Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, December 04, 1891, Image 3

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Suits and Overcoats
Men, Boys, Children
To enable those that have not purchased
their winter supply of these goods we will
give you an opportunity to bay them this
Everything in oar mammoth stock is
marked at a great redaction.
This special sale will close Jan. 1, 1892.
So come early while the stock is yet com
Schaul Bros. Co.
One Price
Brnjw baa a population ot about lo.ooe.
It Is tbe county seat ot Butler CXranty. wltb
Four railways, natural gas. and unequalled
facilities tor, manufactures.
Piotiess everywhere; new buildings, new
ssaaulactuiea, a growing and prosperous town.
Mew Advertisements.
J. R. Grieb's Holiday Presents.
Ritter A Ralston's bargains.
Louis Trailer's free silverware.
Scbaul Bros. Special sale.
Election Notice of Hannahstown Mutual.
Dr. Byron Clark for the 16th and 17th.
Prospeoti Pittsburg Chronicle-Tele
graph, Commercial-Gar-tte; Presbyterian
Banner, Ladies Home Journal, Babyland,
Little Men and Women.
Executor's Sale, Estate ol Wm. Crook
Martinoourt A Co's. Sleighs.
Kotb—All advertisers intending to make
changes in their ads. shoold notify ns of
their intending to do so, not later than
Monday morning..
Wilson Garvin, of Cranberry twp., was
in Butler, Friday, for the first time in five
year*. Both he and bis brother Newt
nave some oil production. Esq. Sample of
that township is in poor health and is be
ing cared for by bis youngest daughter.
Rev. Dr Passavant, in addition to con
daeting the services in the English Luther
an Chnreh last Sunday, also addressed the
Snnday School of tbe German Lutheran
Chnreh on tbe subject of "Orphan Institu
tions," and then visited the venerable
Genl. George W. Reed, an old friend with
wbom be associated in his early boyhood
days at Zelienaple.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bahl of Zolienople,
both well up in years, are both seriously ill.
Dr. W. R. Titsell has removed to Chi
Mr. Louis Trailer, the dry goods man,
rejoices for his first born.
Ifr. A. R. Blood of Warren, Pa., who
was interested in one of the lampblack
factories of this oouuty was thrown from
his horse and killed a few days ago.
Mr. D. Q. Miller has rented his farm in
Centre twp. to Win. Albert.
R. 8. Nicholls has been made agent and
manager for Pennsylvania for the Chicago
Dipsocura and Sanitarium Co. Dipsocu
ra is said to be a positive otire for drunk
enness in all its forms, and a Sanitarium
will be opened at once tor the treatment
of patients.
Oil Notes.
Thompson k Dale of Batler struck a 600
bbl well on the Hare farm in Lancaster
twp. this week; Sutton, Brown & Hook
struck a 300 bbl. on the Wm. Eicholtz,
Tbe Cunningham & Xeese well on tbe
Jno. Sheiver is yet doing 500 bbls.
Some parties hare struck a 400 pound
gaaser on a farm abont a half mile north of
the Sheiver.
Leasing continues active in that vicinity
at from 125 to SIOO, an acre bonus; and
rigs are going up in advance of operations.
Part of the Bradford tract was
leased at a quarter royalty with no bonas.
The sand here is tbe 100-foot, and is
from 1000 to 1200 feet below tbe surface,,
with plenty of gas tor running, and good
drilling, and the wells keep up their pro
The Brownsdale well will probably be
beard from to-day. They were drilling at
ber yesterday.
Tbe Conservatory of Music.
Without any great ado., and with the
qoiet, pushing determination that brings
success, tbe backers of tbe Butler Con
servatory of Music have fought past tbe
usual obstacles and opened what more
than gives promise of being a highly suc
cessful first term. A call at the com
modious rooms occupying tbe second and
third floors of the Williatn'sbnilding show
ed a promising state of things. About
seventy-five have entered and more are
promised. When we called on Wednesday
morning the Conservatory was. so to
speak, in full blast. We were first direct
ed to the office of the principal, Miss Eliia
Marshall, in which stood a fine piano,
jast then under the hands of an expert
toner. Next we entered Madame Priestley's
room, where a number of scholars were
reoeiviog instruction from the lady, who is
known as one of tbe finest instructor* in
the state. We were then shown the
elocution department, Presided over by
Miss MoElree, and from there opened tbe
door of tbe Vocal Cnltnre room, in which
we were presented to Miss Hall who sang
and played charmingly lor us. Thus the
morning was spent very pleasantly, and
we left much impressed with the systemat
o and thorough arrangements for prosce
jcuting the studies of Music, Vocal and
Dramatic Cnltnre at oar Conservatory of
Mosio, for such it must now be called.
Public Camp Fire.
Department Commander Geo. G. Boyer,
accompanied by his Staff officers and a
large delegation of prominent comrades of
the G. A. B. will visit ▲. G. Reed Post
No. 10, on Thursday evening, Dec. 10;
1891. The reception to the guests will be
at a public "Camp Fire" held in the Court
House at 7:30, P. M.
A cordial invitation is extended to tbe
clergy, tbe press and all other citisens of
Butler and vicinity to attend,
Tbe Pittsburgh Commercial Ga
zette pobliabea all tbe news, nod
wbat yoa sea in it joo can believe.
It publishes facts not takes If yoa
wnot to keep correctly informed
•boat affairs of tbe world in general
and those of Western Pennsylvania,
Eastern Ohio and Northern Weat
Virginia in p*rttaalar. read the Pitts
bargb Commercial QateUe.
