TUB CITIZEN. ... - rnr> htn»l »t fnf ***** m H d FRIPAY. •CTOBEB 2. 1891 ~9Tnwc*xmo«—**•. l ■* an *J r P?* year. In Mtvonoc ; WtoUe Uw coMty, 12 per year tn advance. AT vrjrntirss—lne*. eno time, sl, each .uWequent tnaorUoa m cttM eacu. Auditors and dfvorco *>■*«* •*«•<*. eiocutors- and ed- Icißtsttato*' mosb» »»••<£■ «f tray K solution nattcc* S ea*a. Keating notices 10 centsaHn-sTSr®**aad'tMUllor eaeh eubse qumt Kotl cm uu« local news iff ms l» eeaa a *»r Obit u arli s, cardg alt '-ksaka. resolutions of reelects notices ot rejlfcraje ami fain, etc.. nwrtM at the rate of a oenta a Una, monar to accompany the order. Seven weads of prow make a IM. Hates for stu«u cart* iM Job worlt on ,P AlllSSve n rttoln*ladualt*«rstinsertion. and aU transient adranprnw nmt be paid for In ad vance. Of each issue •( meCmM* some extra copies ar printed wMCfc are sent to citizens of the county wao are Mt sntaaafber* and their sub s criptlon 1s inymlfaHy MMted. aubserlbetß wUUo » favor by lending us the names « ttelr ndgWOrs, not BOW taking a county Paper. AH i « innifUnrn intended for poblioation in this paper martfce eeeempenied by the reel name of the ndlH) noi 1m publication but aa a g trustee of not* faith, Carriage and Mk notices must be aoooin pauied by a rospcaabl* UU. " PUBLIC AH TICKETS. ■TAT*. Tar AMMbr taml.i DATTB M. V»r Jam o»«r- WILL I A* ft. PATTERSON. Commjam Meeting Celled. Tho aionkui ef tfae Republican County Committee are requested to meet mt Hus elton's Hall, i* Butler, on Saturday, Oct. . Fi:-her, of Butler, Mrs. Anna Patterson of Freeport, and Mrs. Adam Hyerly, of Buffalo twp. DE.VNY—At his home in Clearfield twp.. Sept. 27. 1891, Arthur Denny, aged 71 years. BOYLE—At her homo in Clearfield twp.. Sept 28, 1891. Mrs. Boyle. EYTU—At her home on W. Cunningham St., Sept. 29. 1891, Mrs. Casper Eyth. aged 37 years. RETTIG—At his home in Summit twp., Sept. 28. 1891. Mrs. Adam Rettig. aged about 00 years. WISE—At the home of W. W. Harbison, in Shaler twp.. Allegheny Co., August 27, 1891, Maggie, daughter of Daniel Wise, aged about 36 years. GUMPPER--At his home on Fulton St., Butler, Sept. 25, 1891, Mr. G. H. Gump per, aged about 49 years. KUHN— At his home in Pittsburg, Sept. 18, '9l, Geo. H. Kuhn, aged about 44 years. He was a brother of Mrs. Chas. O'Don nell, of Clearfield twp. SMITH—Sept. 26, 1891. at her home in Butler, Mrs. Amos Smith, aged 30 years. DA A'lS —At bis home in Franklin twp, Thursday, Sept. 24. 1891, Joseph Davis, aged about 67 years. His death was caused by pneumonia. RANDLE —At his home in Forestville, Sept. 26, '9l, Frank Raudle, aged 21 yrs. His death was caused by typhoid fever. BELL—In Mercer Co., Sept. 29. '9l, Thos. Bel! of Forestville, aged about 60 years. SHANNON'—At her homo near Whites to\tu. Sept. 24, 1891. Mrs. JohnL. Shan non, aged 70 years. Where is the best place to buy Clothing, Hats, and Geutp' Furnishing Goods? At the Racket Store. WHY ? Because they have one of the largest stocks to select lrom and they sell lor C Jk&H thus being able to give you more for a dollar than other house in the county. *\ou can see these facts lor yourself by calling at THE RACKET STORE 120 S. Main St. LVutlor. JPn.! A LEADING > QUESTION With us at the present time is bow we rat.v reduce our slack of senecua ble goods. We certainly have to clear < nr shelves of all Summer stuff. Can We Do It ? We at lesf-t will try. Are you will ing to buy new i nd stylish goods at less than others sell their old shop worn stock? Will these prices inter est you? Fine Dress Gingfcams reduced from 121 to 7-i-c >d. 20c and 25c Challies down to 10c a yd. 12i- Cbullied down to 5c yd. $5 Bonnet for $2.50. $3 Bound for $1.50. $1.50 Flow ers for 50e Also Hijr Reductions