THE OITIZEIST. w . e. miir, - - EJLUIII AT rw>lßniM»»U«c-MelM» ttw FRIDAY. DECEMBER 4, 1891 imHt the county Si-50 per year to advance; outatdo the county, *2 per one time. 11. each cents alto? tot flrat and Beenta lor each .übae -11wrs S2 order' lor cards tiMl Job work *^U < aSnstlalat Is due after flrst *2?. all transient advertlslag must te paid (or In ad oounty wfco are Mt aubacrtbers and their aub tctlpUon la reapectfnUy eelldjed. count? Paper. AD communication* intended foe tnUua paper maatbe aooarapanted by the raal ofthe writer, not for publication bat an * tod laku/aotiOM most be aeeom panied by a reeponaible name. THE special oommittees appointed to devise a now method of making Congress ional nomination* for this district met in New Castle, Wednesday, and we hope they - will agree upon the popular rote system, as that is the only fair way, and the one that should be adopted for all county, district and state nominations. The ar gument that a candidate lor Congress oould not himself sufficiently known in so comparatively small a stretch of country as the average Congressional district is ab surd; and the other argument, that it would cost much more, is not true. It would not only oost leas, but it would give a poor but worthy man a ohaace at the office. Under the conferee system the candidates themselves, through their con ferees, did the bargaining and in a dis trict of which this County was a part, we heard of one candidate offering another ten thousand dollars for the district nomi nation. Under the present delegate system or any delegate system that can be devised, the candidates will "set up" the delegates and pay their aptuu; and there will be bargaining; and cheating and baying and selling, as we have learned by tad experience —BO let n« try the popular vote system. Oar late legislature passed a wonderfully intricate eleoUon law, one designed to secure flur elections; but so long as two men and their agents, control all the im portant nominations, all over the state, what practical benefit can any such law be to us. Since the above was put in type we learn that the Committees could not agree and that they adjourned to meet again on Jan. 6th, at same place. Judge Heydrick. On Saturday last Gov. Pattison forward ed to Christopher Heydrick E?q. of Frank lin, Pa. his commission as a Justice of the Supreme Court to succeed Justice Clark, dec'd. Mr. Heydrick is one of the foremost lawyers of the oil country; his appoint ment was urged by the oil producers and members of the bar of this section, and hi* appointment gives complete satisfaction to to all who know him. He will serve until Jan. 1, 1893 and hii successor will bejelect ed at the fall election of next year. He is a brother of J. A. Heydrick, the civil engineer and surveyor of this place. Selecting the Voting Booths. The County Commissioners of the coun ties of the sUte were largely represented at Harrisburg last Wednesday at the publio exhibition in the Supreme Court room of election booths and other paraphernalia which will be required under the operations of the Baker Ballot Referm law. The Com missioners were present on the invitation of the board authorised to select a pattern for the shelves or compartments in which the voters will mark the ballots and to de termine upon a uniform style of guard rail to be used in the voting room and to de cide upon suoh other furniture and appa ratus aa may be necessary,and to fix a limit of oost for same per shelf or onmpartment, and per linear foot of rail. This board oonsists of William F. Har rity, Secretary of the Commonwealth; Thomas MoCaaaaut Auditor General and Thomas J. Btewart, Secretary of Internal Affair*, all of whom inspected the various designs displayed, with apparent great in terest. A minature voting honse was among the contrivances exhibited. Eight samples of booths were on exhibition, representing manufacturers in New York, Pennsylvania and Missouri. A St. Louis firm exhibited steel booths which can be purchased at Irom *7 to 18 apiece. If given the contract it proposes to manufacture the booths in Pittsburg. A unique but necessarily compli cated ballot box was on exhibition and at tracted considerable attenMon. It is the official Federal ballot box used in Msssa ehu-iett# and numbers the ballots, registers the tiokets and then oan eels them. During the day the inventors, or ageuts of booths and other necessary election appliauoes under the Baker law, explained their merits to the SUte Board. The County Commis sioners were also permitted to express their "Views as to the mest desirable con trivances, and as the State will assume the expensos of the first instalment of booths, and guard rails, the Commissioners are in terested in having them constructed of dur able material. The State Board will make a thorough examination into those on exhibition before it makes its decision. Mi. HKIKA* J. ScHCfcTßis, one of the special commissioners sent abroad by the Treasury Departmaat to investigate the im migration question, comes home to tell a very startling story. Gifted with both im agination and love for his work,hehasbeon able by moans of detective investigations, neeessitating the assumptions of all sorts of disguises and the endurance of a great many hardships, to discover that assisted emigrants are still pouring in upon ns; that aid societies are covertly supplying funds to ship paupers to America; that England means to transfer the Russian Jews across the Atlantic as fast as possible and that a steerage passenger's life is not a happy one. It is only fair to give Mr. Scbulteis all due credit for those achieve ments. It was oertainly a neat stroke of his to'persuade the London Society for As sisting Friendless Foreigners to contribute toward lis passage money to New York in the face of tbe fact that Ceuncil General New declined to put any faith on him. It was also an excellent bit of work to catoh a steamship company holding over its panper immigrants for a steamer that did not convey officials of the United States Governmont—except Mr. Sehultois in disguise. It ha* been widely suspected and that in spile of recent laws, tbe "dumping" of immigrants siill continues and if it does we want to know it. hucb testimony as Mr. Scbulteis affords is pret ty direct and toroible.— Ex. IT is said that the farmers of three Northwestern States will receive before next spring, it ia estimated, $100,000,000 for their product. And along with this same item oornes tho welcoino intelligence that there is a scarcity of oars on three fourths of tbe railroads of the United Biaius. Tun managers of orar 40,000 railet O'' roa-1 itr»«tow preparing t'» pla'ju orders for 45,000 caj>. and 3W locomotive*. All of WUiCtrWould lookii like good times shecd, -v _ ... From Salt Lake City to Los Angeles. Los ASGHLES, C'AL.. November 20, 1891. My last was dated at Salt Lake City, which is a city of magnificient distances. The streets cross each other at right an gles, are 132 feet wide, with side walks 20 feet wide—cement pavement. The squares each contain 10 acres, being 40x40 rods. There are fine buildings—public, private and hotel* and business blocks. The city government is in the hands of the Gentiles, still the Mormon element is large and thei"- sentiment unchanged, except as compelled by the restraint of civil law. We spent four days visiting the places of interest. On Sabbath we worshipped in the morning and evening at the Ist and 2d Presbyterian churches, which are doing ft good work. At 2 p.m. we attended the Tabernacle service. This tabernacle will seat 15,000. There were about 10,000 pres ent. The service continued 2 hours. The address was delivered by a son of John Q. Cannon, who is one of the elders. They commune every Sabbath and nse bread and water instead of bread and wine. We spent the greater part of Tuesday at Great Salt Lake, 30 milea from the city. The water is so saline that the human body floats like cork. It is the "dead sea o. America—no living thing exists in its wa ters. The route from Salt Lake, westward, is over the great desert of Nevada. Waste and desolation, sage bush and cacti, with here and there the Yucca palm; is the mo notonous view for several hundred miles. We passed the sammit of the Sierra Neva da range about midnight, and consequent ly did not get a view of the 40 miles ol snow sheds, nor the grand view of the ele vated pass. West of the summit we ran into a rain that lasted two or three hours, the first rain since we left home. It was clear when we descended to the Sacramen to Valley, and the contrast between the desolation just passed and the verdure and fertility of this valley was most refreshing. We did not stop at Sacramento. It is a fine city as seen in passing. At Port Cas ta the train crossed an armlet of the