, L.O. WICK DEALEE I* Rough and Walked Lumber OF'ALL KISD* Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Shingles and Lath Always In Stock." LIME. HAIR AND PLASTER. Office opposite P. A "W". Depot. BUTLBR. ' PA Planing Mill —AND— T iiimher Yard J. U. FD HVlfi. FITFVIP. S.6.Purvis&Co. KAHOTACTDRKBH AND DEALEES IN Bough and Planed Lumber Of «V«HIT DBBOBIPTIOW. SHINGLES, LATH & 'SEWER PIPE. Butler, Pa. Where is the best place to buy Clothing, Hats, and Gent?' Furnishing Goods? At the Racket Store. WHY Because they have one of the largest stocks to select from and they sell for CASH thus being able to give you more for a dollar than other house in the county. \ou can see these facts for yourself by calling at THE RACKET STORE ISO &. Main St. Butler, Pa. TURN ON THE LIGHT AID Ht It \ glimmer ■■lll every / fIHL\ man, woman tad cUM / VH* j«e*« aad Know, of the i A Jexeelleaej et Gosser's Cream Glycerine It is the ideal Cosmetic. It stimulates the nerves, quickens circulation and carriex away dead particles of the skin, leaving it fine and clear. It has no equal for Chap ped Hands, Lips, Fucc, or roughness of the skin, and is not excelled as a dressing for the lace after shaving. It is a bland, creainy emulsion, with just enongh vege table oil to soften the skin. Xo ladr or gentleman should be without it. Be sure to get the genuine. Take no substitute. "For Bale by J. C. Bedick, Drug gist, Butler, Pa. We've Got'EM Yes indeed! Tbe kind of undercloth ing that will keep you warm, and make yon feel comfortable tbis win ter. Drop in and see us. We want to get acquainted with yoa and Bhow you oar Goods and Prices. Aek to see oar Childrens All-Wool Ribbed Hose at c., 2pr for 25 c. Ladies All Wool 19 c. Mens Wool Sox 12£ c , 2pr for 25 c. Christmas Goods are open for yoar inspection. John M. Arthurs. 333 SOUTH MAIN STREET. 333 Full Again. We mean our wall paper de partment, full and overflowing with our immense and choice stock of paper hangings. You must help us out, we haven't room for half our goods, until you relieve us of some of them. We have the choiseet selec tion of patterns in every grade from Brown Blanks at 10 ct» to Gilts at from 20 cts to $1 per double bolt. Examine our Stock. J. H. Douglass, Wear Postoffice, Butler, Pa. FARFFOR SALE. The undersigned will sell us farm,containing ■lxty acres, more or less, and located In Adams Twp.. on tbe Branaburg and Mars road, near Marshall and Myoma stations on the P. & W K. B. and near the Callery oil fletd. It contains a good bouse, good bank b;-rr, BCx34, good outbuildings, good orchard, level and good ground, two springs near house, pumj In bam. and all to good order.; „ Inquire ot or address James Davidson, Myoma P. O , Butler Co., Pa We Have no Agents. 50,000 Fruit Trees snd Vines.' 10,000 f.'urolina Poplar and Norway Maple. 60,000 Ornameotiil. Hai-dy Roses. Sbruhhery. BO.OOU Tultpp. Hyaciu.li and other bulbs G»t our Illustrated Fall Catalooue Head all orders to JOHS K. * A. ■ liUIMM.'H. AO* Smith •rid St., fltt»bnr»h. Pi. Ordars for Floral Decorat ions and t resh Flowers have prompt attention. CRAWFORD & KENNEDY. The well known liveryman, Wm. Kennedy, has boncrbt an interest in tbe above bars and will be pleased to have bis friends call at bie now place of business. Tbe Best Horses, Buggies and Car riages in Botler at tbe most reasonable rates. Tbe place is easily remember ed. Tbe first stable west of the Lowrv House. A. J. FRANK AC CO, DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND CHEMICALS F.VKCY AND TOILF.T AKTICEri, BPOHGKR. BRUSHKR, PKRFUMERY, 4-j WTbyslclaus' Prescriptions _ carefully coal pounded. . SS M»ir Street. Butler. Pa. mk a / Vr«M> A. t liuwiVF*v. 3* * VI" * DO YOU NEED; v.i a '--Wpy * Bonnet" o'ir Special Shapes Always Fit Com for, a - -1. M. F. AM. Marks'. - 113' and 117 South Main Street - B. $ SPECIAL SALE this week itfc DRESS GOOO3 EBPAEI MEN of 100 pieces 38 inch, till W< • Tweeds, about a dozen colors 45 Cents, Lareje line 38 inch all 00l Plai 1 ' neat plaids in all color.-: 37 1-2 Cents down from 50 cents to close tint" 27 inch Bough and Tumble Cheviots 37" cents. Rain or service afficts them but little. Brown, tan. grey mixtures. 