I* O- WICK >uw a Rough and Hoiked Lumber KHTOS Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Shingles and Lath Always In Stock. LIME, HAIR AND PLASTER. Offloe opposite P. AW. Depot, BUTLER. ~ - PA Planing Mill -jun>- Lumber Yard J. L. FU KVIB. L. O. POTVI*. S.G. Purvis&Co. KAITOMOTUmnS AHD DKALKBB I* Rough and Planed Lumber OF KV*RT DMCBIFTIO*. SHINGLES, LATH & SEWER PIPE. Butler, Pa. LUMBER YARD. L*M. & j.J.:hewtt, Dealers in all kinds ol Rough and Worked Lumber. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, SHINGLES, LATH, ETC. We have a large stock of all kinds of Lum ber, Oil Well Rigs, Etc. Call and get our prices and see our stock. Mall Orders Promptly Attended To. Office on MOKROB ST., NEAB .WBST PBBH DBPOT, BUTLER. PA. Where is the best place to. buy Clothing, Hats, and Gent*' Furnishing Goods? At the Racket Store. WHY P Because they have one of the largest stocks to select from and they sell for CASH thus being able to give you more for a dollar than other house in the county. 'You can see these facts for yourself by calling at THE RACKET [STORE 12(KS. Mam' St. Butler, IP a. Reciprocity. To counteract the effect of spring winds and storms on lace and hands; to renew, renovate and purify the cuticle after a rigorous winter, is the mission of GOSSEE'B CRHAM QLYCERINE And riffhtflweU does it perform the task. It is a bland, creamy emulsion, with just enough vege table oil to soften the skin, com bined with pure glycerine and other substances, forming one of the finest preparations for chap ped hands, lips or face or any roughness or irritation of the skin. No lady or gentleman should be without it. "For sale by J. C. Redick, Drug gist, Bntler, Pa. Full 100 Cents' worth to the 'Dollar on Every Purchase Made at our Store. We are offering values Un precedented in Furnishings for Ladles, Men and Children. Be advised and you'll save money. Whatever 70a may reqoire in onr line, come to as, we'll show yoa a great variety and save yon money. Oar Spring stock is now fall and complete. We guarantee to meet every demand to your fullest satis faction. We bare a big variety, with many styles of Boys' and Qirls' Hats and Caps at low figures. John M. Arthurs. 333 SOUTH HALF STREET. 333 FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned will seU big farm,containing alxty acres, more or less, and located In Adams Twp.. on the Eranaburg and Mars road, near Marshall and Myoma stations on tbe P. & W B. R and near the CaUery oU field. It contains a good house, good back bun 86x34. good outbuildings, good orchard, level and good ground, two springs near house, pump in barn, and all In good order. Inquire of or address James Davidson, Myoma P. O , Butler Co., Pa panphlatof Information VkstractofUM laws.allowing How Ctotato Pataotf. Carwit^ We Have no Agents. 50,000 Fruit Trees and Vlnea. 10,000 Carolina Poplar and Norway Maple. 50,000 Ornamental. Hardy Roses. .Shrubbery. Tulips. Hyacinth and other bulbs, (let our niustrate l Fall c»talo*uo. Scad aU orders to JOBS LU XI'KDOCH, 501 KaUtk flrld St., Itttokargh, Pa. Orders tor Floral Deeoratlotft and Freeh Flowers have prompt attention. n "T : 4kuaaie are differences in quality— whi'h make differences in price, but whut eyer the price maybe it >s never to your disadvantage. An exceptional ly good purchase is our Ladies fiLe shoe at sl, $1.50, and $2, they are beauties, soft stock, flexible soles, both opera toe and plain or tip. Then the fioe goods i t $2.50, $2.75, $3, $3.25 and up to *4 in hand turns, welts, in opera, com mon-sense, Walkenphast last, aJ widths, plain or tip. Misses and Childrens tine shoes in heel and spring a large assortment of all that is new. Old Ladies Warm Flannel-lined Shoes at all prices both in Shoes and Slippers. The Fall and Winter winds are knocking at your doors, telling you winter is fast ap proaching, g®t your Winter Boots and Shoes. Huselton is stocked from cellar to attic with the best of that kind of stock. Hero you can get your boy a pair of boots 15 f t sl, $1.25, $l5O $1.75 and $2. Your girls in button or lace, in Oil Graip Calf or Kip unlined, sizes 13-2 at 7-3 cts., $1 and $1.25 and up; smaller sizes cheaper. Have high cut shoes for boys and girls. Your wife cap get a strong shoe for winter at 85 cts, sl, $1.15, $1.35, $1.50 and $2 in Button and Lace. The best good* known to the Boot and Shoe trad to day These goods are not Shodd/ but solid leather and will warrant theniassucb. Then comes our Mens' Fine Shoes and heavy boots. In Shoes we hav < them at sl, $1 25, $1.50, $1 75, and up to $5.75 in Bals, Button and Con gress tip or plain toe, in A Calf, (Train Buff, Calf, Kangaroo and Cor dovan. We show an elegant assort ment of Mens' Boots suitable for tu farmer, mechanic, laboring mau and the oil men at very moderate prices box toe, high or low instep, four soles, prices are $1.75, $2, $2 50, SS, and up to $4, twice as many styles t.- select from as any other store in But ler. The largest and best stock of Rub ber Boots and Shoes in the town. We have same price to all, eveiy body's dollar is worth 100 cents,doa' make the mistake by buying before looking over our stock. B. C. HUSELTON, 102 N. MAIN ST., BOTLEE, PA. GO TO REDICR'S FOR Pure Drugs, Paints, Oils, Glass, Fine Toilet Articles, Patent Medicines, And all other Articles Kept in a First Class Drug Store. ■ ntT ftinnn rnless you write us qul<'k- LUu I C'IUUU ]y, \Yc want more salf-s nien, and will guarantee permanent portion" with salary ana expenses paid weekly. I'u'l or part time. Experience not required Stoc! complete, including mauy selling specie.- ties. Elegant outflt lree. Address C. H. HAWKS & CO., Nurseryman, Kochester, N. Y. Established 18T5. We will cann Calaru Eml Commission PAY y'WU. Salary 10 Men and Worn men. Teachers and Clergymen to sell our New, Popular Standard Work. MARVELS of the NEW WEST No finer book published. Over JW choice er cravings. 10.400 copies sold In one week. Er dorsed by the greatest men of the countrj This Is no humbug otter. Write at Once KKG ARD T'O S A LAKY! The Henry 11 hilling ta|iaiij, Norwich, Conn. FRANK KEMPER, DEALER IN BLANKETS, ROBES, HARNESS, -iVnd everything in horse and buggy fur nishing go ods—lT ar - ness, Collars, "Whips. Dusters, Saddles, etc. .A-lso trunks and va lises. Repairing done on short notice. The largest assort ment of 5-j\. Uorso blankets in town will be found sit ICemper's. mill iMim mi. BVTLKit, PA. H. FULLERTON, Prop'r. Blankets,: Flannels und Yarn Manufactured of Pure Km lei County H'ool. We guarantee our goods to be strctly al! wot I aad no arsenic or any other pni>m>us luatertal U«d In dy«lng. We sell Wholesale or retal.. aamnlex and prices lurnlahed free u> dealer* on application by mall. THIS PlißJS'tfMSOTfts J.iSr?alS«s« Nothing On Earth Will AK^ HENS C A^' LIKE Sheridan's Condition Powder! KEEPS YOUR CHICKENS Strong and Healthy ; Prevents all Disease. Good f<*r Moulting Ttena. Tt is absolutely par*. Hlrtly " n ~ih!s t £Lf!.u£h£. tlty cacti ofa crnt a day. Ko other ooc-roarin a« utiins- Strir.iy a mMlrtM. "Ono can Bfc) *.* ml six to prevent Ko*ip. aajs one cuAomer. If you can't get It »end *o u». Wr mai: one paclt «Sc. Flw- SI A §1 *>• SJ* can# tt 00 exprt-fli paid J iaMngOmide. t> ceriw. fiv with fl.m order* or more. Sariplo copy ACME BLACKING is cheaper at 20 cents a bottle than any other Dressing at 5 cents. A UTTLE GOES A LONG WAYS because shoes once blackened with it can be kept clean by washing them with water. People in moderate circumstances find it profitable to buy it at 20c. a bottle, because what they fpend for Blacking they save in ebna-lcather. It 13 the cheapest blacking considering its quality, and yet wo want to sell it cheaper if it can be done. We will pay $10,090 Reward fr>r a recipe that will enaMo us to make V, 1 LFrt A»i: BLACKING at such a price ti;:.'. a retailer can profitably tell it at JOc. a b- ' le. This ofleris open until Jan. Ist, 1893. "iTOLITF & BAITDOLPH, Philadelphia. Old furniiure painted with PIK-RON (t'.ls is the nnr-e cf the paint), looks liko • and varnished new furniture. One „ v. ill do is. A child can apply it. You • v.; - a pine to a 7-alnut, or a cherry • :.y: there is no limit to your £ Ail retailers eell it. M c i. • - Win £ Ou, PMaiaiTWra. ' » fflßaaß in ■ll—iiiiiimM——■ rnmn only* Iff,: Zft U'br a.- FAHIKG MAKHOOS ftr ?'-i'p>4jQeaenu and HEBVOUS BtSIIITY, Rfi'ii , Body andMicd, Effect! ri. a n,.f 01 Escewes in Old er Young, Ko<.M.«t, scb?e »A>UOOD f*!!y Kratared. How »• enlar** arJ IW**.TE k*, I'Mi? r F iXiTiL D OK« A* B* t>AK T6 U Y HODY. Ah-4o'bi»- ) Qnf2<>!nf WOilE TaiilßKVr-f)«Hl)U la a day. Eca teatiry f>n SO States iu.d F»rl|i Ccnulri. T rit* them. e!Lli-«u»n »i»'l preofa »at?* 4 (s*al«4) tnu U«TM> HUE ff.UilCAt CO.. BUFFALO. N. V. « DOCTORS LAKE PRIVATE DISPENSARY. COR. PENN AVE. ANO FOURTH BT., PITTSBURCH, PA. All forms of Delicate and Com plicated Diseases requiring C'ON FUICNTIAL and SCIENTIFIC Jlpil ic:;tion nro treated at Die !«-ti . v v.iih a success rarely attained. Dr. S. K. l.ako I* a member of the Royal College of Pliy jicians and Surgeons, and la the oldest and most :-\p-. neiiced specialist in thocitv Spe-ncy, etc.; aino Cr.ncers, Old Sores, Fits. Piles Kheuraatism, and all diseases of the Skin. Ktoxl, Lungs, TrinaryOrgans,etc. Consultation and fti irtly conlldentiaU Ofllce hours, 9to t and 7 to 8 r. 21.; Sundays, 2 to < P. M. only, ill at offli-o or ad-trcss I.AKK, COii. k.NN A\ DOCTOR ~ J. B. HOBENSAOK'S MEDICAL OFFICES. 20(1 North SKI'OND ST., PHILADELPHIA, PA. Are the oldest lii America for the treatment of SPECIAL fIISEASKS and YOUTHFUL KRIIOKH. Blood Po!«»n. Nervous Debility. Ulcers. Kun nin(;.H. Discharges. Mrietnres. Bladder. Kld n v, and Skin Dtseases. Varicocele, Hy drocele, Itupture. 1 erinanently cured by Improved methods wltiioiii detenttoo from bastneH. The Doctor's success Is due to hl3 Uie-lotig experience and studv; to the pure Vegetable remedies used and to the thorough examination and watchful at tention given patli'nts during treatment. A forty years' establishment Is our guarantee of sucress Ofllce hours, 9A. m. to L' P. M., fi to 9P. m. All day Saiurduj-. Sundays, io to 12 A. it. Send stamp tor book. Gflfli 1 ! WASHES • Slllll WITHOUT ItfUU WEARING OUT CLOTHES, ' AS LITTLE OR LIILLII fiifl RUBBIN6 0* ft KV* IS REQUIRED. Vy Sy FOLLOW JUoi DIRECTIONS ■■ CLOSELY. MY NEW STORE Is now completed end I respeetf'illj invite the Public to call nnd see me. J fim prepared to supply every thing in tbo lice of Drugs and Medi does a' all hours. Prescriptions al night a .specialty. Electric Bell and speaking tube at front uoor. Calls answered prompt *y- A jbrigbt, cheerful room and every, new. Yours, J. V. BALPH. 1831 THE CULTIVATOR J t S 92 Country Gentleman THE BEST OF THE Agricultural Weeklies. DEVOTED TO Farm Crops and Processes, HorticuUure & Fruit Growing, Live-S!ock and Dairying, While it also includes all minor depart men!s of Rural interest, such as the Poultry Yard, Entomology, Bee-Keeping, Green hon-e and Grapery, Veterinary Replies. Farm Questions and Answers, fireside Heading. Domestic Economy, and a sii turn ar; of the Xews of the A\ oelc. Its MABKKT HKPORTS are unusually complete, and much attention is paid to the I'tospeet of the Crops, as throwing light upon one of the most important . H. Wnller, Butler: A. Bowers, Pro spect: Breaden & Allison. W. Snnbury. Edison's latest scientific aslonisher is to run what are now steam cars by elec tricity, at the rate of 100 to 200 miles an hour! And all the world would liko to be snatched over the surface at that speed. A leadtug city phsiciau warns his pa tients against eating potatoes showing the least particle of rot. If rot shows itself the pot a toe is affected ail over. —Many old soldiers, who contracted chronic diarrhoea while in the service, have since been permanently cured of it by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by D. IJ. "Wuller, Butler; A. Bowers, Pro spect; Breaden it Allison, W. Sunbury. —The Digger Indians of California pre fer insects to any other kind of animal food. —Spectacles and Eyeglasses made by Robert Bruce Wallace, (successor to the "Fox Optical Co ,) at 024 l'enn Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa., are conceded the best and most coml'ortal le. Save money by having him fit your eyes. —An artesian well 3,095 feet in depth has been sunk at Ashland, Wis., at a cost of $14,000. After the first 175 feet it passes through brown sandstone. —ltch on human and horses anu all ani mals cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by J C Kedick, druggist, Butler. —A Black Bill's miner recently discover ed in a vein of qnartz, a single pocket from which ho is said to have taken out over $7,000 worth of gold in two days. Pleasant Employment at Good Pay. The publishers of SEED-TIME AND H.VK VEST,an old established monthly,determiu ed to greatiy increase their subscriptiou lists, will employ a number of active agents'for the ensuing «ix months at $50.- 00 per month or more if their services warrunt it. To insure active work an ad ditional cash pri*e of SIOO.OO will be awarded the agent who obtaius the the largest number of subscribers '-The early bird gets the worm." Send four silver dimes, or twenty 2-cent stamps with your application, staling your age and territory desired, naming some prominent business man as a reference as to your capacities, und we will give you a trial. The 40 cents pays your own subscription and yon will receive full particulars. Address SEED-TIME ANI) HARVEST, La Plume, Pa. "Died of heart failure" is a familiar phrase iu the newspapers as applied to the death <>f particular personages —What we should like t<> know is, if that isn't the cause of all deaths f Save Yourself Money. When you go to Pittsburgh, Pa., stop at the Anchor Hole', corner Liberty and Fourth streets. It is a strictly first-class Hotel conducted on the European plan. Lodgings, 25, —35, —or 50 cents. —Most men are willing to mako most any sacrifice for their wives except to get up and find an extra quilt or blankot when it gets colder in I he night. Cb? ruber lain'a Eye and SMn Ointment. A certain enro for Chronic Sore Eyes, Tetter, bait Kheura, Scald Head, Old Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema, Itch, Prairie Scratches, Sore Nipples and Piles. It is cooling and soothing. Hundreds of coses have been cured by it after ail other treatment had failed it Js put up in 25 and 60 cent boxes. I THE CITIZEX MISCELLANEOUS i" A MARVELOUS SCIENCE. Widow O'llara—Oi wiat to see a for tune-teller yisterJay, an" she tould me Oi'd have an offer from a foine hand some man wld beautiful curly hair an phwiskers, widin a month. Corrigan—Sure, 'tis wonderful phwat thim fortune-tellers knows! —Puck. Hl* Mood All Kl*ht- Dinguss —Shad bolt, how much do I owe you? Shadbolt—l don't know the exact amount, Dinguss, but—(eagerly produc ing memorandum book) —I can find out in about a second. Cm —let me see. Here it is. It's $37, Dinguss—s37. You're In a mood to square up, are you? Dinguss—Yes. My mood's all right, but my tense is still future. I merely wanted to know the figure. See you again, Shadbolt. Morning.—Chicago Tribune. A Strategic Mother. Mrs. Yerger—Tommy, do you want some nice peach jam? Tommy—Yes, ma. "I was going to give you sornq to put on your bread, but I've lost the key of the pantry." "You don't need any key, ma. I caa reach down through the transom and open the door from the inside." "That's what I wanted to know. Now just wait until your father comes home."—Texas Sittings. Equal to the Occasion. Sybil—ls that Harry Scribbler's writ ing-. Kitty? Kitty—Yes. I am engaged to him, you know. "Of course. I was engaged to him last summer." "The dear boy! I wonder who he'L eventually marry?"— Drake's Magazine. Highly Necessary. "I wonder what Simson keeps an of fice for?" said a business man. "He never has anything to attend to down town." "I suppose," was the reply, "he has to have some place to go while his wife gets the housework off her hands." — Judge. Not Available. Proud Father (to editor) —My eldest boy—only six—got off a pretty good thhig the other day. I thought you might like to print it. Editor—l am very sorry, sir; but we employ a man especially for that kind of work. —Puck. Those ExcarslonWts. Miss Way back (first vi<=it to the sea beach) —How awful dirty the ocean water is! Bah! It tastes horrid, too. Mre. De Stylo (a cottager)— Yes, it has always been so. I suppose it's these excursionists. —Good News. Always Remembered. Boggs—There is one thing the young man who goes through college never forgets. Foggs—What is that? Boggs—To mention the fact. —N. Y. TT«riiM —"We cannot excuse people for being cross when they suffer from cold.-t. Thoy are often too mean to buy a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, which would restore their good nature. Importaut! Salvation Oil the greatest cure on earth for pain, is only tweaty-iive cts. —Huskiug corn by torch light is a favor ite amusement, those nights, in the coun try. Boys anil girls take part in the work and it is astonishing how many red ears are found. —For lame back there is nothing better than to saturate 11 flannnel with Chamber lain's Pain balm and bind it on the affect ed parts. Try it and you will be surprised at the prompt relief it affords. The same treatment will cure rheumatism. For sale by 1). H Wullcr, Butler; A. Bowors. Pro spect; Breaden & Allison, W. Sunbury. —lt is said that two of Jupiter's moons can be seen any fine evening by holding n mirror so that the star can be seen IU it. The two moons then appear very distinctly while they cannot be seen at all by looking at Jupiter without the mirror. —English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from hor.-es, blood spavins, curbs, splints, Sweeney, ring bone, stifles, sprains, all swolen throats, coughs, etc. Save SSO by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful blemish cure ever known. Sold by J C Kedick, druggist, Butler. —Peter Weingater, GO years old, of Mas coutab, 111., procured a license to marry Miss Emma llocnth without the latter's knowledge and when she learned of it she horsewhipped her aged suitor, took the license from him and returned it to the county clerk. To Consumptives. The undersigned having been restored to health by simple means, alter suffering for several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease Consumption, if anxious to make known to his fellow suffer ers the means of cure. To those who desire it, he will cheertully send (tree of charge) a copy of the prescription used, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis and all throat and lung Maladies. He hopes all sufferers will try his Remedy, as it is invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, which will cost them nothing, and may prove a bless ing, will please address RkV. KD'.VABD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, New York. —A minister in San Diego the other day startled his audience by saying, '"I have forgotten my notes and shall have to trust to Providence, but this evening I will come better prepared." —Rheumatism cured in c. day—"Mysti cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radio cally cures in Ito 3 day*. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The first dose greatl}* benefits, <5 cts. Sold by J C Kedick, druggist, Butler. —ln the first case ot the kind ever tried in Minnesota a judge decided that a pnblic school teacher had a light to use the rod in enforcing the rules. So it is the duty of the State not only to educate the children, but to lick them if they do not behave. KIIBt'MATISM Cured in a Day.—"Mystic Cure" for Kheumaiism and Neuraliria rad ically cures iu Ito 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mys terious. It ren.oves at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits, 75 cents. Sold by J. C. Kedick, Drugist, Bntler. —The poor-houses in all parts of the state are gelting a shaking np from the local papers. Many of them are the vilest sinks of iniquity and the hot-beds of cor ruption and jobbery. Consumption Surely Cured. To THE SDITOR:—PLEAAO inform your readers that I have m positive remedy for tiio &bov6-&an.od disease. By its timely uao thousands of hopeless canon have heen permanently curwL I shall b« glad to send tw„ bottles ol iu/ samotly FKEE to any of your readers who have consumption if they wilt send me their tipresa and P. O. address, lirxport- Juliy. X. A. SLOCV4I. 11. C.. 181 Pearl St.. N. Y. THE JOIfTT DEBATE BETWEEN CAMPBEf-L and McKIWLEY ox FREE TRADE a»d TARIFF Is over and the of the people arc verv much the same as before. Few ronverts, if «■ y lit ail, made, but close each buyers ere stiil preying 'o JOHN BICKfiL'S. FOR THEIR BOOTS, SHOES RUBBERS. Never before in the history of Butler Co., has footwear been i sold as cheap aa now Those 'bar have not v'sited icy store will be both pleased and suprised to learn the low prices I am l quoting on first quality footwear. Men and HLip Boots. ' Must move from now uutil Ist, and in order to make tbem uiove rapidly, I have marked them at extremely low prices Men's good solid boots $1.50, $1 75 ana $2. Boy's boots SI.OO, $1.25 and $1.50. Mea'soalf boots $1 50. Boy's calf boJts $1.25. The above boots are great bargains worth fully double the price named ca tbem Ladies. Blisses & Ghildrens Shoes. In endless variety ore placed There was scarcely any necessity for showing this lady our ca rd Some shoes have no but all shoes have a story to tell whether tbey *re toDgaeleßs or not. This btory ie of either good, bud or indifferent wort i manship. and it isn't always told e f a glance either. Sometimes bad work mansbip masquerades as good, the difference being perceptible to only th« trained eve. Shoes differ in quality js much as they do in price, but thi price should be regulated according to the difference in quality and not b» out of proportion with it. We do net eleim to give a high graee shoe for * low grade price, but what we do elai' l ; is, that for no shoe which leaves out store do we mt*.k« a charge which i.- not fully justified by its actual value A dollar's worth for a dollar is what we sell and that is vibat you get if you try a pair of onr ledies' fine kid shoes at $2.00 or a pair ol our men's fine calf sewed shoes at si£ 00. Also see our immense stock c waterproof winter which cannot be dnplieated in the county ftt thf low price asked for tbem. Highest grade of men's and boys' call, kip, grail i and rubber boots at rock bottom prievs. A-L. R-U-F-P. 114 Sou tli Main Street. Butler, STOCK EimitELY Ml Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware and Spectacles At low est cash prices at «J. JR. (x R IjpK Kg' S, No. 125 N. Main St., - Duffy Block. Sign of Electric Bell and Clock. \Zy Pittsburgh, Pa. This old and reliable iiiHltutiuii lirs prepwv.l thousands of youiiv' men ami women for the active duties of life . To those In \\ ant of a useful, pro.-Ileal ('dilation. circulars w 111 be M-nt oi. application. P. Ul'Fl'* KOJfS. BEAD AND REMEMBER ' For strictly pure and rfjlriMc STU.aMJUT ; LIQUOKS, call fii I. ftJ. PINCH, 12 SJIITHKIELD NT.. I'ITTWBIKCII, PA. j (opr. Monontrahi'la lions**.) Matchless for Faintly use and Medicinal pur posos are FINCH'S (iOLI)KN WKDUIN'G, i All tl GUCKENHEIMEK 8 WIUSKY, i per «|l. ; OVEKIIOLT'S WHISKY. ' Iqr . DII.LINdEK'S WHISKY. ! f. i" «"■ j Goods neatly packed and promptly *ltlp|tii Fkki ok Kxtinsk on receipt of • ash 01 office order. tVNotblnt; expressed C. O. I). Send for I'r!ce I-i>t. ilrJKvc ' -v.. ,v j .. r ■. k . r. i • ■ .■r. So *,«• . - *)"*• r.i Full j -1*«, K CO 0 XlOibXA, iiOL | Butler's Book! 1,000 Papes. i; Original Engravings, Elegant Binding, Published in 3 Languages, Popular Price*. FIKST EDITION, 100,000 COPIES. The l>nly Authentic Work By GEN. L3ENJ. F.BUTLER. Exclnphe Territory and I iliernl Terr given to Ke liable Agents. Accompany application vit!. 00 for Prospectus. I J. W. Keeler «*D PER«(«TW : f- A«ln-r* -in" hu always provet 'in.").!,!:. Heforo plactli.TWlJ , ' • - .r *. in-tlsiiiu rtar't f i C MOMAJ, ukv - Leading Millinery House - JO. T, Pctpe We arc no** ready to exhibit this season's styles of M I=L=L,=l N-KT R Y In every desirable etv!» a&d quality. Our stock iponusEally and attractive. Trimmed bats and bon n.rs of all det-eriptioi;s_f*it bii-s, velvet tats and sailor ha's. Hats and bonnets trimmed to crdcr. The largest and inert cotr.p'tte stick of velvet* ribbons, tips, quills, lircs and wings ever brought to Butltr FOR CHILDREN Hocds, caps, tailor bat- ia >rrcat variety. MOUR]VIN(jr Hats and boanets receive our l*st atu?mon. a complete line always on | hand. A 'rP ID. T. PAPE ! N^ Cheapest j • I f\ I Lay | Street. CLOAKS! J ACKETS ! WRAPS! • AT Troutman's For Ladies, Misses and Children, the largest line we ever had. Come in and see them, they are 7 J 2MT 088 V. CloakS - Jackets - WrapS. Former Prices. Sensible customers do not pay tiiucb attention to ftdvertisemeta. the princi pal part of which is foimer prire.*, ibat is, goods advertised at a pure aud the statement made tfcut the price qnntid ic one tbird?or one half the former price. Now if iht: advertiser was tellin? the trutb be uuubi not be soiling {foods very long makicg such losses. What the shrewd buyer wants to know i« the present price of goods IJelow we give you a feiv preseut prices: Indie.»-Dyed Cheviots at 6}c. 3,000 yards of good Culico at 5c A splendid line of Coch-co Twilled Ciotb. Snitings, extra wide at 8c Standard Ginghoms at 8c Yard wid- Dress at 10c, , 36-inch Fancy Suitings at 12£ c. Fancy Diagonal Sciuogs at !5c Gents' Woolen Hone at 15c. Ysrd wide Cottage carpet at 30c. Fine all wool country flannels, in solid colors and fancy, at 25 cents. We Lave an Immense Stock of l all seasonable goods, all marked in plain figure*, at less than any former or present prices in any other house in Butler county. RITTER & RALSTON, , RINGS, Di'imnnrk I ear-rings, UlttlllOlH IS 1 SCARF PINS, 'studs, (GENTS GOLD. W-1 1 ladiks gold, \\ tllCllOh ( GENTS SILVER LADIKS CHATL.UN, T/ixxrrJ J Gold Pill8 ' Ear-rings, tl I WL 11 \ | Rings Chains, Bracelets, Ete, j Tea sets, castors, butter dishei QiKrnvwii'n and everything that can bi 11 \ll til v j found in a first class sto r e I3BGED IMS. III? E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER No. 19, liorth Main SU, BDTLEK, PA., HAY- FEVER f sZm Q COLD r HEAD WEm Ely'* Crai;n Sal':; in nut a liquid, tnvff or poicdrr. Applied tula Vie nostrils it U qiiirkly absorbed. It clfontet the head, allay* inflammation, heal* rn A the*"Tf*. Hold by druomjits or *ent by mail on receipt of price. plji % dUC ELY BROTHERS. 56 Warren Street NEW YORK. Olfii T~ " ■. _■ - - - All Kinds of Job Work done at the "Citizen" Office.