Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, September 25, 1891, Image 4

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    Come Once
And you will
Come Again
To the Great Sacrifice Sale of
Wp are now prepared to offer eooie great bargains in fine footwear
h -\n\ \nZtnZ a law line of ladies' hacd tarns, band welts and machine
'' of the following ffoods, and wc wiH convince
jou that we have a lonj and stroDg hold when it comce to shoeß.
Ladies' genuine hand torus buttoD at
ii << » welta " at
front lace patent tipe at $1.75.
" extra quality kid eboea at $1.20
" slippers (opera toe and oxfords) at 75c.
Men's fine drees shoes all hand made at |S.OO.
~ || H H •' " '• " SI.OO,
Any style or stock desired.
Men's fine calf and kangaroo shoes at |.i U(/.
« calf shoes at $1.25 to $2.00.
Misses kid and pebble goat button shoes at 75c. to $1.20
lolentß' 8 h«. dl price. (fr»»
than Bc'd before at those prices. It would be to your interest to call ad
ear'r f 1 convenient and look over our stock for we are offering unparalleled
b„.Call and see UB if von wish to bay or not for after seeing tb«
b F bargains we have put out you will certainly buy whether you a*ed
t! 6even°gradeß of rubber goods Boston, Cacdee, Woocsocket and Good
year, glove rubber boots at $2.35 per pair including a good pair sheepakia
moc isina- ladies' and children's .nbber boots and shoes away down
have now ou hand a full lino of the celebrated "Golden Rule boot*
th- the best Snag boot now in the market, the extra t-xtention of the nolo
Every pair warrented strong and substantial
and guaranteed not to snag. A guarentee with every pair. We guarautea
onr Oolden Rule or Anti-snag rubber boots to 1*? made ot pure rubber and
aa perfect aa material and workmanship can make them to give satisfaction,
with fair ueo and to out wear any rubber boots now made with san<°_* er ™r
or replace them with a new pair, external injury excepted-we h ve tbis
b ' pair men's full calf dress boots all baud made
(sizea all sixes) at $1.50 per pair regular price $4.00. Many other bargains,
that -pace will not permit me to speak about.
Boots and Shoes Made to ' Order
Ropairiag neatly and promptly done.
Ordera by mail will receive prompt and careful attention.
- PENN ' A
_ ! I 1 1 '
Yc any one with half an eye, r
Even if he's near-si jthted,
oin '-o that ther.'* at one »toro
Wharo p«t'on< are ilelifthtfld. | I
ThcminJ'« e/o of a aightlesi man <4 K_j ImV
Has powers of obsarvation,
Wi eh tcllij him that we sell at rati* I
T' . lowest in creation.
and examine the following bargains:
Ladies' Fine Cloth top, dongola vamp, patent tip, $2 00
" New procesH French Kid - -00
" Fine dongola kid - - - 125
•» Goat - - I 25
» Kid - - - - 1 00
" Patent h.-ather tip doD;f !a butt. - 125
Isce - 1 25
Oxfords - - 75
" Opera slippers - - - 50
" Cloth Slippers - 25
" Every day shoes - - - 75
Space will not permit us to tell yqji about the fxtrE.-mely low prices o'
our ri'-.n'g shoes. We are felling übildren'a at such ridiculous I'jw prices
that vou will be mrpriaed. jCall and see us. It costs nothing to see our
goods. Yours for Solid Leather,
isf 114: South. IVtain Rtreot. "Butler,
Boots, Shoes and Kubbers
Comprising Emy Known Stjls i:ifaofe io I tie Great Shoe
Manuiacimiiip Centres of M East,
Dai y Crowding Our Oig ritorw with alt tho Choicest and Newest
btyloa In Footwear from a Cheup Brogan lo the fin
est Hand-Turn Lady's Button Boot.
There isn't a style vorth considering w« havou't got.and the pricei are
so 1 >vv as to within the reach of every man or woman ia Butler eouuty.
Our Mou's, Boys' and Youtha' IJ >ots are a grand display, cut from tbe
choio .t Chicago Eip.
W.H.ieu's heavy calf, ki|>, grain >fid veal in lae« and button, lhey posi
tive:/ vrill resist water. Pri«*« in women's, 85 <■. to ?1 25. Ladi<sfire
shoe >!, $1.25. $1.35, $1.50 r.» f l >'2
.'is ii'rf fio« »hoe« io ealf, d>v«iti, kangar >, huff ;tnd v ..I i;; McKay,
Oo: dvear ta'd band welts, all a'.yh-s, nil widths, from $1 tip u< $3 Drop in
and us; we will interest you. R- iroHwt, tver> body 'a dollar is worth
10P <«v.: at Huselton's. Nolwopric . I«ot-<T guaranteed as represented.
I.«>{miring of ail kinds dom
" B. C. IIUcELTON, 102 S. Main St., Butler
A I! Kinds of.lob Work done
at the "Citizen" ( Xiiee.
Notliinz On Earth Will
Sheridan's Coiidition Powder!
Strong and Healthy : Prevents »il Disease.
Good for Moulting ll< r.a.
