Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, October 16, 1891, Image 4

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    sun SEW.
And it pays you to read all advertise
ments when it makes you money to do
When you can find out where to buy
the best Bed-room suit in the market for
When you can find out where to buy
the best Parlor suit for #3B, best crush
A beautiful set of dishes, 114 pieces,
for #12.50.
Beautiful toilet set, 12 pieces, for
Then we say it doubly pays you to
see our adv. this week and next.
Don't forget to see our display at the
Fair, September 8, 9, 10 and 11 and
our store, 136 N. Main St., Butler, Pa.
Campbell &
you want NEAY FURNITURE* to re
place some of the old
We are headquarters for first-das.'
goods. Remember we have no mark
down sales; our prices are always as low
as is consistent with good goods.
A full line of QUILTS in addition U
other bedding.
E. S. DREW, - 128 E. Jefferson, St
510-518 Market Street,
Want yoor trade. They know tbe only way to Ret it in by offering super
for inducements*, better goods and
than their competitors ■
Baying and tailing for cash, we can offer tbe goods at tbe lowest possible
price*, and all we aak yoo is to examine our goods and prices before
purchasing elsewhere We are confident we can save you money.
II IXC inn DflllilFTC The largest »tock ever sbowi
HA I o AflU BUnm I o» in western Pennsylvania
Every shape, every color and every price. Trimmed bonnetß and bats it
endless variety. Stanley caps from 25c. op. Ribbons of every deneription
velvets, feathers, etc.
f*l Aft VC Oor stock of ladies', misses' and children*' cloaks is im
uLUArivi lliei>M Only well-mado goods offered bere. Here are a
few of oor prices.
Cloth Jacketi, $3, 93.50, $4, $5, $0 and up _
Fur and Aatrachan Trimmed Keeferit, $4.50, H.7S, s■>, s.j.7j, W..<o, SH. <■>, W •
and uu.
Heavy Stockinette Jacket*, $2, $3, $4 and $5.
Seal PlOhO Jac:«stH, $7.50. $9. $0.75, $10.50, sl2, <tc.
Seal Ploiib
Miw**' Iteefern, $2 50, $3, $4, $5 and up.
Infant'* Cloak*, $2, $2 50, $3 to sls.
Full line of Hbawlft, Embroidered Kicbun, <tc.
pi nurc Largest itock of Rid Gloves. Nice new poodH, at 75c
bLU V t sl-25, $1.50 to $2. Fine CBsbmere Gloves, 25c., .'!sc
88c.,45c. 50c Misees' 4 b. and 5 book Kid Gloves, 75e., 85c , $1 I vadies' tine
5 book Kid Gloves, 85c. tip
SO Styl#s of Corset*, 300 Styles of Hosiery, Underwear, Curtakis,
dec., Ac.
Fall line of Dress TrimmingH, Notions, Art Embroidery Goods, Muffn, Fui
Caps, Ac., at money savin? prices.
510 to 518 Market St., Corner Liberty.
UliiOH lOBUK Mill
H. FOLLERTOft, Prop'r,
BlankeU, Flannels and Tarn
ofPure Bal
let County Wool.
We guarantee our rood* to be strictly all wool
•ad no ariwnlc or aoy otber poiaonou* material
oaed In dyelltff. We Mil Wbole*ale or retail.
mxavlru and prtoe* rarnlsbed tree to dealer* on
applKsttoo by malL
Butler's Book
1,000 Pace*,
204 Original Engraving*,
Elegant Binding*,
Pabli«hed in 3 Language*,
Popular Price*.
The Only Authentic Work By
Exclusive Territory ami Liberal T rrm
given to Reliable A gent*. Accompany
application with 12.00 for Pro*pectn*.
J. W. Keeler & Co.,
—Babacrib« far the Gitimo.
Ad oil farm containing CI acrei
of land, with oil royalty interest.
Land of fair quality, average im
proremeutu, good gpring of water an<
underlaid with
One of wbicb in being worked or
| |Oil royalty amountH to about
Oil Lease expirea in 18' JO, a part o
farm fltill remalnn undeveloped
Farm nituated in Butler Co., an<
will be ttold at a bargain if HOIL
aoon. For further particulars* ad
dreMH No. 25 8. Mill bt., New C'aHtle
WANTED Agon* to willclt orl'-t* lor o>
choice. »iin|>ar<ljr N uwry Hlock.