in I.urn Cur tains. Hosiery and Underwear, and Men's furnishing ds. If you ic tend to huv at the above prices, come NEW YORK BAZAAR 22S and 232 S. Main St. Opp. Postoffice. GO TO REDICK'S FOR Pure Di O 7 Paints, Oils, Glass, Fine Toilet Articles, Patent Medicines, And all other Articles Kept in a First Class Drug Store. FRANK KEMPER, DEALER IN Light Harness, Dusters and Flynets. The largest and most complete line of robes, blankets, li arlle s s, whips. trunks, and valises, and at lowest prices in T-intler, is al ways to be lound at KEMPER'S. • jlik ' SYIQEEfQ or oiftork,wno " too*amine D C 055 » IVLRV th;s p.p« ,cr oht i ' exjmat N an when in Chicag*. *"• 'ton If t I'LOHD&THOiUS., WHO IS LOUIS TRAXLER? V'VX/7 lie is the popular Butler dry goods man who has opened a new dry goods store. 108 S. Main St., next door to Butler Savings Bank. WHO IS LOUIS TRAXLER? lie is the man who will .-ell you a dress, a cloak, a bonnet, and every thing in the dry goods line cheaper than any man living. LOUIS TRAXLER is not a stranger in Butler. He will aim to give you better bargains than ever be fore. lie has every thing as he advertises. He don't misrepresent his goods, noi does he allow his cierks to do so. If you want to get the most goods for your money, see that vou trade at the right place, LOUIS TRAXLER next door to Butler Savings Bank. Butler. MISS WHITE'S Classes for Boys and Girls. Butler, October Ist. Application should be made to GEORGE R. WHITE, East Diamond St. MEADVILLE. PA. Established over 'J."> years, connected with Al legheny College, and Conservatory ol Music. Over -'.Orta students placed in good paying posi tions. Four complete courses: Buslness.Bhort hand and Typewriting. Penmanship, aiid Nor mal English. Bookkeeping taught by the Prin cipal and practical accountants of over 20 years experience. Shorthand by practical steno graph rs. Penmanship by two of the oldest and best teachers in the Slates. Coinmer«'lal Law by the best lawyers in Fenn'a. Students can commence at anv time. Expenses one-hall less than at anv similar institution. Send for the •■Reporter" and specimens of Penmanship. En close I cts. in p a . WASHINGTON FEMALE SEMINARY. -_rhe next session opens September 10th? For catalogue or information apply to MISS >'• SHERKARD. Principal, or REV. JAS. I. BROWN SOX, D. I)., P#s. Board of Trustees, Washington, Pa. ALLEGHENY MEADVILLE.PA.^^QJ-!-MQII 76th year begins Sept. l r >ih. High grade. Forboth sexes. Expenses moderate. Stronir Faculty. Situ ation healthy and delightful. Three courses to A. 11. and Course to C. E. degrees. Student** admitted on High School certificates or diplomas. Preparatory School. Military instruc tion. For Catalogue#, address PRESIDENT DAVID H. WHEELER. LL. D. Mifflin Strest Livery. W. G. I*l EllL, Piop ; r. One squiire weet of Main St., on Mifflin St. All good, safe borses; new baggies and carriages Landaus for weddiugß and funerals. Open day »nd night. Telephone No 24. MY NEW STORE Is now completed and I respectfully invite tho Public^to call and see* me. lam prepared to supply every thing in thejline of Drugs und Medi cines at all hours. Prescriptions at night a specialty. Electric Bell and>peaking tute at front door. prompt 1J- A|bright, cheerful room jindjevery cew. Yours, J. BALPIT Full 100 'Cents' worth to the Dollar on Every Purchase JVlade at our Store. We are offering values Un precedented in Furnishings for Ladies, Men and Children. Be advised and you'll save ruoney. Whatever you may require in our line, come to us, we'll show you a great variety and save yon money. Our Spring stock is now full and complete. We guarantee to meet every demand to your fullest satis faction. We have a big variety, with many styles of Boys' and Girls' Hats and Caps at low figures. John M. Arthurs. 