Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, August 14, 1891, Image 2

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W. C. *KGI.Er, - - - - Pr»»'r
EattrtJ at PMUIN st Batler u ti flat* »»!•«
"FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 1891
SußScarrrioM—lnsfcle the county ll.so per
year. In advance; outside the county, 12 per
year In advance.
ADVEBTISINO —One inch, one time, tl. each
subsequent Insertion so cents each. Auditors
aud divorce notices $5 each, executors' and ad
ministrators' uotl< $3 each, estray and dis
solution notices %l each. Heading notlc«e 10
cents a line for first and 5 cents for each subse
quent insertion. Notices among local news
Hems is cents a line for each Insertion. Obitu
aries, cards of thanks, resolutions of respect,
notices of festivals and fairs, etc., inserted at
the rate «f 5 cents a line, money to accompany
Uie order. Seven words of prose make a line.
Kates for standing cards and Job work on
All advertising is due after first insertion, and
all transient advertising must be paid for In ad
Of each issue of the Cmnx some extra copies
are printed which are sent to citizens of the
county who are not subscribers and their sub
scription is respectfully solicited.
Subscribers will do us a favor by sending us
the names of their neighbors, not now taking a
county paper.
All cofnmunicstions intended for publication
in this paper must be accompanied by the real
name of tlie writer, not for publication bat as
a guarantee of good faith,
Marriage and death notices must be accom
panied by a responsible name.
Kepublican .County Ticket
For Jsry.t'emsiUsioßer.
THE humbug hue and cry for Blaine
that the Cameron —Quay combination
started, a month before tho time for the
State Convention, over three months before
the election, and nearly a year ahead of
next National Convention, makes one
wonder what they will do next. They tell
a storv of a sailor who, while ashore,bought
a parrot, and then went to the theatre,
and the play interested him so intensly,
that after each act he would "wonder
what in h 1 they'd do next.'' By and
by there was a tremendous explosion, the
building was demolished, and nearly
everybody in it perished. The sailor was
killed, but the parrot was not, and as they
pulled its cage from among the debris, it
wondered "what in h —l they'd do next.
And so the spectators of the doings of Don
Cameron,and hit Ami damnee( friend damned
to him) Quay, as the French put it, can
well wonder -vhat will be their next move
towards obtaining control of the State
delegation to the next National Conven
tion, and the next State Legislature.
Roll of Honor.
A. C. Baldwin, of Lancaster,
H. Wallace Brown, of Crawford.
E. A. Coray, Jr., of Luzerne,
Leonard Lewis, of Bradford,
Albert Magnin, of Delaware,
John K. Mallinee, of Crawford,
John W. Morrow, of Indiana,
Alonzo A. Potter, of Crawford,
Xoah Sean or, of Indiana,
A. B. Sumner, of Bradford,
Austin L. Taggart, of Montgomery.
The above are the names ol those Repub
lican members of the late House of Repre
sentatives, who refused to vote for J. D.
Cameron for U. S. Senator, and at least one
of them should be on the State ticket this
Now that three counties of this Con.
grcssional District hare appointed com
mittees looking towards the adoption of
the popular vote method of nominating
candidates that matter should be perfected
as soon as poissible.
The Hemlock Worm.
It has generally been thought that heni
jock and all trees of that family are proof
against the ravages of worms and borers,
it is now reported that alarm is spreading
in Potter county and throughout the great
strip of hemlock timber in Pennsylvania
over the ravages of* worm that is destroy,
ing the foliage of the hemlock.
It was only daring the past week that
it was noticed that the tops of the heavy
timber on the mountains were turning
brown, as though the trees were dying.
The trees looked exactly as though the
had gone through a forest fire. An inves
tigation proved that the trees were cover
ed with myraids of worms which were eat
ing tho green and tender foliage of this
year'B growth and of tho preceding year,
the woody twig not being touch
ed. The worms are swarming about
the men engaged in bark peeling by
tho millions, while on all the trees from
Coudersport to Port Allegheny, miles and
miles of trees are turning biown. The
worm that is doing the damage is of the
"measuring worm species, about an inch
loDg, and nearly an eighth of an inch in
Southern California had an earthquake,
last week, that changed the bed of the
Colorado river.
suits against the City of Philadelphia for
the million dollars of state money, stolen
by City Treasurer Bardsley.
A GREAT revolution in China, and the
overthow of the Tartar dynasty, is predict
ed. The drouth in the valley of the
Yangtse Kiang, and the consequent misery
is aiding a great secret society in its efforts
to upset the government.
Oil Notes.
The flames were extinguished at the
ShlagelandLentzwellon the Garvin farm
in Cranberry twp. last Friday morning,
and it was reported to be doing COO bbls.
from the 100 ft. next day. The well was
set on fire by a driller who was looking
for his horse in the woods near by, and
not by a farmer as reported. Shlagel and
Lent* are Allegheny city men. They
tried their bands at oil producing some
years ago, and bad bad luck at first, at
one time having $32,000 in the hole—ha*
they made some money at Glade Run, and
this strike will make them rich as they
have all the Garvin and some other territo
ry in the vicinity.
The Standard hat been doing some
strango things with the oil market lately.
On Friday of last week, it was announced
that hereafter tbe premium on all Western
Pennsylvania, New York and West Vir
ginia, oil would be 15 cents. Next day it
took off the premium entirely, and oil sold
that morning at 50 cts., the lowest for
nine years, but by evening was up to 70
cts. Since that it has been staying in the
sixties, and speculation has been more
Thompson A Dale's No. 2 on the Oswald
Kmler is rated at 200 bbls a day, and is
onu of t'uo best wells in the county.
Bolard A Co.'s No. 2 on the Kennedy,
near Mars, is rated at from 25 to 30 bbls a
Phillips No. 1 on the Harry Logan in
Jefferson twp. will be ready to case in a
few days. The same can be said of his
well on the L. Y. Welsh.
SOMR citizens of Philadelphia are making
an effort to establish a state Naval Reserve
for this State.
Gov. PATTISOJI, appointed Frances B.
Reeves, 8. Davis Page, N. Dubois Miller,
Lawrence B. Brown and Taylor Faunce,
all of Philadelphia, a committee to investi
gate the affairs of tbe Keystone National
bank, in accordance with the permisel i
granted by Secretary of the Treasury
Foster, at the governor's request.
THE Shah of Persia lately bad a man
boiled alive for embezzling taxes.
AT the meeting of the Beaver Co. Re
publican Committee last Saturday, Chair
man Kerr was instructed to appoint a
Committee of three to confer with similar
(> nifiiittees of tbe other counties in regard
to future Congressional nominations.
The Re-union.
The citizens of Butler and Batler county
will spare no pains to make this one of the
beat reunions ever held at auy time or
place. Separate halls have been provided
for each regiment to hold its business j
meeting during the day. The headquar
ters of the 4th Cavalry will be in the Un
ion Veteran Legion Hall, and the 7sth
Infantry will be in the V. M. C. A. ltoom s
both in the Keiber block and the Round
heads will have their headquarters in the
"Castle Hall of Butler Lodge Xo. 211
Knights of Pythias. ' Troutman Block,
both blocks are at the corner of Main and
Cunningham streets. A short parade will
be had during the day and a banquet in
the evening after which a joint Camp I ire
will be held. At the close of the Camp
Fire a special train will leave for all points
on the P. S. & L. E. K. R. between Butler
and Greenville and all points on the W ■ X.
Y. <fc P. R. R. between Oil City, Franklin
and New Castle. The P. S. &L.E.R. R.
