GRIEif & If, VOGELEY, Are Now Ready With all tlie Latest Styles in Spring and Summer Footwear. We inTite yon to inspect our new and immense stock which phouid not be Overlooked by any Buyer. We CM confidently say that no stock offers greater facilities than ours for the pleuing of purchasers in EVERY PARTICULAR. YOU WILL FIND WHAT YOU WANT IN OUR STORE. WOBKI IS Gr Wll O E For farmers, mechanics and aQ callings where a strong, serviceable shoe if needed is one of the assortments in onr stock. We otter great rarfety in both ladies and gents EXTRA FINE shoes in all trrades. nwfr from the latest approved models of style and finish. OIL MENS BOOTS and SHOES a Specialty. ffMffcfii sod Tennis shoes of all kinds. Yon will be pleased with oar prices. Grieb & Vogeley, 847 S. MAIN STREET, - BUTLER, PA. OcrDosite Willard House. HENRY BIEHL 122;NORTH;MAIN STREET, 33'U'X' 1 •'RTF?' - - - - IFIEXJSI IsT' A DEALER IN Hardware and House Furnishing Goods. Washing Machines; the Standard Rotary Shuttle Sewing Machine, 2500 stiches per the No. 7 American sewing machine, also Singer and Empress; Lansing farm wagons; New Sunshine & Howard ranges, KK || Stoves, table and pocket w 1 cutlery. hanging lamps; ■*" K manufacturer of tinware, tin K roofing and spouting a spec ialty; the Johnston mowers, reaper and steel frame binder, Warren ready mixed paint, warrented; screen doors and windows, refrigerator# and lawn mowers. No better place in the city to trade. Come and see my large store room full of goods, 136J feet long, WHERE A*CHILD CAN BUY AS CHEAP AS A MAN W-M- O - ? WHO has the Polka Dots in wide and fine goods? WHO sells them at 12 1-2 cents when they are going like hot cakes in the city at 15 cents? WHO has the only hill line of them in Butler? RITTER & Ralston. And they are the scarcest and niost desirable goods in the market to-day. This sj >ace is reserved for Grieb & Lamb's Music Store, removed to No. I 25 North Main Street. New Livery Stable. New Stock, New Rigs. —OPEN DAY AND NIGHT— Horses fed and boarded. PETER KRAMER, Prop'r 39. W Jeffer-on St. Butler, Pa. Mifflin Street Livery. W. 0. BIEHL, Prop'r. One square west of Main St., on Mifflin St All good, safe horsee; new baggie:- aad carriages. Landaus for weddings and funerals. Open daj and night. Telephone No. 24. CRAWFORD &. KENNEDY. The well-known livervman, Wm. Kennedy, ha,-? bought an interest in the above barn and will be pleaded to Lare his friends call a' bis new place of business. The Best Horses, Buggies and Car riages in Butler at the most reasonable rates. The plr.'-e is easily renv inher ed. The first stable west of the Lowry House. Planing Mill iN'L— Yard J. L. PUliVit. u. <>. FI'FVIB. S. G. Purvis & Co. MAXRI ACTCRKKS AM) DEALERS IN* Rough and Planed Lumber O f XVICH.Y »KSCHIcT- r *>S. SHINGLES,; LATH & SEWER riPE. Butler, Pa. LUMBER YARD. L. M. &J. J. HEWIT, Dealer.-. in all kinds of Rough arid Worked Lumber. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, SHINGLES, LATH, ETC. We hare a large -took of all of Lum ber, Oil Well Rigx, Etc. Call and fct, oar prices see our took. Mail Orders Promptly Attended To. Office an«l yard on Mosrok Sr., XK.W: WI ST I'KNN DKCOT, IK TI.KU, I'A. JLi. KALKK^I*i£ Rough and Worked Lumber OK'ALT, KINDS Door> Sash, Blinds, Mouldi n:»s, Shingles and L.a!h Always in Stock. LIME, HAIR AND PLASTER. Office opposite P. it W. Depot, BI'TLEU. - - f'A IllilOi WOOUH MILL, ijrrLiwi.j'A. 11. FULLERTON, Prop'r. lllsukefN, Flannel* am! Yarn