Bay on one of the largest ferry boats of tho world, so they Bay —everything here is the largest in the world,from 200 pound pump kins to the Palace and Del Monte hotels. There are about half a dozen "largest ho tels" in this State. On the afternoon of Nov. 4we were assured of the victory in Ohio. We arrived in San Francisco at noon of the sth. This i 6 a busy, bustling, driving city. The streets are irregularly laid out, narrow and hence crowded. The electric and cable street railways are very fine. We visited the Palace Hotel, Golden Gate Park, Cliff House and many other places of interest, not omitting a glance at China town. On Monday p.m. our party, in com pany with some friends had a ride on the Bay in a Government Steamer. The trip was some 25 miles and as we neared tht- Goldeu Gate we had a view of a golden sunset as the "glorious orb of day" vanish from view behind the great Pacific. Two of our party spent Saturday and Sunday ir. Oakland, a beautiful city across the Bay to which ferry boats pass every 30 minutes. On Tuesday we left the great mart of the western world for the "City of the Angels' —Los Angeles. The route presented mo«' varied scenery. There were miles of whea'. and barley fields, level as a floor: hundred - of acres of vineyards and citrons and de ciduious fruits. We stopped off at Bakers field, and thus had a daylight view of th( whole route. The assent of the Tehatchipe Mountains 80 feet to the milo. is a grand piece of engineering. There are 18 tunels in the ascent and 8 in the descent —one miles in length. At the foot of range we enter the Mojavo Desert. This part of California is quite a disappointment. One is not expecting, in this "land of millr and honey." to seo such an interminable waste. Here is the dry lake, a basin of quite a depression, without a drop of wa ter. On this desert we saw the Mirage— the inexperienced would say it is water iu the distance. This desert continued to the verge of the city of Los Angeles, which we entered at 4 p.m. of the 12th. Our next will give our views of Southern Califor nia. Yours Ac. GEO. Siiorp. Tracing a Lost Car One of the bast jobs in car tracing that was ever done in this country was complet ed about three weeks ago by a car-tracer of the New York Central. That road had lost a oar, and sent out the tracer to look it up. He followed it west to Pittsburg, then to Cincinnati, then to Chicago, aud from there to St. Louis. Here be lost track of it, but after some search found it, it hail been in an aocident and had been rebaint ed. By aome oversight the number had been changed, but taking the new number, he obaaed the car to Kansas City, whero he found it had been loadod and sent on to Galvestoa. To Galveston he went, and there found that after taking a fresh load, the car had gone on to Sat* Francisoo. He went after it, but on reach ing San Francisco found the car had gone back to Galveston. By this time his blood was up, and ho made up bis mind to find that car if it took the balance of his natur al lifo. So he went back to Galveston, and, to make a long story short, followed that car to Now Orleans, to Mobile, to Atlanta, to half a dozen places in Florida, then back to New Orleans, to Gaivestoi again, and thence to Kansas City, and from there to Chicago. He had now been ou the hunt for over three months, but had got an close to the runaway that just as ho came into Chicago by ono road the car left it ovor auother on its way to Buffalo. Its load was consigned to that point, and when he ascertained tho fact he telegraphed on to have the oar held, and took the next train East. At Buffalo he came up with the car and caught his first sight of it. He had traveled almost constantly for over thirteen weeks, traversing a distance of 10,000 or 12,000 miles, Evans City Notes, Mud, mud is all the go in our tovu at present, which makes our streets look nat ural. On Thanksgiving eve had a grand mas querade ball in the opera house, which wab well attended by tho elite of our town and as none were admitted except thoso whr got a printed invitation there were none but the host of society there. Dancing was enjeyed until midnight, when all re paired to Blinn's Hotel for supper which was grand, and we claim Blinn's Hotel is second to none in the county. After supper some went back to the ball room and the others went home. There were some fifty or Bixty masks most of which were brought from town and the disguises was so com plete that none were known till tho masks were removed. It being rumored that there were Spooks in the basement of one of our churches, a good deacon resolved to investigate, and calling one of his neighbors to his assist ance, and loading up his gun, they went forth last Sabbath morning, through the rain to tbe cellar door and qnietly opening it peered in through the dark. They saw a Spook sbure and fired al it aud when tbe smoke cleared away they gropod their way through the dark and brought forth a dead mephisti* Americanus which has crept into tbe cellar and starved to death a week or so before. Who is tbe yonng man toat goes to Prospect occasionaly to attend lodge meet ing. Jacob Weber ha» sold his barber shop and is going to move away. We are sorry to U>se you Jacob. What will the boys do For fun nowt R. W. Ox Friday morning last J. B. Bredin Esq. circulated a petition to the Governor ask ing for the appointment of C. Heydrick Esq. of Franklin, as Justice Clark's successor, and that evening Thomas W. Phillips, Judge Hasen, and S. W. Dana, Esq. of New Castle, circulated one in favor cfl). B Kurtz Esq. of New Castle, but tho liinttur had been decided in Mr. Heydrick's favor before either of these petitions roached the Governor EIMTARD KICLDS, H MCU o! CvruK. W. Fields b.n wrecked tb« fortunes «*f both l>y tr»d xp filiation. Krtwhr.l is no»- in an iumtne uttvlum. and hi,- father in ilviUK at hia htnne m GrtGnorcy F*rk, Ifew "ftrr£. West Libert}', Pa. Vest Liberty is a little town. Its placed on Blue Run's brink. We havn't many dwellings here. Just sixteen home s . I think. Though our town is small, we know Without the engines diu, But every one »f us can work. And each one's got the Tim. We cannot boast of railroad trains, Xor iron works or mills; But we can boast of mighty crops, That deck our village hills. Nor can we boast of rich gold mines, Wherein the miser searches, But we can boast of three nice stores. And four progressive churches. The Lutheran church on Church steet stands Its spire up heavenward reaches, It is a very handsome church, It's where X. ShefTer preaches. The C. P. church, the next in line, Is placed among the oaks. It's here the U. P's. gather in. With many other folks. Farther oat along the road, And every one that sees, Will also view the M. E Church Placed there among the trees. Perhaps yon think ocr little town Has had a reformation, But stop—let's oee—l most forgot. There's another congregation. The Cumberland*, they have a church Across on Blue Knn's shore, Ti's many years since it was built, Twas the first one of the four. One shoemaker's in our town, He is our foot protector, John keeps his shoe shop all agl«'W, j He's also tax collector, We have four blacksmiths here in town, But not a shop apiece. One shop is run by Witzel John. And one by Tom McNees. There's another shop where you can buy From wagon down to rivet, The work is carried on. you see, By Weigle and McDevitt. Doctor Thompson's here also, With practice wide und long. Now, when yon'er sick just come to him, He'll cure whate'er is wrong, And if you want to get a hat Or dress that fits yon "qnick" Don't hunt arctir.d in other towns, But go to Ada Wick. We have a school-bonse here also, And pupils full of glee, _ B nt now they bavi to "como to time' Its taught by Will Magee. In architecture wo can say We haven't any fops For Is'rel lays the store-work down, And Dan puts on the tops. Now people of our town, I'll tell 30U what We'll do. We'll keep our shoulders to the wheels And ehove our own cars through. Qcis? THE Pittsburg Gazette of Wednesday announces the candidacy of JohnPalzell for United States Senate, backed by Blaine and Harrison. Saxonburg Items. Geo. Walker is slowly recovering from a serious illness. C'bristma-> is drawing u ear and our mer chants are laying in a full stock of Xmas goods. _ n There is some talk of organizing a W. C. T. U. in tha village. Who was the young man that got the miticu from a country lassie the other evo, get another John. Then you can keep 3'our bands warm. Our literary society is meeting with great success. We are glad to sec that our com munity is so deeply interested in the in tellectual and moral training of our young men and women. Many recognize the fact that moral training is the foundation of intellectual development. What do you mean