56 inch Australian Won! CLOTH-FACED SUITINGS in large variety of neat checks and plaids. Quiet colorings OO cents A yard, that are nnqueslionably the greatest DBESH GOODS BARGAIN of the year. Six yards for full suit. These stores making uauenol prep arations in every department for HOLIDAY TRADE offering bargains that will be mo-e deserving than ever of your patron age. Special facilities lor filling t i orders by mail. Boggs & Bulii, 115 to 121 Federai Street ALLEGHENY, PA. GO TO REDICK'S FOR Pure Drugs, Paints, Oils, Glass, Fine Toilet Articles. Patent Medicines, And all other Articles Kept in a First Class Drug Store. ■ fifcT Sinfifl Cnlesa von write us qul> k- LUO I sil»Uu lv. We wart more s.' l will g>iariini-'o p<-iu.,aieut > wlt-h salaiy and exp-.n~.-> oaid veeklj. )• .. or i>urr time. Brpeiiei.ee not required. S'i . . eoDipiet". lneludliiE mauy .••*iar<3 spe. i i ,ie,. Klegant ouril Addre« g f Nurseryman, itoetiester, N. 'i Established IST;. W^ U S9OO- Sa!ary^:!„»^ men. Teachers and Clergymen to sell our Ne.' . Popular standard Work. MARVELS of the NEW WEST No tlner book published. Over 3-">0 choice en gravings. 10.400 copies sold In one week. En dorsed by the greatest men of the country. This is no humbug o!Tcr. \Ut-\ia Onea KOU PARTICULARS IN wrue ai unce regard TO SALARY. lie Henry Dill Publishing (ipij, Norwich, Oonn. FRANK KEMPER DEALER IX BLANKETS, ROBES, HARNESS, And everything in horse ancl buggy fur nishing goods-] I a r - ness, Collars 9 "Whips. Dusters, Saddles, etc. Also trunks and va lises. Repairing done on short notice. The largest ossorl ment of 5-A 1 Torse blankets in town will be found at JKernper's. American " cor m< sT For informAt!«»:i anti i.e© Hawlbeok to » Mi nn & co., :*;i Bno.uw.tY, *vew Yoitir. OMet*t bureuu rr#r: ,- uitr:.. M'.tor* : in \:nortea. Every patent taJm nutbjr »:.i «. b-ou*rht before tho jnjhlic by a n »i >*» frf-eu free <* '« in the jfrientific Larc;«t circulation of tclnvi::.- j. ; «n the work}. epi«?r><ti<ily >:.» mtellireiit mu*» fillGCid 1»C Jr We.V.■%:?!.Of« a yonr; SU4) niv n.'.' 1-s. .Ad«J.?s:i Mt'NN i CO., PITDLISI'KH v ! >» : v io^U. jUftythin^ 1 . 1.A511.1, M'l l LU.V k«rt.e.i. VAKriC'I. LAMb 1 UkJ At!.'u«».» tow- On rartli WiH hihKP HENS Sheridan's Condition Powder! YOUR CHICKENS fi tny ; Prevents all Disease. ( ,t or Jfout ting Hens. ' rrt-vw concentrated. bOWB> | ; . v, (i 1•r * . -f«.arth as ' ~ •* One Lirre can saved ine j% T-o ca«Tomer. *' « on » «Ct ** *° «?• , o lr r i ivw $1 A 2 1 I ibL can SIX Y - . } r*, t i:ru Uai*;r,y r,ui<lf.rri>'e ■ : > r •. •'<-* copy .ni l*i < - n St., Gorton, MMfc will be aid for a recipe enabling i to be WOLFF'S ACME BLACK ; ch a price that the retailer c .v . Stably sell itat ioc.abottle. Ac : - cnt the retail price is 20c. ii . until January ist.» 1893- F° r par'. - ; t'.s undtrsigned. 3 lit rCKtN". is made of pure alcohol, c . j 1 jiuyap arc r.iadc of water. "\V. r costs nothing. Alcohol is dear. Who t • ,:sl; . y to las': j it without alcohol £ . : : cm make AC»I3 Blacking as cheap Ls - : r urcssintr. cr put it in fancy pack c. *:.? rna. yof t!i-- water dressing , and J « f.r t".:2 outside apj-carancc i»- K, J of fcr the contents of the Lolilc? \v o'_r •' & BAEDOIiPH. Ehii.adelph.ia. pVk-RQN Ls ■■ r..-.rr.: of .1 paint of which 3 25c. bottle s . - " h to make tlx scratched and dulled c l. .' 1.-ok like newly finished ma i 1 v do many other remarkable A . r,o other paint can do. Ail retailers sell it. Good ri JV . 1-' !i.r !a t*ic s*fWt PttriGcr ererjQ' v '• ylr _f * ' l •■ y L»racri>.d. _ A • .• •' f A|S| Iff % r C - *?". V .-MCcr SAItIKO M'. ». • *.-.3 V K.V&CSS-.OSt.ITVi f *V - • *»•<•♦» - . :z*ot Z.rvikta Youi»j% y . *"il - t-'t* np«:rr.»a. Htwfii Hir.rta »;.] f •. '-r-r " crrwr. la a 4*7. I Wriutken. ' kraoli R*iM to* Ac-; . v'.'ti is. uli'vivAj# CO.. BUFFALO. M. V. DOCTORS LAKE £> »4 J'»-:rv\TK I>ISPEN=ARY. COR. Ave *!io FOJRTH 8T„ ... "• .V , PITToBUrijH, PA. > £ .'*¥<?. - AU'onvisof Di-licatcnn"! Com ..»• . " .J »••• IJisca 0- 1 • i-'^ ( '">■'• V-. ' KIU'-.N-TlAl.aadscuasmi'ic MeU ic «ib treated at tbu» 1»'-- v ,'h a "iiccefs rarely attained. JJr. S. 1 . . .r of the lioyal College of riij •..l ; . r ....i l i.,ind tfitheoldeatandluoct TaT in thecity Sp<iialat ■ , n •DebUlty froraercesaive ... rmti'Mjof j<«tth,ctc.,cai»s --•••:,; ■-! decay,li iof inerpr, !.