FRANK KEMPER, DEALER IN BLANKETS, ROBES, HARNESS, A r><3 everything in horse and buggy fur nishing go ods—H ar - ness, Collars, "Whips# Dusters, Saddles, etc. Also trunks and va lises. Repairing done on short notice. The largest assort ment of 5-A Horse blankets in town will "be found at Kemper's. Full Again. We mean our wall paper de partment, full and overflowing with our immense and choice stock of paper hangings. You must help us out, we haven t room for half our goods, until you relieve us of some of them. We have the choisest selec tion of patterns in every grade from Brown Blanks at 10 cts to Gilts at from 20 cts to $1 per double bolt. Examine our Stock. J. E Douglass, Near Postoffice, Butler, Pa. B §• B. SOME of the New MITUMI DRESS FABRICS Shown in these (tores are Tweeds, Bip Super Stripes, Homespuns, Cheviots, English Suitings, Chevrons, Scotch Suitings, Jaoquard Bedford*, Austrian Suiting*, Broadcloth**, American Suitiiigs, Diagonals, Camel Hairs, Serges, Astrakan Suitings, Lupins Suitings, Bedford Cords, PBsae, Drap da Palerma, Checks, Drap de Alma, Stripes, Bayetine, Plaids, etc., etc. Elegant line of new 40 Inch FAHCY SUmVGS, Homespum .Effects, In various sbadee of bine, brown and graj colorings, 75 CENTS. Stylish fabrics and great ralne for ?5 cents. Opening of FALL as 4 WINTER STYLES CLOAK ROOMS Special sale of Ladies' BLACK HARE CAFES, High shoulders, pointed fronts, Medici collar, $4.00. )<X VISITORS EXPOSITION Will find many things of interest to be seen in tbeae stores, and if purchasing, mutsh that will prore profitable. If yon cannot come WRITE; . Our Mall Order Department Bamples and Catalogue upon request Boggs & Buhl, 115 to 121 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY, PA. : JLu C- WICK DBALIS IX Roufh and Walked Lumber " KISDS Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Shingles and Lath Always In Stock. LIME. HAIR AND PLASTER. Office opposite P. £ W. Depot, BUTLBR. - - PA Pininglili — AJTO— Lumber Yard I. l. rc avis. l. o. ruv v to. S. O.Purvis &Co. MASVVACTOMTM A*D DKALKBB t» Rough and Planed Lumber or mv *KT i»«JH:Kirrn»"> SHINGLES, LATH & BEWEK PIPE. Butler, Pa. LUMBER YARD. _L M. &J. J. HEWIT, in all kind* of £WB Rough and Worked Lumber. DOOFS, SASH, BUNDS, SHINGLES, LATH, ETC. We have a large stock of all klm'* of Lum ber, Oil Well Rigs, Etc. Call and get onr price* and nee our stock. Mailorders Promptly Attended To. Office and yard on MOKBOB ;ST., NSA*;WMT PKKH DBPOT, BUTLER. PA. IffIfFRTTCFRt mU J Ml I lOCIIO *„ p.p« .Of obtain Mtinut » m •■•'/ertisi.rS «K . whwi in VlMOfo, «nil find it on ft 11 LORD & THOMAS. mm luitiiK nr. \ / J* We do not claim to have the beet Shoes on Earth, but we do claim that DO Shoes on Earth are better than oars. They have three very| esaer tial qualities: they are presentable, durable, and not expensive. You can Msily draw np a longer catalogue of footwear virtues but you cannot come much closer to the point. Per fect confidence is worth a good deal, and yon can have perfect confidence in every shoe that we sell. There an differences in quality— which make differences in price, but what ever the price maybe it is never to your disadvantage. An exceptional ly good purchase is onr Ladies fine shoe at sl, $1.50, and $2, they are beauties, soft stock, flexible aolee, both opera toe and common-sense, plain or tip. Then the fine goods at $2.50, $2.15, $3, $3.25 and up to $ f in hand turns, welts,|in opera, com mon-sense, Walkenphast last, all widths, plain or tip. Misses and Childrens fine shoes in heel and spring a large assortment of all that is new. Old Ladies Warm Flannel-lined Shoes at all prices both ia Shoes and Slippers. ' The Fall and Winter winds are knocking at your doors, telling you winter is fast ap proaching, get your Winter Boots and Shoes. Huaelton is stocked from cellar to attic with the best cf that kind of stock. Here you can fet your boy a pair of boots 1-5 at I, $1.25, $l5O $1.75 and $2. Your girls in button or lace, in Oil Grain Calf or Kip unlined, sizes 13-2 at 15 eta., $1 and $1.25 and up; smaller sizes cheaper. Have high cut shoes for boys and girls. Your wife can get a strong shoe for winter at 85 cts, sl, $1.15, $1.35, $1.50 and $2 in Button and Lace The best goods known to the Boot and Shoe trade to-day These goods are not Shoddy but solid leather and will warrant them aa such. Then comes onr Mens' Fine Shoes and heavy boots. In Shoes we have them at