Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, November 06, 1891, Image 4
THE JOINT DEBATE BETWEEN OUPBELL and !WcKIWLBY ON FREE TRADE and TARIFF la over aad tbe minds of the people *re very much the same M baton. Few eonrerta, if any at all, were made, but ciose cash buyers are still pressing to JOHN BICKEL'S. FOR THEIR BOOTS, SHOES & RUBBERS. Naver before in the history of Butler Co., has footwear been sold as cheap w now. Tboee that have not visited my store win be both pleased and snprised to learn the low prices 1 am quoting on first quality footwear. Men and Boys Kip Boots. Mnst more from now until Jan. Ist, and in order to make them move rapidly, I haTe marked them at extremely low ariose. Men's good solid boots $1.50, $1.75 and $2. Boy s boot* SI.OO, $1.25 and $1.50. Men's calf boots $1 50. Boy a calf boots $1.25. The above boots are great bargains worth fully double the price named on them. Ladies. Misses A GhiXdrens Shoes. In endless variety are placed on sale at prices that cannot be resisted. A visit to my store will convince you that lam tbe leader in low prices and my goods are second to none in the market. My Trade is Not Confined to Butler County. Every day brings new customers from joining counties.acd the esfrerness with which tbey make their purchases is evidence of the feet that my fame for good boots and shoes and extremely low prices is reaching a long ways from home. Spread the Good Newsi When you get a bargain at my store tell it,tell your neighbor. I vu t yon all to come, end the more I sell the cheaper I sell. Rubber Goods Marked Down. lem selling the best makes of rubber boots at $2.35, slippers included,2d quiality goods cheaper. Before buying any rubbers dont fail to^call. Golden Rule Anti-Snag Proof. Are the only rubber boots that will not snag or blister, every pair warranted in every respect They are the boots to buy. Boots and Shoes Made to Order Box Toe Bbop Boots always on hand. Leather and Findings. Boot Grease Free. Repairing neatly end promptly done. JOHN BICKEL. BUTLER, ----- - " PENH'A There wee scarcely any necessity for Bbowing this lady oar card. Some shoes hare no tongue, but all shoes have a story to tell whether they are tongueleee or not. This story 1. of either good, bad or indifferent work manship, and it isn't always told at a glance either. Sometimes bad work manship mesqnerades as good, the difference being perceptible to oulv the trained eye. Sboee differ in quality as much as they do in price, bat the price should be regulated according to the difference in quality nad not bo ont of proportion with it. We do not claim to give a high grade wboe for a low grade price, but what we do claim is, that for no shoe which leaves onr ■tore do we make a charge which is not folly justified by its actual value. A dollar's worth for a dollar is what we sell and that is what you will get if yon try a pair of our ladies' fine Pongola kid shoes at $2.00 or a pair <>f onr men's fine ealf sewed shoes st $2.00. Also see our immense stock of waterproof winter shoes, which cannot be duplicated in the county at the low price asked for them. Highest grade of men's and boys' calf, kip, grain aad rubber boots at rock bottom prices. A-L. R-U-F-F. 114 South Main Street. Butler, IPa B. $ B. SOME i of the New AUTUMN DRESS FABRICS Shown in these store* we Tweed*, Kip Sopor Stripes, Homespun*. Cheviot*, English Suitings, Chevron*, Scotch Suitings, Jaoqttard Bedford*, Austrian Suiting*, Broadclothes, American Suiting*, Diagonals, Camel Hair*, Serges, Astrakan Suitings, Lupin* Suitings, Bedford Cords, Pllsim, I trap de Palerma, Check*, Drap de Alma, Stripe*. Kayetlno, Plaid*, etc., etc. Elegant line of sew 40-inch FANCY SUITINGS, Homespum Effects, In rarioua shades of blue, brown and grey colorings, 75 GENTS. Stylish fabries and great value for 16 cents. Opening of FALL and WIMTER STYLES CLOAK ROOMS Special sale of Ladies' BLACK HABE CAPES. High shonlders, pointed fronts, Medici collar, $4.00. VISITORS HJa? EXPOSITION Will find many things of interest to be seen in tbeae stores, and if purchasing, mush that will proye