boys when you wink the other eye; it is getting to be a chest nut in our town, hope some one will soon crack it. IT is said that the Producers Protective Association will take an interest in politics next year, and try to remedy the defeat ol the Burdick bill in the last legislature. Euclid Items. Mr. Al Duffy has moved to Fairview. Miss Melda Duffy returned home Satur day. Mr. John Grossman, Jr. who is attend ing the medical college at Pittsburg, came home for Thanksgiving. Miss Lizzie McCall is the guest of her sister Mrs. James Keister. The plauing mill v. as shipped from this place Tuesday. Mr. Warrxn and Miss Lizzie McMichaei are attending sohool at isuubury. Mr. Will Baker, the agent at Jaminson ville, seeum to have some attraction up this way, he always appears quiie-Mary. The boys ol this place are excellent hun ters; but are too modest to bring home their game. XXTY. CONUKESS meets next week, and Crisp ol Georgia is claiming 80 votes for Speaker, Mill* of Texa* 70, Springer 35, McMillaa 18 and Hatch 13. The Democrats vote in the House is 230. frnck Items. Mr S. C. Trimble arrived home'the oth er day. lie was spending a lew days in Detroit, Mich. Al Turner, the operator at the Fulton pump station, has ouilt a new house on the J. N. Fulton larm. Miss Mary A. Flick is on the sick list. All". John Burton says he has lOOOjbushel* ol corn, and has built a tine and handsome crib to keep it in. Mr. All'. Hickoy is hauling lumber from Saxon (station to the Alahan farm for to reituild some rigs that blew down on the Moiiilay of the storm. Jno. Grcsshopper met with a painful ac cident the other day, by geiting his hand burnt with hot greese. lie is oil work on that account. O. K. TUB war in China piogressiug, and the insurgent army is macUing upon Pekin. JDmATHB CAMPBELL—At her home in Saxonburg. Nor. 30, 181)1, Mrs. Mary Campbell.ageii G7 yean. ANDRE—Oct. 30, 1891, at his home in Concord twp., near Greece City, Mr. Rudolf Andre, agou oO years. He died suddenly of heart disease. GALLAGER —At bis homo in Clearfield twp., Dec. 2, 181>1, William Gallager, aged 80 years He was born in Clearfield twy , within half a mile of the place he died. Then WHY NOT TRY IT? Tnke the time to walk up Kawt to see the window-full of fine Remarque Proof and Artists' Proof Etch ings. ( hoice SI.OO. Christ mas is coming. \V. A. OSBORNEi ART DEALER, - RUTLER, PA. Advertise iu tho Ciu*ee. L IGiLA DVERTIBEMENTS Administrators and Executors of estates j can secure their receipt books at the CITI- . ZE.V office. EXECUTOR'S SALE OF KEAL ESTATE.. Tue undersigned executor of the last will aud testamento/William Crookshanlc. deed, will on TUESDAY. .T AXI'ABY sth, 1592 offer at public sale on the premises In WiMield township, liutterco.. Pa.. TWO FARMS, bouuded and described as follows. Farm Ko. 1 bounded on the North by lauds of Robt. Smith. East by need and Freeilng; South bv John Crookshank; West by Bear Creek road; con taining K5 acres, good bouse, bank barn, good fences, well watered, convenient to churches, schools, R. R. stations, a good gas well on th e fa Farm No. 2 Is bounded on the North by Har vey Crookshank; East by Thomas Watson; South by Watson and Noble; West by Noble; containing 4* acres. no Improvements,well wat ered, good fences. 12 acres of good timber. Also at same time and place three lots at Saxonburg station. Butler Co., Pa., each 50 x 125 feet, bounded as follows. On the North by Smith and l-ogan ; East by Helmbold Ave.: South by Saxonburg road; West by W . P. R. R. having thereon erected a frame blacksmith shop and wagon shop. W 111 be sold In the lump or In lots to suit purchasers. Sale to begin at l o'clock p. in. Terms made known on day of sale. J. W.TODD, Executor. Sarversvllle, Butler Co., Fa. Election Notice. The general meeting of the Farmers Mu tual Fire Insurance Company of Hanuabu town and vieini'.y will be held at the creamery building in Delano, on Saturday, January 9, 1592, at 1 o'clock p. m. sharp,for the purpose of electing lour directors and transacting other business. A.K RAISE, Pres't. HEXBY HECK, Secretary. Application for Charter. Notice is hereby given that au appli cation will be made to the Governor of Penn'a on the 14th of Dec., 1891, by J. S. Patterson, M. L. Lock wood, S. W. Tait, W. F. Tait, J. S. McXally, Stephen Lock wood, S. G. Lockwood, J. M. Dickey, D. K. Newton, under the act of Assembly entitled. "To provide for the incorperation and regulation ol'Xatural Gas Companies" approved May 29th, A. D. 1885, and the supplements thereto, for the charter of an intended incorporation to be called the "Patterson Natural Gas Company" the character and object oi which is to produce, deal in,transport, store and supply natural gas to such persons, corporations and associations in liuriuony anclZelienopleand vicinity within convenent connecting dis tance of its lines who may desire to use the same. All within the County of Bntler. TV. D. Brandon, Solicitor. Estate of John Burkhart. LATE OF Bt'TLKK TWP. DEC'D. Letters testamentary having been grant ed to the undersigned on the estate of John Burkhart, dte'd, late of Butier tp.,Butler Co., Pa., all persons knowing themselves indebt ed to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said tsta'.e will present them duly authenti cated lor settlement. MARY BIKKHAUT, Executrix, BuTi.BR, PA. Greei A Haistou, Attjs. Insolvent Notice. In re application of J. P. | Common Pleas of Daubcnspeck for dis- 1 Butler Co.. M. S. I>. cnarg; under the lnsolv-f No. 4. Dec. T, 1-81. ent laws. > Whereas I made application to the Court of Common Picas of Hutier County. Pa., on the llth day of Sebt. Ucl. for discharge under tue insolvent laws oi tfce Commonwealth, and tne sala Court having lixed Monday, Dec. 7. 1891, for the hearing or the same hi open court, all mv creditors and others Interested are hereby liotiliei to iitleua and show cause, if any Usey have, wny I should not be Jiscnarg ed according t'j law. J. P. DACKKJiSt-KCK. Notice. Notice Is hereby given that an application will be made 10 the Court of yuarter Sessions of Butler r Adm'iis. Eitale of Kobt. (i. Crawford, dee'd. L VTIE Of ADAMS I'WP., IIUTLKU CO. Letters jot administration en f!.e estate of Hobert ii. Crawioid, dee d, late of Allans twp.. Butler Co., Pa., having lecn granted to tue uudeisUucd, all i.crsons knowing Iheiuselves indebted to said estate will please make im mediate puwuenl and uny having claims against Uie same will present them duly authenticated lor settlement to John CKAWFORU. Adin'r, Butler Co., Pa. Estate "f K. A. Mi 111 if), dee'd. LATK Oi W ASIIINtJTON TWI'.. BUTI.H.a CO., I'A. Letters testamentary on the above uaineU estate having u;-ei. "ianted to tlie undersigned, ail persons kno»lT;i (iiei:)seJv>'B Indebted to same will please make linniejiaui payment, any having claims against eald estate will present them duly authenticated lor settlement. T. I'. MIFFLIN. l.x'r. Norm Hope I'. 0., C. WAI.KKK, Atty. Butler CO.. Pa. Estate of Jame»> dee'd. I.ATE OFjPE.N X*TWI\, HUTI.KUCO.JfA || Letters of administration on the above named estate having lieeu granted to the uu derxigned, all pers-ons knowing Iheraselves indebted to t-aid estate will please nmk«i im mediate payment, and any having claims igainst said e.-tate will present them duly authenticated for *etlleuieut. D. B. Doi THKTT, Adm'r. Urowusdale P. v , Buljer Co., Pa. Estate of Mary Kiddle, dee'd. J.ATKfOF CLINTON^TWf. letters testamentary en the ojtate of Mary Riddle, dee'd. late ot Clinton 'f Wp , hut«er Co.. I'a , having been granted to tlie undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment .and any iia\ Ing claims against said estate will present them duly authcntlcatedlorse tie men t to . JOHN it. CUNNINGHAM. •IOIIN 11. PKTKKS. Kx'rs, Riddles x kv ia... t". •/.. IWtlAf CQ-. Pa. Estate of Nancy Barlley, dee'd. LATK OK BCTI.KK. I'A. letters testamentary on the estate of Mrs. Nancy Hartley, dee'd. late of the borough of Butlei, Pa., iiailnj; been granted to the under signed all persons kpowlnc tljemselvcs indebt ed to said estate will please n.a** immediate payment, and any having i ialms agionsi. suid estate will present tlicin duly aui.henllcatcd f.. Butler Co.. Pa. Williams A Mitchell, Att'v*. FOR SALE. LOTS I will otTer for sale a number ot lots situated on the high ground adjacent to H. 11. Ooncher,|., and the Orphans' Home. The lai-d is laiil out In squares of something less thanoue ai'ia. square being surrounded by a 50-foot street, and cflnlalLinjj five lots 40 feet front by l -fl feet "bark. Tliesoiots are offer ed at. very reasonable prices and on terms 30 hint purchasers. Those who wish au entire sipiare can tie aceornmodated. ALSO—I will sell my farm In Summit town slilp,.situated within one-half UIIIB of the Butler oorou gli line, adjoining lands ol James Kearns and others. 