-I. IK ~ etc.; also Cancers, Fita, 1 . (Then natltm, and all dloeaaesof the Skin. ■! . nrv'Vi: ins,et''. Consultation nb .• . udeittial. Oiilco hours,9 to 1 1 v. M.I Snndan, 8 to ■' p. X. onlv. <i or ..!•• r- 'or'-. 1 IKK, COft. . ;;Piiub-r..n i"jojjol'A. a--. - ftT.irs DsITOB j :> rO3 e^sack's M F OFFICES. 2! t I! > 1 , PHIIAUKI.rHIA. l'A. Ar si. In A rlea for tli • tr<-atm»utof • »<• '• »Bd HOfTliri'l. EttUORS. i N r.:' I?f■ blltfrv". fl'trs, linn bargci -trietures. Bladder. Kld >' », i ... .sc., Vnri-i •. ( e. lly tii if. Kopture. • •: by improved mci.hods 1 .-,. m bViuOst. 'the lkietor's t.» Mu-'.r.aj: esperlenco and . vpp'tible reimdles used and ■.i.'h tnation and watchful at i.( ;:,tleßtß «'iirhi;r treat meat. A i; ' f- tabilfiiimenr, is our nuarar.tee 01 1 .IIA.M. 10 2 I*. X.. c, to 9r. »!, All idajra,iota tt A. X. send ht >'• .p '.•«• b."Clt. fp iW&WES I . '•> C| WITHOUT v,J w M I WEARING OUT Clothes, [ fiS LITTLE OR RUBBiNS a ,s REQUIRED. aS I DIRECTIONS 1 CLOSELY. MY NEW STORE Is f.0•.. i'l inpfcted and I respectfully invtl' Public to call c.nd see me. I pnr.'d to supply cvery tbitiiu ibt- liie of Drugb and Medi oio' !1 hours. PreEcriptions at riL-bf . e^-cislty. hii ct" ; " Bel! ucd epeoking'tubo at front door Calls answered prompt ly. A*br:j;ht, cLeerful room and every net\. V oars, J. b\ BALPH. ig;]] Tin: < l i.TIVATdIt 1892 Country Goutleman THE LEST OF THE Weeklies. I>l' ' >THn TO F.. ( i : s ; Processes, j- .. Frii'i Oiowing, Li v ... (i Dairy nir, •\V|.. ;; ; = j !i's nil minor depart . i.; pl. rr. '. >;ieh as the Poii! r V !, Entnir.olot-7, i'« «• Ke,ping. (;, . Grapery, Veterinary l;, ,i; (.>• ; .o ~:'ard Answers, Fire- i<lo Bcadine Di>nieatio Economy, and . ,•'!■ Vvvs of the Weelt. Its \> \. i i •: .'.ruUMi ..:iM» c tnpletc, : . , , ;.in is paid to itio Prwpects . Tti (: aa tbroffing light upon pne , ■ • - unpoi lant ui all (|'u*sti oils — I; . ~ cud /!'/.(it to Sell. It is I:!.. iiistrn":'. nd by UECKXT l-;v ; : ' r...V, contaim* more r' iding , ,rr i> ore. The sabsjription pi r > ear, hut we oiler a cl .. •.1 i i.INDUCTION in our ( T b V K ' FOit 1892 : T«"i r'tptio-i», iu one remittance., -f l g|2 :. i iptious, uo. do. ..10 Twt :V'- -cript'Oiis, do. do. .. 18 \ \. Subscriber* f>r 1893, /«.) ,'• / • ■■■■Vt... f.- note, WE WILL SRKI» THE i'> i' i i'.KJ \. iiow our Bn'JKiPT of the ! t„ .!o/.:<tru I t, 1802, WITUOCT ' | CIIARUK 1 ' i-rrCiMKK Copies FBKE Address i i,x ; it Mi ri < :;k«: a SOX, ruhushers, Albany, N Y. i., . . . J- - . . . | -J ... . &TiISEAS, A STUDY OF RdOTS. Tlie Habit* of tiarden PUotl liiTMt!ftt«4 by Sciential*. An interesting investigation of the root habits of certain garden plants VM made at the Geneva station by digcin;* a e'eep trench alonßbide of eacn specimen to be examined, and then pTadnally and guardedly washing, the earth away -by a spray water through a hose. The following result appeared in the ease of the Eclipse beet, one of the tur nip-rooted class, which grows largely above ground: The tap-root was traced nearly two feet Branches started out from this at intervals during 1 its entire length; no roots appeared above the tap-root. The branches were traced a distance of two feet horizontally from the tap root. The fibrous roots were very ten der and delicate, and though not very numerous, extended over an area of about twelve square feet They often extended upward from the branches, and in some cases appeared to reach the surface of the soiL The root system of the carrot, either in long or short varieties, is compara tively small. The tap-root soon ta pered into a mere filament which ex tended downward but about sixteen inches. The horizontal roots seemed to ex tend a little more than a foot The fibrous roots .started chiefly from the tap-root, though a few had their origin near the base of the fleshj» root These extended both deep and shallow, some reaching the surface of the ground and others sinking into the soil as deep as the tap-root. Onion roots are more concentrated than those of