Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, September 25, 1891, Image 2
THE CITIZEN. W. c. KEGLET, - - - ~~ Wl tilnri at FtoUmta at Batl«r aa i* rlaaa wttw FBTDAY. SKPTEMBKR 25, 1891 SrasoaiTTioK—the county tl.v> per | yew. In advance P outside the county. per year in aflca&ce. ADVKBti!jiN-v—One iuch. one lime, fi. each sutoeqnefit insertion so <*ata each. Auditors an 4 dfvcree notices $5 each, executors and ad ministrators notK*a 13 each. estray and d!s- Fotatloc notice* BeattiDK notices to eeoie a '.lao tor first anii 5 cents lor ea'-b subse ooea' Insertion, Jioucea amoii- :xa! news Hemi is ceat* a ime tor each tnsen Kn. cbifa •rtea. card* ot Uiaais reaoiunoca of reapect. notices of {e«-tlvals and fairs, etc.. Inserted at tU me of 5 cdU a line, money to .vrompar.y the onlcf. Sevea wouls ot prov- make a line, liaten lor standing cards and Job wort on **SifwaYeriii.:ii|f Is due alier tot loswrtloii. and all tniaVeiiT advertising ntwr t>» pv | tor In ranee. Of each itfrae of the CrmsN aotn* extra copu i are primed wtilca are sent to citizens of the whoarenotsuhaertoeifl and their aul>- fl-*i!pt:o:s Is rc-spACtfoiiy woilcitol win do us a lavor by u> Tin.' nsffi' s of their not nowtaki ß ga ecuctj- Paper. *ll intended for pnbhcat.oa in !l "s paper tctutbo aocompar.ie<l by the real name o: tie srriter, not for publication but at a roars."tee of rood faith, Mamaga and death notice must fee seed's - panted by a r&sponsibie name. "republican tickets. STATE. Cur Auditor Geacral. BAVII) M. GKEfIG. Fer Mate Treaanrrr. JOH.V V. MOKRISOX. COUKTT. Far Jary CanatUsioarr. WILLIAM B. PATTEBSON. Committee Meeting Called. The memt/ers of the liepnbiican County Committee are reijnested to meet at Hn el tor.'r. Hall, in Butler, on Saturday, Oct. 3d. 1 *9l, at 1 o'clock p. m., to nominate or devise means of nominating a candidate to the proposed Constitutional Convention and to dispose of such other business as may be brought before the Committee. All the members of the Committee are earnestly requested to be present. A. It. CHEISTI.BY, Chairman. "Now is the Time." According to newspaper reports the Twenty-fifth congressional district is being pnt in shape for the nomination acl elec tion of Mr. T. W. Phillips, of New Castle. It is said Major McDowell will be a candi date for Congressman at large and, so far as ho i» concerned, will give Mr. Phillips a clear field. It is to lie hoped that our ex periences of last year will not bo repeated and whatever be done towards nominat ing a candidate it will not be a succession of blunders, productive of disorganization and defeat. One thing should not be left undone, and that is to change our system of nominating candidates. We believe some action has been taken regarding this it but unless the taxpayers of the district take up and urge the matter,the likelihood is that the present vicious system will remain to Tex tts. We have already on several oc casions given our preference for the popu lar vote or plurality system. We are con vinced that therein lies our security against bolting and defeat. During this campaign, when the several county committees will be frequently in session, is the convenient time to have ,the question settled. If it be deferred it will not be done at all. Next spring there will be a delegate to the Be pnblicao National Convention to be elect ed, and the time will soon slip around. Xow there are no candidate ! to add a dis tmbicg influence and there is plenty of time for deliberation. Now is tho time- Beaver irtfiiM ami Undical. W. L. SCOTT, of Erie, died suddenly at Newport It. I. last Sunday night. Ho had been sick, and was taken to Newport, but a few days previous to his death. He was born iu Washington D. C., began life as one oZ the pages in the House: was taken to Krie by Congressman Heed of that place who took a fancy to him and who helped him along-, married the sister of a wealthy railroad man; became interested with S. J. Tildcn in bin railroad onter took an interest iu politics, was elected to Congress, and died worth fifteen millions. He was Cleveland's most influen tial friend in this State and bis death will aid Gov. Pattison ia securing the united delegation front this State to the next Democratic National Convention. The Sor an ton Affair. At Scranton, Tuesday, the Executive Committee of the league decided to ex clude, eyen as spectators, the delegates of those clubs that were not on the list pre vious to July 10th last, and at. the con vention next day the same rule of action prevailed and Bobinson was elected Presi dent of the League, oyer Dbl/ell, who moved to make the nomination unanimous and made a splendid speech. This whole business has seemed to us to be a case of "much ado about nothing." and we are glad its over. Ptospect Items. The union Sunday Schools pic nicked at McConncll's mill, Sllippcry Bock, on Mon day, Sept Mth. The Jr. 0. IT. A. M. sent Ed. English a their delegate to the State Council at Uotoatown. Mrs. David Itoth, of Dicksou, Term , is the gticv.l of her suUr Mrs. Henry Shaffer Mrs. Itoth is the relict of 'Tncle Davy" Roth, as he was familiarly called, who went to Tenn. about 20 years ago. Frank Myers, of White«town, has open ed a branch repairing shop in town, and is ready to fix watches.clocks, and etc., at the lowest prices. Mi s Luella Westerinan, of Millcrstown, is visiting her uncle J. C. Miller. Judge Uiucn and Porter Lowrr, Eso., of Butler, made our town a socml call, lately. Oil and Will Good win, Mr. Wright and Shctmau Campbell, who drilled the beautiful, dry hole on thu Pyle farm, have gone to W.J) k on the Bentrim lot, Kipper farm, to drill a well for J. L. Alexander. Sorry to see the boys leave town, lor they are a «t of nice fellows. Mr. Allen I'arr was a juryman last week. Robert Allen looked after Mr. liarr's st»cl while be was dealing out justice to c\ 1 doer»s. Curt J.i en, •.!' Butler, i vi-ii.- .• | sister Mi \. M. Sbulf'-r. Out h qiiiii a ball player, and is giving the boy. here »ome ideas about shoots and curves. G. Jl. M'.'Daniel i Co., of Ohio, have brought a feuther renovator to town and am making worn feathers better than new. Now is a chance for housekeeper > to gel | this needed work done, for it i* not often they can get the opportunity. Mr Charles Keed. of Xolletlojile, Is visiting her friends here, where Mrs. It, was formerly Uown at Nettie Mcf/tire. John M Weigle ami wife visited hi friends here lu-i week Ford, as he is generally called, work* fur Young a Co., of Butler Tho <e who attended the reunion at JiontgoUicpy Dunn's, near Ml. Chestnut. on Sept. 1.7 report a veiy ph i,-in' Mfair. All the children and children' children were there shout a hundred pe >plo iti all. T. 11. Uoehm and K. S. Weigh) fxik in the V iinowood reec , last week They Ji«t so heavily -Titus.on the "bolwi.iil and Rami .