011 Ihe MttlniM.iwn road, and con sisting of tia acres. It will be <«« d t»tl;er as a whole ordlvlded to suit purchasers. lor further Information In reg«rd to either of theabove properties, call on J. v. Sullivan, 22* Kits Vort'i Street, llutli-r. Pa. MRS. VALERIA SULLIVAN. igniii 0 - A-.: Km g* r s "p • • • mUHL.I . tv. Wr i 5.,.. ,J» ■r> 1 an • • .N wt .-k. Xon *mn v ar«| .. t. «u k i. 4. or «I 1 ymtr tfiu to ih« nork Ihu»• an * •- . ... v. 9% IV «t >k«r. t! . - It 4 |>er weefc am! upwaitl*, «V«««n AiyiULtkt« *m .V»mhlo7ib|*lblin' AU .. »' 'w•;t:4- •<* . AiiuVw. SHSRIPF'S SALES. ' fly virtue 01 sundry wrils of \ en. Fx.. Fl. Ft.. Lev. Fa.. *c .issued out of the Court ot Common Pleas of Butler Co.. Pa., and to me directed there will br e\p«ised to public sale ar th ■ 1 Court House. In the borough of Butler, on j < Monday, the 7th day of Dec. i A. D.. lsai. at I o'clock, r. «.. the following de- ] i scrit>cd property, to-wlt: j I K D No 234, Dec Term, IS9I. M 4.11 the right, title Interest and elilm of A W j ] Say. W A Slireve an.l M II Itaifsnyder, of. In j anil to M acres of land, more oi less, situated . in Concord and Oakland townshtps. Butler i county. Pa., bounded as follows, towlt : li-cln nlng at the middle of road on lltiselton's line, thence due east sy perches to a post; thenee | : south 5S deg west 100 jierches to Butler road : thence north tav aeg east t- perches ; theuee north 11 deg west jc perches : thence soutli it', deg west 71; thence due east n percnes to tlie road. th?place ol beginning. AI.SO—AII the right, title, interest and claim Of A W Sav. W A Sureve and M II Ralfsnyder. of, In and to 40 acres of land, more or less, situ ated In Concord and Oakland townships. Butler county. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wlt: On til' North by Theodore Ilusrlton, east by lands u<" defendants, seuth by James K Campbell, west by Andrew PChristie. Being same tract of land sold by James R < ampbell to said ttrst par ties. Seized and taken 111 execution as the pro perty or A W Say, W A Siireva and JI II R.iK snyder, at the suit of Eli/.a A Clark lor use of Thomas Douaghy. E D No 209. Dec Term. Is9l. S H Piersol. att y All the rljjht, title. Interest and cUim of Johr. Morgan, ot. In and to four lots of land, more or less, situate hi Saxon City. Wtnheld twp Boi ler county, Pa., bounded as follows, to-wn : Be ginning at a pin o.- llazlett Ave and Lynn 200 feet to Peach Way; thence along said sVay li. feet to Chestnut Way ; thence aloes saia Way 200 ft-et 10 llazlett Avenue feet to Lvnn Ave.the place of begiu nlgn. being lota No. 192, 193. and l»5. lit a plan of lots laid out by Win S Boyd In Vi lnDeld twp.. County and state atoresatu. and caliea Saxon city, and being the same lots conveyed to the party ot tue nrst part by saiu Win s Boyd, seized and taken In execution as the propertv of John Morgan at the suit of Win J Bovd ct'al, hetrs at law of Utm S Boyd, dee'd. now for use of Henry H Bo^t ED No 192 Sept term, 1891. Brandon, att y. * All the right, title. Interest and claim of ti W Dodds. of, in and to 4T acres of land, more ar less, situaie in Clay twp. Butler Co. Pa., bound ed as lollows, to wit: on the north by Philip Halsteiu. east by Gold heirs, south by Elniirn HLndman and west oy Wash Mahood, together with a two-story traine house, irame barn, or chard and outbuildings thereon. Sel/ed and taken m execution as the property of U W Dodds at the suit of the Butler Savings Bank et al. E D No iw Dec term. l*yi. Williams & Mitchell ati'ys. AU the right, title,interest aud claim or SaLi uel Davidson, of.ln and to ll acres of lami.niort or less, situate in Adams twp. Butler t .Pa., bounded as lollows, to-wlt: On the north b. Ueorge Mal burger. east by .iohu C.vslnlollai south bj VV m Johnston and west ov Jos.lunn sion's heirs, mostly cleared aud under a goou slate ol cultivation. ALSO—AU the right, title, Interest and claim ofaaniuel Davldson.of. in aud to 03 acres oi land, more or less, situate in Adams twp. But ler co. Pa. bounded as follows, to-wlt; iie oin uliiLf at the soumwest corner; thence uoali . wesl uJ jjerches by 1 alius ol tlie iielrs of .losepn Johuston; thence south oi easi y perches; theuee norm 2ty* west 2 perches; thence ST' wesl to a stone ; thence noi'tu I>J west 124 percucs to a post aud stone; Uience west 270 perches to tne place of beginning, with a two story lruiue house, orchai-d and ouibuildliiaS lliercon. Seized and taken in execution as the property ol Samuel Davidson at the suit of Win Roll, agent, E D No 220. IX'C Term, 1st)!. WII Lusk. alt'y. All the right, title, interest aud claim of J 1> Morris, of. in and to a lot ot land more cr less, situated in Butler borough, Butler county, Pa oououed as tollows, to-wit: Beginning at a corui r of old Mercer road und Cleveland street, thence westwuru along said street und lot o. Veager, formerly C DuJy, 100 feet to alley : theuee south along said alley to lot of i Duffy ; thence east along line of sail lot lto feet to Mercer stieel or road; thence north a'.oi., sail Mercer street 40 ft. to place ot bcKinning, together with a two story liame house oi lout rooms, lrult trees, a well ol good water and out buildings thereon. Selaed e.ud tak<-n in exe cution at, t lie property of Johli D Mnrr'.s at th suit of Truslces or cuyasuio Lodge No 223 Knlgntsol J•; DNo is 9, Dec Tei in IS9I. W A Forqucr att y All the right, title, interest and claim ot li I Higgins, of, In ttnd to .">0 acres ol land, more or less, situated lu Venango township, Butler county, I'a . bounded as follows, to wit: Oi, the nortn by John McKaln. east by Jllcliaei i" Hit gins, south by Patrick and Alice Auc DUxlgau, west by Win Wolcolt; about 15 acre cleared, balance tu timber, open In coal bank and all uuderiatd with coal together with a board house, board stable and ouibult'Ucgs thereon. Seized and taken In execution as the property of D T Hlgglns at the suit of O \V Keep. EJ) No 157 Dec term. 139!. Brandon, att'y. All the right, title. Interest and claim of W c Glenn, of, lu anil to one acre of land, more or less. Situated lu West Sunbury borough. Butler Co. Pa, bounded as follows, to-wlt; On tho north by Rev Wright and Andrew Porter, east by public road, south by street, west by Joshua Duujap; together with a two-story frame house, frame Stable, fruit trees aud outbuild lngs thereon, seized and taken In execution as the property of W C Glenn at tho suit of J W Thorn. ED No 112 Dec Term. IS9I. Alex Mitchell, at torney. All tbe right, title, interest and claim or Jolic Kennedy, or. In and to a lot of land, more or less, situated In Butler borough, Butler county. Pa., bounded as lollows, to-wlt: on the norv bv an alley, east by Kamercr, south by .V'v, castle street, west by Borland; together wrltu a frame barn aud one story frame building use a as a shoe shop tnereon. ALSO—AII the rigid, title, interest claim of Johu Kennedy, of. in and to T.sxl'.H f -et oi Und, more or less, situated in Butler boivugi' Butler county, Pa., bounded as lollows. 10-wtt: On lhe North by W K Reed, east by Mercer street, south by an alley, west by an ailey ; to gether with a two-story frame house and out buildings thereon. Sized and taken tn cxt cuttoi' as the property of Joha Kennedy a' tue suit Of Andre* U »VilJlains, In trust lor Jane M Kennedy. E 1> No '212 Dec term, 1891. A c WlUtauis, att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim or I. M Hewlt, ot. lit and to soxso feet of land more or less, situated In Butler borough, Hutier Co, Pa. bounded is follows, to-wlt: on tlie north by George Altl linger, east bv F M Hewlt, south by Locust street, west by ail alley; together with a two-story trame house and outouildlngs there on. ALSO—AII the right, title, Interest and claim of I. M liewit, of, In and to soxioo feet of land, more or less, situated In Butler borough. Bull** county. Pa. bouuded as follows, to-wlt ; Co tlie north by Springer, east by an alley, soul: by li M Hi'ivlt, west by second street; togcihci wltn a two-story frsinio frame stable an . outbuildings thereon. A I/SO—All the right, title, Interest and claim of I, M Hewlt, oi. In and to i.0xl«o reof id laud more or less, situated in Huit« r oorough. Butlei cmnty. Pa., bounded as follows, to-»vb: ' < the noftL by n alley, east by a n alley , sout. by Mrs. Atiue'rson. west by .scrond streei ; to gether wltn a two story frame house and out buildings thereon. ALSII—AII the right title, Interest and claim of L M Hewlt, ot. in and to acertatu lot oi lanu. more or less, situated in Biuler borough, Butier Co, l'.i, bounded as follows, to-w it: lieginulng at a post at the northwest corner of s .I.T lot, on Son'.; .-'reel; tueuee tn an easterly direction aloiiK'sMtd street 40 feet to Dost.; ttiencc In a soulael'u direction along'tot A'o .o.'. 11% feet to an alley ; thence tn a western direction along saiu alley lu leet to a post at corner of lot No ,11 ; thence In a northern direction along said loi (No .Mi l-,i leet to the place of beginning, said lot I'ciiig lot No 53 ill Philip Daubenspeck's plan oi tots lu said borough, together wiih ;; tno-slofy itarnc ht/utie und outbuildings there on. ALSO— all the right, title, interest and claim of I. M Hewlt, of. In aud to 4axl"o ree' ot land, more or less, sit uated In But lor borough or But ler township, Butler county, Pa., bouuded as follows, to wit: On the north by I. M aud J.l Hew lt, east by 1. M Uew it. soui . by ; together with a iwo-sutiv frame house m. outbuildings thereon. AI SO—All the right, title Interest and i lain, of L M llewlt. or. lu and to 40.v10s leet ot land more or less, situated in Butler borough or Butler township, Butler county. Pa. bounded a.j follows, to-wlt: on the north by I. .M A' J .1 llewft. east by Fourth street, south by Car bon street, west by 1. M Hewlt. ALSO All the right, title, Interest and claim of I. M Hewlt. of. lit aud to 40xi0o feet of Itttid. more or less, situated In Butler borough ot Butler township. Butler county. Pa. bouuded ac follows, to-wit: on the north by LMit J J i llcVvti, ei,;t by I, m llewlt. south by carbon l street, west" by (. li J'ewtr. seize*! and . taken In execution as tin! property of I. M Hewlt at the suit of Alex Mitchell, trustee. ED No 213, De - Term, l*»l. A G Williams, ' att'y. A!! i!:e r'ght. title, Interest and claim of I, M C 'vrit ana J J Hewlt, of, In and to loOxltiO reel ( ot land, more or less, situated lu Butler bjrough, or Butler township. Butler county, i'a., Ixl,l n.led til lo'lows, to-wlt: on the norm by an alley, eii'st bj l'oi rth strict, south by L i M lie wit, TV est by an af.ey: lofetner with thrcr i two-story frsme houses and nutbuUdliig there ou. Seized and take In execution as the pro- I perty of I. M Hewlt and J J Hewlt. at the suit of Alex Mitchell, trustee. ED No 84, Dec Term, M9l. Brandon, att'y. J All the right, title, interested and claim of K , W Marr, of, in and to 43 acres or land, more or , less, situated In Concord township, Butler comity, P., bounded as follows, town: Begin ning at a post, ihence by |a;ids of John siari . Jr. south 2deg east :4 perches to a posi; tficnci < by lands of Daniel Patton north 2 deg west 74 I perches to a post; thence by lands or J Maxwell north ss deg east 92 perches to the place or be- t ginning. ALho- AU Oe right. title, tutereflt and claim ! of E W Stair, of, in and to T. Hcr«s of inid more or ICKS, situated In t'oneord 'OwutUip, . Butler ceunty. Pu. bounded as toUows, to-wii; IV-glnnlng at a hickory , thence north s7 deg ] east 111 perches to a posi ; thence by lands ol John Starr south 2 deg east S7 and Itenth j perches to a while oak ; thence souths« deg , west by lands of A Mevlert lisi perches to a ] hickory thence by lands or David fat ton north ) 2di g west si 7-10 peruilpS to the place of begin- ; nlng. seized and taken in cxecutloil tlie . property ot E W Starr at thC suit ol liutier Sav- j lugs Bank und others. K D No I Dec term, 1891. Lusk & Vandcrlln, att'ys. 1 All the r Ight, title, Interest and claim of J A Welsh, of, In less, situated In Connoqueppst-lag township ' Butler county. Pa, bounded as follows, town J On the north by I'owdcr Mill Road, eisi i»y i llensliew, fcoutn bv Henshew. west by Jos. Pl t Wise ; together wlili a two-storv tioard h . • board stable und outbuildings thereon S. t/. d < and taken la execution as 'he property of J A 1 Welsli at the suit <•< Casper Fehl et al. KI) No 104 Deo term. 1891. Kohler, att'y. i All the right, title. Interest and claim of < Denn Is Shle'ds. of, in an< to 33 ncrt s of l.ird. moreorless. sltuaT<«d tn Cieartleld town-litp. Butii r euuiify. Pa. bounded as follow# t-.. st Is c. •- : Pe.-:. Keilio.'. |, south b\ M Byerly ar.l" and oct'ini-ling"- iher ■- on Seized and taken tn c xet'.u: tiie r r ■- perty ol Michael Shields and l'atrlcs snici-J- at the suit ol Joseph Ktiley !-t al. E D Nos 101. IM. M. MB, W, 1C9,170, Dec term, tsiti. vv A Foniuer. att'y. All the right, title. Interest .tut claim «■' Mt hat'i Shields, Patrick Shields and 'oita Shields, of. In and to 57 acr*« of lan ! icort* cr less, situated in Winheld icwus; ~. But':-T county. Pa. bounded as roiiows to w'.t: Resin ning at a post the nort!iv*est corner. tiien*-f north ss'j deg eii-st 67 perches along laeds or Oshe heirs to a post; then'-e north I', dog west 49 perches along lands ot sa>uc to aik ; t!ieni r south WS deg east 73v perchfs aiot acres ot laud, more ot less situate In Wiußeld and rifinieij mp-. Butler county. Pi bounded a« follof>. U'-wii Beginning at a pon. at fh" nortnwce cn-r, thence north KSI, .leg eas; in tn-r hes s'oni. lauds of Neal Gblt&bher to a |s»s:; ttier.i c scu'b a>; deg east 41 percnes along lanos oi Mrs a Oraham to a post; tbi-uee s.»'Jth s J ; •!• .; rp-i 63 '., perches along lands of Mrs Heren to a post thence in a southerly dlrecttoi along lands <■: said Mrs tierch Ho lurches io a post; thenc:- south ss«j nog west sr>v ppreliM along lands oi Gisler heirs to a post; tueuee in a uorlheru di reetlon along lauds of i'a'riek Shields IK perches, more or less, to the p. v.tot beginning: all under fence and tn a good state cuitu stion. Seized and taken m execution u-s tiic properly of Michael Shields, Patrick Shields, ami John Shields,at ihe suit ot Joseph Krilvy "nd others E D Nos 119 and 120, Dec Term, l- 'i. P W l.ow ry. att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim or Christ Miller and Louis Miller, of. In and r.o .\i acres of laad. more or less, situate in Butler tw p, Butier Co.. Pa., txiuaded a> loliows. to wlt: On the north by Jonnson. cast by Mlchae- MI llegan south by George Bauer tna Abraham McCaiidiess. vvest'oy pubih root leading Iro.n the New Castle road to the oil Mercer road mostly cleared ana In a good ~f cult Ira tlon. Seized and taken la execution as the property of Christ Miller and Louis Miller, at the suit ot Henry Bickel i ir use ol John f Low - ry. ED No 72. Dec Term. 1891. Kohler att'y. Ail the rigut, title, interest .m l claim ■>: II B McKiunej. 01. in anu to 4uxi2o 1 l ot lan •. more or leas, situate in Otn>noi|UMieisms twp liutltrCo.. I'a.. bo.ii.-icd as loi i.-.-wu: <> tiie north o. Dr. i nrtstic. east b; Geimaii t • formed churc'h.s'iuth by P.iWilcr Mill lend, \v~;- by un alley, toy iher wi.ii a ouc-story train: house, board stable and outbuildings tiiereoii Seized and taken iu executloii as ill • propMt; fif II B McKiuney, at tho suit ol .Mrs \lr Thompson. E D Iso 7, Dec Term, iiol. M Candiess and ii 1 arljjid, a'tys. All the right, title, interest and claim oi James It Couitn of. in and to all that certain lot of land, more or less, situate tn Adams tw; . Butier t'o. Pa . bounded ;:S follows, to v.'lt. the nor h by a street, east 1 y a street, south b. land ot W J GiUeland, west by P \\ Ult ;wlu: a two-story Irame house theicon. Seized au-> taken In execution as the pniM-rty of tunes ;. Conlln at the suit of 11 Gormley and others f": use. now for use ol John coniiit. ED No 58, Dec Term. 1891. P W Lov.ry, att'y Al! the right, title, interest and clum i-i John I. Turn- r of, tn and to 4 icr-s ot lann. . . re or less Situate lit Washington twp, i. :! n't'o.. 1':. bounded as follows, u-.dt : llegtuuib -i | a i-ost tm - In thirty leet oi the abeuango i. Ale raii ro-oi trust,. Thence along s..:a i -■ • ,1 ti'a.* - ■ i a southerly dire :tiou six tuudrto a/:! eight. l«5» t'\t. more of -.U. to a i, tt- ace.; lands of J T Bei'ty', ~e.u.i hundred and lllti (.00 feet, more or les' to a jtost and ;-ia e o. beginning, tfi-izoa *tm ijti>u tu tlie property Of Joha L I'urber at the salt First National Batia of Greenville, > KDNo 9. Dec 1" rm. l*»t. Brandon att y. All the ligut, title, ani Claim oi :i .; Clark, of, in and to too acres oi inni, more o less, situate lu Con'orJ twp, I:uU«r .'x. P» tßjundeu as follovi. to-Kii; on the n?;tu oy J D Kainerer and Cojn, east uy ■' L> aud P Dec Term. 1891, Forquer ntt'y. All the right, title. Interest and claim o: J li V Brouwerc- of, lt» aud to i oi land, uior.- or less, situate tn MlUcrslown borough, Butier Co., Pa., bounded as follows, to-w it: ve th.. north bv McCliutoek cast by MeClttib; -i .-.out a by Frank Boyle aadgravctard. west by Barm., Frederick arid Kumtiaugli; wit" ■ tv. > stor. frame house, irame bam, and orchard rberoo... ALSO-All the right, tllle interest a.j . ciaKi of J K V Brouwere. of. in and to « acres. ■? li&d. more or less, situate In .'ilillecstown borougn Hutier county, Pa., bound d a-s follows, to-wl; i Ou the north by llock heirs, cast ij jJi'Cltn tock's, south by lauds oi said defendants aim HcuiplilU farm, wes' by Kuyior. HeruphUl aau Ixidecker. Seized anu tak.n in cxcutlou a thc property of J K V Brouwerc at the salt e. Mliierstotvn Deposit Bank and others ED No 199. sept Term. 1831, Donly, att'y. All llie ri-'ht, tlti". Interest and el Wni sf t> .