most other crops raised in tlie garden. They extend about ten inches in depth and about the same dis tance horizontally. The greater part of the roots seemed to be beneath a circle of eight inches in diameter, the stem of the plant be ing in the center. There is no tap root. The roots that start out from the base of the bulb are very numer ous, and these give rise to very many branches. The latter, however, do not subdi vide, and are usually quite short In the case of an early cabbage— which showed a decidedly less exten sive system than cauliflower —the roots were traced to a depth of about twenty inches and adistanc: of eighteen inches on either side. The main root was quite thick for a distance of about si* inches, below which it divided into many roots which tapered for a short distance and then became fibrous, ceas ing' to taper. The fibrous roots in the upper layers of tho soil were not numerous, and some appeared at a considerable depth. Such studied as these are of practioal value to the farmer, and serve to show the importance of a rich and well culti vated boil, sub-soiled, for root crops, or of planting in a soil that is easily pene tratcd to a considerable depth by roots. —Andrew H. Ward, in Boston Globe. —Keep our eyes open; '2a cents bu3"s Salvation Oil. the greatest cure on eariU for pain. Tourist to Yellowstone I'ark next season n.ight encounter a northwestern blizztir.. It they are wise men the.) will take along u supply ol the tauious Dr. Hull's Cougb Syrup." —Tho law.- of health are taught in the school.-; but not in u way to he ol' much practical benefit and are never illustrattU by living examples, which in many case* mi;, t easily be done. 11 some scholar, wiiii iuui j i>: contracted a cold was broughi b< lore lue school, so that al! could hear tin dry, i ad cough and know its significance sa- the thin white coating on the tongu alii later, as the cold developed, see the pn IU i. watery discharge lroni the nose, not one oi them would ever forget what t"he first symptoms of a cold were. The KChol.ii- -huuld then be given Chamberlain's Cough Remedy freely, that all might see tual even a severe cold could be cured in one or two days,or at least greatly mitigat ed when properly treated as toon as the flint symptoms appear. This remedy is fa mous lorit's cure of coughs, colds and croup. It i made especially for these diseases, and is ihe most reliable medicine known for the purpose. 50 cents a bottle, for sale by I>. H. Wulier, butler; A. Bowers, Pro spect; Broaden & Allison. W. Sun bury. —A leading doctor says diseases are often contracted by the habit of kissing cats and dogs. I* i! ;in Cabbage and Celery. "Blood will tell." Good crops cannot be grown with poor strains of seed. l-'or sixteen years Tilliughast's Puget Sound Cabbage Cuuhilower aud Celery Seeds have been gaining in popularity, The most extensive growers all over the Uniou now consider thein the best in the world. A catalogue giving full partic ulars regarding them will be sent tree to any one interested. AY hen writing lor it enclose 20 coats in silver or postage stamps aud we will also send "How to Grow Cabbage and Celery,'' a book worth its weight in gold to "auy grower who has has never read it. Address ISAAC TILLIXGHAST, La Flume, Pa. —Ragged children peer pathetically into big store windows. In Luck Certain. After trying to sell books, pictures and wring- rs, and nearly every contrivance im aginable, I became discouraged and thought there was no chance for a poor man to earn a living. There was nothing to do on the farm, and I could not get a job in town, when I happened to see how a teacher made money selling platers and thought I would try my luck. I bought a $3 Lightuing Plater from H. P. Dolan A- C it., Columbus, Ohio, aud from that da,) m> luck seemed to change. 