Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, October 23, 1891, Image 4
AFTER HARVEST! you want FURNITURE to re-! place Home of the old We are headquarters for first-class j goods. Remember we Jiave 110 mark down sales; our prices are alwavs as low as is consistent with good goods. A foil line of QUILTS in addition to other bedding. E. S. DREW, - 128 E. Jefferson, St. in Limns wiuifii in ciou ms: OF 1 PITTSBTIRO ROSENBAUMco. 510-518 Market Street, Want jour trtde. Tbey know the only way to get it is by offering super ior inducements, better goods and LOWER PRICES fTTA-NT THJ3IR OOMPETITORS' Buying and sailing for cash, we can offer the goods at the lowest possible prices, and all we aak yon is to examine onr goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere. We are confident we can Bare yon money. lISTC IUH DAIIiICTC The largest stock ever shown KA I 5 Aft U DLLN NT I w» ,n Western Pennsylvania. Every shape, every color and every price. Trimmed bonnets and bats in endless variety. Stanley caps from 250. up. Ribbons of every description, velvets, laces, feathers, etc. PI AH VC Onr stock of ladies', misseß' and cbildrens' cloaks is iin |j LUAft w ■ mense. Only well-made goods offered here. Here are a few of onr prices. Cloth Reefer Jackets, $3, $3 50, $4, $5, $6 and up. Fur and Astrachan Trimmed Reefers, $4.30, $4.73, $5, $5.75, SG.SO, $7.50, $8.75, $9.75 and np. . Heavy Stockinette Jackets, $2, $3. $4 and s.">. Beal Plush Jackets, $7.50, $9, $9.75, $10.50, sl2, <tc. Seal Plush Sacques, $13.95, sls, $16.50, $1&.75, $22.50, $25, $29.75, <tc. Misses' Reefers, $2.50, $3. $4. $5 and np. Infant's Cloaks, $2, $2.50, $3 tosls. Full line of Shawls, Embroidered Fichus, <fcc. A| niITC Largest stock of Kid Gloves. Nice new poods, at 76c , ULU ■£3 ■s!. sl-25, $1.50 to $2. Fine Cashmere Gloves, 25c., 35c., 38c., 45c. 50c Misses' 4 b. end 5 hook Kid Gloves, 75c., 85c , $1 Ladies' fine 5 hook Kid Gloves, 85c. up 80 Styles of Corsets, 300 Styles of Hosiery, Underwear, Curtains, &o M &c. Full line of Dress Trimmings, Notions, Art Embroidery Goods, Muffs, Fur Caps, Ac., at money savin? prices. 510 to 518 Market St., Corner Liberty. Where is the best place to buy Clothing, Hats, and Gent?' Furnishing Goods? At the Racket Store. WHY P Because they have one of the largest stocks to select from] and they sell for CASH thus being able to give you more for a dollar than other house in the county. ''You can see these facts for yourself by calling at TELE RACKET STORE ISO S. MauilHt. Butler, fa. GO TO REDICO FOR Pure Drugs, Paints, Oils, Glass, Fine Toilet Articles, Patent Medicines, And all other Articles^ Kept in a First Class / Drug Store. Agents Wanted. Several Rood a>en p experience not necessary, to take order* for Gnt> pictures. W. A. OSBORNE WALL PAPER, STATIONERY AND ART DEALER. 112 E. Jefferson Bt, - - Butler, Pa. MY NEW STORE Is now completed and I reepectfnlly Invite the Poblic to call andjsee nee. I urn prepurvdj to ropi'ly every thing in the lire nf Drug* b&d k>irdi clne-H at all hoar*. Prescription* at night a specialty Electric Bell and'tpefrklng tube at front door.fcaCallw.answered prompt ly- A bright, cheerful room and'every- HV. Yours, * . J. F l . BALPH. Mil g« 1111. RITLKiI, P H. FULLERTON, Prop'r. Klttnkelw, Flannel* and Yarn CTXKannfnctnrcd efPare But' lei County Wool. We guarantee our goods to be strictly all wool and no arsenic or any otlisr nolsonous matoripj used In dyeing. We sell Wholesale or retail, samples and prices furnished frv*> to dealers on application by mall. Butler's Book 1,000 Pages, 200 Original Engravings, Elegant Binding, Published in 3 Languages, Popular Prices. FIRST EDITION", 100,000 COPIES. The Only Authentic Work By GEN. BENJ. F. BUTLER. Exclusive Territory and Liberal Term given to Reliable Agents. Accompany application irith $2.00 for Prospectus. J. W. Kee'er & Co., 239 80. 6TH ST. PHILADELPHIA. PA. FOR SALE. An oil farm containing 61 acres of land, with £ oil royalty interest. Land of fair qunfity, average im provements, good spring of water and underlaid with TWO VEINS OF COAL. One of which is being worked on royalty. | |Oil royalty amounts to about 150 BBLS. PER MONTH, Oil Lease expires in 1899, a part, of farm Btill remains undeveloprd. Farm situated in Butler Co . u;-.d will bo sold at a great bargain if sold soon. For further particulars ad dress No. 25 S. Mill St., New Castle, Pa ■UTAXTKD— Acents to solicit ordors tor OJ TT choice and hardy Nursery Siook. Kteadj TVork For Kmn?rllc Ttir.peraif Men. Salary and expenses or commisj»toii if prefer ed. Write at once, State Address. 8. G. Chase & Co. ,43 » r f^ Aberdeen Angus * © Cattle. I offer for sale a few high grade heifers and cowis nenr calving; also one fine three year old bull. Will sell low considering the stock. F. H. NEGLEY, BROWKSDALE, P ~ FOR SALE. LOTS I will offer for sale a number of lots situated on the hlfli ground adjacent to H. It. Gotirher, Es<)., and the Orphans' llome. The land is laid out In s.iuures of something le»s than one arre. each square krii>n snrrouuded by a 50-foot street, ana containing live lols K> feet front by I*o fe»-l back. These lots are oiler ed at ven reasonable pricen nmi no terms qo knit purchaser,", those who ivish an entire square can he accommodated. ALHO--I will sell my farm in Summit town ship .situated within one-'»alf mile of the Hutler oorou Kli lino. adjoln'.nK lands or ..'amea Keariii; and oilier*, on the Mllfrrsiown n>:ul and con- MsUnff of 112 ftcreu. It will be sold eltuer ar. a whole ordlvldPd to suit purchasers. Kor further Information In re«»rd to cith»r of theabova properties, call on .). c. Sullivan. 21* K»» North Street, Hurler, i'a. MRS. VALEUIA SULLIVAN. mU rSSL I», .IR»!)'.'ST I«R TO T;.E WRK. IBL«<AAU ' : , V • I NOA.UAIL (URCFI.<|O«R«R) MXKEF. *R* IF- RIFTNR FIRM '■ TO IKO P»R V» RE.K TOD OPOIIDI, U>«! U • • R - « !«,; WE C«N FUR?II*FC YON IBE MB • ' VJU Jio IMM to ♦•tJ.lAln b«r». Pnn I *«>•' i*':Ed;Co.;iuUi, uai Nothing On Earth Will iemsT £ X.XTC3I: Sheridan's Condition Powder I KEEPS YOUR CHICKENS Strong ar.d Healthy ; Prevent* all Ditto—. Good for Moulting liens. Jt Kal» IT pm nurhly ryv-ntnte*. ti!> ; -r "-" «a■• n« * A N " ■! . •. «trictiy A medicine. large 1 „0. ££££££s% .TndT. r »«. ' jw« 25 cc UP* free with s!.«e order* w mor». Sample copy SS£?si. r«WB. Is the 3est Household Remedy Extant It is a positive euro for PILES SALT RHEUM, ECZEMA, And All Skin Diseases, An invaluable remedy for Wounds, Burns, Swell ing, Sores, Croup, Bronchitis, etc. NO HOME SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT, Sole! by all at 50 cents per box. Send 3 two-cent stamps for free sample box and book. TAB-OID COMPANY, CMJC4GO, ILL. For Sale bv D. H. Wuller, Butler. /fife .■; sEs£Biacking ANILHS? * OVATP'-:( ~ MOOT'- TI """ ET F«J PIK-!>OI< WH.LS-. ' a NN' v: . ' < lass r.no . "rw; ' V/..- j WltL 5- M-. TOUH OLO SASKETS """" V/ <1 r,: rs COICH I "»"• $ I s ? ~ fd? ©f± TCL-7 & HANDOLI'S, PhllaUcipllli. J.i; they h»ve so for curiae DlrtlnMl, gj Headiflfee. Costlveum*, Malar I*, Lirer Con- HH /"7 lalut, Pcrer ar.it Ajar, lodipttiot, B*ckmofce, ft.: c:<<-pies»ne*i, au t sal Liver sod Stomach thty Never Fail. Sold by ail drufglsts and ® coc. irv itsrt kuc;<crs. (Q*S«ad for circulars. H IS a. E. SslUf* St Ca., Proj?a, nmbnrjfh, I'a l __« sasK -• a TVias®r FOR JEN ONLY! IfTTOTrr JWBIFor tU ST or? AXLES il MAOTOOi ft Ai ' and KEEYOUB MBIJLIT a ! {Wcakneta of Body and Kind, £ffecti r'-iu. "i o f Brr~t or Ezceutfi in Old or Yonnr. Bwb:ij.\ Mob'.# 3AX!itMfDfeZ!) R«tored. How to rnlarv• tad Sir• >rn *M X, I S ?Ei> OF.OASS AFi RTS OK BOBY. Ah* Buf-Jil jj II0.1!E TREATSCSf-Beneflti la a day. ■ sr. 50 3Ute« and Firtlfi Caantrl**. Write tkrau Bntrlpilt* o«plaß*.tl*n aad rroor* mailed ftaaled) trf* At Ufa fcSiE KIZDtCAL CO.. BUFFALO. N. Y. SS'L FLFS WASHES' 1118 3 I WITHOUT y«ll WEARING GOT CLOTHES, I Krrffl AS LITTLE OR WnLLII MP RIIRRIMI, IS REQUIRED, Si!AM follow teJUili DIRECTIONS »■■■■■ CLOSELY^ r\ DOCTORS LAKE 'yj ntIVATK DLSPENSAItY. Cost. Pent AVE. AUO FOURTH BT.. f:*W\ PITTSBURGH, PA. "•> .