profitable. Ifrou cannot come WRITE Our Mail Order Department. Samples and Catalogae'upoa request. Boggs & Buhl, 115 to 121 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY, PA. Good Farm for Sale. Containing too acre* and 97 perches. To a CM cleared and under fence. Balance utandlnir ;n good while oak Umlwr. Comfortable dwelling nouwi, go od barn, wagou nhed. fprlD|jliou*e of butt kind, h o(f pen and nlieep honsC Ravi r failing MprIDKH over whole place ; !i KOod or chard. roaaesilongiven April I.IMA. Title good. Situate In Pi-nn twp.. r.utter count .', Pa., about *lx mile* south or Isutler Enquire at CITIZCN office. Butler, !*«.. or Uie owner DAVID DIXON. Brownadale, Hurler Co., I n pamphlet of Information and av of til* laws, (bowing How Patents, Cavaata, J OnprnitMs, umt W Hum <* co./^^ Brwifwaf, GOOD " = ilUUl# rurrb Clothk « I Hrrll aslittuok LfILLIIMn RIIRRIMR rmn is required. SIIAP f° llow JUni DIRECTIONS '■ CLOSELY* Butlers Book 1,000 Paee«, 200 Original Kngravingx, h'lcpant Miuiliiigrt, I'uMixlied in it I.migunge*, I'opulur I'rieeM. KI R.ST EDITION, 100,000 CO I'IK.S. The Only Antbontic Work By GEN. BENJ. F. BUTLER. KxilucivH Territory ami Üboial Term given to Unliable Agonta. Accompany applieatlon with f2.00 for PronpcctuH. J. W. Keeler & Co., 230 Ho. OTII ST. PHILADELPHIA. PA. you cat: ! i >ii. I'ltl REMINGTON JbitOo. will contract fur adruftiiuiK at Nothing On Eartli Will HENS Sheridan's Condition Powder! KEEPS YOUR CHICKENS Slroo? a=d Healthy ; Prevents all Disease. Good for Moulting JTent. SsSS Strvtiy » —•» ou -iomer. •if., ata<i six to prevent Ronp. aays one If von can't {jet It tend to n*v We Cart t do it but are -rilling to pay for learning bow to r: '.on r xxl an article as Wolff's Acjeb I. (axe of cheap material so that a retailer can profitably sell it at 10c. Our price is 20c. The retailer savs the pnblic 'will not pay it. We say the pnblic will, because they tv ol :dsr:'vs p3V a fur price for a good r.r To ?how both the trade and the I ,L>lic that we want to give thera the best ; r the least monev, we will pay 110,000.00 Reward For aljove information; thi3 offer is open until January Ist, 1893. WOLFF & RANDOLPH, Philadelphia. Pik-IlOn Is the name of a paint which <!• • "-ork that no other paint can do. Jfew ■ • i painted wi'h it look* like the natural . vl "/hen it i» i.tained and varnished. SKIERS AND BUILDERS w'l n i it profitable to invectlg&te. All p.;...t-.' ,-rca sell it. jA ttai itit j U»4 m tqul tor curie* Diaxlaeaa, S WM Guatirv*—*, Malaria, Lire? C«cv H| Mpl.trt, «4 im ladlfMH-a. BiciKbe, V all Uttr um f.muich K.m fall, a-,11 br «;i «rufiL.l» nd m gm mm < «««». c r ** ctm*n. i» Sf m. i. s»a«r» t < o-, Viiv'*' NRJIIN ONLY! LO&TcrFAIUSO MANBOO ? raPXlTtt I ■ of Body and Kind, Effects JIIM Errors or Kxcaaaea in Old or Young. |u>hti(. *4* HOOP fallj Fi*ator»«t. llmw to ealarse aa4 *r«ur't«n *** l, L3I>*TEIXIPIIMm*A«»ArAKT»©r ft©D*. IWfciHftiT r.a'ali'ay HOftK TUHTMOT—BaaetU la a day. B>a ' t su'f frw m 60 Hlk'es aad I anrlga WriU th«a* Dwurlrtl.* r'«k, aad praef« -sUUi (uiMi frra. **«■..* r«iE medical co.. BUFFALO. H. Y. § DOCTORS LAKE PRIVATE DISPT£N*iAKY. Cor>. Pen* Ave. ano Fourth St.. PITTBBURGH, PA. All formiof I>clicate ar.d Com - plicated Diseases requirfiifrCo*. rt!>e\TUhandSciWTinc Sit l ic.it ion are treated «t thjfl Di-t --rr.i ry »ah a success rureiy attained. Dr. S. K I .xc U a member of the Royal College or I'hy -4i- .ir.-; and Surj?eon«, and 1-* the oldest r.:If I must e.\|. i ienccd Speci/i list in the c : tv. Bp<!cial nt it :ii' jn ;rivjntoNerrous Debility fromcrr<-hHivc »»(.•!.' ii <.\<»rtl<>r,indi*.'retion of yuath.ctc., caus inq pliy i--.1l and menial decay,lack of energy. 1< ; . I <m'lf;icr, etc.; nM Canrei a. Old Sores, 1 :t*. Piles, i'lirnnialism, and all dir.eat' sof ttiabkin. BliwJ, :.;!'.sr . Urinary Organs, etc. Consultai.on Iri'i: ami strictly confidential. Office hours,9 to I find 7 U> H 1\ Sunday*. U to 4 p. M. Only. nll at nil're or a<ldresK DP.S. I.AKK. COft. "i.NM A VE. AXD4TI! ST..t'ITTSIIt'KGH, PA. ■Eire iSiciifi m. iMmwk ■ . v -r g#- M We do not claim to have tbo liost 81k on Earth, but we do claim that no Sh' • on IJiirlh are better than ours They have throe veryj esscn tial qualities: they are presentable, durable, and not expensive. You can ca-i!y draw up a louger catalogue of footwear virtues but you cannot come* much closer to the point. Per fect confidence ip worth a pood deal, and you can have perfect confidence in every shoe that we Bell. There are differences in quality— which make difference* in price, but what ever the price maybe it is never to your disadvantage. An exceptional ly good purchase is our Ladies fine shoe at sl, $1.50, and $2, they are beauties, soft stock, llexiblo soles, both opera toe and common-uenae, plain or tip. Then the fine goods at $2.50, $2.75, s'i, $.5.25 and up to $1 in hand turns, welts, in opera, com mou-sense, Walkenphast last, all widths, plain or tip .Mi " " and Childrens fine shoes in heel ami spring a large assortment of all tba' is new Oid Ladies Warm Fl ir.net] Shoes nt all prices both mi i«>'■- and Slippers. The Fall and Wi • <-r wind-t nr« knocking at your doors, telling you wiitnr is tust ap proaching, got your Winter Boots and Shoes lliiseltoa is stocked from collar to attic with the best of thut kind of stock. Hero you can gel your boy a pair of hoots 1-5 at sl, $1.25, $1.50 $1.75 and $2. Your girls in button or lece, in Oil (Jrain Calf or Kip unlined, sizes 13-2 at 75 cts , $1 ! $125 and up; smaller sizes liivc high cut shoes foi 'iov : »:•«' girls. Your wife can Keti'.r'i 'i|» sho<- for winter at 8.» ct-, ■ i, : 1.15. $ 1.35, $1.50 otid s2 in Butt atil Luee The beM ' n 'Ood< kno-v ' "> the Boot and Shoe trade to i v I hise goods are not Hhoddv but oiiu leather and will warrant tbf *i i uch Tl ■ ii cones our Me us' Fine Shoes and L< vy buots. IN SLIOCH we have them at sl, $1.25, $1.50, $175, and up to $5.75 in Hals, Button and Con jjr< r-t tip or plain toe, in A Calf, (Jrui i iiufl, Calf, Kangaroo and Cor dovan. We show an elegant assort roen( f Metis' Hoots fiuitnble for the arnier, mecha'iic, laltoriug 1 man and the oil iin n at vcrry moderate |>rices, box toe, high or low instep, four .sole. , prices are $1.75, $2, $2 50, $.'J, and uji to $-1, Iwiei- as many styles to select fr' in as any other store in lSul ler Tho lar rest and best stock ol Rub ber Boots a ltd Shoes in the town. We have san e price to all, every body's dollar is worth 100 cents,don't lu. Ie the mistake by buying before i lo' iiig over our *tock. ii. C 11USKLTO.N, 10J N. MAIN ST., BUTLEU, I'A. HISTORICAL HORSE RACING. Fabulous Sams Won by Some Old-Time •• Planners." It is quite probable that there are jujt now no men who gamble quite so hcarilr, except in stocks, as Aid the "plungers" in the early part of thi£ cen tury, savs W.B.Curtis, in Forum. There wore in "England a dozen men who made $250,000 "books" on the Derby alone. j and as Lite as 1856 a 4 'bookmaker bci . $500,000 to $5,000 against each of three j horses in one r&ce. In 1543 the owner i of the Derby favorite "backed" him publicly to win $750,000, besides the j amount of hia private bets. The rinj? pf "bookmakers" paid to one circle of ; bettors a million dollars when Lec turer won the Ccsarewilch. The of more than one Derby winner col lected 8500,000 on the next settling day, and in several other years would have pocketed a million if their colts had been "first past the post." Most men who now have the money and the "nerve"' to make such enor mous bets have given up horse racing in favor of a game which still higher possibilities, and instead of wagering $500,000 on a horse and call ing it gambling, they deposit the same amount as "margin" in a stock specular tion and call it business. Although in dividuals do not lay such heavy wagers as were sometimes made by the "plung ers" of old,much more money is wagered now than was risked fifty years ago, The difference is, that while then om man bet 5100,000, now ten men each bet 520,000, and the total amount wapred is doubled. Of single bets made on American horse races the following in stances are taken from the records. Haughton bet Walton *14,000 to SI,OOO against Gin,fle: Haughton bet Kelly €20,000 to .$5,000 against Hcnlopen; Ap pleby & Johnson bet P. Lorillard 811,0 TO to §IO,OOO against Pizarro and $25,000 to 85,0(50 against Leo in the same race. In each of these cases it is probable that the owners risked ten times these amounts on each of the races, as the bets above stated were only made with one liooVmaVor _ Very Much Alike. Tommy—Pa, Mr BLxby said to-day that I was very mucli like you. Pa—l'm glad to hear it, my son. How Aid he come to say it? "I asked him for a quarter."—Puck. An Opinion. Politician—l don't know what o' the matter with inc. doctor. I can't lie cn the right side. Doctor—That's not strange. It takes a statesman to do that! —Truth. A Careful Uaycr. Mr. Locks—Yes, sir; I will guarantee that my safes are fire-proof and burglar proof. Bank President —Good! but are they cashier-proof? —Puck. Doubtful. "Are the Chick weed girls in society?" "Cm—yes, they're in society, but they're not really fashionable. Tlirtjr arc too red and healthy."—Chicago Tribune. —"lt is all over town!" "Wbatf" Tlie cold wind thin morning " "So it ia, bat Dr. Hull'ii Cough Syrup in all over town too, you ean buy it everywhere for 25 cents a bottle. The rareful mother always keeps Salva tion Oil handy. Twenty-live cents a bot tle. When it coui es to going into a law suit, the poor in;in ha* twice the couruge of the rich. —The man who "cannot Mug the old songs" and won't tr}' is the one we like to meet at an evening party. —Many old soldiers, who contracted chronic diarrhua while in the seivice, have tince been permanently cured of it by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and I)iarrho-a tleinedy. Fur sale bv 1). il. Wuller, butler; A. Dowers, Pro Mpect; Breadcn <t Allison, \Y. Sonbury. —To toil the iige of a horse, i..-k t!ie • tier, and multiply ;bis figures by otie lialf. —The man who do.-* his be-1 in the place be now 1 u is on hi- wiiy to a better placo. —Spectacles and Kyeglssses made l»y llobert Unite Wallace, (successor to the "Fox Optical C 0.,) at 024 I'enn Avenue, I'ittsburg, Pa., arc conceded the beat and mo: t comfortable. Have money by having bim lit your eyes. Polar bears are reported to be un uaual'y pletitifu I in Alarka this M ason. They are found further south, which is said to bo a sign that the winter will bo very cold. ■—ltch on human and horses ana all ani mals cured in 'M minutes by Woolford'ft Sanitary Lotion. This never mils. Sold by J C Redii k, druggist, Butler. —Tennyson is about to bring out another volume of verses which reminds some one that though he carries oil a dairy farm he ha.; never made zephyr rhyme with heifer. Pleasant Employment at Good Pay. The publishers of Hkkh-Timk A Nl> HAR VEST,an old established monthly,determin ed to greatly lucieaae their subscription lints, will employ u number of active agents for the ensuing «ix months at $. r >o.- 00 per month or more if their services warrant it. To insure active work on ad ditional cash pri*e of SIOO.OO will be awarded the agent who obtain* the the largest number of subscribers "The early bird gets the worm." Send four silver dimes, or twenty 2-cent stamps with your application, statiug your age and territory desired, naming some prominent buriness man as a reference as to your capablitiis, and we will give you a trial. The 40 cent* pays your own subscription and yon will receive full particulars. Add re: SKKII TIM K AN I) IIA RVEBT, La Plume, Pa. —The Indianapolis minister who has been predicting the end of thu world in ten years was asked to resign his charge. Indiana people wish to postpone the here after as long as possible. Save Yourself Money. When you go to Pittsburgh, Pa., stop at the Anchor lloiol, corner Liberty and Fourth Insets. It is a strictly first-class Hotel conducted on the European plan. Lodgings,, 25,-83, —or 50 cents. —Young Irwin F. Huntriuger prevailed upon the editor oft.be Mout l (,'arnn l \cum to give bim work as a collector, then lied with cash enough to send him J.o the penitentiary for six years. Chamberlain's Eyo and Skin Ointment. A certain euro (or Chronic Soro Eye*, Totter, Bait iibentn, Scald Head. Old Chronic Bores, Fever bores, Eczema, Itch, Prairio Scratches, Soro Nipplca and Piles. It in cooling and noothing. Hundreds of caeen have been cured by itaft> rail other treatment had failed, it Is put up in aud GO cent boxed. A curious feature of this season's apple crop in York county, Me., m that it is mm. ally lic!it all over, except in a belt about, live mile i wide, where the yield is phenomenally large. Consumption Buro!y Curod. To Tor 'CniT"i: IM«a > Inform yur rvvh-rm that 1 li.ro a |,odIUVO ronici<ljr f., r tlio alKive-iioiiiod dUcowA. Ity 1t,.. tJrmily nan tlioim&ri'lM of hopoln.m cn«fß bur* lw*ii panaaneotlycured. I shall Im «la.l t" •nnd two bottloa of my rtmmfy FREE to an j of your roadnra wlio hire coiianmpUnn If tlioy will wntl mo tln ir and 1». I>. aililrnaa. t. iiilly. T. A. BLOCOM. M. C.. 181 l'oarl St.. N. Y. KONtf W, , . ,0 ~ i* ri*k \..U . . ' . • - 1., f|.« *. lk lit. .... i .. ,'r ' ..«»«» • . \\C , ..I. f'.I.UII you the KIM. I 'I I'. S: -.1.1-1,. )in. | .J| ' P." * CO . Ufa Hill. k'a .y-y - ' '' I •»al i»« • • 1 'Vtv A 3UCV« ti. J;« f'HU plfu il)" tir. il NtsW>>fnip<.•rttdiiirf curn^u LC IP THOMAS, t'*f2RTii»o lomi, I CIUOACO* THE CITIZEN ' MISCI'I.IA?fB >'TS□ 1 hut', Difference. Cubbag-e—What's the difference be- I tween a dilatory man and the president of a female college? Bubbage—l'll give it up. Cubbage —One misses the trains and I the other trains the misses.— Judge. Popular Science. "Here is a pretty couplet: 'Sweet Is the hour t» ilig'at holers, Bat moocliplit is tLe light for lovers.'" "Oh, fiddle: It isn't the light for lovers, at all. It doesn't turn down."— Life. __ Of Little Faith. Mrs. Blinks—Dear me, it's raining. How am I to get this letter mailed? Friend —Hand it to the letter-carrier. Mrs. Blinks—Huh! He'd forget all about it. He's a man. —N. Y. Weekly. BLACK AND WHITE. —N. Y. Sunday JournaL The Meanest Man on Record. Out-of-Town Party—Lemme see a pa per, my little son. Ah. here's some in teresting news. (Reads half a column, hands back the paper and walks off.) Mrs. Farrelly (the apple woman, in a shr .1 voice)— How's cverythin* over in Bosh ton, sor?— Leslie'- Illustrated Newspaper. Sot Bea»tly. Englishman—Beastly weather, hisn't hit? American—Humph: Tlic only creature that would like this weather is a duck, and a duck isn't a beast; it's a fowl. This is foul weather.— N. Y. Weekly. An Accompliuhcl Sifter. First Little Boy—And does your sis ter play the banjo? Second Little Boy (proudly)—lndeed she does; you just ought to hear her. She's a graduate of Vassar, she is.— Good News. A Refreshing Spertaclc. Bunting—l saw a sight to-day which d?d my heart g<x>d. Larkin—Wliat was it? Bunting—A plumber getting a pre scription compounded at a retail drug store.—Jury. Prank. Jack (to Scotch pawnbroker) > You seem to be fond of whistling, "Coming Through tbe Ilye." Mr. Pan-itch—Yes; that's the way most of my money comes! — Puck. The MiMXJ Who Knew. Flush Youth (from tbe country)— Can you direct me to tba office of Catehem & Cheatem, brokers? Policeman—Ask that man over there. He was rich once.—Good News. Not »o Funny Now. Violet—That cooking school you be long to l>e just, lovely. Madge It i*sed to be beforo tho new rule went into effect. They now make ua cat what wo cook. —.Jury. —"There are millions iu it," naiil u clrug gi«t when afiVed about Dr. Bull'd Cou"b Syrnp. I'riee lio ctK. For nome time pant 1 've been a Rheu matic. I recently tried Salvation Oil which gave mo almost instant relief. I Kin cere |v reeummend it a- it lins entirely cured me. Jaine. Gordon, i'alto, ild. —A ponltiee of bruised onionn around the neck gives gre.it relic!" in dipbtberetic troubles. —The apple crop ha.s lullen off after all —from the trceH. —For lame back there in nothing better than to haturate a flannnel with Chamber lain's Pain balm aud bind it on the affect ed parts. Try it and you will be surprised at tho prompt relief it affords. The same treatment will euro rheumatism. For snle by I). 11 Wuller, Butler; A. Powers, Pro spect; Breadcn & Allison, W. Sunbury. —Ah tho Social season fets in even tho trees grow more decollete every day. —English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps anil blemishes from horses, blood spavins, curbs, splints, swoeney, ring bone, stifles, sprains, all swolen throats, coughs, etc. Savo SSO by use of one bottle. Warranted tho most wonderful blemish cure ever known. Sold by J C Kedick, drugt-'isf, Butler. —Parnell #-a» exceedingly superstitious. It is said lie would not remain in a room where three cundles wore b'irning. To Consumptives. Tue undersigned having been restored to health by simple means, alter suffering for several years with a severe lung affection, anil thot dread ilisea.se Consumption, is anxious to mnke known to lnu fellow sulier ers the means of cure. To those who desire it, he will cheerfully send (free of charge) a copy of the prescription used, which they will lind a sure cure for Consumption, Astliuia, <Catarrh, Bronchitis and all throat and lung Maladies. He hopes all sullerers will try his Remedy, as it is invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, whieli will cost them nothing, auil may prove a blest ing, will please address ItliV. K|IWAHI» A. WII.SON, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, New- York —Corry people are sick, nigh unto death of the Salvation Army. The latest com plaint is that they obstruct street cross ings. —Khenmatifin cured in c. day—"Mysli cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radio cally cures 111 Ito 3 day*. Its action upon tho system is remarkable and myntcrimiu. It removes at once the can <0 and tho dis easo immediately disappears. The lin.t dose greatly benefits. 1•> cts. Sold by J C Kedick, druggist, Butler. —The Supreme Court again holds the stale oleomargarine law constitutional, in a stated case, on an application for a writ of error. A Money Maker. It is so hard to gut employment now and so hard to make money that I know others would like to know how they can make a little money, a.s 1 have done. Tell your snbseiibers they can jret all the jewelry, tableware, kit ivos, forks aud spoon# they can plate, and make if'Jo a v.eek. The plating outfit eo t<jfo. I bought mine from 11. F l>< Im. (,'0 . of Colnmhio Ohio. It platen gold, . ilver and nickle. I did iM-70 worth «<l plating the lirst day. The work i.-« done 1.0 nicely that everybody seeing it wants work done. The machine is the greatest money maker 1 ever saw. why should anyone be out of employment or out of money, when they can, by tilling my experience, always to have money in the house aud a little lo spend tooT Anj' one sail get by addre ing 11. I . Dolno A Co., Colun bus, Ohio. K. J arret t. —They uro runsing coffee in Michigan, one man having harvested seven bushel* this year. KIIKI m \TISM Cured in a Hay..--"Mystic Cure" for Khetimatism and Neuralgia rad ically cures in Ito II day . Its action upon tho system is remarkable and mys terious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first ilono greatly betiehts, 7.j cents. Sold by J. C. kedick. Drugist, Butler. A promoter is pungently defined as a man who null* something he hasn't got to i a man who doesu't know what ho Is get I ti"«?• ¥UR N ITU RK! F11! NITURE! FURNITURE! : Xew stA'les arriving daily. It will bo but a short time until you will bo looking _ around foi* your holiday presents, we ] want to call your attention to our beau -1 v Itiftil line 01 iaiicv ROCKERS, MIRROR B—Mantel and Cabinets, PARLOR CABINET, etc. We will also have tor the holiday trade a full line of Dinner and Tea Sets at any price from #4.50 to *75, all new styles and new shapes goods guaran teed not to craze. A beautiful line of Vase and Bouquet Lamps, from #1.50 to *lO. Anything vou want in the * O t above goods call and see us. O Truly Yours J Campbell & Templeton, 13(5 N. Main St., - - Butler, Pa. AFTER HARVEST von want NEW FURNITURE to re place some of the old We are headquarters for first-class (roods. Remember we have no mark down sales; our prices are always as low as is consistent with good goods. A full line of QUILTS in addition to other bedding. E. S. DREW, - 128 E. Jefferson, St. i AT For Ladies, Misses and Children, the largest line we ever had. .Come in and see them, they are cs* JEB . CloakS - Jackets - WrapS, Full 100 Cents' wont) to the. Dollar oo Every Purchase Made at our Htoro. We are otT'ering valut a Un procendenle-! in urnishin ;fo Ladiei, Mori and Childron Be advised und y• u'JI -uv. Whatever you losy require in oi't line, eonie to ns, we'll show yon a i Hff tit VBriet) and suve yer tiopey. Onr stock is row full «n»l | complete. We t<» nic • every demitod to yonr fullest, .sn'is- 1 ("ftion. Wc have, a bifj vtiriely, with | many styles of Boys' nnd tjirls' I la' - | nrnl Ctipu at low lipjuri-s. John M. Arthurs. 3:i3— SOUTH WAIN STltlißT. 3W TIDESIIHG Kliriplr'il. IIIOHI <liirul»!.\ i.odil- 'I .1 ?; .1 | 1' • II us« . Wasl**?< 1«> ' !■ -i < U Uc i; . f Market. Thre. iiin/ Kn,"ioi & linr ■ Powei . j SAW m !.;* .. A. It. i AKOI IUH, < O. r»Mift)ltonlA Airrlrult'l Horfe«, Yoik, r». LObT iooo j - ■ ;v. Ilirll, ; nil will i-ii'-full' I'll ' ! 'lo' v. I'll .11 n 1 .1 ml ' \|H-|I-.- : 11l ». il.lv. Full i,r 1 irl II:. f. Kt| tli'lu ■ 1 'rf ;lr- 1 «t •'••■iipltii-, liuitadtn:.' in-*o ! " :. ' i ' 111 :. I'.lr!:«lit ouillt If. • Mltln r. II IIAWKSMH. i si»l>lli«h< d in".'. RUPTURE. MAVEIt. Kll Arrh Stri.l'liPiuloliihiu, 111 r. I i.ii I'ii.(f. w l: in - '"Itl. I■' I- ? Nuitii i;.i»inii. R.i . 1 leu. i. <>it I'U .U. 11. STULLL'-J. I MIV ' "1.. I' 11. I A. Sclill'MfliT. I- 'i . !>■•••. I* 1' I 1 L.1111.1 MI. IM. VI IN. 1. I: -RI. ! HI Villi'. I'.l V. .M.I 'IM I'. '- l !■! H lltiltllfl:;, J.I. I • "»•: ! 'lll . >1 .II . rlnbun. I'II.. ('. KMIIII* IIOUKIHIIIIVIIII', I '.v. IK, MAYI:I( |J» M.I llolii ivnn 1.'.'.1111 M: ' .•>!»» v l Baturdnv «l 'till ironUi. I U I v "Un ft.' ..T. . .. \Z. «),. I. f r W ; 1. 1 ■■ • ' J l»a*0 «lr*« 1/ ' I _ .. % I itiiiiit*#', >«•>«• fn«i. In| * » » - » |...1 HOI.I I " : • » •'. " , 15 eeiproeity • To counteract the effect of spring winds and Btorniß on face urn] b;ind»; to reuew, renovate and purify th>> cuticle after r. roi'M winter, i» the mineion of 1 ( OBSER'S CREAM GLYCERINE Ami does it perform the ;u k It iu a bland, creamy emu! ion, with just euougb vege table oil to Hcfu-n tic eUin, com bio-'i v\ith pure glveerine and i oilier t-übatamie*, forming one ot tLe finent preparations for chap ped handa, lipß or face or any rougburas or irritation of the rkin. No lady or gentleman fbculd l>c without it. "For hml.. hy J. C. Iledick, Prng t girtt, Hutler, Pa. BIAD AND REMEMBER I ~ if.. :i> pun- «t"! reliable BTRAIGHT l.hjiroKH, rail on J,. Bs. FIIMOH, !. MlT'll IM.I> S! . IT. IS1;| IH.II, I'A. o|>p. Ml.ru.; ulll l i tI"UHC.) M..-. i:' i. mil) 1 <• Ml :("Urinal ptr* i I P.< II ' ,<1 I'KN \\ II• I>1N• 1 All 51 i •• i ! 1 1■ Uk vi uIMvV. i per <|i. ; ! d' i ii.. ii rwin sky, fa ju Dll.i ; v•. I • S W HISIO . J for * i pari; i ii» i promptly Milpjxxl I in I 'hi r> ■ > <|)t of i .imli or p«'V ot i • ».'* oriltT. ; :» hii«sT « Ai)'' • i O- l>. Hurt r i'l '.Ct> Lint. f if? FUR SALE. 1 ih« 1.1 ' I I U 111 IIIH 1 iMU.COUtalnt! I)I . '• , .1 111 \l!ut ♦ : l, i .• i vai #u • Mi.;i ronrt. u*■••r M; tl i>oiu> 1 itiuu ou ibe I'. & V\ i; i; . r the < •• •. t»i Ilu ,i i •! ». u»k laru I.il » ' Uii.ll u '•><! OK'liard, ItVat , Uil \%: ii, u<**r house, pump in h.trii. *»U Hi inln. lli«|Ulr«- Ol or HU<i» c « J a ni os Davidson, Myoma P. 0., huller Co., Ha. h to «•••»* ; .X-". LUuD &7MONAS. - Leading Millinery House - TkSSC^» We arc new teady to exhibit this season's styles of M-I R=Y In every desirable Btjie and quality Our stock is uuc-u&liy large and attraeiive. Trimmed hats and bon nt \A of all description-*—felt bale, velvet hats and sailor bats Hats and bonnets triu?n *-<! to cicer. Tie lerysst end most complete i-wck of velvet*, ribbons, tips, quills. I ir>is end wings ever brought to Butler. FOR CHILDRE N Hoods, caps, sailor bats in great variety. MOURNING | Hats and boncets receive our beet attention, a complete line always on i blind. A,w r IDT PAPE Cheapest. I * ■ • ■ '*■ ? | Street. C A PT u RED, ">, Once upon a time a young man named ' fflb ' Cobb met a beautiful young lady named ryd/J ( Wtbb, and it is telated that he fell in love ft i.. y[ / »/t"> \ * as soon as he Spied-her Our tale is told. i' >*l y We've caught your eye Do you catch y J ; sjV on? Well; just follow along a little ph" further. That "bird® of a feather, flock yjf - together" in little droves liy themselves is no uiore truly verified than at our store. TLoee who sre good Judges of goods in ' . our lice, and who with to get the best J3 jl goods in th*' niaiket for the money, cen 'jV gregate at onr store daily. Theie is al •. woys rooui lor oue more; so don't be back •- o i ward, but call in and see us I did not think of advertising this fall, but I met a man who asked me who I WBB. I told him I-leck, The Champion Cloiliicr *fc Furnisher. And strauge to say, he informed me that he bed never heard of me. Well I ■ it is iurl each people wc are after, and if this should catch their eve, we hope huutun curiosity will lead them to read it for it is one of the commonest ■ traits of the race. It. was curiosity that k-d Kvo to taste the forbidden Iruit; , itnd her ofLpriDK have their curiosity excited every day as a hereditary tempt-tion, from the t-mall boy everlastingly peeping into boxes to the hired girl with her eye to the key hole. Eveybcrfy wonders what is in it. Properly directed, th'B cariosity often leads to satisfactory results, and D. A. Heck invites ail curious people to make a voyage of discovery to hia storo . and sec the largest store, the largest stock of clothing—in Overcoats, and Suits for meu, boya and children, Hats, Caps. Gloves, Milts, Shirts, Under wear, Cardigan-Jackets, Leather Coats and Pants, Overall-Jackets, Trunks, Valines, Umbrellas, Rubber-Coats, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Hdkfs, Mofflers, Brashes, Purges, Bill and Pocket-Book?, Ladies and Gents' Watches, Cheia > Charm?, Rings, Pins, Sleeve aad Collar Buttons, Silver Card Caecs, and a full lino of Notions—at remarkably low price;-; no matter how low you have I been offered goods v e have tbem still lower itnd for quality we never tako a back seat. It will be to jour personal advantage to give us an early call r aud onr prices, and you arc sure to give us a lurge gbere of your pat ronage hereafter. Thanking our many friends for their very liberal patronage. We rcmsin, yours to please. ) I_>. J T E C K, Champion Clothier, Furniwhor and Hatter. 1 k 2l N. Main St. I Sutler, Pa. Former Prices. Sensible customers do not pay much attention to advertisemets. tbe princi pal part of which Is former prices, that is, goods advertised at a price and the statement made tbat the price quoted is one-tbirdjor one half tbe | former price. Now if the advertiser was telling ' the truth he would not be selling goods very lodj{ making such looses. What the shrewd f buyer wants to know is the present price of goods. I.elow we give you a few present prices: Indigo-Dyed Cheviots at Gjc 3,000 yards of good Calico at 5c A splendid line of Cochcco Twilled Cloth. Suitings, extra wide at 8c Standard Gingnoms at Bc. Yard wide Dress goods at 10c. 3G-inch Fancy Suitings at 12£ c. Fancy Diagonal Suitings at 15c. Gents' Woolen Hose at 15c. Yerd wide Cottage carpet at 30c. Fine all wool couDtrv flannels, in solid colorn and fancy, at 25 cents. We have an Immense Stock of all seasonable goods, all marted in plain figures, at less than any former or present prices in any other houso in Butler county. RITTER & RALSTON , RINGS, 1 \ * l j EAR-RINGS. Diamonds iscark PINS. <- STUDS, { GENTS GOLD, \\r x 1 . LADIKS GOLD, V atciies i (rKNTS SILVER LAI'IES CHA.TLATN, * i f Gold Pins, Far-rings, Jewejrv | Rings Chains, Bracelet*, Etc, ( Tea sets, castors, butter dishes O• 1 J nud everything that can l>e 11V er\\ tirt I found in a first clats store, MBSDI SilOS. Itfl ISSSWf* " l ™~ E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER No 19, North Main St., BUTI.EB, PA.. PH £*>&** HAY- FEVER FVAfi WCOLD r HEAP ■mm Klu'm Cn.tm Jialm i» not a liquid, *nvf or ptcdcr. into tin Mirth it t* mtirklu ,i'«ur!>rd. It cUant* the htud, atUiy* inflammation, he,lU _ « Cflrt «>re*. KM % dnwuUorvnt Klip DUG ELY BROTHERS, &6 Warren Street HEW YORK. JUb —. i— a Ail kinds of Job Work done at tlie "Citizen" Offiee.