1 carried the plater from house to house «nd plated knives, forks aui spoons, right before the folks, and it is surprising how many want their things plated. I made $3.70 the first day, and iu one week S2B. I can plate with nickle, silver or gold. The work is fine, my customers are pleased and I an; happy. I hope some other fellow, who is down on his luck, will see this and do as I b.ivc done ar.d get np in this world —Dolls iu Ihe act of getting married'" are among the latest. Save Yourself Money. When you go to Pittsburgh, Pa., stop at the Anchor Hotel, corner Liberty and Fourth streets. It is a strictly first-class Hotel conducted on the European plan. Lodgings, 25, —35. —or 50 cents. —The three-quarter coat looks stylish on a tall woman. --•Spectacles and Eyeglasse? made by Robert Bruce Wallace, (successor to the ••Fto Optical C 0.,) at 024 Penn Avenue, Pitubtirg, Pa., are conceded the best and ino< cemfortallc. Save money by having hint lit your eyes. i'he early bird gets the cheapest Christ m£ s presents. —ltch on huuiau and horses ana all ani mals cured iu 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never tails. Sold by .1 C Redick, druggist, Butler. —Simple gowns are the rule tor the street. —For pain in the stomach, colic and cholera morbus there is nothing bettei thau Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Hiarrlnea Remedy. For sale by ]>. H. Wuller, Butler; A. Bowera, Pro sperf;Broaden & Allison, W. Snnbury A pumpkin seven feet in circumfer ence and weighing 200 pounds is on exhibi tion in the Los Angeles, Cal., Chamber ol Commerce. Consumption Surely Cured. To THE EDITOR:— Please Inform your readers I tl.it I IIJYO a positive remedy for the above-named ! By its timely use thousands ofbopeless Ca.-'S have been permanently cured- I shall be glad to send two bottles ot my remedy FREE to any ot your readers who have consumption if th«y wtU Isend me their tiprsss and P. O. address. Bespect luilj, X. JL 010 CC*, M. 0.. IU ftail St.. H. X. TIIK ClTlZtgy I M rSOhL!.ANKOt'S LONDON POLICEMEN. Ov«r Fifteen Thousand Men K«qulr«d Guard England'* Capital. The total police force of England and Wales is to-day composed of very newly 89,000 men of all ranks. Of this total 15,270 are metropolitan police. This little army of 15,270 men in cludes a commissioner, Col. Sir Edwar 1 ttidley Colborno Bradford; 3 assistant commissioners, Alexander Bruce, Robert Anderson, LL. D.. and | Andrew Charles Howard; C constables. POLICE- INSPECTOR A.VD SERGEANT. ■uperintendents of the criminal investi gation department, 31 superintendents, 553 inspectors, 1,534 sergeants and 12,- 841 constables. But out of this number only 27 superintendents, 804 inspectors, 1,337 sergeants and 11,432 constables watch over the lives and property of the largest city that is or ever was, as 4 superintendents, 54 inspectors, 197 ser geants and 1,432 constables are posted in public offices and buildings, in dock yards and military stations. The Bow street station is the most important in London. Lastyear no less than 5,0C0 arrests were made by the officers of this station. It was recently risited. Everything was as trim as on a battleship. The kitchen and refectory hard by are spacious and bright. The men can buy what food they like aod have it cooked on the premises. The cook, a bnxom woman, and her assistr ants have their hands full, for mea come at almost all times to rebuild ex hausted nature. Constables generally mess for provisions and fuel. The dormitories contain from eight to ten beds. All is clean, the apart ments are lofty, the couches well apa: t aud a steam vcn.llator works up a mountainous air. The lavatory is sup plied with hot and coid water aud there are three bathrooms. There is no ac commodation at this station for mar ried constables, but it lodges eighty single ones. The station possesses a splendid room containing a full-sized billiard table. The men arc very fond of the game and are now clubbing together to buy a sec ond one. At one end of the room there is a picture representing a policeman jumping into the Thames froin Water loo bridge at two o'clock at night— therefore without the stimulant of an appreciative public —to save a man a life. This fine deed of heroism hap pened in 1882. An interesting room to visit is the one which is arranged to dry as quick ly and thoroughly as possible the eon stables' wet outfit Ihc night bafore has deserved the speoial notice of mer men for its incessant rain, and there i.i a wealth of tunics, trousers, etc., in