-» •> Allformsot i>elnMte aii't Cnm flEvXM plicated Dlceasea rcquiriiinCox. jjf FIIIENTIAI* aD'ISCIENTI IK' All'il --s, icatioa aro treated at tills I'is i -rv with a huccegs rarely attained. Dr. S. K. !.•!<: • a member of the Royal College of l'hy - - : H1 ami is the oldest ami most .•c.i SfEOIAWST in tliec!ty S|HM iul at tc.u . VL'II t.iNervqtis Debility fi'om er cessiTO ,-n i i .i rtloiijtndiacrelionofyouth, i.i .-u al a»d menial decay,lack of energy, 1' I.'i rv, etc.; rtlsoCancer-*, Old Sores, FiW, I , r . and all di.-oa.-csof tlic Skin, f; ; • s,t'rinarvOrpansetc. Consultation "r. : . :i-(ly rmiudcn :;i!. Office hours,9 to 1 i to 3 V. It.; Sundays 2 to •« P. U. only. e or Address |>R«. LAKIfi. COR. A - ■ AIID 4'l'li ST.. I'i'iTSUUUGH, l'A. Gooa Farm for Sale ( 1 rin . :.i-K'-i and 97 lurches. To acres clc.ir ! i-a undorfence, lial.tnce rtttndlnK l" go. •' » - .i.,t, . k timber, comfortable dwelling nons i bam. wagon <hed, si>rli:i;lioiise of best i.ii. ; tin:; pi-u and sheen lion.'' 1 . Never falli _ -s i \er whole place; ;i u'ood nr chai.i. ' .se - slo n given April l, ISM. Title nod. BltUAtO ill fttlU twp.. Duller enmity, I"».. a! ■ ix miles south of Butler. Kmiiiii'l ;t CNIZES ofllc<', Ilutler. l'a.. or the owner DAVlll IMXOX, Brownsdale. Butler Co., I'a | T !-k l KENDALL'S Th'? Host Succcssfa! Remedy cverdlsecm ercd, QB It is certain In its effects and does not blister. Read proof below : mm SPAVIN CURE. &CLYBRXO*. ra., Nov. 27, *9O. Da. B. J. KWKDAU. CO.: Qcnts- I would to make known to tbosa who are almost per^uadr.;; »n. ..'Kendall's Spavin Cure the Tact thai I think liisn must excellent Liniment I have used It on ;; lii«K>d Spavin. The horse went on three for tinv > years when 1 connueneed to use your Kendall': Spavin Cure. I used ten bot ties on the horse and have worked him for three years£incc an« has not been lame. Yours truly. WM.JL CURL> GEnMASTOW!f, N. Y. t Nov. 2,138 Q. DB. B. J. KEKDALL Co., Enosburfch Fall*, Vt. Gents r In pral«eof Kendall'»« Spaviu Cnre I will Bay, that a year ago I had n valuable young horse be come very Ip.me.hcck entarK'Hi and swollen. Tho horsemen about here (v. e have no Veterinary Sur geon here) pronounced his lameness Blood Spavin or Thoroughpln, they all told mo there was no cure fop It, ho became about uselo**,a»d I con sidered h!m almoat wort 1 leas. A friend told me of ♦.ho merits of >orr Kendall's o>>avlu Cure, KO I bought a bottle, and I could see very plainly grept Improvements Immediately before tho bottle wa* used np 1 was satisfied that it was doing him aareat de«J of good. 1 bought a second i bottle and before It was used up my horse was * aped and has been In the team doing heavy work tho season since last April, showing no more ' signs of It. I consider your Kendall's Spavin Cure a valuable medicine, and It should be in every stable In the land. Keapectfully yours, EUGENE DEW ITT. Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $"». All drug gists uave It or can get It for you, or it will be sen: to any address on receipt sf price by tho proprie tors. PR. U. J. KEXDVLL CO., Eno»bnr?h Fulls* Vermont. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Subscribe for the CITIZEN. Om a ITfcnt *««< h»v«: Pitlm't 1 »• KsU% RiTl lW»«wrv aAar yoa, mmtU' to lUk JW? MwCß'jy—' "Wlwtt did yo* i"»e fer?" rfr. * w«ly ran*** »• «* *°f* a*ray from h*>*«.. »« W» nr»Cw ■»• htm figWHiT: bnt b*r fH« W* r, «s <mt of o< his h««sa tr» tn tof cm k»"M; ffl4 »'p<rcv a« my amtif.r wonW »« m« if I eteypw t» kH hiw, I west (i, wuteit w»t el* Npws. Cimut Report "I cbb"* ucKieiwtxnri h<*rrr •WpWTWlced pe#fpla rtarr* tr> oteath at »*«." said little jetamy Fizslwtop. "tTlij crm'tyoti understand it? Thcra is Bothiagr far thorn to eat in th* ee»a»." "There ain'W" •fSo." "Wall, then ray teacher I* a ttur. «e Mid there were in fh« ore»B. KoWlr need starve when he em e*t ewrrenW. I wish I had some now."" Texas Sifttsgs. Site W«nt from Bad ta tVor»«. Mr. Magnus Seotfc— It ic no nse talk ing. Evelina, I cannot afford to hov ywo that diamond set at Blaaket/i. >frs. M. Pcott Then hoy me that bonnet at Daahley's. Mr. M. Scott Darn my s©«lt»! H tiiat's yonr mode of I aa%ht aa well buy the diamoad* »t ouee. —Jewel- ers' Oirculajr. . u«u rp. "The floor it vury »ilppe«T," the re marked, when he asked her for a dasee "Do you think yon e era Id hold me if I shpuld ehanee to fall*?" "t~-I guess so." he faltered, dismayed at the idea; then the ligfht hroice forth. "Gome out on the piazza," he whispered, "and 1 can practice for awhile." —tudge. Too Large Heartad. "And you rejected him?" "t did." "He has the reputation of beiagr » large hearted man," "That's the trouble with him; he la too large hearted. He can love half a dozen of womon at the same time. Gap* Cod Item. —l've been a sufferer from rheumatism for years and have been unable to obtain any relief at all. Salvation Oil gave me entire relief and I heartily recommend it. Henry Winkel, Baltimore, Md. What so wonderful as a severe congh cured by Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup lor 25 cents. "Try it. —lf J'our feet are not mates don't be alarmed. You belong to tbe great major ity. —lf people would take the advice of D. H. Wuller, Butler; A. Bnirers, Pro spect: Broaden & Allison, W. Sunbury, the druggists they never would start on a journey without a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhica Remedy, can always be- depended upon and is pleas ant to take. —The girl who does not belong to a sketch class this session is h irdly in the swim. —Rubber glove 3 come for dainty hands that are forced, betimes, into kitchen work. —ltch on hmnan and horses ana all ani mals cured in 30 minutes by Wool ford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by J C Kedick, druggist, Butler. —The old English idea of perfuming the household linen is being revived. —Many awful atrocities are committed by fair hands in the name of decorative art. Pleasant Employment at Good Pay. The publishers of SEF.D-TIMB AND HAB VEST,an old established monthly,determin ed to greatly increase their subscription lists, will employ a cumber of active agents for the ensuing »ix months at $50.- 00 per month or more if their services warrant it. To insure active work an ad ditional cash prise of SIOO.OO will be awarded the agent who obtains the the largest number of subscribers "The early bird gets thn worm." Send four silver dimes, or twenty 2-cent stamps with your application, stating your age and territory desired, naming some prominent business man as a reference as to your capablities, and we will give you a trial. Tbe 40 cents pays your own subscription and you will receive fall particulars. Address SEED-TIME AND HARVEST, l.a Plume, Pa. Florida and Jamaica oranges look ranch alike whou new. —Silver bracelets in profusion are still the style for young ladies. i-itve Yourself Money. When you go to Pittsburgh, Pa., stop at the Anchor Hotel, corner Liberty and Fourth streets. It is a strictly first-class Hotel conducted on the European plan. Lodgings, 25,-35, —or 50 cents. —Codfish tongues aro a dainty break fast dish. —The now silver 1< n 1( li tloy imitate baski t work. \Vtiittoti arr invading tbe ranks of piano-turner*. Chamberlain's Eys and Skin Ointment. A certain cure for Chronic Sore Eyes, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Old ChroDic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema, Itch, Prairie Scratches, Sore Nipples and Piles. It is cooling and soothing. Hundreds of cases have been cured by it after all other treatment had failfid. It is put up in 35 and 50 cent boxes. —Nviv sweet eider is o u t # —Dicki rynuts aro in town. lce men's trips aro shortning. —There's a "Baby Cleveland" souvenir spoon. Consumption Surely Cured. To The ioiron:— Plows inform yonr readers that I have a positive remedy for the above-named di»ea«B. By Its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I ahall b« plail to solid two bottle* of my remedy FREE to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send me their Express and P. O. address. Respect iully. T. A. SLOCUM. M. C.. 181 Paarl St.. N. Y. | nvr s'Ollfi 'Uless yon write us quick"- I- io . OiUuU |y. Wo want moic ssles tr.fn. «:id will pwnnue permanent positions w 'i • • ary au<i expense- paitl weekly. Full <■•!