< Jamison, ot. In and to *i acres ol laud, more :n less, situate in Venango twp, Butl -r county, I* • bounded as follows, to-wlt: on tne norm b• laiiusof Robert Vtutderllu and h>drj of 411chae; Coiiw'ay. east by Areh.v and John (now li K Wlef) south by Jno Murrla. ani w'est by Gourmand Robert Vandernu. beiu. mostly cleared. Seized and taken in executlu. as the property ot o J Jamison, at tn suit ol Oreu Cross, et al. ED No 152. Dec Term, ISSIL Mates, att.'y. All the l ight, title. Interest and of John A Ward. of. In and t > al I that certain loi oi land, more or less, situate In Peun t '"p., Ihitlei Co. Pa., bouuded as follows, to-wlt: On tho norm by the other half o| .same lot. east r>, an alley, south by Main St, wesi by loi No. 2. (west c.t nubile road; belhs thirty t-'r» leot deep ou Mai.. ■St. and llfty O0) feet tie pas pei of Iter, irew. with a two-storv ov.-.r.i lio .se 'i. Seized and taken in uxc utlju as tue iiroia-rly of Johu A Waril at th-- suit ot Ji-mes ij i net ED No, H*l, .seiit Term I*9l ant is . . aud 3'.* Dec Term. 1891. All the right. Lit!'.', inter S' and I'l-iiui ol Her man Drebert, oi, in aud toj.. res.,; i mi,mo. or MM, . Ilu.i' elu .l ick on VP . !!•" o r(J 1., I'a sounded on Ihe north by K r r..t:iig east i ; . Hogg's hell's SOUlil !tj I' .V .V d 1. vvest Sto key together with a i nr : ouiiding ust-tl .us slaughter house Ud lot? hoUSe UwreOQ MlHd and taken in execailon as tto- pr c eri • (e lie. man ltreb'T at tn suit 01 >V Ltd i rei al, K1) No 20. Dec Term, ism. A I Black and < lareuCC Walker, attorneys. All the right, title, lutere-t and claim ol W Barnes. Peter Cool and D A !i tggerty . parluel ■ as the st Anna Oil Co. of. In and to acres ot land more or less, situate in Ciosrfl"!.! two. Butler county, Pa.. tioun'i l as follows, to wit Ou ihe north by publlu road, east by Peter Mo Bride, south by Md 'lallerty heirs, west, bv ' Sti Ichner and public rosil; aisive yrop 'ily Do ing a leasehold estnie situate on land o- th Catholic i liurch in eounty and Stat - aier; said ALSO All 111- rigid. 11: its, j„|eie,i and cialf. of W J Barnes, peier t'doi iid I) lierly partners as the .St iliMOIl Co, it. Ul •••:-! to I »cre-o' i i,.1 more i,r l» s >tr:i.' •lu i le.iiite; twp, Hutier county. Pa I, iiid-U ,v- 101.0,-. - to •Vit; On 11,« north by It Log',"-. »>;, Me Lauahlln. south by ehurch lot and olhe"s. wes' by t s'"ielni"r; '.i., imprest ami elalic of W J Barnes. PetsrCOOl Hid D A e lu and to 7S *v res of land more c !•' .. si'-latr In Clearfield township, .'Ullrr roenty Pa., bounded a-'t follows, to-wlf: mi tl.e north Michael llaggerty. east by Mi -!:.iet. 'lagg.rty, south by James Meltnde. est bv Martin A'ai bert; together with I wood rig cotnulete, 1 bolt er. i engine. 800 feet 5 „ inch casing tiiereon: above described property In'tug a le*s»hold es lute situate on Hie l)enni» Logue farm, In twp. county and State aforesaid Seized and take In execution as the pr>perty of >.V .1 Barnes Peter Cool and I> K Hagg'rty, partnore us tne St Anna OU Co. al the suit ol • larenec Walser, trustee, for use. and other :. E I) No 14*. Dec Term. tswt. J D M "Jmi'aln.atty All (lie right, tllle, interest, and cl titii nr ifoD ert Walters, of, in aud low acres of Iml nio n or less, sit ".ate t| < lay tosvtj "pp. Bui ler e..n u :.y Pa., Iwiunded as follows, to-wlt: .V B Cl aUani. sou 1. ( by W alter.':, w<~it ti.v W Seaman »;.d .':ini" -j Cunnliißhaui. with afiaiue house, frame barn tioard stable and orchard 'hereon :. !/.cd stid taken In exeeullon a-j t.!e' property or Kill Cr diain at the sue. of di s< t ;ti Graban:. El> No lui.Ucc Term, ltol. mc; • -tion. att'y. All the right title. Interest an ! claim of .! W Me*landless, uf. hi and to 'vi ae."v of land, more or less 'dtuute In Venango toe nshin. H.n ►••• ('.> I'a.. tiounded as f0110'.f.,. wit : t". Hie nortti by an alley, cast lo an alley, --lutt- by fr:*ulf lln and ltoseburg i'lkc. west by an all with a train" house, blueksniltil shiij* md e .iU.iiid- Ings thetoon. Seized and ' tVen In e*** ',ttio.. as the property of J W McCandless at the giiil John Berg x Co. E D Nos 12 aud lei.' Dec Term. 1881. Brandon and F'orquer. att'ys. All the right, title. Inter .1 and claim of .'iatu uel .1 U oiklu and ii tram Itankln or. hi mil to 125 acres, ui'irc or h -s. situate in Pcnn twp.. Butler Co.. i,i., boundnd "s lollov.v t.i wit: t;:: the north by Thosmis Mai-oail an t casi bt Mtcliai'l Stepp. south t'an.e u anil Crooks, west by Hartzeli now c.i a,'- ■ wuu a two -tory frame Im'.i bunk I i and SH iv mill cent un "I. .ill i. \ * -ai,. • I'uld , nigs and one or hard tiiereon «i,. -i •11 tak eu lu execution aa the .-an i>" .1 I'-ui ktn and lllrun ItnUln at tie- suit of John' Crowe ct al. E D Nos. 240 and 211. l>'c Term, Is.d. j All the right. It'!"'. s ... : '.dm of H H ; less. Situate in Centre i ...,, I. .lid i o„ I's , t bouiidcl a* I How- lo Alt: '. i. n'l b.. Thomas l< liutm aud iilaiau Bros, east by Cirns ; Hewings. south by Mrs Wm Ross and McWU-! llai: *- west t»s McWilllan.s; mjatly c!?*r- I ed and in a good state of cultivation, with a ; two-story frame house, baru. orchard aud out ihereon s !ze,l ia»en In execu tlon as Ihe property H It Wh.lmlre at suit o: Butter 'savings Hang for UsO of Pet*r Aland. ED No 339 Dec Term. tsii. w H Lusk. att'y. 1 All the right, title. intcro<: and claim of Johr. ■ w Kassor and [ttHUuij d>-cd. hiswtf- In'he bands of her executor. I>onald M Ward land, more or len-s situate lu uutler t.oro Hutier c'o.. Pa., bounded | as f ii'n s. t ea-r h . i it No 19. by Lincoln St. west t>v Hutier al ey fvtcg lot No 40 In tho Johr. W i; irtrna- an or iota a laid out bv tl C Pli low. surveyor, and havtnjr thereon erected a two-storj frame house and outbuilding* there er. s..i-v j a „,| in i xecutton a* the prop erty of JohuW Kastor and Tobltha Kastor. ' dee d, ills wife. In the hands ot her executor ' I Donald M W aid. at the suit ot Kdwtn Young. E DSo U43 Dec term, 1891. Newton Black, : j att'y. All the right, title, interest aad claim of ;[ J L McGee, ot", in and to all that certain lai of laud, more or less, situated in Millers - towc li..rough, Butler county. Pa, bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north br J L Mc- Gee, ea-,1 by Central Avtnue, south by Dr. I Campbell, west by Railroad street. | ALSO—AII the right, title, interest and . I claim ot J L McGee. of, in aud to a certain . I lot of land, or lesa, situated in Millers i town i.orougt:, Hutier couuty. Pa,bounded a.- foiiows, to-w it; On tlie north by an alley, • east by Central avenue, south by J L Mi Gee, west by Kailroud street, together witb a two-story board house aud outbuilding' tbercou . Seized and takeu in execution the property of J L Meliw at the suit oi Margaret E Bole, i ED No 2"5 Dec term, ISDI. Bowser, att'y. '. AH the right, title, interest and claim of James L Hiudman, of, iu and to 226 acres o: land, in- re or les*. situate.! in Conoord anu ' WasuiugUm townships, Butier county, Pa, bounded a.- lollows, to-wili On the north by Kolicrt Hay and B H Gold, east by G W U Christy and U McCracken, south by Jamec Htndman, Sr, west by Chess Stoner, D G 1 Courtney aud J E Utndman; with a two story laame house, irame barn and orchard thereon. Seized and taken in execution as the property ot Jos L Bindman at the suii j of S C llutcheson. r ED No 158, Dec Term, 1891. A B C Mc F a rland, att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of A |i L Campbell, of, in aud to 167 acres of land more or less, situated iu Couoord township, Butler county. l'a, bouuded as follows, to '' w.t: On the north by William. Samuel aoo J J Glenn, east by George W Meals, sout.* by Dr Hoover, Baruhart Bros, aud C Camp bell, west by Peter Whitmire and ts»muei Ulenn, tuOotly cleared, in a good state ot coul'.ivatioa, with a two-story brick honse. irame house and ontbmldings thereon. ALSO—ill the right, title, interest am' claim oi A L Campbell, of, iu aud to a cer tain lot of land, more or less, situated iu I'etnoha borough; Hutier couuty, Pa, bound ed as tollua s, to-wit: Ou tue north by an alley, e»«t ny Jamison street, south by ai. aitoy, west oy Forcht, together with a one story lrome house thereon. ALSO—AiI the right, title, interest ant! i- claim ot A L I Hmpbeli, of, in and to 17.s acres oi land, more or less, situated in Parker and F'airview township, Butler coun ty, Pa, bounded as follows, to-wit: On thr north by Cj ius Campbell aud Gibson, east oy Sheldon aud llite, south by William Gib son, west by Cyrus snd Andrew Campbeil. mostly denied,in a good slate of cultivation, witn lour irame houses, and tram barn.thre*- ooaru stables, iwo orchards and outbuildings thereon. Seized aud taken iu extcuion a the pioperty ot A L Campbell at the suit i. Mis J ii Aiusdeil. Tl-.tiMS OF SALH:—The following must be sti i : eompltea with w iien property is stricke-' " down. 1. Waen tlie plalntLDf or other lien credito: bt comes tee purcnascr tho cost on the wrr must di' paid arm a list ot the Ileus Including niu.rgago seaichoa ou thu truperty soil U. gei i...