1. S. JCHKBOS <£ (XE.SE-Hrtcm H<>..* su, i.osK>n,
I<s the Lest Household Remedy SiLaat
It is a positive core for
And All Skin Diseases,
An in valuable remedy for Wounds, Brims, Swell
ings, Sores, Croup, Bronchitis, etc.
Sold by all druggists at 50 cents per box. Send
3 two-cent stamps for free sample bos and book.
VllMCiltiO, 111,.
For Sale bv D. H. Wuller, Bntler.
Anuwrniflffliit Drfpßlnpk I'olfab. which la«t* on
Men's boots a week* and on Women'* n month.
25 Dollars worth of New Furniture for
25 Cents. HOW ? By painting
25 square feet of Old Furniture with
£3l K-Tp3 ON
W&i?tf7W*niX\ rqrrr.
WOLFF & RANDOLPH, Philadelphia.
u{ Hcidicbt, Vj '.aria. Liter Com- i,.-*
ffi pitJat, Vcrv aaci A#n», la J'f-artera. backith'. ;Vt
k* -j!r f.i«tsac*«, and aii Liver a«d frumiiuiii treat>». WS
fiE Ikry Mavtr Fa.'L F 1 L;' r.:i drti-jrtata aa I V".
ftf •DPbtrr ttf#c keeprr:. CTi'S •" I for
&T L. L tiail-jr* U Ou, Vn t- * I P*. fe4
maammm —■■■!■ hi ■ iiihii wmwi
Fili iSi ONLYf
WiWlFt I-03Xer?iII.IHO jfcAttlTC.H
t'l \ n'lif a *ad BKVOtJBjSItIIWTTv
!•£?"i2,l [2fill ****k"e« cf Bcdy ar 1 llu.l. X.lfcct«
rTI'ITM. jjliof Error!or H»cati«*»Ei Old *r Yeanr,
Baku**, * NAMK'oOffcuy HMUft''. How la
tv titk St a wujkX, tSLintUfrvn out a PAKTSOF aanr.
AHitlct-1/ »«faSK»t HOKE I hHUibtTfax *»j.
Htm l«- Ally frtai 60 *u».raea4 Fr»raljr CmlflN. Tf.-Jl-o »h*K„
PaejrlMW* Haak, r* ulaaatieu an J prwfa nil>4 (ei-aJct); facta
rnnn washes
U 13 vy» IU/ WE/UJIM6 OUT
rliFFn c "*™b,
I rsprif ASL,TTLE »*
Th« MO«I B*ceei»*ful Remedy ever dlwxm
Bred, n* It la certain In Itaeffecti* and doe* not
fcliatcr. ltcud proof below :
TJLi.VEfi.to*, Pa., Nov. 27, HO.
Ornt»-'I would like to ■: known to thoiw» who
art» nlmoftt pwraa iin u/»*t Keo'lulTa spavin euro
the fart that 1 thli.' !ll a iuoat«:xfri'||(*iit Liniment
-1 Lnv« uu?fl Itou a LlO<h! Hpavln. The horiMi wojil on
thrt <- lex* for three years when 1 <»omiuonc<*l b>
tiAo jour Kendall h HLa/tn Cure. I u#cd ten liot
tlea •-!« the borne and tuivo worked U1 in for three
yearbaiocu and hart not brt.n luine.
Youm truly, WM. A. CURL.
OEIiteASTOWH, N. Y., Nov. 2,1 M.
Dlt. n. J. Kkxdall CO..
Knoaburgh Falla, V'L
OentH ; In praJneof KendaU'n hoaviu Cure 1 will
My. that a year a«o 1 had a valuablo youau home Ik
eomc wery lame.hock iiua«woiic»n. Tint
horaeraen n»w»uf hero (v.« have no veterinary finr
geon here) |>ronounoed hla lameru'CH Tsh.od Hpavln
or Thorouffhpin. they nil to|<! mo tlw-r • w;u no
euro for tl, he i>c<:atneaU»ut u*elo»«.nad I con
elieied him almnflt worthier. A friend told m«} of
the merit* of your Kendall'* Cun , I
bought a bottle, and 1 could aeo very plalalv «i < at
lmproveuicnta immediately fromliaufu-an-i »»• c.,r<j
the bottle waa tued uu I wi laatlaiu ithatit i
drHnjf hii/i aarcat C< ol of kocxl. X bouabt a u ootid
bottUt and Iwfor© lb wan n:.. J up my hor*- v%*u «
cured awl baa l*;en In t! "f am Coin*heavy work
all lh* arau'/n «Jnr«; la t r 'il, k!iow]r,;< no more
tlifna of It. I consider your Kendall s li\, ivln » uro
a valuablo medfcilic. and It eh"u!d bo in every
■table In the land. Bcapc< tfuii* youra,
Price 41 per bottle, or nl* bottle* fors*i. All dm;:-
g!athave It or can get It for you, or it will No Kent
to any oddrea* on receipt of price by the i k i ••
tor*. Dlt. Jl. J. iii -S DA I I. CO.,
EuonbarsU Fullbi Vermont
pamphlet of Infonnat lon and ah.yjß® i
>3 rtr;s« tof the laws.shuwin* Huir l.i/g I
oiitiun Patent*, t'aveatH, Trade
.lyrufht*, *ri>' Jr., 6. 1.i V
V"t». Ai.IUNM tL CO. //3r* J
1 n»o>« dw a
It.llull.tr, A: «'o.,llt>x"n".«> I'orEEuu.l. Sli.Euc
UUp>4UA.V'isu. a-.'.c ott.Nuw *urk'ulu I
A r«rfll
Miss Fanny—That hideous old Mr.
Jones had the impudence to propose to
Miss Jennie—You grave hiiu tue mit
Miss Fanuy—Xo, I did not. Just to
punish him I accepted his offer. ITe is
worth half a million.—Texas Sittings.
SurprUiog News.
Jagman —What was it you told Crown
about me that .seemed to surprise him
so much? Did you tell him I was in
toxicated yesterday?
Chapman—Xo. I told Mm you were
sober to-day.—Chicago Saturday Even
ing Herald.
Wonderful, Indeed.
"See, Marj-, are not these flowers
"'Deed an" they are, miss. Many a
time have I seen jistkke 'era in bunni.ts!
Ain't wonderful how nat ral the Lor<J
can make things!"— Life.
Cautious Wau.
Mrs. Worrys (awaking her lord) —
Charles, get up. I think baby has the
croup. „ ,
Mr. Wonys—Hadn't I better wait till
you are sure? —Puck.
His S*rnnga Tasto.
She—l don't suppose you are fond of
kissing babies?
He—Not unless tiiey arc girl babies
about eighteen your* old Munsey s
That's So, Von Bet.
A correspondent says there arc no
daily papers published in hifj town; liui
there is a ladies' sewing meeting, which
answers the same purpose. - -Jury-
A Cownr .!, ellow.
• Your husband wears his hair very
"Yes, the cowardly wretelil" Jury,
A Cure for Paralysis.
Frank Cornelius, of Parcel), Intl. Ter.,
says: '"I induced Mr. Piuson, whose wife
had paralysis in the face, to buy a bottle
of Chamberlain's Pain l.alm. To their
great surprise before the bottle had all
baen used she wa a great deal better.
Her fare hid been drawn to one side; but
the Paisi Halm reliei d ali piin and sore
ness, and the mouth assumed its natural
shape.'' It is also a certain cure for rheu
matism, lauio back, sprains, swellings and
lameness. 50 cent bottles for s:i!e by I>.
11. Vuller, butler; A. Cowers, Prospect;
Creaden & Allison. W. Siinbury.
—A man's idea of being good to a woman
is to give her opportunities to ho good to
—Dr. Fenncr's Kidney and Cacknche
Cure is warranted to jrivc satisfaction in
every r ate or money returned.
—Husband —Do you suppose that you
could dress on $-10 a year?
Wife —1 could, but lent.
Plea-.ar>t Employment at Good Pay.
The pu'dirl ers of SM.U-TIMK AND II wt-
VEST, an old establi- bed nouithly,determin
ed to grt-ally iiiereu c tln-ir subscription
lists, will employ a number of active
agents for the ensuing -is months at #50.-
00 per month or more it their services
warrant it. To insure active work an ad
ditional cii.-h priii- of SIOO.OO will be
awarded the acetit who olitains the the
largest number of ..subscribers '"The
early bird fret - th-- worm." Send four
silver dimes. '• twenty 2-cent. stamps with
your applieat :• v. 'litlDjr your line and
territory i' iMiir.z :11 -s pi'omiu'jnt
businc: - mau as a n-!< rem-'- :is to your
CEpnblitii.-. and we v ill j.'ive you atrial.
The 40 ccr.ts pays your ow ah-.-riptinn
ami v< u v. ill rceire full puiiicolar*.
1. 11 Plume. Da.
—A man who will lie fur liinueil without
hesitation will recoil with horror from
lying for yim.
[»i-.. on hnniiii. nnd I;• i-« - alio ~:1 ai«-
malf eurnd in !J0 Minute* by WoMJbrd'-
Haniti.n Lotio-i. This never tails. Sold
by .! (' licdirk, dnifrglnt. Butler..
Save Yourself Money.
—Self-hinders —Good resolutions.
—'J'rac-ii i xcrci-is—Detective wink.
lt is odd that atnougit all the different
varieties advertised, we have never.seen
coal dn a. mentioned as t baking powder.
When you go to Pittsburgh, I'.t.. stop at
the Anchor Hole. corner Liberty and
Fourth strc ts It i a -irietly lir • t-ia-s
Hotel eiindni-ted '-i t!.«• Kur<-;n-..:t plan.
Lodj-'ioirs. 25. —or ."in «-• .it-.
—'. Vi! 1:: burn-—'Tho e <>» branding
Iri;;; •
Chz, aabemto* Era sxtdl Skin
A csil&'a c-u-c for Chronic -' .."j Eyes,
Tetter, cult .'iieum, £>tald ii'...J, Old
Chronic Sore-, l-'urce &<ri" f, Sczcmn,
Itch, Praiiia Scratches, fcoro Nipples
and Pilu;. It is cooling and soothing.
Hundreds of caaeu Lava be. cured by
it after ull oihcr treatment Lad failed.
It is put up in 25 and 50 coat boxea.
—The rum h.- a .re..' .rail for busine.-s.
A lady's pre: I;.' Inr.-' i<> vi r forgets its
Consumption Euro.'y Cured.
To Tin' 'Dit'iii:--ri'■ •• inform your rca li.-ra
that 1 liuvo & jiOMitir<3 rouicuy for tho above-mrued
By itr, Uia«)y tut tboasiti;'!*
caAM ba\o irfiv.i ixiuaueoUy curcl. I y\.t\
to frv/o c t tuy fin.- ly KHKH to & ,
your ret/Urn who b&'.. •• ,u.->in;ptl< nif tLoy'vui
j-*i "» r l!i :r l.Anrff »?-.» 1 I'. O. k'\ !r« M. J.. ►.
T. A. t.UJCW-l, A!. .. lii ,' K \ .•
1 fV;T s nnn '. vmi v. I «j.-i
l.V«> S >l/011 V.i wan. inori* <!
will pt-TW:HHM»I
vl'li H.ilary JII.'I • - wrUly. ! n'l
r parti i ot ri i tind.
COM|»h J I.iCtU.ItUU J tvl .•!1f i;' Mpf ! -
\u ; f«-". at i th in 'r« t. s
r. n
N« l * itiau I»'•)«•' t '.■»!« r, V,
I'UTV \T:: ur-PENHAiti*.
*V Con. Pti.-i A -.. ai'o Fouani St..
*->' » Allfoniisof lii le ilcand Corn-
S. 'ai t»li<-»t««l DUeaHe»re<|iiirli»K('i
. Jr:iliou tiro treat el nt iliis It. ••
.. . •> ,ih a tMCMi rarely attained. I>i. I
i - n'-iiits.'r o£ tliu ltie. al Colli geof l'l -
I-s-.i'.ii-oiit-, .-ttnl U tlic olileit nml mi l
• si: i I vi.o rin the Htr Hptw Inl ;-t
--»#. '* rvon i !Jcl»iiit> i»t»i :• ' • •
.; ..M», < r of you' ,« : •
• .il *An't (lii'iitr.i v,!. "'mi : r;,,
I. ,* rr St'" , <H«i >«.! vV,t .• ,
■ ti;t* • ii|, ;:ial <;•! 'ft i <»i" 11* •. ! lit.
I »•».•>firv 1 ,cl •. ('oti ;! •'
,: ir.tly Ofth-.o h
to V. M.; Htni'l tyu 2U) 4 • ot.lv.
• or twl.t. j rs. I. \ 1:1
» v :> niibT..i i»isn*.;ict.n,f v.
&IIDTIIPC . on«liTslu'in'«l. irt*''liti;t»h
«► U* J UnC • , un*<l of I:ni•(ui* ii, !>r. .1. It.
M.'» V Kll, Ml AP*li ..tn •1, P|itluil*'lpltin. 'l'lios.
!». lljitijritf, N. V. lit : 1V.., !. Ho ml I
Soi.fh !!• toi» i'rt , i I* jfi c. A. I> tttrci . Oloy.
I'u . li. 'I. Si . i! <y, 4- 'M ru<*« SI.. I • : KJ:OI.. l';i.
\. ritiif!«i<T. I.• >« u-»t Dull*, I'a. I). !1 Noll,
lan. kiln, I'u. Win. i llartt-ti tht' I U<> nix
\lllc- |*a. W.M. I.CilibaCll, (>VI V. a'hli; 'f« !i St .
Ic -.uitiitf, i'a.. J. < . » yme, hil-Miowanl * 1. , Hai -
li'.» IIV, I'a... < K»:(:tkO«
MA YKU is at Hotel IVmi. lUa<Jllij<. 1'.... on Un*
•jil Satiirdftv of t'ltrli rnonMi. Ch'l a ral mc hire
[lilt SltHii SiiHSlHiLi.
j«:u i \*:* PA.
All '"< L! )ruarnut en! TN be :TI jrooil mm
ditiou v. hen ilelin red.
'.V e. replai-e 1-1 ! .1 to (;ri>v>.
KKI-'h.Vt'i. - IN Itl'TliKU
J. I'. Lowry. W. T. Mechliiiji, Jo me
bhunor, Ji . 1. I'or.-;. the. (}ro. Shailtier
\V:il!-..:r, K ; . l-i.rit Ueilie., KM), mnl 1>
!.. Ck-elauit.
I',ITK*MILLKU 1101/hK, ItHTLkU, I'A.
the Duller i rn2l. N e,imbii:e t i (or per
year, in advance.
hi i ' . i • « - itU i
tli«alt«*! • •
■•-■nt* I. I . l,uf «.>.• . « i •*
I.«-r «lif nljr (aiglit i.-.i
t-utnltrr, w t».« a. - i ml . ' » •.\ I . Vv
u i >•»!»•.: i i . .
11. Al.Ja. v, Miiint- i
j j fej
- x ?y
Miss Gazewonh (coming in from the
sonsorvatorj-) Maunoa. I'm—er—ei
engaged to Maj. llackranlc.
Mrs. Gazeworth—My dear, you re- |
lieve me of a sudden fear for .your rep
Miss Gazeworth—l don't understand
Mrs. Gazeworth—You forget that the
major dyes his mustache. —Leslie's Il
lustrated Newspaper.
Chic-ken Hearted.
Ilannann, the lion tamer, came liotne
sue night rather the worse fof drink,
jrui was soundly rated by his better
half. His unruffled composure on this
occasion incensad her all the more, and
Barmann at length took refuge in the
lion's cage, bolting the door after him.*
Wife (at the door of the cage and
armed with a broonfcticjc)—Come out of
that, you coward.—Jury.
What He Shot.
"Good m'iming, Mrs. Johnson! Is
Augustus home?"
"Xo, sail. 'Gustus am gone shooting
dis mawnin, sah."
"Shooting? Why, what kind of game
does he shoot at this time of year?"
"Dee<J, sah, I doan' erzaekly reeker
lec de name er dc game, buf I "pears
tex remember hearin' hit called crap."
—Washington Star.
—Don't ho imposed upon. Buy ot ro
liable dealers, and he sure to get Hood's
—We should never despise a man simply
because he is wealthy. It is not ahvafs
his fault.
—Kven the funny man sometimes f;et.-
out o! humor.
—Venison is sometimes deer atany price,
but oftoner it isn't.
—For many jears Mr. B. I'. Thompson,
of lies Moines, lowa, was severely afflicted
\>ith chronic dinrrba-a. lie says: "At
times it was very severe; so much so, that
I feared it would end my life. About
seven years ago I chanted to procure a
bottle of Chamberlain':- Gdie, Cholera and
Diarrhwa Bemedy. It gave me prompt
relief, and I believe cured mc permanently,
as I now eat or drink without harm any
thing I please." I have also used it in try
family with the bc.-t For sale by
I). II Waller. Bi£tler; A. Bowers. I'ro
sped; Hrr-adcn A Allison, \\". Sunbury.
—No man is ever so hard up that he
can't raise an umbrella.
To Cur Subscribers,
The -pcci.ii ::i nounccnient which «p
--jKiared i:i oui columns some lime since,
announcing a special arrangement with I'r.
B. J. Kendall Co., of Kaosburgh Falls,
Vt., puhli:-hers of "A Treatise on tlie
Llor»e and his Bi. eases," whereby cur si.i.--
scribeis were enabled to obtain a copy of
that valuable work free by sending their
address to B. J. Kendall Co. (and enclosing
.1 two-cent stamp for mailing Miir.e) is re
newed for a limited peri<td. We trust ali
uill avail themselve- of the opportunity of
obtaining this valuable work. 'l'o every
lover of the lior • il is indispensable, as it
treats in a simple manner ail tho disea-t.-i
which afflict this noble animal. Its
phci.nmenal sale thioughout the I'nited
States and Canada, make it standard
authority. Mention this paper when send
ing for "Treatise."
Bow to get a woman to keep a secret
—Give her eh^u'oform.
To Consumptives.
t'Ue uoiieruiKi'eil hr.Vii> in ei. rv: U.ted
I.>-aitli by Minnie use.- i.", .'tor iiiicri..;: l->r
never..i >«far» wilh a -cvere !ui . ..ilfeUun,
ai.il i! I ilrtaii -MI. • t I.L -lupti'/i;,
tin:- u.i lo kbOWii 111 tl lln« 111' "!•
it-i I. ■ i; .-me; ol caie. ioH ".- «l.n i;'. ■ i
K, l>l •• ctu .-rtuiiy -l . Ir.eot )ii
in) ~ i |ii crij.ii.-a iiM-i, »hieh Itej
mi,i .imi • -.nil- eure :oi <i • i:iiij:.i
AkC: 1.i., I i'O' ! ' 11, 1 ro/iehllis .'Si.: .ll tie' ■'
11.-! ■'■'•i -i il-.Ulth I t li' ■ »-*! -l.'Jci IS
aril I irj . Hemett)-, . - .i i-. imaiiiiiUr.
ilio-e 0- rir l«K the I'.-t i;,iieo, wliii .1 ' .1
eost Ulcus uotbliig, . uci iiiay piove » >.i
ing, will pi*.- ll.it: ndiiu-. S lti.\. lo' AW> i.
WiLSON, WilliiT: •i-urg, Kn:.; 1 «•>, Kci |
—Should the telephone girl wear "yel
ler" fchocs in summer .'.
There is a .vhole world ol dillereuce
betwteu the Nulla ami Souta poles.
—Capl.'W. A Alibett, who lias long!
been with Mcssr.:. Fercivid and llaltnn, I
Beal K.-tate and Insurant' Brok»-rs, U |
Moines, loWii and is one nl the bc.-t known !
and on t lopicitu busiiie . nun in that;
city, -ay.: 'lean lest if;, in ibe go';d
ijiialitie.-< ol Chiuiilii rlain' tough Ueiin-d; :
Having it—oil i'. in loy i .c. .. for the p.*. ' :
eight years, I can salcly it ba no
e<{ual for either t-old or croup." f>o ' cut
bottle* lor nale ity I). 11. Wuller, Butler;
A. Bovi'ds, Prospect; llreadun A All:- n, |
\V. .Suubury.
—TI.-e proper time for experimentmg |
with air iiijis in fly time.
—Some one a "Who ii the really j
happy lnatif" Some other uiaii.
lCheuuiati.iiii cured in a du>--"ilyiai
( uru" for rheumai and neuialgia, radii
call; cure- in Ito a days. It' action upon
the . j»t«'Ui is remarkable and niyitiriou-.
it reuiores at once the cause and the dis
eu.-e ilium diutely iti tppeara. The lir-t
do.-.- greatly heiii-iil i i CI: Sold by J('
Kedii 1., druggist, liotler.
-i i:e pulitici.iii Vk lit, v. lute ail opvtl let
ter w: lie ; lloW thu'. he Ii '1 kept il clo.ioil. i
ln. l-'eniici (Joldeii Belie) is warrant- I
eii to renevn toothache, headai he, neural- I
giii, n, m j other ptun ill - to S minutes. I
Al- • hrui 0.-i, wounds, wire cuts, swellings,
biter huni.i, a miner cAuiplainls, colic,
(also in horses), diarrhaia, dysentery and
liux. If satisfaction not given money
Budguly says the most dilllcnlt part
of a drinking song i-t the " refrain-".
—Spcctacl ■ i and Ivyegla -es made by
Bohert ItniceiWallace, (liucce-sor to the
"Fox Optical <;•>.,) al Penn Avenue,
Pittsburg, I'a.. are conceded the ler > and
mo ' comfortal-le. Save money by having
him lit your eyes.
—A goose farm has been started in
Michigan. It will lie managed by a
—For htadacbcn, biliiaisnes , constipa
tillil, dixzilie.s-, sleeples -|>l:i S, the bin: I,
Kcroliila, the blood mid all skiu i iup:i»iis
I'r. I'euner'i lilood and Liver I.'emetij ami
Nerve Tonic never fails. Warranted to
r-atisly or money refunded.
Wooden—What aftinny head that fel
low bus.
Wagg—Y'cn. lie's a hnmorist.
—Bnglish Spavin Biuiinenl removes all
hard, soft or calloused lump 1 and hlcmi -he
from horses, blood spavins, curbs, splints,
sweeney, ring bone, htilles, sprains, all
swoleu thruuLi, coughs, etc. Save i-",0 by
useofi.no bottle. Warranted the most
wonderful blemish cure ever known. Sold
by J C Hciiick, druggist, Butler.
Taking opposite sides —Whisker .
--Dr. Feuiic-f.s ilnne> will relievo f
any tough in on© hour, finally go< <1 for
hor«i' . energy antl Mtrength. Money
relumieil if notgiv«4i.
L ooking for' r.rgain.-. in Dress Go.-ds, Silks, Challios, Ginghams, lloaicry,
Gloves, Uiiderwi ar, Cutppts, Luco Cur' ins, etc.
Do you ki: vv that \ , u can do
in this line of go,ids at
thaa at any other house no matter whore located.
Cali find you will find out.
200 and 202 S. Main St.
BUTLER, - - I*^-
nniiwn r P D^FTCIHiIiru 1 )
hhm 1 hi 1 oDuhoHf
D vou visit Pittsburgh':- big Exposition this fall, do not, fail to make a Ct-11 J
on us. We bave put f- rth every effort is maka our stores unueuallj t.t
tractive, aad the preseut stock ; s mneh irger that: wo ever carried before.
We guarantee to save you money cn nil purchases.
A World ot Bargains. !
are here fct jour in>(x ction. Don't heaitato fibout coming, as visitors who
call uieudv to look arcunu ate just cs wflcome aa those that come to buy
Frooi the vast array 01 opecial bargains we have culled the following:
lnimen?e choice of Fur Trimn.ed
Jackets, from and up.
Tailor-made Cloth Jacket.*, $.'5.00
and up.
Elegant Plush Jackets, SB.OO,
SIO.OO and up.
Seal Plush Sacques, $1.1,50 to
j Mire;: ' and Childr-. n's Clouks, 300
styles, $2 (10 to $13.00.
Mud',;, Fur Capes and lull line of
Kid Gloves for Ladies, Gents und
Children at lowest prices iu tho city.
5111_518 .M arket Street,
IS. 4>.i
lir O O D H
Ever) kinit, quality and Hty!»
j'licis tbitt mi .n h;ivi• t o your
|H,cket-"-»ik < ■ en ry it. in. I.orge,
choir*' !- '1 fie..: nt i eve j'.ill e-r- : l
meets uf
iiiij ilcl ! 11 : t^!ius and
ix-mes!i< si.itings
i i almo.-t (-'id!" -i variety uf dis-i
tine iv.-iv m -ivies, ftnin 0 ■ < n'e
i'i -/2.50 pi' 'd, with nil i'' t
ii.• du.te prici k We have given ;
hj> e. I care tody t..i
Our Mail Order System
for 11 ii veuis, i l ii have ■ > exunded
il thai today we ere set ding dry
giiod-- to every Couotv, Btatc utiri
Tiiriitoij io Atneriett, deuioui rating
Highest Qualities and Lxvvij.si
bring il.i luisiijt> «'• 't fiem remote
jmrtr. The laet tbat ll • iders
eon e In un nl- i fnui i e l,ii.- «t
c >II,I , rcial eilifs. inuei lie c' -i ve
j.roof tin'l the trv 'i---., qualities end
pi ic. k «•• offer »re out ot the ordiuurv,
and particularly favorable to the
buj er.
if interested in this subject, write
for t-'.niplcs, also for copy el our
I llu.-ti oted Fashion Journal nud
Catalogue—Amnmn edition ri n'ly
about Beptemb« r 15. Free.
B<)<i'i>'S Scßlllll,
115 to I2i Federal Street
Butler's Book
1,000 Page*,
'JoO Original Kngriu iiif,"
Klepunt llindiiitf.-i.
I'nbli.-hed in •'! I. uinattirex,
l'<i|iul.ir l'rlcen.
Kll: ST KDITION, 100,000 COPIKM.
The Only Authentic U oik Hj -
K XX-hi five Tcrritorj ami Liberal Terms
given I" Rclinblo Agenti-. Aceomjiany
iipplicatiun with $2.00 for I'rc«pectii. J .
J. W. Kceler & Co.,
<i for rwlv' iiUin:,' u» I *
I For Ladies, Gentleman and CLil - ;
| dred.
For Ladies, Gentlemen and Chi!- j
j dren.
i Thousands of Trimmed llatfi unci
! Bouuets-of all description, Felt Huts, j
Velvet Hat' - , bailor ilatf. lints an.i
j L'onuets trimmed to order. The!
; ! and most eotr iilete atcck of j
Millinery in Peansy ranio.
Corsets, all fityleß, Lace Curtains,
(Drapery, l->r< .s Trimmiugs. Laces,
1 White Goods, Arc.
! Hotel
S. Mi:K H \ X Hl' , - liCTLEK, I'A.
Opposite School House.
Tbi." elefan* new hotel irf now open to
i ■; public; it IRI a LOW hou- -, with new
f: niiture Hirouphout ami ail modern con
vcnienccH; is within etir-y reach of the de
pot ; and biinine : • house ; of the town, and
hus a -pleinlid vi»w of the eastern part of
the town.
Hales Reasonable.
1 (Jive mo a call w}ien in Butler.
Willard Hotel.
I). KBIIIINIi, Prop'r
sT.i»lisi. is r«j > i I'ios.
'.h". , I 1 I.on;: li i < 0.-I'ti i.l 111. TEA* KJ.IEK
New ;iiverv Stal>Je.
uvv Slock
New Rigs.
' . rm-H ted and boarded.
St. Itutler, Pa.
Mifflin Street Livery.
VV. a. HI Kll L, Prop'r.
Oue Hquare vc t, of Main St., ou
Mifflin St All good, ctafj hor?tb;
i nujjgi h and carriage.-. Laudnuß
f. r weddings and funtraln. Oj<en
i'iv •ud riicj ht. Teleuliooe No. 24.
ilotels and Depots, |
VV. S. (lri"K in now runuiiif? a line |
. between the hotels nud
depots of the town.
Charges rea; mablo. Telephon# i
No. It, or leave ®rd<-* at Ilotol j
Good Livery iu ('oniipction
Tho well-known liveryman, Wm.
Kennedy, baa bought an interest in
t .o abovi barn and will be plcftt-ud to
have hirt friendrt call at his new place
of bufaiueei*. TLe
Rest Horses, busies and Oar-'
in Butler ut the moHt reasonable,
r tes. The place ia easily rotneiuber
ei. 'flu- hta ; 'lo rt(?ot of the
i.owry HOUKC.
. '» ?rnr3iST£! " '
I ~ ' • i . always prov j
■ . . • .i: i uajr
V, '
1 • "• ""HOMAB, j
i; * ' . ./ -v.i. ;:.U .k'-r-sTa.
- Leading Millinery House -
JHa m JKm €W
V. i {>ic new reudy to exhibit 'l■'» season's Jtyb-s of
M I L=L.=l=]Sr= K=R=Y
In every de*ira'> - s • • <. Jit
Oar -t k isnc!i j, •• ! • . . • 1-1 mtt and '»m*
I *ll descrip'.l ■.. - ! hi'- iv e . i .: i Has «il
;i<v trimmed t «•• ;e-t . «• •. • '< ■>? »•■'•'* *.
.bbons, tips, qai'la, bird-. id » : eve r br.-u;?:,- ».i flut'cr
>« oi.i i .i>«.kn
Hoods, caps, sailor bi> in rreat vr.riciy.
• its and I :)')cets re« " • : • >'■ ■> ti|»?et« • always on
I ways "Y 3 ,i -i I--k if" J No. 122,
: Cheapest U. I . V A PL, *'
Rittei' & Ralston.
We Lave now t n exhibition a couir : t; !i .e of ladie?, mi--:- and coil
rs r. ■ warp?*, in all the lat - t ?t*l-> ar. 1 1 » ■ r>ric ♦.
A complete lino of blankets, fkone b at ry, LmUh wool
kirts and everything in the Hut- •.<>•■!■ u goods.
Dress goods and trimmings la all t-lie latest n- veltiu.-.
C A H P E T 8,
Our stock if unusually k; g« in <i!t tfce b -oi makes and most deslra'-le
:>;itteraa at lowest prie; «.
Call iii and beconvinced that the place
to buy is at
I %
■ =
| Fine Watches,
Silverware and
At lowest cash prices at
of. R. O Wl J K 15 '
No. 125 N. Main St., - Duffy Block.
Sign of" Hlectrl'' Bell and Clock.
:'f* (•• It,-. '-nit of ::\ cut! • ■ Li- •■ - >. 'ir friend < and patrons, and
- itli
their reqnc -i .ve l:.nv i :i.i. :i« <t •<! <lf|» .i tm i, and We can aafel. «y
v? 4 that that, the " »'■■ Kindled ■ will • 1 dlv up 1 t!ut purity and qii;.:.iy
iJ] i) favorable known form. <ir lirni. V.'a rnaku a specialty of
|p? go«>d« ir.tendi'd for muillf ir.nl - Ourpriei • are right, taking qnalify
■J. a n writer: -i, ■■ ail ~<• , ■>;: to . . i.ir .'i your potr inage.
£' S i XOTK NOMK <>; i I'll I*!' .1i N' lil'l.K (111011.1
"Jk Kt.ie Hyi! 1% iu'" a. : i..r ••!'! 1 «rry wino or brandy. WSO
iS« ti 'ltro; ..I, -fl :•««! •>' per gUi i 1 ' jtallon.
£\ l ino hrantlif unU import c«. • . i'im.- .[iple and Holland pin-, i- <>o
4 according to agv, $2 50, $3. $4. SO. if • and $3 per gallon.
-'.SPBI .tiioii gummel $2.60 per gallon.
#1 | I Vroign port and hurry vine .n ' ••'»» <"al Angolicn wine. per gallon.
' A lii.-r to ago. • - y:; ■; I |o and '"■* pe. Xmv Kngla:i'l rnm, $3 per gal bin
PORT ! j Order- !.,• mail r«- cive prompt at: • :m i'hr Jfuii vki' itcr'ti Guide ninii
. iic.i on appliciition. We p't\ freiah on all or ! r< of $lO and over.
H>: I.KADIXG i'.\s:iu t.uot'i Ks.
DI.IMOMiM.iI ABB - - I'lTTsnriHi. rA.
k\v,\ tawKfttteiv r gt K- ' /
gm.?6K» Say-fever jC-f* r:
W Cold-heap wmk
ttf* Cream Balm i» tt./i abo n'f, *n ff or j Applied into th« n- >i'- •
quickly dbtarUd. 11 cLaiut* the heed, allay* inflammation, l. ul ■
'f| M • tin- re. Soil by druogi Uor sent l>y -ft on rrcr'nt of rra- "
JUG Ely BROTHERS, 56 Warton Street KEW YORK, a .
/O ///h -T-//0// -
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Tlil-. "ia axal reliable luMlltuiion luia pi i-oart-1 Hi • niUaot nin - ir ami vomon fortlie
tlviMlnil sotliff. 'l'o ihi>M> In want '.t :i •. ful. pr.i IcjJ Olrculart wHI b» sent on
• I.l'r I I*. W'H'iSOSs
ull 100 Cents' wli to the
Dollar on Every Purchase
Mijdt at onr Store.
We aio values Un-•
recendented In Furnishings for
ic!itWon rind Children.
J'i iidvi:-p«l nnd you'll . uve money. ,
haii vit s'.u may require in onr'
t.e, coroo to us, we'll show you P
t v iriety and nave you money,
'ur Spring stock is now full and
>mplete. We guarantee to meet j
rerj dens'tod to your fullest satta-j
etiou. We have u l>ig varicf), with ,
id Ciij'. t }ow figure.-.
ohn M. Arthurs.;
1 1*1 ft" tr"" 3 *"•. ' '
-i; 13 « 1 «•* »•- » '\*r !
. ■:<*" I y ju* 1 . mi "■ »fc t•» ( v** ..
• ii. . . i» «• n.. !
i • ' f»" nt*« Y. uitbiA.luiViu I
<-M % in i
.y* 1 I ■ imrK'X I
* . it ■ - . --y • t >.
I C( (»iproeity.
To «:• uuternct iti" effect, of
j-j tin v.it.d nd sti'im." en luce
i,nl i; l" renew, renovate
ii: 1 purify the cuiido after n.
ri«e:ou- winter, id the mtHeion of
,\u<; ri..!n well doeh it per'i-im
i! »• iii.sk It i« a blued, cr«-».
in uifiui < i:! ju.it enough vege
table oil !> H'"!ien the kin, com
-1 bined v jrh jure glycerine ond
» cr • i:ii tii. .'"H, forming one • f
ii lit.. prcj iratiorit fur chap
p< ; !.. lip# or f>t«•!» or nuj'
ri <tgl.n. er irritntr-»ri of th.
i-kii). No lady or gentlemnn
should I •- without it
. . • *,:« ' ' i.,wlf hy J.-hn (i.
•«.. »•-> , a .. . li, l»til *\« «ali
A- ' U'% t ?.«ara fnrts6(»
1 *.fs>iC »' :b , and nn>ien» y «po
, " - *• tu nn> |*l' «.f
.... '.II »i i Ml liVU- . •.»#-
t w I i r
•• I« 1 ••••■< }"»■ 1 "
'» -V ttli.Ull.Vi.
f/-. I •. I «*lr < -•
Ad.- . r! if •) ••