Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, December 04, 1891, Image 1

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    VOL. XXIX.
Physician and Surgeon,
Office and residence u»5- Hsln St Butler,
la. ______
117 E. . hourt. 10 to U M. sad
i to 3 P. M- j
Pittiau IKD 8c*o»o*.
Office and residence at 127 E. Cunningham SC
New Troutmsn Bnlldins. Butler. 1-s.
E. S. LEAK*, M. D. J- E. MASS. M. I>.
.Specialties: .Specialties:
Cj-naecolotfT and Bur- Eye.
gerj. i nrwu
Butler, Pa.
,'iiriicu> i» •ww.
Office a: No. 4ft. 8. Mam tweet, over Prank *
Co s Diu* store. BuUer, Fx
physician and Surgeon.
/Jo. 22 E**t Jefferson St., Bntler, Pa.
„ L „w permanenuy loesttd at no Soot* Mali,
(Street fattier- Pa, lu room* tonafrtj occupied
by Dr. Wshlron.
j. J. DOHALDSON, Dentlfft.
Butler, Penn'a.
% Lr ttouuu* Store.
A U work pertaining to the prolan.
itsurjsiissi&s ffa-sjs
T£5S?3f K ww
beat ■akm ef teeU-
omci «AS Dia»nn>. Bctu* '*•'»
Atfv at Law and sotsnr FubHc—tHßty
ofijM "-opp«l» tie «*« aoa,e "^
. ond floor-
AtU/rnry-at-Law-Offlee In DtamoaA Block.
oirce- Between pusttfflce si.d «aax»d, But
ler. Pa.
Office at VO. S. South Majsood. Butler. Pa.
Office v«»Drt noor. Andewon Bl k, MaJo 81,.
near < 'iiirt IlMJfcfc. bullWi
t tree 0,. M-eotid floor Of the HnseUOß block
Plant'nd. Butler, Pa. Boom So. L
Attorney at law. OfUce •» No- "• E ®" J *""
two HI., Mullet, YA...
oi Diamond. Butler. Pa.
• »>,Mn.ai.iii« Office on aeond Door of
Andersoi bulldliig, near Court House, Butler.
Alt'* at LAW—o«ca»on South sld*;of Uaroono
Butter. Pa.
Insurance aid Heal Estate Ag't
Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
Office Cor. Main & Cunningham flu.
f.SrSX?"' SESaaBSRT*
A. Trmitman, 2' CvJA* ,U i rra ' l<J -
Alfred Wick, S. Wefttel.
hr. W. Irrln. \>r Itl^kwbach,
j. W. Burkliart. D. T. Morris.
Veterinary Surgeon.
Graduate o» the Ontario Veterinary
Collffc*. Toronto, Canada.
Dr. Osble treat* all of tbe
domesticated animals, and IDVIICH
riddling. castration and horse den
tistry a specialty. Castration per
formed wi'hnnt clam*. and all other
Rurpiral operatloo* performed in the
moat wientific manner.
Call* to any par', of the country
promptly responded !o.
Office and Inftrmar? In Crawford's
liirerv, 132 West Jeffertw>n Street,
Rntler Pa
«'ontractor and WilUI" in bru It work, itf't"
aol maolel DtitllblC and all kltwlc ol Ulck-larlni;
a apecUlty. Akao dealer in barrel lime, Witm
atitn I'Kee ll'ne. ceinenU NaOuual, PoriUnd
and all l>e«t irriulm In the market. Oali'lned
planter. pla«t»r hair. Klne'a cCfn'-nt.Ur* brick
tile, while and rlvur Hunil Mam office .114
K Mmn ilai'<. and alt led at waiC bouie-
Wlil receive prnmpt di:ll*«ry. T»-nn* reamibaMe.
Good Farm for Sale.
Containing lot :iete» and VI p<frcb«i«. 70 acre*
elnared and undar lence. Halnncu itaudlnr in
g-Kirt wbltf oak Uint-r. I'omtorublc dwelimK
bona*. g<MMt t>arn. «.«g»n »bwl. -i'rt>iirh<june of
bMt kind, hoy p«n end r.iilue-, Nev-r
fallina if", v* o»ee wnol-
•bard. I'oiv •-...> ii givou Arn i| i isi <}:|..
r>Ml. aitiiiM in IV.,ii ',+ n K-itlar couniy.
Pa., alxnit *u til:# * i.f Hu-ier.
Vbavtre at Cmnn office. Sutler, l a., or the
y f . p jy . '/
Once upon a time a younjr man csmed
•V)A J Cobb met a beaoTiful young lady named
m// ( Webb, aDd it is telated that he fell in love
A .Ur | ae scon as be Spied-ber. Our tale is told.
M/w v v/ ,J We've caught yonr eye Do you ca'cb
W OD? Well; just follow alonfr a little
is- "/Tri further. That "birds of a feather flock
together" in little droves by ihemseivea is
no more truly verified than at our store.
Those who are (rood Judges of goods in
.Tj onrline, and who wish to get the be^t
;*■' gocdß in the market for the money, cen
Pa gTegate at our store daily. There is al
- ways room for one more; so don't be back
***l ward, but call in and see us.
I did not think of advertising this fall, but I met a man who asked uu
who I was. I told him
Heck, The Champion Clothier Furnisher.
And etrange to say, he informed me that he bad never beard of me. Weli.
it is jost such people we are after, aud if this should catch their eye, we
hope human curiosity will lead them to read it for it in one of the commonest
traits of the race. It' was curiosity that led Eve to taste the forbidden fruit;
and her offspring have their curiosity excited every day as a hereditary
temptation, from ihe small boy everlastingly peeping into boxes to tt»
hired-girl with her eye to the key hole. Eveybodv wonders what is in ii.