sl, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, and up to $5.75 in Bala, Button and Con gress tip or plain toe, in A Calf, Orain Buff, Calf, Kangaroo and Cor dovan. We show an elegant assort ment of Mens' Boots suitable for the farmer, mechanic, laboring man and the oil men at very moderate prices, bo* toe, high or low instep, four solee, prices are $1.75, $2, $2.50, $3, and np to $4, twice as many styles to eelect from as any other store in But ler. The largest and best stock of Rub ber Boots and Shoes in the town. We have same price to all, every body's dollar is worth 100 cents,don't make the mistake by buying before looking over onr stock. B. C. HUSELTON, 102 N. MAIN ST., BUTLER, PA. 1831 THE CULTIVATOR 1892 Country Gentleman THE BEST OF THE AgriccltHral Weeklies. DEVOTED TO Farm Crops and Processes, Horticulture & Fruit-Growing, Llve-Stock and Dairying, While it also includes all minor depart ments of Rural interest, such as the Poultry Yard, Entomology, Bee-Keeping, Qpenhoase and Grapery, Veterinary Replies, Farm Questions and Answers, Fireside Reading, Domestic Economy, and a summary of the News of the Week. Its IIAIKBT RBPOBTS arc unusually complete, and mnch attention is paid to the Prospects of the Crops, as throwing light upon one of the most important of all (juestions— When to Buy and When to Sell. It is liberally Illustrated, and by RECENT ENLARGEMENT, contains more reading matter than ever before. The subscription Price is $2.50 per year, but we offer a SPECIAL REDUCTION in our OLUB RATES FOR 1892: Two Subscriptions, in one remittance.. $4 Six Subscriptions, do. do. .. 10 Twelve Subscriptions, do. do. .. 18 |y*To all NBW Subscribers for 1892, paying in advance now, WK WILL SKHD TIIE PAPKK "WEEKLY, from our RECEIPT of the remittance,'to January lit, 1892, WITHOUT CHAEGB PY SPECIMEN COPIB« FRKK Address LUTEER TUCKER A SOX, Publishers, Albany, N. Y. ONION WOOUM Mill, BVTLErf, PA. H. FULLERTOft, Prop'r. Blanket*, Flannels and Yarn of Pure Bui lei County Wool. We guarantee oar goods to be strictly all wool and DO arsenic or any oilier polaonous material •used In dyeing. We sell Wholesale or retail, samples and prices rurulxbed free to dealers oo application by malL W AHTKB—Agents to solicit orders ror ou " choice; ana hardy Nursery Stock. Steady Work For Energetic Temperate Sen. Salary and expenses or commission if prefer ed. Write at once. State Age, Address. R. G. Chase &Co. ,43 '^^. p ? np pamphlet of Information and ab- of tbe law a, (bowing llow to/V Obtain Patents. Caveats, TradeJ^^ Broadway. JflT Yirfc- JPP»®SB Wt furm-ti IVe Hair \.,ti ri»k You ran «Vv ,ta jr-mr «f*.r •w. nmi., or ,!| ,W f |,«. w ' ( , rk> TI|U u j •ntlrri* •• •*» •••d.m.l «i o<Mt« rCul wrtfu »oev*rv w <.ikcr 11., . ~,.,, ' ! ' " • tlf'lr 'j rHrti •. Wo rati IWtii>li jou llif fm. *" 'A'!**: apac-to ev plain her*. Full [ •" < m . ai JBAIML Adtbftiae ip TH»» CITIZEN, Sotlilnsc On Eartli WUI HENS LIKE Sheridan's Condition Powder! KEEPS YOUR CHICKENS Strong and Healthy ; Prevents all Disease. Good for Moulting Hens. It K pnrc- K!rf>U eon«rtrjtert. q«a 9+); send six to pn rent Koup.'' If ion can t get It wnd to nj. m»ll onr 'iick i",- Five SI A 2 14 lb. can $1.30. Sti M W Bn.slngOu.ri, prte. a rents ".th »1.00 ort. cf The BUST FnrtTRV l'.rtK «*ntl rn*. t ,._ L.S. JORNSOS « tu.SS'ustom St, D«-kton. ua Is tiie Best Household Remedy Extant- It is a positive cure for PILES SALT RHEUM, ECZEMA, And All Skin Diseases, An invaluable remedy for Wounds, Burns, Swell ings, Sores, Croup, Bronchitis, etc. NO HOME SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT, Sold by all druggists at 50 cents per box. Send 3 two-cent stamps for free sample box and book. TAE-OID COMPANY, « an .t0011.1,. For "Sale by D. 11. Wuller, Butler. Weus&Alcoho! pure alcohol to make WOLFF'S At MB BLACKIXO. Alcohol is good for leather; it is good for the skin. Alcohol is the chief ingredient of Cologne, Florida Water, and Bay Euw the well known face washes. Wo think there is nothing too costly to use in a good leather preservative. Acme Blacking retails at 20c. and at that price sells readily. Many people are so accustomed to buying a <! ress ing or blacking at sc. and 10c. a bottle that they cannot understand that a I lack ing can l>e cheap at 20c. We want to meet them with cheapness if we can, and to ac complish this we offer a reward of SIO,OOO for a recipe which will enable ns (•>: '-C WOLFF'S ACME BLACKING at such a i i c that a retailer can profitably sell it at 3CV a bottle. We hold this offer open until Jan. Ist, 1893. WOLFF & RANDOLPH, Philadelphia. piv JOT Coo«l B1«JO«1, Good n«»s!th. OtTfco B!o«l Searcher ia tiie nlWt Pnritli-r nnjS Vt ii st Tr.nif. Cures Boile. Ar Ulcers, ltlack Ileada. aad ail had** /yKlocd. Sold by OnitgisU. w 0 fit EaUlti Co., Pittrtc-gk, Ti. We for MEN mm Iflia.l.wwror LOST or FAtLIM O UASEOOX I'i fl' r iAjMOentrtl Mid NEKVOUS EEBILIITv fxj» 14 w|!