fIHIH MW. AIKI it pays you to read all advertise ments when it makes you money to do so. When you can find out where to buy the best Bed-room suit in the market for sl9. When you can find out where to buy the best Parlor suit for #3B, best crush plush. A beautiful set of dishes, 11 4 pieces, for $12.50. Beautiful toilet set, 12 pieces, for #4.99. Then we say it doubly pays you to see our adv. this week and next. Don't forget to see our display at the Fair, September 8, 9, 10 and 11 and our store, 136 N. Main St., Butler, Pa. Campbell & A Templeton. AFTER HARVEST you want NEW FURNITURE to re place some of the old We are headquarters for first-class goods. Remember we have no mark down sales; our prices are always as low as is consistent with good goods. A full line of QUILTS in addition to other bedding. E. S. DREW, - 128 E. Jefferson, St. All Kinds of Job Work done at the "Citizen" Office. FRANK KEMPER, . DEALER IN Light Harness, Dusters and j Fly nets. The largest and most corp/plete line of robes, blankets, harness, .wliips. trunks, and valises, and at lowest prices in Butler, is al ways to be found at KEMPER'S. MY NEW STORE lb oCiW • tidpL-tod and 1 respectfully invi'c ti j Public io r»ll ai-d *«* tee. ! em prepared to ruppiv * verv thir,; in 'be lire of Driti- rvtri K : »di ciiKc iJ TI hour*. Prttmptior.* »t night n specialty. Electric Bf-11 lube ut front door. (Mis .answered prompt ly. ' rifht, ebierfol room and ojery ne ft. Yours, J. Jb\ B ALPIL Rr AD AND REMEMBER. For tr :ly puiv nna rellaWe STUATtIHT LKJUOIIJi, call u Z. m. PIMGE, li MTIiKIBLDST . I'lTTSl'.lßtitl.l'A. ti> pp. MOBMigahela House.) !vr Family iwe aia! M ••ludi p'lr pones arc H • ( -T.DKN WSDDING. j AU $t lit in IKIMKftS WIIiSKV, iperqt. ; <>V i ".-i V. iIISKV. 6 qts. Dli-iKV WHISKY, J lor W. Goo —tl> packed and promptly shipped I'bkc 7 moi receipt of cus.i or rost offlw rJcr. C expressed C. O. n. s• i Free List. t ' * ; f J rrs' t U Ity Iki '»•- i 1 ' T «*fc " ' 'it; Inthrir . - ' * trf r 11... ..k I■- I .01 . ' * -«*-,« «ay»i *(» rr U V< u i«i de«'>tt » ...Til* ;<> !».»■ wr . I his Uan , A > i«M».r> »wtr. »t ■. • .«v;*.v. Wo cau yuo tUe era i:r.k« So apace i j (.Hii'lAu. here. Fall »« «rii ■it CO.. AtfilVt*. *AIS«. L. C- WICK DEALER IN * Rough and Worked Lumber KINDS Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings. Shingles and Lath Always In Stock. LIME, HAIR AAiD PLASTER Office opposite P. <fc W. Depot. BUTLEIi - - PA LUMBER YARD. L. M. & J. J. HEWIT, Dealers in all kinds of Rough and Worked Lumber. DOORS, SASH, Bl INDS, SHINGLES, LATH, ETC. We have a laiye stock of all kinds of Lum -Ik.t. Oi! W.-li Kig.s, Etc. Call aud jj';t oiir prices and nee our stock. :VlailOrders Promptly Attended To. Office and yard on Mom'.ok Sr., Xear West Pesx liKPor, BUTLEK. PA. Flailing Mill jfr liiimber Yard J i i Vjf. L. O. POBVIB. 8.0 M A NI7FACTL* RKRB AN I) DfALKK-S IN Rough end Planed Lumber - »v«Hy i)!<so!tirrx<)N. SHINGLES, LATH & SEWER PIPE. Butler, Pa tv intril I**l.l* pi - »„.•*. xiw • ' • ••»-! *ho, •H?'-.- •. k J, : ••arii: t' r . : lit * I 1 wilt alcOlttniifth la ulit I | -I «.1.. rui) -I...MiM-nl a l.lrra IHWTIR 111 II I 111 Mil I410«-.t,., |. II.SIEW liIMII.I'M 'I :.ul.r>j'ijfei:. AdtlftMtlonra, K. V, i. y.. V-- * »rt«_Tr ■ 1 r .in ?£RS!3Ttfir always proven ' -j-- ■: :•>«» phicinrfany • \ . .