333 SOUTH MAIN STREET. 333 Reciprocity. To counteract the effect of spring winds and storms on face and hands; to renew, renovate and purify the cuticle after a rigorous winter, is the mission of GOSSEE'S CREAM GLYCERINE And right well does it perform the task. It is a bland, creamy emulsion, with just enough vege table oil to soften the skin, com bined with pure glycerine and other substances, forming one of the finest preparations for chap ped hand 3, lips or face or any ! roughness or irritation of the skin. No laav or gentleman should be without it. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. $3Ks"" Turlu :li ir v., , , rthrvlfe l«lll»lMftinM • the ~i No IHCK-V I fin •.lilies MV •k - fuJ y.Uil «,Ulckly I'MCDfil. I 'lnin one i ftoiu (• 1i i. . unljr. 1 l iA I nli««'ly iiinglit oii'l i.r.vid.'l wi . ttii| i- *imnt a lai.- • uumli'f, «ho are liinkinr c <•; i UCiM« .• ir:.i t.i. Il *,\ «« I MH.I i>. ; " , . i tc l l C.C, 1!.1.r,\. I'Jto .\ uciifttu, Maine. wmlD-LAOY C. B>D. -SPRING- P 8 We have the largest stock of hats for men, boys and children ever brought into this county. % J" r r r We have the most complete as- I sort ment of .nderwear in light weight wool. Camel hair, Halbrig gan, gauze anil Merino. 5 I S r r r We sell the celebrated Monarch shirts both laundried and unlaun dried. IIS T ™ r We are always filled up with stylish neckwear, collars, cuffs, suspenders, hosiery, umbrellas, satchels, etc. All reliable goods and sold at popular low prices. COLBERT & DALE, 242 S. Main street, Butler, Pa. FOR SALE. An oil farm containing 61 acres of land, with £ oil royalty interest. Land of fair quality, average im provements, good spring of water and underlaid with TWO VEINS OF COAL, One of which is being worked on royalty. | royalty amounts to about 150 BBLS. PER MONTH, Oil Lease expires in 1899, a part of farm still remains undeveloped. Farm situated in Butler Co., and will be sold at a great batgain if sold soon For further pntticulars ad dress No. 25 S. Mill fct., New Castie, Pa Full Again We mean our wail paper de partment, lull and overflowing with our immense and choice stock of paper hangings. You must help us out, we haven't room for hall our goods, until you relieve us of some of them. We have the choicest selec tion of patterns in every grade from Brown Blanks at 10 cts to Gilts at from 20 ct> to $1 per double bolt. Examine our Stock. J. H. Douglass, Near Postoffice, Butler, Pa JL. C- WICK IN Rough and Worked lumber OF'ALL KINDS Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Shingles and Lath Always in Stock. LIME, HAIR AND PLASTER. Office opposite P. & W. Depot, BUTLEK. PA LUMBER YARD. L. M. 4J. J.: HEWIT, Dealers in all kinds of Rough and Worked Lumber. DOORS, SASH, BL INDS, SHINGLES, LATH, ETC. We have a large stock of all kinds of Lum ber, Oil Well Rigs, Ltc. Call and get our prices aud see our stock. Mail Orders Promptly Attended To. Office and yard on MONROE ST., NEAR WEST PENS DEPOT, BUTLER. PA. Planing Mill AND - Ijiimber Y ard J. L. FU KVI?. L. O. PUKVIS. S.(j.Purvis&Co. MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN Rougrh and Planed Lumber >K BV«*Y DSHOKIFTION. SHINGLES, LATH 6 SEWER PIPE.' Butler, Pa. UKf SHORE NURSERIES. ERIE,PA. : All stock guaranteed to be in good con ditiou when delivered. Wo replace all trees that fail to grow. REFERENCES IN BITTLER: J. P. Lowry, AV". T. Mechling, Jume Shanor, Jr., J. E. Forsythe, Geo. Shaffiaer . Uc.£;ls neatly pdeked and premptlj shipped I KkKR or 1 XPFSPE on receipt of CASH or |H,st : ofTloe order. iVNotlilUK ezpre:-;ged I'. '.)