Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, November 27, 1891, Image 2

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W . C. KI6LKY, ... -
Entered at PmU*m a» »ntl*r ao M da** '" tt * r
"luwc *tTMO»—l*w«i ttO ■* g®J
year, In advance; outaUa tbo county. 13 per
ad'"rarmxe.—Oae Inch. one Urn#,
snb-«eaa«siit lnsertloa <* csnta each.
iu.ntv.rce notices*
mfclstratots; IB each. estray ana ais
solutlon notice* « eac*. Reading
rents * lln■: tor Brat and J cents l*r each sub*-
queot Insertion. Notice* amon* local news
ltewa U> centa aUM (or each laiM-rlion. obUa*
arte*, cards ot thanks, resolutions of ""pecu
i.otlces ot festival* an<l fairs, etc.. ins«|£*JL "
the me of 5 centa a line. «*afy Wje<-ompa n y
the order. Seven worts of pro* makea line.
Kates for staadiag cards }•& wora on
" P Aadvertising 1» doe after Brat insertion. aad
ail transient advertising innat fee paid for 1b ad
Of each ima ot tie Crruw soma exM<»7lf«
are printed wblcfe are sentu etUxeaß of tte
county who are not subscribers and ttelr snb
• -ripUon U res poet folly solicited.
win do ns a favor by «
tht> names of their neighbors, not new takfuf a
pounry Paper.
Ail comraantoatiooa intoaded for pnbUeasion
in tins paper maatba aoocaapaniod by tke real
same of the writer, no* for publication out aa
a guarantee of rood faitii,
Marriage and death notices moat be aocom
pamed by a isnpomible name.
The person who cannot find some pretext
for observing the present holiday in good
faith must be a churl on whom the lavish
ed blessings of nature are wasted. Out
upon him, ye spirits that preside o'er this
day of Thanksgiving! Let none in a com
plaining mood enjoy the toothsome turkey,
or the suculent pumkin pie.
We like to think Thanksgiving is being
celebrated by everyone. It is pleasant to
believe that while the low prices of some
of our ttaple prodiots have caused discom
fort, a thousand blessings are observed and
received with gratitude. If we have noth
ing else, let us ba thankful for the dinner
which will come to most of us. If we have
not that, let us be thankful that the sim
plest fare builds np muscular tissue better
than turkey and pie.
II we have not even the bread and wa
ter, let us be thankful for the life to come, ■
The earliest account ire have of a regu
lar Thanksgiving Day in this eountry lo
rates the celebration at Mohegan, near the
Kennebeo River, Me., where on August 9,
1007, old style, it is stated in as old chron
icle, Chaplain Seymour, a minister of the
Church of England, delivered asermom "on
giving God thanks for bappie maetynge
and saffe arrvval into the countrie," The
example here set was followed by tha Ply
mouth brethern in the autumn «f IG2I,
when they had aollectcd their first harvest
wbieh consisted of tweaty acres of corn
an»l fix of barley ; oat* and peas enough to
keep them supplied with food for the com
ing year. Gov. Bradford appointed the day,
and in order that the occasion should be
observed with good cheer sunt hunters out
to forage the ooautry to proenre a plenti
ful supply of good things needful for a din
ner. The men returned with water fowl,
wild turkey and venison. The great Indi
an chief, Massarfoit. and ninety of his
warriors were inyited to the feast which
lasted three days.
The next Thanksgiving celebration of
which we have any authentic record was
two years afterwards, when however, it
va» observed, not in autumn, but in July,
aud the occasion was manifestly tarnished
by *be timely arrival of a ship from Eng
land laden with provisions, when the set
tlers were on the verge of starvation. Dur
ing that year a day of fasting and
prayer in the midst of drought was ebang- ]
ed to a day of thanksgiving by the coming
of rain daring the prayers.
In 1632 Gov. Winthrop,of the Masaschn
getts Bay Colony, recommended a day of
thanksgiving .on account of the favorable
action towards tb« colonies of the British
Privy Council. During the revolution a
day of national thanksgiving was anuually
recommended bv Congress, and at the
adoption of the Constitution, 1789, Wash
ington was strongly urged by Con gross _to
appoint a day for thanksgiving. In 1795
a proclamation of thanksgiving was issued
for the suppression of insurrection. Presi
dent Madison in 1815 appointed a day for
national thanksgiving
It is only within the last thirty voars
that Thanksgiving Day has as-uman the
character of a fixed annual occurrence, its
origin being traced to tho proclamation of
President Linceln, dated July 15, 1893
The day chosen by President Lincoln on
this occasion tor "national thanksgiving,
praise and prayer" was August 6 of tha'.
year. In the two following years the
date of the observance was lell to the dis
cretion of the Pre.-ident hut during th«
past twenty live yearn tho last Thursday
in November has beea set apart for tho
Death of Justice Ciark.
AssociaU Justice of the Supremo Ceurt of
Pennsylvaaia, Silas M. Clark, died at his
residence in Indiana, Pa., last Friday
Far the last elgkt yearn of his life Judge
Clark suffered from diabetes, and during
tbe last three years was subjeet to skin dis
ease, which gave him much annoyance es
pecially during the heat of summer. Six
weeks ago while holding court at Pittsburg
» large carbuncle appeared upen thj baek
of his neck. He continued to occupy his
place upon the bench until two weekj ago,
when he was obliged t» relinquish hi* doi
lies and come home. The carbuncle was
lanced but did not discharge, the weead
refused to heal, and the swelling mcreas
ed. The pain was *o great that for a week
he did not sleep, his appetite failed and he
became very weak, 'and was compelled to
take his bed, as the carbuncle became
more troublesome, his ot.her ailments in
creased. On Thursday several deep incis
ions were made in the tumor, which were
painless to the patient, and it was then
that his physicians gave up all hopes of his
recovery. To-day' he fell into a comatose
condition, and died at 9:15 o'clock this
eveuiug, parsing away without a straggle.
In 1854 he entered the law-offico of Wil
liam M. Stewart, Esq., now a „solicitor of
the Pennsylvania railroad and a resident of
While a student inMr. Stewart'soiflee,ia
connection with Joseph M. Thompson and
Col. John F. Yoang.botti n->w deceased. he
started the Indiana tfesseugor, which sup
posed James Buchanan for president in
1856. He was brilliant and forcible writer.
In 1A57 he sold his interest in the news
paper and was admitted to practico in the
several court* of Indiaua county. He
shortly after for mnd a partnership with
Mr. Stewart, which terminated in 1872
upon the removal of the flatter gentleman
to Philadalphia. Frem the time ot his ad
mission to the bar until bis eleeiion as one
of the justices of the supreme court he was
actively engaged in the practice of his pro
fession, and oarned a wido celebrity as
an astute and clear-heidod lawyor. For •
number of years he was the attorney for
iho first. Nation*! bank of Indiana, and waf
its president when eleetcd judge. He took
a dt?fcp Interest in agriculture and ownad a
line farm adjoining the town of Indiana for
a number of years, and served as president
of Indiana County Agricultural society for
several suocessive terms, and his energetic
hiacagooient of the institution placed it
- -tire high plane it now occupies.
Saxonburg Items.
Albert Iloerr is on the sick list.
iss Alice McKee of Suxonburg has gene j
to Philadelphia on a visit.
The weaffher has now broken and the
roads art) again decked in mud.
iTico. fc. Helmbold of this place died on
Saturday morning of spinal affection.
Prof. J. C. Caldwell, principal of the
schools in this plac* ha« been elected
President of our Literary Society for the
second time.
- . -.V'M-li'l'ji® King qf. Itutler is visiting
friends in this'place.
Service j ft the Lutheran
Church at 2:30 p.m. next Saturday. i
The naw election law, the Act of Assem
bly, "to regulate the nomination and elec
tion of public officers" etc., passed by the
late Lefisture and duly signed by the (iov
ernor, is one of fearful proportions and
wonderfal detail.
It occupies sixteen page* of the lawbook
for this year, and completely revolution
ises our mode of holding elections.
It is to take effect on the lat of March
next and therefore the Fall election of next
year will probably be the first in tte* Stale
held under it, but it must be prepared for
by the lat of March.
It requires an official ballot, which i»" >.o
be furnished to the different election
boards by tbe County Commissioners: and
the Secretary of the Commonwealth is to
tarnish the forma of the ballot* to the Com
missioners of each county.
Hereafter the Presidents and Secretaries
of politioal conventions —county, district
and State —must certify the nominations
made by sueh conventions for Assembly.
Stat* Senate, Judges.. Congressmen, Presi
dential Electors and all State officers to
the Secretary of the Commonwealth at
least fifty-eix days before the election: and
nominations for eounty officers to the conn
ty Commissioners as least forty-two days
before the election; and nominations made
by borougli and township meetings ma-'
be filod with the borough or township aud
itors at least t*n days before the day of
No political party that cast less than
three per cent of tbe largest entire vote f >r
any offiee cast in tho State at the preeeed
ing election, can have the names of their
nominees printed on the official billot, ex
cepting by a "nomination paper" sigae 1
by one half of cent of the largest
vote lor any State officer at the proceeding
election, if a State nomination; or throe
percent of the largest vjte in the district
if a district nomination, and these must bo
tiled with the Secretary or Commissioners
forty-nine and thirty-Sve days before tho
Certificates of nominations must be
sworn to, the signatures to nomination pa
per* must be vouched for by tho affidavits
of at lest five of the signers; and both must
specify the party or policy to which they
belong in three, or leas, words; the appel
lations not to conflict.
Then, if none of the candidates with
draw,or if no objections are filed to the nom
inations, provision for both of which con
tingencies is made in the law,the Secretary
of the Commonwoalth shall, at lea.'t ten
days before the election, transmit dupli
cate official lists of all the nominees to be
voted for in that county to tho County
Commissioners and Sheriff, aud the Coun
ty Commissioners are to give tho Sheriff a
list of the nominees certified to them; and
the Sheriff is to name them all in his prec -
lamatioa; aud the Ounty Commissioners
are to have the tickets printed; each ballot [
to contain the names of all the candidates, i
arranged in political groups, with blank i
Spaces at tbe end of each, on which the j
voter can write other names if he wishes, j
and the voter will make a (X) opposite tho ;
i head of the tioket he wishes to vote, or if j
he does not wish to vote a "straight'' ticket'
he will make a (X) opposite the name <>l ;
each individual he wishes to vote for, or |
fill in the blank spaces with other names. '
All tbe ballot* used at any one voting
place are to be alike, and the Commission- j
ers are to furnish the election officers two j
sets of them of not lei* than seventy-five j
for each fifty voters, bound together aud j
~ent at different times, with instructions j
for voting, two oopies ot the assessors list :
of voters, and ballot and votiug check
lists, etc.
For townelup and borough elections the
auditors of the same are to piovide the
tickets, and do the other duties prescribed
for Connty Commissioners in the general
elections, and certify the cost of same to
■he County Commissioners for payment.
The County Commissioners are also to
provide election rooms, furnished with vot
ing booths —one for each fifty voters, and
in no case less than three — a guard iai!
across the room, ballot boxes, light, heat,
leail pencils in booths for marking the
ticket*, etc. If necessary they uro to con
struct a temporary room. The first cost ot
these fixtures is to be borne by tho St.ite,
but the county is to koep them in repair.
A commission consisting of tne tbrce State
offioors named in the law met in Harri*-
ourg, this week, to decide upon the pattern
and maximum cost of these things.
The guard rail is to be six feot from tho
ballot box aud none but the election offi
cers and persons ougaged in voting are to
no admitted inside it. and not more than
teu voters are allowed in tho room at any
one time,but the law provides for watchers,
one for each party, who must have a certi
ticato from the County Commissioners fui
general elections, or from the borough or
township auditors for local election*.
As each voter enters the railing ho is
handed an official ballot properly folded.
This he takes to his booth, unfolds, marks,
refolds aud hands to the election officer;
but he is not allowed to occupy a booth
more than three minutes if others ar<?
waiting; and if he makes a mistake ami
spoils his ballot he must return itboforohe
oan secure another, and after he leaves the
booth he ißnot allowed to re-enter it. If
he does not know how to prepare his ballot
he can appeal to tho Judge of Election,and
through bim seeuro tho assistance of a
qualified voter. The election officer is
to take the ballot, nnmber it on one cor
ner, paste that corner down so that the
number cannot bo seen and theu deposit
the ballot in tho box.
After the polls close the election officers
only are allowed in the rtoin; and the
numbered list of voters, nuused ballots.etc.
are all to be sealed up, before the counting
begins. This ia to ba done at once and
completed; full returns made according to
laws now in force, results announced,
boxes sealed, etc.
If a voter marks too many names his
vote will not be counted for that office.
The law provides for a new election in
case defective ballots are provided; makes
the voter liable to a fine of SIOO and three
months imprisonment for showing his bal
lot, attempting to vote other than an offi
cial ballot, interfering with any voter iu
side the rail, inducing anyone t:> show hi j
ballot, defacing posted list of candidates,
curds of instruction or specimen ballots, or
interfering with voting; also makiug habit
for SIOOO liue and one years imprisonment
anyone who shall falsely make or wilfully
deface or destroy any certificate of nomi
nation or nomination paper, or file a falst
letter of withdrawal; and same for any pub
lie officer who wilfully neglects his duty
under this law; also SIOOO »tnd five year
for any printer employed by the Count}
Commissioners or borough or township
auditors who appropriates official ballots
to his own ase. gives them to others, o;
wilfully misspells names or inisarrangc
them; and also makes it a misdumesuoi
subject to SIOOO fine and one year's impris
onment for any unauthorized person to
have official or counterfeit ballots in his
This is a general idea of the law. ami
does not slate many of tho details giv»-u ii,
the thirfy-rix sections of the act. but it
will be seen that tho law is considerable of
an experiment.
It imposes new duties on the Count,)
Commissioners, borough and township
auditors and other officers, which must be
thoroughly understood, as they are held
The board that meets at Harrisburg thir
•'week will probably arrange for the f rni-
Ilure lor tho election rooms, and then it
will be tux the County Commissioners to
secure suitable rooms,a> this furniture will
occupy gome space.
The voting under this act will necessari
ly be *low. and as some of the election dis
tricts in thin county poll over three hun
dred votes at a Presidential election, it may
be deemed necessary to divide them,
a matter wbicb, in the rural counties, is in
tMe hand - of the Courts.
The ballot* for this county will be the
same for every election district, and there
fore our County Commissioners will have
110 greiit trouble in making up the tickets
fro:n the nominations that will be certified
to theui, but in Allegheny and Philadel
phia counties, whore the Legislative. Sen
atorial Br.d Congressional districts over-lap
each other, it will likely be a perplexing
If it were not that this law provides for
j blank :-p«oe3 uudcr each list of nominees or
J under the title of the office, if there are no
nominees, in which the voter may write
the name of any person he wishes to vote
for, and which name shall be counted,
without a X marl: after it, we would judge
that t!ie constitutionality of thi j law could
be que-: be. J; but as it is we see no reason
why the 'numbers of an; party, which did
not ca-t the neres.-nrv three percent of the
vote of t'." preceding election, should not
2.i .(head 1 ! .-Id their conventions and
nominate their candidates, aud instruct the
member- of the party to write the names
of t';eir nominees in the vacant places. An
i imk'ii :.d .*!it voter, also, can, in like inaa
i ner. vol* or w':o:n he pleases.
The whole thing is a novelty; it is the
i Australian ballot system, "with varia
: tio.is," .Uid a- it.- success will depend, in a
! great part, upon the officers who hold tbe
| first election, and as those officers are to
be elected m-ic Februrary it will be well
for us to have a care as to who is elected.
Whether or not this increase aud change
in the preparations for, and paraphernalia
of, elections will do any good remains to
be seen. It may be that it will.
The "Fiour City"—June 7, 189 a.
At the meeting of the Republican
National Committee in Washington, Mon
day, every sta'.e aud territory was repre-
I sented excepting Xew Mexico.
Chairman Clark.ion called the Committee
to or :cr; the resignations of Chairman
aud Treasurer Dudley were accept
ed; Mr. (Markson was confirmed as Chair
man and Mr. Barbour as Treasurer; the
contested representation from Utah was
settled, and then tho roll of states was
called and tie claims of tho different cities
wanting the Convention, were presented,
in speeches of oue hour each.
The first informal ballot resulted: Xew
York,9; Chicago, 0: Omaha, 5; Minneapolis,
13; Cincinnati, 4; Sun Francisco, 8; Detroit
1; Pittsburg, 2; St. Louis, 1; Chattanooga,
First formal ballot—Xew York, 10; Chi
cago, 0; Omaha,3; Minneapolis. 14; Cincin
nati, 8; San Francisco, 5; Detroit, 1; Pitts
burg, 1; Chattanooga, 4. Tbe vote varied
somewhat until tho seventh ballot, which
stood: Minneapolis 29;j Cinncinnati, 15;
New York, 3.
Prospect Items.
John Roxberry and Mrs. Annie Cowan,
who have been indisposed for sometime
with cold and rheumatism, are about well
Franklin Heyl, 4 who worked near Pitts
t>nr» since last spring, is home to stay for
the winter.
Last we-fk, Gas flowers killed two hogs
which dressed 7.34 lbs. That is not fishy,
but real pork. Who beats it T Let u*
F. P. Critchlow, having been sick for a
week or so, is able to he in t .o store again
Allen 11. Dtiun helped iu the store during
Frank - absence.
The young folks hare had very tplea«ant
socials rt-cerliy, at.l U. Calcr's and Mis.
Jennie HoitiV It tiek.id Charley Bowers
wbc.i he : «rd that Newt Kiddle got left.
Mr. t" T. If ill. of ashington. Pa., was
in 1 . .1. -• week. Charlie made butter
and r • here a year ago, but is now
in - . » 1 .••!* ia the Caaonsburg oil field
J. ' 1 P. Miller was at Beaver Falls, las)
week. • :!> 1 ine-s. Jobu thinks of going
back thi re to work.
L. Li. S:. ; iM'tii, who live.-i two miles X.
K of i.iwi. 'i i' l • a bu-i'iO'-.s trip to New
Brighton la 1 week.
Mrs. 1 ; Bice, of Lancaster T'.vp.,
visited Icr daughter aud brother, Mrs.
A.lvin itiddle and Lome Shamir, recently
Ves Shoaf, of Walled Lake, Mich., was
in town fir a few days last week. Ves
likes to co,ne to town once in a while to
seo, to see—well his old friends.
Euclid Itoms.
Altbongh we have heard nothing of Euo
lie through vour columns of late she is by
no in- .1 ■ dormant. Our euergelia iner
chantwho r»ro always to bo found in the
van of th -ir profession, made sad havoc
among tii poultry Monday and Tuesday
of tl)is week.
Sevt-ral hundred chickens and turkeys
were shipped from this place to help satis
fy the maw of tbe hungry public.
Mr. Will Gerlach, who has been absent
a few days has returned and continues his
profes ion—M. 1).
Our school is progressing finely under
the tutorship of N. W. CampbeU.^
The event of the season was the basket
festival given by the school on Wednosday
night of la-t week. The proceeds go tow
ard getting a bell for the school. Every
thing went off uicely and all went away
feeiiu;; tney had spent.a pleasant time.
nELMBOLD—At bis home in Saxonburg,
Saturday, Nov 21, 1891. Mr. Theodore
llelinliold, aged 53 years.
FLICK—On Nov. 13, 1891, at her homo
near Bukerstown Station, (iertbude,
daughter of It. 0. Flick, aged|lG years
HEMPHILL—On Nov. 13th, 1891, at
Boulder, Colorado, jgFrank Hemphill,
aged 19 years.
The remains were interred in Bull Creek
HEN-HEW—At-his homo in l'etersville.
Saturday. Nov. 21, 1891, Carl, son of
George Uenshcw. aged about one year.
MULLEIt—At bis home in Hutler. Nov.
20. 1801, Georgie son of J. M Muller,
agi d 1 year and 1 f months.
Atitl I« I it glimmer
mi ; 11 every / mm, uomau
Knons or tlir i llonr) el
Gossor's Cream Glycerine.
It i- the ideal Coßuiutic. It stimulates
tlio nt rvr. quickens circulation and carries
away den i particle* of tho ukin, leaving it
fine imd ch.ir. It Lias no equal for Cbap
ped IJands. Lips, Face, or roagbnew of the
skin, mitl i not excelled as u dressing for
tk* fi »fl >• Awrtat. It is a bland,
cr* i.ny emulsion. with just enough vege
laid" "ii flen the .-kin. So ladj' or
gMtlemao ibonkt bo wMraft it. lie sure
to get tin- !_'"iuiice. Take no substitute.
"F<»r Sy J. C. Rfdick, Drug-
Ki«!, lJiiricr, Pa.
y Gin A. iiui, 1-Ui BraMvin * V>
Administrator* and Executors of estates
can secure their receipt book* at the CITI
IES office.
Application for Charter.
Notice is hereby Riven that an appli
cation will be made to the Governor of
Fenn'a on the 14th of Dec., 1891, by J. S.
Patterson, M. L. Lock wood, S. W. Tait,
W. F. Tait. J. S. MeNally, Stephen Lock
i wood, ?. G. Lockwood, J. M. Dickey,
D. K. Newton, under the act of Assembly
I entitled. "To provide for the incorporation
■ and regulation of .Natural lias Companies
! approved May 2yth, A. D. lfclSo, amd the
supplements thereto, for the charter of an
intended incorporation to be called the
"Patterson Natural Gas Company" the
character and object ot which in to produce,
deal in,transport, store and supply natural
gas to such persons, corporations anil
associations in Harmony andZelienopleand
vicinity within convenent connecting dis-
I lance of its lines who may desire to use
the same. All within the County of Butler.
W. D. Brandon, Solicitor.
Estate of John Burkhart.
Letters of sdmini-tration haviag been (jrant
ed to the undersigned en the estate ot John
Burkbart,d-e'd, late of But.er tp.,Butler Co.,
Pa., all persons knowing themselves iad ebt
ed to said e>tite will pie tse make immediate
payment, and any having claims ajtainst
said estate will present them duly authenti
cated tor settlement.
Grter & Italston, Attys.
Insolvent Notice.
In re application uf J. I". Common Ple.vs ol
Dtubenspeek fur dis-t llutier Co.. M. s. D.
charge under the lnsolv- f No.«, Dec. T, is9i.
cut laws.
Wlicreas I made application to tUe Court of
Common Picas of Huiler County. Pa.. on the
11th Uav of tsept. lf»l, praying ror discharge
under the Insolvent laws ot the Commonwealth,
und the Bald Court having nxed Monday. Dec.
7. lc'jl. lor the hearing of the .same in open
court, all nr. creditors and others interested
are hereby riotlfled to attend and show cause.
11 any they have, why 1 should not he discharg
ed according 13 law.
Notice Is hereby given that an application
will be made to the Court 01 Quarter sessions
ot Butler cy. on the 7th day of December. A. D„
laid. by the proper authorities of the boroujh
ol CentreviUe, In .said county, to have said bor
ough Incorporated so as to become subject to the
restrictions and possess the powers and privi
leges conferred by Act 01 Assembly approved
the 3d day of April. A. 1).. ISSI, entitled "An
Act regulating ooroughs."
Nov. 4, lsal. I.KVI if. WISE.
Atty for Applicants.
EstaLe of John Whltmire, dee'd
Letters testamentary ou the estate of John
Whlnnire. dec d.. late of Oakland twp., Butler
Co., Penna.. having been granted to the under
signed, all persons Knowing themselves Indebt
ed 10 said estate wll l please make Immediate
payment and any having claims against the
same will present them duly authenticated for
settlement to
.Sonora P. 0., Butler Co., Pa.
C. W. Fleeger. Atty.
Estate of Joshua McCandless,
Notice is hereby given that thi undersigned
having taken out letticrs ot administration ou
the esiateof Josnua JlcCandless, late of Muddy
creek twp.. Butler County, i'a.. deed. All
peosoos knownlug themselves indebted to said
estate will please make Immediate payment,
and all persons having account* or claims
vgalnst said estate will pres.-nt trie same pro
perly authenticated for payment to
AUUtZO 11. KK>>ll>V,
Prospect, ra.. Adtn'rs.
McJuiikm & Ualbreatli atij. for A dm'us.
Estate of Robt. G. Crawford,
administration on the estate of
Robert U. Crawlord, dee'd, laic of Allans twp,.
Butler Co., Pa., having been granted to tho
uuuersUned. all tersous knowing themselves
ludebted ti> said esUle will please make Im
mediate paiinent _aml any having claims
agaicst tne haul 3 will present them duly
authenticated lor setllemeni to
Jolts CKAWFORO. Adm'r,
Vaicucia, Builer Co..Pa.
Estate of R. A. Mifflin, dee'd.
Letters testamentary on the above named
• stale having been granted to the uitderstgued.
all pertains knowing Ihciuselves indebted to
name Will please luake Immediate payment,
any having claims against salu estate will
preai-nl them iluiv authenticated Tor settlement.
T. P. Mil M.i.s. lix'r.
North llope P. o .
C. W AI.KH*. Atty. Butler Co.. Pa.
Estate of James McCandless,
LATK Ol Jl'l'.SN'TWl'., BI'TI.UHCO..JI'A g
Letters of administration ou the above
! named estate having beru graut-d to the uu
•lersigued, ail persons knowing themselves
indebted 10 raid estate a ill eteaMj tauke im
mediate payment, and any having claims
lgaiutt said e.-tat- will present them duly
authenticated tor i-eltlemeiil.
D. B. DOLTHK'IT, Adm'r.
brownsdale P. 0., Butler Co.. I'a.
' Estate of Mary Kiddle, dee'd.
Letters testamentary ou the estate of Mary
Uiadb. deed, late of Clinton twp, Butler to.,
i'a , having been grained in the undersigned,
all persons knowing themselves indebted 10
said estate will please make immediate pay
ment.and .in\ having claims against said estate
will I'm sent mem duly authenticated torso tlo
meiil to '
Ji >I!N I!. CO" NINO It AM,
JOHN 11 PrrKHs.
Kiddles x Roads. F. 0., liutlcr Co.. Pa.
Estate of Nancy Bartley, dee'd.
Letters testamentary on the estate of Mrs.
Nancy Hartley, Uec'd. late of the borough of
Butler. Pa., having been granted to the under
-1 signed, all persons knowing themselves Indebt
led to said estate will please make Immediate
payment, and any having claims against said
estate will present llietn iluly authenticated for
Sonora I*. 0., Butler Co., Pa.
Williams k Mitchell, Atfvs.
LOTS I will offer for sale a number of lots
situated on the high ground adjacent to 11. H.
Voucher, Ks<i., and tho Orphans' Home. The
land is laid out In squares of something less
than acre, each square being surrounded
by a so-foot street, and containing live lots 40
feet front by Iso feet back. Those lots are offer
ed at very' reasonable prices and on terms io
suit purchasers. Those who wish an entire
square can be ac-ouiniodated.
ALSO—I will sell my farm In Summit town
ship,situated within 0110 hull mil* or the Butler
1 nomu gh llue, adjoining lands of .lames kearns
and others, on the Mlllerstown road, and con
sisting of 112 acres. It will be sold either as a
whole ordlvlfled to suit purchasers.
Kor further Information In reg*rd to either ol
theabove properties, call ou J. o. Sullivan. SJt
I'jsJ North Street, Butler. Pa.
For my Holiday
It will pay
To look it up.
iilw iu i'XTTSBri: I 1 -Hlm* A«b »r| mii I'naa
/... ESMINGTON 3E05.1
will contract fur tdvvti,uiug at
By virtue ol sundry writs ol \ en. KT . H. Fi..
Lev. Va-. Ac . Issued out of the Court of > ommon
Pleas of Butler Co.. Pa., and to me directed
there will be exposed to public -ale a? the
Court House. In the lwrough of Butler, on
Monday, the 7th day of Dec.
A n.. isai at 1 o'clock, r. m.. the following de
scribed property, to-wlt:
E V No 234. Dec Term. IM>!.
AH the right, title. Interest and claim of A VV
Say. W A Sure>« m h Ualfsnyder. of. in
and to M acres of land, more or less, sltuau-d
in Concord and Oakland townships, Butler
i county. Pa., bounded as follows, town : Begin
ning at tbe middle cf loud ou Uuseltou s tine,
thence due east 8:1 perctie* to a post; thence
, bo'ith '•5 <l°g west it*; jierches to Butler roa.l ;
' thence north ■!•>: p-rches ; theui-o
I north 11 deg west it perl-lies : thence soutli
I deg west 74 percbe-s; thence dac eas*t it per nes
: to the road, the place of beginning.
■ ALSO—AII the right, ti'ie, it tertst aud claim
| ol A W Say. W A Shreve and M H Railsnyaor,
I of, In and to 40 acres of land, more or less, situ
ated In Concord and Oakland townshliw. Butt-r
| county. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the
1 North by Theodore Huseitoh east bv lands of
defendants. s»u.h by James « Campbell, weal
bv Andrew P Chr istle. Being same tract of
land sold by James R Campbell to -aid first par
ties. Sol/eiiatid faken In execution as the pro
perty of A \v wy, VV A Shwve and M H Itatf
envder, at the suit of Eliza A Clark for use of
Thomas lxmaghy.
E I> No _i>9, I>ec Term, 1S»1. S H Plersol. att'y.
All the title. Interest and cUim ot John
Morgan, of. In and to four lots of laud, more or
less, nltuate in Saxoa City. Wluileld iwp., liiit
lcrcountj. I'a . bounded as follows, to-wlt : Be
ginning a'- a pin 011 Ilazlett Ave und Lynn A*e
20u feet to I'each vv ay; thence along said Way
ii'. feet to Che.stiiUt v\ ay ; thence aloo 0 ' said
W ay -j>o feet to liazlett Ave : tuence along s.tid
Avenue l:"> Icel to Lynn A,e lh ■ place of begta
uigu. being lots No. 132. lit!, 194 arid tSft, IB
l l»n ol lots laid out by Win S Boyd lu Win!!' Id
twp.. County and state aXorf-aid. and called
saxou City, and being the .same lots conveyed
to tii" party ot tue first oart by .-aid Win -
Boyd. SeUvd and Uikeii Iu e-.-citlon .1- tie.
property of Johu Morgan at thesU;t of Wm .1
lioyd et al, helr> at law 01 Win S Boyd, dee d.
for use 01 Henry 11 Boyd.
ED No 19i >ept term, ISJI, Brandon, all y. U
All the right. tlUo, interest and claim of 1; vv
I»oods. of. in and to 17 acres of land, more or
less, situate 111 Clay twp. Butler Co. I'a.. bound
ed as lollows, to-wlt: on the north by Philip
Ualsteln. east by Gold heirs, south by Elmira
Illndman and west oy Wash Mahood, together
wltti a two-story rrame house, (rame barn, or
chard and outbuildings thereon. Seized and
taken in execution as the property of 1 ■ %V
l><xids at the suit of the Butler savings llauk et
E 1) No tt>4 l)cc term, l«ul. Williams & Milchcli,
All the right, tttle. Interest and claim of Sam
uel uf.ln .»ud to 11 acres of land.mor
or less, situate lu Adams twp. Butler Co. i'a.,
Louhded as lollows, to-wlt: Ou ino norih b..
e.eoige Maiburger. east oy John Cashdoltar,
south by Wui Jounston and west by* .los John
ston's heirs, mostly cleared and under a good
state of cultivation.
ALSO—AII the right, title. Interest and claim
of r>atuuel Davidson, of. lu ana to tB acres ol
land, more or less, situate iu .Adams twp. Bm
ler 10. Pa, bounded as follows, to-wlt: Begin
ning al the .southwest corner; thence north Jte*
west jK-ri ae.- by lands ol tue neirs of
Johnston ; inence south 57* east 9 percnes;
Iheuee norm Lli>4 west J perches; thence . .
west to a stone , thence norm I.V west I2i
percnes 10 a post and stone; thence west 2.'u
perches to the place of beginning. Willi a two
sicrv frame house, orchard and outbuildings
thereon. Seizes and tnkeh 111 execution «s
property 01 Samuel Davidson at Ihe suit ol Win
Roll, agent,
KD No 2-20. Dec Term, lill. Wll Lusk. att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim ot J 11
Morris, of. in and to a lot ot land more or le*s,
situated lu liutler borough, builer couuiy, I'a..
bouuded a-s lollows, to-wit: iiegiuning al a
corner ot oid Meicer road and Cleveland street,
thence westward along said street and lot 01
Veager. tormerly C Dully, 160 leet to an
al'ey ; theuee south along said alley lo lot of C
Duny ; thence ea>t aloug line 01 sai l lot l«n ti—i
lo Meicer street or roan; thence north uluh*
nalu Mercer street 40 ft. to place of ikKinnlug,
toget her w ilh a two story ti ame house ot toui
rooms, fruli trees, a w > il o: good watorand out
buildiiigs thereon. Seized and taken In exe
cutloh as the property of John 1> Morris at '.tie
suit of Trustees ol ouyasuto Lodge No 22i,
Kulghtsof Pythias.
ED No 1«>, Dee Term 1891. W A Korquer att y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of D T
Hlggins. of. in and to 50 acres of land, more or
less, situated In Venango township, Butler
county. Pa., Ixiunded as lollows, to-wit: On
the north by John McKam, east by Michael I
llli gins, south by Patrick and Alice Ann
DUuigah, west by Wm Wok'Ott; about 15 acres
cleared, balance in timber, open In coal bauk
and all underlaid Willi coal together with a
board house, board stable and outbulinihgs
thereon. Seized and taken in execution as the
property of 1> T Hlgglu.- at the suit of (• W
E II No 157 Dec term, ism. Brandon, att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of VV c
i.lenn, of, 111 an ! to one acre ot land, more or
leas, situated In West Suubury borough. Builer
Co. Pa. bounded as toiiows, to-wlt: On lUs
north by Rev Wright aud Andrew Porter. ea>.
public, road , south by street, west by Joshua
Duul&p; together with a two-story Irauie
house. Irttwe stabie, fruit trees and oulbuhu
lugs thereon. »elzt-d and taken In execution
a.s the property of VV CUlcnn at UlO suit ot J
W Thoru.
ED No 112 Dec Term. 1891. Alex Mitchell, at
All right. IHIe. interest and claim of ,/oht.
Kennedy, of. In and to u lot of land, more o-.
1-ss. situated In Butler borough. Butler county.
I'a bounded as loMows, to-wlt: "o the norm
by an alley, east by Kamerer, south by New
, vstle street, west tiy Borland; logeMter with a
name barn and one story trame bullutug Used
as M shoe tUfrwJß.
Al.SO—All tlie rlghl, tit!.', interest and ciniiu
of John Kennedy, of. 111 and 10 7<xli>4 feet 01
land. n»Wi-' or K-- , bltuii'.ed In llutier borteua
llulier county I'a.. bounded us loitow- 10-.Mt.
on the North by V. >'■ l:eel. i. st by Mtice:
streei, south by an allej. west by an alley ;
m>tlierwiiha Iwo-.-lory triune hou-e and out
buildings tuereon. Si lzed .»ud lakei. In e.x
-."UI 'on as Ihe p.«>;a-ii.\ or Joh.i Kennedy at ill.
.suit fAldn wl. Willi;-in-- In uusl lif Jane A;
k« lined jr
i; j) So 212 D " U.'illl. IHUI. A O Williams, all y
All the right, title, interest and claim of 1. .M
llewlt. cf. in and to ofcxt-o nt t 01 land more 01
less, sit uateti In Builer borough, nuiier Co, Pa.
bounded as lollows, 10-wii: <>u the north by
lieor lie Mil linger, cast by f M lieu It, soutli bj
Locust strfi'l, west by an alley; together with .
two-story fraiao bouse and ouioulldlngs there
AI.SO All the right, title, luuTi.it and claim
ol I. M Hew it, of, in and to SOxIGO feet ot land,
more orleK-. situated hi Butler borough, llutler
eouuty. Pa. bounded as follows, to-wlt : Oil
tue north by springer, eust by an alley, i-outu
by 1 ti Hew It. west by second i.in el; togein-1
Willi a two-story frame house, liable stable and
outbuildings thereon.
AI.SD—AII tbe right, title, interest aad cl die
of I. .vi Hewit.oJ. 111 and to iJixinu net of land
more or less, situated ;h Butler bo.'ougu. null' »
eouuty. Pa., bounded as follows, 10-wlt: C'ti
the north by an alley, east by a u alley, south
by Mrs. Anderson, west by second street; to
gether with a two-story name house and out
buildings Ihereon.
ALSO—AII the right title. Interest and claim
of I. M llewlt, 01. ih ahd to a certain lot of laud,
more or less, situated in Butlt" borough, Uutl r
Co. I'a, bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning
at a post at the northwest corner of s-ai lot. ou
UlHltn ntmnt .U ' lin in an easterly direction
along said street 40 feet to a post ; thence In a
sotilhcrn direction along lot No 52,12J foet 10 an
alley ; thence iu a western direction along said
alley 40 feet lo 11 post at corner of lot No r.i;
thence in a northern direction along -aid lui
(No 54) 125 feel to the place of beginning, said
.ot being lot No 5.) 111 Philip Daiilieuspi ck's
plan of lots in said borough, together with a
uvo-stoi j Irume house nnu outbuildings there
ALSO— all the rlgbl. Htin, Interest and claim
of I, M He wit., of, 111 ami to |uxl«o feet of land,
more or less, situated In Builer borough or But
ler township. Butler county, i'a.. bounded as
follows, 10-wlt: On the north by L VI and J.!
ilcwit. east by ). M Hewit, south by carbon
street, west by L M Jiewlr; together with .1 two
story frame house and outbuildings thereon.
ALSO—AII the right title, interest and eUlui
or ~ M llewlt of. in and lo 10X100 feet of land,
more w* JfsS situated 111 Butler borough or But
ler township, Butler cfioity. Pa., bounded
is follow*. Ou the north by I.
M and J J Hewit, etui by L M Hcwtt
south by Carbon s'.rcct, Weil by an alley :
together with a two-story frame house and
outbuildings thereon.
ALSO -AH the right, title. Interest ana claim
of 1- Al Hewlt, 01, lu anil to 40xl00-/ei t of land
more or lcwt, nUuatcd lu Butler or
ltutler towuship, Butlor county. I'*, bounded
as follows, to-wlt: on I lie uortli by I, Mi; J J
Ilewlt. east by Fourth street, south by Car
bon direct, west by I. M Hewlt.
AIJIO—AiI the right, title, Interest and claim
of L M llewlt. or. In iilid to 40X1K) feet of laud,
more or less, situated Ui llutler borough or
Hutler township, tlutler county, i'a. boundod
as follows, to-wlt: On the north by 1. M £ J J
Hewlt. east by I, M Hewlt. south by Carbon
strcot. west by I. M llewll. Seized and
tiikenln oecutlon as the proin-rtj of L M
Hewlt al tb« »ult of Alex Mitchell, iru-tce.
liDNo 213, l>e Term, IWI. A O Williams,
A'-! the i'ljlit. Iltlo, Interest and claim of L M
r '.. it ?nu J J Hewlt, of. In uiiil to Iw)a1#o feet
of land, more or less, situated In Kutlei
borough, or Butl>-r township. Hu'ler county,
fa., bounded at follows, to-wlt : On the noiib
l>y an alley. ea»t t/> Fourth street. r.y I
M Hew it, went hy an «lluy< logctlier with ihtet
two-story frame noMiifS find nutbulldlog ihere
ou. Sel/"d and take In execution au Ihc pto-
P'.rty of I. M Hewlt and J J Hewlt, at the suit
of Ale* Mitchell, trustee.
KI) No P4, liet Jcrni. IK)I. Brandon, att'y.
All the right, titie, luieri-sted and claim of 1
u Marr. of. lu .mo t" acres ol lap J. pi ore oi
less, slluated 111 Concord towiirinip, (lutiei
county. I'a, bounded as follows, to-wit: Begin
Uiug at a i. '.»t, t hejice by lauds of Jolin Marr
Jr. south d"K ' as' :•! per- ties to a post; ttienei
by lands of IJiiilei p.iu.ili norths deg wist ,i
perches to u pc.i'; lilt life by laPiM "[ .1 Maxwell
north di g tail W j riches lo Hie placp •/! I»'
AI.SO All lie right, title. InterCßf H|id< lalm
of K W St-arr. of, in and to iieres oi j-«nd. !
more or !<-.«, >lliiali <l !n I'omoril towuship,
ltutler CTUiii y. I'a. bounded as follown, tow: .
ileglnniug at ahlekofy, (pence north si dey ,
eaat UI perches lo a pc-' , t(p (V' In lauds oi
.lolin Stair sutitii J lie; t .i-i anil I ti-nin
j* I' lies to a wlnie Oak ; tiiela.- .-i jilj j; (leu I
i l>> hoids of A >io> lert no per. pes to a,
lilikory ; I lie me by laniis oi I'ainl I'atton noitli
ili >s «i»l .s'i .-lo pen lies to llie I i.e^m
uliiK. hel/r-l jlal taken in execution as ihe
property ol K IV Stßrr lit the suit of Butler Mav
liißs Bank and other*.
K1) No 1 Dec term. 1k;i!. I.usk \ \ inoeillu,
All Hie r 'Kilt. title. Interest and rlalm of J .\
Welsh. of. in ind to 46x110 feet of laud, more or
less, situated In f'onnoqncnesslng township.
Butler county. I'a. bounded "s follows, to-wlt:
<>n the north by Powder .Viit iioa'l oy
lli nshew. wiuth by llensbcw. west by J..xepb !
Wise ; together *llh a two-alorv bourd house
board stable mid < utbulldlligs there< n. Sein- 1
anil takrn 11: exi'l-iitlon as the properly of .1 A
Welsh nt the sull of ( as per lehl r f al
EI)No 1M Deo term. I*ol. Kohler, att'y.
All Ihe right, title. Interest and claim of
limn Is Hhlefds. of, m and to 33 acres of land,
more or less, situated In Clearfield township.
Butb r county. Pa. bounded as follon3. to-wlt:
On the north by \ Denny, east by Mri.iitighi'n. j
south by ciymer heirs, wist by Clymer In-lr* ,
to; etuef with a t»o-«tory f sine hi.use iramcj
I ari, oriiuani and outbuildings thereou. ■
sua (ikty lu execution lB 'he prc/Jfrty ol J
Dennis SUlel.U at the suit of Joseph Ki.' -yet I
01. j
E1) Nos 161. lid. In l«, 147, a l\ . IN".- term. ■
IHSI. W A t "fipier et al. alt; s.
All thr rtuiit. U'te. mure.-" ai.J e>im ot
M . HM) shWMi iad r»iiirr null mi iral!
•Os : r ~f ;*nd. to re or —J lb
tireat Belt JeUer- -c township. Cat: r Celintry.
I'a. bounded M loH' V " 'o WN: -in p'.rtn
by Albert smith . ea«t by V»e« Pee 11 B iiireafl.
»oUta bv M B'er'.y and Vi>4tles, ; ty VV m
Ren; k tugclbe. - w l'.n a two-; t< - - irfite:
building boiitd stable a...t outbuildings trere
oh. --elzcd and ta».."n In execution .v t!.. i<
p*"rty of Michael ~htrlilr. ai l Patrt**k st
the suit of Joseph Krlley ct 01.
El> Nod 161. in 4, l'<», ItV-. 1»»7. ;i:-. 11... Is'- terdi,
1S!>1. W A l'orxiuer. att'y
All the rlsi.t. liile. mier»--i ._;il claim 01
Michael •shi.-U- i »irk BhMdS MMI -i n
shiebls. uf. In and to '.7 a. res of i»u 1. Lijre or
le«vs situated 111 \V mtiei.l 10-ai- ; h'.Uei
county. Pa. bountlod *s tollows. u 11- gts
niu< at a ;>oet the nonhwrsi coruer, tU»n« v '
north Si' : <leg ea-st » . ;.'-ng an-'s of
G»he heirs lo a |«cst; t1.c.*..-*; e r'l. :- w» ••
13 p-rches shviig leuiis -ae.t to a tlicnca
south:—-. d« g • ast 7S.\ [ei't. a. lan.:- ■•!
Neai 1 iallsfher to u Im>-I . ibt lex-1.1 a:o .t.-'rl".
direction 147 pflrch s ai.,a< l':ido ol Michael
Shields to a , tuence -uutr. >•-, deg w»« .
peri haio:.; .arms f UeL-lcr hvl.s -.e lie- .u ■
northwestern aiiecu.m along . iMa * J L:-
Shields and a public road so lovij n>. le or 1.-ss
toajHist. theuee so'llh !-s',leg ... * • r»d».
more or less, along lands ..t John s.il'-l'W .0
post; thence nc-rt-i 1 - o-g we.' i.rren..-.
along .andsoi Johu Shields ■>-' H ir> to .
post, trie place of best •■.inc. ill under
and in a goo.l state of cultivation.
ALSM>— All the right, title. i> 1 re-r :u , ~.nn
ot Michael Seields, Patrick • to
shields, 01, lu jr ; ■ • , re- t.-.v ■ -
leas . situate lu VV: UM 1 ,-.m I ■! ' vna
Butler couuiy, i •.. ... • :
BeglMiinjt .1: a 1 .-' •: lu .
the .*e norll: -- • ' > us: 111
lands ei Neal Gallagher to a j w; ben
tifahaui to a post; thence south - d ; -
«53i» percnes al-.;. ,* l ::o •■ f Mr- lerch '
liieiice in a south .'rit direction along lands«
said Mrs lier'h lib 1 u -i.c- to a , •••• . uc
tiller heirs to a p,.st; Ut-i..-o 1:. .. le-7 : V i'u u.
iferehe-,. more or 1< to th p. Og;
all under tenccandlne gbol sta'.- cultivaiion.
Seized and tuaeli 1:1 <■■■' u «i. " ■,.■ r
of Micbael Shields. Pa'.ri -iv si.-"-, . . i .loh.:
Shlelrts.at tne suit of Jo - 1 h K. ;i'. i:er<
E D Nos lit* aud 120, !>• c Term. 1491. P W Low
ry. att'y.
All the rluht. title, interest and claim of
Christ Miller and Louts Mlll-r. i. 111 aud t) 73
acres of laid, in r • or le--,, situate in Bu ! 'er
twp. Butler Co.. I'a.. coundcl follow - lo
wlt: On the north oy MuWO, -a-' bj -.! ; hai
.Mliiegau. aoiith by tieoig. Bauer «ua A'-nha: .
M a an.lie- . v -t by puoit,' -.'otd leading iroin
the New Castle roa t 1 1 tne «nd Merce.' road
mostly cleared and in • goo.l -i.n- d cultiva
tion. Seized and taken ;u e.x- Uiiou llli
property ot Curlst Mtli r and Lo its Mt-t-i'. ui
tue suit ol lleury Bl kel for us of John 1 j.OW
EI) No 72. Dec Term, 1 :'l. i> nilcr. att'y.
All the right, title, lulerest and 1 1 ot
H B M.'Klluiey . of, i:i and to 4n\ i. : . :
inore.or less, situate 111 ti ~:ai 1 den--- ng 1.1 .•
Butler Co.. Pa., bounded :•> toiiow , to-wit: < >r.
the north by !>r.< 'urtti , ea-t (iermsti Hi
formed e -.nr 11 -o'lthov I'oWderMil. ro *.d. .'.c.-.
by an alley, togeti:' . wiln t on- -lory tr..iue
bouse, board s;aol■ 1 nt.J onto iiiuii-.s ; . -.eou
seized and lattca in execution a.- tile ;vop; r : y
of 11 11 McKiunty.at the suit »t Aikc
E l) No >, Dec Term, is d. Met andi' -s .111.1 ilc
l'atiand, attys.
All the right, lille. lnl resi uni claim 01
James B Coa.lu ct. In nil 1 to all that ctrialn
lot of land, more or .rsii..att n adrnw twp.
Butler Co. i'a . bounded aa lollotts. to ait: «»;.
the nor 11 l>y a sir < t. east by a street so.itittiy
land of W J tlllleland. we iby 1' WRII ;u ,t.'
a two-story tcamc U'.u>e UMMU. Beted ■
taken tn ei'rcutiou e.s tie ;-roper'._- ..-r lami t 1
Cobltnn! Ine sun of >1 tif-.n'-Kj r.::i out.., f..
use. now Tor use ol John Couiin.
ED No st>, Dec Term. is9l. P W lanvry, att j.
All the right, tltl.. Interest andeiaitn .loin.
L T'urue:-ot, in and to-I seres o. Lan I. more 01 j
lias situate lo Wa*ulu~U>o iwp, 1,-e -rt.... Vt
boutl.leu as 101 - ■ -. .o-e it : it. ..'lUlli- ■' . ,st
at the uotlowest . oilier, tucn. e n< a u "tii
easterly direction by land of Sar.'li imu. .
four hundred und sixty t450) fee? -41 5 r.-'st with
in thirty of th" nhenaugo a. AL.
roau track, theuee aiotig said ri- -■ *c. r.-s V. ID
u southerly auxx-tton six hunured u:.d ■ tgh 1;•
viiso-b et, more cr !•-s. t«~. a go :t. toeneo b.v
iands of J'l Bealty, seven hiiutli'e 1 hi.-i futy
(75o.'leet, more or less, Lo a ISJ-." Hud plaC" o;
beginning. Seized and Ufcke.i tn i'ioo u
the property John L I'uruer, at tuo sull «"
r irst National Bank of Greenville, Pa.
Kl> No 9, Dcs Term, isy'. Br-.oloa, nf.'y.
Ail the right, title, tntere« r and c! II !
Clark, of, iu and to 100 «c.-as o: tar. i. mor- o.
I»ss, situate In Concord iwp But'er '"O.. ra.
nvunded as follows, to-wlt: <>u "le IIJ/m. bv ■■
I) Kannrer and Coon, Oasf liy J U and I' K .in
erer. south bv II Blair and west oy \V tl ('ami
Oil 1 knd Pal ton. wl't. atraxc nou-e. bam
*ud two orchilds tln*c-ju. and ta —-
lu execution th -piopjit; 01 II .1 <aa.'i. a,
the auit of V U Meal'.
ED No 187. Sept Teiin. '.t-'. A M Chris?ley.
All the right, title lu'.cr*'3t ud ci.ilm or 1 I'
Arras, of, tn uidlo.ul tuat ce,tain 1 a of lau'i.
more or less. s:tdate io 11 .tier cj •. ir.i Huti• r
pn.. bounded r.s follows, to-wii. On tn.
north by soutliatree.. ,- a.-t alley, s-ium:
by tvnire avenue, we.-toy WtcKcnnagi 1. w>i:. |
a two-story frame liouv. ■' ,'M ;
outbuilding tnereon Seiz»«l and :ake;i 1.. cx J
ecu'.lon as ihe property of I. 11 Arras, a : Ui. I
suit of Josephine Arras.
hDNo 05 Dec Term. I*9l, Kor.[n r. att y. 1
All tbe right, title. Interest an I e!. "a or J K ,'
V Brouwere, of, tn and - acr • ■: 1 1:.1 mo-> 1
or less, .situate tn Mdl rsiown boro . ; 1J ;;!■ ' 1
Co.. I'.'t.. ItOtll.-.l- d MS ."•»!. to-.ML. * 'tl- -
norih by Met tlulock .east by M. lie,. :. - if. 1
by rranic Boyle a i.l ;i-a -v im, •, .-, . e . |
Frederick and Uoio'i .ual. : • tWi It >r j
name l:ou .ti ;ni< '..r-i. til.' . . • j
ALSO - All Hie ri ;M , tub .; t - -s •
Of Jlv V Brodw.,-re. 01. in ,;iid km :'■ I }
more or 1e.5.,. sitn.i • I: Molerst >,vu i;- .. |
Butler couuty. l'a„ t>ou! as • o . ,i .-wi :
.in the norm by »!••••«. . ;rs. ... ' i.v Ma 'lit. j
ileiiipiitil farm, v. -. oy Kay lor 11. ... it:'. I
Leideoicer. Seized xnd taken in execution a I
the pr..i*-rty ol I K . B. . twere ~
.Mlliei'siovvii uepo.c Baa., nail others.
Ei) No iw sept I'ertn, ML U.inly. att'y.
All the right, tlile, inter ".t and el it u if •> .
Jauii-011. ot In aud to a- •. <*i I >o I, o.
less, ailuate 111 \ ell.tr 1; ) twp. It i- r couh' v. P..
bound*'l as lollows. 1.1-wlt: On t:i - 0.-i'lti by
lands oi Kotjv'ri V ,'ii-lerlin itii'l a.-n., ol >l. da-.
Conw ay, east by A> ..> and Jonn ~ic.tain son
(now 1! lv Wieif) sotliii by .100 Muiriu. iiU'i
west by Oeorge tud Pobeit \ .tuilenlu. tr-in.-
inos'ly clear 1. S "/.•■ 1 •id t.l! .in . e-. 'iti.li.
as lae property or L» 1 Jauiiso: at n • sun o
t>re;i Cro-s. et I
EI) No 163, Dec Term. I.S3L MUc at'" y
All the riant, till", int. r -t 11111 tl it.u of ..'al.:.
\VV ,-r.l of. In and t . allth.it c ilao lot : isnd,
more or Ics. -tt i..'e Ir, I'euu twp., llutier Co.
I'a.. boiiiiden as foil i.vs, tv.-wit: •lull. -.li't.
by I lie one r half of same lot, e '.si by .111 a.'le«.
south by Main si. sw by lot o -• v wc-i .
public road) bet'i,' tliitl; .1. • • - - Mai.
.sc, ami tlfty {■■>>' r t- ; •: p., . |.lai: ■•. 10-n
new. v.'itu a two start board hoi.vi tie'i 1 ■
Seized and taken :.i e\e ait ,u as th- ; re t;.
ol Jolill A Ward at til.- sUII ol Ji:.CS lia.lnl
L l> No. 1.-ti, sept Term. ls>, and .- ... an . .1
l>ecTerm, lsai. a.i.l La-. a t'i
All tne right, title, 1:1 . r. >' u.-.ti ci.ilm of lie*-
1 nan Drebert, of, in and lo 3 acres of iaiid.mois
or less, situate in Ja- :tsou twp iinl. i t"i.. t'.i
jotinded 011 the north b.. l\ :sii . .■; o
p,o;,ic's in r-i south by i'."s >'•' NM, : " ot..
key. together witlf n boarl t>':' ii Hie u-'M 's .
.'.iiiui,'titer ho nee an 1 ute Hon ''. 1 zed
and taken In execution as the . aiporty of ner
man Dreocrt it the sull of VV C 1,1.1 t. rci al.
E D Noai. Dec t: m, 1811;. A 1 Black anu
clareb c Wallter, attorneys.
All the rljtht, title Interest -nrt claim ot W 1
Barnes. Peter Cool autt l»A tla tty l artuc.
asllicstAniitiOllCo.ot.il: tu.t to _. : . ol
imJ more or lets. s::unt'« In t>vj
Kutler county. Pa . bounded a. follows, to •.vi r .
tin the north by public road, ess? Ny I', i■ Me.
iirlde. south by Mc:'iaiTerf > iieirs. wo'.i »y <■
Helchuer and public iv) id; ab .ve prop:' ty o"
M aleewetoMestatealtaats on IIMI ol IF
Catholic cbtirch iu county aud State it -re.iaW
ALSO—AU the rle'ht. title. Interest ,;u-l clam'
of >v .i r'.r.v s. " 1 ttetilm t> v BtuMb.
partners «s the Si Anna Oil Co, ot. tn snd :■
aci'sol land, more or les-i. i:: «:le::rfo'id
twp. Butler eouuty. Pa., liounacd as [oilow- to
wu: On the north by J) rogue, e. st M •-
La-uhlln, south by church lot and wev
by C Steielmer: I-Otf ithcr with wood rl?.> ocr
M borne betlor, 2 engine*. ; (eet or S>> tneb
caeltiK, Jioo (eet inch tuning, ,r. feet >urk< -
rod.-., one 2JO liacrcl tank, one !<►' hari el 'aiik
and out) Ii barrel t-ink with Ihe u' e-sary coa
ncctlons and IHtliisr* lor ■_* complc't ourioilm
outfits thereon; above •Ir-erlijwl pr.p rt. oe
iutta leashold esiat" situate on ihe Micnae-
HuKKTty farm, township county ant '"la'e
ALSO—AII the rlrfht. title, Interest and claim
of VV J Humes Peter cool and n A liar jfr.y.o.
tn and to acfos of laud, morn or lf-0,. «niiat.
In Clcttrlielil township. lidller couuiy.
Pa., bounded II? follows, m-wlt: tin ll: r north Vv
Michael llaetteilv. e.«at by Mi.)i: ei Il
south by Jauie* Mcßrion. we tby M'rrjM j
bcrt; t-veih'r with I wood rig temokte l hoi;
or.: cni.tce. coo fce.t ti>oC cssiur th-'eou
alKive dev rtbed properly l>"'e* a et isidio'd r«-
t»te situate on the tlet.n.s fa>;;'ie fa-tr, in l«,>
county und »U"re-a!d .- •i».cd and taken
In exe. ntion a« (lie prtipeity of tv .1 r,:t.u,.
Peter Coal mul H A Has'.Oily, partners a* in'
St Anns Oil Co. a? the si.tr of cl-.renf Walker
truste*', !ot uw, und olhri <.
E 1> No Ms, Dee T'rm. !s:il. J J» MeJnnkin, at'*
AH the riKlit, title, liitri"St and el.tioi of jto\'
crt Walters, or. In and to JO nere,j or t... ' :.ioi '
or less, situate In C|ny b wn'-htp. Lu.'l-r cutinty
l'a., bounded as lullo.vs. to "n : uo the i't»ii
by l'oinuer and Wlci.. e.ist. by ii un-t vVu
MchllllieV, south by John Vl'lit .:?> .'.est b.'
Wick .wal Meals, v'.i'a ouc-.-tiii -. i.k ie-u-■
ojui-story frame h/«»- 1 auk " .ni, or i irU *i""
uUtbnlldtllK- tharuoil. Sci'.e I and tit n lu «.•-
ecutlou as ihe proia-rt .. r Uot>..: v>,..; ~ ; ,i
the suit ol Jacob IVhltintri et -.1
I p|A nt Sept Tara, ML BNIDWIIA 1 }
All Uiei-IBh 1..!' 1 !•
(Irallaic. Of. a a I I Io :. I. ,
less. Hltuate In J.'lferson ' iivns.: ll'.ni rt■< .
I'a.. bounded a< follows, t i-v.it: nn the uurtli
•y '.V S i I iir .I 1 e vv f :rii nt I.
iby Wnilers, west o.v VV VS. , U n ill Mild .1. .re
! ' uiiiitiii-liaiii. c tii afr Hue h• . , ira: . ,ri.
hoard stable and orchard thereon >■ . . u
tak.-n lu exceuilon IU, to. i ."it. I-.
tir.ilmnt at lilt i|lt cl Jn-' ph i i .e a.
■ D N"m.DeeTci'iii,ueL NettnMlmi. aity.
All the rl'Jht. lltle. Intel's! and el tiiuVif J V,
MeC.iidle—. or. In u 1 |., . : ot ii
or less \lt iiai" iu V "Ti i'.,;o i.i.i i'. .1 1o j
by an alley. eai»i by an :)!|ey, south bj Frank
llli a:.d Hosehtli» lute. . 1... Mil
aframe hou.-. . oT.t lisimtn .... :..i iiild
ink's thereon Seb I and t tk'-n in e\ -cut 1011
as the property or .1 vv McCandles-, ut the suii 1
John llerK a Co.
El> Ncs 1. and 1, '. I Ice 'l'enn. is it. I'.. .ndoi. .
and roi.,ner tMyt.
All the rlKht, 111 le. ino .. ••.. 1■.>1., of •> in.
uel.l lUnkin and lllritn li 'ikln of in and i>.
125 acres, more or less, situate in I'euu twp.
tlutlerCo., ra.. bounded is follow-. !, it: On
the nonu tiy Tlioims Vla:-:iall mi l VV, -t.-. .•
by Mlcliiet stepp ■ uth I. c.tuip .1 a;.
Crooki. uusl, by llart.*'i 1 U-.it /.e w.: ti
two-story frame i, ■■■ -•. b .ek 1 .. :. .r:
nu.l saw null 1-01:1 t. I.li 011: -
itigs and one orch trd tliercoh. 1 , ; i.tl.-
t'B Hi ''pi,ntlou as tip propufl, .sam e I i.'ii
kin aud llljatii H'ltikili al the -Hit i-t Julia
Crowe cl al.
E D Nos. .'lO and ill. Dee Tertn, l .-l.
All the rlkht. tin , tut-. . t . :..n:i of Up.
WUtalN of. 'u • nd to i.s a n .-,.:: urf, non ■: •
less, situate in Centre twp., llulier t'a, Pa.,
bounded .IS follows to-wp: On in- I ■' ■: 1 I
TbOinus It Udl'U and illaiue iftl'S, east by 1 I.a-
Ilewi!-- - ci i.y Mrs Wm RO«H aid McWU-|
• Un.-s h< ,rj. w 1.7 McVV.Ulams; m(*Uy riear
cw n4te a c sjd »t.-.t« ol aMmmetttl
I*o S'.II; 'aouse. barn, orcUnnl and out- '
illt-'i In e*..|-U
toil j-r-of II i> WhilDilre at nuit of
isutier Bank fot use of IVter Aland.
El> Xo X.i ihc Term. ls.-l. W H lawk. atty.
All the . .<•! •. i.ilc. tn?eresi j.a<i r'atni of Jehn
VV Kasior and laotlha J Kaslor. deed, hi* wtle
In t?:" lands of b-rr oxeeiitor. D00a.4 M w*nl
•f. in and to 4Ttll*l *e»t ef l»nd. or less
situate in Huiier ooro Butler u>.. Pa., bounded
x« follow*, uv-wit on the north by Bortzaas
alley • t-t lo: >0 l'J. sjuth by loncnin St,
wis', by Butler alley, being lot No Mln Uie John
wIP ruuas' p:-n .« lots a- i<id out hjr U C l*n
; low s 'rveyor, and having thereon erected a
two-.-f>r> limiae tia ise *od outb-jllriUigo there
rrty of J in vv K tstor and Tobttaa K«ater,
•lee'd. Uta alp*. in lite bauds of her executor
Donald M Ward. *1 iLe sa't of Kdw'm Voang.
! E V No £l3 Dec term, 101. Xewton black,
! All C'e rig'a", utle, ia-'reft an-J claim of
. J I. 1!. Gee, of, in and to ail ttat certain lot
of land, mors or less, situated in Mill«r»-
town b.>roujh, Batler eodnty, I'a, bounded
sii folicws. to-wit: On ihe north i>» J L Mc
' jet, ea s t by Centra! Avenue. ncntL by Dr.
; Can pbeil, « tby Railroad street.
Al^O—Ail the right, title, interest and
■ claim ol J I Mc' 'ee, ot, in and to a certain
■ lot 01 .and, or le»s, limited in Aiiiler*-
town ooiO'jg'u, Bntier county, Pn.bounded as
follows, to-wit; t»n the north by an ailey,
. .as: by ( enirxl avenue, south by J L Mr
tiee, west by Kailrt>ad street, togelher with
.. tw -dory t„.ird house and outbuilding*
?be:-.'-ei. Seiz l and tas.cn iu execution as
: tbep. peril '.. i. MeCea at the rait ct
M arg- rtt 11 Sole.
il 1' .so - D> • term, is Bowjer, att'y.
Ail the .-,ght, title, interest and claim ol
1»... - 1. Miidman, of, .r and to 225 acre* 01
and, m..re er less. «itnat , »ti la Concord and
Wa-—luk-on •• .-.hh'.ps, Butler county, Pa,
bounded i.diows, to wn: Uu the north by
Hole rt Hay HI: I II fl Gold, east by G W
v'hr >ly aud .1 MeCracken, south by Jamej
ilindman, ." west by Chess Stoner, D G
Courtney and .1 R llin imau; with a two
atorj Maine IK use, iratne barn and orchard
ihereon. Seiz-d aud utkcti in execution as
ihe proj<erty 01 Jos I, ilindmau at the suit
| ofS C Hutcheson.
E1)Xo l 'S, Dee Term, 1891. ABC Me
i-arland, att'y.
Ail the ri lit, title, interest and claim of A
• L. Campbell, of, in and lo \67 acres of laud,
, .note or ICS-, -itualediu Concird township,
i.ut.er C' uuty. Pa, bounded us follows, to
. vit: Da the usrth i.v Vt niir.iu, .Samuel ami
J J Gl. nn, east by f.torge VV Meals, sonth
y Or Hoover, hamhari Bros, aud C Camp
•ell, west by Peter H hitmire aud Samuel
alenn, mostly cleared, iu a good state of
•ou.tivatiou, with a two story brick house,
.rau.e house uud outbuildings thereon.
ALsO— Vil the right, title, intwrsst and
I claim of A 1. Campbell, of, iu and to a cer
tain lot ol lau.l, mure or less, situated in
. i'etaolia l >orough: Butler county, Pa, bound
j las lollows, to-wit: (>a the north by an
1 -llty, east by Ji.micou «ir».ei, south by an
; diet , west l>y t'crchl, U.geiher witn a one
! dory I'rome uuuse tnereon.
ALSO—AII the right, title, interest and
j claim ol A L t ampbeil, of, in and to 170
; acres uf laud, more or less, situated In
, Parker ard '-"ttirview towu»hip, Butler coun-
J '.y, Pa, bounded as loilows, to-wit; On the
' i-'ortfi oy Cyrus c'amposii aud Gi'osau, east .
1 ay hneldon a.id iiue, south by William Gib- 1
j -on, v.cst by Cjrus sud Andrew Camplxji!, [
: -nos.ij c.::aic-i,isi .1 gjo.l state of cultivation,'
; sit-, iotir ir . -ia nouses, and iraui baru,three !
; noard «?aoica, two orchards aud outbai.Ciuga |
• .litreou. C«i/-.i end s.'ien iu execttiou as 1
-oe I'ronsriy 01 .v 1. Cafiij>iieil al the suit ot \
%lrs .i il Amsat.!
rPKMS OF t>AJ.ii.- The lollavring mast be I
Coinpoci i. Itu when property Is stricken
1. W .en toe piaiulin or otlier lien creditor
: >4Comds itie t ie • osl on ihe wrtt
must-oe ti„.d ~t.i _ nst cf the Lena including '
uor.gage on tue properly Boid lo- !
aether «.i :• s'i';;: lien creditor s r.-ceipf for ,hf ]
Miiodui 0: : ii. ecua cf tue saie or sucn por- I
tion ii.c:eof as tie may claim must be furnlsned 1
. IL6 SueiLd.
2. All bida must be paid in fail.
S. All si. iea not settled lui mediately will be]
•ja.mii'.'d uuiil l o cio'k p M. of next day. at
• r.lci. tii.. an proper;., no; settled for will be !
'Ut up ..ml sold at tne exp use and risk of the I
pert*) 11 to wnoiu first sola.
•cos P'irdon'a digest, sth edition, page ««. I
-nd smith's F. r*ns, page 3s».
iVILLiAM M. BttOWK. IherlfT.
Bhci;r"s Offl:e. Mtitler. Pa.. Nov. is. tssi. !
bhet'ifTs Sale.
By v rtii" .t.-i*. ofF; I'a, issue 1 out of ;
•ae < "ii". t • loauuon of Bntier county {
: P»., and U". m directed, tnerc will be expos- .
1 to public '*!e, at ihe Court Hou«e, iu the j
I >oroo;c»i of Butler, I'a., on Monday, the 14th 1
■ aye. December, A !».. ;sai, at 1 o'clock p. i
i u., the l'.ltdw.us described property, to-wit: i
[ D. No. 212. Dec. term. 1331. A. G. Wil- J
liains, attorney.
; All the right, title, interest and olairn of :
.. VI. ilcwit, of, iu aud to 1O)X160 feot ol !
•u i, .ii -rj or less, situate iu Butler borougu !
-.r Luuer township), Butler county, I'a., '
■>oUU l 'l n« lollows, to-wil: Oil the north by
>: N... 1 1.. same plan, east by Fourth
r'. i, 11 larb.n ercei. west by an ai
•y: id >t ii mling oi< Carbon street and
*iii-; lots ■ ;ir and lnl iu plan o( iota a.- •
ii.. ■ by t . M'-t audi.- set al., as per plan •
•nd plot ti 'tied in Deed Book OJ, pag- j
00, dla- .on erected one Iwt>-.story frame •
hti-ait'i : all welling ltott«e a-ud one dou
.e two ,-t 'mi.- shingle-rooted dwelling j
•m .e und onll.undines Seizci and taken |
u • x -i -a i- ■ property of L. Al. Hewit '
■t the ;u.. ol Alex, 'ditchell, trustee.
Trr.ias lea/-: the West Peun d.ipot at foot '
i E»s-, Jelfor- -[I St. as follows:
•:JOh.i i. —M ir,. urriycs at Allegheny at'
8:40 13 p. m.
.to .1. t^xpiKii—arrive* at Allegheny
at 10:30 a. m.
I l:od a. m. Acooaiodatiou —arrive* at Alle
gheny at 1:24 p. iu.
:: l.i m—Accomodation -arrives at Alle
at l:H p. 111.
.") 00 i> ui Express arrives fit Allegheny at
l-gneny at 'i.4B p. ui.
The .2') *. vi. 'r.iiu and J:45 p. iu. irtins
•mi v 1 it liutlcr Junetiuu with irmns n*»t
"o Bitimvilr I (ite."-section, where onnueotion ■
.t ni-uie with th« Day Kxpresa aud Philad'a
Express >joiu>< Edit.
Trains arrive it ilutler&t l»-3 > aud 10:55 a. i
m. nr. i 1: < ' •: M tad 7 :■'>(» p iu., leaving Al
rgfi •• i: .. - VJa i" 1 l'.»:W a. tu. and 3:
15 aud *«; 10 p. in.
P. <fc W. H. K.
Train* leave the P. A W depot ntar Cen
ire Ave.,"lou;!i>nde, Butler tirus, an follows,
, *oiug south:
' n. m A>le*heay A<v« wufUtioa.
' S.Oo \Heghrny and An. ia Exar** run* j
op -un lay t.> Alleghany, :»nd connects lot
I Nr* < ilstie thil d*y.
| 10: '" "i v!l«rf'i- ir V:.:>iuoJafiou.
, •:!"' p. ui —.kl.gneny ExpreH*.
I i:3'.' p. ui. v. Etpraj*, ruus on Bun- '
I d-»y
--ai and Z.-hesop'# Mail. ;
I It'itiH <-u *ur lay »•> Alieglituy u'.uuc.
I On btiuday alone, at 0 a. m., New Castle )
j Express.
! doing North—lo:os a. in. £r<tdford Mail j
j .:2'i p. ..i rUrL'U Aeo«rn.
j 7:4 J p.m.—Foxliurg Acc-oni.
I No Sunday tr.-.in* oa tae nar*ow-jrau?e. i
j Th'i 3:30 p. "i. train South connect* at Cal- j
I iery wiih i!w Chicago expre»«, which rua
dailv sinl is equipped wilh the Pullman baf
'et mrl gieepioge.MtehdH.
Trains tor Butler leave Allegheny at
8:30 ;ad 10;30 a. -n.. city time, aud 3:15, 5:25 i
•«nd 7:10 p. ru. Oa "'un lay at *:3'.l a. tu. and :
p. iu.
Trains arrive at Butler at 9:33 aod 10:20 a.
|m. sad 12-30, 4:55, 7:35 and 9:40 p. in. Hun
j day at li*-ao aud 6:10.
i rtrrHunsa, »hksak<jo A" ukk bus b. t i
! Tmills leave the I* A W depot, ltutler J
unift. .ts follow*:
I 3 »j a rn, t'> Erie, arriving there at 10:43;
| a. m
| 10:3:) a. m. to Erie, arriving there al 3:3t> j
j P- ">• j
| 5;tl0 p. m. tu Ureanville, arriving there at j
j 7 :2." i> in.
A 'run arrives from (Jreenville at 10:05 » i
j 'a »i*li t.'i-u'igb car to Allegheny over thr J
; r* .t W; one at J.'IO p. m. from Erie whicii j
j ••online with hotn rovt" m Allegheny, aud j
t om<' :4o p. m. Ir«>in Erie.
[ Tr.'iuS luftve HilliardM at 1:23 and 11:15 a. j
> in. slow titU'i.
Widows' Appraisements.
Hi . wi.lo >.V appraisements of per
,oi,.- ■■ ri oid real i " ■ set apart for the
. oen- " - ' 1 widows of I" "Jent.s have been
'ilc ! Ithec rk of Orphans' Court
1 of Hut lor county, viz:
W1 '.v ~f' •Ii 1. 1 upper. *t ■ eased fcam on
•II \ d-.l 1.1:11. .b ceaseii .• 19 .»
.l oie M -Candl" - d< 'd SW on
"•1... 1 'li .P-ce.vvU 300 Wi
it ' o ,v , UV fo r j. ,|ec'd ip uy
' • 1111 S. MIV ler, Jo-'d 300 Oil
" J • 01. W. 'i. dee'd 300 on
" "1:1 . -in * flee'd. (realty)., an on
Clilldr.-:iill .t v VV. Wat-son, dee'd .... 300 00 i
All i»-, 'ti- interested in lh> above iippm!."!'-
mt'lll- ..lilt.':, bailee that thev will b" pre
sei.teii for 41 nth mutlon to Hie nrphuns' t ouri
of Builer oouiit' I'u on vvedtii-saay. the t'tb
•lay of IX-. is.il, au.l ir no exception* be
liled they will be eoiiflrtned absolutely.
Jo -Kfii Ciiisw aid, clerk O. C.
A. .1. FRANK & CO.
• I
"<P«'>KS, Pi:: siii-jj ILUFI MTUY. Ac
• i'a-' i Priwrlptionsß carefully 00. t
5 S. Main Stre?H, Butler. Pa.
Aaet>fj»e :c ra.- Cuiiiw
Th» > .* L-rrtuotv . l!u>' the '
fallOTTin, V «iiiit (J.* iiieci?lcrs. A lii:< I
tova -n 1 ).aa r 'Jf&.iia t.nr ty.-t . • d tn o01«- '
tcoonirn.' u< l»w v.t wtll .«• to .
• ourt icr raaSmt'tOtt iii 1 a!k.WMi<'. oc
WeO-. jwliy, iti* -.it a» } ~r Ucc'r. A. D , »Kil at
? o'ciixk p. ai. «( mi J mtj.
t. Ftcsl a cvun r , or r. s. lUT'ihaft. .vimV o'
•St»> r. y ('..untiiur. 4of»«*J. Uie of U .i.rgai
2. Ktuat account o.' Ui J Kenue*i>. arfiu'r of ;
\V D T"bay. o«c'd. Isle of Mu.iJvcreeK town !
ship. i
S Final account «f l'4thar:ne Stewart, '
aJm rx of »*niuei Stewart. decM. late of Done- i
era I to«:.*!Mt>.
♦ . Suppterseutal real oautc account otchrti- ■
tin* Bqtr. sdsm of tsaic Burr, d--d. Lite or j
C«oi>oun"a« iiiitr towojutp.
5. I'ir.ai a.sotint of Wm Miller. Hoht J Mil ]
ler iDfi Win .1 Wttteridri. fx-xuton ol fitbt '
Ittller. di-cd Mt** of MKiaicsex U"»>t»htp.
Hotiaa is l, .ct>y mat it-- ab. »e named i
e*eoutor» wiu tnske appUCMti.m :or tUscuarg 1 '
tjpon ooi rtri. *i|on jf "ntj a nwint
6. Ktual <wd distribution ot Freder- 1
ick W WiH-buruth.) > r of ii.i Wachsiuuth.
iloc'il late ol Jt'SrFNoa tow nKhtp.
Klual accwutal NletioUs in<l Jai-ob Ban
Jer. t-xrs of Jotn i: ,ujer. Cecoa.vd. law ol
MudrlTcivt-;: towitoijip.
• Notice II hereby gl'.en that Nt -liolas al l Ja
"ob Hatider srtll mak.- applieaVou lor
a* i iccutor" m IWein ber term, 'jpoa couorma
lion U UUa ao.-.sti^t.
b. Fi>i*l f c.i_u: cr .laiu-t Coulter, adr.i'r ol
eta. rt li u oiSariii Coulter, d«- d. laie ol Ven
dor) town&Mp
v. Ktr.ai »c;»'W of IT N Marshall, a/lm'r of
Mary Sjfce*. uee'd. l*»e of Parser township,
tu. Mi>al iceouc' of Jolia K'-nouiT. <uar.llaii
of A mei-a \V::iMr, ;aaw Hl« Ul>. minor child of
.lobn U lUfr, uiH il
it r"ia' ■. .viut of A s Cnffln.ex'r of Philip
Het' *z and Auna Htinr?, d«s:M, lat<
of <>nh: • ii.t ui»t..-:iip.
1- c -a una final r»t;>.iitiut of A A at.d U 1»
>w.i im'rs ot Mam jel i,ne ot
• lAI l .son ! -if
13. final account ufCcoW Marburgi-r. admr
■f I.iLilsev uec\l. lift! oi Jacksou twp
li 1 ual a eooat ol Mary RwriL <xecu
trtx oi Joliii M KuaaelL dee d, late ol Uutlei
I.V r r>i :uni Aral ..ccouui of Alex Stewaxt
wnd H tiry l. lghlcy, ex'rs ol Htuerva rietgh
rej", lit- ! lau- of toWL-htp.
10 First, and tnU account of AV A h'orquer.
-tdn. ret aof Lcljjluier. dee d, late ol
Oakland township
17. first a-.d partial account of Wm li Cur
rie. <-x rol v» alter Currlc. dee d, late ot Cherry
IS. Final account of David Mcklastek. ex'r ol
Jas McKlsalck tliM'd. late of Fatker twp.
19. F.aal acroout orThos FChrlstley, .<dm'r
c t a, c I) not M'ehavl iiamtlton. dee d, late ol
Cherry township.
JO. r-Uiui iu couiit of \V 0 Thompaon. ex'r 01
N 1 at.dless, Ut c'ii. i,it<> oicentre township.
21. I'arttai account ot N M KtrkUad. admr
of Martha .M t lark, dec d. late of Wluflela twp.
22. I mal nceotjut of N M Klrkl&ud. gua rdlan
of Jason O Sixon, minor sou of Jaiues > 1 xon.
doc d.
23. Final account, of A A Swalii and Wm K
I'eO. r. s<irvivlng *-x'r!i of Jacob Swain, dee'd,
late of l.ani sster towusuip.
24 First and na. J account of .Toll 11 H<i orn -
lej- und \1 J MtHride, ox'rs of Patrick M ell ride,
deed, lite ot Venango township.
25, Final trjeouut utThos H Beckwltl. e.\ r
of Kti iieckwith,dee'd. tw{i.
Notice b li-tchy given that Thos 11 beck wlt'a
will petition court tor diaeharye as executcr
it pot. eonSruiaMon ot this account.
-■*> final account ot Stephen Cum mtngs.
adm r of Joseph Brtttatn Jr.. dee'd, late or But
ler borvugh.
2i. Ft ual i ceo oat of S F Bowser, adin'r ot
tieo W Ciiruahau. deed, late o( ccutm twp.
DAVID K. DALK. Kegister.
\\\ THE !
j ; ; UNION
j is a Family Paper for |
111 Wide-awake People. It |
i, is a Thinker's paper, a I
; , Worker's paper,aYoung Z
II Folks' paper, a Story j
| ( paper, a Religious pa- Z
i, ( per, a Literary paper. Z
j i i The Outlook—current events #
ji i described and interpreted I
jll —tor the Busy Man and x
III Woman. I
i i i Editorials—pithy, bright, in- '
'' i spiring—tor the Thinker
!j i and the Doer.
| j i Contributed Articles—time
i\ i ly, informative, entertain
!! i ing—for the general Reader. '
; i Stories—clean, original, re-
I{ i freshing—ior the Story
• i i lover.
| i i A II o. ic Department —sug- T
gestive, helpful, homely—
jl for the Mother and the
:j I Young Folks.
Ml A Sunday-School Lesson by
i < Lyman Abbott, tor the
; jl Teacher and the Student. 1
-1 Book Reviews, Sermons, Art
jI l and Education Notes, Re- 1
•1 I ligious News, Miscellany (
I! i —there is something tor
;11 Everybody.
: > I Pictures—Special Numbers
IJ i —Supplements.
It comes every week j
] for Three Dollars a Year. (
1 Th; Christian Union Silver Certificate
| | will be scat free on request to any reader '
of this paper. I
I The Chiistian Union,
j | Clinton IlaH Astor Place, N. V. I
i {r O
Full Again
We mean our wall paper de
partment, full and overflow in _•
wilh our immense and choice
i stock of paper hangings. Yon
must help us out, we haven't
iroom for half our goods, until
! you relieve us of some of them.
We have the choiseßt selec
| tion of patterns in every jimdt-*
! from Bi„wn Blanks at 10 ctr
i to Gilts at from 20 eta
i per double bolt.
Examine our Stock.
J. H. Douglass,
I Near Postotfice, Butler, Pa.
Good Farm for Sale.
' ii nrt u:i.|fr Innue. lUl.ißoe mUmhlUik lu
! jjOoJ V.-till- >sk t!uu»-r. Comfortable <l»miiliis
J uou»e. „o«>i 'jfrn. shod. MpriuK l -'''-' 8 «* "•
, besi n .ir p-ii iD'i iuiu-"-). >' e*<r
■ railing sprlittfM over whole |>lu<M: a kooil or
! charj. Powesitiua given April 1.1 >■!«*. Til:-
footl. !a S•«•«! ti twp. Huiler rt> umy.
h . titXHjL «i* uiilf-i <tontU c>f Butler.
1 Ktiquiru ;it Citizen office Builnr. I'». <>r The
Hruwusilalc, Butler (.'O., Pa
I __
\ Jk. Wise Merchant
Is never content to stand
still. Stagnation is death
—in Tiade as in other
things. New Customers
should be sought after all
the time. There is only
one way t<> yet them—use
the Advertising columns
' " u,!
iftr J v U ii .. . n.» . ..i I. «...
»•••.. •••..•»• • :.u inrat.il
"V. ' » )
»«■ - •' ii,<i«fft'
••• . M.rurK. A.!.'. •. -.» f -
C- *"• \l.f * "\. it■»« !'£*•. iuk«i«lu, Value
r.-.i. y f „ , 4 .
• - • u' i ' i< i ti .nit kri
ih-i. ».w.
Jury List for Dec. Term.
List of Grand Jurors drawn tbi* tth day
of < Vtobc, A. D., IS9', Co nerve at h regular
trim of c*.urt commencing on tiie l-t Mon
day cf Dttvuwr next the name b-loe the
T*c day of raid .m nth.
R.-adv Owm Jr, Donegal >wp, former.
Biiu.ier Nicholas, Mnddyertek twP
l»avi» 1 boms*. Allegheny twp, Tanner.
I)otfy H 11, Clearfield twp, farmer.
>eiinell Phillip, Clearheld twp, farmer.
Geible Jacob, Butler, 2d wd, iram«ter.
He man Richard. Butler, Ist wd, stone ma
Hcfici&a Henry, Wiulie'd twp laborer,
liarting Jackson twp, farmer.
lli!dfbra«id Ac*ir?w, l)oceg*l twp. farmer.
Inrin A A, Butier, 2d wd, laborer,
Jones A L. Muddycreek twp, farmer.
Kildoo James. Brady twp, .armer
Lo«ue Patrick. Clearfield twp, lariner.
McClioto. k J W, Mercer twp. farmer!
Met ollou»rh jjs Butler. 4th wd. laborer
Nigglo 1 tuaau, Butler, :,i.l wd, merchant.
I stiervon tai, Butler, stli wd, contractor
«nyder J C, Brady twp, farmer.
SptrUM David, I ran* City |>jro, constable.
I Shatter A, Prospect boro, 'a'mtr
[ Sh.-onp A. Butler Itii wrl ' a »>orer
JVeigaud Ferd, Butler. Gth wd, jeweler.
" "M* l, Cilvtn, Muddycivek twp, farmer.
| Liat of i'etu Jurors drawn this 6th day of
j October, A. D. IBSU, io >erve at a tegular
I ,er ™ of ceart ccmineaeiiig on the 2d Monday
I < t l'eeemter next the same being the 14th
; day ol t»id mouth.
I Bajsiger Johu Concord twp, producer.
Biair, T B. Venango twp, laimer
Conn Samuel, Mercer twp, farmer
Ciawicrd David, Concord twp producer.
Christie J U t lay twp, farmer.
Chamber* J L, Venango twp, farmer,
l-'aughetty W m, Allegheny twp, farmer
Double Henry, Brady twp, farmer.
IJ-ptccr John, Clearfield twp farmer.
Peitrick W C. Cnnatq'g twp, tarmer,
r.vuns i &, Millerstown boro, pumper.
Lialer Martin, Botler 2d wd, garden-r.
English F. Muddycreek twp, farmer.
1 utgutm Ja» h, Milleratowu boro, tearuxtar
Gtabam Albert, Craolerry twp, farmer.
Gatlaucr Joliu, Butler, farmer
Gelbaugh Phillip, Forward twp, farmer.
Hanilltcii Wiu, forward twp, tanner
Helm Jofeu, Evans City boro, farmer.
Xepple \\ S, Fairview tvtp, farmer,
KucHer Jacob, Jack sou iwj>, laruier.
Kelly \ l X, I'arktr twp. tarmer.
Ken George h, Meieer twp, puctographer.
| LuunGeorge, Forward twp. pumper
l Lar.mer Alex, liutler, U« wj, teamster.
Morgau hdward, Allegheny twp, farmer.
MuirinHi\\ enango twp, larger.
Maxwell \\ W . Butler, l.i wd, carpenter.
McCasiin Jamea, Middlesex twp, pumper.
Slit. Urter, Coiiur.ij'g twp, farmer,
MiOarvey Jamea, Fairview twp. fanner.
Mccail »» B, Clay twp, farmer,
Powell Bei'jamin, Ti-nu iwp, faruiar.
Betd John, Slipper)rock twp tarmer.
Bice 11.U.V, Uatmoiiy boro, laboier.
htuitll n U, fcunburv boro, nierchaot.
Slory Hill, lairvicrt bon>, pumper
ruttou A li, taxonhurg IKHO, clerk.
Scott \\ Miter, LauuaMer twp, larmer.
1 borne O K, tiay twp, farmei ,
\ iLeeni J K, Mariou twp, farmer.
\ j-ndivirt } reemau, Cranbeiry twp, farmer.
V i»e lleiiry, Peun twp, farmer,
n ig'op (.?*, Slifiperpock twp, larmrr.
W i ley John, Clintou iwp, tarmer,
« llu V m. Haiuiocy boio, saddler.
ehr >\ 11, Kmius City boro, agent.
)erty Uforge, MUkritowo boro, tenmsier.
Scientific American
Agency for
c% 3K3EiLSflHlßnflfll
■ f » J rl 1 L J m '
W /il 1 j l I Li
I l|■k I r* l
—* » * * '> b
4 A RWBwi
1 »ff*' COPYRIGHTS, etc.
! *2JJfi'Sr i S ,,,<,n und froo Haodb.x* *rlte to
! _*uyy * 'X) . W1 BnoAHWAT. Nt.w Yohk.
I fi"** nur**u for sacvrln? patents In America,
i * T * r T Patent t**«, oat br u.« i» tfonpM botoro
I tie public by a notice riven free of Chirac in the
jftiwtiffr Jtoteriratt
I Hrml«tto«i of any wlentlßc puptir In tho
I wood. SplmdldlT illi,~tra:M. No Intelllcunt
1 IB should be without It. Wweklj. *3.00 a
year; HJO tlx months. Addreu MtfrfN & CO.,
rUßuatUßs, K1 Broad vhj. New Voik. '
C. D.
It will be to your own inter
est to conic in and see what a
first-class Hat and Furnishing
Store can do for you.
The success of the past
makes us confident present
and future, and notwithstanding
the depression in business all over
the country we have* largely in
creased our lines throughout and
now show a full and comprehen
sive stock as can be found in the
We have gone {[right along
from the time we started owing to
the fact that we adhere strictly to
first quality goods at the very low
est prices, and we would rather
miss a sale than misrepresent any
Hatters and Furnishers,
242 S. M»in street,
Butler, P».
I*. cV B.
of the New
Show u ill these stores nro
Tweed*, Rip Super Stripes,
Iloinospuus, Obpviuts,
Knglitb Sittings, .Chevron*,
Scotch Suitings, Jmnjuard Bedford*,
iustriau Snttine*, Proadclothes,
Amtncur Suitings, Jiiagoual^,
Caui«l Hairs. Series,
A' tidkaa Suiting*, Lupins Suitings,
Bedford Cor.is. Vli&ae,
Drup de t'&lerma. Chocks,
!»rap do Alma, Stripes,
Kajetiite, Piaids, ete,, etc.
Elegant lioo or new 10-loch
Flomespum Effects,
In various shades of blue, brown and
grev colorings. 75 CENTS.
Stylish fabries and great value for
75 ciuts.
Opening of
Special eale of Ladies'
liigh shoulders, pointed fronts,
Medici collar, $4.00.
Will find ninny tbings of interest to
bo seen in these stores, and if
purchasing, mu?h thai will
prove pro6table. If you
cannot come WHITE
Our Mail Order Depart meet.
Sample* and Catalogue upon request.
Bo<rgs <fc Buhl,
115 to 121 Federal Street,