Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, November 20, 1891, Image 2

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w, c. XKSLKT, - - - - *«»
hhrrt »t rmUtU* «t »«tl«r «■ M cU— Mttw
"itnscaimoii—l*iMto the «onnty J l -?®
year, in idriDoe; outside the county. 12 per
y< Anv l>ch. one time, 11. each
and divorce »oOcea «5 saeh. «ecutors and ad
minlst raters' notteo® 18
solution notices ft each. Beading noticw le
cents a Un 1 ! tor Oral and 5 cents lor each sutee
rmt'fit insertion. HotVoes among local newt
Items 15 cento aUM tor eaeh insertion.
Aries cards, of resolutions of re*p- t.
notices of lestifTUaand talis, ete.. inserted at
tha rute of 5 cents a line, naoney to aocompaiiy
Sh? Sde" Sereo wiSs « prow make a line.
ltotes for (tending cards and Job work OB
'%'fadmtlatM Is due after Unit Insertion, and
nil transient advertising must be paid tor In ad
Of each U»«s of tne CrrizßK some extra copies
are rrlated which sis sent to citizens of tie
county who are ast subscribers and their sub
the names of their selthbors, not now taking s
county Paper.
All communications intended for publication
in ttns paper aaatbe aooompsnied by the real
tame ofthe writer, not for publication but as
a guarantee ef good faith,
Marriage and death noticee must be seooa
p anted by a respo—ible name.
Xow that the warmth of the canvass is
over, I take this ocoasion to return my
most sincere thanks to the members of the
several township and borough committees
for tho active part they took in bringing
ont the vote at the late election; as also to
tho "rank and file" ofthe party, the indi
vidual voters, for their 00-operation and
especially for their presence at the polls
on election day.
It Is in this way that victories are won,
and now that the election is over it would
seem to be a good time to look forward.
The contest of *92 will he one of education.
I wonld therefore nrge upon all our friends
the wisdom of seeing to it that every Re
publican as well as every independent vo
tor is supplied with some reliable newspa
per, through whose columns they can
learn the natnre and importance of the is
suo. Such papers are published within
our own county; let their circnlation be
Xow, too, is a good time to see to as
sessments and naturalisation. These
things onght not to be delayed to the last
It is to be hoped, therefore, that onr
committees'will continue to bo vigilant in
all linos of endeavor in the good cause.
Thus onr connty will do her full share in
the National viotory of '92.
A. If. CnsrsTLßT, Chairman.
On Saturday last President Harrison is
sued the following proclamation.
It is a very glad inoident of the marvel
ous prosperity which has crowned the year
now drawing to a close that its helpful and
reassuring touch has been felt by all onr
people. It has been as wide as our coun
try,and so special that every home has felt
its comforting influence. It is too great to
be the work of man's power and too partic
ular to be the device of his mind. To God
the beneficent and the all-wise,who makes
the labors of men to be fruitful, redeems
their losses by His grace, and the measure
of whose giving is as much beyoud the
thoughts of man as it is beyond his deserts
the praise and gratitude oi the people of
this favored nation are justly due.
Xow therefore, I, Benjamin Harrison,
president ofthe United States of America,
do heroby appoint Thursday, tho 20th day
of November, present, to be a day ol joy
ful thanksgiving to God for the bounties of
Ilis providence for the peace in which we
are permitted to enjoy them, and for the
preservation of those institutions of civil
and rcligons liberty which He gave our
fathers the wisdom to devise and establish
and ns the courage to preserve.
Among the appropriate observances of
the day are rest from toil, worship in tho
public congregation, the renewal of family
ties abont onr American firesides and
thoughtful helpfulness towards those who
Bulfer lack ofthe body or of the spirit
In testimony wher«of I have hereunto
set my hand and caused the seal of the
United States to afilxod. Done at the city
of Washington this thirteenth day of No
vember in the year of oar Lord, one thous
and eight hundred and ninety-one, and of
the iudipendenoe of the United States, the
one hundred and aixteenth. (Seal.)
By the President, James G. Blaine, Sec
retary of State.
W«t Sun bury.
The season for hunting is in and the
boys are out with their shot guns. A par
ty trom Butler huntod in the woods in this
neighborhood last week and it is supposed
the recent rains were due to the immense
firing. The birds say "come again, boys."
The total eclipse of the moon Sunday
eveniug was watched by many. The even
ing was splendid as there was scarcely a
cloud. This Lunar phenomena has lost all
its old time superstition and today viewed
iu the light of science, is both instructive
and interesting.
The students at well as the people of the
town were sorry to see Prof. Ferguson
leave, but all will be delighted to learn
that Prof. Scott, A. B. of Washington
county, has been secured and will take the
worft for the rest of the year. The Prof,
comes highly recommended.
Miss Mable Christ ly of Ceatreville was
the guest of Miss Ella Hookenberry Friday
and Saturday.
East Lynne was played by the students
of the Academy Friday evening, the 13th.
The rendition was very fine, every one
seeming to be well pleased. It is seldom
one gets such a rare treat. At the close of
the play Prof. Christley announced the
coming of Prof. C. E. Leslie of Chicago.
The Prof, brings with him his niece and
daughter and will remain the entire week,
giving a free concert Monday evening,
Dec. 21; holding two sessions each day till
Christmas eve, when he will give another
of his superb concerts. This is a splendid
opportunity for getting a weeks instruction
from one of the best instructors in the
world. All are invited to attend. Ex
panse very moderate.
Mr Thomas Glenn p.»iJ a visit to his
father aud took iu'tbe play Friday even
iu g.
Miss Minnie Christie an Alumni of tho
school paid ns a visit. X.
Flick Items.
J. W. Gillespie had a fine flock of sboep
stray off. The last he heard of them .was
on the Sarversville road.
S. C. Trimble had a cornhnsking on last
Saturday night, and he got a large amonnt
of cm hnsked.
Thos Stepp has moved into his new
hense on the Hays iarni.
Geo. Hays is making connections with
his No. 1 well to snpply his dwelling
Mi ss Retta Goodwin and Emma Ander
son were the guerts ot Miss Bessie Woods
last Friday.
Johnston Burns lost bis pocket book on
Friday last, with sl2 in it. He had it in
his vest pocket and was hanliug corn fod
der front the field to the barn when be lost
Miss Eva Fair was visiting No. 1 school
on Friday apd she was well pleased to see
how the school was progressing.
James Criner of Milleratown was the
guest, of Robert Anderson last Sunday.
W. J. Gillespie, our merchant, intends
buyng quite a number of turkeys for
Th iuksgivinf, bat not many geese.
Rev. J. X. Righter, who for the past
four years has been pastor of the First M.
E. Chnrch of Brownsville, Pa., ha? been
dismissed from the ministry by his Presid
ing Elder, and the local paper hints that
he was too sociablo with the women.
Rev. T. F. Farmer, a local M. E minis
ter of IJniontown, was tried last week for
improper conduct.
S. B. Griffith of Mercer has boen ap
pointed Receiver of the Economical Mu
tual Benefit Society of Bandy L ike; and
and Itev. Haywood, of same place Itccen
er of the Clearfield bank.
The body of Geo/ R. Lawrence, the
Pittsburg Attorney whocoaunitied suicide
in Xow York was brought home Friday.
Ho is said to have lost heavily at the tun
ing table.
A Church in Venango county, adver
tises a "rainbow oyster supper. Soup
made of rainbow can't bo very filling to
the stomach, but it must be very beauti
ful to the eye. and fills a long felt want
that is, in the church treasury. Rainbow
provender is clean profit as well as an
iridescent dream in cookery.— Xcics.
At Kittanning Point, Blair county,
Charles Gallagher and William MeCraw,
of Holdaysbnrg, have just captured a
wildcat and her four kittens. What rnous
ers they will make!
Love often comes tapping at the door
late in the autumn ol life, when the fields
are brown and the frosts are on the pump
kin. For example: John Willey. aged 73,
of Harrisville, Lawrence county, and Olive
ITickerson, aged 70, called at the recorder s'
office yesterday, took out a marriage li
cense, and departed with Recorder Barr'c
blessing. The couple were married forth
with in this city and then went to Oil City
for a brief visit with the bride's grand
daughter, and at noon to-day departed lor
Tongstown, 0., the home of the groom.
This marriage contains an clement of Ro
mance. Tho couple were old scoolmates.
Mrs. Nickerson, a widow fur the second
time, visited friends in Youngstown two
months ago. There she met John. They
talked over old times; the spark of
affection was rekindled; John recounted
tho old,old story, and Olive harkened and
assented.—Franklin Evening Xcics.
Eight thousand people, many of whom
wore employees of the Plate Gloss Works
at Ford City, Creighton and Tarenturc,
witnessed the unveiling of the Statue in
honor of Captain J. B. Ford, at Ford City,
last Satorday, that being the 80th anni
versary of his birth. Captain Ford was
born in 1811 in Danville, Kentucky; engag
ed in steamboat business in early boyhood,
bnilt thirty-seven vessels in all, most of
which were in the Goverment service dur
ing the war. In 1860 he built tho first
plate glasß factory in New Albany. Abont
1881 he erected another at Creighton. Xext
followed the still larger establishment at
Tarontum and four years ago ho construct
ed the immense plant at Ford City. The
adoption of natural gas has revolutionized
this species of manufacturing, and Ameri
ca to-day has outstripped all competitors
in the Old World. All honor to the pio
ueer and patriarch who has establisned
this great industry with such splendid re
sults. In honoring him with a statue his
3,000 workmen have honored American in
SAN FRANClSCO.Minneapolis.Omaha,Chi
cago, Cincinnati, Pittsburg, Philadelphia,
and New York, are competing tor the ne .t
National Republican Convention, and the
National Committee will decide tho mat
ter next Monday. If the Pitt-burgers can
show that they have the necessary accom
modations they onght to have it. It is
reported that two big hotels are to be
built in that city immediately.
Oil Notes.
The Anderson farm well is making about
20 blls. a day. It has not been finished
on account of the lease being defective by
reason of the farm not having boan'legally
The Butohers Oil Co. is drilling the Xo.
son the Richards to the fourth sand; and
has succeeded in drilling past the t >ols in
Clendenning, Xo. 1.
Greenlee A Font's No. 1 on the GamV.le
at McDonald, was doing So blis. an liotir,
Tuesday; and their No. 2, on the Gamble,
and No. 5. on the Mevoy, were expected to
reach the Fifth sand next day. The oil
bearing rock of that field is about 2.300
feet below the surface.
LY,and Ex-Secretary and Treasurer Turner,
of the Kuights oi Labor are accusing each
other of irregularity in the management of
the finances of the organization.
TUB famine in Rns*ja is causing parents
to kill themselves and their children.
A Bargain for Fartaers
We take pleasure in informing our read
ers that The Ohio Farmer is offered for
the remainder of this year and all of next
for only one dollar, its circulation is now
overseventyjthousand paid annual subscrib
era. It goes into every state in the union
and into foreign countries. Its advertis
ing patronage is liberal, and this with its
large circulation enables its publishers to
givo to the farmers of this country one ol
the very best, most enterprising "and in
strnctive agricultural aud famil/ journals
in America. It is published at Cleveland
Ohio, and is national in everything but
name. It is a 64-column paper of 52 issues
a year. Its proprietors are its editors while
its associate editors are M. E. Williams
and I. W. Chamberlain both men of na
tional reputation as practical agricultural
writers. Among the contributors are
such moil as T. B. Terry, Waldo F. Brown
John Gould, L. B. Pierce, R. Baker, B I".
Hickman, W. J. Green, Professors Lazcn
by, Shaw,and Webster, J. MeLsin Su.itL,
J. W. Ingham, T. Greiner. 11 Taloott, W.
W. Fransworth. M Milton, C. T Leonard
Unman Woodward, and many others, men
known where over the best agricultural
papers are taken. Its pioprietors spare no
expense nor labor that promises to add to
its interest and vulue, aud maintain its
reputation as the best and most «idely
circulated dollar weekly Agricultural
journal in America. Specimen copy and
premium list will be sent trio to nil appli
auts by addressing The Ohio Farmer,
Cleveland, Ohio.
TIIK Pardon Board has commuted the
death sentences of two of the Btaddoek
rioters, named Uusraok aud Totb, to, im
prisonment for life.
Widows' Appraisements.
The following widows' appraisements of per
sonal property and real ornate set apart tor the
benefit of the widows of decedents It.ive been
tiled In the office ot the Clerk ot Orphans' Court
of Butier county, viz;
Widow ol G H Gwnpper. deceased lotm oo
•'Henry Baldauf. deceased irr«9 fK»
" " James McCandiess. dee'd :'.OO on
'• '• Johu Pltslnger. deceased ;too eo
" " Uobt. Of!rawford. nee'd tsj oo
•• William 8. Snyder, dee'd :«>» oo
" Joseph W. DaMs, deed so (w
'• •' G »' Roesstiuf. dee'd. (realty)., noo oo
Children 01-llenry W. Watson, dee'd :too <K)
All persons interested In the above appraise
ments will take notice thau the* ivtll be pre
i semed lor confirmation to the orr.hnns' court
of Butler county. Pa., on Wednesday, the :ith
day of Dec'r, tsyt. antl if no exceptions be
filed they will bt; confirmed absolutely.
CAMPBELL—At his none in Washing
ton twp.. Xov. i 4. 1«91, Samuel P.
Campb. 11, aged 78 years.
CLAY —At her home in Scrubgrass twp.,
Yenanio C*>.. Xov*. 0, 1891, Mrs. Anna
Clay, in her 91st year.
BLYMILLEII—At his home at Sandy
Point. Nov. 9. lSf'l, Gus. Blymiller.
lie wa> attacked with_ heart disease
while corn, und died a few min
ntes after. He leaves a wife and seven
SMITH —At her home on E. Jefferson St ,
Butler. ,>'ov. IC. 1891, Josie, daughter of
John PrSmith agod 14 years,
i HURKHART—At his h -mo in Butler
! town ' in. this r..--n , r, Sai»'!:>y night,
v,,v. 1"..' I*9l, Air. John Biiikhart, in
the 33 year of hi-age.
The death of Mr. Burkhart will be
regretted bv all who knew him. Taken
a \v,ir in the midst of an active and useful
life, he will he natesM i'i tHis community.
He Was ft good citizen, prosperous ill lile.
kind r,:id obliging by nature, and always
too!, an inter:-t in pubha affairs or what
ever u * ito the welfare of his fellow
Citizen:-. Liu leaves behind many who will
re.pect his memory.
His remains were interred in the I . I.
part of th South Cemetery ou Tuesday last,
Uev. Mr. C•> iper officiating at his funeral.
M VRTIX—At his home in Peun township,
this cmiutv, Xov. 11 IS9I, Mr. Jauics
Martin, aged about 70 years
Mr. Martin v.'as rai.- o and lived mar
Whit town, this county, previous ta bis
removal to i t*nil Twp. He was a man ol
moral and upright character and a respect
ed citiaen.
LUSK—Iu Zelienoplc.this county, Tuesday
evening, Nov. 17. 1891, Djctor Amos
Lusk, aged abont 63 years.
The news of the death ol Doctor Lusk
was quite a shock lo many of our people,
to whom be was favorably known, lie
died suddenly, upon the street ot his town
while on his way to visit a patient. 1 bus
his life ceased when in the line of duty in
a profession ol which be was a learned and
distinguished member. There were few
more scholarly men than L>r. Amos Lusk.
Books were his study and delight. \Y ith
the classics, old and new, and with mont
of the languages, auciont and modern, he
was famiiiar. He was a student ol the
abstruse and tho erudite, in science and
nature, and bis conversation was enter
taining and instructive. To the people
whom ho so long served as physician he
will be greatly missed, and all who Knew
him regret to learn of his death.
Dr. Lusk was the father of William H.
Lusk, Esq., ol the Butler Bar, James L. of
tho U. S. Army, Joseph who is engaged
in the railroad business, Amos, Jr. the
banker ofZelienoplo, and Mrs. Goehring ot
same place.
The following is the action of the Ses
sion of the Presbyterian Church of Butler
on tli3 death of Judge Mitchell:
"The Session of this Church in noting
the death of Hon. James Mitchell, one ot
its oldest memders, are trnly grateful that
our circle has been so long unbroken and
that his day of usefulness has been pro
"We cheerfully bear testimony to hu
worth. Ilis was a large heart and willing,
joyful service. Loving God anil man, lest
aud glory are now his. In his firm, full
assurance of faith, Ireedotn from doubt,
constant attendance upon the means of
grace, his example remains an inspiration
to all. V.'r recall his zeal for the welfare
of this congregation, his visitation among,
and a -.jnuiniance v ith it-; members. Aid
ed by a rt'iuffikubls memory he knew well
their church relations aud bad a word ol
eood cheer lor everyone. He lived in
obedience to the injum tiou, 'Follow alter
' righteousness. g.»Hiues«, faith, l"**.
ience, meekness Fight the good light
j'.ffaiili. Lay hold on eternal life where
! unto limn art also called hast professed a
a good profession before many witnesses.'
I l-.t Timothy 6:11 12.
••W. 11. Oi-LER, Moderator,
i 'W. I), i ;.\XDOS, Clerk."
The Ke/ister here'-v KIV.'S notice that the
! a. i-ounts of Rrecurors. Admml'ti'a
tors and Gnardlans hav, lieen Bled la Sis office
.ir-'iAi!; 'c law. .-inl will be presented to
• our' : r i >i:£rmati>Hi a-- '. auow»uce on
1 Wednend i.v, tl.i *»! i l»« c'r, A. !>., !8»1. at
'i o'clock r . m. of -,) id day.
!. Fiuai i ">unt of P. 8. Baaihart. aflm'r of
vtui..., K.ticliari, late of Donegal
.■ l iual i ■.•mint of W J Kennedy, adm'r of
iv, h i I .- . dee'd, late ol .duddycreelc town
;i ;i.i ; eC'-unt of Catharine Stewart,
ar:ui'r> ~! SiiLsC ! Stewart, dee'd, late ot Done
i ..-a! hlj'.
I i. . tisntal real estate account of Ciirls
| tina !»"-••. .uiu'rx of Isaac Burr, dee d, late of
i ivnm, |„. nesting township,
j r, , ..-I a-- -nut of Win Miller. RoM J MII-
I leran • V.... .! Whtte.-iileS. extcutors of KoOt
vlUie." le"'! 1 ile of .Middlesex township.
>' li e K tiercbv given that the above named
X.. e . ill rn'ite application lor disciiargc
upon .-•!'.!•■ uiaUou of this account.
c. !in.i an I distribution account of Frcder
ick \* \\.:••i-iniith.ex'roflienry d Waclismutb,
d J « 'd , la' -; ol .Jefferson township.
7. r.ial accsunt 11 Nicholas anil Jacob Bau
■:er. e*'rs oi .inbn Bauder, deceased, late of
M ud-.l;. ;re e k low t.sh lp.
Noii. o 1~ hereby tiven that Nicholas and .la
cob ]5 luder will lUhke application tor discharge
•.wexf-c ncrsat Deceaiber t rm, upon conttrma
tlou ot ili!-. nrco int.
s. Mual a •oo.iiit of James Coulter, ada'r of
ete. cl t. ii or saraii Coulter, dee d, hue oi V'en
aUßO l v.nslitp
:>. Kinci ac.-ount of H N Marshall, adin'r of
Mary Sj dee'd, lale of Parker township.
1). i-in-'l si count of John KLUOUIT. guardian
of \,i! 11a v niter, (now Bleb!), minor child ol
John Winter, dee'd.
11. I m l account of A S lirilfiu.ex'r ot Phllll
Heln'z a'.d An:i:'. Catharine llelnti, dee'd, late
j! O'il.l IR-; tiiwn: i'li'.
Swa'r. ..te'rs ef Samuel Jwala, dee'd, la'coi
-fael <-in twp
13. linai a'eon at of titoW ailmr
of Tluis I.lmisey, dee'd. 1 ' eot Jackson ta p.
14. tinul i.ol-oiuir, cl llary Jtusoell, execu
trix "i Joltii :<l Kussell, Uec'd, late or lluilei
JO i irst aud final account or Alex Stewart
aud Henry exra or Mluerva Beigh
ie.' dee'd, late of ('bunotiuenessiiig township.
ic. 1 lrst :1 final account or w A Fort[Uer,
udm'r ctaot George Lelghner, deed, late ot
Oakland lov.nsuip
17. First and partial account of Wui 1$ Cur
rle, ex rot Walter Currle. deed, late ot Cherry
is. Final u"co'Mit or David McKlsslck, e\'r ot
Jas .Mclilsslck dee'd. late or Parser twp.
it. Tirol mi ouiit oi 'lhos F ChrisUey, adm'r
c t a, d b n oi Michael Hamilton, dee d, late ot
cherry township.
it). Hr.ul account of W 0 Thompson, ex'r or
N i' AleCandle>.-». dee'd, late oi Centre town-hip.
SI. I'aur* in! account Cl X M Kirk land. adm'r
of Martha M < lark dee'd. late or Wtufield twp.
Flnti account of N M Klrkland, guardian
of .lasoit O Nixon, minor son or James Nixon,
■£i. Final account of A A Swain an<l Win K
PCiTi'v, surviving ex'rs of J.icob Swain, dee'd,
late oi Lancaster township.
24. First and ilnal account of Jolui 11 Corni
le\ anil M J Mcßrl.le. ex'rs ot Patrick Mcßrlde,
deed, kite of Venango township.
2). Final account ofTlios B lieckwith, ex'r
of Kll lieckwith. dee'd, late or Slippery rock twp.
Kottiv is h 'reby glwn l hat Titos I! Keek with
will petition Court for discharge as executor
upon confirmation of this accouut.
lu I'iunl account of Stephen Cummtngs.
adm'r • 1 iih Brltlaln Jr., dee'd. late oi But
ler boro;; ii.
•jr. ! iiikhiK.count ot 5 1" Bowser, adm'r ol
Geo VV Oamahan, dee'd, late oi Centre twp.
DAVID It. DAI.K. Register.
H fil V\
«/ m
vV 1 / J
MR. M U.I.FA,N presenting one of the
large.-' m.iuti'ncturers and importers
ofLuliesnud Cbildrens Cloaks iu
New York City and Cleveland, will
display at my store
NOVEMBER 21, 23, 24 AND 25,
the ! ar.ds >n>eri line of Cloaks ever
shown iu Butler.
Ladies ueedin/y wraps should not
fail to attend this Special Sale, as
this is fifj excellent opportunity to se
cure the latest aud most exculusive
novel ties in Cloaks, which I will sell
at special low prices during this sale.
Yours Truly,
Next, door to the Butler Savings
Ba r k. Hitler, t'a.
YtfU 2 ir IN-D
»".J -xiMrart lor »t
LIECJAL v Dvaansstf [*3
Administrators anil Executors of estates
can secure their receipt books at th« ClTt-
Zil.v office.
Application for Charter.
Notice is hereby given that an appli
cation will bo made to the Governor 01
Penn'a on the I4th <>f Dec., 18t>l, by J. S.
Patterson. 34. L. Lockwood, S. W. Tail,
\\ . F. Tait, J. .S. ilcNaliy, Stephen Lock
wood, S. ii. Lock wood, J. M. Dicker,
D. K. Newton, under the act of Assembly
entitled. "To provide for the incorperation
and regulation of Natural Gas Companies"
approved May 29th, A. D. Iftßs, and the
supplements thereto, lor the charter of an
intended incorporation to be called the
"Patterson Natural lias Company" the
character and object o: which is to produce,
do il in,transport, store and supply natural
gas to such persons, corporations and
aß?<': iatiou-: iu Uarniony anaZelienopleand
vicinity within convenent connecting dis
tance of its lines who may desire to use
the .-urne. All withia the County of Butler.
W". D. Brandon, Solicitor.
Estate of John Burkhart.
Letters of administration having beta grant
ed to iiie undersigned on the e.tate of John
Burkuart,d.c'd, late of But er tp.,Butler Co.,
Pa., all persons knowing themselves indebt
ed to caid estate will please make immediate
payment, and any having claims against
said estate will present them duly authenti
cated for settlement.
Greer A. Ralston, Attys.
The undersigned executor of the last will and
testament oi William CrookshanS, dec'J, will
oner at public sale on the premises in Wiufleld
township, butler Co., I'a..
bounded and described as follows, farm No. 1
bounded on the Norta by lauds ot ltobt. Smith,
East by Heed and Kreellng; South by John
Crooksliank; West by Bear Creek road; con
taining 96 ;:crcs, g<toil liouse, bank barn, good
fences, well watered, convenient to churches,
schools. It. H. stations, etc.
harm ISo. i Is bounded on the North by llar
vey CrooKSliftiik; East by Thomas \\ at son;
south by Watson and Noble; West by Noble;
containing 4-s acres. 110 improvements,well wat
ered, good fences. 12 acres U good Umber.
Also ut same time and place three lots at
Saxouburg station, liutler Co., I'a.. each M x
12"> feet, bounded as follows. On the North b>
Smith and Logan ; East by Helmboid Ave.,
south by Saxonburg road; West by W i*. It. K.
haWng thereon erected a franc blacksmith
shop and wagon shop. tt ill be sold tn the lump
or In lots to suit purchasers.
Sale to begin at 1 o'clock p. m. Terms made
known on day of sale.
J. W. TODD, Executor.
Sarversvlile, butler Co., Fa.
Insolvent Notice.
In re application of J. P. | Common Pleas of
Daubenspeck for dls-1 Buller Co.. M. S. D.
ch«rg3 under the Inaolv- f No. 4, Dec. T, l&stl.
eut laws. J
Whereas 1 made application to t!.e Court of
Common Pleas of Butler County, I'a.. on the
lltli day of sept. 1831, praying for discharge
under the Insolvent laws oi the Commonwealth,
and the sjlu Court having fixed Monday. Dec.
7, irai, for the hearing of the same In open
court, all my creditors and others Interested
are hereby notified to attend and show cause,
if acy they have, why 1 should not be uiacharg
ed according U law.
No lee Ls hereby given that an application
will be made to theCouri of Quarter sessions
of Butler C.i. Hi ila Till day of December, A. 11.,
iHd the proper authorities of the borough
ot Cetu llle, In said t otinty ,to have said bor
ough incorporated »o is to become subjeel to the
re> tril lions unu possess the powers and privi
leges ci.il erred l>J Act 01 Assembly appro* cd
the 3d da) ot April. A. D,. I»>1. entitled "All
Act regulating boroughs. '
Nov. 4, io'.d. LKVI M. \\ ISIJ.
A'ty lor Applicants.
estate of John Whitmire, dee'd
I.AiK us U.ISI.AM) TU l'„ BI'tLKK CO., I'A.
Lett rs testamentary oil the estate of John
tt hliniire, d • d , late at Oakland twp., Buuer
Co., I'l una., having been granted io the under
. igii'-d, all persons Knowing tucaneives indent -
i ■.o.iiiies,«l.' will please make Immediate
payment . ;..i any .wng claim, against She
■a:.. v 11 preae.i', them duly aulajuucaled for
' ' J l'KTiCil WHiTMIItK. lix<-
;>oi;or.i I'. 0.. liutler Co., i'a..
(I. \V. Fleeter, AUJ.
Estate of Joshua McCanditss,
N !! <-• is hereby given that th ; uufcrsigned
Inn : lal.t n out letik-rs ol adiutulslration on
llic :la(''0l .losnua .UcCaiidlcss, lateol Muddy
cicek twp., Batter Couuiy. i'a., uecu. AH
pcosous i.uowtilng theiuselves indebted to said
et;la'.e w.U please .uake luliaeJiute payment,
and all peisoas having acCOanlS o: claims
ig luii,said eavalu will proseni toe same pro
pel ly autuenticatttd lor payment to
1 A"a.Slii.lt MCCANDL.M3,
AU.'M/.O 11. KESiVtDV,
I'iospect. la., Adni rs.
-McJunk.il i lialbr.ath attj. lor A dm'us.
Estate of Kobt. G. Crawford,
Letters oi admluibtraliun on the estate of
Robert i«. ratvioid, dei d, lalu of A dans twp,,
Butici Co , I'a., ha,ng teen gianied to tue
unfleislaneu, ;dl i tii-./US knowing themselves
indebted \. j said estate will plea e make iui
luctiuie pa\ n.cut aii.l any huviiig elauns
agaiii.-a, lee same will present tliem duly
authenticated lur sellleiiient u>
JOHN LKAwyoKO, Adin'r,
Vmciicta, liutler Co.,l'a.
Estate of R. A. Mifllla, dee'd.
Lettcr3 tCbUimeatur>' 0,1 above named
fbiau* lAititi gicUiiv.Hi io tli* uQdensigucd.
:ol |>erbuoa iLntiselveH Incleoied lo
oHHie v.ill please paviucul.
.aij Imvifld ctuliiis i Cataio will
present iueu\ dui> authrniietttetiioracttlemeut.
i . l . .Mu■* LlS, l;x'r.
Nvitii liupe I'. 0.,
C. WALK Kit, Atty. bailer Co., r.u
Eitat. of James McCandless,
Letters of a'<uiiuistrstiou on the above
named ebtate having been grant-.d to the un
dersigned, all peiFuns knowing themselves
indebted to :aid estate will please mjke im
mediate payment, and any having claims
lgainst said e.-tute will present theni duly
authen'.ie.ite-l tor settlement.
D. B. DOTTUKTT, Adm'r.
Brownsdale I'. 0.. Buiitr Co,, I'a.
Estate of Mary Riddle, dee'd.
Letters testnmeutftry 011 the estate of Mary
Kiddle, de. 'd. lute of Clinton twp., liutler Co..
Pa., having been granted 10 the undersigned,
all persons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate win please make Immediate pay
ment .and :;n> having elauns against said estate
will present them duly authenticated tor sc.tie
men t to
Jons U. I'ETEUS.
Iti idles x I loads, 1. 0., Butler Co.. I'a.
Estate of Nancy Hartley, dee'd
Lelleis t»stan 1 ntary on the estate of Mrs.
Nancy l.tartley, dee'd. lute of the borough of
Duller. I'a.. having been uranied 10 the under
s!gue<!. »!l peis'.nis l.nowine themselves indebt
ed to - 1 i estate will please make Immediate
pa' 111 and any la'vltg claims agalnsc said
• talc will jii' cut them duly authenticated for
Sonorji I*. 0., Butler Co.. I'a.
Wfl a,r..j & Mitchell, Att'vs.
LOTS. I will offer for sale a number of lots
Mi uated on the high ground adjacent to if. 11.
(joneher. Ksi|., and the Orphans' Home. Tlie
land is laid out In squares of something less
than om- acre, each squar, being surrounded
by : 0-foot stre>t, ar.d containing live lots 40
feet Iront by iso feet back. These lots are offer
ed r-t very reasonable prices and on terms jo
stilt ; ircluisers. These who wish an entire
squire can be accommodated.
At>:>—l will sell my farm in Summit town
ship .situated within one-half mile of the Butler
Dorou gb line, adjoining lands of James Reams
aud otiters, ou the Mlllerstown road, and con
sisting of 112 acres. 11 will be sold either as a
whole orJlvlded to suit purchasers.
for further Information In regard to either \>t
1 theabove properties, call 011 J. Q. Sullivan. 22H
Kas North Street,, Butler, I'a.
n/Ai.r.as t»
l*~rnyslclaus' Prescriptions carefully roui
5 S. Main Street, Butler. f s a.
j,r. V \ -'..til 1 ' t .r. 1:5
S\Sy* i■■ ''""""Vl,' '.«" li'"!"*
.Sj: I.J Ul walk hi' mil 11 illy.
V '-t XH . . . Irr-r U.M.SMI a
V.j. i.. . •.. t • 1:1.. . li> -I Hlll.ltoflirni.il
!No iiM-iey f.«r t>.«-i.u .«•».. i »«!■..». . F»<»lly aud quick 1/
1 1-arnenL i I..it < \ .tU.r i»'>n« r>,rU t orroiiiiiy. I
I airily t.i iirUt miJ with rat) !<<• tttrnt I 'ft**®
• ' : • " > JKW
•nd SOM HI. l ull r-arncal«r* K2( tt once.
I L. V. ALIX.V. Uux «X«. Auguiu, Maine.
By virtue ol sundry writs of \ en. Ex.. PI. Fu..
Lev. Fa.. 4c . issued out of t !ie Court of ( omman
Fleas of itutler Co.. Pa., and to me directed
there wlil i<e exjtosed to pabiie sale at tfle
court House. In the borough of Buller, o;i
Monday, the 7th day of Dec.
A. l>.. 1891, at 1 o'clock, v. m . the following de
scribed property. to-wit:
K D No L3i. Dee Term. MM.
All the right, title. Interest an I cial.il of a W
Say. \V A Shrew? aad M li Kallsuyder, of. in
and to M a res t f land, more oi situated
in Concord and oaitlaiiJ townships. Butler
coontv. Fa., bounded an follows, towlt : Begin
ning at the middle of road on IPiselton's Uuo.
thence due east ts) pert (us to a po6t; thanet
south 53 dec wesi :ui pe-r idles to Butler iti.td .
thenc-e north la.Si den east «: perches; thence
r.or'h li dec we>r perches; mence souti i<;'.
deg wist 74 perches ! fceneo liui" east 11 percnes
to the road. the plti'V <.-1 tieginaiug.
ALSO —All the r ,'ht, tltln. Intel- >' and f.lm
of A\V S . V> A slireve and 1! li Kdisnyder.
01, la and to 40 actes ol laud, more or Ie - situ
ated hi Co.'ic >rd and Oakland townships. Uuli- i
couniv, t a.. bounded as loilows. to-wit: On tue
North by Theodore Huselion, ea-i by landa oi
defendants, seuth by James k Campbell, west
by Andrew PCbristle. Being same tract o!
laud sold by James KCampbell to said Rr*l par
ties. Seized and takea in execution a* the pro
perty of A W sa.v, W V shrove and >i il iUii
snyder, at the suit of Eliza A Clark for use o:
Thomas ttoiiaghy.
E D No -> <J, Dec Term ISOI. S 11 Fiersol. att'y.
All th: right. title. Interest and cliim of Johi.
Morgan, ot. in and to four lob ol land, more or
less, Situate In Saxou City. Wmlield twp., But
ler Countj l'a., bounded as follows, town : Be
ginning at a pin on Hazleit Ave and Lynn Aw
not* leel to Peach Way; thence along said W.iy
isj leet to Chestnut Way ; thence along saw
\\ ay 200 feet to llazlctt A*e ; thence along saiii
Avenue 125 feet to L\ nn Ave,the place of begin
nlgu, being lots No. 192, 1:0, it' 4 and las, in a
plan of low laid out by Win S Boyd In W lniielti
tvrp.. County and state aforesaid, and ealieu
saxon City, and being the same lots conveyed
to the party of t..e that part by said \\ in S
Boyd. Seized and taken In execution us ihe
proterly of John Morgan at the suit of Win J
Boyd et aU heirs at law oi Win S Boyd, dee'd
now for use ol llenry H hoyd.
KD No IS2 sept term, lsyl, Brandon. ait'y.ig
Ail the right, title. Interest and claim ol li \v
Doud.s. 01, in anu lo 47 acres of land, more or
less, situate in Clay twp. Butler Co, l'a.. bound
ed as lollops, io-v.li: on the norui by Fhilip
llalsteln, east by Oold heirs, south by Elinira
Hindmaii and west oy Wash Mnhood, togethei
with a two-Story lrame house, trauie barn, or
chard and outbuildings Iheteon. Seized and
taken in execution a.s ttie propert., of u \V
Dodua at the suit of the Butler savings Bank et
EIJ No 404 L>ec term, lsyl. Williams& Mitchell,
All the right, t'.tlc,interest end claim ol Sam
uel Davidson, ol.ln and io il acres o. lund.wort
or less. Situate m Adams twp. Butler Cc. Fa.,
bounded as follows, to-v> It: On the nor'li tj
Geoigc Marburger. easL by John Casbdollai.
soutn \\ m Johnston and west i>y JosJohi.-
s'.on's heirs, mostly cleared and under a good
slate oi cultivation.
ALSO—AiI the right, title. Interest and claim
of oamuel ]>avidson, 01, in and io tia acres ol
lanu, more or less, situate In ,Adams twp. but
ler co. la. bounded as lollows, to-wlt: Begin
ning at the sonthviest corner; thence north au- t
west oi' perches by lands of the helw of Joseph
Johnston ; thence south 5T east y perches;
thence norm 20.'- west 2 perches; thence 57
west to a stone ; thence north l,*i' west 124
percnes to a post and stone; thence west 270
perches to the place ot beginning, with a two
storj Ir.ime house, orchard and oulbuiluingß
thereon. Seized and taken in execution as the
property ot Samuel Davidson at the suit ot Win
itoll, agent,
ED No iJO, Dec Term, 1591. WII Lusk. afl'y.
All the rlglit, title, interest and claim of J 1)
Moirls. 01. iii and to a lot ot laud, more or less,
situated In Butler borough, Butler county, l'a,.
hounded as lollows, to-wit: Beginning at a
co rut r ol old Mercer road and Cleveland street ,
thence westward along said street and lot oi
\eager, lormerly C Dulfj, luo feet to ah
alley ; tlieuOe south along said alley to lot of C
Duny ; thenee east alon« line ot said lot ICO feet
to Mercer street or road; thence noith along
said Mercer street 40 it. to place ol beginning;
together with a two story frame house oi lour
rooms, fruit trees, a well of good w ater and out
bailuings thereon. Seized and taken In exe
cution as the property of John 1) Morris at tin
suit ot Trustees of duyasuui Lodge No 225
kti'ghtsof Pythias.
Kl> No lfc). Dec Tel m 1891. W A an y.
All the r,gbt. title, interest and claim of I> i
Iltijgins. of, in and to 50 acres of land, more or
less, si.uatcd in Venango township, Butler
county, IV., bounded «.s lollows, to-wit : c>n
the north jy John M< Kain, east by Michael i
Hi} gins, south by Patrick and Alice An;i
i»u..igau. west by itui Wolcott; about 15 acris
cleared, b.imnce in tlmoer, open In coal b.uiK
,>nd ail underiald with coal tegell.tr v.'nli i
b;ard nou-e. board traole and outbuiiiungs
thereon. Seized and lakcii ill exeeatlou a.s tue
property nI) 1 lliggins at mo suit et O rt
L D N'o r>7 l e- tetm, Ixl. Brandon, atl'y.
Ail the right, titi'.\ Interest and claim o[ (
(iletii:. of, In an'l te one acre ol land, more a
.nualcd In West Snnbury borough, Butler
(SO, I'.- b .iUaUe i i. i loilows, to-wit: Oil tUe
no: tli bj I lev Wright ami Andrew l'oiter, eas-.
i,\ puhli ■ road,south street, west '■ J Joshua
iiunlap; logel.n r with n iwo-stor> iraim
hoii-e name slable.trult trees anJ outbuiid
bigs thereon, seized alid taken Mi executi
r.s"ti".e properly oi W C CHenn at the suit ol J
W Thorn.
ED No 112 Dec Term, is»l. Alex Mitchell, at
All tl e right, title, intt rist and claim of John
Kennedy, of. In and to a lot of land, more or
i-. -. . Ituuttd In Butler borough, Butler county
Fa , lounied us lollows, to-wit: On the ronn
L :u; l ey, east by Kainertr, south by New
< ast ie street, west t.j i:ui land; together v.ithu
li'ani'' n.aru and one story fra.ae building used
as a shoe shop luereon.
ALSO—AII the right, title, inter, at and claim
or .loiin Kennedy, ot, in and to T,-ixlijs leet oi
laLd. more or less, sllnatetl in Butler OoroUgn.
bu.ier county. Fa., ■.'■ untied as lollows, to
on ilie North b) \\ 1. iteed. east by Meieei
street, south b\ an alley, >vest by an alley ; to
gether with a two-story frame house and out
ou.ldlngs ihereon. S.lzed and taken In exe
cution as the property ol Job.. Kennedy at the
suit of Andrew U Williams, In trust lor Juie M
E D No 212 Dec IcIUI. 1891. AU Williams, alt .v.
All the right, title, Interest and claim of C. il
llewit, el, in .a.d lo r.Cxso leet ol laiiu more or
le--;, ailiiated in iiut.e-r !■ tiller Co, l a
bounded as follows, tc-wlt: on the north by
tteorge Mll iiiigei, t ast by F M Hcwli, south b.-
Locust street, v. est an alley; together with ■
iw o-story frame house alio outouinllngs there-
ALSO—AiI the right, title. Interest and cla.nt
of L M lie-wit, of, in and lo eoxSO feet, of isiui
more or less. fcituateJ in Butler borough. Butler
county. Pit, bounded as lollows, to-wlt: on
the north ny bpriitger, east by an alley, soui.li
by !•' M lletv.l. v.est oy second street; togetln-i
wltn a tt.'o-story iramc house, li aine stable and
outhuildlr.gs thereon
ALSO- All the right, t'.iie, interest and claim
of L M Hewlt. of, in ana to oxl6o leet of land,
more or liss. sltuatea in Butler t orough, HutK-i
county.lV., hounded as follows, to-wlt: on
ltie north by an alley, east, ny a u alley, south
by Mis. Anderson, v.est by second street; to
gether wltn a two-story iraine house and out
huildiugs thereon.
Al-SO —All the right title. Interest find claim
ot 1. M Hewlt, of. in and to acen.itn lot of land,
m.-ie or less, suuated in Butler borough. Butier
Co, l'a, bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning
at a post ut Hie noilliwest corner of su.d ioi. on
South street; thence in an easterly direction
along said street 40 feet to a post ; tl.ence In a
southern direction along lot No 52,125 teet to an
alley ; thence in a western direction along said
alley 40 feet to a post at corner of lot No s*;
thence lis a northern direction along said loi
tNo 54) 125 feet to file place of beginning, said
lot being lot No 53 in Philip Daubcnapeck'%
plan oi lols In said borough, together with a
two-story frame house and outbuildings there
ALSO— all the right, title. Interest and claim
of 1, M Hewlt. 01. in and to 4oxleo feet ol land,
more or less, situated in Butler borough, Butler
county, Fa., bounded as foilov.s, to-wlt: On
the north by 1. M and J J Hewlt. east by I. M
Hewlt. south by Carbon street, west by L M
llewit; U-gether with a two story fram-j house
and outbuildings thereon.
ALSO —All the right, title, interest and claim
ol M llewlt of, In and to 40x100 feet of land,
more «r less, situated in Butler borough, Buller
county. Fa., bounded as follows, to-wlt: On
tue uoith by 1. M *nd J J llewlt. east by L M
Hewit. south by Carbon s'.reet, west by an
alley ; together with a two-story frame house
and outbuildings thereon.
ALSO—AII the right, title Interest and claim
01 L M Hewlt, of. In ami to 4Gxloo feet of land,
mote or less, sltualeu In Buntr l.otougli, Bui
It r county. Fa. bounded as lollows, to-wit: On
the north by 1. >1 a. J ,1 llewlt. east by Fourth
street, soil ill by Carbon street, west ly 1. M
AI.SO—AII the right, title, interest and claim
of L M llewlt, of. In and to 40x100 reef of land
more or less, situ-ted in Butler borough. Butler
county . Fa. bounded us follows, to-wit: On tne
north Dv 1. M £ J J llewlt, cast by 1, M liewil.
south by carbon Street, west by I. M Hewlt.
seized and taken in execution as the property
of L M Hewlt at the suit of Alex Mitchell,
ED No 213, De Term, lst)l. A Ci Williams
All the right, title, interest and claim oi L M
Ilev.it and .1 J Hewit partners as L M A J J
Hew il. nf. in and to iOOxltia leet of land, more oi
less, situated li: Buller borough, Butler count >.
Fa., bounded at toll< ws. to-wit : on the north
by an alley, east by Fourth street, soulii by 1.
M Hewit, west l.\ an allej; together with ihiee
two-story frame houses and outbuilding' there
on. Seizin and take in execution as ilie pro
perty ol I, M llewlt and J J Hewlt partners as
I. M a J J llew it at the suit ef Alex Mitchell,
E1) No ft. Dec Term. lsyl. Brandon, att'y.
All ilie right, title, interested and claim uf 1-
W Starr, of, in and to <3 acres oi land, more or
le>s, ituated in Concord township, Butler
cotiElv, l'a, bounded as follows. to-wu: Begin
ning at a post, thence by lands of John starr.
•ir, south 2 deg east yi perches to a j>ost; thence
by lands of Daniel Faium uonh 2 deg west 7»
perches to a post; thence by lauds of J Maxwell
north 88 deg ctst #2 perches to the place of be
ALSO Ail the right, title. Interest and claim
01 K W blatr. of, in and to 73 acres ol laud,
more or less, situated In Concord township,
Butler ceunty, Fa. bounded as lollow s, to-wll;
Beginning at a hickory. thence north 87 dec
east 14! perches to a |<o.-t ; thenee by lan is or
John starr south 2 oeg cast 87 and 4.V tenth
percht sto a white oi.k ; tlience south «>'• deg
west ity lantisoiA Meylert too perches to a
hickory ; thence by laniis of DaMti Patten t.oith
2 deg wist 87 T-io perches to the place ol begin
ning. seized and taken in execution as uie
properly ol E W siarr at the suit of Butler Sav
ings Baiik and others.
ED No 4 Dec toim, ism. Lusk & \"anderlli>,
All the right, title. Interest and claim ot .1 A
W elsli. of. li: and to to\ 110 leet of land. more or
less, slluaftd In Ct nnixptcnessirir township.
Butler county, Fa. bounded as follows, to-wl::
On the north by i'owder Mill Road Cist ev
Henshew, south by Henfhew, west bv Joseph
Wise ; toother with a tv.-c-storv boari house,
board str.ble and cutbtdldings thereon. Seized
and taken In execution aa 'he property of J A
Welsh at Ihe suit of Casper Fehl < t al.
E li No lt;4 I tee term, isfll. Kohler, att'y.
All the right, title. Interest and claim of!
Dennis Shields, oi, in and to 53 acres of land, j
more or less, sltuateu in Clearfield township.,
Butler county. Fa. hounded as follows, tc-win:
On ihe north by A Denny, east by Mclamgluiu, ,
south by Cljrner heiis. west by Clymer heirs, i
together with a two-story Irame house, frame,
barn, oi chard and o«it,nul!dlng' thereon. Seized I
and taken In execution as the property ol I
Deunl* Shield? at Hi? «u!t of Joseph Knley et
E D Nos 161. lot. lt>>, lot>, 167, 1 11 1 Dec term
1401. W A Fortp.er el si. all >s.
All th« right, title, inten-t c' tlm c
Michael Slrlebt. and Fitr'ek sliv ids of it art.'.
to.V aero of land, iiwri' or ie*;:,. silaa'ed tr
Oreat Bell. Jeffer- :: t w>. hlr.Pv. t.
Fa. bouaded its fill to-wlt: on fi.e nertfc
by Albert smith I . Went i can t .
south bv M By, !'.. >:.tl -. t.isi o, v.'.
Ke'ii.-k.t titer > ' •
building i«ttU"il ! ; . ie ad o . luildlniTS *i>ti ,u
oti. Seized and taken :a • te< ii..
pertyof Mlchnel Shit i •. Patrick Sh, l i.s..'
the It Of Joseph Kill-. . ci al,
E D Nos id .i, '. , . . ' 7. i.e. Dec ic-rm
is.'!. WA 1 orji-r. t't'j •
All the right. t '.:e, mt. t »; and claim «.
Michael s- ields. • l a,
Shields, of, dx aie; t«.'>7 acres' i mora or
less, situated in W infield t.,.u -lap, BuUcr
county, pa, t , . H-.,1:i
ntngata p >-i the rrr; ' rt.nn . tiienct
norai s»-, dog easi o. p i
Oahe heirs to ap: st; t'.i n rtli l . .. i>>-
49 corci: . aloug • • <-i at. to a .lii.a. »
swulli . oeg east :::J ienL. - ale: e • .:« o:
Heal Gil Inibcr to a msi ; tlteuce in a
•traction I4t perehcj aloag lands or Mk-'av-'
peA-'h ab'lt} 'land'st. dsier"l, iii " it.
norihv.. ;.-r:> rtire. iioa along lands or Je
Shields a-v.l a public road .so rods more or ies,
to a ;>cst ; tu. a ■ south ss .• drg wr>t no rods,
more or . int.; 1-d.ds ol J aa sale,-is i» .
Mi; thence Math 1H 'itg west ze perches
along ~ii:ds ol Joitn S.I! ..:s atal Osi.e heirs lo .
post, the place of begianlng ; all under lenc
ami la a gtaid slate oi eutii atlon.
AloO—All tile right, ti.ie, itileiesl aiel clJini
ol Ml.-uael sei-.aus. i*.. r /K'.-C sit. -,d - ~n 1 d.,ii:.
Site . Is, 01, in anda ««s acre? of laral. more Or
les. : i. satuate in SMnfleil and ClearUeld twps
ilntiir county, !•.<.. t-aundea as fulio*s, to-wtt
Beginning at a pos: at the nartnvus' rornei.
north «.si. deg east til perches aie>t:.
lands of Neol Galiagh&r to a po.st; thence south
3,S deg cast 41 percliei aioitg lands . t airs J
tirnhum to aj i il; ihence suuiti st .. ucg we.if
S3', pcrcues aiang laiii:s of a.rs liercu to « post
thence In a southerly dlrectlea lands o;
salt! Mrs Herch lio perches lor. post; ii.cn-s
south ss.'j dog we-.i ■ perches tilai.g lands e:
Ulster h :rs to a post; thence la a uorttiirn di
rectum along lands oi Patrick fureids l, :
perches, more or it..?, to the place of beginning";
all under lence and In a gouo suite cul'.ivailoa
Seized and taKen in execution ao the p.«.,,eri:.
of Michael SdiclUs. i'ainck Shlet.is aa 1 lorn,
shields,at tile suit ol Joseph Krlley and n'.ne'.s
E L> NuS liy and 1-0, Dec i'ernt, Is'ji. 1- t, r.o.v
ry, atl'y.
All the light, title, interest, and claim o'
Christ . idler and Louis Mulcr, oi, in aii.l to
acres of Ilia i, iit-.i ' or less, situate in But lei
twp. Butler Co.. l'a., eodnutl i as to
wit: on me north In Jolimwn, end t,_. hmmu
Miilegan, sou:n tyueorge Bauer ina Atiraliat),
-Mee.itiOii- . -.vest iiy punlto rotid 11 a:11 ; irorc
the New C'ast'e rie-u t" Use Old A. i'eei rOaa
mosi... cleared and iii a ga:>-i ■ *i; eultlv:.
tlon. Seized and lascn >u eteCdUoa as i„
properly oi chrtsi Miller aud l.ou.- -illa:
the sun oi llenry iiickcl tor d;o ol John v Lo>.-
i" IJ No 72, Div Term. I£W. Koliler. att'y.
AU the i 'gl.t, t:;le. inu reia Mill t laiiu o r
li B McKinnej , ol- in ana tti 4"\llX' It* i ei tali'j.
m re or i. ss. siiuate in coni:o<;ueii-assii.3 twp.
buller Co.. l'a.. Counded as lolior.s, tu- <■ .i: Ou
the north by lir. c hrlaiit:. east by iiennaa Ke
lormcd enuich.south by i'owuer Mil rosal, wei,
oy au alley, toge'.h'.r with u mi llfQlj DUI
board stable and outnuhdinga ih-JreOd.
seized and taken in execution a-, ihe prupcrty
of 11 B McKinney, at the suit of sns Aiier
E D No 7, Dec Term. 1S?I. MiC'acdKss and Me
l arl-.ud, atlys.
All the right, title. Interest and e'alm oi
Jaiuea B Cooitu of, ill hgu to all that Certain
lot ol land, more or less, siluaie in Adams .Mp,
Butler Co. Fa , bounded a- follows, in .. u: tj H
the nor li by a street, east by a stre. t. south by
lar.d oi W J Clilleland, we tby V V, 1; li .will:
a two-story frame house luereon. Son.-d an<:
taken In execution as t t'a property ol Janes, 7;
Ccnan at the suit oi 11 Clormiey aaa otne.a fai
use, now for use ol John v'onlin.
KD No 58, Dec Term. 1891. 1" W Lew.y, att'y.
All the right, title, interest and .to'ia of John
L Turner of. in and to 4 aeres oi und, m..re o:
less situate in Wasidngton twp. B'dlh r i t>. Fa
hounded as follows. io-*St: Beifimiing ai tt post
at tile northwest eoni-r. t hene- lit a north
easterly direction by lantl ol Sarah Jenkins
four hundred and Gtxtf v 4C,a; fr._c to a DM Witt
In thirty feet of the sbeuatigo ny rali
road track, thenee along said rallroot track In
a southerly direction six httoored ami jluht.
tn-o. feet, more or 1-ss. to e. post, th 'iicab
I tnils ol J 1 Beatty, aev.ai liaudred and dlt;
(taOi leet. more or less, o a ;>os; and pla i
t'eginning Seized and fa-.en I" -xccdunn a.
the properly of ae'in b Purser the .-it,.
First Nation .1 Ba:bs of Urienviip'. ; a.
ED No ii, Dee ierm. 1391. ii;:.r.Jen,... .'y.
Ail the right, title, interest ~u 1 c ; ,::n ci H..
Clark, 0.. In and lo 100 acres o; land, inort .
les-:, -aiuaie iii e laordtw p, li.ui. > co.. Fa.
oouuded as lCiiov-.s, io-wlf,: oil i.e. no.-'tn by J
D Kamerer and t'oite,, ca-f by J i) and 1* Kain
tier, south by ii Bh-ir .'.ii i we..; t.. a H Camp
bell slid i'atlon. wiui a iiatae noti-\ t'. bari
and two orchards theraon. Si t ... us taken
in xecuMou as the i . ol U J C. nk. a.
the still oi A U Men!s.
ED No ls7. Stpl Term. Isi.i. A ?.l Cliti-'.ley,
All the right, title, la rest nnd <'f I. i.
Arias, of, in < net to all e : - certain lot vi laud,
m re er leas, sn aale m fs-ati ••• bar. lgli. HT.i«
Co.. Fa., fioanded a A follows, 10-WH: On tv
north by Soul li street, cast by an alley, coute
by Centre aveane. west t V, ukenha.,e i v-'li r,
a two-stoiy rraino house, board ..ale an
Outbuildinaa the:.- ei > : ' .'C. ai.i t.. k: a in,.:-,
ecnrioit as tue properly ol L il •:r. - . . l'a
suit ol Jootphiue An..,.
LDNo 05 Dec Term. lsyl. i .:t,u r ait'y.
All the tight, title, tue rest au.l ..ru •' J a
V Urouwerc, of. hi : U(t to 2 •. * •) ♦ »!i ! iw»!«
or l ss. situate in Mdl' i-. iwn <. '.gh. Pufier
Co., Fa., bouiitle t as foliowa. t.»->». • i
uori t> by McCllnl-ek , t . tß i oi Mcdlntfick. south
by FmuK llo.ieai.d graveyard, a'es Bar:..;
1 redenek and Kuml augh ; With a ; ■> •):.
rracie house, Irame bam, and orchard thereon
ALSO—AII the right, liil(a int< res. taain:
of J K V liroa were. t.l . in and .0 o acres ol land
more or less, situate It- MfOSntawn b 'ro tgli
Buller couniv. Fa., itouudedas follow.- ta-wn
On the north" by i:.<ei: heirs. • 0.-' Mt'-lui
lock's, south by'lahda ol sanl u. t am:
Ilenipiiiil farm, west oy Kiiyior. Hemphill ana
Leileeker Seizeu an i irtken in exeetUion :•
the property oi J K V Brouwere a: the suit 01
Millers town Deposi' Hat,;, and others.
E1) No iv 9 «ept Term, i«i»l. I Mil/, ut. 'y.
All Ihe rigiit, title, interest an lel tin of i) ■'
Jamison, ot. In and to si acre* o£ laud, n.ore o.
less, situate m Venango twp. Bull .- county F,.
hoimled as follows, to-wlt: On n,e liorfa !■■
lands ol Uobe.-t Van Jerbu and heirs ot .Hl-iiae
coh'.ay. east by Arch} and Join. Mt%lnflil»ai>
(iiua i; K Wlek) to'it 1: by Jno Mtarin. ..aa
at-. . by t ieorgeand liobert \audenln. l ent,
mo al.v eiear.m. Seize,l •• . j takea Ui exef a'.ton
as the property of i' > Jamison, at tne- suite.
Ort'D , ;oss, e.t al.
ED No ir>i, Dec i'erni. issi. M.it. s, att'y.
AU t'ao right- title, iii'»-re. t anil el lim c:' •/oho
A Ward. ,in and to e.i i thai ccrtali, lot of I AUJ,
more less. BttUkte ta Peon twp., BntlOT Co
i'a., iio:itldb,l as loi!oWs,to ',.il: Oil tile a'j."'''
by the oiher hah olsiame lot. east by >:i ahey
sou' hby Main st. weal bj I-! No. 2 •.wu-t o:
public road) being thirty {.;o> ie,et h <>\> en Ma!:-
St, ana Bfty ;S"5) lfsel tloep as pe. pli:, ut Iteu
t.-ev.. will, a two-btorv baara liOOit ti:cieon.
Sei. cd and taken in eicnttoa as iie ;>r:>i<erly
of .John A V. aru at the suit ol Jaoies iiamci.
E l> t«i, Sept Term. w. ai d a.i l
Dec icrui. IStii. M- vJaislkm and Lp*-i£ att'ys
Ail the right. Ut!e. .nterev and olaua of iier
man Diebert, oi. In and toac:. a o! initd.iaore
or less, 3ilaaiu In Jack.so a twp., Lutlt r Co.. i'a.
,'o'.i!ided on the north bj Renting, easi by
Bogg's heirs, swuiii by 1' & W ti Ji, .veil by Slo
key, together with n boaru building UVJ.I AS :•
slaughter house aud ice nou -e u,crcoa. scizsd
and taken iu execution as the properly oi licr
man lireberc at v.it- suit of W t Lvikrer el al.
KD No 20, Dec Term, is»t. A T black and
clarence Walker, attorneys.
All the right, title, interest and cla.in or '.V J
Barnes, I'etcr t.'uol aud D A flaggeny, parttie";
as tiie St Anna OU Co, or, In and to :V acres oC
land more or less, situate ia Cleariie'.d twp,
Butler county. I'a., bounded as follows, to wii.
Ou the north by public road, east by Pel. r ■)!•■-
Bride, south by McC'lafferty le-i-s. west by C
Steiclnicr aud public road; abov-' pniperty be.
ing a leasehold estate s|tu;il2 or. lands ol
Catholic church In county and Stat afwalu
ALSO—AH the right, tllle, iidect s' an 1 lain,
of J Barnes, i'et' i t 00l and it li vgerty
partner.; as the St Am a Co. ot. In aiid lo Ti
acres of laud more or lps' c . Unite in < leaTieic
twp, Butler count v, i'a., bounded as follows, to
wit: On the north by t> Logue eis. t)y Mc-
Laughlin, south by church lot and others, west
by C steichner; together »vi tn 2 e ejit rl ;s o"»
2# horse bolter, 2 enirin s, 1200 l-'t-r. v' ~ . tocl.
casing, wod feet a mi li tuning. ;>"<w fee' sucker
rods, one 2.-.0 bariel fai.k. one 10.. barrel lank
anil one labarrel lank v. Ith the :* 'c- .ir:> cia
necttons udAutngß lor 2 complete pumpini
out tits ttereou; übuvt dev 10-d properly bc
ing a leasliold estate sltiiAU on the Michael
liaggerty farm, toAusiilp, county and S'.jl
ALSO All the r•.id . ':t*•■. Interest and • 1. ,1 e'
of V, J Bjrnes. !'•.' l r« col ~nd i> AHa .c«-rty,o'
in and to ?•> acre-o! 1.n.1, more.:.- • *l'
in Cb arlield towi.nlni', I --itp r • , .i.t>.
i'a., bounded as follows, to-wit: On tu< north by
Michael Uaggert.v, east by Mieh lei II iggerty.
sotitii l;y JoUies Mcßride, west by Mat ; tii V. al
bert: together wlib I )>''»,•! rig cvi..i>lt . . col.
er. 1 engine l-.sd ■ . inch a: ■ tt. 4 thereon;
above desciibed 1 being a:e isel old e-
Tate situate on ilie Dennis Lo.O'' f.'.rtn. 11l ,W|>.
county und Stale aloresaid s. 1/., .1 and tal;eu
in exe ution as tin proj*erty of W J li.irnes
feler Cool andDA 11. partuers as t.n.
M Anna Oil 10, al the suit ol Clai'eta. Walker,
irusiee, lor use, and others
K I) No Hs, i'c Term, ltld. J 1) McJunkin. alt;,
All the right, title. Inter. d anil ciaini ot ito'o
ert Wallers, of, in 4Ud to :« a-.*n 9 ot land, more
or leas, silo tie in (May township, l.utlt r count..
I'a.. bounded as follows, to-wit: On th. nort
by l'oroacr andWlek,east bj BoU -::. i Wm
(CeKlnnej souOi l>j John McJtlnney, west by
WICK and Meals, with ouc-t>tory brick hoasc,
one-story frame 1. >:ise. :. :uk Oa. n. -hard an,,
outbuildings thereon. Seized i:cl tak a la e.<
ecullonas 1 lie property 01 li'io.n rs e.t
the suit of Jacob Whiimlre. el ul.
E1) No 191, Sept i inn, is.d. Braaaon.alt'y.
Ail the right, title, interest an 1 ei thn or Kli
Oral!am, of, in and to lo «.cics er land, 1.1.xe ox
less, situaie in Jefiei son township. Butler < o ,
Pa., bounded a-s loilo vs. 10-v.*it: Ou The nortl.
by W S ( .JChran e.isl by W B QWU&, Math
by Walters, w ,-s: t>. \V V > MHUU au . JauiCa
l uunlngiiaiii. Willi « frame house, name baru.
board sl-abie aud on hard ta- reon. Set/ed anti
taken I'.i execiitloii as the ;;jp":t. ol Eli
Or.(haul at the sua of Joseph Or.; lam.
ED No iu.:. Dec Term, isal. McQjislioa. att'y.
All the right, tiiie. lniere-' ■. rl c-Uim of J »\
McCacdless, oi. Ui and t > a-.'i eoi l;»:i1 unr. 1
~r less siiualelii \ ea..ngo Bitlerto
Pa . bounded as folio- s. to-wit : Oil 'he aortu
by an alley, by in ailCj . a. a 'ay !• rau.s-
Ini :,ni! lloseburg Mke. w. si c. a uii •>; with
a frame, house, olacivstntin shap and oa.--.ind
in.s thereon, s,*./ *i aad t IKCL a .-\ ■ 'iiion
as the propertv ot J W McCandloss at tno suit.
John Berg .v Co.
K I) -N'os 12 and Ilies- term, Is-il. llr mdon
and ForquT, atl')s.
AU the right, UH« interest . ad claim of Sam
uel .1 Kank'a aud liirain Ilaukin oi. hi a:*tl to
125 acres, more or less, situate in t'-u.i tw p.,
Butler Co.. i-u . houn led as lulto.- o. ia ,va: on
the nott 1 by Tnomcs .Mat* iiaii suo east.
r>y .Vlchaei steep, south by t-axpie-ii •> 1. *
(.rooks. est by lla.Ucll ti-*w iZe gler.i. ".vita a
two-stoti frame ho'' r, bant mm. frame ►rls.
and saw mill couion ed. all neec :,aiy ou'.hulld
ings aiid one - rchanl tiicreon. Sl.'/m .„i i tak
en iu c-xeeution the property Samuel J it.tn
kin and 11 '• ram It .UKin .tl the suit of Julia
Crowe ct aL
E 1) Nos. 210 and 241. Dec Term, ltd'..
AH the right, title, lav-rest and claim of U u
Whitmire of, In and to t-s acres of '.ar.d, more or
teaa, situate in tcrtre iwp.. buner Co., I'a.
bounded as to wlt: On to-' n-.nii by
llioiaaa li iioou aud Biaiue Bios, east by Cuas
H«-w:otts. »onth by >ln ffm Row and McWU
; liaaia u-'irv *wi o> McWIlll«m»; mo»ti} clear
good st.ite ut iutuv*uua. with ft
. t*o-3to:y fr.iaij bouse, tarn, orchard ta4 oul
| building th-reon N-ut-<l and taken to n«ru
. tlur. pr.ii>my <■( H f Whttmtre at suit <>;
; Bunitr Savn.;pi ltanK for u« ox P«<>r Aland,
i Kl>So rc IKf Term. 1881. WII Lusk. iß'jr.
I All tte tl:'-. int«-ri« ana claim of Joh*
VV K 'Si- r i'-l 1 -llimj U*»lOr. drs d. Ills Wli-
In :ii. - IU.!-, h-T'.-s'i-'iM M Ward
j of. tn .nd to I.'xiis feet«f and, mon or lean.
i sir: r.•• in It•:t!r Umo Buitert'«>., J**., bounde-.:
«!■ **a v On the no rill by Hurtrnv
■ t t>:; \y » .uth by UtMla at.
; ai v i.u;U. ... •>. l**inrf li> Nt>.» m the John
J\V !.' : uum' !Un <•: to'* hi t ild Out by l» C Pli
i lov.. «arv>->< t.jtnJ having VreoiAd a
; two--: ->rj :r..:n- trjuw and outr.Mtldlngs ther.
on. ' . i.iKi -i i.i execution .is me prop
er> . v." Ki.Mor and ToMtlia Kajtor.
<!• ■ ' ;. ;.i t-• of her fwciitor.
: U Ward. at MM ol Kd**!a Young.
t'. !' >o -1 i'lC term, lS'.'l. Newton BUck
.'■.' A iu. ;.L' , interest and 'claim o'
J L i: Ote, if, iu aud to ail that certain lot
o: ! !, inure or k-ta, situated in Millers
town boron,n, Batler county, l'a, U-uuJe l
*« :oii -a, Un the north by J L Mi -
iii » a-t by Central A Venue, south by I)r.
Campbell, we?'. by ilaiiroad street.
AI.SO—AII the ii»ht, title, interest an.
c!i. m i>i J 1. Mi Gee. 01, in anil lo a certain
.ot o: Ua.i, uwr. or le*s. situated in Millerv
town But'er county, fa,bounded a
follows, Uj-WI: : Ou the north by an alley,
t-a-i by Cei.ir*' avenue, «cnih by J L Mo
tiee, » -t by Kailiond street, together with
a twi :y bear i house and
tii-.r.'-n. t'l JZcii uid taken in execution a
the properly of J L AUliee at the suit t-:
il a.-giri't i- Pole.
Ei) -No „>j Dec ivm, IS9I. Bowser, att'y.
Ail the right, tit'e, interest and claim ot
James L hmdciaii, of, iu and to 225 acres ol
land, mere ot le»s, situated in t.V>nco:d auJ
Wanfainci'-n townatiips, Cutler canity, Pn;
bouudeii as tollo"*, to-wit: On the north by
iiobert Kay and ii 11 (iuld, by U Yv
Christy Rtid U McCraekon, south by Jains'
,Kr west by Chess Stoner, D <;
iir.d J U iiin.laiau; with a tw.->
story iiauii. rouse, >iaiu>.- barn i«nd orcharc
thereun. ."•eim.i and uLca in executiou
tbe property U! JOJ L Kindmnn at the sun
ol St Huloiieson.
Ji i) No luS, Dtp Term, lsUl. ABC Mc-
Fatiacd, ait').
All <uc rixht. title, uiterest and claim of A
L of, >n t-uu to 107 acrc» ot land,
more or ics*, siiu«i«-i in Coueord township,
Uotier coanty. Pa, boaniled as f»llowt, u-
A - it: Uu tue nortn oy tlliuia, .bauiuei su '-
J J Uicuu, iMI t-y VV bontu
■iy l)r Hoocer, B«rcaar: Brc», and C Camp
twil, west by Peitr Whituiire ami aamuel
Glenn, mostly ci«arod, in a good state oi
oounivuMuii, with a two atory briek house,
ira:-e hoase an~» culOuila:ni;s thereon.
AL v O—ill ihe rifiit, tills, interest anu
cluim ul A L t arui-bell, of, ia and to a cer
tain lot of laud, more or less, situated m
i'tieons oorougii; Butler oouuty, Pa, bound
id «■> follow*, On the north by »c
alley, cast by JhiDiiOD street, sr.nth. by an
alley , west by Forcht, together with a one
story Irciuc house tccroon.
ALsO—Ail the right, title, interest and
claim oi A 1. Campbell, of, iu and to 17;
acici> of land, mote or less, situated in
Parker aud Pairvien township, Butler oouo-
IT, Pa, bouuded as lolluA's, to-wn: On the
aortls by Cyruj Campbell aud liibaon, east
Dy Sheldon and Hue, south by William Gib
soi», west by Cyrus and Andrew Catnpbeli,
mostly cieur«-d,tn a g.wd state ol cuitiva'iou,
wan tuur frame i>ouses, and Irani barn,three
DO&iU stsbies, '.wo oicbards and <>utbailding«
.hereon. Seized and taken in cxecltiou iu
tat: property of A I. Campbell at the salt o!
jli.i J K Aius.leil.
lilivjdn OK SAJ.E:—TUe loilowlng DiUSt b»
sirut... compiled w;ui when property ts stricken
I. W-.cn the plaintiff or other lien creditor
i>«,cui..e3 the purcliaser the coot on Uie writ
ulust I>e paid Mita a UsL ot th'j Ileus including
se;<rcii'j-'i on the property sold lo
.retlic. -rt.tu «Uoii nen .-re-iitor'a r-jceipt* for Un:
iino'Jnt '.r ri'-j Lhf sale or sucu por
;oi: tn us .!.• 1.1 aw claim mu-.t be furnished
■,ne suoriu.
Aii tlds must be paid In full.
з. Ali sides not setlled imraoJlately will Iv
и.i:..u._d uuili 1 o'cloCa i>. ii. of next day. ut
ill. i. tUiu all proiicrt.. not settled for will be
i J>at up and s mi at tu-. expense and risk of till
I ;:i r.<Oii >o wnoiu Ural sold.
| \s. .■ t'urdon'3 s , jt:i edition, page IK
; uiu Mnitii's .'orms, pasoasi.
IVILL.IAM M. liKOWN, Mhenff.
SUt iirf's oaice. Buiier, Pa.. Nor. is, 1891.
ivA 1 LrtOAD riiVlhl TABLES.
WEST yidiS K. H.
Tr».ius leave the West I'euu depot at fool
L- JcUersyn ot. t'.s follows:
•:J r.i. —M-irkct—arriyes at Allegheny at
£: I •>::'! 9:lo p. Ul.
:1 • ra. —K\pre»s -arrivei at Allegheny
at 10:30 ;t. m.
II: 1 a. :a.—4don:no.Uti->n—arriT.'» at Alle
gheny nt 1:2-1 t'. m.
.':ld.p. M-—Accoiaoditioa — arrives at Alle
at 4:11 p. m.
.j.O'.; »•. in. —arrives at Alleglieoy a 1
\ fhvh .'.iy at'!:4S p. m
The H.- t .i. :u. tram and 2:45 p. m.
■ ..nntvt i-. ilu'.icr Junction with trains Eas!
to BlitirsVille luterscdtiou, where ooanectioa
;■> in 14~ vitn th-' Day Kxpress und Philad't
Kxprest going l.s.st.
liaiTis arrive at Buiierat 9-35 aud 10:33 a
1 a. aad !:•>■), rM anti /:-i0 p m., leaving Al
| 'igh 'Hy a» ti:.b, rt:.jj ad-i" ld:l'.J a. ul.
| io and 'J;iO p. m.
p. i tv. a. h.
: Trains lcav«> the P. & W depot near Cen
| r re Ave., iouthoiic, Butlar time, as followc
J a >a'U:
j t;:00 a. m.—Allegheny Acaom idation.
i —Alir.gheny aud -Vkru lOiprass—ru n<
j on Sunday to Allegheny, and CJUU eels foi
1 New thistle tiiat day.
j l.):2'j a m.—Aliego-uf Ae.jjm-iJstioa.
I : : .:4u p. tn.— Allgheny Express.
1:30 p. iu. Evurs.-", rum on Sun
! day
t 1:10 p. <a —All<*?heoy and Zclienople Mail.
! J-.nns on Sui.J»" to alone.
| On .inn-jay aloof, :-t 'J a. m., \cw Castle
j Express
| Going North—lo:os h. ni Bradford Mail.
' 5:20 |>. iu
! 7:4. p al Aco-.ai.
No Mncdn> .:a aarrow-frange.
■ Tile o:.i 1 ii. ra traia S:>uth connects at Cal
j lery s».?h the Chicago rip-ess. which run
; daily and ia equipped witn iha Pullman buf
! s"ct and sleeping coaches.
! Trains leave Hat!cr. by town time, fo?
j Greenville uo-i trie at r >:3o snd 10:20 a. in.,
1 and p. u.. TUe 5:30 and 4:56 trains con-
J nect nt Ilruuchtou for ilill'ardu, and all c.m
--i nect f'-r Mfcadville.
! Train? arrive from the North at lrt:f>s a.m,
• ißd J:;-:" 1 und i':4<) p. m., and the 10:05 an'l
j 2:30 trains have through cars to Allegheny.
K train leaves Milliard at 11:15, alow time,
: aud A nan dale at 11:35 tliatconnecu for But
; I tr ar.dAllegheny.
'Ws Have no Agents.
• 50.000 Krult Trees and vines.
l'j,f«> i :.u»;ina Hop:ar and Norway Maplo.
' fti'.onO t'rnameatal. Hardy KOses, Shrubbery.
I 5 Tailps, Hjacltuh and other bulbj.
i t»ei. cur flcittratiWl Fall "italoauo. Send aii
orders to Join K. * A Xl'KMl'H, (W KmlU
flelJ St.. llttfbnrjrb. Pa.
; Orders for Floral Decorations and 1- rest
j Flow: i s liavo prompt attention. .
m nyeuK Mill,
H. Y\ LLERTOA 7 , Frop'r,
!»i>j>ktl:i'lanucU and Yarn
rl:tnn!ncf tira'rt ofl'iire Bui*
lei C?onalj Wool.
V S"J n oiii goods to be strictly all woo
tad t • :. ■ or any o'lier poisonous materia
i i... ire. We sell Wholesale or retail
i..i! s:i i priis'.s tarnished free to dealers oi
:tpp!iCL>tton '.-y tnatl.
And every tiling in
horse and baggy lur-
goods—H a, 1* -
ness, Collars, Whips.
Dusters, Satldles, etc.
trunks and va
Ilepairing done on
short notice.
The largest assoi*t
ment of Horse
blankets in town will
be iouiid a I Kcinper's.
Adveftiao in tha Ciiizur.
Harper's Magazine.
Th« il igarine will celebrate thefoarth Cent
enary i-ithf Disooverv of America by ilc
ti ni.xcOTKRY, throueh article* givlug a
more through exposition than has hitherto
been made of the Klcknt Ukprbckdkxtbd
Development ok 01 r (Country, and espe
cially in the Gt.vt Wm." Parlirsalar
attention will also l.« given to Dsamatic
Tne Fiklt> ok the KFxt European V.u
will be de>crib«J in a Series of Paper* on
the Dsnnbe "Prom the Black Forest to the
Black Sea," by Pomm Bigelow and
F. D. Millet illustrated by Mr. Millet and
Alfr. d Parsons. Article? alno will be gir
en on the German, Austrian, and Italian
Armies, illustrated by T. de Thnlstrup.
Mr. W.I). Uouvlls will contribute a new
novel, "A World of Chance," characteris
tically American. Especial promi
nence »ill be GIVEN to Short Stories
which wiil be coiiiribnted by T. B. Aid rich
K. U. Davis, A. Conan Dojle, Mirparet
Belaud, M:»s Woolaon. and other popular
Among the literary featnres will be Per
sonal Reminiscences of Nathaniel Haw
thorne, by his college class-mate and life
long friend, Horatio Bridge, and a Person
al Memoir of the Browning*, by Anne
Thackeray Hitchie.
Per Year:
Postage Free to all subscribers »» the
railed States, Canada, and 31, xico.
Tim Volumes of the liagazinc begin
wiib tne NUMBER* for Jane and December
of each year. When no ti;ae is specified,
subscription* will begin with the .Number
current at the time of receipt of order.
Bound Volumes of Harpers Magazine for
three years u.ick, m neat cloth binding,
will b*> sent by mail, POST paid on receipt
of *3.00 per volume. Cloth cases for
binding, 50 cents each—by mail, post-piid.
R- miUiice should be iiiadu hy Post
ofhco Money Order or Draft, t,. avoid
chance of loss.
-\r tcspapers are not to copy this adver
tisement trithont the express order of Harp
er <£ Brothers.
Address. Harper <FC Brothkbs >Vw
Harper's Weekly.
Harper's Wkrkly for the coming year
wil! contain more attractive features, more
and liner illustrations, and a greater
number of article* of live, intenso interest
than will be found in any other periodical
Among these latter will bo a series of
articles on the twenty-tive greatest cities
of the world, including five hundred illus
trations. The Columbiau Exposition, the
Army and Navy, great public events, dis
asters on land ana sea, and the doings of
the celebrated people of the day will be
described and illustrated in au attractive
and timely mai.ner. The Department of
Ahiatcur will continue under the
direction of Caspar W. Whitney. The
best of modern writers will contribute
short stories, and the most distinguished
artists will make the illustrations. The
editorial articles of Mr. George William
Curtis will reinaiu as au especial attraction.
Per Year:
Postage Free to all subscribers in the
United States, Cnnada, aud Mexico.
The Volumes of the Wbkk.lt begin with
the first Number for Jsnuary of each year.
When no time is mentioned, subscriptions
will with the Numbor.curreat at the
time ot receipt of order.
; Bound Volumes of Harper's Wkskly
for three years back, in neat cloth binding,
wiil be SENT by mail postago paid, or by
. express, free of expense (provided the
freight does not exceed one dollar per
I volume), for $7 00 per volume,
i Cloth Cases for eacb volume, suitable
J for binding, will be sent by mail.post-paid.
; on receipt of $1 00 each.
Remittances should be made by Post
; office Money Order to avoid
1 chance of loss.
! Xetrspapcr* are not to copy this advertise
t meiil iritlio-:t the express order of Harper
| & Brothers.
i Address: Uarpkr & BITOTNKRS, New
; York.
Harper's Bazar.
llakpkr's Baza.:: is a journal for home.
It ,R:vos tae LATENT information with regard
to the Fashions, and its numerous i!lustra
tious, Paris DESIGNS, and pattern-sheet
; SUPPLEMENTS aro indispensable alike to the
' hou-.'t drc----raakor and the professional
moutste. Mo expense i? spared to make
. its artistic attractiveness of the highest
I order. IT* bright S-tories, amusing come
dies, and thoughtftil essays satisfy all
! TASTES, and its last page is"' famous "as a
. budget of wit and humor. In it« weeklv
! issue everything is included WHICH is of
; interest to women. The .Serials for 18&J
wil! be written by Walter Resaut and
. William Black. Mrs. Oiphant will become
; a contributor Marion Mariana's Timely
! Talks, "Day In and Day Out." aro intend
■ed for mations, and Helen Marshall North
| will specially address girls. T. W. Hig
gin.son, in "Women and MOU," will please
I a cultivated audience.
Per Year.
; l'ostage Free to ell subscribers in the
United States. Canada, ami Mexico.
| The Volumes of the Bazar begin with'
I the first Number for January ol each
: year. When NO time is mentiouod, sub
, scriptions Tvill begin with the number cur
; rent at the time of receipt of order,
j Bound Volumes of Harpkr's Bazar for
| three years back, in neat cloth binding,
. will be sent by mail, postage paid, or by ]
express, free of expense (provided the
| freight does not exceed one dollar per
volume), for $7.00 per volume.
Cloth Cases for eaeh volume, suitable
for binding, will de sent by mail,post-paid,
'i on receipt of SI.OO each.
! Remltance should be made by Post-office
Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of
' Xetcspapers arc not to copy this adver
tisement without the cypress order of Har
! per & Brothers.
Address: llarpfr <FC Brothers, New
i York.
Full Again.
We mean our wall paper de
partment, full and overflowing
with our immense and choice
'stock of paper hangings. You
must help us out, we haven't
roum for half our goods, until
: you relieve us of some of them.
We Lave the choisest selec
tion of patterns in every grade
i from Brown Blanks at 10 eta
|to (xilts at from 20. eta
; per double bolt.
Examine our Stork.
J. E Douglass,
Mear Postoffice, Butler, Pa. >
Gooa Farm for Sale-
Containing IOC acres ana 97 percbos. acrts |
; clei-.n.tl AIM UADT-r [reee. Ualltice. stau-taiv In'
itOv-: <»hlte Com.'.ctau.e Uwelline .
louw. good bm, wno> iM, iprl%tww ot
B«; - MI!. pen «U-* sbeep House. NEVER
lail'lU: SPRTI-S over whole pluce; a trood or-,
cha, J. n KLVEN April 1, ISU*. Tnle
gooa. Situate Ir. FENTI TWI... tiutler county, ;
!*».. U'juiit O!< inltor SOA»!I <>L Butler .
Enquire at Cmzac* oiuee. Butier. l a., or tlia 1
Browusdal'.'. Butler i n., Pa
Suliscribe for the UlTilKff.
Jury List for Dec, Term.
Li»t of Grand Jurora drawn this 6th day
of October, A. D., 1831, to serve at a regular
term of court commencing on the Ist Moo
da* of Deceaiber next the tame the
7th day of «aid month.
Bradr Owen Jr, Donegal twp, farmer.
Hauler Nicholas. Maadvcreek twp, farm»r.
Daris Thomas. Allegheny twp, farmer.
Duffy H H, Clearfield twp, farmer.
Fas sell Phillip, Clearfleldtwp, farmer.
Geible Jacob, Butter, 2d wd, teamster.
Herein Richard, Butler, l»t wd, stone ma
Hofimsa Ilenry, Winlield twp laborer.
Usxtmu Jackson twp, farmer,
liildebrmoii Andre#, Douegtl twp famtr
Irnu A A, Butler, 2d wd. laborer.'
Jodm A L, Muddy creek twp, farmer.
Kildoo James, Brady twi>, farmer
Lottue Patrick, Clearfield twp, tanner.
IfcCltntock J W, ilercertwp. farmer.
UcCoUough D 8 Buti-r, 4ti> wd. laborer.
Nijfgle Thomas. Butler, .".th wd. merchant.
Patterson Cal. Butler, Sth wd, contractor,
esnyder J C, Brady two, farmer.
Spence David, Kvans City horo. ou as table
stauer A, Prospect boro. farmir.
Shroap A. Butler 4th wd, laborer.
Wcigand Ferd, Butler, sth wd, jeweler.
Heller Calyin, Muddyereek twp, farmer.
List of Petit Jsirors drawn this Sih day of
October, A. D. 1891, to serve at a regular
term ef court commencing ou the 2d Monday
of December next the same being the Hth
d*y ot said month.
Balsiger John, (Concord twp. producer.
Blair, T B, Venango twp, farmer.
Conn Samuel, Mercer twp, farmer.
Crawford David, Concord twp. producer.
Christie J M, (./lay twp, farmer.
Chamber* J L, \enango twp, farmer.
Dauiherty Wm, Allegheny twp, farmer.
Double Henry, Brady twp, farmer.
Diptaer John. twp, farmer.
Ueitriek tt C, Connoq'g twp, farmer,
Kr&ns T N, Milierstown boro, pumper
Etsler Martin, Butler 2d wd, gardenor.
tngiish W F, Muddycreek twp, farmer,
t urgnson Jas F, Millerstown bvro, teamster
Graham Albert, Cranberry twp, farmer.
Gallaher John, Butler, farmer.
(ieloaugh Phillip, Forward twp, farmer.
Hamilton Wm, Forward twp, fiirmer.
Ileim John, Kvans City boro, farmer.
Ktpple W S, Fairview twp, farmer,
Kocncr Jacob, Jackson twp, farmer.
Kelly V F r, Parker twp. former.
Kerr George K, Mercer twp, photographer.
I.atjn George, Forward twp, pumper.
Larimer Alex, Butler, Ist wd, teamster.
Morgan Edward, Allegheny twp, farm *r.
Murtia U F, Veuacgo twp, fitruer.
Maxwell \V \V, Butler, Ist wd, carpenter.
McCasliu James, Middlesex twp, pumper.
Mciantllcu Ureer, Conuoq'if twp, farmer.
McGarvejr Jamxs, Fairview twp, farmer.
McCall S B, Clay twp, farmer.
Powell Benjamin, Penit twp, farmer.
Heed John, SHpperyrock tvrp, farmer.
Rice Harry, Harmony bura, laOorer.
Uui-e!l \V G, Sunhury boro, merchan:.
Story Wm, frairview o.»ro, puoiper.
Sutton A B, Saxoaburg Ijoro, clerk.
Scott Waiter, I.Auoa-.ter twp, farmar.
Thorn e O R, Clay twp, fanner.
\ lucent J K, Msrion twp, farmer.
Vaudivert Freeman, Creuberry twp. farmer.
Wise Henry. Penu twp, farmer.
Wigton Cas, Siipperyruck iwp, tanner,
Wiley John, Clintou twp, farmer.
Wild Wm, Harmony boro, saddler.
Wehr vV 11. Evans City boro, agent
Yerty George, Millerstown boro, teamiter.
A Traveling
Our Special Shapes Always Fit Comfort-a
bly, look iTi ;y^i^a, ..
neat and
stylish, evo
M. F. &M. Marks'.
C. D.
It will be to your own inter
est to come in and see what a
first-class Hat and Furnishing
Store can do for you.
The success of the past
makes us confident of the present
and future, and notwithstanding
the depression in business all over
the country we have largely in
creased our lines throughout and
now show a full and comprehen
sive stock as can be found in the
We have gone right along
from the time we started owing to
the fact that we adhere strictly to
first quality goods at the very low
est prices, and we would rather
miss a sale than misrepresent any
Hatters and Furnishers,
242 S Main street,
Butler, Pa.
B7 # B.
of the New
Shown in these storos are
Tweeds, Kip Super Stripe*,
Homespuns, Cheviots,
English Suitings, Chevrons,
Scotch Suitings, Jaequard Bed fords,
Austrian Suitings, Broadolotlies,
American Suitings, Diagonals,
Camel Hairs, Serges,
Astrakan Suitings, Lupins Suitings,
Bedford Corda. Pltsse,
Drap de Palorma, Checks,
i>rap de Alma, Stripes,
Kayetine, Plaids, etc,, etc.
Elegant line of new 40-inch
Homespum Effects,
In various shades of blue, brown and
grey colorings, 75 CENTS.
Stylish fabriea and great value for
75 ctnts.
Opening of
Special sale of Ladies'
High shoulders, pointed fronts,
Medici collar, $4.00.
Will find many things of inter<st to
be seen in tbesc stores, an i if
porchasinff, much that will
prove profitable. If yon
cannot come WRITE
Our Mail Order Department-
Samples and Catalogue upon request.
Boggs &CBull],
115 to 121 Federal Street,