■ Homemade bread at tbe City
—Last month of the year,
—Conundrum suppers are the latest.
—ln Kansas sunflower stalks are being
used for fuel.
—Massachusetts intends to introduce the
typewriter into the public schools.
—Green, brown, black, yellow, pink and
soarlet are the prominent colors in milli
—lt was a wise turkey that contented
itaelf with lodgings in tho top flat of a
wren story coop.
—The sale of the Wu. Crookshank farm
wh adjourned till Jan. sch. See adv.,
and bills posted.
—The winter term of the West Sunbury
Academy began Monday, with eighty
scholars enrolled.
—We have noticed that the taller a
woman is the less dnst you will find oh the
high shelves in the house
—Some citizens of Zelienople have or
ganized a foundry and machine company
with a capital stock of $4,000.
—Up to the 21st inst, the daylight will
continue to shrink about three minutes
each day, and then begin to lengthen.
—"Physician, heel thyself' ia perhaps
the most supererogatory injunction that
ever issued from mortal lips.
—Lawyer MoCurdy, of Xew York has
no reason to complain of the Tilden will.
His little bill for winning the case for the
heirs amounted to $400,000.
—The water of the Allegheny river has
become so impregnated with oil, that thp
people of Pittsburg now fill their lamps at
the water spickets.
—An exchange tells of a printing office
that is opened with prayer. This is contrary
to the usual custom. The Devil generally
opens and the Sheriff closes tbe print shop.
—Whenever we hear a girl practicing on
the piano right after breakfast we wonder
if she does it out of love for music or a
dread of dish-washing.
—Keeping everlastingly at it brings suc
cess. This hint is thrown out for the ben
efit of our advertisers who are looking for
a successful sale of Christmas goods.
—Some boys of Millerstown and vicin
ity were poisoned last week, by drinking
cider which had been left standing in a
galvanized iron bucket, and had dissolved
and absorbed the galvanizing.
—Telegraphic messages, some 800 a day
are now sent from New York to London
and the reply received in four minutes. Moat
of them .ire sent between 10 a'clock a. m.
and 2 p. m.
—The Taylor building at tbe tnrn of
Centre Ave, was discovered to be ourninii
early Tuesday morning, but the Spriugdalo
Hose Company soon squelched the flames
—As a large proportion of men and women
are failures, it is no wonder that many
marriages are failures, on tbe well known
principle that two failures will not make
one success.
—Presents for every body, for your father,
mother, brother, sister, cousins, somebody
else's cousins, uncles, aunts, old folks,
young folks, little folks,at Louis Tntx ler's,
next door to Butler Savings Bank.
—The following story is taken
from one of our exchanges; A farmer raised
one thousand bushels of pop-corn an.l stored
it ia his barn. The barn oaught on fire.
The corn began to pop and filled a ten aere
field. An old mve in a neighboring pas
tare who had a defective eyesight saw the
corn, thought it was snow and laid down
•nd froze to death.
—The head of a monster lmll moose was
exhibited at Caribou Me., last week. Ther<s
were nine prongs on one horn and eight on
tbe other, the spread of the antlers measur
ed five feet. The tnooso, which must have
weighed 1500 pounds at least, was shot by
a Frenchman on the American side of the
St John River.
—SILVERWARE given away free. All my
patrons will receive a nico present until
Xmas. I am giving away silver plated
Butter-dishes, Pickle-casters, Sugar-bowls,
Batter-knives, Teaspoons, Tablespoons,
Knives and Porks, free of charge. Louis
Trailer, next door to Butler Savings Bank.
—A case which shows the necessity of
publishing notices of dissolution of part
nership, when such dissolution has been
made, was brought into court a few days
ago. Prior to August 9th, 1883, Benjamin
Milliken and Harry Bettenger were part
ners in the butcher business in Venango
county. After that time Millikin purchased
abont $471. 75 worth of cattle, failing to
pay for which the farmers brought suit
against tbe firm of Hettinger A- Milliken and
collected the whole sum from Bettinger.
—There is a man in our town and he is
wondrous wise; whene'er he writes the
printer man he dotteth all his i's. And
when he dotteth all of them, with great
sangfroid and ease, he punctuates each
paragraph, and crossetb all his ts Upon
one side alone he writes, and never rolls
his leaves; and from the man of ink a
smile, and mark "insert" receives. And
when a question he doth ask (taught wiso
ly had he been.) he dotb the good two
peuny stamp, for postage back, put in.—
—Up in Veoango Co, a little case war.
disposed of by a jury, which put two thirds
of the costs on the prosecutor, and one
third on the defendant. Tbe case started a
year or so ago when one man sued another
for a seven dollar balance on a book ac
count, and this was followed by a prosecu
tion for perjury. The Franklin .Vctcx says
this case illustrated in a grotesque degree
the folly of vindictive litigation, and is a
striking exhibit of tbo cumulative nature
of law costs. Starting on a claim for $7, it
has swelled into a matter of S6OO, wnich the
parties must pay. And yet, with all this
outlay, the difference betweon them is not
settled. They are not happv, nor are they
likely to be. On a quarrel over a matter of
$7, they brought to the county seat sixty
witnesses and kept them here for nine days.
And t heu, Instead of getting satisfaction,
the principals get socked with a bill of S6OO
costs, and tetura homo to skirmish for the
wherewithal, instead of celebrating the
victory over the opposition.