• ' rtl- inff consult . L'Z i: « THOWIAS, • Y oar:« MUSH, Nothing On Earth Will MAKfr HENS £ LIKE Sheridan's Condition Powder! KEEPS YOUR CHICKENS Strong and Healthy ; Prevents all Disease. Good for 3loulting liens. - If \oii cnii't L eel It wud to ui. Wp-riAilon- i tckSV. Five SI A « 1-4 lt> can tIJtSJ* a- m onmMDAii] i\mltru RaUtmo Guide, prle« SuS«SK. of Is the Best Household Kemedy Exrant It is a positive cura for PILES SALT RHEUM, ECZEMA. And Ali Skin Diseases, An invaluable remedy for Wounds, Burns, Swell ings, Sores, Croup, Bronchitis, etc. NO HOME SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT, Sold iiy all druggists at 50 cents per box. Send 3 two-cent stamps for free sample bos and book. TAR-OID COMPANY, CiIICJGO, For Sale by D. H. Wuller, Butler. TAKC A WOMAN'S AOVICC AND USE Wo!ffs||§ME ß| acking A munificent Deep 111 nek Polish. which lastsoa Mon'.i boots a work, and on Women's a mo nth. 25 Dollars worth of New Furniture for J 25 Cents. HOW? By painting 25 square feet cf Old Furniture with yJEJIK-^ONI &X:*'ci< T ri r „!c:\ u rnrtf. VjTOLFF RANDOLPH, Philadelphia. that they bare no equal for curing DUxlcets, kj nfl Headache, CostiTeneia, Liver Com- £gK £# filalnt, FOOT a«S Ague, Indigestion. Backache, M W ■ -er all Liter aad Stomach trouble*. PS liter Krvar Fall. Bold by all drufgifta and Wt* etcrc keepers. CJ* Send fcr circulars. £g b. Jt. Ik'lsr* A to., Prop's, Pittsburgh, la. W (mm* nnnrr aaBHHaKfIB&A imkKUfWn§S»« r,J and HSKVOUS 2EBLLTT7, : JjWeaknfiMof Body and Kind, EtTasfca C? •liaJ'lMrt Errors or Ex cease > in Old or Your i. Bchubf* BcM* fcANliOODffclfy t*o*tired. Uowr f-nlcrre anc. 11-l|lMn KAK, I >CLtL'LOPKDOK(a*a*PAZITBOFftOD?. Absolutely po fall lof KOBK TREATMENT—Benefit* In a C.j, Bra frnai £0 States and Fan '.rz. Couniriaa. Wr!te ti:<au Dtieilßtit'' f>iAlaaat!«n and Balled (fcjaled* free* ACOrcu KRiE M&DICAL CO i. M. Y« WASHES Hi PI fly WITHOUT WEARING OUT gLOTHES. I Pi rI s If as LITTLE on y™ l NO ROBBIE IS REQUIRED. SIEfflP FOLLOW JUlir DIRECTIONS 1 CLOSELY^ The Host Successful Remedy cverdiscov. ?red, as It is certain In Its effects and does not Vlister. Head proof below : mm spiviii mi. r>aLYElt2fo2f, Pa., Nov. 27, "JO. Dru. B. J. KENTAI.:. CC. : Gents -1 would lit. t > make fcnown to those who aro«lj»i i }»ersua<lt i«> useKendali's Spavin Curo the fact that I think I: Ua most excellent Liniment. I have used itou :i Tiie horse went on three legs for three years whoa 1 commenced to use your Kendall's Spavin Cure. I used ten bot ti le hi rse uva w rkedUm forthreo years since &ud has not been lame. Yours truly, WX. A. CURL. N. Y., Nov. 2, 1859. DR. B. J. Kk.SDALL Co., Knesburgh Falls, Vt. Gents: In praise of Kendall'-* Spavin Cure I will say. that ayear ago I had .1 valuable young horse In come very lame, nock enlarged and swollen. The horsemen about heretic hove no Veterinary Sur geon here) pronounced his lair.eress Blood Spavin or Thoroukhpin, they all told rue there w;a» no cure for it* he became about useless, and 1 con sidered him almost worthless. A friend told me of the merits of your Kendall's M*>avln Cure, so I bought a bottle, and I could see very plainly jrrerti Improvements immediately from its use, and beforo the bottle was use<l up I was sat tailed that it was doing him a great deal of guod. I bought a second bottle and before it was u.sed up my horse was cured and has been in the team doing heavy work all tho season since last April, showing no more signs of it. I consider your Kendall's Spavin Cure a valuable medicinc,and it should bo in every stable in the land. Respectfully yours, EUGENE DEWITT. Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles for £». All drug gists have it or can get it for you, or it \ 11 bo sent to any address oa receipt of price by the proprie tors. DP. 15. J. KE X DALL CO., Knosbnrsrh Falls* Vermont. SOLD BY ALL IVPUUGISTS. DOCTORS LAKE ' SI IT.IVATC BiSPENSAItY. COR. PEN" Avs. ANO ST . . ."■Hbv,'- PITTSEURCJH, PA. , Allrormsot Dolicntc aud Com v7- .1 plicated I)i«ca ■ rwiuiriiißCo;.'- ' «y ni':'NTuua:'!; IKSTIK:CM«"!- ieati.m nro tio:ii!?d at tin* Hi--- . ." with a Miccess rarely attained. J>i .d. . ls»roeml)er«<tbeßoy«lColk®eofPhy- id surgeons, and i; tUo oldest mid mi -t i EClALlST intliecity .spc alat -t:. . ven to>ier»ou» Debility from e v cc~ive n . exertion, Indiscretion of youth, etr.eai - i- ? .ii' l mental ii' ay, 1' . « onoi/v. I ■ ~ ito.; alsotaneei:. Old Sore.