Hulnry and eipt-wM* or coininMftlon If prefer
ed. Write ftf. once. Hlato A|fo, Ad<lre*».
ft. 6. Chase & Co. ,4 W$?/?; n
in f'/t i.uiig !#» w I f-n/j it ©' {/'.,<
Nothing On Earth Will
Sheridan's Condition Powder!
Strong and Healthy ; Prevent, all Disease.
Good for Moulting TTfrts.
n u f i 1.1
tit J coetrtxut* ■ ' 1 ire. " One Ixr ye can
rtr -sy? Strictly * r.^ .1 »*•« urx one customer.
*• **
We mail one pack Rainna Huide. price
" ml " r "" w
Is lIMXI nkaU Ee Ldyl -:.
It is a positive cure for
And All Skin Diseases,
An invaluable remedy for Wounds, Burns, Swell
iags, Sores, Croup, Bronchitis, etc.
Sold by all drn<rgi*ts at 50 cents per box. Send
3 two-cent stamps for free sample bos and book.
ClilC.i 00, ILL.
For Sale by D. 11. Wulier. Butler.
i 18 WATERPROOF. "I Shoe* can
Used b7 men, women tad ctiiareg-
tor.i at my 'ld chip tiaaka*. Wt » a beautjt
I Lav* jo»*. lira; painting it »iii*
/ A 10c. BOTTLE
trill d'j half a doz-n baskets.
V7CLFF U RANDOLPH. Philadelphia.
MIi.KON b«aatlfl«soiharthingsbr*id«haataja.
It :a\k -. « vlutfc tuc at.y <i'.r yo.i de
!.. f mi'/ii. IT chan«L-« am» ta:.lo to
rtArt l a cano rocker t) 1.1.1 h g--.' 7
St ttaii.J. putuls, lacflucrs. Japans.
Cioo«i filoot!, Good Iloaltfc.
4k r ' r >(3^
YiT. •' r Black ifead«, W.-1 all
hoWby l»r iiririgu. W
// Ih) UriiilM fc ' K!i!> "^'|,Y;
K* I a.id #ERVOUaj)EBmT Y
Wi MWeakc*®# of Body&adK nd, r.tfecti
Kl IllailiJjLUof Err oner E*o«*i*t i in Old or Your f.
lUbcTf. ioMr f«J»T B*Kar»4. »!<m foer.lanr* *®<J
ikfrrtfc' .W/ ' S!?Krri?»»»lHlOK«iA!f»i»4*l»TßlirJiai»*.
ibi if* - ur.'*Jilav HOSE IWUT?!i:>T-Ni.f(U In • 4aj.
Man teat!?- f. ■ I (O 'IU9IM4 Wr:u throe.
Da.rr'.ollt' < il'r .-tMitt ard t,reo"« ajalkd («a&i«l> frs*
(innn w "~
yyuy wearing out
riiprn CLOTHES,
SIIBU Follow
'ur J9 Con. PTMN Ave. AND FOUIITH BT..
_ FFIR \ AMfornnof L»<-ll'-.HEIIII'IC.oni
«M tvJ plicuti-.l lilw»ieiir<wiiHiliiKl - ')K.
iriitioii aro treatwl at tlii* l>i--
i y v, ith a fiucceai rarfiljr attained. Dr. H.
i :imi:inlM!rofttieK'>y»l«''ll'-geof J'liy
. ■ -
XIII ..( r. ■•■ A &rr.' JALIHT in tiiccrty Hix-'lalat
...»c-ntoNcnrou* lability frmne v ccw!i*e
. f.t al exertion. lii4licntk)!l of jrouilu er.uv
niur , hjMr.al aiiu mental decay,! nek "t ' i.iirify,
U -j ■ .-.•i.-ncy, etc.; >;i - *>l'l ■''>' -t*
Pi, ■ iilii'timutlHiii, am!fill diwimciiof thoHkin,
i I.unit*. i'rl»arv<»rg:iii»,et'-. Consultation
i • ;>"l >: i icily cunil'li ii'iitl. (hour*,it to
I ... 1 to H v, M.; KuwUyi, 2 to 4 i\ M. or.lv.
1 nt *.R 1 '<3 or ri/I.IN-M I.A I IC.olt.
i. . . A . L. ANO4'IUaT„J-lTTfcliL.ntiH,l'A.