|Wfakae«sof Body and Kird, Effect! Errors or biuia in 0 1 d or Y ounf, Bobs*!, H«ble AMHOOD fallj H«w to *nUre« and ■(rvDttlicn W»?AK, I JDkrELOPKDORGATSA TARTS OF M»DT. AbtolotolT onfaliin* HOMK TRKATBK!CT—Brnefltfl la • da 7. ■ra tactltj frutm LO SUtcr aad Faralfa Ccißtrln. Writ* ihaa. tkuii: -Iha #iplao*Ufctn end prcoh aatllrd (scaled) frat, M4re» ERIE HIE.DICAL CO.. BUFFALO. N. V. Mtem WASHES §lll WITHOUT WEARIMOOUT rurrD CLOTHES I Url" H AS LITTLE OR UILLnNnmiBHIMR IS REQUIRED. SHIP follow ttlUf la DIRECTIONS -wmHwtum* CLOSELYi ■r\ DOCTORS LAKE i >■<£» W J>Kl » ATE UlsrEN* VIIY. COR. PEHM AVE. AND FOURTH BT.. <-i. j#- • PITTSBURGH, PA. '• I "MI ,v All forms of Dtlicate and Com 'aEßß'*«RSEd plicated Diseases rcqiiirlngCox 'W£? KIDKNTXAI. ainISCIENTIKii: Mcd icalioa aro treated at tlus I>ii*- ih'i '.] »• v. nh a success rarely attained. I>r. S. Kl. :is a member of tlie Koyal College of I'liy iieiiin : and Surgeons, and Is tlio oldest ami most experienced SPECIALIST in the city. Sjiccial at tention fjiven to Nervous Debilitj rmmercesalTe aiental c vertlon, InJiseretion of youth, etc., caus injf 1 i.vioal and mental tleeajr,lai-k of energy, le«|Kni'l"ney, eti-.; also Cance.'f. Old Soiei, Fits, hheumatlsm, and all diaeaseaof t l l u SUin, Hlotrl. I.lings. Urinary Organs,etc. Consultation tree and Btiietly confidential. OfC te hours,!' to I and 7 to 8 r. M.; Sundays, 2 to 4 p. M. only, ill at ollice or ad.tress I.AKE, COlt. KNN A\K.AND4TUST..PITTBBt'ItGH.rA. Good Farm for Sale Containing if*; acres and ST perches. TO acres cleared and under fence. Balance standing In good white oak timber. Comfortable dwelling house, good barn, wagon shed, springhouxe of best kind, hog pen and slieep house. Never failing springs over whole place; a ',-ooit or chard. Possession given April l.iwis. Title food. Situate In Penn twi>.. Ilutler countv, 'a., about six miles south of Butler Kiuiulre at CITIZEN omce. Butler. I"h,. or Ihe owner DAVID DIXON. Brownsdale, Ilutler Co., I'a 1 JkSBK ' The Host SaccesKful Remedy ovcrdlscov. •red, as It U certain in itstsffects and does not blister. liead proof below: KENDALL'S SPAVIN GORE. liKLVEU.fos, Fa., Nov. 27, "JO. DR. U. J. Kendall Co. : Oentti—l would Uk<» to make to those who are alnioat pertiuadrd to u*. 1£« n<!ail'H Siiavln Cure the fact that! think Itlaa nioßte*c» 11.-nt Llninu-nt- I have u.s<;d iton i-. Tin- liorbe went on threo for tln»<? years when 1 coinmeneed to use your Kendall's Simviu Cure. I used ten txjt ties on the horne and havo worked him for tbreo years dime oud has not been lame. Yours truly, WJL A. CURL. OERMATSTOW!*, N. Y., NOr. 2, 19° a. Da. IJ. J. KENDAI.L CO., Encnburgh Falls, Vt. Gents: In praise of Kendall '* Spavin Cnro I will say. that ayeur aao I had a valuable horse 1K?- ooine very lame.tiock filarKod and swollen The horsemen about here (v. e bare no Veterinary Sur geon here) pronounced hb lameness Blood Spavin or Thorouahpln, they all told ine there was no c«rc for It, he became about useless, and I con •l<lored him almost worthless. A friend told m" of the merits of your Kendall'M u ( >avln Cure, w> I bouKht a bottle, and I c«»uld see very plainly preat Improvements immediately from its use.rind before the bottle was used uu I was satisfied that it was j doint? him a wreat deal of good. I boufeht a second bottle and before it was used up my borne was CM reu and bus been In the team doing heavy work all the season slnee lawt April, show!tig nomoro signn of It. I consider your Kendall's spavin Cure a valuable medicine, aud It nhould bo in ov« Te stable la tbe land. Respectfully your". EUGENE DEWITT. Price $1 per bottle, or blx bottles for £5. All drug gists havo It or can G*-'t It for you, or 11 v. ill bo sent to any address on receipt of price by t: • proprie tors. Dli, ii. J. KENDALL ( 0., Enoaburgti Fnllst Vermont ' SOLD BY ALL DHUOGISIT*. Sabfccribe for tie CITIZIN. SIGHTS ON THE SUN. Marrelnu* Movements Xow In Operation on thr sarficf. The ancients, who believed that the sun was as smooth and spotless as a golden mirror, would he unspeakably astonished if they could see it as it has appeased when viewed with telescopes ; recently, says the New York Sun. Two ; large groups, or rather rows, of spots, which are yet visible near the center of the disk," have exhibited to a won- I derful degree the terrific effects of the , explosive and cyclonic forces that arc , now, month by month, gathering great er energy upon the sun. Holes larjre enough to swallow up the earth, with plenty of room to spare, have been formed there in the sight of the astron omer; shining bars have been shot across the dark chasms like bridges oi fire; the twisted forms of the great flame-like phenomena, which project hundreds of miles over tins edges oi the : Beemingly black and bottomless pits, have given evidence of the operation of a mighty whirling power, and the i puncturing of the white disk with | crowds of comparatively small, black holes in the neighborhood of the greater Spots has shown that over hundreds of thousands of square miles of the solar surface a tremendous rain of ejected matter is falling back upon the blazing photosphere. Yet the changes that these outbursts tire able to effect in the solar light and heat bear so small a proportion to the ! whole radiative energy of the sun that j it Is still an open question whether the earth feels them to a perceptible de gree or not. It is only when a sun bursts out with such overwhelming might as was exhibited by the famous star in Cassiopea in 157:!, or by a star in Cvgnus in 167®, or by a star in Andro meda in 1885, that the planets circling around it are swept with fire. There is no known reason to believe that our sun will behave in that manner, at least in our time, and so everybody can enjoy the marvelous spectacle of the sun's spots without apprehension for their consequences. Toilet Mystericn. There are mysteries of the toilet which pass all comprehension. They may be met without even going beyond names. These are generally said to be in the French language, and include fruch terms as "groseille ecrasee" and "crapaud mort d'amour." The last is interpreted by the learned "toad that died of love," and is—or was —a very washy shade of green. When it comes to materials, what can beat "peau de soie" for poetic sugi/x'-tivensss—after one ha-s studied it out? With the aid of a French dictionary it will be found to stand for ' silk skin." —"Looking backward" is the title of a book dealing with events of the fnture. If you suffer from catarrh you eau look forward to a .-peedy cure by using Old Saul's Catarrh Care. Price 25 ets. iiabies are too highly prized to permit them to suffer with eo'iie, flatulence, etc. when L>r. bull's Ilaby Si nip will at once relieve tbein. 25 cents. —The United States has more miles of railroad than all European countries com bined. The mileage in this country is 16<i,517 milec, and iu Europe 154,715 miles. —The world is but a fleeting show, aud to irost of us the good scats have all been taken. —Happiness begins when wishes end; and ho who hankers after more enjoys nothing." —lf people would take the advice of L>. 11. Waller, Butler; A. Bowers, Pro spect; lireaden & Allison, W. Sunbury, the druggists they never would start on a journey without a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrho'a Kem . < \ can always be depended upon and is pleas ant to take. —l'rairie lires almost swept the I own of Hitchcock, S. D., out of existence on Sun day, people from all sections coming on special trains to light the flames. —Spectacles and Eyeglasses made by Robert Bruce Wallace, (successor to the "Fox Optical C 0.,) at 024 l'eun Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa., are conceded the best and most comfortable. Save money by having him lit your eyes. —There is nothing a digditied mau hates worse than another dignified inau. He knows he is au ass, iiko himselt, who wears his dignity as a sort n mask to hide the poverty >'l bis tout. '.Viiiinragport's inilitt will have a total 0f202,000,000 feet of logs to saw this season—:iH, feet less than early es timates. ltch on hauian and horses aim all ani mals cured in 30 Minutes by \\ o.ill'ord s Sanitary Lotion, 'i'his never lails. Sold by J (' Kedick, druggi-t, t'.utler. Our merchants are receiving some of tbeii t oiiday gi <>ds. The festive holiday season is not far ijintaLt. Pleasant Employment at Good Pay. The publishers of Sekd-Timk ask Har vest, ih. old established moiithiy.deteruiiu ed to greatly increase their subscription lists, will employ a number of active agents for ihe ensuing <ix months at $50.