-. Kiii, rile i " uiiiatlmn, and all di ■ esof tliu Skin. l.*.'i,t ,rs,Urinarytrans,c '. . s;; irtly conildi iifi:' l . Oil- -c Hours,'J to , ' is !. M.; Suilda)... 1I•< '■ Si. onlv. 1 > v or addrOM X>r--. LA LB, OOR. -l.\N .. i^.ANDiXiIST..I'ITTSBtUi'H,PA. V . 7. idj> WACMihES A Inniiili'la BfECIAi.TV. Sin I'lr.-r niOfct durabl-'. Ec 'iiomical laid peri, cl n US'-. Wabt' no ( raiu; Cleans It !'• .uly lor Market. Threshing Eogini-s Sl Horse Powers. OAif v j ' | Q and standard lmpl i .-nts uAti «il I. neraliy.send U'roatii!".;.'lo A. 1! CO. Peun»tyli* Ajjricolt'l Work.,, York, Ta > TfsSS ,h„ N«w«{'»pcr A'' i ; * i. . ~ . • .»■ i t :• • ! «. V- - 4VfeR Si SOW. UUX F'i'hortxsd z#-1 •-« Reciprocity. A little girl in my school, writes a Youth's Co:n;> . -.ion corn-pondeut, re cently came t<« n.e in tears, rugrett'.aff the fact that her father's illnes made it necessary f<<r her to "leave and go to work." I bade her , •' • and with a school marm's hauler: . : * t > k .:p a creditable pupil added: "When your father is well some back to me." Then, obeying a sudden impulse to take advantage of what I knew to be, in all probability, my la; t chance to influence the precious waif for good, I said: "But if I never . e you again I Lope you will try to ■!o your duty wher ever vou m: 1 . b \ \\ atever work you may have to il<> try to d<> it well. I hope yoii will be an honest, honorable woman." "Thank you. ma'am." she replied, putting up her to be kissed. "1 wish you the same." The dear child! I know now what St. Paul meant by the "foolishness of preaching." Translation. The danger of attempting to translate from one la*i ruage into another, unless one is reasonably familiar with the lan guage 4 he i- using, was illustrated by a mistake recently made by a young Frenchwoman. She ba»l come from Paris, and wished to establish herself in this country as a teacher of tlic French language. She accordingly inserted the following ad vertisement in one of the papers: "A younfr Parisian lady desires to show her t<>n;rue to classes of American ladies. Address, etc." A Case of Heart Failure. He You said you loved me and prom ised to marry me. She— P. T on In-'jw how prevalent heart fi Ilu: I - ■km -Stings. —Children are ju.-t as liable to sutler from catarrh us grown people. The best and easiest applied remedy is Old Saul's Catarrh Cure. The best reform in domestic life is with out doubt the introduction of l)r. Bull's Baby Syrup. -Vow no more laudanum need he given to babies. —A widow is one who has lost her hus band: a grass widow, one who has simply mislaid him. —Ol the entire human race, 500,0000,000 are well clothed, that is, they wear gar ments of feme kind: 250.000.000 habitually go naked, and 700,000.000 only cover parts of the body; 500,000,000 live in houses, VOO - in caves aud huts, 250,000,000 virtually have no shelter. —The mau who drinks to drown his troubles finds them well provided with life preservers, —lf people would take the advice of I). 11. Wnller, Butler; A. Bowers. Pro spect; Breaden <£ Allison, W. Sunbury, the druggists they never would s'art on a journey without a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, i■"!• ra si.'l Diar-t.tca Remedy. 1 can be depended tip.-:: a..d is pleas ant to ti;ke. —Dr. Fenner's Kidcey and Backache Cuic is warranted t" give satisfaction in every ease <•: r; ruinei!. A Xi.'igara unit: went to the trouble and expeiise of hanging hi::.-elf. lit! was very foolish, Fails v. eri' s i near at hand. Pleasant Employment at Good Pay. The publishers of SKhD-TtiiK .\xi> H.itt- v est, an old established monthly,determin ed to greatly increase their subscription lists, will employ a number of active agents for the ensuing "ix Dionths at £50.- 00 per month or more if their services warrant it. To insure active work nil ad ditional cash prize of SIOO.OO will be awarded the agent who obtains the the largest number of subscribers "The early bird gets the worm." Send four silver dimes, or twenty 2 cent stamp.- with your application, stilting your age aud territory desired, naming some prominent bu.-ini'.-.- i.uia ;.s a reference as to your ciipal'iitics, utd ve will give you atrial. The 40 cents pay s your own sub- ription and Von will receive full particulars. Address SEED-TIME AND HARVEST, La Plume, Pa. —A learned doctor in towit says "the best remedies for sleeplessness are to cease i! evil and lenra-to tin well' —T e American h : i : ev:'i t lioir, until be go. . ver it: -; . v'i:;.-iil a ■ ti!: t. liuii- . ..•> • r ni> s In U o.ill"r.lV Sanitary Lotion, This never tails. Sold by J C liedick, druggist, Butler., —1 ho "dear p'aees are wearing the rg>,<- ■ ■ < ;ets have be:i!' lo:e be .. t « exeio-tve p;< ,".riy of tho C »•:.,* m niidi* nii-ii. Unr giils will soon "'catch on." Vou should cautiously avoid relating in o:tc house an fid :e >i faults you may iit ;>r or see in another. Save; Vutiri.ii ..i.'.y. When > ou go t:. 1 lit, burgh, Pa., stop at the Auetior ilot.i; , corner Lilierty and Fourth xti'tvis. It i: ii s-rictiy lirst class Hotel conduct id the. European plan. —Tho mau who v.otini Mihiu in society mu-i iirst i• ■ r,i t-» "u ic • '»egi i it 'lie io •!. I, • i. v. —; man .■ i.: io .i-y i:...\i ui> . !d«an . ■ ■ i - .'li . s " I.:—i'o-e . bj ;i ■ Iro - Chamberlain's Hye and Skin Ointment A certain cure for Chronic Sore Eye?, Totter, Salt Eheum, Scald Bead, Old Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema, Itch, Prairio Scratches, Soro Nipplc3 and Piles.. It is cooling and toothing. Hundreds of cases have been cured by it after ail other treatment had failed £t Ls put up in 25 and 50 cent Loses. —The greatest common divisor—Differ ence of opinion. —The tin!" fill so > i be hero whe ; you may hook i Isw 'limit, stealing it. —Som 1 >:•!• rs ,-po'i I ttseir m i.*y jsist like wat ■ : ti. yet they don't go' it from tie well. —Tb ig<.; eii i'.oi ho im'dic'y j r.rented until it is uio. i ilv clot'i 1 iu laug■; ige —l' i- s:.i I tb.v a hai:'ca i:i Philadel phia wileS 'i'e aiorj interest than a mur der in Now York Consumpiicii Surety Cured. To Tir rioaso infonn j '.vr rfja.l, r* that I liavo a},o&itivo remedy for the above-namod diseasa. l!y ita timely uso. thoucauils of hopol. sa ca.',o9 have been permanently cared. I shall bo glad to Botd two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of yonr readt rs who havo consumptiou if they wiil s«ud mo thi .r Kxprens and V. O. address. !?.'■ t *uity. T. A. SLOCUiI. M. C.. tBl Pearl St.. N. Y. 1 r-C-T v ni:CI t ntess vou write us qttick- Lv ol UuU Jy. V.'e'want 11.1)1« sales t.ieu.-'.nd will pur.ranu;' iieiinaneut positions wilh alary ami e\pe:. pulcl weekly. Full •»• p t'-sr.-rie •• ' it required, stock complete, inclmtlDS many fast nelllrg Bpeclst , i:ii-i.:int i titl.l fr> e. A.ldir-ss i . .1 HAW Ks < o Nnisi r.iiiian. I'oehester, X. V. KstiibliulM rt :575. .'■IIOTiI v.'e.'.i!il,'!>!u ie'J, ar» entirely I'll' • •• i... 1 ..( ,ii-.- t y Dr. ,i. !:. MA \ Elf. 1 '• it'll ftieet. t'lit'iiidelphl.i. Ilios. K.ntvi.j;. "-w I.tiiKtoli' Pi.. I. -«'. :■ 11 1 ;■' '. 11. ■'! , I !'...< . A I » 110 •!., Ole}\ I ; . |. Vv. . i ' .11:1 n. l';i. A. Hehnclder, ! .. .• i d .:. , hi., l>. li. >;oli. t.iii.ekiln, I.' W in. K. !li.rU-ustlno. t'ho'Dtx- Viili-. I'.. M. 1.1 a. h. all I-.: V, »>lii:-tr,!! M . Itiv:' ... .!. r. I \ iue. VMu itoi' .lld St.. ilar t:r. i . r K-I'm. l)';;.-vvil:. . P.., I),-. .1 V !'u 1 - Hotel IV!.n. Ueudinir. 1';... t... I .1 : I : 11. , .. 1 e. .l! icenili. « '::' l nlitl El I l.!m " .. I t .1 1 * ». r* w «r!.*r. "\ r ii • n, fvmi«N:n^r I AdWtiM i." 