<n the "bay" that they Ijiir>.l ihc pool hot It might lie (he pool box Hn-.ed 'cm. Scott} Kelly'and Philip Secliler visited the V. .position la.-t week. No doubt Sootty went to take lessons from King Baldwin, or <••»!*-in. but tbajr were in Itoaton, and Philip thi .k Now (.'a -tle would be a good place In hold an Exposition. Jo CoslTY, I - - U 'iinan is called the "weaker ,vessel ' I but in> one would suppo-ai so if th«y saw tho hill for her rigging. NEIGHBORHOOD NOTES. In the Allegheny Co.. Court last Th«--- day. a MeKee.-port man wa- convicted i'ir stealing his own trnnk from the R. R- Co. He had it checked, and when the agent wa.- not looking, had it hauled away and then claimed damages in t.O, from the Co. Thi- the Co. was ale-ut to psy. when one of its found the trunk in the owner's hou.xj. At Wilkes'oarre. last week a man was tried for a murder committed in In*4. A U. S. officer was »hot while hinting draft ed men, and his brothers kept at it n:i til they .secured • me evidence against the supposed shooter, but he wa aeqnirted. Ja*. Mc-Millen of LnwrenceC". a Bound head. died Ja.-t Tl. - iay aged 75 years. At Jewett, 0., last Th- rsday a man who was being chased by a mo!» jumped nxm a locomotive, tkrost bis revolver into tho firemans' face, and ma :e him run the en gine ont of tn*n n mil® '-r so. when he es caped into the wood.-. A Louisville drummer, who look s iike Pitxsimmons, was arre»ted in Pittsburg last Thur-cay. According to reports from the Daw a settlement, up the Allegheny river, a ped dler -ome time ago left packages of goods at two boa-' -in that vicinity. Two re ceipts -igned by the ladies of the hous holdrt, one forjl-j and the other for %'••• have now come up for collection. The signatures appear to be genuine, bnt the women have no reccollection of having written them, and are sure they must have written when unconscious of the fact. It is therefore believed that the peddler , have secured the notes through some hy ! notic or mt -merit- influence. At the lair in .-janganion county, 111., held la-t week, a SSOO piano wa offered by a merchant, as a prize for the best jelly j cake made by a lady in that Congressional | district. About 60ft lailie- competed for the prize which war, awarded to Mr-. .Sam | uel Willet, of Springfield. The 5 M dis appoinimcnt competitors found that Mr->. | W.s, cake was simply angel'.- fix-d with jellp spread '.between each layer. They raised the protest 'that a cake built in that •» ay is not a jelly cake. The 10-rd cooks decided that it i . Delmonico, of New York, telegraphs tLat angtl's food, with jelly Isyers, may properly be cla .ed as jelly cake, but that it is not customary to mak* them that way. The matter 1- still undecided, and the community are ! taking sides in the »arme.«t fashion. Almost before we know it, the season is once more at hand in which the human race begins to thin ''.itself out by iniau of climbing into vehicles with gnn.< opulr ling gtia i out of wagons with tho muzzle toward the puller. A close 3;< proai-h to the regulation accident occured at Oil City yesterday, when Joe. Holme i yonth of 15, was shot in the arm by a rifle in consequence of the hummer striking the wheel of a wagon into which ho was dim ■ iug- The ballet traversed hi 4 arm from the elbow u> the shoulder. A remarkable snake -torr was told by a resident of Clarion recently and hut for the unapproachable character of the narra tor would sonml like a "snake tory/, He stated that a farmer who lived near Cinri I t iwu wa- mowing in a field when he w:i. attacked by a white snake fully ten feet in length. The reptile ooiled'itself aro md the farmer- wai»t and gazed fix-rily in h.- face evidently tryiug to charm him. Shak ing off the dtzzy feeling cau«ed by the snake's hynotie gaze, the farm -r i--.it it to pieces with the scythe, and thc;i exhau - ed xvith fright and overexertion -auk to the ground. The liwtd of the -nak". with a portion of the body, lay near him, and the peculiar odor caused him to pick it up,and he found it was an albino blacksn&kc. The peculiar formation of the snake's "eye caused him to examine them clo-ely, and he could hardly believe the evidence of his aences when he discovered a perfect repro iluctionofhi- face photographed in the center of the"eye. He brought tin* rinake to town, where it was photographed ntid preserved in alcohol. The negative taken by the photographer I'.hows tho snake's eye perfectly with the farmer* face showing as clearly as if also taken with a camera. The picture and snake were exhbiited at the Clarion fair. Mr*. Pitzfdmmon*, tbe wife of the caped murderer wa« put on trial Mondav afternoon in Pittuburg, for participating in the murder of Detective <«iikinnoii. !>•> tectfve Murphy Kaid *be bad a pi*tol under her apron anil that he fired the lir»t *hot. P itt*barfr and Allegheny are Buffering from a milk famine. A diea*c, believed to lie the Texa* uplenic fever in carry ing off lllair and Ve nango county cattle by the bnndred. When attacked the animal'ii head fall# belplemdy to it«f /tide, aud it* neem to bo unable to bear the weight of the body The .State |{oard]ofjhea!th will be appealed to todevine in'-an.i of eradicating tbe di*ea*o. At Carnegie, I'hipp- and <'«>'»•. Home utead mill, luxt Saturday, a ladle of mol ten >teel exploded, while being lowered into tbn pit, and four men were burned, one of whom died u fetv minute* after. At Brookville, Pa., Philip Kit-hard* wa arretted for violating the postal law*. Ill* game wan to tend out card 4 oiTering to loan money at :i per cent, ceeurc hi foe. nnd then fail to make the loan. TMK money circulation, per capita, never wa* iio great in thin country MM it i* now During the flunh war time*, when "green back* were a* plentiful a. leave* iu autumn, MI to xpeak, it only, when at tlie bifrlie t,i|(20.57 to the individual; now it i* 23.4"1, and worth it* face value." And the augmentation constantly going on. at the rat« of 000,00(1 per motnh. a*provid ed by law of !a»t year. Item* from Flick. J. W. <lillc*pic tool, a flyinc trip to lliadytt fiend, la*t v. eel- Mi** Tillk) 11 ill man of Whilentowu wa« tho |!in-t of her aunt Tillie (iill<- pie. Ii t week. (ireintbofee and Win. Hefton found a l/cu trce on the 1 f|>hill farm,nnd they cut it down the other evening and got ijofte a !>.t of honey. John Ola gow bin barrelled hi* buck wheat crop and bo* li.'i burhel*. 'Juite a lot i.l tbe mcicty boll' . of Clin ton and Middlesex have gone to in win," «>me to Allegheny and *ome to Hittler. Good "uece-- to.the lodie*. Mr. Win. Jack 1111-. built, a large ami handsome warehouse for hi fnrining ini plemeut*. It i„ Mippo. rd thai, lieu iSurtou ha- the large«t potato#;' in i.wp K. o. Thouip 1 i • !'ri>tn the rlti/« rii» lor the purpose of buying a bell fr.r No. « *cl)ool-hnu*e. •loiepli Flick and ( . Johnson intend 1 < lake a trip to tin- mountain* next month for tli. purpo->. of'having it hunt Ml .'lli i! *(t ■ !'v|,; badr, In^htcn *<ll he ■ no.ri.i:,; *ho got ip i 1,1 • Hid heard 1 110; behind tho countemf tho 'ore, and *upp-> ed it to lit- call ed by a burglar out whnu ►hu w«W to MI: what it »'n» it hupp ie«! to 1,, their big Ma- till dog that liud neaki d in and wa* after rat*. Khe having heart trouble made the trlght tnilcb wornc. Jume McKarland ha< moved to l'ilu bnrg. <>. K. HUMK Wrfi.ooo acre of the Indian lerritorv «i-re opened for eettleuient 011 Tuesday, nnd 1111 army of about fifteen thousand men, white and black, who had rongregat -d 011 the border*, made ;i mud 11 h lor it, Tbeie were Home wild .em . of disorder, but ie»t> fighting thiiii wa* expected. Golden Wedding. Mr. anil Mr.-" James 11. Thompson, of Brady twp., Butler CO., celebrate 1 the ] 50th anniversary of their marriage, 14--' j Tfednethe 10th of Sept. Jaa 11. Thompson i- the * >'i <>» John , Thon.;--n an-1 Sarah (Bracken Thompson who .-«ttled in Er<o C<>.. i'*- about the rear 1-11 !:. bailt a MM, t>! k th~:r children au-I one cow and -ailed for Missouri. They Ideated «.a a 3»» acre tract of land in St. Charles Co. on the Itii.-ouri Hirer. They lived there until the death of J an Thomp-on in IS2C; when I.- widow with her children, among whom was Jam."- M returned in wagons 'to Erie Co.. Pa On rcachtne his majority James 11. Thomp-on went back to Missouri, and redeemed the old farm whi ... lib'-' <>! d for the taxe- Here he married Mi-- Michel Miller of Indiana, his present wife. The place beiag un -1 ..Mt!:v for lack of proper drainage. lie sold it for a mere pittance, ami returned to Erie Co la. (By the v. av the Missouri fann war subsequently sold for SIOO an acre.) In 1 - t3, Jame M. moved to Butler Co.. Pa., and puret -e<l the farm upon which he now resides. Tfa< -objects of this brief sketch .ire the parents <>f eleven children, nine of whom are still living. The relatives and neighbors to the number of 140, with abundance of provision for the want - of the innir man. assembled at the home of thi- aged couple on the Kith The forenoon wa.- spent in friendly greeting, when the call to dinner was promp- responded to. Although the heat wa excessive the guests did fall justice l- the nya-t for the temptation was too great to- resist. After dinner the company was called to order and Mr. Samuel Moore was chosen president and M. I". Mayer secretary. Th - 133 d psalm was then -ung, after which Rev. J. C. Bighain of Plain Grove led in prayer. Mr. Benj. Thompson was called upon to giye the family history, and he re-ponded in an interesting speech, a brief -tatement of which is given above. Kev. Ligham then made an appropiate address, (nil of instruction and admonition to all. In concluding his remarks, he prc-entei to the aged parents in behalf of the children a nnmber of tine presents, among which were the following: Two pair of gold riinmed spectacles, one crystal water set, a gold-heaucd cane, one set of silver knives and forks, a 112 piece dinner set and phri-e of $17.50. Although several of the children lived a great distance away, but one of them was absent on this occasion. Becd S. Thomp son left his farm in western Kansas; Geo. V. left the hardware store of Thompson Bros. A Co. in Mt. Jewett, McKean Co., Pa.; Jas. I>. came from the oil fields of West Virginia; Wilson S. and family ccme from near K mien ton, Venango Co.; Benj. B. and family from near New Wilmington, Lawrence Co. and John McElwain and family from Alleghany City. Among others who came from a distance were Mr. Andrew Thompson (only surviv ing brother of Jame* M. Thompson) and wife; Mr. I<evi Proctor and wife and Miss Jennie Smith of I'nion City Pa.; also Mrs. Sarah Smith of Allegheny City. It might be of interest to add that Mr. Benj. Tnomp-on did not let his wife forget that th; was her birth day, and presented her with a gold breast-pin on this oc casion. A fter singing two verse.- of the 72nd Psalm the company was dismissed with the benediction, and all returned to their home l ! wcil plea-i d with the occn-ion. SKI'. Jo.sK HALUACKDA. tin; ex President of the republic of Chili committed suicide in bin room a'. hi» hotel in Santiago by shoot ing hiii. iif through the head, lie tried to get away, but found every avenue of escepe closed. Rtunion of the Pflough Family. Saturday, Sept. lil, 1801 wa a day long to be remembered by tho Pflongh family. As some of the members of the family who live in Allegheny were on a visit to their relative- in this county, some one conceived the idea of having a reunion and •arpri j e party ;«t the re idoiiee of Mr. and Mrs. Freo.-riek Pflongh in Franklin twp., and Saturday la*t was the day elected for it. Tue guests began to arrive about 10 o'clock and the surprise w.i .-■> complete as to find both the old folks engaged in their usual duties. Tables were quickly erected in the orchard. By 12 o'clock all were pre ent and as they came with well filled baskets we ion learned what the tables were erected for and they spoke volume for the female member of the family. Aft- dinner the meeting wi. ■ called to order by electing John Lei.-.ie of Cranberry twp. President and be called on John if. I; :r to ad'lre • the meeting ;:>i 1 pr< -ent to the age.l couple two handsome rocking chair* which up to this time had been bid in th'- WIMKI* nearby, which he did in a few appropriate words. Then (i i -bannon of Prospect, who had hi, tioera there took a picture of the v.bole cii' V.d and also some family groups, the remainder of the afternoon wa» pent in plaviug ball,pitching quoits and in social converse. There were fifty-four persons pre ent— all children, gruudchildreuand great grand children, as follow-. John Leisie, wife and two children, Cranberry twp.; John J. Beiher, wife and fiyc children and Mrs. John II Itciher, liutler; Fred Hurry, wife and eight children, Franklin twp.; George Pflongn, wife and lour children, Franklin twp.; A. L. Boggs, wife auil four children, Kvan- City; Mrs. David Barto and three children, kvans City; Mrs. Bulla Pflough and sister Mrs. Car on, Allegheny; Wm. Pflough, Kvans City; I'ratik Sherman, wife and fo-ar children, Butler; David, Kmma and Bertha, who live at home and John M Reibcr, the .'