■ }1 Send for l'r:ce List. LEGAL ADV ERTISEMENTS Administrators and Eievutors of ofUtei can secure their receipt books at the CITI ZKS office. Auditor s Notice. In tho matter ol tho Itnal account of B. J. (irant. Kx'rot Daniel Jones, of Allegheny twp.. ]«■ ,!. at O. C. No. ;t». Sept. Term. l»t. i Take notli-e that li.ivlnir been appointed Aud itor In tlie above stated case, to pass upon ex ct ptlons and restate tlie case. If founa neces.«a ry. that I will attend to the duties of said ap iiotiitmeiit at my otttce in the Diamond Block, n Butler. I'u.. on Tuesday. Oct. JOth. IS (i i-lock. a. m. E E YOUNG, Auditor. Application for Charter. In the Court of Common Heas of Butler Co. M. D. No. 9. December Term. lS9t. Notice Is hereby given that an application will be mad.- to Hon. A. h. llazen. President .ludye <>t said Court, at t Uambers.on Saturday, j < iet. •jith, U;>i. .it 7 o'clock r. M.. under tlie Art , ot Assembty of the commowealth of Pennsylva nia. entitled "An Act to provide for the Incor-1 roratlon and Itesrulatlon of certain corpora- I ■ions", approved April J9. 1874. and the supple ments thereto, for the charter of an Intended corporation to be called "The Bethany Kcforui ed Church of Butler Pennsylvania." the char acter and object whereof Is the bupport or pub lic worship, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges ot the said Act ot Assembly and Its supplements. T. C. C A MPBELL, Solicitor. Auditor's Notice. 11l re final account of) In the Orphans Courf C. 1". l'lerce, adm'r of of Butler county, at O. ■lohn No. 11. March T. 1891 ' late ot the boro of Mil lerstown.BntlcrCo. Pa. ! Sept. 14. 18»1. Motion made In open Court, ;nd upon due consideration Jacob si. Painter. EM), is appointed an Auditor to report distribu tion in this ca.se. BY THK COCBT. HITLER Co.. SS. Certified from the record this 2l'd day .if Sept.. Is9l. JosEru CKISWEIX, Clerk. I Notice Is hereby given that 1 will attend to , the duties ol the above appointment, at my of- : nee In Butler, l'a.. In Diamond Block, on lues- I day the 13th day of October, l*9t, at 10 o'clock, a. "m. at which time and place all interested may attend If they see proper. J. M. PAINTER Aud. j Auditor's Notice. in re Geo. ll.Knauff forj In the court of Cont use of Adam Dambach -raon Pleas of Butler Co vs. \Y . 1!. McKnight. )E. D. No. S3. Sept. T. SI sept. 7, ISPI-Petition of Wm. M. Brown.sher ifr. tor the appointment of an Auditor to distri bute the fund realized from the sale of defend ant's personal property, at above number to i and amongst those entitled thereto, presented and motion granted, and Jas. B. Mates. Esq., appointed an Auditor to report distribution of ihe fund. BY TUB COURT, S Bt" i tJEit Co.. ss. Certified from the records sept. 7. IS9O. Jxo. W. HKOWN. Pro. Notice is hereby given that I will attend to 1 ihe duties of the "above appointment at my of- j flee In Diamond Block. Butler, Pa., on Monday, : Oct. 3. IfJI, at 10 o'clock a. in. at which time | and place those Interested may attend If they j see proper. JAS. B. MATES. ' Butler, Pa.. Sept. 15,1891. Notice. in the Court ol Common Pleas of Butler county at No. Term, A. D. Is9l. Notice Is hereby given that an application will I be made to said Court on the 9th day ot Oeto ler.A. 1)., 1891, at J o'clock P. M., under the Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Penu splvania, entitled "An act to provide for the incorporation of certain corporations." approv ed the -"Cth day of April A. D.. 1574. and tho supplements thereto, for a charter for an In tended corporation to be called "The congrega tion cf the .Methodist Episcopal church of the borough of West Sunbary," the character and object of which Is the worship of God and the dissemination of meruland religious instruction according to the