'he Citizin THE (^TTTZKN. i. ANKors NEXT. Teacher —James, give me the/lefini- i tion of occur. James —A cur is a dirty yellow dog 1 wot ain't got no place to go to.—Golden Days. No aJail. Returned Tourist—'Your uncle is not here, I see. Nephew —X-o. Tourist —Heard fi'om him lately? Nephew—Not since he died.—Good News. Liberty's Limitation#. Inynigrant—At last lam in free America. A man can do pretty much cvs he pleases in this country, can't he? Native— Y-e-s, unless he's married. — N. Y. Weekly. Meanest Man on Kecord. Xle —Why do you run away and leave Mr. Winkle? She —Because he's too stinpy and mean. Why, he won't even laugh at his , own expense! —Life. Woman'* Way. She —Jack, that wan is staring at me j dreadfully. lie—Shall I go over and thrash him? She—No; hut do tell me if I look all right.—Jury. , —"There are millions in it" saiil a drug gist when asked about Dr. Bull,B Syrup. Price 25 ets. For some time past I've been arlieumat ! ic. I recently tried Salvation Oil which gave me almost instant relief. I sincerely . recommend it as it has entire!}' enred me. Jambs Gordon, Balto, Md. —An Indian woman of 300 pounds 5 weight visited Bath. Me.,and broke through ! the side-walk. The Street Commissioners thereupon gave her notice that in her future visits she must keep tho middle of the road. —lt is hard for a man to face the world when he is flat on his back. —Are the woods of the Amazon called '•virgin forests" because they have never been axed. —Mr. C. B. Jones, of Spring Hill, lowa, says: "I have used Chamberlain's Pain Balm for severe and painful burns with , better effect than anything else I have , ever tried. It relievos the pain instantly and cures without leaving a scar." Pain Balm is one of the most useful medicines that any family can be provided with, es pecially for rheumatism, lame back, sprains, bruises, tooth-ache, ear-ache and like ail ments. Ono aplication will relieve the pain and a fair trial insure a cure. 30 cent bottles for sale by 1). II Wnller, Butler; A. Bowers, Pro spect; Broaden & Allison, W. Sunbury. To Our Subscribers The special arnoancement which up : pearcd in onr columns some time since, I announcing a special arrangement with Br. B. J. Kendall Co., of Enosburgli falls, Yt., publishers ol "A Treatise on the Horse ami liis Diseases," w hereby our sub scribers welo enabled to obtain a copy ol that valuable work free by sending their address to B. J. Kendall Co. (and enclosing a two-cent stamp for mailing same; is re newed for a limited period. We trust all will avail then.selves of the opportunity ol obtaining this "valuable work. To every . lover of the Horse it is indispensable, as it treats in a simple manner all the diseases which alihct this noble animal. Its phenomenal sale througnout the I liiteil ,St .te and Canada, make it standard authority. Mention this paper when send ing for "Treatise." —The rather rem.iricablo fact is noted 1 that 8,000 places in Chicago take out inter nal revenue license to sell liquor, while ' but 0,000 take out city license for the same j. purpose. I To Consumptives. il.e undersigned !iavi::g been restored io health by simple means, ytier sulleriug for several years with a severe lung atleciiou, and that dread disease Consumption, is anxious to make known to his !tlto'.v sulicr ers the menus ot euit. lu um.- lio desire it, he will cheeriuiiy »ei.«t (in t ol ■ iiarge; a copy ot the pre»cripiii:a useo, \ihich it.ey will lind a amo cure lor Consumption,, Catarrn, Uroachilis eii'l all throat aa.i lung Maladies, tie nostra all sullerers wilt try ais Remedy, us r is lmaiuutjit. Those oesiring the prtseiipUou, which will thtui notiimg, aaii i.ijj prove a bless ing, will j;leuii: uUJreu i.DWABo A. WILsUN, iiitaui.-:.urg, C-.-Uiity. Von. —Kuoiw i eider iw-. nee a wade iu Eastern Penusy lvauia t.iis season, .»ay» a U.auiug t.i Uii tU-i SciiuyUit; to its brim were that river t.i go dry. —Rheumatism cured in a day —"My. ti-- eure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radio call} cures mlto l> days. Its action upon the system is reuiuruablc and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The lirst dose greatly benefits, io cts. Sold by J C liedick, druggist, Butler. —A sunflower plant in the yard of a Chicago railroad magnate is bearing 8-1 blossoms. The plant is growing within 200 teet of ilichigan boulevard. —Dr. Fcnner's Golden Relief is warrant ed to relievo toothache, headache, neural gia, or any other p;.iu in 2 to 8 minutes. Also bruises, wounds, wire cats, swellings, bites bums, summer complaints, colic, (also iu horses), diarrhoea, dysentery and tlux. 11 satisfaction not giveu monej 1 returned. —And still another sleeper. It is an 1 Ohio girl again, and she has been in an almost continuous slumber since early last week. —Spectacles and Eyeglasses made by Robert Bruce.Wallace, (successor to the "Fox Optical C 0.,) at 024 Peim Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa., are conceded the best and j most comfort al le. Save money by having i him tit your eyes. J —The hunting sesaon is here and the E country steer needs a hide about a foot J thick. —For headaches, biliousness, constipa tion. dizziness, sleeplessness, the blues, - seroiula, tl e blood and all skin eruptions ; Dr. Fcnner's Blood and Liver Remedy aud j Nerve Tonic never fails. Warranted to ; satisfy m money refunded. —1 am not literary,but 1 can pen astray aitiele now and then," said the farmer's boy as he drove home the lost pig. —English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps aud blemishes ' from horses, blood spavins, i urbs, splints. !l sweeney, ring bone, stifles, strains, all swolcu throats, coughs, etc. Save SSO by use of one bottie. Warranted the most 1 wonderful blemish cure ever known. Sold 1 by J 0 Rediek, druggist, Butler. 1 —She wed him not for love, but sympa thy, This airy, (airy maid—or so lis said; She'd beard this aged man ot sixty-three An orphan was. both parents being ; dead. —L»r. Fenuer's Cough Iloney will relieve any cough in one hour. Equally good for I horses. Gives energy and strength. Money j refunded if satisfaction not given. FALL AND WINTER STOCK OK Boots, Shoes and Rubbers XOW READY AT HUSELTON'S, Compiisinff Eirery Known Style io Footwsai in the Great Shoe Manufacturing Centres of the East, Daily Crowding Unr Big Store with all the Choicest and Newest Styles in Footwear front a Cheap Brogan lo the Fin est Hand-Turn Lady's Button Boot. NOW IN ! COME AND SEE THEM! There isn't a style worth considering vve haven't the prices arc go low as to within the reach of every man or woman in Butler county. Our Men's, Boys' and Youths' Boots are a grand display, cut from the choicest Chicago Kip. Women's heavy calf, kip, grain and veal in lace and button, they posi tively will resist water. Prices iu women's, 85 c. to ?1 25. Ladies fine shoes at sl, $1.25, $1.35, $1.50 and $2 Can't be duplicated iu Butler Co Men's fine .'•hoes ia calf, cordovan, kangaroo, buQ' and veal in McKay, Goodyear and hand welts, all styles, ail widths, from $1 up to $3. Drop in and see us; we will interest you. Recollect, everybody's dollar is worth I 100 cents r.t Huselton's. No two prices. Goods guaranteed as represented. Repairing of all kinds done. B. C. HUSELTON, 102 N. Maiu St., Butler Come Orice ■ And you will Come Again To the Great Sacrifice Sale of BOOTS & SHOES JOHN BiCKEL'S. We ire now prepared to offer sime great bargains in fine footwear having just ree'd a large line of Ittdier-" i.und turus, hand welts and maeLine sewed sbces. We are now prepared to effer a better selection than ever be fore, and prices much lower. Read the prices of a few of the following goods, aud we wiii convince you that we have a long aud strong bold when it comes to shoes. Ladies' genuine