the drying-room, but they are now dry as dust. Each man receives every year one tunic, one greatcoat, two pairs of trousers and two pairs of boots. —A friend induced me t<> try Salvation Oil lor iny rheumatic foot, 1 used it and the rheumatism is entirely gone. John Anderson, Baltimore, Aid. Positive and unsolicited testimony from every section confirms every claim made lor the wonderful elficacy of l>r Bull a Cough Syrup. Price 25 cents. —The Kittanning Globe says: Tnere is a time in every boy's life, when he is about 16 years old, that he needs a good iicking. It'he doesn't get it he will think tor tho rest ol bis life that ho can lick his lather. —A son of Mr. M. D. Pusser, a mer chant of Gibraltar, X. C., was so badi_> afflicted with rheumatism for a year or more, as to be unable to work or to go to school. llis lather concluded to trv Cham berlain's Pain Balm on the boy. It soon cured him and he has since walked one and a half miles to school and back every school day. 50 cent bottles for sale by i>. II Wtiller, • Butler; A. Bowers, Pro spect; Broaden <fc Allison, A\ . Sunbury. —A Jewish organ in New Tork city drops this useful hint to its feminine readers: livery Jewish young woman should resolve to dtess plainly, and thus treble her chances of getting married within tea year. —English Spaviu Linimeut removes all hard, soft or caliou.sed lumps and blemishes from horses, bloo<l spavius, curbs, splints, sweeney, ring bone, stifles, sprains, au swolen throats, coughs, etc. Save soo by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful blemish cure ever known. Sold by J C liedick, druggist, Butler. —One of the attractions of the Chicago Exhibition is to be a pyramid of 400 piancr connected by electricity and manipulated by one woman. To Consumptives. The undersigned having beau restored u aealth by simpie meaus, after suflering tor several years with a severe lung affection. *ad that dread disease Consumption. '« anxious to make known to his tellow BUtle,- ers the means ot cure. To those wiio desire it, he will cheertully send (tree of charge) a copy of the prescription used, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis and all throat and lung Maladies, lie hopes all sufferers will try his Remedy, as it is invaluable, rhose desiring the prescription, which will cost them nothing, aud may prove a bless ing, will please address RkV. fc.DWAlto A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, New York. —The following item appeared iu ailti iasippi paper: "Uev. A. Cathy, a Metho dist minister, aged 70 years, living s Burnsville, recently eloped with iliss Mil lie Marlor, aged lo years. Tho lady a par ents objected. —Rheumatism cured in t, day —"Mysti— cure" for rheumatism aud neuralgia, radir cally cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious, it removes at once the and the dis ease immediately disappears. l'ho lirst Jose greatly beuelits. to cts. Sold by J C Redick, druggist, Butler. —Russian photographers, when thoy cannot obtain settlement from their cus tomers, hang the portraits of the sitter up side down in front ot their slup, the sig nificence of which is fully understood by the passing public. RHEUMATISM Cured in a Day.—"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism anil Nenralpia rad ically cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upon" the system is remarkable and mys terions. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. Tho tirst dose greatlv bc-ueiits, 75 cents. Sold by J. C. Redick! Drngist, Butler. —The mistake of a Long Island woman in weeping over the remains of a drowned man whom she supposed to be her husband is not remarkable. Chamberlain's Eyo and Sfcla Ointment. A certain enre for Chronic Soro x-ye?, Tetter, Salt khenm, Soald Head, Old Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema, Itch, Prairie Scratches, Sore Nipples and Piles. Xt ia cooling and soothing. Hundreds of cases have been cured by it after all other treatment bad failed, i U put up iu 25 Aad $Q ceat bvjwa. HENRY BIEHL 122 NORTH MAIN STREET, 3U L LETJ, - IFEJMHSr'A DEALER IN Hardware and House Furnishing Goods. Washing Machines; the §£" Standard