(rd, the only great grandchild —there wore but nine absentee <. After all had partaken of hupper they repaired to the house of M r.George I'tlough, and enjoyed themselve in a family dance until 11 o'clock when of them went to their homes feeling that it had been a day well spent. J. 11. It. Will !s. <t Co., brokers ol \e'v York at tempted to get up a "comer" in com; the warm, dry weather of the past few weeks has ripened tho crop, and it exceeded White's c.'timatei: he ran out of money, and the firm had to make an a •ignmont; and their Pittsburg corn- Bea Bros. <t Co. have had to close their doors. Saxon items. Mr. John Maxwell has been confined to the house for several day v Mr*. M. N. Greer and her sister are \is it in - their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Brown, of Harrlsv itle. Mi. Hooper, of New Cumberland, West Virginia, i' '. i*-iting Mr Ja.. I'lar!.. this week. Mr. Clarence Fail again the in employ ofSmit! und Logan. Clarencei-anoccomo dating i lei' IT nl we are glad t"> see bin omiliiig I . ■ behind the counter. ii n Bredin und Lauffer are rejoicing over getting the tool, out of the well on the Brickcr i.irm which have been in the hole lince i:i Jlili' They -ince complotod the well, but failed to gel any gas. Mr. T. \ • el-, .rt who i< working in the McDonald oil field,spent Sunday with bi ■ family. It is reported that Dr. J. M Scott in tends moving to our town. We will glad ly w«lc«. ne 'on *: "ioiamong Us, Or T. 8. Mifflin Street Livery. ! W. (J. KJEHL.Jl'rop'r. One f-qonri: went of Main Bt., on | Mifllio St All good, safe horeod; \ now bugifieg ea'l carringe*. Luudauw for wetlilibgH uinl fum-raln. Ope; tbiy und night. Telopbono No. Ui. , DEATHS DALE —At her home in Batler. f>ej>t. IT, l>f»l, Annie Coulter, wife of VTinfield 8. Dale. .ifre<l about 25 years. ilr>. Dale <lieJ of cancer of the stomach. Slip wa- a daughter of Thos. E. Coulter of ; Cliy twp.. ami .-he leaves a bal>y but one ! month old. . MOORHEAT) —At hi* home in Freeport. S.-pt. 17. l>;il. Williaui Moorhead. aped 90 yentf. He Wa- born in Winlield twii.. this county, and moved to Freeport and engag ed in while yet a yonng man. ' MAO ILL—At his home in Freeport, Sept. 14. 1891. I>r. Thos. Majrll. aged «4 years. ! UILL—At his residence in Laneyille,.S.-pt. 10. 1891, Amnion Hill, aged G7 years. ; HEMPHILL—At his home to Clinton i tw'i> , Sept. 14, 1891, James Hemphill, | in hi- 80th year. i McCLAIN—At her home in Batler, Sept. 1-. IS9I, Lizzie, da.ighter of M. McClain. ili ELWEE—At ui- home in rittobuig. Sept. 19, 1891, Dennis McElwee, form erly of Oakland twp.. and aged about 42 I years. i COULTER —At his home in Butler, Sept. I JO, 1891, Joseph Coulter Esq., formerly j of I'nionville, ..ged 80 year.-. JEN'NIXOS—At yueen-t. w:., Armstrong I Co.. Sej.t, 23, 1&91, Richard Jennings, in his 75th year. Mr. Jennings operated for oil extensive i ly in the easteni part of this county, and ! iias well and favorably known there, lie was a man of robust constitution, and had I good health up to about four weeks ago. j wiien his stomach gave out completely, i refusing to even retain a bit of water. He was the father of John Jennings, who I makes his home in Butler. POSTER J. liAVIS. Resolutions of respect adopted Sept. 9th 1891, bv Prospect Council N'o. 2'J9 Jr. O. U. A. M" Whereas in hi.- wise and benevolent ruling it has pleased the great Councillor above to remove from our midst onr esteemed Brother I'orter J. Ilavis. And whereas we desire to express the deep sen-<* ol our inestimable loss of a Brother who by his life illustrated the principles of our Noble Order. Therefore be it resolved that tho death of our respected Brother who ivas taken from this world of care and sorrow in the prime of life and usefulness is a dispensation of affliction irreparable only that God dotth all things well. Resolved that in the death of our Brother, we lose an honest, upright and zealou member, and that while w'e deeply mourn his loss, we unite in extending to the bereft relativts our sincere condolence in this their hour of affliction. Ke -ohed that as a further token of our respect that onr Charter be draped in mourning for u period of 30 days, that a memorial page be set apart in the Journal, that a copy of these resolutions be sent to the bereaved family and that they be pub lished in the county papers. J Pakk 11 A VS. M. C. SfIAXOB. E. L. Enolish. Com. Out of Sorts Tb a feeling peculiar to persons of dyspeptic ten dency, or It may be caused by change of climate, season or life. The stomach is out of order, the head aches or does not feel right, appetite Is ca pricious, the nerves seein overworked, the mind is confused and Irritable. This condition find* an excellent corrective in Hood's Sarsapari 11a, which, by Its regulating and toning powers, soon re*torcs harmony to the system, and gives that strength of mind, nerves, and body, which makes one feel perfectly well. N. B. Be sure to get Hood's Sarsaparilla Suldbrall'lniKKiiiU. SI; «li forS-V Prepared only by C. I. HOOK * CO., A|K>th«:rarle«, Lowell, Mtu. iOO Doses One Dollar Where is the best place to buy Clothing, Hats, and Furnishing (iojflf-? At the Itickei Store. \V i I Y :> Hecitupo they hnve one of the 1»;jt si stocks to select irom ami they sell for CASH thus ueusir able to _ r ive von more tor a dollar than other house in the county. >;i cun see tiles;* lads lor yourself by calling at Ti i K RACK KT STORE i H. Mam f-t. Hntk;r. Ha. A LEADING QUESTION! With tc at. the |»r i-.-r.t liino i-< how w<* nin reilace our xi.M-k ut HeHhufiH hle ■ «!'. We («-laiuly have to cle»r ' iir t-helven of u'l Summer HtulT. Cilli \\ ( k Do It? We nt leiiHt will try. Are you will infj to Imv new nnil i-iyli-h uooiln nl l( s-i th ill otberH nell lh»-ir old shop worn tfock? Will ih'-e prion iiiti-r --esi yoa? Fine IlreH* - redueeil (rom 12[ to yd £oe u.nd C'hnllieH i| »wn t• > 10c u yd. 12.', (Jhallien down to 5c yd. s'> I'onnet for r )0. s.'l llonnet for ?(l 50. ill AO Flow er« lor 50c. Alho liii»- Keducliono in Lae • Cur tuiiiH, Hosiery and Underwear, and MenV furrilshintf If you in tend to hu v at the uliove prireß, come »iw YORK BAZAAR IflH .aid 232 H. Mam Si. Opp !»oM< ffiw. (i() TO HOICK'S FOR Pure Druus, n 7 I'nilits, ()ils, (ilass, I'in< * Toilet Art iclcs, PnkMil iMcdicincs, And ill) otlicr A rl io.lcs I\opl in a First Class Drug Store. WHO IS LOUIS TRAXLER? (fJit, J\ He is the popular P.utler dry foods man I who hn ■: opened a new dry goods store. 108 S. Main St.. next door to Hutler Barings j Bank. WH< ► t.S LOUIS TRAXLER? lie i.s the man who will -ell you a "dress, a cloak, a bonnet, and every thing in the dry goods line cheaper th*n any man living. LOUIS TRAXLER 1 i not a stranger in Butler. He will aim | to give too better bargains thau erer be- I fore. He has every thing as he advertises. | He don't misrepresent his goods, not does he allow his clerks to do so. If you want to get the most goods for your money, -ee that yon trade at the right place, I LOUIS TRAXLER | next door to Butler Savings Bank, Batler. _ Jury List for Sept. 28. I.lst of Traverse Jurors drawn this Stth day of Aug, A. D. 1891. to feer'.e os Traverse Jurors at a special term of Court commencing on the 4th Monday of September the same being the >th day of said month. Allison William, tenter township, tanner. P.aucr Oeorge. Ilntler twp. farmer. Ilahn (ieorge. Clinton twp farmer. Baiph Joseph, Butler jd ward, teanist r. Cochrane K M. Mercer twp. laborer. Christie Guthrie. Concord twp, farmer. Dully tiabrlel. Clay twp. farmer. Daubenspeck Crist. Washington twp. farmer. lHndtnger (U-orge. I«inca-iter tw p. farmer. Dunlap. W W, sunbury boro,druggist. Eoernart. A <). Butler twp, farmer. Fisher John W, liradv twp. farmer. Frank Kdward. Winfleld twp, fanner. Odllaher D L, Clearfield twp. fanner. I Orle. Connoqu'g twp. farmer, illckey Albert. Middlesex twp, fanner. Jackson John. Oakland twp, farmer Johnston Joseph, Adams twp, farmer. Kennedy John. Franklin twp, farmer. KnaulT Jacob. Middlesex twp, lanner. Kelly Amlzlah, Worth twp farmer. Klnzer I: A. Concord twp, farmer, liamerer W A. Butler sth e.d. merchant. UTt W P. P.utler 4th wd, teamster. Lcfevre l) 11. Jefferson twp, farmer. My res liernard. h'alrviev. twp. farmer. Moore George. Worth twp. miner. Martin John T. Buffalo twp, farmer. M'K-liel Michael, liulfalo tv. |i. farmer McCurdy. John 1., Buffalo twp, farmer. Murrin Cornelius, Marlon twp. larmer. M' Curdy Waller, Hrady twp. farmer. McKlvaln l;eub« n, liutler Ist wd. clerk. Meholls Adam. Conno<|g twp, farmer. M hols II W. Penn twp. larmer. Orbtson Joseph. Donegal twp. fanner. Porter AI - ~ Cherry twp, larinur. i'ainterj A. Butler tth wd. teamster. John. Cherry twp, farmer, ll- nnlson John. Adams twp, farmer. Kldule Nelson, l'rjtnklln twp, farmer, liitzert J <i. Oakland twp, farmer. Miakley Alva. Center twp. fanner. Stevenson A 1,. Franklin twp. farmer. Short Jacob, Lancaster twp. farmer. Slater peter, liutler-'d wd, farmtr. smith J << M. Butler 3d wd, carpeut i shiill John \S , Marlon twp, farmer. S'-atou L M, Marion twp. farmer. Vandyke Huston. Marlon twp, f.ii'm-r. \ o.iier Lewis, Worth twp. farmer. Volkweln Charles. B'liler .'id wd. merchant. Thomas uj, Parker twp. producer. Taylor W 1,, Worth twp. farmer. Wi"c|; W 11. liutler "th wd, prslucer. /legl-r i;W, Butler ist.wii. tinner. MISS WHITE S Clnssos for Boys and Girls. Butler, October Ist. A ((plication Hhoul'i ba made to GEOIIUE 11. WHITE, East Diatnond St i •' hif jiaiig ■ 1 MEADVILLE, PA. I'.sfaollshed over S> \ears. Conuei ted with Al legheny College, and Conservatory of Music, liver :: 'fm students plac d In goo 1 paying n >d tlons. I our complete courses: Business.Short hau l and Typewriting, I'eiiinaushl.i, and Nor mal Kugllsh. Ihxjkkeeplng taught by 111" I'rln clp:il and pr i nleal accouutanu of over JO years expeilclice. Shorthand l>y prat Ileal sleno g'. apli r Penmanship by two of the oldest unit l» it teacher* In the States. Commercial Liw by the best lawyers In IVun'a. Students can commence at any time. Kxpenses one half less Itian at anv similar nislltutlon. Send for the "Itcpori' i and speelmeiM of Penmanship. Kll - 1 cts. In .stumps and address A. W. SMITH Meadvllle, l'a. WASHINGTON FEMALE SEMINARY. The next esiiion openn September Kith* For catalogue or information apply to MISS X. SHKIIKAHI), t'rincipal, or REV. JAS. I. BROWNSOX. U. I)., l're.-. Board of Trustees, Washington, I'M. ALLEGHENY meadville.pa.^^OLLEGE 7<»lh year tM'ifliisttept. I iih. IIIkIi crn«}«*. KurMli m«*x«?n. L.tiM 11-. 1 mi,., siionu Faculty. Hjtu uilori iH iillhy und Tlm-n «ourwi» to A. li. um'l Kiitfhii'criiiK 4 'oll t'M* to 4'. | ; stu'h niM A<l mitti ll ifif.li M hool rcrtlfl< or (llploma • I'n-purutory < li«m>J Military iitHtruc (loo. For 4ncl«lr«ttN PRtSIDRNT DAVID H- WHEILBR. LL. D. MY NEW STORE Ih dow <omplot«d und I respectfully invito the Public to call iiud nee, me. 1 am prepared to hupply every thing in the line of nnd Medi cineH at all hourit. Prei-criptioDH at flight 11 Rpecialtj Electric ISoll and speaking tnlMi ut front door. t -1J• Alright, cheerful roomjjund'every new. Yours, J. b\ I\ A I/PITT Planing Mill A NO I jiin*£t>ci* Yard J. L. ft) ItVI L. i>. PUHVIH. S.n.Purvis&Co. UAN(lKA(rriltk-lUi AM» DRAI.IRH IN Rouph and Planed Lumbor t£v<.» t iiwcxiktmin. iSiiiN(xLKB, LATH & SEWER PIPE. Butler, Pa S3JSO ... i(i IK-lr Ml. I, • •!(•!. •«.(.»; , flirt li«> I** "I r"t»f»»Uh <••.* • • • I I'ornnl I 4 • ' i i• ■ i .i••••■»• i» • i • I lid.e a U • | i - ' Mil a I dinale r, « ( a»< o-alt tnjf . ( ,\ 3' »ii# a • II • I. %V a, t Mill.l r» I ,11 , I , ralfi VII 1., r, .i i.i.r.%, it*** .lugiuiii, MuIHV* Havi i\o Secured the ser vices 01 Mr. \Y M. COOI'ER, a gentle man of taste and unquestionable abil ity as a Cutter and Designer, WE are now prepared, with OUR Elegant Line of OVERCOAT INGS, SUITINGS, TROUSERINGS alldF A N C Y VESTINGS, une qualled in this, or excelled in larger cities, to give our patrons special ad vantages. Wm. y\land Merchant Tailor C. S, 13. -SPHING ? I We have the largest stock of hats for men, boys and children ever brought into this county. I ? 8 r ¥ We have the most complete as sortment of .nderwear in light weight wool, Camel hair, Balbrig gan, gauze and Merino. ff % % 'sf" r r r W'e sell the*celebrated Monarch shirts both laundried and unlaun dried. I C I f u a We are always filled up with stylish neckwear, collars, cuffs, suspenders, hosiery, umbrellas, satchels, etc. All reliable goods and sold at popular low prices. COLBERT & DALE, 242 S Main Htreet, Butler, Pa. IIIM WiiOUfl MILL, EillTl.i:i<, IM. 11. KULLKRTON, Frop'r, llliuikcfN, I'lmiiiu'lm hikl Yitrn " llaniilticliired ofPurt' llnf l<*i t'omil) Wool. We guarantee our gooils to !»• strictly nil wool ami no urwiile or any other poisonous luitterlul used In dyclDK- We sell Wholesale or retail, sam Dies and prices furnished free to dealers on appli. :>tlon by uiall. FRANK KEMPER, DEAL Kit IN Light II arnesH, Dusters and Flyi lots. The largest and most complete line of robes, blankets, li am ess, whips. trunks, and valises, and at lowst prices in Miitier, is al ways to be found at K KM PICK'S. FOR SALE. An oil farm containing CI bctcb of land, with oil royalty interest. Land of fuir quality, im provementu, K'-»od npringof water and underlaid with TWO VEINS OF COAL, One of which iH being worked on royulty. lion royalty nmountH to about 150 BBLS. FKR MONTH, Oil Leant, expire* in IH'.t'.', it part of farm still reniainH undeveloped. Farm nituuted in liutler Co., und will be Mold at. u K r eat bargain if Bold Hoon For further particular* ad dretiH No. 2. r > 8. Mill St., New (,'aHtle, Pa Full Again, We mean our wall paper de partment, full and overflowing with our innuendo and choice Htock ol'paper hangingH. You inu.st help uh out, we haven't room lor liall our goods, until 3011 relieve uh of aorne of them. Wt■ have the elioiu'ht itelcc* lion i>l patterns in every grade from Hrown BlankH at 10 cts to (Jiltw ut from 20 ctn to !0»I j pel douhlc holt Exumiue our Stoek. J. H. Douglass, Near Postollice, Butler I'u | mm\ It ,1- .r. -r-i,.*. a-' # . tf-W, , • .fc j ~ 1,„,|, W a toft rurnfcii j.... .I,» an » t* »» » «i i « •i/i*hi •«*»• Full I uitMiMiWa rftc /*• !: dLC'O • Alti"!*, IAIAIL | LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Administrators and Kxecutors of estate* j can secure their receipt books at the Citi- ZK9 riffi* Auditor's Notice. In ro final account of Id the Orphans Court I i . 1" adm'r of 01 liutler county. at O. ; Jofcn UcLaut:bUn.docd c. No. 11. Man-to T. ltoi ; late ot the ti>ro 01 Mil j lerfltown.RutlerCo, Pi. 1 i Sept. 14.1891. Motion made In open Court. I and upon due consideration Jacob M Painter. I Ks |. Is appointed an Auditor to report distribu tion in this ca.-e By the Cocbt. Brn.ni Co.. s*. ceruaed from the record this £M dav of Sept., ISrt. Josei-h Cbiswux. Cleric, j Notice is berebj that 1 will attend to the duties of Hie abovi- appointim-nt. at my ot lice in ISutlrr. l'a.. In Diamond Ulot k. oil Tuei dav the 1-th day of October, IS9I. at 10 o'clock. I a. ra. at which time and place all interested I ria\ attend II they sec proper. J. M. PAINTER, Aud. Auditor's Notice. In re Cico. n. KnaulT for 1 In the court of Cont use of Adam Dam bach tnon Pleas of Butler Co \V .IS M< Knight. \E. I). No. so. Sept. T. HI Sept. 7. iß»i—Petition of Wrn. M. Biown.Sher iff, for the appointment of on Auditor to dlitrl bute tbe fund realized irom the sale ot defend ant's personal property, at above number to and amongst those entitled thereto, presented and motion granted, and Jas. B. Mates, Esq.. appointed an Auditor to report dlstrlbuUon of ! the fund. By thi COURT, i in run CO., st. certified irom the records Sept. T. Ik«i. JjfO. W. Blows, Pro. ' Notice is hereby given that I will attend to the duties of tlie above appoinuccnt at my of fice In lil.iinond Block. Butier, Pa., on Monday Oct. r,. ivM. at 10 o'clock a. m, at which time and place those interested may attend if they .see propi'r. .1 as. B. M vtks. Butler. Pa., sept. IS, l*#l. Notice. In Uie Court of Common Pleas of Butler couim at No.—Term. A. 1). lxui. Notice is hereby given that an application will be made to said Couri on the 9th day of Octo ber..\ l».. lssi. at 2 o'clock p. m.. under the I Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pemi .splvaula, entitled "An act to provide for the Incorporation of certain corporations,'" approv ed the -l.lh day 01 April A. D., 1874, and the supplements thereto, for a charter for en In tended corporation to be called "The congrejra tloncfthe Methodist Episcopal church of the borough of West sunbury." the character and object ">f which Is the worship of t,od and the dl-ssemlnat ion of mer.iland religious instruction according to the faith. doctrines, discipline and usages ot 1 lie Methodist Episcopal church of the l nlted Statesand for these purposes to have j poMCM and 1 ojoy sill the rights benefits and pcirilegw of the said Act of Assembly and its supplements. TIIOS. KOBINSON. Solicitor. Dissolution Notice. The partnership heretofore existing between J. A. Mccutchen nnd i.rorge Haben. under the firm name ol Mccutchen <t Haben. was dfssolv ■ ed by mutual consent on Sept. Ij, Mr. Mccutch en retiring. The business will be continued at ;«C S. Main St., by .Mr. Uaben. and all accounts of Ihe late firm will be settled there. J A. McCITTCHEN, Sept. 15, IS9I. QEOBCK HAIIK.N. Dissolution Notice. The partnership heretofore exLsUng between C. Carver and It. A. llarsh under the ttrm name of C. Carter A' Co., is dissolved on account of the death of 1:. A. Harsh. The business will be continued by c. Carver at the same place. No. 241 East .leiterson St.. Butler, Pa. All per sons having claims against said Arm. will pre sent same 10 c. Carver (or payment, and all Per sons knowing themselves Indebted to said firm will call at once andsettte with same. C. CAKVEK. K. Sctui k, I Adm'rs ot A. G. I.o\ klanii f It. A. llarsli. Butler, Pa,, Sei t. ath, 1891. Orphans' Court Bale. By virtue of an order of the Orphans' conrt of Butler County. Penn'a. uuihoruing me so to do the undersigned will offer at public sale on the premises In Washington twp, DuUerCo.. Pa. on WEDNESDAY, SEPT. aO. 18#!. ai 2 o'clock p. m. of said dav, the following des ci I bed real estate, viz: All that certain piece or parcel of land situate in township, county, ami .slate aforesaid, hounded and described as follows: <>n the north by lands of John Wil liamson ; on the east by lands of J. H. Gibson aud J. 11. Bell, et >1; on the south by lands ot IS. M. Harper, and on the west by lands of Henry Sloner; containing one hundred aud forty (14H) acres more or less. Of said land about 1:10 are cleared, one-story trame house, and frame bunk barn, aud two orchards there on. The said premises being the same of which the late it. A. Mlillln. died slezed. and of which he directed a sale to be made by his ex ecutor. Tekms ok Saik:— One-third in hand. oncon flrmatKM of sale by Court, aud balance in .wo equal annual payments, secured by bond aud mortgage. T. P. MIFFLIN, Ex'r of IS. A. Mlillln, dee d. North Hope, Pa. C. \Vai,kkk. Atty. Estate of K. A. Milllin, dee'd. I.ATK Or WASHINGTON TWP.. BCTLKK CO., I'A. Letters tcstumentury on the above named estate having been granteil to Hie underHlgneil all persons knowing themselves Indebted to same will please make Immediate payment, any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. T. P. Mil fun. Kx'r. North Hope P. 0.. C. Wai kkk, Ally. Butler Co.. l'a. Estate of James McCandless, dee'd. I.ATI: OK l-KNN TWP., Bt.'TLKBCO., PA. Letters ol' administration on the above named estate having been granUd to the un dersigned, all persoaa knowing theinrclvc* indebted lo >ald estate will please make im mediate payment, and any having claims against said c-tatc will present them duly authenticated for settlement. I). 11. Dot TiIETT, Adm'r. llrownsdale I'. <)., liutler Co., Pa. Estate of Williamson Bartley, dee'd. PKNN TWP.; Kt'TLBB CO., PA. Letters of administration having bceu granted to the undersigned on the above nnmed (stale, all pertons knowing them selves indebted to raid entitle will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement, W. Iv Uauti.EY, \V. J. Bt'RTO.M, Itutler l'a., Brownsdale l'a., Administrators, J. 1). MeJunkin, Att'y. Estate of John M. Turner, deceased, Latk ok Paiikeu Twp., Biti.ek Co., Pa. £ Letter* ol adniiniktration having been granteil to thu undersigned on the above named 1 slate, all persons knowing them i.civcs indebted to said estate will please muke immediate payment, and auy having Haiius iigainst said estate will present ( them duly authenticated for settlement. Nancy A. Tt'itNKU, or W. K. TCKVBU, Parker's l.and'g, Pa.. Butler, Pa„ Administrators. Estate of Elizabeth B. Kirk patrlck, dee'd, I.ATK OK CLINTON TWP.. lltTUtll CO., PA. I.citers of administration on the above named estate having lieen granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves Indebted to (alaestate will please make Immediate pay ment. and any having claims against said estate w 111 present them duly authenticated for settle ment. I [John P. Kikxpatrick, Adm'r. Naxonburg, Butler Co.. l'a. \V. I). Brandon. Att'y .l Estate or D. 11. McQulstlon, dee'd, lato of Butler, Pa. I.< Itei of ailmlu'st ration on the above named e. 1 ulc hiving been granted to the undersigned, all iM-rson. knowing themselves lo be Indebted to same will please make Immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will pr-senl them mily authenticated lor settlement. •I ah. 11. Mc.li'nxin, Adm'r. Butler, Pa Estate of Jano Brown, dee'd. I.atkJoi' Makion;Tw p.. Ili Ti.riiJi <)., PA. I.Hii-r* of :iiliiiliilnlration uli the above named enlato li;i\ni;; lieeu uritiiU.'U lo Hie iiuilernlifnoil. nil iiernous knowing' tlieiniielve» liiMlml lo itilil eNlutii will pleuM! milk" Immediate l>uy tnent, iml uny IIIIVIIIK vlallim ii|{alli»t ».ilil eMutn will preiteal ttieiii duly authenticated fur iM'tllciuenl. Amiukw McMt uiiAV. Adm'r. Itovard I*. o . liutler Co., I'u. Kstale of John G. Sharp, dee'd. I.All. OK IIUIAIO TWI*. 11l TI.KU CO. I'A. {.vlletH le tiniifiitiiry on the ulioye naiutxl Chlule lieinjj bci'ii i;ruuteil to tlie nil iiirwinn knowinx themwlveii iu<lelit«d to lokiuiie will iih'iiM' iiuiki* imiiiiiitiale |>nyin«int, ami auy liiiviiik elaiin«*i(*'a*t it will |>ren;nt tin-in iluly autli<'iit.'< ate<l lor u-ttlemrnt. Mihiaki Mm ni 1., K*'r, Survcmville I', 0.. liutler l'a. Estate of Jacob Brown, dee'd, I.ATI-: or CLAY I'ttl*., 11l T1.1.1t Co., I*A. I.t'llvra li-Htumeutury on the above-named ehlatc liavinj; been granted to tbe umleriii)(u --• d, all |>< r on» knowiiif; ilh iiim-Ivi» Indebted to kiiid eNtutn will |>l<:u«r make immediate pnvmriit, nnd uny linviiiK rlaim* avainiit Mini relate will prenrut iliem duly aullieuti ealeil lor nettlemcnt U> Til I IK ('. lIKOWM, l.iecutrij, fi. \V. I b-eifer, I MeCaudlvu I*. O , Htt'y. 1 Rutler Co., l'a. aPmig Hula ft ut ii t>' i l.a vf « >ili f r i»«, by Anita AuMlm, Wf«.ui 'Mli'iaarrd-Whj • «>'J alail »•»«. wrk In »t—im (linn j it «U ll»" iim#. |llf munif fit vi.tk- I '(J iinliMirii amotf lkr«. j £r.W »»'>t..U.f«(l r«rti. ulni ftrnm. j Administrator's Notice. In re. estate of J. 1". .Italstun, deed, late o! Butler. I'a. Wt.trean I/iters of iulmlntstratlon have been I granted to me. the uKMpM, In the said •-'. it :,..ti. . i r< t \ givi-u : i a:; parties in- I debted to the estate < t" said decedent to call and : s«-tt!e. and al! parties ha«lnsr claims acatnst ! the «>mr will i,:t .-.< nt theia duly .uiUienneated j for pay ment, Mas 11. E Raurrox. Adiu'x, | May t, ls»i. liutler. Ha. Estate of Wnj. McGrew, deo'd. 1 I.ATF. 'IF t SIXKLIX TO T. HITt.rR CO.. PA. Letters testamentary on tlie. above named easta'e having been gr.uiti-d to the uudt-rsiifued. I all penona knowing themselves Indebted to j said estate will please make Immediate pay ' ntent. and anv haring claims againsl said es | tate. will present them duly auth r.tlcated for settlement. KKANK i . Met;HKW, EI.LIOTT HOlilt. Ex'rs. Prospect, Pa : Estate of Priscilla Kirkpatrick, DXC'D, I.ATE OF lIITt.KH, I'A. I letters testamentary on the estate of I'rLseil ia Klrkpatrli lc. (late Moyer) dee d, uf Butler,Pa, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment and any having claims : gainst s.tiU vsute will present them duly authenticated tor settle ment, K. 11. KANDOLVU. Ex*r. S. F. Bowser. Ksq. I'arkers Landing. I'a. Assignee's Notice. Notice Is hereby given that Win. A. Kobmson, merchant, of Evans City. I'a , has made an as signment to the undersigned for Ihe beneilt of : his creditors, and nil persons Indebted to said ! estate are notilled to pay the same to said as signee at once, and all persons having claims against said estate are requested to present them duly authenticated for settlement. UOBERT llrnsoN, Assignee. KvansClty, Butler Co., I'a. Estate of Mary Riddle, dee'd. I.ATE OF CUSTOM TWr. letters testamentary ou the estate of Mary Kiddle, dee d, late of Clinton tvrp , BuUer Co.. Pa , having been granted lo the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make lmm<>d!atc pay ment .and anv having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated lor seLtle ; ment to JOHN 11. CI NMXCIIAM. JOHN 11 PHTERS. Kx'rs, Kiddles x Roads, F. 0., Butler Co., Pa. Estate of Nancy Bartley, deo'd UTIOr HITLER. I'A. Letters testamentary nn the estate of Mrs. Nancy Hartley, dee'd. late cf the borough of Butler, Pa., having been granted to the under signed. all persons know ing themsulves indebt ed to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. JAMES WILSON. Ex r. Sonora P. 0., Butler Co.. Pa. Williams & Mitchell, Att \s. READ AND REMEMBER For strictly pure and r<'llal>lo STRAIGHT tIQI'OKS. call on I. N. FIKCH, 12 KMITHFIELD ST., IMTTSBIBUII, PA. (Opp. Mon-'ngahela lloubo.) Matchless for Knmily use and Medicinal pur poses are FINCH'S OOLDKN WEDDING, All »1 Ot'CKENHKIMEU 8 WIIISKV. | per at. ; OVER HOLT'S WHISKY, f « <lt«. HILLING Kit's WHISKY, j for »j. Goods neatly packed and promptly shipped KKKE OF KxrE.Nse on receipt of cash or post office order, f Nothing expressed c. o. l>. Send for Price I.lst. W'AKTKO— Agents to solicit orders for ou '* choice, anil hardy Nursery Stock. Steady Work lor Kurraetlr Trnipiritc Mi u. Salary and expenses or commission If prefer ed. Write at once. Age, Address. 8. G. Chase & Co. l^£ffilV'- p .A. Wise Mercliunt Is never content to stand still. Stagnation is death —in Trade as in other things. New Customers should he sought after all the time. There is only one way to them—use the Advertising columns oftheBUTLKR CTTIZISN. Hotel Waverly. K. MoKKAN MT , - - BUTLER, PA. Opposite .School House. This elegan', new hotel is now open to the public; it is a now house, with new fumitiiro throughout and all modern con veniences; i>; within easy reach of the tie pots and business houses of the town, and has a splendid view of the eastern part of the town. Rates Reasonable (aive lue a call when in liutler. CHESS STONEE, Frop'r. Willard Hotel. W. H. REIHINIi, l'rop'r BUI'LKK, - PA. KTAULI.HO IX CONNECTION. SAMPLE ItOOSI for (OMMEKCIAL TItAVELUt New Livery Stable. New Stock, Now Rigs. 3 —OPEN DAY AND NIGHT— Horaos fed und boarded. PETER KRAMER, Prop'r^ 89. W Joflnrfion St. Butler, Pa. Hotels and J)ep<»ts, W. 8. Gregg in now running It line ol carriage** between the hotel# arid depotH of the town. Chargea reanonablo. Telephone No. 17, or leave ordera at Hotel Vogeley (j!ood Livery in fonni'ction CRAWFORD & KENNEDY. The well-known liveryman, Wm. Kennedy, baa bought an intercut in the above barn and will bo pleased to have bin frienda call at hie now place of buaincHH. The Best Horses, Buggies and Car riages in Butler at the moat reasonable rate*. The place IH easily remember ed. The firHt atable west of the l<owry llouae. Butler's Book | 1,000 Page*, l*no Original Kueravlug*, Klegaut Minding*, I'lihlinhed in 3 Language*, Popular Price*. KI KMT KDITION, 100,000 COPIKS. The Only Authentic Work Ily GEN. BKNJ. F. BUTLER. Kiduaivo Territory and Term* given to Keliahle Agent Accompany application wilii $2.00 lor Proapectu#. J. W. Keoler & Co., -•30 So fim (jr. l'lil LADKLPHi A, I'A LUMBER YARD. L M. & J. J, HEWIT, Dealers in all kinds o( Rough and Worked Lumber. DOORS, SASH, BL INDS, SHINGLES, LATH, ETC. |- - We have a large stor i all kinds of Lura hcr. Oil Well Kijfs, Etc. ■ Call and g"t onr jiri. i > aud our stock. MailOrdeis Promptly Attended TO. Offiee and yard on MONKOI. sr. NEAR WKST PKSS I>EPOT, BUTLER. I'A. RAILROAD II MI-. TAMES. WrsT PKNK R. li Trains iosve Tutier for Allegheny ar t>:10, and 1 l:0O a. m., ana and :00 p. m,, •rriving there at 8:40 ai.d 10:30 a. in., and 1:04, 4:11 and (>:47 p. n'. Tbo 6:10 » m. tr.niiccts at . function with tlie mail east and at the intersection with Day Ex pre-1 on tl.t- nrain line r. J ii'<s east. The 2:l' ) i . Ir in ii.uceci junction with exur< i.iit ant 1 at it.'i;r£eetion with Philadelphia I'xpr-ss. Trains arrive at Itutiei Irein Allegheny at 8:33 tod 10:35 a. in., and 1:30, 5:00 and 7:50 p. tn. Comiutf westwttrd on tlimain line the Pacific Express is the only train which connects at the lutersiction and Junction for Butler. i>ae«cs-;urs arriviug here tit 1:30 p.m. rmtiBOBH, -H I NAN .O I AKK ERIK 11. R Trains leave liutler, by nine iab!-\ for Greenville and Erie ct 5:30 an I 10:20 a. in., am! 4:55 p. in. Tl.e s:.'i(> .■! I:'s trains eon net at Kiacehtun t«r Hii liurds, :'i d all con nee I lor Meadvillo. Traius arrive frotu tlie N'orih ut l(hd6 a in. aud J:'io aud 1):4 1 j» in., und it.e 10:05 and > 'raiu<i ha-.e through cars to Alleßheny. A train leaves llilliard at 11:1 "i, slow time, anil Anandulo at 11:,'i5 that connects for liut ler ami Allegheny. V. & \\ . ft. !'. Ou and ufier Aug. 1831, trains will leave the P. A \V. lejiot in lintler r>» fol lows l'i i Alleght ny at i;:t>». >:ls m i 10:20 a. m. and 2:40 and ii:3o p. in. Tl-e Chicago expicfs kavee at .'>:ls p. m aud New t'asue aocomodation a: 4:">."' p in. and Ihe s:ls a.m. connect* lor New Castle For Kane, I'la.r -ion and j'o.vliurp tuin.i leavi at I0"t 5 • tu. anil 5:05 ai d 8:.'! ■ p, in. Trains arrive at ilutltr Irom Allegheny and the \\< .tut !'.33, and 1(<:10 a. n>. •;■! 1J: 30, 4:40, 6:10, MO and &30 j>. m.—and from the North ct 6:00 aud a. m. and p. m. The Sunday trni..- are as follows, h:l •a. IU. to Alle-lirny ..ud New t'aslle, 3:15 p. tu. lor Chicago, 0:30 p. tn. lo Allegheny and Ze lienuple, rnd 5:05 p. in lo Clarion, tiu -! «y traius arrive from Allegheny at 10:10 n. iu , 4:40 and <1:10 p ni. und st 8.10 from New Castle and at 8:00 a. m. Irom Fozhurg. FOR SALE. LOTS. 1 will offer for sale a.number of lots hltaatcil on the liljih (.round ;.tljac< nt to 11. It. tiom-Uer, and tlie Orpluus' Home The lanu is laiil out In Miunivs ot sometlitiless than one acre, i ach fquare being niiii-mnled by aSO-loot s-treet, ..nU contnliilng live lot i 40 feet trout by iso feet back. 1 liesc lots are offer ed at very reasctiablc prices and on icmisjo kuil purchasers. Hies,- who wish an CM Ire square can be aeeomiuodated. ALSO- I will sell irtf tarin In Sunnult town ship, situ.iied within one- tmir mile of the liutler ctijpii i;h line, ailjolnlnt; lands ot .lainea Ki urns ana others, ou I lie Mlllrrstown Kail, and con stating of 111' acres. It will be solil < Itlier as a whole erdlvlded to suit purchasers. For further Intorinatlou In regard to < nlier ot iheabore properties, call on J. q. sultlvau, Eus Nort'i Mreet, liutler, I'a. MKS. \ ALKIE IA SUI.UVAN. L.. (j. WICK DKALRR IN Rough am! Worked Lumiier OV*ALL KISPS Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Shingles and Lath Always in Stock. LIME. HAIR AND PLASTER. OiUce <>pp<isito P. A W. Depot, BTTLEK - PA R/ecipi'ocity. To coantoract the t fleet of sprio/» wiiitle nod etornif on Ince nnd tiande; to renew, renovate and purify tho cntielo nftir n rigorous winter, in thr of G OSSER'S CREAM QLYCERINE And well floee it perform the tnnk It is n Idnnd, creamy eiuuUiori, with just enough vego tahle oil to soften the hkin, com bined with pure glycerine und other substance!*, forming one ol tho finest preparations for ebnj> ped hnuds, lips or face or any roughness or irritution of tin skin. No lady or preutlenson should I MJ without it SOId) 11V DItUG(JIBT Full 100 W woiih lo tlie Dollar on Every Purchase Mode at our Htorc. Wo are ollyring values Un procendenlcd In Furnishings for Ladies, Men nnd C.hildron. lie advised and you'll save money. Whatever you moy require in cur line, come to u», we'll show you a great variety and save you money. Our Spring stock is now full and complete. Wo guarantee to meet every demand to your fullest satis faction. We have a big variety, v.ith many styles of Hoys' ami Oirls' lints aud Caps at low figures. John M. Arthurs. .—SOUTH WAIN STKKET.- 533 um Mil NMIS !<:rir\ PA. All stock guaranteed to he in g«o;1 ion dilioti when delivered. We replaco nil tree- that fall to grow RKFKItKNCKS IN BUTLBK: J. f. Lowrv, IV. T. M< chling, .laino Khatior, Jr., J. K. Porsythe, Geo. Shalluur k'. Walker, Ksq., I'ertl lteilH<r, Ksij. and 1> L. (/Iceland. G. F. KING, AGT. KI'I KNVI ILLKTT HOUR*, HVTLKR, Pi. the liutler CiruhN eouihined for #2.75 per year, in advance. A pamphlot of Information andab-i|^™ t of THO IUWA,AHOWIIIK llow toyjg l'nlwiti, Cjreala,Tradt UUIKU, COPYRIK'HUI. scnl MUNN Jt CO - Urunilwny. utcui