A son of Christ Bchr, of Zelienople, aged
five years was burned to death by the
explosion of an oil can last Wednesday
A son of Thos. ODoncel, of Clearfield
twp., aged three years was burtied to
death, last Wednesday afternoon, by his
clothing taking fire from tbe groat.
For the Holidays Only.
Purchasers can save from 25 to 50
per cent by purchasing tbeir Watch
es, Clocks, Spectacles, etc of
J R. URIEB, tbe Jeweler,
125 N Maiu Bt., Butler, Pa
P. 8. AH are respectfully invited.
''Remember our Repairing Depart
ment, 20 years experience."
—Buy yoa r sleighs now and get
—Tbe most succeHMiul line cl bar
gains in Toys ever offered is at
At Washington Pa. Catlin was found
guilty of murder in the second decree last
w«rek, and sent to the penitentiary for three
An Erie County farmer objected to the
placing of telegraph poles on the highway
that runs through his property. The Su
preme Court decided that the wires and
poles must be removed.
It will cost Berks county more to put
the new Election law into operation than
it does to maintain the court* a year," saiil
Judge Terks from the bench one day last
week. He said that in many ot the town
ships in the county they would have to
orect special buildings in which to hold the
elections, as ths old places will be to small.
Twelve counties in Pennsylvania Clarion,
Armstrong, Crawford, Fulton, Juniata.
Mercer, Monroe, Perry, Pike, Snyder.
Susquehanna and Wayne, have each de
creased in population in the last decade.
Clarion shows the greatest decrease being
8 74 per cent. The greotest increase is in
Forest showing 93.47 per cent. The great
est increase in numbers was in Philadel
phia 190,794. Allegheny being second with
106,030. The greatest increase in population
in a town of over 4,000 inhabitansis that
of Homestead which shows an increase of
1,236 per cent. Steelton is second with 278
per cent. JuhU-jtuwu gained 160 which
considering the catastrophe it sufiered,
is a remarkable growth.
Some of the prisoners of Riverside peni
tentiary have been detected in an attempt
to escape. They were digging a tunnel
from a point underneath the floor of a shed
in the yard to the wall,when the suspicions
of the Superintendent were aroused, he
made an investigation.
Judge Doty, of Greensburg, has decided
that persons making application for natur
alization papers, must swear that they paid
all expenses incident thereto out of their
own pockets, and that no part ot them w«>
paid by any other person or committee.
If the voters were also required to swear
the same about their taxes it would be a
great saving to political parties and also
disfranchise a good many dead beat citi
Mayor Wyman of Allegheny has been
placed under arrest on four charges of em
bezzlement and extortion.
D. Van Yingling, a Clarion Co, man who
formerly worked at drilling about Parker
was murdered in Mexico lately. Some years
ago he secured the position of superintend
ant of a silver mine near Monterey, Mex
ico, and the murder is supposed to have
been done by some Mexican miners
bad discharged.
On Wednesday of last week in the Crim
inal Court of Allegheny Co, Frank Gerade
was again found guilty of murder in the firM
decree, for dashing his little niece's bra:ii«
nut. That was the closing day of u long
terui of Criminal Court in that county,
daring which 035 cases were disposed of.
and two persons convicted of murdor i:.
the first degree, six in the second, and five
of manslaughter.
A gang of soap swin Hers have been do
ing Kittanning. They sell a box of villaiu
ous soap for $2, offering as a premium a
rubber door mat with tbe victim's name
worked thereon. The $2 is inveriaoly col
lected and the box of alleged soap deliver
ed, bjt the doormat never arrives. The
same fellow was canvassing this borough
last week, but wo have not learned that to
disposed of a single box of soap.
Miss Sadie T. Kay, of Grovo City, has
entered suit in the Trumbull county courts
against Lee A. Streeter, of GnstRTUS, for
breach of promise. Her petition sets forth
that she promised on the 24th of February
1689, to marry defendant in the month of
February, 1891, and that at said time and
ever since was ready and willing to marry
defendant, but that the defendant, contra.y
to bissiid promise, afterwards,to-wit:about
October, 1891, married ascertain other per
son, one Louisa Pelton. By reason of the
disregarding and breaking of said contract
by defendant, plaintiye claims to have suf
fered damages to the extent of SIO,OOO.
It is understood that the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company will bid $40,000,000 for
tbo Allegheny Valley Railroad at it's sale
on the 15th of December.
At Pittsburg, Friday, a man beat his
wife for having too many children, and
is nnder arrest.
At Leechburg early last Friday morning
the local Gas Company turned otf the gas,
on acconnt of a dispute with the town coun
cil, regarding street lamps, and the people
shivered, aud ate cold victuals, until
Judge Reyburn required the Company to
turn on the gas.
The Cleveland Letxhr of Wednesday
notes the arrest there the night before of
James W. Best, of West Middlesex, Pa
for having stolen a team of ponies, buggy
aud harness from a Kittaning liveryman.
Best had hired the outlit the Weduesday
before for a few hours drive, but instead
had driven to Voungstown, and then to
Cleveland, where, with the aid of a friend,
C. E. McGarvin he was trying to sell them.
Whpn arrested they were in a saloon trying
to sell the hones. The liveryman had track
ed thein and when they were arrested
identified his property.
Jos. Pringle Jr , of Pittsburg, whose
parents are Methodists, aud Maggto
Dwyer, a neighbor, whose parents are
Catholics, eloped to Cleveland, Monday,
and were married, and now neither of tie
young couple's parents will have anything
to do with them.
Mrs. McVny, of Braddoek. an aged ladj
took DO nourishment, excepting butter
uiilk for 151 days, and died last Monday.