Rotary Shuttle Sewing Machine, 2500 ~~""" stichea per minute; the No. HI sewing machim. agricultural implements and 5 Inn" wagons; New Jf Sunshine & Howard ranges, tJj cutlery. hauging lamps*; • ~ f *~ $1 ILdgk>- manufacturer of tinware, tin rooting and spouting a spec f , - ialty; the Johnston mowers, reaper and steel ft;;me. hinder, Warren ready mixed pain:, warrentcd; screen door- .mi window , refrigerators and lawn mowers. No better pl .ee in the city to trade. Come and see my lavav sittfe room full of goods, 136 i feet long. W MERE A ( HILL) C*N i-UY AS CHEAP AS A MAN MTffi HOLIDAYS ONI! JEWELRY, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 per cent by purchasing their watches, clocks and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No. 125 X. Main St., - Duffy Block. Sign of Electric Beli and Clock. All are Respectfully Invited "Remember our Repairing Department—2o years Experience."— Scribnefs Magazine. AH Exceptional Year. The Year 1891 has been it rked •>. .'greater advance than any similar period tince thl , « -, las the literary aud artis ic UOOHM been S i.::;'-, '.v., ■ -line pin tea been made in the sale and S lu'. r of the Vagal i,. At tr.e end. f 1W? the circulation has risen to more then 140 or" It may j.irflr bo -ro.t. ? .hat the fuuVr improvements for tue coming year will by proportionate to those ia - l." iricr i*ed opportunities. For Year. -1 i. ■u.p nn account of all the features in prepar a'ion, mat• .'ial i- neither iu.porttiuce nor range of subject. Among the subjects treated: The F in the World's Great Cities. I* iut-M'i-rl t" it. ; > ' t ieles, np'in a .-eale not before attempted, •• 1 ,i . j i . .-k amor." the poor of the great cities. Tba giTing the .»uts, in those cities (in many lands) Pan wi.l lni .huh ... .. .• : ; a ..h,!;!t f« r purposes »f companion as well as for their own int<;rcst! a . from ?point ofviU the articles will he a contribution ot treat importaue.. the tr.-itipcut will be thoroughly popular, and the elaborate illustration wi'l serve to make ibe-presentation of the subject nvid a* well as, picturesque. Washington Allston. R\PFBLI*TTED Ki MINIS.- I >->•!•• ISD BKTTBBS .»f this foremost among early American painters. A uumber ot iliustr ' , will l,ud additional interest to the articles. Important Moments. T! e tint of ti - • ri. of vert -1 ■rt articles is to describe the aigual occasions wbea ■■ ■ Bsrrss»«?3ErA a Johnson, ete, etc. Out of Foor Papers. In the early spring will be begun or - mbcr of seasonable f ticlea.among them being: "Small Country Pieces." l.ow »•» ia> out i.td beautify them, by Samuel Pa.aons, Jr. ••Kisliing L'tre trom an Angler'* N-.'i--Kovk, by Ui. Lerov il. I*.. "Mouutain Station Life in ,HV >.-s!uud. by Sidney Dickioson. _ . „ "Kaeitig in Australia." b<, Sidney Dit-kinson, with illustrations by L.rge Uarrwoa. The illustrations are'mado from original material. A full pmwetus 'i.-' fit the Holiday Nmubtr, note ready. PKICE, 2."t CENTS. A TEAR. CHARLES SCRIBSER'S SOiiS, Publisliors, 743 and 745 Broadway, New York. B"XRON CLARK, A H M. I>. New Yi'il; City. tit '• • SPEC 1 AT IST —ln the Treatment of Chronic Diseases.— eooline> his practice to such esse* only s. K.f so clearly and fully developed as to complete ami positive Diagnosis sr-.thcut questiouiog t t allowito; pnt• K<s t-> rob-te otalement of eouOitioii Ti.is uH tho.i of examination is niticie in order t • . -.:111na , .•' all elements of uncertainty .n iu Jisea.e as tar as human : :.ill end can <i<t :intl also t.. ir-) ire eoi.::- : -cc.' where lost. Ity unsuccessful if not injurious trcat.ueut from mistaken tiiagQ". i Ou this basis ol positive tli.i.ae sis, for treatmeut, Dr. Kxperiene.e hss be eome strictly uulimited by T 1 i; y e»rs Practice which in ex-nt, v.iti. ly "id sue cessful results is t^qualled by i) -.» i ( e. ■ celled by n-ne. Patients, male or t'ei:>:'!tf,nnt eur>*tl by ordinary treatment or iti <l.>tit>t as to the nature of their dis :.M - .-<-i •.. • Dr. i i.irk on •ia:'.'e '-"ieo potutire tliuu:. an I ">y e • ■ ' tice to tally rtevelot -.1 di— • • a at« Women, has*aitaiued unu-ual_>uctv» iu tne treatmeut of many tt called iucu: .'