Gooa Farm for Sale
('out iliiliit' l'»; i'• r* ;><; i>< SRLI T'l T< ,
cl**;tnd Jir.fi uij'l'-r FONR**. lialiir:'''' 'TL'.ti'LLTIIF 111
ifoo'i wl.lt'- oak tlml.t r. ('oiiifgrt.it>!>' lut-lling
tioii .. • .'I t :, n>. w.'tj.'(in -.ti< >l. ni>rl»i; '.'in- ■ i,l
Ntit k!i, 1, !i"t{ i 'II IT nd 'tlii->-r> IIDIII ". V vi-r
fall I otr * ftifiifH "Mr wholi; J.W« ; a GOOD or
'hoi't. I", I'll. ;lvii Ajirtl 1 . ilil"
K'Kxi. -.1 ii<t in Pi-mi t'•• i' . P.aUi-r 'oniity.
PH.. I.IIOUI i. iiiiif-H "Mtti i.r iiiici'-r
i;!iqi:ir- Ciii/i'.ri 'inl' i'. I'.nilnr. p • . or ili»!
I'.row II . 1 I !<: I.' .'l'-rC'I . PA
Full Again
We mean our wall paper de
partment, f1 1!': and overflowing
with our immen.se and choice
htoek of paper hangings. You
mu.-t help ii out, we haven t
room for hall our goodw, until
you relieve IIH of Home of them.
We ha ve the choiM'Ht selec
tion ofl l< :it in every grade
from Ilrowii l>lankn at 10 eta
to (iilt- ;it from 20 eta to Si
per double holt.
Examine our Stock.
J. H. Douglass,
Near PoHtotlice, liutler Pa
Aberdeen Anuus
I offer for Hale a few high
grade heifero and cows near
calvini?; also one fine three
year old hull.
Will well low considering the
F. 11. NEGEEY,
Needing Expl*natV>u.
"In this of the world." observed
the professor, addressing the class m
natural history, "the law of the sur
vival of the fit; st is generally conceded
to be thoroughly established.
"Then why is it," inquired a per
plexed young woman in the class, the
daughter of a prosperous boarding
house keeper, "that the dodo became
extinct and the cockroach lives on?
Chicago Tribune.
"Papa's going to have a fountain out
on the lawn, Johnny. How do you
like that?" asked mamma.
"Bully:" said Johnny. "Say, ma,
let's ask pop to have it a soda water
fountain." —Harper's Bazar.
An Iniapr*rabl« Objection.
•Tm sorry." said 3 mug-azine editor
to a well-known writer, "that I can't
print your ia*st story.
"What's the troubleT
"Why,*' added the terrified editor, "it
has a plot." —Judge.
Vivid imagination.
Young Husband—My dear Melanle, I
must say that this pudding tastes very
had. .
Wife —All imagination; it says in the
cookery book that it tastes excellent! ■
she Spoke Without Thinking.
This One— Do you know. Miss Honny
dew —er—Dolly —you are the first girl 1
have ever kissed!
Dolly (Incredulously) —Oh, that's just
what they all say'.—l-Me.
Got OIT theup.
She—So you have shaved off youx
mustache. It must liave cost you B
great deal to make that sacrifice.
He—Xu. not very much. It was a
five-cent shave. —Texas Sittings.
There'# Many a Slip.
An Albina (Ore.) man, well along in
years, visited a Portland justice the
other day with a girl of about sixteen,
and wanted the justice to draw a deed
for two lots, for which he was to receive
twenty-five hundred dollars. The justice
was to deliver the deed, receive the
cash, and divide it between the old gen
tleman and the young girl after she had
become the former's wife. The deed
was prepared, ready for the old man's
signature, when the justic« asked for
hifi fee. That broke the bargain all up.
The old man walked out, leaving the
bride-elect, who in turn went her dif
ferent way homeward.
The RUCCC.-M of Old Saul's Catarrh Cur'
induce* imitations and there are many o
tliem. Ini-ist on getting Old Saul's an<
take no other or you'll pet left. At xil
dealers for 2-> cents.
If vou want your baby to look bright <!<
not put it to .-leep with iaudanum whei
rc.-tle- •, bat use Dr. Bull's'. Baby Syrup
25 cents a bottle.
—The new bang is curly.
—Buckles ere to be dressy
—Poplin dr<- are to be received.
—lfpeople would take the advice oi
I). H. Wutler. Butler, A. Bowers, Pro
i«pei:t; ISrea li-ii & Allison, V/. San bury,
the druggist* tb< y never would s'art on u
journey without a bottle <>f Chamberlain *
Colic, Cholera and Diaribcea Remedy,
can iilway- be depended up«n and is pleas
ant to take.
—A few holiday sh >ppers are afoot.
—Friction warms up a clammy hand.
—lteh on human and horses ano all ani
in ah IT. red in :;O Minutes by Woolford'r
Sanitary Lotion. This never tails. Sold
by J (' Kedi' lt, druggist, Huiler.
—An Adrian. Mich., preacher has been
evicted fr'-m bis living rooms because lit
and bi« guest■ prayed too loud.
Pleasant Kmployment at Good Pay.
The publishers of SXKD-TIMP. AKU IIAE
ruT>ia old MUblisbed inoDU)ly f d<rtlfV)ia
rd to greatly lucrease Iheir s:ih. i ripllon
li-!>. will employ a number of active
agents for the ui-uing »ix mouths at $50.-
00 per month or more if their services
warrant i'. fn in-nre active work an ad
ditional ciu-ii pitxe ol SIOO.OO v ill be
awarded the n;-i tit who obtains the the
larger! i.imber of -abscribcrs "The
early biril gets the worm." Send four
silver dimes, or twenty 2-cent stamps with
your application, lating your age and
territory dcired, naming "tile prominent
busim -- man n» a reference as to your
cupat.lilies, and wc will give yon atrial.
The 40 cent i pa • yi o«i a subscription
a:.-! vi will receive i'..!i par' i—ilar<
AiHr - SKIS I) TI2J l; vNI» li .Us V B.ST,
l.a Piuui", Pa.
—!i li e fnshion among precious stone*,
the A!«• >.: iii• ii'it«- .'ppcars !o be on the f.n~
ceii- on". .
—TI e fashionable I>»t which I*»s for
si ut«' llllie le i 'i grow i:.g -malh-r has just
a-. umed a shupe that i.~ about ratioi.nl
Save Youtuelf Moniy.
When y»iu gu to Pittsburgh, Pa., stop at
the Anchor Bote , comer Liberty and
Fourth streets. It ir a strictly first-class
Hotel conducted on the European plan.
Lodgings, 23. --25,- or 50 cent s.
—The i i v." -i patent shoo hn» a device
of priugs ii tie i.i e| which leu-ens the jar
t<> the body
Bronze ►),(.! —-nt rus. etn-will be worn
wit tha evening dress.
—Shoe nun si) s the is overrun
wills ' I ap put' leather shoes.
CharabcTl-iln'B Eyo uru). Skin
A certain euro for Chronic Soro Eyo?>,
Tutter, bait Itheoin, Scabl llead. Old
Chronic Sores, Fever fcorcs, Eczema,
Itch, Prairio Scratches, .Sore Nipples
and Piles. It in cooling and soothing.
Hundreds of caaes havo been cured by
it after ul! other treatment L<*( failod.
ii 1* put up in 2-j and CO cent Loxoa.
-The bridal veil . hould not be hemmed.
li< ad while i- more osed than ivory
lint* fur evening v. i ur
•The i.i. U thorn i« tin favorite cane
—Birds' plumage will largely enter into
winter millinery.
Tortoise shell hairpin < are enjoying in
erea ed popularity.
Consumption Suroiy Curotl.
To Tnr SirtT'in: -Inform yo-ir rwh rs
thai 1 tiavn a poalUi- rciuoilv f' >r th-T ah■> mined
dlH'l'l. l.y its tliaoly iisfi thousands of hopeless
caiiM limn been j.er. mindly cured. I shad ho clad
to swut two bullies i.f uiy rmuedy fUKE to any of
your reader* who linvo conaiamptton If lh<-y ,vij]
■mid tun Lli'-lr Ki|,rmH una I*. i>. n l b'iw. J;. ■ [wot
'.ully. T. A. MI»,I;M, ii. C.. Ist I'ntrl St. N. V.
1 IK T 4 nnn 1 iy"u wrileuaiiulck-
LU-J I CiUUU I. We' want im.r.- sales
mrri.atHl will (fuaraniee permanent t<j«lllons
v.lth salary ;tinl expenws |mut weekly, full
Or |»art. I Ine- Kxis rienre not rer|nlrril. hiis-k
c»iii|i|ete, lai '.iulliiK many last selling H[«-eial
tie Klesant outm free. AUdress
(.11 IIAWKH&CO..
Sui scry man, itoelienter, N. V.
Kitabllshed I s?.',.
DIIUTIIDC w> , iinilemlane.!, are entirely
nu. rUnu . .ireii of Kupiuri i , Dr. .I. It.
MAVKK. s'tl An;hat»ni, I lilladelpma. I lios.
li. Ilarluijg, vv liltijrifolil, t-a.. I. Saodt.
h'liitli Ivii.'on. I"a , T r. A. ' A Di-turck, Oley.
I"a . K. Stanley, t'jl Snruee St.. I rOanon, !•».
A. Si liii"lder. Oieml Dale, t'li.. I>. It. Noll.
Limekiln. I'a. Win. K. Iliirtenstlne. linj nl»
Ville, i'a. W. V l.eiiileieti, i H \Va lillllfton Si ,
Keadidn, I a.. .1 < I ) me. lata Howard SI llar
rlsl.uil'.i i K' e|,i„ lii ii(.!as wile, Ca. |,r,
.M A\ I It I" •••' Hotel I'eim ReinlliiK, I'a., on the
•."1 Saiunliiv ef eucli n cntli. t'a'l ml we him
™*\y[[mmplilntof Information an«lat
of tiia ikwi.iiiowloa i«M
i'stcfjla, CtTHla,
ImproTemvnts of Iho Aj( for (he C«a
veuience of Travelers.
The reduction of time in the ocean
passage is the most remarked o< all
modern steamship advances, but by no
means the most important. The mul
titudes who are now about to come
home from Europe arc not greatly ad
vantaged by the saving of a day in the
passage, but they are enormously ben
efitted by the improvements which
have made the passage safe and so
much more comfortable than of old.
The modern ocean liner is a great
machine against which the anger of
the sea is impotent. Xo weather im
perils its safety, no wind endangers it,
no stress of storm can overcome its
strength The passenger knows from
the outset that whatever winds may
blow his arrival in safety is as certain
as anything human can be.
But the improvement does not stop
with safety. The form of these ma
chines is such that the old distresses
of motion are reduced to a minimum.
The passenger who walks deck high in
feels far less of the sea's rage than
diH his predecessor of a score of years
ago who sailed just above the turbu
lent surface. There are still persons
who suffer with seasickness, but their
number grows smaller and the extent
of their suffering less. With many of
them the qualms are due to a pre
viously excited imagination, or to some
physical condition for which the sea
sickness is as good u remedy as any
The shortening of the voyage is a
gain, but the improvements which
have made the voyage safe and com
fortable even to the fKiint of luxnry
have contributed far more to the sum
of human happiness.—X. Y. World.
A Novelty In Kilacatiou.
Some Russian schools have petitioned
the piinistry of education to introduce
instruction in "graceful bearing, polite
bowhig, genuflexions and the manners
of polite society" for the pupils. For
this purpose dancing masters would be
engaged and their lessons entered in
the regular programme of instruction.
But the principal object of their in
struction would be "polite social milli
ners and graceful bearing," and not
single dances. In the higher grades
square and round dances might be in
troduced successively, according to the
development of the pupils. "Is this
piece of information," says a Moscow
contemporary, "another invention of
Prince Mestcherky's fertile brains? Or
are there, indeed, popular educators
who desire to have dancing introduced
In our public schools, while the popula
tion of seventeen governments have no
bread to eat.
—"Does your mother know your'ro out,"
said a boy to hi* little brother. "Yen, Mm
does. was'the answer, "for one bottle of
Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup has knocked my
colJ into a cocked hat, you bet."
A few applications of Salvation Oil 'a ill
instantly relieve stiffness in the neck or
joints. 25 cent?*.
—A Springfield (Mass.) woman of 34
year in a grandmother. She was married
at the age of 10, and a year later was the
mother of a iattlo girl. This daughter was
married a year ago at the age of 10, and
h i- just become the mother of a bouncing
—Mr. C. IS. Jones, of Spring Hill, lowa,
says: "I have Chamberlain's Pain
Balm for severe and painful burns with
better effect than anything else 1 have
over tried. It relieves the pain iustantly
ami cure* without leaving a scar." Pain
Balm is one of the most useful medicines
that any family can be provided with, es
pecially for rheumatism, l#mc back, sprain*,
bruises, tooth-ache, ear-ache and like ail
ments. One aplication will relievo the
pain and a lair trial insure a cure. 50 cent
bottles for sale by
I). II Wullcr, Butler; A. Bowers, Pro
spect; Breaden & Allison, W. Hunbnry.
—An Irishman who was shingling a bam
got too near the edge aud rolled off and
fell to the ground.
"Oi wuz comin' down onyway," be
reflected. "Oi wi.z jist out o' nails."
—We want every mother to know that
cr'cp can be prevented. True, croup never
appeirs without a warning. The lirst
symptom is hoarsenesss; then the child
app»ar.( t i have taken cold or a cold may
hi'/, e accompanied the hoarseness from the
.tart. After that a peculiar rough cough
is developed, which ii followed by the
croup. The time to act is when the child
firrt become* hoarse; a few doses of
Chamberlain's Cough Kemcily will prevent
the attack. Kven after a rough cough has
appeared, the disease may be prevented by
his remedy as directed. For sale by
I). 11. Wtiller, Butler; A. Bowers, Pro
spect; Breaden it Allison. W. Snnbury.
"He was a first cln * failure
And lived in the greatest need,
But the prize he took w hen he wrote a
Had the title: "llow to Succeed.' "
A cluster of dates weighing IH pounds
and comprising I,<MX) dales in on exhibition
at Phcnix, A. T., near which place they
wi-re grown.
—Several hundred eagles swooped down
on Bjelgord, Roisia, end devoured ten
hor ■ several sheep and a vast number of
smaller animals.
To Consumptives.
i undersigned htvi-g been restored to
heailb hy imple tneumi, after sutlering for
.(",■( i : ;,i Its -Hi l S HNM lM| aflietion,
and tliat dread 'iiseaa: <'onsuiuptiuu, is
anxious o> make known to hiu fellow suller
ers the mean* of core, 'l olhose who ilesire
11, b>- will ehuerluUy send ftr«« of eharxej a
copy of ii.« |.re-.eription used, which they
vlll lind a sure cure tor t'»n umiition,
Aslhtna, t utarrli, I'rcnchilis and ail throat
Hii'l .unl .Maladies lie hojti - all sullen rs
will iry his Keiowiy, us it is invaluable.
Those desiring the prescription, which will
cost them nothing, and may prove a bless
ing, will plea-e Hit Ire s KKV. i'liWAßf> A.
WlI-Mi.n, Williamsburg, Kings County, New
—The rabbit can stand u lower degree of
temperature than any other animal.
The weildlng suit ol a Wellington,
Kan , man was *t< leu the other night, but,
fortunately, after bo was married.
—Kbottmatisui cured in i. day- ''ilysti--
cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radii
call) cure, in Ito a days. Its action upon
the system is remarkable and mysterious.
It remove at. one« the can e and the dis
ea e immediately ill -appears. The lirst
dose greatly huueiit*. i■> cts. hold by J (/
Kedlck, druggist, Butler.
Miss Ida Hewitt, "beautiful, uccom
plinhed and under 20 years of age," runs a
train on the Cairo .1 Kanawha railroad
from Clarksburg, VV. Va.
—The Ohio ( onfcrelK eof the Methodist
I'iplrcopal Church by a vote of 1-1 to L' 7
has voted to admit women to general con
ferences as lay delegates.
—Spectacle* and Kyeglasse i made by
Robert If tee Wallace, (successor lu tho
"Pox Op' cal C 0.,) at 624 l'eun Avenue,
l'lttsbur, I'a., are conceded the best and
most con ortable. Have money by having
bimfity .ur eyes.
—One of tho sights of Springfield Mass.,
is u man who collects swill in the same
wagon from which he delivers milk.
—Bear tracks are numerous in the
vicinity of Williamsville, Vt., and the
hunters up there are putting their gliiis iu
—liuglish Spavin Liniment removes all
hard, -oft or calloused lumps and blemishes
from burses, blood spavins, curbs, splints,
sweeney, ring bone, stifles, sprains, all
swolen throats, coughs, etc. Save #6O by
u»e ol one bottle. Warranted the most
wonderful blemish cure ever known. Hold
by J C Itedick, druggist, Butler.
Come Once !
And you will .
Come Again
To the Great Sacrifice Sale of
.1 ill N BICKEL'S.
\\V ire -iow prepared to off>r some great burgains in fiDe footwear
baviuc just lee'd a 1ar K e line of ladies' Laud turn,', hand welts end machine
sewed shoes. We are now prepared to offer a better selection than ever be
fore, and prices much lower.
Reed the prices of a few of the follow ins goods, and we will convince
YOU that we have a long and strong hold when it conies to shoes.
Ladies' genuine hand tnms button at $2.50.
• < «' " welts " at $2.50.
" front lace patent tips at $1.75.
extra quality kid shoes at $1 25.
" slippers (opera toe and oxfords) at 75c.
Men's fine dress shoes all hand made at S(J.OO.
Any style or stock desired.
Meu's fine calf and kangaroo shoes at $3 00.
" "A" calf shoes at $1.25 to $2.00.
Misses kid and pebble goat button shoes at 75c. to $1.25
Boys' high cut coif shoes at $1.25. _
Children's shoes 25c. and upwards. Infants' shoes all prices (from
10c. per d a b 0v u prices are all -'special pricos" better goods
than sold before at those prices. It would be to your interest to call as
earlv as convenient and look over our stcck for we are offering unparalleled
bargains Call and see us if you wish to bay cr not for after seeing the
special bargains we Lave put out you will certainly buy whether you need
j the n °' rr n a j t eg 0 f ra bber goods Boston, Caudee, Woonsocket and Good
year glove rubber boots at $2 35 p. r pair including a good pair shecpskiu
I moccasin'; - ladies' and children's rubber boots and shoes away down
We have now ..n hand a full lit-? of the celebrated "Golden Rule boots
that is the l ent Snag bo. t now iu th«* market, the extra extention of the sole
covering part ol the upper Kvery pair warrented strong and substantial
and guaranteed not to snag. A guarentee with every pair. We guarantee
our Golden Rule cr Anti-snag rubber boots u> be made of pure ruboer and
as uerfect as material and workmanship can make tbern, to give satis.action
with fair use and to tut wear any rubber bo<ts now made w.th sarr- service
or replace them with a new pair, external injury excepted—we hve th.s
boot biah cut or modium height ,
We Lave on hand 100 poir men's full call cress boots all hand made
(sizes all sixes) et $1.50 per j air regular price $4 00. Many other bargains,
that space will not permit me to speak about.
Boots and Shoes Made to Order
Repairing neatly and promptly done. .
Orders by mail will receive prompt and careful attention
BUTLER, -------
Boots & Shoes.
We wihb to inform the public that we
will handle only the bent Crnt quality
Rubbers this winter; a« nearly pure
gum uh are made. Our Rubbers are
all fresh, new goods. We huve no old
last winter's stock We bought an
unusually large stock, Anticipating a
big trude We bought at the lowest
cash prices at \n hicli rubbers were sold
and intend that our patrons shall have
the sume advantage. We shall not be
undersold. By buyiog froji us y«u
will have the advantage of new goods,
the best goods, the largest selection,
the latest styles and the lowest prices.
A-L. R-U-F-F.
114 Scruth iMstin Hfvoet. Butler, T'a
For Ladies, Misses and Children, the
largest line we ever had. Come
in and see them, they are
IV 088 "SZ" -
CloakS - Jackets - WrapS.
All Kinds of Job Work done
at the "Citizen" Office.
- Leading Millinery House -
i HC* m 3B?*
\Vi :nv dow readv to exhibit tbis season's styles of
M l L=L#= I R=Y
In everv desirable style uud quality
Our Meek iF unusually luge and > Uracilve. Trimmed hats and bon
nets of all descriptions—felt Lat*, velvet bats and sailor bats Hats and
bonnet? trimn ed K < rih r. Tfce largest and mcst complct« stock of velvets,
ribbons, tips, quills, lirde and wings ever brought to Butler
ILxxis, sailor hats in great variety.
Hats and bonnets receive our best attention, u complete liue always on
i band.
Cheapest! I -* F * 1 • 1 ' * B '? I Street.
Rittef & Ralston.
We have now on exhibition a complete liuo of ladies', misses and chil*
dretis warp?, in all the latest styles aud lo.vest prices.
A complete line of blankets, flannels, yams, wool hosiery, ladies wool
1 skirts and everything in the line ol woolen goods.
' Dress goods and trimmings in all the latest novelties.
» OAR P E T S.
, Our stock is unusually largo in all the best makes and most desirable
patterns at lowest prices.
Call in and be convinced that the place
to buy is at
IRitter & Ralston's,
Diamonds < scarf pins,
T 1 \ Gold Pins, Ear-rings,
•J eweiry \ Rings Chains, Bracelets, Etc,
( Tea sets, castors, butter dishes
/-< »i J nnd < ven thing that can be
hi I VGl'WcirO | found in a first class sto r e
IIKB IB OS. fflfl ISP-, +—
No. 19, North Main St., BtJUER, PA.,
\J COLD :; HEAD mm
Kly't Cream Balm u not a liquid, muff wpovxUr. Applied 1 "
Quickly absorbed. It ckantt* the tout, allay* inflammation % heal* y,
rfl,, Lhr'nr,*. 8»Ul bv druaoCtU or lent byrniUrn rrniiU, <£;>"«• )
DUG ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren Street JIEW YORK, 31;
For htrk'liy j>urn and HTKAIOIIT I
LHjUoltM, call on
I. N. FINCH, j
(Opp. MonuliKullflK Houfcu.)
Match leu* (or Family uxo "nd Medicinal pur
poses are
til <k KM IICI Mf II rt w HISKV. t per 111. ;
nVMUIOI.T'H WlllSliV. <. <it».
(iixxlh neatly packed and promptly •hipped
1-iiKi. hi I.VlE.vkk on receipt of nihil or post
ofllce order.
ir-NotlilugexiirehMid <•. O. "•
Send r- >r Price l.l*t.
FmKM fob sale.
I be underpinned win fseli nut farui.contalnluit |
Hixly icruM, iiu»rc or lew, iiiut locnU'd id AdWDH j
I'wp.. on th« hvannhurg ami Mar* rotid. Bear ,
Marnhall and Myoma illation* on lUe l. & w
i{ it. and near 11»" Callery oil Held.
II ri>iiiulii» a u>""I I'ouxi'. K'.iod bank liurlj
i nod ouUiulldUiio'. Rood orchard. level
and KOOU ground. two spring* near hou.se, puinp
in hum. ami all In «ood order.
Inquire ol or addreiw »
James Davidson,
Myoma P. O ,
Bui lor Co., Fa.
A Traveling
/ Ilatf
iS-. A)l)r(ubitt
. • - SUtaA. An Kvening
Oar Special Shape* AI way* Kit Comfort*
iM. F. As Al. Maries'.
li:i and 117 .South Main Street.
*r.X n S9OO. Salary.S'iU ami'w^'
iHen, t« 111 her* and < lentymMi ••• " II our New.
Popular Hiaiidard Work.
Nonnerltookpulillnlied. <>»'*•<> ' hok* en
irmvinw 10.400 r«.pir*iM»ld lu oti« m*
Ifurmil by Hie gnateat men of the country.
ThU ii no huuiliOK offer.
Writß at UflCB up, Mti> iomai.aky.
Norwich, Conn.
ii'Ai <n
R eeiprocity.
To counteract lie effect of
spring winds uod storms ou lute
hiii] hands; to renew, renovate
and purify the cuticle ufter «
rigorous winter, ia the miHHion of
I 1 AUIU I^T-?
And right|well doea it perform
the tank. It in a bland, creamy
emulsion, with juat enough vege
table oil to BOfien the ekin, com
bined with pure glycerine and
other substances, forming one of
the iiueet prcparationn for chop
ped hand?, lipn or face or any
roughness or irritation of tho
skin. No lady or gentleman
should In* without it.
Full IUO Cents' worth to tho
'Dollar on Every Purchase
IVlmlo at our Htoro.
Wo are ofloring values Un
precendented in Furnishings for
Ladles, Men and Children.
Ho advised and you'll Have money.
Whatever you may require in our
line, come to u*, wo'll sbotv you a
gnat variety nud nave you money.
Our Spring stock ih uow full and
complete. We guarantee to meet
ever} deinend to your fullest satis
taction. We have it big variety, with
men; •tjltb oi Boys'»nd (Jirlu' Huts
and Cape at low tigurci?,
John M. Arthurs.
aaj - sot; iII M AIN HTIIKKT.— 333
innultlnu SPECIALTY.
hlmpletil. moid duntiii.v cc< nomlcal and perfect
nuw Wa»t«» no (irain; Clcnm It Knudy for
Market. •
Threohing Kngineri b Horse Powers,
C A\JJ Mil I C and Slaudur.l Imiil-'intnU
OM VY HilUUOtr,,, rally. Mild f»r<'ttlaloj(U«
A. 11. FAK({I IIAU. CO.
i*<-i.u.|l«*aU Arrir.lt I Work.. t«rk. r».
|" ' '