Frederick Abbott, a wealthy iarraer of
Baldwin twp, Allegheny Co, swallowed
a tea spoonful of arsenic, Friday aud died,
lie had been drinking heavily.
The citizens of Grove City are protesting
against tlu) opening of a billiard room in
that place. Petitions were circulated ia
tho town aud between <3OO and 700 signa
tures against the opening were secured.
A fatal epidemic has broken out among
the horses m a portion of Trumbull county
Ohio. A State veterinary surgeon was call
ed, who pronouaced the disease spinal
meningitis. Six horses died on one lann of
starvation, owing to their inability to swal
low. The surgent gave as a cause of tho
contagion that atmospheric conditions ure
The Warren Ohio, Tribune :>ays: Last
April the four-year-old girl of Mr. Will
Byrnes swallowed a needle. Sho came to
her mother at tiic time and said she hail
swallowed a pin. A physical! was summon
ed but the pin could not be gotten out. The
little girl suffered somewhat from stomach
trouble at times during the summer but
has not been seriously inconvenienced. A
few days ago she complained of u prickling
in her foot. An examination was made aud
a small necitle about an inch and a ijuarted
in length was extracted. The needle which
sho had swallowed six months ago bad
worked its way to her foot.
The Fanners' Alliance of Lawrence
county bavb almost put a stop to hunting
in some sections. Four arrests have been
made and the defendants fiucd for hunting
on farms where "keep of" notices had been
posted. Early in the fall the different alli
ances in the county gave legal notice
through tho newspaper* for biding hunters
to trespass on farm -. There is now war be
tween the furin"rs and sp<> rtsuien, and
some of the farmers even charge the i-poru
men with scattering Canadian thistles on
their farms. One milkman has been boycot
ted by the huarers.
j On Friday last, word was received here
that Chas. King who escaped jail on the
; 221 ult was at his brother-in-law s house
iu the woods in the Gailey tract about six
| miles above Clintonville and two miles
I from Kennerdel station in Venango Co.,
( and Policeman Gardner and Dect Allen
| started aftar him. They went to Clinton
ville that evening aud secured the services
of two young men who were used to hunt
ing in that w >ods and knew the house, and
next morning they started out before day
light. the two hunters on horseback and
armed with shot guns, leading the way.
They arrived at the bouse at day
break, and three of the men surrounded it,
while Gardner basted iu aDd asked for his
The woman who was getting breakfast
denied having seen her brother lor three
on nths. but Gardner posted up stairs and
made a search, and found his man con
cealed in a closet, and captured him. King
had scented danger aud hail tr.ed to escape
by a window but changed his mind on be
ing warned that a shot guu was pointed at
The policemen took him to Clintonville
for breakfast, aud then brought him to
town, landing him in jail after a ride of
forty miles through the mud.
"Willi King, a brother of Chas. was
jailed for larceny, last Friday.
The younger members of the Butler Bar
are organizing a Bar Ass'n, a thing that
has been needed by the Bar here for years.
Walh Bishop A Co. of Krans City have
assigned to Martin Walil.
Letters of adm'n were granted to Mrs.
Agnes S. Lusk on estate of Dr, Lusk.
The will of Jno A. Campbell was pro--
bated and letters granted to \Y. 11. Camp
Criminal Court meets next week; aud
there are some thirty cases on the Criminal
docket. Burglary, bigamy, rape aud se
duction are the most serious charges on
the docket.
A rule has been served in our Co. Com
missioners to show cause why they should
not pay for the maintenance of Oscar
Wright at the Insane Asylum. The same
rule was served on the Overseers of Buffalo
Quite a number of the townships and
borough sof the County are back in their
Dixnumt and Warren accounts, and the
Co. Commissioners will have to force a
settlement of these accounts by the eud of
the year.
L S Millinger to Sherman Henry 40
acres in Oakland twp for SI6OO
Peter Oesterling to P J Oesterling 41
acres in Summit twp for SIBOO.
A Dunbar to J 11 in Adams
for SSOO.
Philip C Snyder to MHton Snyder 20
acres in Middlesex for SIOOO.
Marriage Licenses.
('has E Walter Butler Pa
Evalina Kalston "
Wm J Anderson Allegheny Pa
M J Bo card Connoquenessing twp !
W 11 Miller Chicora j
L. K ilepler Kaylor i
John M Sankey Cherry twp
Lura M Thompson " )
The Markets.
Our grocers are paying 23 for butter
oid fresh eggs, 40 tor potatoes, 30 for j
turnips, 30 to 40 for apples.6o lor parsnip*, j
3 to 5 for cabbage, 75 for onions, 10 ft* for |
urested chicken, 12 cts for turkey, 1 20 a
iloz for rabbits.
Timothy hay from country wagons sl2
to sls, mil' feed sl7 to $23 Grain iu car
lots, wheat 1 00 to 1.02, rye 97 to 1 00, ..ats
35 to 41, corn 50 to 56. Buckwh.-at Hour
2± to 2}.
Country roll butter 20 to 25. fresh eggs
26 to 27.c0.il storage egtrs 22 to 23. potatoes
on track 25 to 40 a.-- to quality, apples $1
to $2 per bbl. as to quality, cabbage ou
track 3to 4 ltabbits 30" to 35 a pair,
pheasants $5.00 a doz , quails $1 25 a do*.,
-fjuirrels 1 25 a doz.. yellow onions 60 to
To a bu. tallow 4J
Dressed spring chicken 13 to 14, old 12
to 13, d.ick 14 to 15 ; turkey 15 to 16.