.l>!e mal adies. The Dr. can be consulted tree ot charge at Millerstown, Pa., Ceatr.it il-m . tu liiy. Dei?, loth, 'Ht. Butler, i'a., Lowry 11 Inc.lay and Thursday, Dec. lb a-td 17, 'JI Grove City, Leslie House, Friday, Dec. tilth, '9l. Mifflin Str»ct Livery. BIEHL it IIEPLER Pre t -Va. One sqtiuri <>f Me.ia Ht., oi MttUa St. Ail good, uA hones; new liufrgies wi't currif. •?£.. La'-tiftut for weddii ga aati iunfrala. Opt-:. . day uud uigiit. Tflc[ition»» N > - L ]S T ew Lively Stable, j New Stock, New Rib-- —OPEN DAY AND NIGHT —I Horses fed and boarded. PETER KRAMER, 39, W Jefferson St. flutlcr, Ta. j SCHUTTE & O'BRIEN, Sanitary Plumbers Ami Gad Fitters. DBALURS IN j Sewer Pipe, Iras Fixtures, Globes mikl Natural Gas Appliances.* Jetierscubt.,opp. Lowry House BUTLERJ FOR RENT. Far oi containing 200 acres, looaUd in Donegal Twp., well uaternd, good orohard plenty <>f frnit, good dwelling, bare, »priiig house, granery, aud beat farm in the towc ship for iJtiK'W raising or cmltivation. For uierlv George Gillonpie farm. Apply to . ANDREW FOKl>, i Butler Co., I'a. Chieora P. 0. Butler's Book 1.000 Pages. 200 Original Engravings, filcgaiit Bindings, Published in 3 Languages, Popular Prices. FIKST EDITION, 100,l>00 COPIES. The Only Authentic Work By GEN. BENJ. F.BUTLER. Excls; -ivp Teiritorv and Liberal given to Keliable Agents. Accompany application with s2.tK> lor Progpectas. J. W. Keener & Co., 231) So. 6th ST. PHILADELPHIA. PA. READ AND REMEMBER i For s-trlcilv pure and reliable STRAIGHT LKjUOUS, call on 2. hi. PlfiCH, 12 SanilHtl.D ST., PITTKBI'MB, PA. (Opp. Monongaliela House.) Mateble*. tor Family u-n- iuid Medicinal pur poses are KIN' irs <jou>i:n WKDUINO. I All ?1 1.1 K VHKI.MLK S WIiISKY. pcrqt. : : OVFvi M V. 11l ' 6 qts. l)IL! INUKK'S WHISKY. J lor ! tioo' - packet and prompllv sUlpiwd I FREE or E*rEN«.:on receipt of cash or post | oflke oracr. ' : f-NouilM i .\i>r»- sea C. O. D. Send tor P; :ce List. , yi*AXTH> to solicit • nleis lor ou i " i holce :md I • "u> N'lrscrr H'wk. KM; Wwk tor tungfllt 'i»atp«rat« *o». I SiJ'uv and expenses o»* coaaiulailon II preter ! ed. Write ai. JUJ- iwie Age. Address. Rr r.i.. r , a r- r iw so'ith Pean ! yw? 1 ■ A w V\HT) .... • Vf A I I T6o wtl! contract toff •artrtuing ut loW**t - Leading Millinery House - • TUT" ■ fife# j We are now ready to exhibit this season's styles of M-I E R Y In every desirable strle and quality Our stock "6 ut usual! v targe acd attractive. Trimnic-d bats and bon nets of oil description*—felt bats, velvet hats and sailor bats Hats and boDnew trimmed to order. Ibe largest and nioet ccn.j>!eie t-tcck of velvets rillotis, tips, qaills, birds and wing* ever brought to Butlfr. FOR CHILDREN Hoodp, caps, tailor ha'.s in i;reat variety. MOURNING Ilals and bonnets receive our best attention, a complete line always on hand. *"3? in T PAPF !" s'. Main Cheapest. | • ■ • ■ #* ■ Wmm y | street. THE RECORD, Eagle, Herald and Times do not agree C» ' o with this paper politically. But when it comes to a business question like the follow ing-—Shall we take © chances, ma k e guesses or go where we have a dead sure thing on genuine bargains? We C> o join with them in saying "The dead sure bargains every time." O * You can secure the bargains by calling on RITTER & RALSTON, CLOAKS! JACKETS ! WRAPS! AT Troutman's For Ladies, Misses and Children, the largest line we ever had. Oome in and see them, they are 3M* O 30 33 "ST - CloakS - Jackets - WrapS. Select your Christmas Presents from the Following: , RINGS, Diamonds T STUDS, (GENTS GOLD, -! LAD IKS GOLD, W atcnes [GENTS SILVER LADIES CHATLAIN, J Gold Pins, Ear-rings, d 0 ti 611 \ | Rings. Chains, Bracelets, Etc, {Tea sets, castors, butter DISHES and everything that can ba found in a first class STOVE RfIDGER BROS. 11(7 ISSfhJT' "™- E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER No. 139, North Main St, BUTLER, PA., THE &DB B 3 ! §§9LD«NH£*°] HAY-FEVER WyjM I COLDHEAB R[</» Cream Bairn u not a liquid, >nuff or powder. Applitd tnlo the nottrtli it U quickly dbdorbdL It < th& Modi olUtyi injlamttiotion y he tils _ 50C All Kinds of Job Work done at the "Citizen" Office.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers