Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, November 20, 1891, Image 1

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    VOL. XXIX.
Physician and Surgeon,
Office and residence at 3» 5. Main St. Btiller.
liT E. office hours. 10 to 12 M. and
1 to 3 P. M.
Office and residence at 12T K. Cunningham 8t
New Troutman Building, Butler. Pa.
E. N. LKAKE, M. D. J- K- MANN. M. D
Specialties: Specialties:
Oyuas-ology and Bur- Bye. a»c
Butler, Pa.
Office ai. No. 43, 8. Main street, orer Prank *
Co'a Store. Butler, Pa,
Physician and Surgeon.
go. 23 East Jefferson Bk. Butler, Pa.
8. W. Corner Main and North Bta., Butler. Pa.
is now pencatcntly located at l» South Main
Street Butler, Pa.. In rooms formerly occupied
by Dr. Waldron.
J. J. DONALDSON, Dentist.
Butler, Penn'a.
a r initial Teeth inserted on the lateat im
uruved ulan. Gold Killing a specialty. Offlce
\£lr Sduaurs Clothing Store.
All-work pertaining to the profession ;e*«cut
ml^s2 t MdFmtML and Painless Ex-
M>" »"••"".SS'CStK
best makes of teeth.
. •• Law and Notary Public —Office on 8.
3a Court Uouse-sec
oud floor.
Attor ney-at-Law— Office In Diamond Block,
Butler. Pa".
Office—Between Postofflce and Diamond. But
. I sr. Pa. ___
Office at No. 8. South Diamond, Butler. Pa.
Office second floor. Anderson B1 k. Malu St,
near Couit House, Butler, Fa.
Office ou second floor of the Huselton block,
Diamond, Butler, Pa.. Boom No. L
AJ»d NOTAUT Pvauo.
Office in Boom No. 1. second floor oI Huselton
Block, entrance on Diamond.
Attorney at Law. Office at No. IT, East Jeßer
■ou St , Butler. Pa^
Attorney »t Law and Real Estate Agent. Ol
flee rear of L Z. MltcheU'B office on north side
or Diamond, Butler, Pa.
Attorney-at-law. Office on second floor ol
Anderson building, near Court House, Butler
Aft'y at Law— South side ot Diamond
Butter, Pa.
luoruee and Real Estate At t
ual Fire Insurance Co.
;• Cor. Main & Cunningham fits.
Roemlng, i Henderson Oliver M
'urvts, James Stephenson,
out man, ; H. O. Helnnman,
3 Wick, N. WeltaH,
r. Irvln. !Dr Rickeubach,
Burkhart. D. T. N orris.
lil S, M'JUNEIN, Agent.
Bterinary Surgeon.
radoate of the Ontario Veterinary
lege, Toronto, Canada.
r. Gable treats all diseases of tbe
esticated animals, and m*k«e
ling, castfatjoq and boree den
y » epeoialty. Castration per
led without clams, and all otber
;ical operations performed in ibe
t scientific manner.
alia to anj part of the country
nptljr responded to.
pC9 and loQrniary in Orawford 1 !
try, 189 West Jefferson Street,
ler Pa.
itractorand builder In brick work, grata
nantel setting and all kinds of brick-laying
•clalty. Alan dealer In barrel lime, Warn
looe lime, cements. National, Portland
all hest grades in the market, calclnec;
er, plaster hair. King's cement, flrs brick,
wlilte sand and *a«l.
Once upon a time a young roan named
'/✓)h ) Cobb met a beautiful young lady Darned
\ Webl) , and it is telated tbat be fell in love
fit B<jr ' D 88 Spied-ber. Oar tale is told.
iIJ I! J We've caught your eye Do you catch
N OD * Well; just follow along a little
further. That "birds of a feather, fleck
c ** * to g el ber" in little droves by themselves i 9
no more truly verified than at our store.
Those who are good Judges of goods ID
•"*. ' w .. |!. our lice, and who wish to get the bes-t
goods in the market for the money, cen
r g regale at our store daily. There is al
.;_ ways room for ODe more; so don't be back
* J ward, but call in and see us.
I did not think of advertising this fall, but I met a man who asked me
who I was. I told bim
Heck, The Champion Clothier U 1 nrnisher.
And strange to say. be informed me that he had never heard of me. Well!
it is jost such people we are after, aud if tbi<* should catch their eye, we
hope human curiosity will lead them to read it for it is one of the commonest
traits of the race. It was curiosity tbat led Eve to taste the forbidden fruii;
and ber offspring have their curiosity excited every day as a hereditar.
temptation, from the small boy everlastingly peeping into boxes to tf.t
hired girl with her eye to the key hole. Eveybody wonders what is iu i».
Properly directed, this curiosity often leads to satisfactory results, and D.