At Ilerr's Island. Monday, common
mixed stock sold at 24 to 3i, and lair to
medium at 4 to 4|.bulls aud dry cows 14 to
3. Teals soid at 5£ to OA.
P'-eep sold at 3} to 5, and lamb., at 4
to 6.
Common hogs retailed at 3J to 3J, aud
corn fed at 4 to 4|.
Closed on Monday at 57J, Tuesday at
60, Wednesday at 004.
—Sleighs cheap before snow comes.
—The cheapest place in Butler to
buy stoves is HENRY BIEHL'S,
No. 122 N. Main St., Butier, Pa.
Don't forget us on Hosiery and
Gloves, we always have the best at
lowest prices
The Improved "Daisy" Air Riflj
for sale at J. F. T. STEHLE'S
—Dolls, dolls, dolls, in great vari
ety at
Toy Carts, Toy Wagons, Toy Doll
Cabs, for sale at
—Buy your s'eighs now and get
Bring your bides to Frank Kem
per, No 124 S. Main St and he will
pay you the highest market price for
A Hundred Tons of Raisins.
A hundred tons of raisins or cur
rants would make a bijf pile. Few
people ever saw that many at once.
Yet that is the quantity that it lake.i
to ruo the big bukerv of S. S. Marvin
on Lihe:ty street, Putaburj/-, Pa.
They are the finest assorted import
ed raisina, too That's why
Marvin's K'val Fruit Biscuit,
Freuch Fruit Bi-cuit and other
cakes of that character are so
popular Get some from your gn cer
and try litem.
—Hello. What ie it? Why D
E. Jackson is selling dress goods 25
per cent less than they can be bought
anywhere else How so? Becauhe
he is selling that much below value
to close out.
Very on Fine Umbrel
las at
—lce for sale at the City Bakery
—The Anti-Rusting Tinware
guaranteed against rust for three
years, at HENRY BIEHL'S,
No. 122 N. Mair St., Butler. Pa.
—We cordially invite you to call
and inspect our new liuo of Holiday
Buy 1 iLansing Wagon—it is
the best. For ealo by
122 N. Maiu St., Butler, Pa.
—Zuver's Pictures leave nothing
wanting in finish, tono or a correct,
Rocking Horses, Galloping Horses,
Velocipedes, Sbuofly Rockers, Boys
Wagons, Sleighs, Wheelbarrows,
Childrens Chairs, Tool Chests, Doll
Carriages, Bicycles, Toy wash sets.
Toy Tables, Drums aud all kinds ot
Iron Toys, for sale at
—Toy car's toy wagons, tov doll
cabtt, fur Mile at J F. T. MKULK'S.
—Confectionery aud fruits at the
City Bakery
Dams, Dirt and Dead Animals.
At the meeting of Council. Tuesday
night. Mr. McGeary, who owns two pro
perties in the West Knd. with his tenants,
Messrs Limberg aud Kennedy, and his
attorney. Mr. Greer, appeared and com
plained of the dam that had been built
near the mouth of Sullivan run for the
protection of the sewer which crosses it
The dam backs up the water and causes it
to flood the cellars of the buildings now
occupied by Messrs Limbere and Kennedy,
and has also spoiled their wells. The
matter was discussed, and then referred to
the Engineer and Sewer Committee, with
power to take immediate action.
A Committee of the Council, who visited
the proposed location of the dumping
ground, reported that the citizens of that
vicinity were protesting against it. and
that the Committee had c/nne to the con
clusion that the dumping grouud should
I be outside of the borough limits. Mr.
Forquer thought that the town should buy
a lot near a gas line, and build a lurnace.
and have all refuse burned in it, at the
expense of those who made use of it.
The Committee appointed to buy a street
sweeper, reported that they could get one
al from S3OO to S4OO, and the Committee
was directed to buy one.
W ater is needed for the Springdale
sewers immediately, and the old water Co.
will be so notified, and if it does not
furnish the water within live days the new
company will.
The Slaughter House Ordinance was
passed. It will go into effect on June
Ist, 1892.and before that time all slaughter
houses must be removed outside tne
borough limits.
Jail hill bridge will be repaired; Mr.
Mackey's agreement regard l ng his build
ing on Centre Ave. is to be filed, some
property owners were notified to build
sidewalks, Geo. Shalfner was appointed an
arbitrator on the 24-inch sewer matter;
some board walks were ordered to be
adverstised; Messrs Long d' Doyle were
voted SIOOO on contract, and the Finance
and Paving Committees will examine the
Theu came the bills, a whole stack of
them and aggregating about SI2OO most
of which were approved, and warrant*
ordered drawn.
Public Sales.
Miss Mnry Burkhart, Ex'x of John Burk
iiart. dee'd, will have a public sale of
stock, farming implements, hay, grain,
etc., on the premises in Butler twp., ou
Thursday, Dec. 10th See bills posted.
Our Little Men and Women
For December is a charming number, full
of delitjihttul pictures anU pretty stories
and verses. Tlie little lulk will bo sure to
hull it with joy. It is priut d on fi'.e paper
iu lirrgo t.vp". This magazine is boili enler
tainiiig uijii instructive, a:id is suitable for
childreu wuose agfs rai, •• finm five to nine
A year - # subscription will make Hie very
best td CuristuiHs pn-«euts.