taitli, doctrines, discipline and usages ol the MeUiodlst Episcopal church ot the United States and lor these purposes to have, possess aud enjoy all Ihe rights, benefits and privileges of the said Act of Assembly and Its supplements. TIIOS. ROBINSON, Solicitor. Dissolution Notice. The partnership heretofore existing between J. A. Mecutchen on.l George llaben, under the Urm name of McCutchen £ llaben, was dissolv ed by mutual consent on Sept. 15, Mr. McCutch en retiring. The business will be continued at ;;-2G S. Main St., by .Mr. llaben. and all accounts ol the late firm will be settled there. J A. McCCTCHEN, Sept. 15, 1891. GEORGE HABEN. Dissolution Notice. The partnership heretofore existing between C. carver and R. A. Harsh under the nrm name "IC. Car'.er .t Co., is dissolved on account of the death of R. A. Harsh. The business will he continued by C. Carver at the same place. No. I'll East Jefferson St., Butler, Pa. All per sons having claims against said Ann, will pre sent same to l'. Carver for payment, and all per -oiis knowing themselves Indebted to said firm will call at once and settle with same. C. CARVER. R. SITUFF, I Adni'rs of A. U. LOYELAND/ R. A. Harsh, llutler, l'a,, bei-t. 9th, 1801. Estate of R. A. Mifflin, dee'd. I.ATE OK WASHINGTON TWI'., LHTLER CO., FA. I.etters testamentary on the above named t state liming been granted to the undersigned, •ill persons knowing themselves Indebted to same will please make Immediate payment, any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated lor settlement. T. P. MIFFLIN, Ex'r. North Hope P. 0.. C. W ALKEK, Atty. Butler Co., Pa. Estate of James McCandless, dee'd. LATH OF I'ENN TWP., BL'TLEBCO., PA. Letters of administration on the above named estate having been granted to the un dersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted lo seid estate will please make im mediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. D. B. DOVTHETT, Adm'r. iirownsdale P. 0., Butler Co,, Pa. Estate of WilliamsoD Bartley, dee'd. LATE OF I'ENN TWP.; KCTLEB.CO., PA. Letters of administration haying .been i:ranted to the undersigned on the above namedestate, all persons knowing them ► elves indebted to said esti-te will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them dulr authenticated for settlement. W. K. BARTLEY, YV. J. BURTOX, Butler Pa., Brownsdale Pa., Administrators. J. D. McJunkin, Att'y. Estate of John M. Turner, deceased, LATE OF PARKER TWP., BCTLER CO., PA. .Letters of administration having been granted to the undersigned on the above named estate, all persons knowing them selves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present .them duly authenticated for settlement. NANCY A. TCKNEB, or W. R. TURNER, Parker's Land'g, Pa. ; Butler, Pa., Administrators. Estate of Elizabeth B. Kirk patrick, dee'd, LATE OF CLINTON TWP., BUTLER CO., FA. Letters of administration on the above named . cilate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves Indebted to ( said estate will ulease make immediate pay ment, Hl. a any having claims against said estate will piesent them duly authenticated lor settle- 1 ment. JOHN P. KIKKTATRICK, Adm'r. . saxonburg, Butler Co., l'a. W. D. Brandon. Att'y. Estate of D. H. McQuistion, dee'd, late of Butler, Pa. Letters of administration on the above named | estate having been granted to the undersigned. < all persons knowing themselves to be Indebted to same w ill please make Immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will i present them duly authenticated for settlement. JAS. B. MCJUNKIN. Adm'r, Butler, Pa ( Estate of Jane Brown, dee'd. , LATB;OF JIAUION.TWP., BUTLEJCCO., PA. Letters of administration on the above named . es'atc having been granted to the undersigned. 1 all persons knowing themselves indebted to . said estate will please make immediate pay ment. and any having claim* against said c estate will present them duly authenticated for . settlement. . ' ANDREW MCMUHKAV, Adm'r, liovard P. 0., Butler Co.. Pa. Estate of John G. Sharp, dee'd* LATE OF BUFFALO TWP. UUTLEK CO. I'A. Letters testamentary on the above named (state being been granted to the undersigned, j all persons knowing themselves indebted to to same will please make immediate payment, aud any having claims agaiust it will present them duly authenticated for settlement. ; MICHAEL MOCHEL, Ex'r, Sarversville P. 0., Butler Co., Pa. Estate of Jacob Brown, dee'd, LATE OF CLAY TWP., BUTLKR CO., PA. a Letters testamentary on the above-named " estate having been granted to the undersign- ■, ed, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against *j said estate will present them duly authenti- I i ted for settlement to TIJ.LIE C. BROWN, Executrix, W. Fleeter, f McCandless P. 0., ott'y. I Butler Co., Pa. 'j IMUCV3 3S2SS 5 r*?11 fit fc I•'«'.«• • r; ?7 4 dW fir- n ?»*- ««-rll I «o ! an*. }• ■ • V. ■ ... , t % i N.. risk I If* r imie to tIM Work. TbUiiil J- .F. tfnl Ml< ■ ru to **«ry * • tk»r. . -.-iO |K at irai • here l-all 1 I ' Ljtto, AHil'oTA, JUIAK. I I Administrator's Notice. In re. estate o( J. I". .Ralston, dee d, late of BMtler Pa. Whereas. Uttmol administration have been granted lo me, the underslgued. in the sakl estate, not lee Is hereby given t«> all parties In debted to the estate of said decedent to call and settle. and all rattles havlnz claims against the saint-will present them duly authenticated tor payment. ME* 11. E RALSTON, Adm'x. May IK»I. Butler. Pa. Estate of Wa~. McGrew, dee'd. T.ATK <>F numa TM r. BCTLM CO.. FA. Letters testamentary on the above named restate having been grants tothe undersigned, all person* knowing themselves Indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay menr. and any having claims against said es tate, will present tfcem duly authenticated tor settlement. FRANK C. Met".HEW, KIAIOTT ROBB. Ex'r». Prospect. ra Estate of Priscilla Kirkpatrick, DKC'I>, I.ATF OF lIITLKR. I'A. Letters testamentary on Uie estate of Priscil la Kirkpatrick. (late Mover! dee d, of Butler, Pa, having been granted to the undersigned, all peisous knowing themselves Indebted to said estate win plea.se make immediate payment and anj having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settle ment. E. H. RANDOLPH, Kx'r. S. F. Bowser. Es nect at Brai:cliton lor Ililliutds, otd all con nect for Mradville. Trains ariive from the North at 10:05 a.m. and 2:30 and 9:40 p. m., and the 10:05 and 2:30 train* I.ave through cars to Allegheny. A train leaves miliar! at 11:15, slow time, and Anandale at 11:85 that connects for But- I ler and Allegheny. P. 4 . B. B. ! On and after Aug. 9, 1891, trains will leave the P. & W. depot in Butler as fol lows: For Allegheny at 6:00, 8:15 and 10:20 a. m. and 2:40 and 6:30 p. m. The Chicago express leaves at 3:15 p. m. and New Castle accomodation at 4:55 p. m. and ih« 8:15 a.m. connects for Xew Castle. For Kane, Clar ion and Foxburg trains leave at 10:05 a. m. ; and 5:06 and 8:35 p. m. [ Trains arrive at Bntler lroin Allegheny 1 and the West at 0:35, and 10:10 a. ui. end 12: ; 30, 4:40, 6:10, 8:10 aud 8:30 p. in. —and from ; the North at 8:00 and U>:os a. in. and 5:50 p. m. The Sunday trains are as follows, 8:15 a. m. to Allegheny and New Castle, 3:15 p. m. lor Chicago, 6:30 p. m. to Allegheny and Ze lieuople, and 5:05 p. m. to Clarion. Sunday trains ariive from Allegheny at 10:10 a. m., 4:40 and 6:10 p.m. and at 8:10 from New • Castle and at 8:00 a. m. from