ItKamilnctiired ofl'ure iliit l«i ConiKy Wool. We guarantee our ifO'xlH to b « dtrictly ul! wool rut no M "nit; or any other polftonouii iaatorl;il a"d in W»* sell Wholwiale or retail* Bi/iph h and prlc-H furnl.sbed fr*«- to dealfrH on ppik.::Uon by mull. immi NUBSEiIiiS KlilKo PA. All stock guaranteed to be in good con dition when delivered. Wo jeplaee all tree - that fail to grow. HKKEKEJfCES IN i; IT LICK: J. F Lowrv, W. T. Mechlinif, Jaiue Shiinor, Jr., J. E. Fornythc, Ceo. Shalliier (•'. Walker, iv«|., Ferd Koiher, I. 'j. and 1> G. F. KING, AGT. EITKXMILLKB HOUKK, Hutlku, PA. the Butler CirizKJf combined for f'J.75 per year, in advance '% ! SPAVIN Ctiß^^ The itliiNt Sorce*»»fal Hfrwdy ever dIJSCO*- Crod, tiu It 1 A c,rt.iln In Jta effect* and does not blh.Lcr. Bead proof below: TJito< KLYX. Conn., Slay 3, *9Ol X>u. li. J. Kzvdall Htm: La-t BufoiiM r I curftd aCtirbiii»on my homo With your <•« J«?i,m'» iu>■<-mi. curing i-vt-ry I lr!< llt on. My ha rornnn n.ltxl K* a I.ill'h hj-nvin Cur«*. II cured the hpaviu la ]u»t tiir«;« v.M ki. Yourw rtni/oct fully, Woijcorr WiTTi-it. OOLTSCBCi, Ohio, April 4, V). Pu. It. J C'».: I> ir f>»r i : i«- \* . 4-111,m'ff.M.f KcntlaU'»« fipavia Cur© it rid Flint* < nwHUou Vv**Uru than {verbefon-. One man wild to mw. It «u tho I'owclur I©v i t kept an»l thu !»»-•«t n« *;ver u>> it. fully, isrr o L. Ifoi-nuw. CniTTK*A', N. Y . May 19, *9O. I)n. ft J. Kkidaix CO., lh »r Mi/ I h.-tvti tiHfvt Mornrnl liotM'-sof your K' li'l/ill'a hpavln Cure with perK-ct on a and hl<>o|#avlu. Tin- mar«i 1m now entirely frco from iaitLfW-.H aixl ntw»w* »u» butf-h on ttwjtttnt. Jl« fix* < ifuliy, Jk". 11. SlfiTOiilKA. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. M )!(&>£, La., Slay 3, PR. 11. J. Kkmmm. Co.. ' th/iriku for your fir famed K«-ri'luir» Hpxivln Cure. I a four y ar old lllly wltlch I prlzod very hlKttly. hhe had a very never# Nwolieu hnr- I trl»-Ule of your K'-mlall'ii | Bpavin Cure whle»» cur**l her in four iiuyn. I remain youm. &A.IUOX IXIWDKN. Prlr« $1 iter or nl* lyAtlcKfor All druK* j V\%l* have It or can get 11 for you, or It will h«t nent ! to miy aJdn-Mi on receiptor price by the proprlo tor*. if if. It. J* KKMIAMI CO., Knothuruh FAIIM, Vermont j Cto.V »ottiLA>p," jui*i~ JOHNSONS < \KH any OTlt AFTcR sjENERATIONp CSVN ILV. T A>D ELE. ZD IT. % ° 7/ Vl\C^t NV J>ropf*tl on Sugar, Childvrn T.orr Tt, Y \ .:'»••• I 1 ' ' - Every Sufferer Mica, Ncuralirii. >* -- J x'.no irnt.ii h#».Diphtheria. Poriirh-, * 'at.«rrh. h.ti-i. | A-t!mia.Ch<>r»\ Vor' Lam* a**.-. S«-PPTH . in Eoiv - I ml*, 8:lrr Joints or Mnun«, wil! in t! " «»H .r • *n«» r« *ic-f o:»vi cur*\ '• t s ~ :r...rvwh« k m 1 'rice » cts.. *>▼ mull, « b«tk.«, fcxpr. 1. I. : .•JOHNSON & CO., Ma** Is the Best Household Remedy Extant- It is a positive cure for PILES SALT RHEUM, ECZEMA. And All Skin Diseases, An invaluable remedy for Wounds, Burns, Swell ing, Sores, Croup, Bronchitis, etc. NO HOME SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT, Sold by all drncK.sts at 50 cents per box. Send 3 two-cent htaLTii. - for free sample box and book- TAE-OID COMPANY, cmc-ivo, Fur Sale by D, H. Wuller, Butler. j I took Cold, I took Sick, i I TOOK | scows KKSULT: j ; i I t 'M.y Meals, } I take My Rc st, j J • -S EXOi'MI TO TAKE ( j I , . . AY ll* HANI'.; ON ; ( I SP«: ■£ fat <«», r 1 Scott's ( i ( m' ! ;( oi Pure Cod Liver Oil ( land; :jsphitesofLimeand \ ;Jo >tl ' 1 : - Y '" ■ E " MV I«cip- ( ; r<-:s( bLr built ( )•« ' - NOW ' !v; \ | Fi ££H ON fVaY BONES s !A1 . . •• OF A J D A I,\Y. T | !. A :I jr.. J >U.Y Ain MILK." ( I !OCH TMTHiOJIY IS BOTHIMO HEW. J i S*. ; » " 1 M I >1 'N IS IX'INO WON DKUS | jl . . TAKJ N > (iIIHR. j illt W • I »rr »»*«! At?u«, IndUpta'.ori, SB 'l,„f S-',-r J ««1. fcu. lby all dr-i. - ?.. .1 fjO 9m COL .I". ■ re CT/*SMII for • ira. KT vtf B, K. 5 !!*•• A to., Prrp'#, l*l*t*?jurich, VjJjL ii-i laiMHiM ■ 1111 IUiWF /"% DOCTORS LAK*i I -it. IMKIYATK BISPESK.iI . • , i. Con. Pcttn Avr. AI.D FOURTH s r.. tJ PI TToBURGH, HA. •JX' All fori., of H"!i !■■: i-l C '■ t %' . f*fci plicattHl iJiK-aneii re. :i in^in't.« *• of the KoTllColli'MOf I If. . i • d SurgcoiiH, and l» the oldc.-t ai.d i .'-t ■ i i-l Si iv i u.i.ii in t!i« nft 7. at t. ,1,1 inn v< •! t» Nei viias Hebillt;. from i,. ion of, ms i.lir lea) ana mental decay,lack oi engryy, ■, i:i. .; ; l o ('.iin'. , OMBoreft, Fit*, I . . i:n. i:,.i.,r, .1, and all tli-i-. <4of tin.- -' n, Klo 1.-.iiikh. • 'rtnarvOl*ai»»,U • Onisult.-i' mi r; ■1 • i . -tly oiilldeiitMl. «)lt!'-.c hour.-.' to I 7 lo 4 I'. k.°, SiHidayH, 2 to 4 I'. M. out.. •,i at ofliro or ;il.. il u rUbtiKf. I'a.. K••elm, UoiitdasHVille, i';i, i>r, MA VKU i-tat Hotel I'enii, 2d Saturday ol 1 "ii inootti. Cail and Bee I; 'Q PATENT STEEL PICKET FENCE. ttANOSOMIXDIiSTIttCTIIIIJ:. Cheaper than Wood.'.W' '.•* LaftAM ft ft.* i : 11 li j! 11 il fe-} ' Al' ■- L 7 | 7fa«»rxji>lr h!I., • j Hari'«UK. » TiYl.Oli A: Di:\\, j 401, & 205 M;irk«-t St.. I*lf t»l>urj{!i f pg, FOR MEN ONLY!! LOBT or FA IXIKO BUNHOOi roral and NEKVOUB UEJUIIITY, -* a I c Kind, EffVots t JllLlCii. JliLUof Etonor £zcea«e« in Oldor Younr, l< Mt, ' ji.l 4 I A > M'Hlll foUj HNiorcd, flaw l<> riil«r«r» aj.u ll' I '■ A *« 1 Jk I'A Id • •>. liOil*. 4' •" •'*l* «>.. -ilMi i' liOSIk I UKilUkN'f—Hturtli lo k «l»j. >l»r. •, :liy tn.iu t,«) ht,i-• mn4 Pnrr l*» I <>nutrica. Hrlir tbfiia* ffotilr, «-:ti»i nlUi. *nd proofa mallrd fr»«« *Mi»> ERlfc CO.. BUFFALO. N. V. Swrms A paniphli't of inf»>rniaMon an lawß.HljowiiiK li'»w 1 '•'•IltB, < ' tvcit*, TraiJ'- -/JKm V-\v WIIJNN A. CO./JST** Mwsira By Using Alien B. Wrisley's GOOD OIER SOAP Latest and Best Invention—Little or MBSINOOF CLOTHES Re qui red-Ask your Grocer for it. FOLLOW OiaECTiQNS Cldsf^ Hrcntze's Nervaline. A 11T1.1.V VM.KI AHI.K MFMI I !'. KOK IUK ,M:K \ i:s uri i fT' i; II I « ii"* »r In rtu/iintlon an«l Irt. ■ ' »ri «»; t >• lUa«liii*r. Ui'l iM)« stii'l Llvi-r ,u« Ir ;i Mk-r <.tl< .hi r tvirl ;»!.«! bii»:l dti I. <]♦!»•»> If . !. i»<•*• , Mi »l« -or |Vn»:ii«i. X .i Hi •.to .i,i«- Ti»nir •fi «1 ;» IIIIMMI l*urlll«*r I'. han no i n i .1. rn JI healfiiy ami puro bltHKl. riiK' KN'iS. It it;for you. TnVe nooth«*r. Made only t»y The Haentze Medical Co. finr.ADKi.rniA, T'A. For Hah) By J>. 11. WULLER, DrtiKKiat, Butler, Fa. iiubecribo for the CITIZEN. TIII-: CITTZEX, MISCELLANEOUS !I resh I.isht on Ancient Ilintory. "Mine,** said the pranlener, 4i is the I moz 1 aucieut of callings. Ailam, you ! kno*.v, was tl;e first gardener." "An" beilail, mine's jist about as ould," added the lady svho presided over a street fruit stand. "Wasn't Es*e the first apjilesvomau, eh?"