The price is only jIOO a year, 10 eents a
numtur. I). Lothrop Co.npany, Boston,
Before snow comes is tbe time to
buy pleighn che«p
Any good square man or womar
can ef<r> moi ey in eparetime :i- local
HJ/. Nt tor the warranted fruits, FLO*FT
& 1 e* ot J E. Rochester,
N. Y. Yearly calary paid tor (.ready
A permanent honora'il
bu-«iuess is quickly built up.
Mnke your selection of Gifts at Ritter
& Ralston's
At 25. 50, 75. Do cto, $1 00. |1 25,
$1.50. $1.75, ail shades aud styles.
Come and see them, at
—lf you waul to get the best se
lections come s>>on before the stock
is run duwu, as everything mu»t go
regardless of cost.
For the Holidays
Buy your gifts at Ritter & RalstonV.
Fine selections of Albums, Work
Boxes, Toilst Cases, Ac, itc. at
—Dazzling display of Holiday
Goods at
Buffalo Blankets, best for wear at
For Sale.
A five room dwelling house and
lot, in good location. Inquire at this
Choice Canton Flannel, is the best
value ever sold at 10 cents p-r yard.
Best sellers in the Musical Mer
chandise line. Trv 'em at
We have 2 000 yards of yard wide
Collate carpets which we will ruo
of at 16 cents a yard A lot of Brus
sels carpels in lengths suitable for or
dinaiy rooms at a great deal less
than va'ue. All carpets, lace cur
tains, portieres, poles, fixtures and
everything iu our carpet rooms at
Ihe lowest prices ever quoted. If
you want bargains come to
Sleighs cheap before snow comes,
Twenty Thousand Acres of
Few people realize the enormous
growth of the baking industrv wiihiu
the last few years It isn't very long
ago that it was comparatively an
iutarit. Now the immense establish
ment of S, S. Marvin & Co., Pitts
hurg Pa., uses every year the pro
duct of 20 000 acres of wheat, almost
as much a* is grown in the whole of
Pennsylvania Twenty-five years
ago a factorv that used the product
ot 200 acres in a vear would have
been a big one. Of eourse there is a
reason for ibe rapid growth of the
Mrwvin factory. It is all on account
of the quality of the crackers, cakes
and bread made there. People have
come to look upon Marvin's goods as
the best made aud everybody wants
them. Ask your grocer for Marvin's
cakes and crackers uud bread, and
don't buy auy other.
Bestsellers in the Mudcal Mer
chaudise line. Try 'em at
Cash for Hides.
The highest market price wi 1 be
paid for hides at Frank Kemper's,
No. 124 S Main St.
Rocking Horses, Galloping Horses
Velocipedes, Sboofly Rockers, Boys
Wagons, Sleighs, Wheelbarrows,
Childrens Chairs, Tool Chests, Doll
Carriages, Bicycles, Toy wash setts,
Toy Tables, Drums, aud all Kinds of 1
Irou Toys, for s«le at
•J F. f. ?»TrULK's
lielore snow comes in the time to
buy sleUha cheap
A Novel for Girls
j- [lt is said that Mr. HowelU. who is per
: cap* the foremost ot living American nov
j elists. has long had in his mind a story of
American girl lite, which he believes will
s ;be the best piece of work he has ever done
! The great novelist has now peen induced
t ;to write oat the story, and at. present he
| is at work upon it. It is a novel unlike any
p which Mr. llowells has ever written. It
deals entirely with the struggles of a West
t ern girl who goes to New York, and the
r story will have about it all the flavor which
attaches to a tale of city life with a younic
' girl us the central heroine. Heretofore all
# of Mr. Howell*' novels have gun to the
i Harpers, but this special girl.-.' novel will
be printed during lt>9.! in The Ladies' Home
Journal, ol Philadelphia the publishers of
which have bought the exclusive rights to
1 the story from Mr Howells. The novel is
r to be beautifully illustrated, and r. How
, ells himself believes that it will be as at
tractive a story as any with wuicli his name
1 has been connected.
I Babyland
The December number is already here.
• and it is quite as enchanting to the little
people as preceding numbers have been.
It is full ot pretty pictures, and with its
merr, ji gles and little stories Rtibijland is
>ure to delight every baby. Suitable for
t children «hose ages range from oue to six.
, Nothing better for the Christmas stocking
or tree than a years subscription.
The price is only 50 cents a year, 5 cents
a copy. Published by I). Lothrop Com pa
ny Boston, Mass.
--Grand Opening of Holiday
November 17—18 —l9. All are
invited. D. T PAPE
—Boarding* House Cards, with Act
of Assembly 25 ceuts for half-a-dozen,
for sale at CITIZEN office.
Largest assortment and best values
in Dress Goods and Cloaks at
—Pupils' Monthly Reports, one
cent each, for sale at CITIZEN office
We have the largest and best stock
in Butler, marked e.t extremely low
prices Call and secure a bargain, at
—You can now save trom one to
three dollars on a cashmere or henri
etta dress by buying from
—Take your children to Zuver's
Gallery for Pictures that will suit
you. Postoffice building.
Best place to buy Table Linens,
Napkins and Towels at
—lce cream furnished in any
quantity, for parties, by the City
What do you think of all wool
school mitts, new styles at 10 cents
per pair, at
—Corsets, gloves, hosiery; hand
erebiefs and veiiiuir D T. PAPE
In nmk : rig your selection of Git's,
do no' forget to CHII at
Get a We gb.
On the new llav and Coal Sculps,
erected by [teed and Ki r kpa*rick
proprietors <>f the Cash Grocery, or
tlit! vacant, lot on Clay St.. opposite
the Wick House. It is the Howe.,
hall bearing, scale and w-igh* per
fectly from 21 pounds to 5 tous
Slipperyrock Normal.