A. Heek invites all curious people to make a voyage of discovery to his store
and see the largest store, the largest stock of clothing—iu Overcoats, and
Suits for men, boys and children, Hats, Caps, Gloves, Mitts, Shirts, Under
lie ear, Cordigao-Jackets, Leather Coats and Pants, Overall-Jackets, Trunki-,
Valises, Umbrellas, Rubber Coats, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Hdkfs, Mufflers,
Brushes, Purses, Bill aud Pocket-Books, Ladies and GeDt&' Watches, ChaiD-
Charms, Rings, Pins, Sleeve and Collar Buttons, Silver C ard-Cases, aud a
full line of Notions—at remarkably low prices; no matter how low you have
been offered goods we have them still lower and for quality we never tnke a
back seat. It will be to your personal advantage to give us an early call
and get our prices, and you are sure to give us a large share of your pat
ronage hereafter.
Thanking cur many friends for their very liberal patronage.
We remain, yours to please.
I). A. HECK,
Champion Clothier, Furnisher and Hatter.
121 IST. IVlairi St. 33 u tier, I s a.
Hardware and House Furnishing Goods,
, Washing Machines; the
Sewing Machine, 250'1
fetiches per minute; the No.
"* American sewing machine
;ii><> Singer and Empress;
agricultural implements and
Lansing farm wajrons; New
twilt) tfl Stoves, table and pocket
K v 5Sp / tm U cutlery, hanging lamps;
maruuiu turer of tinware, tin
K roofing and spouting a
ialty; the Johnston mowers.
reaper and steel frame bidder, Warren ready mixed paint
warrented; screen dcors and windows, refrigerators and lawn
No better place in the city to trade.
Come and see m v large store room full of goudrf, 136 J feet
New styles arriving daily. It will be
but a short time until you will be looking
around for your holiday presents, we
want to call your attention to our beau
tiful line of fancy
MIRRORS—ManteI and Cabinets,
We will also have lor the holiday
trade a full line of Dinner and Tea Sets
at any price from $4.50 to $75, all new
styles and new shapes, goods guaran
teed not to craze. A beautiful line of
Vase and Bouquet Lamps, from $1.50
to $lO. Anything you want in the
above goods call and see us.
Truly Yours
Campbell & Templeton,
136 N. Main St., - - Butler, Pa.
you want NEW FURNITURE to re
place some of the old
We are headquarters for rirst-class
goods. Remember we have no mark
down sales; our prices are s as low
as is consistent with good goods.
A full line of QUILTS in addition to
other bedding.
E. 8. DREW, - 128 E. Jefferson, St.
Vou ask mo vhy 1 go
When twilight creeps so soft and stUl
Adown the slope of yonder hill.
To tbat broad slanting window-sill
To watch the waters flow.
Jlist there my little queen
Was wont to sit in her low chair.
The sunny waves of rippling hair,
Soft and silken and strangely fair.
Falling in golden sheen.
Perhaps her favorite doll
Was clasped within her dimpled arm,
Ahd tender song—to still alarm-
Was crooned by childish lips, in calm
And trustful love for all.
Somet:mc3 those asking eyes
Were looking strangely into mine;
Witnin their liquid depth d'vine
A dawning light, a wakening sign
Of boundless paradise.
When twilight shadows fell.
And night with sudden threatening frow«
In gruesome shades came swiftly down.
And through the quaint old fashioned town
We beard the curfew ring,
1 felt her presence near.
And closer to my lonely breast
The golden head was rondly pressed
In calm contentment, perfect rest.
With naught of doubt or fear.
She was my all on earth.
None other claimed a kindred tie,
I'd seen them slowly fade and die
Like clouds from oat the summer sliy
When gentle stars have birth.
When those sweet blue eyes mild
Unclosed, her mother went to sleep,
In calm and holy silence deep,
An angel, evermore to keep
A vigil o'er her child.
I loved her like my life.
She came when all was dark and drear
My lonely shattered heart to cheer,
With lisping accents, kisses dear.
With love's own lesson rife.
One night she watched the sun
Sink slowly to his nightly rest
Behind the clouds that tint the west-
Then bowed her head upon her breast—
Her little work all done.
No sigh, no moan, no pa!n,
Only a smile so strangely slow,
A fluttering lid. a whisper low,
A light that seemed to come and go.
And then—she lived again I
—Helen N. Packa.-d. in Springfield (Mass.)
in street car)
I don't believe
in tove at first
believe in
fate. I always
have believed
in fate. Ten
minutes ago I
was on my
way down town with the fixed inten
tion of going in that direction and no
other, yet here I am riding up town,
with not the vasruest idea of stopping
anywhere. What induced me to change
my mind so suddenly? I have never
done such an erratic thing before.
What lovely, lovely eyes she has!
Conductor—Change cars for Thirty
fourth street ferry!
Duncan—Shall I change cars? Per
haps I'd bett>r.
A voice outside—Bananas! Ten for a
quarter! I'ut 'em up in a bag for ycr?
Duncan—No, I'll stay where I am
It is true, 1 saw Sisry Tomkyns in this
car as it passed me, but I would never
run three blocks for the pleasure of
talking to him. Much more likely to
run the other way He is an un
mitigated ninny—everyone knows that.
| was immensely relieved when he got
off the car.
Voice at the window—Ten for a
Duncan—And then 1 got this scat
directly opposite hrr. How fortunate!