hand turns button at $2.50. • I " '• welts " at $2.50. front lace patent tips at $1.75. || extra quality kid shoes at $1.25. " slippers (opera toe and exferds) at 15c. Men's fine dress shoes all hand made at SG.OO. Any style or stock desired Men's fine calf and kangaroo shoes at $3.00. " "A" calf shoes at $1.25 to $2.00. Misses kid and pebble coat button shoes at 75c. to $1.25. Boys'high cut calf shoes at $1.25. Children's shoes 25c. and upwards. Infants' shoes all prices (from 10c. per pair and upwards). Remember the above prices are all -'special prices" better goods than sold before at those prices. It would be to your interest to call as earlv as convenient and look over our stock for wc ore offering unparalleled bargains Call and sec us if you wish to buy or uot for after seeing the special bargains we have put out you will certainly buy whether you need the goods or not. Seven grades of rubber goods Boston, Candee, >Voonsccket auu Good vear, glove rubber boots at $2 35 per pair including a good pair sheepskin moccasin 1 ?; ladies' and children's rubber boots and shoes away down We have now on hand a full line of the celebrated "Golden Rule" boots that is the best Snag boot now iu the market, the extra extention of the sole covering part of the upper. Every pair wnrrentfd strong and substantial ond guaranteed not to snag. A guarei.tce with every pair. We guarantee our Golden Rule or Anti-snag rubber boots to be made of pure rubber and as pi-rfeet as material and workmanship caa make them, to give satisfaction witu fair use atd to out wear any robber bo. ts now made with san service or replace them with a new pair, extei'cil injur? excepted—wo h ve this hoot high cut or modium height We have on hard 100 pair meuV tali calf dr.-ss boots all hand made (sizes all sixes) fit $1.50 per pair regular price $4 00. Many other bargains, that space will not permit me to speak about. Boots and Shoes Alade to Order Repairing neatly and promptly done. Orders by mail will receive prompt and careful attention J 01LN BICKEL. BUTLER, - -- -- -- -- PENN'A Pittsburgh, Pa. * This old :ind> institution lias prepared thousands of younsf men and women 'ortie active rtn?i?s*rf life To those In w int of a useful, practlc li .•(Jueatloc, clre.ilars will b- sent on application. P. DOH' 4 SOSB. JE&eeipi'ocity. To counteract the effect of spring winds and storms on face and hands; to renew, renovate and purify the cuticle after a rigorous winter, is the mission of GOSSER'S CREAM GLYCERINE And ri<rb£. well does it perform the task It is a bland, creamy emulsion, with just enough vege table cil to soften tLe f-kin, com bined with pure glycerine and other substances, forming one of the finest preparations for chap ped hands, lips or face or any | roughness or irritation of the skin. No lady or gentleman should be without it SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. Full 100 Cbnts' worth to the j Dollar on Eray Purchase Made at our Store. We are ottering values Un precedented in Furnishings for Ladies, Men and Children. lie advised and you'll save money. Whatever you may require in our line, come to us, we'll show you a preat. variety and save you money. Our Sptl ijr stock is now full and coiiipU'ie. We guarantee to meet (every dimtod to your fullest satis- I (action. We have a big variety, with mam styles of Hoys' aud Girls' Hats 1 and Cups at low Injures. |John M. Arthurs. j 333 socrn MAIN STKEET. — YyU C/U i , LNO j, •!>.,£«. . ! *u<. will extract for mlvKtlUtu* at Uii m MWMB. KRIEi FA. All stock guaranteed to be iu good con dition when delivered. • We replace all trees that fail to grow. REFERENCES IX BUTLER: J. p. Lowry, W. T. Meehling, Jame Shan or. Jr., J. E. Forsvtlie, Geo. Shaflner e\ Walker, Esq., Ferd Kciber. Esq. and D Ij. Cleelatid. G. F. KING, AGT. Eitenmillkb House, Uutles. P.a. t'uo Uutior C'itizkx combined for 12.75 per year, in advance. KXtH IMUI MILL, H. Fl'l LERTON, Prop'r, siiaakei!', Fl;:;iuels aud Ysirn MaiiciticJitreil ol I'are Ilnt !ei < Wool. We Kuiirant"e our goods to be strli tly all wool no arsenic or any other poisonous material used in dyeing'. We sell Wholesale or retaU. samplus and prices fmulshed free to dealers on application by matt. : ph!«tof lnform«Hoo and Wnn.:i of the laws, (bowing 11-.w Advertise ia the Citizen - Leading Millinery House - HT MR H?* Wc are new ready to exhibit this season's styles of NL-I=TJ=lJ=l=N= K= R Y In every desirable style and quality. Our stock is utmualiy lejge ted sliiaitive. Tiinntd tats and ben nets of all descripticcr—fr It lair, velvet Lois aid sailer I *.;« Hals end bonnets trimmed te ciccr. Tte largest scd irest cempUir ftcck of velvets, ribbccs, tips, quills, fcin> ore wirgs ever Lrcngbt to But'er FOR CHILDREN Hoods, caps, sailor hats in preat variety. MOIJKNIN-. Hats and bonnets receive our best attention, a complete lice always on band. A, Th v o in T PAPE Cheapest. | ■ • ■ # » ■ I Street. Ritter & Ralston. rrMSZHWOQOWOOOOK— CLOAK DEPARTMENT. Wc have now on exhibition a complete line of ladies, misses aDd chil drens warps, in all the latest &tjles and lowest prices. FLANNEL DEI»ARTM ENT. A complete line of blankets, flannels, yarns, wool hosiery, Ltdies wool skirts and everything in tbe line ot woolen goods. DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. Dress goods and trimmings in all the latest novelties. 0 A R P E T S. Our stock is unusually large in all tbe bt-Bt makes and most desirable patterns at lowest prices. i Call in and he convinced that the place I to buy is at RITTER & RALSTON'S STOCK ENTIRELY NEWI ; Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware and | Spectacles At lowest cash prices at J. R. OKIE B 9 ! No. 125 K Main St., - Duffy Block. 7 %/ ; Sign of Electric Bell and Clock. .4ISE VOU Looking for bargaius in Drees Gocds, Silks, Cballies, Ginghams, Hosiery, Gloves, Underwear, Curpets, Lace Curtains, etc. Do vou know that vou can do BETTER in this line of goods at than at any other house no matter where located. Call and you will find out. 200 and 202 S. Main St. butlkb. - - - PA. r U WINE ANO LIQUOR DEPARTMENT. »l On account of many calls made upon us l.v our friends and pulrons and Si having been put to much inconvenience by being unable to comply with i' their rcouests we bave again added this department, and we can eafelj say 11 that that ibe goods handled by us will be fully up punty iand quanty 1 1 so favorably known and formerly sold by our firm. We make a spec .all vof 8 \ „„ods intended for medicinal purposes. Our price: are right, taking quality i' ■} as a criterion, and we again hope to merit a share ol your patronage. J FBI SOTB SOMB OF OI R PRICES OX BCLK GOODti lit Fine Rye Bourbon whiskies, according Blackberry wino or brandy, t ¥' flLl to a"c S a 4, £0 and $8 per gallon, per gallon. , . t n Fine b'ran'di. s aud imported cognacs. I 'ineapple and Holland gma, f—>o I #£» accordiuir to ac», *2.50, $3, *4. and $3 per gallon. f> Der Mllon! Kummel ?2.50 per gallon. Foreign port and sherry wines, accord- Cal. Angelica pir ga ; .' n. Pi M ing to age, $2 *3, *4, $6 and $3 per ga!. New Englan 1 run, $3 per g»lloa. 4* XO CHARGE FOR PACKAGES. i OLD FINK BOTTLED GOODS OK KYLRY DESCRIPTION. Ell WM. HASLAGE & SON. M | VV LEADING !FAMILY GKOCEKS. i Mfi ..vv .M,, u„: mTSBTKG, : ' A _- t\\£s CawwJto gfl Wp THE ft »?RH B% OinHE* 0 ] Vf I^#s HAY-FEVER fr_ %J COLD HEAJ wSm Ely'* Cream Balm u not a liquid, tnuff or pnnUr .1 pptkd into he n "f n '•' * quickly absorbed. ltclranf the fuxid, aWiyt wjtamntatton, ruau. - Eft ft the»wt*. Sold by druqgUt* or sent by moil on receivt fc 3UC ELY BROTHERS, &6 Warren Street NEW YORK, tK'-
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