The Winter Term of the State.
Normal r<ehool nt S' ! ;>peryrock be
trins Jan 1, 1892 Expenses onlv
$.'J9 for 12 weeks. Best advantages
in Music. Elocution, Form-Study,
Kindergarten Work, etc., address
Prospect Academy.
Winter term of Prospect Academy
opens Dec. 1, '9l.
Write for a catalogue. Expenses
low. Instruction thorough. We
would be pleased to corre.-poDd with
you concerning school
F. W. MAGEE. Prin.
Prospect, Pa
—Wheeler & Wilson and .Stan
durd Sewing Machines at
No. 122 N. Maiu St.. Butler, Pa,
Ladies and Misses' Cloaks in great
variety at lowest prices at
Every buyer concedes that we have
the largest stock, best assortment,
nicest fitting arid lowest priced wraps
in the market, at
Gents' Misses'and Children's under
wear, Hosiery Gloves. Mitts, etc , at
The Improved "Daisy" Air R'fl*
for sale at J. F. T. STEHLE'S.
We have done the blanket trade ol
Butler for 20 years. V\'h_v? Because
we handle the very best mnke in the
country and the people know it
"St nbury Acaden y."
One ot the best places in the State
to prepare either for teaching or enter
iug Co lege i« in the West Suohur*
Aearteinv Wiaterteiin opens D--c
1, l«91 for Catalogue and full
particular!- f. td ««<
We„t Sii'iiiury Pa.
lce cream at last summer's
prices at Morrison's City Bakery
Hides Wanted.
The highest cash price paid for
beef hides, calf skins aud p-'lts.
Call at No. 223 Centre Avenue,
near Freepoit bridge, Butler, Pa.
Fine cakes at the City Bakery
—Christmas Presents suitiMe for
old or young at
German Knitting Yarn, Spanish
and Saxony Varus at
Best styles in I)r< .a Goods aD(I
Cloaks at
New Broadcloths, Bedford Cords,
Henriettas aud Fine Dress Goods at
— NOTICE — You can select your
Holiday Goods aud call tor them
wbeu wauled, at
I). T. Pai £'S
—Come early, aud make your se
lection ot Holiday Goods, while our
slock is complete.
I). T. PAPE.
The most successful line of bar
gains in Toys ever offered is at
Christ niHS.
A da-.dv line of Hatidk* ii'hi» ts rfnd
all kinds of Fancy Ijl.ioda suitable
i fur gifts j
at RITT*» & foUBTOH'O. |
SICK PEOPLE want to get
well and are anxi >ua to
secure the most reliable rem
edies. This is important, lor
tiie physician may be ever so
competent, but if drugs ar»*
i dispensed that have become in-
Jert by long standing or not be
ing properly eared lor the re
sult expected cannot be obtain
ed. We have ever tried to
supply our patrons with the
very best and purest drugs the
market attbrds. Our stock is
new and iresh nnd every arti
cle is carefully inspected on
reaching our store. Our rap
idly growing trade is the best
evidence that our eflorte are
being appreciated. VVe en
deavor to keep everything that
is likely to be called lor, but
if we do not have what your
prescription calls for we will
Frankly tell you so and not re
place it with something else,
and will try to secure it lor
you in the shortest possible
time. Physiciaus prescriptions
and sick room requisites a
specialty. Our prices are as
low as consistent with pure
drugs. We do not care to
handle inferior goods at any
C. N. BOYD, Druggist.
Diamond Block, Butler, Pa.
Ins. lu. ol North Aniciica, lOGtli [u'ar.
ASSETS 55.551,518 83.
Home Ins. Co.
Hartford Ins. Co. " $6,576,616 13
Contioeatal Ins. Co. " $5,000,000
London Assurance Co. Incur'd. 1720
N. Y Life Ins. Co. As'ts 115,000,000
to the Court House.
{!Almtal;p*io'P, - - - $100,000.00.
s Hartmau. Pres't i». Osborne. t' ish>r.'* V.
V. Illtts.Vice Prevt. \ Btlley. Ys.'r Cash
t . Hartmaii. 0. P t'ollln o. M l!uv '!,
•J M• W ftiev. C. !». (Weill.-- 1 V. Btttv
?■. I- At>r ins', I 1. 11,
w s Wal'lr l> 05>..,-'v
A 3*tier?l o tnWitK' o.r,< • ;e<t. In
o'i,| .hi rito" t ".> u ~ > i-. tncl on
m.'W'i ■. iri'y.
er i! oc.'e'• >us!o ua - !'i.
uJ i*Cin
Commencing Thursday. Dec 10th
nntil Xm«B, we will present 10 eaoD
of our customers absolutely
Free Of Charge
wuh every purchase of
Two Pmllau-: A silver plated Bui
ter Kuiie, or Sugar-Shell.
FIVE DOLLAE*: A siiver-pUted one
ball-d"Zeii Teaspoons, or Table
spoon, Fork and Knife.
TEN DOLLARS: A silver-plated Sugar
Bowl, Pickle Castor, or Baiter
Xo> withstanding the expenditure
of these of costly presents, *e j»nar»u
tee to save you 15 to 25 per cent, bv
purchasing your Dry Goods and
Xuias Gifts from
N?xt door to Butler Savings Baok,
Butler, Fa
measure at Aland's
if you desire a Fall
Suit, Overcoat or
Trousers, that are
tnade to the newest
mode and decree of
Our stock isTarge,
comprising a
fully selected assort
ment of
Tweeds for busi
ness suits:
Blark and Blue
Diagonals for dress
Neat Stripes and
Chequesfoi trousers:
W h ipc or d an d
Crepes «pec ia 11 y
made for full dress
And an excellent
line of overcoatings.
