SOMETHING ABOUT WL GOODS CARPETS. DO YOU NEED—Are you going to boy a new drtßA this sprintr' DO YOU WANT a new- Jacket in all tht» oew colors anil style?? DO YOU WANT anything in the Notion line? DO I'OU NEED—Are you going to buy any carpet this spring? DO YOU WANT Fresh, Clean Goods, the latest and choicest styles? DO YOU WANT any kind of Brussels, Velvets, Moquett, iu the choicest designs, made up with beautiful mntcb borders in first-class style? DO YOU WANT an Ingrain. 3 ply, or Cotton Carpet of any kind.' DO YOU WANT any Lace Curtains, Portieres, Curtain Poles or Win dow Shades? AND ABOVE ALL, Do yon want to pay less than you have been paying elsewhere for inferior goods? Then Come and See Us, We Can Save You Money. TROUT MAN'S Leading Dry Goods and Carpet House. BUTLER, - - - I^V. HENRY BIEHL 122 NORTH MAIN STREET, IBTTTIjIErR/ ----- PEiSI HSPA DEALER IN Hardware and House Furnishing Goods. reaper and steel frame binder, Warren ready mixed paint, warrented; screen doers and windows, refrigerators and law n mowers. No better place in the- city to trade. Come and see my large store room full of goods, 136 h feet long. WHERE A CHILD CAN BUY AS CHEAP AS A MAN W ** M - O - ? WHO ii as the Polka Dots in wide and fine goods? WHO sells them at 12 1-2 cents when they are going like hot cakes in the city at 15 cents? WHO has the only full line of them in Butler? RITTER & RALSTON. And they are the scarcest and most desirable ffoods in the market to-day. J This space is reserved Grieb As Lamb's JNlusic Store, removed to iSo. 125 North Main Street. Agents Wanted. Several good men, experience not' necessary, to take orders for fine pictures. W. A. OSBORNE WALL PAPER, STATIONERY AND ART DEALER. 112 E. Jefferson St., - - Butler, pa. ■ ■All V\i"" • "I at Mir* FU nncofw"!*, M f| K C¥^' r -^ f..rni»h Mm-limK W« it..! .«u .V. W ... .® yf .ir -.jtaro iQMDcnta, or «U jrour i»mr fo (he Tkl* <• nn CUTELY M 'WR'ECD.JII'I BRTUGTWO-"' >MICCWIT torvery W. IKER. myr» *r* fiem f'ii i > * ilj ptrtrM und ti|ai«ri(, i». . i.i ift»r i Itllta <iiinil<m r -. We con flnhh von ih<* *m- I . ... . b jruti KttfcK. Full , tiikJL .AluibfA, ILU3LJU Adßer uee ir CmzJUt MACHINES A lllltldlilild SPECIALTY I Simplest, most dura Me. e«*. nomleal and perfect » uw>. Wastes no Uraln; Cleans it If.-adv ror Market. Threshing Engines .t Horse Powers. CAW 3411 I C and Standard liiiplcmettts . v»n »* ,ni> - t -wgeiierally.Beiid A. It. FUtjtHiU, CO. I'0km;lt»li Alrricult I Works, Vork, Pit. IHAAA A A ITKAK ! I ntiertakh tn ••»-♦«•»?▼ j M I 1 I E I I tiwrh muy Inir Iv j*. r..m .•»"«■-i:r iiJll 1111 | |ft't«r iii*trii< ill ..rk ... •»<•«*■ l«» «iru Inn* llttii.'iHil iN.lluio i Tear In fheirown Nx-alitl«.«.u lier-ttrrlii-y will H!IX. funil-h the •ltu«tk»o «»r -inpl vn.--..Ma wlifdi i vmn r»ru tbur h»I- unt No mower for me IIII!I-M iu. Keaily an.l qi.i. klr Imraefl. I but one worker n..i,< u <;i«trivt ..i« uuiy. "l ll*-B li.rti y '*II,'!I! mid protkit d with i.urf l ' who jr. ~.kiur . .MM h. ll'. M: tV ' and HOI.I f*. l-i:il iHirliriiiit,. r icr.l'.. A !.lr.«« ct o • • | l— < . ALl.ti'.l., i*'>x I »<», Auuiuta, Mali..- YOU CAN FIND ; ; n ill ■MI rrsi.t■ }■ : i, i ~,i . . 1 ■s?:. EEiIIiTGTOH jTuis. will cv.'iiiact iwr ul lu GO TO REBUTS FOR Pure Druids, Paints, ()ils, Glass, Fine Toilet Articles, Patent Medicines, And all other Articles Kept in a First Class Drug Store. . Full Again We mean our wall paper de partment. full and overflowing w• 1 • ,i- immense and choice .stock , i hangings. You must IK. 'p out. we haven T room for half our goods, until you relieve us of some of them. We have the choicest selec tion of patterns in every grade from Brown Blanks at 10 cts to Gilts at from 20 cts to $1 per double bolt. Examine our Stock. J. H. Douglass, Near PostotiSce, Butler, Pa. si <y B. SUPERIOR QUALITIES AND STYLES OK DRY GOODS, AT POPULAR PR I .ES. adding to the patronage of these stores every day. i French Wash Goods Deparl me nt I offers this week these bargains, 400 I pieces French All Wool Challies, 100 pieces assorted styles, 35c. I 100 ' " " " 40c. 100 " " " 50c. 100 " " 500- Above offering of all wool fine { challies, for excellence of fabrics and artistic styles, surpasses anything : yet done in the challie line, 4-4 American Challies i t 10c. end 12-ic., in and dark ! yiounds, artistic printings u:.d pirti j cularly good for the prices. 100 pieces 30 inch j Cream Silk Warp Creponrjes, (made in Japaa.) 20c. The intended retail price wut 50c., importer's loss, your opportunity for a bargain. Still a choice assortment of those i Finest French Satines at 15c. left, (35c. quality), all myrtle green grounds with white, yellow, old rose printings, choice, artistic styles and the greatest saline bargain of the year. Your orders by mail receive best attention and you're sure always of I jowest prices and highest qualities. Correspondence Invited. |Bog"<>"s & Buhl, | 115 io 121 Federal Street. ALLEGHENY, PA. Haentzs's Nervaline. i AJri'RKi.Y VEGETABLE MEMCINK FOR THE XERA'EiS n» < ruviit.t • ure for Intliiinatlon and irrlt.ii,on >iT tin* Hlxdil. r. Kill neyN and ! Ivor, st one in the bladder. eslentni gravel and brtcx-dttst depos I»h. v. :—; In males or ft-maies. \s» Ho st r.iti\o Vnnir and a blood I'ariflor II has no (, a heultnv appetite and pure blood. PRICE SO ICENTS. llyi ir < irii;sl lias not got it, ask lilrn to *et j it;ror you. Tul:e no OIIHT. Made only by The Haenize Medicai Co. PHILADELPHIA, PA. j For Sale By D. H. WULLER, Druggist, Butler, Pa. UNION VBGLEH MILL H. FULLERTON, Prop'r, BlitnitciH, t'Eiisj;m-.l Yarn 79anuhtt'i:ired eii'urc HuS 's;i Comity Wool. \Ve guariliour POODS to be strictly all wool ail noarsenle or any other poisonous material aod In dyclmj. We sell Wholesale or retail, smplfs aad prices furnished free to dealers on pplkstlon by mall. UK! JIIK MdSffill! KB IE, JPA. All stock guaranteed to be in good con j dition when delivered-. We replace all trees that fail to grow. REFERI'.XOES IN" BUTLER: .]. l-\ I.o'.vi-y, W. T. ileohiiuj;. Jaine .Ir., .1. E. Geo. Siut ; :*ier fc). Walker, Eriq., Ferd liciber. i; i. .mil i> j L. Cleelasid. G. F. KING, AG "TV 11 N I". U I 1.1.KU HOI sr. i'L rtKit tl. 1 ' IJulli-r i rn/!-..\ combined !'or iter year, in advance \\T A\TKI> - V EMS to solicit nrd<-is for i.i "elioi.E stiff HARDV Nursery Sl.xk M; Ml) \V,.rl K-r t-noszolif I. mi jurat.- M. it Salary and exivn- sor comrniKsMit 11 \r> *i>r ' ed. Write at op. s;ute \~i \ddr> >. H. G. Chase & Co.", j . i■ : • pl'UuUr: . ■ ij . . *v... . ? -sing consul i . '. LC ii. L. THOMAS, I VL/ IMBRS. I "i- u O u : (iUiOAUOr j JOHNSONS LINIMENT \J> v KTETAi srrz:::Ai /f GENERATION AFT-iR GENERATION OF—« I.AVE L_. .-S'E ELJ. IT. 7)rf«;»/W nil Sttaur, Children T.orr Tt. BKTI it bottle of it in Ms ■ • L Every Sufferer . . |! \ Ton* I? ad.ic'i". DM htheria, <"Y>ajrh>. l Catarrh, Bn in hi:, Asthma, Chi l» n Mort -us IX.trrho a, I .am* n*-. - Son no** in H< or Limb*. BtliT Joints or strain*, will find ia this oM An.-lvn. n lief nnd speedy cure. 1 Am; hlct f*w. Sold ev • rywhem Pri.-e & ct*.. by wail. « 1.. •«!.*, Expn , paid, si. 1. SjtfOHXSON £ O >, Is the Best Household Remedy Extant It is a positive cure for PILES SALT RHEUM. ECZEMA. And Ail Skin Diseases, An invaluable remedy lor Wounds, Burns, Swell ings, Sores, Croup, Bronchitis, etc. NO HOME SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. Sold by ail dru.rgi.-tR at 50 cents per box. Send 3 two-ccnt: tamps for free sample box and book. TAR-Oir COMPANY, CUli.iOO, IS.L. For Sale by P. H. Wuller, Butler. DOCTORS LAKE ?■-; 4 riIIVATK lUsPENRAKY. COR. PENN AVE. AUD FC ITH ST.. PITTSBURGH, PA. II A'l forms of .Delicate ;n I C«m .Cf •- ■.i -i. .t' 'i imm :>•«••««*•!»=! V . 1. I!' Me.t- ' i, ■ i nra treated ::t nJ l)i~- e rarely 1. I>r. S. A .ii*: Hi.val CallcgOOf l'ii> - », ' _-eon-. a. I is the ol<U taii i most »- u riCEi . . : LtsT in thecitv- Spo. ial at - tcntion n to Nc; voos DoWUty ftwt ex< i.—l I« . • on, in mi-in.a of youth, ot<'.,caits -iv . •' mil in- ntr" Uray,lack of energy, ; c*.-.: «!•«)• : "-cis. Old wv. Kir-. 1 ... r ,iai l-i . ami ;il. -eases of the hkm, r. ,)d 1 l"i I ..rvf»rgar ,ctc. Consultation ?r.- aii- ••!V; ily c uildeii' iai. Office hours,9 to I ~: „ i :,. r. m. Snntiai .Ito4 p. m. Only. , ; :u . f.' C or : i .AV K. AKX>i i'llST.. I*ll i'Sat«GU,l'A. OliCvilOC We. iiii'lersiaaed, are entirely fiL/i s UsiLi. eitrxl t Itiiptifi" by Dr. MA i ; Arch - • et. !•! I'.adelplihi, Tiio>. 11. liarli,: New illnpao: ! 11.. I. Sandt. South i:.i.s!o'i. r.E.. I- I*. & 1 H'tiirek. Oley, l'a R. mi.iv \. 131 sprurc si I ebanoa. Pa. A. Bchnelder, ! Dale, l'a.. i>. B. Xoil, Limekiln, l'a. V» m. K. llartens -. l'liu-nlx vflli . !':• >V. >i. I. iiibach, tr>t Wa St.. l:i-adinsr. PH.. -I. I I >tue. 131" llov n.i St., llar rtaburK. l' a .- ihti. Df'iitjlaHsvil ■. I'a. I)r, MAVlilJisat llot-l Penn. Kcailln - l'a., on the Jd Saturtl.. •v! each month. Call .L-er him PATENT STEEL PICKET FENCE. UA>DSOJIK, IXDISTKCCTIBLE. Cheaper "'■""VL ft iH Th»*atMj*c cut»h >«r» l'leket P«'nce with gfcte. (Thi«isn«>t a n»ttiag,) can he oaed ot» Iron or Wood Posts. When writing fir give Quantity, Nuuiber of Gates. Double anil Sins'e, Wc also .V&oti'n-;ure Beftvj Iron VcDclog, Creiiini, Bta» a Plttir ■<«, Pire Shutters au.l PIRE K«CaPF«?. Cv'lur Doer*, a Lid liaillnaw. Hra»j aud Iron Grills. WIBK DUO& J N D WINDOWBCKEhN J, klaJsof WIRi: W .jHK.. TAYI OR <V DI3AN, 20 J, & 205 Market St.. FitUbart;h, Pa. KlElipfttr'- and NERVOUS IJixJ" i, » ? neßrtcf Body and Jfir.d, :ta •*»!*•?> 12 : . .errors or Erecsbeß;n Old or Uj • -t. N >: .Mil" »fol.y I: ht..rtd. Iletrtorai - i Si -- n n # .>; «'-.t >KL<»ri:ourt<.iVS*rAßrs' v. .;• . . K ' UEM—Beaelts '7. si;r. t»'->'lfy ?ro"u .0 S; \ ana rarßlgn Countries. Writ <'iii ecu ri».ii»V 80..1, eip!juai!«n aad ;»rot»fs tcailrd ' v sealed• fivta ERit MBDiOAL CO., BUFFALO. H, IKfans" A pamphlet of Information and ab w\btrr*ct of tfco iaws.Bbowiutf LLow to/Hr Obtain Patentfl, Caveats, Miirk3, Copyrichtfl, « cnt Jrce./fßßff MUMN CO.jsjr** h, ti 1 Brondway. nii By Using Allen B. Wrisley's GOOD CHEER SOAP Latest and Best laventioii —Little OP Hctaw Clothes Required-AskyoupGrocepforit. FgllqW'Directions Glpsu^ [SmVIN CURE* The Moft fSaccessfal Remedy ever cretJ, as it is certain In its effects and does not blister. Head proof bolow: _ _ , Bitooin-rN, May 5, m Dh. B. J. KIJVDALL CO.: Sirs:-La«t Sunmi. r I ciired aCurbnponmyhorso witii > our celebf-af* I Kon lull's spavin Cure and it \va.s fbe job 1 ever saw done. I have a dozen empty bottles, having us«'<l it with perfect Koccess, curium every thing I irlM it on. My a hor-e with a very 1 ad Spavin thatmadeiiimlame. n« asked mo how to cure it. I recommended Kendall s Spavin Cure. Ho cured the Spavlu in Just three weeks. Yours r^poctfully, W- LCOTT WITTER. £>h. R J. KENDAI.L CO.: Dear Sirs :- I ha\ bi-en sclllng'inoro of Kendall's S,»av>n Cure ami Hint's Con<«'tlon Powders th.«n ev< •* before. One n-ari said to me, it was the U 1 4ro\.'ucr I ever kept and the lwst he ever used. I.capectfully, OTTO L. IIOKPMA*. I CitiTTENAsao, N. V., May 10. "JO. DP.. V>. J. K END AM. CO.. Dear Mrs:—l have use<! several your K r.dall .i S|.avln C ro with perfect success, on a valuable nu l Mood .d mare that was quite lame with a iiotio Spavin. The mare is now entirely freo from lameness and -h«»ws rut nn the joint. lU.-sjKx.-ifully, j-'. 11. IIUTCULNS. kENB£LL'S spavin cube. DR. R J. KKKDALL C (.ik nts:—l think It my duty to render von my thanks for your far famed Kendall's Spavin Cure. I had a four.year old lilly which I priced very highly. She had a very severe swollen leff. I trhil about eight. dlfTereuf kinds of medicines which did no tfood. I purchased a t>ottle of y«»ur Kendall's Spavin Curo which ured her in four da>s. I remain yours. MARIOS DOWDEX. Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles fors">. All drii£- plsts have it or can get It for you, or it will be t cnt to any address on >-eceiptof prl<*e by the proprie tors. I>K. if. J. KENDALL CO., £1 obburuh l ull-, Vermont I bubacribe for tiie CITJZKN. r ri IK cm/i-;y. MISCEL 1 ANKOUS At tlie Wrong HOUM. Tramp —mum. I'm starring. Won't you let me hav.- a postage-stamp to lick? Experienced 1 lousckeeper—Why, cer tainly. My husband is just finishing a letter to John L. Sullivan, offering to fight him anywhere, at any time, for SIO.OOO a side. Marquis of <jueensbury rules. Wait until he is through, and I perhaps he'll let you put the stamp on. I Tramp (hastily departing) —Thankee, ] kindly, mum; but maybe I can git a ! stamp at the next house without wait ing.—Good News. A Uood Memory. "Excuse me, sir. but haven't we met before? Your face is strangely familiar." "Yes, madam, our host introduced us to each other just before dinner." "Ah, I was positive I had j.een you somewhere. I never forget a face." — Jury. Potter Did. Miss McFadd—Palmistry is all the ; now. l)o you understand it, Mrs. Potter? Mrs. Potter—No; but I think Jack does. Last night 1 heard him cry in his sleep: "Show your hands, boys!"— Puck. Stuffed with It. Contributor (handing in a batch of manuscript)—l think there's some stuff in this lot, Sir. Sheers. Editor (glancing over it hastily)—lt looks as if it was all stuff. Mr. Quille. Good morning.—Munsey's Weekly. Sure to Say It Then. Arthur —I wish I could get my girl to say "yes." Can't you tell me how to go about it? Fred—Certainly, old fellow. The next time you see her ask her if she wouldn't like to have some icecream.—Jury. —Peculiar in medicinal merit and won - deiful cures —Hood,sSarsaparilla. 1W doses one dollar. —Lies at death's door—The obituary. —Makes noiso enough for two—twins. —The world would be much better than it is if men would live up to their obitua ries. —There is oue lucky thing about spoiled children —we never have them in our own family. —The man wl o talks in his sleep is not as much of a nuisance as the man who sleeps in his talk. Men would be very wise if they coulJ only learn a< much as their boys think they could teach them. To Our Subscribers. The special announcement which ap peared in our columns some time since, announcing a special arrangement with l>r. B. J. Kendall Co., of Enosburgh Falls, Vt., publishers of "A Treatise on the Horse ami his Diseases," whereby our sub scribers were enabled to obtain a copy of that valuable work free by sending their address to 1!. J. Kendall Co. (and enclosing a two-cent stamp for mailing same) is re newed for a limited period, ft'o trust all will avail themselves of the opportunity of obtaining this valuable work. To every lover of the liorse it is indispensable, as it treats in a simple manner all the diseases which afflict this noble animal. Its phenomenal sale throughout the United States and Canada, make it standard authority. Mention this paper when send ing for ••Treatise." —lioiug the rounds —The man climbing 1 a ladder. —There are several English words that i have no rhyme in the language. Among [ them are month, silver, liquid, spirit chini -1 uey, warmth, gulf, sylph, music, breadth ' width, depth, honor, iron, echo. s To Consumptives. The undersigned having been restored to , health bj simple means, ;>!ier Huflerinj; tor r several years with a severe luu£ allccliuu, ; and tbnt c read Consumption, is ' anxious to make known to his fellow sutler ' ers the means of cure. To tbote who desire it, he will cheertully send (tree of charge a copy of the prescription used, which they wili find a sure cure tor Consumption, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis end all throat and lung Maladies. He hopes all sufferers will try his Remedy, as it is invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, which will cost them nothing, and may prove a bless ing, will please address REV. KDWARIJ A. ! WILSOS, Williamsburg, Kings County, New York. —A bird in the hand is not worth two on a bonnet. —Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mysti— cure" for rheumatism aud neuralgia, radic cally cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable aud mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cts. Sold by J (J Redick, druggist, Butler. —Shadows of a great city—lnspector Byrne's men. —ltch on human and horses ana all ani mals cured in 30 minutes by Wooll'ord's Sanitary Lotion. This never tails. Sold by J C Redick, druggist, Bntler. —of course a fisherman knows what his net income is. —Dr. l'enuer's Golden Relief is warrant ed to relieve toothache, headache, neural gia, or any other pam in 2 to 8 minutes. Also bruises, wounds, wire cuts, swellings, biteo burns, summer complaints, colic, (ui.-o in horses), diarrhoea, dysentery and flux. If satisfaction not given money returned. —Oue of the barbarisms—Toasting ladies in hot weather. —For headaches, biliousness, constipa tion, dizziness, sleeplessness, the blues, scrofula, the blood aud all skin eruptions I)r. Fenner's Blood and Liver Remedy aud Nerve Tonic never fails. Warranted to satisfy or money refunded. —The West l'oiut cadet defines a kiss as a report at headquarters. —After all, a tuning fork is merely a kind of pitch fork. —English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavins, curbs, splints, sweeney, ring bone, stifles, sprains, all swolen throats, coughs, etc. Save ,fSO by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful blemish cure ever known. Sold by J C Redick, druggist, Butler. —Seaside landlords are preparing to get your surplus money if it takes all summer. —Dr. Fenner's Cough Honey will relieve any cough in one hour. Equally good for horses, (.Jives energy and strength. Money refunded if satisfaction not given. —lf we had microscopic eyes, beauty Would not be skin deep. —Take a lesson from the strawbery box. It is never full. —Dr. Fenner's Kidney and Backache Cure is warranted to give satisfaction in every case or money returned. —A man whose soul is harrowed is not necessarily a cultured individual. —About the poorest occupation you can find is to sit down and admire yourself. Save Yourself Money. When you go to Pittsburgh, Pa., stop at the Anchor Hotel, corner Liberty and Fourth streets. It is a strictly first class lioti I conducted on the European plan, i Lodgings, 25, 3.1,—0r ."i0 cents. —Great men are only ordinary men v ith their hair combed and their faces washed. —The method of keeping books—Don't let your friends know you have any. Consumption Surely Cured. To THE SDITOR:— PJEASO Inform your readurs j that I liavo a positive remedy for the above-named j disease. By ita timely use thousands of hopeless , cases have been perraanuutly cared. I shall lie glad to scud two bottles of my remedy FItEE to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send mo their Express and P. O. addresa. Kcspcct- T. A. BX,vVViI, 11. C-. Pewl St., N. Y. STREET. 1 rr - n E Grocery 2 Troutman Building N S _ jg L W - r- -r --_ _ J* I _ _ WASHINGTON STREET. --|g - i C Jsl L_ _ MARTINCOUHT j & CO. J L Here we are down on Cunningham St. Almost every- I body knows where we are, but if you do not, please IOOK at the above map. Walk down Cunningham St. on the right hand side till you come to 216 and you will find us. Here we have lots of room and pay no rent and more than doubled our sales last year and expect to increase them as much this year. All who came last year to see if we had as large a stock and sold as cheap as we advertised said we were too modest in our declarations and said they did not expect to find half as much, even after reading our advertisements. You know us now and i of course will continue to deal here, but we must tell you we have twice as large a stock now as when you were here before and still cutting prices lower. To those who have never been here, we want to come too. We don't advertise to blow If you don't find more stock here at lower prices than yoi ever expected alter reading our advertisement we will pay yoi for your time that it takes to walk down here from Main St. 1 v Remember, we keep every thing in our line. Horse col lars oOc, team work bridles sl, work harness $lB, buggy har ness SG, wagon single trees, ironed, 25c, double-trees, shalts wheels, poles, shafts, cushions, tops, harness oil, curry combs, brushes, paint, springs, dashes, lap dusters, robes, blankets, whips, caits, buggies, spring-wagons and everything, and Kramer wagons,— the Lest wagons made. Come and see us. Look over our stock. We want to gel acquainted with you. Kemember, it was us who first brought down the prices of buggies in Butler county for your benefit, relykig on increased sales to make up for small profits, and the public has stood by us in a way that makes us like everybody, Yours, etc., S.l. UHTINIT k CO. S. 13. Martincourt, - J. M. Liegliner. 50X180, The largest repository in the county, filled with the best assortment o Buggies, Surriea, I'huitons, Carts, Express, Delivery. Drillers and Bolstoi Wagons, Machinery, &c. We have full control of the Youngstown Buggies, ! Surriea, Wagons, &c„ in Butler county. Their work stands second to none We guarantee it in regard to material and workmanship. They make the best rig for the money that i 3 made in the United States. If you need a rij of any kind it will pay you to call and examine our stock. Bear in mine we buy noth iDg but guaranteed work and the purchaser gets the benefit o the guarantee. FARM MACHINERY. Adriance Platform Binders, the only successful two-horse Platform Bindei made. We guarantee this binder to do the same work of any elevator bindei and do it with one-third less power. Besides this it can be worked on anj hill that a teem of horses can be worked on. Yon cannot upset it. It weight from 400 to 600 pounds less than the elevator binders. This is an impor tant feature on soft ground as well as hilly ground. There are onc-thirc less parts to be run than on elevator binders, consequently the expense o nture wear and tear is one-third less. Call and see sample binder. BINDER TWINE. We lead all competition on Binder Twine in quality and prices. If yoi l want a Plow, steel or wood frame, Spring Tooth Harrow, Mowing Machine Hay Rake. Hay Loadener, Hay Tedder, Hay Elevator, Grain Drill, Thresh ing Outfits, Saw Mill Engines or Machinery of any kind, or Fertilizers.Slal and wire Fencing, give us a call. If we do not have it in stock we can gel it for you. In addition to our wareroom we have a Carriage Paint Shop, where painting is promptly done in quality to suit you and moderate prices As we are lovers of low prices you will always get the worth of your mon ev at the Rink Building, No. 320, 322 and 324 S. McKean Street, Butler, Penn'a W. F. HARTZELL & CO. , RINGS, (EAR-RINGS, >il( LS 1 SCARF PINS, '-STUDS, ( GENTS GOLD, I LADIES GOLD, cHClieb 1 GENTS SILVER t LADIES CHATLAIN, T£jTTT£jl|«Tf J Gold Pins, Ear-rings, v t5 VV t?ll V | Rings, Chains, Bracelets, Etc, f Tea sets, castors, butter dishes QilircivwQvci I and everything that can be V trl >V ell I found in a first class store, RODGER BROS. IK/ i £S*h.,r "• E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER No. ]9, North Main St., BUTLER, PA., t\\is Cfestcife&xcv __ arrH P"3a HAY- FEVER » vf/J V> Cold- head mt* Ely'* Cream Balm u net a liquid, tnvff or jmtscU r. Applied into the n>Mrilx it la _ quirkly ahmtrbed. Itcltarivi the Mad, alluyt injlammation, heal* _ LIIa the wren. Sold f>i/ druooint* or tent by mail on receipt of prise. C ||^ DUC ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren Stat NEW YORK. 3UC All Kinds of Job Work done at the "Citizen" Office. ACKNOWLEDGED THAT a T3C* m jk^ HAS The Largest, Most Reliable and Leading « 7 Millinery House in Butler County. We art' now prepared to >how you a complete line of the latest novel ties and ideas for CLildren's, Mists', Young and Old Ladies' Trimmed Hats aud Bonnets. Straw and Lace Hats. Gilt, Silver end Silk ltibbons. ! Flowers in great variety. j And we would very specially mention thn: Mourning Hats and Bonnets receive our best attention Kvcry order in this line will be executed witb neatness, skill and promptitude. No charge for trimming bate when materials ore bought here. In this line we defy competition. A, "Ve in T PAPE IS- 2 - Cheapest. | • ■ • ■ #% ■ j | Street. WE AIIE HEADY To show YOU the largest and lowest *. O priced stock of FURNITURE in the country. Don't forget to call and %> O see our Parlor Suits, (> pieces, upholster ed in Crushed and Silk Plush. Two beautiful pictures and one handsome oak Parlor Table for #SO. We also have a Parlor Suit for #25, as follows: 6 chairs, upholstered in plush; 1 rocking-chair, up holstered in plush; 1 sofa, upholstered in plush; all for the low price of #25. Our oak bed-room suit for $iS can be bought only at our store for the price. We have China Closets for any price you want them from S2O up. Parlor Cabinets from $S up. Side boards from S2O up. We have any kind of furniture at any price you want. Campbell & Templeton, 13G NORTH MAIN STREET BUTLER, I'A. WE Lave endeavored during our first O year's business with the citizens of Butler and surrounding country, to give them o * o first class goods at reasonable prices, and by fair dealing to merit their patronage. That our efforts have been appreciated is evidenced by the amount of business %I we have done. Thanking our patrons for past favors, we hope by straight-forward dealing to merit a further share of the same. E. S. DREW, - 128 E. Jefferson, St. FTJRNI T U R E ! STOCK ENTIRELY NEI! Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, %/ • Silverware and Spectacles At lowest cash prices at •J. R. (iRI K B ' 8, No. 125 N. Main St., - Duffy Block. > Sign of Electric Bell and Clock. If you want a perfect fitting suit *><> to o H AB E RNIGG 202 S. Main St., New Troutman Building, Butler, Pa. Clothing uncalled for in Bradford sells for half price, mostly winter goods.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers