Sonne NEW. And it pays you to read all advertise ments when it makes you money to do so. When you can find out where to buy the best Bed-room suit in the market for #l9. When you can find out where to buy the best Parlor suit for #3B, best crush 1 plush. A beautiful set of dishes, 114 pieces, for #12.50. Beautiful toilet set, 12 pieces, for #4.99. Then we say it doubly pays you to see our adv. this week and next. Don't forget to see our display at the Fair, September 8, 9, 10 and 11 and our*store, 136 N. Main St., Butler, Pa. Campbell & Templeton. AFTER HARVEST you want NEW FURNITURE to re place some of the old We are headquarters for first-class goods. Remember we have no mark down sales; our prices are alwavs as low as is consistent with good goods. A full line of QUILTS in addition to other bedding. E. S. DREW, - 128 E. Jefferson, St. 11l UIDIIE llWlllf ST CLOU MUSE OP prrrsßUßaH ROSENBAUIoo. 510-518 Market Street, Want your trade. They know tbe only way to get it ia by offering super ior inducement?, better goods and LOWER PRICES I'HLAJN" THEIR OOIVE PBTITORS • Baying and selling for cash, we can offer the goods at tbe lowest possible prices, and all we ask you is to examine onr goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere We are confident we can save yon money l| ETC >|in DHII MCTC The largest stock ever shown HA I J AUU Dull lit I v*o in Western Pennsylvitnia. Every shape, every color and every price. Trimmed bonnets and lints in endless variety. Stanley caps from 25c. up. Ribbons of every description, velvet*, laces, feathers, etc. pi Al V Q Oar stock of ladies', misses' and childrens' cloak* is im (j LU A R ■ mens?. Only well-made goods offered here. Here are a few of onr prices. Cloth Keefer Jackets, $3. $3.50, $4, sf>, $6 and up. Far and Antrachan Trimmed Hoeferu, $4.50, $4-75, $5, $5.75, $0.50, $7.50, $8.75, $0.70 and up. * Heavy Stockinette Jackets, $2, $3, $4 and $5. Seal Plush Jackets, $7.50. $9, $9.75, $10.50, sl2, Ac. Seal Plush Sacques, $13.95, sls, $16.50, $19.75, $22.50, $25, $29.75, Ac. Misses' Reefers, $2.50, $3, $4, $5 and up. Infant's Cloaks, $2, $2 50, $3 tosls. Fall line of Shawls, Embroidered Fichnu, Ac. pi ftll C C Btock of Kid Gloves. Nice new good'*, at 75c , 13 LU ■II sl-25, $1.50 to $2. Fine Cusbmere Gloves, 25c., 85c , 38c ,45c. 50c Misee*' 4 b and 5 hook Kid Gloves, 75c., 85c , $1 Ladies'fine 5 hook Kid Gloves, 85c op 80 Styles of Corset-:, 300 Styles of Hosiery, Underwear, Curtains, &c M &c. Full line of Dress Trimming*, Notions, Art Embroidery Goods, Mnffs, Fur Cups, &c., at money navine prices 510 to 518 Market St., Corner Liberty. t/ SCHUTTE & O'BRIEN, [ Sanitary Plumbers And Gas Fitters. PKALKRK IK Sewer Pipe, Gas Fixtures, Globes and Natural Gas Appliances. Jefferson St.,opp. T.owry House BXJTLER, PA- Agents Wanted. Several pood men, experience not necessary, to take orders for fine pictures. W. A. OSBORNE WALL PAPER, STATIONERY AND ART DEALER. 112 E. Jefferson St., • - Butler, P». —Subscribe for the Cmzen. [ A. J. FRANK k DO. DCAIJtKA IN I>RUGH MEDICINES, AND CHEMICALS FANCY AND TOILET ARTICES, SPONGES, BRUSHES, PERFUMERY, Ac ur-Phytilclans' Prescriptions carefully coui pounded. 5S Main Street, Butler. Pa. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned win Bell nis rurm.contalntng sixty acres, more or less, ami located In Adams Twp., on the F.vansbtiri? and Mart road, near Marshall unit Myoinii sl it nini on t lit' 1". & \\ 11. K. and near the Callery oil Held. It lonuilUß a KOOII house. good bank ht.rn SCxM. good otitliiilldliiKX. KOi/1 orchard, level j and good ground, two springs near home, pump 1 In burn, and all In order. Inquire of or audres* James Davidson, Myoma P. O , Butler Co., Pa. Itii* > rk Ai' l« ii- In. I|MiSt II r r"jjniiinr. ! a»u *. "i ll hii.r'".n.rlf Subscribe for the CITIZEN. Nothing On Earth Will HENS Sheridan's Condition Powder! KEEPS YOUR CHICKENS Strong and Healthy ; Prevents all Disease. Good for Moulting liens. » "SSSRRS»tW. unmg. Strictly a mwlirins. 3W .iiod fix to prvrcr.t K^p." If you can*t ffft it aend to 80-.-. TiUMND Ls the Best Household Remedy Extant It is a positive cure for PILES SALT RHEUM, ECZEMA. And All Skin Diseases, An Invaluable remedy for Wounds, Bums, Swell ings, Sores, Croup, Bronchitis, etc. NO HOME SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT, Sold by all drucgists at 50 cents per box. Send 3 two-cent stamps for free sample box and book. TAR-OID COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILL. For Sale by D. 11. Waller, Batler. WolffsfiOM Evoking IS WATERPROOF. 1 shoe, can A HANDSOME POLISH. I b.waabad A LEATHER PRESERVER, f daily. NO BRUSHINC REQUIRED. I Used by men, worn#® and children. Lock at my old chip basket, isn't it a beauty? I have juit. finished pointing it with PIK-BON / A 10c. * BOTTLE will do half a dozen baskets. WOLFF & RANDOLPH, Philadelphia. PIK-ROM I.eautiriw other things betide* lia*kM«. It makefl a white jrfaici vaae any color yon de- Birp to match. It chanipsa a pino table to walnut, a enno rocker to mahogany. It stains, paint*, lacquers, japan*. JaT Good Blood, Good Health. OLThe Blood Searcher is the safest Purifier trerJLr Best Tonic. Cures Boils. Pimples, Jtf Tetter, Ulcer*. Black Heads, ati all *'adAC Sold by Druwrists. lA 0 Tit B«Uir« llrtUls* Co., wurtM « h ;' '*• jCk FOR MEN ONLY? EVTatfil LOBTorPAIUNG MANHOO* | T linUiSfHOenfral and NERVOUS DEBIXITYv Pf J "14' Im| IJ| Weakness of Body and Kind, Effect* in Errresor Excesses in Old or Yoang. Bob'jit, .N< Me MAMIOOD felly HrsterrS. How to eolirt* and ■tr*a~fben*KAl. I *DIirEM>I*EI»OR4IA.VSA PASTS OF BODY. Aksriulrly nnfalllnt HOSE 1 MEATBEXT-IteseCts tu * «]*y. ■«n UIIII7 from 60 and l *r«lfa roontrlea. Writ* theou Deaci 'ptiv* Book. eirtsnat'vn sad prooTa mailed (scaled. fras. ERIE MEDICAL CO.. BUFFALO. H. Y. GOOD w = w rurrb Clothk « I Hrrll AS LITTLE OR hOJtk" NO RUBBIME rnin is REQUIRED. siiap foi-LOW^ JUfir DIRECTIONS S CLOSELY^ The floMt Successful Remedy everdlscov ered, a; It is certain in ita effects aud does not Mister. Head proof below: KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. L*»:i.VEUXON, Pa., Nov. 27, *9Ol Do. R J. KEXDAT.I. CO. : Genti*—l would like to make known to those who are almost persuaded to use Kendall's sj»avin Cur« the f'ict that I think li isa nioat excellent Liniment 1 have used I ton a B!O

ot Ilea on the horoo una have worked lilm for threo years aiaco un I hail a valuable voun« horse be come very lame. ho. k «*nlatged and swollen. The horsemen about hero(»»e ha%*e no Veterinary Sur geon hen-) pronounced his lameness Blood Spavin or Tboroughpln, they all told mo there was no cure lor It, be becamenlM>ut useless,ami 1 con sidered him almost worthless. A friend told m? of «.hf» rnerlta of your Kendall's Cure, so I boUKht a bottle, aud I c« »uld s« e very plainly Improvementsimmediately from Itsuseutnd before the bottle was used up 1 waabatlsfleil that it was dolnK blm ainreat dejjof 1 bought a aerond bottle and before it was used up my horse was cured and has been In the team doing heavy work all the sea*<"ii since last April, showing no moro signs of It. I consider your Kendall's Spavin Cum a valuable medicine, and it should be in every stable in the land. Respectfully yours. EUGENE DEWITT. Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles for s.\ All drug gists have It or can get It for you, or It will be sent to any address on receipt of price by the proprie tors. lilt. U. J. KENDALL, CO., Euoaburgh Fulls* Vermont. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. r\ DOCTORS LAKE W I KIVATK IIISPFNSAKV. -•&» Jo COR. PTRIM AVE. AND FCUHTH BT.. PITTSBURGH. PA. _ ( ViPl \ All fomnof Delicate mis 'Hf FIMENTIAI.aEIdSCIKKTIFII M«d , ic*ati(»u aro treated at thin I>l-- I with u micccss rurcly attained. Dr. S. I» 1..: ii. iiuliscrotion of youth,etc., cauif inir |>l.y -leal and mental decay,lack of enerwy, l. -|H>.i>l> ney. etc.; alsoCaneeni, OldSorej, Kits, 1 iH- . Ule.iiinatlßm, and all diseiihesof thesikiii, . !. : n■. I rinury Orpnn., etc. t > r .f>> an>l ctrictly conniientlal. Office hoars,!»to I • i>l < t>B p. M.; Kundaye, 2to* r. M. onlv. I :.i, c.,liio or ad>lie«.t KB I *. I.IKK, CO/l. 7 perchc«. 70 acres cleared ami under fence, lialanr* standliii; In sood white oak Umber. Comfortable dwelling Souse, (food liarn. wau>in shed. spriugliouße of best kind. liog pen and sheep house. Never failing HprinßS over whole place: a cood or chard. Possession clven April 1. lUBS. Title foo«l. Situate in IVun two.. Sutler county, 'a.. nl»out six miles Rotith of lliitler. Bnquire at C'III/KN on'.ce. llutler. i'A,. or the owner 1IAV1I) DIXON, Brownsrtale. Butlet t'o., I'a AdvbfUHe in »h<' CITIZSH Which w»« Hlcbt? Johnnie a ked "How much is 5 and «?•' "Eleven," answered B^rUia. no, it isn t, ene'.l Johnnie. "What is it. then'.'" asked Jessie. '1 alwaVs learned that "> and C mako 11. "It can't be so. It ju*t can't." cried Johnnie. "Why not?*' asked Jessie. "Why, of course and 0 can t be 11, because 3 and 8 are.ll." answered John nie.—Harper's Young People. *ho Gentle Art of CriticUm. The Portuguese have a delicate and graceful'art of combiniug doubtful com- j pliment with undoubted criticism with out committing themselves either way. j "First, Hod made man," -ays one of j their poets, "and matched that work with woman, as the tower would be un- j finished without the weather-vane."— | Judge. Took Iler l.i!rrallj. Maud —I guess George took me literal- j ly when I promised to V* a sister to him j last night. Ethel—Why? Maud —lie sent me this morning a big j bundle of buttonless shirts and holey j socks, with a copy of "Never too Late to Mend."—Jury. A Well-Trained Voice. Fair Passenger (after a western stage robbery)—l never heard anything so imperative as that highwayman's voice when he commanded the driver to stop. Little Boy—l guess he used to be a school-master. —Good News. Not at a Lot». Katie (aged five yesrs, who doesn't like to say "please")— Papa, pass the bread. Papa—lf —what, my dear? Katie—lf you can reach it. —Munsey's Wceklv. —lf your baby is restless while teething, get lir. Bull's I>"aby Syrup; a dose of it will relieve the little sufferer at once. Only 25 cents a bottle. A box of Old Saul's Catarrh Cure is in valuable for catarrh, influenza or cold in the head. —Boots with stone soles, which aro said to hp very flexible and almost indestruct ible, are the idea of a German inventor. A thin leather sole is used, a paste of quartz sand and waterproof glue being spread on it. —Ono wheat field in Colusa county, Cal. covers 572 square miles. This year it yielded an average of fifteen bushels per aero or a total of nearly 5,000,000 bushels. —lf people would take the advice of D. H. Wullcr, Hutler; A. Bowers, Pro spect; Brearien our application, stating your ace and tenitory desired, naming some prominent business man as a reference as to your capablities, and we will give yon atrial. The 40 cents pays your own subscription and you will icceive full particulars. Add re- SEED-TIME A.N l> 11 Alt VEST, l,t Plume, Pa. —T»I i: ege says that one of the noblest thing-in cur human nature is the fueling that prompts us to s,y nothing but good of tho dead, and the mi anest thing in our nature is to wait until tbey were dead be fore saying it. ltch on hnm.r.) ai ' hoine.- iinn all ani mal- > ,rod in .10 ,i■ ii.-- by iVoi lford's Sauituiv Lotion. "'h;- nev.-r mils. Sold h\ .1 t iOdick. Hutler Anglo >'llli is (ly I g s.'ow |y. —TIiC l IN »!. tli HM-i'-l 1> lotatlllg •-C . i • . • ail:i I*l lie • a:o tabooed Piltti ■ un i t.- i.- i-. . ci II on i \ cur g shoes. Titowi.- .lUttoas are .-.cell Jin black kids. bavc Money. When you go to Pittsburgh, l'a., stop at tho Anchor liote , comer Liberty and Fourth streets. It is a strictly first-class Hotel conducted on the European plan. Lodgings, 25,-35, —or 50 cents. —As ,i cla>s the houiciy girls are most ei.toriai.iing. is now used in decorating walls in lieu of paper A new cleeve button,; from wrist to armpit on the ii.sido —Je» eled batr nets have been popular iz"d til tie !ud lor bend decoration. ' I iio hoi;, ttclive with' is the W«V tin w,the members ot a W st Philadel phia luuiily refer to their kitchen girl. Chamberlain's Eyo a-ucl Sldn Ointment. A certain core for Chronic Sore Eyo?, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Old Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema, Itch, Praiiio Scratches, Sore Nipples and Piles. It is cooling and soothing. Hundreds of cases have been cured by it after ail other treatment had f&ilod. it is put up in 25 and 50 cent boxes. —"Bargain-hunting marketer "How's your liver this morning?" Absent-minded butcher, some .vhat of an invalid: "Hotter, t!ia' ! since I changed my doctor." Consumption Suro!y Cured. To Tar -IciTon:—PV-mo infoiia vonr rradi r» that 1 have a positive rorueOy for n.nitnil 137 ite timely uao thouaand* ot ca:ies have l-een cured. I xlin.ll b« to Bend two bottlcii ot my remedy FREE to any of your readers who havo consumption if they will ■Mid mo tlioir Lspron* and I*. O. aji ln-M. Ke»»pcct fuliy. T. A. JaU)v;UM. M. C.. Xbi Pearl St. N. Y. 1 11-VT* -s'ftnft 1 "'''SS you "Tile Us qwK k -1 viUUU |v. We want moie salea- HK'D. n'i will giinratitee perinancnt positions with -nlary nnd expen-es paid wekly. Full or part time. Kxperience not rcpilrnl. istock ioiiiplel'', many last m Mini? hpeclai tlea. Kiegant outnt tree. Address C. II HAWKS & CO., Nurseryman, ICochexter, N. Y. established iS7.->. DIIL.Tiii?£T We. undersigned, are entirely nUr ' U"C« cured 0/ Hunturo by Dr. .1. ii. MAVEH, s:it Arch street, Philadelphia, Thos. ii. Haitung. >uw HliiK roUi. l'a.. I. Sandt south Kaston. l-i . I I'. & <'■ A. Ix turck, Oley. Ha 11. .Stanley, i-'t snrnce St., Lebanon, l'a. A Schneider, I «"en : !>ule, l'a.. I>. 11. Noll. UnieKiln, l'a. Wm. K. Ilartensttne. fliojnlx \||ie. l'a. VV . '•!. I.' inbacU. CM Wasbinicton St., Ueadlnir, l'a.. '■ 1 jme. 13l« Howard sr.. llar risiiiir/, c - K-elin, l»oni:las.sville. l'a. Dr. .MAY Kit is al lio'.el Penn. Keaillni'. l'a.. on the •_'d Satnrdav ei 1 nth month. r»'l and see him A pamphlet of Information and of iho law«,(bowing liuw Mark.. Ceprrlsbtß. lent HUNN A Advertise in the Cixizm THE CITTXKN. \« IS( 1 ! !. \NK(M.;S A SI WTERFCOK. Cant (dissembling)— How much fer j wan mout ful? Count Flippilippi (sizing up the ap irture) —Wanna centa. Cant—Shure, it's wort' tb' phrice.— Judge. A Dull Paper. Editor (Dally Startler) Anything startling for to-morrow? Chief Romancer —I haven't been able to think of a thing. "Marry off some of the great actress es, or get up a rumor of some big di vorce." "That's been done too often. No new names left." "Well, get up a cable dispatch saying that Explorer Stanley has run away from his wife." "Won't do. He's at home with a broken leg." "Too bad. I'm afraid we'll have a dull paper to-morrow." —N. Y. Weekly. —He said: "My love lam sorry to dis appoint you about the picnic, but my trot ter has a lamo foot." That's nothing! We've got-plenty of Salvation Oil. The Detroit Free Press Fiend has been punning on Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup. His is only gratitude, for all thinking men know its merits. —(Kxcb.) —Tho corn and buckwheat crops are »aved. —Men will remember one grievance longer than a dozen kindnesses. —Mr. C. B. Jones, of Spring Hill, lowa, says: "1 have used Chamberlain's Pain Halm for severe and painful burns with better effect than anything else I have ever tried. It relieves the pain instantly and cures without leaving a scar." Fain Balm is one of the most useful medicines that any family can l>e provided with, es pecially for rheumatism. lame back, sprains, bruises, tooth ache, ear ache aud like ail ments. One aplication will relieve the pain and a fair trial injure a cure. ;>0 cent bottles for sale by D. II Waller, Butler; A. Bowers, Pro spect; Kreaden JL Allison, W. Sunbury. —The man who goes to church much hears a great deal of preaching that hits other people. —There is but ono way of obtaining business—publicity; but one way of ob taining publicity—advertising. —We want every mother to know that croup can be prevented. True, croup never appears without a warning. The first symptom is hoarseness; then the child appears to have taken cold or a cold may have accompanied the hoarseness from the start. After that a peculiar rough cough ia developed, which is folioticd by the croup. The time to act is when the child firs; becomes hoars*; a few doses ol Chamberlain's Cough Keiucdy will prevent the attack. Even after a rough cough has appeared, the disease may lie prevented by using this remedy a-- directed. For sab; by It. II Waller, hutler; .\. Bowers, Pro spect; lireudeu A Allison. W. Sunbury. —A wise lady has saitl. If a woman would have the world respect her husband she must set the example." —lt is estimated that 2,500 car loads of grapes will be shipped from tho Broctou and Lake Shore vineyeards tl is season. This means 7,500,000 baskets. To Our Subscribers. The special announcement which ap peared in our columns some time since, announcing a special arrangement with Dr. B.J. Kendall Co.. of Enosburgh Falls, Yt., publishers of "A Treatise on tho llorse aud his Diseases," whereby our sub scribers were enabled to obtain a eop\ of that valuable work free by sending their addiess to ii. J. Kendall Co. (and enclosing a two-cent stamp for mailing Mime) is re newed for a limited period. We trust all will avail themselves of the opportunity ol obtaining this valuable work. To every lover of tho Horse it is indispensable, as it treats in a simple manner all the disea.-e --which atllict ibis noble animal. It. phenomenal sale throughout the 1 nited States and Canada, make it standard authority. Mention this paper when send ing for ••Treatise." "Where are you going, my pretty maid.' "Going to cooking school, sir," she said. "Can 1 go with you, my pretty maid' 'We don't cook veal to-day," »he said. To Consumptives. The undersigned having been restored to health by simple means, after Buffering for several years with a severe lung affection, ami that dread ».i»tase l ousumption, is anxious to make known to hid fellow tulier ers llie means of euie. lotliow who dtsire n, lie will cheerfully eei.d (free of charge) a copy »i the prescription used, which the} will nml a sure cure lor Consumption, Astli ua, < atarrh, Urunchitia end all throat aud lung Maladies. lie hopes all butitrers Aiif try ais Ke&euy, as it is invaluable. Those desiring the prescript inn, which will coal il.tuj Homing, and may prove a bless ing, will |>le.i ndilreaa Ki:V. I 1 >wAKI A. \V ILSOft, Williamsburg, Kings County, New- York. —The turkey may gobble to-day With a bud aud irreverent squeak, Hut let him proceed with his say— We will gobble the turkey next week. —Rheumatism cured in a duy—"Mysti cure" for rheumatism aud neuralgia, radic cally cures 111 Ito 3 days. Its action upon the system is rcmarkublo and mysterious. It removes at ouce tho cause and tho dis ease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly bellelits. i 5 cts. Sold by J C Kcdiek, druggist, liutler. —The most rapacious squeeze of which tho people have reason to complain at present is operated by the express com panies. —Spectacles and Kyeglassos made by Robert Bruce Wallace, (successor to tho "Fox Optical C 0.,) at 024 i'enii Avenue, Pittsburg. l;a., aro conceded the best aud most comfortable. Save money by having him tit your eyes. —"A little girl asked a grocer, "Do you keep lightning for bread?" She got a yeast cake. —English Spavin Einiment removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes froui horses, blood spavins, curbs, splints, sweeney, ring bone, stifles, sprains, all swolon throats, coughs, etc. Save *SO by I use of ono bottle. Warranted the most I wonderful blemish cure ever known, bold I by J C Kedick, druggist, Hutler. FALL AM) WINTER .STOCK OF Boots, Shoes and Rubbers NOW HEADY AT HUSELTON'S. Comprising Every Known Style i;i Footwear in ill 3 , Gejt Shoe Manufacturing Centres of tire East Daily Crowding Uur Big Store with all the Choicest and Newest Styles in Footwear from a Cheap Brogan to the Fin est Hand-Turn Lady's Button Boot. NOW IN ! COME AND SEE THEM! There isn't a style worth considering we haven't got.and the prices are so low as to within the reach of every man or woman in Butler county. ■ Our Meu't», Boys' aud Youths' Boots are a grand display, cut from the ' choicest Chicago Kip. Women's heavy calf, kip, grain and veal in luce and button, they posi ; tively will resist water, Prices in women's, 85 c. to $1 25. Ladies fine shoes at sl, $1.25, #1.35, $1.50 and $2 Can't he duplicated ia Butier Co Men's fine shoes in calf, cordovan, kangaroo, buff and veal in McKay, Goodyear and hand wells, all styles, all widths, from $1 up to Drop in and see us; we will interest you. Recollect, everybody's dollar is worth 100 cents at Huselton's. Xo two prices. Goods guaranteed as represented. Repairing of all kinds done. B C. IIUSELTON, 102 N. Main St., Butler Come Once And you will Come Again To the Great Sacrifice Sale of BOOTS & SHOES JOHN BICKEL'S. Wf ire uow prepared to offer some great bargains in fine footwear bavin* just ree'd a large line of ladies' hand turns, hand welts and machine sewed shoes. We are now prepared to offer a better selection than ever be fore, and prices much lower. Read the prices of a few of the following goods, and «'e will convince yon that we have a long nnd etroug hold when it comes to shoes. Ladies' genuine band turns button at $2.50. <• " " welts " at $2.50. " front laee patent tips at $1.75. extra quality kid shoes at $1 25. " slippers (opera toe and oxfords) at 75c. Men's fine dress shoes all hand made at SO.OO. Any style or stock desired Men's fine calf aud kangaroo shoes at $3 00. " "A" calf shoes at $1.25 to $2.00. Misses kid aud pebble eoat button shoes at 75c. to $1.25. Boys' high cut calf shoes at $1.25. Children's shoes 25c. and upwards. lufants' shoes all prices (from 10c. per pair and upwards). Remember the above prices are all 'special prices" better goods than sold before at those prices. It. would be to your interest to call at early as convenient and look over our stock for wo are offering unparalleled bargains. Call and see us if you wish to buy or not for after seeing the special bargains we have putout you will certainly buy whether you need the goods or not. Seven grades of rubber goods Boston, Caudee, Woonsocket and Good year, glove rubber boots at $2.35 per pair including a good pair sheepskin moccasins; ladicß' and children's rnbber boots and shoes away down We have now on hand a full line of the celebrated "Golden Rule" boots that is the best Snag boot now in the market, the extra exiention of the sole covering part ot the upper. Every pair warrented strong and substantial and guaranteed not to A guarentM with every pair. We guarantee our Golden Rule or Anti snag rubber boots to be made of pure rubber and us perfect as material and workmanship cau make them, to give satisfaction with fair use at.d to out wear any rubber boots now made with san 1 " service or replace them with a new pair, exte p. tl injury excepted—we hvo this boot bijjh cut or medium height We have on hand 100 pair men's ;uli ealf dress boots nil hand made (sizts all sixes) lit $1.50 per j air regular price $4 00. Many other bargains, that space will not permit roe to speak iibout. Boots and Shoes Made to Order Repairing neatly and promptly done. Orders bv mail "will receive prompt and careful attention. JOHN BIOKEL. BUTLER, - - - - ----- - PEN N'A RUBBER Boots & Shoes. We wish to inform the public that we will handle only the best first quality Rubbers this winter; as nearly pure gum ns are made. Our Rubbers aro all fresh, new goods. We have no oid lust winter's stock We bought au unusually large stock, anticipating a big trade We bought at tho lowest cash prices at which rubbers were sold and intend that our patrons shall have the same advantage. We shall uot bo undersold. Isy buying from us you will have the advnutuge oi new goods, the best goods, the largest selection, the latest styles aud the lowest prices. A-L. R-U-F-F. 11-4- i-v>Yiili Main Street. Butler, All Kinds of Job \\ ork done at the "Citizen" Office. -Loading Millinery House- X>. T„ Fa^pe Wine i w read* to exhibit this was-.inV strlra of Ml L ll=N = K- R=Y la every desirable sty o and quality Our stock is unutu:.: v and nun dive. Tinned bete and bon nets of all —felt lets, velvet I nts ar.d t»ik r 1 Un, n i-omplote inu always on hand- Al Th? in T PAPE l N s.^ Cheapest ! * 1 • ■ ' 8 fc -" ? | Street. Ritter & Ralston. - CLOAK DEPARTMENT. We have now on exhibition a complete line of ladies, mi.-; s and cbil drens warps, in all th« latest styles and lowest prices. FLANNEL DEPARTMENT. A complete line of blankets, flaunels, yarns, wool hosiery, ladies wool skirts and everything in the line ot woolen goods. DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. Dress goods and trimmings in nil the latest novelties. 0 A R P E T S. Oar stock is unusually large in all the best makes and most desirable patterns at lowest prices. Call in and be convinced that the place to buy is at RITTER & R ALSTON'S, ,KINGS, 1 \* EAR-RINGS, Diamonds \scarf ffitS,n t S, *, STUDS, (GENTS GOLD, W*itr.liP< \ LADIKS {?OLD < \\ h (GENTS SILVER LAIMES CHATLAIN. •' '»» ' « I Rii'g ß ( hainf, Bracelets, Etc, ( Tt.'i gets-. castors. butler difltes r ic< are rijtht, taking qnnlity * ill \ a eriteriou. and we again hope to merit a share of your patronage. f jli NOTE SOME <>K Ol ft PRKK> OK 111 I.K «iOODB |S\ rino Kye Bourbon whiskies, according Ulaekl.orry wine or brandy, oO £ B1 to age; *2, W, *4 $6 and por gallon, per gallon. m I'ine braadie and imported cognac*. Pineapple and Holland gins, • «>0 # Wt a., ordii g to age, *2 50, 13. *». *O, *s and « per gallon. !' FT and per gallon. Kumuicl flo« per gallon. t f m Foreign port and -Uerrv wines, accord Oal. Angelica wine, f- per gal.on. L 1 I i U( . TO age, *2 1. ?S <>K KVKKY ITSCRtI'TION. jt pftRT Orders by mail receive prompt attention. II" //•»« brp< r s f>uitte mail- I _ ed on application. Wc pav freight on nil orders of $lO and over. « WM. HASLAGt & SON. | II M'AIUNT. FAMILY NNOCKKS, L Jlj'- prn : THt P|||l * HAY- FEVEH jr/gm \Jcold" head wkm Elf* Cream Balm it rwt a liquid, tnuff or i»»rd# drugaiifU or ami 1-y nuiil on of rr '• 4 DUG ELY BROTHERS, 58 Warren SM NEW YORK, wu-j