• ;•••;. K.vperienee t.i t required. sto, k i-inaiij last selling sl<ctal tie<. Klejrent ( littit fr«e. Adtliess ( . II HAWKS & CO., Ntnstryman, Koclicster. N. Y. Kslal"lis!n-d 187 S. PI i f TIIH r »nc!er>tened, sre entirely '•U« lU"t. cured of Rupture by i>r. .1. if. MAVF.K, 831 Arch street, Philadelphia. Thos. ». Hartung, Sew lilnggoli), l'a., i. Sandt t»onl 1> Huston, Pa., I . P. & C. A. l)eiurek, t)!oy. Pa., K. i;. Stanley, 424 Spruce St., Lebanon, l'a. A. Schneider, Locust Dale, Pa., 1). B. Noll. Limekiln, Pa. W in. K. llarter.stlno. PiiQ?nlx vllle, Pa. W. M. I.einbach, Washington St., Heading, l'a.. ,1. I >me. Kiln Howard St.. llar risburv. l'a.. c. K»ebn, Donclassvtlle. Pa. Dr. MAVICIt is at Hotel Perm Keartlng. Pa., on the 2d Sutuxiav ol i »ch OiODtl). Oa'l and sec liiin A pamphlet of Information and of tLc lawa,(howlng lioir rntents, Careata, VJS J7V, liarka. Copyrights, aent ■' i IND ..•fmUGTOir'Bßo'\ «rbo wtii cmi*u-cl for mivoitiding at ln»mt EHT CITIZEN MIBCE 1 liHClf I Difference. Misa Po«r-4 suppose yon gnd onr-eo eftjty rcrj diif«;-»rrt trrfm that !n th« Mr. Rsneher—l hare noticed dif' ar*eeo. Out thero we shoot »*r ow»- QTiac. and Vrera yon out your aeqnam- ; t»neaa —T retV Wanted Assosenaent. Fat L*dy (in the park)—l am i to ride o* roe <yf the dpnVeys, and 111 ! pay fbr one for yon if you lite to ae enrtrpany me. Small Boy—Thankae, mum, but I'd rather sit hs»re an' laugh.—Good New#. Ssai) Reason. T»amp—Please,sir, give me a quarter? £/awy*r Howe —A quarter? Why do pem ask me for a quarter? Tframp—Because I didn't like to ask ywa for half a dollar, for fear jam Wouldn't give it to me.—N. Y. Hearld. THE BOSH AlfDjßt TH«KX. •TU aweet, indeed, to basi tn fragrant shades. Or flirt with Doris gayly In the sun; Bfft, oh! how tough to turn to work again Oo that blue day when the vacation's done I —Puok. They Can't See the Reason. Clara—-I don't see why children eovddn't be born ten years old. Maud—lt would be agreeable, arid I don't See why girls eoilldn't be born married. —J*ury. An Expensive Recreation. Jinks —Going to camp out this year? Winks —No. Costs too much. Jinks—"Where's the cost? Whaks—Doctors' bills. —N. Y. Week ly- . Put to tho Test. He —By Jove, I wish I could prove the dep.th of my affection for you! She—Yon might break your engage ment with Miss Brown as a start.—Life. Fair Warning. Faet (in newspaper office) —Have you an efficient staff? J3ditor—Perhaps not; but I hare a eery effective club. —I'ack- Reasoning from Analogy. Mother —Now, t'.iild, what makes you think Susan steals the sugar? Son —Cos I heard "pa tell her that her Hps tasted awful sweet.—Ouee a Week. —The annoyance acoasioned by tho continual crying of the baby, at once ceases when the cause is promptly re moved by Dr. Bull's Baby syrup. One of the most popular household rem edies is Old Saul's Catarrh Cure. Price only 25 cents —Under the act of assembly, approved June 1, 1891, the weight of a bushel of po tatoes was made fifty-six pounds. By another act approved the same day, the Btandard weight of a cord of hemlock, oak or other bark, when sold by tbe cord, or ton, was fixed at two thousand pounds for a cord and two thousand poundsfora tou. —Mr. C. B. Jones, of Spring Hill, lowa, says: "I have used Chamberlain's Pain Balm for severe and painl'ul burns with better effect than auything else I have ever tried. It relievos tho pain instantly "and cures without leaving a scar." Pain Balm is one of the most useful medicines that any family can be provided with, es pecially for rheumatism, lame