller; A. Bowers, Pro spect; Breadeu <Ss Allison. AV. Sunbury. —New York has 50,000 unemployed men. f.. 11 ly inCabbagiJ a:vJ Csliry. '•Plotid wiil tell." Good crops canuot be giuttii with poor strains of seed. For sisleeu years Tiluuguast's Puget Sound L'aubagc Uaulidower uud Celery &ecUs have beou gaining in popularity, The in obi. extensive growers all over tne Union now consider them the best iu the world. A catalogue giving full partic ulars regarding ibcui will he .-.cut irce to an,) one luterested. \\ heu writing lor it enclose -0 cenib iu filvcr or postage stamps and wo will also send "How to Grow Cabbage and Celery," a book worth its weigiit iu gold to any grower who has Oas never read it. Address ISAAC TILUNGHAST, La Plume, Pa. —North Dakota has a barley farm 0f250, 000 acre a. In Luck Certain. After tryine to sell hooka, pictures and wringers, uiid nearly every contrivance im aginable, 1 became discouraged and thought there was no chance for a poor man to earn a living. There was nothing to do on the farm, and I couhl not get. u job in town, when I happened to see how a teacher made money selling platers and thought i would try my luck 1 a •to Lightning Plater from 11. F. Dolan A Co., Colnmbus, Ohio, and from that day my luck seemed to change. 1 carried the plater from bouse to hou»e mid plated knives, forks an 1 spoons, right before the folks, and it is surprising how many want their things plated. 1 made SCJ.7O the first day, and in OR-, week •♦"JM. I can plate * ith uickle, silver or gold. The work is fine, my eu miners are pleased and I am happy. I hope some other fellow, who is down on h; luck, will see this and do as 1 have done and get up in thi« world —0; th 1,5)00 police of Chicago, 1,555 are Irishmen. Save Yourself Money. Vl.m you go to Piitnbnrgb, Pa., stop at the. Anchor Uote , corner Liberty unci I .urth streets. It is a strictly first cf;.-- Hotel cotid icted on the Kuropean plan. Lodgings, — 3s, —or 50 cents. —Tho average weight of uti adult man is 140 pounds fi ounces. —Spectacles and Eyeglasses made by Robert lirnce Wallace, (sncce»,»or to tho "Fox Optical C 0.,) at 021 Penn Avenue. Pittsburg, Pa., are conceded the best and most coin for talle. Save money by having bun lit your eves. —An average man of 50 lias spent 0,000 days, or nearly 20 years, iu sleep. —ltch on human and horses ana all ani mals cured in 30 siitiutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never tails. Sold by J C Kedick, druggist. Butler. —For pain in the stomach, colic and cholera morbus there is nothing bettej than Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhcea U-.-modv. For sale by D. li. Wuller. Butler; A. Bowers, Pro spec:; Bread en <J-. Allison, W. Sun bury —The woolen mills at Norristown, which wre < lofed for several years on account of the trade depression, have resumed and are working on donble turn. Consumption Surely Curod. To The SuiTon:— I - le"»o Inform vonr nnnl'-r? that 1 h«v« apuHitlvo remorty for th» aboTO-immi] dlwiaao. By Its tiruely me tlio-JKUida of hn)M>l»«ii C£ IM liuvn bct-u pvnuaij«tillr curtxl. 1 »k»tl lm %Wi to «oitd two hot lie* of my reme<ly I'f. Ki: to any ot jour iwl'th who 1; .ve cooumjittoii If t'or.r will •mid me Uwtr Liprax* and P. O. ftdn-M. Brwpfct- I luUj. X. A. atotfit, il. C.. IBll'Mll UL. S. Y. THE CITIZEN MIX'KLLANKOi'.s DRESSING POULTRY. Haw to Stc»rc the Beit Trice* in tli* City M»rk»ti. There arc two ways of dressing poul try for market—dry picked and scalded, says Poultry Yard. Fowls dressed in the former way in all eases bring- the highest prices. It should be the aim of every farmer, in disposing of his poultry, to