The well known liveryman, Wm
Kennedy, has bought an interest in
the above barn nnd will be pleaded to
have bis friends call at hit new place
of business. The
Best Horses, Buggies and Car
in Butler at the ninst re»« nable
riien. Tl»e (ili»c I- • ixtiy reoi lllh«-r
I'd Tb" tirxi slt le *«ct lit the
L Wrv H'IUW,
Subscribe for the CITXiIK.
That our lartre and commodious Overcoat Department is rep'#tJ wiiii
til the latest in Men's, Boy's and Childieu's Overgarments
Overcoats for Men,
Overcoats for Boys,
Overcoats for Children.
Our #B, $lO and #l2 overcoats for men
are big sellers,
They are Ibe best value ever offered for tbe money in Butler county. Com*
«Dd fee them, you will le more tb*n pleased
We also bare a large line of winter underwear which we are telling at
way down prices.
Clothier and Furnisher,
104 S. Main Street, - Butler, Pa.
Purchasers can save "from 25 to 50 per
cent by purchasing their watches, clocks
and spectacles of
J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler,
No. 125 N. Main St., - Dufiy Block.
Sign of Electric Bell and Clock.
AH arc Ki pectfu 1* Invited.
—"Remember our Repairing Dtpartn; :ni—2o ye - , vri.ncc."—
Eagle, Herald and Times do not agree
with this paper politically. But
when it comes to a business
question like the follow
ing—Shall we take
chances, ma k e
guesses or go
© ©
where we have a
dead sure thing on
genuine bargains? We
© o
join with them in saying
"The dead sure bargains every time."
You can secure the bargains by calling on
»1C York Oity.
■ .
. .j-Vt'f • r-' /*' *£>, ■'■
—la the Trratawatof Ckmalc DbMM -
• n f'Dtinea hi- |iru'im to *nch caaea oolv ma ore.
it\ a e*rl> t»'id full* developed a* to make *
rr>! Iftc and f+itive Diagonal* without
IIUI '•■ timing 01 allowing patient* to M«E *
sMiriurnt of thtir tnuiiioo Thia method
ol examination is made in oH«r to eliminate
MI I element* ot uncertainty in diaffnoai* in
disease a« far an human .kill and expifieoen
ran <l(i—and alao to lnapire confidence
.tticrr lost, by ootQCceMful if not injurious
treatment from uii»taken diaffnnaia.
On this b»*ia of positive diaituoai*. for
treatment, Dr. Clark's Experience ha* br
tome atriotly unlimited by Thirty Years
Practice which in extent, variety and sue
cestui result* is equilied by few and ex
celled by noue. Patten'*, male or female.not
cur»d hv ordinary treatment or in doubt *a to
tbe i aturu o their di*ea*e* specially invited.
Dr I lark originated,teaches aud praotice*
■>< a.tive d a«u ais, and by o >060101; hi* prac
tice to tully developed diseases ot Men »td
Women, has attained unieual mccn iu
treatment of many eo-ealled incurable mal
The l)r. can be ccnaul'ed tree of charge al
Millers'owu, PA., CVutr.il Q u«e, TuaaJay,
Dec loth, '9l.
Butler, Pa., Lowry House, Wednesday
at. I Thursday, D.-c. 16 aud 17, '9l.
Cirove t ity, i>e*lie House, Friday, Dec
leth, '9l.
Mifflin Street Livery.
One square west of Main Bt., ou
Mifflin St. All good, naie horses;
new buggies KDcl carriages. Landaus
lor weddings aud funerals. Open
daj and night. Telephone No. 84.
New Livery Stable.
New Stock,
New Rig*,
. *• ll*«i Ld Ooari ed
89. W Jetfcnwo 6». RaiMr, P* J
B. <s• 15.
this week in
of 100 pieces 38 inch, all Wool
Tweeds, about a d<zio colors
45 Cento.
Large line 88 incb all Wool Plaids
neat plaid* in all colors.
37 1-2 Cents
I' WU fr AI 5U ceuto 10 CIOMJ this lot
27 inch
Houffh and Tumble Cherioti.
37 cents.
Rain or rervict »tf. c» "bem but
1 ti!•-. Bo*(i tab grej ffiiXtOrM.
56 inch
Australian Wool
in lurifo variety of neit cb«cks and
plaids. colnriiigs.
OO cents
A ynrd. tbßt are niiqne*t>oii»ib!jr tbe
greatest i>us-u U'-ulw HABOAII* of
the Tear.
ttix yards for full suit.
Theao stores making or.u*ual prep
aration* in every aepnrtuteu f"f
oflVrir.? bargains tbat will be mure
deserving than ever of your jiMtrv li
SpeciU facilities for fiMing ell
orders bj mail.
Bogg'S & Buhl,
115 to 121 Federal Street,
Wt JThD - Agelit* U> SOUctt Ulfltft W ••
cnoice UIIU hardy Nurw»ry Hi«*'k.
Htead; Work far IwrntN la.
tsalnf) aud eximu'wa tir 'MiuiutxaKA. If RW*
e,, Wrilt .1 'O *-. nuu Arfa. aa tivMf.
♦i < ri <1 st 6t ov)