- (X> per month or more if their .-ervices warrant it. To insure active work an ad ditional ea>h priie of SIOO.OO will be awarded the agent who obtains the the largest number of subscribers "The early bird gets the worm." Send four silver dimes, or twi uly 2-cent. stamps with your application, stating your age and territory desired, naming some prominent business man a* a reference as to your capablities, and we will give you a trial. The 40 cent; pays your own subscription and you will leceive full particulars. Address SEEDTIME A XI) IIA It V KST, l.a Plume, Pa. —Few people die* of the peril they most fear. Save Yourself Money. When you go to Pittsburgh, l'a., stop at the Anchor Hotel, corner Liberty and Fourth streets. It is a strictly lirst-class Hotel conducted on the European plan. Lodgings, 25, —35, —or 50 cents. —A man is always ready to listen to words of wisdom when he is speaking them himself. Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment. A certain euro for €hronic Sore 2yo*, Tetter, Salt Buetzm, Scald Head, Old Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema, Itch, Prairie Scratches, Soro Nipples and Piles. It is cooling and soothing. Hundreds of cases have been cured by it after all other treatment had failod. it is put up in 25 and 00 cent boxes. II there is one thing that quicker than another will drive a man to drink it is thirst Consumption Surely Cured. To THE Pleaao inform your readers that t have a punitive remedy for the ulxive-namod dli:oa-ie. By ltc timely two thouuanda of hnpehxa cases haYO been pcmcnently curod. I Hhall Ikj glad to send two hntf!en r.t my remedy FKEK to any of your readers who have conramption if they wiU •end ma their iipro.'n and I'. O. addreao. i: ,|>crt '•-■y. T. A. BLOOUM. M. C.. I.U Pearl St.. N. y. USi.T Pffl 1 ivoiMVllteiisipiiel;- ' - « V." wulit inoii* sales men. lot will tineiain •• permanent poshloiiH \\lil> -;tl:iJy : i"l • p«i«! weekly. l ull or pi* TI III: . i-vj ( riene«* I nMcqelrcd. Slock ,> !■ !«-. 1.1 H.llty list 'ellil SpiclSl ttef . K'| 1,-i.fct • lllt'.t trie. Ailtlless (*. II HAWKS & f <)., N inset' man. Hoehester. N. V. Kstahl.-lieil is;.",. PItI'TIIRP Wr. undersigned, are entire!* nu» lUnt. < nr. «1 u[ ISui.ture by Dr. .1. I:. I MAY Kit, S:II Arch street. Philadelphia. Thos. H. 11 a ruing, N.w Htnggold. Pit.. I Sandt Sooth Easton, l a , I P. .S; <'. A. Dctuick, Oley, l'a.. It. <■. Stanley, t_'l Spruce Ht., I.ebauoii. Pa. A. Selinelder. hoi 11st Dale. l'a.. I). It. Noll. Uinekilu, l'a. Win. E. Hartenstlne. Phienlx vllie. Pa. W . M. I j lnhaeh. i./l Washington Si Heading. Pa.. .I.l', t vrne. 1310 Howard si., liar risbiirK, Pa., C. Keehn, Douglussvllle, Pa. Dr. MAYKK Is at Hotel I'enu. Heading. l'a., on the j UU Saturday ol each month. Call and see him I THE (MTTZKX M ISC EL AxNKOUS BLINDNESS IN HORSES. Kntfrtalniat Fact* »nd Tliforln Aoom Their Singular l>i captive l'ower*. The way in which blind horses go about withimt getting into more diffi culties than they ordinarily do is very ; remarkable. They rarely if ever hit their heads against a fence or stone ■ft-all. They will sidle off when they Jome near one. A writer in a London Durnal says: ! "It appears from careful observation I have made that it is neither shade nor shelter that warns them of the danger. On an absolutely sunless and windless ■ day their behavior is the safhe. Their 1 olfactory nerves doubtless become very ' sensitive, for when driving them they I will poke their heads downward in search of water fifty yards before they i come to a stream crossing the roadway. It cannot be an abnormally developed , sense of hearing which leads them to ! jo this, for they will act alike though the water be a stagnant pool. "Men who have been blind for any great length of time develop somewhat similar instincts to blind horses. Some one says that none of the five senses 1 has anything to do with this singular I perceptive power, but that the impres ' sions are made on the skin of the face i and by it transmitted to the brain, and ! this 'unrecognized sense' he calls 'facial ! perception.' But possibly this percep tive power may have its origin in such conditions as prevail ia somnambulism or in the hypnotic state. Are all such phenomena in man horse as I have mentioned