Properly directed. th'S curiosity often leads to satisfactory results, and D.
A. Heck invites all curious people to make a voyage of discovery to his store
and see the largest store, the largest stock of clothing—in Overcoats, and
Ha its for men, boys and children, Hats, Caps, Gloves, Mitts. Sbirts, L uder
wear, Cordigan-Jackets, Leather Coats and Pant», Overall-Jackets, Trunk-
Valises, Umbrellas. Rubber Coata, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, lldkfs. Muffler*
Bruebes, Purses, Bill and Pocket Bo'iks, Ladies and Gents' Watches, Cbaii.
Charms, Rings, Pins, Sleeve ar.d Collar Buttons, Silver Card Cases, and a
full line of Notions—at remarkably low prices; no matter bow low you have
been offered goods we have them still lower and for quality we never take e
backseat. It will be to your personal advantage to give us an early eel
and get our prices, and you are sure to give us a large share of your pat
ronage hereafter
Thaokirgour many friends for their very liberal patronage.
We remain, yours to pLase.
D. -A.. HECK,
Champion Clothier, Furnisher and 1 Latter.
121 >T.]Vlain St. iiutler, l J a.
BUTLER .... FfiJMK'/
Hardware and House Furnishing Goods
Sevvin-r Machine.
~ American sewing machine.
»J a^HO Singer and Kmprens:
agricultural implements and
MaSKI Lansing farm wagons; New
Sunsliine & How ml rMii{f<»s. |
K W ju, cutlery, hnntring lamps;
B roofing arnl spnuting at |>ec
ialt>; tlie Johnston mow -rs.
reaper and steel frame binder, Warren ready mixed paint
warreiited; screen doors and windows, refrigerators aud Uwi
No better place in the city to trid'i.
Come and see my large store room full of goodw, 1361 feet
New styles arriving daily. It will he
but a short time until you will he looking
around for yoftr holiday presents, \vc
want to call your attention to our beau
tiful line of fancy
MIRRORS—ManteI and* Cabinets,
We will also have tor the holiday
trade a full lino of Dinner and Tea Set
at any price from #4.50 to #75, all new
styles and new shapes, goods guaran
teed not to craze. A beautiful line of
Vase and Bouquet Lamps, from #1.50
to #lO. Anything you want in the
above goods call and see us.
Truly Yours
Campbell & Templeton,
136 N. Main St., - - Butler, Pa.
you want NEW FURNITURE to re
place some of the old
We arc headquarters for first-class
goods. Remember we have no mark
down sales; our prices are alwa s as low
as is consistent with good goods.
A full line of QUILTS in addition to
other bedding.
E. S. DREW, - 128 E. Jelferson, St.
MaiSV' 1X DY CA >IV. in
2rßp" one of the most
picture sque
i gulches in the
*Rocky moun
dergone a sud
deti and great
]~4i change There
had been three
3*®=" months of flat-
C J tering prom
ise, and liberal prosperity for miners,
gamblers and saloons; but luck had
suddenly and capriciously deserted the
camp, for there was not another shin
ing atom of "the precious" to be found
in the gulch. This fact was declared
by the old miners, who were packing
up to go over the mountains to Clear
Creek canj-on, where a new camp was
being started under favorable prom
Saloon keepers and faro-banks had
"folded their tents like Arabs," and
gone where there was fresh gold to
rake in, and where thore were new vic
tims to conquer.
The n:iners had all followed except
Patrick .Mcßirney and his wife and
| three others —Morgan, Ben Thomas
, and Jack Leslie. These peruons
lingered at the deserted camp for the
aim pie reason that they preferred the
solitude of Windy gulch to the rough,
| wrangling crowd that had ju»t left.
I Besides, Morgan lay wounder" .j the
| little shanty of Mcßirney. up among
i the cedars; he was too badly injured
to think of removing; so it was elected
I that they were to stay behind in sole,
. independent possession of Windy camp,
and each take his turn at playing the
I part of (iood Samaritan toward the '
j sick miner.
Alex Morgan was a man of middle
I age. and his friends rightly conjectured
that he had seen better days than a
, checkered career at the different min- I
j ing camps had afforded.
When Morgan had been sober, he
j had displayed evidences of former cult
■ ture and of having lived in tho best I
j society. But he had grown dissipated
1 at the mining camps, and gambled
recklessly. it w:s while gambling I
with Poker Saul, in one of the saloon j
shanties, that a dispute had ar.sen,
which soon waxed furious, and in a
rage, the sport hud shot Morgan, in
flicting v.hat his friends realized would
prove a fata! wound, lie now iay at
Pat Mcß:rney's, with very few more !
days to live. Mrs. Mcßirney, with all
the goodness of heart and impulsive
nesa characteristic of the real Irish
woman. nur>od h:m as tenderly as if he ,
had been a dear brother.
Ben Thomas was a bankrupt ranch- I
man turned miner. His "pard," Jack i
Leslie, was a young school-teacher
from the east, in reduced c;reurn- j
stances. Both were handsome, good
hearted young fellows, and as Morgan j
had shared their shanty at Windy camp, j
he v. a-, considered "a pard" and neither
WOUiU forvake h.m lor the selfish pur- i
pose of trying his fortune at the new |
camp over in the canyon. They willing- ;
ly shan d the duties of watching over |
the wounded man, doing all in their
power to alleviate his suffering.
One day, I'en and Jack were sitting
on a bowlder down the gulch. It was
the second day after the camp had been
deserted and turned over to the unre
utricted occttj ancj of their little party.
"Morg :s pietty low, pard," remarked
Ben, his eyes on the lofty cliffs far j
above the rugged gulch.
"lie is that," returned Jack. "I'm i
thinking that poor Morg is abovt to
cross the divide, whence no miner ever
comes back."
"Poker Sain ought to hang!" said
Ben, vcngefully.