-r with susa lien creditors receipt* far amoutit oi tfto proceeds of tho sale or sucn pot 'loll ihercoi uslift may cla'ra must be furnished the Sheriff. 2. Ail bids must bo paid In lull. ; Ul sales nat settled immediately will tv* . s.cntu.if.T antii I :)V,0.« r. M. of aex't day. a! A Inch i.tne all propei ty not settled for will K. put up and •. id at the expense and risk of the pera-n to wnom drst «oid. •oeo Puru HI s Digest, sth edition, page 44ti . anu Smitu » I'orius. par ; 314. , " WILLIAM M. BBOWU, SheritJ. t SnerltfsOfflce, butter. Pa., Nov. U, 1991. SherifTs Sale. By virtue of a writ of Pi Fa, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Hutier county. , Ph., aud to me directed, thsre will be expos . Ed iu public s.ue, at the Court Bouse, iu the oorou.:ii of Butler, Pa., ou Monday, the 14th 1 day of December, A. D.. 1891, at 1 o'olook p. ai./tbe iollowing described property, to-wit: E. U. So. 21-'. Dec. term, 1891. A. G. Wil liams, aUoruey. All the right, title, interest and claim ol 1 L. M. Iletri:, of, ia and to lOOxltiO feet of land, more or less, situate iu Butler borougn i ior Btalcr township), Butier county. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit: Ou the north bv lot No. !X) 12 same plan, east by Fourth street, soutfi by Carbon street, west by an al - Said io: fronting 014 carbon street oeing lots Nos. a 7 and 104 in plan of lots as laid out by C. McCandless et ai., an per pltn and plot recorded iu Deed Hook 92, page 1 WO, and thereon erected one two-story frame shingle-roofed dwelling house and one dou ble iwo-su>ry frame shingle-roofed dwelling house and odtr.uiidiogs. Seized and taken tu execution the property of L. M. Hewit , at the suit of Alex. Mitchell, trustee. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. WEST PKNN B. R. T v 1 * leave the West Peun depot at foot Bn!• Jefferson St. as follows: 6:20a.m. —Market— arriyes at Allegheny a» 8:40 aud 0:13 p. in. 8:40 a. 111.—Expres-i— arrives at Allegheny at 10:30 a. m. 1 Ills' a. m. Accomodation —arrives at Alle ' gheuy at 1:24 p. m. 2:40 p. in—Accomodation—arrives at at 4:44 p. m. 5:00 p in.—Express -arrives at Allegheny at Allegheny at o:4S p. m. The 6:20 a 01. traiu aad 2:45 p. m. trains connect at Hutier Junction with trains East to 'Jlsirtviile Intersection, whure connection :s made .nth the Day Express and Philad's Lxnressgoiug East. Trains arrive st Hutier at 9-35 and ioi3o a. m. and li ld. HI and 7:50 p ul., leaving Al- ! egneny at tco>, 8:50 aad 10:40 a. m. aud 3: 15 and 0; 10 p. 111. I*. & W. K. K. Trains leave the P. A W depot near Cen tre Ave., jjourhiide, Butler tims, as follow.-, going south: G:tv»a m. —Allegheny Accumulation. 8:00 Allegheny and Alirn Express—runt l; on Sunday to Vlleghniy, and connects for I New Castle that day. . 10:20 a. m.— Allegheny Accomodation. 2:40 p. m.—AHgheny Express. 3:30 p in.—Chicago Express, ruua on Sun j day. 6:10 p 1:1 -Allegheny aud Zclienople Mail. ! Knre. ou Sunday to Allegheuy aloue. Ou isu'.tdaj- aloue, at 9 a. in., New Castle , Fxprs-' C liug iioilli—10:05 a tu. Bradford Mail, j 1 p. in —Clarion Aecoia. 7:40 (• iu. -Foxburg Ac com. No Sunday train* oa tiie usrrow-gattge. Ths :i:.';d p. m. train South conueots at Cal • iery wi:!i tho Chicago wxprsss, wbioh runs daily r.nd in •qaipoed with the Pallmau buf let «:i l sle.cp;.-lg cjachos. Trains for Hdtlcr lesy Allegheny at ti.v.! a ti., city titae, aud 3:16, 5:2.' sod 7:40 p. iu. Oa Sunday at 8:10 a. m. and 1 1:20 p. m. Traiu- arriv. at Hit'ier at 9:35 and 10:20 a. j m. and 12i30. 4i ■5, 7:Ci and ii.4o p. m. liun j day a! 10.20 and 6:10. FITTHBOJtO, NHRNASGO k. LA It K KBIC K. K '> leave the P 4 W depot, Butler ! time as follows: 5:30 a tn, lo Erie, arriviug there at 10:45; a. ni. lo:30 a. in. to Erie, arriving there at 3:20 p. m. 5:00 p. m. to Greenville, arriving there at ! 7:25 p ul. A train arrives from Greenville at lO'Oo a ; iu. with through car to Allegheny ovgr the ; I'A W; one al 2.-50 p. m. from Erie which : connects with boJi roads to Allegheny, and • one at B'4o p. 111 from Erie. Trains leave llilliards at 6:25 aud 11:15 a. ' m. slow titus. Widows' Appraisements. j The following widows' annralsetuaata of per- ' | noted t'ri'i und eotaw .set apart for the ' beneilt or the widows of decedents have been I I lili-d in It nice ol the Clerk of Orphans' Court 1 i of Hui ler county, vz; i Widow oi •< il Uunipper. dc .sased S3OO 00 i •• Henrv Ualdauf. deceasxd em% 00 ; .lames .\(eC*ndle*a. dee'd..,,. :iqo 0U • •• Juini "(tslnzer. deceased 30e 00 ; " Ho.'t. li t'rawfonl, dee'd tw 00 [ 1 " Wi'liaui H. Snyder, dee'd ....„ 300 no 1 '• Joseph Vf. Da'.is. dee'd 300 00 j • C.C l'lMSHntng dee'd. (realty) 300 OS Children of Henry IV. Wat.«.in. dee'd 3io 00 ; AH |e r. 'lis inrc.-s'-d In the alHive appraise, ' ] men! i w ill take notice that they will lie pre j 1 vented ior confirmation to tiie orphans' Court | of Butler county. I'a.. on Wednesday, the vth , day of Dtc'r. lt»l, and If no enceptlons be . tiled they will be confirmed absolutely. Josiil'll ClctnW SIX. Clerk O. C. I - - A. .1. FRANK * CO. DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND CHEMICALS FANCY AND TOII KT AjtTICES, ! . csPONUKS, Ultl'sliEM, PEKFCrMEEY, A« I* tiyslclans' Prescriptions J carefully 00m ' ; lona-le I. P S. CVLAIN Butler, PA, A'lve.iioj 10 CITLZXM REGISTER'S NOTICES. Th» K>\cL-'.-r hrrfoy five* notice tSat the following miuum* of Executor*. Adminlslra tor-, .t;; j Guardians ha\e Iwd fll.d in w» i-flice I •renrdiug I" law. And will be fcresei;;**! U> . Oourt f»r coa&tmntlon an 1 allowance on W ui IV. r. \ I)., >ii at 3 oVIocK p ;a. of >Ud 0»i. I. Klnal *■ count of I*. s. Bxnibart.'r ol Simon J*. Harnh&rt. deoeawvl. Ute <>f Doitf>icruek town- I ship. 3 Final account of Catharine Stewart, vim rx of Sißiutl Stewart, decM. late of Done gal 4 supplemental real estate acconnt of Ctarla ttn:» Burr ilm'm of i*ato Hurr, deed. late of Conni«|uei.«»lng towjiatilp. 5. I'ttio! account of Wta Miller, JCobt J Mil ler anil \\ m J V UltesiiM, executors of Kebt Miller decM. late or Middlesex towusUlp. Notice b hereby ylveu tliar rUcul><>re named executors win K.'kk.t- apflWtioti for dl-tcliargr e»un, mailer. uf tills uecoUM. 0. Klnal acl distribution account of I'reder icii. W Wntk«miita,ej r ol Henri < Wachsmuth, dee'd late ot J> flerson township. T. Final account of Nicholas *nd Jacob Ilau der. ex'rs of John Jtauiler, deceased. late oi MHdlycreeK township. Notice u hcrchj that Nicholas and Ja co>' Binder will nvike application for discharge ao executor; at Decern ber t«-rm, upon miitlrma tlun tif UiH norount. S. 1 inal account of .James Coulter, adm'r of c t a. d b n of Sarah Coulter, dev'd. late of Ven ango U'Wnniilp. Kinai account of U X Marshall, admr ol Mary Svue?, dee'd, late of Parker township. 10. Final account of John Kenooff, guardian of Amelia Winter, (now Blehl), rr.luor cUUd ot John Winter.deed. 11. Fiual account of A S Griffln.ex'r of Philip Helntz and Anna Catharine Uclnu, dee'd,latt ot Oakland township. 1-'. Second and floal account of A A and G D Swain, adni re of samuel Swain, dee'd, late of Jackson twp. 13. Fin»i account ot Geo W Marburger. adinr of Tlios LltCsej-. dae'd. late o£ Jackson tivp. 1«. Final account of Mary Russell, execu trix of John M Biu_-ell. dee'd. late of BuUer boron Kh. I.v First and anal account of Alex Stewart and Henry BrigMey, ex'rs of Minerva helgh ley, dee'd. late ot Ccunoquenessinir township. 16. !■ Irst and final account of w A Forquer. adm'r ct aof George I-eiguner. dee'd, late of Oakland township 17. First and partial account of Wm B Cur rle. ex'r of Walter Cuirle, dee'd, lato ot Cherry township. 18. Final account of David MrKlsslck, ex'r ol Jas McKlsStek. dee'd, late of Parker twp. i». Final account or ThoS F C'hrlstley, adm'r c t a, d b r. of Michael Hamilton, dee'd, late of Cherry township. -0. Huh 1 account of W C Thompson, ex'r ol J» 1" McCandless dee'd, late oi Centre township. 21. Pamal account Of X M Klrklani, adinr of Martha M Clark, dee d, late of Wlnfield twp. 23. Final account "f N M KtrUanJ. guardian ol O Hixon, minor son of James S'lxon, deed. -3. Final account ol A A Swalu and Wm F Peller, ex'rs of Jacob Swalu, dee'd, late ot Lancaster township. •21. Hf«t and anal of John H Gorm ley and M .! Mcßrirte. ex rs of Patrick Mcßrlde, dee'd, Ute of Venango township. 