ship it in as good condition as possible, in order to catch the eye of the butcher, or grocer, and secure a ready sale. Greater skill is required to dry pick poultry than mo?', people im agine, in order that the "bird" may look plutui> and handsome. To do this work properly, or with any degree of satisfaction, the fowl should be plucked when warm—that is, immediately after it is killed—as, if allowed to get cold before stripping the feather*, you are very apt to tear the flesh. Commence first by plucking the wing and tail feathers, then the back, from head to tail. Pluck the feathers from the "craw" crossways; stomach and breast feathers bhould be plucked downward—that is, from the legs to the head. In dressing poultry by this method, you get a double advantage of those dressed by the hot water process, as you can save all the feathers, being careful to keep separate the tail and wing feathers; and where many are dressed, the sale of feathers amounts to quite an item of profit Dressing poultry by the scalding process is by no means a good aud profitable one, as it depreciates the value of the birds, they look unyt'uing but dainty, and, do what you will, they will never look enticing to the buyer; moreover you ljse the value of the feathers. SIMPLE HOSE MENDER. A Device Which lit Not Patented and Therefore Everybody'* Property. The accompanying engraving gives views of opposite sides of a section of hose sent us by John MoGowan, Orange. N. J., to illustrate a simple method of mending hose practiced by him for years. After trimming evenly the ragged edges of the break in the hose, a short section of half-inch iron MKKM— mm■ HOSE. " pipe is inserted as shown by dotted lines in the cut Then a piece of gal vanized. iron wire is wrapped around the hose as shown at the right in the upper figure, and twisted tightly so an to sink into the rubber. The wire is then twisted for a few inches as shown in the lower figure, again wrapped around the hose and fastened as shown at the left of the upper figure. This mender is not patented. an<l the mate riall, for making it arc 'inexpensive and easily obtainable.—American Florist He Wondered. Here is a little story that Dr. Samuel Lawrence told at the fair. The dtictor was in a cemetery at Plymouth, vt hen he saw an eld man weeping OTvr a tombstone. "Have >"U 1 st a dear rel ative?'' he ask—l with sympathy. "Xo," said the mat), ; inti.'.;; to the inscriptiou t.•"»t said. "Here lies u law yer and an honest mail," "but I was wondering how they happened to lay two poor fellows in one grave."—Lowell Citizen. —What is it makes George Edmonds so cool and placid, and how docs he do sue! deep allows himself to be harrass«d with colds, lie takes Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, he does. Sold everywhere for 23 cents, Dealers say they can't '•ell any other liuiuient since the introduction of Salvation Oil. —A hear has appeared in East Tesas, Lehigh county, and people are scared. —Tiie ililldale Rolling Mill, at Port Clintou, has been dismantled aud abandon ed. —A son of Mr. M. D. Pusser, a mcr chatit of Gibraltar, £. C. r was eo U; I y atllicted with rheumatism for a year or more, as to he unable to work or to go to school. Ilis father concluded to try Cham berlain's Pain Balm on the boy. it soon cured him and he ha* since walked one and a halt miles to school and back every school day. 50 cent bottles tir sale by D. li "»V idler, Butler; A. Bowers, Pro spect; Breaden <L Allison, W. Suubury. —The miners in the Ilouizualeand Punx autawney region-i are dissatisfied arid a strike is probable. English Spavin Liniment removes all bard, soft or calloused lumps uiid blemishes from horses, blood upavius, curlth, spliut.--, sweeney, ring bone, stilles. sjirains. all awolen throat:, coughs, etc Save SSO ii) use of (die b«itt!c. Warranted the ni".-t wonderful blemish cure evei known. B<dd by J C Kedick, druggist, Butler. —Xext .season's log harvest will, it is es timated, yield Williamsport 100,000,00j feot less of logs than this one. To Consumptives. The undersigned having been restor -' tc health by simple meuns, after sullering for several years with a severe iung affection, and that dread disease Consumption, is anxious to make known to his feliow sutier ers the means of cure. To those who desire it, he will cheerfully send (Iree of charge) a copy of the prescription used, which they will find u sure cure ior Consumption, Asthma, Catarrh, Urcnchitis eud all throat and lung Maladies, lie hopes all sulierers will try tiis Kemedy, as it is invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, which will co»t them notlung, d:id may prove a ble->- ing, will please address ltnv. Ei>WAtii> A. WILSOK, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, »Ne» York. —John Bnrie, a railroador in the Heading yard at Sbamokiu, was slruck by a.-.hiftinj. engine, Friday, and killed. —Rheumatism cured in r. day—"ilysti— curo-' for rheumatism aud neuralgia, radie caily cures in Ito U days, its ai tiou upon the sysiem is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappear-. Tho lirsi doso greatly benefits. 75 ct . Sold by .1 L Hcdicl:, druggist, Bntlcr. —The Cujibcriand Valley Lutheran Synod at Mount Holly Springs, hope to es tablish ,i i.ouio for disabled i,iini»lers. —AVilliam Dufender, a fivo year-old bo\ of ilacnngie, died from «n overdose ol whisky, which wus inieuded for medicine. Rheumatism Cured in a Day.—''Mystic Cure" for lihenmatiMUi and Neuralgia rad ically cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mys terious. It removes at once tho cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits, 75 cents. Sold by J. C. Kedick, Drugist, Bntlcr. —Sick and discouraged with her drunken hu«band's unkind behavior, Mrs. Heiisy Graces committed suicide with poison ot Scrauton. —J. L. Buckle, of Bellevue, Allegheny county, became uncle to himself l>y marry ing Miss Fannie Wilkius, bis father's wife's sister. ChanibeTlaJn's Eyo feud SkSn Ointneiit. | A certain enre for Chronic Soro Eyp«, Tetter, Sait lihaum. Scald Head, Old Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eozenia, : Itcb, Prairio ScTalrhea, Boro Nipples and Pilee. It is cooling nuti soothing. Hundreds of catas have b(H-Q cured by | it after ail other troatiaent luui fiulo<L ltl3 put up in «J and W ceut fcwi.es. ! HENRY BIEHL 121' NOKTH MAIN STREET, : U LER - FEJSJUST'A j DEALER IX Hardware and House Furnishing Goods. I W Machines; the I v .V*.• ] St; v ,-] Rotary Shuttle! 'bMachine. 2500J - - JL n innte; the No i >i - iu'i Km pre . <u_. . / a^r.i-.uU'ir,. 5 iin|> nents av ■W • wanons; Ne*> W i Howard range.-, fS tt S»ov>*s. tu!' 1 " and pocki t Eg jjß S (Mfjt-iy. hanging lamps; i;?j manu! tuiv. of tinware, tin ifflr roofing :iad .-"pouting a spec ialty; the Johnston mowers. reaper and steel frr.me binder. Warren ready mixed paint war rented; screen d< or- and window.*, refrigerators and law mo wers No better pi ce in the city to trade. Come and see m\ la _ 1 st re room full of goods, 136 J feet long. v v ; FRE A CI'JLD < AN 11 V AS CHEAP AS A MAN _________ FflH Til HOLIDAYS ONLY | JEWELRY, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, Purchasers can save from '2o to 50 per cent by purchasing their watches, clocks and spectacles of jj. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, Xo. 125 N. Main St., - Duffy Block. Sign of Electric lit 11 and Clock. All are Respectfully Invited, —"Remember our Repaii ng Department—Jo years Experience. IF IHY SHOE WAS BVRR worthy of a high pl*ce in history, it is I >J --'|f I our S; Shoo. Th.'re is no necaaiu 1 rj ' s /> I for putting their biatory into buck 1 Trj 1 f° rrr You "8008 know enough about I 11 .3 I them if you wear a pair of tbeiu." J' 1 1 i \ svont v >u loog to find ont th«»t I nTI \ wbc-D v u l.ou .bt them you wore bu^ j f : ' :ii <ervire '° r ver " v iiu! ~ iel iueit Tr. ao 8boe»-n-Brth tn«n car Lfh- * bin* Shoee SI.OO, $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00. Then flee the H"-"J Suoe* ia * Calf, Olove Grain, Oil (Jrnin, Kip an'i Calf a' cia. $1 00. $1 25 and $1 5e Ot.-r \fean and Boys Kip Boots ar.'l from th« ch---;« to tfce finest hand sawed 3hoe-. Our Old Ladies Warm a;« rtplandtd—Noa better -HOLTDAY SLIPPERS- Of the choicest pattems i.ov rr- (]y. Iu boyinp* Cbrintnias prertents wh} not buy sonieihiiig iu the wi>> of BOOM nnu or Slippers. They ar«- uscful aud are alu«yp u;); rue •*. 1, Atso «ts O isF. i • E-a'.r id?:'" ! S'ijvur^. At 75 c'" < in Fi'-e Tii.'i''id« ' V< i » ¥I.OO G ; Pin-h r B u\ beautiful !tade« At. $1 25 i ■ i!l sft, I ht ■ '.cr* re •uiu! iu d.n» r. Nt colors—•». Blue, Old G- d S I iU • "i ro-«cco Th-u the Maroon Gnat, at $1 00, $1 25 ivi Tan C!l $l5O are beuitifo Then the Rui?bi.< Lc: th»-i i; tie <■> ik w i i iiifl 'be Alli>.'at< u. are th< liuest Slippers • the aerket. OvrlM re ere foe—targe selection--no house cr. show fo lurge a m i-? iu or fiu. .-«yle(» aud at prii:. =saHth«»w ,t?0...i j ure. boc't fail to couie in iad ''if a pair.or t.vo balorn isbr<>k«n. B C HUBKLTON, - - - 10? N. WATV ST , Horua, PA. j BYRON CLAIIX, A M , JL D yiew York City. .< I ' om<M\ '^■4 BPKC I A I IST —lu tlx- Treatment oT Uhrnnlf Ola -as Mi— . his practice t■ > such oasts • u!y us sr<- so clearly ami fully devel") as to to ike 1 complete ud positive Diijtw i. vltkooi questioning «•» nllowin'f patient* • m"' e ■ HI II.MJI' Tit ot 111 li-C• H ; i'l.l I : • " tho 1 of examination is m le i'i or i I * l 1 *f' all cUim-nts "I in rt •" "■ "■ 1 disease as far a-» buuia.i • :i . . ex-» ice cJ I !<< i. - (• < -fit. where In.nt, by ui u:' ! i ' ■ juriou treatment fr ru tur"l di On this In i' ' r •'• ■ 1 ' | if ■> men!, l»r. I larl 'a Ei| •"« fit c sineM u:tir ■ i f " PrfteUM whiab hi «D ■■ rUitj at »ue ccfltl".'l I*. I' «.i|is:»l • celt -' !>•' v. n ni. 1? 1 ; ' ' rup it byordinsry : . jinifiT in ■ ' •* the nature ol" tbei'. <:;• «-s ' ei-call;." 'u»;ted. Dr. Ciiirk or.-i.. tel. siacin- -io-' pr.»- •••c positive ilia"ii' : is. stud I>\ ( •iifinu.g oj ■ erao tlc« tO fully developed d:- v. ot JL'I Women, has Ulaitied unutuul rue... in toe treat-neat «l many to-called incuraMa inal t»d ies. , The Di\ can consulted tree ol at Miller»!o*rn, Pa., Central liouii, fu. clay, Dec. loth, Ml. J lSutlcr, IV, Lowry IL.u.- da e*lay and Thursday, Doe. 10 »'id 17. '''■ Orove City, Leslie IIOUSQ, f i I-iay, Dec. IMb, *M. Mifflin Strs ;t llvory. BIEHIi .V II HI'LF U l'n - Ol* MttMe m■ t of Unto Bt. or. } Mi 111 it< .St All go od, -fe h« •»j | D«W bu.-KH- »0«i < 1 ,r ' Ur for w> uini tu Op®D tiny end ui«L-1. Ti l«*pfc n N' l\. New Livcr> Staljo. j I New Slock, New | —OPEN DAY AN D NIGHT— IIurai»s ft-d rdil bot»r<le<l. R KRAMCK, Prop'r a 9. VV Jetforaou ist. Pt». I • | SCHllTl'fi & O'iiKlEiN, ! Sanitary Plumbers And (va-i Fitters. t>KA LhilS JN Sewer Pipe, Guh Fixtures, Globes and i N tural (i.i-i Ap[)iianceß.j Jell'eison M.,opp. Lou ry HoUB<. BUTLKR, FOR RENT. Farm ciintiiinirg 20() acrrs, located in Donegal Two., well watered, pond orchard pi out/ ol t ■ u it, good dwelling, burn, spring ho:. •" ' iery. iidcl I'c s t farm in the town hhhi fur j-toik rui-iug <>r cultivation. For uierlv lieori.'" (iillt"i«pie farm. Apply t«> andkkw FOKD. Butler <"o., l'n. Chicora P. O. S Butler's Book 1,000 I' lgea. ' igiiml Kngiaviug<, i Kl. liiuiiitiL--. I'ubt. ••••d in o l.angungi l'ot.ular Price*, j FIRST KIMTIO.S, 100,000 <.'OPTE> i'l.u Only Autb»uUo Work By gf.N. Y. ;>U I ler. I' ! Tcli:-.irr Tcrrilury Liberal Term! giwu • w.dii'.. er.tr. Actonipauy applied!'.oi: w itL fJ.OO for Profpectaa. J. W. Kt.. Icr 6l CO., 2.19 So. Cru ->r. l'K I!-AOELP111 A. PA RiiAD AN 0 ItFMEM BEE t'o S|f!i'tl> pure ar.it r'tUlde HTIIAIOUI I.K/iroitS, i-atl on 1, "St. l irvcH, 12 SSilJif ltl.O ST., I'ITT»KI Btill, PA. {> J'l'. Uoiiouiiahela lid use.) Mate!:! • i r Family u>e ..ml M<xllcln»l pur p»is. * .ire FIN I. -*' >LI»I \ Wrt:|>lNO, I Aim i;t • - I . ti-'R s WHISKY, ! per til. ; l t.\ > - .'■ «M !0 ' « ql». I Ul|,f.'N- ' > J for » i I - 1 i promptly shtn|«.-.i l'ne it i-.are. ctpt of caali or paa j ..II • r.i- , . .. •)) .■i . .O. I>. h i, ' r I'i .'e I.lst. jU"\< i r.l) M <-. tej' orteia for <m I ► . -1.. i 1 ■- r.H rr. li. Irmitprafc M.*n J tuyxiv 'n't. .[•.«• «"■ --mt ..Hi If pieier | c.l. V. rtie »' ••• . ol*: A-'>. ArtJree". j «. S. '"-hiiSß <k C >. ,u A,:^ p-r --you CAN FIND I BROS I *1 i Ur / "t lnw»»! - Leading Millinery House - We arc now readj to exhibit this season'a styles of M=l=L=L,=l=N:rE ~R=Y la e very ilesirabl* st.<rle oaJ quality. Our stork isucufualiy iarire atid attractive. Trimmed bete and bon n. :•» .f all descriptions—teli Uin, velvet Lais and sailor Late Hats and bri.cotfc trin miri to erder. Tbe largest and mofet complete stock of velvet* ribbons, tips, quills, birds and wings ever brought to Butler. FOM < JHILDREN Hi . Os, cap - t:.\. r bat - in great rarietr. iMOUHNIN(i . Ha*.- and bortct* receive our l ist attention,* complete line always on h i.rl. v,w ,r in. T PAPE INO-«-l NO -«- Cheapest. I • • ■ /% I j Street. THE RECORD, Eagle, Herald and Times do not agree with this paper politically. But when it comes to a business question like the follow ing—Shall we take chances, ma k e guesses or go where we have a dead sure thing; on genuine bargains? We O O join with them in saying "The dead sure bargains every time." © J You can secure the bargains by calling on RITTER & RALSTON, € LOAMS! ft<risx iiffi < ; cJp Hl JBLe A ® I WRAPS! AT For Ladies, Misses and Children, the largest line we ever had. Come O in and see them, they are C* as 3B 3T - jCJoakS - Jackets - WrapS. Select your Christmas Presents from the Following;: o , RINGS, T\l y vi wl i I EAR-KINGS. UlcllllOlKth j SCARF PINS, < t>TDI)S, (GENTS GOLD, \\r , 1 J f.ADIKSGOLD, \Y cltCllCh i (IKMS SIT-VER I. A DIES CHATLAIN, T/>W£il !*\ t f G " ld Piris - »j ( \\ ( I i \ j Kings Chains, Bracelet*, Etc, f Tea sets cantors, butter disliei (j;| r , lIMl r„,,A < and everything that can b3 * 11 \ ( 1 i\ fl I ( | fbutid in a first class sto«*e n*inrrD DB P C ion (Knives Forks, Spoons-- RiiDbta cdl'i. 184/ i T,i,,k. pi»t e . E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER No. i3tf, liforth Mam St., BOILER, FA., & % s THE^ HAY-FEVER Wr-'m W COLD-HEAD PHI Ei/s Cre tin liti'm U not a liq"'d, muff or point* r. Aypttod into tfu ntMhrtlt it it q<iirkly ibtwbtd. It cLantet lite hind, aliiy ir.Jlammation, hfalt _ ? ' T«. :< Id /•>/ <T flit by Mil on rer*ipt ofvriec. Llln OUD CLY BROTHERS. 56 Warren Strut NEW YuRK. 3Ub All Kinds of Job Work done at the "Citizen" Office.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers