Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, August 21, 1891, Image 1

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Physician d Surgeon,
office and residence s ; . Main St. Butler,
Dr. N. M. aIOOVER,
137 E. Wajni.St.. offlce hours. 10 to 12 M. anil
l to 3 P. M.
Office anil residence at 127 E. Cunningham St,
New Troutman Bnlldlnfj. Butler. Ha.
K. N. LEaKE, M. I), J. E. MANN. M. D.
Specialties .Specialties:
(Jyujtcology and Sur- Eje. Ear. Nose anil
tery. Throat.
Butler, Pa.
Office at No. 45. S. Main street, over Krsnk •£
C'o's I nus Store. Butler. Fa,
Physician and Surgeon.
C\o. 22 East Jefferson St., Butler, Pa.
8. W. Corner Main and North Stt., Butler, Pa.
la Bow petmatenUy located at is# South Main
Street' Butler. 1 a., in rooms formerly .ccoupied
by I)r. Waldron.
J. J. DONALDSON, Dentist.
Butler, Penn'a.
AttlLclal Teett inserted cn the*' latest im
ino\ed plan, liold Filling a specialty. Office—
out Srfcaul's t'lolliinjj Store.
All work pertaining to the profession execut
ed in the neatest maimer.
Specialties :-Gold Fillings, and Painless Ex
traction of Teeth, Vitalized Air administered.
Ofllc* •» Jeffersoi Street, o«* door Eaat of Lowry
Hour, I'p Stairs.
Office open dally, except Wednesdays and
Thursdays. Communications by mall receive
prompt attention.
N. B.—The only Dentist In Butler using the
best makes of teeth.
Oktic* nkar Diamond, Bctw, Pa.
Att'y at Law—Cimee cn S. Diamond St
opposite the Court House-second Boor.
Attor E«J"-at-L&w— Office in Diamond Block
Butler, Pa.
office—Between Pcstoffice aud Diamond. But
ler. Pa.
Office at No. 8, South Diamond, Butler. Pa.
Offlce second floor. Anderson B1 k, Main St.,
near Court llcubc, Butler, Pa.
Offlce on second floor of the Huselton block.
Diamond. BuUer, Pa., ltoom No. t.
Attornit-at-Law and Notakt Public.
Office In ltoom No. 1, second floor of Huselton
entrance on Diamond.
Attorney at Law. Offlce at No. IT, East Jeffer
son St.. Butler, Pa.'.
Attorney at L»w and Ifeal Estate Agent. Of
lice rear of L. Z. Mitchell's office on north side
of Diamond, Butler, Pa.
Attorney-at-law. Offlce on second flooi» of
Anderson building, near Court House, Butler,
Att'y at Law—Offlce at S. E. Cor. Main St, ami
Diamond, Butler, Pa.
Att'y at Law—Office!on South side of Dlamoud
Butler, Pa.
Insurance and Real Estate As t
Mutual Fire Insurance Cu.
Office Cor. Main & Cunningham »»TS.
vJ. C. ROESSING, President.
G. C. I'oesslnv, Henderson Oliver,
J. L Purvis, James Stephensou,
A. Troutman, fl. C. Helueman,
Alfred Wick, N. Weitzel,
Dr. W. Irvln, I)r. Klckenbach,
J. W. Burkhart. D. T. Norris.
"V cterinary Surgeon.
Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College. Toronto, Canada.
Dr. Gable treats all diseases of tht
domesticated animala, and
ridgling, castration aud horse den
tistry a specialty. Castration per
formed wi'.hout clams, and all other
surgical operations performed in the
most scientific manner.
Calls to any part of the country
promptly responded to.
Office and InGrmary in Crawford's
Livery, 132 West Jefferson Street,
Batler, Pa.
' ~i ~
E Grocery £ Troutman Building
N —l —s _|g L
w - nl r T
_ _ j* i „
" -]® -
. j| L . . _
& CO. J L
Here we are duv.n on Cunningham J"t. Almost every
body knows where we are, but if \ < u <b> not, plea*"- IOOK at the
above map. W£lfc down Cunningham St. on the 'igiit hand
side till you come to 210 and you will find ÜB. ! ery we have
lots of room and pay no rent and more than doubled our salt s
last year and expect to increase them as much this \ear. All
who came last year to fee if we had as large a stock and sold
as cheap as we advertised said we were too modest in our
declarations and said they did not expect to find halt as much,
even after reading our advertisements. You know us now and
of course will continue to deal here, but we must tell you we
have twice as large a stock now as when jou were here before
ai d stiil cutting prices lower. 1 o those who have never been
here, we want }tu to ccme t<o. \N c don t advertise to blow.
If jcu don't find more stock li re at lower prices than you
tver expected after reading our advertisement we will pay 3011
for your time that it takes to walk down here from Main St.
lieir.ember, we keep every thing in our line. Horse col
lars 50c, team work biidlcs sl, work harness $lB, buggy har
ness SG, wagon single trees, ironed, 25c, double-trees, shaits,
wheels, poles, shafts, cushions, tops, harness oil, curry combs,
brushes, paint, springs, dashes, lap dusters, robes, blankets,
whips, caits, buggies, spring-wagons and everything, and
Kramer wagons,— the lest wagons made.
Come and see us. Look over our stock. We want to get
acquainted with you. Remember, it was us who first brought
down the prices of buggies in Butler county for your benefit,
relying on increased sales to make up for small profits, and the
public has stood by us in a way that makes us like everybody.
Yours, etc..
S. B. Martincourt, - J. M. Lieghner.
The largest repository in the county, filled with the best assortment of
Buggies, Surries, Pbictons, Carts, Express, Delivery. Drillers and Bolstor
Wagons, Machinery, &c. We have full cont.ol if the Youngstown Buggiip,
Sarries, Wagons, &c„ in Butler couuty. Their work stands second to none.
We guarantee ii in regard to mnterial and workmanship. They maka the
best rig for the money that is made iu the United States. If you need a rig
of any kind it will pay you to call and examine our stock. Bear in mind
we buy nothing but guaranteed work and the purcl aeer gets the benefit ol
the guarantee.
Adriance Platform Binders, tue oniy successlul two-horse Platform Binder
made. We guarantee this binder to do the same work of any elevator binder
and do it with one third less power Besides this it can be worked on auy
hill that a team of horses con be worked on. You cannot upset it. It weighs
from 400 to 600 pounds less ti t>n the elevator binders. This is an impor
tant feature on soft ground as well as hilly ground. There are one-third
less parts to be run than on elevator binders, consequently the expense of
uture wear and tear is one-third less Call aud see sample binder.
We lead oil competition on Binder Twiae in quality and prices If you
want a Plow, steel or wood frame. Spring Tocth Harrow, Mowing Machine,
Hay Rake. Hay Loadener, Hay Tedder, Hay Elevator, Grain Drill, Thres
hing Outfits, Saw Mill Engines or Machinery of auy kind, or Fertilizers, Slat
and wire Fercing, give us a call. If wc do not have it in stock we can get
it for you. In addition to our wareroom we have a Carriage Paint Shop,
where painting is promptly done in quality to suit you and moderate prices.
A 8 we are lovers of low prices you will always get the worth of your mon
ey at the Rink Building,
No. 320, 322 and 324 S. McKean Street, Butler, Penn'a
you want NEAV FURNITURE to re
place some of the old.
We are headquarters for first-class
goods. Remember we have no mark
down sales; our prices are alwavs as low
as is consistent with good goods.
A full line of QUILTS in addition to
other beddino*.
E. S. DREW, - 128 E. .Jefferson, St.
I. P. Thomas & Son Co.,
For the saiuo reason you don't tie up your horse to nil empty niauger for
months at a tiuie, you don't want to put in your wheat this fall without an
ample quantity of lood—enough to grow a full crop of wheat and succeed
ing grass.
To supply this plant-food in the proper shape is our business. We say
proper shape because most anybody can mix a little South Carolina Hock
and Kainit together and call it a fertilizer; hut twenty.three years experience
at the business, with our complete facilities, hus enabled us to make
fertiliiere that w ill produce the desired results. There isn't any question
about it. You will say M> too, if you have used our goods, and if you
haven't, you can get them and all desired information from our agents.
The Thomas' Phosphates are standard and thoroughly guaranteed.
J no. T. Atkinson, Sarversville. Samuel Duff, Denny.
L. M. Marshall <{• Son. Mars. B. fi. Rankin, lialdwin.
Harvey Goehring, Evans City. Jno. 11. Bauman, Saxonburg.
R. M. Anderson, Butler. Jno. C. Moore. McCandless.
How a Clever Trick Was Dofeated
and a Thief Caught.
O QHE fates seemed
_____ yfy to be against my
,!j pt J M marrying Harry;
/u % "" e so man y
||l ** mishaps con
jfjl / \nJjl nected with the
4 event. Wc were
TV)' —p to have had a
[A grand church
TI I;vW ■ ■ \ wedding 1 four
111 fj/f bridesmaids, a
m 'ttliiVwl I maid of honor
V iLLX. an ' l six ushers,
l i"' # flTt—sSrf but one of the
bridesmaids had
~ip pneumonia and
could not serve;
another who hail pone to Europe for a
short trip decided at the last moment
not to return; with a third diphtheria
broke out in the family, so she could
not be present, and a fourth was
thrown from her horse and broke her
arm. Two of our ushers were detained
by a railroad accident, on their way
from New York, and did not arrive
until after the ceremony was over.
After our wedding 1 tour was over we
betran housekeeping in a pretty homo
my husband had prepared for me in a
small mining town in Pennsylvania,
where his business would keep him for
a year or so. We had but one acquain
tance in tho place at first, a kind, moth
erly old lady, and I should have been
sadly helpless but for her, for I found
it impossible to procure servants. The
month following our honeymoon I
spent over the cook stove, recipe book
in hand, making the most of my limited
experience in cooking.
With the help of kind Mrs. Walton, I
did not injure my husband's health or
give him permanent dyspepsia by feed
ing him on overdone steaks and under
done biscuit How bitterly I regretted
the hour spent in practicing my music
and painting, when the time would
have been so much better employed in
learning the rudiments of simple cook
ing and bread making. My piano was
now a useless piece of furniture, for I
was too tired when night came to open
it, and my painting materials remained
unpacked in my trunk. A number of
servants had applied as cooks and
housemaids, but on being informed
that we should expect them to take
their meals in the kitchen, they had
tossed their heads angrily, and depart
ed, muttering: "If we ain't good enough
to eat with other folks, the place won't
suit trie."
We advertised in the Philadelphia pa
pers, offering the greatest inducement
in wages, but no one would come from
the city to this out-of-the-way place.
Harry found me one day dissolved in
tears at the failure of some dish I had
spent the whole morning over, and de
clared in the most decided tones I had
heard him use that he could not have
me worn out with sueh unaccustomed
exertions. If we could not get a serv
ant at once, we must close the house
and board.
The thought of boarding made me
very unhappy, for I greatly enjoyed
having a house of my own, and was
anticipating, when the domestic wheels
were running smoothly, having my
family and my girl friends to visit me.
Besides, there were all our beautiful
wedding gifts, our lovely china and
cutglass and our quantities of solid
silver. It would break my heart to
pack them all away and never use
It had been a serioift question, when
we first came to the place, what we
should do with our silver chest. The
vault at the bank was small and I
could not be continually runninjr there
for any extra silver I might need, so
the chest was placed in a vacant room
in our third-story front, and we only
took out silver for our daily use.
One warm morning in June I was in
the kitchen rolling out some pie crust,
when there came a gentle knock at the
door, and opening it, there stood a
neat, pleasant-faced girl, who inquired
if I needed a cook. I eagerly answered:
"Yes." Was she looking for a place?
And with a few questions on both
sides the agreement was concluded and
she was to come to rae the next day.
Mary came the following morning and
soon had things straightened out and
everything in good order.
We congratulated ourselves on the
treasure we had secured. Our neatly
served meals appeared as if by magic
on the stroke of the clock. Mary never
complained of the work, but lent a
willing hand to help in the housework
as well as her own department.
She had no visitors, for she said she
was a stranger in the place. All licr
family were dead long since and she
was quite alone in the world, she told
me, with tears in her honest blue eyes.
I soon felt I could trust her with
everything, she was so faithful and
careful and seemed to have our inter
ests so at heart.
One evening Harry and I were going
to a concert and I told Mary she need
not sit up for us, as we should probably
be late. It was after ten when we en
tered our gate. I was surprised to see
a light in the parlor, when I had left the
pas turned low The front door was
bolted and could not be opened with
our night key, neither was there any
response to our repeated ringing of the
bell, which we could distinctly hear re
verberating through the house. We
waited several minutes in breathless
Buspense, and as no response came to
Harry's last frantic efforts, which fair
ly pulled the bell out by the roots, we
went around to the back door to see if
we could gain an entrance there.
It stood open. As we came up the
steps we could see the interior of tho
kitchen at a glance. Everthing was in
confusion, chairs were overturned,
Mary's work basket and its contents
strewed over the floor, and Mary her
self, bound hand and foot and gagged,
lying in a helpless heap under the
kitchen table.
She turned her beseeching eyes to
us, hearing steps approaching, and we
flew to her assistance. My husband
carried her into the sitting-room,
while I ran for camphor and ammonia,
for she was quite hysterical and for
some time could not tell us a connected
story. What we finally gathered was
this: As the evening was warm, Mary
sat in the kitchen with her work,
leaving the outside door open to catch
tho breeze from the west. She was
sewingquietly, never thinking of harm,
when she heard stealthy steps and
looking up saw two masked figures on
the very threshold. In a moment they
had seized and gagged her, and with a
pistol at her head compelled licr to show
them where the silver and my jewel
ry W<y® kept Not cgntent with what
they touua, tney rnacte up large oun
dlcs of Harry's and iny best clothes,
then binding' her hand and foot, so she
could not give the alarm, they had left
her in the pitiable state in which we
found her. ; ho showed us her poor
bruised wri>b. whore the rope had been
pulled so tight the flesh was cut and
Our sympathy for poor Mary was so
great that we hardly realized our loss,
but in looking through the house we
found that the burglars had made a
pretty clean sweep of everything of
value. They took such odd things, for
besides the basket of silver my choicest
tablecloths and napkins hail been
taken, underclothes, linen sheets and
pillowcases and several of my best
dresses and Harry's wardrobe had also
suffered. They had not secured much
of my jewelry, as most of it I kept in
a small safe which weighed two hun
dred pounds, and was too heavy for one
man to lift alone.
Mary could give no description of the
men, as they were closely masked. My
husband telegraphed to Philadelphia
for detectives and two were sent up.
After spending several days in shad
owing innocent people they returned to
the city, leaving us no wiser than be
fore their visit, but with our purses
considerably lighter The chest of
silver in the attic I now opened to sup
ply the place of what had been taken.
I called Mary to help me carry it down
stairs. Ilow her eyes danced when she
saw the rich contents of the chest, and
how fervent were her thanks that the
burglars had not known of this extra
We felt very grateful to Mary and
cared tenderly for her until she was
quite strong again. She said she suf
fered greatly with her teeth. The gag
had been put in her mouth so roughly
that it had loosened some of them, and
she now made frequent visits to the
dentist's. Often she "was gone the en
tire afternoon. She always took a
bundle with her. Once when I ques
tioned her about it, she said that she
wrapped up the waist of an old dress to
wear in the dentist's ehair to keep her
dress fresh, and I could but commend
her prudence and careful forethought
One evening at dusk, when Mary was
out, I went for a stroll with my hus
band. As we were ascending a steep
hill on the outskirts of the town we
saw two figures at the top, clearly out
lined against the evening sky. My
husband hastily drew me into a thicket
at the side of the road. As the figures
approached, I saw iu the faint light
that one was Mary, and an evil-looking
man was with her. They stopped near
us, and Mary, handing him the bundle
she carried, said something about
"melting." I thought she was refer
ring to the very warm day just over:
then hastily separating, as a carriage
was seen coming up the hill, she called
out: "I will be here next week at the
same hour," and walked rapidly away.
My confidence in Mary was somewhat
shaken in finding that she did have ac
quaintances in the place, when she had
told me she knew no one; but I did not
refer to the meeting we hail witnessed
when I went to the kitchen to give her
the order for breakfast.
Harry looked unusually grave the
next few days, and he would not let me
share his thoughts. His only answer
to my ques" ions waJ a bright smile and
the vague remark: "I have a theory."
There was little sociability in
W , but one day we received an in
vitation from tlu people of the place to
a progressive euchre party. I was anx
ious to accept, but could we leave Mary
alone? We had never left her for a
whole evening, since her terrible ex
perience of a few weeks ago.
But Mary said at once: "O, ma'am,
you must go. Never mind me. I shall
not be afraid to stay alone. The bur
glars will not come again so soon. I
will keep the door well locked this
The evening of the company, as we
left the house, we heard Mary bolting
the door behind us, and her last words
were: "Don't hurry home on my ac
count. lam not afraid to stay alone."
We reached the house where the gath
ering was, and just as we were ascend
ing the steps, my husband said:
"Anna, I shall have to let you go in
alone. I have an attack of neuralgia
and shall be obliged to go home for
awhile. I will come for you later in
the evening."
I was anxious to remain with him,
but he would not let me. I was con
stantly looking toward the door to see
Harry enter. It was very late when
he came and there was an air of sup
pressed excitement about him that
aroused my curiosity.
As soon as we were walking toward
home he told me how he had spent the
evening. Ever since our twilight en
counter with Mary, Harry had sus
pected that all was not right. Our in
vitation out was the first real excuse
we chad to leave the house in her
charge, and he welcomed it as giving
him an opportunity to prove if Mary
was the thief lie suspected her to bo.
His attack of neuralgia was feigned,
and, after leaving me, he hastily re
turned to our home. The house was
dark except for a bright light in the
kitchen. Mary sat near an open win
dow sewing and looking so serene and
sincere that Uarry felt quite ashamed
as he quietly stole behind a lilac bush,
where he could command a good view
of the kitchen and its occupant. He
waited nearly an hour without seeing
anything suspicious, and was. about
moving away from his hiding place
when the town clock struck nine. This
seemed to be a signal for .Mary to fold
up her work, and he heard her say (she
had a way of talking to herself):
"It is time to begin proceedings, or
the folks may be home sooner than I
She took a bunch of keys from her
pocket, lighted a candle and vanished
through the door lending into the din
ing room. Harry moved around to the
front of the house and saw a light in
one front bedioom upstairs. It disap
peared for a moment and again shone
out from the third-story window, the
room where the chest of silver was
As my husband heard her descending
the staircase he returned to his post by
the kitchen window, just in time to see
Mary appear with her hands full of
silverware and his winter overcoat and
my sealskin jacket over her arm. She
disappeared down the cellar stairs. Mj
husband by stooping could look intc
STA nis.
this window and saw her open the fur
nace door and place the silver carefully
inside, with the overcoat and jujket
neatly folded on top. When she re
turned to the attic for more booty,
Harry, knowing she would be gone for
some time, went to the station house
and secured the services of the only
constable the place afforded. Together
they returned to tho house and saw
Mary depositing the seconil load of sil
ver in the cellar. The constable wished
to arrest Mary at once but Harry re
strained him saying: "We will see the
play out."
As the clock struck eleven she reap
peared in the kitchen and locked the
outside door. She then put a short lad
der she had brought from the cellar
outside the pantry window, leaving it
open, probably meaning to show this
was the way the burglars had entered.
Then she threw the furniture about as
if there had been a terrific struggle.
From the cupboard under the sink, she
took out ropes and a gag Tying her
ankles securely, she adjusted the gag
between her teeth, then slipped her
wrists into the loops she had made in
the ropes, dextrously tightening them
by pulling them with her thumbs, and
threw herself on the floor as if flung
down by cruel hands. My husband and
the constable excitedly watched her
proceedings. They now entered the
kitchen through the pantry window.
Mary turned her beseeching eyes to
them, as she had done the first time,
when she had so excited our compas
sion. She must have been surprised to
hear Harry say:
"At your old tricks, are you, Mary?
You have bound yourself very securely
We will carry you at once to jail."
The gag was in her mouth so she
could not scream out, and quickly they
lifted and took her to a place of securi
ty. Returning to the house, they broke
open her trunks, which were filled with
her belongings. The constable said
the family were well known in the
town as a "bad lot." It seems, instead
of all being dead, as she so pathetically
told me,- there were five brothers all
very much alive and giving the consta
ble constant trouble to keep them in
order. They lived in a little house on
the lonely road where wc had seen
Mary handing a bundle to one of her
brothers When this house was
searched, many other things of ours
were discovered, though our silver had
been melted and disposed of The
place was thoroughly cleaned out by
the police and the family left the town
to begin operations elsewhere.
We could not appear against Mary,
and before the trial came on Harry and
1 were once more living in Philadel
phia, content to board. Our experience
had satisfied us with housekeeping.—
Harriette P Butler, In Detroit Free
Some Florida Names.
"Did you go about much in Florida?"
asked a gentleman of an acquaintance
who had just come up from that state.
"Well, yes," was the reply. "I went
over to the Suwance river, cut over the
country, and shot 'gators on the Withla
coochee, fished for bass in Tsala A pop
kit, sailed on Thonotosassa. skipped
over to Okonlokliatehec, walked by the
shores of the Weohyakapka, plucked
flowers by Hickpochee's limpid waters,
visited the sugar fields on Tohopekaliga,
sailed on the tortuous Kissimme, was
buffeted by the waves of Okeechobee,
and have also captured tarpon on the
Caloosohatchec I expected to visit
Istokpogayozie. Lockapepka. Hatche
neeha anil Feautockhatchee before I
left the sti.te "
She Wantoil to He a Bird.
A certain young gentleman is court
ing a your r luily. He called on her a
few eveniiips ago. She seemed to be
under the weather, and there was a
peculiar drug store smell in the room.
"What ::ils you, my darling?" he
"I wish i was tt bird," sighed the
young lady.
"So you could fly-into my arms?"
queried John, suggestively.
"Xo; I want to be a bird, so I could
not get the toothache any more," re
plied the lady, swinging On her jaw
and groaning audibly.—Texas Siftings.
A I'leasinpr Uncertainty.
Tourist (in Kansas) —Can you tell me
where the residence of Col. Hooks, the
real estate dealer, is?
Native—Wal, jest now it's four or five
mile from here, but (pointing to a dark,
funnel-shaped cloud in the west) thar's
a cyclone comin' over frum that way,
an' if you'll wait awhile the house may
come right here to you an' save you
the trouble of goin' down there to it. —
Munsey's Weekly.
A Long Sentence.
"I say, Bill," said one summer philos
opher to another, as they lay beneath
a spreading tree, "did yer ever turn yer
attention to literatoor any?"
"I should say so."
"What's the longest sentence you ever
run across?"
"Ten years," was the unhesitating
reply.—Washington Post.
A Fair Shaker.
Sageman—A remarkable girl is that
Miss Snapper. You know her pretty
well; has she any leaning in the direc
tion of any particular creed?
Bluntly—l can't say definitely, but
from the way in which she disposed of
my marital aspirations last evening I
should say that she was a Shaker. —
Boston Courier.
Not In the Wood.
Summer Boarder —I think, consider
ing the price I pay, and the poor ac
commodations you have, you might at
least treat me with respect.
Mrs. Hayfork—Well, mum, to tell th'
truth, I can't feel much respect for peo
ple what pays the big prices I charge
fer the sort of accommydations I give.—
N. Y. Weekly.
A Faeless Kxpeitse.
Mr. de Laie—Do you suppose we shall
ever be able to drop a nickel in the slot,
and get a wife?
Miss Wayting (in her most captivat
ing tone)—Oh, it is unnecessary to goto
tliat expense, even now, Mr. dc Laie.
Brides are given away, you know. —
The Killing I'assion.
Foreman of the Jury—-Guilty of mur
der in the first degree!
Judge—Prisoner at the bar, stand up
to receive the sentence of the court.
The Prisoner (who poisoned her hus
band) —In a minute, judge. Jennie (to
her sister), is my hat on straight?—
In Fartiterfthip.
She—And do you fealli' love me as
much as you say, Harry?
He —WJiy, darling-
She —Well, then, don't borrow any
more money from papa. He's charging
it up against what he'll give me when
we're married.—Judge.
The Resemblance Explained.
Eminent Personage May I ask
whether you are related to the >{r.
Smith whom I met at Venice last year?
Mr. Smith —I am that Mr. Smith, sir.
Eminent Personage Ah! that ae
sounts for the remarkable resemblance.
—London Globe.
The Mark of Time.
Husband —Who is that strange wom
an I saw in the dining-room?
Wife —That's our servant girl. She
has just got back from a ten minutes'
visit to the girl next door.—Judge.
A Married Hello un<l lleau.
Mrs. Gadsby—Their marriage was a
secret you know.
Mrs. Whisper—And. judging by their
present conduct, I presume they were
not in it, eh?— Puck.
Away Cp.
Scott —Jimson tells ine his ancestors
occupied high poMli >n:. in England.
Walters —res. si veral of them were
hanged on Tyburn hill.—Munsey's
Where It lla>l the Advantage.
"That chimney i* -smoking all the
lime," said T>odkins.
"Yes," said his "but it
isn't sueh a fool as to smoke cigarettes."
Prehistoric Skeleton* with Cand&l Ap«
pendace* Foaml In OIJ Mexico.
A discovery which will probably
prove of immense interest to ethnolo
gists has l>een made at the little ham
let of Sinaloa, Mix., within the past
few days while breaking ground for a
large c- tfee plantation which is being
established by an English syndicate,
says the Philadelphia Times. The find
consists of thousands of skeletons
either of large apes or of prehistoric
human beings of a very low order. If
the remains are of apes they were
of gigantic size and of a variety no
longer extant, while if they are of men
the men were provided with distinct
caudal appendages, very thick and
short and curled up like a squirrel's.
That they are the skeletons of a pel
can hardly be doubted, judging from
the :irms, which reach nearly half a
foot below the knee, and the thumbs,
which are also abnormally long and
curved, with exceedingly sharp and
powerful nails.
The feet, too, show that they were in
tended for climbing rather than walk
ing, anil are also provided with claws
and prehensile toes of unusual length.
It is probable that the large number of
| skeletons found is due to a battle be
j tween two bands of the animals having
taken place at this spot, which is
further evidenced by the number of
j broken skulls and other bones among
j them, and the frfet that several of the
skeletons were fotrnil clinched in a
I deadly embrace. Xo weapons, how
i ever, were discovered, but as these
were probably of wood they have per
■ islied iu the course of time.
The worlc of searching for other re
mains still goes on. every hour seeing
; hundreds of more detached fragments
or occasionally whole skeletons un
-1 earthed. It is calculated that over
four hundred entire ones have al
-1 ready been disinterred. A few of the
: most perfect have been sent to the
j British museum and others will be pre
sented to the Smithsonian institution
i by the owners of the land.
' One of the Trials of tiir Man That Rons
the I.ift.
"Have you ever seen this?" asks the
Chicago News.
She comes to the ii rof the eleva
tor just as it is ready to ascend and
asks the conductor: "Is Mr. Whatyou
maycallhim's ofliee in this building?"
The conductor says it is. "Is he in?"
The answer of the conductor depends
on circumstances of course. "Which
floor is his office on?" The answer is
given "You doa't know if he is in?"
The answer i> given. "Well, I guess
I'll go up and see. Which floor did you
say he is on?" The conductor says
the office is on the fourth floor, lie
says it distinctly. The elevator starts.
Beaching the first landing the conduc
tor calls out: "Fir t floor." The wom
an who held the elevator at the start
crowds to the door and asks: "Is this
where I get off?" The conductor tells
her that she is to g t off at the fourth
landing The elevator starts again
and reaches the second landing and it
is announced. The woman makes an
other rush to get out and is restrained
by the conductor, who takes her gently
by the arm. "Isn't this the fourth
floor?" she asks. The conductor says
he will let her know in time. The
third landing is made, and tho same
woman rushes again to the door of the
car and asks the same question she
asked at the other landings. At last,
when she reaches the fourth floor slio
is away back in the ear and the con
ductor has to hold the car an extra
part of a minute for her to get out.
This sort of thing is being done a thou
sand times a day in this city and in oth
er large cities.
An limtance of the Heroic Truthfulne<w
of the Natives-
The Fins are an upright, faithful and
hospitable people. A writer in the
Saturday Review speaks of their hon
esty as proverbial, and proceeds to give
some experiences of his own as illus
trative of the scrupulous and «ven
"heroic" manner in which they tell the
truth, and the whole truth, under the
most difficult circumstances.
"This seems to be exactly the kind of
apparatus lam looking for," I said to a
merchant in Helsingfors, as I looked at
an article worth about seventy-five dol
lars; "I will buy it at once if, knowing
what I want it for, you can honestly ad
vise me to take it."
"No, sir," he answered: "I do not
recommend you to take it, nor have I
anything in stock just now that would
suit you." And I left the shop and pur
chased what I wanted elsewhere.
"Here's your fare," said I to a peasant
In the interior, who had driven for
three hours through the woods in his
drosky, as 1 handed him four shillings.
"No, sir; that's double my fare," he
replied, returning me half the money.
And when I told him he might keep it
for his honesty, he slightly nodded his
thanks with the dignity of one of
nature's gentlemen, from which defiant
pride and cringing obsequiousness were
equally absent.
Mules Stronger Than Horses.
The chief reason why a mule can
nearly always wear out a horse, when
it comes to a trial of endurance, is that
the former always lies down to sleep,
and the latter, in a large number of
cases, sleeps standing up. The habit
seems to come to horses which have
been hurt, especially when in the stable,
and they cannot be broken of it. Be
sides the absence of proper rest and the
constant danger of a heavy fall and con
sequent injury, this habit of standing up
to go to sleep results in the giving way
of the front knees and gives the ani
mal a prematurely aged and crippled
condition. A walk through any large
stable at night will show a number of
horses standing up, but fast asleep, and
whether these use three or four legs to
stand upon, tho knees of the forelegs
are all baggy. With a mule, of course,
it is quite different, for "Jack" lies
down the moment he finds work is real
ly over, and a somnambulistic mule is
seldom if evrr met.
l/'uappreciatcd Company.
Sappy—Good mawoing. Miss In wood;
are you —aw —alone?
Miss Inwood —Unfortunately not at
present. Mr. Sappy.—Munsey's Weekly.
For Self.
"Who is more dear to you than your
"My husband's wife."—fudge.
A Shrewd Girl.
Laura —What a clever girl Jennie is!
She had sixty-seven offers of marriage
within a week after she left college.
Clara —Indeed! And she is not very
good looking.
Laura —No; but the subject of the es
say that she read at her graduation was:
"How to Keep House on Twelve Dol
lars a Week." —Munsey's Weekly.
Would Have the Desired KflToet.
First Chicago Woman —Mrs. Lake
front was here to-day and she inveighed
terribly against the divorce evil in this
Second Chicago Woman—Shall we cut
her in society?
First Chicago Woman —No; I shall
whisper it about quietly that she is
guilty of heresy. —Judge.
Adding Insult to Injury.
Train Robber ("going through" the
passengers) —Well, 1 swow! Got a gun
in your pocket, hev ye? If it wasnt
for my pressing engagements 1 d turn
ye over to the town authorities just
ahead, for carrying concealed weapons
without a permit.—Puck.
It Cau Ito Made Attriftl»« with suiaU
Additional ( utt.
A subscriber, who is tho owner of a
hundred-acre farm, and who is about
to build a new barn. ask<> for a design
which will present a handsome appear
looe, and, if practical"! ■, without great
additional cost. He is familiar with Jhe
common construction of such buildings,
where but little attention is given to
the exteriors, many of which might as
well be excluded from sight. In answer
to his request we give two engraving's,
one representing a bar:i whera some at
tention is given to the outside appear
ance, and the other one of the plainest
character. The interior arrangements
of both are nearly alike, except that
the handsome one. Fig. 2, has a base
ment, which is partly occupied with
,y j-itfi
HO 1.
cattle-stalls and tool room, while Fig. 1
has them on the common floor. Fig. 1
may be covered with unplaned boards
and vertical battens, while Fig. 'J has
vertical hoards without the hatteus.
The additional cost of Fig. 2, as com
pared with Fig. 1, will not greatly vary
from the following:
Additional lumber, nails and w.irk for bat
trn-t S3)
Exteri r ventilatore and fable 3)
Windows an 1 shutter*. M
Previous planting of shade trees 10
Total 1135
If the barn is 40 by 00 feet, it will
cost, together with the basement, about
S9OO or 31,000, covered with rough
boards, or $1,200 or 51,500 if they are
planed and painted, and with more fin
ish A heavy coat of crude petroleum,
put on the unplaned surface with a
coarse brush, by a common active la-
FIG 2.
borer, and requiring not more than two
barrels of the oil, will cost SB. Our in
quirer will decide whether he would
have such a barn as in Fig. 2, for about
SI.OOO or upwards, or one like Fig. 1,
for 89 >D, not counting the basement in
either case.
These figures are only approximate,
and are liable to much variation with
the prices of •materials and lumber, the
degree of finish given to the various
parts, the ability of the carpenter and
the skill of the owner in directing the
work. —Country Gentleman.
KEEP the laying hens away from the
manure pile.
FEED the moulting hens a light feed
of linseed meal daily.
IF picked regularly, geese will fur
nish four crops of feathers regularly.
PROVIDE some convenient nesting
places or the hens will hide their nests
AFTER goslings get well started to
feather they need very littlo attention,
as they are very hardy.
Z YOUNG turkeys intended for early
market must bo well fed in order to
make a thrifty growth.
IT is not a good plan to hatch out
turkeys late in the season; it costs too
much to winter tXem.
A I.ITTLE raw salt pork is a good
remedy to give to hens that have got
into the habit of pulling feathers.
WHEN the hens quit laying and they
are not moulting they often need a
change of rations especially when they
are confined.
YOUNG growing chickens are vora
cious eaters, and if fed will eat a dozen
times a day, and often on this account
are overfed.
Tin: style of house is not so impor
tant as to have plenty of sunlight and
a dry floor, and with all cracks and
crevices closed.
THE best and most economical way
of feeding meal to poultry is by first
mixing it with boiling water; that
partially cooks it.
A FENCE 2 feet high is sufficient for all
of the larger breeds of ducks, and a
house 10x20 feet is big enough for
twenty-five ducks.
IF provided with a comfortable shel
ter ducks will begin laying in Feb
ruary. and keep it up regularly until
September. They are better for eggs
than liens.
WnKN the turkey hen and her brood
of little ones are not fed regularly at
night they are liable to get careless
about coming home at night, and seri
ous losses are the result.
Br beginning in good season and
saving up what in many cases would
otherwise go to waste there should be
no necessity for purchasing feed for the
poultry on the farm.—St. Louis He
rutting Section* on Illves.
In putting eases of sections on hives
it is best not to l>e too fast, and to put
them on the strong colonies first. It is
worse than useless to put them on
hives where the bees are unable to
cover more than half their combs.
Keep a close watch, and as fast as
hives become crowded put on the sec
tions and add more us fast as needed.
There is not much need of hurry in
taking them off. Better leave them on
until all the cells are capped, butshould
there be a sudden failure in the yield
or at the end of the white honey crop,
they should be removed without delay.
Way Off.
Dull pate (who prides himself on his
abstracted air)— Did you ever notice
what a far-away look I have sometimes?
Miss Spritellie—Yes. Is that because
you are a little off? —Good News.
Too (ireat a Rink.
Simpson Why didn't you take a
chance at that cake nt the church fair?
Were yon afraid?
Sampson —Yes; it was one my wife
Soft Head —Do you think your sister
would marry me?
j{, ,y J j/uess st). She told mother
she would rather marry anything than
be an old maid! —Once a Week.
TsTO. 41
Many Seek n c -a r:»l l'jipoie Hon*. Vet
\.v : Obtain It.
Strictly speak i-ig a general purpose
horse is oi. • ttv.t can do everything
that a horse is ca'led on to do. It is
impossible mt ■ nature of things for
a ii<*se to be SO constructed that he
can do A horse to be a
general purj horse should combine
all the qua) 11.' i a runner, a trotter,
a pacer. a r -r. a coacher, a sad
dler, a hunt .' and a draft horse, also a
ladies' driving liorse and children's
pony. Th greatest value in a horse
comes from li s possessing some partic
ular quality, or combination .of qual
ities in the vime line, and the ability
to <io pa.' 1 ig a:id do it welL The
better adapt 1 a horse is to one thing,
the more v. ': fable he is.
The view t'.:.:*. farmers take of a gen
eral purpose horse LS one that will be
heavy aud strong enough to do all the
work on the farm and at the same
time combiu.- enough speed to make a
good road horse, both single and
double. No doubt such a horse is val
uable on a fan.i. We have seen some
horses that would work with any
horse on the farm, draw two tons singly
on a good road and then, with a rest of
a day or two. get out on the road and
travel eight miles an hour and a mile
in three minutes or better. Such a
horse i-. an ideal farm horse for most
eastern farmers. Not one farmer in
1,000 owns such a horse and not
one horse in 100,000 can do that. The
general purpose horse as found on
the farm is nearly worth
less in the great markets. They are
too light for any draft work, not fast
enough for roadsters, not large enough
for eoacliors and so they are sold for
SIOO or Sl'-."> to go on the street car or
grocery wagon. Put 200 pounds more
weight on him and he will do for draft
work and bring twise as much money.
Add two inches more to his height and
draw his head up a little higher by
training when he is a colt and he will
do for a coacher and bring three times
as much. Use a better sire and dam
and get your horse to drive well and
easy and go in three minutes or less
aud he is worth four times as much for
a roadster.
The majority of farmers on a 10D
acre farm keep three or in ore horses.
For farm horses they should secure
mares that weigh at least 1,100 pounds,
aud 1,200 pounds or more is better. If
these mares are strictly of the draft
type, they snouid txs t>rcrt xo a pure
blooded draft stallion of good weight
and size, and the eolts will be worth
something to sell. Or if the mares are
tall and not so blocky they may bo
bred to a good coach stallion with a
view of raising coachers. One or two
horses weighing 1,000 or 1,050 pounds
apiece could lie kept to do the driving
and at the same time they would bS
useful in drawing the mowing mar
chine, hay rake, cultivator and doing
other light farm work. Tho sooner
farmers get out of the Ides of trying
to raiss a goneral purpose horse and
go in for s Special purpose the more
money they will make from their farms.
—Farm and Home.
Plan for n Fence That Present* Many
Desirable Feature*.
As there is a large amount of wire
and pieket fencing being "built at pres
ent, I will call attention to what I con
sider an improvement. Instead of every
pieket being full length, let every other
iL j|
one be only one-half length. As the
pickets used in such fences are gener
ally 2 inches wide with spaces from 3
to 3 inches, it can readily be seen that
this fence will turn all kinds of farm
stock as well as if all the pickets were
full length. The advantages of suck a
plan are: 1, A saving of one-fourth of
the pieket material; 2, less wind sur
face, thus mailing it more substantial;
8, neat and tasty appearance.—A. P.
Whitright, in Ohio Farmer.
Young lie At the Cheapest
While 1 pound of pork may be
made with 2)4 pounds of dry food in a
pig weighing 100 to 170 pounds at six
months old, four times as much food is
needed to produce 1 pound of beef dur
ing the second year of a steer's life.
Some of the most successful feeders
in the country agree that no profit can
be made in beef after a steer is
years old, because the cost of produc
tion increases rapidly with the growth
of the animal. The food of support is
a heavier tax on a feeder 30 months old
than on one only 24. Steers that have
been well eared for until 2 years old
may weigh 12 to 15 hundredweight
anil the beef carcass seven to nine
times the weight of the marketable
hog has to be supported. Many farm
ers feed steers to three years old or
over that do not attain to more than
14 to 10 hundredweight. This shows
how great is the loss sustained from
the food of support during the third
year. The food required to make 1
pound of beef makes 5 to 0 pounds of
pork if fed during the first six months
during the life of the hog.—James
Cheesman. in Farm and Home.
Don't Stuff the liens.
The capacity of a hen is limited. If
you clog the machinery it will not
work well. If you fill her with food
that is unsuitable she will only store
up the surplus, waiting for the sub
stances that are necessary to complete
the product, and in so doing she docs
rot lay. Food that is unbalanced will,
of course, be readily eaten, but nature
cannot be cheated. The excess will be
voided and wasted; or if it abounds in
the heat-producing element (the cheap
est and most easily procured), she has
the power to convert it into fat, which
is an obstruction to laying; but when
her ration is balanced, she is compelled
to lay eggs, because she cannot store
up a supply m any manner over and
above requisite amount required
for the epgs. —Farm and Fireside.
An Kgotlot.
A New York club man, not above the
average in brains, was visiting a De
troit girl recently, and when he went
away she was asking one of her friends
about him.
"I liked liiin well enough," she said,
"but he talked horse too much. Did you
notice that?"
"Well, no," was the hesitating reply,
"not exactly. He talked donkey to mo
"I don't quite understand," she said,
puzzled somewhat.
"Why, he talked about himself." —
Detroit Free Press.
l>ome*tic Item.
Judge Peterby said to his
"You will have to quit. You attend
to your work very well, but I am al
ways missing things about the house,
and every time it is you that tains
"B*»ss, don't send me off on dat ac-.
count. Hit mus' be a eumfurt ter yer
when yer missing anything to know
right whar it am."—Texas Sittings. '
Why Johnny Didn't Cratluate.
"IVfine millennium. Johnny," said
the tired school-teacher, in the last
half of the closing hour of the last day.
of school.
"The millenium," said Johnny,,
promptly, "is tho time when it will be:
vacation all the year, and there wont
be any old school-teachers around to
ask little boys fool questions."— Somer
ville Journal. ... <