to be accounted for by the words 'facial perception,' if they mean anything? However, speaking of blind horses, why should they cast their coats as winter comes on and grow long coats at the advent of summer and so reverse the order which is the invariable rule in the case of Horses possessed of per fect vision?'' BOGUS SUICIDES. Harmless Decoctlou* Sold by Drug; Clerks for I*oUons. A physician at the city hospital, talk ing about suicides and attempted sui cides the other evening, to a Cincinnati Enquirer man, said: "When a patient is brought into the hospital having pre sumably taken poison il is an absolute impossibility to know whether or not such is really the case. There are sever al reasons. Drug clerks are pretty wise nowadays, and one of their frequently practiced schemes is to give a harmless decoction instead of poison to persons who act as though they might intend suicide. The results in such cases are sometimes surprising. The person who takes the alleged poison may be worked «p to such a pitch cf nervous excite ment that all the outward symptoms of poisoning may be exhibited. That was the state of the woman who fell un conscious in front of the Dennjson house the other night. She had not taken a drop of any kind of poison. Then, very often, people are brought in who are merely shamming. The most remarkable case of this kind I ever heard of was that of a young woman who took a 'fake' poison under very sensational circumstances at the Grand Central depot. She appeared to be profoundly unconscious when received here. She remained so while the stomach pump was being used, and that required little less than Spartan nerve. But when some one made a facetious remark about her undercloth ing she bit the tube of the stomach pump in two in her efforts to keep from laughing. —Every one who has once used l>r. Bull's Cough syrup invariably resorts to it again for eolds, etc. "When vice prevails and impious men bear sway." When cuts, sprains, bruises torment all the day; Then ease from pain—from care and hurt are sent By great Salvation Oil. the standard liniment. —A woman gave birth to a child at the depot platform at Chestertown, Del., and followed the event by a walk of twenty one miles to Centreville the next day. —Mr. C. B. Jones, of Spring liili, lowa, says: "I have used Chamberlain's l'ain Balm for severe and painl'ul burns with better effect than anything else 1 have ever tried. It relieves the pain instantly amf cures without leaving a sear." l'ain Balm is <.ne of the most useful medicines that any family can be provided with, es pecially for rheumatism, lame back, sprains, bruises, tooth-ache, ear-ache aud like ail ments. One aplication will relieve the pain ami a fair trial insure a cure. 50 cent bottles for sale by 1). il Wuller, Hutler; A. Bowers, Pro spect; Breaden & Allison, W. Sunbury. —The great refinery of the Standard Oil Company at Whiting, iiid., employs 2,0U0 men and uses up 25,000 bb!s. of crude oil a day. When the works are fully completed they will have a capacity for :)G,OOO bbls. of crude per day. —The late Wm. L. Scott, in his will, leaves an estate of about $20,000,000, and he appoints a former clerk to take genera! charge of the management of bis immense business at a salary of .100,000 a year. —We want every mother to know that croup can be prevented. True, croup never appears without a warning. The first symptom is hoarseness*; then the child appears to have taken cold or a cold may have accompanied the hoarseness from the start. After that a peculiar rough cough is developed, which is followed by the croup. The time to act is when the child first becomes hoarse; a few doses of Chamberlain's Cough lieiuedy will prevent the attack. Even after a rough cough has appeared, the disease may be prevented by using this remedy as directed. For sale by I). 11. Wuller, butler; A. Bowers, Pro spect; Breaden & Allison. W. Snnbury. —Every twenty-four hours 1,140 trains rush past the signal tower of the I'enn sy lvania railroad on Filbert Street, Phila delphia, a record that can bo equalled by no other poiut on the globe. —English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavins, curbs, splints, | sweeney, ring bone, stifles, sprain;, all swolen throats, coughs, etc. Save I=so by usw of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful blemish cure ever known. Sold by J C Kedick, druggist, Butler. —Some men keep everything except their distance. To Consumptives. The undersigned having been restored to health by ..iai|.le means, niter suficring lor several ye-rt with a severe lu:ig affection, and that dread disease Consumption, is anxious to make known to hi:) fellow sulier ers the mean iof cure. To those who desire it, he will cheerfully kei.d (Irte of charge) a copy of tiia prescription used, which they will find n sure cure lor Consumption, Astb:iia, Catarrh, Bronchitis sud hI! throat aud lung Malscirs. lie hopes all sufferers will iij hi- Remedy, it is ii:va!ur.ble. Thi '« desiring the pre-cription, which « :!! Eos' ihtio nothing, snd may | • >ve a b!'-s --rtiii ulea&e adtlrtbft tIKV. A. Hii.son, Williamsburg, Kings County, New Voi k. —Wo should always forgive our enemies especially those we cau't whip. Rheumatism cored in day—"ilysti - I cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radi cally cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. <5 cts. Sold by J C Kedick, druggist, Hutler. —United States merchants are rushing goods over the line into Mexico as rapidly as possible, so as to escape the high dutii « ' which will be levied by Mexico's new tariff law. Fr R XITUK E! FI Pi MTURE! FURNITURE! Xow styles arm ing daily. It will be | but a short time until you will be looking j around for your holiday presents, we want to call your attention to our beau tiful line of fancy ROCKERS, MIRRORS—ManteI and Cabinets, PARLOK CABINET, etc. We will also have tor the holiday trade a full line of Dinner and Tea Sets at any price from *4.50 to *75, all new styles and new shapes, goods guaran teed not to craze. A beautiful line ot Vase and Bouquet Lamps, from #1.50 to *lO. Anything you want in the above uoods call and see us. Truly Yours Campbell Templeton, 13(3 N. Main St,, - - Butler, Pa. AFTER HA RVEST you want NE \\ F URN IT URE to re place some of the old We are headquarters foy first-class o-oods. Remember we have no mark down sales; our prices are alwa> s as low as is consistent with good goods. A full line of QUILTS in addition to other bedding. E. S. DREW, - 128 E. Jefferson, St, AT For Ladies, Misses and Children, the largest line we ever had. Come in and see them, they are iwr jes :b °sr . CloakS - Jackets - WrapS. TIE I 5 lituNEiT m mi OF" PrrTSBTJRG- FJ | ()-5 |s M arket Street, Wtttit your trade. They know tie ouiv way to get it ia by offering super ior inducements, better goods and LO WER PR IO KB THAN TELPI-B COMPETITORS. Buying and yelling fur cash, wc can offer the goods ot the lowest possible prices, and a 1 we nsk you is to examine our goods and prices before purchasing i lsi wbere We are confident ivw can save you money. UfTC & Dft f - i IISTTC Thc Btock ever Bhown If A | 5 AN IS 5!l if i? C I Western Pennsylvania. Every shape, every color and evirv price. Trimmed bonnets and bats in endless variety Stanley cups/rem 2:>c. up. ltibbons of every description, velvets, laces, feather*, etc. p 5 £"| £ |f 1* Our stock '.f ladies', misses' and cloaks is im- VI LUA Fi Only well-made goods offered here. Here are a lew of our prices. Cloth I'eefor Jackets. K!, $3.50. ">. sH» and u|». Fur awl A.-traehaa Trimmed iu <•.< :> r l $5.75, s'">.so, .$7.50, $*.75, $9.75 U!i<l U[>. Heavv Stockinette Jackets, .$L'. s:i. ft and Seal Ji»t*!:e; . '7.50. :f!i. -:!».75. .$lO 50. 12. Ae. Seal I'lu.ih Sac'juei, $Ui.95, :1 •. i'HJ 50, -I !!»."<5, $22.50, $29.75. ,tc. Miwc/ Heeferi*. 'i-- •*>", s;>. $-1, $5 :»• :<1 up. Infant'.- Cl<"ikK, $L'. -f- 50. 93 tnsl"> Kolt lire<>f Shawls, KmbroidireJ Fiehn.-'. de. ft S i/r* C Largtfet st> .-k of K::i Oloven. Nice new goods, at 75c, 13 L V ft- '" c '■'• $1.25, $1.50 to Fu e P«.i?l>oieu< Gloves. 25c., 35c., | 35c.,4")c. s(ie MisnV l b tni a book Kid Glovn, 75c., 85c, *1 Ladies'fine 5 hotik Kid Gloven, 85c. up 80 Styles of &c., &c. Full line of Dress Trimmings, N< lion-. rt Embroidery Goods, Muffs, Fur j Cops, &c., at money savins prices 510 to 518 Maiket St., Corner Liberty.; * - Loading Millinery House - \\V ere now readv to exhibit this season's styles of jm i i. i, i =isr= kr=y In every desirable sir * and quality Our stock is ucumaHv large fend attractive. Trimmed hale and bon n« ts of sll descriptions—felt bats, velvet bais and sailor bats Hets and bonnets trimmed to crdtr. Tbfl lergfst and most complete Hutk of velvets, ribbons, tips, quiils. I irds and winjrs ever brought to Butler. FOR CHILDRE N Hoods, caps, snilor hats iu irrcat varietv. MOURNINC f- Hats and bonnet 1 * receive oor fce6t attention, a complete line olwats on hand. "SUD-T. PAPEJ'-st Former Pnces. Sensible customers do not pay much attention to advertiseraets. the princi pal part of which is former prices, that is, goods advertised at a price and the statement inede that the price quoted is one third;or one half the former price. Now if the advertiser was telling the truth he would not be selling goods very long making »uch losses. What the shrewd buyer wants to kt»ow is the present price of goods. Below w.. give you a few present prices: Indigo-Pycd Cheviots at 3,000 yards of good Calico at 5c A sploudid line of Coebeco Twilled Clotb Suitings, extra wide at 8c Standard Oinghoms at 8c Yard wide Dress goods at 10c, 36-inch Fency Suitings at 12-^c. Fancy Diagouel Suitings at !5c Gents' Woolen Hope at 15c. Yard wide Oottsge carpet ut 30c Fine all wool country flannels, iu solid colore and fancy, at 25 c*nts We have aa Immense Stock of I all seasonable goods, all marked in plain figures, at less than any former or present prices in any other house in Butler county. JRitter & Ralston, , KINGS, Diamonds t STUDS, f GENTS GOLD, + , LADIES GOLD, atciieb (GKNTS SILVER LADIES CIIATLAIN, TOWDITTT i G(,|<l Pn,s - Kftr - rin ? s > ;• J ( W ( I L \ "j Rin»K Chains, Bracelets, Etc, ( Ten s-ets. castors, butter dishes [Silverware isUrrSMrir * B'IDSER BHDS. M E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER Ko *9, Keith Main St., BUTLER, PA., : hrrh f-S g- -.»¥* 5 HAY- FEVER I A'§ %J COLD" HEAD mem Ely's C'rtam Palm u not a liquid, snuffer pottder. Applied into the nostrils it :s _ quickly ainorbed. It elearues the head, allntjs inflammation, heals „ - Ef|<n * the sores. &M by druggist* or sent l<y mail on receipt of price. E? . DUG ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren Street NEW YORK. 3i<o All Kinds of Job Work done at the "Citizen" Office. % R eeipi-oeity. To counteract the effect of spring winds and storms on lace and hands; to renew, renovate and purify the cuticle afl6r a rigorous winter, is the mission of OOSSJiIt'S CREAM GLYCERINE And right* well does it perform toe task. It is a bland, creamy eaiuifion, witb juet enough vege table oil to soften tbo tkiu, com bined with pure glycerine and other substances, forming one of the finest preparations for chap ped hands, lips or face or any roughness or irritation of the tkiu. So lady or gentleman should be without it. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS READ AND F.EMFMBER For tii< i!y rur»- »jul rellaMc STKAJCIIT LIQI UK.H, t ail on I. W. FIHCH, * i » siiiinrin.i« sr.. i n isuiß(;ii, i-a. (Opp. MoiMßgahela Hi u>e.i Mat< bki-s tor Kaitilly i: e and Medicinal |.ar rows are 1M II'H (iOIPKN WKOUIX«. All SI lit"' r. 1 NilK*Ml UK W!IM\Y, |*TI|I. ; <»\ 1.11U.1.T S V. JMSKY. 1 <?:s. 111,1 INC tlt> \< Uocds neatly pafke<i isUil prouipUy alilpped nr.itr.M'K.vsßi'n t« i eipt cf caMi er r> st nu . ord-i. t > cxuriTM-u c. o. i>. s. !. 1 r r I'i it Lint. mm SSii s . 1 l '■n. ' " • Is • > fcW | .1 ••>»« I 11. I .11 M'tealail I'KKE. I li,t , A&.L2;3. &62 13CO. AiigdKH, Maine* I | Full 100 Cents' worth to the Dollar on Every Purchase Made at our Store. We are offering values Un precedented In Furnishings for Ladies, Men and Children. Be advised and you'll save money. | Whatever you may require in cur line, come to us, w«'ll show you a ! great variety and save yon money. | Ocr Spring etock is now full oud ! complete. We guarantee to meet i every demand to your fullest tatis lacticn. Wo have a big variety, with many styles of Boys' and Girls' Hats and Caps at low figures. John M. Arthurs. 333 SOUTH &IAIN STREET. 333 TUDCvUIHP A Ilfnt'nlifU SPECIALTY. simplest. !<. .?! ilurabi.\ economical and perfect ii use. \N .i: tes no drain; Cleans It Heady for Market. i Threshing Engines k Horse Powers. q * \a I u| | o and MaudarJ implements D»H*» ">' rally, s»-nd toreatalogue A. B. F4IIQI HA It. CO. I iietjitaalt igtlnll'l Kirki, York, l » FARffl FOR SALE. Hi' undii*:gneU win sen uialarin.contulning flxty acr- s. more or !cn«. End located lc A darns rw p. on til' K\sv:isbur< and Mora road, near Mar"l>aU au<l Myoma Ktattuus on tbo I'. & W 1! l{. and r.T.r tboCnllwy oil tie'A, H. ■j.-.nt, .-' Wi (•ntbullillnps. Rood orchard, level a tin ihi Kroiitwi, two spt!iiK» near bouse, pump in bam. and all In gOQfl order. • Inquire of or andrew James Davidson, Myoma P. O , Butler Co., P«.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers