Yos, anyone with half an eye, r w Can see that there's at least ono store ' '/ ;*r."V. * \ t J fi » Where patrons aro delighted. 1 j ''mjf/ ' The minJ-d eye of a sightless man I 4|/J|[ •J&rVk SL'St *'i Has powers of observation, iisf?S!3i~i V^D Which telle him that we sell at rata# isrrCTT:"?! I The lowest in creation. DOUBTLESS WILL BE CONVINCED IF THEY CALL AT AL RUFF'S SHOE STORE and examine the following bargains: Ladies' Fine Cloth top, dongola vamp, patent tip. f i 00 " New process French Kii - - -00 " Fine uongoia kid - - J *•_' ;: : gar - - - ? •• Patent leather tip dongola bntt. - * ■ aa •ace - 1 25 «« <« Oxlord3 - - 75 " Opera slippers - " Cloth Slippers - -? " Every day tshoes - - - Soace will not permit us to tell you about the extremely low prices of our mi's shoe,. We are rtUlcg children's at such ridiculous low pr.ces that vou will be surprised. Caii and se« us. It cost* nothiug .o see our g 00( j 6( Yours for Solid Leather, AL. RUFF, 114: South Main Street. Bntler, Pa (i/iMWtMfflli Tho SLoc Trade CelltOTS at 1 111 ISSSW |u II USE L T OX'S ' /nli vl/l I ( Whv shouldn't it? TLe people I\J rA\|[ Iwi i < i aitoLalu " al 'y - lrift to tbe £toro » lil hl<A7fm "lu\ % A\ Hlv if IN I that l»obt servo tbeir interests a ' __. -f7 if IJIf IP $ water flows down hill, ri I i«v! H ereat tta K r<>ai shoe retailing \U IlfV beadqoarterc of Uutier low prices and y' \|iHy Rn W 1 iKI '1 iSivj/nt'j/'* 1 ; def indable poods sro hand in glove. n /lit, » , -J [J One can alwuys rest assured of get (/, |1 ting full value for your money here, 'j/-'" sometimes more than fail value. Ladies our priceswiil tptn jcur <_yts> as well as ycui purges. Below are a few prices: Ladies kid button boots, hciidboiiio styles, only $1; ladies genuine don gola button boots, handsome styko. only $1 25; ladies genuine dongola but ton boots, very sne, only $1.50; 1- dies g'nnict- dongula button tools, the fineßt yon evsr saw, only $2; ladies bright dongola, hand turned shoes, a very fine and comfortable shoe that holds its own with any $3.50, here at only $2 T5. We have ladies fine dorgoln tops, calf, patent leather, vamp hand turns, only $3.75. Ladies luce Oxford S'-ntheru tie 3 and Opera slip pers, for which we are justly cekbrnted for having the largest etoek, best styles and best or all tbe lowest prices, has and is selling large quantities of ' these shoes. Onr line in men's, boy's and youth's »hcc3 isgrand—not equaled in Bntler. We have Lorn a good plow shoe or at $1 up to the finest baud sewed shoes in all widths and shepes. Gentlemen stop in and try on «ome of the shoes we offer in Con gress at sl, $1.25 and $1.60; B calf dress afcocs, no sec my, full quarter, plain or tipped, solid leather insoles and course- t 1< yen want finer look at our calf shoe at $2; calf Kangaroo, soft a* a <?1«-$2.50; ■» better .<1 finer ones at $3.75; tbe finest English Cordovan, Laud matte at $o.l;, all widths; don't forget our $3 line, they are beauties. Meir.- fiue patent leather sloe? by cicle shoes, bape ball shoes. Infants she sat 25c., 50c. aua 75c. Miefc«e fr.e rbres, heol or spring j at sl, extra fire at $1.25, sl.oo, ?T.75 and $2, fcizea II to 2; children' 5 to 8 at 50c to $1; yontb'q shoes, buttou or iuce, strong tud rin able at $1,51.25 and $1 50, 11 to 2; boy 's brttou, lao; or Congress »t sl, $ and $2, i plain or tipped, solid to the core. Lawn Tennis shots at si)c a pair. Mail orders for above shoes filled promptly and cori'fuliy. B. C. II US E LTON, 102 N Main S :,, Butler All Styles, 1 Oxfords, H 1 All Grades, Patent Leathers, All Materials, | Tenuis, I * J | - All Prices, gj Wigwams, Now is Your Time to Buy. Big Bargains in Seasonable Goods. Having just returned home from the Eastern markets' where I purchas ed a large full stock, I am now prepared to offer seine grand bargains in Seasonable goods— opera toe slippers, oxford ties. Livn tennis shoes v>ig wurns and ten color goods. One hundred pairt iiien's putrnt leather shoes, congress or lace at $2.25 per pair, wigwams at 50 c., cloth slippers n' 25 c., and many other bargains in the same libe of goods. We have just received a fine line of ladies hand welt shoes, buit >n and lace, with and without patent tips, which wo are fcell:nr» a great many pairs of It is the very latest style sho • and n.sny pairs will be worn this year. Th<'y range in price from $2 00 to So.OO. c'all and select yoursel r a p.tir be fore valuable eizes are takv.i. We Lave also a few dozens pairs of the -• 1.7•» lace s>hoe etiil oa hands, erzes 3to 51. Infants dongola ehoes ones to fives at 25c. Infants chamois iroccasins'at 25 c. per pair. A full stock of ladies and every day shoes, oil grain, kip, c »!f and satin oil, at a small margin, Men's fine calf, kin%-arco md dongola shoes at $2 .50 (special fine).. Men's hand sewed shoes auy styla* or material de- 1 at $3.50. A big assortment of mens "A" caif and buff good*, lace and con gK », plain toe or tip on toe .»t SI.US to $1 75. Boy's shoes fine, calf and kangaroo, high cut at $1.75, uiedum cut $1.25 to $1 50 The stock of Misses and children's s -os was Lever so lull and complete as it is at present, offering man/ to buy, and stj ies that will unit and please ail. A full stock of men's box toe boots acdshoe-j. Shoes ranging in price from $1.75 to $3 00. At all times a full stock of our own make box-toed boots anu shot's always oa hand. Six dozen of our own make fine shoes at $5.00 per pair. Boots and Shoes Made to • Order Repairing neatly and promptly done. Full stock of leather and findings, blacksmith aprons and shoeniaker.- Bupplies of all kinds. Now is your time to bey for we wish to nduce our stock t> make room for fall goods. When in need of an>ihing in our line give me a call. Orders by mail will receive p-ompt and careful attention. JOHN BICKEL. BUTLER, - -- -- -- -- PEN N'A All Kinds of Job Work done at tlie "Citizen' OrHce. 'i LEADING QUESTION 1 With us at the present time is how j we may reduce our stock of season a |bl • goods. We certainly have to ' clear ou' s!:< .ves of all Summer etull. Can We Do It ? !We at least will try. Are you will i inp to b»; - new and &tyl!sh poods at Itas than others sell their old shep i w -n stoek? Will tb« ?e pri: - inte-- ! est you.' t Fin. Giagran - reduced irom ; 12 V to 7,Vc ya a yd. i2\ Chaiiie» down to 5c \d $5 Bonn t for $2.50. $3 Loantt for $1.50. $1.50 Flow I ers for 50c. { Also Big: Reductions in Lana Cur tuiris, i )sierr and Underwear, ■ •; M n's furnishing It you ir. tend to buy at the above prices, come to tbe NEW YORK BAZAAR 228 and 232 S. Main St. Opp Postcffice fit., • !v~ KEMPER, | DEALER IN Light Harness, Dusters and Flynets. "The largest and most complete ljne of robe s, blankets, harness, wliips. ti'unks, and valises, and at lowest prices in isal ways to be lonnd at KEMPES'S. GO TO TJ fl T1 f n ' 0 KflUiU d FOR Pure Drugs, " Paints, Oils, Glass, Fine Toilet Articles, Patent Medicines, And all other A rticles | Kept in a j First Class ! Drug Store. o | iFiii! iflO fats' worth ta the I Ooiiar oo Eveiy Purchase Made at onr Store. We are offering valuer Un ' precendented in Furnishings for Ladies, Men and Children. He advised and you'll save money. Whatever you may require in our line, cfitne to us, we'll show you a great variety and eave voc money. Our Spring stock is now full and complete. Wo guarantee to meet every demand to your fullest satis faction. We have a big variety, with many styles of Boys' and Girls' Hats I and Caps at low figures. John M.i Arthurs. 333 SOUTH AJAIX STREET. 333 Full Again \V< in .ui our wall paper de : pavtment. lull and overflowing j with our ininn tise and clio:ce | sto k ul'pap'.'r hanging.s. Vou I Diu.st i:i.'lp us out. we tiuven't ' xooin lor 'i.ill our goo-)s, until jr..t reli.-ve u-oi' .st>me ol them. We have tlie choicest seiec- I Hon of patl' insin every grade I'rorn Biwn Blanks at 10 cts ;to Cii'ts .it irom 20 et to $1 ' per double boit lCx-t;nine uur Si->ck. 0. jJouglaiSs, Near io>toili<-,. Butler, Pa. ; Haentzes Nervaline. I \ rVUEI.V Vl i.I'.TAI;I.K ".JKBJCISK FOR THK NFRAES uii effect '! I'ure for 1 !ton :<!>«' lrittatloD |of tfcn l>ln' r. Kit! nrvn : linr,',l' nth'' 1 blaa'ir:, i.n iUus. prill,tU : iTirk-Uii'-t il'-jios ilte. weaicncbsi-s In malt sor fctnaii s. As » K«- Ktorjtiw Tonir jn <1 it l»lco*l l*uri!i»-r It lias no .ttual •-ttu!lu» J. la -- * t»y appt'lte mi'! ;.urc bloo J. | rracu !-:vrs. i it fOiii'drU'j;! i lias not net it. aM; liliu t> t I !t;r,'f j'ja. Take no other. Matlu only t>' i 1 he Hae:.izc fttedical r n. 1 ;:IX.\OHt l ii: A. | For Sa 1 • By 1 D. 11. WULLER, Druggist, I butler. Pa. | \U * NTKD - AsentK to Solielt or»lert< f r Otl : i andharilv Nursery Stuck i Moiiil} I't-i ' T. .tft-n. 1 Salarj- andttal'UWS or commt?-'.oa ;i prelw- I Cd. Write ;it M..f Ap' AiiilreßH. I i'i. G. Chase & Co I . F&BiVI FOB SALt. Tlie undersigned vitit >e!i tn> term.containing sixty acres, more or 1- Jitnl located In Ailmii:* Twt'., oil the Kvati-lturjr and Mars road, near M.trrlniU at"t Myoma stations ©.» the I', .'i, \v l: i;. iid t. ir ill ■ i a", rv oil lie! I. I Ir. eolt '.fia a hou-'. l>anit ln.rn ifclx.a. B'Hid «.titi.Vil«:ilia-S Oi iiar-l. level au<i sfKKI xroi.nil. two -frmus ncarliou.se, pump tn bunt, and ail In order. Inquire ol or acdrcst s . James. Davidson, Myoraa P. O-, , | Jiutler Co., Pa. i %dyh^ I \V r : KTUtiS. al EKSXiI -::. -.GENER/TiON AFTuR -ENERATION —. O'Q HAV* v ;R isi; B:.' Z? rr. r Hmc ' tti i.'«/ r+n Tsorc Tt» 1 K-ery T. r 1 . La\c :. tU« of it in hi* L Every Su«re rer £ " ! vaofnc'i''^'Oinht' :irltt,Coß^is ( atarrh*!:: ru-l . . , . r > will Ind la t this oul n- n ,-r 1111U cu 1 ;,an ilct ! Fl. :O! ! .. •.. > TV■-•• ffict«..'>Yl -n.f. !...II:.IS T.- , , . !.»„ I. ..*) >ll. .-JS 4.1"..!- f-.N. JU3B. I- - . ;- a ;■> i Is tiie Best Remedy Extant t It is a positive cure for PILES SALT RHEUM, ECZEMA, And Ail Skin Diseases, ' An invaluable remedy lor Wounds, Burns, Sweil ias*. Sores, Croup, Bron •Ultis, etc. ! NO HOME SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT, I Sold by all druggists at 50 cents per box. r cud 3 two-oant stami'f Tor frac sample box and book. TAR-OID COMPANY, chic.tan. ill. For Sal by D li. Waller, Butler. ♦ft ' heft ,».■•• u-> f*r curia* I>uzl:.c«S, SJj ; 'f-\ ||, 4 . Co*:i*vQt *s. Ma aria. Liter Com. L»: •• f«vr and .ira*. Indifftiea, Bmc« *e«»e, M fSi. • sme*», 4i. \al : »-.t sail <■«!•.- o-ibl«*.ma 11..V s*w K*!l. Sow 1/ a'l dr.-r- •< eul ©A CouuT- -.ore k. -era. -r - - 3. aA S- £i * a»» P-Tp'* »*• W ■Las, v. ■ jej® ' ! CTORS LAKE ■ J ! ■ i)i>n \-vi:v. ' Jff Con. PENM AVE. »'OK TH ST.. PITTSBURGH, PA. _ , /: , Allformsof Deli' ate :n i Com -1 j ,)lH';;ti'<! Diseases reomn.'/Cos •: .riALandSi'lEM; Med- X. 1 ; .r. nro treated .it 'til' I»i-- . ,|j a - - rarely attain, ' Pr. S. \ i 11],,- or ' ■ IN" ;li Of I'll* - ■ ! v -the r.Mt.'t i: 1 n«-I ,lin Sj ■ --tal «t --_:i \ ■■ 'ii.-, I ebility fronieM'esoive llll'ii i.■ ■, .::.i.idi; TCLI" lOl yout ;.ot,*.,eaus iag pii .! ..ml i letital *lecay,l»ek • ; enajfj, !„ • v, tt".: als incers. Old Sui-o- Kit?, . . tt; . ;,v ••'-e:i --aof tin Skin, , -,o!r. Cmsultation tlv <• >:i'> !•••• '• to i /,» s I-. jr.; 'MIMIU;..-. -to* P. ci !y. , tl : >e c !n'-; U.. . J ' !i r.. • 'X*. ..N " A" i.. -VNi' 11 i I'SllL'llLili,PA. r;.- T iiar nrlersiinied, are entirely r,l»i ! Jnt. 11 Rupture ta Dr.J.B. MV\.:" <.i .ici,,;: t. I'1H«. li. M :> <7.. i*a.. I- Suiiilt s it;■ . 1.. P. ... • .=irflc, Oley, !-i . .-mi., .anon. Ph. A. a; ■ 11. 11. ><»!!, I.■ > :n. iv . in; • Pba*nix viile, l'a. V,'l ■. !»:. !». it .u Ik-ton St., Rtaiiivv.'. I'a.. J. • i.vn.e i. - i u St., Har risluirg. !'.i.. t'. K i. u, IX-neta.-' Dr. MAVKUis. Ilitol Penu. Itt-aii .'.u, on the Jd ?t' v of e» -- »nth. CaU i int -ee liiia riaftESIWfiSHES 'lfS2||ljSl WITHOUT \i ti tf WEWiINOOUT C LOTHES, g ili U AiLiTTLEOR NO RUBBIUfi r* & n I s required. L J fOLLCW jyilfi DIRECTIONS n i 1 CLOSELY. PATENT STEEL PICKET FENCE. 11AJOJSO JIK, INBESI KUCTI PLU. Char per than VTo^d. ■ t ?> I||| j| luiii The &:>»▼« rotihows rtcket F: with Rat •. (Tiiij i- 1 • a fipttiuf,) hu cur lon J on or WouJ PIMU. W7.< ri * riti*. * pri--ci ;ive autltr, Xumber of G%te«, Dout la vi<l f-'.i '.'- W*..iod. Vp «'«•> W*ut ile» .'y trr-o Frfn-rinr i : . Bt»i' 0 Fittlnrn, Fire hl\u.t-r< »t„i fn •{ K.sCAHKR. Cell u , Dwi,and KaltlDta, Bru« udlrva6rilli, WIRK I ) i& jj :> WINDOW aCiiKt;>.S,au«iail ÜbUi of WiRK WORK. TAYLOR A; OKAN, 201, SO3 & 203 "target St.. ritt#burj;h, P». ' - M : {, ■ r ■ -•-'••• T 'ETor rAILIKO HAi - . -r-1 aei S£KVOOB PEBI' \, Cf'-*" ', ; r ' J! a * Body and M»nd, i '• lU'iat', a 1 XII.'I U>-Morc<*. Hew (•••In: .r bin i'KU P! s»:. Ki«A sSAPiUT-«• ■ i • ITMUiT—liMfll* In * 4- ii- »'-cV. : tlau 4«<t |»f JOf« wnllpd 1" *. • ' - fSIE Ki.f uAL 00., BUFFALO. U. A pftinphiot o* information nn(ta^- ;r i' f <-f 11 2:iws t sbotviiiK How t • r oj»y r'tfhtß, rent Jrce. /g#. >^% v A.:vo M>JNN SL CO. /o^r I Rron <J\* nr. ;W<s> y • -fiS - V y - f%3 4 • >1 V T**c ?ilc? c Bbccck? -il ftemedy evordLcov. ere a;lt ia in its effects and doe* not Ulster, Head proof below: KEHBtLL'e SPAVIN CORE. iJci.vEitKos, Fa.. Nov. 27, *9O. 1 Dfc. F T. ('< . ] UoriL I" M )i' (onmiceL • .»t<>thf • whr. ar» '.iii l ••»:»- • iven-i.nl S|«ji\inCur the fact that : >•. •. i-mcxh • i Linlineu* o . ••»..' raeweuton tlir ■ i tf->r :• when I commenced to •i: ir Kfl :id • : . < i . i li nd ten i. >t ties oil th< hv»r • l !.avo v. ;rk- 1 Uiu for three years since u.< t k-m lame. \u 1 WM. A. cuur. OK.t>!ANTt VN, ... V., NOV. 2, 133 ft. Db. B. J. K; ' VLL Co., K; •* 'burgh I'.IIIh, Vt. i Kendal Spavin euro I will r,ny, that a nr a,;'» I had .i vuhial'loyouiurh<»rt>«* In come VCI 7 , lux X * '«lar r .< 1 uu'i swollen. Tho h< r>. n en liere(v ehavo no Veterinary Sur geor her.-) pi >noum 1 his lameness Uloodbpavln or Thcroughpin, tb-y all told mo there was no Ci«rs for it. In t»* ante about useless, and I cn- I bi u .wl him almost orthles».. A f ri« nd told m»- of i «-h-» c.erits or your Kendall's opar in C«ir.-, to I I low. I. ttle, ano I< uM «."0 very pla* nly great lmprov.. at-slmin liutely the bottle was used l> I wasfiatl.-fle ltli.it it was doing him agreat d< .1 of 1 i»onuht a *>ecoud j bottle and Ik-fore was used up my horse was . cu red and ha:i beer. In the team doinK heavy work J all the .-vobou alia last April, showing no nioro , signgoflt. I consl< ryour Kcniad't* Bpavin Cure u valuable mediclbaud It should be in every ! stable in the land. Respectfully yours, EUGENE DEWTTT. j rri- e3l per bottle, or six bottles for $3. All druc- I c" .have it or can got it for you, or It will be seat to iy address on i seelpt of price by the propria ;w... DR. 11. J. KtND tl.li CO., Ei. -tMburgh FaHai Vermont. , SOLD BY ALL DKCOOISTS. l 'V. ,u | I * 0 t:sA , r via—ra 1 .. v v - AVEH M SON, our p' . • i*t-uu J T.i ti-: i rnxy.x. MISCKI/ ANKOUS Wanted His Kight*. Soiac years ago * wealthy manu facturer ia th( west omo'"ying nearly a . thousand hands established a "model" j city, thus {riving- th workmen and. their j families many comforts and luxuries i that they could m.t have attained un j aided. Of course there were rejrula- J tions to povern the ui del city, which, as a rule, were cheerfully observed. There wore fault- aiders, however. , and especially a newcomer named I BascomK Am-11.' ti-.e rules was ono forbidding 1 t .■ burning of -oft coal, on I account of te • -<l->r a"d sra -he. and ISaseomb ".j eted strongly. "My good:-v s"'r :uon trated a friend, "I don't see what you are growling j about We get hard coal at cost, .ind i j as one ton foe ; as far as two of the { other, you ain't out of pocket." '• 'Tain't right t > forbid it," asserted | liaseomb. ••See here,'* demanded his friend, "do you really want to burn the nasty I stuff?" "No, 1 don't waiter," replied lias comb; "but 1 wanter have the right in j case I wanter!" A STAMPEDE AT NIL.LVUXE. h%,. - vi Jb. ?I Old Uncle Enoch Silsbee—Call this a hot day? Why. fren's, I r"member when Judge. —Spring is rapid!}" going. Now is the time to take Hood's Sarsaparillu.. Don't put it oil'. —Every man has too much faith in other men's faith in him. People uever sympathize with those whom they cannot uuilorstatul. To Our Subscribers. The special arnounccmeut which ap peared-in our columns some time since, announcing a special arrangement with Dr. B.J. Kendall Co., of Enosburgh Falls. Vt., publishers of ".V Treatise on the llorse and hi. Disease,-, thereby our sub scribers were enabled to obtain a copy of that valuable work free by sending their address to 15. Kendall Co. (and enclosing a two-cent stamp for mailing .-aine) is re, newed for a limited period. VY e trust all will avail themselves of the opportunity ot obtaining this valuable work. To every lover of tin Horse it is indispensable, as it treats in « simple manner till the diseases which aflliot this noble animal. Its phenomenal .-ale throughout the I nited States and Canada, make it standard authority. Mention this paper when send ing for "Treatise." —Every man will sooner or later meet the man who will knock the chip of his shoulder. To Consumplives. 'i'iie undersigned having been ienured to at..l'!: tv -aaplc weans, alter suSeiiiiij lor several years with a severe lung uiiectiou, ami tnut dread ditep.se Consumption, is anxious lo u'liWe known to i.is fellow tuUcr ers t. e means ol eure. 1 u those wlio uesire il, Le Will cheerluliy s<.„d irie of charge) a copy o. tiic i ies. i ij.uou used, which Uiey win liii i a tiiic euro lor tuiibuuipliou, Aslli.ua, Catarrh, lirouur.us .ml ail iliroa'. ami Int.-. Maladies, tic l»oj>cs ail suflerers will try ins lieiut . y , ii> it is invaluable. Those desiring :ui jilt:. m-aeo, '•* hicfc will cost them ui.-umg, «uil prove a mess ing, vwM (.lease address i. 1-V. hiavAiiu A. WiLsu..", v* lihamsLurg, Kings County, New Yora. —Xo man should count his years by the number of his experiences, uot by the num ber of months. —Uheumatism cured in a day—" Mysti-- cure" lor rheumatism and neuralgia, iodic eally t-ures mlto l> days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benelits. Vo cts. Sold by J C KedicK, druggist, liutler. —A man can warn others without mak ing the admission that he was once a fool himself. —itch uu human and horses a'au all ani mals cured in oU minutes by W ooll'oru's Sanitary Lotion. This never lails. Sold by J C iiedick, druggist, Butler. —Men spend nine-tenths of their time in looking for favors, and less than one-tenth iu doing favors. Dr. Fennel's Golden Belief is warrant ed to relieve toothache, headache, neural gia, or any other pain in lo 8 minutes. Also bruises, wounds, wire cuts, swellings, bites burns, summer complaints, cone, (also in horses), diarrhu-a, dysentery and llux. if satisfaction not given money returned. —There are very lew tilings that you can receive an invitation to and not be called on altei ward to pay your dues. —Speclaeies and Eyeglasses made by Uobcil Bruce Wallace, (successor to the "Fox Optical C 0.,) at tiJl i'enn Avenue, I'ittsbuig, l'a., are conceded the Oe»t and most couiionai le. Save money by having Htm lit J our e_. •• —lt is very i. ucli easier lor the average man lo make .i acrilieu tor a lriend than it is to rosist teiiaig Uim al'lei ward u was a sacrifice. For neau.iv ie . miiousuess, cuuhtipu tion, uizuiue--, s. i-pie ssJtess, tuo blues, scrolula, li . . mod and all sKlii eiupuoiis Dr. Fennel - i.ioou una l.iv el' Kcuicoy aud .Nerve Mouic never lans. Warranted lo satislj or mom ie...uueil. The man \w • ■ ,iu» Without luinking is suie to come «<u. suooad oost witn the I man who thin:. a uiout speaking. —Euglii-h Spawn Liniment removes all hard, soil or calloused lumps and blemishes lrom horses, biood spavins, curbs, splints, weeney, ring none, sillies, sprains, all swolen tnroais, eougns, etc. Save foo by use ol one boa..-. Warranted the most wonderlul blemish cure ever known. Sold by J C BedieK, druggist, Butler. —The following gentleman remarks an exchange, will be louud in almost every organization: Brother Swelhead, Brother LiLtlolailh, Brolhei D.iulittle, Brother All talk, aud brother who pays no dues tor tiie last live mouths and who wants to know where all the mouey goes. Dr. Fenner's Congh Honey will relieve any cough in one hour. Equally good for ..•;.v.es. Hives energy and strength. Money teiunded if satisfaction not given. —The dog-days are loose without muz zles, sure enough. —Dr. Fenner's Kidney and Backache Cure is warranted to give satisfaction in every case or money returned. Save Yourself Money. When you go l'a.. stoi> at the Anchor Hotel, corner Liberty and Fourth streets, ft is a strictly first-class Hotel conducted on the European plan. Lodgings, !!."», —!).>, —or 50 cents. —Tally (fYoduees the same effect on some men that Kongh on ltats does on the fo deut*-muk< s them swell up to an alarming degree. Con3um;3tion Surely Curod. To The Editor:— Plcam, inform } "ir rtadera that I havo a Jif i o. By Its tunoly u«e thounuds of hopeless have boon ;«riaani iitly cured. Ishnllboglad t*> Be.hl two bottles of my rnuedy FKKK to »nv of ; your miuloni who have couiiuinptlon if thoy will i imiid me th' lr tiprsHK mid I*. O. »'lil"'H. lte»p<-<-t- j 'ulJj', X. A. aUKVU, il, C.< 10l t'o»rl St..». *. i HENRY BIEHL, 122 NORTH MAIN STREET. irUTLEEi - .IPiEJN IST'A DEALER IN Hardware and Mouse Furnishing Goods.; Washing Machines; the •fx Standard Rotary Shuttles ftiches |rr minute: the Xo. ~ American >i-wing machine., i.: - n: ;i I | UJ manufacturer of tinware, tin ' aS roofing and spouting a spec 4(J ialty; the Johnston mowers, reaper and steel frame biuder, Warren ready mixed paint, warrented; screen doors and windows, refrigerators and lawn I mowers. . N'o better place in the city to trade. * Come and see tin large store room full of goods, l-'iGi ieet | long. | WHERE A CIIILD CAN BUY AS CHEAP AS A MAN , RINGS, I)i*nnmwls; I EAR-RINGS, I/MllM )J KIN } SCARP PINS. t STUDS, r GENTS GOLD, T.I T .+ . lino1 ino J LADIES GOLD. Y\ ntciies 1 GENTS SILVER T A DIES CHATLAIN, - » ■ Gold Pins ' >Hr ' rin ß s ' ;of( ,VV tJJI \ I Rings, Chains, Bracelets. Etc, { Tea sets, castors, butter dishes j Silverware \ te RODIitR BROS. 1847 Spoon 8" E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER No. 19, North Main St., BUTLER, PA.. This space is reserved for Griel) tfc Lambs Music Store, removed to No. 125 North Main Street. ry WINE AND LIQUOR DEPARTMENT. r*' On account of many calls made upon us by our friends and patrons, and 111 having been put to much inconvenience by being unable to comply with [■ their requests, we have again added this department, and we can safely say fl that that the goods handled by us will bu fully up to the purity and quality |fl so favorably known and formerly sold by our firm. We make a specialty of 11 goods intended for medicinal pnrposos. Our prices are right, taking quality ■SI as a criterion, and wo again hope to merit a snare of your patronage, fal ROTE .SOME OF 01 R PRICES ON BULK GOODS, f II Pine Eye Bourbon whiskies, according Blackberry wine or brandy, $1.50 m to age: $2, iCt, $4, $0 and per gallon, per gallon. Fine brandies and imported cognacs, Pineapple and Holland gins, $2. ;>0 according to agi, #2 50, #3, $4. *O, $8 and $3 per gallon. t .|K and $lO per gallon. Kuramel S"J.SO per gallon. Foreign port and sherry wines, accord- Cal. Angelica wine, $2 per gallon. ® ing to ag.% ?2, $.1,54,58 and $3 per gal. New Euglau I rum, $3 per gallon. I. 'iJfc X 0 CHARGE FOR PACKAGES. | OLD v VISE BOTTLED GOODS OK KVKRY DESCRIPTION. I PORT b Orders by mail receive prompt attention. The Housekeeper's Guide mail f fed on application. Wo pay freight on all orders of $lO and over. WM. HASLAGE & SON. $ t LEADING FAMILY GKOCEKS, DIAMOND syI'AKK _ _ _ - PITTSBt BG, PA. "fcXvJs fcwaKfcftafcwv gfl Wrl"" L "SvJC o/iA IMW* 1 p^;/J Olp HAY- FEVER V AND Tfia U II W 'COLD-HEAD Ely's Cream Balm w not a liquid, snvff or powder. Applied into the nostrilt it is _ quickly absorbed. It eh antes the he,ul, allays inflammation, heal* _ . J* fl « i/,f snre*. Hold bi/ druggists or sent by mail on receipt of price. DUG ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren Street NEW YORK. JUb 31V NEW STORE Is now completed and I respectfully invite the Public to call and we me. I am prepared to nupply every thing in the line of Drugs and Mtdi cine* at all hours. Prescriptions fit night a specialty. Electric Bell and speaking tube at front door. Calls nnswered prompt •y- A bright, cheerful room and every i new. Yours J. h\ BALI J 3-I. FOR SALE. lo'is I wIU offer for rale h number of lots situated on tin* blub if round adjacent to H. 11. Kail.. :tna tile orphans Home. Ill'' land IS laid out lu squares of Homotlilm; less thanollo iiitc. vooli square belni; surrounded l.\ a .Moot street. anil containing live lots 40 feet front by iso feet back. These lots are oiT.-r --.1 jit reasonable prices and on terms jo viitt purchasers. Those will) wish an entire Mtuure c:« n iw accommodated. VI.M) I will sell luy fartu in Summit fnvu shln.situated within one-half tnllr of the I'.utler iiruu l'li line, adjoining lands ot James Reams ml otUers. on the Mlllerst.nvn road. and con fihtlti •n! 11- in res. It will l>e hold either as a hole orllvldi'd to suit purchasers. i- „r rurtlier Information In reis>»rd to either ot lie above properties, call on J. Q. Sullivan. '£3 i N..rth^ i nu,K l . L e.|- UA There are Bargains Waiting For Kou AT The Racket Store Our goods must be cleared out to make room for FALL STOCK aud profit is no object, so tako notice that NOW IS THE TIMK, AND THIS IS THE PLACE TO BUY CLOTHING. THE RACKET STORE ! l k 2o H. .Main SSt. I .Butler, lr®a. FOR SALE. Tw<> >:ran(l aud beautiful building lots on V McKean Street; also new. five room frame V.I.UM-, with sewerage,g;w anJ wit»-r. All tin <s2ooo—s 1000 down and balance 110 ji -r inrnth till paid, i Inquire at AIJKX WILLIAMS' MI'SIC STORK. Subscribe for the CITIZEN. ACKNOWLEDGED THAT HAS; The Largest, Most Reliable and Leading O 7 o Millinery House in Butler County. We are now prepared to fbow )ou a complete line of the latest novel; ties-£and ideas for Children's, Mines', Younp Bnd 01 i Ladie*' Trimmed Hats and Uoitcetb. Struw ur.d Ltct lifts. Gilt, Silver sad Silk Ribbons. Flow rs In krai vtiiety. And we would very specially mention t>.»*t M «r ß ii,g ll*ta aid fionneta receive our best a't-ntion. Every . ~j t r in th;» li will be t xrcuted with neatuers, »kill and protnj titn «. No charge (< r trimming hats whin matt rid a-e Lought Lere. In this line we defy competition. P'The in T RAPE lisa. Cheapest. | • » # » ■ | Street. WEABK iiMDY To show you the largest and lowest J O priced stock of F URNITURE in tlie country. Don't forget to call and see our Parlor Suits, 6 pieces, upholster ed in Crushed and Silk Plush. Two beautiful pictures and one handsome oak Parlor Table for SSO. We also have a Parlor Suit for #25, as follows: 6 chairs, upholstered in plush; 1 rocking-chair, up holstered in plush; 1 sofa, upholstered in plush; all for the low price of #25. Our oak bed-room suit for $lB can be bought only at our store for the price. We have China Closets Tor any price you want them from S2O up. Parlor Cabinets from $8 up. Side boards from S2O up. We have any kind of furniture at any price you want. Campbell & Templeton, 136 NORTH MAIN STREET. BUTLER, PA. STOCK ENTIRELY NEWI Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware and Spectacles At lowest cash prices at •J. R. GR I E B ' No. 125 X. Main St., - DuflV Block. Sign of Electric Bell and Clock. N OTIC E . As 1 have moved my headquarters to No. 16 Ninth St., Pittsburg, P« . I htivc umde arrangements with Mr. August Holmes to take orders and forward them to roe to be made all work done under my control All arrangements made by him 1 guarantte to be fulfilled. Mr. Holmes will also accept cleaning and repairing and guar antee good work GEO. HABEIINIGG, SR. August llolnie.s, Agent. O ' o 202 S. Main St., New Troutman Building, Butler, Pa. UU SURE RURSESIES ERIE, Jr^Y. All stock guaranteed to be in good con | ditiou when delivered. We replace all trees that fail to grow. REFERENCES IN BUTLER: J. F. Lowry, W. T. Mechlinp. Jatne Shamir. Jr., J. E. Forsythe, Geo. Shaffner (•;. Walker, Esq., Ferd Keiber, Esq. and 1> L. Cleeland. G. F. KING, AGT. EITKSMILLKR norsK. Rctler, PA. the IJutler CITIZBS combined for #2.75 per year, in advance. G. D. HARVE", ("outrut-tor and builder In brick work, urato and mantel setting and nil kinds oi brlrk-lavlntf u specialty. Also dealer In barrel lime W arn nam lt* lime, cement*. National, fort laud and all i»«*st grades in the market, Calcined plaster. Master hair. Klnjr** cement, lire brtok. ilie. white sand and rl>t*r sand. Main onlce 31 a \ . Main strift. and all orders left at ware florae | will reetve promt* delivery. Term* reasonable. YOU CAN FUND ; iIEMIHGTOK Ljl. . •., suu contract tvf wivwUiaig -t 1 Reciprocity. To counteract the effect of spring winds and storme on lace and bauds; to renew, renovate and purify the cuticle after a rigorous winter, i<* tbo mission of (K)SSEH'S CREAM QLYC3RINE And right well does it perform the task. It is a bland, creamy emulsion, with just enough vege table oil to soften the skin, com bined with pure glycerine and other substances, forming one of the finest preparations for chap ped hands, lips or face or any rooghuess or irritation of the skin. No lady or gentleman should he without it. SOI-I) BY DRUGGISTS. tuJ ' '+ \'rythm'* KA BUY, M KVJU'IY karimL PAirriC-tXAICH Klil K. Adtlrrw «t <>nr«, STl.\M>* * to.. I UK* U>U f SlAlAk.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers