Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, October 09, 1891, Image 2

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W.C. IHUI, - - - **•»'
■atawit-els— U—s»««l—■*
noSceafSeach, executors' and ad
estray ana <U»-
»ch. Heading notice io
mn» a Mm* tor flirt tod 5 cents for cich mlwe
gSS tr— *»"- HotMea among local news
aZTir Mta i liim lot each Insertion, obitu-
MMfSatttaUtMHattou °t r^gect,
lsdaeatter arst Insertion, and
»utran*le»t advertising must be paid for In ad
Of each M»D(MGRIIIII«IK' extra^ep»s
lieMmmvttSStt®esn*w. nowuflnga
count/ Paper.
All vim intended tar
far Aatltar flraeral.i
rwr Mate Ti«—»rar.
CeaatltaMeaal Ceaveatten.
Mstrlet Metates.
P. W. LOWRT, of Butler.
M. F. LEABON, of Kittaonmg.
A. 8. L. Shield*, George 8. Schmidt,
John Roberta, Jos. H ; Pomeroy.
Isaiah 0. Wear, Cyrus Elder,
Wm. I. Sohaffer, John Ceasna,
W. H. Kreamsr, John 8. I^mbie,
Louis W. Hall, Wm. B. Rodgers,
Prank Reader, " ® ro * n '
H M Edwards, T. V. Powderly,
H. c! MoCaraafck. Morris L- Keuffman.
rer lanr CmWosir.
Heating of County Committee.
Pursuant to the call of Chairman Christ
ley, the Republic"? Co. Committee met in
Butler last Saturday afternoon, and the
roll call showed some thirty members
After the usual preliminaries suoh as
admitting substitutes, reading minutes of;
last meeting, etc., D. B. Doutbett, Esq.,
moved that the Committee proceed to
nominate a candidate for delegate to the
Constitutional Convention, whioh motion
was supported by Messrs. Jamison, Ander
son, Mcßride, Criswell and Campbell and
carried unanimously. It is not a good
precedent but everybody is taking it for
granted that there will be no constitutional
convention, and the Committee did not
feel like putting the party in the county to
the trouble and expense of a primary for
nothing. ,
Mr. J. B. Orbiaon then nominated P. W.
Lowry, Esq., of Butler, for delegate to the
Constitutional Convention, and no other
being presented, he was unanimonsly nom
inated. Chairman Chriatley stated that
Butler county was the only county in the
state with no local ticket, this year, ex
cepting Jury Comm'r, and asked the sense
of the Committee as to getting out the
vote. Maj. Anderson suggested that each
member of the Committee select an assist
ant for eaeh school district, and these men
be appointed by the Co. Chairman, aad this
was discussed aad adopted. One man jest
ingly suggested that the name of no man
who does not vote for Jury Comm'r be
placed in the Jury wbeel.
Polling books ware distributed to the
members of the Committee present.
Mr. Stevenaon called for a report from
the Congrawjonal Committee, and Mr.
Douthett said the Committees were in the
condition of the youg lady who was wait
ing to be asked, and offered the following:
"In view of the fact that Committees
hare been appointed in each of the coon ties
forming our Congressional district, and in
order that they may meet and perform the
duties of their appointment, we, the mem
bers of the Republican Committee of But
ler county, in oonvention assembled, invite
the several committees to meet at the
Lowry House, in Butler, on Oct. 16th, at 2
p. m.", which was adopted.
The committee then adjourned.
OUB State Senate meets next Tuesday,
and it will have plenty of time to olean the
"dirty stable" at Harrisburg before the
election. Last winter, the alleged Repub
lican member* of this body showed them
selves completely subservient to the pres
ent unprincipled and reckless party
bosses. Now they have to deal with the
results of the same system of politics that
they approved of last winter, and it re
mains to he seen whether the party in the
State is to be farther humiliated, or an
honest effort made to redeem it.
Popular Vote Syetem.
CoL J. W. Reisinger, of the Meadville
Gazette, being called, upon relative to
Crawford or popular vote system of making
oounty and district nominations, respond
ed as follows:—"The longer we work un
der the popular vote system the better we
like it Whatever may be said against
popular vote nominations may be said
with eqnal truth against popular vote
elections. Several attempts were made
years ago to repeal the "Crawford County
System" in this oounty, and each time the
system was sustained by a large majority.
Its excellence appears most notable in our
congressional district nominations, whioh
are made by a mpjority vote of the dis
trict. Our nominee is known as soon as
the votes are oounted.and we have nothing
for the diatrict conference to wrangle
about Suoh proceeedings as disgraced
the Meroer-Beaver district* last fall are
impossible under our system."
A STRANOB ease of duplex character is
reported from Indiana. Rev. John Benson
of that state is fifty years of age, of com
manding presence, and when awake is
regard jd aa a model olergyman; bat when
asleep he gives uiteranoe to tho most
shocking and unministerial profanity. If
he falls asleep while traveling he uses
language which compels the train em
ployees to awaken him, and he is con
stantly scandalliing those who are igno
rant of his infirmity.
OK the payment of tax as a qualification
to vote, the Constitution says: "If twenty
two years of age or upwards he shall have
paid within two years a State or county
tax, whioh shall have been assessed at
least two months and paid at least one
month before before the election."
QVISBLIXO as to Gor. Pattison'S author
ity to convene the Senate, or as to bis ac
tion in doing so, under the circumstances,
is not only pleading guilty but also showing
a disposition to oover up matters.
AT exactly six minutes past midnight of
last Friday night, Mrs. Grover Cleveland
was delivered of a girl baby of eight pounds
woight at their home on Madison Ave.
New York, and the fact was telegraphed
all over the country.
THB Pardon Board has commuted the
sentence of Alex Killen, convicted of mur
dering Mrs. Rudort of Tarentum, to im
prisonment for life.
THB U. S. Iron and Tin Manufacturing
00., Demmler, Pa., sent Gov. Campbell of
Ohio, a present of a hundred pounds of
their make of tin plate last week.
THB New Tork Presbytery bus decided
to put Prof. Briggs on trial for heresy.
The Boodler Cases.
At the September Sessions of Lawrence
eotinty of last year the indictments against
W. D. Wallace, Esq. of the Lawrence
Comity Bar. for bribery, and Messrs Tate,
Downing and Shaffer for receiving Uribes
were ignored. An investigation followed
and Judge McMichael orderod the cases to
be again brought before the grand jury at
December term, and appointed Attorney
Gardner as a special prosecutor or Dis
trict Attorney for these cases.
The December Grand Jury returned true
bills in all the cases, and they came up for
trial the following week.
Wallace's case was the first on the dock
et and he was pat on trial. His attorneys
were careful as to the selection of the jury
and admission of evidence, and fought
hard for him at every step. It was proved
that "Wallace met the delegates at the time
and place named, but when the delegates
were placed on the stand and asked the
question ' Did you receive money from W.
D. Wallace for voting for Alexander Mc-
Dowell f" or words to that effect, they re
fused to answer on the grounds that their
answers would criminate themselves.
They were instructed by the Court that
their answers could not be used agarns t
themselves, but they presisted in their re
fusals and were committed to jail by Judge
Hasen for contempt of Court. Next morn
ing they were brought into Court and
again given an opportunity to answer, but
they again refused to do so, and were com
mitted to jail until the 2d Tuesday of
March of this year—about three months—
but they appealed to the Supreme Court
and were released on bail until the Su
preme Court decided the matter. This,
the Supreme Court, has finally done
though it took a long time to do it—and it
has sustained the sentence of the Court bo
low and has remanded tho prisoners to tho
custody of the Sheriff of Lawrence county,
where they will probably remain for the
three months.
Wallace was acquitted, presum ably by
reason of this evidence not being given,
but Tate, Downing and Shaffer havo not
yet been tried—the Court having continu
ed their cases until the Supreme Court de
cided this case—and according to this de
cison, as we see it, the four men will have
to testify against each other, or be liable
to commitment for contempt of Court.
AT the meeting of the Republican Coun
ty Committee of Armstrong county, in
Kittanning, last Saturday afternoon M.
F. Leason, Esq. was nominated for dele
gate to the Constitutional Convention.
Our County Committee has named P. W.
Lowry, Esq. and the names of these two
i gentlemen will form a separate ticket to
he voted this fall by the Republicans of
the 41st Senatorial district.
tfo provision is made in the law regard
ing the Constitutional Convention for the
printing of the tickets, and as the "For"
tickets will probably be supplied by the
candidate* and those interested in having
a convention, the thinf may possibly carry
by reason of there being no "Against"
tickets at the polls. This is a singular
omission in the law, as singular as the
provisions requiring the ballots to be sep
arate, and yet have nothing on the outside
indicating that they are ballots.
Prospect Items.
Revs. T. B. and D. L. Rotb, and X
Scheffer, and laymen L. M., Davie, and
John Roth, who were on a hunting tour
on the Stine farm for a couple of weeks,
have abandoned the camp for this season.
The boys had a good healthy time.
A. E., J., and F. Reiber, Geo. Shievcr
and wife, ffm. Fisher and mother, and
Mrs. Reiber, of Butler, attended Lutheran
services here last Sunday. Communion
services were held, and D. Luther Roth
preached a grand sermon from the text:
"Lord, I thank yon for this unspeakable
Charlie Erantz got homo safe irom the
Parker lair. Chaflio helped the Germania
boys to furnish music for the occasion.
Harry Grine and family, of Pittsburg,
are staying at the Hotel Boehm. This is
Harry's old home, and he naturally
wanders back, once in a while.
P. H. Sechler, the marble dealer, says
he never had as much work as he has had
for a year, and will have for the coming
year. He has hired a couple of eastern
men for next year.
G. H. Dana, of Duke Center, waa in
town last week. Mr. D. has an interest iu
leases on the A. Barkley farm, where they
intend to drill a hole.
Jake Albert, of east Franklin twp., is
about well from an attach of neuralgia of
the stomach.
George Warren, Clara Lepley, and
Maud and Lida Staples visited friends in
Beaver Falls last week. Georgo is just
the fellow with whom to enjoy a good
John Dave Albert and wife visited
friends on Muddy Creek, last week. John
says it is so seldom that he visits, he felt
sure it would bring wet weather before
this. Jo COSITY.
"A FRAUD upon the ballot is a eriino
against the Nation," so says Justice Stor
ritt of the Supreme Court in his decision in
the bribery cases.
ALL England was astonished Wednes
day to loam of the death of Chas. Stewart
Parnell, and hints of suicide wero made,
but investigation showed that Mr. Parnell
had been in feeble health for some weeks
and that his death was caused by fever.
West Sunbury.
West Sunbury is just as prosperous and
enterprising as ever. The condition of its
streets, the character and oxtent of its
sidewalks with its gas illuminations make
Sunbury one of the best towns, ontside of
Butler, in the couuty.
Our merchants have filled their stores
and their many customers are made happy
by the good bargains they are gotting in
all the latest styles of goods.
Tbe large crop of peaches have been
gathered, and with satisfaction the good
house-wife looks at her stock of jars a:id
crocks full of conserves.
Rev. McCaalin, of Mercer Co., conduct
ed services in the Presbyterian chnrch, on
last Sabbath.
Rev. Wright, with his family, expects to
start in a few days for Georgia where they
will remain during the winter.
Dr. Hockenberry has made several trips
to Cleveland this fall with patients where
surgical operations have been performed
which were impossible outside of a city
hospital or college surgical room.
Some of tbe students of tho Academy
have been doing double duty for the last
week or two in preparing for the "Old
Folks Concert" to be given Oct. 15. This
will be a rare treat well worth hearing.
Wli BN our State Senate meets next
Tuesday it should remember that "Repub
licanism was cradled in patriotism and
purity," and act accordingly.
Flick Items.
Mr. Samuel Sailor and wife of Clarion
county were the guosts of- A. H. Gold last
John Turner sniles—its a girl.
Miss Jane Clendening is the guest of
Sarah Anderson this week.
Miss Emma Anderson was visiting her
grandmother near Tarentum this week.
The School Directors of Middlesex twp.
inspected the new school houses on la.->t
Saturday. They found every thing com
pleted, and they took them off the carpen
ters hands.
John Burton claims that bis folks have
tbe biggest tomatoes he ever saw.
O. K.
Pittsburg's new post openod,
last Thursday, and it was thronged with
people from morning till night.
A Meadville man has invented a
machine that saws, planes, and joints
large and small staves as rapidly as fifty
men uow do the same work.
President Dill and Cashier McGrath of I
tho Clearfield National Bank were arresteJ
for embezzlement last Thursday and placed
in jail, and there was a riot in Houudale.
"While Thomas M. Marshall Ksq. was j
eating his lnnch at the Dnquesn hotel in
Pittsburg: Thursday, a boy handed him a
letter from Fitesuinmons, enclosing SI,OOO.
to be u»ed in securing a new trial f<-r his
At the M. E. Conference in Unioctown.
Thursday, Rev. J. T. Riley was reinstated. ,
The question of changing the restrictive
rule as to delegates to the General Confer
ence to read '*and said delegate* hall b<
men or women." was voted upon and tho
amendment lost by a vote of 47 to 101.
The question of admitting women as lay
delegates was then voted upon, and the
result was 45 for admission and 101 against.
What was down as the Philadelphia
resolution, for the equalizing lay minister
ial delegates, was laid on the table.
At Mercer last week Henry Trotter was
acquitted of the charge ot murdering a
man named Gleason ot Stoneboro.
At Cniontown. last Saturday, Council
man McCormack, at the head of a corps of
men, ".girdled all the trees along.;Maiii
street from the court house east before the
property owners were up. An attempt
was made to stop the work, but it was too
late, as all the trees were "deadened." and
could not live. The property owners,
among who are the E wings, Bovles, Bubys
and Judge Edward Campbell, now propose
bringing suit against McCormack, and the
case was given to Judge Campbell to pros
ecute. McCormack is to be prosecuted
individually for cutting the trees down
without authority aud it is said will be
prosecuted for irregularities in council.
McCormack justifies his actions by the
authority he claims councils invested in
him to take away the trees. A big suit is
looked tor.
At Pittsburg, Friday, Michael Maloney
was found guilty of murder the second
degree, and Jos. E. Stewart, and John
Tierney, both of whom are indicted for
murdering their wives were placed on trial.
A Vernon township school district over
in Trumbull county, Ohio, has been dub
bed "The Female Seminary" by reason of
the dearth of boys among the tchollars.
For several terms not a boy has been on
the roll. Fifteen girls and no boys are
attending the present fall terin.
William Bierly, of Westmorland. Co.,
brought a whisky barrel which still contain
ed a little whisky, to Lem Schruble's cider
mill to be filled with eider, and after
knocking out the bung to put cider in the
barrel, a thought struck him to light a j
match and stkk it iu the bungholo. He
did so, and the barrel exploded making a
noise like the report of a cannon. His face
was terribly burned,his eyebrows and part
of the hair of his head were badly scorch
ed. A horse and buggy were procured
and as soon as possible the injured man
was taken to a doctor's office, where hip
injuries were attended to. He is now get
ting along as well as can be expected.
The bank at Phillipsburg Centre Co.,
closed its doors Monday.
Annie Fish, that remarkable romancer
and subject of trances, has again been lo
cated at Oil City, and, as usual, she has a
pathetic tale to tell. Ou Saturday oho ap
plied to the police of Oil City, for protect
ion "until she found her sifter." She gave
her name as Edna Wilmot, and said her
her folks lived at Buffalo, but she had just
came from Parkerspurg W. Ya. She was
given employment at a hotel, but when
closely questioned concerning her identity
sac became guarded in her statements,
and when night came she slipped away
and disappeared.
Two boys having escaped from Morgan
za, the superintendent olTers a reward o!
$lO for one and .I*l3 for both of them. This
happy application of the "twofer" princi
ple is recommended.
The "Pennsy" is building a locomotive
at Altoona, Pa., that will bo three times
the ordinary length, and will be attended
by two lireuien. It will haul a train of
loaded freight cars a mile long.
Mr Densel of Westmorland Co . owns a
horse thiit in many respects is a valuable
one, but he has one iailiug. He, it ap
pears, through years of working, learned
the signiiiance of the supper boll, and be
coming used to having his driver at once
sturt homo when the bell rang, he, appar
ently, didn't like a change. Wednesday
evening Mr. Hensel was drilling wheat,
and had almost finished the field when the
bell tang for supper. Tho distance to the
house being rather long, Mr. Hensel,
thought he would finish before going home
but tho horse thought differently. I pon
bearing tho bell ho stopped waiting to be
unhitched. His owner tried to start hiui
bnt all in vain. The lines became tangled
and Mr. Hensel extracting them again,
attempted to forco him to start. Tho aui
inal stubbornly refused to go, but instead
kicked his master on tho right leg, below
the knee, cutttng a hole iu tho flesh anil
making a compound factnre of tho bone.
He was conveyed to the house, by a sou,
who came to learn the cause of his tradi
ness in coming to supper. The injured
man almost bled to death ere a physician
could stop the flow of blood Irom the
Twenty-three yearn ago John ilawhinnj
disappeared leaving behind a wife and
one child. He lived in Allegheny to-vu
nhip, Westmorland county, and had been
working at Schenlery, Armstrong county,
just across the river. A thorough search
bad been made for him, but without suc
cess. His wife mourned him as dead and
all these years remained a widow, and is
still living at the old homo. A few days
ago an old lady l>y the name of Stuuipl
thought that she was about to die, and
calling her friends about, her, she related
to them the following story: '"At ttie
time of the disappearence of John Mawhin •
ny 1 kept boarding house at Scbenley.
One evening two men, who are still living
in Armstrong county, attacked Mawhanny
ontsidj my door, dragged him inside and
then murdnrcd him. Tho body was then
dropped into a well on tho place."
At Pittsburg. Tuesday, Jos. E. Btew
art was found guilty of murder in tho
second degree for killing his wife by
throwing a lamp at her, and next day John
Ticrney plead guilty to same offense.
fnrluflirlroi. ii ... .1,1. ... 1..r .., n.i> Un.lwlilabaMlh
tti« tiftMUiou or * M< ti y •••■ - «i» rurrt that •inmttil
No u..»m r tor meuiilrti tut*** •• L/».ily«n.J qutaUy
I -*n>r<l. I H«lw l>«it on* vrork' r from r. t l. < rr.muly 1
r; rjtt * *:vi
•nit KOI.I It. Full inn J-;.- Atomr rl ....
I I . AI.I ! V. V * .■.wcu.ita.Nall i-
H Otf/osiuaiiy- (too. A. tSwUt Mixrulfw, JS. V
KIMKS—At his home in Grove City, Sept- j
20. 1 ><9l. Samuel, son of .lohn Kim#s, |
formerly of near Murrinsrille, need 23 i
BENEWITZ— At her home in Jefferson j
twp.. Oct. I, "91, Mr?. Christena Bene :
ALDIXGER—At the residence of his son. '
C. I'. Aldinger in Millerstown. Sept 30,
1891, Gottlieb Aldinger, aged 70 years.
PAIXTJSR —At his home in Clay twp.. j
Wednesday. Oct. 1891, Simon P. j
Painter, aged about 5" years.
Mr. Painter's death was caused by
tvphoid fever. He was the lather of .1
M. Painter Esq. of Butler, and thirteen
other children. ___________
Administrators and Executors of estates
can secure their receipt books at the CITI
ZEN office.
Auditor's Notice.
lu the matter ot the ileal account of K. J.
Grant. KxTof Daniel Jones, of Allegheny twp.
dec d. at U. C. No. 3*. Sept. Term. l«n. ,
Take notice that having been appointed Aud
itor !u the above stated ease, to pass upon ex
ceptions and restate tlie ease, li (ouud necessa
ry; that I wi:i attend to the duties ot said ap
uointment at my offlce In tlx Diamond Block,
in liutler, Jv . on Tuesday. t*ct. -Jolh, l s 9l. at
lo o'clock, a. in. E. E. YOl >'<■, Auditor.
Application for Charter.
In tin- Court ol Common i leas o! liutler Co.
M. 11. NO. 9. December Term, I*9l.
Notice is hereby given that an application
will be made lo Hon. A. L. llazeu. i resident
Judge of said Court, at thambera.on Saturday,
Oct. 24th, IC9I. at ' o'clock r. M.. under the Act
ot Assembly ol ihc commowealth of iviinsylva
nla. entitled -An Act to provide for the Incor
poration und lteuulatlon ol certain corpora
lions", approved April 29,1874. and the supple
ments I here to, fur the charter ot an Intended
corporation to be called "The litth-ny Keforin
t.i Church «t liiiticr. Pennsylvania, the char
acter and object whereof is the support of pub
lie worship, and lor these purposes to have,
possess end enjoy all the rights, benefit* and
privileges of the said Act ot Assembly and Its
su t pieir.eiits.
T. C. (. A.MI Bhl.L, Solicitor.
Auditor's Notice.
Iu re Unal account ol i In the Orphans Court
C. F. I'ltrce, tern r w >-'■ liutler county, at O.
John Mc Laugiiiiii.decd i-C. No. 11, March *i. ifeal
laic ( I the Loro cl Mil- I
le-iutu* u.Butler ( u. Pa. I
Sept. 14, ls;d. Mollou made In open Court,
itLfi upon due cousideration Jacob '1 -Patn 11 r
Jisu. is appuluf d an Auditor to repori utstrlbu
tloll lli i.!.K eaSO BYTHECOt'KT.
liiTi.i ».«.<•.. .• s. certified (row the record tills
i2d dsj >'i sept., ii»i.
Josf.ni Ckisw iu, Clerk.
NoiU' is berth} tiven that 1 will uttend to
the tiutku ol the aUiic appointment, at my of
fice 1:. i.utier, I*-.. :n Diamond Block, on 'lues
dav tl,( iaih day ol October, ltlil, at 10 o'clock,
a, m. ut which time and place all interested
naay attend lr they sec proper.
j. M. I'AHXTER, Aud.
in the Court ol Common 1 leas of Butler county
at No. Term, A. D. 1891.
Notice Is hereby given that an application will
tie made to said court on the Uth day of Octo
ber. A. 0., 1881, at o'clock r. M-. under the
Act of Assembly ol the Commonwealth of 1 enu
splvama, entitled "An act to provide tor the
tueorpunitlou ol certain corporations.' approv
ed the -tilh day of April A. p.. ISI4, and the
supplements thereto, for a charter lor m in
tended corporation to be called "The consecu
tion cfthe Methodist Episcopal church of t.le
boroi.j-'h ot vscst suiibury. the character and
object ol v. hi his the worship. ot liod and the
.iiiti tuuoi mora 1 AUG relifflou »iastruttlofi
aC' Oi Uug lo tue faith, tlocinwa. discipline awl
usages ot '.lie Methoulbt Kplstopal church ol
the l ull >i --later and lor Uw.-e purposes to have,
possess aud eujo> sll the lights, beneflta and
pnvtiegt« of tiie said Act ol A.si>".jnbly i*s
ti.i j'lthj. KoiilN-SOX. Solicitor.
Dissolution Notice.
TUe partnership heretofore exLsli.ii' between
J v. Vcv iiWlu:: ai.ti iltiben, under tue
llriii nanieol Met U'chen A llaben. n an diswlr
ed uy mutual (onsent on Sept. is. Mr. Mcc'ulca
en leiintiK i lie business will be continued at
S. Main Kt.. ;•> Mr. listen, and all accounts
ol' the ia'.e lirui mil be settle l there.
.1 A. M<X'b"f:iihN,
Sept. 15, Itijl (iftOllUK ISABKN.
Estate of K. A. Mifflin, dee'd.
Latk uf ■» vsiu.-e; I't>,\ , \vr. t.urf.icit Co., pa.
Letter.' testamentary on the above named
estate h ivlng :*••. u *rantei; to the undersigned,
all p- rsons known,j; tie. i.oc!'.' Indebted to
swne will pi' M« inake !nin.:-<:i.ite payment,
an- having ilfln.s against .-all estate will
[■•e i.t ihe'ui dub autlien tlc&ted for settlement.
s 'l". I\ Mil i' i IN, !- \'r.
North Hope I'. 0.,
C. WMUI, Attf. llutiir Co.. fa.
iibtatc. of ,v*cCiiiidiCbSj
UA.Tr.Ol' l'tsu 11V1'., liiTLKnco., PA.
l.tt'.ei* 01 iMftiiinibtrniiiin 0:1 the above
liamtd (.-ale Laving; bet n eri-nt d so the un
dtrt all jet oD! knowing tl.tm»«lve»
.atltbad U; iti'l tsu tt? v-iii j ln-e ci. ke 101-
iii. .lialt jiaymtnt, ai; ln.'.iLij claini..
Mild t»l;it* will j-itwxl ifctoi duly
autbfcCticAteJ tor letticuienl.
1). b. Doi'TIIKTT, Amu r,
i!ri.v tikoale. I . O , !:uti.rCo„ i'a.
Estate of Mary kiddie, dee'd.
letters testamentai' ■ (.'at' of Mary
EKid!eee'd. late Of I .lai.ai twp, liutler 10.,
1 iiavini' teeu itratiit-d io Ihc uiiueisigned,
all . i i.< v.. i:,' Itiliis-elvea indebted t'J
saltl ■ l. Ie please make piv-
Jiient «!:.! an. lia\ li « eluliiis against said estate
iVlli 1 i. ."..'t diem uui., autbcntlcatcd lor secUe
inellt LO ~
JOliN 11. i I NMKOHAN,
J Oil s' 11. I'LTKBH,
l!x 'rs.
i;!d:l!e* X J . O Pa.
Estate of Nancy hartley, dee'd.
I.t IK OK Ilt'l'LKK. PA.
Letters tciunumart oi) Ihc ( state <.I Mrs.
NaiiO i'aiilev, deeV. !:ite el the horouith or
Butler. I'a.. I'avt!.;; been ferantcd to the under
stone.: all p< r:,: I.* I now HiK themselves indebt
ed to til' . levlll pie.isi- make Immediate
pavinent. at:'! an> hi.vimr el.ilu.-- dnst said
estate will pren i.t I lit in duly uutheiiticuted lor
settlement. ...
Sonnra l*. (>., Butler <>>., l'a.
\vtl:l.i!iis i Mitchell, Att'vs.
Jury List for November Term.
Lilt ol Traveisc Jurors drawn this Bth day of
September .S ■ !'• 1-al. to serve as Traverse
.jurors at a Special Icrhi of court commencing
on the is: Moudav of November A. I). Ibui, tlie
same bejag the 2<i day of Raid month.
Addlen sn It M, Venaupotwp, itu-iaer.
Parohart .1 J, .lackson twp, fanner.
Beeier .liteob, Jnekson twp, farmer
llr'.ei ('harleh. 'HUiton trt p.-Unner.
BurKhalier U N, liutler alii ward, engineer.
( rail. Wintleld, Muddyereelc twp, farmer,
f le: >■ mau S r-. Muddy creek twp, farmer.
1 < hrutle David M. < herry tv. p. farji. -r.
Crai'f ruom-K. Oakland twp. farmer.
Carnahan William. Cherry twp. Miner.
Cro k*-r William, Centrevllle Bor. farmer.
1)1 i:"v Join) li liutler I'd ward. l,tb.>rer.
ii.lll lap .John r. Meiei r twp, tanner.
!)aub"i«p" s <'■' orge I', Parker twp, fanner.
Dtliibac rtaunu-i, Middlesex twp, I,inner,
i.llioit .lao'es, Jiuflalo twp, farmer.
Kalki.ei 1. S. BU'lulo twp, biaeksmllli.
Kai.er Aui;tist. Butler Ist ward, laborer.
(ileuii Samuel. Clay twp, farmer.
1 tiarvii. Wiuhmi. Craoberry twp, farmer.
1111 l W W. Adams twp, farmer,
lie .peiihide Henry, Adams twp. farmer.
Hvuiing* Allied, Allegheny twp, farmer.
llut/.U r William, Wintleld twp carpenter.
1 lfutchoMu Miltuu. cherry twp fanner.
Hal leek M N. Aiiexbt'iiy twp, farmer.
June 11 C>. 1< 1111- City Bor, laborer,
f |.,-v in if< '1 'rt Z.'leiu»ple Hor, ifent.
U»r, .lulin !•". Bailer ith ward. pent.
I Ml.riw.li ti. W, Saxonburrf Bor, 111 'reliant.
Miller .1 M. Peltier, ith wd, laborer.
Mon'i;oii.er ,' olh Clinton t'.vp. farmer.
MeCluic i; VV. Nc , ih twp. farmer.
Mcßride liam;!, Ven:mgo twp, farmer.
.Mcl/atighlln Uaiiiel. I'eun twp. fanner.
Mebam nan Th"Sti. MiUcrstown tioro. producer
NichoUw Jacob, Forward twp, farne r.
Neber IK-rt. HUinmtt twp. fanner,
orri. V.' s, Butler 2d wd la borer,
l'urlman J<..ie;>'i. Sum,nil twp. farmer.
Kovsiiag P. Butler 4th wd, undertaker.
Hud ey Julio A. laH.criid wd. merchant.
Bus 1 11 sN. Concord twp. farmer.
llli'Kfci Johu. Miih rstown boio. wajjonm >ker.
Siev, art .1 '*. Washington tv. p. farm
.Sti,l, r ifenry, Washington twp, f. rm 'r.
' S aine, .mC. Worth twp. farmer.
j Mem WA, Butler 3't wd, merchant.
Seatoa Aiaos. liutler Ist wd, producer.
' Shaffer (ieriier, Butler Ist wd. contractor.
Iliuioa (leorge.Coniieip'.' la s.-iok t.v.-p, farmer.
1 WIU otl William. Venamco twp, farmer.
Wiles I, M, Doiicgul twp farmer.
Wooster John Jr. Lancaster twp. farmer.
Wilson Jaiin s A. Fairy lew bom, farmer.
' Zlnkboin Fred, Jack: -li twp farmer.
Light Harness,
Dusters and
Fly nets.
The la, and most
corn j)lete line ol' robes,
blankets, li «*i rixe ss,
whips. trunks, and
'valises, and' at lowest
: prices in liutler, isjal
| ways to be ibund'at
Classes for BOYS and
Butler, October Ist.
Application should be made to
E*-t Diamond St.
Established over years. Connected with Ai
lezhenv College, and Conservatory or Music.
< ivcr 2.000 students pla ed In K" 011 P®! ln J5 l>oßi
tioas. Four complete courses : Buslnesß,»hort
liand and Typewriting, lVnmanshlp, and nor
mal English. Bookkeeping taught by the Prtn
clpal and practical accountants ot over -0 jear
experience. Shorthand by practical steno
graph rs. Penmanship by two ot the oldest and
be>t teachers lu the States. Commercial l.tw
by tlie best lawyers In I'enn'a. Students can
commence at any time. Expenses one- .tali less
than at any similar Institution. Send lor the
"Keporter" and specimens of Penmanship. Ea
close i cts. in stamps and address
A. W. SMITH. Meadvllle, l'a.
■ lhe"nest session opens September Itfth* j
Tin- catalogue or information ap] ly to
MISS X. SIIEItKAKI). Principal, <r
Pres. Board of Trustee-, Washington, l'a.
76th year begins Sept. r>th. High grade. Forboth
sex»-«." Kxi»eiis»e» moderate. Strong Faculty. Situ
ation healthy and delightful. Three courses to
A. B. and Engineering ( ouree to C. E. degrees.
Students admitted on High School certifi**at« h or
diplomas. Preparatory sdiool. Military tustruc-
Uon. For Catalogue -. addrt«~*
T4lol.v&llttr machines a
Simplest, most durable. economical and penect
n use. Wastes no Grain; Cleans It lieady for
Threshing Engines k Hort-o Powers.
CAUL 1 Mil I O and Slandard Implements
Ort V» t"li-l-Oj,cnerally.K?ud for catalogue
A. B. FAUQlllAtt, CO.
I'f&nsflTania AgrlrnltT Works, York, l'a.
full 100 Cents' worlli to the
Dollar on Every Purchase
Made at our Store.
Wo are offering values L'n
precendented In Furnishings for
Ladies-, Men and Children.
He advised and you'll save money.
Whatever jou may ri quire in our
line, come to ns, vvo'll show yon a
great variety and save you money.
Our Spring stock is now full nod
comjieto. Wo guarantee to meet
every demsud to your fullest satie
iactiDn. AVo have a big variety, with
tuinv styles of Boys' and Girls' Hats
aud Caps at low figures.
John M. Arthurs.
Heciprocit y -
To counteract t lie effect of
sprirur wind® u<l s'nrti;.-' • n iaee
and ium.'ls; to renew, renovate
and purify fin- cuticle afu-r ■
rigorous win'er, is the nt'.sgiori of
And rightjiweH does it perform
the tai.k. It is a bland, creamy
emulsion, with just enough vege
table oil to soften the com
bined with pure glycerine at;d
other substances, forming one of
ihe finest preparations for chop
ped bunds, lips or face or any
rougbuess or irritation of the
rkin. No lady or gentleman
thould be without it.
Pure Drugs,
Paints, Oils, Glass,
Fine Toilet Articles,
Patent Medicines,
And all other
Kept in a
First Class
Drug Store.
Where is the Ijest place
to buy Clothing, Huts, and
Gent?' Furnishing Goods? At
the Racket Store.
WHY :>
Because they have one of
the largest stocks to select from
and they sell for
thus being able to give you
more for a dolhr than other
house in the county. You
can see these facts for yourself
by calling at
120 S. MuinKt.
Butler, t*a.
■ ifaM j,:, . v:r
, \ . r it. \>u>»n
. • io '! •V. lU. lU* to an
.. t t'ul •«» • «>• «to rv ery « -k*r.
, n« . «n«l up«
IV. in fan.Sf. J' «
• j i » 1 here. Rvll
* <'«».
Subscribe for ILO CIXIZBN.
Election Proclama
WHEREAS, iu ""<5 b> au Act ot the Gen
eral Assembly t( the Ctmmocvttilb of:
Pennsylvania entitled "An Act relating to
the elections oi the Coninn.aMp.iHh," passed
the 2ui\ day of July, A. !»., If U, it is ma le
the i!uty oi' the Sherifi cf every county with
in ttiis Common v. ea'-h ' -ive public notice
of the General Elections ft'- such notice
to enumerate:
1. The officers to be elected.
2. Designate the pl»ee« where the elec
tion is to be held.
3. What persons shall no: act as officers
of th:- election, etc.
BBOWN. Hieh Sheriff of the I cunty
of Butler, do hereby make known
and give this public cotiee to the
electors of the tcutitv of Butler shut on the
11 dsy text following the first Mondas <:'
Novemht r, heirs; the
3d Day of November, 1891,
A General Election will be held at the sev
eral election districts established by •• w m
►aid county, ct which time they will l y
ballot the several rfficers herintiiler
named, as follows:
OXB PERSON for the office ot AMI TOR
GENERAL of the Commonwealth of Penn
* ONE PERSON fur the office of STATE
TREASURER of the Commonwealth of Penn
THREE PERSONS to represent tho Forty
fir.-t Senatorial District of the Common
wealth oi Pennsylvania in the proposed
Constitutional Convention; no elector to
vote for more than two.
TWENTY-SEVEN PERSONS for Delegates ut-
Large to the proposed Constitutional Con
vention; no elector to vote for more than
Two PERSONS for the (tliee oi Jrav COM
MISSIONER of the County of Butler, State
of Pennsylvania; no elector to vote for
more than one.
Each elector will also vote For or
Against the holding <:! the proposed Con
stitutional Convention, aei ordir.g to the
requirements of tho notice of the Secretary
of the Ci uini'-uweaUb, following this
proclamation and made a part of it.
I Ihe taul elections will be held throughout
the county an follows:
7he electors ot Adams towi.gfcip, Norih
j uciuet, at the carpenter shop ot J J. Smith
i t Myoma in north Adtn ■ towns' i; .
The elector of Adaui»,; ; out'i precinct,at the
shoeshop ot Thos 51 Ma> shall aSl'ts station.
The electors of Allegheny township at tho
dwelling ol EphriamC. Parks ir. said town
The electors cf tho iiald 1U t,e d'stnet at
the l:nu:«e ol I'. W. Iv.': • ,!» in -ai l district.
The electors of Buffalo township at the
house of Robert Gregg, now George Truby.
LOW Kobert Jiartlev.
Ti;e tlectors of Butler tov,i.i-,hip at the
Lccti ot Edward Bui-kbm, No. 11l E. Dla
iron-: St. in Butler borongh.
The electors of Brady township at tho
School house at West Liberty.
'ihe electors of Clearfield towns hip ut the
booso of John Green.
The tlectors of Cliiitoa townenip at the
house of John C. Kiddie, now John Andereon.
The electors of Concord township, at the
office of A. F. Cochruo, iti Mitidletnwn.
The clcctori c f C lay township at tho Ceutro
School house iu said township.
The elector - of Centre township at tho Cen
tre School lloueo hi said township.
Tho electors of Cherry township, North
precinct, at the house of Wm. lindsey.
The e-lectors of Cherry township, South
precinct, at tho Gomorsol Hchool Hou«e in
said township.
The electors of Connoquti.tf ing t -wr.ship.
Northern pruciuct at School honse No. 7, in
Whiteetown; Southern precinct at the house
of I c-ter Staff, in Petereville.
Tho electors of Cranberry township at the
house of Frederick Mcoder.
The electors of Donegal township at the
house of Adam Schreiber, in Millerstown.
The electoia of Fairview township at the
house of lire, tmprey, >n Earns City, bto
Tho electors of Forward township at ti:e
honse of Robert H. Brown.
The ele tors of Frankiin township at the
tailor shop of C. I'. Join ; ton. in Prospect
Tho electors of Jackson township, western
precinct, at tho house of Jacob Hoil in Harmo
ny Eastern precinct, at Die house of John N.
Miller iu Evansburn
The electors of Jefferson township, ot tbe
house of Morris Beighter.
'iiio electors ol Lancaster township at the
Public School house No. 5.
The electoi.t o* Middlesex tovvnsiup at the
house of George Cooper.
TliC electors of Marion township at the
house ot If. . Atwell in £jd township.
T. e electors of Muddycreek township at
Cnion Hall iu Poi tersville.
The.electors of Mercer township at the
G. A. R. Hall in the borough of Harrisville.
The electors of Oakland township at tho
house of Wiliiam J. Hutchison in said town
The electors of Pariter township at the
house of John Kelly in Martinsbnrg.
The e-lectors of Penn township ai. tho house
of I>. 11. Sutton,
The electors of Summit township at the
houi o of Adam Frederick.
Tho electors of Shpperyrock township at tho
carj'euter shop of J. L. Warmcastle in said
Tho electors of Venango township at the
house ol James Murrin.
The electors of Winlield township at School
honse No. 5 in said township.
Tho elector-! ol Washington township, North
precinct, at the dwelling house ot Phillip Ilii
iard Esq. ol said township.
The electors of V< ashing ton township, South
pii einet, at the Town Hall in North Washing
Tho electors of Worth township at tho
Town Hall in Mcchanicsburg in said township.
The electors of the borough of l>ut!er, Ist
ward at tho Reed House on Centre Aev, in
said ward.
2nd w:.rd in Room No. 7of tlio house of
AlexanJei Lowy, north side ot E. Jetlurson
St. in said ward.
3d ward at the office of Col. Jno. M. Thorn p
son at No. 12 south side of Diamond, in sai 1
4th ward at Nixon's Home, No. 215 N. Mc-
Kean St, in s/>id ward.
sth ward at the Wick House, No on N.
Main St.. in sidd war*.
Tho electors of the borough of Centroville
at shop of Clias. Pro* rin said borough.
The electors of the thorough ol Harrisville
at tho G. A. K Hall In i nid borough.
The elccto: • of the borough of Prospect a',
tho sailor shop ot C I'.Joliiiit n in sail
Tlio electors of the borough of Saxonburg
a! the sihool house iu said borough-
The electors of tho borongh of Wcat Sun
bury a Ihe public school house in Sinibury.
The electors of tho borough of MiUeratown
at the house of Adam Schreiber iti said 1 >or
• The electors of the borough of Fetrolia at
the Town Hall in said borough.
The electors of ihe borough of t'aiivie'.v at
the Hchool house in said borough.
'f ho electors of (ho borough of Earns City
at tho Town Hall in said borough
Tho elect ire of tho borough ol Kvah.-bur;
at the public school house in said borough.
The electors of Harmony at the public
school house in said borongh.
The electors oftho borongh of Zeliotimde
al the now brick wagon el'op ol James Wal
lace iu said borough.
And 1, the said Sheriff, do further gi\o no
tice to all election offieets, citizens, anO
others, of tho following provisions of ihe
constitution aud laws of this commonwealth,
relating to elections—viz :
SCI TION 1. Every male citizen Iweuty-Om
year J of age, the lollowlna 'pialiii
actions, shall he entitled to>ote at all dec
tion :
First—He shall have been a citizen of tin
. United States at lea .' or e mouth.
Second—He shall have resided iu the Slat'
one year (or if having prev'ously he< n a quali<
fied elector or native born citizen <<f the Slat
he shall have removed there and returned,
then six months) Immediately preceding tin
eh ction.
Third- Ho shall have resided in the election
district where he bh.ill otT*-r his vote at lea-l
two months immediately preceding the: elec
Fourth—lf twenty-two ye ns of ago or up
winds shall have paid within two years a
State or county lax, which shall have been
a.-r.i :--ed ut least two months and puhl at least
one month before the election.
Sci TI"N !>. Electors shall iu all cases ex
Cept treason, felouv as d breach or surety ol
the peace, lie privileged from arrest during
their attendance on eloetions and lu going to
and returning therefrom.
SKCTK N7. All laws regulating Ihe hold
lug ol tlie elwtlon-, by the cltlzeus or for tin
registration »f electors shall b'j uniform
throughout the State, but no elector shall be
deprived of it.o privilege of votlnif by reason
ol his n une not belaif registered.
SKCTIOX 13. For the purpose ol voting
no person shall bo deemed lo have gained a
reside in e by reason of his presence or lost
or bv reason of his absence, while employed
iu the service, either civil or military, of this
Slate or ol the United States, nor while en
gaged In the navigation ot the waters ol tlii«
State or o: the United States, or on the high
seas, nor while a student In any Institute ol
learning, nor while L<-pt in an) p v >or housa
or mho asyluo: at public expense, nor while
con lined in a public prison.
S«<;. 14. District election boards bhalljcou
wst of a juflge aril two m»i>celon», who akali .
tic ft' Win anou-div by the <-lti*ms. Rich j
elect,* shall have the right to vote lor the
judge & id out in-. ■ - U.r, ami each in?; <"«■ r |
-hill appoint one ckrK. Election otKc-er? ,
shall I' privileged from arrts! upou days ol 1
election and while engaged lo leaking pot
r,d transmitting return*, eioept upon
u arrant of -i court cf iv<crd or Judge i '-re
of, for .111 election Iraud, tor fe! 'PJ, or for
v. anion breach of the pescf.
i'>. Ko person shall be qualified to serve ;
a# r.u election officer who shall bold, or atall ;
within two month- have held an office, ap- I
pointmeut or employment iu or under the j
government of tb- l nlt®d Stale or of this
State, or of any city or county. or o! any I
ratmlcli .1 board", commi-slon or trust ia ar j ,
city, w only ja-ticca oi the peace and alder {
men, Dotane;- public and persons IU militia |
service of the State; nor shall any election S
officer be eligible to any civil Office to be
filled by an election nt which he shall serve, j
nave only to ticb subordinate municipal or j
lo al oil** as shall t>e designated by genera! ,
law. |
CART 80, "i*74.
SECTION- 11. In all ■ lection districts where j
a vacancy eii-' # by reason of disqualification |
i,l the officer or otherwise in an election I
'• ird bi-rebnore appointed, or where any new
district shall be formed, the judge or judge?
of the court oi common pleas of the proper
county shall, ten day* before any general or
special election, appoint competent person*
to fiil said vacancies and to conduct the
election in faid new districts; and in the ap
pointmeut of inspectors in any election dis
trict both shall not be of tho same political
[ arty; and the judge of elections ehall, in
di case?, be of the political party having the
majority of voles in said district, as nearly
as the said judge or judges cau ascertain
the fae<; and in case of the disagreement
f tb» judge- i's to the selection of insper
tois, th'- political majority of the judges shall
select out of such Inspectors, and the iik'nor
i.y judge or judges shall select theothe,.
JCLY 2, 1839.
In ease the peraou who shall have
received the second highest number of votes
for inspector, shal! not attend on tut dry
of any election, then the person who shal!
! ave received he second highest number oi
votes for judge nt the next proceeding elec
tion, shall act as an inspector in bis place;
and iu case the person who shall have re
ceived the highest miml>cr of vote# ior in
spector shall not attend, the pe l son elected
judge shall appoint an inspector in his place;
end in case the person elected a judge shall
not attend, then the inspector wbo received
the highest number of votes shall appoint a
iu judge his place; and if any vacancy shall
continue in the board lor the space of one
hour after the time fixed by law for the
opening ol the election, the <,i alifted voters
ol the township, waid or district, for, which
such eflicei shall b;vc been elected pres
ent at tlit election, shall elect one of their
u urn tier to till such vacancy.
SEC. 9. In addition to the oath no* pre
scribed by law lo be taken and subscribed by
election officers, they shall be severally sworn
c r affiimed not to disclose how any elector
shall have voted unless required to do so as
witnesses in a judicial proceeding. Ail judges,
inspectors, clerks and overseers of any elec
tion he'd under fhis act. .'hall before enter
ing upon their duties, lie duly sworn or
affitmed in the presence of each other. The
juuges shall be sworn by the minority in
spector, and in case there by no minority
inspector, then by a justice ol the peace or
alderman, and the inspectors, overseers
and clerks shall be sworn be the judge, cer
tificate of such swearing or allnmiug shall
! e duly made cut and signed by the officers
BO sworn, and attested by the officers who
administer the oath.
ACT JANCAIiT 30, 1874.
SEC 5. At nil the elections hereafter held un
der the laws of this Commonwealth, ti c
polls shall bo opened at 7 o'clock, A. M., and
closed at 7 o'clock, p- M,
Ri:c. 4. AH elections by tho citizens shall be
bv br.ilot. Every ballot voted shall be num
bered 'it the order in which it w.v reecivi d,
and the number recorded by the election
officers on the h t of voters,opposite tho name
f the elector whopreußnta the ballot- Any
elector may write his name upon his ticket,
or cause tho same to be written thereon anc
attested ly a citizen of the district.
ACT JANUAItV 30, 1874.
SEC. >. At the opening of the polls at the
ele tioM it shall be the duiy'ot the judges o!
.i o election for their respective districts to
(b'sigi ate one of the inspectors, whose duty it
.-hall be to have in custody the registry ol
voters, and to make the entries therein reqtnr
ed by law; and it shall be the duly of the
i/iher said Inspectors to receive and number
me ballots presented at said election,
It snail bo tho duty of the resjiective con
s' ahlcs of each ward, district or township
within this C miu-mwealth, to be in
pons ui or by deputy, ac the place of hotdiug
-nch electi-ma in »ii l ward, district or tonn
slap. for the pur}>oso of preserving the peace,
as aforesaid
ACT MA lieu 30, 18C6.
One ticket shallunbraca thenunea of to
Judges of Con Its, voted for and be labeled
or'.-itie "Judicial v;" one ticket shall embrace
tho uiiin cfoll State officers voted lor, and
b. labe'ed "State," one ticket shall embrace
1!.,. • iees of a l County officers voted for,
including office • I Senator, member, and
IU embers ol A .-.-.em lily, il voted foi. and mem
! -v.-: of Congress, if voted for, and be labeled
"CcitDty;" one ticket shall embrace the names
( ,f ail township officers voted for and be
l ibeled "Towuship";one tlckc t shall embrace
the nam ol all borough ofllceis voted for
andbe labeled "Borough," and caeh cla-s
■hall be deposited iu a sei'arate ballot box.
ACT JA3CABY 30. 1874.
SEC. 13. As soon AN tho polls shall close, the
officers of the election shall proceed to count
ail the votes east for each candidate voted
for. and make a full return of the same in
triplicate, with a return sheet in addition, in
id! oi which tho votes received by each can
didate 'shall be given after his liamo, first
in words then in ligures. and shall be eifcTi
ed by all the said officers and by overseers, if
any, or if not so certified, tho overseers and
any officer refusing to sign or certify, of
either of them, shall write upon each of
the returns his or their teason for not signing
or certifying them. The vote, soon ts
(•onnti 1. shall also bo publicly and fully de
elated from tho window to the citizens pre
sent, and .- brief statement showing tho votes
received by each candidate shall be made
and signed by the election oilers as soon
•;< the votes are counted; and the same shall
he immediately posted upon the door of the
election house lor Information of the public.
The triplicate returns shall be enclosed in
envelopes and be scaled in the presence of
the olllc ei> .and one envelope, with tho unseal
ed return sheet given to ihe Judge, which
sNdlcontaln oue list of voters tally papers and
thoa ol officers,and another ol said envelopes
shall In) given to tl:c minority inspector. All
judges living within twelve miles of the
I'rothonotary's officer, or within twenty-four
mile*, if their le ideuce be in a town, city
or village upon Uie line of a railroad leading
to the county s> at, shall belore two o'clock
past meridian ol tho day alter the election
and r-ll other Judges euall, before twelve
oVlo-Ii meridian of the second day after the
lion, deliver sai l return, together with
relum ■ .. t, to tile prothouotary of the
court of common pleas of the county, which
said return shall be filed, and the day aud the
hoar of tiling marked thereou an: shall be
pie crved by the prothouot .ry lor public
insoectiou. At twelve o'clock ou the second
day following auy election, the prothouotary
ol the. court of common pleas shall preaent
th-.'aid return* to the said court. Iu coun
th > where iliere is no resident president
judge, the associate judge shall perform the
duties imposed upon the court ol common
pleas, which shill convene lor said purpose
the return presented by the prothouotary
shall tie opened by said court and comjmtcd
by such of its officers and such sworn assist
lauts the court shall appoint; iu Ihe pres
ence ol the judge or judges of said court, on
the return certified and cer
tificates of election issued under
the seal of the court as ia now required to
be done by return judges; and the vote as so
computed and certified shall be made a matti r
ol record In said court. The sessions of said
court shall be i pened to the public, aud iu
case the returns of an election district shall be
inisi-iug when the returns are presented, or in
any case of complaint of a qualified elector
under oath, charging palpable fraud or mis
take. and particularly specifying the alleged
fraud or mistake, or where fraud or mistake
i - apparent on the return, tho court, shall ox
amine tho return and if, iu Ihe judgment of
the court, it shall b > necessary to a jiibt re
turn, sai.l court shail issuo summary process
against tho election oflWr* and overseers,
in any of tho election districts complained of,
to bring them forthwith into court, with all
election papers in their possession; and if pal
pable mistake or fraud shall be discovered, it
snail, upon such hearing as n,ay be deemed
necessary to enlighten tho court, bo corrected
by the eonrt aud so certified; but all aliega
tioiii of palpable fraud or luistake shall bo
decided by the said court within three days
after the day the returns aie brought into
court for computation, and tho said (inquiry
shall bo dire, ud only to palpable fraud or mis
taUo, and shall not !>* a ( .emed a judicial a Iju
dicatiou to conclude any eoutest now or here
after to 1 provide,] by 'aw. and the otlicr of
saul triplicate roturnj sha'l be be placed in a
box aud scaled Up with tho naliots. If any
of the said jucli s shall hiuisflf Ist a candidate
for any office of any election, ha shail not sit
null the court, or act i' counting tho returns
of such eh -Hon, audußueh canes the other
judges, if any, shall act.
Given uud,. my hand nt my offtoe at l'utler. ■
tin lOUI day of He:., m the year of our'
Lord, Ib'.'l, aiid ui the lHUii year of the Inde- !
pendency of the I'nttcd State# of North |
PhenlT of lintler County, j
Offl fof the btrnur. , f the fomtuonwealih. j
Harrtsburj;. la. Bept*tnber sith. !a»l.
To t >»-«nn ' »• • • r Count. .
In ;in'' ju- v ol an Act !
til thi «>er.etal onbly. entitled -An aet to I
provi letor : t • r.u- tu>n to amend the t on-I
!>UtuUoft. Mil t etl t'i ot delegatt ;thereto." j
appmred Uie nineteenth daj ol Jane. Anno
l>otr.;ii! ont th'u-.iu'. < lui.tired and!
ntl i t)-on.' 'i eiliuj d eketor* el •
<'<'iaiiion»ef!Hh nt ;(»• p-iß'ral eleetlon to i
If held ou tt.e Tuenta: : \t lotlowtns the first I
jttuudi\ of Nowi-iber, nevt. vote leror «jr.UtiM 1
li idlnj; a convention to s;d tue < ■ nstitu
U"i. and lor ■ ji.Urs ut conventUju. ii a
uiajortty ot the vi ler* ta u.- iVniivoawealth
lavors iu.-U com ntton. ;x. orditig to the reg
ulations provided in tic -• < . rai said
aei a» hereafter aet Ijrth .in v. r,
M-i-rt. > l. Belt rnrtcut. 1\ I: ■ Stcaie .aid
11. ••••. : »;••;•. -tlx. .ot'
.'t Pennsylvania In *> in ral AS£''iuU*y met. .net i
It U I t rely er atted by tt.e .. ttoritj ot ll.i.
! same, TUai at tie neral tkv innto be held
on the Tuesday nexi fallowing thnhrst Moedjty
, ol November next. Hie duly qua!:lled eleewrs
i ot tnls i'< mmnnwealth cball vote icror against
I buidlsg a convection to an.< ud tliei mistitutioß
; acioratng to the regubtOdas provided in ttc
hul jseij cent sections ol th;» aet.
>KITIOK 2. 11 at the sslrt general election h»
be held aforesaid. u majority of the elector
ot this Conunonri'ealtu siv.Ul declare in lavor of
a convention io amend the Constitution, tl,■ •
said convention shall he < otifOied ot dek'gates
tluly elected, and shall assemble as Hereinafter
KB»TION 3. At the general eltcUon to be
held on the Tuesday next tcllowlng the Hist
Monday ot Noumtcr ntxt. mere siiall t-e
elected by the ijUsllßed electors o! this < otn
tr.onwetltli. •;« legates to a ccuvtntion to revise
and amend the i on. tttutlon ol this state. The
~aui convention fcliall consist of one nundn-il
and Ecventy-sevt-u members, to t* elected in
manner tollowlng: Twenty-seven members
shall < c tie ted in the state at large. Kach vot
er ot the Mate shall vote lor nt more than
elgliteeu candleates. aud the twenty-seven
hlgfc< st in vote shall be decl.it. d elected. one
hunCn c r nd Blty delegates shall be apportion
ed to and elected Irom the dilferenr Senatorial
olstrlttsc: the State, three delegates to be
elected in each Senator ihereiroin : and tn
choosing said tit It gales, each voter shall &e t ti
nt : t d to vcie tor not mote than tviooi the mem
bers to be c. os-cn iron, e.nh Senatorial clstricl.
and the three candidates hlgltesl In vole shall
be declared elected, and said delegates shall
t-ussess the qualifications ai present required
tor mt mbers of the siate senate.
>F.tTteN 4. ilu follow :i./ regulations sititll
apply to the alott aid t-iecuon to beheld on the
Tuesday lolh'W tne the lirit Monday ol Novem
ber next, and t« tiie leturti ol the same.
l irat. I'he said ti< tiw. sha.l Li hold and
conducted by the proper election officers of the
several election districts oi the Commonwealth,
and ii.all tc governeo and regulated in all r.
s[, t eta by the general election Uvvs ol the Com
niol,<\ealth, «o mr as the MHIO l>e applicable
thereto and net Inc usisleut v.ltlt the provis
lons ot lh'.s act.
s-.-cond. ihe tkkcts to be voted lor or against
a convention shall l . ve ou inside, • J-or a
Constuulioaal Convention." and Against a
Cons;ltutloual t ouvention," Vad t j otiier m
scripiions thereon.
Third. The ttckcla to be voted loi membtd"s
ut large shall have on the outside ti*c words,
-Oelegates nt large, ai.u on the inside the
names ol the candidates to be 1 voted for not ex
ceeding eighteen u. number.
Fourth, the tickets t be voted lor district
met! i • rs shall nave on the outside the words.
'•li:slriet delegates " aud on the Inside the
naut eor numes oi tli; etindidates vttcd tor not
exceeding the proper number limited as aiore
sa.il, but any lie lie t thiu i hail com, m a greater
number of names than lilt number fo> which
the voter thail be tn titled to vote thall be re
Fifth. '1 he teturn judges bh-.il Intel ut the
same places ~nd al tni same lime alter said
t lect lon. and i-tiuil make out the returns li.ere
ol ol lhe votes ..: d lot Ueleijales at huge and
district delegates to 6e members oi the said
convention in Uietceral uouuuesoi the Com
monwealth. and shall follow the saine form m
making cut tmir iciuint as piet> need lor re
turn Jiidgts li. tin cuse ft an 'lection for tjov
einol, excel t l !, at Hie said ictuiiis shall be
tnuisuimeu to tue Secietary oi the Coiniuon
we.iltu and snail he addressed to that otbccr
Now . iherefoie. in obedlanee to the teiiuiie
nieuis of the Aet ot the Oeneral Assembly
alcrtsald you aie hereby required to publisu
tins notice • Ith yteir pixKiamauou lor the hoid
lug ol sain general election.
WILI iAM F. liAhttirV,
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
All stock guaranteed to be in good con
dition when delivered.
We replai •• all trees that fail to grow.
J. i'. Lowry, W. T. Mecliling, Janie
Sbanor, Jr., j. E. Forsythe, Geo. ShalTuer
t?. Walker, Esq., Ferd Kciber, Esq. aud D
L. Cleeland.
ElTE.Silihl.hß llocSK, BVTLIB, TA
the Hutler CiTfZKX combined for $2.7." per
' year, ill advance.
We Will <£Qftn lia Ifi l-u 111,1 Commission
l',\V 9dl)U »didry t0 Men and Wom
' men. Teachers and Cifrgymen to sell etir New,
i Popular Standard Work.
No finer book published. Over choice cn
gravlng.-i. 10,400 copies sold In one week. En
dorsed by the guatest men or the country.
Tills is no htimbi;;' oher.
nf firm FOK rAimct I'ARH IN
Hie Hmrv II fnlttg (imi|«iiiv.
Norwich. Conn.
Butler's Book
1,000 l'aftes.
•200 Original Engravings,
Klegant Bindings.
Published in :i Languages,
Popular Prices.
The Only Authentic Work By
Exclusive Territory and Liberal Term
triven to Reliable Agents. Accompany
application with £-.00 for Prospectna.
J. W. Keeler & Co.,
j\ Wise Merchant
Is never content to stand
still. Stagnation is death
—in Trade as in other
things. New Customers
should be sought after all
the time. There is only
one way to get them —use
the Advertising columns
ijilOi iiSOJ Mill,
11. KULLERTOA, Prop'r,
IthuikciM, Flannels ami Yttrii
tlaiuiiHCinrrd ofl'ure Bnt-
Ict County Wool.
We guarantee our poods to be strictly all wool
and 110 arsenic or any other poisonous material
used in dyelnif. We sell Wholesale or retail,
s-amples and prlc s lurnlFlied tree to dealers on
application by Uiiill.
Sl'lll'TTE & O'BRIEN,
Sanitary Plumbers
tiid Gas Fitters.
Sewer Pipe,
(las Fixtures,
Globes and
! Natural (ias Appliances.
Jeffersonht.jOpp. l.owry House
i>- tutns i»
jfl'iiy titin'r i*ii-<-.jrt;-iH>n:« carefully <ou>
o S. Main Street, JiuLler, fa.
Traiu- leave liutler for Allegheny at 6:10,
S:J<> and 11:00 a. m., end 2:45 end o:00 p. ra.,
nrrirmg there at ~:40 and 10:30 a. in., ana
1:21, 1:44 and 0:47 |». m.
The i;: 10 a. m. connects nt the Junction
v tlh the ra:-.:l ea-i and at the intersection
with Day Kxpre.-s on the oatu hue going
The J: 15 p. t:. train connects at juuetion
with express (1-1 red at InUrsection with
Pbliad(l]ihi» ExprtM.
l ..ut' rrr'ive :.t ilatler Ireui Allegheny at
-:3 "j am! l' :35 a. «u., Ht-d 1:30, 5:tK) and 7:.i0
p. ta. CctuiDK wests'-ri on the main iine
the l'acific Kxpr«-s is the only train which
tOBoo x tb IcteiM ■. :i.»o sad Junction for
Butter, PSJ-CTUCCRS HI riving here at 1:30 p.m.
ri! .>«:t-t;.-. bfIENAJJGO A i-AKK ERIE B. K
Trait - Sutler, oy i:me table, for
Greenville i u l Krte nt ">:-U» and 10:20 a. m.,
and I " i - T t.l 4;53 iraius con
nect at li. i hton t' i ili'; arde, and all con
nect for Mt-alville.
Train- .. from .i.e North at 10:05 a.m.
futd 2:30 : i p. >.> . and the 10:t'5 and
nil fcffa cars to Allegheny.
A !i;ti:t l> ..vt-> miliar at 11:15, slow time,
and Anamn.V ■' !!:'!> Lat connects for But
ler and Allegheny.
.>.4 V.V.. K.
t'ti aud alter Aug. 9, IfeOl, truina will
leave the P. <S: W. depot in Butier as fol
low*: For at H:O0, 8:15 and 10:20
a. IN. and 2:40 and ti:3o p. ID. The Chicago
express leaves at :?:15 p. tn. ntx' New Castle
accomodation r.t 4:55 p. m. and b:\s a ui.
connects t. ; Ne* Castle. For Kane, Clar
ion and 1-Yxhur# trains leave kt 10:ts5 a. m.
and 5:05 a:.<! b:35 p. tii.
Trains :.rrive at Hutler truiu Allegheny
and the West at and 10:10 r. m. tad 12:
30, 4:40, 0:10, t:10 end S:3O p. in.—and from
Use North st S:o0 and 10:05 a. m. and 5:50 p.
The Sunday trains axe as lellovm, S:ls a.
tn. to Allegheny and New Castle, 3:15 p. m.
for Chicago, p. ta. to Allegheny and Ze
iienople, aud 5:00 p. in. ;o Clarion. Sunday
trains arrive from Allegheny at lt':10 a. m.,
4:40 at.d ti:lU pm. and nt i?:I0 from New
Castle and al &00 a. m. Ire m Fox burg.
LoTs. 1 will, fit r for sale a number of lots
situated on the high ground adjacent to H. H.
Uoacher, K-sq., and the Orphans' Home. The
land is laid out In squares ol something less
than one acre, each square being surrounded
l.v afO-foot street, and containing five lots 40
feet front by iso feet back. These lots are offer
ed ;.t ver> rt as 1 liable prices Mid on terms io
suit purchasers. These who wish an entire
square can be accommodated.
ALSO—I will sell mfr farm tn Summit town
ship .situated within one-ball m!lt> of the Hutler
Oorou eh line, atiiolntng lauds or .luir.es Kearna
aud others, on the MUWStovn load. and con
sisting of 112 atres. It w ill be sold either as a
whole ordivWedtosuit purchasers.
For further tururination tn regard to ettlier of
tin above properties. call on .t. y. Sullivan. 228
Fits North Street, Butler, l'a.
Agents Wanted.
Several good men, experiencu not
necessary, to take orders for fine
112 E. St, - - Butler, pa.
The undersigned will sell tits farm,containing
slxtv acres, more or less, and located In Adams
T« )i., on the Kvnusburg and Mars road, near
Marshall and Mvoma stations ou the P. & W
R. I:, and near tiie Callery oil field.
It contains a good house, good bank bun
5Cx»4, good ct'.tlmildli.gs, good orchard, level
and good ground, two springs near house, pump
in barn, and all lu gooa order.
Inquire ot or address
James Davidson,
Myoma P. O ,
Butler Co., Pa
Ic. W I<JK
Dough ami Worked Lumber
Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings,
Shingles arid Lath
Always in Stock.
Ofllco opposite P. i£* W. llepot,
L. M. &J. J. HEWIT,
Dealers in all kinds of
Rough and Worked Lumber.
We have a large stock of all kinds of Lum
ber, Oil Well UigK, Etc.
Call and gel our prices and see our stock.
Mailorders Promptly Attended
Office and yard on
Planing Mill
Lumber ai*<l
4. !.. I't llVi. o. fl I'V -S.
Hough and Planed Lumber
KVttKY uwnirrio^
Butler. Pa.
la DOW completed ond I retptctfully
iDvi'c itiu Public to call and w?o aie.
I am prepared to tupply «v»ry
tbinpr iu tbcjiue of Prtigh and Aitai
eioefi at all bour<s. Preßeriptionfi at
night a specialty.
Electric Bell aud ppeakiog tobe at
front door. Calls answered prompt
A bright, cheerful room ai d «-tery.
J. h\
(Contractor and builder In t-rlck work,
and'luautel telling and all kinds of l>rlok-la) Uig
a specialty. Also dealer lu barrel M»IJ. « #w-
I IIIM looce lime, cements. National, l ortjund
aud ail best grades in the market, ewetnea
ulaster, plaster hair. Klug's ce meet, flrebrlcV,
tile, wbtte sand and river sand. Main onke 315
N. Mam street, aud all order* left at wart ••'Jt'-te
will receive prompt delivery, lerms l eutonable,
, ivlr r . M «nr.v«»o,tnu.