— Life. A Successful Operation. Young Doctor —I performed my first surgical operation to-day, a man shot himself and I attended him. Oltl Doctor—Ahl did you save him? Young Doctor—No, he died. I had tc cut him all to pieces—but X got the bul let. —Van Dora's Magazine. Kap!tl Transit. "I've been on this road twenty years and know what I am talking about,' I Baid the conductor to a passenger whe j complained of the slow time. "Twenty years!" gasped the passen ger. "What station dUI j-ou get on at?" i —Harvard Lampoon. A Neglected Muse. i Returned Traveler —Is your daughtci as fond of music as ever? Hostess —She has not touched the pia j no for two years. Returned Traveler—lndeed! I did not know she had married.—Gooc News. Over Sensitive. Tresaly (to Autumn, who has just made a sarcastic remark) —You art withering. Miss Autumn. Miss A Sir r—r —r?'M Harvarc Lampoon. Wooed, Not Won. ' Bowies — Dauberre is veritably mar ried to his art. Knowles — I always thought he was a i bachelor of arts.—Jewelers' Circular. —lf you have not taken your spring medicine yet, pet llood Sarsaparilla at once. It H best. To Our Subscribers. The special atnouncement which ap peared in our columns some time since, announcing a special arrangement with I>r. B. J. Kendall Co., of Enosburgh Falls, Vt., publishers of "A Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases," whereby our sab ncribers were enabled to obtain a copy of that valuable work free by sending their address to 1!. J. Kendall Co. (and enclosing a two-cent stamp for mailing same) is re newed for a limited period. We trust all will avail themselves of the opportunity of obtaining this valuable work. To every lover of the Horse it is indispensable, as it treats in a simple manner all the diseases which afilict this noble animal. Its phenomenal sale throughout the Luited States and Canada, make it standard authority. .Mention this paper wheu send ing for "Treatise." —The man who i,-* unable to raise whisker never has to play second lid lie to an .Kloian harp. To Consumptives. The uudtrsigneil having been refctored to health by simple means, after sulleriujj lor several years with a severe lung attention, and that dread disease Consumption, is anxious to make known to his telluw suffer ers the meaus 01 cure. To those who desire it, he will cheerlullj send tree ot elrarKe) a copy of the prescription used, which they will' liud a sure eure lor Cousuuij.tiou, Asthtua, Catarrh, Crcachitis find all throat and lung Maladies, ife hopes alt sufferers will try :us Keiiifcdy, ai- it is iuvaiuable. Those desiring the prescription, which will thin, and luay j.rove a blets ing, wnl please addreaa ftl.V. KDWAKIj A. YVIUiON, H llliarnsburg, Kings County, New V ork. —The fact that troubles never come single doesn't seem to have a particle ot effect on marriage statistics —Klieumatisin cured in a day—"My»ti-- curu" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic cally cures in Ito \> days. Its action upon tin: system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. io cts. Sold by J <-! Kedick, druggist, l!utler. —The men who took Jonah's money were the same who threw liirn overboard. Thing, like that still happen. —ltch on human and horses anu all ani mals cured in 'M minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold ■ by J C Kedick, druggist, Butler. —A number of ministers at Clarksville, Georgia, were relating their experiences the other day. One of them said that while he was preaching a sermon some time ago, au old lady in the congregation arose, and exclaimed: "Merciful Father, if 1 had one more feather in my wing of faith, I would fly oil'to glory!'' A worthy ' brother immediately replied: Good Lord stick it in and let her go; she's but a trouble here. Dr. I 'enner's Golden Belief is warrant ed to relieve toothache, headache, neural gia, or any other pam in 2 to 8 minutes. Also bruLcs, wounds, wire cuts, swellings, bites burns, summer complaints, colic, (also in horses), diarrho.a, dysentery and flux. If satisfaction not given money returned. —"Say, pop, I got ahead of Jim Smith," said a yotuig hopeful proudly, "How did you get ahead of him, my sjn?" "Why he, only got eight sears on Kourjuly, and I got ten. —For beadachci, biliousness, constipa tion, dizziness, sleeplessness, the blues, scrofula, the blood and ail skin eruptions I>r. FeniU'i'- Blood and Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic never fails. Warranted to satisfy or money refunded. —Judge Harry White has instructed the constables of Indiana county that all kegs of beer and juj..- of Whisky shipped into ttie county to minor and persons of intemper ate habits is a violation of the law, and that the shippers should be returned. —English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or cailoi! Ed lump- and blemishes from horse. , blood spavins, curbs, splint.-, sweeney, riuy bone, stifles, sprains, all swolen throats, rough s etc. Save SSO by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful blemish euro ever known. Sold by .1 C Bediek, dr Butler. —lt is . aid fiat flies cannot stand the scent of dried clover, and a bunch of the blossoms hung upon the wall i- better than the cruel fly pan«r to rid the room of the pests. —Dr. Fennel's ( ~ugh Honey will relieve any cough in one hour. Kijunlly good for horses. Give energy and strength. Money refunded if .ifisfaction not given —A warrant has been issued for the ar rest of M. . I'hilip Barman, aged 50, from near f-itrobe, who has eloped with a man named Fred Smith. The two are said to be living in Somerset. j —1 »r. Fenuer's Kidney and Backache (Jure is warranted to give satisfaction in every case or money returned. —Keuieniber that the merchant who ad verti I ' is the one who can afford to sell bis goods at the lowe t rates because he does more business and buys cheaper. Save Yourself Money. When vou go to I'iUsburgb, I'a.. stop at j the Anchor Hotel, corner Liberty and Fourth streets. It i,. a strictly first class Hotel conducted on the Kuropeati plan. Lodgings, 25,- —or cent*. - The receipt of bananas iu this country during the past year exceeded the receipts of aiy former by iteveral million bunches. The banana," says an exchange, "i- the most productive ol the fruits of the earth, being 14 tunes more productive than i potatoes, and 81l limes more productive than wheat. Consumption Suroly Curod. To Tiia Jtlniun:— PIMUU* Inform ytrar mailer* . that 1 li»»« a IKxiUvs romody for tbo abova-namod | diiwuuui. Ily it. tluioly nun Uioiinaiitla of linpateM : tuiro Ixvii (Mirmuiieritly mireil. I nh.ll 1m to Mini two t"till.of my mmedy KHLK Uj any of j your rM who havtt conmimjitlon if th'-y will | urii'l mo tli. lr tlx|ir.,f.N and I*. O. aUdreaa. Iteajsi-t- Cully. X. A. BLOCLM, M. C.. 181 Toarl bt.. N. Y. STREET. n rr ~ . E Grocery C Troutman Building n—t—s _ .. JI L W - - r_ „ 1 WASHINGTON STREET, i C L_ MAllTI & co DRT " _J L Here we are down on Cunningham St. Almost every- I bt dy knows where we are, but if you do not, please look at the above map. Walk down Cunningham St. on the right hand side till you come to 21G and you will find us. Here we have lots of room and pay no rent and more than doubled our sales last year and expect to increase them as much this year. All who came last year to see if we had as large a stock and sold as cheap as we advertised said we were too modest in our declarations and said they did not expect to find half as much, even after reading our advertisements. You know us now and ■ of course will continue to deal here, but we must tell you we have twice as large a stock now as when you were here before ' and still cutting prices lower. To those who have never been 1 here, we want ycu to come too. We don't advertise to blow. If ycu d( n't find more stock here at lower prices than you | ever expected after reading our advertisement we will pay you i for your time that it takes to walk down here from Main St. Kemember, we keep every thing in our line. Horse col lars 50c, team work bridles sl, work harness $lB. buggy har ness $6, wagon single trees, ironed, 25c, double-trees, shafts, wheels, poles, shafts, cushions, tops, harness oil, curry combs, brushes, paint, springs, da,'lies, lap dusters, robes, blankets, whips, caits, buggies, spring-wagons and everything, and Kramer wagons,— the best wagons made. Come and see us. Look over our stock. We want to get acquainted with you. Kemember, it was us who first brought down the prices of buggies in Butler county for your benefit, relying on increased sales to make up for small profits, and the public has stood by us in a way that makes us like everybody. Yours, etc., b. mtnT & co. S. B. Martincourt, - J. M. Lieghner. 50X180 The largest repository iu the county, filled with the best assortment of Buggies, Surrif-8, I'ba'tonn, Carts, Express, Delivery. Drillers and Boletor WagonH, Machinery, Ac. We have full control of the Youngetowa Buggies, Surries, Wagons, &c., in Butler county. Their work stands second to none. We guarantee it in regard to material and workmanship. They make the best rig for the money that is made in the United States. If you need a rig of any kind it will pay you to call and examine our stock. Bear in mind we buy nothing but guaranteed work and the purchaser gets the benefit of the guarantee. FAR M MACHINERY. Adriance I'latform Binders, the only successful two-horse Platform Binder made. We guarantee this binder to do the name work of any elevator binder and do it with one-third less power. Besides this it can be worked on any bill that a team of horses ean be worked on. You cannot upset it. It weighs from 400 to COO pounds ICFP than the elevator binders. This is an impor tant feature on soft ground as well as hilly ground. There are one-third less parts to be run thau on elevator binders, consequently the expense ol uture wear and tear is one-third less. Call and see sample binder. BINDER TWINE. We lead all competition on Binder Twina in quality and prices. If you want a Plow, steel or wood frame. Spring Tooth Harrow, Mowing Machine, Hay Rake. Hay Loadener, Hay Tedder, Hay Klevator, Grain Drill, IThresh ing Outfits, Saw Mill Kngines or Machinery ol any kind, or Fertilizers, Slat and wire Fencing, give us u call. If we do not have it in stock we can get it for you. In addition to our wareroom we have a Carriage Paint Shop, where painting is promptly done in quality to suit you and moderate prices. As wo are Jovers of low prices you will always get the worth of your mon ey at the Kink Building, N0. 320, 322 and 324 S. McKean Street, Butler, Penn'a W. F. HARTZELL & (JO. " KINGS, I EAR-RINGS, <• STUDS, ( GENTS GOLD, WMtflw-Ui J LADIES GOLD, VV dimes ) GENTS SILVER I LADIES CIIATLAIN, I/»W/ J f\r ' J Gold Pins, Ear-rings, M bWclI V j Rings, Chains, Bracelets, Etc, [ Tea sets, castors, butter dishes Silverware | MOM OBIS. 1)0 iftp-,."" E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER No, 19, fliorth Main St., BUTLER, PA., t\sjs CwSSttv'fc&'KV THE ARRIb HAY- FEVER tvf'J Q COLD-HEAD Mm Kty'x Cream Jialmi* n»t a lujunl, nnnff or junriUr. Applifd tnto the no*trilt it it quickly abturbfd. It the hod, allay* inJtamvuUion, hsuU _ Cn n th, wrex. Kohl />i/ drugginte or tent by mail oil receipt uf price, t |j» DUC ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren Street NEW YftRK. 3UC All Kinds of .Job Work done •it the "Citizen" Office. ACKNOWLEDGED THAT HAS The Largest, Most Reliable and Leading Millinery House in Butler Count v. Wo are now prepared to show you a complete line of the latest novel ties and ideas for Children'.*. Misses', Young and Old Ladies' Trimmed Hats and Bonne's. Straw and Lace Hats. Gilt, Silver and Silk Ribbons. : Flower.* in great vsriety. And we would very specially mention that Mourning liats and Bonnets receive our best attention. Every order in this line will be executed with , neatness, skill and promptitude. No charge for trimming hats when materials are bought here. In this line we defy competition. Alw s |D. T. RAPE It a Cheapest. I • ■ / * I j Street. Tl,e "*"> T,i ' do 1811 M/f*Wm" vIiEL ' tON ' s Al ||,( I Why shouldn't it? The people Y'i ,4\'|P| I quite as naturally drift to the store i , iXw'/'f'' )mn \ !• 1 jiNl that best s<»rve their interests as I i? JJ ■■ IP If water flows dowu hil! 'V |v Here at the great shoe retailing l>fe3""\V 1 \ ll?) % li|\ headquarters of Butler low prices and Ml V JNrI fl J. I/y i dependable goods go hand in glove. /1 f-V, _i 3 i One can always rest assured of get y,. ' l ' n K full value lor your money here, Ladies our priceswlll open your eyes as well as your \ tmes. Below are a few prices: Ladies kid button boots, handsome styles, only $1; ladies genuine don gola button boots, handsome styles, only $1.25; ladies genuine dongola bat ton boots, very fine, only $1.50; ladies getuine dongola button boots, the finest you ever saw, only $2; ladies bright dongola, hand turned shoes, a very fine and comfortable shoe that holds its own with any §3.f>o, here at only $2.75. We have ladies fine dongola tops, calf, patent leather, vamp hand turns, only $3.75. Ladies lace Oxford Southern ties and Opera slip pers, for which we are justly celebrated for baring the largest stock, best styles and best of all the lowest prices, has and is selling large quantities of these shoes. Our line in men's, boy's and youth's shoes is grand—not equaled ia Butler. We have from a good plow shoe or brogan at $1 up to the finest hand sewed shoes in all widths and shapes. Gentlemen step in and try on some of the shoes we offer in Con gress at sl, $1.25 and $1.50; B calf dress shoes, no seams, full quarter, plain or tipped, solid leather insoles aDd counters. If yon want finer look at our calf shoe at $2; calf Kangaroo, soft as a glove at $2.50; a better and finer ones at $3.75; the finest English Cordovan, hand made at $5.75, all widths; don't forget our $3 line, they are beauties. Men's fine patent leather shoes, bycicle shoes, base ball shoes. Infants shoes at 25c., 50c. and 75c Misses fine shoes, heel or spring at sl, extra fine at $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and $2, sizes 11 to 2; children's 5 to 8 at 50c to $1; youth's shoes, button or lace, strong and durable at $1,51.25 and $1.50, 11 to 2; boy's button, lace or Congress at sl, $1.25,51.50 and $2, plain or tipped, solid to the core. Lawn Tennis shoes at 50c a pair. Mail orders for above shoes filled promptly and carefully. B C. IiUSELTON, 102 N. Main St., Butler LOOK AT YOUR SHOES! DON'T YOU NEED A NEW PAIR? JOHN BICKhX, HAS JUST WHAT YOU WANT. If you are in need of shoes or slippers of any kind, no mutter what style you may want, call around and see us and we will suit and please you. We ha- 1 row oa hand a large line of ladies Oxford ties, opera toe or common seiisu tappers, any material desired, all sizes and have them in widths Bto E. A large and complete line Gents low cut shoes, Lawn Tennis shoes and Wigwam slippers at a bargain. Four styles of men's I'atent Leather shoes at $3 per pair. We have at present an extraordinary largo stock of men's, boy's and youth's fine calf and kangaroo shoes which we are goiug to close out before visiting the eastern markets to make my fall purchases. If you are in need of any Bhoes visit our store and get a bargain. We have still on hand 200 pairs chi'drens tan color slippers, regular price 65 cents now on sale at 25 cents per pair. Many styles of plow shoes, brogans and all grades of working fihoes ranging in price from 85c. to $1.50 We have still a large stock of the "Eureka" shoe at $1.25 which seems to be everybodys favorite. Call and get a pair and get a shoe that will wear and give entire satisfaction. 125 pair Gossamer calf shoes regular price $2.25, at $1.75, sizes fi to 9£. LADIES SIIOKH. We can now show a better and finer selection of ladies and misses fine shoes than ever before. Ladies front lace shoes, opera or common sense style, patent leather trimming < r plain trimming. Button shoes of all kinds, dongola kid, cursa kid, French kid. glove kid top, cloth top, ooze calf top all styles—all grades—all prices. We want your money and wo are going to give you more than value for it, for we need the money and not the goods. Call and get a bargain of a lifetime in this grand sacrifice sale. Now is your time to buy. Grand bargains in seasonable goods and from the immense assortment which we carry you can never fail to find what you want in footwear and what will suit you. Au immenso business enables us to namo the very lowest prices for reliable goods. Boots and Shoes Made to Order Repairing neatly and promptly done either in leather or rubber goods At all times a full stock of oilmens box-toed boots and shoes. At all times a full stock of Leather and Findings. When in need of anything in our line give me a call. Orders l>y mail will receive same attention as if brought in person. Yours trulv, JOHN BICKEL. Number* 128 S. Main Street. BUTLER, - -- -- -- -- PENN'A —■ 11 > Thomas' Phosphates are manufactured to produce re.-ult The mai.uiaet urers are wi*o enough to know there is no better or surer way of iacreadng -ale* than by giving their customer* ati«faetion To thl end linvtli. ya! way» worked. AH the experience that twenty-tbrei) year* can bring to boar on the subject, liotli as a manufacturer of fertlliier- unit as a practical tanner, are employ ed it) the making of Thomas' Good". Coupled with this are the extensive works of the Company with every modern improvement. It is because of these fttcilltir and facts that the Thomas' Itoue Fertilizers are no highly r