AY. X. Y. A P. <fc.W. R. Rs. have all
kindly agreed to sell excursion tickets to
all persons who come at the price of one
fare, one way, for the return trip, and ar
rangements are being made with other
railroads for the same rate if possible.
. It is not expected that Gen. Rosecrans
will be present, but Gen. Xegley, has
written from London that he will be back
in time if possible.
11. a. m.—Parade.
12. m.—Halt in close column by division
in front of Court House; mu.-ic by special
choir under leadership of Prof. J. S. Brown;
address of welcome by Comrade A. L.
Hazcn. President Judge 17th Judgicial
District: music by choir, response by Com
rade Rev. Jno. Lusher, late private Com
pany E, 78th Regiment Pennsylvania
Volunteers; parade dismissed.
2 p. m.—Regimental meetings of visiting
regiments; 4th Pennsylvania Cavalry at
Union Yeteran Legion Hall, Reiber* block,
northeast corner Main and Cunningham
streets, 100 th Pennsylvania Infantry
Knights of Pythias Hall, Troutman block,
a outh -west corner Main and Cunningham
steets; 78th Pennsylvania Infantry in the
Court Room. •
7:30 p. m.—Parade of Encampment Xo.
45 Union Yeteran Legion, escorting the
visiting comrades to the banquet hall.
8:30 p. m-—Banquet; divine invocation
by Rev. R. Audley Brown, D. I>., late
Chaplain 100 th Pa.
9:30 p. m.—Address to ladies by Maj.
R. J. Phipps, 4th Pennsylvania Cavalry;
response by Col. John M. Sullivan: at 10
o'clock p. m. adjournment to Camp Fire
at Butler Opera House, corner Wayne and
McKean street.
Chief of Staff, J. B. Black, Aides, Judge
liobt, Story, Capt. D. R. Rodgers, W. J.
McKee, Thomas Hays, S. B. Martincourt,
I. J. McCandless, Win. M. Starr. Gen.
John A. Wylie, Col. W. T. Mechling, A.
Lowry, John S. Campbell, Capt. P. S.
Brancroft, Lieut, John D. Brown, J. H.
Harper, L. D. Perrine, Dr. S. D. Bell, 1).
E. Wheeler, M. R. Shaner, Br. Lysander
Black, Dr. S. Graham, A. Haffner, W. S.
McCrea, Dr. J. E. Byers, A. K. Klingen
smith, D. B. Campbell, S. J. Lcideeker,
E. F. Hughes,T. J Shuffip,W. M. Kennedy,
8. W. Crawford, L. S. McJunkin J. Q. A.
Kennedy, W. H. Keihing, Geo. W. Camp
bell, W. A. Forquer, Daniel Youakins*
Peter Schenck, J. B. McJunkin, A. T.
Black, E. M. Bredic, P. W. Lowry E. E.
Kelly, Morgun Davis.
The artillery will form on McKean, right
resting on Jelferson street; the 100 th Penn
sylvania and escort on McKean in rear of
artillery; 4th Pennsylvania Cavalry; and
escort on Jefferson street, right resting on
McKean; 78th Pennsylvania and escort on
Jefferson street,in rear of 4th Pennsylvania
Cavalry; Fire Companies form on McKean
street in rear of soldier's organizations.
The parade will march at 11 o'clock in
the following order:
Chief Marshall and Staff.
Germania Band.
Generals in Carriages.
Reception Committee Mounted.
Captain Hunt's Battery.
Martial Band.
Union Yoteran Legion.
100 th Pennsylvania Volunteers.
Co. E, 15th Regiment X- G. P.
4th Pennsylvania Cavalry.
Martial Band.
Grand Army of Republic.
78th Pennsylvania Volunteers.
Brass Band.
Fire Companies.
All old soldiers in attendance are cordi
ally invited to form with the Grand Ariny
or Union Veteran Legion in the parade.
All organizations muot bo in line prompt
ly as the parade will march at 11 o'clock
Line of March—Xorth on McKean to
Fulton, west on Fulton to Main, south on
Main to Willard Hotel, counter march on
Main north to Court House and from in
close column by divisions. After address
of welcome and.response, parade will be
dismissed. By order of
Chief Marshall,
J. B. BLACK, Chief of Staff.
[Special Correspondence.)
PITTSBCRG, August 20, 1891.
"The world do move," an old saying,
but none the less true. The particular
Sortion of the foresaid sphere to which we
esire to call the attention of our readers
is Pittsburg and its grand Exposition,
which opens its doors for the third season
011 Wednesday evening, Sept. 2nd, for a
period of forty days, or to be more de
finite, closiug Oct. 17th.
The wondertul success which has attend
ed tbe efforts of its promoters in the past
two years is already well-known to the
people of this community, and has passed
into history as one of the most deserving,
at tbe same time one of the most successful
of public enterprises. Its management his
the flattering record to its credit of having
faithfully carried out its promises, as thous
ands of delighted visitors can abundantly
testify. The exposition has, in conse
quence, received the unqualified endorse
ment of every intelligent citizen of Western
Pennsylvania and adjoining States. The
gentlemen who have this important under
taking in charge are determined to do
everything in their power to make it more
attractive and valuable each year From
present indications they are on tbe right
track, and are bound to succeed. Xo ex
penses has been soared to provide the best
attractions possible for their patrons. The
famous Seventh Regiment Band of New
York, under the direction of the established
favorite, Col. Cappa, as leader, hss been
engaged for the entire season.. This is
the first time this magnificent musical or
ganization has ever visited Pittsburg, and
tbe Exposition management is to bo con
gratulated on being able to effect an en
gagement with such a representative body
of musicians.
Another attraction will be the Art De
partment, which will comprise a collection
of rarest and most costly gems from tho
studios of both America and foreign artist".
The loan collection of paintings tendered
the Exposition Society, through the courte
sy of many of the wealthy and public-spirit
ed men ol Pittsbuig and Allegheny, is un
questionable the finest collection of valu
able works of art ever shown in Pittsburg,
and has never been surpassed as a whole,
anywhere in thi» country.
The Exposition is booming, and this will
be the most prosperous year, and
everyone who can should certainly im
prove tbe opportunity to visit it before it
AT Detroit, Thursday,Capt. John Palmer
of Xew York was elected Commander-in-
Chief of the G. A. R., H. W. Dufford of
Michigan and T. S. Clarkson of Nebraska,
Vice-Commanders; S. B. Payne of Florida,
Chaplain, and B. T. Stevenson of Connect
icut, Surgeon-General.
AT Port Byion, X. Y., Thursday, an
express train ran into the rear end of a
freight train loaded with Italians, thirteen
of whom were killed and many injured.
Farmer Dccvens of Beaver Co. drove :
homo from Beaver Falls the other <la\
with a new $l4O buggy. He put hi- ; horse
away but allowed the vehicle to *tand iii
the yard with several new articles he had
bough* in town, including a set of harness.
When he arose next morning everything
new he had bought yesterday was pone,
and in their places were an old ramsbacle
buggy, ragged harness, a stick and a piece
of coffee sack in place of a whip and blank
On Friday last executions for r.!43,000
were issued vs U . !.. Schmert/. the whole
sale shocdealer of Pittsburg, and one of the
best and most favorably known of the
citizens of that city, and it was stated that
the firm of AY. E. Schnicrtz A* Co. would
go into liquidation.
The Rev. James W. Brir-tol, pastor o(
the Baptist Church Bearer Falls, lia>
sued Soloman H. Myers for $2,000 dam
ages f»r defamation of character. Thi=
is the cu'mination of a trouble ol long
standing between the two, the Rev. Mr.
Bristol having had Myers expelled from
church for circulating lalse stories about
him. Myers thou brought counter chagc
againgt the reverend gentleman, and ex
hibited a letter from Cherebusco, Ind.,
where the Rev. Mr. Bristol formly preach
ed..wliicl: tatcd that Mr. Bristol was "as
sharp as a tack, cunning as a fox, sly as a
rat and deceitful as hell."
At Columbus Grove, 0., last Friday, a
man entered the village bank with a pistol
in e; : bard, wounded one man, kil'ed
mini'.. :ol *I3OO, and escaped. Next
day a th« 1 men of that vicinity chased
him through the woods.
Pastor Bausman, of the Presbyterian
Chrrch of Rochester, Pa., has resigned
his charge on account of not being in ae
cord with the Confession of Faith.
W. S. Elliott, of Columbus, 0., received
a life sentence last Saturday, for the
murder of Osborne.
At Pittsburg Tuesday evening Police
man Diehl put a bullet through his b;ad
to end an infatuation for a waiter girl.
Temperance "white caps" near New
Cattle made a man sign a pledge, with a
rope aronnd his neck.
Six prisoners e-oaped from the Somer et
jail Monday, by the Nicely route.
The Chief Reason for tho grreat success of
Hood's Sarsapariila is found In the fact that
Merit Wins. Hood's Sarsaparllla Is the best
blood purifier and actually accomplishes all that
is claimed for it. Prepared by C. I. Hood Ac Co.,
Apothecaries, Lo-well, Mass. Sold by druggists.
Citation in Partition.
In lie petition cf Abraham Wolfe rd. son and
heir at law of John Wolford late of Donegal
Twp. for a writ of Partition.
O. C. No. w Kept. Term isai.
The above entitled petition was tiled In the
orphans" ourt. of Butler countv, Pennsylvania,
setting forth thai the said John Wolford died
in Donegal township, said county and stale,
on the lull day of Feb. A. l>. IXB7 intestate
seized in his demerise as of fee a certain tract
of land situate In said township, county and
state containing forty-six acres more or less.
Bounded on the North by lands of Henry .1.
Wollord, East, by lands of John Frederick,
South bv lands of Jacob Frederick and West by
lands of Joseph Vensel and Solomon Pontious.
And leaving to survive him a widow to wit
ilarriet Wolford since deceased,live children to
W 'lit. Mary Intermarried with John !>. Wick,
residing at Searcy postoffice. Putnam count* .
West \ irglnla.
2d. AUram the petitioner residing in Donegal
township, Butler county. Pennsylvania.
ad. George who has since died unmarried,
intestate and without issue.
4th. Bebecca intermarried with Eugene
Ouinn residing in oil City, Venango county,
sth. Catlirine Intermarried with Henry
<7ulan, said Catlirine now being deceased and
leaving to survive her a husband to wit Henry
QUinn residing at hllverlyvllle, Venango counly,
Pennsylvania, and nine children to wit. John.
Albert. William Edward, Ory, Elizabeth.Lottie,
Freddie and Joßle (.said Josie being flnter
married with Joseph Winger) all ot whom
reside at Bilverlyvlile, Venango County. Penn
And grand children being children of sons
and daughters to wit.
Ist. Children ot Andrew Wolford deceased
who died leaving to survive him a widow to wit.
Slary A. Wollord residing at Adams postoffice,
Armstrong county, Pennsylvania, arid children
to wit.
John D. Wollord residing at Edenburg.Clarlon
county, Pennsylvania, (Knox posioflice.) Peter
Wolford residing In the state of Washington L'.
S. A. Kit Wolford residing at Downievtile. Siera
county, Caltlornla. G. W. Wolford residing in
Ai mstrong county. Perfnsylvanla, (Bradys liend
postlllce.) Julia Ann intermarried with John
lieyl residing In Armstrong county, Penn
sylvania, (Bradys Bend postoffice.) Emily since
deceased Intestate unmarried and without
Issue Mary Ann Intermarried with James
Morris residing at Oil City. Venango county,
Pennsylvania aud Ellen Wolford residing at
Oil City, Venango county, Penusvlvania.
jd. C hlldren of Fannie Wolford now deceased
who was intermarried with M. S. Zlllefrow and
who left to survive her a husband to wit M. H.
Zlllefrow and live children to wit. Haines,
Lues la, Miles, Jacob and Josephine all oi
whom reside with their fattier at Gostoid post
office, Armstrong county, Pennsylvania.
M. Children ol Elizebeth Wolford now de
ceased w ho was intermarried with James Lecky
and who left surviving her a husband io wit
James Lecky since deceased and children to
wit John and Wlillain residing at Millers
town. Butler county, Pennsylvania. Jacob
residence unknown. Milton, Alired and Kos' ila
(said lioseila being intermarried with Elmer
Graham residing ai Butler, Pennsylvania. Eliza
Ann intermarried with Berry Zlllefrow since
deceased leaving to sui vlve her a husband Lo
wit. Betiy Zllletrom and six children to wit.
William, Charles, Malicla. Harvey, Abraham
and Maggie ail or whom reside at Adams post
office, Armstrong county. Pennsylvania.
nil. Children of Jacob Wollord deceased who
left to survive him a widow Mary Ann since
deceased and two sons. William C. Wolford
and John M Wolford whose postoffice address
Is llarnhai! i Mills.Butler county. Pennsylvania.
William residing at Mlilcrstown and John M.
in Donegal township, Butler county. Penh
' Vlilldren or William Wolford deceased
who lelt lo survive him a widow to wit. Adeline
Wollord aud one son Ui wit. 11. J. Wolford
both ot whom reside in Donegal township,
Butter county. Pennsylvania.
That no pai tltion or valuation of said laud has
been nftdt to and those entitled lli. ■p 'I o.
Wherelore your petltiofier prays said Court lo
award an Inquest to partition ol said
descrn. <l land to and among those entitled
thereto in such manlier and In sueli proportions
as b\ tie- interstate law* cf this commonwealth
Is directed 11 such | ai tiUon thereof can be made
without predjudtee >o or spoiling Uie whole.
But If such paitillou cannot be inade then to
value aud appraise the same ami make return
of their proceedings according to law. anil your
petitioner as In umy boui. l w ill ever pray
Verined by iJlluaUt und signed by Abraham
And now June 14th ls'Jl wltiiln petition llled
and citation awarded upon the hulls at law or
John Wolford deceased lo show cause why
partition H; Id not be made us prayed. Parties
residing oul ol tin- county lo lie cited by publi
cation in ihe Butl.r Cn i/.kn, a weekly news
paper published In the Borough of liutler for
six successive weeks to appeur and show
cause why partition should not be made as
prayed iieturnaDle lo next term.
Clerk o. c.
Certilled from the record thlsJUth day of June
18W. ,
JOSK.PH Citisw i x.i.. t 1« rk.
-S. S.
Bl T1.1.11 Cot NTV (
To William M. Brown High Sheriff of Butler
couniy. Pennsylvania, Giv.-tlug.
We command you that you make know n to
the heirs and legal representatives ol John
Wollord named In the foregoing petition the
contents thereof and rule and cite them to be
aud appear at an Orphans Court to be held at
Butler In und tor the County ol Jiullcr, Penn
sylvania, on Monday the ",tli day ot September
Ifjl.al one o'clock p. >l. then and ihcru io »i.o>.
cause II any they may hare way the prayer n
the petitioner should not be granted and Ihc
wilt oi pal:liIon as prayed (or be award, i
Witness llie Honorable Aaron I lie n.
President Judge ol our said Court at Butler.lhLs
.mil daj ei June, is'jl
JofKI-H CKI.-'VKI !.,
< !< Ik"
Office of the Standard Plate Glass Co.
iSjHctttl Xotic? to Movkkohlt
The Boar.l of Directors of this Company
ban called a .Special Meeting ot its (Stock
holders, U> be held at tlie Otliue of tbe
Company in Butler, P»., oil Tuesday, Sept.
22, IbUI, at 11 o'clock A. M. f for tbe pur
pose of voting for or against an increase ol
the Capital Stock of the Company.
111 luileii t v «. y,, JluA J'urtJ.»a«l, M aiuc
Mi CAN I>LESS— At hi- home 111 Browns
dale. Thursday. August 0. IM'l. James
MeCandless, Sr.. aped about SO year
SMITII —At the resilience of hi* «.u John,
in Butler. August 9, IS9I. Christian j
Smith, aged 8" year-.
SIEGFIEI>—At his home in Penn twp.. j
Monday night, Ang. 10th, IS9I, Hy. .
Siegfeid, aired about 45 years.
Mr. S. was found dead in his bed. Tues ;
day morning, and his death is supposed to .
have been caused by heart failure.
WA DSWOKTH —At lier home in Slippery- |
rock Twp., this county. July 23, 1891.,
Mr-. Jane Wads worth, widow of the J
late Dawson Wadsworth, Kstj . aged B,i ;
years and <5 months.
TI'RSER —At her home in Allegheny
Twp., Butler Co.. Pa.. July 27th. 1891,
Mrs. Mary Turner, wife of Win. Turner,
aged 70 years, 2 months and 2 days.
The deceased had been afflicted for some
years with cancer, and was a great. sulFer
er. which -he endured with much Christian
patience. Though a great sufferer in her
last illne.--. she wa- yet resigned to the
Diviue will. She had a strong faith and
an abiding peace, so that she met death
without fear. Repeatedly she declared
that she was fully ready and anxious to
depart and be at rest.
She was a good wife and inother and
leaves a husband and live children, and
many sympathizing friends to mourn her
departure. J- T.
MIFFLIN—At his home in North Wash
ington. this county, Thursday, August
6, 1891, lion. Robert A. Mifflin, aged 04
"Probably no man in the county was
more respected than was Robert A. Mifflin
Esq. This respect arose from his charac
ter. being that of a just and good man in
all his ways and works. No one had ever
reason to doubt his position on any ques
tion affecting the public welfare. lie was
open, sincere, brave and honest. He was
a useful man all his life, serving his fellow
citizens with the greatest fidelity in many
places of trust. In 1800 he was elected
Clerk of the courts of the conntv, diucharg
ing its duties for a term faithfully. In l w 7o
ho was elected a member of the legislature
for the county and no man ever left that
body with a more unstained record than
Esquire Mifflin. No power or influence
could swerve him from the right and hon
est course. He, in a word, was a man of
tbe highest moral life. Most of his years
he lived in the village of North Washing
ton, where as a merchant and business
man he held and retained the confidence
of his fellow citizens through all his career.
His loss will be deeply felt in that com
munity and is regretted by all who knew
him. His funeral on last Saturday, we are
told, wa- one of the largest ever known in
the county.
Hon. James Potts, formerly of Butler,
died in Oil City, I'a.. on August 6th, in
the 83d year of Lis age.
Mr. Potts was born and raised in this
place and was postmaster here lor a term
about 1*53 About 1845 he was appointed
coLcc-Uu ol tolls on the old canal at Johns
town, t- v. !.! . place ho removed When
Johnsto. ■■ g.i v. up to be a 11 it was
made . "parate jn iicial district, tor cer
taiu p ai d Mr. Potts wa> appoint
ed the . 1 ii; e <f —.ii« and continued as
such u: :l ii.o court v ;s abolished. He
was re. ■ -tig at Job: .-town at the time of
the gti lood itier., -'ay 31, ISB9, and
lost a .s.-t.-o daughter 1 the same, he
hiui Ii ;ing a narrow . -cape over the
rool.o. floating houses, f-lnce then we be
lieve he has beer, making Lis home with
relat-' -at Oil Cry, where he died, lie
is the ia-t of the UI-.I of that family raised
in thi) place, hi/ i«ii 'hers George, John
and 011 K. Po. .••! being deceased
The aged Mrs. Carn. .au. an elder sister,
is yet living and residing here.
Rev. Thomas Sharpe Leaso. .rmerly of
this county, died suddcr 'y 1:: 1 home in
IJrookville, Jefferson couuty, I'a., ..n Wed
nesday. August 5, 1891, in the 75.h year of
his age. Rev. Leason was horn and raised
in Venango township, this county. About
1838 he came to Butler and entered the
old Butler Academy as a student, conti'iu
ing at it for two or three years. In the
spriog of 1841 ho went to and ente 1
Washington, I'a., college, from which ..1-
stitiiti di he graduated. He then stm' -.1
for tLo ministrj anil beean.e a promim :it
pastor in the Presbyterian Church. : .r
several yi*ars past he was the pastor of I -it
church at. IJrookville, I'a. Sharpe Lea i,
as lie v.-tis familiarly called when here. is
a student of more than ordinary alii' ./.
Although somewhat peculiar in his char
acter, or manueri!, he was a general favor
ite with his leilow students and with our
people. His moral characUi was ol the
best and highest type, lie v. a- the father
ofM. F. Leason, E-q., of the KitUnniug.
Pa. Bar and was a brother ol Mr. Sam -i
Learon, formerly a Commissioner of this
county. We regret to learn ol the
death of this old friend and good
man. - 1 "■ -*"•
Administrators and Executors of e ii»
can secure their receipt books at the • •m-
ZK.V oliiee.
The lUt'lster hereby gives notice that tl.e
followuiK accounts ot Executors, Adirunl-tii
tors and Ouardlans have been tiled In Ills oltie.-
according to law. aDd will HE nreseiiled !.•
I'ourt for confirmation an 1 allowance on
Wednesday, the 'Jlhday ot Sept'r, A. I)., >:D .1
2 o'clock p M. of said day.
I. Final account ofFerd KelUr, guar.MAl . I
GEORGE Spang, mli.or child of J B Spang I'e. ..
V.iial account of \Mn Giesler, guar. . ••• • I
Peter Smith, liuuor child ol Jos smith. 01 .1
:I. Final account ol Win Frlshcorn. E\INI ~
01 Andrew Deciner, dee'd. lale of ('ratiheiv ■
4. Final accoutil of Cl'.us T Miller, KU.O i 1.1.1
ot <ieo W Miller, minor child ol U .Miller, IL
late ot Adams township.
5. Final account of Jns.alt J Bailey, admn.l
tratoi ot Bebecca J White, dee'd, lateofVei.
ango TW p.
ti. Final aceount Ot Louisa J Wilson, adniii.-
iratr.x of Moderwell A Wilson, dee'd. late of
lSullalo twp.
V. Final account JL \V 1> Brandon, guaruian
of chas II Wills, now of age.
s. Final account of John LI Blppus and !•'
Beoti. ex"cutors of Michael Clon e, dee'd, lute
ot < lakland twp.
11. Final account of WO Brandon, guardian
ot Bessie I'.eutle, now Mrs. Knox, minor child
ot liekerl Bentle. deed.
!N. Fluid a louutof McClellan (Irubb. exec
utor ol < >IM:I. 1 K Grubb. dee'd, late < f Marion
11. 1 inal iiccouut ol Jas Humphrey, execu
tor ol John liook. deed, lale of VN orili twp.
L'. 1 in.l 1 account ot Jaines Uuniphiei exec
utor "I I ll' ilietli McNees, deed, laie-.I Worth
Finis* account ol Win F IVITer. s'xeeutor
of Jacob 1- I'eifer. dee d, iate ol L.ui.eust»-r twp.
14. Final account ot T J e'rltchlow. adminis
trator of TUos 11 It- lilon, dee'd, late ot frospect
1". Final IN euunt ol John K Smith, ailuiluls
trntoroi Win Kauffmaii, dee'd. late of Centre
vllle borough.
1«. Final aceount ot \\ J.Bryson, administra
tor ol w (.' Brjson, deceased, late of Mereer
IT. I'aitlal account or I'ranklln Rider and
and J <' McGarvey. executors ot John S ltider,
late of Concord t« p.
1* Final account ot Alex. Wright, ad mints
tiator * I'A of I'll 111 p stooltlre, dee'd, l ite of
Summit township.
1;.. Ftr.al account el Thomas M
gnanllan 01 Viola N Forsjllie. dec'tl, minor
child O I Lob'-rt Forsi the. dee'd, late ot v.lams
M. Final M- otint ot Frederick Zelun r now
dee'd, I .ieeutui' 01 .I' hn Bluuiensnlne, dee d,
late ol /.e.lenople. as STALED .mil filed by ('has
Zehnei adiiiiiiMiraler of of Frederick /.eliner.
jl. I Inal account of Win F I'Ptfer. executor
ot J. imes li Matthews, dee d, lale of Conuoque
nesslng twp.
-/ Final ami distribution account of John
Sachs, executor ot I.otrlleb bteluhausi r dee d,
lale 01 JetTerson twp.
■jr. Final a.-.-oudi of chas I. Flaudrau and S
C MrCaiidless. e.» .. ciilors of Ljdia S .'.lcClure.
dee'd. I.ite ol Butler Co.
•Jl. Final account OL Thomas L'.Uas, e eutor
01 Jacob LKUS, doe d, lale Buffalo wp.
J.,. Final aoeouul of JJI Ueghuer, guardian
ol liora Ale Mind* r.
•JI; I'mal ai-oount of 1' II Moiiuie. .idniiuls
trator of 11 arriet Woltord, dee'd, la'.e ot llune-
Ilial and distribution a count of Jos 1'
Doyle. idmiiiNtrator of KUeu M l'ojl , <!" d,
lale 0: UOlll i;i! twp.
IF. LIINI .1.-count UT II II Lojd.adm I - 1-
tor CF Mar,' llovd <ie<-'d. L.n« of Butler 1 . J.I
■I Final a-'co'l Aof Alfred lieckard. a I U.-I
»r I»T B li.tklns, dee D, la
.ins CM '
:io. . ii.ti a . j-iai. ->f -lo'i.i do,N 0. slO I- 1
of M .v-U. ■ -:'«»r sin. 1 Jf rt'ai .» O X .
dec'tl, lale o: C. ... ll*-1 1 IW;>
3i. Final aec ' nfJ-jnn •! •' - ii.-'-i" • ••
ol .lobll SI Nel! , . ■ ... I ■ Win V
dee'd, late OT ' h-aili.-'i > ■
L-'lna'. .. I'OI !;. NRL '•! J J!IU-.t .N'AI...
Jiime-S I. I'a l HI '■ e U»,..-, ol XAL. . M sl'I:
uee'd, late 01 S . .MNT ..p.
FIN 1 tec. MIA ot GEO LI Marlsolf, guar
dian of .M o. Amanda Fox, minor child OL Ja
cob I'ox. IL.-I 1.
HI. Fl'; 1. aoiouut of I. M daybeiry. e\. c'.dor
of Mary 1. Kingsbury, d X'd RATE of < entreville
;V.. Final account of WM EXECUTOR of
Sarah J rums. dee d, late ot .Middlesex twp.
IJAVIII E. BALK, Register.
Notice is hereby given that Win. M. Webb
( emiiillteu I.t Martin Webb, Lunatic, has
nle. l ins 1111111 account In the ofßce 01 the I'ro
ihoii-i' "I He < ouri ol Common Heaa ot
Uul l iuti, Penn a, ai Ms I>. No. 4. lA;e. T..
Is- ..d that tin* sam- will lie presented to
sal . . ourt 101 couihuiailon and allowance on
Wed 1 esiiaj, is." l. iilli. isjl.
Ft. :io notary'a Oil.' August |uth, I-'JI.
l 1-"j. l ill* A. , * r
L. v* 4V£k Si SOW. uur * <f.v> Ul4
Absolutely Pure.
A cream of tartar baking powder. High
est of all T.in leavening.strength.— Latest
V. S. Government Food Import.
Estate of Wtr . McGrew, dee'd.
I .ATE or IK.OkI.IN TV. I'. BITtLER CO.. 1"A.
Letters testamentary 0:1 the above namesl
ess!at- having been grante-t the undersigned,
all persons knowing tii.-in-ieives "ndebted to
said estate will please make Immediate pay
ment. anil any havingehii :.s against said es
tate. will present them duly authenticated for
1- KAKK 1 . McGItEW,
Prospect, Pa.
Estate of Williamsor Bartley,
Letters of administration having been
granted to the undersigned on the above
named'estate, all persons knowing them
selves indebted 10 -aid est-te will please
make immediate payment, aud auv having
claims against said estate will present them
dulv authenticated for -ettlement;
Butler Pa., Brownsdale Pa.,
J. I). MeJunkih, Att'y.
Estate of John M. Turner,
Letters of administration having been
grauted to the undersigned on the above
named estate, all persons knowing them
selves indebted to said estate will I'lease
make immediate payment, and any having
claims against said estate will present them
dulv authenticated for settlement.
Parker's Ltind'g, Pa., Kutler, Pa.,
Estate of Elizabeth B. Kirk
patrick, dee'd,
Letters ot administration on the above named
eslate basing teen granted to the undersigned,
all persons knowing themselves indebted to
Bald estate will please make Immediate pay
ment. and any having claims agali st said e late
\. lil present them duly authenticated tor settle
Saxonburg. Butler Co., l'a-Cj
W- li. Brandon, Att'y.
Estate of D. H. McQulstion,
dee'd, late of Butler, Pa.
Letter; of administration 011 tti«- above named
estate having been granted to tl.e underslgnesL
all persons knowing themselves lo he indebted
to same svtli lmms-di it- payment,
and any having eliiiins against sod estate will
present tie 111 uuU auiheiitlc.ated lor settlement.
"JAS. 11. Mc.l t'NKiN, Ailm'r
Butler, Pa.
Estate of Jane Brown, dee'd.
Letters of administration 'in the above named
estate basing been granted to the undersigned,
all person* knowing themselves indebted to
said estate will pi ..sc make immediate pay
ment. and any having claims against said
estate will present them duiy authenticated for
llovard I', u., Butler Co.. I'a.
Estate of John G. Sharp, dee'd.
Letters testamentary on the above named
estate being been granted 16 Lhe undersigned,
knowing themselves indebted to
please make immediate payment,
cl '.imsagainst it w ill present
for settlement.
>ln if A 1.1, Miami., iii'r,
Sarversviile P. O . Butler Co.. I'a.
Estate of Jacob Brown, dee'd,
Letters testamentary i n the above-named
estate having b. ■ u . r ranls d 10 the undersign
ed, all persons knowing themselves indebted
to said estate wiii please make immediate
payment, and any having claims against
said estate will present tlieni duly authenti
cated for settlement to
TII. LIE C. BROWN, Executrix,
G. W. Fleeger, J MeCandless P. 0.,
att'y. 1 Butler Co., Pa.
Administratcr's Notice.
In re. Estate of J. I'. ltabton, dee'd, late of
llutler, I'a.
Whereas, Letters ol administration have been
granted 10 me, the undersigned, 111 the said
1 state, notice is hereby given to all parties In
debted lo the estate ot said decedent 10 call and
settle, and all parties having claims against
the sume will present them drily authenticated
for payment.
Mits. li. K. RALSTON. Adin'x,
May 7,1881. Butler, Pa.
Jury List for September Term.
List of Grand Jurvjrs drasvn this Ist day of
July, A. I). USUI to serve as Grand Jurors at a
regular term of eourt commencing 011 the Ist
Monday of September the same being tne Tth
■lay of said month,
llarkley G W, Falrvlew twp, farmer.
Borland s S. Center twp. blacksmith,
cox William, Adams twp, firmer.
Cooper Marlon. Worth twp, farmer.
Currle Co orge. Cherry tsvp. farmer.
Covert Mllo. Adams twp, farmer.
Dickey Samuel, Butler 4th ward, plasterer.
Ellenberger Charles, Hairvlew tsvp, farmer.
Ktzell Lnsvrence, Summit twp, farmer.
Flowers A brain. Harmony Bor, gunsmith.
Milliard Isaac. Falrvlew twp. fanner.
Illllhird I) I!. Milierstown Bor. contractor.
Halstine Jacob, Cl*y tsvp. farmer.-
Moore s W, Brady twp. farmer.
Miller Milton, Buldrldje. producer.
.Miller .1 11. Butler'Jd warcf, merchant.
Mock Samuel. Falrvlew tsvp. farmer.
McCoy W I'. Worth twp. farmer.
0 Dounell W 11.1 I. ~i Held tsvp, farmer.
ltuby William, < nn:x <iuene,sslng twp, fanner.
Snyder A M, Met • 1 I wp, farmer.
Shldemantlc w < Muddycrcek twp, tanner.
Walters I A. Uir :id svard. labon-r.
Wlnslow William • herry twp, farmer.
List of Pel tit Jurors drawn this Ist day of
July A. l>. istil to v ise as Pol.llt Jurats at a
regular term of co'ot commencing on the 2d
Monday of September the some being the Utli.
day of said month.
Adams K 11, Slippery! )ck twp. farmer.
Harr Allen, I'n ; • .:t lior, gent.
Black Frank. Donegal tsvp. farmer.
Broaden J Clay twp. farmer.
Brown 11 11. Cranberry twp, farmer.
Burke 1' It. Kan - cny Bro, producer.
Craig John. Petrolla Bro. teamster.
Colwell James, .)<-.10, -m twp. farmer.
Elliott Koln rt. Fun. lin twp. farmer.
<irli-b I. it. Butler -jo ward merchant.
1 la/.lei 1 Leslie, I orssard twp, tanner,
llelser Fred. I.an. -I. r tsvp, larmer.
Horn llenry. JirTcr-. n twp. larmer.
Hutchison A J. Butler'id ward, gent.
Heine-man c M B'-ttler - 1 wai.l, editor.
JonesJ 1,, Butler ..d svard, punter.
Keasey (i W, Wlutield tsvp. tanner.
Louden John M. Clay tsvp. t inner.
Leedom 1' W. Butler Ist ward, clerk.
Marshal 1S J, Adams twp. g.-ut,
Montgomery John. Buflalo twp. farmer.
MeCandless Auslm, Adams twp. farmer.
McCanerty A .1. 1 orss ud tsvp, pumper.
Mct ollough 11 C. Oakland twp, farmer.
.UcCollougli Wlillam, Donegal t\s p. farmer,
McCoy Alex. Mipp' rvrock twp, tanner.
McDonald David, Mlpperyro. k tssp, farmer.
MeKlrwy Joseph, Fairvlesv twp, larmer.
Qulgley D D, Penn twp. fanner.
Uosenlierrv N A. Venango tsvp. farmer.
Kalstou John. Sllpperyrock issp, farmer.
Shir t It <i. Washinglon tsvp, farmer.
Shields Michael. JetHrson twp, farmer.
Slia.ier J J, Muddy creek tsvp, farmer.
Sahkey .1 >l, clieiry twp, janner.
shilling Hiram. Forward tssp, larmer.
Sloan J D. Venango tsvp, farmer.
Se . icg W tl. Parker tss p. laborer.
s:i is art David, Baldrldgc. hotel keeper.
.»• .irtzlander SM. Bull- r Isi ward, carpenter.
1 nomas Joseph. Karns City Bor, producer.
1 ink J A, Marlon tssp, farmer.
V. ick J 11, < oi.cord 1 ivp. I.unel
V. cigle Jacob, Harmony Bor, blacksmith.
Williams Harry. Forward twp pumper.
'■'. • i-ensteiu tiutletb. cenire twp, larmer.
Wesierman Edsvard, Clinton iwp, farmer.
VouukUts Daniel, Butler 4th ward, producer.
ilium wflouii MM.
m TL£!»i,;i'A.
ri. FULLEKTOA, Prop'r,
ltlunkelH, I'IHIIIK'IH and Yarn
!tlaiiiila<'liir4'<l »ri*nr<* Unt
lei County Wool.
We guur.intee our goods 10 be strictly all wool
ud noarsenlc or any otlo-r poisonous material
ned In dyeing. We sell Wholesale or rcia'.l.
staples and prices furnished tree to dealers ou
ppIICStIPD by mall.
bubecribe lor the CITIZEN.
Bridge Reports.
Not! • Is l.er.-l given til .' : •• fo'.towlng
bridges have teen eontirni. lir.sl 1 y tli" Court
and will lie presented mi the nrsi Wedin'Srtaj 1
Septemtjer. i d. h.' tig the day ol sn.i
month and II no evc« 1 .ins are lilod they will
be conflniied absol ul»-ly.
It I>. No. 1 Mar h S is. In ie
pei.tlon oi it.;, ib,i.u.i- .1 butler township, |
Butler county, I'a . tor l>r: tge over 1 onnC.;ce
ncsslng creek on Ihe public r- .; l leading from ,
a point near ttie house r .r.n- . ly ownesl hy John ,
Pierce, decen-ii'd. imtta-' But', ror Powder Mil!
r> »ad and ensling opjioslt ■ n;e ground ot the j
Butler Agricultural Vnsociatiou. on the Thr. .'
Degree road. Jtinuary loth. l-:>!. Viewers ap
pointed by the Coun, and June 2. 1S»1, report
of viewers tiled as s: Thai the propos.vt
bridge is : t at. I th: I the same will
require more cxpens than is rea .mibl.- the
township of Duller should bear, aud locate the
site thereot at a pobit marked "1j ' on the i.rult
accompanying tla report aiul mod* a part
thereot. ill s' 110 change is in iry In tie
course ..r bed 01 the public road to be connect
ed with sa .1 bridge. Nodamagt . 1
June id. !.»:>!. approved; iiotice to be given
according to rules of Court.
«. IV No. 1..1'-;t ' Se.ssl.uis. Is I:i re petit; .11
of inliabitantsof M> rrci ; ... ,1| Butler county.
I'a . lor a bridge ever a stream known as
Parks r s Run, liniia dial, ly east of the borough
hi liarri-vllle, at the lurks where BwrtoftUe
and Murrmsvllle and t'llntonvlUe roa'ls cro.--
the -,0.l run. Mar. h 1 Jtli, is. 1. viewers ap|>olut
. d l.s the Court, and .luu • 2d. is#l. report of
s n-.M-rs tiled as viz : That the propo-ed bridge
is necessary and wIB require more expense
than is reasonable the tosvaship of M.-r r
should bear, and did locate t .. reol from six ■
seven rods north T*j east of Hiteri-etlon of said
roads. Thai some ehiuige i. necessary 111 the
course or beslof tin public road to be connected
w lib said bridge, as «.,own by draft giving tin
courses and distances of locatton as made, ac
companying and made part of report. No
damages assessed.
June Hd, lSitl, approved ; notice to be given
according to rules ot Court.
Certified from the record this lath day of Aug..
lsui. JOSEPH CHISWKLL, Clerk ij. s.
Widows' Appraisements
The following widows' appraisements of ]>er
sonai properts and real e-. nie set apart for the
benefit ot the widows of decedents have been
filed in the office 01 ibe Clerk ot Orphans' Court
of Butler county, viz:
Wldosv of Morris Nugent, ifec'd fI4T 'J'.
•' W i-shington l ampbell. dec d. :i«w «>
- W lillani
•• John M. Turner,dee'd aoci
•• •• J. V. Weiganil, dee'd .ibono
" ' John J. K. Milltnger, d;-<'d jt>s ao
'• Adam Kummer. dee d :AO 00
•• " John C. Dutford. dee d jijito
* Wm. p- 1 leuny. dee'd 300 00
•' Patrick ssveeiiy. dee'd ITS .M
•• " James P. Balston. dee d, realty :**» W
'• Jacob Knelss, d> cd. realty. t ono
William NesveU. deed, realty.. .mouo
•• John C. Herman. ilt. d realtv. :xwoo
All persons interested in the alxive appralse
menis will take notice that they w ill 1 pre
sented lor confirmation to Hie Orphans' court
ot Butler county. Pa.. 011 Wednesday, the nth
day of Sept.. l-til. aud It 110 exceptions be
!lU*d they will be confirmed absolutely.
Notice in Div oree.
Louisa Relth by her next friend. 1 common Pleas
Henrv Cooper, ss. Frederick ,of llutler Co. A.
Keith. ! D.. No. 30, Dec.
Term, 1-00.
To Frederic* Keith, def'tt— Vou are hereby
nolined ilial testimony of witnesses ou part of
the above plaintiff will be taken before me
Aug. Jl. l-i'l. at my • hire in butler. l*a.. at 10
o'clock a. m : at, which tine- and place jou are
requested to be pr sent.
A. L. Bowser Notary Public.
Estate of Mary Kiddie, dee'd.
Letters testamentary 011 tie e.st.ate „f .'.lory
Kiddle, dcc'-d-hite ot ( iinten I ss ;j., l.utler Co.,
Pa., having been granted to the undersigned,
•ill persons knowinsr themselves indebted to
said estate will please make immediate pay
ment.and any having claims against said c- late
svill present them duiy authenticated lor settle
ment to
Kx rs.
Kiddles :< Koads, r. 0., Butler Co.. I'a.
Eslale of Nancy Bariley, dee'd.
Letters testamentary on the estate of Mrs.
Nancy Hartley, des'd. late of the borough of
llutler. Pa., having been granted to the under
signed. all persons know ing themselves indebt
ed to said estate wUI please make Immediate
payment, and any having claims against said
estate svlll present them duly authenticated for
Souora P. 0., llutler 1 Pa.
Williams & Mitchell. Atl'ys.
Estate of Priscilla Kirkpatrick,
Let ters tcstamentarv on the estate of Prlbrii-
Ia KldMetrtck, latoMoyer dee'd, of Botler.Pft.
ti.iv I been granted to tlie undersigned, all
persons knowing themselves Indebted t<> said
estate will pleu.se make immediate payment
and any having claims against said < state will
present them duly authenticated for settle
E. li. R.VNDOLPiI, K\ r.
S. l"\ Bowser, l'arkers Lauding, Pa.
Assignee's Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that Wm. A. Kobin-on,
merchant, of Ksans ( Its . Pa , has made an as
signnient to the undersigned tor the beneilt of
Ills creditors, and all persons Indebted to stiid
estate are notified 10 pay the same to said as
signee al once, and all persons having claims
against said estate are requested to present
them duiy authenticated for settlement.
KOBEKT lit IISON. Assignee,
Kvans City. Butler Co., I'a.
Butler's Book
1,000 Pages,
200 Original Engravings,
Elegant Ilitidiugs,
Published in 3 Languages,
Popular Prices.
l-'IRST EDITION", 100,000 COI'IKS.
The Only Authentic Work 15y
Exclusive Territory and Liberal Terms
given to Reliable Agents. Accompany
application with $-.00 for Prospectus.
J. W. Kee'er & Co.,
Trains leave Butler lor Allegheny at 0:10,
8:40 and 11:00 a. in., and 2:4b and 5:00 p. in.,
arriving there at 8:40 and 10: i» a. ni., and
1:24, 4:44 and 0:47 p. m.
The 0:10 a. m. connects at the Junction
with the mail east and at the intersection
with Day Express on ihe main line going
The 2:45 p. 01. train connects at junction
with express east and at Intersection with
Philadelphia Express.
Trains arrive at Cutler from Allegheny at
5:35 and 10:35 a. in., and 1:30, 5:00 and 7:50
p. in. Coming svestward on the main line
the Pacific Express is the only train which
connects at the Intersection and Junction foi
llutler, passengers arriving here at 1:30 p.m.
P. i!c W. U. K.
Schedule of May 10, 1891, changed to
llutler time.
Trains for Allegheny, leave Butler at 0:20,
5:25, and 10:20, a. m. and _:10, and O:3'J p. m.
The train connecting with the Chicago
express, at Callery, leaves Butler at 2:10 p.
111. Ihe K:25 a. m. train also connects for the
West, and 6:30 p. m. for ZelienOple.
Traius going North leave Butler as follows:
10:05 a.m. to Kane; 5:05 p. m. to Clarion;
and 8:35 p. m. to Koxburg.
Traius arrive at Butler from the South and
West at 8:35, and 11:55 a in. and 4:45, 7:45.
8:30 p.m. From the North at S:10, an 1 10:0"
a. in. anil 5:50 p. in.
Sunday trains leave Butler as follows: For
Allegheny and New Castle at -t-5 a. 111.; for
Allegheny at 11:30 a. ui.; for Chicago ut 2:10
I', in ; for Allegheny at b: 10 p. 111. Trains
arrive ou Sunday Irom Allegheny at 10:0 >
a. in., the West ist 12:45 p. in.. Allegheny at
4:45 p. m. and West 7:45 p. m.
Bi TLEIt TIME —Trains leave the P. W.
depot for, Greenville and Erie at 5:25 and.
10:20 a. m. and for Greenville at 1:55 p. in.
The local Irieght leaves the P. W. .function
at 7.00 p. m. and runs through to Wallace
Junction, near lCrie.
Trains arrive from Greenville at 10:05 a.
in. and from I'rie at 2:30 and 0:10 p. 111.
Trains leave Milliards at <i:-o aud 11:15 a.
m. 1 It. It. tune, aud arrive at 9.05 a. m. and
5.45. p. 111.
All through trains connect at Meadville
Junction with Meadville and I.inesville
Branch, also at W. N. Y.A: P. Junction with
trains on that road.
LOTS I will oiler for sale a number of lots
situated on the hljrh ground adjacent to 11. 11.
(.oucher, Esq., and the Orphans' Home. The
land Is laid oul in -quares of something less
than one acre, each square being surrounded
bs :i 10-foot street, and containing live lots 10
leet front by lso feet back. These lots are otter
ed at very reasonable prices and on terms 10
suit purchasers. Those sslio wish an entire
square can be accommodated.
Al.si 1 J will sell my farm in summit tosvu
• blp,situated within 'ue half mile ol the llulb-r
norou i;b line, adjoining lands of James Kearns
and others, 011 the Milierstown road, anil con
sisting of 11.'acres. H svlll be sold either as a,
ss holi* ordlvldeil to suit purchasers.
For further luforiuaUou in regard tu either of
he above properties, all on J. Q. Sullivan,
last North Street, llutler. Pa.
siismin J. in.. mmuMi, link.
L. M. &J. J. HEWIT,
Dealers in allkinds ol
Rough ar.d Worked Lumber.
We bave .1 large stick of all kirn's of Lum
ber, Oil Well Rigs, Ktc.
Call anil .set < tir prices ami see oar stock.
Mailorders Promptly Attended
Office and jranl on
!L,. c. WICK
Bough and Workeo Lumber
Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings,
Shingles and Lath
Always in Stock.
Office opposite P. A W. Depot,
The well known liveryman, Wm
Kennedy, ha.s boucht an interest in
the above bain and will be pleased to
Lave bis friends call at bis new place
of business. Tbe
3est Horses, Buggies and Car
in Butler at the most reasonable
rates. The place is easily remember
ed. The first stable west of the
Lowry House.
Now Livery Stable.
New Stock,
New Rigs.
Horses fed and boarded.
39. W. Jefferson St. Butler, Pa.
Mifflin Strsst Livery.
W. G. BIEIIL, Prop'r.
One square west of Main St., ou
Mifflin St. All good, safe borses;
ne\v buggies ani carriages. Landaus
for weddingß and funerals. Open
tiny and night. Telephone Xo. 24.
Willard Hotel.
ff. H. liEIIIINII. Prop'r
\leala"at£allJhour3. Open'nll Mtrht.
Breakfast 25 cents."
Dinner 25 cent.-.
Supper 25 cents.
; I.odfluif 25*cent5,
la now completed and I respectfully
iavite the Public to call and see me.
I am prepared to feupply every
thing in the line of Drugb and Medi
cines at all hours. Prescriptions at
night a specialty.
Electric Bell and speaking tube at
front door. Calls answered prompt
A bright, cheerful room aud_evcry
\ W isso Merchant
Is never content to stand
still. Stagnation is death
—in Trade as in other
things. New Customers
should be sought after all
the time. There is only
one way to get them —use
tlie Advertising columns
of the B UTL K R CITIZ EN.
Gooa F'arni for Sale
Containing !<>•'. acres and »" perches. To acres
cleared aim under fence. Balance standing in
iiod wl.u.' oak 1 Imltfr. <'onirortable dwelling
house. hi cut ! •itrn. wiijori shed, sprlnghouse of
'.i si kind. hog ; and sheen liou.se. Never
failln* >j>rintrs over whole place; a '.rood or
. 'lard. I'"-sal >u given April I.IWI. Title
■ 1 Hjil. Situate In Penn twp.. llutler county,
I'a.. about nix miles south of Butler.
Kunuire at Ci 1 I/.KS office. Butler, PH.. <>r the
Brownsdale, ltutlcr Co., Pa
There are Bargains
Waiting For You
The Racket Store
Our goods must be cleared out to
make room for FALL STOCK and
profit is no object, so take notice that
l k 2G H. Main St.
ISutler, t*a.
.. . whiirt in «.*• I f '.rt't i»n I'•.. . i
—Subscribe for the CiTizen
Grand Excursion to
J. S. Campbell Hose Co.
OF i > I TLEIi, PA.
Tuesday, August 18, 1801,
<>\ I :I; TI 11: I\ s. I k. IS. I*.
And have secured two 1. iV.<' Steamers for th • exclusive nse of the excursionists. Tick
ets include the Afternoon Ride on the I,:ike and admission to the beautiful l'icnic
Grounds at the "Head," five miles from Erie a:ui oa the Lake Shore. This will be the
cheapest and most enjoyable trip of the season.
to the lake and return, making the trip each way in four hours aud giving excursionists
ten hours for a delightful trip on the Lake and an afternoon's iishing. See time ol
train and round trip fare: —
City Time— I.eavo Fare Leave Fare Leaw) Fare
Hutler - 6:00 f2.7."> liarrisville 0:40 $2.">5 Fredonii $2.30
Enclid - 6:"JO 2.65 Grove City 5:50 2.;>0 Greenville 7:40 2.25
Keister - 0:30 2.60 Mercer 7:15 2.40 Erie—arrive 9:30 a.m.
Tickets will lie pood to return within five days. The Special Train returning from
Erie will start at s p.m. and arrive in Butler at 12. Come and have a good time.
Bring yonr familj and friends and a well filled basket ol eatable*. Don't forget tho
date. Tickets will also be good going on the 10:20 a.m. train. Aug. 18th.
Tickets on sale at Campbell's Hardware store; A. i H. HeiberV, W. U. Morris' Cigar
Store; Colbert <t Dale's: Lowry House; Yogeley House; Wiilard House and Wick
House. Committee:—
Yes, anyone with hall an eye. ~ ' f
Even if he's near sighted. V*"' ,
Can see that there's at least one stTire
Where patrons are delighted. . ' 'j;
'The mind's eye of a sightless man j
Has powers of observation, '
Which tells him that we sell at rates . . jll
The lowest in creation.
and examine the following bargain?:
Ladies' Fine Cloth lop, dongola vainp, patent tip, $2 00
" New process French Kid - 2 00
" Fine dongola kid - - - 125
" " Goat - - - I 25
"Kid - - 1 00
" Patent leather tip dongola butt. - 1 25
" " •' lace - 1 25
" " Oxfords - - 75
" Opera slippers - - - 50
" Cloth Slippers - - - 25
" Every day shoes - - - 75
Space will not permit us to tell you about the extremely low prices of
our men's shoes. We are selling children's at such ridiculous low prices
that vou will be surprised. Call and see us. It costs nothing to see our
goods, Yours for Solid Leather,
114 South jVlsxin Street. Butler, I-*a
As I have moved my headquarters to No. 10 Ninth bt.,
Pittsburg, Pa., I have made arrangements with Mr. August
lloliteß to take orders and forward them to me to bo mmle—
all work done under my control.
All arrangements made by him I guarantee to ba fulfilled.
Mr. Holmes will also accept cleaning and repairing and guar
antee good work
Ausrust Holmes, Agent.
202 S. Main St., New Troutman Building, Butler, Pa.
Planing Mill
- AND -
Lumber Yard
Rov.eh and Planed Lumber
Butler, Pa
Agents Wanted.
Several pood men, experience not
uec(3fc;!iy, to take orders for fine
112 E. Jefferson St., • - Butler, Po.
Hotels and Depots,
W. S. Gregg in now runniog u line
ol carriages between the hotels and
depots oi the town.
Charges reasonable. Telephone
No. 17, or leave orders at Hotel
Good Livery in Connection
rrefccrtptloaa carefully eo.ii
5 s. Mair. Street, Uutler, Pa.
' HO 1.1 I* I .IT .l.r-ritKK. U!IH..I»«
I C. AlsiA i. It"*. 4*o. Mulim.
1 Lio-ht Harness,
i ~
Dusters and
The I;truest and most
complete lino of robes,
blankets, harn ess,
whips. trunks, and
valises, and at lowest
prices in 1 Sutler, is al
ways to be ton ml at
Pure Drugs,
Paints, Oils, Glass,
Fine Toilet Articles,
Patent Medicines,
And all other
Kept in a
First Class
Drug; Store.
Simplest. niOHt durable, economical and perfect
ii uhf. Wastes no is rain; Cleans It Heady tor
Threshing Engines & Horse Powers.
CAVA/ Mil I O and Standard Implements
On" mlLdgeiierally, send Tor caUUoguo
I'nmifhnU A*rlrult'l Work*, iork. Pa.
Advertise in thu CITIZEN.