THE CITIZEN FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1891. Seliaul Bros. & Co. One Price Clothiers. OrPOSITE HOTEL YOGELEY. NOW IS YOUR TIME TO BUY YOUR OVERCOATS. Childrens School Overcoats at $1.50, worth $2. Childrens School Overcoats at $2, worth $2 75. Childrens Cassimere Overcoats at $2.50, worth $3.50. Childrens All Wool Overcoats at #3, worth $1 00. Boys School Overcoats at $2.00. worth $3. Boys School Overcoats at $2 50, worth J $3.50. Boys Cassitnere Overcoats at $3.00, worth } ,4.00. Boys Chinchilla Overcoats at $3.50, worth $5.00. Mens Ca-.-imere Overcoats at $4.00, worth $5.00. Mens Heavy Chinchilla Overcoats at $5.00 worth $7.00. Mens Heavy Beaver Overcoats at $6.00, worth SB.OO. Mens Fine Melton Overcoats' at SB.OO, worth $lO. Mens Fine Dress Sails at $lO, worth sl3. 500 of Boys knee pants, heavy-weigbl, age 4 to 12, at 25 cts. a pair. Schaul Bros. & Co. OPPOSITE THE HOTEL VOGELEY, BUTLER, PA. ItfTLFH has a population of about 10.000. Il is lb# County seat of Butler County, with 60 Four railways, natural go». and unequalled failltles for manufacture . ITogreis everywhere; new buildings, new manufaC'iren, a growing and prosperous town New Advertisements. Sheriff HBI" for l>ao. 14 Trailer's Aniiojucemfcut. Cesser's Cream Glycerine. Arthur's Underwear. Cash lor nHes at Kemper s. Mirvin'* Crackers. Excursions. Senlmer'n Maga/iue. H. Y. Press. The Christian Union. NOTE—AII advertisers in'cndiugto make change* in tteir ad*. notify us «' their intending to do wo, uot later than Monday morning.. Peraooal. Mr. Kobert Stevenson, of Honnie Brook, returned home last f'atnrday from Clear view, Lawrence county, where for two week* be had been nursing bis brother-in law, Mr. L C. Rodgers, through an at tack of typhoid fever. Jad Re Wiokham of Beaver, D. T. Wat ion. Esq, of Pittsburg, Chas Bunsecker of Norristown, Col. Linton of Johnstown, and Judge Baer of Bedford, are spoken of as candidates for Justice Clark's place. Al Beck presented us, last week, with the finest bnuquet that ever passed into tbe sacred confines of tbe sth ward. It was compoxnd of chrysanthemums and on its way homeward made us tbe envied of all observers. "One of our young attorneysjwho figures quitfl extensively as au oil producer was '•stink for" 184 ponies of pool on Monday night. It cost biin over tifleen dollars to settle. f; Chas McCarnes, Esq. of Pittsburg came to nis home in Centn ville, a few days ago; sick with typhoid fever, and is very low. A Mr. Gold, of Petrolia. made a trade on Tuesday which did not pan out well. Be bad been out to Bela aud Xew Athens with n load of refined oil, and on tbe re turn trip traded a pair of mules for two cows and one horse with George Lehnor. Tying the cows behind his wagou, he »t"arti-d on, bat the cows not being UseJ to that way of traveling, tried to break loose. Onr got her head fast in the wagon wheel, breaking its horns and otherwise injuring it self, so that he gave a manadollar to shoot her. Be passed through Kast Brady in ths evening with one eow tied behind the wag MI, and leading tbe horse. —East Bra dy Hrririr. I)r. Anion Lusk's funeral took place from bis residence in Zelienople, last Fri day afternoon. The services at the boose wert* conducted by llev. Passavaut am' Rev. Yates, aud thherrnan Our liberties to gnard. This man with the missing arm and leg And the visage battle scarred? So, he isn't a crippled soldier: He never beard the scream Of the flying -hell—he used to kick With a college football team. —Keep your feet dry. —Almanacs for "92 are out. —Good reading is the source of agree able conversation. —The estate of Thoo. Helmbold is estimated at $200,000. —Somo slight changes havej been made in the Shcnango time table. —'With odorless whisky therewil! he no further use for cloves. —The store windows are beginningto as sume an holiday'appearance. —ln society we try the hardest to please the peoplefwho love ns the least. —lnformation regarding a stray shep herd dog can be had at this office. —Xow that an odorless whisky has been invented, won't some genius try his hand on the onion. —A Jamestown, N*. Y. paper reports the death of a Mrs. B ichanan of this county, in the late hotel fire there. —The next reception of the U. V. L. will be held on Thursday evening, Decem ber 3. —Miss Sallie Smith of E. Pearl St. was badly burned. Wednesday morning. Her dress took fire while she was standing in front of the grate. —The plank road bridge over the creek at this place is often so crowded with wag ons as to be considered unsafe. It should be widened and otherwise improved. —The new postal cards will soon he ready for distribution. They are to be two sizes, the one larger than the present card for business purposes,aud the other smaller and finer. —Every minister who has had even five years of experience know.! that it is no earthly use for hiai to try to convert & wo man who has to wear her last year's hat to church. —The P. S. y, and the next day hi* wife presented him with twins of male persuasion. —A physician makes toe statement that i»" a man addicted to the n•; ■ intoxicants will eat an orange half au hour before breakfa.-t every morning forthreo weeks he will lose a>l taste for Pquor anl gnin in health ntid strength. —Semaphores, similar to those in n«e on tl e Pennsylvania railroad, are to erect ed at telegraph stations by the P.. 3- tasK, the other day, for bni ig away for a whole week; and he excused himself by sa v in/ that sUe had told all t'le scholars not to come to school il they had any contagions diseMos at home and that nis mother had a baby. And now the school teacher H pondering as to whether .-he should accept fiat ex cuse or report the case to the happy father —ls the vanity of woman a stronger feeling thai, mercy f At tbe recent meet ing of tbe National W. 0. T. u. a resolu tion was moved condemning the in < of birds or bird's plumage as articles of dress, unless obtained with >u' pain; but tbe motion did not prevail, and was referred to the Committee on Resolutions. In England UOO women, with Duchess of Portland at their bead, have resolved not to wear the feathers of any part ol soug birds as articles of adornment. —Thin in th• I their cells by mean# not jet known, ami then they sawed the lock of the iron window shutters and a bar of the grating, squeezed tbrougu a hole rot ranch over six inches wide, and escaped jail. M ininger is well known to many of oar citizen;- personally and to nearly all by reputation.and King is said to be a married man from up about Franklin, who is charged by Lizzie Ort of E. Cunningham St. with "accomplishing her ruin under promise of marriage. King was caught at Greenville. Tuesday, and put in the lockup there, but again escaped. On Monday evening John J. Lanton, in jail on a charge of laroeny watched bis opportunity while the Sheriff and janitor were placing new locks on the cell doors and escaped through the door of the jail room. He is a marble cutter who worked about here, and is the same man who botled through the jail door jus* after prayer meeting in the jail a few Sunda\ afternoons ago. TATE. SHAFFER ASP HOW.VINO CONFESS. The famous bribery cfc-ns bobbed up agaiu in Court at New Ca-tle. Tuesday, b; the attorney of the defendant* a.-king I ive to enter a plea of nolle contendre (which amonnts t«> a confession of guilt) to the fourth count on the indictment, which charged them with receiving bribes fiom the bands of W. D. Wallace Esq., and Judge iitizen accepted the plea, and '- enced them to pay a fine ol SIOO each and be imprisoned for 30 days in the Count) jail—and the prisoners were taken back to jail. It will be remembered that Wallace was put on trial some months ago, and was acquitted because Tate. Downing and Shaffer would not testify. SOTES. A Greenville paper says after much liti gation the great Mrown Bunuel - the creditors posession. The claims will now be paid without further trouble. The creditors are nearly all banks and several are in this section. The assessors books for 1892 have been sent out by the county commissioners and those officers are now at work in many of the districts making the triennal assess ments. The work should be completed and the table published by Jan. 1 It ii anticipated that many districts will show a substantial increase in valuations. In Butler borough anil it- suburbs the im proveuient during the past three years La been remarkable and the returns of the M .,,,..fSi'r-i will show a marked advance Usually there is ino»e complaint about the irregularities in the ss«e-sioeut than at f •inior.ut fixe ! as the v.Uue ot the propert> lie?] complain not that, their .f-, - •nent i tiK) but that it is too much whe-r compared with 'hat of some other pi -ce <■! property equ:UU good or bettor. Mere!' fore our assessors do not seem to 1:ne« fol lowed any uniform rul-. in regard tou-e-. uient anil two properties of equal value will have widely divi r/ci t figures fixed upon as their value. It - i, to tie time that oitr assessor-' adopted tb plan followed in inary places, vie first, a.-sess the lot at so much per front foot; then fix the value of the improvement up on the lot Judge Kerbs of Clearfield, pointed out to supervisors the ot'iur day tn«ir duty i . roadoiaking in an interesting way. John Glaub drove ov»r an unprotected embank ment and was injured. The snper visor claimed that they had not money enong 1 to make repairs. 'lhe Conrt in charging tbe jury said that tbe plea of poverty In the supervisors should not be considered, as tbey bad the privilege of appealing to 'he county commissioners lor as-istance in maintaining prop -r roadways il the felt burdened In taxation m that directiou The jurv awarded the plaintiff SI,OOO dam age. Road supervisors will do well make a note of this case. It may save them trouble when they are in doubt.— Clarion J a ckso 11 inn. Thog. MeMalion was found guilty ol murder in the second degree, last Friday morning. Tie jury was out all night. Letters of admu were granted to Mar E Belmbold on estJlte of Thuo Ilelmbold-, also to Sarah J Bly miller on e.-ta'e o( Gus tav Bly miller of Allegheny twp. W M Kennedy has brot suit vs Butler Borough and Long Doyle for dainag • ■ for blocking the street. LATE PROPKRTV TBAMSPKRS. Samuel Schlsgel to Win Dambach 80 acres in Butler twp for $3500 and Win Dnmbacb to Samuel Scblagel same for same. A C Casterline to S S (iill lot in Bntb r for SIOOO. B B Campbell to Grier C Orr i of 111G acres in Parker twp for SIO,OOO. C J D StrnheeUer to Amelia Strohecker lot in Zelienople for S2OIO Nancy Cuinini: gs to Armory Building Assti lot in Butler for $(>000 S I) Purvis to S (i Purvis A Co "property in Middlesex rwp tor $750 and Belle I'urv'- to same in same for SISOO. II s McClymomls u> Jas K McGrath lot in Butler lor SOOO. Alf Miller, adinr, to It-.lit A Brown ID acres in Clay twp for $5lO 90. All'. Miller adui'r to A. C Gold propertv in Clay twp. for 355 and A. C Gold to L E. Byers same for same. Marriage Licenses. Alexander Jordan Clarion Co P i Mary Batykefer Allegheny Co P . TLios MeGuire Donegal t»j. Louisa O'Donncll " P II Brown Renfrew P.. Carrie Kennedy " Ilenrv Boushobler BeaVt Co pi Caroline Weliring Zelienopie P.i Grant Sonemaker Kitianuinif Lizzie Mn'.zland < lintor twp At New Castle, Addison McCly moml- . 1 I'mtersviile and Jennie Gardner of Rose Point. At K'Manning, J I! Pettiprew of Bullet Co. arid Rebecca A Parker ol Armstrong Co. firing your hides to Frank Kem per, No 124 8. M »in St. a.iu bo will pay you ibe highest market pneo for them. A Hundred Tons cf fifdsins. A bundiod tons of raining or cur rant* would make a big pile. Few people ever Haw that many at once. Yet that is tbe quantity that it lake* to run the big bakery of S. S. Marvin on Liberty ntreet, Pittsburg, Pa. They are the fluent assorted import ed raisins, too. That's why Marvin's Royal Fruit Biscuit, French Froit Biscuit and other cakes of that character tire so popular (Jet some from jour grocer and try them. —Hello. What in it? Why I>' E. Jackson is selling dress goods 25 per oeut less than they can be bought anywhere else How so? Because be is selling that much ( below value to close out. Very lowjjprices on Fine UmLrel- Jas at L. STEIN A SON'S. —lce for sale at the City Baker}. —The Anti-Busting Tinware - guaranteed against rust for three years, at HF.NRY BLF.UL/s, No. 122 N. Vair Hi., Butler, Pa. —We cordially invite you to call and inspect our new lii.e of Holiday Attractions. H T. PAPB. —Buy tbe LaDsing Wagoij—it is the best. For sale by HENKY HIF.HI,, 122 V. Main Bt.. Butler. Pa. /liver's Picture.- le:iv« -,'|i / { Want log lu fiuioLi, tone ot Culled | ii&uueae. NEIGHBORHOOD NOTES. In Washington Co., a few days ago. a farmer was offered $l4O for five Delaine ewes An immense amonnt of coil was started down the river from Pittsburg, ibis week. At Kittanning. Friday evening, Esq Donaldson held J. B. Kuffner to answer at : Court for having killed a boy twuuty five 1 years ago; and Judge Kaybnrn admitted K'iffner to bail in $2,500. Iu September. 1m56 Ituffuer. who then lived on his fath er's farm, discovered a boy in a tree, gath ering chestnuts. He ordered the boy to I come down, but as his command was not obeyed he threw a stone at him. merely to scare him, as be says. The stone struck the boy and be fell to the gn and, the fall causing almost instant death. Rev. Carl Weil, of Pittsbuig. committed suicide by shooting himself last Saturday uight. At Pittsburg. Friday, a plumber named Sullivan was killed by coming in contact with a live trolley -wire. With a fel ow workman Thomas McGonley, he mounted the ladder to make a connection near the ceiling of the powerhouse. Mc- Gonley was holding the pipe while Sulli van was driving the nail into the wall to hold it In striking at the nail be tni-sed it and struck a live wire with the hammer An awful flash resulted, whieh completely endeveloped both men. particularly burn ing Sulivan. He fell backward striking another live wire with the back of bis neck. He doubled up. and was thrown iu the air. His almost lifeless body then fell to the floor, a distance of sixteen feet. He stcuck ou his head and lay motionless. Jacob Byers, of Ligonier Valley, is the tallest man on the pension roll in the L'njted Slates, being G feet 6i inches in his stocking feet. Cider is cheaper at Meadville than here The Tribune says that on the market on Thursday new whisky barrels market value $1.50, filled with 46 gallons of cider, were freely offered at $3. a price for the cider of a little over three cents per gallon. A number of five-doilar counterfeit treasury notes have been on Lancaster busiuef-s men within the past ten days. The engraving is good, but the paper and printing is very ordinary. The note is a counterfeit of the series A ISSO The portrait vignette and other work on the note is very much inferior to the genuine. In the title "United States" the "I" is uot dotted, though the heavy shading of the dot is there. A careful investigation of the hemlock region iu this Slate where the worm- wer»- ibunda ' during the summer i- n•! en couraging to the owner- of liemlo k tim ber In Potter count . where iiie w .nns were annoying, the ti nber is at. tuned brown. In Ei;< county tT;c same condition exists. The timber infected with the "loopw catterpillar->" in July aid Autrust is dead, and in order to -tv the logs it A'ili have to be cut down boforii it is a y e;;r older. Joe Mulhaitan, the drummer, who claim to he the greatest liar on earth, is iu prison .ii Pittsburg, charged with larceny and j now will have a chance to put his extraor dinary ability to some practical tcsr. The greatest liar on earth ought to have i.o trouble iu prevaricate his way. Bethel. Mercer county, can boast of liav | ing t.h" oldest woman in that county, Mrs. I ilcG ufl'y, mother of the author of -Mc GulF\'s Readers,' of which most readers of this paper are fitmilliar. She is past aiuuty-eight yen i- s and can talk quire well, anq seems to enjoy hers-If in conversation Pool it Son, bankers of Irwin Pa. have closed their doors. V few days ago a man named James Wagoner, accompanied by a girl -d' about? 14 years, appeared before a magi trite in Franklin and asked him to marry them, lie had no license, and the justice refused. Wagoner was about to start with the girl for New York State, where license isn't requisite, when a constable from Mercer county appeared and arrested him on a charge of abduction. From the officer it was 'earned that the girl's name is Mary Weed, and she is the daughter of a well to-do farmer residing near .Vliddle ex, whom Wagoner, who is about fifty t ears old. bad induced to elope with him, upon the promises of fitting her for an ar tist : n a circus company ha claiuie 1 to be organizing for next Hummer's season. Tho girl was willing to return home, and the officer and his prisoner left for Mercer. Rocking Galloping Horses Velocipedes, Shnofly Rockers, Hove Wagons, Sleitrh-«, Wheelbarrows. Cbildrens Chairs, Tool Chests Doll • *:irri HfeH, Bicycles, Toy wrn-h setts, Toy Tablet-, Brums, and all kinds of Iron Toy*, for Hale at J. F. T. STFHLE'S. —Confectionery and fruitfi ot th< City Bakerv Ladies, ({•tits' Misses'nnrt Children's under, wear, Hosiery Gloves, Mitts etc i>t BITTEK e. Write f. r prices and catalogue to K iza T. Mar sholl. I'rin. Bu'ler, I'a The Butler Ci'v Conservatory teaches a progressive course. Pupils »rc cruder! according to their nbtliiy. Write »o Kliza T Marshall, I'rin , in WilliamM & Butler Popular Music Store Butler, Pa. Blankets. We have done the blanket trade of Butler for '2O years. Why? we handle the very best nmk" in the country and the people know it. & HALSTON. Rocking Horses, Galloping Horses. Velocipedes, Sboofly Rockers, Boys Wagons, Sleighs, Wheelbarrows, Childrens Chnirn, Tool Chests, Poll Carriages, Bicycles, Toy A ash sets, Toy Tables, Brutus and nil kinds of Iron Toys, for sale at, J. F. T. STEULR'B. Any good square man or woman can earn money in spare time as local agent for the warranted fruits, flowers A trees of J E. W hitn«-y, Rochester, N. Y. Yearly salary paid lor steady work. A permanent honorable business is quickly built up. Gifts, Make your selection of Gifts at Ritter & Balston's. —The cheapest place in Butler to buy stoves is HENRY BIEIIL'H, No. 122 N. Main St, Butler, Pa. Don't forget us on Hosiery and Gloves, we always have the best at lowest prices L. STEIN & SON'S. The Improved ' Daisy" Air Rilta for sale at, J. F. T. STEHI.E S. Always G«t Marvin's. A Iways ask *our grocer for Mar. vii '» fi •• cr»ck*-r» AIID C-K S. T V ri- <• li n s'le and »re lis-it t>v lon r» .il good all over the couiitry. Borough Business. There was not much for the Council to do Tuesday evening and therefore bat lit tle was done iiurge-s Kennedy nominat -1 ed Mart Wagner. A. Schenck, Jno Kich ey and 15 Kemper. Jr. of the Good Will I Hose Cij; G<-o. Keiber, Jr., E. McSbane, ; W. I'. Koessing and Philip Hickel of the Campbell; and Win. Johnston, W. G. Krug, W. H. Ensmiuger and Fred Glace of the l>t Ward, to be special policeman at and during the continuance of fires, aud the nominations wtre Continued. The protest of some citizens of the "is land" and some others airiitist the pur c.has. of the ppepost*! dumping ground w read and the Council and Hoard of Health will view the location next Saturday after noon. There are some misconceptions re garding the dumping project. The Coun cil has no intention of creating a nuisance at that point. The ordinances for the two sewers up the creek Centre Ave. te the West Penn depot and on to ilonroe St. on the north side of the creek; and around to the Plate Glass Works on the South Side were read and adopted; and the Engineer wa directed to make profiles preparatory to taking bids for same. Some more bad brick have been shipped here for »\". Jefferson St and are being culled at the expense of the manufacturer. The brick mlg'rs seem to hive a particu lar grudge against that street. Tho bids for the new hose were opened aud contract awarded to the Kevere Co. for 500 feet of 3 ply cotton, rubber-lined hose at 65 cts a toot, same to stand a pres suro of 350 lbs to sijuare inch,and,be guaran teed for three years. Solicitor Campbell reported that he would have the Slaughter House Ordinance ready for next meeting, and the Clerk is to notify all the members of the Council and all other parties interested of the fact. The active members of the Coun cil do not prop ise that there shall be any shirking of the question. Fire bells were ordered for East and West Jefferson St*, and North Main St.; Mr. Mackey's petition regarding his house at Centre and ClitfSts. was referred to th- Street Com., also an ojieu ditch on Chest nut St. Some petitions for exoneration were referred to the proper committees, also some complaints as to nuisances. Ott Bros, were notified of the Walnut St. sew er's settling; the Purvis alley sidewalk was ordered to be repaired; Long A Doyle were paid SIOOO on E. Jefferson, and the Coun cil adjourned. Took a Tumble. During the rain storm of Moi lay m«>r ii.g the tin- b i s vf re ruiig a a the H- • p.• les lti "I! lull . I ere «B» lio fi (J • > Ti'i 'I •• i If- «r i '• g -iili.-. ir the ( Mr*- \ v.- i.. .... • . oil.wit ovi I a 1 tUo i.t I. sill. pp the groil tl. a ills .i ice o! boot IV I \ lr-et. i'hv b ;iMing nearest '- e ( reck,own ed by Mr L 11 Arras and used a' a t a,- new "bop, ha t been blown mcr and cui- wreei.-'.i. id par' of it and it« i-0..- tciits went into I fie creek ami were washed awav Goehiiiit's i>uiliiing fell bat s yei iu i retty good slian • and can be replaced. Mis. li irron's boarding bouse, owned b\ Mrs. Fay, is pretiv bally wrecked. Se\ - eral persons in the buildings when the fell, but no one was -•••riou»ly ii jnred. They are all insured against, fire, but tnis was no (ire. The storm that duv was a general one. It blew down del ricks all over the oil fields; two of Allegheny'selec tric light towers fell, a building in the cast end went down, a'uiost all the le- egraph wires lading Ir>> 111 Pittsburg were down, railroad traffic was interfered with, and aeyen'.l fatalities are reported. Detailed of the Pennsylvania Railroad's Guidjn Oatu Toais. TIK*S" tours to Californiannder the Penn 1-ytvnnm «"•>'!>;> i ly's purioi iillv conducted tourist st stem have excited eon -iderahle interest. The routes traversi>d U.M very diversified and interest in r Oi ihe lirst tlm l'u ! lin hi] vestibule ■ rui ii will leave .lanu 13'ti. troiuir vi'i Lou in. K msas City, Las VrgaK, Hot !>riti>rs, and Sun la Fe. Returning after six weekh in California via Sacramento, Silt Lake, Glenwood .Spring , L<-udviiie. side trip ovc Marshall, i'.i-s, Colorado SpriiiKH, Mauitou, Deliver. Omaha, aud Chicago. Rale from Philadelphia. ■KKM The second tonr leave* Ki-i'i • iri L't'h goj g via Cincinnati Mam;,mill C ivc. Montgomery. Mohilc, New Orleans (Marili (ints festivities), («ilvc. lou, Houston, San Antonio, anil 111 Pa-o. Returning after lour weeks in Caliioruia. via route ol tint tour. Kate from Philadelphia, $335. The third tour leave- March 24th. going via St. Louis, Kansas City, Deuver, Colora do Springs, Mauiion. »id« trip ovi r Mar shall Pa.--, (i I en Wood Springs, uud Salt Lake City . Ki"inning nfier four weeks in California, via Ml. Sha-tu, Portland, Taeoma, Seattle, Spokane, Minneapolis, St.. Paul, and Chi cago Kaic fro.n Philadelphia, fcHJO. The tourtl), April 20th. will run west, via Chicago, Denver, Colorado Spring". Maui ion. side trip over Marshal! Pus=, (ilenwood Springs, mid Salt Lako > iiy. Tourist will return independently within -ix months liaie fmm Philadelphia, i:M >; via Port land, s2f> additional. The rates fix. d for ti c first three tours cover even lleCcsHßr\ ci peine* en route ill liolli directions, including hotel aco iiiino. dution and several carriage rides and truius lor all s . - trip- in California. v lnle rale lor fouitl. i ur covers even necc*sar> expense as nh"ie w ■-I hound only, all side Ir ~in I alilnii ia. uud Irani- only re turning VIII route select -. T. PACK'S. Buffalo Blankets, host, for wear ut 11. STEIN SON'S. For Sale. A five room dwelling bouse nnd lot, in good location. lu«|uire ut thin office. Farmer's Cboico Canton Flannel, in the bent value ever Hold HI 10 cents per yard. hITTEK & K ALSTON. Bestsellers in tie Musical .Mer chandise line. Try Vin at • .1 E T. STEUI.E'S. 10. We Luve 2 000 ynrds of yard wide Cottage carpet H which we will run ol at Ifi cents a yard A lot of Brns *elg carpets in lengths uiti.ble for or diuory rooms at a great deal less than value. All cat pets, lace cur tains, pirl eriH poles ('x ores and •■v »i \ t l.'tis. it • n ••' !>• «... n>-- l e low es (.I IN— e» » « 4 i.- !• 0 |t I yoy waul b* fcii.ns c no in UIRIETT n the Joseph Criley farm iu Clearfield twp . • last Thursday. During his'career as an oil producer, the late Geo. P Kapler, of Titusville. drillt-! • >r»-r 500 wells. lie probably held the champion record in the number of wildcat Ventures and dry holes. The unfortunate ' man dually pat * pi-» >1 to his heil and j started on a wildcatting venture iut > that , country from whose bourne no traVi ier j returns. I At McDonald, Saturday, the Howard ! Thompson £ Co. well ou the Monliu;rig lot flirted off a' 30 bbls. an hour. Jsmes Mcehan; aged 38 years an oil i driller who»e home is at Union City, Erie county while walking on the track of the Panhandle rniimad tear Onkiiale. struck by the church train and instautly killed. The Southwest Penn'a Pip"• Lines have decided to make Meadow lauds in Wash ington Co. their storage station for the southwest field, and have bought up pro perty there upon which they will erect CO tanks of 40.000 bbls. each. When these are completed there will be a line of tanks frmn Johnston's station to Araen, a dis tance of four miles, and their cap»citj ; wi 1 exceed 4,000,000 barrels. The-.- tanks cost 16 cents per barrel. The total coat, therefore, of the 100 tauks. which will line : the bank* of the Chartiers, will be •?t>4o 000. j The additional cost of the ground, etc.. I will run these figures up so that it is safe j to say that the Standard will have a p-e i raaucct investment in that place ot $700,- 000. At 60 cents a barrel the oil which these tanks will hold will be worth $2,400,- 000. Change of Dates. 0- account of the Teachprs' Institute it has been thought hbst to change the dates ol the following entertainments of the Epworth Leatrne Lecture course. I)r. Chas. Edward Locke will Lecture tbrei' ii iii-.r.-i on a cashim-re >ir beurt '■tr>t d;v»a by buying Iroin I>. K. .IACKSON —lake your children to /over's IJallery tor I'ietures «ha' will slit! VUII. I'ostollii M building Bent place to ,buv Tablo Liuenn, Napkiua and Towels at. L. HTEIN & Kofi's Tie np your ho - se \vi>. i a 6') <• Jember b«lter, MARTINco' RT Co.'.-. lce ere,, n; furnished in tiny quantity, for purtiet<, by the (Juy iiukery Save money bv buying llobcs and Horse blatikeis at MAKTINCOURT At Co.'s. What do you think of «1! wool school mi N, new styles u! ! 0 ecu p< i pall . a' BITTEII & UAL TU.N'h Save money by buying Bubea una llorttu blai kets at MARTINCODRT IT Co 'H. Had Never Seen Bicycles. A couple of I'itt.-sburg boyn have just, returned from a bievole trip throusfh the inountnin<* of t 'eutral V T iiginia For two days they travel ed through a country wbere Ihe rtiu joritv of the people bad never seen a bicycle, and were about the only evidence of civilization to b found was u hox of Marviu's Eagle butter crackers, which the proprietor of one ol the back woods hotels proudly dis play ell. "We have to drive 21 milcß to the Railroad station to get, 'em,'' he snio, but I'd go alter 'em it the distance was (in v miles." I'h it ni iti con' lu't lot! ite > ittliu r on the (imp luii lie k' e«v a i"i !•. ir Wl.eo he sll IV It. |t V U d I n 111 ve 11, ir\ S 'liie 111 VI irv Ill's K'l K ' Hliter crackers y. ii self, and s< e, V 111 g' ocer ke. lis ' belli Coisets, tfi.-vis. in slerv; hand ere »i- fs and vi iln.g 1> I. I'APE. Xmass. In innk ng vur selection of (Jif'w ( do not forget to call at RITTKR A' R AI.STON'h. Gel a We'gh. On the new Hay and f'oal Scales, erected bv Reed and Kirkpa»'ick. pr< prietors of the Cash Uruivrv, on the vacant lot on ('lav St., opposite the Wick II iU-h It is the Howe, hall-hcanutf, «calo and vv-ighs per fectly from poundn to 5 tom». Slipperyrock Normal. The Winter Term of the State Normal School «t Slipperyrock be gins Jan. 1 1592. Expenses only for 12 weeks. Bint ndvtintageH iti Music. Elocution, Form-Study, Kindergarten Work, etc , adiliess ALUERT E MALTUV. I'b D., Principal. Prospect Academy. Winter term of I'roHpect Academy opens Dec. I, ",M. Write for a Expenses low. Instruclion thorough. We would I'e pleased io correspond with you concerning school. F. W. MAO EE Prin. I'rospeet, I'a. —Wheeler Wilson and Stan dard Sewing Machines at HENRY BIKIM/H, No. 122 N. Main St., Butler, I'a. Ladies and Minses' CloakK in great Variety at lowest priced at L. STUN t reliable rem edies. Tins is import int. lor the j»ii\sieiaii tna\ lx. ever .so competent, but if are dispenseii that have heroine in ert by lung standing or not be ing properly caieil lor the re sult expected cannot !>e obtain ed. We have ever tried to supply our patrons with the very best ami purest drugs the ! market allords. Oui flock i> new and lresh and every arti cle is carelully inspected 011 reaching our store. Our rap idly growing trade is the best evidence that our ellorts are j being appreciated. We en ! deavor to keep every thing that :is likely to be called lor, but if we do not have what your prescription ea Is for we will frankly tel you so and not re place it wiill something else, and will try to secure it lor you in the ,-hortest possible time. Phytic.ans prescriptions and sick ro m requisites a specialty. Our puces are as low as consistent with pure drugs. We do not care to handle interior goods at any price. Respectfully, C. N. I>OYD, Druggist. Diamond Block, Butler, Pa. IIsI S'ITIR/ A.2ST CJiJ. ASSETS f-.U61.018 83. Home liik Co. Ab*fct>ls9,o9l,l'.l2 5S Hartford Inf. Co. " $6,576,616 13 Ci'Dtiuental Ins. Co. " $5,000,0(10 London A«rumcce Co. lueor'd. 1720 N Y Life IDB. CO. As'ta 115,000,000 Office in HUSKLTON BUILDING, nex to the Court Mou«<«% n; E CO. •11. ;ii;n.Kt (irvi\ NATIONAL I> A NK 1:4 1 ) A.* IPH 11 *T iiil.l ji. - - - ». OKFI. KKS ; Jo-* II tr'rn iii. I»iv* t. ( ) »»,». »rue, i'tsM»»r. 4 . .1 IMis Vi" I'r.V! • \ H !'!••%, kvi'- «* UIKKtTOUa ; J«»h il.\rt-n it*. r. p. rolliiw. «>. M 11. n u. 'tMn-. c D \ ' V Mu. k. k Aor »«<* J>-»U * H .'zi -ir I. •». vv s. WaMmii. i> O >•» A Ct»n«T*l h lllklll r D'rl'l-i »r i»ii \pt.rov (. -itvirUy K' rn{j t»s. A b » u'i' i i I -«• "Si nbury Acaden y.'' On" <, r th. host pluci") in th" State tn |tr< pifH ei' hei fir tciio'iinif <>r enter i'<(f Co .-if" is in tbe \V.'Bt Sti-ihury Academy Wm'er t«»tin >-t,. pee 1. IBoi. for Catalogue and full particular* atldre** S J Cnitrsrr,Fv, Wert Sunbury, Pa. —lce rr»-im at laet sun.merV prices nt Morrison'? City Bik»-ry. (Jet anything you w-«nt for a driving or work tpum onifii »r, M ABTINCOIittT & Co.'s. Hides Wanted. The highest cash price pit'd for beef hiiies, e«lt skin- 1 and pelt*. ('till »ti N". Centre A I'MIDH, n'-nr Fr«< |n»it hrnlire, Bnt ; cr t I'.*. - !!. Kin" nkes et top (nt I'.ikerr —» 11H i. i'r f' : oiii or } oung ai I). T. PAI'E'B. German Knitting' Yam, Spanish aud Saxony Yarns »t L. STEIN A SON 'p. Best style* in Dress Goods and Oionk.-t at L. STEIN A BON'S. Tie up your horse with a GO c. leather ht.lier, M AB'i INCOURT «FC Co '*. New Bro»dclotbft, Bedford Cords, Hcufietiar- ai>d pint* Drers (» ods at L,. STKIN i!»• our HtocK i« cornp'fc •. I). T. PAPB. The nm t -ucee -f«i 1 ine "f bar g nn.~ in Toys eve' offered i- a( J. F. T. Stkhlk'S. Christmas. A dandy lice of I(ami ket chiefs and all knots of Fancy G>Oil« r-mtahie for gifts at HJTTHI A BARTON'S LEAVE YOUR measure at Aland's if you desire a Fall Suit, Overcoat or Trousers, that are made to the newest mode and decree of fashion. Our stock is'large, comprising a JVarc fully selected assort ment of Brown Scjo tch Tweeds for Ln:siJ ncss suits: Black and Blue Diagonals for dress suits: Neat Stripes and Cheques for trousers: Whip cor d and Crepes specially made for full dress suits, And an excellent line of overcoating*. R WW -Ml T« HOI Tl.»t our larc»* »ud roaini' dii us -i- • Depariiix-ot •- •- si iLe la'est iu M»-DV. Hot's ar.ti C"H .■ • I *• »»rj/ • lU> NT#. Overcoats for .Men, Overcoats for Boys, Overcoats for Children. Our #B, $lO and £l2 overcoats for men are big sellers, They are tbe bent value ever offered f- rc\ in But), r tnie, fool aod f-ee thfin. von will le ni"»e tl nn |:VHM I) We aUo have a large line of W'.ter uudervea' wh'ci «• an 110 aat W.iV duVD prices. H.Schneideman Clothier and Furnisher, 104 S. Main Street, - Butler, Pa. _ Scribner's Magazine. An Exceptional Year. The Year 1891 has been marked by a greater advance than any similar period nine* tbe Magazine was established. Not only ha* the lit« rar\ and artistic cxiQiiencu been maintained and increased, but a correspond! p gain has been ma.le iu Mie sale and it tlnence of the Magazine. At t eend of 1891 tlm circulation has risen to more than 14<> (K'O It inay justly be promised that the lurttier improvements i'or tte c miing year will be proportionate io these largely increased opportunities. Fcr ear. It is not possible to give, in a brief -pac- an account of all the feature* in prepar ation, but the material id deficient iu neither importuuce nor range of nnbjeot. Among the subject* treated: The Poor in the World's Great Cities. It is proposed to pnbliah a serie* of articles. upon i seal* not bef.iro attempted, divit g the le-ults ot special study and w.nk to i r il-« p""i" of tue if-nat cities. Tha ptti'i will i icUnle an ».-o«»uat ..f t.'ie • iit« iu nose oi > < (iu many lands) < ..>•;«• th. re-uiis ot .-e-tr.h *'iil helpfu. :• pu-p •»' c>mp* iMtu aa *>il a* lor .r o r.;ri..-ic iiitere»t While, from .» n e vine point of vicar, ll« wticlut 4ill be , .'.Mbii'H oi a' luip-.r a'.ce, tae ires -it »iu be popular. »U>l til» "li'e 111- s r.itlolii. *l'i e*-rVe Ul ll.nko h •n i *illrttliHi oi .Li' Kli J'O-VlV'id <&6 well ad •.I. • -qu . Wa h if O All loft R « ITBI Mi n KKMIMSOKNCKJ. a>d 1-tT .»• t'i ,i»l'..v,ii..>i .jf early American i. t .i.i .. r.•l. u- i-a'i. .i- * :(!.•, . i.lin •> »l u-tir.«*. to '!»e aruo«ea. Imports* r mli^iih The -Mm of scries of very shot >«ri >■ is .eM-'dje th>- »uft* occasions when some decisive « vent t««"k' place, or a tl' 4 : - >' x.e rinieiii Wa» Li t"Ci *B to be -ui-'cs Mi!—such mottienl" a» 'ha 1 Ot th« l 'I •• VI• t .nc c tbi-. use of ti. ul graph and tel. phone, the tir« »u • u-ri •• v/itn -uer. tie uigttl of »ii -I" 'n .v.... in.-, ti i MiicMti. i'. i. * i ■•<.. ii- at »'i Auarew Jo, etc, etc. Hut • ! ,j > In the curly spring urill t'e begin; i u >. t. d. m • i.".» g •h'»m being: • C tr> I'm' »." l.ow to im« *'ii* i it ' ~ .t •• p.« MKta, Jr. • I .lung Lore Iron, an Angler'- Sotclti. 1, ' L r.>. ii T"*" Mountain Station Life in New Zealand,''l>l So■ e> Uu-kl -oil •K:c m.k i■■ Australia "In Sidney Divkin o», w:ttt iMu-'r« ixua lij ll.rge Harrison. TLe lilustratiouß are n.ade inun <>!ig ; r.i>! nan-rial A full prospectus aypeart in the Holiday Snilcr. note rcxig. PhlCi!. 2.i t. BNTS. fO oO a YEAK. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SOiiS, b'lshors, 743 ana 745 Hmsdwav, r't rk. T:ike the time to walk up East JeflernoD ptreet to see ilie window-full of tine Remarque Piuol ami Aili-t>' Pr»,of ! icli in«. r *. t boiw ?1.50 i lirii-' \\ . xY. ()SBOUN K ART DEALKR, - BUTLER. PA. THE PBESB (NEW YORK) Huk a L«rir*'r Daily Circulation than any Republican Newspaper in America. HOR 1892. DAILY. SUHDAY. WEEKLY.. ■ _ i The Aggressive Republican j .leuin I of ihe Metropolis. A NEWSPAPER FOR TiIE MA SL.S Founded Dwfmiipr l«t, IHB7 •' irculiilioii ovtT 100,000 cup rs DA ILY. Thk I'KfcMS in the organ of no faction; iiiiilx no wire*; h«* no animosities to j tvenge. //if ihokl workable Xetr*i>a] rr SHCOrx* I » »» Stir York. 1 iik I'kkss is a National Nkwuhafkh. | Cheap new*, valiiur sensation* anil tranh fiml no nlnr* in th«M-oluinn»of Thk I'bbsm. Tiik I'kknn ha* the hrighteni Editorial page in N.-vr York. Itsparkle* with points. THK I'kksn siwuat EDITION isaHpleudid twent\ pHge paper, covering every cur rent topic of intercut Thk I'rhsh W uebly Edition contain* all the goou thing* of the D*lly and Suu day editioi.H. For those who eanuot afford the Daily or art- prevented by dixtant-o from early receiving it, Thb Weekly la a splenuid Hubntitute. As an ADVERTISING MEDIUM Tub I'Kfch.t ha« no superior iu No}>tT in America. Daily and Sunday, one Year ♦S 00 '• f> mouth*, 2.601 " " one " 4fl Daily only, one Year 3.< V •• four months 100 Sttuilay. one year,. « ,lU Weekly Pre**, one Year, 1 Send for Tub Press Circular. Sample* tree. Agent* wanted every where Liberal commissions. Address, THE PRKHB, POTTBR Ut'lLt'lSU JW I'AKB BIW Stw YUKfc. We've Got'EM Ye" ttide.d! The kind "» ucider C l It ll,g thai *'ll k»»|» y< U wurin, uml { m»ke you feel comfortable thie wii. ter Drop in and see uh We want to get acquaiuud with you aud *bow you our Uooda and Prleea. A*k to seo our Childrtoh All Wool Ribbed Hoh< at 12 J c., 2pr for 26 c. Ladtea All \\ 00l 19 c. Mens Wool S' oTKKfcT lintels and Ih-pots, W i 3 (Jrpcg i« no**: it;• •?*ifif a line Of IMITKV*-- riejliilf 111 tiO tI.W II . Churfpa re»: fr'ppbon# Nc, 17. or !e... • -It R -eel V 4T»'|i->. f«.tm! Livrrv ir lanncctioi C Tt < >» > 'lt « ' -» rf, Wm. K i. - (• " ii •eivft in ;„.v. t i.-ri »!•<• - •:! ! rilfe-e'l to 1:, ■••i- - •» i rie ' ■ c. C.: M'* l ! »«» of ».u,ii. Tie ! 1 • v, * • nci I > in Rutler at the n>o*t rateH. Tho plnco i- <•:!»' l jrit'r >0 1 I'H'TI.J- '® If. - . i- *. . <>• a l» v >' N U. :\t \v l.'iMM N Stable. New Stock, New Rigs. —OPEN DAY AND PHGHT— Horwea fed end l»oard» d. PETER KRAMER, Prop'r 30. W Jefforfon St. Butler, Pa. | NIXON'S HOME, 3S North McKean Street, Bntler, Pa. Mckl* at all boom. Open all Night, lirenk fa*t 23 ct*. Dinner 35 Sopper 26 i'U Lodging 26 ota. SIMEON NIXON Prop'r. Hotel Waverly. s MuKSAV ST., • • BUTLER, PA. Opposite Suhotil UnUM, Tbi* elegan'. new fc"*el is now open to j the pnblic; it i* a new house, with new Inmitnre tbroiigbont ai d ail uio>.eni cou v. niei,i-e f ; is within e*») react of the de pot*. and bu*lness houses of the town, and has a view ot the eastern part of the town. Rates Reh^nable. (five nie a call wtnu in Butler. CHESS STONER, PropV. Willard Hotel. W H. KElML\. HAIPLK llooK ror (OMIkHCUI. TMitTUg V*' AMI l» Agent* to