Foxburg. | FOR SALE. LOTS. I will ofTer for sale a.number ol lots ' situated on the high ground adjacent to H. 11. Uoucher. Esq., aud tlie Orphans" Home. Tbe land is laid out In squares of something less than one acre, each square being surrounded by aso-foot street, and containing five lots 40 feet front by ISO feet Back. These lots are offer ed at very reasonable prices and on terms io suit purchasers. Those who wish an entire square can be accommodated. ALSO—I will sell nv farm in Summit towu shlp.situated within one-half mil* of the Butler borough line, adjoining lands of James Kearns and others, on the Mlllerstown road, and con t sistlng of 112 acres. It will be sold either as a whole ordivlded to suit purchasers. Kor further Information In regard to either of . theabove properties, call on J. Q. Sullivan, 2M i fcas North Street, Hut ler. Pa." MRS. VALERIA SULLIVAN. PROFESSIONAL CARDS: t JOSEPH W. MILLER, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Office and residence at 338 Main St Butler, rn. Dr. N. M. HOOVER, 137 E. Wayne St ~ ofU:e hours, 10 to 12 M. and [ Ito3P. M. L. M. REINSEL, M. D , PHYSICIAN AND SCBOKOX. Office and residence at 127 E. Cunningham St, L. BLACK, I , ' PHYSICIAN AND SURGKON, • New Troutmau Hullding, Butler, Pa. • E. N. LEAKE, M. D. J. E. MANN, M. D. Specialties: Specialties: • Gyuatfology and Sur- Eye, Ear. Nose and gcry. Throat. DRS. LEAKE & MANN, Butler, Pa. G. M. ZIMMERMAN. PUYBICIAN AND SURFIEOK. Office at No. A 5. S. Main 3treet, over Prtsnk & Co's l)i up Store. Butler, Pa, SAMUEL M. BIPPUS. Physician and Surgeon. cio. 22 Eatt Jefferson Bt., Bi.tler, Pa. W. R. TITZEL. PHYSICIAN A * D SURGEON. S. W. Corner Main and North Sts.. Butler, Pa. V. McALPINE, Dentist, Is now permanently located at 120 South Main Street Butler. Pa., in rooms formerly occupied by l)r. tValdron. j, J. DONALDSON, Dentist. Butler, Penn'a. Artiticiul Teeth inserted tn the latest im proved plan. Gold FlllliiK a specialty. Office over Senaul'a Clothing Store. DR. S. A. JOHNSTON. DENTIST, - - BUTLER, PA. All work pertaining to the profession execut ed in the neatest manner. Specialties Gold Kllltngs, and Painless Ex tracUonot Teeth. Vitalized Air administered. Office on Jefferson Street, o«f door K«»t of Lowry House, lip Stmira. Office open daily, except Wednesdays aui Thursdays. Coiniuunlcatlous by mall receive prompt attention, N. B.—The only Dentist In Butler using the best makes of teeth. C. F. L. McQUISTION, ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, OFFICE NKAB DIAMOND, BUTLKK, PA. A. B. C. McFARLAND. Att'y at Law and Notary Public—Office on S. Diamond St.—opposite the Court House—sec ond Uoor. H. Q. WALKER, At 'or ney-at- La w—Office In Diamond Block. Butler. Pa. J. M. PAINTER, Attorney-at-Law. Office—Between I'ostoßlce and Diamond, But ler, I'a. A. T. SCOTT, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. Office at No. 8, South Diamond, Butler. Pa. A. M. CHRISTLEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office second floor. Anderson B1 k, Main St., near court House, Butler, Pa. J. w. HUTCHISON, ATTORNEY AT LAW." Office ou second floor of the Uusclton block. Diamond. Butler, Pa.. Room No. 1. JAMES N. MOORE, ATTORN*Y-AT-LAW AND NOTARY Proi.ic. Office In Room No. 1. second floor of Ilusetton Block, entrance on Diamond. IRA McJUNKIN. Attorney at Law. Office at No. IT, East Jeffer son St ■. Butler, Pa.! W. c. FINDLEY, Atiornev at LAW and Rtal Estate Aneut. of nee rear of 1.. Z. Mitchell's office on north side of Diamond, Butler, Pa. H. H. GOUCHER. Attorney-at-law. office on second floor of Andcnon building, near Court House, Butler, Pa. J. b. BRITTAIN. _ Att'y at Law—Office at 8. E. Cor. Main St, and Diamond, Butler, P».