"He deserves to have his neck meas
ured f-,r a rope necktie," approved
Jack, warmly "IJut poor Morg had
V ill ft
r f> C£&A 1
I • : ■
f C \ < J'
v -" t '\a
J ':■■'£*& -v
*- '■U fcsl , J
v .
fift. f —-.Jt?
Tin: KAIIt STl'.AMll |{ WAS t'OMi.VO
only a few friend ~ being one of the
unlucky dogs of humanity, while Poker
Sam l.a> a hundred warm satellites al
way. blazing in his wake."
'llih chip glu . '< n» thar, tight V,
'in:!' replied 11 -r». with a little strong
"Has Morg any fn. ndn where he
cau.e from'.' inquiretl .laek, refilling
his pirje.
"Blast my boots, if f know! 1 never
heard him tell of any. Morg was al
v.ays a clot.e mouthcd felb-r, pard. Oh,
Pat!" he called to Mcßirney, who wax
Hi lling in a little strcain hard by. Pat
fixed his rod between two rocks and
came over.
"What do yez v.antV You'll sphoil
the bite I was Jookin' for ivery min
ute," he said, with a good-natured
smile on his round, florid face.
"Say, Pat," asked IJ.-n, "did Morg
ever t«*ll you or your woman whether
he had any friend* where he hailed
"Faith, yis, he tould Katie thet ho
had lost his wife, and had wan girrul
livin' wid her mothet'n sister in Kan
sas. '1 het's all lie iver tould. for the
poor tnon's not much on the talk, at
all, at all," afte» which meager infor
mation, Pat returned to hl« flshing-r'xl.
| ami was soon busy pulling out some
handsome denizens of tho mountain
| stream.
Ben and Jack smoked away in silence
i for several minutos, and having sunned
and aired themselves for a half hour,
they ar</-.e t<, up to Mcltlrney's shan- j
ty to i.i '■ hot* Morgan was getting I
"Who's that coming down the trail?" [
asked Jack, pointing down the gulch,
where a dim object was moving into
"Bless my ole socks If I kin tell ye!"
j answered lieu, stopping by his com
panion's side and following Ills gaze i
down the gulch. "Maybe some one '
over from the canyon."
"It's a woman! ' said Jack Leslie, I
with some excitement at his discovery, i
"Yes, pard, it's a woman, picking her
way over tho rocks down the old I
j trail."
"Bless my shirt, if it ain't!" returned
Ben. "She"* a tenderfoot to roclss an'
mines, ye kin tell by the dainty way
she's drawin' this way."
"She's a young and pretty girl," an
nounced Jack, as the object drew
• nearer, "and, pard. she's dressed in
j style! Wh.it'll we do?"
"Ilade't «e li'-st dr*p sorter br-
Mnd tl I• ;• >1 r l .l' he past >,
pard? V •r> lii' • i.ti'r- •» I II tn
be > nby Ii It cr< ' ras y<> i ; i|."
"It s no <• ■ to b.de now, for she's
| already spied u»," said Jack. "See!
ttit'i turmug from thw trail autl o/muitf 1
. direct tor us.
It was as Jack Leslie said. The fair
st ran per had left the old trail and was
coming across the rocks to meet them.
W hen she was near enough they could
see that she was very young, with a
graceful, slender form"**and a !ovel»
face, lighted up by a pair of intel'i
gent blue eyes, while her h.ir was the
color of the sunbeams that kissed the
eternal snows up on the distaut peaks
of the Rockies. She was dressed in a
dark, becoming costume, fashionably
though plainly ina<K\ and carried a
small valise in one hand.
She paused before the men. and, in a
sweet, low voice, asked:
'•ls this Windy camp?"
Jack and lien stood blushing before
the fair creature like two great bash
ful schoolboys. However, Jack was
the first to recover h'.s presence of mind,
: and he answered:
'•Yes. ma'am, this is Windy camp."
And l.en Thomas, who had not seen
so fair a girl from the haunts of civil
ization for five years, recovering' him
self on hearing his companion's famil
iar voice, a-ltl^l:
"Yes, miss, wot's left of it—most of
it's gone over the mountains to the
"Do either of you know a man by
the name of Alexander Morgan?" asked
the girl.
The men exchanged significant
glances, and each seemed to beseech
the other mutely to tell her the sad in
telligence. At last Jack said, kindly:
"Is he a relative of yours, miss?"
"Yes; he is my father," she replied.
I "I am Grace Morgan, and hare, since
my poor mothers death, five years ago,
lived with my aunt in Kansas. But I
grew tired of eating the bread of de
pendence and have come to seek my
father. About two months ago I had
a letter from him, and he said he would
1 e at Vt'indy gulch this summer: so 1
came to him—not to be a burden to
him, for I can teach school, wash f or
the miners, or do something," she said,
| "Miss Morgan." said Jack, striving
1 to render his tones steady, "don't be
i scared, for I have bad news for you."
Grace Morgan trembled slightly and
' her face grew very white.
"He is dead!" she uttered, hoarsely.
"Not quite so bad as that. Miss Mor
gan. He had trouble with a bail fel
low, who shot him. Your father is
alive yet, up tliere at that little shanty
among the cedars" and Jack pointed
to wher • Mel!./ i'-y*s little cabin coukl
but faintly be seen, enmeshed as it was
I by rocks and evergreens.
"Thank God. he lives!" cried she, and
; she started to go toward th - eal in. but
she staggered so fearfully that Jack
hurried to her si'lj and b I her to
accept his strong arm.
Grace Morgan gave him such a tender
look of sweet gratitude from her blue
eyes an hone .t Jack ncv r forgot all
his life; and with a softly spoken
i "Thank you," she took his off red
i support andwalke 1 soberly away Poor
H'-n, who would have died to stand in
I Jack's boots at that moment, si <o 1 bv
; the bowlder gazinr nervously after
! them. With a deep-drawn sigh, the big
fellow said aloud to himself:
"If it hadn't been Jack I b'leve I'd a
P.att"n"d him, sure! Maybe Ju ■'< don't
think I know bow to be gallant to
i gals. She's awful purty, an', poor
i crectur! sh won't have a dad ly much
| lon rer. Th *i. soPtebo<ly'* got to take keer
; of her, for sh" shan't herd l;i*l t ior a
i livin' nur wash miner's tlurned ole
| dirty duds. Naw sir •:! We'll jist net
, up a orphan 'tylum right down hyer in
V\ indy gulch an' take keer of her!"
So saying. Hen turned away and went
! over to Cat to tell him the startling
; news that Morgan's daughter had come
from Kansas. i'ut hud been so con
cealed by the rocks along the stream
that the new arrival had not been seen
by hi in.
When Hen and Mcßirney, with his
string of fish, went up to the cabin,
they found Katie McUirney very busy
In the little outdoor shed, where the
cooking was all done in fair weather.
Jack had gone to the spring for fresh
water, while in the cabin they could
hear a girl's low, gentle voice. As Pat
secured knives to clean the fish, his
wife whispered aloud to liirn and Hen:
"Och! bless her dear heart! The
darlint was c'anc, intoirely affected by
the meetin' wid the poor wounded
father that is. Jack, the poor bye,
wint i. ft to the sphring to hide his fail
in's an' me own voice was that
sthopped. I could hardly spheak wan
"Shure, an' how did Morg take it?"
asked Pat.
"lie was mooch affected at inectin'
wid the darlint. Hut she's a brave
wan. She's rnaltin' herself as calm as
a shummer noight whin not a leaf
sthird, an' is talk in', as ye kin hear, il
ye listen, in that sooth in' way slio has.'*
If Mrs. Meliirney was so easily cap
tivated by the gentle manners and love
ly personal charms of Grace Morgan,
the reader can readily imagine liovv
completely fa ciliated were those honest
cit./.e s of Windy camp, Jack Leslie
and lien Thomas.
Poor Alex Morgan lingered two days
longer after his daughter's arrival, lie
fore he died, lie shook hands with Hen
and Jack, snylng:
"Good-by, pard:-. the time to leave
base ime. I'm going to cross the mys
terious, awtul divide, but I leave my
little girl behind. Watch over her
tenderly w hen I'm gone, forgcttin;; my
sins. Mine K a wa.tcd life, part-, and
1 leave nothing behind me fur Grace.
Tr.v to get her a school down in llio
town. She bus an education, and with
a little help will succeed "
"Don't worry, Morg," said Jack;
"Miss Grace shall have our lir .t con
sideration, always."
The grief of jioor Grace Morgan was
intei,:.(*, but she had the tru-st sym
pathy of her four friend™ in Windy
Pat, who could handle tools readily,
made a cofllii of some lumber fo ind iu
the gulch, while Jack and Hen started
off to dig the grave.
They chose a retired spot fur up the
gulch, and began digging In silence.
They were very sober. They could
not forget the misery and sorrow on
that pretty, tearful face tip at Meltir
ney's cabin. They had nearly finished
1 the grave when li n remarked:
"Say. pard. ain't that mighty cur'ous
I yit'.rr soil we're h -avin' out?"
"Valh-r soil?" Jack repeated, half
abstractedly. Hut ho took up a hand
ful und looked at It closely. Ills face
i wore a wild l«*»k as he turned to Hen.
"Pard, It's gold pure, genuine, un
adulterated gold! Windy camp's not
I played out yet. Poor Morg's grave has
) brought us luck!"
"Hlest if ye ain't right, pard," said
lien, having satisfied him'elf that they
| really had Struck gold. "Well, 1
I kuowed when Grace Morgan come she
would bring luck to II . Windy campers.
A purty young stranger always does!"
he added, with a superstition that is
j said to be proverbial of some old miners.
It was quickly decided to abandon
' that grave and dig one «,n an opposite
slope. Here all that was mortal of uu
lueky Alex Morgan was laid to rut.
The little party of frieudi supported
the weeping girl, and a . the pines lisped
and moaii' d in sympa hy. Jack and Hen
sang two verses of "Jesus Lover of My
The three men began at once to work
the new mine, which proved a particu
larly valuable one. Nothing like it
had ever before been In
Wiudy gulch. All united iu declaring
that Morgan had brought thu
good fortune to them and they very
appropriate ly nam—) it th j (J, ace .\J.nn.
Grace accepted Mrs. McHirn-y's iu-
I tfttrtli.ru tv Sttl? ttV the CWI/in Murtug (lit;
/ ♦ ['<
. son.?"
summer, for ber father's death had left
her weak and spiritless. Only one
person in Windy camp had the power
to call the roses back to her p.ile cheeks
—that was Jack. Ben saw this dear
ly, and like the true friend tiiat he was,
though he would have laid his life down
for the girl, so great was his love, he
never attempted to lay a straw in
Jack's way.
So, Ben had no need to establish h:3
contemplated orphan asylum in the
gulch; nor did (irace Morgan ever have
a chance to teach over in the valley, or
wash for the miners, for at Chri .tmas
time she married big. handsome Jack
Leslie, who had realized enough from
his share in the Grace Mine to yield him
a comfortable income for the rest of his
life. Ben derives a grave happiness
from their perfect contentment.
The I'mfer of Imtelnatlon.
Imagination, 'tis saii. will work
wonders. This fact was well illus
trated in a Church street store the
other evening, and victims wer? many.
Whil > the proprietor was out his clerk
carefully placed in the stove a lighted
can !le, which shed a goodly volume of
light but gave no heat. The first cus
tomer to arrive wore an overcoat. lie
sat near Ilia stove, but soon left the
stove with the remark; "It'stoo warm
here for me." Victim Xo. 2 drew his
chair up to the stove with the remark;
"I'ee!- go< 1 these evenings." Then
came a portly arid dignified gentle
man. who too 1 -: a seat near the stove.
Said h. : "One sensibl ■ man in town,
an;.' >w." Jost then the proprietor of
the ' >rs and a friend entered and took
a seat. Presently it evidently becaino
too warm for the pi prietor-liimsclf.
He p;.r ly opened a window, requested
his clerk to close the draught of the
stove and then tat down ng:.!n. When
the stove door was opened they all ad
journed to the street to get warm. —
Westchester (Pa.) Local News.
—Frank—"Belle rather wears her
heart tnl er ■ leeves." May—"Oh, no;
she ha» it sut on a diamond engage
ment ring."—X. Y. Herald.
—Man v. Uh li'.ack Lye—"Waiter,
bring in'• a teak." Waiter —"Yessir.
Baw {• r the ( e. -ir, or cooked to eat?"
Wilh».'. ii Mcister.
A Society tVoevm at the Cnvltnl Who I*
c r»-ii.le*l IT. Mi stun'' rnli|<i« Savinirs.
Washington society, like every other
soeiety. has its Mrs Mala prop, a good
lady who lias said several good things
of an inappropriate kind and gets the
credit at the club'* ar.d dinn r parti"sof
having >aid ten '.imos as many, says the
Itoston P'-rald The Mr Mnlf.prop of
Washington is one of the new-rich who
have revolut ionized the architecture and
the society of Washington.
The "smart" society people go to
their beautiful h-.-use, eat their delicious
terrapin, drink their perfect champagne
and get i>IT witty remarks about them —
if possible quoting them or pretending
to, so as to make them ridiculous- all
of which. I need not say, is considered
quite good etiquette, even if it i:t not
good manners.
Well, Mrs Mal'iprop has climbed up
on liei husband's bank account through
the usual ways into "society," and
while she gets along very well occa
sionally lapses a little in conversation,
the lapses lieing carefully recorded by
her dear new friends
To the daughters < f one of the rr;'>st
distinguished diplomats she is reported
t/i have said: "I uni so glad to meet
you I have lieen hearing you spoken
of so much as the pretty Miss Legation,
the clever Miss Legation. Do tell me
which of you is the pretty one and
which is the clever one."
Again to a famous army olTlecr and
his wife, who were telling how much
they had enjoyed her dinner party, she
cheerily said: "I thought you would
like to rv et some nice people.''
Being presented to a plainly dressed
woman whose name she did not catch
she said in the course of conversation
that Washington was a delightful city
for |>cop!c in moderate circum tanccs.
"Tlieiv are so many prett' little houses
such ns you, u; dam. might find suita
ble," she said, addressing, nnwittingly,
one of the richest of the old residents
whose line house on Lafajette square
is alinoit. historical, and who had the
tuct s-id kindne i not to set her right
Perhaps Mr. Malaprop's most f.nnous
speech is of a . late date a lit I spring,
jut before she went abroad. Coining
down to meet a morning caller in her
wrupper Mrs. Malaprop said, sweetly:
'You really m i*.t excuse me for coming
down In my nom de plume, but I have
been busy packing all the morning."
I low mi l.upri ih Mmnrnrrar Kt*|»li»r««l it
J.ortL rii:»ru««.
A handsome spaniel, which bore tin
marks of choice breeding, was tucked
away among the mass of express mat
ter i:i an American Lxprcr.s Company's
car which was aft iclied to a f'entral-
Iludson train a few mornings ago, says
the Itoclioster Democrat. The dog was
on his way from Toronto to New York,
and was Intended as a present to a gen
tleman in the metropolis. A silver col
lar encircled his neck. The dog was a
bright, IIIU Ulgent fellow and had been
made a | ner.il pet by the express mes
sengers along the line.
When th<; train reached this city the
messenger in charge of the car untied
the spaniel to allow him to cut hl'i
breakfast. Several of the station em
ployes were admiring the dog as he was
devouring a piece of steak from the
restaurant, when suddenly the animal
bounded over a pile of packages, out
through the o]x n door, and was gone
before tho surprised me eiigcr could
realize what bad happened.
The dog was properly billed, and vis
lous of aii immediate discharge from
service flitted through the me .- tiger's
brain should he fail to hand over the
dog In New York. A search was use
less, an the train was to leave within
five minutes, and the spaniel was rev
eling tn liberty among the plels-lun
curs In the street
Suddenly an inspiration struck the
me engcr, and running oi»t to the hack
stand in front of the station he looked
quickly iij> and down the \in t. A for
lorn-looking cur, with his tail between
his legs, was in the act of purloining a
meal from an adjacent garbage barrel
He gave a quick yelp as the me -sengcr
grsblici! him up, and Iwo minutes later
was crouch ng In a corner of the ex
press car with the company's W%
udrrnln • his mun"y hide
The outcomu of the i.torv is s*ill un
known. but It l» likely that the New
York man coir liters himself the
victim of a practical Joke On Che purt
\A Wh Torout*/ frttnnt
Quite KrHlenf.
Mr. Bradley Smyth in passing under
the rear window of his house receives
the contents of a pail of water on his
Mrs. ISradley Smyth—Oh, Bradley
dear, I'm to sorry! Believe me.it was
an accident. I did not throw it at you.
Mr. Bradley Smyth—l know you did
not. dear.
Mrs. I'radley Smyth How. love?
Mr. Bradley Smyth—Because you hit
me. —Judge.
A l*#fiul Accomplishment.
Father—Johnny, there's a button oft
your coat. Go upstairs and sew it oil.
Little Johnny (in surprise)— Mother
will sew it ou.
Father—l know she will, but I want
you to learn to sew on buttons yourself.
Johnny (amazed) —Why?
Father (solemnly)— Some day, John
ny, when you grow up, you won't have
any mother —nothing but a wile.—Good
A Sad Alternative.
Mrs. A.—Have you heard the news?
Mrs. B.—No, what is it?
"You know old Goldburg was en
gaged to Birdie McGinnis. Well, he
has jilted her."
"He has? Outrageous! I feel so sorry
for the poor thing. Now she will either
have to commit suicide, or look around
for another fellow." —Texas Siftings.
The Innocence of Childhood.
Auntie —Good-by, Freddie, I am sorry
I can't take you in the carriage with
Freddie —Why, auntie, are you going
in a carriage? I heard papa say this
morning that he'd be glad when you
took your final walk!— Boston Budget.
Xo Dancer of Eic««.
Doctor —It is ii little difficult to diag
nose your ease. Perhaps you have been
eating too much.
Patient—lmpossible. This hotel i«
mn on the Luropean plan.—N. Y.
An Aecompan raent Wanted.
Minnie (with novel, to Mamie at pi
ano)— Please play something pathetic,
dear. I have just reached the chapter
where the heroine stands weeping on
the shore as the hero sails away, per
haps to never, never return. —Indianap-
olis Journal.
« nmpl-ilnlnjr Still.
Gazzam I don't see l.ow nr.y farmer
can be unhappy with the present prices
for wheat.
Meddergrass Stranger. I only sowed
ninety acres, when I might have
put in an even hundred just as well. —
A Ml»u<rMler«tf»nd!n •
He—You say you are twenty-four?
She (frankly)— Yes, twenty-four.
He —Why, your mother told me yes
terday that you were but twenty-three.
She—You must have misunderstood
mamma. She was piobably tel'.ingyou
her own — Life.
v ?fV i
fwi %Ij 3U \
She—Haven't you been standing be
fore that glass long enough?
Hc-Um. Well, p'raps I have. Yon
see 1 can't decide whether to wear my
hair pompadour or not!— Truth.
What the I'rlnce Wants*
"They have rain coinpcllers In Amer
ica, dear," said the princess of Wales to
her husband.
"Yes," replied Albert Edward, "and
what we need In Lngland is something
to make a reign quit when it keeps up
too long."—Jury.
Thut Wumi't It.
••My grandfather hasn't had his hair
cut for ten years," remarked Twynn.
"Bald, I suppose?" replied Triplett,
with the air of one who is not to be
caught so easily.
"No; dead."—Judge.
A lii-iciil r KUter.
"It's curious what bad taste CliapplA
has in the matter of neckties, while lus
sister's taste is so excellent."
"You don't understand. Chappie's
taste is all right; but his sister gets Urst
whack at them." —Truth.
A Football Accident.
Friend—Were there any uccldents in
the football game to-day?
Player—Only one A mule in an ad
joining Held broke loose, got mixed
up with the game, and was pretty badly
hurt.—Good News.
They lluil No ('••< for llltu.
"How did poor Waters happen to get
"lie got into the Hooded district, and
somebody spread a report that ho was
u government rainmaker." —Puck.
Too 1 rue.
Customer Jakey, why do you always
carry your small change in your mouth?
Bootblack 'Cos the purty women on
the street cars alius does.—Chicago
A Sulrmii Tralli.
"The road to fame in mighty hard
"It's quite as hard going by stages."—
I*l oiv 11 ■j - Willi ll.nainlle.
Kub-sotl plowing with dynamite is
lane of the new methods hi the south,
and il. Is said lo be equal to the process
of trenching used by market gardeners
to loosen the earth to a depth of two or
three feet and allow the absorption of u
good deal of water for sustaining vege
tation during a drought The inventor
drills holes two or three feet deep aud
five feet apart, making sixteen hundred
to tho ivcre In each lie puts an ex
plosive, and. after tain plug, discharges
It, the whole numlier being connected
with a wire leading to a battery. In a
recent ex|Hirimeiit the explosive used
was one-fourth of a small sized dyna
mite cartridge, with about an ounce of
Judson powder. 'i'l§e surface of the
ground appeared to IHI lifted two or
tluco feet, a few small clod* la-lug
thrown up to the height of n house It
•van broken to the depth of thirty Inch
es at the (mints of the explosion and
sldowlsc for a purt of the ilistuncu lAj
twvcu the holes.
Map. of the Star*.
The clviliiscd nations at the earth
have agreed to coo[*-rate in tuktug a
photographic chart of the hesveua.
Home twenty telescopes are to work
four years and will result In mapping
probably BS.OW.OuO of stars; with longer
exposures probably vi.CHxl,ooo,lsKJ could
bo photographed It is au achievement
the thought of which (ills ui» with awe
and wonder. Yet It serves to remind
us of our Insignificance when wo re
member that were our luetruiacuts
placed upon >.omJ tii eliu" our
ourth would not even ii ;urc as one of
these 'J.tKJU.OOO.O'J) p'rinta of light that
tell us svuiethluif iff ffcfo wonders of tip
The Zebra Caterpillar and Clover Seed
Slldre—Teated Remedies.
Wo illustrate from the bulletin of the
Ohio experiment station, at Columbus,
the zebra caterpi'lar and clover seed
midge. with descriptions as follows:
Zobra caterpillar (Ceramics picta).—
This ciiterpular is at once distinguished
from other larvje feeding upon cabbage
by the brilliant yellow ana black mark
ings upon its body. It originates from
small, spherical eggs, laid in clusters
upon the cabbage leaves by a hand
some. purplish-brown moth (ft), that
appears early in summer. At first the
larva* are very dark, and feed together
gregariously, but as they develop they
become lighter colored and disperse
over the plant \Yh~n disturbed they
roll up and drop to the ground. They
become full grown (a) in three or four
weeks, when they are about two
inches long, with a wide, longitudinal,
velvet-black stripe upon the middle of
ZEBRA R ATERrn.t.AR— a, larva. 6, moth. (After |
Rilof )
the back, and two bright yellow stripes
upon each side, which are connected by i
fine, yellow, transverse lines. The I
caterpillars now construct, t-lightly be
neath the soil surface, loose cocoons
composed of particles of earth fastened
together by silken threads, within
which they change to pup®. About a
fortnight later the moths emerge, and
deposit eggs for a second brood of
larvn\ which develop early in autumn,
pupating before winter, and hibernat
ing within their cocoons.
Remedies. —When young the larv»
are congregated together upon one or
u few 1-aves, and may then easily lie ;
checked by hand-picking. Later they !
are cpoii to destruction by the applica
tion of hot water, insect powder or
kerosene emulsion.
Closer Seed Midge.—(Ceeldom.vialeg
uminicola) —The clover seed mi.lge is a
small, orange-colored mascot, that de
velops in the clover heads at the ex
pense of the young Leeds. It hatches
from eggs laid by a very small, two- :
winged fly similar to the Hessian fly in
appearance. The female is provided
with a luag oripo.itor wiih which she
V j ß if
CIX>VEK RKED NMCE Kly and larva. Rlglilv
niuunilled. lAfter Riley.)
pushes her eggs in among the younff
flowers. When tho larva is full grown
it w rifles its way out of tho head and
falls to the ground, where at or jnsi
beneath the soil surface it forms a
slight cocoon, within which it changes
o the pupa state. About ten day.i
lat.-r the llias emerjre to Isy egfor
another brood. In tha northern state,
there are two broods each season,
while at the south there are at least
three, and possibly more.
Ucmcdiea.— I Tbo best preventive of
the injuries of this insect yet suggested
is that of mowing the field about thi
middle of May (In the latitude of cen
tral Ohio) when tho green heads are
just forming, and leaving the partial
erop thus cut on the ground as a mulch
arid fertilizer. A new crop of blos
soms is then produced, which comes
between the regular crops and also be
tween the two broods of the midge.
'1 ins method has been tried for several
years by some ot tho best farmers in
Ohio with excellent results. The other
remedies ordinarily recommended are
t ttrly cutting of the first crop—about
ten. days earlier than usual —and
pasturing the fields in spring. I!ut
there are serious objections to both
these methods.
WHAT a blessing to this country if
every state would rinploy dairy experts
to teach the seienca of dairying.
I'ooil hay. no gruin-and little shelter
will convince you before the winter is
half gone tiiat "dairying does not pay "
TIIOHK who do not keep tho creamery
perfectly sweet and clean do an injus
tice l«>tli to the proprietors and the
How TO kepp the milk pure and
have th t butter good. There are sev
eral details to be observed but cleanly
stubles is one of them.
( oe.rt.AiNT Is made that tho profes
sional creamery builders do not erect
good, substantial plants. Watch them
closely if you employ thein at aIL
Now COMKH a man who says that no
body can distinguish between sweet
cream and uour cream butter. If wo
could not we would get a new palate.
IT is no wonder that tho product of
somu creameries is deficient In keep
ing qualities. There is dirt enough in
some of these placji to disgust a horse.
TAKE the opinion of other people on
the quality of your butter. Wo are
often pr> judlced toward our own pro
ductions and ncvor more so than with
Tin: desiro to keep butter causes a
good ileal of useless discussion. The
sooner butter is eaten after it is made,
the more natural Is the course that is
WIIKN the dairy associations meet. It
will be a good piau to atir up the ques
tion of preventing that colossal fraud
upon tho public, the manufacture of
oleomargarine. Ktornal vigilance Is
tho price of safety to our dairy inter
•sat*. —Western Ilural-
••lliil lA't (iii N*»r tl»#
Maud— L'.fs put on our batbllig-aulta.
Ltliel-I can't. I put mine on yester
day and got it quite wet, somehow or
other, down on the beach. IVs utterly
ruined —Harper's lltmar.
I'lirinllra Num«wh»r#.
Twjfim—Tl*er« uro do llicaou KhnLck
Triplett-Noi but there are tnrlchiuie
in Uacod. Jury.
IN I*l hi; COUNTY.
Mrs. Naasafrus— Killed him. Jl/Ua.
didn't yerV
Mr S;*«*ufras—You bcW
Mrs. hunsafrua—Fight hard?
Vr hjMjfras-Fit like utata 'u'
ilra. »a»sa'ru»—Oit ary scrututi*
Mr ttassafru*—Nope IX-un Uvln' ;
with you so long !*▼» gt>* *h' 'xjafrtew*! ■
t' -4 udrf* I
NO. 5
How to Construct One That Will Gil* KSU
tire Satlirartlia.
A cheap Ice-house. If properly con
structed, is ns effective as a costly one.
The tn ila things to be provided are
perfect drainage, the exclusion of air
beneath, ample ventilation and dry
ness above, and sufficient non-conduct
ing material below, above and around
the ice to preserve its low tempera
ture. If the soil is sandy or gravelly
and dry, diff tho foundation only 134 or
3 feet deep; but if it is olay or other
material impervious to water, the foun
dation should be dug a or 8 feet deeper
and a layer of coarse gravel, broken
brick or clean sand. 3 or 3 feet In thick
ness, should b~- put in to drain off any
water from the melting ice. It would
not l>e safe to put in a tils drain be
cause this wonld afford contact with
the air from beneath. Upon tho foun
dation lay the sills, which may be 8 by
0 inch planks, and upon these studs ol
the same size, 4 fset apart, are toe*
nailed An icc-house to contain 60 tons
should be 20 feet long, 16 feet wide
and 10 feet high at the eaves. The out*
side sheeting should be of matohe4
lumber and the insidj lining of good
boards, the space between them being
closely tilled with packing material; or
if this is scarce, air-proof tarred paper
may be substitute.l, with care to maks
all joints perfectly tight Baftcrs of 2x4
scantlin? support tho roof which
should bo one quarter pitch, and made
of either boards, shingles or asbestos
rooflng. but it must be perfectly water
tight and should have broad efcves to
protect the sides us inuoh as possible.
! If both the roof and the bides are
| painted white it will save much melt
ing of th? ice. A large ventilator must
be provided in the roof thtl the air
passing over the pacUi.ig material may
remove any moisture which collects
upon it. A door should l«e placed in
one or both ends a.vl either made
double and pac't -d like the walls and
Ctte 1 perfectly to t'le opening, or it
i may b-j of but oue thickness and whon
filling hoards can bo laid across the
inside of door-way. the space betweon
them and t:i-3 drx.r iiei-ig pic'ted with
bundles of straw Tiu pact'ng mala
rial should b.- at one fojt thick at
tho bottom au.l side * and two feot
thick on top. Hardwood sawdust is
best, but leaves, cut 6trarv or chaff
a-'iwer very well Hv remembering
that a mass of iei- 10 fe«t square gives
about 5,001 pounds for each foot in
height, «nd that by u-.lng 100 pounds
dni!v this mass will la t uujut two
months, each can determine tho size of
the hour.* he bhoald construct. Our
illustration shows n section of the
hou describe I and th-? position of the
Ice, packing, etc. —Orungo -i udd Farmer.
A noßTict't,Tfßi:iT bus informed tha
American Kicld of Chicago uiaA tho
castor-oil plant is universally detested
by the animal world, and no beast, bird
or t entile will touch tlint plant. Uoats,
horses, crmy worms, locusts nnd even
tobacco worms will not touch it. The
iii-tor-oil plant appears to lie a rank
poiuon to ii 11 members of the animal
Tub wild cow fives just milk enough
to rear tha youn f, and then "dries up"
The modern high-bred dairy cow docs
a good d >al better than that, especial
ly when she gives from seventy to
ninety pounds of milk a day But tha
wild cow, or one but a slight ramove
from her. can still be seen on a good
inar.y farms where owners hate "book
farming." and abjure and despise milk
record s.
Tim warmth In tho body of an ani
mal In the winter season is produced
from the /ood. The more warmth cro
ut -<l tho more food neoe; jry. Th®
more the animal is protected from tha
cold the less warmth to be provided.
To save food, therefore, the stoek
should be provided with good dry
quarters, the most important point be
ing to guard against draughts of air
from cracks or crevices.
I'KOPL.k who conduct dairies and raise
stock by routine alone (anH an old-time
routine at that) lose a great daal of the
pleasure there is in such work. It la a
pleasure to think and study and exper
iment To make one's work Interesting
Is the secret through which It becomes
attractive, and through which suocess
Is won. Tho luck of this Interest in
farm work is what drives boys from
the farm. ____________
Early Chick* aa<l Their Food.
Cracked corn, wheat screenings, haf
seed or anything that the cliicl'ens will
est may bo given thorn. It Is a prac
tice with some to feed corn in tha
shape of dough, and such food Is excel
lent as a portion of the ration, but not
as au exclusive food. If the coro*tac»l
dough is first cooked as bread it will be
more wholesome, and the ir.ess will be
Improved In quality If the meal If
mixed with milk Instead of with wa
ter. Chicks should never be M
much sloppy f«x*l. Dry, hard fuud ta
more suitable for them, and a luxury
for them will be a mesa of lean meet
cut ap li.io in a meat cutter. For green
food for chicks, the clover leaves from
barn sweepings, scalded. Is excellent*
and mashed potatoes will be highly
rrlislwl Keep little chicks busy all
tho tiuio by Inducing II.UBI to work at
scratching for seeds. Lxerclse Is very
Important iu raising chicks, as it serves
to prevent leg weakness, promotes ap*
petite and renders them loss liable to
bo w. l disease. Farm and FiresUfca
Cornell wentnry M«a4loa.
Oun Snobberly. a Now York Fifth a»-
enuo duil«. paid a youn* lady a groat
deal of attention at a social gathering.
but alio siiulibod him uumocolfully. At
last Ou*v who had boon takingUMH>nch
wine, nuiil:
"1 really believe. Miss Blank, you
think that 1 am a fool."
"O, no, Mr tJ:iobb?rly," she repllwV
with a swoot smllo; "I never judge >
p« rr»on by the way he loOka"-""
III* Opinion ot I baft a.
Hon ton (Jirl (with enthusiasm)— What
is your opinion of lbsen, Mr. Cahokia?
Isn't lie jfruud, wonderful, sublime?
Mt. Louis Youn<j Man (taken ak eome
dlsDilvuiitage, but rallying in gcwd
shape)—lie's u corker, Miss IlfTwJtOnes.
W hat—cr—clul/s ho pitohiair
Chiouco Tribune.
Tablag Notes.
Kir by Stone— What paper 4o you
' take, Lott'/
I Job Uot -I've s;>eut most of my Ume
i lately lu Va»*ng up my
I'.rm j Uar tar 1 aaobm-
Hall Rooiue— I'm writing a vane *9
the landlady's daugli Vert gh% ob •
rhy.no for spuooa
yuu uaod prunes?"—
Uu Ilj4 3M» Ua)oeM4.
Itollay—lJJYTW thish that
i s a dccliuiug institution?
I Maud—Noi bat iVfuSQtg CQMVM W
wmfT or-fyu».