11. Haul account of Vhos rt Beckwlt li, ex'r ol Kll Keck*ith. dec d, late oisilppeyrock twp. Notice is hjrebj given that Thoa B Beckwltu will petition court for discharge as executor upoL confirmation of thts accomit. X. Final account of Stephen Cutnmlngß. adai'r of Joseph Brltlaln Jr.. dee'd. late or But ler borough. i"T. Final account ot S F Bowser, adm'r ot Geo W Carnahan. dee'd, late of Centre t'.vp. DAVID K. DALE, Register ItflXOXtf'S HOME, 35 North McKcan s>treet, Butler. Pa. Meals al all hours. Open all Night. Breakfast 25 eta. Dinner cts. Suppnr 25 oU. bodging 3ft •ts. SIMLON NIXOX, - - Prop'r. Hotel Waverly. S. McKLAN ST., - ■ BUTI.SE, PA. Opposite School Houae. Thi* elegant new hotel is now optin to the public; it is ft new house, with new furniture throughout and all modern con veniences: is within easy reach of the de pots and business houaes of the town, and has a splendid view of the eastern part of the town. Rales Reasonable. Give me a call wheu in Butler. CHESS STONEE, Prop'r, Willard Hotel. W. H. REIHING, Prop'r BTJTJLfiR, - I? A.. STABLI3K I* CO*SKCTII»!». RAMPLE kOUS for COIXEBCIIL T&AYKLKH Hotels and Depots, W. 8. Gregg is now raaaiog ft line of carriages between tbe hotels and depots of the town. Charges roadouable. Telephone No. 17, or ltiavo orders at Hotei Vogeley. Good Livery »in Connection SEND j POSTAL CARD FOB SAMI'i.E corv OF TIIK PITTSBURGH WEEKLY CHRONICLE TELEGRAPH 1 PER M 5 *- YEAR IT IS TUE BEST AND CHEAPEST HOME PAPER PI'BLISiIED. LATEST NEWS OF THE WORLD. PRESIDENTIAL YEAR. The T«»r 189-' hein? Presidential Year,the intenyu in politiont iilTa'r* wiil be general. Tli-' Chroaiole TelcirspU'n faeilitie<_ for ob taiiiiiii the nioot reliaMe iaformation are UNEXCKLMM) IN' AMERICA, an 1 sj>ec lal care -fill be t> ijire the mo« ac curate aud unbiH««?i news ohtu nable. j Ths Special Fsaturss ij addition i** th** very latejt new«, Heiiarfnent"! FOR E A DIES, FOR TUE HOME, FAKH AND (i\itr>EN, INDUS TKIaE. VIiNINO AND MANCFAOTCR INO, and alone «re worth the subscription price. -ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. Address _ WEEKLY CHRONICLE TELEGRAPH, Pittsburgh, Pa. By a liberal arraugein«*ut with 'he Pitts horirh Weekly Chroaiole Telwgrapa we are enabled to offer e suh-oriptiva to that paper anil ihe CI fIZEN, bjth for one year for Two Dollars. FOR A CHRISTMAS PRESENT What could be more appropriate for FATHER, MOTHER B HOT 11ER, SISTER, FRIEJYD, Thau 'i year's ■subiariptl'-'i »" the PRESBYTERIAN BANNER ? M'illT PAOKS WKEfiY, $3.15 a Year. its -IM en I u inns are tilled with Editorials, Original and aelec'ed Stones, Article* from lea'lmK men of Chitrch und State. Keviews of Books aud Maij'vziuiM. News,Mar ket Reooris, Farm and Uardeu Notes, Recipe'. Hiati in Usalth. etc. Papers -ent will mailed in tjnie to reai'h tueir destination the d«y be fore t'hriHtmv. S''iid ordem at onee. Address J A MEf ALLISON & CAJ., iK-x lOil, PtTTSBL'ROH, I*A. OOuUu.. V, Kr> !n?<» - m.»t •»!.. litvrv. ;tnt •fo •• lyr M • •••4. .< J c .* j ra L-.» •a« <• ri.rr t' «r •p- U di*4ri t «-i «. uM*. I •»« U«jht awi \rn* •mplwjrwn! • onit. ir. ■ »<» n.>'.l. f »*»r #5*W ■ *t«r »»rli ll • V KVS u.l lie • I .. -.1 • ..*« I y. c . \IA.»~\. If-,* IV>. Malar. prwuTtr' -I.: .-. ; A-,' - • i ;6 m-o.'er / - ».<•> Ik foru i..*«m riiDj ' •"»»oaar« LC ra uThowjas, Jury List for Dec. Term. Lut of Grand Juror* drawn tLii 6th day ol 'X-tober, A. D, 1801, to serre at a regular term of court commeneini; on the lit Mon day of December the same b.-io* the : /th day of said month. Rrady Ow«-n Jr, Donegal twp, farmer. Bauder Nichola*. Muddycreek twp. farmer. : Davis Thomw, Alleghec* twp, farmer. | Duffy H H, Clearfield «wp, faimer. Fennell Phillip, Clearfield twp, farmer. Geible Jacob, Bntler, 2d wd, teamster. Hi-tnan Richard, Bntler, Ist wd, stone ma j son. Hoffman Henry, Winfield twp, laborer, i t.*. I }'? 6 Oeortfe. Jackson twp, farmer. Ilildebrand Andrew, Donegal twp farmer. , Irrin A A, Butler, 2d wd, laborer. ; Jonea A L, Muddycreek tap, farmer. Kildoo James, Brady twp, farmer Lntue Patrick Clearfield twp, farmer. McClmtock J ff ( Mercer twp, farmer, McCollongh D S, Butler, Ith wd, laborer . Niifglc Tuouia*, Uutlfr, r nh wd, merchant. PaM»rson Cal, Butier, siu wd, contractor. Snyder J O, Brady twp, farmer, j Spcnce Da,id, Evaus City boro, ooustable. j Shaocr A, Pnwpect boro. fanner. ; Shroup A. Butler 4th wd. ,'aborer. . FerJ, IJutler, sth wd, jeweler, i " e.ler Calvin, Muddyervek twp, farmer | List ot Petit Jurors drawa this 6th day of , October, A. D. 1891, to serve at a regular term of court commencing on the 2d Monday J ! December next the same being the 14th " j day ol said month, p i Balsigcr John, Concord twp, producer. t j Blair, T B, Venango Iwp, farmer. I Coun Samuel, amercer twp, farmer. Crawford David, Coucord twp, producer. ' Christie J M, Clay twp, farmer. T Chambers J L, Venango twp, farmer. Daugheity Wm, Allegheny twp, farmer. Double Henry, Brady twp, farmer. r Dipmer John, Clearfield twp, farmer, f Deitrick WC, Connoq g twp, farmer, Evans T N, Miilerstown boro, pumper. Euier Martin, Butler 2d wd, gardener. f English W F, Muddycreek twp, farmer. * Furguson Jas F, Miilerstown boro, teamster Graham Albert, Cranberry twp, farmer. y Ga'laher John, Butler, farmer. Gelbaugh Phillip, Forward twp, farmer. " Hamilton Wm, Forward twp, farmer. r Helm John, Evans City boro, farmer. ,r Kepple VV S, Fairview'twp, farmer, tCocner Jacob, Jackson twp, farmer. >' Kelly VF T, Parker twp. farmer. ' r Kerr George E, Mercer twp, photographer. , Luton Georgf, Forwari twp, pumper, u Larimer Alex, Butler, Ist wd, teamster, i. Morgan Edward, Allegheny twp, farmer. Murriu 11 F, Yeuango twp, farmer. I Maxwell WW, Butler, Ist wd, carpenter. McCMlin James, Middlesex twp, pumper, i- McCandiets Greer, Connoq'g twp, farmer. >. McGarvey Jame., Fairview twp, farmer. , McCall SR, Clay twp, farmer. p _ Powell Benjamin, Penn twp, farmer, i Reed John, Slipperyrock twp, farmer, r Rice Harry Harmony boro, laborer. Ruoaell W G, Sunbury boro, merchant. Story Wai, Fairview boro, pumper. Sutton A B, Saxonburg boro, clerk, t Scott Walter, Lancaster iwp, farmer. Thome O R. Clay twp, farmer. Vincent J K, Marion twp, farmer. . Vandivert Freeman, Cranberry twp, farmer. Wine Henry. Penn twp, farmer. Wigton (.'as, Slipperyrock twp, farmer, ' Wiley Johu, Clinton twp, farmer. Wild Wm, Harmony boro, saddler. Wehr W H, Evaus City boro, agent- Verty George, Miilerstown boro, teamster. Scientific America* Agency for I ■MLB 1 *'fW' OOPVRIOHTa, etc. ' y, SJ?SS 1 9 ,l i}2 n tn* Handbook wrtte to A CO- W1 Bboadwat, Miw VOKK. OM«»t bare&u for securing patents In 'America. ST* 17 taken out br as Is brmht befara tb. public by a notloe «tvea Ire. or ttSrjH) in ib« Scientific f»lttß(linmtta. A-IJrws UUNK tCQ., B PTBtiaarita. HI Broadway, flew Fort. C. 5, D. It will be to your own inter est to come in and sec what a '» first-class Hat and Furnishing Store can do for you. , The success ot" the past makes us confident oi the present and future, and notwithstanding the depression in business all over • the country we have largely in j creased our lines throughout and - now show a full and comprehen sive stock as can be found in the I cities. AVe have gone right along from the time we started owing to i the fact that we adhere strictly to 1 first quality goods at the very low est prices, and we would • rather iniss a sale than misrepresent any thing. COLBERT & DALE, Matters and Furnishers,. 242 S. Main street, Butler, Pa. "Be CHRISTIAN UNION ; | is a Family Paper for j ! ' Wide-awake People. It , ( ( is a Thinker's paper, a ( , Worker's paper,aYoung j II Folks' paper, a Story , f ( ' paper, a Religious pa- , j ( per, a Literary paper. t , 11 The Outlook—current events j 1 i i described and interpreted 11 —for the Busy Man and f 11 Woman. , , I Editorials —pithy, bright, in- ( ( II spiring—for the Thinker ( 11 and the Doer. 11 Contributed Articles—time- ( ( 11 ly, informative, entertain- (( 11 * ing—for the general Reader, i) Stories—clean, original, re -11 freshing—for the Story * i lover. , , } 11 A Home Department —sug- ( i i gestive, helpful, homely — ( ' 11 tor the Mother and the h Young Folks. • ( | 11 A Sunday-School Lesson by i i Lyman Abbott, for the 1 I Teacher and the Student. ' I i Book Reviews, Sermons, Art l I and Education Not?s, Re- ' ' I ligious News, Miscellany I I —there is something for I I Everybody. Pictures—Special Numbers I i —Supplements. It comes every week ( I for Three Dollars a Year. I ' The Christian Union Silver Certificate Z | will be sent tree on request to any reader ■ of this paper. | I I The Christian Union, I | j Clinton Hall, Astor TlaCe, N. Y. ■ Si «4KNi. ,» J' u l,f ii*r '■! l» w liy«ni fronts .\lu*r y%»u «.»u cuHiMcac» »« «u utc, gl»- !|m c \rrr worker. W« jam. fßiwrthf HABILV, ftl'llKplLY teML