back, sprains, bruise*, tooth-ache, ear-acho aud like ail ments. One aplication will relieve the pain aud a fair trial insure a cure. 50 cent bottles for sale by D. H TV uller, Butler; A. Bowers, Pro spect; Breaden & Allison, W. Sunbury. —A most simple cement for mending glass and eaihenwarc is made of white of egg aud water beaten together aud brought to the consistency of thin paste with pow dered quicklime. Use immediately. —We want every mother to know that croup can be prevented. True, croup never appears without a warning. The first symptom is hoarsenesss; then the child appears to have taken cold or a cold may j have accompanied the hoarseness from the I start. Alter that a peculiar rough cough is developed, which is followed by the croup. The time to act is when the child first becomes hoarse; '.a few doses of Chamberlain's Cough .Remedy will prevent the attack. Even after a rough cough has appeared, the disease may be prevented by using this remedy as directed. Porsale by D. 11. W'uller, butler; A. Bowers, Pro spect; Breaden & Allison. W. Sunbury. Success has sometimes to be paid for, after having been fairly earned. —English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavins, curbs, splints, sweeney, riug bone, stifles, sprains, ail swoleu throats, coughs, etc. Save SSO by use ol one bottle. Warranted tho most wonderful blemish curu ever known. Sold by J C Kedick, druggist, Butler. —Find a disinterested friend and you have found a jewel. To Consumptives. The undersigned having been restored (o health by simple means, alter sußering for several years with a severe lung uticclion, aud Iliat dread disease Consumption, is anxious to make known to hia fellow suffer ers the means of eure. To those who deaire it, he will cheerfully send (tree of charge) a copy of the prescription used, which they will find a sure cure lor Consumption, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis ftnd ail throat | and luns Maladies, lie hopes all suUerers will try his F.euiedyj as it is invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, which will cost thtui notning, uud may prove a bless ing, will please address KKV. KDWAHI) A. \\ ilmi.v, VS illiuiusbur*, Kings County, New York. —Life is double laced and double edged. —To know one's self is to distrust one's self —Each life may have a potentiality of greatness. —To bo misunderstood by those wo love is bitterest of all. —liheumatisui cured in a day—"Mysti— cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic cally cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upon thb system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at onco the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. "5 cts. Sold by J C Kedick, druggist, Butler. —A poultice of bruised onions around lho ueck gives great relief in diphtheretic troubles. —There's a (biding hat for theatre wear. During the performance it closes flat to the head. After the show it expands like a turkey cock's tail. —Spectacles aud Eyeglasses made by Robert. Bruce Wallace," (successor to the "Pox Optical C 0.,) at 624 Penn Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa., are conceded the best and most comfortable. Save money by having him fit your eyes. * —lt's venison time. —Apples keep cheap —Persimmons are here. Come Once And you will Come Again | To the Great Sacrifice Sale of BOOTS & SHOES JOHN BICKEL'B. We .ire now prepared to offer some great burgaias in fiDe footwear bavins just ree'd a large line of ladies' hand tnrns, hand welts and machine sewed shoes. We are now prepared to offer a better selection than ever be fore, and prices much lower. Head the prices of a few of the following goods, and we will convince you that we have a long and strong hold when it comes to Bbo«8. Ladies' genuine hand turns button at $2.50. '• " " welts " at $2.50. " front laco patent tips at $1.75. " extra quality kid shoes at $1.25. " slippers (opera toe and oxfords) at 75c. Men's fine dress shoes all hand made at SG.OO. Any style or stock desired " Meu's fine calf and kangaroo shoes at $3 00. <1 "A" calf shoes at $1.25 to $2.00. Misses kid aud pebble sroat button shoes at 1 5c. to $1.25. Boys' high cut calf shoes at $1.25. Children's shces 25c. and upwards. Infants' shoes all prices (from 10c. per pair and upwards). Remember the above prices are all 'special prices" better goods than sold before at those prices. It would be to your interest to call as earlr as convenient and look over our stock for we are offering unparalleled bargains. Call and see us if you wish to bay or not for after seeing the special bargains we have put out you will certainly buy whether you need the goods or not. , Seven grades of rubber goods Boston, Candee, Woonsocket and Uood year, glove rubber boots at $2.35 per pair including a good pair sheepskin moccasins ladies' and children's robber boots and shoes away down We have now on hand a full line of the celebrated "Golden Rule" boots that is the best Snag boot now in the market, the extra extention of the sole covering part of the upper Every r«>r warrented strong and substantial and guaranteed not to snag. A guarentce with every pair. We guarantee our Golden Rule or Anti snag rubber boots to be made of pnre rubber and as perfect as material and workmanship can make them, to give satisfaction witb fair use and to cut wearony rubber boots now made with service or replace them with a new pair," external injury excepted—we hve this boot high cut or modium height We have on hand 100 pair men's full calf dress boots all hand made (sizes all sixes) at $1.50 per f air regular price $4 00. Many other bargains, that space will not permit me to speak about. Boots and Shoes Made to Order Repairing neatly and promptly done. Orders by mail will receive prompt and careful attention. JOHN BICKEL. BUTLER, - - - - ----- - PENN ' A RUB B E R Boots & Shoes. We wish to inform the public that we will handle only the best first quality Rubbers this winter; as nearly pure gum as are made. Our Rubbers are all fresh, new goods. We have no old last winter's stock We bought an unusually large stock, anticipating a big trade. We bought at the lowest cash prices at which rubbers were sold and intend that our patrons shall have the same advantage. We shall not be undersold. By buying from us you will have the a'dvantage ol new goods, tbe best goods, the largest selection, the latest styles and the lowest prices. A-L. R-U-F-F. 114 South M.ain Street. Butler, I^a CLOAKS! JACKETS ! WRAPS! AT Troutman's For Ladies, Misses and Children, the largest line we ever had. Come in and see them, they ate 3KT O J3 B "ST - CloakS - Jackets - WrapS. All Kinds of Job Work done at the "Citizen" Office. - Leading Millinery House - C * • TP m IP We are now ready to exhibit this season's styles of "r=Y In every desirable sty'e and quality Our etcck is unusually large and attractive. Trimmed hats nod bon nets of all descriptions—felt Lats, velvet hats and sailor huts Ilats and bonnets trimmed to < rdtr. Tte largest and most complete tteck of velvets, ribbons, tips, quills, birds and wings ever brought to Butler FOR CHILDRE IN Hoods, caps, sailor hats in great variety. • MOURNINI r Hats and bonnets receive our best attention, a complete liue always on hand. Alw t a he IDT PAPE INO--l NO -- Cheapest. | • * * * ■ ■■■ y | Street. Former Pnces. Sensible customers do not pay much attention to advertisemets. the princi pal part of which is former prices, that is, goods advertised at a price and the statement made that the price quoted is one third,or one-half the former price. Now if the advertiecr was telling the truth ho would not be selling goods very long making such losses. What the shrewd buyer wants to know is the present price cf goods. Below we give you a few present prices: Indigo-Dyed Cheviots at 6^c. 3,000 yards of good Calico at 5c A splendid line of Cocheco Twilled Cloth. Suitings, extra wide at Bc. Standard Ginghoms at Bc. Yard wide Drees goods at 10c. 36-inch Fancy Suitings at 12Ac. Fancy Diagonal Suitings at 15c. Gents' Woolen Hose at 15c. Yrrd wide Cottage carpet at 30c. Fine all wool country flannels, in solid colore and fancy, at 25 cents We have an Immense Stock of all seasonable goods, all marked in plain flgures, at less than any former or present prices in anj other house in Butler county. RITTER & RALSTON, , KINGS, Diamonds S ,N Ss, <• STUDS, f GENTS GOLD, W+ < LADIES GOLD, W atones \ GENTS SILVER LADIES CHATLAIN, T/MnrrvlvTr (Gold Pins, Par-rings, «J 0 tV OJI \ ) Rings Chains, bracelet?. Etc, ( Tea pets, castors, butter dishes QiKrovwovD \ and everything that can be Oil V t~l W <ll tr ibund in a first class stove una INS. no iftsw?' 1 "- S »""" E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER No. 19, North Main St, BUTLER, PA.. O.wk- H/ar-FEVER Fvs@ 1 COLD-HEAD BLTLS Eltft Cream Balm is not a liquid, snutf or powder. Applied into Vu> nottrih :t :s Quickly absorbed. It cleanse* th« head, allay* inflammation, heal* _ E||A Vie tore*. Sold by drungista or tent byjmail on receipt of price. 3UC ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren Strut NEW YORK. 31 > BEAD AND REMEMBER For striclly pure and tellable STRAIGHT LIQUORS, cull on. I. K. FMCH, 12 SMITH FIELD ST.. PITTSBURGH, PA. (Opp. Monongahela House.) Matchless for Family use and Medicinal pur poses are FINCH'S GOLDEN WEDDING. , All *1 (iITCKENHEIMKR S WHISKY. , per qt. ; OVERHOLT'S WHISKY. f 6 qt.s. DILUNGER-S WHISKY. J for 15. Goods neatly packed and promptly shipped FBEK OF ExrK>s« on receipt of cash or post office order. nr~Nothlng expressed C. O. 1). Send for Price List. FARM FOR SALE. The undenfcned win sell his raru.containing sixty acres, more or less, and located In Adams Twp.. on the Kvansburg and Mars road, near Marshall and Myoma stations on the P. & W K K. and near the Caller>' oil Held. It contains a i;ood house. Kood bank barn 56x34, food outbuildings, good orchard, level and good ground, two springs near house, pump in barn, and all In good order. Inquire of or address James Davidson, Myoma P. O , gutler Co., Pa. DO YOU NEED A Try ding • ' • (jiinforta- M. F. <fe M. Marks' S9OO. SalaryioM.n alX^r UieL. Teachers and ClergyiMD to sell our New. Popular standard Work. MARVELS of the NEW WEST No niier b<K)k published. Over 3M choice en gratings. 10.400 copies sold in one wee J. En dorsed by the greatest men of the country. This Is no humbug oCer. \A-*♦ llnrc FOR PARTICI LAKS IX Write at unce regard TO salary. Tie Henry Hill Milling &«[»; Norwich, Conn. Reciprocity. To counteract tbo effect of spring winds and etorms on face and bands; to renew, renovate and purify the cuticle after a rigorous winter ; is the mission of !! GOSSER'S ;! CREAM QLYCSBINE t | And right J well does it perform the task. It is a bland, creamy • emulsion, with just enough vege ■ table oil to soften the skin, com bined with pure glycerine and other substances, forming one of I the finest preparations for chap r ped hands, lips or face or any roughness or irritation of the [ skin. No lady or gentleman i should be without it. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. Full 100 Cenis 1 worth to the 'Dollar oo Every Purchase - ' Made at our Store. We are offering values Un > precendented in Furnishings for Ladies, Men and Children. lie vised and you'll save money. Whatever you may require iu cur line, come to us, we'll show jtu a gitat variety and save you luciit-y. Our Spring stock is now full otd complete. We guarantee to meet every detnend to yonr fullest miiji luetiou. Wo have a big variety, with Qiuuy fcivies of Boys' aud Girls" Hats aud Caps at low figures. John M. Arthurs. 333 SOUTH WAl>" STKEIiT. 333 THRtSimG *SPECIALTY A Simplest, inofel durable, eecncmlcal and periect n use. Wastes no Grain; Cleans It Ready for Market. Threshing Engines & Horse Peters. O A VAf lir I c iUid Standard Implements OM*t Ifll Lo generally, send for catalogue X. I!. CO. ftiDtjliuUifrlnll'l forli, Tork, Pa.