Was there ever such a face? And such
beautiful hair! The old lady must be
her grandmother—no, 1 don't want
bananas. We were so near her wbcu
we were hanging on that strap together
that she heard every word we said I
could see that plainly That's Tom
kyns' one virtue, he gives a person
such opportunities for being brilliant.
(Car goes on.)
Voice in distance—Ten—quarter—
ba;; for yer—
Duncan lt's fate, that's clear. It is
a little dark in the tunnel, so now I
can look at he* without her knowing
it. I have never seen such a pretty
profile nor such a lovely smile. And
what a soft, sweet voice she has! I
coulit listen to it all day. The old lady
set-ins to be a sensible sort of party.
Why does she not drop her fan or her
handkerchief, or do something to give
me a chance of making myself useful?
Conductor—New Haven depot!
Dunean—Nearly every one is getting
off the car. A little trip in the country
would be agreeable, perhaps. No, I'll
stay in town and go up the avenue.
What is the old lady saying to her
now? Something about the streets.
Old Lady—We must not go too far
up. Dora. You will have to ask the
conductor. (Looks round anxiously.)
Duncau (raising his hat) —Can I be of
any service, madam?
Old Lady—Thank you. I want to
know where No Fifth avenue is.
Duncan—l am not quite sure, but I
will ask the driver. (Goes out on the
front platform.)
Small Boy in the street—Look out
for de dog!
(tar stops and frightened cur runs in.)
Small Boy (gleefully)— There he goes.
Mad dog, mad dog!
(Lad v passengers scream and run out
the other door).
Dora -Don't be frightened, grandma.
Wait for me; you will fall, grandmal
Conductor —Well, I never seed such a
Passenger (to Duncan)—The young
lady dropped her cape. There she goes;
you cau catch her
Duncan (taking it and rushing out) —
Fate is with me.
Duncan Holmes (smoking in hia
roomi —What i race I've had all the
afternoon with that fur cape! I dis
tinctly saw her and the old lady getting
Into a cab, and I r»» blocks and blocks
to catch them. There was such a crowd
in the avenue that I could hardly keep
the cab in sight—l knew it by the blue
Curtain at the back. At last it stopped,
I came up breathless, making my best
bow, the door op?ned and two gentle
men pot out. There were two cabs
with blue curtains, and I had followed
the wrong one! What a dilemma I was
in! I was determined to find her before
an advertisement for the cape appeared
in the paper, for I would not relish go
ing to her as if to claim "twenty dol
lars reward." 1 turned the cape inside
out in hopes oi finding some clew to
the owner, and in the little pocket
was a slip of paper with three mem
oranda written in a delicate, running
hand: ''Note paper, milliner, Charley's
slippers." How I envied Charley, who
ever he might be! Her brother, I
thought, and she was going to order
his slippers—a good, kind sister. There
was nothing else in the pocket except
this handkerchief. I have kept it as a
souvenir. There can be no harm in
such a theft as that Some day when
we are both old 1 shall hunt har up
%gaiq and give it back to her, and we
shall laugh together over the mad dog
episode. There is melancholy satisfac
tion in the prospect. It is a pretty lit
tle triflle daiir ,y embroidered in blue,
with her nami- 1 one corner— Th »<l"rt j;
a bweet, stately num.-, just suited to
her. Thisslia.l never leave me until I
Kive it iattt_ her own bauds. When
fagy jmjj
rtl /M-Ira
that time conies my hands will be
wrinkled and shaky and my hair
white, her blue eyes will be dim with
years and her voice cracked bahi
what is the use of thinking of it? I
don't believe in fate, but 1 believe in
love at first sight. Ah, me! James
is staying a long time. 1 told him to
ride both ways. What a mercy
it was that I did not carry out my first
plan of applying for information at the
house in Fifth avenue to which they
were going. I should have looked a
precious idiot. I had made up my mind
to relate the car incident in an off
hand way and to describe the two
ladies, particularly the old one, her
soft, white hair and gray eyes, and all
that, but anyone, at least any
woman, would have seen that I was in
love and would have taken infinite
pleasure in enlightening me. I thank
my lucky stars that I did not go there,
but received another inspiration when
within five yards of the house. I took
one more look at the cape and saw
tiiat it was quite new and had tho
maker's name inside the collar. I
dashed over to the elevated, caught
the next train, rode down town, and
reached the furrier's shop just as it
was closing up. The proprietor was
*ery obliging, called up his men, had
the matter looked into, and informed
me that a cape similar to the one I
showed him had been made a week
ago for a Mrs. Charles liotan. Mar
ried, married, —Theodora! lie gave
me her address. I shall leave on Sat
urday and join mother and the girls in
Switzerland, flerc is .1 ames. Well?
James —it's alb right, sir. The lady
described the cape exactly, so I gave it
to her. She was very much obliged to
you, and the gentleman gave me five
dollars, sir.
Duncan— Yes; very well. Now I
want you to my small trunk. I
am going to Europe. And, James,
about what age is—er —the gentleman,
Mr. Hotan? Did he seem to be a feeble,
delicate-looking sort of man at all?
James—No, sir. I took him to be
about thirty-six or seven—a little older
than yourself, sir.
Duncan Yes. Now go. Fate is
against me!
Duncan Holmes (in his married sis
ter's drawing room two years later) —It
was certainly a strange coincidence, to
say the least. Soon after reaching Ge
neva I saw in a New York paper the
death, "suddenly," of Charles Botan. at
the address to w hicli I had sent the fur
cape. Two weeks ago I came home,
and while attending an afternoon tea,
here at Margaret's, saw sitting in a
soruer, dressed in black, Theodora I
went to my sister and whispered:
"Who is she?" "She?" returned
Margie, "in black? Oh, that is Dora
Botan. Poor dear! she has only just
left off lier crane. Vou must meet her;
she is charming." In another minute
(ve were standing before her. Margie
said, hurriedly: "Dora, this is my
brother, Duncan Holmes. You have
heard me spcak-of him," and then flew
aff to greet a newcomer. Ah, whit a
delightful haii hour I passed talking to
her, listening to her voice, and looking
into her eyes! She is not much
changed, though sadder than she was,
and 1 fancied once that she had a dim
recollection of me, but that is hardly
possible. She did not speak of the fur
lape incident nor of her husband. I
have met her twice in the street since
then, and last Sunday I went into
shurch with her. She promised me she
would be here this evening, and she
has kept her word.
(His sister shows Dora in.)
Dora —I am eaf-ly, i see. Good even
ing, Mr. Holmes; are we the first ar
Duncan—No; there are several per
sons in the next room, but it is very
comfortable here.
Dora—l have not been anywhere for
»o long that I feel quite strange
Duncan—Yet, a musicale is not a for
midable affair. Have this arm-chair,
and 1 will take this one. Now, I want
to tell you a secret.
Dora —A secret. Mr. Holmes?
Duncan—Yes; and to restore to yon
a piece of property of yours which ac
cidentally came into my possession
two years ago, and which I have fe
loniously retained and concealed until
now. Oh! vou need not think this is a
joke, it is solemn truth. Have you for
Dora—Have I forgotten what?
Duncan—That we met two years ago,
you and I. There is recollection writ
ten in your eyes, but you do not quite
place me.
Dora —I thought I had seen you be
fore and heard you talk. Only yester
day I was thinking —
Duncan—Of rac? Thank you. Now
listen. I came up-town to-day in a
street car, and as we reached the tun
nel I heard a familiar voice which gave
me a thrill of delight The words it
said were unpoetic and commonplace:
"Bananas! ten for a quarter. Put 'cm
up in a bag for yer?" In an instant I
seemed to see you sitting opposite ine,
a sweet-faced old lady at your side.
She asked me where No. Fifth av
enue was. Do you remember now? A
hunted dog ran through the car and
you vanished from my sight. What is
the matter? There are tears in your
Dora—Yes; 1 recollect it aIL It was
only a few weeks before my great,
great sorrow-
Duncan—Oh, pardon me. I did not
mean to grieve you so. Hark, the mu
sic is beginning. Shall we go into the
other room?
Dora —No, thank you; we can hear
very well. Are you fond of music?
Duncan—Yes; very. That fellow
plays well, too.
Dora—l am so glad you thought dear
grandma had a sweet face. It su ted
her character exactly. I nearly died
when I lost her, and now 1 am quite
Duncan —Is .he dead? lam shocked
to hear it. I had no idea you were in
mourning for her. (Aside). Whereon
earth is Botan, then?
Dora —You* face shows you are
grieved. Thank you. 1 remember that
you were very kind that day. (Singing
begins.) That is a fine voice, but I am
very tired of the sonij. Are not you?
Duncan—l do not know it.
Dora—Not know "Marguerite?"
Duncan—Yes, yes: of course! Par
don me, I was thinking of something
else. lam glad wo are not to have an*
other verse. It is time I restored the
rest of your property to you. This
handkerchief has been all over Europe
with me.
Dora —Did 1 drop it in the car? But,
no; you have made a mistake. It is
not mine.
Duncan—Not yours? I foun 1 it in
the pocket of your fur cape, and it has
Your name. Look—Theodora!
Dora—lndeed you mistake. My name
is Dorothea.
Duncan—l do not understand. Did
not my servant go to your house in
Seventieth street?
Dora—No; he could not hare done
so, for I have always lived in Madison
Duncan—But ho saw your—your—
Mr. Botan.
Dora —Who can you mean? I have no
brother, and my father has been dead
for ten years.
Duncan—But—but do you mean to say
you did not lose your fur cape that
Dora—Mr. Holmes, I assure you I
never lost a fur cape, for 1 never had
one. I begin to understand now. The
lady who sat next me in the car had
one on her lap.
Duncan—l S3e, I see; I was on a
wild-goose chase. But tell me, what
Is your name? Margie called you Dora
Dora—Here is my visiting card in her
card basket. Look.
Duncan —Miss Dorothea Boughton—
Miss Dorothea Boughton! Mitt! Well,
well, what an absurd mistake I made!
Was there ever such a stupid? Sissy
Tomkyns himself could not have done
worse. Let me explain from the be
Dora—Hark! A duet
(Tenor sings.)
"For ono brief space we met,
I looked on theo and loved, and lov ed thee
Duncan—That is jast my case.
Dora—ll is not polite to talk during
the singing.
Duncan—For two years I have loved
you hopelessly, Dora —Dorothea. What
say you?
Dora—llush—sh! Listen!
(Soprano sings.)
' Look, look in mine eyes.
And ask, and ask no more!"
—Miss I. Smithson, in Leslv's News
—ln Vasten, in the Congo State, the
first newspaper has recently made its
appearance under the name of So Kirlf
la '.ga* (the Dally Light). Its object is
"to enlighten the souls of the black
skinned." It is printed in the popular
dialect of the country in the Latin al
phabet. 'lhe first issue of the paper
was edited by two educated negro
women, who did their own type-set
t ":g. it e< ntained a lengthy article on
"tit • natur.i liiitory of the elephant,"
fioiii the r n of a learned negro.
Knew How to Wait.
Van Jorkins (to applicant for position
of butler)— You are familiar with wait
John Thomas —Ob yes, sir.
"Where did you get your expert
"I was a fashionable tailor, sir. and I
gave long credits,." Epoch.
Wanted More Practice.
"No, Bobby," said his mother, "one
piece of pie is quite enough for you."
"It's funny." responded Bobby, with
an injured air; "you say you are anx
ious for me to learn to eat properly,
and yet you won't even give me a
chance to practice."—Chicago News.
Husband—Would I were in Heaven.
Talkative Wife —That is atlkind; I'm
sure I make it as pleasant as possible
for you.
Husband—Ah, but you know the poet
says: "To die is landing on some 6ilent
shore." —Texas Siftings.
He Didn't Talk Shop.
Mother—Did you meet many strarg
ers at the reception?
Daughter—Only one, a sea captain,
and he made me very tired.
Mother—Did he talk shop?
Daughter—No, he talked ship.—N. Y
Social Amenlte*.
"Jack said I was the brightest girl in
the room last night." said Ethel.
"You were," returned Marie, "but it
was rude of Jack to say so. Ihe room
was so warm you couldn't help getting
red in the face." —Truth.
True to III* Nature.
Jasper—Old Miserly lias committed
Jumpuppe—ls that so? Well, well'
He always did take everything he could
lay his hands on lie has ended by tak
ing his life. —Truth.
From the Cyclone SerU-n.
Little Miss (who has been to the
opera) —Uncle John, did you ever see
"Castles in the Air?'.
Uncle Wavback (from the west) —No,
my dear, but I've seen houses an' barns
in th' air many a time.—Good News.
From Sad Experience.
She —So you are a lawyer? What a
splendid profession!
He—l'd rather be a clergyman.
He— Because then nn one would an
swer me back. Harpers Bazar.
.A Ready Maid Suit.
Algernon—Kitty, I—I —that is. will
you —er—ah—
Kitty—Yes, Algernon, I will. Did
you bring a ring? —Chicago Tribune
Hi* 1-ifelong Regret.
"I have always wished." soliloquized
the coroner, pensively, "that 1 could
have held this office immediately after
the flood." —Chicago Tribune.
Self Imposed.
"You've been losing flesh lately,
haven't you?"
"Yes. Ive been shaving myself "
N. Y. Dispatch.
Another Thin?.
Fair T-omau is fashioned for conquest
As we.l as the lords of tho race;
But while martial man faces the powder
The gentle sex powders the face.
The Inevitable.
She beßped a si-a skin mufl from pa.
Wit'i a.I her womi.u's wit
And then »'ae aa d sh«'d cot lo have
A c.oak to go witi. It.
—Cloak Review
A Rr(inn Where They Coder mine Hall
way* mid Uve with Orey lUbbltft.
•"They hare an officer called the
groundhog inspector on the Peach bot
tom railroad in Lancaster county. Pa.,"
said a traveling man to a Sew York
Snn reporter, "and he's a very impor
tant officer, too The IVachbottom road
isn't a very lonjj nor a very wide one.
and it runs from r'eaeh bottom on the
Susquehanna river diagonally across
the southern corner of Lancaster That
is the paradise of the groundhogs
"I have been in the famous ground
hog pastures of Connecticut and New
Hampshire, where these animals an
nually eat up over seven hundred thou
sand dollars' worth of clover for the
fanners, although there is a price on
their heads and they are hunted night
and day; but those choice abiding
places for groundhogs are sparsely pop
ulated by them when compared with
that little neck of country through
which the IVachbottom railroad goes
They run the whole country there
They have honey-combed the meadows
with their burrows until a farmer can't
walk over his farm without stumbling
into one of ths holes at every step. and.
not satisfied with that, have set about
in a systematic way to undermine the
Peaehbottom railroad They have bur
rowed it so successfully that a man had
to be appointed, so I was told at Ox
ford, to keep a constant lookout along
the line so that no train will be dumped
into the ditch from a track made un
stable by the burrowingof groundhogs.
This inspector reports the scattering of
a colony of twenty-five groundhogs in
one night, they having already
made an excavation in the railway em
bankment big enough for a train to run
through The slate and shale soil of
that part of the country is what iho
groundhog likes, as it raises big cli-.-cr
and is just the thing to burrow in
"The presence of so inanv groundhog
holes i:i that region has also caused a
big increase in gray rabbits, according
to the farmers, although the rabbits
have always been more than plentiful
These rabbits do not burrow, and have
consequently always have been more
or less exposed to the attacks
of hawks, foxes, hunters and owls
The groundhog burrows, however,
they have suddenly discovered, offer
them excellent protection from their
enemies, and they seera to be living
as contentedly and undisturbed in
the burrows with the groundhogs as
the burrowing owls and prairie dogs do
on the western plains This arrange
ment is especially advantageous to the
rabliits so far as foxes are concerned
as a fox will not enter a groundhog
hole under any consideration
"The abundance of groundhog- 1:1
southern Lancaster county has also
given rise to a new sport, whi- ii h.. -i l
much to recommend it This is the
matching of fighting doers ;.
groundhogs, and scarcely a nigh! p. -
that a match is not fou rlit i:i sou:
body's cellar or room fitt d u\i fur th.-
purpose Dogs are trained purp<-ely t,•
fijrht groundhog: - ., and these who have
witnessed matches say that t'-.e ground
hog is such a fierce and gnmv lighto
when he is cornered and has to tigli'
that the dog has to be a good one with a
big reputation where the sports will
not give odds in favor of the ground
How lie Crunrheil i»n«l frunibie'l the
Cljjurette* of IXtn Imperial Master
The announcement of the fortheom
ing publication of the memoirs of the
late duke of Persigny, who was the in
timate friend and fidus achntos of Na
poleon 111. recalls an amusing anec
dote in connection with the proverbial
shortness of the duke's temper, says
the New York Recorder Of all Na
poleon's entourage there was no one
who spoke to him with such freedom as
Persigny who did not hesitate to storm
and rail against him in the most forcible
manner upon the slightest provocation
Indeed, matters came to such a pass
that Napoleon was prepared for a scene
whenever he saw his friend Persigny
enter his room. lie, however, used to
take things philosophically and was
wont to sit perfectly still with down
cast eyes, quietly smoking his eternal
cigarette, until the duke had worked
off some of his vehemence and indigna
tion, without making the slightest at
tempt to check or interrupt his re
marks. Only on one occasion did he
ve jture to do so, and it was in connee
tion with his cigarettes.
Pcrsigny had the peculiar habit, as
soon as he got excited, of striding
toward the open box in which the em
peror kept his cigarettes and of seizing
them by the handful life would then
crunch them in his hands and crumble
them just in the same manner as bread
all over the floor in the violence of his
arguments, throwing them broken and
reduced to tobacco dust upon the carpet,
the chairs, sofas, and in fact every
where The emperor used to watch
him do this with a look of despair on
his face, and whenever he had time
made a point of hiding away the
cigarettes before Persigny entered the
room One day, however, when he had
been unable to take this precaution and
when the duke was more than ordinarily
hard upon the cigarettes Napoleon
plaintively remarked to his small but
exceedingly fierce friend:
"Look here, Persigny, pitch into me
as much as you like, but for God's sake
leave my cigarettes alone. They're do
ing you no harm, are they?"
A Cushion C»r Wheel.
The latest invention to attract the at
tention and approval of railroad men is
the cushion car wheel, which is said to
possess many advantages in the way of
simplicity, safety and economy, while,
at the same time, being almost noise
less. The wheel is composed of two
parts, the center and the tire, while be
tween the two is a thick rubber band
which acts as a cushion to absorb all
the vibrations By a peculiar construe-,
tion, the tire is made so that it may be
removed without taking the wheel
from the axle The rubber is so inter
posed between the center and the tire
as not to be liable to injury from a hot
box or from the corrosive action of the
A Game with a I.iralt.
Wife—Charley, why is that train
called the "limited'"
Husband— Because poker is about the
only game that the passengers play -
Father —Now. look here, Dinnis, d'ye
moind? I've towld yes foive or six
tonnes to go to Sunday school an' if I
hav to tell yez agin I'll giv' yez a bat
ing that yez'll renumber to the ind of
yez davs'
Son Lay hands on tne at your peril
Tht- presumption of vou foreigner* is
simply disgusting Life.
Th« Com In That {onnlry An r#roUu
U»kl | OMtHW.
A rough estimate puts the number of
cattle in Brazil at 30.000.000 head. The
old native race has long horns and a
yellow hrown color They were intro
duced from Spain and Portugal over
two hundred years ago and probably
have the same origin as the native cat
tle of Mexico, Texas and California.
They are large, muscular animals, bet
ter adapted for oxen and for beef than
for dairy purposes. Many of the eowa
look like oxen. We have reproduced
the illustration, taken from a photo
graph of a Caraqua cow at Piracicaba,
a town MK) miles from Rio Janeiro. Her
height was ♦ feet 8 inches; distance be
tween the tips of horns 4 feet 7 inches;
weight. 900 pounds; age, 10 years. Con
sul General Andrews says he has seen
cows of this Caraqua breed give 12
quarts of milk daily, but this is an us-
usually large yield. Most of the butter
used in Rio Jane : ro, a city of 407,000
population, is the modern adulterated
article, imported in tin cans, which
shows the latv status of the dairy inter
est of Brazil. The city consumes an
average of 110,000 head of beef cattle
yearly, and most of them come from
two large provinces. Tbey are driven
to market much as they were in this
country before the railroad period. The
meat retails at an average of about 11
cents per pound.
There are a number of mixed breeds
of cattle in the different provinces,
among them the Musticos, Quiabanos,
Turino, and in the principal cities and
towns some Jerseys, Shorthorns, etc.,
imported for family use. The great
mass of cattle have not been improved
since their first introduction two cen
turies ago. Turinos are black and
white, probably across with the Dutch
or Holland cattle, and are the best for
dairy purposes, yielding 1,200 pounds
of milk per year. The annual average
production of milk of the common Bra
zilian cattle is 720 pounds per year and
the average value of product is: Meat,
820: milk, S3O; cheese, $25 per year
It takes 12 pounds of milk to make one
of butter and five pounds to one of
cheese. —Ohio Farmer.
Convenient nnd Enil; !*ut On or Taken
Off a Wsgaa.
C. A. Hinkley sends to the Orange
Judd Farmer the description of a hog
rack herewith illustrated, which is con
venient and easily put on or taken off
a wagon. Lengthen the reach so that
the rear bolster will be under the ex
treme end of the wagon box. Lengthen
the box bottom by covering it with 10-
feet boards; pat on the rack sides
which consist of panels as shown in
the drawing; run a three-quarter inch
iron rod across through the lower rear
t-nds of the side panels for the extra
bottom to rest upon. This rack will
hold a dozen large hogs, yet one man
can put it on or take it off unaided
HAVING the nest dark will help to
prevent egg eating.
WOF.S turkeys are kept confined they
need heavy feeding.
YELLOW dropping often means indi
gestion rather than cholera.
YOUNG chickens will cat wheat very
readily when two weeks old.
THE best turkeys for breeding are
those that are two years old.
A GOOD dust bath gives the fowls S
chance to dear themselves of lice.
SULPHUR and tobacco burned in the
poultry house will rid it of red lice.
CooKrn food fattens rapidly; one rea
son for this is that it is easily digested.
Fowi.s that are healthy and thirfty
! are always early risers and should be
: fed as soon as they fly down from the
j roosts.
IF the hens are expected to lay regu
i larly during the winter the quarters
! must bo so warm that water will not
! freeze.
BY planning to hatch the pullets in
February they can, if good care is
given, be depended upon to begin lay
ing in September.
TURPENTINE and sulphur given in the
food when the weather is damp is one
of the cheapest and best preventives of
gapes. Keep the fowls dry after giv
ing" si] 1 phur.—St. Louis Republic.
Saving: Mice-Girdled Tree®.
Mice-girdled trees C3n be easily saved
If attended to in time by using scions
two or three years old to bridge over
the gi died part. Editor Thomas of
the Country Ucn'leman reports the
case of 1.000 girdled young pear trees
saved in this way. The owner, at his
suggestion, employed three house car
penters to do the wo«k, because they
were accustomed to handling tools, akd
they did it nicely. Four scions were
ased on each tree, and not one tree was
lost or failed to make a good irrowth.
Echoes from the Collection rute.
Button—How are you getting along
these days?
Dime- Badly Closeflt has me in his
pocket, and it is a life sentence.
Button l : m. and I expect to be aent
to the heathen N Y Herald
For Instance.
Editor—The only way to succeed la
the newspaper business is to give the
people what they want
Friend - Have you got a ten-dollar
bill you can let me have?— Puc
k Out of Sight.
De Winkles—No. Miss Tompkins, I
am afraid you won t see much of me,
because, you see, I am up to toy ears is
{ work.
Miss Tompkins—Oh, I am sure we
can still see a great deal of yon. then.
The N»n»e Is Blot.
"This young man," said a gentleman
who was urging a claim for a situation
; in a bank, "is so trustworthy that bis
companions call him 'lionet*. Dick-'"
"Then I don't want him," replied the
bank president with a shudder.—Judge■
A Liberal Allowance.
He—What allowance do you think
your father ought to make us when we
are married?
She—Weil, if he makes allowance for
your fanJts I think he will be doing all
can be expected of bio.—Jury. 1
Ttcy Art IndUprnwbU to Ik* Warn—iflri
Kftulni of CtMk.
A southern writer, while a little
brnery in laying down rules for grow*
ing clover, fires some good advice in
what follows: Permanent pasture and
meadow frrav> lands arc regarded by
progressive farmers as indispensable in
successful raising of stock. Since their
necessity is recognized it only remains
to discover the quantity of seed, natri>
tiousncss and adaptability to the cli
mate and soil in order to suoceed. Any
land that will bring good wheat will
bring good clover, and any l*nd that
will bring good oats will bring good
grass. This is a simple role, and. if
followed, will save much troublesome
bpeculation. So many are discouraged
in their early efforts by the adultera
tion of seeds, that we would urge great
care being taken in their selection.
Every section of our country demands
good permanent pasture and meadow
grass lands. Winter feeding is now as
necessary in the west and south as it
has long been regarded in the north
and east. The west, since the aban
donment of the free range system, finds
it absolutely necessary to prepare win
ter feed, either of domestic or wild
grasses. Cattle there are confined
within limits and, in severs weather,
their ancient privilege of rustling at
large is now denied them. The sonth
finds it to her interest to investigate
and adopt the most nutritious grasses
if she would not lose In competition
with winter-fed stock brought to her
markets from more northern statea.
Good, rich meadow grasses not only
make the sweetest and most nutritious
hay, bat the cheapest feed in the
world The inexperienced termer has
suffered many disappointment* In ob
taining good pasture and meadow
lands, and this has been attributed to
various causes. We cannot too
strongly recommend to those interest
ed In the best development of their
stock and soil, that they supply them
selves with books of unquestioned au
thority on the subject of passes, and,
in fact, on every subject pertaining to
their vocation. Too much reliance on
crude ideas may prove iu the end a
costly investment Husbandry is aa
much a science as medicine or engi
neering, yet many farmers scarcely be
lieve it Rather are they inclined to re
gard as superfluous any stu iy of the
subject at all, and elect to blunder
along in the old rut or in ruinous ex
periment If their profits are small
and mode of procedure burdensome, it
may at least arouse them to the neces
sity of a change and to the conviction
that it is quite ai essential for the
farmer to seek the assistance of com
petent authorities as it is for the medi
cal man or engineer who desires sac
cess in his respective calling.— Weetern
How to Prepare It so as to Obtain Satis
factory liesults.
Anybody can grow potatoes, sad yet
but few are grown with any effort to
produce a really fine tuber. It is a
science, but not diflicult It requires a
year iO get ready and then the same
patch is good for any length of time,
potato bugs and white grubs to the
contrary, notwithstanding. The soil
must be sandy or made so by the addi
tion of coal ashes to make it loose,
then work in an equal bulk (equal to
the bulk of the soil itself) oni-half
humus. If you have no humus, you
must make it JThe soil must bo
worked perfectly fine ar.d evenly mixed
v.-ith the manure at least a f<xit dcop.
If the manure .is. not fuu.\ Uiinpi will
harbor trrubi"or""gr«w crooked ttriers.
,- j will hard lumps of soil, if no bipgef
than a chestnut Do all this in the fall
of tl.e year. Next dissolve a box of
lye (as sold for soap making) in half a
barrel of water. Sprinkle this through
a watering pot to soak the ground well:
let it staud over winter ancl in the
spring plant cabbage on it When cab
bages are off, wet down again With the
lyo water; add three inches deep of
more humus and cult'vate this in well.
The humus will invite grubs and win
worms in, the lye will invite them out
In the following spring plant potatcm.
Work them well, and every fa 1 add
more humus anil moro lye. Keep
tho soil loose and fine, use .good seed
cut to two eyes, plant in twoloot rows
one foot apart, and dig as soon M tho
tops are decidedly dead — -Oermantown
Excellent Clilelten Coop.
A good shipping coop for ponltty CM
be constructed by taking two lids from
cheese boxes, these fastened by strips
on four sides and wire netting taoked
around the frame, leaving one side M
fastened that it can be quickly opened
to put the birds in. The sketch gives
the idea It is a cheap, strong and
light crate for poultry.—J. W. Caughey,
in Farm and Home.
Good Times Near at Haad.
If it be true, as stated, that all the
available wheat lands of the United
States have been taken up, and that we
have reached the maximum of produc*
tion, and if it be true that the popula
tion of the United States is increasing
at the rate of twenty-five per cent,
every ten years, as is also authorita
tively stated, then it must be evident
that we are nearing a time when the
country will consume all its own wheat
product and have none for exportation.
These facts stare us In the face and
promise to enhance the value of every*
thing produced from the soiL—Col
man's Rural World
A POOR hen will lay few eggs, II any
at all, and a fat one often laya soft
aheUed e.crcra
■be Returned tbe Coaspllaseat.
There is a curious marriage custom
In Brittany. At the close of the wed
ding ceremony, the bridegroom gives
the bride a box on the ear saying:
"That Is how it feels when you main
mo vexed," after which he kisses her t
adding: "And thus when you treat M
A Breton once married a German law
from Swabia, and gave her the usual
salute on leaving the altar. But the
resolute damsel, ignorant of the pre
vailing custom, without waiting for tb*
kiss dealt her swain a tremendous
clout on the side of the face and said'.
"Look here; I'll have none of that!"
The young fellow rubbed his cheeki
and knew now, at least, that his tatt®
half would not stand any
London Tid Bits.